Category Archives: Digi 1Examples

Ottawa 2017 Census Tracts_Fusion Table


The 2016 Ottawa census tracts chart the percent change between the 2011 census and the 2016 census. Click on the individual tracts to see the percent change. The darkest colours indicate those areas that experience the fastest growth rates. Use the plus and minus signs to the bottom right to zoom in and out. You can also maneuver key census tracts away from the legend. The red areas represent tracts with no values.

Source Statistics Canada

Ottawa 2017 Census Tracts


The darker areas show the sections of Ottawa that have grown at the fastest rate between 2011 and 2017


Pipeline spills


(The dots represent oil spills for the pipeline companies Trans Mountain Pipelines ULC and Enbridge Pipelines Inc.)

Source: Natural resources Canada/ Data obtained using the Federal Access to Information Act

Human Trafficking in Canada in 2015
