Guns and Gangs: Growing Concerns


Firearm deaths in Canada

This graph shows the rate of firearm related deaths in Canada by their percentage of total deaths in a year. As we can see the percentage of firearms related deaths has been trending upwards since 2013, with a significant spike from 2015-2016 of over seven percent. This has led to calls for action on the matter, including from the Canadian Paediatric Society.


(Since 2013, the use of firearms to commit homicides in Canada has sparked significantly. An over 10% rise of this method in the past three years has led to calls for action.

Statistics from CHASS Data Centre. Graph by Alex Kurial)


Gang related homicides by region

In this graph we see the number of deaths attributed to gang related activity in Canada’s geographical regions. Most regions, and Canada as a whole, have seen an increase in such deaths over the past several years. In response, the government will be providing $327.6 million dollars over the next five years to address this problem. The RCMP and local police forces, together with the Canadian Firearms Program, are also stepping up their efforts to combat the problem. Serious steps are being taken in cities where the numbers are most alarming, including Regina, which has become one of the most dangerous cities in the country.


(Homicides linked to gang activity are on the rise in most Canadian regions, including triple the number in Ontario, and over double the amount in Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Statistics from CHASS Data Centre. Graph by Alex Kurial)

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