2014 Annual Report shows decrease in police complaints by public, but more cases of Internal Discipline in NS


The number of Public Complaints against Municipal Police Agencies in Nova Scotia have dropped from 2010. In 2012, the number of complaints increased by 46, but decreased in 2013 and 2014. More males than females filed complaints between 2010 and 2014. Though the number of grievances reported decreased, the number of internal discipline cases rose in 2014.


Most complaints filed by civilians were reported in Halifax, Cape Breton, and Truro. Figures demonstrate that over the course of 4 years, the Truro Police Service had 20 out 27 incidents result in internal discipline.


Amongst the complaints filed, allegations ranged from abuse of authority to corruption, discreditable conduct and neglect of duty, which were also the highest criticisms shared by the public. See fig. below.

Public complaints are filed to a member of the police force or the Board of Police Commissioner, and the Police Complaints Commissioner within 6 months of an incident occurring. In cases where complaints are justified, officers are often disciplined, sometimes receiving training. The complaint process can sometimes be timely, as some cases take more than year to be investigated, especially after an appeal.

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