Dust in the Engines: Over 50 Years of Canadian Peacekeeping


Dust in the Engines


Source Documentation:

The first source I used include the following photo of Camp Rafah, a British WWII base that was home to the majority of the peacekeepers involved in UNEF I. It helped to give a visual understanding of the environment of the first Canadian UN mission. I found it in an online archive curated and provided by one of my main sources Gord Jenkins. When listening to Gord speak it helped me to relate to the stories he shared as I knew what the base and surrounding area looked like.

The second source I used is the document found at the following link. It is a lengthy report about Canada and peacekeeping missions written in 1965 and recirculated by National Defence Headquarters in 1986. It includes a detailed description of the events leading up to, during, and following UNEF I which helped me to understand the context of the times as well as the politics surrounding Pearson’s suggestion for a peacekeeping force. I found it by arbitrarily typing words like “Pearson,” “Suez Crisis,” “peacekeeping,” and “UNEF” into the search engine and got lucky.

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