While the population from 0-4 years old is increasing in Canada, investments have not been enough for the demand


Data Visualization Outline

Bárbara d’Oro Pereira 

JOUR 5206

February 23, 3018


1)The macro visualization:

The graphic  shows the estimates and projections for children from zero to four years old in the next ten years in Canada. This age group is the main one that requires child care through the Early Childhood Education and Care program in the country. Families throughout Canada have been struggling to find availability in child care programs in the publicly-funded education system. A recent report about Early Childhood education in Canada showed that the highest investment in the program made by a province was three per cent. According to the late estimate made in 2016 by Statistics Canada, in ten years the population who needs child care will be nine percent larger in the country. That represents almost 177,000  more children from zero to four years old. The numbers call attention to the need of an increase in the investment in the program by the provinces since today none of them are able to offer child care to all the families who need it.

2)The micro visualization:

The visualization shows the top five countries in Canada with the largest population from zero to four years old. Alberta is in the top of the list with an estimate of increase of 15 per cent  in the next ten years.Ontario is the province with the largest number of children from zero to four years old with an estimate of  increase of eleven per cent in the next twenty years. In 2017 Ontario has announced an investment of over $200 million for 2017-18 to promote more accessibility and affordability of licence child care. The numbers show the need of more investment in most provinces based on the estimate of population increase in the next ten years.

 The map shows the number of children from 0 to 4 years old in 2016 and the estimate for the next ten years in the five provinces with the largest number of children in this age group. Persons x 1,000. Source: Statistics Canada

Why it is important to talk about this subject now?

  • The access to child care is still limited throughout the country. A report published this month called attention to  the need of expansion for the service in the public education system.
  • The reality today shows a very uneven system. Some provinces offer child care for over 70% of the children from 2 to 4 years old and in other provinces only 37% have this access.
  • My idea with the visualization is to show the need of dealing with the lack of child care now, since the numbers show that the population who uses the service tends to increase in the next ten years in almost the whole country.
  • As public records I have selected a recent report that shows that the budget spent in early childhood education by most provinces did not reach 2 percent. The second public record is the latest study by Child Care Canada that gives detailed information about  how early childhood education works in each province. The third public record  is a press release from the Ontario government that talks about the commitment the province has made  to expand the child care service.

Excel workbook: (sent through e-mail)


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