4100A – 5508A – Professional Practices – Specialized Media — Investigative Journalism Project


4100A – 5508A – Professional Practices – Specialized Media
Investigative Journalism Project
Fall 2022
Richcraft Hall 3202 Sep 12, 2022 – Dec 12, 2022
David McKie
Office hours: By appointment
Phone 613-290-7380
Email: davidmckiec@gmail

Required reading
David, Fred Vallance-Jones, Rob Cribb and Dean  Jobb are co-authors of
Digging Deeper Third Edition
David McKie, Jim Bronskill
Your Right To Know


This course will give students the skills:

  • to identify issues for investigation and in-depth research within a defined topic;
  • to conduct that research;
  • to find ideas and stories in public records such as data;
  • to conduct interviews and follow-up research;
  • to learn how to pitch and evaluate projects;
  • to work in group investigating a project.

The course, to be delivered in person, will teach you how to take a deep dive into an investigative project, from pitch to final project and potential follow-up.

You will have the option of working as part of a national investigative project under the leadership of  the Investigative Journalism Bureau at the University of Toronto. Details about the partnership for the latest projects will be explained during the first class.

For those who would rather pursue a more independent path, you will have the option to stick to the same themes of the bureau investigations, which would still allow you to tap into the research of other students across the country.

And for those who want to do something entirely different, you will have the option to explore ideas with the guidance of the group and instructor. Pitches must be accepted BEFORE work can begin. A more independent path will allow you to pursue a story you’ve always wanted to explore but never had the time. This course is also designed to give you that option, too.

The aim is publishing on a time table to be determined based on factors such as newsworthiness. and the schedules of  the publications in question. Canada’s National Observer, Toronto Star, or Capital Current will be possible venues for your work.

The course will operate like a project, with each group pitching its ideas on how to approach the issue, doing the research, deciding on story elements and producing the final pitch package. As part of that process, each group will submit regular progress reports to be reviewed with the instructor to ensure you stay on target to produce the most up-to-date drafts at the end of the term.


Digging Deeper 3rd Edition

Optional: Your Right To Privacy: Minimize Your Digital Footprint

To order an electronic version, you can log on to this Carleton bookstore site.

Canadian Press Style Guide: An Overview


More detail will be provided in D2L a week in advance of the due date; a full assignment
description is posted at least one week in advance.


Assignment Description Value Due Date
An in-class group presentation about your topic This presentation, based on each group’s initial research, will be written up as a PowerPoint and presented in class. Each member will be required to participate with a discussion about their contribution.  15% (group)  Sept. 26
Access-to-information requests Formal requests related to your topic.  15% (individual)  Oct 4
An in-class group story pitch You will be required to complete this “Watchdog: Storyboarding worksheet” courtesy of the Investigative Reporters and Editors. Each member will be required to participate with a discussion about their contribution.  15% (group)  October 17
Overall final pitch This will be the final draft to take the form of a pitch, or draft story if your research progresses that far.  15% (Group)  Dec 5
Individual story work during term Broken down by who does what within each group. Each person will be required to share a Google Sheet with tables containing entries for each task, which would include searching for public records, filing access-to-information requests and conducting background interviews.  15% (individual)
Weekly group project updates. From week six to week 13 indicating progress and status of major elements of the story package. This, too, can be shared in a Google Sheet.  10% (group)
 Professionalism This grade will be a combination of your participation in class based on the assigned readings, and your work following the video tutorials.  15% (individual)


Grading rubric for assignment one:  An in-class group presentation about your topic

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Research and understanding
Has a clear understanding of the story’s focus and is able to identify the major players. Has a good, general understanding of the story and its main characters,  but has some gaps in the explanation. Has a poor understanding of the story and its focus and is unable to explain it clearly.
Analysis and thinking
Shows an excellent  understanding of the types of records that were used and whether they were employed effectively. Shows a good understanding of the  types of records used and whether they were employed effectively. Shows a poor understanding of the  types of records used and whether they were employed effectively.
Writing and presentation
Writing is crisp and clear. Words are carefully chosen and spelled correctly. Follows CP style. Writing is generally sound, but may contain a few poorly crafted sentences. Minor spelling mistakes and/or problems with CP style. Writing is unclear or word choice not ideal, or major problems with punctuation. Several spelling mistakes and/or major problems with CP style.

F: misspelled name

Grading rubric for assignment two: filing access-to-information requests

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Filing of a federal request
Has conducted the legwork necessary to file at least two well-researched, properly worded requests at this level to the appropriate institution. Has done the legwork, but has only filed one request and conducted some research to the appropriate institution. Has filed requests but has done no research.
Filing at the provincial level
Has conducted the legwork necessary to file at least one well-researched and properly worded request at this level to the appropriate institution. Has done the legwork for one request with some research and adequate wording to the appropriate institution. Has filed requests but has done no research.
Filing af the municipal level
Has conducted the legwork necessary to file at least one request at this level to the appropriate institution. Has done the legwork for one request with some research and adequate wording to the appropriate institution. Has filed requests but has done no research.

Grading rubric for third assignment:  An in-class group story pitch and completing a Watchdog: Storyboarding worksheet

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Quality of the story idea
It is a brand new story or novel treatment of a well-known story. It contains some new elements, but needs work. Focus is old, irrelevant or unclear.
The quality of the records
The public records shed new light on the story and advance our knowledge and will be an integral part of the story. The records cover some new ground and can be used sparingly. The records are of little to no use.
The quality of the multimedia elements.
The multimedia elements add value to the public records in the story you are pitching because they are up to date, and provide a level of detail not contained in the records. The elements provide valued-added content, but mostly are repetitions of what we already know in the proposed story. The elements are unclear and provide no new information.

Grading rubric for fourth assignment:  Overall final story package or latest draft

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Quality of the story idea
It is a brand new story or novel treatment of a well-known story. It contains some new elements, but needs work. Focus is old, irrelevant or unclear.
The quality of the records
The public records shed new light on the story and advance our knowledge and will be an integral part of the story. The records cover some new ground and can be used sparingly. The records are of little to no use.
The quality of the multimedia elements.
The multimedia elements add value to the public records in the story you are pitching because they are up to date, and provide a level of detail not contained in the records. The elements provide valued-added content, but mostly are repetitions of what we already know in the proposed story. The elements are unclear and provide no new information.

Grading rubric for individual story work during term

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Keeping track of your work
Completes the workflow forms at least three times a week, which includes monitoring the Google alerts on your topic, filing formal and informal access-to-information requests, searching for public records and conducting background interviews. Completes the workflow forms at least twice a week, which includes monitoring the Google alerts on your topic, filing informal and formal requests, searching for public records and conducting background interviews. Completes the workflow forms once a week, which includes monitoring the Google alerts on your topic, filing informal and formal requests, searching for public records and conducting background interviews.
The quality of the records
Your public records shed new light on the story and advance our knowledge and will be an integral part of the story. The records cover some new ground and can be used sparingly. The records are of little to no use.
The quality of the multimedia elements.
Keeping track of multimedia elements that can be used for the project that shed new light. Keeping track of multimedia elements that can be used for the project that shed some new light. Keeping track of multimedia elements that can be used for the project that shed little or no new light.

Grading rubric for weekly group project updates

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Quality of the story idea
Progress is updated once a week in a Google doc that includes the highlights of group discussions, progress, setbacks and challenges. Progress is updated once every two weeks in a Google doc that includes the highlights of group discussions, progress, setbacks and challenges. Progress is updated once a month in a Google doc that includes the highlights of group discussions, progress, setbacks and challenges.
The quality of the records
There is clear evidence of a to-do list for the following week. There is some evidence of a to-do list for the following week. There is no evidence of a to-do list for the following week.

Grading rubric for professionalism

(A- to A+)
(B- to B+)
Below expectations
(C+ and below)
Class attendance
Attendance ninety per cent of the time Attendance 80 per cent of the time Attendance less  than 60 per cent
Completing video tutorials
Completes the tutorials and can duplicate the work if tested. Completes the tutorials, but can only partially complete the work if tested. Does not complete the tutorials and can not complete the work if tested.
Participates during class discussions without being asked, and completes the assigned readings. Participates during class discussions ,but has to be asked, and completes the assigned readings. Does not participate during class discussions and does not complete the assigned readings.

The specific details for each assignment can be found on the week-by-week section on Brightspace or my WordPress site.

That is also the place to find details about what we are doing in class each week of the term.


All communications with the class will be done virtually, the old-fashion way — phone, or email using the gmail address (davidmckiec@gmail.com) located at the top of the syllabus. Email and Google drive are the methods we will use to exchange information about pitches, progress reports and stories.

You must check the syllabus regularly to stay on top of what is happening in the class from week to week,  as class plans may change to reflect project developments during the term, or the availability of guest speakers etc.


The specific deadlines for each assignment are outlined in assignment notes posted within the weekly description of course content and at the top of this syllabus.

All written assignments should be completed in MS Word format in 12-point type, double-spaced. Finished material or links to material should be e-mailed to me by the deadlines noted on the syllabus. Marked assignments will be returned promptly with my comments. Please keep an electronic copy of each finished assignment you submit and also keep copies of the returned, graded assignments.

You are responsible for filing all your assignments on time. It is not acceptable to have others file assignments for you. A missed deadline can mean you failed the assignment.

The normal journalistic standards will apply to all assignments. Work must be submitted on time with penalties for missing deadlines. Assignments should be clear, concise, engaging and interesting, with special emphasis on originality and innovative ways of telling stories for a general audience.  Written stories should comply with Canadian Press style. Style errors in your copy will result in a lower grade.

The grade for professionalism will reflect participation in class discussions, in-class exercises, your work habits and how you present yourself as a journalist.


For undergraduate students: The passing grade for this course is a grade of C

Questions or appeals about your grade on assignments or other graded components of the course should be raised with the instructor no later than seven business days after the grade has been issued, as explained in the university’s undergraduate academic regulations (2.7 and 2.8). Your final course grade is based on grades earned throughout the term on the assignments and other graded components listed in the syllabus. This means requests to raise an overall course grade at the end of the term or year cannot be considered.

Standing in a course is determined by the course instructor subject to the approval of the faculty dean. This means that grades submitted by an instructor may be subject to revision. No grades are final until they have been approved by the dean.


For graduate students: The passing grade for this course is a grade of B minus

Informal questions or appeals about your grade on assignments or other graded components of the course should be raised with the instructor no later than seven business days after the grade has been issued.

For information about the formal grade review process, please see the graduate regulations: http://calendar.carleton.ca/grad/gradregulations/administrationoftheregulations/#15

Standing in a course is determined by the course instructor subject to the approval of the faculty dean. This means that grades submitted by an instructor may be subject to revision. No grades are final until they have been approved by the dean.


Professionalism matters here, as it will throughout your careers. This is a professional school, so you will be expected to meet professional standards in both assignments and conduct.

Regarding assignments, meeting professional standards means completing them according to the criteria outlined in class and in the course outline, as well as submitting them on time. If you are unclear about the requirements for any assignment, it is your responsibility to ask the instructor for clarification well before the assignment is due.

Assignments will be graded for both their journalistic and production values. Marks for journalistic values will be based on the strength or newsworthiness of the story idea; the difficulties overcome in gathering the necessary research, interviews, photos and other elements critical to the story; the depth of the research, the strength and relevance of the audio clips, photos and other elements to the focus of the report; and the accuracy of all the details. Marks for presentation will be for adherence to the style and format for assignments outlined in class; the organization of the material; the clarity and effectiveness of the storytelling; the creative use of photos, sound, audio interviews and other interactive elements. Where the relative quality of reporting and presentation vary significantly, separate grades will be indicated and the final grade for the assignment will be an average of the two.

Letter grades will be awarded to each assignment within the following range:

An A-range grade will be awarded to excellent work. Generally, that means stories or story packages which are newsworthy, complete, clear, well-written, original, multi-sourced with primary records, use compelling interview clips, photos and other interactive elements and are ready for publication without little or no editing.

A B-range grade will be awarded to solid work. That means stories or story packages which may include good reporting and research, interesting interview quotes/clips, strong photos, appropriate audio material etc. but may be lacking in one or more of the elements — especially primary records — required for A-range work listed above.

Grades of C or D will be awarded to sub-standard work — stories that are missing several of the elements listed above.

An F may be given to stories that are late; contain significant errors of fact; misspell the name of a person or a place; fail to meet the requirements of the assignment; or seriously violate the School’s Ethics and Professional Standards.


This course abides by Carleton University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not restricted to, plagiarism and unauthorized resubmission of work, and will be dealt with accordingly. Plagiarism is a serious offence, which cannot be resolved directly between the student and the course instructor. Penalties are not trivial. They can include a final grade of “F” for the course.

  • Do not, under any circumstances, present someone else’s work as your own.
  • Do not download and/or copy any files, stories, photos, audio or video you find online or elsewhere and use them as your own.
  • Do not fabricate sources of information.
  • Do not invent facts.
  • Do not interview relatives, friends or acquaintances unless you have permission from the instructor.

For undergraduate students: Undergraduate Calendar section 12.0 Academic Integrity http://calendar.carleton.ca/undergrad/regulations/academicregulationsoftheuniversity/ or http://carleton.ca/senate/wp-content/uploads/Academic-Integrity-Policy1.pdf. If an academic offence is suspected, it will be referred to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Public Affairs. The Associate Dean of the faculty will conduct a rigorous investigation, including an interview with the student, when an instructor suspects a piece of work has been plagiarized.

For graduate students: General Regulations, Section 19, of the Graduate Calendar http://calendar.carleton.ca/grad/gradregulations/. If an academic offence is suspected, it will be referred to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs.


This is a professional school, and you’ll be held to professional standards in both assignments and conduct. As a student of journalism, you must read and adhere to the School’s policies.

  1. Our ethics policy sets out the rules of behaviour that you, as students and journalists, are expected to follow as you carry out your assignments for this course. One of the rules, for example, makes clear that you must not interview relatives or friends for your story, except in rare and special circumstances and with the advance permission of the instructor.
  2. Our publishing policy requires certain authorizations before journalistic coursework can be published outside of the class. In addition, your sources must understand that any assignments they are associated with may be published outside of class.
  3. Our policy on electronic media usage requires that you follow copyright regulations with respect to your use of all materials culled from the Internet. For example, you cannot use any pictures you find online in your assignments unless you get written permission from the copyright holder to use them and submit it to the instructor.

Undergraduates can find all three policies on this page https://carleton.ca/sjc/journalism/undergraduate-studies/resources-current-undergraduate-students/

Graduates can find all three policies here https://carleton.ca/sjc/journalism/graduate-studies/resources-current-students/

You are expected to be familiar with these policies and apply them to your work. Failure to abide by them will adversely affect your standing in the course.


Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. You must attend at least 9 (nine) classes in order to pass the course. If you miss more than three classes, (not including an apprenticeship) it’s an automatic fail. If you’re absent for medical reasons, you must provide the appropriate medical documentation.

You are expected to arrive promptly, not five or 10 minutes late, and not to leave class for extended breaks or to take calls. When you’re late or away, you miss material that has to be repeated. If you have a valid reason for missing a class, advise me before by e-mail, not through a friend or classmate, just as you would an employer.

Academic Advice: For undergraduate students: If you have questions about the journalism program, degree requirements, your standing in the program or your academic audit, you should contact your Undergraduate Administrator Joan Thompson at joan.thompson@carleton.ca or Undergraduate Supervisor Randy Boswell at randy.boswell@carleton.ca

For graduate students: If you have questions about the journalism program, degree requirements, your standing in the program or your academic audit, you should contact your Graduate Administrator Jana Lynde-Smith at JenaLyndesmith@cunet.carleton.ca  or Graduate Supervisor Kanina Holmes at http://KaninaHolmes@cunet.carleton.ca

Apprenticeships – It’s possible you will have an apprenticeship this term. BJ3/MJ1 students may miss no more than one week of journalism courses (and in-class assignments) per academic year while on an apprenticeship. BJ4/MJ2 students may miss no more than two weeks. Please consult with me before you schedule a placement.

Deadlines – As a journalist you can’t miss them. As a journalism student, you’re not allowed to, either: a missed deadline means you fail the assignment. Exemptions due to personal illness, family tragedy or other exceptional circumstances must be arranged ahead of time whenever possible and be supported by documentation.

Electronics – Phones, tablets, laptops—please keep them muted, closed and out of sight while class is in session. Staying focused on what’s going on in the classroom will help you learn—but don’t just take my word for it. During our virtual meetings, the temptation may be greater to tune out. Please resist the temptation to do so. Read this: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1469787417721382

You’ll have breaks during our class time to step away from your computer.

Intellectual property – Classroom teaching and learning activities, including lectures, discussions, presentations, etc., by both instructors and students, are copy protected and remain the intellectual property of their respective author(s). All course materials, including PowerPoint presentations, video tutorials, outlines, and other materials, are also protected by copyright and remain the intellectual property of their respective author(s). Students registered in the course may take notes and make copies of course materials for their own educational use only. Students are not permitted to reproduce or distribute lecture notes and course materials publicly for commercial or non-commercial purposes without express written consent from the copyright holder(s).


You may need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. For an accommodation request, the processes are as follows:

Pregnancy obligation – Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details https://carleton.ca/equity/accommodation/pregnancy-accommodation-form/

Religious obligation – Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details https://carleton.ca/equity/accommodation/religious-observances/

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities – If you have a documented disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please contact the Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) at 613-520-6608 or pmc@carleton.ca for a formal evaluation or contact your PMC coordinator to send your instructor your Letter of Accommodation at the beginning of the term. You must also contact the PMC no later than two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test or exam requiring accommodation (if applicable). After requesting accommodation from PMC, meet with your instructor as soon as possible to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. For more: https://carleton.ca/pmc/

Survivors of Sexual Violence – As a community, Carleton University is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment where sexual violence will not be tolerated, and is survivors are supported through academic accommodations as per Carleton’s Sexual Violence Policy. For more information about the services available at the university and to obtain information about sexual violence and/or support: https://carleton.ca/sexual-violence-support/

Accommodation for Student Activities – Carleton University recognizes the substantial benefits, both to the individual student and for the university, that result from a student participating in activities beyond the classroom experience. Reasonable accommodation must be provided to students who compete or perform at the national or international level. Please contact your instructor with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. https://carleton.ca/senate/wp-content/uploads/Accommodation-for-Student-Activities-1.pdf

For more information on academic accommodation, please contact the departmental administrator or visit https://students.carleton.ca/course-outline/

Who I am:

I am an Ottawa-based, award-winning journalist who spent 26 years honing his skills at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation as an investigative producer.

I am now the National Observer’s deputy managing editor.

I teach at the schools of journalism at Carleton University, the University of King’s College, and Ryerson University, and have co-authored three journalism textbooks and two user guides on freedom-of-information laws and privacy, respectively. As you can see above, two of the books will be used for this course.

In addition to my teaching, I’m a data-journalism trainer who has conducted workshops for the Canadian Association of Journalists, the U.S.-based National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting, the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, and the Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations. I also continue to offer data-journalism training to the CBC.

I have a BJ and an MJ from Carleton.

You can find more information about me on my online cv.


Every effort will be made to adhere to the weekly schedule outlined on the course page in CU Learn and my WordPress site. However, as this course is part of a collaboration among journalism programs at several universities, there may be juggling or changes to the weekly schedule as the year progresses to reflect the need for common work at specific points during the term.

Investigative Journalism Examples

Generation Distress

The time-bomb town Ontario didn’t defuse

CAJ Data Journalism finalists – 2021

Valérie Ouellet, Naël Shiab, Sylvène Gilchrist
White men make up a third of Canada’s population but a majority of MPs — here’s why
CBC News Investigative Unit / Radio-Canada

Analysis of candidacies during Canadian federal elections

Dataset on the Demographics of Canadian Federal Election Candidates (2008-2019)

Sample candidates  dataset

John Rieti, Angelina King, Katie Swyers, James Wattie
State of Our Schools
CBC News – Toronto

Sample schools dataset

Robyn Doolittle, Chen Wang, Tavia Grant
The Power Gap
The Globe and Mail

Sample salaries dataset

Tai Huynh
COVID-19 infection and vaccinations
The Local, Toronto

Kenyon Wallace, Ed Tubb, Brendan Kennedy
Making sense of COVID-19 data
Toronto Star

Toronto Star long-term-care analysis.xlsx

Toronto Star long-term-care analysis – Google Sheets

2021 Philip Meyer Award winners

The Wall Street Journal – How Tik Tok Figures You Out (first place)
Inside TikTok’s Algorithm: A WSJ Video Investigation – WSJ

The Wall Street Journal’s application form with story links and explanations of methodology

The Palm Beach Post – ProPublica – Black Snow: Big Sugar’s Burning Problem (second place)

Asbury Park Press and ProPublica – “Gilded Badges: How New Jersey Cops Profit From Police Unions and Avoid Accountability” (third place)

Sigma Award winners 2022

The Sigma Awards Projects Database

Solutions Journalism

The Top 10 Takeaways from the Newest Solutions Journalism Research

Complicating the Narratives:
What if journalists covered controversial issues differently — based on how humans actually behave when they are polarized and suspicious?


Watch Now: Using Solutions Journalism to Report on Climate

Solutions Journalism presentation

General stories that lend themselves to project-like treatment

Alleged hate crimes rarely investigated by police, report claims

Spread hatred. Face courts. Repeat. Why Canada’s ‘weak’ laws are failing to address the rise of hate

Why aren’t more hate crime charges being laid in Canada? A Globe and Mail analysis examines police performance across the country

Week one – September 12

Class recording

What we will learn:

Course outline;
Discussion of the course;
Discussion of strategy behind an investigation and what makes it different from a regular story;
Project presentations by Rob Cribb and colleages from the Investigative Journalism Bureau;
Picking the project of interest and discussing next steps;
An introduction to open records.


Generation Distress

Canada tax agency reveals secret study linking home prices to millionaire migration, five years after freedom-of-information request

25-year-old internal memo to Canada Revenue Agency predicted foreign money distorting housing market


Open data portals

List of access to information and privacy coordinators by institution

Government Electronic Directory Services (GEDS)

Completed Access to Information Requests

Question Period Notes


Completed access to information requests



British Columbia
Main: http://www.gov.bc.ca/citz/iao/foi/
Completed requests:

Main: http://www.gov.mb.ca/chc/fippa/
Completed requests: https://www.manitoba.ca/openmb/infomb/fippa.html
Proactive disclosure:

New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador
Main: http://www.atipp.gov.nl.ca/info/accessrequestform.html
Completed requests: http://atipp-search.gov.nl.ca/

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia
Info: http://novascotia.ca/is/programs-and-services/information-access-and-privacy.asp
File a request online: https://iaprequest.novascotia.ca/
Completed requests: https://beta.novascotia.ca/search-previously-released-information-freedom-information-and-protection-privacy-foipop-request

The Right to Know Coalition of Nova Scotia



Prince Edward Island

Main: http://www.cai.gouv.qc.ca/english/


Main: http://www.atipp.gov.yk.ca/
Completed requests: https://open.yukon.ca/data/sites/default/files/20200800-Release.pdf


Information disclosure: https://www.calgary.ca/ca/city-clerks/legislative-services/confidential-information-release.html

Halifax Regional Municipality http://www.halifax.ca/AccessPrivacy/index.php
Completed requests: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/accountability-transparency/access-information/completed-requests

Main: http://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/your-city-government/access-information-and-privacy
Completed requests: https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/accountability-and-transparency/accountability-framework/freedom-information-and-protection-privacy/disclosure-mfippa-requests

Main: https://www.regina.ca/city-government/administration/office-of-the-city-clerk/#outline-access-to-information-and-protection-of-privacy
Completed requests: http://open.regina.ca/group/freedom-of-information

Completed requests: https://open.toronto.ca/dataset/freedom-of-information-requests-summary/

Main: http://vancouver.ca/ctyclerk/foi/index.htm
Completed requests: http://vancouver.ca/your-government/information-released-through-foi-requests-this-year.aspx

Main: http://winnipeg.ca/clerks/fippa/
Completed requests: http://winnipeg.ca/clerks/fippa/AccessToInfo.stm

For next week: Continue filing informal federal and provincial requests for records.  File at least ten; Set up Google Alerts; Set up a Tweetdeck.

Assigned reading: Chapters 1-4, 10 of Digging Deeper

Week two – Sept 19

Class record

What we will cover:

Discuss a to-do list/workflow for your project work: setting up Goole alerts, tweetdecks, DocumentCloud;
reading background material;
learning which government bodies have responsibilities for your topic;
Discussing story pitches;
Discussing the first assignment;
Split into your groups to discuss your pitches;
Learning about filing formal access-to-information requests;

A shopping list of key records to obtain through a access-to-information request

20 records you can get using the federal Access to Information Act

1. RECORD: Ministerial briefing notes. DEPARTMENT: All departments. ASK FOR: All briefing notes prepared specifically to help the new minister become acquainted with his/her new portfolio. HINT: Make this request a week or two after a new cabinet is named. RESULT: Yields wide range of information about a department’s plans/activities.

2. RECORD: Expense claims. DEPARTMENT: All departments/agencies. ASK FOR: Receipts, invoices and guest lists detailing travel and hospitality expenses claimed by a deputy minister or other senior bureaucrat that are more detailed than the ones you’ll find in the information federal institutions are obliged to file on line. HINT: Limit request to no more than one year’s worth of claims.RESULT: Can reveal spending habits and establish dates of key meetings, dealings. Remember former federal heritage minister Bev Oda’s $16-dollar glass of orange juice!

3. RECORD: Correspondence. DEPARTMENT: All departments/agencies. ASK FOR: Correspondence with a minister or agency head on a topic of interest. HINT: Frame request narrowly. For instance, exclude letters from the public if you do not require them. RESULT: Can uncover letters from provincial premiers, lobby groups.

4. RECORD: House cards. DEPARTMENT: All departments. ASK FOR: All cards prepared for the minister in the House of Commons on a specific issue. HINT: Watch headlines, Commons debates for ideas. RESULT: Often contain much more detail, background than revealed in Question Period.

5. RECORD: Material on possible legislation. DEPARTMENT: All departments. ASK FOR: Records concerning possible legislation or other initiatives on a given issue. HINT: Limit request to cover the last year to ensure currency of material. RESULT: Provides insight into initiatives that might be in pipeline, and reasons why the initiatives might (or might not) proceed.

6. RECORD: Meeting minutes. DEPARTMENT: All departments/agencies. ASK FOR: Minutes from the two most recent meetings of a specific committee. HINT: Make calls to find out meeting schedules and whether minutes are kept. RESULT: Can aid in understanding internal policy debates and decisions.

7. RECORD: Audits. DEPARTMENT: All departments, most agencies. ASK FOR: Audits and evaluations completed by or for the department/agency on specific subjects in the last year. HINT: Ask department informally for list of audits conducted in the last year. RESULT: Audits often reveal shortcomings in programs, policies.

8. RECORD: Polls. DEPARTMENT: All departments, but especially Privy Council Office. ASK FOR: Polls conducted for the department on a given subject. HINT: Some (but not all) polls are released informally. RESULT: Can reveal public attitudes towards government policies.

9. RECORD: Contract information. DEPARTMENT: All departments. ASK FOR: A copy of the contract for a specific project such as the federal government’s beleaguered Phoenix pay system. HINT: Public Services and Procurement Canada administers many contracts, including Phoenix. RESULT: Reveals details of financial arrangements with private companies.

10. RECORD: Responses to discussion papers. DEPARTMENT: Any department that publishes consultation/discussion paper. ASK FOR:Copies of all submissions in response to the department’s paper. HINT: Put in request just after cut-off date for submissions. Only narrow request if certain submissions are required. RESULT: Reveals views of wide cross-section of groups on pressing issues.

11. RECORD: Contracted studies. DEPARTMENT: Privy Council Office. ASK FOR: Specific studies, research conducted for PCO. HINT: Ask informally for list of studies, which is updated regularly. RESULT: Yields advice prepared for government on unity, security, parliamentary affairs and other key issues.

12. RECORD: 20-year-old cabinet documents. DEPARTMENT: Privy Council Office. ASK FOR: Cabinet records on a specific issue. HINT:Check almanac for noteworthy past events. RESULT: Meeting minutes reveal thinking of ministers on issues. (Cabinet documents routinely become public only after 30 years).

13. RECORD: Prime Minister’s email. DEPARTMENT: Privy Council Office. ASK FOR: E-mail sent to the Prime Minister by visitors to his website. HINT: Limit request to a one-week period. RESULT: Names of correspondents are deleted, but letters yield an interesting mix of feedback, including light-hearted, angry and thoughtful correspondence.

14. RECORD: Criminal intelligence briefs. AGENCY: RCMP. ASK FOR: Criminal intelligence briefs prepared during the last six months. HINT:Make time-frame the last couple of years if you are seeking a brief on a specific subject. RESULT: Briefs cover issues such as aboriginal militancy, drug trade and smuggling.

15. RECORD: Incident reports. AGENCY: RCMP. ASK FOR: Incident report on a specific event. HINT: Broaden request to include other records if incident is a prolonged one, such as a standoff. RESULT: Can help explain police decision-making.

16. RECORD: Lessons learned. DEPARTMENT: National Defence. ASK FOR: “Lessons learned” from major military missions. HINT: Wait a month or two after mission is complete. RESULT: Provides evaluation of peacekeeping tours and other assignments.

17. RECORD: UFO reports. DEPARTMENT: Transport. ASK FOR: Reports of unidentified flying objects filed by the public. HINT: UFO reports are also often filed with Defence and RCMP. RESULT: Names of people who make reports are deleted, but other details can be released.

18. RECORD: Observer reports. DEPARTMENT: Fisheries. ASK FOR: Observer reports prepared for the department. HINTS: Limit request to specific geographic area and time frame. RESULTS: Can provide details about operations of foreign vessels.

19. RECORD: SIRC reports. AGENCY: Security Intelligence Review Committee. ASK FOR: Specific reports prepared by committee on CSIS activities. HINT: Reports are listed in back of committee’s annual report. RESULT: Reports, though heavily edited, provide check on spy agency CSIS.

20. RECORD: CRTC debriefing notes. AGENCY: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. ASK FOR: Debriefing notes prepared in connection with a specific licensing hearing. HINT: Make request shortly after licence decision is made. RESULT: Can provide behind-the-scenes reasoning on why TV, radio licences are granted or denied.

Ten ways to improve your searches

1. Look to the headlines for ideas.

2. Check the relevant federal websites for forms, contacts, info on departmental holdings.

3. Call the access co-ordinator before making your request.

4. Call the co-ordinator after submitting your request.

5. Make similar requests to more than one department, agency or government.

6. Keep a photocopy or scan of each request and attach all return correspondence.

7. Negotiate with departments, agencies or governments.

8. Be persistent. If necessary, complain.

9. Read and re-read the records you receive carefully.

10. Don’t get discouraged.


From private emails to Post-it Notes: How politicians avoid scrutiny

(David McKie, April 4, 2014) TEN PAGES FROM_email subject headers for Raymon Rivet, director of corporate and media affairs Sept. 12013-Dec. 1, 2013_A-2013-00588-ML.pdf

ATI extension examples and medical device company court reference.pdf

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators

Information about programs and holdings

Access to Information: general info

Access to Information request forms

Completed Access to Information Requests

Question Period Notes

Search Briefing Note Titles and Numbers

Make an access to information or personal information request

epost Connect

Make a federal complaint online

Information Commissioner of Canada

2020-21 Annual Report: The pandemic has exacerbated deficiencies of the access to information system


Dean Beeby’s access-to-information tipsheet.pdf

Click here to see an example of an access-to-information request.

Canadian Access to Information News Story Index

To download a tip sheet for pitching, editing and storyboarding an investigative project, please click here.

To download the PowerPoint on the same topic, please click here.


Group assignments: Make sure sure your access-to-information person begins filing requests. Members charged with other tasks should also be doing their jobs.

An initial group presentation about your topic due next class on  Sept 26. This work will evolve into a formal presentation that will be due Oct. 17
Each group will conduct initial public records (covered in Digging Deeper) research to find out everything they can about their topic – including:

        • What interests you about the topic?
        • What do you think will interest our audience?
        • What is new about this topic?
        • Determine what organizations, bodies or governments have any regulatory involvement or control over your topic and what each does;
        • How do the organizations work together (if they do) and when do they work at cross-purposes?
        • What isn’t regulated or controlled at all?
        • What do they monitor, how do they do it?
        • What sort of data do the organizations collect?
        • What format is the data in and what is the historical range of data accessible?
        • How easy it to obtain this data?
        • Is there information that might be available ONLY if we submit formal or informal access-to-information requests?
        • What do you want to know that you haven’t been able to find out?
        • What interests you?
        • What do you think will interest our audiences?

Answers to these questions should allow each group to develop initial ideas about your project.

      • What seems worth pursuing?
      • What isn’t worth pursuing and why?
      • How can you engage your audience?
      • What media formats seem appropriate  – each group should prepare a presentation on all this for next week’s class?

Week three – Sept 26

Class recording

What you will learn

Group presentations;
Brief discussion about stories in your Google alerts produced by access-to-information requests;
Continued discussion of using access-to-information: filing formal and  informal requests.
Discussion of ATIP assignment due Oct 4.


Information about programs and holdings

Access to Information: general info

Completed Access to Information Requests

Question Period Notes

Search Briefing Note Titles and Numbers

Make an access to information or personal information request

Ontario freedom of information central forms repository

Ontario Colleges and Univesities request confirmationhttp://www.davidmckie.com/(Ministry of Colleges and Universities, Sept 26, 2022) ackowledgment of formal request for TMU briefing notes_McKie-20220926095225628.pdf

Toronto Metropolitan University Access to Information office

Assignment due: Initial group presentation

As part of its formal presentation, each group will present its findings about its topic,  answering the questions noted above, including outlining the data and information available and what isn’t available.

The group will propose ideas about what seems most interesting and worth pursuing, where there could be stories that would interest a general audience.

Each presentation should be 20 minutes.  All members of the group must participate in the presentation, explaining the work they have done thus far. Each presentation will be followed by a general discussion among the class about the ideas presented by the group in an attempt to refine them, compare and contrast what each group discovers and what that means for our overall projects. 

Readings: Review Chapter 4 in Digging Deeper

Assigned task for following class.
Creating annotations  in DocumentCloud

Week four – Oct 3

Class recording

What you will learn:

Hansard and other public record searches;

Discussion of the second pitch due on Oct. 17.

Creating annotations  in DocumentCloud


MPs to study Access to Information system, federal ‘culture of secrecy’

UBC Okanagan security guard who was killed identified as Harmandeep Kaur, 24 (updated on Thursday)

Example of UBC freedom-of-information request uploaded to DocumentCloud

The Canadian Legal Information Institute  (a voluntary initiative and is not a comprehensive listing of all class action lawsuits currently underway in Canada)

Explanations of Parliamentary procedures

Our Commons

Written questions index

Library of Parliament search catalogue

List of Charities – basic search

NFA attack ads target Trudeau as Tories shift gears on gun control

Buy and Sell


StatCan release schedules

Statistics Canada’s data tables

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

Open data portals

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

City of Ottawa 311 service requests

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Ontario Court Search

BC Court Search

Parole records reveal Saskatchewan suspect’s violent history

Parole records reveal Saskatchewan suspect’s violent history

Request for Myles Sanderson statutory release document.pdf

Canada’s revolving-door justice system has cost innocent people their lives.pdf

2020 Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview

Question Period Note: Suspension of Joint Correctional Service Canada /Parole Board of Canada National Board of Investigation

Records on policing Indigenous communities

While Canada sent hundreds of millions in aid to Jordan, its king grew his collection of luxury homes

Brainstorming in class as we learn more about public records

For this class we will continue talking about your pitches from the previous week.

Each group will spend time discussing progress, including assignments to group members and a research plan, including setting up  Google alerts for your topic,  collecting public records, developing sources and possibly connecting with the larger group at the institute or bureau. 

Each group should also catalogue what data it has found that relates to its subject, and how to deal with the gaps in the research. By the end of this class the group should have a better idea of its strategy to identify and collect public records discussed in Digging Deeper, including reports, audits and databases, and a system for continuing to file federal, provincial and municipal formal and informal access-to-information requests. This strategy must be part of your Oct 18 presentation. 

IMPORTANT NOTE — After today’s class we will not meet again until after Thanksgiving. So, each group should indicate what individual members of your group plan to do in the following week.

Week five – Oct 10


Week six – Oct 17

Class recording
Oct 17, 2022 week six 4100A – 5508A – Professional Practice

Your formal pitch will be due.


Federal lobbyist registry

Open data portals

Assignment – Presentation in this class of planned story concept and elements and proposed stories if more than one is contemplated.

This should be prepared as a story pitch the group would make to a story meeting. All members of the group will participate in the story pitch. It would include:

      • What are the new and investigative elements? 
      • Why is the topic  important?
      • Why should people care?
      • Details of background research they have done in terms of media coverage, government reports etc. that form the background for this project;
      • Who they plan to interview (experts, victims)?
      • What data they will use and where it will come from?
      • How will records obtained formally and informally through access-to-information requests be integrated, and what back-up plans will be used if ATI records fail to materialize?
      • What multimedia elements such as visual, audio, graphs and photos will be used;
      • What they hope the audience will take away from their story/stories; 
      • Are there any solutions that need to be discussed?
      • How does their work fit into the larger national project, if at all. 

Reading for class after reading week: Chapter 8, Digging Deeper – Getting People to Talk: The Art of the Interview

Week seven – Oct 24

Reading week

Week  eight- Oct 31

Class recording

What we will cover

Review the last assignment;
Update from each group on progress so far;
The essential elements of a good interview;
Learning about different kinds of interviews (background, on-the-record);
How to conduct the accountability interview.


Briefing Book for the Minister of Public Safety Canada

Theses Canada

Julian Sher

Interviewing techniques

Six basic rules of interviewing.pdf

CBS 60 Minutes interview with former U.S. President Barack Obama —  Part 2

Charlie Rose interview with Barack Obama

Assigned task for following week: Follow the tutorial for chronology-building tutorial.
Using Excel to build chronologies

Week nine – Nov 7

Class recording

What you will  learn:

A continuation of our discussion on interviewing;
How to dig into court records using CanLii, which includes quasi-judicial bodies such as human rights tribunals, labour boards, coroners’ reports and professional disciplinary bodies;
An introduction to court records (affidavits, search warrants, bankruptcy records, etc).


Liberals to propose corporate stock buyback tax in fall economic statement: source

The House

‘The government blinked’: Union to end Ontario education walkout after Ford promises to repeal strike law

Ontario Labour Relations Board

The Canadian Legal Information Institute  (a voluntary initiative and is not a comprehensive listing of all class action lawsuits currently underway in Canada)

Proposed class action launched against Northwood over COVID-19 deaths

Proposed Northwood lawsuit expanded to seek damages from N.S. government

A statement of claim in the proposed class action lawsuit against Halifax long-term care home Northwood.

Six Ontario nursing homes ‘failed to protect residents’ from COVID-19, proposed class action lawsuit alleges

A proposed class-action lawsuit filed against Responsive Group Inc., a company that owns several nursing homes in Ontario.

Proposed class action lawsuit led by former constable alleges racism in RCMP

RCMP Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Systemic Racism

Class Action Database — Canadian Bar Association

Class Action Database (U.S.)

Kim – Spencer – McPhee Barristers

Federal Court of Canada

The Criminal Code

Supreme Court of Canada

Tax Court of Canada

Recent Courts Martial results

List of Class Action Lawsuits (U.S)

Find out how to request a decision by the Parole Board of Canada

Advocate Daily.com (Canada’s Legal News)

Quebec Human Rights Tribunal

Office of the Chief Coroner

BC Coroners Service

Have you been bankrupt? You could become Minister of National Revenue

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada

Tutorial for conducting bankruptcy searches


Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, Canada, provinces, territories and Census Metropolitan Areas

Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, police services in the Atlantic provinces

Ontario discipline decisions

Law Society of Upper Canada (list of disbarred lawyers)

Office of the Chief Coroner  – Ontario

Court Record Examples

COVID-19 related class action claim against an Ontaio nursing home chain
Statement of claim against the RCMP
Omar Khadr 2010 Supreme Court of Canada decision uploaded to DocumentCloud
 Factum containing demands that Khadr’s settlement be given to victim uploaded to DocumentCloud
Parole Board Decision
Bankruptcy Filing
The bishop’s search warrant uploaded to DocumentCloud
Divorce Proceeding
National Parole Board Statistics
 Notice of proposed Armed Forces Settlement

Assigned reading: Chapter 9 in Digging Deeper

Week ten – Nov 14

Class recording

What you will learn:

Making sense of records received through access to information;
Decoding records.
If we have time, beginning a discussion about followin money


Federal budgets

Previous federal bugets

Buyandsell Canada

Radon action guide for municipalities: Outreach, testing and government operations

Radon Outreach Contribution Program

Bank of Canada’s Tiff Macklem says overheating labour market must cool to fight inflation

Bank of Canada

Liberals to propose corporate stock buyback tax in fall economic statement: source

Highlights of the 2022 Fall Economic Statement

Fall Economic Statement 2022


2022 Fall Economic Statement: Key measures that may have a direct impact on you – RBC

Ottawa and the provinces are enjoying a revenue windfall. But it’s almost over

Ottawa and the provinces are enjoying a revenue windfall. But it’s almost over (Globe editorial in PDF format)

Public Accounts of Canada


Securities and  Exchange Commission


Securities and  Exchange Commission

Federal Public Accounts

Federal Public Accounts – PDF format

Federal Public Accounts – Volume one

Federal Public Accounts – Volume two

Federal Public Accounts – Corrections to Volume two

Federal Public Accounts – Volume three

Losses of Public Property as per the Public Accounts of Canada  in csv format

Losses of public money due to an offence, illegal act or accident as per the Public Accounts of Canada in csv format

Ministerial Expenditures by Standard Object as per the Public Accounts of Canada in csv format

Ministerial Expenditures by Type as per the Public Accounts of Canada

Federal Public Accounts – Volume three

One patrol ship and 118 Crown vehicles vandalized, part of $24.2-million in lost property in 2018-19

Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada Fiscal Year 2019-2020

Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada Fiscal Year 2019-2020 – uploaded to DocumentCloud

Federal Fall Economic Statement 2020

Federal Fall Economic Statement uploaded to DocumentCloud




Advanced Real-Time Chart Widget

Air Canada

Air Canada investor relations

Air Canada 1st Quarter 2020 financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Air Canada annual report uploaded to DocumentCloud

Air Canada management discussion and analysis that accompanies the 2020 financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Pfizer quarterly reports

Pfizer 10-K uploaded to DocumentCloud

Canadian Survey on Business Conditions: Impact of COVID-19 on businesses in Canada, May 2020

Economic and Fiscal Snapshot 2020

Economic and Fiscal Snapshot 2020 uploaded to DocumentCloud


Google Finance

Bank of Canada keeps key interest rate target on hold

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

Bank of Canada

Big Six Banks

RBC Economic Research

BMO Capital Markets

CIBC Economics Research

Scotia Bank Economics

TD Economics

National Bank Economic Analysis

BMO Financial Group



Summary table — Debt to equity ratio by industries (Statistics Canada)

Business Insider

Financial glossary (Reuters)

Society of American Business Writers and Editors

“Best Business Writing” anthologies compiled by Columbia University
For the most recent edition, click here 

Worthwhile Canadian Initiative


US Securities and Exchange Commision

British Columbia Securities Commission

Alberta Securities Commission

Manitoba Securities Commission

Ontario Securities Commission

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)

Nova Scotia Securities Commission

The Securities Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador

Public sector money trails

Federal Budgets

Five-Year Departmental Evaluation Plan 2020-2021 to 2024-2025

Ontario budget 2021

One patrol ship and 118 Crown vehicles vandalized, part of $24.2-million in lost property in 2018-19

Public Accounts of Canada 2020

Federal Public Accounts – PDF format

Federal Public Accounts – Volume one

Federal Public Accounts – Volume two

Federal Public Accounts – Volume three


Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism

Beginners’ Guide to Financial Statements (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)

Assigned class for next class: TBD

Week eleven – Nov 21

The basics of following money using links from the previous week;
Learning how to follow money in publicly traded companies, and the public sector.


Ontario’s Plan to Build: A Progress Update

Ontario’s “progress update” uploaded to DocumentCloud

The Public Accounts of Ontario 2021-22

Ontario public accounts 2021-22 uploaded to DocumentCloud

NDP calling for probe of grocery store profits as food prices continue to rise

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, interim financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov  17, 2021, interim financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, MD&A uploaded to DocumentCloud

Loblaw Nov 16, 2022, news release

Loblaw May 5, 2022, management proxy circular uploaded to DocumentCloud

Air Canada management information circular, Feb 25, 2022

Air Canada management information circular, Apr 5, 2019

Cases up, costs down: feds report $227.1-million in lost revenue, public money and property in 2021-22

http://www.davidmckie.com/Cases up, costs down – feds report $227.1-million in lost revenue, public money and property in 2021-22.pdf

Public Accounts of Canada

Public Accounts of Canada Volume 111 uploaded to DocumentCloud

Losses of Public Property as per the Public Accounts of Canada

A man peeked into the construction site of a large Central African cultural center funded by the Chinese government in Kinshasa.pdf

‘Things are not going well’: City knew of reliability issues before accepting LRT system

Inside Saint John’s response to a ‘devastating’ cyberattack

 Week twelve – Nov 28

Class recording

What you will  learn:

Continued discussion about following the money using the Toronto Greenbelt coverage as an example and a look at Ontario lobbyist and politican donation records;
Bankruptcy searches;
Discussion of next week’s final group pitch;
Free time to work on final group pitch.


They recently bought Greenbelt land that was undevelopable. Now the Ford government is poised to remove protections — and these developers stand to profit

They recently bought Greenbelt land that was undevelopable. Now the Ford government is poised to remove protections — and these developers stand to profit (PDF version)
http://www.davidmckie.com/They recently bought Greenbelt land that was undevelopable. Now the Ford government is poised to remove protections — and these developers stand to profit

Developers who bought Ontario Greenbelt land linked to Ford government

Developers who bought Ontario Greenbelt linked to Ford

Globe Greenbvelt story as PDF
http://www.davidmckie.com/Developers who bought Ontario Greenbelt land linked to Ford government.pdf

Ontario Lobbyist Registration

Federal lobbyist registry advanced search

Elections Ontario political donations search

Elections Ontario donations downloads

Ontario donations zip folder

Have you been bankrupt? You could become Minister of National Revenue

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada


Tutorial for conducting bankruptcy searches


Air Canada granted bankruptcy protection

Laurentian insolvency ‘made a bad situation worse’: Auditor-General says university should have opted for provincial aid

Office of the Auditor General of Ontario – Special Report on Laurentian University

CCAA records list

Laurentian’s creditors

Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) Records List

Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act Records list imported into a master Excel file

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (username and password creation)

Week thirteen – Dec 5

Class recording

What you will learn:

Final group pitch for radon group

Week fourteen – Dec 9

Class recording

What we will cover:

Finish final group pitch for campus hate group
Course wrap-up and postmortem.


A #MeToo Movie Devoid of Sensationalism

Additional Resources

In Behind the Scenes: A Canadian Journalism Foundation with Globe and Mail investigative reporters discussing their techniques and tips

Data Journalism Academy: Writing with data

The Quartz guide to bad data

Michael Creagen’s instructional video for photo ideas

Downloadthemall (Youtube demo)

Downloadthemall (for Firefox)

Downloadthemall (for Chrome)

