All posts by David McKie

About David McKie

DESCRIPTION This course will teach students how to locate, obtain, and read public records with an investigative mindset. Students will learn to probe public records to uncover connections and patterns of information that might be invisible from reviewing one record in isolation. Students will learn how public records fit into a complete research strategy with the aim of telling, investigative, original and breaking stories, or simply adding context to ongoing stories.

Looking for work in January 2020


Ottawa’s inspection of nail salons


(Click the double arrows to the top left of the map to obtain details on how to interpret the information.)

Source: The City of Ottawa

Federal ridings with the highest visible minority populations


Clicking on the double arrow to the left of the map produces two tabs: one for details, the other for the legend.

Source: Statistics Canada

Human Trafficking Offences in Canada 2017


Federal Contaminated Sites


Young People Looking for Work


Ottawa Temperatures 2018


Murder in Canada


City of Ottawa Service Requests – Feb. 209
