J6700 Public Records Research (Investigative) 2020


Professor: David McKie

Office: 1-613-290-7380
E-Mail: davidmckiec@gmail.com

David, Fred Vallance-Jones, Rob Cribb and Dean  Jobb are co-authors of
Digging Deeper Third Edition
David McKie and Jim Bronskill are co-authors of
Your Right To Know: How to Use the Law to
Get Government Secrets
 David and Fred are co-authors of
The Data Journalist: Getting the Story
You can also obtain a copy of The Data Journalist e-book. You’ll need a Kobo device or reader (reader available free for AndroidiOS, Mac and PC).

Biography | Week one | Week two | Week three | Week four | Week five |   Assignment One Assignment Two | Assignment Three | Assignment Four Tutorials |  Programs to download | Datasets Readings | Additional Resources |

Tuesday and Thursday mornings: 9:35-12:35 in lab two from July 9 to August 8.


Though this course will be taught virtually, the goals remain the same as they always have been: to arm you with a substantial knowledge of public records that will lead to original storytelling.

The course will be light on lecturing via a virtual platform to be decided in the coming weeks, and heavy on doing. The emphasis will be hands-on learning with the ability for me to remotely walk you through steps you may find difficult.

There will be lots of short tutorials, with step-by-step explanations. I will also retain regular office hours during the hours after our morning classes.

The pandemic will still be making news by the time we gather. As such, we will tailor the assignments to various aspects of the crisis: health, economics and government accountability. If you want to take a break from COVID-19, you’ll be able to do unrelated stories.

So, with this information in mind, please feel free to read the rest of the course description.

This course will teach students how to locate, obtain and read public records with an investigative and data mindset. Students will learn to probe public records to uncover connections and patterns of information that might be invisible from reviewing one record in isolation. Students will learn how public records fit into a complete research strategy with the aim of telling, investigative, original and breaking stories, or simply adding context to ongoing stories.

The course will cover tools such as federal access-to-information and provincial/municipal freedom-of-information requests, as well as journalists’ legal rights to specific types of information and key repositories of public records. We will focus on public records,  including documents and databases that can be downloaded and analyzed in spreadsheets like Excel, mapping and visualization programs such as Qgis.

The course will encourage students to think laterally about these records, finding information that can help to find original stories, or stories that provide value-added context to the large issues of the day.

Each assignment will build upon the previous one, and incorporate some of the multi-media tools learned in other classes. There will be more on this on the weeks to come. So, please stay tuned.

To aid our analysis of how these records can be used, the material will be classified into general themes such as government, the courts, business with an investigative frame of mind. For instance, learning how to follow money: how it’s made, lost and hidden.

Such classifications will aid in our ability to cross-reference the information and think strategically about records, which will include, but not be limited to, the following categories:


Hansard, Canada Gazette (and its provincial cousins); bills; statutes; regulations; policies; evaluations and audits; Orders in Council; budgets; estimates; public accounts; public sector salary disclosure; disclosure of contracts and travel in various jurisdictions; polls conducted for departments; formal and informal answers to questions from members of Parliament; discussion papers; municipal reports; minutes of meetings; Statistics Canada; and news releases.


Court decisions; informations (charges); exhibits; transcripts; civil filings;
bankruptcy records; search warrants; divorce documents; Judge Advocate General reports (the military); crime; statistics; records of professional disciplinary bodies and quasi-­judicial tribunals.


Land titles, mortgages, assessments, liens; shares in companies; and assets such as boats and cars.


Public securities filings (SEDAR, EDGAR); financial statements; management information circulars; annual reports; political campaign contributions; contracts and tenders at the federal, provincial, municipal levels and lobbyist registries.


Transport Canada’s online database of vehicle recalls; Health Canada’s drug, medical and consumer product safety data; Workplace safety data; Revenue Canada’s listings of revoked charities; federal and municipal lobbyist registries, environmental records such as the National Pollutant Release Inventory; Industry Canada’s trade data, Statistics Canada’s 2016 census data, COVID-19 tracking websites, etc.


This isn’t a storytelling course, per se. However, evocative narrative is essential, especially for original stories. If no one reads, listens to, or watches your story, then all the effort to obtain the records we’ve discussed thus far is practically meaningless. So, stories must also possess an essential element — people. That is, strong central characters who can help drive the narrative, as is the case with tragedies such as COVID-19 crisis and Nova Scotia’s mass shooting victims

Since our focus is digital, stories will be posted to specific categories on this WordPress site, and they will be multi-media, employing the tools you’ve already learned, and some new ones that we’ll discover in this course.


The normal journalistic standards will apply to the assignments. The work must be submitted on time. Generally, you will be graded on factors such as the precision and clarity of the writing, the thoroughness of the research that we’ve discussed in class, and the creativity needed to take your research and interviews beyond the regular suspects that populate too many stories, namely, spokespeople and oft-quoted officials. Specifically, you will be graded on the criteria established for each assignment. Grammatical mistakes and errors due to a lack of proofreading will all lead to a loss of marks. Factual errors may result in a failing grade. Stories should be written in accordance with Canadian Press style.

Given that stories online lend themselves to a multi-media treatment to a greater degree than print, television or radio,  you’ll be graded on those elements and the extent to which they are seamlessly blended into the story. Whether it be a photo, timeline, map, chart, graph, the element must not only be a natural part of the narrative, but add value.

Multi-media elements such as photos, maps and graphs must be clear, contain value-added content, proper citation of the source, cut lines and titles. Failure to include these elements will result in lost marks.

The assignments will be comprised of two parts: an explanation of the steps taken to locate the record(s), the reason the methodology was employed and how the material was employed as a source, or major component of the story; and the story itself. Each part will be marked equally because it is important to reward the process ( as opposed to effort ) of finding the story. That means 50 percent for methodology and 50 percent for the story.

Assignments will be graded for both their journalistic and production values. Marks for the journalistic values will be based on the strength or newsworthiness of the story idea; originality of research; the depth of your research and the ability to overcome obstacles in gathering research, interviews, photos and other elements critical to the assignment.

The stories we produce each week will be posted on the class website and students will be encouraged to use social media such as Twitter and Facebook to publicize their stories and solicit tips that could lead to more stories or follow-ups. In short, the class will be run like a newsroom. If you prefer not to make your work public, you can simply designate the story as private.  The instructor will also do the same if the story contains information that could be considered libellous, for instance.

And, finally,  10% of your final grade will be based on your professionalism: showing up on time, participating in class, buying the textbooks,  reading the assigned textbook chapters, doing the assigned Excel skills (pivot tables and functions, for instance), responding to emailed queries promptly.

Students must achieve at least a B-.


Research Component 50%

Depth of research 10%

Originality 20%

Creative use of material 20%

Total 50%

Storytelling 50%

Precision and clarity 20%

Originality 30%

Total 50%

*Marks will be deducted for errors of spelling, grammar and CP style.

See detailed rubric at the end of the outline.

Assignments are to be uploaded to our website on time, and unless there are unusual circumstances such as a medical emergency, no extensions will be granted. If an assignment cannot be completed for a medical reason, you will be required to provide a doctor’s note.

The assignments — the stories, public records and explanation of research methodology — will be submitted as emailed attachments. The assignments will be graded promptly.

Assignment one 15%

Assignment two 15%

Assignment three 35%

Excel Quizzes: 25%

Professionalism 10%

Total 100%

Assignment one: A story that follows the money reading financial statements of a public institution.

Assignment two: A story based on legal records.

Assignment three: A story that backgrounds a newsworthy figure.

Assignment four: A data-driven story based on sources to be determined.

Grading Scale:

A+: 90-­100

A: 85-89

A-: 80-84

B+: 77-79

B: 73-76

B-: 70-72

F: <70

Students must achieve a B- in all classes. Disputes over academic performance and assessment will be dealt with according to the Academic Regulations of the School of Journalism. Students may appeal decisions of the Journalism Studies Committee to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

For more information, see the King’s calendar and the Dalhousie University Graduate Calendar.


The professionalism you exhibit in your conduct, work habits and assignments are emphasized because they will matter in your career.

Because we’ll conduct ourselves as professional journalists, you will be expected to exhibit the appropriate behaviour. That means attending our virtual classes, showing up on time; being prepared and ready to make a meaningful contribution based the readings and work you’ve been assigned; paying attention to your instructor and colleagues and ignoring cell phones, email correspondence, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram feeds, and text messages while in class; and promptly responding to the instructor’s emailed correspondence. In short, no multi-tasking.

You’ll also be expected to stay on top of current events, which is part of your obligation as a journalist. If you must miss class, you will be expected to communicate with the instructor via email beforehand. You will also be expected to exhibit the conduct of a professional journalist when working on assignments in the field.

You will also be expected to complete the readings, as they, too, will form the basis for our discussions.

If you find an assigned exercise or assignment is confusing, it is your responsibility to seek clarity.


The course textbook will be Digging Deeper: A Canadian Reporter’s Research Guide Third Edition, and The Data Journalist, which is augmented with online tutorials, outlining ways to use Excel, PDF-cracking software, Tableau Public and other programs that visualize data.


In addition to regular virtual office hours, communication will also take place through emailed correspondence and phone calls. The protocol will dictate that emailed queries be answered as promptly as possible because that is how it is done in newsrooms.

As such, it will be important for students to regularly check their email accounts for communications such as revisions to instructions for assignments or readings, additions to the syllabus, or notes about a particular news story that you may be required to read, watch or listen to.  For the most part, my lessons will be based on events making news. The excuse that I forgot to check my email is unprofessional and will not be accepted!


The class will meet every week for a total of six hours that will be broken
up into two virtual sessions on separate days, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:35 to 12:35.

Since Excel is crucial to a lot of the work we’ll be doing, each class will begin with a 30-minute exercise designed to advance your skills. Between classes you’ll be able to practice, using tutorials based on downloadable datasets in the online tutorials that accompany specific chapters in The Data Journalist.

These exercises will be followed by a general discussion about a news item that relates to the lesson of the day. From there, we will learn the research methods that we’ll need for the next assignment. In short, the classes will be designed to prepare you for each assignment. For instance, in the first week, you’ll be given ample time to choose a public institution such as the Nova Scotia Health Authority,  and study the financial numbers you’ll be using for the story.


The School of Journalism vigorously enforces the highest standards of academic integrity.

Plagiarism is the duplication in whole or in part of work created for another purpose. This can be work done by another student, published work or even a student’s own work that has been re-purposed for a class. Plagiarism can be reflected in actual language, or in the duplication of an idea or a sequence.

Do not cut and paste information from the Internet. If you have any doubts about what constitutes plagiarism, consult your instructor. All cases of suspected plagiarism will be dealt with according to the policy.

Academic integrity issues will be dealt with by the Academic Integrity Officer of the University of King’s College, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Dalhousie Senate, as outlined in the King’s calendar and the Dalhousie University Graduate Calendar.

Please read this material carefully.


Statement on Accommodation:

Students may request accommodation as a result of barriers related to disability, religious obligation, or any characteristic under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. Students who require academic accommodation for either classroom participation or the writing of tests, quizzes and exams should make their request to the Office of Student Accessibility & Accommodation (OSAA) prior to, or at the outset of, each academic term.

Please see http://studentaccessibility.dal.ca/for more information and to obtain Form A – Request for Accommodation.

A note-taker may be required to assist a classmate. There is an honorarium of $75/course/term. If you are interested, please contact OSAA at 1-902-494-2211 for more information.

Biography (TOP)

David McKie is an Ottawa-based adjunct journalism professor, data-journalism trainer and award-winning author who spent 26 years honing his skills at the CBC where his award-winning work (the CAJ, IRE and Michener) influenced policies in areas such as the adverse reactions of prescription drugs and medical devices, as well as the RCMP’s use of Tasers. David is an adjunct professor at the schools of journalism at Carleton University and the University of King’s College. He is a trainer with the Canadian Association of Journalists, who has co-authored three journalism textbooks and two user guides on the topics of access to information laws and privacy.

David works with National Observer’s investigative team as the deputy managing editor.

You can read more about his background by clicking here.

Data Driven Stories

COVID-19 links

Investigative – Dan McArthur Award – CBC News: Canada’s Broken School Violence Reporting System

CAJ Award Winners

Investintech — CAJ Data Journalism Scholarship

2019 Michener Finalists


CBC News — Shattered Trust: Sexual Offences in Amateur Sport

Halifax Examiner — The Wrongful Conviction of Glen Assoun

La Presse — Dirty Business

The London Free Press — We Are The Cops

The Globe and Mail — False Promises

Institute for Investigative Journalism — Tainted Water
(collaborating newsrooms: The Toronto Star, Le Devoir, Regina Leader-Post, Global News, National Observer, Star Halifax/Vancouver/Calgary/Edmonton)

 2018 Philip Meyer Award winners

2019 Philip Meyer Award winners

Philip Meyer Award Judges



Week One: July 7, 9: (TOP)

What you will learn

How to glean the key information from a financial statement

How to calculate percent change

How to follow the money

How to use Acrobat Pro (or a version) to pull expenditure tables out of financial records

How to clean and verify numbers

How to upload and use DocumentCloud


Canadian Survey on Business Conditions: Impact of COVID-19 on businesses in Canada, May 2020

HRM lowers target amount of operating loan from province

Halifax’s authorization to borrow money from the Municipal Finance Corporation

Air Canada to lay off 20,000 workers as pandemic collapses travel industry

Government announces support for air transportation sector during COVID-19 pandemic

Via Rail to lay off 1,000 employees amid coronavirus disruptions

Air Canada

Air Canada 1st Quarter 2020 financial statement uploaded to DocumentCloud


StatCan release schedules

Statistics Canada’s data tables

To obtain the Statistics Canada tutorial on using data tables, please click here.

Labour force characteristics by sex and detailed age group, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality

Labour force tables

Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months

Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app

Canada adds 950K jobs in June, unemployment falls amid coronavirus pandemic

Le taux de chômage baisse en juin, après un record en mai

Halifax Chamber of Commerce

Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19

Energize Bridgewater receives $950K in ACOA funding for Energy Poverty Reduction Program

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency supports tourism industry to help maintain local jobs and come back strong

ACOA Project Informtion downloadable database

‘The challenge of our lifetime’: Federal deficit to hit $343 billion this year

Economic and Fiscal Snapshot 2020

Economic and Fiscal Snapshot 2020 uploaded to DocumentCloud

Have COVID-19 Questions? We’ve Got Answers – Canadian Federation of Independent Business

Workplace COVID-19 prevention plans

Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail

Health experts press Ottawa for a more ‘balanced approach’ to tackling COVID-19 pandemic

Download today’s data on the geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases worldwide

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update

Have we normalized the COVID-19 death toll?https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/coronavirus_death_count_normalize.php?utm_source=CJR+Daily+News&utm_campaign=02893bc858-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_10_31_05_02_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_9c93f57676-02893bc858-174520961&mc_cid=02893bc858&mc_eid=074a1d1b89

Week two:July 14, 17:(TOP)

What you will learn

Continue with the wonderful world of pivot tables

An introduction to court records (affidavits, search warrants, bankruptcy records, etc)

How to mine stories from those documents


Proposed class action launched against Northwood over COVID-19 deaths

Proposed Northwood lawsuit expanded to seek damages from N.S. government

A statement of claim in the proposed class action lawsuit against Halifax long-term care home Northwood.

Six Ontario nursing homes ‘failed to protect residents’ from COVID-19, proposed class action lawsuit alleges

A proposed class-action lawsuit filed against Responsive Group Inc., a company that owns several nursing homes in Ontario.

Proposed class action lawsuit led by former constable alleges racism in RCMP

RCMP Class Action Lawsuit Alleges Systemic Racism

Alberta RCMP dashcam video shows violent arrest of First Nation chief, moments leading up to it

Guidelines for Press, Media, and Public Access to the Courts of Nova Scotia

Guidelines for Press, Media and Public Access to the Courts of Nova Scotia (Uploaded and partially annotated in DocumentCloud)

The Courts of Nova Scotia – Registry of Class Actions

National Class Action Database

Class Action Database (U.S.)

Nova Scotia Bankruptcy Court

The Canadian Legal Information Institute  (a voluntary initiative and is not a comprehensive listing of all class action lawsuits currently underway in Canada)

Judging Sexual Assault Trials: Systemic Failure in the Case of Regina v Bassam Al-Rawi, 2017 95-1, 2017 CanLIIDocs 102

Kim – Spencer – McPhee Barristers

Federal Court of Canada

The Criminal Code

Supreme Court of Canada

Tax Court of Canada

Canadian Law List

Recent Courts Martial results

List of Class Action Lawsuits (U.S)

Find out how to request a decision by the Parole Board of Canada

Advocate Daily.com (Canada’s Legal News)

Quebec Human Rights Tribunal

Canada’s Regional Development Agencies: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Open Government Portal

Canadian Charities Listings

Atlantic Provinces Economic Council: Nonprofits under pressure during the Great Shutdown – April 8, 2020

Statistics Canada Data Tables

Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, Canada, provinces, territories and Census Metropolitan Areas

Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations, police services in the Atlantic provinces

Court Record Examples

COVID-19 related class action claim against an Ontaio nursing home chain
Statement of claim against the RCMP
Omar Khadr 2010 Supreme Court of Canada decision uploaded to DocumentCloud
 Factum containing demands that Khadr’s settlement be given to victim uploaded to DocumentCloud
Parole Board Decision
Bankruptcy Filing
The bishop’s search warrant uploaded to DocumentCloud
Divorce Proceeding
National Parole Board Statistics
 Notice of proposed Armed Forces Settlement

Week Three: July 21, 23:(TOP)

What you will learn

A continuation of pivot tables

Digging into records we’ve used so far (financial statements and court documents), in addition to new ones we’ll learn this week, to background individuals

Methods used to background people such as advanced Internet searches, databases including political donations, land title searches and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn


To obtain the questions for our quiz, click here.

Personal bankruptcies fell to record low in April, but could be poised to soar

Have you been bankrupt? You could become Minister of National Revenue

Charity Gospel for Asia files for creditor protection after $170M lawsuit

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada


Nova Scotia’s Property Online

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

Toronto neurologist charged with several counts of sexual assault

Discipline Committee Schedule
(The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario)

Halifax doctor’s licence revoked following relationship with ‘vulnerable patient’

Disciplinary Decisions & Interim Licence Sanctions (College of Physicians & Surgeons of Nova Scotia)

Un psychiatre de l’Hôpital de Maniwaki radié 4 mois pour manquements déontologiques

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec

Law Society of Upper Canada (list of disbarred lawyers)

Law Society Tribunal

Convictions of executives upheld in historic Nova Scotia fraud case

Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society: Decisions and Dispositions

Quebec  Bar: Disciplinary Hearings

Federation of Law Societies of Canada

Public sector compensation: disclosure reports

Halifax Regional Municipality Statement of Compensation – 2019

Federally appointed judges’ expenses to be made public for first time

Nova Scotia Employee Contact Directory Search

The Government Electronic Directory Services



The Wayback Machine

International buyers eye N.S. vacation properties — especially in Cape Breton

Nova Scotia

Elections Canada

Who backs Canada’s Politicians (National Post)

Privy Council Orders In Council database

Orders in Council Database (Nova Scotia)

Halifax Regional Municipality Building Permits

Federal lobbyists search

Lobbyists (Nova Scotia)

Week Four: July 28, July 30:(TOP)

What we will learn

Continuation of pivot tables

An introduction to Statistics Canada and the 2016 Census

Pivot table test using the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency data

How to create an account for ArcGIS Online following the tutorial

How to map using Qgis


Toronto city council votes to challenge Ontario law critics say could lead to mass evictions

Residential eviction ban ends in N.S., concerns loom for tenants, landlords

Landlords are complaining about tenants remaining in residences after eviction

Acorn Canada

The provision of professional stunt-actors in use of force scenario based training for the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

Tender Notices data for download

I’m a data scientist who is skeptical about data

Open Data Portals

Federal Open Data Portal

Question Period Notes

Search Briefing Note Titles and Numbers

List of access to information and privacy coordinators by institution

Search Access To Information Requests

Crime Stats From Halifax Open Data Site

Halifax Open Data Portal

Nova Scotia Open Data

Liberals, Conservatives see drop in donations during height of COVID-19 pandemic

Elections Canada

Alcohol sends more Canadians to hospital than heart attacks: report

Alcohol main cause of substance-related deaths in hospital

Common Challenges, Shared Priorities: Measuring Access to Home and
Community Care and to Mental Health and Addictions Services in Canada

Canadian Institute for Health Information

National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting

Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc.

Week Five: August 4, 6: (TOP)

A discussion of the final assignment

A continuation of our review of open-data sites from the previous week

An introduction to mapping and Qgis


Final spreadsheet quiz



Census Program

Census Reference Materials

Dictionary, Census of Population, 2016: Complete A to Z index

Census Profile, 2016 Census

2016 Census – Boundary files

Download, Census Profile, 2016 Census

Canadian Statistical Geospatial Explorer Hub

Canadian Statistical Geospatial Explorer

Halifax Open Data Catalogue

2016 Census topic: Immigration and ethnocultural diversity

2019 Recommended Electoral Districts vs 2012 Electoral Districts

Nova Scotia Open Data

Long Term Care and Residential Care Facilities

Nova Scotia Public Schools

Nova Scotia Topographic Database – Buildings

Nova Scotia Public Housing Units – Nova Scotia Seniors

National Householder Survey Profile, 2011

Census 2016 Census Tracts — Halifax

Examples of census maps

Investing in Canada Plan Project Map

Infrastructure Canada Projects

ACOA Project Information

 Remembering Jim MacNeill, publisher, editor, iconoclast (Ryerson Review of Journalism)

I.F. Stone

Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public PolicyJournalist’s Resource

Assignment #1: Follow-the-money story  (TOP)

Assignment #1

The topic: Profile a business that has been affected by COVID-19. Key money questions you will have to answer in your story: How much was the general sector affected, and how much did the business you’re profiling lose; did the business receive government support and if so, what programs; did it communicate with the municipal, provincial and federal government about its plight? How many people did it lay off, and how many people have been recalled? Will it still need financial support?

1) A 600-word multi-media based on a financial statement uploaded to the KingsMJ2020_1 category on our WordPress site. The story must have at least one multi-media element (for instance, a photo) and at least one interview with an expert such as a business professor or analyst,  who follows the sector you will be writing about.

2) The visualization(s) such as photographs or charts MUST have proper titles, cut lines, explaining the content, and a citation of the source.

Please leave your story in draft format  (meaning only we can see it) on the WordPress site. Once I have returned my feedback, you can then make the necessary corrections to the copy, cut lines and titles to clean up the grammar, typos, etc., before publishing the story.

TIP: set up a Google alert for news about for the industrial sector  you have chosen; use Twitter and Tweetdeck to find out which experts are tweeting about the province.

3) In addition to uploading the story to the WordPress site, please send the story in a Word document as an emailed attachment, which I will annotate with my feedback notes, mark and return.

4) A 500-word explanation of your methodology sent to me as an emailed attachment.

5) Primary records must be uploaded to DocumentCloud and annotated.

The entire assignment is to be emailed and uploaded to the the assigned category on July 17 before midnight.

Assignment #2: Legal story  (TOP)

Assignment #2

1) A 600-word story based on a court document and uploaded to the KingsMJ2020_2 category on our WordPress site and kept in draft format until it has been marked. As was the case with the previous assignment, the story MUST come from the document(s). The story must also contain at least TWO interviews: one involving a major player such as the plaintiff, defendant, lawyer involved in the case; and an expert who can put the case into context.

TIP: The story must either be new because no one has reported on it, or contain a fresh element of an ongoing story that has already received coverage. Also, use other public records. So, for instance, if the court case involves a publicly traded company such as General Motors, then be sure to read its latest financial filing to see if the company discusses the court case.  Digging Deeper’s chapter nine covers how to read financial statements filed by publicly traded companies.

2) Also submit the story in a Word document. Be sure to include a title and byline and your visualizations such as photos and graphs.

3) The story must contain at least two multi-media elements such as a video (please feel free to use your new mobile skills), audio clip, photo (cut line and photo credit) of the person you’ve interviewed, or a graph. The court document uploaded and annotated in DocumentCloud DOES NOT count as a visualization.

4) A 500-word explanation of how you put the story together and the rationale used to determine its newsworthiness. Here, I’m looking for contact information of people interviewed, or those you attempted to reach; links to key websites; a list of the public records, and a brief explanation of how you used the information in your story (direct quotes; context; an address, a name, a tip that led to another public record, etc.) This can even be in point-form.

5) The court document MUST be uploaded to DocumentCloud and annotated. Failure to do so will lose you half a mark.

The assignment must be uploaded to the assigned category by midnight on July 24. Please email the Excel workbook with the chronology and the Word files with the story and background info as attachments.

Assignment #3:  Backgrounder(TOP)

Topic: A story about a newsmaker using extensive background research.

The backgrounding assignment is designed to flex your inner sleuth. This assignment should allow you to draw on all the records we’ve covered thus far, including financial statements, court documents, property searches and professional disciplinary records. Also, be sure to consult Digging Deeper and The Data Journalist.

1) A 600-word story that backgrounds a newsworthy individual  and uploaded to the KingsMJ2020_3 category on our WordPress site and kept in draft format until it has been marked. The story must also contain at least TWO interviews, and background material on the individual from at least four of the primary sources we discussed in class. An interview with an acquaintance, friend, family member of colleague also counts as a primary source.

Ideally, the person who is the subject of the backgrounder should also be one of the interviewees.

If the subject of your backgrounder proves too difficult to interview, then you can use information from what the subject of your probe has said publicly, but you will still be required to interview at least one other person who has a connection. An emailed statement can count as an interview, but ONLY as a last resort. Ideally, key interviewees should be in person — taking physical distances requirements into account — which allows for more colour and context that can convey setting and place. Your subject can be someone well-known, an individual involved in a case or situation that is newsworthy, or an individual featured in one of your first two assignments. Examples could be a local politician who has been in the news due to COVID-19; a provincial or municipal chief medical officer of health (this individual could be an excellent candidate), or  a prominent community member who has made news because of her COVID-19-related activities. You’ll need my approval for your choice, mainly to ensure that your selection is feasible and newsworthy. 

2) The story MUST contain a large photo of the individual at the heart of the story; the second could be a chart.

3) Your primary sources such as court records MUST be uploaded to  DocumentCloud, annotated, and then hyperlinked to your story.

4) One multi-media component, which could include an audio clip, video clip, or a video or audio interview segment no longer than one minute, which can be inserted as part of the natural flow of the story.

4) A 500-word explanation of why you chose your subject, who you interviewed, who you attempted to interview, and the types of records that you used and — most importantly — how they contributed to our knowledge about the person.

5) Your story in a Word document.

Deadline: Midnight, July 31

Assignment #4: Backgrounder Profile (TOP)

Topic: As discussed in class, this assignment will combine the third profile assignment with what would have bee an additional, fourth story.

The idea of this assignment is to use backgrounding skills to uncover information about the person you are profiling. For instance, if you are interviewing is a candidate running for political office, you will be expected to dig into the public records we have discussed in addition to the search techniques such as profiles on social media. If the individual is being evicted, you can certainly uncover as much information about that person as possible. However, you might not find much if the individual is on some form of social assistance, though you would still required to conduct the searches we have covered in class, especially for potential bankruptcy records.  In this circumstance, you would also be expected to conduct a deep background search on the landlord: a properly online;  bankruptcy search; lawsuits; etc.

  1. A 1000-word story  story that backgrounds a newsworthy individual  and uploaded to the KingsMJ2020_3 category on our WordPress site and kept in draft format until it has been marked. The story must also contain at least THREE interviews, and background material on the individual from at least five of the primary sources we discussed in class. An interview with an acquaintance, friend, family member of colleague also counts as a primary source.
  2.  The story MUST contain a large photo of the individual at the heart of the story; the second could be a chart.
  3. Whenever possible, your primary sources such as court records MUST be uploaded to  DocumentCloud, annotated, and then hyperlinked to your story.
  4. The multi-media element  be MUST BE the video you shoot for Erin’s class.

Deadline: Midnight, August 7

Programs you will need  (TOP)



The most recent version of Tableau Public

Acrobot Pro


Tutorials  (TOP)

Week one:

To find the first Statistics Canada recorded session downloading labour force data and sorting and filtering in Excel, please click here to obtain it from my YouTube channel.

To find the second Statistics Canada recorded section that picked up where we left off with the labour force date to create pivot tables, please click here to obtain it from my Youtube channel

To find the third Statistics Canada video that reviews steps to download and get the July 10 labour force table into Excel and create a pivot table, please click here to obtain it from my Youtube channel. You’ll I also find the Excel file I created in the making of this video below under week one of the “Datasets” section.

To obtain the Statistics Canada tutorial on using data tables, please click here.

Video one: downloading Excel files from the internet, sorting and filtering
Video two: creating pivot tables and using paste special to calculate rates

Tutorial for video one: downloading Excel files from the internet, sorting and filtering

Tutorial for video two: creating pivot tables and using paste special to calculate rates

Data Journalism: Pivot Tables By MaryJo Webster

To obtain Digging Deeper’s quick guide to spreadsheets, please click here.

To obtain the tutorial from The Data Journalist on calculating per cents, please click here.

To download the DocumentCloud tutorial, please click here.

Week two:

To find the video tutorial explaining how to create a pivot table from ACOA data, please click here.

To find the video tutorial explaining how to search the Canada Revenue Agency’s charities listings, download the data and open it in Excel, please click here.

Using Excel to build chronologies
To download the Infogram tutorial, please click here.
Infographics Primer
Infographics PowerPoint Presentation
Tutorial for conducting bankruptcy searches
Visualizing Statistics Canada Crime Data in Tableau Public
Using pivot tables in Excel_update.pdf

Week three:

To download the tutorial that explains how to conduct bankruptcy and Nova Scotia property searches, please click here.

To download the the tutorial that explains how to use the Year, month and day functions and construct pivot tables with ACOA data, please click here.

To download the tutorial that walks us through the test-questions for downloading ACOA data, creating calculated fields for Year, Month and Day, and creating a pivot table, please click here.

To download the tutorial for conducting a Nova Scotia Property Online search, please click here.

To download the tutorial for backgrounding disciplined doctors and lawyers, please click here.

To download the tutorial for searching Nova Scotia’s public-sector salary reports and cracking the PDFs to convert the tables into Excel files, please click here.

Data Visualization For All: Tell Your Story with Free and Easy Tools

Week four:

To download the instructional video on backgrounding charities and using search operators, please click here.

To download the instructional video on building chronologies in Excel, please click here.

To download the instructional video on  building a table in Excel of NS political donations, please click here.

To download the instructional video on conducting website domain searches, please click here.

To obtain the instructional video on open data and searching and downloading federal Question Period notes, please click here.

To obtain the instructional video on open data and federal tender searches and csv download, please click here.

Week five:

To download the instruction video created to review the test questions on creating a year column in the charities database and then building pivot tables, please click here.

To obtain the tutorial that explains how to assign labels to the designation codes in the charities database for the purposes of our pivot table analysis, please click here.

To download the instructional video that reviews uploading shape and point files to QGIS, please click here.

To download the instructional video on importing Nova Scotia school location shape file to QGIS, please click here.

For the tutorial explaining how to download the federal donation data please click here.

To download the tutorial for downloading Qgis, please click here.

Instructional Video, August 4, 2020 searching pro actively released federal briefing note titles

Instructional Video, August 4, 2020 searching and downloading federal political donation data

Instructional Video, August 4, 2020 opening files in Qgis Part One

To obtain the tutorial for downloading information about downloading data on specific  census tracts, please click here.

CH6 – Building Maps with ArccGIS Online.pdf


Tutorial for downloading federal political contribution data.pdf

Getting data into Tableau:

Working with data:

Building dashboards:

Tableau’s Free Training Videos

Datasets  (TOP)

Week one:

Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey saved as an Excel file

This is the Excel file that accompanies our third video on downloading Statistics Canada’s July 10 labour force statistics.

Week two:

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.xlsx

Week two:
Week three:
Week four:

Test questions

Nova Scotia 2018 political donations for test
Week four: 
Week four:
Week four: 
Week four:
Week four:
Week four:
Week five:

Test questions

To obtain the charities data we’ll be using for the test, please click here.

Federal political donations, first two quarters of 2020  (Note: depending on your browser, you may have to access this dataset by right-clicking on the link and saving it as a csv file.)



Readings (TOP)

Week one: Pages 69-71 in Chapter 4 of Digging Deeper; 209-223 in Chapter 9 of Digging Deeper;  Pages 298-307 of Chapter 11 in Digging Deeper; The Data Journalist, Chapter 4, pages 58-65

Week two: Digging Deeper, Chapter 5; Pages 75-77 of Chapter 4 in The Data Journalist

Week three: Chapters 4 and 7 Digging Deeper

Week four: Chapters 6 and 7, The Data Journalist

Week five: Chapter 11, Digging Deeper; Chapter 2  The Data Journalist, pages 27-30, Chapter 11

Additional Resources (TOP)

National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting

New 17th edition Canadian Press Stylebook
Canadian Press Style Guide Excerpts.pdf

Canadian Press style now capitalizes Aboriginal and Indigenous

Intro to data journalism

The colour of money.  Writing coach, Don Gibb’s, must-read article on using numbers in stories

Understanding Financial Statements

Show Me the Money 2nd edition

Numbers in the Newsroom: Using Math and Statistics in News

ProPublica Data Institute 2017