Tag Archives: Employment

Canada sees highest number of young women working part-time, can’t find full-time jobs since April


Salsabil Rahman’s hours at the Canada Revenue Agency were cut by more than half due to the pandemic. She’s one of  thousands of women who have had to settle for part-time jobs this summer. [Photo © Shafayet Turash]
Three years ago Salsabil Rahman, 24, came to Canada for a better education, job and to help her family struggling financially in Bangladesh. She planned on saving thousands of dollars this summer working full-time at the Canada Revenue Agency. Instead she ended up being one of 107,300 young women who had to work part-time because they couldn’t find full-time jobs. The number of women facing this problem increased by 192 per cent, almost tripling among women aged 15-24 from April to August, according to Statistics Canada.  

“I saw it coming. The management said my department isn’t of high importance right now but obviously I was very sad,” Rahman says.

In February, the third-year Carleton University finance student landed a job as a project management officer for an appeal modernization project at the CRA. When the pandemic hit, Rahman’s 40-hour work week was downgraded to 16. She constantly searched for other full-time finance jobs but had no luck.

Frances Woolley, a Carleton economics professor, explains the increasing demand for full-time work is actually a sign that the economy is improving.

“When there (are) no jobs around people won’t bother looking. It’s only when people think that they have a chance of finding a job that they start looking so there’s some good news,” Woolley says.

There’s a particular increase in women’s part-time employment because women are more likely to accept part-time work than their male counterparts, according to Woolley. She draws this analysis based on more than two decades of her cited work which is mostly about feminist economics and inequality within the household.

She adds that it’s more common for women to work in the service sector which is currently hiring less full-time workers due to the pandemic, also contributing to the increase in women settling for part-time work.

A bar graph illustrating the increase in the number of women aged 15 to 24 who are working part-time because they can’t find full-time jobs. Visualization by Yasmine Ghania

Besides the financial loss, Rahman says she’s disappointed about the slash in her hours because it gives her less time to convince her employers to give her a permanent position upon graduation.

Both Rahman and her husband Mazharul Towhid, also a Carleton student, already have university degrees from Bangladesh but decided to continue studying in Canada in hopes for a better life. Thankfully Towhid was able to keep his full-time summer job as a financial analyst at Harris Computer Systems which paid for rent and bills.

“It’s very important that we have something set in the long run,” Rahman says. “We need to land on something very good, at least one of us.”

While Rahman only worked two days a week, she still made $1,200 a month meaning she wasn’t eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). Her supervisor told her she could nullify her contract so she could get $2,000 from CERB but Rahman decided to continue working. 

“Calculating the long-term benefit, I didn’t want to take the risk of leaving. I already have a low opportunity of proving myself. I didn’t want to cut the chance even more,” Rahman says. 

Although both men and women are struggling to find secure employment, Woolley explains there are “gendered structural differences” that impede women’s advancements in the workplace. 

A new report released Friday from Ryerson University’s Diversity Institute and the Public Policy Forum finds that the number of men and women at entry level jobs are equal, yet men are promoted at double — sometimes triple — the rate.

Julie Cafley, co-author of the report, is calling on the Feds to ensure gender equality in COVID economic recovery plans. 

“We need to ensure that we’re not building back the economy the same way we’ve done it in the past,” Cafley says. “There’s a huge opportunity to build back differently.” 

Given the high chance many sectors will be forced to shut down amid rising COVID-19 cases, Woolley says it’s difficult to predict how the labour market will look in the next few months.

For now, Rahman says she’s focused on graduating university with high marks so she can be one step closer to a permanent position at the CRA.  

How two brewers have stayed during Covid-19

Brad Fennell (left) and Mitch Veilleux (right) in front of their old and small brewer tanks they had to replace this summer. Sean Sisk Photography/Sean Sisk.

From June to July there was almost an 80 per cent increase in jobs in bars, breweries, nightclubs and taverns in Ontario, according to analysis of a recent report from Statistics Canada.

This is the highest increase in jobs in the sector Statistics Canada categorizes as “drinking places” since the Covid-19 pandemic shutdown the economy in March. For Overflow Brewing Company, almost all the jobs they lost have been refilled because of a spike of online sales and the help of laid-off workers from the airline industry.

From March to July employment rates of drinking places have dropped by almost 50 per cent, according to the same report by statistic Canada. For Overflow it was even more drastic: “On March 16 there was nobody else here but Mitch and I,” says Brad Fennell, co-owner of Overflow.

http://A graph showing the largest dip of employment being in May, and the largest jump being in July. Max Bakony.


Together Fennell and Mitch Veilleux opened the brewery in 2017. Until the spring of 2020 they had only two online sales.

“Then on the 16th of March it started with one, and then 10, and then 20, and then upwards of a hundred (online sales) a day,” says Fennell.

Today Overflow is no longer one of the only craft breweries delivering beer, but its ability to offer the service early during the pandemic helped save their business.

By mid-summer they couldn’t hire enough from the beverage industry, so 50 per cent of their new hires ended up being flight attendants: “If you can serve somebody up 20,000 ft. in the air, in a steel tube, and be relaxed under the pressure,” says Fennell. “You can certainly work here.”

From March to July airline sector jobs in Ontario dropped by almost 20 per cent.

A graph showing the largest dip of employment in airlines being in May. Over the following three months Overflow hired many of those who lost their jobs in the skies. Max Bakony.


The news that former airline workers are finding work at Overflow was heartening for Wendy Shaw. She’s an employment counselor and outreach specialist for Youth Services Bureau, a non-for-profit organization offering job seekers of all ages support in finding employment.

“I think it’s incredibly important that people start looking at other options,” says Shaw. For example, “if you don’t have smart serve, you’re probably not going to be able to work in a brewery, or work in a senior’s residence, or work in safe food handling…”

Shaw urges job seekers to invest in the credentials needed to work in multiple industries. She says the current job market is fierce.

More online sales didn’t make things easier for Overflow as the flip in their business model came with new problems:

“We were running out of beer,” says Veilleux.

According to the brewer, their tanks weren’t big enough to produce the quantity they needed for the high-volume low margin business they had transformed into. “We had to sell our old (brewing) tanks, buy new ones, integrate them, and start brewing with twice the number of ingredients,” says Veilleux.

At the height of their sales, they were starting from scratch.

The expense of supporting the online sales kept their profits nil while their revenues remained high. Because of their high revenue, they didn’t qualify for most programs offered by the Federal government. An unfair predicament according to Veilleux: “We could have used that little bit of relief”

Two weeks ago after the Speech from the Throne, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his plan to create one million new jobs for Canadians and to reintroduce the finical assistance available to Canadians and Canadian businesses this summer. Veilleux and Fennell are proud of how both the provincial and federal governments helped Canadians.

However, they stress that to reach that quota set by Trudeau jobs have to be created organically by better supporting the businesses providing them.

Overflow sign beckoning beer enthusiasts into their brewery (left of the picture). Max Bakony