Robert Batherson – Consummate PR wizard and networker


Robert Batherson is a native Cape Bretoner who has held a high profile presence in political and business circles for the past two decades. A Halifax resident, he is a 1997 graduate of Mount Saint Vincent University’s Public Relations program. His LinkedIn profile showcases a vast network of political connections, starting with a stint in Ottawa shortly after his graduation as a Special Assistant within the Parliament of Canada.

Political roles

After a year-long term as a Special Assistant, he served as an Ottawa Legislative Assistant prior to returning to Nova Scotia in 1999. He joined the newly-elected Hamm government as Press Secretary. His public relations training was put to further use when he was appointed Deputy Communications Director to Premier John Hamm in 2003. A loyal Conservative Party supporter, he established his credentials as a communications specialist while immersing himself in the world of provincial politics.

Other roles

While serving the Hamm government Batherson took on additional roles including Principal Secretary with the provincial Progressive Conservatives (PC) . Current PC MLA Chris D’Entremont worked alongside Batherson during the Hamm era. He recalls the many ways Batherson was involved in Party politics. He was a PC candidate in the Sackville-Cobequid riding during the 1998 provincial election, D’Entremont said.

Post-Hamm era activities

Following his tenure as Premier Hamm’s spokesperson, Batherson was well-placed to consolidate his role as key political organizer for the Tories, and to put his political acumen to use as an analyst for CBC supper hour news. He appeared as a frequent commentator on provincial politics on CBC televised newscasts between 2005 and 2007. Batherson was a familiar face to CBC supper hour viewers, often appearing with well-known political columnists such as Marilla Stephenson. He also established a career with a local public relations firm. In addition to his ongoing contributions to the PC Party, Batherson became a well-known community networker in Halifax business circles, serving on HRM committees and gaining positions on various Boards of Directors, including the Halifax Chamber of Commerce and Neptune Theatre.


Rob Batherson seamlessly integrated his political, community and business contacts in forging a reputation as a highly-engaged community supporter. He is involved with his local PC Constituency Association in Armdale. In 2013 he was selected by HRM Councillors as the Halifax citizen representative on the Halifax International Airport Authority Board of Directors. The May 2016 edition of Business Voice toasts his recent appointment as Honorary Director of the Neptune Foundation, following his distinguished service as a member of the theatre’s Board of directors. Alongside his business interests Rob Batherson served as President of the provincial PC Party between 2010 and 2011.

Political donor and lobbyist

A search of registered lobbyists in Nova Scotia reveals that along with his public relations practice, Batherson has a wide selection of clients in lobbying circles. His clients number well over a dozen and range from the telecommunications and pharmaceutical industries to payday loan companies. He is a financial supporter of the PC Party and his local PC candidate, having contributed to Irvine Carvery’s 2013 campaign together with a 2014 donation of $1,437.00 to the N.S. Tories. His west-end Halifax residence is listed at an assessed value of $341,800.00.

An engaging personality

Linda Mosher is a long-serving HRM Councillor in whose district Batherson resides. She mentions Batherson’s enthusiasm for his community and his astuteness in budget management as two of his notable qualities. “He takes transit everywhere” Mosher says of her constituent who, at a moment’s notice, was willing to hop on an HRM Christmas float with his young son. D’Entremont credits Batherson as “well-spoken, personable and a terrific dad” to his son.

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