The wheels on the bus: Citizens make hard choices between transportation and basic needs


Low-income citizens are some of Ottawa’s biggest transit users, but experts say this access to transportation often comes at the expense of food and other basic needs.

According to an analysis of data from Statistics Canada, residents in the Bayshore area use transit almost double the amount in other parts of Ottawa. The median income in Bay ward, which contains Bayshore, was about $56,000 per household according to the 2011 National Household Survey –far below the city’s $79,000.

Ottawa Transit Users by Neighbourhood

Avalon and Bayshore neighbourhoods have the highest rate of transit users. Created with data analyzed from the 2011 National Household Survey, Statistics Canada

With an OC Transpo monthly pass costing $130, experts say the amount isn’t possible for many of the city’s residents.

“People can’t access public transit because it’s insanely expensive,” said Julie Burnett, a social worker at Legal Aid Ontario. “And there’s a loss of dignity when you can’t access transportation.”

She explained that many families on social assistance receive just $1,000 monthly from programs like Ontario Works. With rent and food to cover, this leaves little for transportation.

Katya Gallant knows this struggle. The 21-year-old Bay ward resident has been working at a data collection company to put herself through school. “It doesn’t even pay for rent,” she admitted.

Her dream to become a corporate lawyer in Germany takes a hefty blow with every bill that comes due. “It’s so stressful not to be able to make ends meet.”

Katya Gallant, a transit user in Bay ward, says the current passes are too expensive and cause stress to lower income users.

Gallant’s dilemma is quite common in Canada. About 14 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line –more than 100,000 people in Ottawa alone, according to a report from the city.

Councillor Mark Taylor, who oversees the transit-savvy Bay ward, agrees that many of his constituents fall into that category. Bay ward’s unemployment rate is nine per cent, compared to the city’s average of six per cent.

“Folks need help getting to work or getting to their education because they can’t afford it,” he said.  “They might not be on social assistance, but they still need to afford transit.”

The City of Ottawa announced this month that they will introduce a low-income transit pass for people making minimum income, which is defined as a single person making less than $20,000 annually.

Starting in April 2017, the pass will cost users $57. Half the price of a regular pass, though still more than the $42 seniors pay.

Created with data obtained from the City of Ottawa and OC Transpo.

Taylor said the cost of discounting the pass will be covered by the tax revenue the city collects each year. The city also voted to petition the provincial government for $3.3 million to support the initative. “This is not a pilot; we’ve embedded this as a full piece of the budget,” he added.

Though Gallant said she would “absolutely” use the pass when it comes out, she said she and others will still feel the financial squeeze.

“You’re still trying to decide whether you have food on the table or a bus pass,” she continued. “I’ve lived with it and it’s not healthy.”

Taylor, who also serves as deputy mayor, acknowledged Gallant’s fears saying he agrees that services for those struggling with income aren’t as well integrated as they could be.

“We are providing a patchwork quilt of services that has gaps in it,” he said, adding that as the city and province work together the gaps will slowly be filled.

Mayor Jim Watson said in a press conference he expects about 8,800 of the new transit passes to be claimed. Ottawa has one of the highest median incomes of any Canadian city and is one of the first to offer a low-income transit option.

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