Canada shows its age


Statistics Canada released the second dataset from its 2021 census. The general takeaway? Canada is aging, with StatCan reporting our population 65 and older grew 18.3 per cent, for a total of seven million. The agency says the increase is the largest in 75 years. To give you a sense of how this demographic is distributed, we have calculated the 65-plus cohort by federal ridings. 

(To see the percentage of people over 65 in each federal electoral district, click a riding on the map. To return to the original view, click outside the map. To get an even closer view of an electoral district, select the checkbox to the left of a specified riding in the “Federal Name” menu. When the district appears on the map, hover your cursor over the area to see the percentage. To return to the original view, select the “All” button.)

About David McKie

DESCRIPTION This course will teach students how to locate, obtain, and read public records with an investigative mindset. Students will learn to probe public records to uncover connections and patterns of information that might be invisible from reviewing one record in isolation. Students will learn how public records fit into a complete research strategy with the aim of telling, investigative, original and breaking stories, or simply adding context to ongoing stories.

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