Best and Worst Road Conditions by Ward


Worst roadways by ward 2012

Sean Minaker


I was looking to find the worst roadways by ward in Ottawa. One way I decided was to access roadway calls to Ottawa 311 service requests for roads and work out what percentage of calls came from which ward.

The zipped CSV file came broken down into four quarters. I eliminated unnecessary data by filtering, added the quarterly totals and calculated which percentage of calls for maintenance came from which ward.

In the Excel file Q1-Q4 has a breakdown of calls by quarter, the page totals and percents has the summation of calls by ward and percentage by ward of the annual total.

Ward 6 Kanata/Stittsville had the lowest percentage of calls by over half of the top ward at 1.91 per cent. Although they have the lowest this could easily be due to the newer infrastructure of the area.

Ward 19 had the highest number of roadway calls at 5.96 per cent of the annual total. The high traffic area of the centre town core could easily attribute to wear and tear of maintenance.

There was a deviation in the study of 0.31 per cent due to calls made to no specified ward.

Graph showing calls by ward for 2012: Fixed Roadways-by-Ward (4)

Research workbook in Excel: Workbook-Final-Data-research-Project-2012 (3)



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