A bumpy road for Rideau-Vanier residents


Rideau-Vanier ward had the highest number of complaints in Ottawa about roads and sidewalks for the month of February. The city received 18 complaints from residents of the ward.

Home to the busy ByWard Market as well as residential areas Lowertown and Sandy Hill, Rideau-Vanier has a large population of residents and visitors going through it every day.

Kitchissippi ward was in second place with 15 complaints, and Alta Vista had 12.

Source: the City of Ottawa

According to the city’s website, this category can cover general road and sidewalk maintenance, such as potholes on the road; excessive snow on the road; things being in the way of people trying to pass, and some illegal parking issues.

Rideau-Vanier councillor Mathieu Fleury says road complaints are different depending on the areas of his ward.
“We’re fortunate because the ByWard Market is one of the highest-priority areas in the city for road maintenance,” says Fleury. “Where it gets difficult is in the residential areas outside of that.”

Delaney Dunlop is a wheelchair user who lives in the ward. She says her perceptions match up with Fleury’s when it comes to snow removal, but that there are ups and downs to living where she does.

“Living basically in the market was a godsend because they try to keep the sidewalks as clean as possible,” says Dunlop.

However, Dunlop says she finds sidewalk maintenance is not what it could be and prompt snow removal isn’t the only problem that costs her.

“This is a new wheelchair,” says Dunlop. “I’ve only had it a few months and I’ve already had the front fork replaced. I know this is from hitting holes and high sidewalks.

Coun. Fleury agrees this type of maintenance can be hit-and-miss depending on where you are in the ward and what the city sees as a priority.

For example, Fleury says Transitway stations are another problem. “The stations themselves tend to be well-maintained, but getting to the station can be a problem,” says Fleury, adding that the worst offender in this regard, according to what he has heard, is Laurier station.

Map of wards sorted by complaints

Fleury adds that while some of the complaints may come about because of people parking where they should not in front of businesses, that’s not really his concern.

“Some people certainly do seem to think they should have their own personal parking spot in front of a house or business,” says Fleury.

But as a councillor, his work will focus on reducing unnecessary congestion.

To that end, he says one of his priorities for the year is to review winter cycling and try to make space for more cyclists in the ward.

“As of right now all we have are the Laurier bike lanes,” Fleury says.

He says he believes this will make more space for pedestrians as well.

“My concern is to make winter walking and cycling safe for everyone.”

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