All posts by Sarah Turnbull

Airport Parkway Bridge undergoes new design after pricey deficiencies


The long overdue Airport Parkway Bridge will undergo a transformation this year after safety concerns arose with the original design, according to a report by Delcan engineering firm released by the city.

Delcan’s report, confirms that a steel bridge deck will replace the original concrete platform, which was in the process of being built.

Last fall, engineering firm Genivar was fired by the city because of structural problems in its plan of the bridge. Delcan Corporation was hired to complete the rest of the Airport Parkway Bridge, which will link the Hunt Club community to the South Keys transit station.

Delcan reviewed the partially completed structure and found that there were many deficiencies, including cracks in the concrete tower and in the bridge deck-these are obvious safety concerns.

In the report, obtained through a municipal freedom-of-information request, Delcan says the steel-designed bridge platform will reduce the weight put on the central tower. The cable wires attached from the top of the tower to the bridge deck are expected to be more reliable than the originally planned pipe equivalent.

The firm also notes that if one of the pipe-stays were to break, it “would almost certainly result in the collapse of the bridge.”

At the Finance and Economic Development Committee in March, SEG Management Consultants presented a third-party review of the project and outlined future recommendations.

The review noted a number of issues not only in the original design plans but also regarding the poor communication between staff, elected officials, and the public.

Structural problems during the building of the bridge have caused a three-year delay, making the completion forecast late 2014.

Since 2008, the budget has increased to $11.5 million from $6.5 million.

Last fall, Delcan began a review to recommend a more efficient plan to complete the bridge.

The Delcan report highlights concern for the original Genivar design, which received no further consideration in future plans.

Their report also revealed that the original construction plan violated provincial Environmental Assessment requirements.

Under the Environmental Assessment criteria “the bridge is to span the current and future roadways and ramps for the Airport Parkway with a clear span, and hence with no intermediate piers.”

Because of the proposed addition of a column in the centre of the parkway, the design layout didn’t conform to the required criteria. Adjusting environmental regulations to fit the design could take up to 12 months, so that idea was not pursued.

After assessing various design possibilities, Delcan settled on the steel, cable-supported bridge, instead of the original concrete deck with fixed pipe support.

“The steel cable-stayed bridge design includes an orthotropic steel deck, steel framing and steel handrails, and is an all-steel construction supported by conventional cable-stays to the tower. ”

The existing tower on the East side of the parkway, remnants from Genivar’s work, will be incorporated in the current plan.

For many in Ottawa, this long over-due project has been an embarrassment to the city.

Deputy city manager, Nancy Schepers, has overseen the development of the Airport Parkway Bridge.

She says the city took action during the initial stages of construction when they realized there were issues with Genivar’s design in terms of the “longevity of the structure”.

“Genivar is responsible for their design and we are in litigation with them. We had a stamped engineering drawing that we were working with and as I’ve said to council, we became very concerned,” says Schepers.

Since Delcan’s report has been released, Schepers is optimistic that the date of completion will remain the end of 2014.

“We’re continuing to move ahead with the project as the design is being finalized,” says Schepers.


ATI Requests at each level of government

Previously released ATI requests

Communication between government agencies

Environmental Assessment Requirements
Environmental Assessment Requirements

This is a report by  Delcan engineering firm, which highlights the safety concerns related to Genivar’s original Airport Parkway Bridge design and outlines Delcan’s current design plans. This report was obtained through a municipal freedom-of-information request released by the City of Ottawa. This information was useful because it shows that the previous bridge design by Genivar violated the provincial Environmental Assessment Requirements. It also states that the new bridge proposal will take these conditions into consideration by omitting a centre pier.

New Design Plan: steel cable-stayed bridge
New Design Plan: steel cable-stayed bridge

This is a report by Delcan engineering firm, which highlights the safety concerns related to Genivar’s original Airport Parkway Bridge design and outlines Delcan’s current design plans. This report was obtained through a municipal freedom-of-information request released by the City of Ottawa. This information was helpful because it explains Delcan’s decision to replace the concrete bridge platform with a lighter steel bridge deck. It also underlines why the cable wire support is more reliable than the pipe equivalent. Ultimately, it describes the details of the chosen design plan for the Airport Parkway Bridge.

Rates of C. difficile are high but under control in local Ottawa hospitals

The Ottawa Hospital-Civic Campus Photo By-Sarah Turnbull
The Ottawa Hospital-Civic Campus
Photo By Sarah Turnbull

Since 2008, there has been an increase in the number of cases of Clostridium difficile or C. difficile within hospitals across Ontario. However, there have only been a handful of official outbreaks at hospitals in Ottawa in the last six years.

This superbug is one of the most recognized in-hospital infections and was made well known to the Ottawa community in 2011 when an outbreak was declared at the Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. There was a total of eight cases in June of that year.

An outbreak is defined as five cases within a four-week period in a hospital ward with more than or equal to 20 beds. Alternatively, in a ward with less than 20 beds an outbreak is deemed as four cases in a four-week period.

So, what exactly is this superbug?

It’s an infection of the bowel causing inflammation. The side affects are: occasional bleeding, diarrhea, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Dr. James Worthington, the Senior Vice-President of Medical Affairs and Quality and Performance at The Ottawa Hospital says the infection becomes an issue when the normal bugs in our bowel die off and C. difficile bacteria takes over.

“You get it after antibiotic use, you get it in patients who are weakened by cancer or if they’re on specific drugs that knock off their immune system so they can’t beat off infections, ” says Worthington.

Worthington says the infection is more common in acute care and large community hospitals, which treat complex patients.

In 2008, an incident of C. difficile at Sault Area Hospital in Sault Ste. Marie exposed the severity of this disease.

An unidentified elderly patient was sent to hospital in June 2008 with vomiting and a history of diarrhea. He had a previous admission, which was treated with antibiotics.

On his second visit, the doctor ordered stool samples and started the patient on Flagyl that day, an antibiotic used to treat C. difficile.

The lab confirmed positive test results for C. difficile. The attending physician ordered an increase of Flagyl but the patient only seemed to get worse. Four days later he died.

In 2012, this case was brought to the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board by the patient’s son. The applicant argued that during his father’s initial admittance to hospital in March, the family should have been notified of the possibility of C. difficile infection.

The hearing of the complainant’s case also came at a time when there was a spike in C. difficile incidents throughout hospitals in Ottawa. From 2011 to 2012, there was a 320 per cent increase at The Ottawa Rehabilitation Site and at the General Campus rates when up 53 per cent within the year. 

While data shows a decrease in cases at the General in 2013, there was a steady rise of incidents at the Ottawa Heart Institute and the Civic Campus.

Director of the infectious control program at The Ottawa Hospital, Dr. Virginia Roth says increasing incidents of C. difficile are caused by a combination of patient and environmental factors.

“The hospital is an environment that’s conducive of getting bacteria from one person to another. It can be transferred from the environment itself or through patients and physicians hands,” says Roth.

Roth continues that while the infection is not a common occurrence, it’s something that needs to be monitored closely because of potentially fatal outcomes.

To keep the superbug at bay; her team must perform regular check ups.

“As soon as we get second case in a medical unit, we employ a multidisciplinary team with medical professionals, occupational health and infectious control leaders,” says Roth. “We go on the unit within 48 hours and do a walk around with a checklist.”

Currently, there are an estimated seven cases of C. difficile at the General Campus and with a high occupancy rate at The Ottawa Hospital right now; the chances of an outbreak are greater.

PIDAC C DIFF 2013 (Text)

Child poverty rates remain high in Ontario 25 years after government’s pledge



In 1989, the Canadian House of Commons unanimously passed a resolution to eradicate child poverty in Canada by the millennium.

The child poverty rate 25 years ago was 13.7 per cent in Ontario.  According to the latest report by Campaign Ontario 2000, one in seven or 13.8 per cent of children were living in poverty in 2011.

Campaign Ontario 2000’s reports are based off of the most recent data from Statistics Canada.

Laurel Rothman is the National Coordinator for Campaign 2000. The organization started in 1991 out of concern for the lack of government action in the fight to end child poverty.

She says there are many factors in our current society, which cause more families to stay poor.

“The public policy network is weaker and the labour market is less resilient and provides fewer options than previous years,” Rothman says. “The costs of food have become higher, making it difficult for any family to keep their head out of water.”

Rothman says that since the 2008 recession, Canada has a higher number of unstable job positions.

In the report, Ontario’s 534,000 minimum wage workers have faced a $10.25/hour wage freeze since 2010.

Low wages for full-time, part-time, and contract workers is just a portion of the problem.

“Since the mid 1990’s, the other thing that’s happened is that social welfare programs once delivered by the provinces, have all been stripped and cut back,” Rothman says.

While child poverty rates continue to increase in Ontario, Rothman says there have been a few improvements since the government’s 1989 pledge.

“The National Child Benefit has increased six or seven times since it’s inception in 1998,” Rothman says.

Social welfare and child advocacy groups have argued that families are more financially secure when supported by social assistance programs, as opposed to working at low-paying jobs. The program was launched by the federal government and it was intended to provide financial support to low-income families with children.

“The maximum NCB annual payment for the first child is now $3, 654,” Rothman says.

Terry Meehan is a mother of three and loyal advocate for the poor. She has been living on disability pension for over 20 years.

In 1989, Meehan had her second child. Not only was this challenging for a single parent trying to raise a toddler on a fixed income, but this was also Meehan’s second child with a mental disability. She would ultimately end up with three children, all of whom have special needs.

Meehan says her neighbors would often criticize her for being unemployed and living on social assistance.

“If I got something new they would say ‘you bought that with my tax money,’” Meehan says. “I lived in a town house and people would watch things going in and out like a fish bowl.”

She doesn’t think much has changed from the original proposal to eradicate child poverty and sees problems with Canada’s unemployment insurance programs.

If there had been significant improvements made over the past 25 years, Meehan knows her life would be different.

“For one thing, I may not have lost custody of my two youngest children,” Meehan says. “I would be able to afford the basics, and not have to decide which ball to drop.”

Going forward, Rothman says the federal government must instill a national anti-poverty strategy with defined goals and strict deadlines. She also believes there should be increased support for Aboriginal families living in poverty.

Clara Jimeno, the research director at the Social Planning Council of Ottawa, agrees with Rothman.

“In 2006, almost 40 per cent of children from minority groups were living in poverty across Canada. This is a problem for marginalized communities,” Jimeno says.

Jimeno says government action should include increasing wages, improving labour market conditions, and developing a national housing strategy to reduce housing costs.

One of the main recommendations in Campaign 2000’s report is a reduction of child poverty by 50 per cent at the end of the next Poverty Reduction Strategy in 2018.

Campaign Ontario 2000 2013 (Text)

This first report used in this article is titled Beyond Austerity: Investing in Ontario’s Future. It’s the 2013 annual report on child and family poverty written by Campaign Ontario 2000. I found it on the organization’s website when I was looking for sources to contact. Campaign 2000 collects its data from Statistics Canada. Next to this report, are links to reports from previous years and other poverty strategies. This documentation was helpful as it provided me with a number of useful statistics about poverty rates, low-income families, and poverty in marginalized communities. It also gave me insight into future plans for reducing poverty in Ontario in the upcoming years.

Library of Parliament (Text)
The second document used during the research process is an issue analysis from the Library of Parliament. The report falls under the Social Affairs and Population Publication and is based on Child Poverty in Canada. I found this document on the Internet, using a simple Google search. This documentation was helpful because it gave me insight into the background of the National Child Benefit program and how it functions in Canadian society. It also gave me a brief history of the original resolution proposed by the House of Commons in 1989. While the information in this document is representative Canada’s national landscape, it applies to Ontario-based child poverty reduction strategies as well.

Subscription rates and profit on the rise, a good year for Netflix


By: Sarah Turnbull

Netflix is an American company that functions as a subscription-based movie, television, and documentary rental service. Members have complete control of what they watch and when they watch it through Netflix’s Internet streaming service. U.S. only members have the option of receiving DVD rentals by mail.

While it has a large Canadian consumer base, it is traded solely on NASDAQ, an American stock exchange.

On January 22, Netflix publicly released its fourth quarterly earning reports. Stock prices shot up 16.4 percent that day, as a result of the company’s successful finance report.

In 2013, the company made a profit of 112 million dollars on 4.4 billion dollars in revenue, a net margin of 2.6 percent. Their earnings have increased 21 percent since 2012.

This comes as no surprise as their subscription rates have been steadily increasing over the years.

Their fourth quarter efforts in 2013 drew in 2.3 million new Netflix users in the U.S. This came to a whopping 3.4 million members domestically, including both paid and free-trail consumers.

Since opening up their network to international markets two years ago, Netflix has seen a major increase in subscription rates across the globe. In the final quarter of 2011, international subscriptions came to 1, 858 thousand, as opposed to 10.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2013.

Below is an annotated copy of Netflix’s fourth quarter earnings report. Click on Notes to scan through the document.

Below is an annotated copy of Netflix’s fourth quarter earnings report. Click on Notes to scan through the document. 

While the numbers reflect the continued success of the business, Bernard Von Teichman, an Investment Services Associate at Richardson GMP, says that stock buyers should be weary of the recent influx.

“You don’t want to buy in at its peak price. Right now the stock price has never been this high, so you’re taking on that risk. I just think you can find better risk adjusted returns, elsewhere,” says Von Teichman.

The company has seen a shift away from DVD rentals and mail delivery, towards a major trend of online streaming. Netflix provides its users with over one billion hours worth of TV shows and movies.

This past year, 63 percent of the company’s revenue came from domestic streaming subscriptions. This is a 25.9 percent leap from last year results (Note to Reader: Refer to segment contribution results in Q4 report).

While the viewership online is soaring, the fourth quarter report also shows domestic DVD sales down by 19.9 percent.

Professor James Bowen, a business technology expert at the Telfer School of Management says that as a result of companies like Netflix and HBO, there is a major cultural shift towards online television streaming.

“The idea that a broadcaster somewhere decides at what content, at what channel, and at what time we’re going to see something, is just so totally 20th century,” Bowen says.

This type of media consumption has led to what Netflix calls “Binge-Watching.” A recent survey states that 73% of online streamers consider binge watching as 2-6 episodes in one sitting.

Companies like Netflix have provided viewers with the ability to control how much TV their going to watch in a day.

However, Bowen says that as a result of varying copyright legislation in different countries, Netflix may run into problems with their online streaming service.

“What you can see on the Canadian version and the American version is different,” says Bowen. “If they’re going to try and do this internationally, they’re going to have to have many different menu selections based on varying geographical regions.”

Nevertheless, CEO Reed Hastings and CFO David Wells predict similar financial growth trends in the upcoming quarter.

In 2014, Netflix plans to add to their extensive TV series selection with new seasons of the House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Lilyhammer, and Derek.