
COVID-19 Resources

This GIS Hub is provided by Esri Canada to share information about the coronavirus pandemic. Information sources include the Community Map of Canada, the Living Atlas, Environics Analytics and others.


Approximate Locations of Active Cases

How to use the map:
Select the dots on the map of a cluster and click “Browse Features” for more detail on the cases.


Case progression time slider

How to use the map:
Click the play button to see the progression of cases starting from the first case on January 25, 2020.

Case Origin – Where they contracted the disease

How to use the map:
Select the province of interest to see daily cases and origins.

Cases Over Time

How to use this graph
This graph shows the accumulation of cases by day. Use the scroll bar located above the graph to zoom into a particular date.

Daily Cases

How to use the chart:
This chart illustrates the daily cases in Canada and how the disease was contracted. Use the scroll bar located above the graph to zoom into a particular date.

Daily Cases

How to use the graph:
This graph shows the accumulation of cases by province. Use the scroll bar located above the graph to zoom into a particular date.

About David McKie

DESCRIPTION This course will teach students how to locate, obtain, and read public records with an investigative mindset. Students will learn to probe public records to uncover connections and patterns of information that might be invisible from reviewing one record in isolation. Students will learn how public records fit into a complete research strategy with the aim of telling, investigative, original and breaking stories, or simply adding context to ongoing stories.