REPORTING METHODS Carleton University: Journalism 5206_Winter 2018




Wednesdays: 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.

Room 4114
Richcraft Hall
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  K1S 5B6

David McKie, CBC News
Phone: (O) 613-288-6523 (C) 613-290-7380

Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press
Phone: (O) 613-231-8653 (C) 613-859-3752 (fax) 613-238-4452

Course Objectives  Needs and Special Accommodations  | Assignments and Evaluation | Course Schedule  Dollars and Sense story Backstory | Data Visualization  Access-to-information assignment Week one Week two Week three | Week four | Week five Week six Week seven Week eight Week nine Week ten Week eleven Week twelve |Tutorials | Datasets |

Course Objectives

1) Obtain a thorough grounding in journalistic research methods.

2) Acquire skills, such as data-journalism reporting techniques, needed to make sense of the information gathered.

3) Develop the ability to shape the information into accurate and compelling stories for all platforms.

Digging Deeper 3rd edition is the mandatory textbook.

The Data Journalist is optional, as is Your Right to Know.

The first two books are available at the Carleton bookstore. You can order the third book online.

Special needs and Accommodation (TOP)

Academic Accommodation: You may need special arrangements to meet your academic obligations during the term. For an accommodation request the processes are as follows:

Pregnancy obligation: write to us with any requests for academic accommodation during the first two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For more details see the Student Guide.

Religious obligation: write to us with any requests for academic accommodation during the first
two weeks of class, or as soon as possible after the need for accommodation is known to exist. For
more details see the Student Guide.

Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The Paul Menton Centre for Students
with Disabilities (PMC) provides services to students with Learning Disabilities (LD),
psychiatric/mental health disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism
Spectrum Disorders (ASD), chronic medical conditions, and impairments in mobility, hearing, and
vision. If you have a disability requiring academic accommodations in this course, please contact
PMC at 613-520- 6608 or for a formal evaluation. If you are already registered
with the PMC, contact your PMC co-ordinator to send me your Letter of Accommodation at the
beginning of the term, and no later than two weeks before the first in-class scheduled test or
exam requiring accommodation (if applicable). After requesting accommodation from PMC, meet
with me to ensure accommodation arrangements are made. Please consult the PMC website for the deadline to request accommodations for the formally scheduled exam (if applicable).
The Student Guide can be found here.

Assignments and Evaluation(TOP)

Assignments in this course are governed by the provisions of the document Ethics and Standards in the School of Journalism and Communication. There are four assignments, each with a deadline. Lateness will be penalized, though exceptional circumstances will be taken into account.  With the exception of the access-to-information assignment, each has three components, all of which will figure in the grade:

A. Copies of the actual documents compiled / gathered (in paper or electronic form).

B. A description of how the documents were obtained, and why they were useful.

C. The resulting story or visualization.

Each of the four assignments is worth 20 per cent of the overall course grade. The remaining 20 per cent of the grade will be determined based on presence / punctuality, participation and professionalism, including quiz results.

Final standing in this course is determined by the course instructors subject to the approval of the Dean of Public Affairs. This means that final grades submitted by the instructors may be subject to revision. No grade is final until it has been approved by the Dean.

Academic Integrity

This course abides by Carleton University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not restricted to, plagiarism and unauthorized resubmission of work, and will be dealt with accordingly.

Students who fake any part of their stories or research, plagiarize anyone else’s work, or otherwise cheat on their assignments will get more than just a failing grade. They will be dealt with according to the university’s rules for Academic Integrity.
The full graduate policy is here

Ethics and Professional Standards

This is a professional school, and you’ll be held to professional standards in both assignments and conduct. As a student of journalism, you must read and adhere to the School’s policies.

 1.Our ethics policy sets out the rules of behaviour that you, as students and journalists, are expected to follow as you carry out your assignments for this course. 

 2.Our publishing policy requires certain authorizations before journalistic coursework can be published outside of the class. In addition, your sources must understand that any assignments they are associated with may be published outside of class.

 3.Our policy on electronic media usage requires that you follow copyright regulations with respect to your use of all materials culled from the Internet.

Graduate students can find all three policies here:

You are expected to be familiar with these policies and apply them to your work. Failure to abide by them will adversely affect your standing in the course.

Due Dates

1) Dollars and Sense story outline due Mon., Jan. 22, midnight.
2) Dollars and Sense story due Sun., Feb. 4, noon.
3) Backstory outline due Mon., Feb. 12, noon.
4) Access-to-information requests must be filed by Sun., Feb. 18.
5) Data visualization outline due Mon., Feb. 26, noon.
6) Backstory assignment due Sun., March 4, noon.
7) Data visualization due Sun., March 18, noon.
8) Access-to-information assignment due Sun., March 25, noon.

Course Schedule (TOP)

Jan. 10: a. Course introduction b. Elements of storytelling (part one) c. Dollars and Sense (part one)
|| Reading: Digging Deeper, Chapters 1, 2, 9 and Appendix – Finance Facts, 12

Jan. 17: a. Dollars and Sense (part two) b. Assignment: Dollars and Sense story c. Elements of Storytelling (part two)
|| Reading: Digger Deeper, Chapter 10

Jan. 24: a. Introduction to Access to information b. Access-to-information tips: Previously released records  c. Assignment: Access to information d. One-on-ones / Research time
|| Reading: Digging Deeper, Chapter 6

Jan. 31: a. Dollars and Sense story due Sun. Feb. 4, noon b. Access-to-information tips: Focusing a request, negotiating, seeking partial releases c. Introduction to historical records d. Assignment: Backstory
|| Reading review of chapters covered so far to prepare for the following week’s quiz

Feb. 7a. Data (part one) b. Quiz based on readings c. One-on-ones / Research time
|| Reading: Digging Deeper: Chapter 11
|| Optional reading: The Data Journalist: Chapters 2, 4

Feb. 14: a. Access-to-information requests must be filed by Sun., Feb. 18 b. Mid-term checkup via EDC
c. Dollars and Sense story feedback d. Data (part two) e. Assignment: Data visualization
|| Optional reading: The Data Journalist: Chapter 8

Feb. 21: Break Week. No class scheduled.

Feb. 28a. Backstory assignment due Sun., March 4, noon b. Data (part three)
c. One-on-ones / Research time

March 7a. Data (part four) b. One-on-ones / Research time
|| Reading review: Digging Deeper: Chapter 10

March 14: a. Data visualization due Sun., March 18, noon b. Backstory feedback c. Access-to-information tips: Making sense of records (decoding documents, chronologies)
|| Reading: Digging Deeper: Chapter 4

March 21: a. Access-to-information assignment due Sun., March 25, noon. b. Public Records (part one)
|| Reading: Digging Deeper, Chapter 8

March 28: a. Data story feedback  b. Public Records (part two)

April 4a. Access-to-information feedback b.  Quiz based on readings c. Enterprise journalism tactics

Dollars and Sense story  (TOP)

A news story about the City of Ottawa budget. 600 words, due Sun. Feb. 4, noon. (An outline is due Mon., Jan. 22, at midnight) 

What is required?

1) A news story about any aspect of the City of Ottawa’s program spending that you obtain from the 2018 online budget tables.

2) The story MUST come from the budget table

3) Upload the story to the first of the four categories on the website that will be created for the assignments.

4) At least two interviews with an expert and an individual with a direct connection to the specific program or program area at the heart of the story. For instance, a community group receiving less money this year compared to the previous year.

What’s to be submitted?

1) An emailed, 500-word explanation in a Word document that briefly explains — in point form, even — the steps you took to get the story, the coordinates of your interviewees and the people you attempted to interview.

2) An Excel sheet with your calculations emailed as an attachment.

3) In addition to uploading the story to the “Masters2018_1” category on  our website, a Word document with your actual story.

4) The uploaded story to the website should have at least two visualizations: a photograph and a the key numbers displayed in a chart, using a program like Infogram. Please click here to obtain a brief tutorial that explains how to upload your numbers.  You can also upload your documents to DocumentCloud and annotate the links, using the tutorial  in the syllabus’ “Tutorials” section as a guide.

Q.  What should be in the draft that I submit?
A. I only need a tightly written lead, based on the principles we’ve discussed in class, followed by a point form description of who you’ve interviewed, the research you’ve conducted, and where you see the story heading.

Q. How can I write a lead if I  haven’t completed my research?
A. Write a lead based on the information at hand. Admittedly, the story may changed based on what you discover. However, the exercise of writing early drafts helps sharpen the mind and should keep you focused.

Q. Must the story emerge from the numbers in the budget that I’ve discovered?
A. Yes!  However, don’t assume you know the reason behind the increase or decrease until you’ve conducted the research.

Q. Can I write about any city program?
A. Yes

Q. Once I choose a program, should I ask the city for the kind of detailed breakdown we discussed in class?
A. Yes, but if you get stonewalled, then figure out another creative way to write about the program in question using the numbers you have.  For instance, you can compare it to spending increases for similar programs, and then find one example that illustrates how the money is spent.

A. Okay, but ideally, I’d like a more detailed of the program area of interest. So, how do I obtain it?
Q. Try going through the city’s communications department.

Q. Can you provide an example of a budget that is broken down into its component parts?
A. Sure thing. Check out the “Cultural Services” breakdown in the worksheet
entitled “CSCF Supp” in this  Excel workbook.

Q. Who should I interview?
A. It can be an expert like a city councillor, bureaucrat or university professor,  in addition to an individual or organization that benefits from the program in question.

Q. What if I have trouble contacting people?
A. To be on the safe side, avoid relying on a  limited number of sources. The wider you cast your net, the better.

Q. Can I accept an emailed statement as one of the interviews?
A. Yes, but  ONLY  if it’s a city official. And only after you’ve pushed for something in-person.  If you’re stuck with a statement, be  sure to set it up in the story by pointing out that the city official in question refused an interview, choosing instead to issue a statement that avoided answering the question. Then, be sure to paraphrase and quote selectively from the statement, if at all. In short, no long,  boring, jargon-laden statements that say nothing but give the appearance of accountability.

Q. Can I still submit a draft if I haven’t done any interviews?
A. Absolutely! You can craft a lead, and then spell out who you’d like to interview. This step alone will allow for some healthy brainstorming well ahead of your deadline, which should make it easier to find the right voices.

Backstory assignment  (TOP)

A story that draws on archival- or library-based sources from at least 40 years ago (1978 or earlier) to provide historical depth on a current Canadian issue or event. 600 words, due Sun., March 4, noon. (An outline is due Mon., Feb. 12, noon.)

Outline checklist:

Send your outline (pasted in the body of an email, not a Word document) by Mon., Feb. 12, noon. It should be no more than 200 words and include:

  1. A few words about the original issue or event from 40 or more years ago.
  2. Why is it timely to revisit this issue or event now? (i.e. what is happening today that makes it worth looking into the backstory?)
  3. What kinds of historical sources do you hope to use in your research (e.g. newspaper archives, parliamentary debates, archival documents, a memoir, photographs)?

Story Checklist:
The story must include:
a. Evidence of first-hand research involving historical records, photographs, news articles, museum artifacts or similar materials.
b. Comments from someone involved in the original issue or events and-or an expert who is familiar with them and can provide context.
c. At least one photo or other illustration to accompany the story.
d. Copies of two pieces of documentation gathered during research for your story (not more than one or two pages apiece).

e. For EACH of the two pieces of documentation, full-sentence answers to these questions:
(*) What is the documentation?
(*) How did you find/obtain it?
(*) Why was the documentation helpful?

Backstory: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I write about non-Canadian events?

Q: Does my topic have to be a national issue?
No, it could be a provincial or local one.

Q: Can I just revisit any interesting episode from the past?
A: No, there has to be a reason you’re writing about this subject – a clear and substantial connection to something happening today. For instance, you might revisit passage of Canada’s first anti-cannabis provision given the current move to legalize marijuana. (Don’t do this actual topic.)

Q: I am writing about events that took place 100 years ago and everyone involved is dead. Will that work?
Yes, that’s fine, and it’s why I made it optional to interview someone involved in the original events. But perhaps you will find a diary entry or autobiography quotation that will help bring a deceased person’s voice into the story.

Q: What sort of documentation do you want?
It could be almost anything that helped you do the story: a photo of a relevant page from a memoir, a page from an archive, a Canada 411 entry that helped you find someone to interview, an excerpt from an interview transcript – the choice is yours.

Q: Could my illustration(s) accompanying the piece double as my documentation?
Quite possibly, if they helped you do the story. Be sure you have permission to post the photos or other illustrations from the rights holder or creator.

Data visualization  (TOP)

A visualization using a dataset downloaded from a federal, provincial or municipal dataset downloaded from an open data portal.

What is required for the draft visualizations?

1. Visualizations uploaded to the “Masters2018_3” category by Monday, Feb. 26 at noon. Be sure to keep the visualizations in draft format.

2. A brief, point-form explanation of why the visualizations are newsworthy.

3. At least three public records to support the visualization uploaded to DocumentCloud and annotated.

4. ONE Excel workbook with four tabs; the original dataset; working copy; filtered and cleaned-up dataset for the first visualization; cleaned-up and filtered dataset for the second visualization.

What is required for the approved visualizations?

1. Two newsworthy visualizations displaying two different trends from your dataset. For instance, one could be the kind of vertical bar chart you used for the Dollars and Sense assignment; the second could be points displayed using geographic coordinates such as longitude and latitude.

2. The visualizations must be pegged to an event making news. For instance, with all the talk of the spat between B.C. and Alberta involving the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, it would be interesting to download the National Energy Board’s pipeline incident data, and then choose what portion of the data to upload to Infogram or Fusion Tables, which we will learn in class.

3. You must use up to 100 words to set up each visualization, using AT LEAST three of the kinds of public records described in chapter 4 of Digging Deeper for contextual background information.

4. The public records MUST be uploaded to DocumentCloud with the appropriate annotations

5. Upload the visualizations and explanations to the “Masters2018_3” category

What’s to be submitted?

1. Two visualizations in ONE blog post, each depiction accompanied by a 100-word explanation that explains the news value. The one blog post containing the visualizations must be uploaded to the category “Masters2018_3”

2. A 500-word explanation in a Word document that briefly explains why you chose the visualizations, their news value, and the public records you used to provide context.

3. In your explanations used to set up the visualizations, there must be links to be AT LEAST three different public records uploaded to DocumentCloud. The links MUST take readers to the appropriate annotations in the public record.

4. The Excel workbook that contains four worksheets: worksheet one – the original table with the URL pasted into the first available cell in the first row; worksheet two – the working copy; worksheet three – the filtered and cleaned-up table used to provide the first visualization; worksheet four – the cleaned-up table used to provide the second visualization.

Data visualization frequently asked questions

Q: Can I choose any dataset?
A: You have a fair degree of flexibility but be sure to link the visualizations to an event making news.

Q. Can I choose a dataset we’ve used as an example in class?
A: No.

Q: Does the topic have to be national, provincial, or municipal?
A: Either one will do.

Q: So, where do I get my datasets?
A: From a federal, provincial or municipal open-data portal. The links are posted on the syllabus.

Q:  How current must my data be?
A: As current as possible,  meaning that there should not be a lag time of more than two years, otherwise the data is too out of date.

Q: Do I need to ask for more detailed data?
A:  You can, but if the dataset has enough detail, then you should be fine.

Q: Can I use two similar visualizations?
A: For the sake of variety, you should create two completely different ones. For instance, a dataset that contains important numbers may also have geographic information such as longitude and latitude coordinates. In this case,  you could upload the numbers from your Excel spreadsheet to Infogram to create bar chart, or plug in three or four key numbers from your analysis and display them as an infographic. In a second visualization, you could then display the longitude and latitude coordinates on a Google map using Fusion Tables, which you will learn in class and with the  help of a Digging Deeper online tutorial.

Q: Will I lose marks for neglecting to ensure my visualizations have titles, cutlines, and credits for sources?
A: Yes.

Q: Will I lose marks for neglecting to upload and annotate my public documents in DocumentCloud?
A: Yes.

Q: How should I use the public records?
A: As background information to provide context or advance the story.

Q: Do I have to interview anyone?
A: No.  The point of this assignment is to see how adept you are at choosing information from a publicly available dataset to
display, and then consulting public records to add value and additional news value. The visualization is to add context and background to an event or an issue that’s making news right now.

Q: Do I have to run the dataset by you?
A: Yes, that is the point of submitting a draft. The  idea is not to micromanage, but ensure that it has all the information you need to create a successful visualization, and that it is linked to a newsworthy event.

Access to Information assignment  (TOP)

An exercise involving preparation and submission of freedom-of-information requests to all levels of government, due Sun., March 25, noon. (Requests must be filed by Sun., Feb. 18.)

a. Copies of one request to EACH of the three levels of government (municipal, provincial, federal).

b. A copy of one request for previously released records from the federal government.

c. Copies of correspondence received/sent by you during the course of each of the four requests.

d. Copies of at least two – but not more than five – particularly relevant pages of information from a  previously released set of records from any ONE level of government.
e. For the pages in (d) above, full-sentence answers to these questions:
(*) What is the information?
(*) From which government and department did these pages come?
(*) How would these records be helpful in researching or writing a story? Please try to highlight relevant facts or passages in the records.

Access-to-information requests must be filed by Sun., Feb. 18
Assignment due Sun., March 25, noon.

Access-to-information assignment questions and answers
Q: How do I hand in my assignment?
A: Upload everything – including documents and answers to the three questions – to the relevant “category” of the syllabus. Save it as a draft. It doesn’t matter what format you choose, but most supporting material should be in PDF, .jpeg or Word format. You can also use DocumentCloud to upload pages of your records to the syllabus.

Q: Do all of my requests have to be on the same topic?
A: No.

Q: Do you want every piece of correspondence related to the four requests?
A: I want to see all relevant correspondence to help me understand how things proceeded.

Q: I dealt with agencies largely on the phone. What should I do?
A: Please give me dates and summaries of these calls wherever possible.

Q: I forgot to make copies of my requests. What should I do?
A: Please try to recreate the wording and date of your original requests as best you can.

Q: Can d. and e. above be based on previously released pages that I find online?
A: Yes, though the pages must come from a site administered by a municipal, provincial or federal government.

Week One (TOP)

What you will learn:
Elements of a good story
Key essentials to following money
Reading the City of Ottawa’s 2018 budget in a spreadsheet


Apple financial statements

Apple’s net income figures in DocumentCloud

Salvation Army’s Vanier shelter gets council’s OK

Salvation Army

List of charities (Charities Listings)

The Paradise Papers investigation

Updated: Ottawa city’s draft budget keeps tax promise, puts focus on infrastructure, social services

City of Ottawa budgets

Week Two (TOP)

What you will learn
Continuation of dollars and sense
Elements of storytelling


Two Maritime provinces announce deals for marijuana regulations and supply

‘This is not a drill’: Accidental ballistic missile alert causes panic in Hawaii


Week Three (TOP)

What you will learn
An introduction to access to information

City Council & Committee Agendas & Minutes

Service Monitoring Dashboard


Access to Information sites


Access to Information: general info

Federal Departments and Agencies

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators

Information listings

Access to Information request forms

Access to Information fillable request form

Search Summaries of Completed ATI Requests

Exemptions under the Access to Information Act (Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat)

Office of the Information Commissioner
Complaint form:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner



British Columbia
Completed requests:

Completed requests:

New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador
Completed requests:

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia
Completed requests:

The Right to Know Coalition of Nova Scotia



Prince Edward Island



Completed requests:





Halifax Regional Municipality




Completed requests:

Completed requests:



Completed requests:


Completed requests:

Additional reading

Week Four (TOP)

What you will learn
Finding stories in historical records




An act of remembrance: The story of WWI Gunner Faus Metcalf, ‘who died … without a chance to live’

Thomas Ahearn wired Ottawa, and accomplished so much more

NHL at 100: Humble beginnings to billion-dollar business

Library and Archives Canada

Library and Archives opens vaults to public tours

Virtual Reference Library

Historical parliamentary debates

Transcripts of Canadian parliamentary debates since 1901 are now online


 Early Canadiana

City of Ottawa Archives

Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Star historical databases available through Carleton’s MacOdrum Library

Office of the Information Commissioner: Online complaint form

Week Five (TOP)

What you will learn
An introduction to open data
Finding stories stories in easily-accessible online datasets


Gay Village stalked by a serial killer . . . a second time?


Open Government Portal (federal)

Feds to search social media using AI to find patterns of suicide-related behaviour

Artificial Intelligence (AI) pilot project for surveillance of suicide-related behaviours using social media. (1000196416)


CANSIM – Table directory – All Section

Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations

Charities Listings (Revenue Canada)

Trade Data Online

Merchandise imports, exports and trade balance, customs and balance of payments basis for all countries, by seasonal adjustment and principal trading partners

Population by year, by municipality

Provinces and territories



Nova Scotia

Newfoundland and Labrador


Prince Edward  Island

Québec Ouvert (les données ouvertes pour le Québec)

Saskatchewan Open Data









Saint John

St. John’s



Statistics Canada

CANSIM – Table directory – All Section

Incident-based crime statistics, by detailed violations

Statistics Canada Trade Data

Week Six (TOP)

What you will learn

Lessons learned from the dollars and sense assignment
Continuation of learning how to use Statistics Canada’s Cansim tables
Discussion of the data visualization assignment
Time permitting, an introduction to Fusion tables


Consumer Price Index, 2000 to Present (Bank of Canada)

Consumer Price Index, by province (Statistics Canada)

Estimates of population by census metropolitan area, sex and age group for July 1, based on the Standard Geographical Classification

Statistics Canada turning to sewage to determine pot consumption

Waste water analysis (Statistics Canada tender notice on buyandsell)

Federal Contaminated Sites

Contaminated Sites in Ottawa

Annual Report:Investment Canada Act 2016-17 (DocumentCloud Annotation)

Infogram infographics examples

A SportsCentre Infographic of quarterback salaries

A SportsCentre Infographic of NBA franchise values

Visualizing Data with Google Fusion Tables and Tableau Public (Digging Deeper)

Fusion Table Tutorials

Data Visualization: Chart Dos and Don’ts

To obtain the Infogram data visualization checklist, please check  here.

Week Seven (TOP)

What we will learn

A review of spreadsheet basics of sorting, filtering, copying and pasting
Discussion of data visualization assignment
Discussion of backstory assignment


Library and Archives finally releases 98-year-old document on sick First Nations children

Week Eight (TOP)

What we will learn

Continued review spreadsheet basics
Continuation of data visualization techniques


Non-residential capital and repair expenditures, 2016 (revised), 2017 (preliminary) and 2018 (intentions)

Federal government can’t do much to fight fake news: Heritage Canada documents

Airline safety plummets

TSB releases preliminary 2017 transportation occurrence statistics

Transportation Safety Board Online  Portal

WD – Grants and Contributions over $25,000

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) – Bulk Data

Here are 10 Women’s Day ideas that could make the world a better place

Week Nine (TOP)

What we will learn

Feedback for backstory assignment
Discussion of public records such as inspection and auditors’ general reports
Discussion of annual reports


Which wards complain the most about roads?

Ottawa nursing home reports reveal fresh cases of abuse, death

Reports on Long-Term Care Homes

Advertising annual reports – Public Services and Procurement Canada

Judge Advocate General Annual Reports

Public Accounts of Canada 2016–2017

Ontario Human Rights Commission Annual Reports

Week Ten (TOP)

What we will learn

More tips for successfully using access to information
A continuation of our examination of useful public records






Canada’s collective memory at risk due to shortcomings at Archives: auditor

Auditor General: Chapter 7—Documentary Heritage of the Government of Canada—Library and Archives Canada

Library and Archives Canada: Plans 2016-17

Library and Archives Canada: Results 2016-17

Library and Archives Canada: Supplementary information 2016-17

Departmental Plans

Departmental Results

Federal Audit and Evaluation Database (From page 55 of Digging Deeper)

Federal Public Opinion Research Links ( From page 55 of Digging Deeper)

Audits, Reviews and Evaluations: The Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Food Safety links (From page 76 of Digging Deeper)

Week Eleven (TOP)

What you will learn

Feedback from visualization assignment
Another review of Statistics Canada’s crime data
A continued review of public records: coroners’s reports; parole hearing; professional disciplinary records; court documents


Homicide in Canada, 2016

Office of the Ontario Chief Coroner: Verdicts and Recommendations

Links to provincial and territorial coroners reports (From page 81 in Digging Deeper)

Example of a Parole Board of Canada decision

Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy

Example of a bankruptcy filing

Discipline Committee Schedule (The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario)

Law Society of Upper Canada (list of disbarred lawyers)

Shining a light into the shadows: What price-fixing investigations tell Canadians

Documents detail allegations in Competition Bureau media investigation

To download court documents related to the Competition Bureau searches, please click here.

Week Twelve (TOP)

What we will learn

Feedback on access-to-information requests
Best practices for using public records



Ottawa contaminated sites a source of frustration for Mechanicsville neighbourhood

Phoenix pay system issues making it impossible to track hiring of veterans in public service

Government bolsters staff dealing with Phoenix ATIPs

Couple caught in Phoenix fiasco gets action from Ottawa after speaking to CBC

Local black Canadians face ‘systemic barriers’ to senior-level jobs, critics say

Classified documents reveal Canada’s planned response to 9/11-style attack: Briefing to top general includes scenario for shooting down hijacked airliner posing threat to CN Tower

Announcing the 2017 IRE Award winners and finalists

NPR Maintains Highest Ratings Ever


From week one
Ottawa budget tutorial.pdf

From week two

To download the Infogram tutorial, please click here.
To download the DocumentCloud tutorial, please click here.

From week six
Infographics handout.pdf
To obtain the Google Fusion Table tutorial, please click here.
To obtain the Statistics Canada tutorial filtering a CANSIM table for crime data, please click  here.

From week eight
To obtain the pivot table tutorial, please click here.
To obtain YouTube tutorials on embedding and creating infographics, please click here.

Datasets (TOP)

For week six

For week eight
