JN 8103 — Reporting and Data Methods for Journalists — Section 011 — Fall 2022


Instructor Information
David McKie
Email Address:
Phone Number:

Course TA
Alina Snisarenko
Email address:
Phone Number:

Location: Rogers Communication Centre, 219 Journalism – Lab

Dates: Sept 6, 2022 to Dec 5, 2022
Day and time:  Fridays 1:00 PM — 4:00 PM
Delivery Mode:  In-person and virtual

Who I am:

I am an Ottawa-based, award-winning journalist who spent 26 years honing his skills at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as an investigative producer.

I am now the National Observer’s deputy managing editor.

I teach at the schools of journalism at Carleton University, the University of King’s College, and Toronto Metropolitan University (formally known as Ryerson University), and have co-authored three journalism textbooks and two user guides on freedom-of-information laws and privacy, respectively.

In addition to my teaching, I’m a data-journalism trainer who has conducted workshops for the Canadian Association of Journalists, the U.S.-based National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, and the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations. I also continue to offer data-journalism training to the CBC.

I have a Bachelor of Journalism degree and a Master of Journalism degree from Carleton.

You can find more information about me on my online cv.

Course Overview

Course Description
Research is the keystone of good journalism. Without it, we may be doing little more than passing on rumours, relaying “fake news” or regurgitating public relations handouts. If you don’t check your information, how do you know what you’re telling people is even close tothe truth?

This course will focus on learning the tools of good research that are essential to being acompetent journalist. Students will learn how to start mastering the ability to dig beneath the surface of a story. The course will encompass the craft of the “paper chase,” cultivating and using sources to full advantage, how to get the most out of your online research and how to use an interview not just to glean quotes, but to gather information. Detailed attention will be given to the systematic use of electronic databases; specialized techniques such mining open-data portals and reading financial statements to follow money; and how to use social media to your advantage: in short,how to approach a research problem from multiple directions.

The course will also place an emphasis on data journalism. The amount of information flow travelling online means today’s journalists require a specialized skill set to find, sort, retrieve and analyze massive amounts of data. Beyond just finding data, we’ll also look atthe importance of finding the story that the data tells — a critical and often overlooked component.

At the same time, the course will ask students to examine not just how to conduct research, but why you are doing it. The fully aware journalist investigates within a set of well-considered moral and ethical guidelines. We need to ask the questions, “What will the impact of my research be, and what lengths can I and should I go to get that information?”

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the rudimentary tools of research that you’ll need as a working journalist.
  • Be introduced to the basic tools of data journalism.
  • Appreciate and understand the context in which these skills should be applied.
  • Obtain a thorough grounding in journalistic research methods.
  • Acquire skills needed to make sense of the information gathered.
  • How to evaluate multimedia elements to enhance your storytelling, including data-visualizations, mapping, and analyzing datasets;
  • How to file formal and informal federal access-to-information and provincial freedom-of-information requests;

Teaching Methods

  • Lectures;
  • In-class activities and discussion;
  • One-on-one coaching sessions with the instructor and TA;
  • Because I’m based in Ottawa, we will alternate our classes between in-person, and virtual via Zoom. (Zoom accessed via your university Zoom account). In other words, we will be in person every second week. The first class will be in-person;
  • I’ll also be creating video tutorials to help with some of the technial aspects;
  • Course documents will be posted on D2L Brightspace, the university’s learning platform, as will this syllabus.

Required Course Textbook(s) and Materials

Marking Scheme

For more information about exams, please see Toronto Metropolitan University’s Senate Policy on Examinations No. 135. For more information about grade appeals and reassessments please see relevant Senate Policies.

Access-to-information assignmnent Fri. Oct. 7 at 10: a.m.
Submit in Word or shared as a Google doc.
Data Visualization Mon Nov 11 at 10 a.m.
Upload to WordPress site.
A mapping exercise using data from the Oct 26 census release on ethnocultural and religious composition of Canada’s population. Fri. Nov. 18 at 10 a.m.
Upload to Social media site such as the class Instagram account.
Assessment of a filing from a publicly traded company Fri. Dec. 2 at 10 a.m.
Submit in DocumentCloud.
Three quizzes based on readings and class work. Will be done and marked in class. Grades will be emailed. 15%
Participation See details below. 10%
Professionalism See details below. 10%
(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expections
(C+ and below)
Access-to-information assignmnent Has conducted the legwork necessary to file well-researched, properly worded requests  and has shown clear evidence of tracking the progress of the requests. Has conducted the legwork necessary to file moderately-researched and worded requests  between and has shown some evidence of tracking the progress of the requests. Has filed poorly researched and worded requests and has shown no evidence of tracking the progress of the requests.
Data Visualization Has created a visualization using data from Statistics Canada with a title, legend, easily-understood symbolization, source citation and paragraph-length explanation about what the audience is seeing. Has created a visualization using data from Statistics Canada with a title, legend, easily-understood symbolization, no source citation and no paragraph-length explanation about what the audience is seeing.  Has created a visualization using data from Statistics Canada with no title, no legend, poorly-understood symbolization, no source citation and no paragraph-length explanation about what the audience is seeing.
A mapping exercise using data from the Oct 26 census release on ethnocultural and religious composition of Canada’s population. Has created a map in Tableau or ArcGIS Online with a legend, colour ramp, source citation and clearly understood, paragraph-length explanation of what the audience is seeing. Has created a map in Tableau or ArcGIS Online with a legend, colour ramp, no source citation and adequately explained, paragraph-length explanation of what the audience is seeing.  Has created a map in Tableau or ArcGIS Online with no legend, colour ramp, no source citation and no paragraph-length explanation of what the audience is seeing.
Assessment of a filing from a publicly traded company Has used five annotations to explain the significance and newsworthiness of the information being cited. The pargraph-length explanations are well-written and grammatically correct. Has used five annotations to explain the significance and newsworthiness of the information being cited. The pargraph-length explanations are lacking significant detail to put the information in context.  Has used fewer than five annotations to explain the significance and newsworthiness of the information being cited. The pargraph-length explanations are poorly written and contain grammatical errors.
Three quizzes based on readings and class work. Have answered all the questions correctly. Has answered less then three-quarters of the questions correctly. Has answered less than half of the questions correctly.


1. Access-to-information assignment

An exercise involving preparation and submission of freedom-of-information requests to all levels of government, due Fri. Oct 7: 10 am

You will file ONE formal request to each level of government: federal, provincial and municipal.

You will also file FIVE requests for previously released records from the federal government.

Assignment checklist
  1. Copies of one request to EACH of the three levels of government (municipal, provincial, federal);
  2. Copies of correspondence received/sent by you during the course of each of the above-noted requests;
  3. Proof of the five informal requests for previously released records from the federal government (e.g. an emailed acknowledgement);
  4. All of the above will be pasted and numbered in ONE emailed Word document.

Access-to-information assignment questions and answers

Q: How do I submit my assignment?
A: Information related to the three formal requests and five informal requests must be pasted into ONE Word document which will be emailed as an attachment. Number each request.

Q: Do all of my requests have to be on the same topic?
A: No. Request whatever records you might find useful or of interest.

Q: Do you want every piece of correspondence related to formal and informal requests?
A: I want to see all relevant correspondence to help me understand how things proceeded and any steps you took to monitor the requests.

Q: So, I don’t necessarily have to analyze previously released federal records if I receive them before the end of the term?
A: That’s correct. Although you must request some previously released federal records such as documents or data, you may not actually receive the material in time for analysis.

As we discussed, you should have received some correspondence in response to your original requests and your previously released federal one. Here’s a closer look:

Original requests (municipal, provincial/territorial, federal):
(*) An acknowledgment letter or email should have arrived within a week or 10 days.
(*) Many of you will also receive time-extension or fee-assessment letters.
(*) If the time extension is more than 90 days or you have been assessed fees beyond the application charge, it is best to follow up with the agency to see if you can still narrow the request. It will help to recall our in-class conversation about narrowing a request by either focusing the time-frame or the type of records you seek.
(*) Sometimes it is not possible to narrow a request or you may simply choose not to because doing so would unduly limit the desired response.
(*) However, there is no need to pay additional fees for the purposes of the assignment.

Previously released federal request:
(*) For this one, if you used the Completed Access to Information Requests site, you may simply have received an automated reply acknowledging your request. But you might have also received a follow-up acknowledgment letter from the agency or even a letter with a full response, including records. For the purposes of the assignment all I need to see is the latest reply or response letter, whatever it might be (not the actual records).

Overall, I will be looking to see that you followed up each of your four requests as necessary and managed their progress prudently.

2. Data visualization assignment

 A digital visualization that tells a story based on analysis of data, due Friday Nov 11 at 10 a.m.
What’s to be submitted?
  1. ONE visualization dashboard created in Tableau uploaded to the class Instagram account Alina has created. The dashboard must be accompanied by a 100-word explanation that explains the news value and what folks are seeing on the dashboard.
  2. In your explanation used to set up the dashboard, there must be links to AT LEAST two different public records uploaded to DocumentCloud. The DocumentCloud link(s) MUST take readers to the appropriate annotations in the public record.
  3. The Excel workbook that contains the data used for your visualization in Tableau and the Tableau workbook submitted TOGETHER in a zipped folder.

Data visualization questions and answers

Q: Can I choose any dataset?
A: Yes. Ideally, it should be newsworthy.

Q: Can I choose a dataset we have used as an example in class?
A: Yes, but you would have to come up with different examples than the ones we used in class. For instance, you can use Statistics Canada’s Labour Force data that tracks employment. However, you MUST use different numbers from the ones we demonstrated in class.

Q: Do I have to run the dataset by you?
A: Not if it’s from Statistics Canada. If it’s from another federal, provincial or municipal open-data portal, you’re welcome to check with me. However, doing so is optional.

Q: Can the visualization be a jpg or png file?
A: Yes. It will have to be a jpg when uploaded to Instagram. However, because your dashboard will also live on your online Tableau Public, you can link to it.

Q: Do I have to create a pivot table in Excel before importing the data into Tableau?
A: Yes, this way you can use the pivot table as a reference point, just like we did in class.

Q: Will I lose marks for neglecting to ensure my dashboard has a title, and source?
A: Yes.  Half a grade

Q: Do I have to use Tableau?
A: Yes.

Q: Will I lose marks for neglecting to upload and annotate my public documents in my explanation to DocumentCloud?
A: Yes, half a grade.

Q: Will I lose marks for not referencing any public records in my explanation.
A: Yes, half a grade.

Q: How should I use the public records?
A: Just like you would for any journalistic endeavour, as background information to provide context. For instance, if you cite higher unemployment number for males compared to females in a certain jurisdiction, use a public record such as a government report or study by an expert that explains why this is the case. You are not to guess, or provide an unsupported opinion.

Q: Can a public record be an article or news report?
A: NO! The focus in this course is the use of the primary records described in Digging Deeper. While secondary sources such as media reports are useful as tip sheets for sources of information, they CAN NOT be the primary reference, in large part because the reports could contain inaccuracies.

Q: Do I have to interview anyone?
A: No.  The point of this assignment is to see how adept you are at choosing information from a publicly available dataset to display, and then consulting public records to add context.

Q. Can you show me an example?
A. Yes, check out  the Tableau dashboard examples on this page on my website.

3. A mapping exercise using data from the Oct 26 census release

A map in Tableau uploaded to Instagram that tells a story based on the Oct 26 release that focuses on the theme of immigration in addition to the themes from previous releases, due on Fri. Nov. 18 at 10:00 am.

What’s to be submitted?

A map uploaded to our Instagram site.

  1. One map visualization dashboard created in Tableau and uploaded to the class Instagram account Alina created. The map must be of a specified geographic area that tells a story about a way in which a commnity is changing based on one of the themes in the release. For instance, you might want to map the census tracts or dissemination areas in Toronto depicting locations that have experienced the highest growth in the number of immigrants, or the lowest income. Your explanation would tell us WHY, using the kinds of public records we have studied and are described in Digging Deeper. Our three video tutorials have walked you through the process of downloading the shape files from the Statscan census program data viewer and  importing them into tableau.
  2. As was the case with the previous data visualization assignment, you will use a paragraph of 100 words to give context to the map, which must contain a title and legend explaining the significance of the hues on your colour ramp. For instance, the lighest hue on your colour ramp would indicate areas of negative growth, whereas the darkest colours would represent areas of the highest or the most rapid growth.
  3. In your explanation used to set up the dashboard, there must be links to AT LEAST two different public records uploaded to DocumentCloud. The DocumentCloud link(s) MUST take readers to the appropriate annotations in the public record. And in your explanation, you must cite the source of  the information, even if it’s contained in a DocumentCloud link pasted below. You can use Alina’s example as a guide.
  4. A zipped folder containing your Tableau file, its extract file, and your Instagram write-up pasted into a Word document.

Mapping frequently asked questions

Q: Can I choose any topic?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I create a map showing more than one characteristic?
A: Yes. This process is explained in the Nov. 3 tutorial.

Q: Does it have to be Toronto or the  Greater Toronto Area?
A: No. It can be any region in the country covered by the census.

Q: Will I lose marks if there’s no paragraph-length explanation to accompany the map?
A: Yes, a full grade.

Q: What’s the explanation’s word-length?
A: One hundred words.

Q: Must I hyperlink specific references in explanation just as I was required in the previous data visualization assignment?
A: Yes.

Q: Must I cite sources in my 100-word explanation.
A: Yes. For instance, if you say something such as “The darker colours represent areas in Toronto with the highest Immigration levels, which according to at least one study as become a popular area because it already has a large immigrant population.” In this sentence, the “one study” reference (highlighted in bold) must contain a hyerlink next to it in parenthesis to the annotation in DocumentCloud that provides the context. Or you can write something like: “…. according to at least one study in the first DocumentCloud hyperlink pasted below …” The key is you must always site sources in stories, which prevents readers from having to guess about where the information is coming from. Once again, read Alina’s example for guidance.

Q: Will I lose marks if the map does not have a title, legend and source citation?
A: Yes, half a grade.

Q. Can you show me an example ?
A. Yes, it’s the map on our Instagram page.

4. Assessment of a filing from a publicly traded company assignment

An analysis of a financial records of a publicly traded company, due Fri. Dec. 2, 10:00 am
What is to be submitted?
The most recent financial statement of a publicly traded company uploaded to DocumentCloud and annotated. This is meant to be a critical look at the company’s finances and should not be mistaken for a company news release.
          1. All I need is emailed URLs for the financial filings in DocumentCloud. Be sure to activate the “Collaborator” setting, which allows me to see them;
          2. You’ll be required to provide FIVE separate annotations in the number of documents your choosing. For instance, the most recent interim financial statment and the accompanying management discussion and analysis.  At least two of the annotations must be key numbers such as profit and revenue. The other annotations can be of newsworthy statments in the document’s management, discussion and analysis section.
          3. Each annotation MUST have a title; and a short paragraph that explains the significance of the number or observation. For instance, if the company lost money, explain why. If the company concedes that it’s facing a rocky future in its management, discussion and analysis section, explain why this is potentially newsworthy. In addition to context from the management discussion and analysis, your explanation must also draw on at least ONE other additional public record for context with the accompanying URL. For instance, this is the annotation I created.
          4.  THIS ONE IS VOLUNTARY: A chart of comprised of your tables uploaded to our Instagram account that shows a pattern over four quarters or years. This means in the case of Loblaw, you’d have to download quarterly statments from 2022, 2021 and 2019 to produce a chart in Tableau that can be uploaded to our Instagram account just like you did for the previous data-visualization assignment. The write-up can be pulled from your annotations in DocumentCloud. In short, explain the visualization in 100 words or less. Be sure to provide the DocumentCloud link and the URL for any other public record cited to help put the numbers into context. As was the case with the previous two data-visualization assignments, the Instagram post much have a title, legend, source citation and a byline. The requirement to upload your graphic to Instagram is voluntary.
Frequently asked questions?
Q: Can it be any company?
A: Yes, as long as it is publicly traded?
Q: How can I tell whether it’s publicly traded?
A: If it’s financial statement is public. For instance, you can typically find financial statements on a company’s website under a heading, typically “investor relations”. If it sells stock in Canada, you can also find it on the search engine SEDAR. If it only does business in Canada, but trades in the United States  or is headquarted there, you’ll need to search the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Q: Does the company have to be publicly traded?
A: Yes.
Q: Why can’t it be a private company?
A: As we example in Digging Deeper’s business chapter, private companies are not required to make their financial information public. And if it is, the information is not subjected to the legal transparency obligations that characterize the filings of publicly traded companies.
Q: Do I have to calculate the percent differences between numbers from different quarters?
A: Yes, You can plug the numbers into an Excal workbook, as you can see in this example.
Q: How many quarters?
A: For the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, which means you have to upload quarterly statements for 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Q: Will I lose marks if I don’t perform these calculations in Excel?
A: No, because these are calculations you’ll have to perform if you discuss percent increases for line items such as revenues, or profits. If your analysis does not require calculations, then that’s fine. The bottom line is I’m looking for CONTEXT for the information you’ve highlighted in your five annotations.
Q: Do I have to upload other financial statements?
A: You may have to upload the most recent management, discussion and analysis for context to explain your numbers. You WON’T have to upload the MD&As for the previous years cited above. You may also want to upload the most recent proxy circular if you wanted to discuss executive compensation.
Q: So, how many financial statements do I upload?
A: For your analysis, you’ll end up uploading many documents, but what you choose to share with me may only be a subset of them. The bottom line is that you will five, separate annotations with a title and discription. For example, you may only choose to share the most recent quarterly or interim financial statement and the management, discussion and analysis. And in your annotation for a table in the financial statement, you may include the calculations you’ve performed in your Excel workbook cited above.
Q: Instead of a company, can I choose a level of government?
A: Since governments are public institutions with balance sheets just like publicly traded companies, yes. But the same criteria applies: make sure it’s the most recent document budget or public account. I would advise you use the key tables from the recent financial updates from the federal and provincial governments.
Q: Will I lose marks if the annotations don’t contain any explanation?
A: Yes, a full grade.
Q: Do I have to create a table of key numbers in Excel, import them into Tableau and upload the visualization to Instagram?
A: You have to import the numbers into Excel to do your calculations, but the Instagram portion is voluntary. For the table, you only need numbers from the financial statement that compare to similar periods, for instance the last four statements begin in 2019 before the pandemic. You can plug the numbers into Excel as you can see from my example, and then import the table into Tableau and display as a simple bar graph.
Q: Will I lose marks for neglecting to create a table in Tableau and upload it to our Instagram page?
A: No. It’s voluntary
Q: So what must I submit?
A: The URLs for your DocumentCloud annations and the Instagram post pasted in a  Word document, emailed to me.
Q: Do I need to submit my Excel and Tableau workbooks?
A: No, because they will only have a few numbers, which I’ll see in the DocumentCloud annotations. I just need what I’ve just described.

Three quizzes based on readings and class work

What will be required?
At the end of each of the course’s three discrete sections (each lasting four weeks), there will be a short quiz (cited on the syllabus), which should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. The quizzes will be out of ten with two bonus questions and will be done as a group, in class. We will grade them together, and you’ll email your result.
Q: Why are quizzes necessary?
A: To ensure you’ve done the readings and have been following along in class.
Q: Will I have to study for them?
A: Not if you’ve done the readings and participated in class.
Q: Will I be able to make up the quizzes if I miss class?
A: Yes, but only if I received notice BEFORE the class that you’ll be absent. If you simply fail to show up for class on that particular day with no warning, you will be forfeiting five marks.

Grading information

This is what the marks mean:

A+ (9-10)

Excellent work that shows exemplary initiative and only requires minor editing. Spelling, grammar and CP style rules are observed.

A (8.5)

Excellent work, with only minor editing. Spelling and grammar rules are observed, as is CP style. All it may be missing is a better source, a sharper example, or an extra detail.

A– (8)

Still very good work. There are few unanswered questions and needs only minor editing and attention to style. Spelling, grammar and style rules are observed.

B+ (7.7–7.9)

No major reporting problems but structural problems that may require further attention by you or moderate editing – stronger back-up for your lede, a point left unexplained, vague references to clarify, adding transitions, etc.

B (7.5)

The story needs moderate editing to clarify key statements or to add background. Some minor points have been left unexplained. Spelling and grammar rules are observed, as is CP style.

B– (7.0–7.3)

A competent piece of writing, but story shows some minor gaps in logic, or is missing a worthwhile fact or source. Needs moderate to major editing or rewriting. It may need additional reporting.

NOTE: You require a mark of at least B– (70) to pass this course.

D to C+ (5–6.9)

Marginally unacceptable. Work ranges from nearly adequate to seriously flawed, showing inattention to detail or a lack of journalistic fundamentals. It needs extensive editing, rewriting or more reporting to address problems. The story may lack balance, miss the lede or be under sourced. Not publishable without extensive work.


Inadequate work. The story is confusing, inaccurate, incomplete, or contains a misspelled proper noun or name, a statement that is libelous, or an error in fact.

Classroom Management

Participation and Attendance

You can guarantee a good grade for participation by:

  • doing the readings  and exercises in advance and coming to class prepared;
  • participating regularly in class discussions;

This mark will be assigned on the following basis:

  • Infrequent or no participation; comments show little or no familiarity with the weekly readings, video tutorials or other material assigned by the instructor.  Four to five (out of 10)
  • Occasional participation; comments show general but not detailed knowledge of the readings, video tutorials, etc; comments tend to be expressions of personal opinion not based on the readings.  five to eight (out of 10)
  • Regular participation; comments show detailed familiarity with readings, video tutorials, etc; comments are based knowledged gleaned from the readings and other assigned material.  six to ten (out of 10)


This course will uphold professional standards, which means functioning as if we are in a newsroom.

That means treating your colleagues with respect during discussions and attending class on time.  I will ensure that you have “a learning environment that is safe, free from harassment and discrimination…characterized by mutual respect, inclusivity and civility (and)is free from interference and disruption…”, as articulated in the TMU policy.

We will also be regular correspondence between instructor and students. The expectation will be that the correspondence will be acknowledged as promptly as possible, as would be the case in a newsroom.

There will also be technical requirements, mainly downloading software such as Tableau,  DocumentCloud and ESRI Canada’s ArcGIS Online. You will have to do this upon receiving instructions and making sure you are ready for the next class. If you’ve having problems, you’ll be expected to communicate with the instructor or TA for assistance.

This mark will be assigned on the following basis:

  • No acknowledgment of correspondence and failure to follow instructions for assignments and does not install the required software on on time. 2 to  5 (out of 10)
  • Occasional acknowledgment of correspondence and some effort to follow instructions for assignments and install the required software on on time. 2 to 6 (out of 10)
  • Prompt acknowledgment of correspondence and prompt attention to following instructions for assignments, installing the required software on on time, and asking help when required. 7 to 10 (out of 10)

Class Meetings

A detailed week-by-week schedule accompanies this syllabus. We will spend time discussing journalistic methods, the readings, and writing. Core reporting and writing skills will be introduced in lectures and activities accompanied by supporting materials. We may have lectures by invited guests. I’ll offer in-class critiques of completed work but anonymity will be protected. During the semester you will have a variety of marked assignments.

In most cases you can expect marked assignments to be returned before the start of the next class.

If the instructor must adjust lectures, assignments or schedule, you will be advised in advance, via a group email, or an announcement  on D2L.  This may include additional readings related to just-breaking events.

Late Assignments

Professional journalists work in an environment of constant deadlines. We’ll do the same. Any assignment handed in after deadline will be marked down one point for all or part of every 24 hours that it is late. For instance, if your mark on the story is 16/20 but you are six hours late, your final mark will be 15/20.  Another example: If you get 8/10 on an assignment but hand it in 36 hours late, your final mark will be 6/10.

Missed Term Work or Examinations

Health Certificate:

If you will miss an assignment, test or examination due to illness, you should let your instructor know in advance and then submit an Academic Consideration Request Form within three working days of the missed assessment. If you’re a B. Journ. student, this form should go to the J-School’s Academic and Outreach Coordinator; MJ students should submit the documentation to MJ Program Administrator.

If this happens only once per semester, you will NOT have to provide a health certificate or other documentation from a health-care provider — the University’s new policy on missed assessments indicates that students need a health certificate signed by a physician only if they miss more than one assignment, test or examination in a course in a single semester. If you are going to miss a second assessment, please let me know in advance or ASAP after the fact.

Missed Term Work or Examinations – with Accommodation Letters: Students are expected to complete all assignments within the time frames and by the dates indicated in this outline. If you need accommodations according to Policy 159: Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities, the student and instructor must discuss any modifications as soon as possible.

Missed Term Work  without Accommodation Letters:  Exemptions or deferral of an assignment  is only/may permitted for a medical or personal emergency or religious observance. Please provide documentation as below:

Religious, Aboriginal, and Spiritual Observance: For accommodations based on medical or religious, Aboriginal, and spiritual observance reasons, a Request for Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance form and an Academic Consideration Request form must be submitted within the first two weeks of class or, for a final examination, within two weeks of the posting of the examination schedule.


Ethical and truthful work

Consult the School of Journalism Handbook for Student Reporters for guidance on best practices for ethical reporting on a wide range of issues/in different situations.

All work you submit must be entirely your own. Penalties for fabrication, plagiarism or other forms of cheating will range from failing an assignment to failing the course and will include a disciplinary notice being placed on your academic record.

You are required to adhere to the University’s Academic Integrity policy which covers plagiarism and other transgressions. It is at:


Sources: Unless explicitly permitted by me, you may not use close friends, relatives, bosses or other journalism students as sources. You must tell me if there is any emotional or financial involvement, or any other potential conflict of interest with a source. Every source must be available for fact checking.

Course Information

The following section addresses course-specific issues and general information about student access and support.

Departmental Policies and Course Practices

To learn more about course management expectations, please review Toronto Metropolitan University’s Course Management Policy No.166

Student safety while reporting: I know you are all adventurous journalists who want to get the story by going where the story is happening so you can bear witness and gather information. But please always keep your personal safety in mind while reporting. Always leave a situation or interaction in which you feel unsafe or harassed. Avoid going into private residences on your own, and make sure someone always knows where you are while reporting. If you are reporting a story that involves listening to accounts of traumatic events, be sure to check in with yourself often and take breaks. Speak to me if you have a story that you think requires some planning around health and safety and I will be happy to assist.


Toronto Metropolitan University’s Student Learning Support office will work confidentially and directly with you if you have temporary and permanent disabilities that impact your academic functioning; your rights and responsibilities are outlined here:

Toronto Metropolitan University Senate Policy for Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities No. 159.

If you request to send me an accommodation letter, please contact me as soon as possible so we can discuss any necessary arrangements to assignments or issues related to the course.

Student Email

All students in full and part-time graduate and undergraduate degree programs and all continuing education students are required to activate and maintain their University online identity at torontomu.ca/accounts in order to regularly access Toronto Metropolitan University’s email, RAMSS, the my.ryerson.ca portal and learning management system, and other systems by which they will receive official university communications.

Announcements relevant to class content/course management will be made via group emails.

Specific Details on IT Requirements

For minimum tech requirements to take this class see: https://www.ryerson.ca/covid-19/students/minimum-technology-requirements-remote-learning/

TMU offers fantastic resources to guide your ongoing independent learning. This is good news particularly for those of you who find yourself on the extreme ends of the spectrum when it comes to technology—whether you’re someone who’s been writing code and editing video since age 10 OR whether you still don’t know how to use the camera on your phone, there are resources you can use to move forward on the tech skills front. You can find those resources at insession.journalism.ryerson.ca (once you click on the link, you should sign in for full access). You can also log into my.ryerson.ca and click on Apps, then scroll to the bottom of the screen and select LinkedIn Learning. A subscription to this resource ordinarily costs a minimum of $25/month, but it’s free for TMU students. You’ll find video tutorials on a broad range of subjects of interest to J-students, from page layout to Photoshop to photography basics to DSLR video and much, much more.

Student Support and Assistance

If you are experiencing technical or administrative issues with your course, help is available by completing the Ask J-School Now form.

The University offers services to address a broad range of common challenges students face. Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor for assistance connecting with any of these great resources.

There is a wide range of other services available to students; if you need any kind of assistance, PLEASE just ask—ask your instructor, the course lecturer, the student affairs coordinator or any other J-School instructor or staff member.

In addition to the University’s services and supports, Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365. Students can reach Good2Talk by calling 1-866-925-5454 or by dialling 2-1-1 and asking to be connected to Good2Talk.

This is a demanding program; our expectations are high and the standards are rigorous. But please know that, when you encounter problems, we are here to help. For that reason, you should never hesitate to reach out.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1 – Introduction to access-to-information

Class recording


What you will learn

What the Reporting Methods course is all about;

The basics of access to information;

The difference between formal and informal requests;

How to make an informal access-to-information request.


Parole records reveal Saskatchewan suspect’s violent history

Parole records reveal Saskatchewan suspect’s violent history

Request for Myles Sanderson statutory release document.pdf

Canada’s revolving-door justice system has cost innocent people their lives.pdf

2020 Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview

Question Period Note: Suspension of Joint Correctional Service Canada /Parole Board of Canada National Board of Investigation

Question Period Notes

Completed Access to Information Requests

Search Briefing Note Titles and Numbers

Open Government – Proactive disclosure and access to information

Information About Programs and Information Holdings (formerly Info Source)


Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators

Information about programs and holdings

Access to Information: general info

Access to Information request forms

epost Connect



British Columbia
Main: http://www.gov.bc.ca/citz/iao/foi/
Completed requests:

Main: http://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/fippa/
Completed requests: https://www.manitoba.ca/openmb/infomb/fippa.html
Proactive disclosure:

New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador
Main: http://www.atipp.gov.nl.ca/info/accessrequestform.html
Completed requests: http://atipp-search.gov.nl.ca/

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia
Info: http://novascotia.ca/is/programs-and-services/information-access-and-privacy.asp
File a request online: https://iaprequest.novascotia.ca/
Completed requests: https://beta.novascotia.ca/search-previously-released-information-freedom-information-and-protection-privacy-foipop-request

The Right to Know Coalition of Nova Scotia



Prince Edward Island

Main: http://www.cai.gouv.qc.ca/english/


Main: http://www.atipp.gov.yk.ca/
Completed requests: https://open.yukon.ca/data/sites/default/files/20200800-Release.pdf


Information disclosure: https://www.calgary.ca/ca/city-clerks/legislative-services/confidential-information-release.html



Halifax Regional Municipality http://www.halifax.ca/AccessPrivacy/index.php
Completed requests: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/accountability-transparency/access-information/completed-requests




Main: http://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/your-city-government/access-information-and-privacy
Completed requests: https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/accountability-and-transparency/accountability-framework/freedom-information-and-protection-privacy/disclosure-mfippa-requests

Main: https://www.regina.ca/city-government/administration/office-of-the-city-clerk/#outline-access-to-information-and-protection-of-privacy
Completed requests: http://open.regina.ca/group/freedom-of-information



Completed requests: https://open.toronto.ca/dataset/freedom-of-information-requests-summary/

Main: http://vancouver.ca/ctyclerk/foi/index.htm
Completed requests: http://vancouver.ca/your-government/information-released-through-foi-requests-this-year.aspx

Main: http://winnipeg.ca/clerks/fippa/
Completed requests: http://winnipeg.ca/clerks/fippa/AccessToInfo.stm



CBC https://cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/impact-and-accountability/access-to-information/list-of-ati-requests-processed-by-cbc-radio-canada

British Columbia http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/search?id=4BAD1D13C68243D1960FECBBF7B8B091

Vancouver http://vancouver.ca/your-government/information-released-through-foi-requests-this-year.aspx


Winnipeg http://winnipeg.ca/clerks/fippa/AccessToInfo.stm#1

Regina (Note: not all are freedom-of-information responses) http://open.regina.ca/group/freedom-of-information


Nova Scotia


Newfoundland http://atipp-search.gov.nl.ca/

Yukon https://open.yukon.ca/data/sites/default/files/20200800-Release.pdf

Readings: Chaper 10 Digging Deeper – Getting Behind Closed Doors: Using the Information Laws, page 237

Assignment: Set up an ePost Connect account

Set up a DocumentCloud account

Additional resources: Dean Beeby’s access-to-information tipsheet.pdf

Example of an Ontario request:

Uploading documents to DocumentCloud tutorial

Week 2 – Access-to-information part two


Class recording

What you will learn

More on crafting an access-to-information request;

Making a formal request;

Details of the access-to-information assignment.


Records on policing Indigenous communities

Briefing note titles and numbers

Question Period notes

Question Period note: Labour exploitation in procurement

Readings: Chapters 1, 2, 3 The Data Journalist

Assignments: Review these Statistics Canada tutorials

How to use Statistics Canada’s data tables

How to use Statistics Canada’s Canadian International Merchandise (CIMT) web app

Additional resources:

Click here to see an example of an access-to-information request.

Dean Beeby’s blog about journalism and transparency

Week 3 – Learning about open data


What you will learn

Class recording

The concept of open data;

How to download and analyse Statistics Canada tables, filtering, sorting and building pivot tables;

How to use the same techniques to analyze data on other open-data sites.


Sask. coroner says public inquests will be held for stabbing victims, final suspect

Saskatchewan Coroners Service

Jury Findings from Coroner’s Inquests – Saskatchewan Coroners Service

Convoy donors gave more than $460K to CPC leadership race — and many were first-time federal donors

Ontario police officers are named in leaked list of donors to the ‘Freedom Convoy’

Ontario police named in leaked list of donors to Freedom Convoy.pdf


StatCan release schedules

Statistics Canada’s data tables

Consumer Price Index, August 2022

Bank of Canada

Food inflation has soared to a 41-year high — and people are going hungry

Food inflation has soared to a 41-year high — and people are going hungry – PDF version
http://www.davidmckie.com/Food inflation soars.pdf

Conservatives may support part of the Liberal government’s affordability plan on GST

Consumer Price Index frequently asked questions

Consumer Price Index, monthly, not seasonally adjusted

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

Population estimates, quarterly

Population estimates on July 1st, by age and sex

Additional resources

Consumer Price Index table analysed in Excel
http://www.davidmckie.com/CPI_Sept 21, 2022_1810000401.xlsx

CPI tutorial for downloading data into Excel and creating pivot tables

Week 4 – Open data part two


Class recording

What you will learn

A continuation of working with datasets from open-data portals.


MPs to study Access to Information system, federal ‘culture of secrecy’

Senior bureaucrats probed cryptocurrencies after Poilievre campaign comments

StatCan release schedules

Statistics Canada’s data tables

Bank of Canada

Canada’s unemployment rate ticks up to 5.4% in August, economy loses 40K jobs

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

Employers increasing salaries as talent shortage and inflation persist

Employers increasing salaries as talent shortage and inflation persist uploaded as a PDF
http://www.davidmckie.com/Employers increasing salaries as talent shortage and inflation persist

Job vacancies, payroll employees, job vacancy rate, and average offered hourly wage by industry sector, quarterly, unadjusted for seasonality

Open data portals

Readings: Chapters 6 and 7 The Data Journalist

Additional resources: 

Sept 28, 2022, downloading Statscan labour force data tutorial

Example of UBC freedom-of-information request uploaded to DocumentCloud

Alina’s PPT presentation
http://www.davidmckie.com/Week 4 Powerpoint Slides PDF.pdf


Review material from the first four weeks to prepare for next week’s in-class quiz

Week 5 – Introduction to mapping and data visualizations Working with census 2021


Class recording

What you will learn

In-class quiz;
A discussion of the census;
An introduction to the essentials of mapping and using Tableau;
How we use mapping to tell stories.


Labour Force Survey, September 2022

MPs to study Access to Information system, federal ‘culture of secrecy’

Canada marks Right to Know Week

Ontario’s privacy watchdog urges public institutions to show their commitments to transparency

Ottawa spent $90-million in 2021 on strained access-to-information program

Globe and Mail access-to-information article uploaded as a PDF

http://www.davidmckie.com/Ottawa spent $90-million in 2021 on strained access-to-information program.pdf

House of Commons standing committee on access to information, privacy and ethics

Access to Information and Privacy Statistical Report for the 2020 to 2021 Fiscal Year

Access to Information: general info

Statistics on the Access to Information and Privacy Acts

Curse of the renter: In some neighbourhoods, not owning a home now costs more than owning one

ArcGIS Online




Census release schedule

Census Program Data Viewer

Guide to the Census of Population, 2021

Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population

2021 Census – Boundary Files

Census Profile, 2016 Census

2016 Census – Boundary files

Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021

Statistics Canada Instagram releases

Statscan medium income release on Instagram

Readings: Chapter 11 The Data Journalists Telling Stories with Data

Assignments: Download ArcGIS Online, Qgis, Tableau, Datawrapper

Additional Resources: Tableau tutorial with Alina using Census 2021 rent data

Week 6 – Reading Week


Week 7 – Working with the census, part two


Class recording

What you will learn

Access-to-information assignment feedback;

Continued discussion of census;

Discussion of data-visualization assignment;

Hands-on session with Tableau using Statscan unemployment data.

Links from week five.

New links:

Toronto Metropolitan University account for Master’s of Journalism students in JN 8103: Reporting and Data Methods for Journalists

Instagram introduction to Statscan pitch to students

Twitter introduction to Statscan pitch to students

Statistics Canada’s Facebook page

Statistics Canada Instagram releases

Statscan medium income release on Instagram

Food keeps getting more expensive even as overall inflation slows

Consumer Price Index, August 2022

StatCan release schedules

Consumer Price Index: Frequently asked questions

Consumer Price Index, September 2022

Labour Force Survey, September 2022

Little changed’ jobs numbers not enough to dissuade interest rate hikes: economists

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months – Sept 2022

Additional resources:
Oct 18, 2022, downloading census material into Tableau tutorial part two

Week 8 – analyzing the Oct 26 census release


Class recording

What you will learn

Analyzing this week’s latest census results using the Census Program Data Viewer

Continuation of our data visualization exercise;

Discussion of the data-visualization assignment.


Federal body a bottleneck to access to information, House of Commons inquiry told

Federal body a bottleneck to access to information, House of Commons inquiry told.pdf

Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics

Advocates call for major reforms to federal access-to-information legislation

Commissioner calls on Nova Scotia government to overhaul outdated access laws

Proportion of immigrants, permanent residents hits record, making up 23% of population: census

Smaller cities, Atlantic provinces attracting immigrants, according to 2021 census data

More Canadians than ever have no religious affiliation: census

Canadian census data shows a nation on the move, and what provinces we’re moving to

Census reveals ratio of immigrants inches toward a quarter of Canada’s population

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

Our class’ Instagram page

Statistics Canada Instagram posts

Census release schedule

Reference materials, 2021 Census

Census Program Data Viewer

Statistics Canada Dailies


Census Profile 2021 (you can download the raw data from here)

Week 9 – continuation of mapping and visualization

Class recording


What you will learn

Continue working with Tableau to prepare for the two data-visualization assignments

Reading: Chapter 9 Digging Deeper: Following the Money: Seeing the Business Angle in Any Story 209

Week 10 – following money in publicly traded companies


Class recording

What you will learn

Quiz based on the previous four weeks of mapping work;
Discussion about the difference between monetary and fiscal policy;
The principles of following the money trail;
Discussing the differences between publicly traded and private companies — if we get to it


National Newswatch

Bank of Canada’s Tiff Macklem says overheating labour market must cool to fight inflation

Bank of Canada

Liberals to propose corporate stock buyback tax in fall economic statement: source

Highlights of the 2022 Fall Economic Statement

Fall Economic Statement 2022


2022 Fall Economic Statement: Key measures that may have a direct impact on you – RBC

Ottawa and the provinces are enjoying a revenue windfall. But it’s almost over

Ottawa and the provinces are enjoying a revenue windfall. But it’s almost over (Globe editorial in PDF format)

Public Accounts of Canada

Moderna suing Pfizer, BioNTech for patent infringement in development of COVID-19 vaccine


Securities and  Exchange Commission

Week 11 –


Following money in publicly in public sector institutions

Class recording

What you will learn

How public sector institutions such as governments account for spending;
How to read a budget;
How to read public accounts;
The difference between publicly traded and private companies;
The similarities between publicly traded companies and government budgets;
How to read a financial statement.


Cases up, costs down: feds report $227.1-million in lost revenue, public money and property in 2021-22

http://www.davidmckie.com/Cases up, costs down – feds report $227.1-million in lost revenue, public money and property in 2021-22.pdf

Public Accounts of Canada

Public Accounts of Canada Volume 111 uploaded to DocumentCloud

Losses of Public Property as per the Public Accounts of Canada

Ontario’s Plan to Build: A Progress Update

Ontario’s “progress update” uploaded to DocumentCloud

Ontario economic update and fiscal review uploaded the DocumentCloud

The Public Accounts of Ontario 2021-22

NDP calling for probe of grocery store profits as food prices continue to rise

Federal Public Accounts

Federal Public Accounts – PDF format

Federal Public Accounts – Volume one

Federal Public Accounts – Volume two

Federal Public Accounts – Corrections to Volume two

Federal Public Accounts – Volume three

Losses of Public Property as per the Public Accounts of Canada  in csv format

Losses of public money due to an offence, illegal act or accident as per the Public Accounts of Canada in csv format

Ministerial Expenditures by Standard Object as per the Public Accounts of Canada in csv format

Ministerial Expenditures by Type as per the Public Accounts of Canada

Federal Public Accounts – Volume three

One patrol ship and 118 Crown vehicles vandalized, part of $24.2-million in lost property in 2018-19

Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada Fiscal Year 2019-2020 – uploaded to DocumentCloud

Federal Fall Economic Statement 2020

Federal Fall Economic Statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Air Canada filing, third quarter 2022.pdf

Air Canada filing, MDA third quarter 2022.pdf

Air Canada filing, news release third quarter 2022.pdf

Air Canada filing, circular.pdf

Week 12 –


Following money in publicly in public sector institutions – part two

Class recording

What you will  learn

Following up from the previous week;
Discussion of the assignment.


The PDF version of the New York Times Disney article
http://www.davidmckie.com/Iger Sudden Return to Disney Shocks a Discontented Kingdom.pdf




Google Finance

Backgrounder: Market study of retail grocery competition in Canada

NDP’s proposed windfall profits tax would generate over $4 billion over five years: PBO

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Registry

CEWs scraped data in csv format

COVID-19 wage and rent subsidies for businesses

COVID-19 wage and rent subsidies for businesses

Loblaw 2022 third quarter interim financial statement  uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw 2021 third quarter interim financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw 2020 third quarter interim financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, MD&A uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, news release

Loblaw May 5, 2022, management proxy circular uploaded to DocumentCloud

Air Canada management information circular, Feb 25, 2022

Buyandsell Canada

Ontario’s Plan to Build: A Progress Update

Ontario’s “progress update” uploaded to DocumentCloud

The Public Accounts of Ontario 2021-22

Ontario public accounts 2021-22 uploaded to DocumentCloud

Air Canada management information circular, Feb 25, 2022

Air Canada management information circular, Apr 5, 2019

NDP calling for probe of grocery store profits as food prices continue to rise

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, interim financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, MD&A uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, news release

Loblaw May 5, 2022, management proxy circular uploaded to DocumentCloud

Beginners’ Guide to Financial Statements (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)

Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism

Google Finance

Bank of Canada

Big Six Banks

RBC Economic Research

BMO Capital Markets

CIBC Economics Research

Scotia Bank Economics

TD Economics

National Bank Economic Analysis

BMO Financial Group

Week 13 – Conducting bankruptcy searches, decoding an access-to-information request


Class recording

What you will learn:

Quiz based on the following-the-money exercises from the previous three weeks;
Learning how to decode records received through access-to-information requests;


Government to un-redact text messages, notes of PMO staff at Emergencies Act inquiry

What this week’s big bank earnings say about the state of Canada’s economy ahead of a possible recession

Have you been bankrupt? You could become Minister of National Revenue

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada


Tutorial for conducting bankruptcy searches


Air Canada granted bankruptcy protection

Laurentian insolvency ‘made a bad situation worse’: Auditor-General says university should have opted for provincial aid

Office of the Auditor General of Ontario – Special Report on Laurentian University

CCAA records list

Laurentian’s creditors

Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) Records List

Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act Records list imported into a master Excel file

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (username and password creation)

(Public Safety Canada, Nov 9, 2022) formal release of Aug 18, 2022, Preventing Online Sexual Exploitation Together Responding to the critical need_A-2022-00228

5 local arrests made in provincewide child sexual exploitation investigation
5 local arrests made in provincewide child sexual exploitation investigation | CBC News

List of charities and certain other qualified donees – basic search