Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.03.03 920119 COMPUTER SOFTWARE GUIDELINES We are seeking access to information on policy guidelines relating to applications directed to software. An internal committee of the Patent Office has been updating these guidelines for the past 18 months. We would also like to have continued access to the information requested above. 1993.03.08 920109 15 NEW DRUGS DISCOVERED IN CANADA SINCE 1987 List of 15 new drugs discovered in Canada since 1987 as quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce Thursday, January 21, 1993 920110 LIST OF 32 SIGNIFICANT MEDICINES List of 32 significant medicines developed in Canada as quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce Thursday, January 21, 1993 920111 REPORT ON NET SAVINGS TO DRUG PUR Report/Document on Net Savings to Drug Purchases in Canada of $424 million over the first five years, as quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce Thursday, January 21, 1993 920112 REPORT/STUDY ON THE COST OF BILL C-91 Report/Study on the cost of Bill C-91 on Canada - estimated at $129 million over the first five years as quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce Thursday, January 21, 1993 920113 PATENT PROTECTION FOR BILL C-91 Study that identifies that the average patent protection for Bill C-91 will be 3-4 years. As quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CCA 1993.03.08 920113 Thursday, January 21, 1993 920114 CONSTITUTIONALITY OF PATENTED PRI Documentation/Study on constitutionality of the Patented Prices Review Board under new powers granted by Bill C-91 as quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce Thursday, January 21, 1993 920115 CALLUPS - FEBRUARY 1993 All Callups processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of SUPPLY AND ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period February 1993. 1993.03.11 920116 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 89/90, 90/91, 91/92 As per our telephone conversation, I am enclosing a money order in the amount of $255.00, Canadian funds for the 1991-92 set of unclaimed dividend reports. Please include a copy of any rules or regulations which must be met. Please advise as soon as the 1992-93 file are available. 1993.03.15 920117 INCORPORATION FILE-METRO TORONTO PHARMACISTS ASSN-EDUCATION FUND Information/Documents re: Metropolitan Toronto Pharmacists Association - Education Fund ~ when it was set up ~ corporate status e.g. non profit organization vs charity ~ any information regarding distribution agreement of video called "Mr. Findlay's pharmacy". 1993.03.16 920118 LICENCE OBLIGATOIRE-LOI SUR LES D En vertu de la Loi sur l'accŠs ... l'information, nous vous saurions gr‚ de nous faire parvenir copie de tout document, iincluant notamment la correspondance et les notes manuscrites ‚chang‚es entre le Gouverneur en Conseil et le Bureau du Droit d'Auteur et/ou le MinistŠre de la Consommation des Affaires commerciales, ainsi que toute note interne ‚manant de ceux-ci, relativement ... une demande d'‚mission d'un licence obligatoire faite le 13 mai 1991 par 88766 Canada Inc., en vertu des dispositions de l'article 15 de la Loi sur les Droits d'Auteur (L.R.C. 1985, c. C-42), visant l'oeuvre "Le Droit d'Auteur en France 3e ed." du professeur Henri DESBOIS et ce, depuis la Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CCA 1993.03.16 920118 date de cette demande. Vous trouverez ci-joint un chŠque de $5.00 ... l'ordre du Receveur G‚n‚ral du Canada. Pour faciliter la r‚f‚rence, nous vous joignons ‚galement copie de ladite demande en date du 13 mai 1991, ainsi que la lettre envoy‚e le 25 janvier 1993 par le Commissaire des Brevets par int‚rim A. McDonough. 1993.03.22 920120 CALLUPS SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT JANUAR All Callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: January 1993. 1993.03.23 920121 LABELLING OF PRODUCT - B.C. "WALC Any establishment reports or other inspection reports made by Products Safety Branch in British Columbia on the labelling of a product known as "Walco Danish Oil Finish" at the premises of Farwest Chemicals, now in Port Coquitlam, B.C., formerly in Surrey, B.C. Such inspections would have been carried out under the Hazardous Products Act or WHMIS legislation. 1993.03.25 920122 TESTING RESULT OLIVE OIL I would like to request the testing results for Pure Olive Oil and extra virgin olive oil undertaken by the Department of Consumer Affairs for the calender years 1991 and 1992. 1993.03.29 920123 INFLAMMABILITY CHILDREN SLEEPWARE Le dossier de la Compagnie Zellers inc, (no. de CA 00100), concernant les dossiers touchant l'inflammabilit‚ des vˆtements de nuit (pour enfants) pour la p‚riode de juin 1992, jusqu`... aujourd'hui (no de CA 00100); plus particuliŠrement mais sans restreinte la g‚n‚ralit‚ de ce qui pr‚cŠde, le dossier de CACC, bureau de la consommation, S‚curit‚ des produits, r‚gion Qu‚bec (maintenant au 5, Place Ville-Marie, 8e ‚tage, suite 800, Montr‚al Qu‚bec H3B 2G4) Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.02.25 920915 INSURED LOANS /LISTE DES GARANTIE Liste des garanties de prˆts accord‚es par la SCHL en vertu de la Loi nationale sur l'Habitation concernent les immeubles suivants: Immeubles locatifs ... logements multiples de 30 unit‚s et plus pour les r‚gions suivantes: a) Region du Qu‚bec b) Succursale d'Ottawa c) R‚gion de Toronto et aussi une liste pour chaque r‚gion et pour la cat‚gorie d'immeubles susmentionn‚s, laquelle liste comprendrait les informations suivantes, par order de date, depuis le d‚but de votre compilation (1987) a) Date de l'‚mission de l'assurance (ou de la garantie de prˆt) b) Montant de l'assurance (ou de la garantie de prˆt) c) terme du prˆt d) nom de l'emprunteur e) adresse de l'immeuble f) nom du prˆteur 920916 G&P LIMITED DIVIDEND & RENT INFO, FINANCIAL REPORTS (7 PROJECTS) 1. Version fran‡aise du document: Guidelines and procedures manual 2. Toutes les demandes de redressement des loyers de 1980 jusqu'... pr‚sent pour les immeubles ... dividende limit‚e. 3. Toutes les augmentations de loyer autoris‚es par la SCHL de 1980 jusqu'... pr‚sent pour les immeubles ... dividende limit‚e. 4. Les rapports financi‚s soumis ... la SCHL pour les ann‚es 1990, 1991 et 1992 par les propri‚taires des immeubles ... dividende limit‚e suivants: Habitation Laurier Hull Que 80795/80796 Hull Place Desnoyers Gatineau Que Place du ProgrŠs (1972) Gatineau Que Appartements du Golf Gatineau Que Place du ProgrŠs (1973) Gatineau Que J. Giasson Hull, Que 920917 STATISTICS ON THE CHIP PROGRAM Statistics on the number of applications received and the amount disbursed on CHIP program, 1977 to Dec. 24, 1986. 1993.03.01 920919 INSURED LOANS CMHC Mortgage loan origination list 1988-1992. The list for all of Canada, but be broken down, to include all multi-family rental project insured loans, over $1.5 million, other than social housing projects under the CFRP program. Also be sorted by Province and than by calender year. Also include such loan details as the original lender's name, the original borrower's name, address Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CMH 1993.03.01 920919 of the property, and the number of units, the outstanding balance of the loan at time of origination, the origination loan date the amortization period, and the original loan term. 1993.03.02 920920 INSURED LOANS - MORTGAGE LIST Purchase the maturity list of all mortgages that are NHA insured and greater than $500,000 for all of Canada 1993.03.04 920921 NHA INSURED DEFAULTS The 1992 quarterly data for NHA insured defaults (% loans in force) to complete the percentage change in employment vs. NHA defaults chart 920922 CRSP AND ARP PROGRAMS IN ONTARIO Lists detailing about projects built in Ontario under CMHC's CRSP and ARP Programs. My main interest lies in obtaining the civic addresses and number of units associated with each project. 1993.03.09 920923 THE BRUNTON REPORT OF 1991 I am requesting a copy of a study/recommendations of land use of your national headquarters properties in the spring of 1991. The report is called The Brunton Report of 1991. Also copie of the term of reference given to XXX 920923 THE BRUNTON REPORT OF 1991 I am requesting a copy of a study/recommendations of land use of your national headquarters properties in the spring of 1991. The report is called The Brunton Report of 1991. Also copie of the term of reference given to XXX 920924 NUMBER OF SALES UTILIZING THE 5% The number of sales that were utilizing the 5% downpayments for Halton Region Census #24 Toronto Metro Census #20 York Region Census #19 Durham Region Census #18 1993.03.12 920007 AUDITING THE BOOKS AND RECORDS OF PRESTON DEVELOPMENTS INC Preston defaulted on its commitments relating to: National Trust company - Fairway Gardens, Maritime Life insurance company - Village West, and London Life insurance company - Village Green. The properties were subsequently taken back by the respective creditors. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CMH 1993.03.12 920007 We further understand that the mortgages on the said properties were insured by CMHC who was than called upon by the creditors to cover their financial shortfalls on these properties. As part of the transaction, CMHC covered the liabilities of Preston to the creditors under the condition that Preston would pay to CMHC a charge of $200,000 per property and CMHC would receive the preperties in question. Could you review our understanding of the facts of the situation as stated along with the specific details and advise us. 1. Is our understanding of the situation as stated correct? if not, please advise as to what the correct details are. 2. Did CMHC cover interest payable as well as accrued interest? If not, we these amounts written off and forgiven to Preston? and by whom? 3. what was the amount of debt forgiven to Preston in relation to the properties in question? 4. Is the $200,000 per property paid by Preston to CMHC considered as a payment on principal? if not, what is the nature of this payment? 920925 COPIE DES RAPPORTS D'INSPECTIONS Nos clients se sont faits batir chacun une r‚sidence par XXX contracteur pour la compagnie Habitat Prix our pour la compagnie Directement du contracteur Inc. ou pour les Habitations Si-Belle Inc. Nous voulons copie des rapports d'inspections qui ont ‚t‚ faits dans ces dossiers et qui ont permis au prˆteur hypoth‚caire de verser les sommes au contracteur. Nous avons besoin de ces documents dans le cadre des proc‚dures judiciaires intent‚es contre le contracteur. 920925 COPIE DES RAPPORTS D'INSPECTIONS Nos clients se sont faits batir chacun une r‚sidence par XXX contracteur pour la compagnie Habitat Prix our pour la compagnie Directement du contracteur Inc. ou pour les Habitations Si-Belle Inc. Nous voulons copie des rapports d'inspections qui ont ‚t‚ faits dans ces dossiers et qui ont permis au prˆteur hypoth‚caire de verser les sommes au contracteur. Nous avons besoin de ces documents dans le cadre des proc‚dures judiciaires intent‚es contre le contracteur. 1993.03.15 920926 CO-OP; L.D.; URBAN NATIVE; ARP; MURB; MORTGAGE DEFAULTS A list of the following properties with CMHC involvement in Winnipeg and Manitoba: 1. Non-Profit Co-op 2. Limited Dividend 3. Urban Native Properties 4. A.R.P.'s 5. MURB's 6. Mortgage Defaults If possible, we would also appreciate receiving the names and positions of Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CMH 1993.03.15 920926 the persons responsible for these properties in Manitoba. Our firm specializes in Realty Assessment reviews and appeals and we would appreciate receiving the necessary information to determine the potential use of our services by CMHC. 920927 DOCUMENT, CORR. ENTENTE ENTRE SCHL ET TWO SIXTY CORPORATION s.20(1)(b) , le 18 d‚cembre 1984, d'un projet immobilier ... dividendes limit‚s de 202 unit‚s de maisons unifamiliales de LES ENTREPRISES VAL-MARTIN INC et LA SOCIT IMMOBILIERE DE GREENFIELD PARK INC. Nous recherchons la documentation, la correspondance ainsi que les ententes qui ont eues lieu durant la p‚riode pr‚c‚dant la lettre d'engagement de financement et la fin des d‚bours‚s, entre la SCHL, TWO SIXTY CORPORATION et surtout la ville de Greenfield Park. Votre num‚ro de r‚f‚rence: CMHC Loan XXX 1993.03.16 920928 ‚MISSIONS DE TITRES HYPOTH‚CAIRES DE 1992 (MBS) Une copie d'une liste des ‚missions de titres hypoth‚caires de 1992 (MBS) qui m'a ‚t‚ remise par votre bureau de Montr‚al. J'ai besoin de cette liste, plus certaines informations additionnelles, seulement pour les ‚missions de titres de cat‚gorie 966 (immeubles r‚sidentiels multi familiaux) pour les ann‚es 1987,88,89,90, et 91: 1. nom de l'‚metteur 2. date de l'‚mission 3. date de maturit‚ 4. montant de l'‚mission 1993.03.22 920929 LOW INCOME SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PRO Documents of original applications, listing names of applicants, sponsors, requirements for acceptance, as well as rules for compliance and bylaws governing the government sponsored Low Income Subsidized housing project known as Hislacan Homes inc of Kitchener, Waterloo. The project was founded in 1982 and is located at 50- 85 Breckenridge Kitchener, Ontario. 920929 LOW INCOME SUBSIDIZED HOUSING PRO Documents of original applications, listing names of applicants, sponsors, requirements for acceptance, as well as rules for compliance and bylaws governing the government sponsored Low Income Subsidized housing project known as Hislacan Homes inc of Kitchener, Waterloo. The project was founded in 1982 and is located at 50- 85 Breckenridge Kitchener, Ontario. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.03.22 920930 COST DETAILS FOR NON-PROFIT HOUSI Please provide cost details for each of the following non-profit/co-op housing projects. Please indicate land cost, soft costs and building costs for each, located in Niagara Falls) Shepherd Green Non-Profit 6848 Isaac st 3940 Dorchester rd; Skyline Co-op 7645 Preakless st.; Shriner's Creek Co-op 7887 Thorold Stone road; Brookside village co-op 8175 McLeod Rd; McLeod Park non-profit 8055 McLeod rd; McLeod Park Seniors non-profit 8065 McLeod rd; St.Andrews Seniors 3568 Montrose rd Please provide current expenditure on 2 projects now in planning process: Starford Kiwanis & YWCA non-profit 920930 COST DETAILS FOR NON-PROFIT HOUSI Please provide cost details for each of the following non-profit/co-op housing projects. Please indicate land cost, soft costs and building costs for each, located in Niagara Falls) Shepherd Green Non-Profit 6848 Isaac st 3940 Dorchester rd; Skyline Co-op 7645 Preakless st.; Shriner's Creek Co-op 7887 Thorold Stone road; Brookside village co-op 8175 McLeod Rd; McLeod Park non-profit 8055 McLeod rd; McLeod Park Seniors non-profit 8065 McLeod rd; St.Andrews Seniors 3568 Montrose rd Please provide current expenditure on 2 projects now in planning process: Starford Kiwanis & YWCA non-profit 1993.03.24 920931 RESIDENTIAL HOUSING & URBAN NATIV Copy of CMHC residential housing and urban native co-op housing program renewal list. Also the renewal list for all Indian on reserve loans. 1993.03.25 920932 ENTENTE AVEC LA GESTION RELONAT E Recevoir une copie de l'entente survenue avec la gestion Relonat et la Soci‚t‚ canadienne d'hypothŠque et de logement pour les reprises de finance. XXX de Montr‚al a n‚goci‚ l'entente. La r‚ponse fut que c'‚tait un contrat qu'il ne pouvait me faire parvenir sans l'approbation de l'accŠs ... l'information. 920932 ENTENTE AVEC LA GESTION RELONAT E Recevoir une copie de l'entente survenue avec la gestion Relonat et la Soci‚t‚ canadienne d'hypothŠque et de logement pour les reprises de finance. XXX de Montr‚al a n‚goci‚ l'entente. La r‚ponse fut que c'‚tait un contrat qu'il ne pouvait me faire parvenir sans l'approbation de l'accŠs ... l'information. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.02.08 930290 SHOOTINGS Request for information pertaining to unnecessary shootings by members of the RCMP that resulted in death in the pass five years./Awaiting Fees,˙ Unable to Process./Re-opened 1993-03-09./No Record Located.˙ 1993.02.10 930309 SMALLPOX OUTBREAK Request for information on the events surrounding an outbreak of smallpox that occurred in the Yukon Territory in July 1911./No Record Located.˙ 1993.02.24 930417 ARCHIVAL RECORDS Asst to National Archives - Request for records of the McDonald Commission pertaining to documents entitled "Master Exhibit Lists"./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.02.25 930420 BOMB ATTEMPT IN 1960 Information pertaining to a bomb attempt in the 1960's at Terrace Grey on the Plaines d'Abraham./Insufficient Information to Locate.˙ 1993.02.26 930426 OCTOBER CRISIS Asst to Privy Council- Request for copies of Minutes of the Cabinet Committee on Security and Intelligence (CCSI) on the subject of the "October Crisis"./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.03.01 930432 SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE Asst to Privy Council - Request for Minutes of a January 27, 1972 meeting˙ of the Cabinet Committee on Security and Intelligence./Disclosed in Part.˙ 930433 SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE Asst to Privy Council - Request for Minutes of October 1, 1971 of the Cabinet Committee on Security and Intelligence./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.03.03 930445 APPLICANT'S GRIEVANCE Asst to Treasury Board - Request for information on the applicant's classification grievance (RCMP's Law Enforcement Support - Intelligence Monitor/LES-IM)./All Disclosed.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.03.05 1993.03.05 930473 PURSUIT DRIVING Requests access to a study on "pursuit driving" from the 1993-94˙ Estimates./All Disclosed.˙ 930474 CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Requests access to a survey of Canadian police forces dealing with child sexual abuse investigations and the associated protocols involved.˙ 930475 ETHICS IN THE RCMP Requests access to a recent study on ethics in the force./All Disclosed.˙ 930475 ETHICS IN THE RCMP Requests access to a recent study on ethics in the force./All Disclosed.˙ 930476 PHYSICAL ABILITY PERFORMANCE Requests access to a copy of the two-year PARE (Physical Ability Performance Evaluation) study completed in August 1992 of 1000 members and any recommendations or conclusions from it./Awaiting Fees, Abandoned./˙ Re-opened 93-04-05, All Disclosed.˙ 930477 POLICE STRESS SURVEY Requests access to a copy of the results of the Police stress survey administered to 3525 RCMP members and any recommendations or conclusions from it./All Material Exempt.˙ 930477 POLICE STRESS SURVEY Requests access to a copy of the results of the Police stress survey administered to 3525 RCMP members and any recommendations or conclusions from it./All Material Exempt.˙ 1993.03.08 930457 WW1 SOLDIER Request for information concerning a deceased World War 1 soldier that resided in Carleton Place over 50 years ago./No Record Located.˙ 930486 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MANUAL Request for a copy of the sections from the Property Management Manual pertaining to design briefs./Insufficient Information to Locate.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.03.08 930487 CATTLE MUTILATION Request for information concerning the mutilation of cattle in Leduc, Alberta in June 1992./All Material Exempt.˙ 930488 MUTILATION OF A COW Request for information concerning the mutilation of a cow in Pincher Creek Alberta, in October 1987./No Record Located.˙ 1993.03.10 930521 SMUGGLING OF CIGARETTES & TABACCO Request for information on the subject of cigarette/tobacco smuggling into Canada.˙ 1993.03.11 930524 CITIZENSHIP RECORD Asst to Multiculturalism & Citizenship - Request for citizenship record for˙ genealogical research./All Disclosed.˙ 930525 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism & Citizenship - Request for citizenship record for genealogical research./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.03.12 930531 PARADE STATISTICS Request for statistics from Parade system pertaining to language requirements and profiles./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.03.17 930567 AIR INDIA Asst to Security Intelligence Review Committee - Request for a copy of˙ the report entitled "CSIS Activities in Regard to the Destruction of˙ Air India Flight 182 on June 23, 1985 - A SIRC Review".˙ 1993.03.18 930570 REFUGEE CLAIMANTS Asst to Employment & Immigration - Request for a copy of the cost˙ breakdown of processing rejected refugee claimants, as stated in an Employment & Immigration Canada publication "Managing Immigration: a framework for the 1990's)./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.03.19 930582 FIREARMS ACQUISITION CERTIFICATE Request for a copy of the application form currently in use˙ (post "c-17") relating to "Application for a "Firearms Acquisition Certificate and any pertinent instruction brochures etc. that would˙ be given to a prospective applicant.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.03.19 930583 ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT Request for information pertaining to the Animal Liberation Front./˙ All Material Exempt.˙ 1993.03.22 930599 POST OCTOBER CRISIS STUDY Request for information on the Post October Crisis Study. ˙ 930601 RETIRED SECURITY SERVICE MEMBER Asst to Solicitor General - Request for information pertaining˙ to a retired RCMP Security Service member./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.03.25 930615 RELOCATION OF ESKIMOS Request for information on the relocation of Eskimos to Shultz Lake˙ Dec 1959.˙ 1993.03.26 930621 SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE Asst to Privy Council Office - Request for a copy of notes relating ˙ to the December 19, 1969 meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security˙ and Intelligence./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.03.29 930630 CITIZENSHIP RECORD Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada - Request for a copy ˙ of a citizenship record of an individual who died in 1945 to be used˙ for genealogical research./All Disclosed.˙ 930631 CITIZENSHIP RECORD Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada - Request for a copy ˙ of a citizenship record of an individual who died in 1972 for use in˙ genealogical research./All Disclosed.˙ 930632 SEIZURE OF A VESSEL Asst to Customs and Excise - Request for information regarding˙ the seizure of a vessel, which it was alleged unlawfully entered˙ Canada./All Material Exempt.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.02.25 922415 USE OF CDN AIRSPACE FOR PLUTONIUM OVERFLIGHTS 1992, 1993 REPRESENTATIONS MADE TO JAPAN, UNITED STATES OR OTHER JURISDICTIONS OR REPORTS DONE RE USE OF CDN AIRSPACE FOR PLUTONIUM OVERFLIGHTS, AND CONDITIONS LAID DOWN. INCLUDE DATA ON REQUESTS FOR SPECIFIC PLUTONIUM FLIGHTS. 922416 RUSSIAN NUCLEAR DEBRIS WITHIN CDN WATERS 1991 TO 1993 REPORTS, REPRESENTATIONS MADE TO RUSSIAN COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES ABOUT NUCLEAR DEBRIS (WEAPONS, SUBS, REACTORS) THAT LIE WITHIN CDN WATERS OR THAT AFFECT CDN INTERESTS. 922417 US NUCLEAR PROBLEMS AT FACILITIES NEAR CDN BORDER 1991 TO 1993 REPORTS/ASSESSMENTS OF UNITED STATES NUCLEAR PROBLEMS AT US REACTOR/PLANT/WEAPONERY/SUB FACILITIES EITHER NEAR THE CDN BORDER, INSIDE CDN TERRITORY OR THAT AFFECT CDA. 922418 CDN POSITION RE CAMBODIA WITH REFERENCE TO THE 1989 PARIS BASED CAMBODIA TALKS, CDA'S POSITION AND ITS AGREEMENT/CORRESPONDENCE WITH AMERICAN AUTHORITIES' POSITION. 2. SINCE 1989, EXTERNAL OFFICIALS' ASSESSMENTS PREPARED FOR THE THEN MINISTERS (IE BOTH JOE CLARK AND BARBARA MCDOUGALL) ON WHAT CDA'S POSITION ON CAMBODIA SHOULD BE AND THE MINISTERS' QUERIES BACK TO THEM, AND THOSE OFFICIALS' REPORTS ON MINISTERIAL POSITIONS ADOPTED. 3. SINCE THE BEGINNING OF 1992, REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN CAMBODIA, AND WHETHER CAMBODIA AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS CAN CARRY OUT THE TERMS OF THE 1991 PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE. 1993.03.03 922419 VISA FILE OF ... VISA APPLICATION FILE OF XXX 922420 VISIT OF LABRADOR INNU TO EUROPE IN FEB93 COPIES OF ALL MEMOS, CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER DOCS ORIGINATING WITH THE CDN CONSULS IN THE NETHERLANDS AND GERMANY, AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPT HQ (OTTAWA) CONCERNING THE VISIT OF LABRADOR INNU TO THOSE COUNTRIES IN FEB93. THIS SHOULD INCLUDE A COPY OF NOTES TAKEN BY CDN CONSUL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE NETHERLANDS, MS MELANIE TERMAULEN, AT A CONFERENCE ENTITLED "HOW CAN ONE OWN THE SKY?" IN MAASTRICHT ON FEB5/93. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.03.05 1993.03.05 920184 CONSULTATION WITH CEIC#308 XXX 1993.03.09 922421 91-92 AUDIT OF TRAVEL CLAIMS THERE HAVE BEEN ALLEGATIONS OF FRAUD AND THEFT BY OFFICIALS AT EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, IN REGARDS TO TRAVEL CLAIMS BY OFFICIALS WHO FALSELY REPORTED THE COST OF AIRLINE TICKETS FOR TRIPS HOME TO CDA. IN A DEPTAL INVESTIGATION, EXTERNAL'S OWN AUDITORS EXAMINED A TOTAL OF 53,000 TICKETS AND REIMBURSEMENT CLAIMS BY DEPTAL EMPLOYEES DATING BACK TO 1985. I WOULD LIKE TO GET A COPY OF THIS AUDIT FOR 1991-1992 OR IN IT'S ENTIRETY. 1993.03.10 922422 CALLUPS JAN-FEB 93 CALLUPS JANUARY - FEBRUARY 1993. 1993.03.11 922423 PAUL ROBESON ACTIVITIES FROM 1930-75 FILES ON PAUL ROBESON FROM 1930 TO 1975 INCLUDING MEMORANDA AND CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN GOVT AGENCIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, MINUTES OF MTGS, WORK PERMITS, ENTRY AND EXIT DOCUMENTS, PHOTOGRAPHS, NOTES ON HIS ACTIVITIES, ETC. 1993.03.12 920186 CONSULTATION WITH HWC#10 XXX 1993.03.16 922424 CALLUPS FEB93 CALLUPS FOR FEBRUARY 1993 1993.03.22 920194 CONSULTATION WITH DND#64 XXX 1993.03.24 920195 CONSULTATION - DSS#43 XXX 922425 DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT RECORD OF DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT OF XXX 922426 CDN CITIZENS MISSING IN VIETNAM 1975 ASCERTAIN WHETHER THERE ARE ANY RCORDS OR INFORMATION ON CDN CITIZENS OR DUAL CDN/VIETNAMESE CITIZENS WHO WENT MISSING IN SAIGON VIETNAM IN APRIL 1975. POSSIBLY WHILE EMPLOYED BY US STATE DEPT. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.03.24 922427 CDN POSITION RE UN RESOLUTIONS ON EAST TIMOR RECEIVE A COPY OF EVERY DISCUSSION PAPER EVER WRITTEN THAT RELATED TO CDA'S POSITION ON SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION #384 & #389 AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS #31/53, 32/34, 33/39, 34/40, 35/27, 36/50 AND 37/30. 922428 UN RESOLUTIONS RE EAST TIMOR - UN CDN REPS & OTTAWA DISCUSSIONS RECEIVE A COPY OF ALL FORMS OF COMMUNICATION THAT TOOK PLACE BETWEEN CDA'S REPRESENTATIVES (IE AMBASSADOR, CIVIL SERVANT, ETC) AT THE UN AND ANY GOVT OFFICIAL IN OTTAWA THAT RELATED TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS. OTTAWA WAS GIVEN AS A SAMPLE LOCATION. IF THERE WAS COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THESE TWO PARTIES AT ANY OTHER LOCATION IN THE COUNTRY, INCLUDE THEM. 922429 UN RESOLUTION RE EAST TIMOR - CDA, INDONESIA & USA DISCUSSIONS APPLY THE SAME QUESTION AS A-2428 TO THE FOLLOWING: ALL FORMS OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CDA AND INDONESIA, AND CDA AND THE US REGARDING THE UN RESOLUTIONS MENTIONED IN A-2428. THIS IS COMMUNICAITONS BOTH DURING THE VOTE ON THE RESOLUTIONS AS WELL AS INFORMALLY OUTSIDE THE GEN. ASSEMBLY AND SECURITY COUNCIL INCLUDING PHONE CALLS, WRITTEN COMMUNICATION BETWEEN RESEPECTIVE AMBASSADORIAL OFFICES, ETC. 1993.03.25 920196 CONSULTATION SOS#23 XXX 1993.03.26 922430 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS SINCE JAN. 1/92 A COMPLETE LIST OF PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS, REPORTS, PRESENTATIONS OR OTHER INFORMATION COLLECTIONS CONDUCTED OR COMMISSIONED BY THE DEPT. OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS & INTERNATIONAL TRADE SINCE JAN. 1/92. 1993.03.30 922431 LONG-TERM STUDY ON AID CONDITIONALITY I REQUEST ACCESS TO A LONG-TERM STUDY ON AID CONDITIONALITY WHICH WAS MENTIONED ON P.2-20 OF THE 1993-94 ESTIMATES. ON THE SAME SUBJECT, I REQUEST ACCESS TO AN ANALYSIS OF "CDN INNATL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS, INCL TRADE AID LINKS AND CONDITIONALITY" REFERRED TO ON P.2-26. 922432 MIGRATION STUDY & IMPACT OF GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHICS ON CDN FOR POLICY I REQUEST ACCESS TO A LONG-TERM STUDY ON MIGRATION WHICH WAS MENTIONED ON P.2-20 OF THE 1993-94 ESTIMATES. ON WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE SAME SUBJECT, I REQUEST ACCESS TO AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES ON CDN FOREIGN POLICY, MENTIONED ON P.2-25. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.03.30 922433 LINKS BETWEEN TRADE, ENVIRONMENT & GREEN PROTECTIONISM I REQUEST ACCESS TO ANALYSES OF "THE LINKS BETWEEN TRADE AND THE ENVIRONMENT, THE TRADE CONSEQUENCES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN PROTECTIONISM ON TRADE" MENTIONED IN THE 1993-94 ESTIMATES, P.2-25. 922434 CDA'S INNATL CULTURAL REL PROGRAMS & 9 COUNTRIES I REQUEST ACCESS TO A DISCUSSION PAPER COMPARING CDA' INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL RELATIONS PROGRAMS TO THOSE OF 9 OTHER COUNTRIES (AUSTRALIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, JAPAN, SOUTH KOREA, NETHERLANDS, SPAIN AND UNITED KINGDOM) MENTIONED IN THE 1993-94 ESTIMATES ON P.2-69. 922435 GUIDELINES FOR ATIP REQUESTS I REQUEST ACCESS TO THE GUIDELINES DEVELOPED FOR DEALING WITH REQUESTS MADE UNDER THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS REFERRED TO ON P.2-63 OF THE 1993-94 ESTIMATES. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.02.18 920129 FISHING GEAR FOR LONGLINE INSHORE FISHERMEN We request information that will enable us to better evaluate our market share. That information should contain the number of active licences in the Canadian market. Specifically we need the number of gillnetters, and longliners by province and by county. Please segregate between longliners and gillnetters. 1993.02.26 920130 ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY a) What formula or factors are taken into consideration when negotiating Native Food Fishing Agreements for societal or sale purposes? I want to know if there are rules or guidelines by which your department enters into negotiation with the various bands. b) What is the membership numbership (status) of the various bands being considered in your fishing agreements? Also, what location are these bands from (supply maps), and what major native group are they members of? c) I would like a breakdown of all financial allocations, given to specific banads, by your department for the start or maintenance of any marine resource or management related program? It is my intention to get a better understanding of the Aboriginal Fishing Strategy, the information I have asked for will assist me in my comprehension of your new policy. 1993.03.01 920131 CALL-UPS I would like to obtain all "call-ups against a standing offer for temporary help services' forms processed by Fisheries and Oceans during the months of November 1992 and January 1993 under the Authority of the Regional Master Standing Offer for Temporary Help in the National Capital area. 1993.03.02 920132 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Please forward all call-ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Regionb for the month of February 1993. 920133 INVOICES BY BRISTOL COMMUNICATION Please send me copies of invoices submitted to DFO by Bristol Communications Encorporated of St.John's, Newfoundland, and its subsidiaries including Saga Communications, Appa Communications, Strategic Concepts Ltd, Omnifacts Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.02 920133 Research, etc. for services rendered since January 1, 1991. 1993.03.03 920149 WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD We require access to specific DFO licensing department information: * the name and address of holders of personal commercial fishing licenses * the name and address of holders of commercial fishing licenses, * the vessel name & number the license is tied to. 1993.03.04 920134 COPIES OF CONTRACTS Please send me copies of contracts signed by DFO and D.R. Harley Consultants Ltd. for media analysis and public relations services since January 1, 1991. 920135 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS Please send me copies of all documents submitted to DFO by D.R. Harley Consultants Ltd. related to media analysis and public relations services since January 1, 1991. 920136 COPIES OF INVOICES Please send me copies of invoices submitted to DFO by D.R. Harley Consultants Ltd. for media analysis and public relations services rendered since January 1, 1991. 1993.03.08 920137 CALL-UPS ALL callups processed by this institution in the QUEBEC REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period: February 1993. 920138 CALL-UPS ALL callups processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period: February 1993 1993.03.10 920139 PEI FIXED LINK 1. Departmental approval and rationale for approval of the sample bore testing done in 1992 for the fixed link project and findings submitted. 2. Records after mid-1992 to the present on possible compensation package options to fishermen and industry effected by the fixed link project. As well, any actual compensation paid to date, or costs to participate in the fixed link issue hearings/meetings. 3. Briefing notes to the Minister since late 1992 on the PEI fixed link and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.10 920139 its implications for fishing, fishery compensation and for Fisheries and Oceans. 4. Any other data released on this issue under the Access Act or other public means. 1993.03.11 920140 ABORIGINAL FISHERY There was three Joint Technical Committees that mamaged the Fisheries by Aboriginal band on: 1. The Fraser River 2. The Skeena River and entrance 3. Somass River, Barkley Sound, Point Alberni These fisheries occured from July 1992 on. I would like the minutes or any records kept that provides details of what was discussed during those meetings. 920141 ABORIGINAL FISHERY A copy of any polls or surveys undertaken by DFO to analyze public opinion on Aboriginal fishing issues including any polling regarding the Aboriginal Fishing Strategy. The period should cover Jan.1, 1990 to present. 1993.03.19 920142 ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY I would like all the information on the above named subject - Internnal memorandum-correspondence with interest groups - Cabinet memorandum - Government policy - Internal Interdepartmental memorandum. Information on how the Sparrow decision was interpreted by DFO and how this lead to the Aboriginal Fishing Strategy since Sparrow court case happened. 1993.03.23 920143 HARASSMENT REPORTS 1. Harassment Investigation Report concerning s.19(1). 2. Report from Gilles Pichette to Director General concerning second level grievance of same harassment. Available through: Library Services Fisheries and Oceans Gulf Region P.O. Box 5030 Moncton, N.B. E1C 9B6 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.03.23 920144 LISTING OF ALL LICENSED FISHING V I am currently under contract with the XXX Further to telephone conversations held earlier today with XXX and Ms. Marilyn Carr at your office regarding this project, I am hereby requesting under the Freedom of Information Act, a comprehensive listing of all licensed fishing vessels registered with your department in Newfoundland. Specifically, I am interested in obtaining the following information: Vessel Name Owner's name Address Telephone No. Fax No. (if available) 920156 DFO/QUEBEC/GTA CALLS GTA call detail reports, protecting privacy of individuals. 1993.03.26 920145 CALLUPS/TEMPORARY HELP All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: January 1993 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.02.18 920360 BILINGUAL DOCUMENTS ONLY CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING BILINGUAL DOCUMENTS NEED TO BE SUPPLIED EG STANDARD CLAUSES, MEMOS, FAX AND MINUTES. 1993.02.22 920362 NUCLEAR SUB PROGRAM REQUEST RECORDS THAT SHOW THE NUCLEAR SUB PROGRAM WAS INITIATED INSTEAD OF A STANDARD SUB REPLACEMENT PROGRAM BECAUSE OF THE EXPRESS WISHES OF THE THEN MINISTER PERRIN BEATTY. 2. ANY 1992, 1993 EVALUATIONS DONE BY OR FOR DND OR ABOUT THE NUCLEAR SUB PROGRAM THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED OR ARE UNDERWAY, INCLUDING ANY RESEARCH EVALUATIONS THAT DND IS AWARE THAT ARE BEING DONE IN NORTH AMERICA AS PART OF GRADUATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH WORK. 3. TOTAL COSTS BY MAJOR CATEGORIES SPENT ON DEVELOPING A NUCLEAR SUB PROGRAM IN-HOUSE AND THROUGH CONTRACTS BOTH BEFORE AND EVEN AFTER ITS CANCELLATION. 4. SUMMARY REPLACEMENT PLANS. 920363 AIRBUSES REQUEST RECORDS REGARDING SUMMARY COSTING DATA ON AIRBUS SALES TO DATE AND VALUE AND PROJECTED PURCHASES. 2. MODIFICATIONS/CONVERSIONS NEEDED TO THREE AIRBUSES PURCHASED TO DATE, THE COSTS OF SUCH MODIFICATIONS, WHO PAYS FOR THE MODIFICATIONS, AND WHO IS DOING AND WHERE THE MODIFICATIONS, AND FOR HOW LONG, AGAINST ANY LATE PENALTY CLAUSES, AND THE DESCRIPTIVE RECORDS OF DND'S ROLE IN QUALITY ASSURANCES FOR SUCH MODIFICATIONS. 3. APPRAISAL VALUES OF AEROBUS PLANES PURCHASED AS IS AND AFTER MODIFICATIONS/ CONVERSIONS; AND ANY COSTS ASSIGNED FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE/ STORAGE. 920364 EH101 HELICOPTER PROGRAM 1. JAN/FEB/9J3 BRIEFING NOTES, ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS ON THE EH101 HELICOPTER PROGRAM, INCLUDING ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE FRIGATE PROGRAM. 2. SUMMARY OF 1992 EH101 HELICOPTER DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS, TIMETABLES, PENALTIES FOR CANCELLATION, REGIONAL BENEFITS. 3. STATUS REPORTS IN FROM SEPTEMBER, 1992 TO THE PRESENT ON EH101 HELICOPTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. 4. REPORTS / RECORDS DONE BY PAUL CURLEY OR HIS FIRM, ADVANCE PLANNING AND COMMUNICATIONS LTD. ON EH101 PROGRAM, AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY PLANS ON THE EH101 PROGRAM. 5. ANY OTHER ACCESS ACT DATA RELEASED ON Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.02.22 920364 EH101 PROGRAM SINCE THE SUMMER OF 1992. 920365 1993 BRIEFING BINDER 1993 BRIEFING BINDER PREPARED FOR THE NEW DEFENCE MINISTER, KIM CAMPBELL 920366 MARCEL MASSE'S TRIPS 1. COSTS OF MARCEL MASSE'S TRIPS AS DND MINISTER. 2. RATIONALE, COSTS, ITINERARY OF MASSE'S TRIP AT THE END OF 1992 TO YUGOSLAVIA AND OTHER DESTINATIONS. 3. ANY REVIEWS OF MASSE'S TENURE AS DND MINISTER. 920367 SOMALI INTERVENTION 1. 1992 DIRECTIVES/INSTRUCTION FOR CAF PERSONNEL GOING TO SOMALI, INCLUDING ON THE TYPES OF ACCEPTABLE/UNACCEPTABLE MILITARY INTERVENTION. 2. 1992 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER OR OTHER DOCUMENTATION THAT DISTINGUISHES THE SOMALI INTERVENTION FROM OTHER UN/NON-UN PEACEKEEPING INTERVENTIONS. 3. 1992 STATUS REPORT ON CAF INDIVIDUAL PEACEKEEPING EFFORTS, THEIR PURPOSE, CANADA'S ROLE AND SUPPORT, AND COSTS INVOLVED IN EACH EXERCISE. 4. 1992 PROJECTED PEACEKEEPING AREAS OF CUTBACK/EXPANSION, WITH ANY ACCOMPANYING EXPLANATION AND PROJECTED COSTS 1993-2000. 1993.02.24 920369 EXCHANGE OF LAND AN AGREEMENT, OR DOCUMENT THAT REFERS TO AN EXCHANGE OF LAND BETWEEN THE DEPT. OF NATIONAL DEFENCE AND YARROW'S SHIPYARD IN ESQUIMALT B.C. 920370 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES PROCUREMENT FILE 8462/92/E/DD67 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENTS - INFO REQUESTED IS DCGEMPD 3445-4256 DATED 10 JUL 92 (NSN 3445-21-909-4256 SHEARING MACHINE SUBMITTED BY UP TOM BRADEN AND JAMES STATING OPERATIONAL AND PARTS AND REPAIR MANUALS WILL BE SUPPLIED IN ENGLISH ONLY 920371 SAR ALFIOS RCC VICTORIA SAR INCIDENT LOG SAR ALFIOS DATED 2 FEB 93. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.03.02 1993.03.02 920373 ILTIS 4X4 JEEP UNIT PRICE OF ILTIS 4X4 JEEP PRODUCED BY BOMBARDIR INC. LOGISTIC. TOTAL CONTRACT AND NUMBER OF UNITS PRODUCED. REPORT ON WHY THE ILTIS 4X4 WAS CHOSEN BY D&D. 920374 FRIGATE PROGRAM TOTAL COST OF FRIGATE PROGRAM, 12 SHIPS IN ALL. COST PER SHIP. REPORT ON HOW THE CANADIAN FRIGATE COMPARES TO OTHER SIMILAR SHIPS IN ITS CLASS. 920375 STEYR NUTZFAHRZEUGE 6X6 TRUCK TOTAL COST OF THE STEYR NUTZFAHRZEUGE 6X6 TRUCK. TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS CONTRACTED. COST PER UNIT. REPORT ON PERFORMANCE STANDERS. REPORT ON WHY STEYR WAS CHOSEN BY D&D. WHO IN CANADA IS CONTRACTED TO ASSEMBLE THE STEYR? 920376 LOW LEVEL FLYING STATISTICS COULD YOU PLEASE SEND ME A COPY OF "EXTENSIVE LOW LEVEL FLYING STATISTICS" FOR THE 1992 FLIGHT TRAINING SEASONS AT CFB GOOSE BAY. PROVIDE ON IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTER DISKETTE. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.03.01 920102 DOCUMENTS SHOWING THE NUMBER OF PROPERTIES AGRICULTURE CANADA SPRAYED WITH CARBARYL.˙ 920103 ASSESSMENT STUDIES AND PROGRAM REVIEWS OF THE PROGRAM OF AERIAL SPRAYING OF THE PESTICIDE B.T.K. OVER GREATER VANCOUVER THAT WAS DESIGNED TO COMBAT THE ASIAN GYPSY MOTH FROM APRIL 1992 TO MAY 1992.˙ 920104 COPIES OF FEASIBILITY STUDIES PERTAINING TO THE CONTROL OF THE ASIAN GYPSY MOTH IN GREATER VANCOUVER THAT WERE CONDUCTED PRIOR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF AERIAL SPRAYING THAT WAS CONDUCTED FROM APRIL TO MAY 1992.˙ 920105 COPY OF THE RESEARCH PERMIT GRANTED FOR THE STUDY OF POSSIBLE OPTIONS TO COMBAT THE ASIAN GYPSY MOTH IN GREATER VANCOUVER.˙ 1993.03.02 920106 INFORMATION REGARDING A PERMIT APPLICATION TO IMPORT ALPACAS FROM AUSTRIALIA / NEW ZEALAND WITHIN THE LAST 2-3 YEARS. THE IMPORTERS NAME IS ROYAL CON. ALPACA RANCH. (ALTA)˙ 1993.03.03 920107 VARIOUS REPORTS 1. 1991, 1992, 1993 REPORTS, STUDIES, MEMOS ON USE OF FOOD SURPLUSES OF MARKETING BOARDS (EG. MILK, POTATOES ETC) OR OTHER FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES TO FEED CANADA'S POOR AND FOR FOOD BANKS.˙ ˙ 2. ANY 1991-1993 INITIATIVES AND COSTS TO AGRICULTURE CANADA OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY HELPING CANADA'S FOOD BANKS.˙ ˙ 3. ANY 1990-1993 ASSESSMENTS/REPORTS OF THE EFFECT OF AGRICULTURE CANADA PROGRAMS ON ENSURING CANADA'S POOR RECEIVE SUFFICIENT FOOD AND ANY REVIEW OF THE EFFECTS OF INTRODUCING A TAX ON FOOD GOODS (LIKE GST) WOULD HAVE ON CANADIAN CONSUMERS.˙ ˙ 4. BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER ON ABOVE SUBJECTS.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.03.03 920108 1993 BRIEFING BINDER PREPARED ON ISSUES FACING THE DEPARTMENT FOR THE NEW AGRICULTURE MINISTER. 1993 LIST OF BRIEFING NOTES FOR THE MINISTER.˙ 920109 RECORD OF THE NAME OF THE SPECIFIC ADJUVANT THAT IS A LISTED INGREDIENT OF THE PRODUCT, JENCINE K-99, AN E COLI BACTERIA PRODUCT, FOR USE AS A SCOUR, MANUFACTURED OR DISTRIBUTED BY COOPERS AGRIPHARM.˙ 1993.03.05 920110 INFORMATION ON A COMPETITION; MISCELLANEOUS CERTIFICATES, TESTS, AND REPORTS FOR VARIOUS PERIODS, 1990-91.˙ 1993.03.10 920111 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR FEBRUARY 1993˙ 1993.03.18 920113 LIST OF PRODUCE LICENSEES FOR MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR THE YEARS 1983-1993 INCLUSIVE. ALSO, A YEAR BY YEAR LISTING FROM 1983-1993 OF THOSE LICENSEES WHOSE LICENCES LAPSED OR WERE OTHERWISE TERMINATED.˙ 1993.03.24 920114 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO A HARASSMENT FILE.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOC 1993.03.01 920085 NATIONAL ELECTRONIC HIGHWAY, CANARIE PROJECT Request for 1991 to 1993 DOC in-house/consultant studies/reports/reviews on the concept and implementation of a national electronic highway, any envisaged timetable, costs, government assistance programs towards this end, include costs given/projected for the CANARIE project, comparisons made with other countries' efforts to develop advanced fibre optic networks, and stage and capacity of Canada's fibre optic network now, envisaged types of government regulation, ownership requirements, foreign transmission entry requirements, agreements needed among existing competitors and costs to users, 1991, 1992 and 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on above subjects, including communications strategies. 920086 CALLUPS FOR JANUARY 1993 Request for all callups for support staff for January 1993. 1993.03.09 920087 CALLUPS FOR THE NCR DURING FEBRUA Request for callups in the National Capital Region during the month of February 1993. 920088 CALLUPS FOR THE QUEBEC REGION DUR Request for callups in the Quebec Region during the month of February 1993. 920089 FEASIBILITY STUDY ON THE NEW BRUN Request for all documents, memos, analysis, letters, reports and any other documentation pertainin to the feasibility study on the New Brunswick Museum in Saint John, N.B. The study, completed in December, was partially funded by the federal government 1993.03.15 920090 REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITUR Request for the most recent audit entitled: "Review of Departmental Expenditures". 920091 CONTRIBUTIONS REVIEW Request for audits from fiscal year 90-91, 91-92 and 92-93 on "contributions review". Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1992.12.29 920128 NUMBER OF COPIES OF COREL DRAW SOFTWARE IN DEPARTMENT Documentation from the departmental inventory which indicates the number of copies of COREL DRAW software and where located. I would also like a list of officials (names and office phone numbers if possible) authorized to contact Corel to resolve problems with the software if and when they occur. 1993.02.26 920157 EFFECTS OF PESTICIDE B.T.K. UPON WILDLIFE Environment Canada; Conservation and Protection Service; Wildlife Toxicology (ENV CAP 145). Requesting copies of any assessment studies or program reviews involving the effects upon wildlife of the chemical pesticide B.T.K. that was sprayed over Greater Vancouver in April-May of 1992. 1993.03.02 920158 COPIES OF EARP, WILDLIFE REGS, CEPA, NATIONAL PARKS REGS, Copy of latest edition of EARP, Wildlife Area Regulations, Environmental Protection Act, National Parks Regulations. 1993.03.04 920159 CALL-UPS FOR FEBRUARY Call ups for Environment Canada for the month of February, 1993 in the NCR. 1993.03.08 920160 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR - FEBRUARY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for temporary help services during the period of February 1993. 920161 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE ONTARIO REGION - FEBRUARY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for temporary help services during the period of February 1993. 920162 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION - FEBRUARY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for temporary help services during the period of February 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.03.09 1993.03.09 920163 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR - JANUARY 1993 Call ups for temporary help in the NCR for the period of January 1993. 1993.03.10 920164 MILITARY FLIGHT TRAINING AT GOOSE BAY THE IMPACT ON WATERFOWL Please send me copies of all correspondence and internal memos concerning the DND's avoidance programme at CFB Goose Bay and the impacts of military flight training on migratory waterfowl for the post March 30/92 period (this concerns the St. John's, Sackville, and Ste-Foy offices of CWS). 920164 MILITARY FLIGHT TRAINING AT GOOSE BAY THE IMPACT ON WATERFOWL Please send me copies of all correspondence and internal memos concerning the DND's avoidance programme at CFB Goose Bay and the impacts of military flight training on migratory waterfowl for the post March 30/92 period (this concerns the St. John's, Sackville, and Ste-Foy offices of CWS). 920164 MILITARY FLIGHT TRAINING AT GOOSE BAY THE IMPACT ON WATERFOWL Please send me copies of all correspondence and internal memos concerning the DND's avoidance programme at CFB Goose Bay and the impacts of military flight training on migratory waterfowl for the post March 30/92 period (this concerns the St. John's, Sackville, and Ste-Foy offices of CWS). 920165 MILITARY FLIGHT TRAINING AT CFB GOOSE BAY All correspondence and related documents exchanged between DND and CWS concerning military flight training at CFB Goose Bay since 10 November 1992. 1993.03.11 920166 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT A copy of the proposed (amended) Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, expected to be proclaimed in the Spring of 1993. 920166 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT A copy of the proposed (amended) Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, expected to be proclaimed in the Spring of 1993. 920166 CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT A copy of the proposed (amended) Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, expected to be proclaimed in the Spring of 1993. 920167 ENVIRONMENTAL BILL OF RIGHTS A copy of the proposed Environmental Bill of Rights for Canada. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.03.15 1993.03.15 920168 FEDERAL LICENSE FOR THE NEW WEYBURN DAM ON THE SOURIS RIVER This is a request for a copy of the Federal license under the International Rivers Act for a dam that was built on the Souris River in Southeast Saskatchewan in 1980. The Dam is called the New Weyburn Dam and was built for flood control.. 920168 FEDERAL LICENSE FOR THE NEW WEYBURN DAM ON THE SOURIS RIVER This is a request for a copy of the Federal license under the International Rivers Act for a dam that was built on the Souris River in Southeast Saskatchewan in 1980. The Dam is called the New Weyburn Dam and was built for flood control.. 920168 FEDERAL LICENSE FOR THE NEW WEYBURN DAM ON THE SOURIS RIVER This is a request for a copy of the Federal license under the International Rivers Act for a dam that was built on the Souris River in Southeast Saskatchewan in 1980. The Dam is called the New Weyburn Dam and was built for flood control.. 920169 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Most current call ups (February 1993) for Environment Canada in the National Capital Region. 1993.03.17 920170 TESTS FOR TOXICS AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS IN YUKON SINCE JAN. 1991 We would appreciate receiving any and all studies, correspondence, memos, or any other documents related to tests for toxics and other contaminants in plants, fish, or animals in Yukon since January 1, 1990, by your ministry, any territorial ministry, private sector, or public sector body. 920170 TESTS FOR TOXICS AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS IN YUKON SINCE JAN. 1991 We would appreciate receiving any and all studies, correspondence, memos, or any other documents related to tests for toxics and other contaminants in plants, fish, or animals in Yukon since January 1, 1990, by your ministry, any territorial ministry, private sector, or public sector body. 920170 TESTS FOR TOXICS AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS IN YUKON SINCE JAN. 1991 We would appreciate receiving any and all studies, correspondence, memos, or any other documents related to tests for toxics and other contaminants in plants, fish, or animals in Yukon since January 1, 1990, by your ministry, any territorial ministry, private sector, or public sector body. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.03.17 920171 TESTS FOR TOXICS AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS IN YUKON SINCE JAN. 1991 We would appreciate receiving any and all studies, correspondence, memos, or any other documents related to tests for toxics and other contaminants in plants, fish, or animals in Yukon since January 1, 1990, by your ministry, any territorial ministry, private sector, or public sector body. 1993.03.26 920172 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS LET SINCE JANUARY 1992 A list of professional service contracts let since January 1992. Include the name of the company or person contracted, the cost and date of the contract as well as a short description of the work involved. 920173 PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH SURVEYS SINCE JANUARY 1992 List of polls carried out by the department since January 1992. Include a short description of each poll as well as the name of the company which carried out the polling, the cost and the date. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.02.02 900031 AUDIT REPORT transport canada audit report of nwt airways dated november 1987 - correspondence between transport canada and nwt airways pertaining to the possible release of this audit report the files held by transport canada which pertain to the maintenance and operations of nwt airways and their aircraft after jan. 1, 1984˙ 1990.02.21 900166 LIEN ON AIRCRAFT WE WOULD LIKE TO VERIFY IF THERE IS ANY EXISTING LIENS ON THE FOLLOWING AIRCRAFT : c-gcxg - c-gpsh˙ 900173 GRIEVANCE GRIEVANCE NUMBER ***** FILED IN 1989 BY ***** INCLUDING ALL GRIEVANCE PRESENTATIONS, PROCEDURES, ATTACHMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE AND MINUTES OF MEETINGS BY THE UNION, MANAGEMENT, GRIEVORS, EMPLOYEES.˙ 1990.03.12 900050 NARRATIVE narrative of wapiti aviation by Mr. Francis Savage of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada prepared in 1984 or 1985, a copy of records to indicate where in Transport Canada`s files this was maintained, records pertaining to the surveillance program˙ 900052 CN ROUTE the agreement of purchase and sale concerning the sale of Transport Route Canada Inc. by CN to Route Canada Holdings Inc. in December 1986. Also any other documents pertaining to the sale and Route Canada's obligations.˙ 1990.03.15 900056 CONVENTION 147 any and all documents including but not restricted to, letters, correspondence, memorandum and other records pertaining to Canada's position on the International Labor Organization convention 147 (ILO 147) and records, notes, letters, correspondence or memorandum pertaining to discussions or consultations with the provinces and territories on this subject.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.05.23 1990.05.23 900128 GRIEVANCE group grievance of Jan. 23, 1989 filed by ****** including all grievance presentations, attachments, correspondence, minutes of meetings, by: union, management, grievors, employees or other parties. - all notes, statements, records, correspondence and minutes or meetings, summary of events etc.˙ 1990.05.24 900130 SAFETY STUDY commercial motor carrier industry safety study, conducted by Mueller for the program evaluation branch˙ 900131 REGULATION STUDY Road safety motor vehicle regulation study conducted for the department program evaluation branch by IBI Group˙ 900132 AIRCRAFT PARTS records on the use or present of bogus aircraft parts in Canada˙ 1990.05.30 900133 COMM. AIR TRAVELLERS STUDY draft and final reports generated by DSS Project 88056 - Commercial Air Travellers Study ˙ 1990.05.31 900134 EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION - GM part 1 of emissions certification for model year vehicles - general motors 1990 and 1991˙ 900135 EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION - FORD part 1 of emissions certification for model year vehicles ford 1990 and 1992˙ 900136 EMISSIONS CERTIFICATION - CHRYSLER part 1 of emissions certification for model year vehicles chrysler 1990 and 1991˙ 900137 SMOKING BAN 1989, 1990 airline companies trade association/Canadian Airlines and Air Canada submissions re delaying proposed smoking ban on flights over 6 hours duration and 1990 MOT reviews o such submissions puls any MOT economic calculations analyses of lost airline revenues given this smoking bank proposal and timetable now for such a ban and briefing notes on abouve 1989 and 1990.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.05.31 900138 SUBSTANCE USE 1987 to 1990 reports/memos/reviews/briefing notes on the Charter of Rights of rail workers mandatory drug testing program announced on Jan. 18, 1988 and the March 1990 Strategy on Substance Use that includes alcohol and drug use that is work related. Any 1989 or 1990 plan of action as to how this will be implemented and at what costs, any 1988 to 1990 submissions on substance use from the transportation industries that deals with the legal/constitutionaly issued involved.˙ 900140 FLIGHT ATTENDANT TRAINING 1988 to 1990 airline industry trade association correspondence/submissions/research including from the ATAC on above subject and any 1988 to 1990 briefing notes on this subject˙ 1990.06.01 900141 GRIEVANCE group grievance or on or about April 17, 1990 filed by **** including all grievance presentations, attachments, correspondence, minutes of meetings by union, management, grievors, and other parties˙ 900142 GRIEVANCE grievance files by **** October 1989 including all grievance presentations, attachments, correspondence, minutes of meetings by the union, management, grievors, employees and any other parties. All notes, statements, correspondence, records and minutes of meetings.˙ 1990.06.06 900144 TERMINAL 3 - TORONTO I would like to see a copy of the contract between the Department of Transport and s. 19(1) in the management of Terminal 3, Toronto irport. The managers and Lockheed Air Treminals I would like to see all parts of the contract, the amount, the date, the terms.˙ 1990.06.09 900183 REGULATORY AUDITS MANUAL I REQUEST A COPY OF THE DRAFT OR FINAL VERSION OF TRANSPORT CANADA'S MANUAL OF REGULATORY AUDITS˙ 1990.06.14 900145 SHIPBUILDING documentation from Jan. 1 to Aug. 1, 1983 related to the award of the Canadian Patrol Frigate Contract with particular refrecne to ship construction options considered by the Government the program annoucement and the period between the program announcement and the contract award announcement. Documentation from 1983 relating to the involvement of Marine Industries Limited. Documentation subsequent to this contract.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.06.14 900146 COMPUTER SOFTWARE view contracts for procurement of the Terotek Maintenance Management Computer Software between Canadian Coast Guard and Saysay Maintenance.˙ 1990.06.15 900147 AIRCRAFT C-GGMD i request a copy of all records of the investigation and resulting enforcement action taken or proposed to be taken as a result of s.19(1) to the regional manager, about apparent violations of the Air Navigation Orders by C-GGMD or the reasons for the lack of any enforcement action taken.˙ 1990.06.21 900148 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLS studies or plans to reduce or change the number of air traffic controls in Canada, There are 105 now but only 7 are necessary. any studies reports memos to collaborate as well any studies impact analysis reports and memos pertaining to the use of two languages in towers.˙ 1990.06.26 900149 CONVAIR 580 The name of the registered owner of each aircraft and the name of the registered operator the name of any other person who has records an interest in the aircraft.˙ 1990.06.28 900150 CALL-UPS I would like to request call-ups for the months of April and May of 1990.˙ 1990.07.05 900152 WEIGHT SURVEY TC CONTRACT PASSENGER SAFETY WEIGHT SURVEY CONDUCTED JANUARY 1976˙ 900155 FIREHALL DAILY LOG GRANDE PRAIRIE FIREHALL DAILY LOG˙ 1990.07.10 900156 AIRCRAFT INSPECTION ITEMS 3, 4 AND 5 OF REQUEST 1730-90-154˙ 1990.07.13 900153 AUDITS ANY 1987, 1988, 1989 NATIONAL OR REGIONAL AUDITS OF AIRLINE COMPANIES AND JNAUARY AND FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1989 AIR CARRIER FLIGHT INSPECTION FOR LARGE PASSENGER AIRPLANES THAT RESULTED IN FLIGHT CANCELLATION˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.07.16 1990.07.16 900154 AUDIT TRANSPORT CANADA AUDITS OF PARSONS AIRWAYS NORTHER LTD ON OUR ABOUT THE 21 AUGUST 1989 - A CPY OF THE NOTICE OF AIRCRAFT CONDITION FORMS WHICH WERE ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS AUDIT - RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE INSPECTION OF AIRCRAFT CF-KOA BY TRANSPORT OFFICIALS ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 - A COPY OF THE INSPECTION RELEASE CERTIFICATE SIGNED BY ENGINEER AFTER REPAIRS - RECORDS TO INDICATE THE INVESTIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN AGAINTS THE B ENGINEER˙ 900157 AIR QUALITY - AIRPLANES LETTER FROM SAFETY PROGRAMS AREA MOT TO TSB ON OR AROUND JUNE 90 ON AIR QUALITY - ANY BRIEFINGS OF MINISTER 1989, 1990 RUE AIR QUALITY - FOLLOW-UP ACTION RE PROBLEM OF AIR QUALITY IN AIRPLANES IN 1990˙ 900158 REPORTS FOLLOW-UP TO 89-248 ANY REASONS WHY REPORTS SO LONG IN RELEASE - BRIEFINGS GIVEN TO THE MINISTER ON THESE REPORTS - INTERNAL REVIEW - COMMENTS ON THESE REPORTS AS THEY WERE IN FINAL FORM - COSTS OF THESE REPORTS - MINUTES OF MINISTER'S TASK FORCE ON AVIATION MATTER OR FOLLOW-UP GROUPS, TIMING/DATES RECEIVED BY MOT AND WHO THE REPORT HAS BEEN CIRCULATED TO OUTSIDE THE DEPARTMENT - DETAILS ON AND RELATIONSHIP OF AVIATION GROUP TO THESE REPORTS˙ 900159 FLIGHT DUTY TIMES FOLLOW-UP TO 1730-89-206 ANY FURTHER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES AND ATTACHMENTS ON FLIGHT TIME/FATIGUE - RELEVANT BRIEFING NOTES ON THIS SUBJECT INCLUDING FLIGHT DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND ON FLIGHT DUTY TIMES MINISTER'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE- ANY MEDIA ANALYSIS DONE ON THE ISSUE˙ 900160 HELICOPTER AN OPTION TO PURCHASE HELICOPTER CF-UNB - WHO IS IN POSSESSION OF THE HELICOPTER AND THE WHEREABOUTS OF ******* ˙ 1990.07.17 900163 NIGHT FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS THE NAMES OF THE AIRLINES, TYPES OF AIRCRAFT, THE EXACT TYPE OF EACH VIOLATION AND THE FINES LEVIED TO BREACHES OF NIGHT FLIGHT RESTRICTIONS AT PEARSON INTERNATINL AIRPOT FROM THE PREVIOUS REPORT PROVIDED NOVEMBER 1989˙ 900164 CONSULTANTS REPORT I REQUEST A COPY OF THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT OF THEIR INVESTIGATION IN TO THE EFECT OF DOT VARIOUS ENFORCEMENT INITIATIVES ON THE AVIATION COMMUNITY. THIS CONSULTANT'S REPORT IS REFERRED TO IN THE JULY 1, 1990 COPA NEWSLETTER.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.07.23 1990.07.23 900165 AUDIT 1990.07.24 900168 RADIO TAPE I WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE RADIO TAPES CONCERNING THE SINKING OF THE M.V. CAPITAINE TORRES IN EARLY DECEMBER 1989.˙ 1990.07.25 900162 OPERATING CERTIFICATE WE WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN A COPY OF AIR CANADA'S OPERATING CERTIFICATE IN EFFECT 1978 AND ANY INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS CERTIFICATE - AMENDMENTS AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION˙ 900167 AIRCRAFT OWNER HISTORY OF PREVIOUS OWNER OF THE FOLLOWING AIRCRAFT - fflz - CESSNA 172M AND GXUK BELLANCA˙ 1990.07.31 900169 AIR TREADS OUR REQUEST IS FOR COPIES OF COMMUNICATIONS EXCHANGES WITH AIR TRADS ALONG WITH ENCLOSURES AND ATTACHMENTS FOR THE PERIOD 1975 TO 1978.˙ 1990.08.02 900170 DM AUDIT A COPY OF THE DEPUTY MINISTER'S AUDIT CARRIED OUT AT DARTMOUTH APRIL TO JUNE 1990˙ 1990.08.08 900171 FINDINGS OF STUDY TRANSPORT CANADA COMMISSIONED SYPHER:MUELLER LAST YEAR TO CONDUCT A MAJOR STUDY ON AVIATION SAFETY. SYPHER:MUELLER SUBMITTED ITS REPORT THIS YEAR. ONE OF ITS FINDINGS WAS THAT THE ACCIDENT RATE OF MAJOR COMMERCIAL CARRIERS WAS HIGHER IN CANADA THAN IN THE U.S. IT ALSO FOUND THE RTE OF PILOT EEOR WAS HIGHER. THE DEPARTMENT HAS BEGUN WORK TO CONFIRM THESE FINDINGS. I REQUEST A COPY OF THE DEPARTMENTAL REPORT/MEMO/LETTER WHICH SUMMARIZES THAT ANALYSIS AND CONCLUDES WHETHER THE SYPHER MUELLER FINDINGS WERE ACCURATE OR FAULTY.˙ 1990.08.14 900172 COMPLAINT DOCUMENTATION COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTATION CONCERNING COMPLAINTS, INVESTIGATIONS, INTERVIEWS WITH WITNESSES AND THE FINDINGS AS WELL AS SUGGESTED ACTION TO BE TAKEN FOR THE CONFLICTS BETWEEN MYSELF AND **********. I REQUEST INFORMATION WITH MYSELF AS A WITNESS TO THESE CONFLICTS.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.08.16 1990.08.16 900161 CESSNA AIRCRAFT ALL INFORMATION RELATED TO CESSNA - TYPE APPROVAL - FLOAT INSTALLATION APPROVAL -AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES - CESSNA ADVIOSRY NOTIFICATIONS˙ 1990.08.22 900175 APPROVALS AT MILLS ALBERTA ENERGY COMPANY LTD. MILL PRESENT BEING CONSTRUCTE; WELDWOOD OF CANADA MILL BEING EXPANDED; ALBERTA NEWSPRINT CO. LTD. UNDER CONSTRUCTION; MILLAR WESTERN PULP MILL AT MEADOW LAKE˙ 1990.08.23 900176 OVERTIME PAYMENT I would like documentation which indicates total amount of overtime paid to members of the Air Traffic Control group at Toronto airport during the period FY 1989-90.˙ 1990.08.24 900174 BABY CAR SEATS THE SUMMARIES OF TEST RESULTS AND REPORTS FOR 1988, 1989, 1990 AT LEAST A LIST OF TESTS CARRIED OUT ON BABY CAR SEATS PER MODEL/COMPANY - AS WEILL THE ACTUAL TEST INVESTIGATION REPORTS - BRIEFING NOTES ON THESE RESULTS OR PROBLEMS - COMPLAINTS RE; BABY CAR SEATS THAT RESULTS IN MOT TESTING - THE PLACES AND NAMES OF CORONER INQUESTS OR COURT ACTIONS RE: BABY CAR SEATS˙ 1990.08.28 900196 MANUALS AND FOLLOW-UPS FOLLOW TO 1730-90-076 EMIS USER MANUAL AND COMPUTERIZED REPORTS ON TEN AIRLINES˙ 1990.08.31 900179 AIRCRAFT OWNERSHIP ownership of Piper Navajo Aircraft C-FYJR˙ 1990.09.06 900180 ADD POINTS TO ROUTE I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL THE RECORDS ON FOLIO NO. 028483 WHICH IS INDICATED BY THIS HANDWRITTEN NOTE.˙ 1990.09.10 900182 DMS AUDIT I REQUEST A COPY OF THE DEPUTY MINISTER'S AUDIT CARRIED OUT AT DARTMOUTH DURING THE PERIOD APRIL TO JUNE 1990.˙ 1990.09.11 900185 AUDITS NORTHWEST TERRITORIAL AIRWAYS LTD. AUDIT FOR 1985˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.09.11 900186 AUDITS AIR NORTH CHARTER AND TRAINING LTD. AUDIT FOR 1986˙ 900187 AUDIT KENN BOREK AIR LTD. AUDIT FOR 1985˙ 1990.09.13 900178 AUDITS copies of the following audits: Nahanni Air/Wapiti/NWT Airways/Kenn Borek Air/Air North˙ 900184 ACQUISITION/LEASE TERMINAL 1 & 2 REQUEST COPIES OF THE UNSOLICITED PROPOSALS FOR LEASE OF THE PEARSON AIRPORT TERMINALS 1 AND 2. PROPOSERS WERE THE MATTHEWS GROUP, BRITISH AIRPORTS AUTHORITY AND HUANG AND DANCZKAYE˙ 1990.09.14 900189 PRESIDENT OF AIR CANADA BRIEFING NOTES AND REPORTS ON THE REASONS FOR THE SUDDEN DEPARTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF AIR CANADA, THE DEPARTMENT'S ROLE AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE DEPARTURE, ANY ACTIONS TO CORRECT POSSIBLE PROBLEMS WITH PROCEDURES THAT LED TO THIS DEPARTURE.; BRIEFING NOTES RECEIVED FROM ANY INVESTIGATIONS OF THIS DEPARTMENT; CERTIFICATES OF AIRBUS AIRCRAFT AND ASSESSMENTS ON THE AIRBUS;˙ 1990.09.18 900190 CERTIFICATES CURRENT COPY OF CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION; PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES; LAST COPY OF CERTIFICATE OF AIRWORTHINESS AND COPY OF THE BILL OF SALE TO PRESENT OWNER˙ 1990.09.19 900192 DANGEROUS GOODS BY AIR I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE ALL COPIES OF CONSULTANT REPORTS CONCERNING THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS ON COMMERCIAL AIRLINES - NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL SINCE 1985.˙ 1990.09.26 900188 REGULATIONS VIOLATED I REQUEST THE RECORDS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THIS VIOLATION OF THE REGULATIONS; THE RECORDS OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN RESULTING FROM THIS VIOLATION; THE RECORDS OF DELIBERATIONS OR CONSULTATIONS BY THE AIR CARRIER`THE RECORDS OF DELIBERATIONS OR CONSULTATIONS BY THE DEPARTMENT˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.09.26 900191 TRAFFIC SERVICES RECORDS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS OF THESE VIOLATIONS; RECORDS OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN AGAINST THE FLIGHT CREWS AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES OCCURENCE REPORTS - VIOLATIONS 506 AND 521 OF THE AIR REGS.; RECORDS OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN.˙ 900194 AIR REGULATIONS RECORDS RELATED TO THE 24 APRIL 1989 OCCURENCE REPORT AIRCRAFT GGMD - RECORDS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS; RECORDS OF ENFORCEMENT ACTION; THE RECORDS OF DELIBERATIONS; ˙ 900195 AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES REPORT AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES OCCURENCE REPORT BY THE GRANDE PRAIRIE CONTROL TOWER ON 18-08-88 REPORTED FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ATC INSTRUCTIONS RESULTING IN 3 NEAR MISS INCIDENTS AT THE GRANDE PRAIRIE AIRPORT˙ 1990.09.28 900197 SERVICE REPORT RECENT AIRCRAFT DAMAGE WITHDRAWAL FROM SERVICE REPORT DATA AND LAST ANNUAL OR SPECIAL CONDITION AND CONFORMITY INSPECTION REPORT˙ 900198 SERVICE DIFFICULTY REPORTS SERVICE DIFFICULTY REPORTS FOR 1990 IN THE SDRS SYSTEMS AND THE USER MANUAL˙ 900199 SAFE SYSTEM REPORTED SAFETY DEFICIENCIES IN THE SAFE SYSTEM AND THE SAFE SYSTEM'S USER MANUAL FOR TEN AIRLINES˙ 900200 EMPLOYMENT-REGINA AIRPORT FIREHALL ~ How many persons expelled from Gov't. of Canada's Employ˙ 1. among those working within firehall˙ 2. among immediate management personnel˙ 3. among the maintenance division of the Regina Airport˙ ˙ ~How many were disciplined in the above mentioned categories?˙ ~What disciplinary measures were taken?˙ ~Please include any other related statistics or relevant info.˙ 1990.10.03 900202 AVIATION OCCURRENCE C-GEIY s.19(1) of aircraft C-GEIY, which was involved in an accident when the pilot ran out of fuel while attempting to return to the airport at Camrose, Alberta, on 26 July 1986.˙ The pilot on the accident flight was an Alberta resident, *****.˙ Pursuant to the provisions of the Access to Information Act, we hereby Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1990.10.03 900202 request production of all records relating to **** that are in Transport Canada's possession. We understand that many of those records are stored in the Aviation Licensing data bank.˙ ˙ We would ask, however, that the title (and subtitles) of each separate record or document (e.g. "Pilot Training Record") be left in place, in order that we may have a clear understanding of the number and general nature of the records in question.˙ 1990.10.05 900203 SMOKING SEAT ALLOCATIONS (AIR) Copies of reports sent in to the Department of Transport by Canadian airlines pertaining to the reduction of "smoking" seat allocation as per the Non-Smokers' Health Regulations, Section 13.1(a).˙ 900207 AIR ONTARIO AUDIT I request access to the following records which pertain to the release of the non-conformance findings of the audit of Air Ontario Inc. carried out in February, 1988.˙ 1. All records of third party notice and correspondence with the third party (Air Ontario).˙ 2. Records of the consultations with Transport Canada Safety Officials concerning the release of this audit and Air Ontario's submissions.˙ 3. A copy of Air Ontario's letter dated July 26, 1989 concerning the intended release of the final 1988 audit report.˙ 4. A copy of the consent letter dated May 8, 1989.˙ 5. Records of Air Ontario's approval for the release of the February 88 non-conformance findings as indicated at the top of page 2 of *** letter dated August 9, 1989 to *** (copy enclosed for your reference).˙ 6. A copy of *** letter dated June 22, 1989 to **** regarding the intended release of the audit report.˙ 7. A copy of any other records pertaining to consultations with any party about the release of the audit report.˙ 1990.10.09 900201 REPLY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL I request a copy of the records which indicate the proposed reply and the final reply of Transport Canada to the office of the Alberta Attorney General on the Wapiti Aviation Ltd. fatalities inquiry report, and a copy of any records which include any reference to this inquiry report and Transport's response.˙ 1990.10.10 900209 AIRCRAFT INSPECTION REPORT I request a copy of Transport Canada's aircraft inspection reports (sample enclosed) for all the Wapiti Aviation Ltd. aircraft that were inspected during the October 1-3, 1984 inspection by ***.˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1990.10.10 900209 These records will be located on the 5008 series files for each of the aircraft that were inspected.˙ 1990.10.12 900208 INTERNAL AUDIT - CCG MARITIMES Under the Access to Information Act I request a complete copy of the internal audit report carried out at Transport Canada/Canadian Coast Guard Maritimes under the authority of Assistant Deputy Minister Review.˙ ˙ The audit was lead by J.W. Moser, Director with Audit Team Leader, K. McCarthy and four Aditors throughout the months of May, June and July 1990. The requested report was distributed in September 1990 to various Regional Managers.˙ 1990.10.16 900210 DANGEROUS GOODS (AIR) I would like to receive all copies of records or reports of incidents and/or accidents, as well as policies regarding the transportation of dangerous goods aboard commercial ailines, National and International from 1980 to the present.˙ 1990.10.17 900211 CAR RENTAL COS. SUDBURY AIRPORT I am requesting information concerning the operatons of car rental companies located at the Sudbury Municipal Airport. Specifically, the 2 questions are as follows:˙ 1. How much must each car rental company pay the Sudbury Airport annually for (a) rental space within the terminal, (b) per parking stall, and (c) what percentage of gross revenue is guranteed to the airport? May this information be provided for the last five years and by car rental company?˙ Over the last 5 years, what is the gross revenue generated by each car rental company located at the Sudbury Airport?˙ If it is not possible to provide information with regards to the individual activities of each separate car rental company by name, then please use labels such as Company X, Company Y, and Company Z.˙ 900212 CALLUPS - PACIFIC REGION - AUG. 90 All callups processed by this Institution (Federal Government) in the Pacific Region under the terms of the Master Standing Offer for Administrative Support Temporary Help Services and the Master Standing Offer for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services during the period: the month of August 1990.˙ 900214 DAUPHIN FLIGHT SERVICES I would like any incident reports filed by the Dauphin Flight Services Station since 1981. The incident reports I want deal with any type of emergency, or serious situation, in which pilots had to make contact with Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1990.10.17 900214 the flight service personnel for help.˙ 1990.10.19 900215 AIR AUDIT I enclose a copy of your letter dated October 2, 1990 which accompanied the copy of the October 85 audit report of Kenn Borek Air Ltd. You indicate that this audit has already been released in response to an earlier request.˙ I request a copy of all correspondence concerning the previous requests for access to this audit report including, but not limited to:˙ ˙ ~ A copy of the third party notice given to Borek˙ ~ A copy of Borek's response˙ ~ All correspondence between DOT and the Information Commissioner's Office˙ 900216 HOT AIR BALLOON ACCIDENT s.19(1) *** with respect to her claim for injuries and loss arising out of a Hot Air Balloon accident which occurred on September 10, 1988, piloted by ****, file number s.19(1) . The Hot Air Balloon was owned and operated under the trade name "The Balloonery". A Statement of Claim has been issued against an individual and corporations, including Airstream Aerospace Inc., who appear to carry on business as the Balloonery, as well as against the pilot.˙ In light of the pending litigation, we require copies of any Certificates of Air Worthiness issued under those Registrations as well as the Certificates of Registration in force at the time of the incident and records pertaining to *** licence to operate a Balloon craft as on September 10, 1988, the date in question. Additionally, we would like to obtain any records pertaining to the air worthiness, maintenance and registration of the craft in question.˙ 900217 AUDIT OF SECURITY CHECKS between June 1987 and June 1989, Transport CaNADA INSPECTORS CONDUCTED AN AUDIT OF SECURITY CHECKS AT CANADIAN AIRPORTS. I WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE INVESTIGATORS' REPORT AND OR SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS˙ 1990.10.24 900219 CALLUPS ALL CALLPUS PROCESSED IN THE NCR FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 1990˙ 900220 INTERNAL AUDIT DRAFT INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT ON THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD BASE AT DARTMOUTH NOVA SCOTIA (1990)˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1990.10.24 900221 T-3 DOCUMENTATION RELATED TO THE AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION HUANG AND DANCZKAY AND THE AWARDING OF CONTRACTS FOR TERMINAL 3 AT LBPIA˙ 1990.10.26 900223 REPORTS ON TDG I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF ALL COMMISSIONED REPORTS REGARDING THE TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BY COMMERCIAL AIRLINES-INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL SINCE 1985˙ 1990.10.29 900226 AUDIT REPORT ON CCG INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT FOR CANADIAN COAST GUARD BASE, SUMMER 1990.˙ 1990.11.02 900224 FILE NO. 1730-90-050 A COPY OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN TC AND THE OIC PERTAINING TO THIS REQUEST. A COPY OF THE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER'S REPORT OF HIS FINDINGS. A COPY OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, THE AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY. A COPY OF ANY INTERNAL CORRESPONDENCE, MEMO, OR OTHER RECORD BETWEEN OFFICIALS.˙ 900330 TENDERED RATES I WISH TO OBTAIN A BRAKE DOWN OF RATES CHARGED BY THE TENDERER WHO WAS AWARDED THE AFOREMENTIONED CONTRACT - RENOVATIONS AT OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 1990.11.14 900228 VANCOUVER ISLAND EXPRESSWAY I AM REQUESTING A COPY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSED VANCOUVER ISLAND EXPRESSWAY AND STEMMING STUDIES OUT TO DATE BY FORTHCOMING.˙ 1990.12.11 900269 COMPETITION ALL RELATED DOCUMENTATION CONCERNING MY COMPETITION 90-MOT-1PRAO-CC-167˙ 1991.04.05 910090 MIACC INVESTIGATION INTO MIACC MIACC Investigation into the operations of the Major Industrial Accidents Co-ordinating Committee (MIACC), as a result of allegations made by **** ****. Investigation took place during the month of november 1990, and was conducted by Mr. Roger Henwood of Transport Canada.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1991.04.05 910091 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES The names of the airlines, the type of aircraft, the exact type of each violation, date of, time of and reason for each violation and the fines levied in regard to breaches and violations of both the Noise Abatement Procedures and Night Flight Restrictions at Pearson International Airport which have occurred from the previous report provided on August 1, 1990 to date.˙ NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES The names of the airlines, the type of aircraft, the exact type of each violation, date of, time of and reason for each violation and the fines levied in regard to breaches and violations of both the Noise Abatement Procedures and Night Flight Restrictions at Pearson International Airport which have occurred from the previous report provided on August 1, 1990 to date.˙ 910092 DATA MODELLING COURSE MATERIAL DATA MODELLING COURSE MATERIAL DATA MODELLING COURSE MATERIAL Documentation which forms part of the Transport Canada Date Modelling Course material (student and instructor).˙ 1991.10.30 910238 TERMINAL 3 AT PEARSON Please forward a copy of the agreement signed between the Government of Canada and Airport Development Corporation (a consortium headed by Toronto developer Huang and Danczkay), for the purpose of constructing and developing the new Terminal 3 at Pearson International Airport.˙ 1992.01.30 910306 AIR POLICY TASK FORCE REPORT ANY RECORD OR INFORMATION˙ 1992.02.07 910315 GANDER SITE TRAINING Documentation related to the Gander Site Specific Training for Flight Service Specialists which indicates:˙ ˙ 1. The Cost-Benefit Analysis used to justify site-specific training.˙ 2. A comparison of the costs of providing the training at Gander as˙ opposed to the complete basic FSS course as now presented at TCTI˙ at Cornwall.˙ 3. The estimated costs of providing the remaining basic FSS training upon transfer from Gander to a domestic FSS (including travel, ˙ accommodation, salary and other related costs.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.02.19 1992.02.19 910333 PERSONNEL FILE Personnel File/Record of Employment/Pension File˙ ˙ ***************˙ 1992.02.25 910340 JANITORIAL SERVICES - AIRPORT 1. Would like copies of tenders submitted contractors for the janitorial cleaning contract for Ottawa International Airport - Contract R3806/1.˙ ˙ 2. Any letters or correspondence from Transport Canada to the existing janitorial contractor.˙ ˙ 3. Expiration date of current contract.˙ ˙ 4. Transport Canada budget for this contract starting Jan./1993.˙ 1992.03.02 910347 COMPLAINTS - NATIONAIR I am applying under the Access Act for the following records,˙ ˙ October 1, 1991 to February 29, 1992 complaints against Nationair.˙ 1992.03.03 910351 NATIONAIR I am applying under the Access Act for the following records, concerning inspection/investigation reports completed on Natinair for the below time periods:˙ ˙ July 1, 1991 to October 1, 1992˙ 910352 NATIONAIR SPECIAL REPORT I am applying under the Access Act for the following records, concerning inspection/investigation reports completed on Nationair for the below time periods:˙ ˙ October 1, 1991 to February 29, 1992˙ 1992.03.20 910374 1991 ~----˙ 1992.04.02 920001 KEDDYS IN HALIFAX To obtain copies of the contract signed between the Department of Transport and principals of Keddy's Ltd. with respect to the hotel under constructuion at the Halifax International Airport together with any amendments or changes to the contract since it was initially signed.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.05.13 1992.05.13 920049 RISK ASSESSMENT . copy of memorandum to Director of Security, TB, *** from *** regarding Risk Assessment, approximate dates January 1 - May , 1992.˙ . copies of memorandum, notes, documents between *** and *** regarding Risk Assessment and After Hours Access of Coast Guard Regional Office by *** or ***, approximate dates January 1 - May 8, 1992.˙ . copies of personal notes, memorandums, notes, documents, between *** and *** regarding Risk Assessment, Security Clearance and After Hours Access of Coast Guard Regional Office by *** or ***, approximate dates January 1 - May 8, 1992.˙ . copies of documents, notes or memorandums between ***, including ***, *** or other Security Personnel regarding After Hours Access to Coast Guard Regional Office by *** or ***, aproximate dates January 1 - May 8, 1992.˙ . copies of Commissionaires sign in log book located at desk in lobby of 800 Burrard St. Vancouver, B.C. may be available from ***, entries from April 1, 1991 to January 17, 1992.˙ . copies of any statements, notes, documents or memorandums between any, one or all of the Commissionaires working at 800 Burrard St, Vancouver, B.C. between the hours noon and midnight from April 1, 1991 to May 8, 1992 regarding After Hours Access to Coast Guard Regional Office by *** or ***.˙ . copies of any other information, notes, voice recordings, pictures, videos, memorandums, statements from the files of ***, *** and other Security staff, the Commissionaires working at 800 Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C. taken, written about, recorded of *** or ***, from April 1, 1991 - May 8, 1992.˙ 1992.06.03 920050 FILE 5258-786 I request a copy of all records on Transport Canada's File 5258-786 which were placed in this file after October 31, 1989.˙ 920052 CALLUPS All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Master Standing Offer for Administrative Support Temporary Help Services and the Master Standing Offer for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services during the period: May 1992.˙ 1992.06.09 920060 FILE SAP-6504-2360459 1992.06.18 920074 IASCO Listed below are individuals that have applied to IASCO for employment as flight crew personnel.˙ ˙ Please indicate any aviation accident, incident or regulatory enforcement action taken against any of the following individuals:˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.06.18 920074 ***˙ ***˙ ***˙ ***˙ ***˙ 920074 IASCO Listed below are individuals that have applied to IASCO for employment as flight crew personnel.˙ ˙ Please indicate any aviation accident, incident or regulatory enforcement action taken against any of the following individuals:˙ ˙ ***˙ ***˙ ***˙ ***˙ ***˙ 1992.06.24 920076 SAP FILES File number SAP 6504 P95936-119142˙ 6504 P95936 06977˙ 1992.07.03 920089 NATIONAIR 1992.07.07 920079 AERONCA AIRCRAFT 1. Ownership records (and)˙ ˙ 2. Engineering (maintenance) records of˙ ˙ Aeronca Aircraft Model 11AC˙ Serial No. 11AC 1849˙ Canadian Reg. No. CF-EVO (now REGINVSA)˙ ˙ Present owner: ***˙ Last Canadian owner: ***˙ Nezxt to last Canadian Reg. owner: ***˙ 920083 CLAVEL REPORT I would like the 'Clavel Report' of 1990, from the Laurentian regional director, concerning the proposed re-distribution of Canadian Coast Guard ships at various ports.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.07.08 1992.07.08 920080 TRANSP. SUBSIDIES Please provide information regarding what transportation subsadies are available for transportation operations with in Canada at the Federal leval also provide the proper application forms.˙ 920081 COLLISION Further to our letter of June 3rd, 1992, we have recently been advised that another vessel was involved in the above captioned accident. A tug boat called the Seneca operated, and perhaps owned, by *** of Toronto. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with the registration of the Seneca or the exact address of ***. Pursuant to the provisions of the Access to Information Act, we would ask that you forward to this office copies of any documentation registered with Transport Canada concerning the 'Seneca' or ***.˙ 920082 ASBESTOS LEVELS I would like all correspondence and memos since June 1, 1992, from within the Transport Department, including the Coast Guard, and with other departments, specifically Health and Welfare, on the issue of asbestos in Coast Guard Ships.˙ 1992.07.09 920078 ASBESTOS LEVELS I would like the report prepared by the company, Pinchin and Associates, in 1988 concerning asbestos levels in some Canadian Coast Guard ships.˙ 920084 AUDIT REPORTS I enclose a copy of a letter dated June 28, 1988 from ***, Government of the Northwest Territories.˙ ˙ This letter indicates that Transport Canada provided copies of air carrier audit reports to the Government of the NWT.˙ ˙ I request a copy of all audit reports that were provided to the Government of the NWT by Transport Canada after January 1, 1986.˙ 920085 AUDIT REPORTS - YUKON I enclose a copy of a letter dated June 27, 1988 from *** to ***.˙ ˙ This letter indicates that Transport Canada provided copies of air carrier audit reports to the Government of the Yukon.˙ ˙ I request a copy of all audit reports that were provided to the Yukon Government by Transport Canada after January 1, 1986.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.07.09 920086 AUDIT REPORTS I enclose letters dated June 27 and June 28, 1988 from *** to officials of the Yukon and Northwest Territorial Governments. These letters indicate that Transport Canada provided air carrier audit reports to these governments.˙ ˙ In view of this policy to release such audit reports to these governments, it appears likely that air carrier audit reports would also have been provided to the government of the province of Alberta, or to provincial government agencies or institutions.˙ ˙ I therefore request a copy of all records which indicate whether Transport Canada released air carrier audit reports to the Alberta Government or any Alberta Government Institution.˙ ˙ I also request a copy of all air carrier audit reports which were released to the Alberta Government or any Alberta Government Institution after January 1, 1984.˙ 920087 CALLUPS Departmental callups for June 1992.˙ 920088 PRINTING CONTRACTS A LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS ISSUED BY THIS INSTITUTION FOR THE PURCHASE OF PRINTING PRODUCTS AND SERVICES WHICH WERE NOT HANDLED BY DSS OR THE CANADA COMMUNICATION GROUP DURING THE PERIOD FY 1991-1992 (APRIL 1, 1991 TO MARCH 31, 1992). ˙ ˙ THE LIST SHOULD PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS, NAME OF VENDOR, CONTRACT VALUE, PRODUCT OR SERVICE PURCHASED, DIVISION OR SECTION WITHIN THIS INSTITUTION SEEKING THE CONTRACT.˙ 1992.07.13 920090 SARB-6504-P-95936-16977 1992.07.14 920092 DIVING OPS. 1992.07.15 920093 CALLUPS-JAN.1990-JUNE 30,1992 920101 FERRY SERVICE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.07.15 920101 FERRY SERVICE 1992.07.17 920091 SAFETY INSPECTION AUDITS 920107 AUDIT REPORTS - AIR BC I REQUEST A COPY OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS AUDITS REPORTS OF AIR B.C. PREPARED DURING THE CALENDAR YEARS 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 AND 1986.˙ ˙ I WISH TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION˙ 920107 AUDIT REPORTS - AIR BC I REQUEST A COPY OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS AUDITS REPORTS OF AIR B.C. PREPARED DURING THE CALENDAR YEARS 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985 AND 1986.˙ ˙ I WISH TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION˙ 920113 VIA RAIL REMOTE All records and documents rleating to the Ministry's review of VIA Rail's remote services, including conclusions and staff recommendations.˙ 920113 VIA RAIL REMOTE All records and documents rleating to the Ministry's review of VIA Rail's remote services, including conclusions and staff recommendations.˙ 1992.07.20 920104 T3 - DEV. AGREEMENT 1992.07.22 920098 CONTRACTS FOR MANAGEMENT EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION, J'AIMERAIS AVOIR ACCES AU DERNIER CONTRAT, PRESENTEMENT EN VIGUEUR, ENTRE TRANSPORTS CANADA ET LOCKHEED AIR TERMINAL OF CANADA CONCERNANT LA GERANCE ET/OU LOCATION DU TERMINAL 3 DE L'AEROPORT INTERNATIONAL DE TORONTO, PEARSON.˙ ˙ DE PLUS, J'AIMERAIS AVOIS ACCES A TOUT AUTRE DOCUMENT QUI M'AIDERAIT A COMPRENDRE LA FACON DONT EST GERE LE TERMINAL 3 DE L'AEROPORT PEARSON EN CE QUI A TRAIT AUX CHOIX DES LOCATAIRES.˙ 920099 CALLUPS THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR PROVIDING ME WITH ALL CALLUPS AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE PROVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (TEMP-HELP) AND PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL HELP FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL, MAY AND JUNE 1992.˙ ˙ ALSO, IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD PROVIDE ME WITH THE NAMES OF ALL Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.07.22 920099 INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE CALL-UPS FOR ALL BRANCHES WITHIN TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ 920100 DUAL RESIDENCE ASST. COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO SHOW THE PROCESS BY WHICH ***RECEIVED TEMPORARY DUAL RESIDENCE ASSISTANCE AND A 'BRIDGING' LOAN BOTH FROM THE DEPARTMENT.˙ 920102 HARASSMENT I REFER TO THE LETTER DATED 30 MARCH, 1992 FROM *** TO ***. THE LETTER REFERS TO A COMPLETE REVIEW OF s.19(1) OF HARASSMENT IN THE SEARCH AND RESCUE BRANCH OF CANADIAN COAST GUARD. A COPY OF THE LETTER WAS SENT TO ME. FOR YOUR EASE OF REFERENCE, A COPY OF THE REFERRED LETTER IS ATTACHED.˙ ˙ THE COMPLETE REVIEW WAS CONDUCTED AS A RESULT OF THE REPRESENTATION MADE ON s.19(1) *** TO ***. A COPY OF THE LETTER FROM *** ON THE SUBJECT IS ALSO ATTACHED FOR YOUR INFORMATION.˙ ˙ I REQUEST THAT I BE PROVIDED WITH THE INFORMATION WHICH WAS COMPILED, AND WHICH SERVED AS THE BASIS OF THE COMPLETE REVIEW.˙ 1992.07.27 920105 1992 AUDIT - TC FOR YOUR REFERENCE, I ENCLOSE 3 PAGES OF RECORDS OBTAINED FROM THE 1992 AUDIT OF TRANSPORT'S OWN AIR SERVICES OPERATIONS. THESE RECORDS INDICATE THAT TRANSPORT'S PILOTS *** FLEW NUMEROUS TRANSPORTATION FLIGHTS WHILE HIS PPC HAD EXPIRED: AND THAT PILOT *** FLEW AS PILOT IN COMMAND BETWEEN AUGUST 1, 1991 AND AUGUST 15, 1991 WITH AN INVALID MEDICAL.˙ ˙ I NOW SEEK A COPY OF ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE DISCIPLINARY ACTION OR ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN AGAINST THESE PILOTS FOR THESE VIOLATIONS OF THE AIR REGULATIONS.˙ ˙ I ALSO SEEK A COPY OF ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE DISCIPLINARY ACTION TAKEN AGAINST TRANSPORT CANADA'S AIR SERVICES OPERATIONS FOR ASSIGNING THESE PILOTS AS FLIGHT CREW MEMBERS WHILE THEY WERE UNQUALIFIED TO ACT AS SUCH CREW MEMBERS IN VIOLATION OF THE AIR NAVIGATION ORDERS.˙ 920106 AUDIT REPORTS - AIR BC I REQUEST A COPY OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS AUDITS REPORTS OF AIR B.C. PREPARED DURING THE CALENDAR YEARS 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 AND 1992.˙ ˙ IF THESE REPORTS CONTAIN A LARGE NUMBER OF PAGES, I REQUEST THAT I BE PERMITTED TO INSPECT THESE REPORTS AT YOUR EDMONTON REGIONAL OFFICE TO SAVE PHOTOCOPY COSTS.˙ ˙ I WISH TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION THE ATTACHED LETTER DATED APRIL 4, 1989 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.07.27 920106 FROM MR. PIERRE RENART. MR. RENART STATED:˙ ˙ 'REGIONAL OFFICIALS HAVE INFORMED ME THAT, PRIOR TO MAY 1986, ALL AVIATION COMPANY AUDIT REPORTS UNDERTAKEN BY THE WESTERN REGION WERE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC UPON REQUEST. ... THE WESTERN REGIONAL DIRECTOR AVIATION REGULATION, MR. *** HAS INDICATED THAT THE WESTERN REGION RELEASED AUDIT REPORTS PRIOR TO MAY 1986 BECAUSE THAT REGION'S OFFICIALS BELIEVED THAT SUCH REPORTS WERE IMPORTANT AVIATION SAFETY INDICATORS FOR THE PUBLIC, ARE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THEY WERE THEREFORE MADE A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.˙ ˙ I THEREFORE SUBMIT THAT ALL AIR CARRIER AUDIT REPORTS MUST BE RELEASED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 (2) OF THE ATIA, AS THEY ARE THE TYPE OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION THAT WAS NORMALLY AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.˙ 920106 AUDIT REPORTS - AIR BC I REQUEST A COPY OF MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS AUDITS REPORTS OF AIR B.C. PREPARED DURING THE CALENDAR YEARS 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 AND 1992.˙ ˙ IF THESE REPORTS CONTAIN A LARGE NUMBER OF PAGES, I REQUEST THAT I BE PERMITTED TO INSPECT THESE REPORTS AT YOUR EDMONTON REGIONAL OFFICE TO SAVE PHOTOCOPY COSTS.˙ ˙ I WISH TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION THE ATTACHED LETTER DATED APRIL 4, 1989 FROM MR. PIERRE RENART. MR. RENART STATED:˙ ˙ 'REGIONAL OFFICIALS HAVE INFORMED ME THAT, PRIOR TO MAY 1986, ALL AVIATION COMPANY AUDIT REPORTS UNDERTAKEN BY THE WESTERN REGION WERE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC UPON REQUEST. ... THE WESTERN REGIONAL DIRECTOR AVIATION REGULATION, MR. *** HAS INDICATED THAT THE WESTERN REGION RELEASED AUDIT REPORTS PRIOR TO MAY 1986 BECAUSE THAT REGION'S OFFICIALS BELIEVED THAT SUCH REPORTS WERE IMPORTANT AVIATION SAFETY INDICATORS FOR THE PUBLIC, ARE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THEY WERE THEREFORE MADE A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD.˙ ˙ I THEREFORE SUBMIT THAT ALL AIR CARRIER AUDIT REPORTS MUST BE RELEASED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 (2) OF THE ATIA, AS THEY ARE THE TYPE OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION THAT WAS NORMALLY AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.˙ 920108 VESSEL DESIGN 1. Regard vessel being desined by Hiram Ferry Limited. How close to˙ design completion.˙ ˙ 2. DD letter regarding a 2nd ferry that has been built and Hiram˙ Ferries hopes to confirm status and work left to be done. ˙ Purchase reach ship safety.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.07.28 1992.07.28 920112 EQUIPMENT LIST I seek a copy of Transport Canada's Dash 8 minimum equipment list which has been approved by the Minister for the dispatch of Transport's Dash 8 aircraft with essential equipment inoperative.˙ 920112 EQUIPMENT LIST I seek a copy of Transport Canada's Dash 8 minimum equipment list which has been approved by the Minister for the dispatch of Transport's Dash 8 aircraft with essential equipment inoperative.˙ 920114 PIPER SENECA I AM INFORMED THAT IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS, A PIPER SENECA AIRCRAFT OPERATED OR MAINTAINED BY AERO AVIATION AT THE EDMONTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WAS DAMAGED AT THE EDMONTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHEN THE PILOT FAILED TO LOWER THE AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR WHILE ON AN APPROACH DURING AN INSTRUMENT FLIGHT TEST BEING CONDUCTED BY A TRANSPORT CANADA OFFICIAL. I AM FURTHER INFORMED THAT THIS AIRCRAFT CONTINUED ITS FLIGHT AFTER THE PROPELLORS WERE DAMAGED BY CONTACT WITH THE RUNWAY AND FLEW OVER THE CITY OF EDMONTON AND LANDED AT THE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WHERE THE AERO AVIATION LTD. MAINTENANCE STAFF REMOVED THE PROPELLERS FOR REPAIR.˙ ˙ I SEEK THE FOLLOWING RECORDS WHICH PERTAIN TO THIS INCIDENT:˙ ˙ 1. A COPY OF RECORDS WHICH INDICATE THE NAME OF THE TRANSPORT CANADA INSPECTOR WHO WAS ON BOARD THE AIRCRAFT AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT.˙ 2. A COPY OF ANY REPORT FORMS PREPARED BY THE TRANSPORT CANADA INSPECTOR INCLUDING THE PILOT CHECK REPORT AND INCIDENT REPORTS.˙ 3. A COPY OF ANY REPORTS PREPARED BY THE AIRCRAFT OWNER AS A RESULT OF THIS INCIDENT.˙ 4. A COPY OF ALL RECORDS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THIS INCIDENT BY TRANSPORT CANADA OFFICIALS.˙ 5. A COPY OF ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE CONDUCT OF THE INSPECTOR DURING THIS INCIDENT.˙ 920114 PIPER SENECA I AM INFORMED THAT IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS, A PIPER SENECA AIRCRAFT OPERATED OR MAINTAINED BY AERO AVIATION AT THE EDMONTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WAS DAMAGED AT THE EDMONTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHEN THE PILOT FAILED TO LOWER THE AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR WHILE ON AN APPROACH DURING AN INSTRUMENT FLIGHT TEST BEING CONDUCTED BY A TRANSPORT CANADA OFFICIAL. I AM FURTHER INFORMED THAT THIS AIRCRAFT CONTINUED ITS FLIGHT AFTER THE PROPELLORS WERE DAMAGED BY CONTACT WITH THE RUNWAY AND FLEW OVER THE CITY OF EDMONTON AND LANDED AT THE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT WHERE THE AERO AVIATION LTD. MAINTENANCE STAFF REMOVED THE PROPELLERS FOR REPAIR.˙ ˙ I SEEK THE FOLLOWING RECORDS WHICH PERTAIN TO THIS INCIDENT:˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.07.28 920114 1. A COPY OF RECORDS WHICH INDICATE THE NAME OF THE TRANSPORT CANADA INSPECTOR WHO WAS ON BOARD THE AIRCRAFT AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT.˙ 2. A COPY OF ANY REPORT FORMS PREPARED BY THE TRANSPORT CANADA INSPECTOR INCLUDING THE PILOT CHECK REPORT AND INCIDENT REPORTS.˙ 3. A COPY OF ANY REPORTS PREPARED BY THE AIRCRAFT OWNER AS A RESULT OF THIS INCIDENT.˙ 4. A COPY OF ALL RECORDS OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THIS INCIDENT BY TRANSPORT CANADA OFFICIALS.˙ 5. A COPY OF ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE CONDUCT OF THE INSPECTOR DURING THIS INCIDENT.˙ 1992.07.29 920109 NOISE LEVELS 1. Noise levels for aircraft landing and take-off for the Township of˙ NorthEasthop.˙ 2. The distance an airstrip can be located to a Property Line.˙ 3. Size of aircraft permitted at Stratford Municipal Airport.˙ 4. The distance an airstrip can be located to the hotline with a ˙ Property Assessment "Residential".˙ 1992.08.04 920111 LANDING FEES I am applying under the Access Act for the following records:˙ ˙ 1. Procedures for collecting landing fees from airlines/aircraft at Canadian airports.˙ 2. Landing fee revenues collected and debts per year 1988-92 a) in general, b) per airport, c) per airline.˙ 3. For 1992, a list as of now of airlines in arrears, and amounts, and which airlines have not paid their landing fees for 1992 or earlier.˙ 4. Implications of such revenues with possible airline mergers/cutbacks.˙ 5. Description of other fees in 1992 imposed on commercial airlines and any general figures 1991-92, 1992-93 on revenues/liabilities.˙ 6. Description of where the monies collected in way of air ticket taxes go.˙ 7. Any other data released on landing fees/user charges (including for inspections)/cost recovery schemes for air travel/airports.˙ 1992.08.06 920110 5258-86 Attached for your reference is a copy of a memo dated October 6, 1989 from **** to AAXP - Ottawa which states: "Enclosed is a file containing information originally placed on 5258-86, which this regional office does not wish to be released to s.19(1) ...."˙ ˙ I now make a formal request for a copy of all of the records removed from the 5258-86 file. I also request a complete copy of the October 6, 1989 memo.˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.08.06 920110 Also attached is a copy of a memo from **** to ACCAA - Ottawa which states: "Note to file: Copy of documents in this regard are held in SAR locked cabinet".˙ ˙ I also now make a formal request for a copy of all records that were stored in the SAR locked cabinet and also a copy of the log or record which was used to record who was given access to these documents in the SAR locked cabinet and the reason for such access.˙ 920115 RECORDS ON FILE I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS ON TC FILE NO. MED JUN 02 EDM INCLUDING THE MEMO DATED JUNE 2, 1988 FROM GLADYS FRIEDRICH - SECA EDMONTON TO DAVID TOMS ~ AEC OTTAWA.˙ 1992.08.07 920116 CADORS I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF THE CANADIAN AVIATION DAILY OCCURRENCE REPORTS (CADORS) FOR INCIDENTS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FROM MAY 22 TO AUGUST 4, 1992.˙ 920117 RECORDS ON FILE I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS WHICH WERE ORIGINALLY PLACED ON TRANSPORT CANADA FILE 5258-86 (VOl. 5, 6, 7 AND 8.)˙ 1992.08.19 920121 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1992˙ 1992.08.20 920124 CALLUPS CALLUPS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1992˙ 1992.08.21 920122 RATING AND EVALUATION I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE THE DETAILED RATING AND EVALUATION OF THE ESTIMATE WE SUBMITTED TO MOT AS OUR MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL FOR THE OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT CONTRACT OF THE CASTLEGAR AIRPORT, B.C.˙ 920123 AUDIT OF F-28 THE SPECIAL PURPOSE AUDIT OF QUEBEC AIR FOKKER F-28 OPERATIONS CONDUCTED IN FRANCE ON SEPTEMBER 25-29, 1989.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.08.25 1992.08.25 920126 EMERGENCY LANDING The records I seek pertain to an emergency landing of a Canadian Airlines 737 at Kelowna, B.C. on July 24, 1992.˙ ˙ I seek the following records:˙ ˙ 1. A copy of all records or reports prepared by the crash rescue perseonnel at Kelowna.˙ 2. A copy of all records or reports prepared by the Kelowna Control Tower pertaining to this incident.˙ 3. A copy of all records prepared by or for the enforcements branch pertaining to this incident.˙ 4. A copy of all records prepared by or for the airworthiness branch pertainng to this incident.˙ 5. A copy of any briefing notes or similar records prepared for the Minister of Deputy Minister or their assistants.˙ 6. A copy of all correspondence from the airline pertaining to this incident.˙ 7. A copy of any service difficulty report prepared by the airline pertaining to this incident.˙ 920165 HIRAM FERRY LTD. Exactly what problems remain to be taken care of to allow s.19(1) HIRAM Ferry Ltd. to access ***.˙ Also what problems remain to allow Huiam Ferry Ltd. to access Boat Harbour, Greens Landing on Gobriala Iland and Descanso Bay on Golicola Island.˙ 920165 HIRAM FERRY LTD. Exactly what problems remain to be taken care of to allow s.19(1) HIRAM Ferry Ltd. to access ***.˙ Also what problems remain to allow Huiam Ferry Ltd. to access Boat Harbour, Greens Landing on Gobriala Iland and Descanso Bay on Golicola Island.˙ 920166 CANADA SHIPPING ACT Please write and let me kow the purposes of section 233 (The Canada Shipping Act) if a reserve unit of the Canadian Navy such as H.M.C.S. stone frigates can make a decision under section 233 threw the Commanding officers.˙ 1992.08.27 920127 FLIGHT TEST DATA All flight test data on CS2F aircraft used to prepare Airworthiness Directive CF-90-14, July 19, 1990.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.08.28 1992.08.28 920128 CCGS NORMAN MCLEOD ROGERS The information being sought is a report prepared for the Ministry of Transport or Transport Canada for a ship called the "CCGS Norman McLeod Rogers. The ship was based in Quebec or Laurential region and the study took place in 1988 or 1989. The report would have been prepared by Pinchin and Associates. There is a possibility it was prepared by another contractor. The report would be an "Assessment of Hazard" or "Hazard Assessment Survey" regarding asbestos on board the CCGS Norman McLeod Rogers.˙ 920132 AIR ONTARIO RECORD I request a copy of the Air Ontario records which are the subject of federal court case T-2347-90.˙ 1992.08.31 920129 STAFF MEETING I would like to receive minutes of a meeting between staff at Pearson International Airport on Aug. 20, 1992. The topic of the meeting was the deer problem at the airport and specifically, the events surrounding an accident at Pearson on Aug. 12.˙ 920160 STRAIT CROSSING INC. Records of analyses, reports or studies carried out by the department concerning the proposal of Calgary-based Strait Crossing Inc. to build a bridge between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.˙ ˙ (Contact: Mr. Pokotylo)˙ 920160 STRAIT CROSSING INC. Records of analyses, reports or studies carried out by the department concerning the proposal of Calgary-based Strait Crossing Inc. to build a bridge between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.˙ ˙ (Contact: Mr. Pokotylo)˙ 1992.09.02 920130 AUDIT OF QUEBEC AIR I request a copy of the following records:˙ ˙ 1. N/A (request on 1730-92-123)˙ ˙ 2. The special purpose national audit of Quebec Air carried ou November 27 ~ December 8, 1989.˙ ˙ 3. The parallel report of Transport Canada deficiencies.˙ ˙ 4. Summary of the Nov. 27 - Dec. 8, 1989 audit related costs.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.09.02 920130 ˙ You will note that Quebecair (Air Quebec Inc.) carried on business as inter Canadian and Lignes Aeriennes Inter-Quebec Inc. and as Inter Canadian.˙ 1992.09.03 920134 TEMPORARY HELP Copies of call-up documents (DSS-MAS-8251) for temporary help against standing offer 66046-1-0026/13 CAL for the months of (May, June, July) for the Southern Alberta Region.˙ 920164 FILE 5002-1 I request a copy of all records contained in Transport Canada's file 5002-1 in Ottawa, and in Edmonton.˙ 1992.09.09 920138 MINISTERIAL LETTER I wish to receive a copy of a letter signed by the Minister of Transport and addressed to the City of Mississauga which letter is referred to in Hansard 11241 dated February 25, 1976 under the heading of Airports.˙ 920157 WAPITI 1971 Inspection reports and audit findings concerning Wapiti Aviation up to and including 1971.˙ 920158 WAPITI 1971 Inspection reports and audit findings concerning Wapiti Aviation up to and including 1971.˙ 920159 WAPITI 1971 Inspection reports and audit findings concerning Wapiti Aviation up to and including 1971.˙ 1992.09.10 920152 WAPITI AVIATION 1976 not available˙ 920155 WAPITI 1973 Copies of aircraft inspection reports concerning Wapiti for 1973.˙ 920156 WAPITI 1972 Copies of aircraft inspection reports concerning Wapiti 1972.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.09.11 1992.09.11 920175 LIGHTHOUSES Re: Miramichi Region of New Brunswick and all lighthouses in New Brunswick˙ ˙ Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and/or the Privacy Act I request a list of all the lighthouses that are located in New Brunswick with all the lighthouses located in the Miramichi Region of New Brunswick on a separate list dating from being in existence from 1920 to the present, along with their land location or Land Title Office legal description; the dates they were de-listed by Transport Canada; and the names of the owners of all the de-listed lighthouse from 1920 to the present witha all this information fro the Miramichi Region on a separate list.˙ 1992.09.15 920161 TC EMPLOYEES - RENT FREE 1. In 1992, Transport Canada employees by name, position, salary living rent-free in Transport Canada or federal public properties or private properties with the location and stree/building name of properties.˙ ˙ 2. Procedures in renting MOT property to employees, and in subsidizing any employees rent.˙ ˙ 3. MOT residential, non-residential building inventory, current assets, maintenance/carrying costs and revenues derived.˙ ˙ 4. Any other data deemed relevant or already released.˙ 920162 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 1. MOT briefing notes to the Minister 1991 and 1992 on noise problems at airports, compensation claims, and remedial actions.˙ ˙ 2. Reports/reviews, internal and external, on Vancouver International Airport FEARO environmental assessment report, specifics of remedial actions and compensation proposed, and MOT studies.˙ ˙ 3. MOT and MOT consultant environmental assessment reports/studies 1990-1992 at major Canadian airports (provide a list if available first).˙ ˙ 4. Details of responsibility for enviornmental planning and protection at airports being transferred to local airport authorities.˙ ˙ 5. Violations 1991, 1992 where fines have been paid by MOT for airplanes violating pollution/spill/noise laws; and claims against MOT 1991, 1992 for airplane's noise/spill/pollution.˙ 920163 ANNACIS CHANNEL Crown Corporations: DOT COD 025, Harbours and Ports DOT MPH 135˙ WHARVES, DOT MPH 140: Nagigable Waters Protection DOT MAW 160˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.09.15 920163 The Specific information requested is photo copies of any agreements entered into by the Fraser river harbour commission and Waterborn homes limited, Brightwater village dealing with foreshore property locate don Annacis Channel foreshore of Lulu Island (Queensborough, New Westminster, B.C.) Commencing at a point of South shore Boundry road and thence easterly for about a distance of 1000 Feet more or less. All Agreements since 1982 to date.˙ 1992.09.16 920167 GLEN SHORTLIFFE 1. The official positions held by Mr. Glen Shortliffe (presently Clerk of the Privy Counsel) with the department of Transport since January 1, 1980.˙ ˙ 2. The time periods that Mr. Shortliffe held such positions.˙ ˙ 3. The salary range for such positions.˙ ˙ 4. The official designator or codes which applied to such positions. i.e. ADMA.˙ 920168 FILE 2154-1 I request a copy of all records contained in Transport's file 2154-1 in Edmonton, and in Ottawa.˙ 1992.09.18 920169 INCENTIVE AWARDS Any information on incentive awards for hiring visible minorities and who gets the awards and their value.˙ 920170 TRANSPORTATION COSTS I require copies of all documents over the past 5 years comparing the actual (total) handling and transportation costs to ship grain through the ports of Vancouver, Montreal and Churchill.˙ 920171 CHURCHILL LINE All studies and background papers on the Churchill line over the past five years.˙ ˙ All studies and documents relating to the use of hopper cars on the Churchill line since 1981.˙ 1992.09.22 920207 PANKAR RE: M/V PANKAR INDOMITABLE˙ OUR FILE: GM-92-2883 JAVN/PHM/RAN˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.09.22 920207 s. 20(1) THE AMERICAN HULL INSURANCE SYNDICATE IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN DAMAGE SUSTAINED TO THE OCEAN VESSEL M.V. PANKAR INDOMITABLE WHILE EN ROUTE FROM PORT CARTIER, QUEBEC TO OXELOSUND, SWEDEN. THIS VOYAGE COMMENCED ON DECEMBER 14, 1990. OWNERS AND UNDERWRITERS ARE IN DISAGREEMENT AS TO THE CAUSE OF THE LOSS, AND THIS QUESTION APPEARS HEADED FOR LITIGATION IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE.˙ ˙ IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT, IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THIS VOYAGE, THE PANKAR INDOMITABLE WAS INSPECTED AND SURVEYED BY THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD. ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OUR FILE, THIS INSPECTION AND/OR SURVEY WAS PERFORMED SOME TIME BETWEEN NOVEMBER 29 AND DECEMBER 14, 1990.˙ ˙ PURSUANT TO THE CANADA ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, WE ASK THAT YOU KINDLY PROVIDE US WITH A COPY OF THE COAST GUARD SURVEY(S) PERFORMED WITH RESPECT TO THE VESSEL PANKAR INDOMITABLE, AS WELL AS THE NAMES OF THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHO ACTUALLY ATTENDED THE VESSEL, s. 20(1) WE HAVE REQUESTED THIS INFORMATION FROM THE OWNERS'S REPRESENTATIVES, BUT WE HAVE RECEIVED NO REPLY. FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE, THE PANKAR INDOMITABLE IS A GREEK FLAG VESSEL WITH LR NUMBER 7205740.˙ 1992.09.28 920173 OPERATING CERTIFICATE 1) any information within the knowledge or control of the Canadian Department of Transport (DOT) concerning any action taken by the DOT within the two years immediately preceding the date of this request, regarding the suspension or cancellation, in whole or in part, of any air carrier Operating Certificate issued by the Minister to a foreign air carrier operating to/from Canada or to a Canadian air carrier operating a scheduled or non-scheduled service to/from Canada; and˙ ˙ 2) any information within the knowledge or control of the DOT regarding any action taken by the DOT respecting the Operating Certificate of Nolisair International Inc. (doing business as Nationair) a body politic and corporate having its head office and principal place of business for Quebec at Mirable, Nationair/Technair Building, Cargo Route 8-1, Mirable, Quebec.˙ ˙ With respect to item 2, the information requested concerns any enforcement action taken by the Canadian DOT with respect to Nationair prior and subsequent to the crash of its DC-8 aircraft on or about July 11, 1991.˙ 920179 WORLD WAR II Any cooperation and/or agreements the Federal government had during World War II with trade unions and organized crime in order to insure public security along the ports and other vulnerable areas.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.09.28 920179 WORLD WAR II Any cooperation and/or agreements the Federal government had during World War II with trade unions and organized crime in order to insure public security along the ports and other vulnerable areas.˙ 1992.09.29 920172 RAMP PROJECT Please forward all documents pertaining to original cost estimates, the most up to date actual cost figures and justifications for any cost overruns for the radar modernization project (RAMP) launched by the Federal government in 1986 including a copy of the contract with with Raytheon Corp. and any renegotiated contract.˙ 1992.10.02 920178 REGINA AIRPORT Bill of sale (Hangar 2 Regiona Airport) leases and lease renewals related to Hangar 2/T.C. land policies.˙ 1992.10.03 920208 GOVERNMENT FLYING i REQUEST ANY AND ALL RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW WHO IS INVITED BY CABINET MINISTERS TO RIDE ON GOVERNMENT PLANES, WHERE THEY GO AND AT WHAT COSTS. I WOULD LIKE ACCESS TO ALL RE CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THIS TOPIC PRODUCED OR COMPILED SINCE JUNE 1, 1991. I BELIEVE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS STORED ON TRANSPORT CANADA'S FORM NUMBER 27-0096 (176).˙ 920208 GOVERNMENT FLYING i REQUEST ANY AND ALL RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW WHO IS INVITED BY CABINET MINISTERS TO RIDE ON GOVERNMENT PLANES, WHERE THEY GO AND AT WHAT COSTS. I WOULD LIKE ACCESS TO ALL RE CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THIS TOPIC PRODUCED OR COMPILED SINCE JUNE 1, 1991. I BELIEVE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS STORED ON TRANSPORT CANADA'S FORM NUMBER 27-0096 (176).˙ 1992.10.05 920174 ORDER IN COUNCIL I have Order-in-Council no. P.C. 1992-1376 (June 18, 1992 T.B. Rec. 818005) and would like all the schedules to this Order-in-Council.˙ 920176 GRUMMAN TBM AVENGER As part of a research project on New Brunswick's fire bombing operations, I am seeking information from your department on the following:˙ ˙ a) Computer printouts of all service difficulty reports (SDR) per Airworthiness Manual chapter 591 associated with the Grumman TBM Avenger from the promulgation date of the SDR procedure to August 1992.˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.10.05 920176 b) Copies of all written SDR's associated with the Grumman TBM Avenger on file in Canada from the promulgation date of the SDR procedure to August 1992.˙ ˙ c) Copies of all written and/or computer printouts of service difficulties brought to the attention of the Airworthiness Directorate as the result of any other reporting procedures (such as reportable incidents) and including those reported prior to the promulgation of the SDR procedures associated with the Grumman TBM Avenger in Canada from April 1976 to August 1992.˙ ˙ d) Copies of Transport Canada approved pages included in the operations manual of Forest Protection Ltd., that relate specifically to the minimum pilot experience requirements for:˙ ˙ 1. company chief pilot˙ 2. TBM pilot position - fire fighting˙ 3. TBM pilot position - aerial spraying˙ ˙ e) Copy of documents in the form of a waiver issued by Transport Canada on behalf of one *** which enables him to assume the position of chief pilot of Forest Protection Ltd.˙ 920177 TERMINAL 3 Copy of terminal 3 property leas (YY2)˙ 1992.10.06 920180 SHESHANDRI SANKAR INC. All documents regarding a contract given to Sheshandri Sankar Inc., or S&S Inc., relating to research on liquid tanker stability. These records date between 1785-1772, and to contract awarded to CIE-TECK Inc., also a S. Sankar company, on "vehicle dynamic expert systems".˙ 1992.10.08 920182 AIR SAFETY 1. MOT briefing notes to the Minister 1991 and 1992 on the potential/actual air safety problems with congested air traffic (all kinds of aircraft), including in specific locations such as at airports, over Niagara Falls.˙ ˙ 2. 1990-1992 complaints, concerns, reports, about air safety and air traffic over Niagara Falls.˙ ˙ 3. Any 1992 inspection reports of helicopters operating over Niagara Falls, and 1992 reports on helicopter companies operating there.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.10.08 920182 AIR SAFETY 1. MOT briefing notes to the Minister 1991 and 1992 on the potential/actual air safety problems with congested air traffic (all kinds of aircraft), including in specific locations such as at airports, over Niagara Falls.˙ ˙ 2. 1990-1992 complaints, concerns, reports, about air safety and air traffic over Niagara Falls.˙ ˙ 3. Any 1992 inspection reports of helicopters operating over Niagara Falls, and 1992 reports on helicopter companies operating there.˙ 1992.10.13 920181 CALLUPS Callups for temporary held (DSS 8251) for period July and August and September, 1992.˙ 920183 CALLUPS All callups processed by this Institution, in the Quebec Region udner the terms of the Master Standing Offer for Administrative Support Temporary Help Services and the Master Standing Offer for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services during the period: Setpember 1992.˙ 920184 CALLUPS All callups processed by this Institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Master Standing Offer for Administrative Support Temporary Help Services and the Master Standing Offer for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services during the period: September 1992.˙ 920184 CALLUPS All callups processed by this Institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Master Standing Offer for Administrative Support Temporary Help Services and the Master Standing Offer for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services during the period: September 1992.˙ 1992.10.14 920190 KING OSCAR I'm writing to request everything that you have on file pertaining to the King Oscar. The American registered fishing vessel went on the reef at Pearl Rocks, Queen Charlotte Sound, on the night of March 29, 1992.˙ ˙ I would also like to receive the full accident report and the transcripts of the conversations between the Coast Guard Personnel and the King Oscar crew.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.10.14 920190 KING OSCAR I'm writing to request everything that you have on file pertaining to the King Oscar. The American registered fishing vessel went on the reef at Pearl Rocks, Queen Charlotte Sound, on the night of March 29, 1992.˙ ˙ I would also like to receive the full accident report and the transcripts of the conversations between the Coast Guard Personnel and the King Oscar crew.˙ 1992.10.19 920192 LEASING INFORMATION Aircraft - Cessna 414˙ Serial No. CGPDM˙ ˙ We require from Aircraft Registration information regarding whether or not any leases have been registered as against the captioned aircraft.˙ 920194 5015 SERIES FILE I request a copy of all records on the 5015 series file pertaining to Cree Airways, of Edmonton, Alberta.˙ 920194 5015 SERIES FILE I request a copy of all records on the 5015 series file pertaining to Cree Airways, of Edmonton, Alberta.˙ 1992.10.20 920187 AIR NORTH I request a copy of the records referred to in the attached memo and high lighted in yellow: Namely:˙ ˙ The Air North and Aklak Surveillance Plans ˙ The 1987 - 88 Goals Report˙ 920188 SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIR I request a copy of the audit report prepared as a result of the November 21 - 25, 1988 audit of Southern Frontier Air, of Calgary, Alberta.˙ 920189 AVIATION REGULATION I request a copy of the memorandum SARXS / SARX dated March 23, 1988 and the minutes and action items relating to the aviation regulation - managers retreat.˙ ˙ For your reference, I enclose a copy of a memorandum dated April 5, 1988 which refers to these records.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.10.21 1992.10.21 920191 CIVIL AVIATION TRIBUNAL Dates and reasons and outcome or other relevant date for any harassment complaints (including sexual harassment) brought by or against any employee or member of the Civil Aviation Tribunal since its inception in 1986, particularly in last 2 years.˙ 1992.10.22 920193 FILE As per our telephone conversation of today this is the formal request that the Western Region Enforcement File SAP-6503-P-95936-19142 be released.˙ ˙ Enclosed is a copy of the charges that have been laid as a result of this investigation. The fact that the investigation has culminated in charges being laid invalidates withholding the files on the grounds quoted in your correspondence dated September 1, 1992.˙ ˙ Based on the fact that the investigation has resulted in charges it is imperative that the file be forwarded in it's entirety and unsevered. In order to construct an adequate defence, it is only fair that the file not be edited or censured.˙ ˙ In addition, I am requesting that certain portions of the Adlak Air Ltd. file 5258-3130 be made available. I am interested in the contents of the file from December 1989 to the present. I have requested this file verbally from *** of the Air Carriers Division of the Western Region Transport Canada today. He indicated that it is best that I attempt to acquire this file through your office.˙ 1992.10.23 920196 AUDIT REPORT I request a copy of all records contained in your files:˙ ˙ 1730-89-239 (Federal Court Case T-1470-90) Austin - White River Audit Reports 75 - 84˙ ˙ 1730-90-076 (Federal Court Case T-2347-90 Air Ontario Enforcement Records.˙ ˙ I wish to inform you that s.19(1) to these two reviews in the Federal Court in accordance with your notices sent to me on September 4, 1992 under your files 1730-92-132/133.˙ 920196 AUDIT REPORT I request a copy of all records contained in your files:˙ ˙ 1730-89-239 (Federal Court Case T-1470-90) Austin - White River Audit Reports 75 - 84˙ ˙ 1730-90-076 (Federal Court Case T-2347-90 Air Ontario Enforcement Records.˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.10.23 920196 I wish to inform you that s.19(1) to these two reviews in the Federal Court in accordance with your notices sent to me on September 4, 1992 under your files 1730-92-132/133.˙ 920200 TRAVEL I would like all documents, memos and audits on the implementation and observance of the federal government's recent policy governing air travel by public servants and ministers.˙ ˙ That policy says that public servants should not travel first class for work-related matters.˙ 920200 TRAVEL I would like all documents, memos and audits on the implementation and observance of the federal government's recent policy governing air travel by public servants and ministers.˙ ˙ That policy says that public servants should not travel first class for work-related matters.˙ 920201 RETIRED PUBLIC SERVANTS I would like a list of all former employees of the federal government who are retired from fulltime service but have received contracts with the department from 1989-92. Please include contract totals.˙ 920201 RETIRED PUBLIC SERVANTS I would like a list of all former employees of the federal government who are retired from fulltime service but have received contracts with the department from 1989-92. Please include contract totals.˙ 1992.10.28 920199 ROYAL COMMISSION In 1990, a Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation chaired by *** conducted hearings across Canada. It was noted that two Transport Canada representatives or observers accompanied the Commission.˙ ˙ I now seek a copy of all records of observations, reports, or any other type of communications made by these DOT observers to the Minister or to the department.˙ ˙ s.19(1) before the Commission, s.19(1) . I therefore request a copy of all records s.19(1) pursuant to the provisions of the privacy act.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.10.28 920199 ROYAL COMMISSION In 1990, a Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation chaired by *** conducted hearings across Canada. It was noted that two Transport Canada representatives or observers accompanied the Commission.˙ ˙ I now seek a copy of all records of observations, reports, or any other type of communications made by these DOT observers to the Minister or to the department.˙ ˙ Whereas I appeared as a witness before the Commission, I have reason to believe that these records may contain personal information about me. I therefore request a copy of all records containing such personal information about me, pursuant to the provisions of the privacy act.˙ 920202 TAR-6100-05 I request a copy of all records located on your file TAR-6100-05˙ 920206 NATIONAL HIGHWAY STUDY ALL RECORDS OF STUDIES, REPORTS, NOTES, BRIEFING DOCUMENTS, MEMORANDUMS, EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES AND COMMUNICATIONS PLANS RELATED TO PHASE IV AND PHASE V OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY STUDY AND/OR NATIONAL HIGHWAY NETWORK AND/OR NATIONAL HIGHWAY POLICY.˙ 1992.11.02 920198 WAPITI AVIATION LTD. This is a request for access to personal information about me which may be located in your files series 6100, pursuant to the provisions of the privacy act.˙ ˙ I also request a copy of all records pertaining to my company, Wapiti Aviation Ltd., which are located on your file series 6100, pursuant to the provisions of the access to information act.˙ 920203 CRASH AT JEDDA I request a copy of the report prepared by the Saudi Arabian Civil Aviation Authority with the help of the Transportation Safety Board of Canada concerning the crash of the Nationair DC-8 at Jedda, Saudi Arabia. The report I am seeking is the report that is referred to in the attached Edmonton Journal, October 24, 1992 article.˙ ˙ I SUBMIT THAT THE ACCIDENT REPORT THAT I AM SEEKING PERTAINS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY OF A CANADIAN LICENCED AIR CARRIER, AND IT OUGHT TO BE RELEASED IN THE INTEREST OF PUBLIC SAFETY. I ALSO SUBMIT THAT THIS REPORT SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS A CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT AS IT HAS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED TO THE MEDIA.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.11.02 920204 SKYLINK FOR YOUR REFERENCE, I ENCLOSE A COPY OF MEMORANDUM FROM AAR (WELDON NEWTON) ENTITLED: 'AUDIT - SKLINK AIRLINES".˙ ˙ I NOW SEEK A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING:˙ ˙ 1. A COPY OF THE MINISTER'S DIRECTION TO THE DM TO CONDUCT A REVIEW OF DOT'S REGULATORY INTERACTION WITH SKYLINK.˙ ˙ 2. A COPY OF THE REPORT OR FINDINGS MADE AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW.˙ ˙ 3. A COPY OF THE MEMORANDUM TO*** WHICH IS REFERRED TO IN THE LAST PARAGRAPH OF *** MEMO.˙ 920205 SKYLINK AIRLINES FOR YOUR REFERENCE, I ENCLOSE A COPY OF A MEMORANDUM FROM *** TO *** ENTITLED 'SKYLINE AIRLINES' AND DATED OCTOBER 6, 1989.˙ ˙ I NOW SEEK A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING RECORDS REFERRED TO IN THIS MEMO:˙ ˙ 1. THE 'CURRENT AUDIT OF SKYLINK AIRWAYS' AS REFERED TO IN THE FIRST LINE OF THIS MEMO.˙ ˙ 2. A COMPLETE COPY OF ANNEX 'A' TO 'G' INCLUSIVE, AND ANY OTHER ANNEX REFERRED TO IN THE ORIGINAL (UNSEVERED) VERSION OF THIS MEMO.˙ 1992.11.03 920195 5158 SERIES FILE I request a copy of all records on the 5258 series file pertianing to Cree Airways, of Edmonton, Alberta.˙ 920195 5158 SERIES FILE I request a copy of all records on the 5258 series file pertianing to Cree Airways, of Edmonton, Alberta.˙ 920197 AIR ONTARIO I request a copy of all records contained in your files:˙ ˙ 1730-89-239 (Federal court case T-1470-90) Austin - White River Audit Reports 75-84˙ ˙ 1730-90-076 (Federal court case T-2347-90) Air Ontario enforcement records˙ ˙ I wish to inform you that I intend to appear as a party to these two reviews in the Federal Court in accordance with your notices sent to me on September 4, 1992 under your files 1730-92-132/l33.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.11.03 920209 MAINTENANCE AUDIT A. EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION, J'AIMERAIS AVOIR ACCES AU RAPPORT PORTANT SUR LA DERNIERE VERIFICATION D'ENTRETIEN ("MAINTENANCE AUDIT") EFFECTUEE PAR TRANSPORT CANADA SUR AIR CANADA.˙ 1992.11.09 920210 MAINTENANCE AUDIT ˙ A. EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION, J'AIMERAIS AVOIR ACCES AU RAPPORT PORTANT SUR LA DERNIER VERIFICATION D'ENTRETIEN ("MAINTENANCE AUDIT") EFFECTUEE PAR TRANSPORT CANADA SUR CANADIEN INTERNATIONAL.˙ 1993.03.02 900331 1993.08.24 920125 CONTRACTS ANY CONTRACTS WHICH TC HAS AWARDED TO IAN MARTIN & ASSOCIATES, ADGA gROUP PROLOGIC SYSMTES AND VALCOM.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1992.12.30 921248 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR VARIOUS SOCKS TOTAL AMOUNT IN TERMS OF DOLLARS SPENT FOR 1991 BY DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS IN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR VARIOUS KINDS OF SOCKS 1993.02.24 921544 LIST OF CONTRACT AWARDED FOR P&L SERVICES SINCE 1989 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO P&L SERVICES SINCE 1989 1993.02.26 921545 CONTRACTS TRANSACTION FOR FY 1991-1992 AND LIST OF COMPANIES AWARDED CONTRACTS OVER 100 MILLION $ IN PAST YEAR COPY OF THE PUBLICATION ENTITLED CONTRACTING TRANSACTIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 AND LIST OF COMPANIES AWARDED CONTRACTS OF OVER 100 MILLION DURING PAST FY ENDING MARCH 31, 1993 921546 TEMPORARY HELP FOR PATO COPY OF LAST YEAR'S TEMPORARY HELP STANDING OFFER FOR ADMOINISTRATION AND PATO. 921547 ACID SPILL CLEANUP, CAUSTIC SPILL CLEANUP COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8463-1-HL3B/A 921548 CONTRACTS AWARDED TO WEST END DRY CLEANERS OF PEMBROKE FROM 1986 TO 1989. ALL MILITARY CONTRACTS BETWEEN XXXXXXXXXXXX CARRYING ON BUSINESS AS WEST END DRY CLEANERS AND EITHER DSS OR DND. THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE EARNED UNDER THE SAID CONTRACTS. 921549 AIR PURIFICATION EQUIPMENT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DC.W8472-2-MJ03/01 921550 COMPRESSORS AND VACUUM PUMPS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS CILE DJ.W8462-2-EBC2/02 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.02.26 921551 SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VIC.T1922-2-M013/01 921552 HAZARD-DETECTING INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.W8462-2-JA29/01 921553 STATIC LINE, DEPLOYMENT KIT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 287BY.W8465-2-DT11 921554 WEBBING, HERRINGBONE TWILL WEAVE ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 105PT.W8463-2-CP2K/A 921555 STRAP, WEBBING. ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 102PT.W8463-2-CM5F/A 1993.03.03 921557 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR FOOD CATERING SERVICE LIST OF CONTRACT FOR FOOD CATERING SERVICE DURING TIME PERIOD JANUARY 1990 TO JANUARY 1993 921558 COPY OF CONTRACT PRICE OFFERED UNDER PART A OF THE REQUEST, PER WORK DESCRIPTION BY EACH OF THE FIRMS WHO WERE AWARDED STANDING OFFERS FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 05ZG.66737-2-6010/A 921559 CONTRACT BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND PARAMAX ELECTRONICS INC. AND ALSO EH INDUSTRIES INFORMATION RELATING TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND PARAMAX ELECTRONICS INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLY OF 50 EH0\-101 HELICOPTERS. I REQUIRE COPIES OF ALL SECTIONS OF THE RELEVANT CONTRACT RELATING TO PENALTIES, FORFEITS AND OTHER SUMS TO BE PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA IF A DECISION IS MADE TO CANCEL THIS ORDER. 921560 INTERCOMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC ADDRESS SYS LIST OF CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS GSIN FOR THE ONTARIO REGION DURING THE LAST 24 MONTHS. 921561 MILLING MACHINE AND ACCESSORIES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MON.9F023-2-2102 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.03.03 921562 GUIDE DE TAUX PROCEDURES POUR LA REGION DE MONTREAL COPIE DU GUIDE POUR LES PROCEDURES ET TAUX DE LA REGION DE MONTREAL 921563 LIST OF GOVERNMENT SUPPLIERS COPY OF LIST OF GOVERNMENT SUPPLIERS 921564 NAME AND VALUE OF TENDERS LIST OF BIDDERS AND THEIR TOTAL VALUE FOR DSS FILE NEW.FP001-2-4251/01 921565 FIELD TYPE, AIR CONDITIONERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DE.W8462-2-EJBJ/01 921566 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT AND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR DSS FILE TOX92-01276-(002)/A ~ SUCCESSFUL PROPOSALS ~ CONTRACT AWARD ~ UNSUCCESSFUL PROPOSALS ~ DSS RECOMMENDATIONS ~ USER RECOMMENDATIONS ~ EVALUATION ~ FOREIGN CONTENT 921567 COPY OF UNSUCCESSFUL PROPOSALS, RECOMMENDATIONS, EVALUATION FOR SSC FILE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CHAMBERS AND SYSTEMS COPY OF CONTRACT AND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR DSS FILE STN92-00414-(149) ~ UNSUCCESSFUL PROPOSALS ~ DSS RECOMMENDATIONS ~ USER RECOMMENDATIONS ~ EVALUATION ~ FOREIGN CONTENT 921568 COPY OF PROPOSALS AND RECOMMNEDATIONS COPY OF CONTRACT AND THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR DSS FILE STJ92-01422-(017) ~ UNSUCCESSFUL PROPOSALS ~ DSS RECOMMENDATIONS ~ USER RECOMMENDATIONS ~ EVALUATION ~ FOREIGN CONTENT Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.03.03 921569 CAIR PRINTOUT FOR FEBRUARY 1993 COPY OF THE CAIR PRINTOUT FOR PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1993 1993.03.05 921571 REQUEST ABANDON. APPLICATION FEE WAS NOT RECEIVED COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8462-2-DP07 1993.03.08 921572 OFFICE AUTOMATION, SERVICES AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (OASIS), OAG-EW MAINTENANCE SERVICES (HARDWARE/SOFTWARE) FOR ENV. CDA FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 01EW.KA171-2-5134 ~ THE CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ~ THE LIST OF EQUIPMENT TO BE SUPPORTED ~ THE LOCATIONS OF SAID EQUIPEMENT ~ THE ANNUAL CONTRACT VALUE 1993.03.09 921574 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR FEBRUARY 1993 COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1993 921575 NEW SHIPBORNE AIRCRAFT (NSA) PROJECT COPY OF CONTRACT ALONG WITH ALL ANNEXES AND/OR ATTACHMENTS (EXCLUDING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS) 921576 TOKEN RING ADAPTERS AND CABLING COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 454EJ.32215-2-4005/A 921577 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EU.45045-2-7361/00/A 921578 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 360EU.0816-2-W854/A 921579 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EU.32215-2-5259/00/A 921580 SUPPLY/PURCHASE OF LAN EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING, ACCESSORIES, COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 6660EU-2-0304/01.EU Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.03.10 1993.03.10 921581 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR VARIOUS GSINS LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR VARIOUS GSINS FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1992 TO DECEMBER 31, 1992 FOR B.C. AND ALBERTA 921582 QUESTIONS ET REPONSES POUR CONCERNANT LE CONCOURS 92-DSS-OAS-CC-6065 QUESTIONS ET REPONSES CONCERNANT LE CONCOURS 92-DSS-OAS-CC-6065 POUR LE NIVEAU DE PG-01 921583 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR HEWLETT PACKARD PRINTERS LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS FOR HEWLETT PACKARD PRINTERS THROUGHOUT THE GOVERNMENT. 921584 REPAIR & OVERHAUL T58-8F AERO ENGINES FROM 1 JULY 1990 TO 31 MARCH 1995(CONTRACT AND ALL AMENDMENTS). COPY OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS FOR DSS FILE NUMBER W8467-9-FD03.BH20 921585 PROTECTEUR DOCKING CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8462-2-BD07.03MD 921586 LISTE DE COMPAGNIES DE CONFECTION QUI FABRIQUENT DES VETEMENTS POUR LA DEFENSE NATIONALE LISTE DES NOMS, ADRESSES ET NUMEROS DE TELEPHONE DES COMPAGNIES DE CONFECTION QUI FABRIQUENT DES VETEMENTS POUR LA DEFENSE NATIONALE. EX. UNIFORMES, PANTALONS DE COMBAT, VESTE DE COMBAT, ETC. 921587 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO FEBRUARY 28, 1993 921588 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR SECURITY DETECTION SYSTEMS LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR SECURITY DETECTION SYSTEMS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1992 OR THE MOST RECENT 12 MONTHS ENDING IN 1992 921589 MISC. TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8465-2-HR07 EX01PT01/A 027DJ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.03.10 921590 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW PAPERS/REPORT COPY OF INORMATION MANAGEMENT REVIEW PAPERS/REPORTS DATA ON COST SAVINGS BY CONSOLIDATING VARIOUS DSS/DSS CLIENTILE DATA CENTRES, AND INVENTORY OF DATA CENTRES AND THEIR UNIT COST OF OPERATION DATA ON SAVINGS TO BE MADE BY CUTTING THE DATA TECHNOLOGY PLATTFORMS SYSTEMS AT DSS/DSS CLIENTILE OPERATIONS. 921591 LIST OF ALL CANADIAN SUPPLIERS OF DSS WHO WERE AWARDED CONTRACTS ON BEHALF OF DND FOR 1978-1979. I REQUEST ACCESS TO THE LIST OF ALL CANADIAN SUPPLIERS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY AND SERVICES THAT WERE AWARDED CONTRACTS ON BEHALF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE DURING THE PERIOD APRIL 1, 1978 THROUGH MARCH 31, 1979 (I.E. FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979). I REQUEST THAT THE LIST BE ORDERED BY STANDARD COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION (OR DEPARTMENT EQUIVALENT) AND THAT, FOR EACH COMMODITY, THE NAMES OF THE SUPPLIERS BE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ALONG WITH THE ADDRESS, THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTRACTS, AND THE VALUE OF THAT CONTRACT TOTAL FOR EACH SUPPLIER. 921592 MACHINE - WOODWORKING COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 25DE.W8462-2-DD30/A 921593 ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES MEASURES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DJ.W8479-2-AR07/02 921594 ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES MEASU MODULATION METER AND ALUMINUM TRANSIT CASE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NUMBER DJ.W8479-2-AR05/01 921595 INFORMATION ON HOW TECHNICAL SCORE WAS ACHIEVED AND THE BID PRICES OF UNSUCCESSFUL BIDDERS. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSA.01635-2-0459/00 921596 ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES MEASURES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DJ.W8474-2-MD1Q/01 921597 ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC PROPERTIES MEASURE RADIO FREQUENCY SIGNAL GENERATORS AND MANUALS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DJ.W8474-2-MD49/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.03.10 921598 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR TOOLS/TEST EQUIPMENT FOR THE CANADIAN PATROL FRIGATE (CPF) PROJECT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MN.W8479-2-AR02/02 1993.03.11 921599 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH SYSTEM WITH QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROSCOPIC DETECTOR COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4003-2-W004/01 921600 UNITE FLUIDIQUE, KIT DE DEMARRAGE ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAF.31241-2-5476/01 921601 TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL ONE CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4001-2-0069/01 921602 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4001-2-0283/01 921603 TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL COMPONENTS FOR AN EXISTING ATOMIC ABSORPTION SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE WPG.01G24-2-CI42/01 921604 COPY OF CATALOGUE FOR MICRO-COMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES COPY OF THE SSC CATALOGUE FOR MICRO COMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES UNDER SSC FILE NUMBER 660ZF-1-0002 921605 GOVERNMENT SENDING 1991-1992 COPY OF GOVERNMENT SENDING 1991-1992 BROKEN DOWN ONE STEP LOWER Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1992.06.23 920055 IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS All letters, memos, policy papers, Ministerial documents, discussion papers relating to practices of Immigration Consultants. Include all information regarding controlling their activities. Include also information on establishing a regulatory body to regulate the Immigration Consultatants. 1992.09.23 920287 XXX INFO RE XXX A COPY OF ANY CORRESPONDENCE, MEMORANDA, BRIEFING NOTES, REPORTS, OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS, SINCE AUGUST 1984 RELATED TO PROCESSING THE APPLICATION FOR LANDED IMMIGRATION STATUS IN CANADA, INCLUDING SECURITY CLEARANCE, FOR XXX 1993.02.08 920265 XXX ANDERSON STRATEGIC RESEARCH STUDY XXX from Canadian Press requests the Anderson Strategic Research study in 1992 of attitudes on economic and labour market issues. 1993.02.10 920268 XXX POL. PAPER RE IMM. QUOTA FOR 1992 I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE POLICY PAPER THAT WAS USED IN DECIDING THE IMMIGRATION QUOTA FOR 1992. IN PARTICULAR, I NEED TO KNOW HOW THE 1990/1991 STATISTICS ON FOREIGN STUDENTS ENTERING CANADA EFFECTED THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS OF EIC IN ORDER FOR IT TO COME UP WITH A PARTICULAR IMMIGRATION QUOTA FOR 1992 920269 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX Visa file for XXX c/o XXX 920293 XXX DOCS RE REJECTION ON PROBATION FOR CAUSE XXX HAS REQUESTED COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE REJECTION ON PROBATION FOR CAUSE. 1993.02.12 920281 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 920303 XXX VISA FILE REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.02.12 920307 XXX CHALLENGES BY SAME SEX COUPLES TO DEPT REGS. RECORDS, INCLUDING CORRESPONDANCE, MEMOS, REPORTS, ANALYSES, DIRECTIVES ON CHALLENGES BY SAME SEX COUPLES TO DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS ON SPONSORSHIP FOR LANDED IMMIGRANT STATUS. 1993.02.15 920272 XXX CDN VISA OFFICES IN U.S. PROCESSING FAMILY SPONSOR. h8ä RE THE CDN VISA OFFICES IN THE US PROCESSING FAMILY CLASS SPONSORSHIPS, ASSISTED RELATIVE SPONSORSHIPS & INDEPENDENT APPLICATIONS BASED ON THE POINT SYSTEM 1. THE # OF APPLICATIONS FORWARDED TO EACH CDN VISA OFFICE IN EACH OF THE CATEGORIES ABOVE. 2. THE SUCCESS RATE WITH RESPECT TO EACH TO THESE APPLICATIONS 3. THE AVERAGE DURATION IN TIME FOR THE PROCESSING OF EACH OF THESE APPLICATIONS FROM THE ONSET UNTIL THIS POSITION. 920279 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 920286 1990-92 STATS. RE ACCEPTANCE & REFUSAL OF PERSONS TO CAN 1990 - 1992 STATISTICS RE ACCEPTANCE AND REFUSAL OF PERSONS TO CANADA ON HUMANITARIAN GROUNDS, REASONS FOR SUCH, SITUATIONS SIMILAR TO REFUGEES, PER COUNTRY LISTINGS, SPECIFICALLY ALL UKRAINIAN CASES 1993.02.17 920283 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.02.18 920285 XXX ANY INFORMATION RE XXX REQUEST FOR IMMIGRATION INFO CONCERNING XXX C/O XXX 920294 XXX SUMMER EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVE THAT WENT THROUGH FLORENCE OVER THE PAST FIVE YEARS SUCH AS HOW MANY TO FLORENCE AND BRAS D'OR, WHO WAS THE SUPERVISOR, HOW MUCH MONEY WAS INVOLVED, HOW MANY WERE EMPLOYED ON THE GRANT, WHAT ORGANIZATION DID THE EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVE GO THROUGH, WHO DID THE HIRING, WERE THE SAME PEOPLE EACH YEAR HIRED ON THE GRANT, WAS THE GRANT PROPERLY MANAGED, WHAT YEAR WAS XXX SUSPENDED AND FOR HOW LONG, WHY WASN'T XXX CHARGED. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.02.24 1993.02.24 920288 VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX 920289 VISA/IMM. FILES XXX XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMM. FILE OF XXX AND THE VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 920290 VISA/IMM RECORDS OF XXX XXX UPDATE OF THE VISA & IMMIGRATION FILES FOR XXX 920291 IMM. FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX IMM. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.02.26 920292 XXX CASES OF HARASSMENT OF EIC FEMALE EMPLOYEES 1992/93 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS ON CASES OF HARASSMENT OF FEMALE EMPLOYEES AND REPORTS ON PROBLEMS WOMEN EMPLOYEES FACE IN EIC 920295 XXX UIC CHANGES 1. LATE 1992 UNTIL PRESENT INFORMATION DONE ON POLITICAL, MEDIA AND GROUP REACTION TO THE DEC 2/92 ANNOUNCED UIC CHANGES AND THE PURSUING PARLIAMENTARY AND PUBLIC DEBATE/PRESSURE UNTIL NOW. INCLUDE OPTIONS FOR CHANGING THE PROPOSED UIC CHANGES CONSIDERED IN LIGHT OF THIS DEBATE/PRESSURE 2. COSTS FOR AND FUNCTIONS OF THREE-PERSON ARBITATION PANEL PROPOSED IN THE UIC CHANGES AND HOW THIS DIFFERS FROM THE REGULAR UIC PROCESS AND APPEALS AND THEIR COSTS. 3. AS MEANS TO COUNTER WELFARE-UIC NEED, LATE 1992 TO PRESENT BRIEFING NOTES TO MINISTER ON PREPARATION FOR A JOINT EIC/HWC SOLCIAL POLICY PAPER AND ISSUES/OPTIONS CONSIDERED FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION TO GETTING PEOPLE IN THE JOB MARKET 920297 XXX EXTENDING REFUGEE CLAIMS FOR WOMEN 1992, 1993 REPORTS, BRIEFING NOTES, PAPERS, INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED CONCERNING EXTENDING REFUGEE CLAIMS ON THE GROUNDS THAT APPLICANTS FACE PERSECUTION BECAUSE THEY ARE WOMEN (EG. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, DRESS, ARRANGED MARRIAGE, GROUP ASSOCIATION ETC). 1993.03.02 920296 XXX REMOVALS OF CLAIMANTS ACTUAL REMOVALS FROM CANADA OF REFUGEE CLAIMANTS JAN.-DEC. 1992 NUMBER OF: A) TOTAL REMOVALS OF C-55 CLAIMANTS; B) TOTAL REMOVALS OF BACKLOG CLAIMANTS; C) REMOVALS OF C-55 CLAIMANTS BY IMMIGRATION REGION; D) REMOVALS OF C-55 CLAIMANTS BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN; E) REMOVALS OF C-55 CLAIMANTS BY COUNTRY OF DESTINATION; F) REMOVALS USING SINGLE JOURNEY FORM BY COUNTRY OF DESTINATION (BY PREFERENCE FOR C-55 CLAIMANTS ONLY, OTHERWISE FOR ALL REMOVALS) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.03.02 920300 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.03.03 920298 XXX ABORIGINAL PEOPLE STATISTICS INFORMATION RE DECISIONS CONCERNING ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICIES, PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES THAT STREE SELF-SUFFICIENCY AND JOINT VENTURES WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND INDIAN TAXATION INCENTIVES. INFORMATION CONCERNING ADVANCE TAX RULINGS, SUBSIDIES, GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS, OTHER FINANCIAL INCENTIVES PROVIDED TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, CROWN AGENCIES AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR EXPRESSING A DESIRE OR NEED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH OR UTILIZING RESOURCES OF ABORIGINAL PEOPLES STUDIES AND ANALYSIS OF STUDIES BY EIC OR ANY FEDERAL AGENCY/ENTITY CONCERNING POSSIBLE IMPACTS ON MOBILITY AND EMPLOYMENT EQUITY FOR STATUS INDIANS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM A FAILURE BY REVENUE CANADA TO REVIEW THE INDIAN REMISSION ORDER 920299 VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX AND SPONSOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.03.04 920304 UI STATISTICS - XXX COPY OF REGIONAL RATES OF UI FOR THE TOWN OF GRAND BEND FOR THE MONTHS OF SEPT. OCT. NOV. & DEC 1990 AND JAN. FEB. MAR. APRIL, MAY AND JUNE 1991. ALSO, THE TABLES AND SCHEDULES USED TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY AND ENTITLEMENT OF BENEFITS - THE TABLES AND SCHEDULES USED UNDER THE UI ACT RSC 1985 DURING THE PERIOD BEFORE NOVEMBER 18, 1990 TO DETERMINE NUMBER OF REQUIRED INSURED WEEKS FOR ELIGIBILITY; AS WELL AS DURATION OF THE BENEFIT PERIOD AND THE REGIONALLY EXTENDED BENEFIT PERIOD COPY OF RULES & REGULATIONS GOVENING APPEAL HEARING PROCEDURES AND RULES AND REGS. GOVERNING THE HANDLING OF TAPES AND/OR TRANSCRIPTS OF THESE HEARINGS AS TO: A) WHAT OFFICE IS RESPONSIBLE TO MAINTAIN & STORE THE TAPES AND/OR TRANSCRIPTS OF APPEAL HEARINGS; B) WHO IS ALLOWED TO HANDLE THE ORIGINAL TAPES AND OR TRANSCRIPTS; C) WHO IS REQUIRED TO MAKE COPIES OF THE TAPES AND/OR TRANSCRIPTS WHEN COPIES ARE REQUESTED BY: i) THE CLAIMANT; ii) THE COMMISSION; iii) THE UMPIRES OFFICE; iv) THE OFFICE OF THE FED. COURT 920306 XXX FOREIGN CREWS COHASSET OIL PJT ALL RECORDS ON FILE WITH EIC RE XXX USE OF FOREIGN CREWS ONBOARD SHIPS OPERATING FROM THE XXX OIL PROJECT OFF N.S. FROM JAN. 1992 TO THE PRESENT. APPLICATIONS FOR FOREIGN WORKER PERMITS (EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION) AND ALL SUPPORTING DOCS. PROVIDED BY XXX TO EIC DURING THE FOREIGN WORKER VALIDATION PROCESS. THE MINUTES OF ALL MEETINGS HELD BETWEEN EIC IN HALIFAX/DARTMOUTH WITH XXX OR ANY PROV. GOV'T OFFICIALS RE XXX USE OF FOREIGN WORKERS ON N.S. OFFSHORE OIL FIELDS. AMONG OTHERS, THESE MINUTES SHOULD COVER MEETINGS HELD ON JAN. 11, 15 & 18, 1993. ALSO MINUTES OF MEETINGS, CORRES. OR TELEPHONE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EIC 1993.03.04 920306 CONVERSATIONS HELD BETWEEN THE MINISTER OF EIC AND XXX OFFICIALS OR LOBBIESTS ACTING ON XXX BEHALF. THESE MEETINGS AND/OR CORRES. TOOK PLACE BETWEEN NOV 1992 AND THE PRESENT. 1993.03.08 920301 NHQ CALLUPS FOR FEBRUARY 1993 XXX ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY EIC IN THE NAT'L CAP. REG. UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1993 920302 XXX TOTAL REMOVALS CLAIMANTS VS NON-CLAIMANTS 1) TOTAL REMOVALS, CLAIMANTS VS NON-CLAIMANTS, 1984-1992 (WHERE AVAILABLE) 2) REMOVALS 1992, CLAIMANTS ONLY, COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, COUNTRY REMOVED TO 920305 VISA FILE OF XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 920310 XXX INFO RE CHIEFS OF ADMIN. SERVICES (CAS) wOULD YOU PLEASE PROVIDE ME WITH A LIST OF ALL CHIEFS OF ADMIN SERVICES (CAS) POSITION IN THE CEC THAT HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED THE TYPE B GENERIC JOB DESCRIPTION. THIS DESCRIPTION IS TO BE USED BY CHIEFS, ADMIN SERVICES (CAS) ~ AUTONOMOUS CEC AND IS CONTAINED IN THE REPORT OF THE NATIONAL TASK GROUP ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF CHIEFS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES POSITIONS IN CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRES. I WOULD APPRECIATE RECEIVING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THOSE POSITIONS SO IDENTIFIED: THE JOB LOCATION, NAME OF THE INCUMBENT, AND CLASSIFICATION GROUP AND LEVEL. 920311 VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE VISIOR'S VISA APPLICATION OF XXX, THIS INCLUDES INFORMATION REGARDING THIS VISA THAT WAS ISSUED AND INFORMATION REGARDING ITS REVOCATION 920314 XXX REFUGEE DETERMINATION SYSTEM MONTHLY REPORT REFUGEE DETERMINATION SYSTEM MONTHLY REPORT - LISTING REFUGEE CLAIMANT ARRIVALS FOR 1992, BY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN 1993.03.09 920309 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O ZAIFMAN.55 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O ZAIFMAN.55 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.03.10 1993.03.10 920308 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 920316 XXX INFO RE SPOUSAL IMM. SPONSORSHIP 1. 1992, 1993 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER ON THE QUESTION OF SPOUSAL IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP FROM APPLICANTS WITHIN/OUTSIDE CANADA, AND OPTIONS, PROS AND CONS, AND CHARTER ARGUMENTS IF DIFFERENT POLICIES FOR APPLYING INSIDE/OUTSIDE CANDA. 2. 1992, 1993 PAPERS, PROPOSALS, PROCEDURES RE: SPOUSAL IMMIGRATION SPONSORSHIP FROM APPLICANTS WITHIN/OUTSIDE CANADA, AND OPTIONS, PROS AND CONS, AND CHARTER ARGUMENTS IF DIFFERENT POLICIES FOR APPLYING INSIDE/OUTSIDE CANADA. 3. ANY OTHER DATA RELEASED ON THESE SUBJECTS. 1993.03.11 920312 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 920313 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 920315 XXX INFORMATION RE UI EXHAUSTEES XXX REQUEST ALL RECORDS THAT WILL ENABLE HER TO KNOW ABOUT SO-CALLED EXHAUSTEES - THAT IS THE UNEMPLOYED WHO HAVE EXHAUSTED THEIR UI BENEFITS BEFORE FINDING ANOTHER JOB. THIS IS TO INCLUDE SURVEYS, STUDIES, REPORTS, MEMOS OR OTHER RECORDS WHICH SHOW WHAT HAPPENS TO THESE PEOPLE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ,WHAT PROPORTION FIND JOBS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEIR UI BENEFITS END; FOR THOSE WHO DON'T, HOW DO THEY SURVIVE. 1993.03.12 920317 XXX RECS RE PRESENCE OF TRIAD MEMBERS IN CANADA RECORDS ON THE EXISTENCE OR POTENTIAL PRESENCE OF TRIAD MEMBERS OR ASSOCIATES IN CANADA. SUCH RECORDS SHOULD BE DATED IN 1992 AND 1993 AND INCLUDE DEPARTMENTAL ASSESSMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE 920318 XXX DOSSIER COMPLET D'EVALUATION AU MERITE DOSSIER COMPLET D'EVALUATION AU MERITE (ME CONCERNANT) INCLUANT MOTIFS, NOTES PERSONNELLES DE XXX COMITE DE SELECTION ET XXX REFERENCE SUPPOSEMENT CONTACTEE DANS LE CADRE DE CET EXERCICE 1993.03.15 920319 XXX DOSSIER COMPLET D'EVALUATION AU MERITE DOSSIER COMPLET D'EVALUATION AU MERITE ME CONCERNANT Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.03.15 920321 XXX UI STATS RE XXX BASIC INFORMATION DATA RE THE EMPLOYER XXX RE LAYOFFS & TERMINATIONS DURING THE PAST THREE AND A HALF YEARS. INFO REGARDING THE EMPLOYEE PREVALENT SIZE OF THE COMPANY THEN AND NOW, HOW MANY EMPLOYEES WERE LAID OFF, RECALLED, HOW MAY WERE NOT RECALLED AND REPLACED BY NEW WORKERS DURING THE PAST THREE AND A HALF YEAR SPAN OF TIME TO DATE. 920322 XXX INFO CENTRES FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FED INFO PROPOSALS TO ESTABLISH "INFO CENTRES" FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION IN EMPLOYMENT OFFICES ACROSS CANADA. POSSIBLY IN PROGRAM EIC SEC 032, 025 OR 030 1993.03.16 920320 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.03.17 920324 XXX LOCAL IMM. APP. FORMS TRAINING MANUALS RE C-86 ALL LOCAL IMMIGRATION APPLICATION FORMS USED BY CANADIAN VISA OFFICERS IN GERMANY, SRI LANKA, THILAND (INCLUDING ITINERANT SERVICES TO VIETNAM), THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND HUNGARY THE TRAINING MANUALS, MATERIALS AND INSTRUCTIONS USED TO TRAIN IMMIGRATION OFFICERS ABOUT BILL C-86 1993.03.18 920323 XXX IMMIGRATION FILE XXX REQUEST BY XXX FOR THE IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX 1993.03.19 920325 XXX CREATIVE CAREER SYSTEMS INC ~ CREATIVE CAREER SYSTEMS LTD - COPIES OF THE FINANCIAL PROPOSAL, INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO FILE XXX 1993.03.22 920328 DETENTION CONTRACT BETWEEN EIC & CELEBRITY INN LTD XXX DETENTION CONTRACT BETWEEN EIC & CELEBRITY INN LTD. MAY 9, 1990 920332 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O SOLICITOR 1993.03.23 920326 XXX MAIL RUN MANIFESTS FOR EIC SEPT/91 - NOV/92 COPIES OF ALL MAIL RUN MANIFESTS DONE BETWEEN SEPT. 25, 1991 AND NOV 30, 1992 IN THE NAME OF XXX DRIVER - RUN NO. 2. THESE MANIFESTS CONTAIN THE ADDRESS AND TIMES AND SIGNATURES OF ALL DELIVERIES DONE FOR EIC MAILROOM 2ND FL. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.03.23 920327 XXX PRIORITY POST MANIFESTS FOR EIC COPIES OF THE PRIORITY POST MANIFESTS FOR ALL PRIORITY POST MAIL SENT TO 130 THAD JOHNSON BY THE EIC MAILROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF PHASE IV, HULL IN PARTICULAR THE MANIFESTS FOR DATES JAN. 7, 8, 21, FEB. 5, 17. THESE MANIFESTS SHOW DESTINATION AND WEIGHT OF PARCEL 920330 XXX DELEGATING POWER AT CDN COMMISSION TO CREATE ADM DEC COPY OF THE DELEGATED POWER GIVEN TO THE cOMMISSION FOR cANADA IN hONG kONG TO CREATE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION AND THE REASONS FOR SUCH CREATION. ALSO THE DELEGATION POWER TO PUBLISH SUCH DECISION. 920331 VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FROM XXX FOR XXX 1993.03.24 920329 XXX IMM. INVESTOR PROGRAM STUDY BY J. BURNS A STUDY CONDUCTED BY JOHN BURNS OF ERNST & YOUNG FOR THE FED. GOV'T ON THE IMMIGRANT INVESTOR PROGRAM. 920333 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.03.01 920080 TEMPORARY HELP CALL-UPS Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of February 1993. Your urgent attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.˙ 920082 WESTRAY MINE I am a Canadian citizen. Please accept this request to obtain pursuant to the Access to Information Act, copies of the following documents:˙ ˙ 1. Any and all letters from CANMET from January 1, 1990 to May, 1992 to Westray Coal Inc. or Curragh Resources Inc, concerning the proposed joint collaborative research program on the Westray coal mine in Pictou, Nova Scotia.˙ ˙ 2. Any and all letters from Westray Coal Inc. or Curragh Resources Inc., from January 1990 to May 1992 to CANMET concerning the proposed joint collaborative research program on the Westray coal mine in Pictou, Nova Scotia.˙ ˙ 3. Any and all reports, memos and minutes of meetings held on February 4, 1992, March 5, 1992 and April 8, 1992 concerning the monthly review of contracts (1-9184 and 1-9185), surface monitoring contract and underground geotechnical investigation contract.˙ ˙ Your prompt attention to this matter would be very much appreciated.˙ 1993.03.02 920079 CHIP REQUEST I would like to request under access to information program any copies of CHIP application for XXXX.˙ ˙ I will send $5.00 to the Receivor General and post it today.˙ ˙ Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.˙ 920081 DOWNSIZING CEIP In accordance with Access to Information legislation, I am making a request for the following information.˙ ˙ Subject: Downsizing, cancellation or possible cancellation of the Canadian Exploration Incentive Program (CEIP).˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EMR 1993.03.02 920081 Period: November 1, 1989 to March 31, 1990˙ ˙ Levels: All correspondence involving the Minister, Deputy Minister, Assistant Deputy Minister, Director General levels in EMR˙ ˙ I am enclosing a cheque for $5. If you require anything further, please call me at xxx-xxxx. Please send information to xxxxxxxxxx ˙ 1993.03.08 920083 CALL-UPS All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: February 1993. I would like to obtain copies of the original. Please notify me of the costs prior to making copies. I have a right of access to governemtn records under the Access to Information Act by virtue of my status as a Canadian citizen ˙ 920084 CALL-UPS I would like to obtain all "Call-ups against a standing offer for temporary help services" forms processed by E.M.R. for the months of November 1992 and January 1993 under the Authority of the Regional Master Standing Offer for Temporary Help in the National Capital area.˙ 1993.03.15 920085 BUDGET & COSTS ASIA TRADE MISSION Government budget for Energy Minister Bill McKnight trade mission to Asia February 26 - March 11, 1993. Include information of costs associated with delegation accompanying Minister.˙ 1993.03.23 920086 CALL-UPS Call-up for Temporary Help, no. 8251, January, February 1993 & November 1992. ˙ 1993.03.25 920087 DEEP RIVER RADIOACTIVE WASTE I would like copies of all correspondence which has as subject matter the Deep River Community Proposal. Info on all correspondence between Town of Deep River, Community Liaison group, Siting Task Force, and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Specifically, I am interested on the term and conditions by which AECL put forth their property as part of the volunteer proposal from Deep River. Period under request 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. ˙ 920087 DEEP RIVER RADIOACTIVE WASTE I would like copies of all correspondence which has as subject matter the Deep River Community Proposal. Info on all correspondence between Town of Deep River, Community Liaison group, Siting Task Force, and Atomic Energy Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EMR 1993.03.25 920087 of Canada Limited. Specifically, I am interested on the term and conditions by which AECL put forth their property as part of the volunteer proposal from Deep River. Period under request 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. ˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FCC 1992.10.14 920002 MANUALS, PROCEDURES, REGULATION ET COPIES OF ADVISORY SERVICES - FCC ADM 030˙ COLLECTIONS FCC ADM 105˙ FARM CREDIT ACT LENDING POLICY - FCC ADM 010˙ FARM CREDIT ACT LOAN ADMINISTRATION - FCC ADM 090˙ LEGISLATION, ORGANIZATION AND POLICY - FCC ADM 005 ˙ 1993.03.08 920003 CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN FCC & SASKA ALL ORGINAL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN FCC AND THE GOVERNMENT OF SASKATCHEWAN WITH RESPECT TO SASKATCHEWAN FARM SECURITY ACT AND POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS.˙ 920004 HEAD OFF. LEASE IN REGINA ALL INFORMATION RE. FCC HEAD OFFICE LEASE FOR SPACE WITHIN HAMILTON CENTRE.REGINA AS NEGOTIATED BY PUBLIC WORKS CANADA; A) COMPLETE COPY OF EXECUTED LEASE;B) SCHEDULE OF YEARLY NET RENTS; C)SCHEDULE OF YEARLY ADDITIONAL RENTS(OPERATING COSTS & REAL ESTATE TAXES); D) INDICATE ALL INDUCEMENT MONIES TO BE PROCURED BY LANDLORD; E) ANY NET FREE RENT PERIOD GRANTED BY THE LANDLORD; F) THE NUMBER OF LANDLORD SUPPLIED PARKING STALLS & THE ANNUAL COSTS FOR SAME; AND, G) THE COMMENCEMENT DATE OF THE LEASE AGREEMENT.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.02.01 920074 TOBACCO SMUGGLING 1992, 1993 briefing notes/memorandum or further evaluations/studies/reports on the pros and cons of using fiscal/tax policies to prevent tobacco smuggling, and reviews/descriptions of the existing problems.˙ 920077 CONTRACT REPORT 1. Contract report list October 31, 1992 - December 31, 1992˙ 2. Prof. M. Ogilvy report on environmental protection legislation and heir application to finanacial institutions˙ 3. Wood Gundy Inc. contract, terms of reference and reports on privitization options for the Royal Canadian Mint˙ 4. Anderson Strategic REsearch report and contract˙ 1993.03.01 920085 INDIAN TAXATION ISSUES 1. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contraacts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions related to the Indian Act Tax Exemption/Immunity to include: ˙ a) the background, history and administration of the following Indian Tax Remission Orders and amendments˙ PC 1992-938 07 May, 1992˙ Pc 1989-740 28 April, 1989˙ PC 1988-787 28 April, 1988˙ PC 1985-2446 07 August, 1985˙ PC 1991-264 14 February, 1991˙ 2. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning Indian taxation policy of the federal government in preparation for Firest Ministers and Constitutional Conferences beginning in 1978 to the present and including the Charlottetown Constitutional meeting.˙ 3. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Policy Task Force of the Department of Finance and creation of the Indian Taxation Policy Group in that Department.˙ 4. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian and Northern Affairs˙ 5. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning Aboriginal economic development policies, programs and initiatives that stress self-sufficiency and joint ventures with the private sector and Indian taxation incentives.˙ 6. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, grants, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... FIN 1993.03.01 920085 advance tax rulings, subsidies, grants, contributions, other finanacial incentives provided to financial institutions, crown agencies and the private sector expressing a desire or need to conduct business with or utilizing resources of Aboriginal peoples.˙ 7. Studies and analysis of studies by Employment and Immigration Canada or any federal agency/entity concerning possible impacts on mobility and employment equity for Status Indians which may result from a failure of Revenue Canada to review the Indian Remission order.˙ 8. Studies, analyses of surveys by Statistics Canada and other agencies compiled for the purpose of determining the tax base of Status Indians in Canada who reside both on and off reserve.˙ 9. All correspondence, memoranda, analyses, contracts, minutes of meetings, and records of decisions concerning the taxaation of Status and Treaty Indians prior to and following the Supreme Court's decision in Nowegijick vs. the Queen (Crown)˙ 10. All correspondence, memoranda, analyses, contracts, minutes of meetings, and records of decisions of the departments of Finance and Indian and Northern Affairs concerning sections of the Umbrella Final Agreement between the Government of Canada, the Council for Yukon Indians and the Government of the Yukon, May 30, 1992, as follows: 20.6.1˙˙˙˙ 20.6.2˙ 11. All other reports, studies, documents for the last 5 years which have to do with Indian taxation issues.˙ 1993.03.05 920086 IMPACT OF THE GST ON THE ECONOMY I request access to records which will enable me to know the impact of the GST on the undersground economy. This is to include studies, reports, surveys, memos and briefing notes both before the GST (i.e. projected impact) as well as the actual impact after its introduction.˙ 920087 TAX CHEATING BY CANADIANS I request access to records which will enable me to know about the impact of tax increases in general on tax cheating by Canadians. This is to include, but is not limited to, all studies, surveys, reports, memos and briefing notes since January 1, 1990.˙ 1993.03.09 920088 MERRILL LYNCH TAKEOVER Federal Government files dealing with Merrill Lynch takeover of Royal Securities in 1969 and Subsequent Actions Dealing with Entry and Ownership in the Investment Dealer Industry including the Decision to permit the Bank of Nova Scotia to Establish an Investment Dealer Subsidiary in Quebec in the mid-1980s.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.03.19 1993.03.19 920089 PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH I request access to a list of polls or other forms of public opinion research survey undertakaen since September 1991. This should include the subject of the poll, the name of the polling company, the date and the cost of the contract.˙ 920090 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT I request access to a list of professional service contracts let since September 1, 1991. Please include a short description of the work contracted, the name of the person or company, the date and cost of the contract.˙ 920091 PROSPERITY INITIATIVE I request access to records which will enable me to know the costs and estimated costs to the end of March 1993 associated with the Prosperity Initiative. This is to include but is not limited to the costs associated with the establishment of an ongoing Prosperity Initiative Council promised for April 1993.˙ 920092 PROSPERITY INITIATIVE PROSPERITY INITIATIVE Studies, reports or public opinion research assessing the impact, including the success or failure, of the Prosperity Initiative.˙ 1993.03.25 920093 92 ECON. STATEMENT - 93/94 BUDGET Any public opinion reports, surveys or presentations from the Department of Finance relating to the December 2, 1992 Economic Statement. Any similar work conducted or commissioned in preparation for the 1993-94 Budget.˙ 920094 DEPT. OF FINANCE DOCUMENTS Copies of all Department of Finance documents for the period from June 30, 1988 to the present concerning the following subjects:˙ 1) Dividend rental arrangements˙ 2) Short sale of securities˙ 3) Security lending arrangements˙ 4) Repurchase agreements ("Repos")˙ 5) Reverse repurchase agreements ("reverse repos")˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IAB 1993.03.09 920336 TRANSCRIPTS I am writing you in order to request all transcripts in the matter of Mr. XXXXX, on 25 January, 1993. Mr. XXXXX appeared in fron of Mr. Murrant in Missisauga, On.˙ 1993.03.11 920337 IMMIGRATION LAWYERS & CONSULTANTS We would like to access the listings containing the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of immigration lawyers, immigration consultants, (ie. private sector "counsel") that is maintained by the IRB.˙ 1993.03.16 920338 CASES FROM LEBANON The specific information sought concerns positive decisions rendered by the Immigration and Refugee Board in cases from Lebanon where the Claimant was accepted as a Convention Refugee because of his/her support of General Aoun.˙ ˙ The decision must be positive and had been after August 1992. I am particularly interested in those decisions which will have been rendered by Commissioners Yolene and Lana de Liamchin.˙ 1993.03.17 920339 STATISTICS CRDD DECISIONS VANCOUVE I am requesting disclosure of statistics regarding Convention Refugee Determination Division decisions in Vancouver, over the past year. ˙ The statistics I require are:˙ A) for the period January 1st, 1992 to February 28th, 1993,˙ i) A list of the members sitting in Vancouver;˙ ii) For each member sitting in Vancouver, the total number of decisions rendered, a number of positive decisions rendered and a number of negative decisions rendered;˙ iii) For each member,, a break down of the positive and negative decisions on a country by country basis.˙ B) For the period January 1, 1991 through January 1, 1992, the same information as outlined above.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.02.18 930008 1) HOW MANY CUSO VOLUNTEERS WHERE I 1) How many CUSO volunteers where in Zimbabwe during 1992? 2) How much did CUSO pay, in total, for these volunteers? (lodging; salary; etc.) 3) How much of this did CIDA reimburse CUSO? 4) How much renumeration did CUSO pay for field director in Zimbabwe in 1992? 5) Please provide the name(s) of CUSO's local partners? 1993.02.24 930009 THREE 1992 PROJECT AUDITS - OF TH Three 1992 project audits - of the Davao Health Development Project in the Philippines, of the FoodSystems Development Project in the Philippines, and o the Fishery Equipment Facility Project. 930010 THE 1992 FOLLOW-UP AUDIT OF THE A The 1992 follow-up audit of the Auditor-General'sobservations on CIDA contracting. 930011 THE COMPREHENSIVE AND FOLLOW-UP A The comprehensive and follow-up audits of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) division ( the follow-up is dated June 1992) Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.02.19 920130 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JANUARY 1993 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JANUARY 1993˙ 1993.02.25 920131 NOTTAWASAGA INN GRANTS, LOANS, LOAN GUARANTEES, FROM 1975 TO 1990 INVOLVING NOTTAWASAGA INN, LOCATED IN TOWNSHIP OF TECUMSETH, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO.˙ 920132 CAE ELECTRONICS LTEE UN RELEVE INFORMATIQUE DES PROJETS PRESENTES PAR LA COMPAGNIE CAE ELECTRONICS LTEE AUPRES DE VOTRE MINISTERE AFIN D'OBTENIR DU FINANCEMENT ET CE, POUR LES ANNEES 1988 A 1992.˙ 1993.02.26 920133 CDN NETWORK FOR TOTAL QUALITY CALLS FOR TENDER AND TENDERS LEADING TO CONTRACTING FOR SERVICES IN RESPECT OF THE NATIONAL QUALITY INITIATIVE AS PROPOSED BY CANADIAN NETWORK FOR TOTAL QUALITY.˙ 1993.03.01 920134 ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BRIEFING NOTES, ANALYSES, MEMORANDA, CONTRACTS, CORRESPONDENCE, MINUTES OF MEETINGS, RECORDS OF DECISIONS CONCERNING ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POLICIES, PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES THAT STRESS SELF-SUFFICIENCY AND JOINT VENTURES WITH PRIVATE SECTOR AND INDIAN TAXATION INCENTIVES; AND CONCERNING ADVANCE TAX RULINGS, SUBSIDIES, GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS, OTHER FINANCIAL INCENTIVES PROVIDED TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, CROWN AGENCIES AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR EXPRESSING A DESIRE OR NEED TO CONDUCT BUSINESS WITH OR UTILIZING RESOURCES OF ABORIGINAL PEOPLES.˙ 1993.03.04 920135 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR FEBRUARY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR UNDER TERMS OF SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING FEBRUARY 1993.˙ 920136 CALLUPS IN ONTARIO - FEBRUARY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN ONTARIO UNDER TERMS OF SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING FEBRUARY 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.03.04 920137 CALLUPS IN QUEBEC - FEBRUARY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN QUEBEC UNDER TERMS OF SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING FEBRUARY 1993.˙ 1993.03.05 920138 ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC PROGRAMS SCHEDULE OF PROJECTS THAT ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC PROGRAMS HAS FUNDED IN B.C. INCLUDING AMOUNT ALLOCATED TO EACH PROJECT. SCHEDULE OF RESEARCH AND ADVOCACY PROJECTS ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC PROGRAMS HAS FUNDED FROM ACROSS CANADA. SCHEDULE OF STUDIES, REPORTS, RESEARCH AND PLANS THAT ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC PROGRAMS HAS FUNDED FROM ACROSS CANADA. PROGRAM EVALUATIONS OR REVIEWS FROM ABORIGINAL ECONOMIC PROGRAMS, NATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND SPECIAL ARDA. ˙ 1993.03.08 920141 15 NEW DRUGS DISCOVERED IN CANADA LIST OF 15 NEW DRUGS DISCOVERED IN CANADA SINCE 1987 ˙ 920142 NET SAVINGS TO DRUG PURCHASES REPORT ON NET SAVINGS TO DRUG PURCHASES IN CANADA OF $424 MILLION OVER THE FIRST FIVE YEARS˙ 920143 32 SIGNIFICANT MEDICINES DEVELOPED LIST OF 32 SIGNIFICANT MEDICINES DEVELOPED IN CANADA ˙ 920144 REPORT ON COST OF BILL C-91 REPORT ON COST OF BILL C-91 ON CANADA - ESTIMATED AT $129 MILLION OVER THE FIRST FIVE YEARS˙ 920145 STUDY - BILL C-91 T STUDY THAT IDENTIFIES AVERAGE EXTENDED PATENT PROTECTION FOR BILL C-91 WILL BE 3-4 YEARS˙ 920146 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JAN/FEB. 1993 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 1993˙ 920146 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JAN/FEB. 1993 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 1993˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.03.09 1993.03.09 920139 CHARLOTTETOWN AREA DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION BETWEEN DREE AND CHARLOTTETOWN AREA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FROM 1976 TO 1982.˙ 920140 CALLUPS IN NCR NOV. 92/JAN. 93 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR NOVEMBER 92 AND JANUARY 93˙ 1993.03.18 920147 BILL C-22 REPORT/DOCUMENTATION ON ADDITIONAL 2300-2500 JOBS DURING 1987-1992 BECAUSE OF BILL C-22˙ 920148 BILL C-22 REPORT/DOCUMENTATION ON NET SAVINGS TO THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM OF ABOUT 200 MILLION DOLLARS DUE TO BILL C-22 ˙ 920149 BILL C-19 REPORT OR STUDY ON EFFECTS OF C-91 ON COST TO CANADIAN ˙ 1993.03.19 920150 PROSPERITY COSTS COSTS AND ESTIMATED COSTS TO MARCH 1993 ASSOCIATED WITH PROSPERITY INITIATIVE. INCLUDED ARE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ESTABLISHMENT OF ONGOING PROSPERITY INITIATIVE COUNCIL PROMISED FOR APRIL 1993.˙ 920151 PROSPERITY - REPORTS, STUDIES, ETC STUDIES, REPORTS OR PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH ASSESSING THE IMPACT, INCLUDING THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF THE PROSPERITY INITIATIVE.˙ 1993.03.24 920152 LIST OF PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS LIST OF PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS, REPORTS, PRESENTATIONS OR OTHER INFORMATION COLLECTIONS CONDUCTED OR COMMISSIONED BY ISTC SINCE JANUARY 1, 1992.˙ 1993.03.26 920153 HARASSMENT COMPLAINT COPY OF INVESTIGATION CARRIED OUT INTO MY ALLEGATIONS OF OVERTIME ABUSE BY 2 WOMEN MADE IN CONNECTION WITH MY HARASSMENT COMPLAINT˙ 920153 HARASSMENT COMPLAINT COPY OF INVESTIGATION CARRIED OUT INTO MY ALLEGATIONS OF OVERTIME ABUSE BY 2 WOMEN MADE IN CONNECTION WITH MY HARASSMENT COMPLAINT˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.03.01 930025 INDIAN ACT TAX 1. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions related to the Indian Act Tax Exemption/Immunity to include:˙ ˙ a) the background, history and administration of the following Indian Remission Orders and amendments˙ ˙ PC 1992-938 7 May, 1992˙ PC 1989-740 28 April 1989˙ PC 1988-787 28 April 1988˙ PC 1985-2446 7 August 1985˙ PC 1991-264 14 February 1991˙ ˙ 2. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Policy Task Force of the Department of Finance and creation of the Indian Taxation Policy Group in that department.˙ ˙ 3. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Secretariat of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.˙ ˙ 4. All correspondence, memoranda, analyses, contracts, minutes of meetings, and records of decisions concerning the taxation of Status and Treaty Indians prior to and following the Supreme Court's decision in Nowegijick v. the Queen.˙ ˙ 5. All reports, studies, documents for the last 5 years which have to do with Indian taxation issues.˙ 1993.03.15 930026 BANKING, TRADE AND COMMERCE Document/Study/Opinion and the necessary guarantees by the Department of Justice that assures the constitutionality of Bill C-91 and the opinions of this department "We have opinions from the Department of justice (which we trust) confirming that the bill is perfectly legal and constitutional." as quoted by: Minister Vincent, Consumers and Corporate Affairs, Senate Committee on Banking Trade and Commerce, Thursday, January 21, 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.03.25 1993.03.25 930027 VARIOUS JUSTICE MANUALS & BANKS Following Justice Manuals: Access to Information and Policy Administrative Procedures Manual; Civil Litigation Desk Book; Dept. of Justice Desk Book; Legislation Desk Book; Administrative Service Manual I ane II; JUS JUS 035; JUS JUS 015; JUS JUS 010; JUS JUS 030; JUS PPU 110; JUS PPU 075; JUS PPU 105; JUS PPU 010.˙ 1993.03.26 930028 CONSULTANTS SERVICE CONTRACTS List of consultants service contracts let between January 1, 1992 and March 24, 1993 including the name of the person or company involved, the cost and date of the contract as well as a short description of the work involved.˙ 930029 COMPETION TRIBUNAL APPOINTMENTS All documents including any correspondence, memorandum, telephone log and facsimile transmission, pertaining to communications made between Madame Justice Barbara Reed, Chairman of the Competition Tribunal and the Minister of Justice or any member of his staff between January 1, 1992 and March 1, 1993 concerning appointments to, and, existing vacancies to the Competition Tribunal.˙ 1993.03.29 930030 PUBLISHING REVISED STATUTES Following information as it relates to arrangements made by DOJ with private sector publishers for the publication of the Revised Statutes of Canada in either electronic or hard copy form:˙ ˙ ~ contracts for the delivery of information by the DOJ to the publishers in an electronic medium or material correspondence related to these deliveries,˙ ˙ ~ permissions to reproduce in hard or electronic copy the Statutes of Canada,˙ ˙ ~ royalty agreements with respect to the sale of this information either electronically or in hard copy form by the private sector publishers.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ LAB 1993.03.02 920019 NAFTA, NATIONAIR 1992,1993 reports/briefing notes to Minister on effects of (i) free trade with the United States, (ii) proposed NAFTA arrangements (iii) Nationair labour dispute and potential settlement, Nationair''s airline industry role and finances and on the rearrangement of Nationair debts owing government authorities, including possible foregiveness of monies owing. ˙ 1993.03.08 92020 STATEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS PLANS Feb/93 drafts of statements/communications plans re Nationair settlement, and letters the Labour Minister or officials wrote or notes of discussions on this settlement with the Transport Minister and his officials.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1992.06.03 920041 1993.02.18 920222 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 920223 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.02.23 920226 CONFORMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 920227 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.02.24 920229 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.02.25 920228 COPY OF CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF GR 920230 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP OF 3 920231 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 920232 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF GRANDPAREN 1993.03.03 920233 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.03.05 920234 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.03.09 920235 COPY OF CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF MA 920236 COPY OF CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF PA Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.03.11 1993.03.11 920237 COPY OF FATHER'S CITIZENSHIP RECO 1993.03.15 920239 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 920240 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP OF AN INDIVIDUAL. 1993.03.18 920238 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.03.19 920241 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF AN INDIVIDU 920242 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 920249 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.03.23 920243 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF AN INDIVIDU 920244 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 920247 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.03.26 920245 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 3 INDIVIDU 920246 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF GRANDFATHER. 920248 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 103 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.03.01 920040 CONFLICT OF INTEREST documents forwarded by the Chairman to the Commissioners and Staff informatin them of his financial holdings with the NCC region. Rules worked out with NCC officials concerning the Chairman being excluded from any NCC discussions or decisions bearing on his financial interests. Specific instances where the NCC has informed the Conflict of Interest in the NCC discussion or not taken part in those discussion. Specific instances where the NCC has informed the Conflict of Interest Registrar that the NCC has undertaken any dealings about holdings which the Chairman has a financial interest.˙ 1993.03.10 920041 COURT CASE COOPDEV INC. copy of breakdown detailing what made up the $1,000,000.00 cost identified on page 10 in the statement of claim, paragraph 23, item (c), between the NCC and Coopdev Inc., court file no. 577751 dated November 7, 1991.˙ 920042 DALY BUILDING A copy of the final settlement between National Capital Commission and Coopdev Inc. court action over the Daly building claims filed in 1991.˙ 1993.03.24 920035 USINE INDECK PLAN records related to the Indeck project˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 104 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.02.08 920752 REVIEWERS' NOTES RELATED TO PRE-IND MEETING FOR (XXX). Reviewers' notes related to the pre-IND meeting for (XXX) on 14 January 1993. The reviewers are (XXX). Specifically, I would like a copy of the two page typed document summarizing their assessment of the drug. 1993.02.24 920799 RECORDS RE CANCER PROJECTIONS, FU 1. 1990 to 1993 reports by consultants or done internally that describe cancer projections for a region like Ontario or a locality or Canada. 2. 1992 to 1993 reports/records that indicate which cancers receive what HWC funds. 3. 1992 and 1993 records that which consider/establish which cancers are priority ones for HWC, and any rankings available. 4. 1992, 1993 figures estimating the major costs of cancer treatments in Canada or of Canadians, preferably broken down by region/cancer type/health cost cateogries, and the effects on current and future health care costs. 920799 RECORDS RE CANCER PROJECTIONS, FU 1. 1990 to 1993 reports by consultants or done internally that describe cancer projections for a region like Ontario or a locality or Canada. 2. 1992 to 1993 reports/records that indicate which cancers receive what HWC funds. 3. 1992 and 1993 records that which consider/establish which cancers are priority ones for HWC, and any rankings available. 4. 1992, 1993 figures estimating the major costs of cancer treatments in Canada or of Canadians, preferably broken down by region/cancer type/health cost cateogries, and the effects on current and future health care costs. 1993.02.25 920800 RECORDS RE VETERINARY DRUG SAFETY, QUALITY AND EFFICACY. 1. Follow-up reviews, evaluations, audit on veterinary drugs safety, quality and efficacy after mid-1989. 2. Records after 1989 on problems with improper use and overprescribing of vet. drugs and with using off-label vet drugs. 3. 1990-1993 records of problems areas of vet. drugs in food producing Dept Date Request No Text Page: 105 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.02.25 920800 animals, and vet. drugs restricted in that period given human health risk from drug residues, and food products (milk included) where vet. drug residues have been found of concern to HWC officials. 920801 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client 920802 P.M. FOR IAF BIOVAC SPLIT VIRION INFLUENZA VIRUS VACCINE. Please provide me with copies of the Product Monograph, Direction Leaflet and Brief Summary (Section 1.4 of the NDS) for the recently licensed product described above. 1993.03.03 920803 RECORDS DEALING WITH NATIVE ADDIC 1. 1991-92, 1992-93 departmental costs for native addiction treatment (for alcohol, drug, household items/chemical abuse). 2. 1991 to 1993 reports that describe such native addictions, which natives groups/ages have the highest incidences/risks, treatment locations and success rates, and priority areas. 3. 1993 reports that assess the effects of the widely reported Davis Inlet incidence and whether this has lead to departmental changes, including resources allocated. 920804 RECORDS CONCERNING VACCINATION PR 1. Costs of public vaccination programs 1991, 1992, projected 1993. 2. Effects of Bill C 91 on vaccination program costs. 3. Vaccination given and their adverse effects 1991, 1992, 1993. 4. Emergency vaccination plans developed since 1990. 5. Summary of outstanding litigation cases on vaccination programs. 6. Since 1991, proposals and changes of proecedure/policy in vaccination programs. 920805 RECORDS CONCERNING VARIOUS ASPECT 1. 1992, 1993 summary cases of improper health claims made for foods, vitamins, and drugs. 2. 1992, 1993 records on vitamin supplement intake being toxic or leading to Dept Date Request No Text Page: 106 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.03.03 920805 adverse side effects. 3. 1992, 1993 records on recommended vitamin supplementation, and on which vitamin supplementation packages are suggested to combat illnesses and promote better health. 920806 DRUG INSPECTION REPORT FOR SCHERI I wish to obtain a copy of the HPB Plant Inspection Reports for Schering Canada Inc. for the last four years, including the respective HPB Forms FD112. 920807 ANY COMMUNICATION WITH (XXX). Any communication between HWC & EAITC or HWC & hospital re (XXX). 920808 DATA WHICH INDICATE TOPICAL APPLI We are requesting, under the Access to Information Act, the data which indicate that topical application of NSAIDs will result in sensitization of 1-2% of the population. We refer you to the report by Dr. D. DeJesus concerning the Bureau's concerns as reported in the Minutes of the Meeting of the Expert Advisory Committee on dermatology held January 13, 1992 (attached). 920809 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX) AND (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our clients. 920810 CLINICAL DATA SUBMITTED BY (CIBA GEIGY) FOR LIPACTIN GEL. I have been asked by a client to obtain a copy of the clinical data submitted by CIBA-Geigy Canada Ltd. in support of their submission to register the drug LIPACTIN Gel (heparin sodium - zinc sulphate) with the Health Protection Branch. 920811 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR CEFTIN. New Product Monograph for CEFTIN issued with the Notice of Compliance dated Nov. 25, 1992. 920812 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR PIPRACIL BY (LEDERLE LAB). I wish to obtain the latest Product Monograph for PIPRACIL (Piperacillin sodium) manufactured by Lederle Laboratories. In addition, please send the latest Product Monograph for ZINACEF (cefuroxime sodium) manufactured by Glaxo. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 107 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.03 920817 INSPECTION REPORT BY HPB FOR INFE We request a copy of the 1992 HPB report, including oral comments, for the following: Infection Control Products Limited, Mississauga, Ontario, regarding complaince with good manufacturing practices for which pharmaceutical manufacturers are routinely inspected for by HPB. 920818 PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FOR HYTRIN (AB Copy of the latest approved Product Monographs for HYTRIN (terazosin) by Abbott and ANAFRANIL (clomipramine) by Geigy. 920819 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR CARBOPLATIN INJECTION BY (BRISTOL LABORATORIES). Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for CARBOPLATIN (Paraplatin) for Injection manufactured by Bristol Laboratories. 920820 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR TAGAMET BY SB PHARMA. Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for TAGAMET (cimetidine) (both injection and tablets and liquid) manufactured by SB Pharma (formerly SmithKline Beechmam). 1993.03.04 920813 RECORD OF NAME FOR EMULSIFIER(S) Record of the name of the specific emulsifier (or emulsifiers) that is a listed ingredient of POTEN A.D., a vitamin A and D injectible product distributed by Roger/STB. This record may form part of the program records of Human Prescription Drugs (NHW HPB 130) in the Health Protection Branch. 920814 RECORDS CONCERNING SIBERIAN GINSE I am writing to request release of all documentation with respect to analysis of six lots of Siberian ginseng obtained from C.E. Jamieson and Co. Ltd., Windsor, Ontario. The identification of the lots analyzed in March/April 1991 are as follows: Lots 3143, 3174 and 3227; further lots also analized being Lots 256, 258 and 259. Would you please provide me with all correspondence, test results, internal memoranda, data and other materials with respect to the analysis and testing of these lots and any other lots of product described as Siberian ginseng from C. E. Jamieson and Co. Limited. I would also request information with respect to the method of analysis, the tests used and the results of those tests in your response to this request. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 108 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.04 920815 FUNDING OF 3 OLYMPIC TEAMS IN ALB Information with regards to the funding of the Olympic Downhill Ski Team, the Olympic Speed Skating Team, and the Olympic Hockey Team while in Albertville, France, 1992. A breakdown in the funds spent on each of these three Olympic teams separately. This is only concerning the period regarding their stay in Albertville, France 1992. 1993.03.05 920816 MORE RECORDS RE: GANDER CRASH SI All documents, correspondence, reports, memoranda, telephone logs and other materials related to the commissioning, production and release of the report entitled "Health Effects of Working at the Site of the Gander Arrow Air Crash" dated March 1989, including all records bearing on how the subject of this study came to the department's attention; the process by which it was decided to undertake the study; the steps in choosing the contractor; external and internal consultations, correspondence and briefing notes related to the foregoing. 920821 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our clients. 920822 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our clients. 1993.03.08 920823 RECORDS CONCERNING BREAST CANCER I am applying for the following records: 1. Since mid-1992 until the present, internal meeting minutes, internal reports/notes/briefings to the Minister, memos on the establishment, timetable, critical path, projected funding options, priority research areas, management, and operation, of the breast cancer research challenge fund. (data that has been distributed/produced for internal discussion only). 2. In fiscal years 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, HWC monies devoted to breast cancer research. 3. Criteria for receipt of monies under the breast cancer research challenge fund and how these criteria and funding differ from previous criteria/funding monies 9% of funds "new" funding compared to continuation of past funding. 4. Communications strategy and timing of the announcement and follow-up queries about the breast cancer research challenge fund. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 109 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.08 920824 APPLICATION FOR DIN FOR 8 DRUGS. Application for Drug Identification Number, for: P-S-R Tablets Control #10083 A-X Tablets Control #10084 S-X Tablets Control #10087 E-V-M Tablets Control #10088 I-S-W Control #10081 Concentrace Control #10082 E-S Tablets Control #10085 Concentrace Tablets Control #10086 All letters and Forms pertaining to the above products. Complete files. 1993.03.10 920825 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. 920826 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. 1993.03.11 920827 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR SOLU-CORTEF BY (ABBOT). Please provide the most recent monograph for: HYDROCORTISONE SODIUM SUCCINATE for injection Solu-Cortef, manufactured by Abbot. 920828 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR VEPESIDE BY (BRISTOL MEYERS). Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for: ETOPOSIDE INJECTION VEPESIDE manufactured by Bristol-Meyers. 920829 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR PARAPLATIN Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for: CARBOPLATIN FOR INJECTION PARAPLATIN manufactured by Bristol-Meyers. 920830 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR PARAPLATIN-AQ BY (BRISTOL MEYERS). Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for: CARBOPLATIN INJECTION PARAPLATIN - AQ manufactured by Bristol Meyers. 920831 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR A-HYDROCORT BY (ABBOT). Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for: HYDROCORTISONE SODIUM SUCCINATE FOR INJECTION A-HYDROCORT, manufactured by Abbot. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 110 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.11 920832 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR SOLU-MEDROL BY (UPJOHN). Please provide the most recent Product Monograph for: METHYLPREDNISOLONE SODIUM SUCCINATE SOLU-MEDROL, manufactured by Upjohn. 1993.03.12 920834 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LEUCOVORIN Most recent Product Monograph for Lederle's LEUCOVORIN calcium. 920835 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH AND NDS FOR PROSCAR. The following documents relating to the New Drug Submission and any Supplemental Submissions for PROSCAR. ~ Product Monograph ~ Submission Index ~ Comprehensive Summary ~ All correspondence from the manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer ~ All HPB internal reports, memoranda and other records. 920836 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ARTHROTEC B Arthrotec Searle DISCLOFENAC sodium / Misoprostol Tablet (50 mg / 200 mcg) ORL Please send a copy of Product Monograph - 93-01-15 (Rec'd NoC). 1993.03.15 920837 PMS FOR SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE NASAL & OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION. The Evaluation Reports for PMS - SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE (2%) Nasal Solution and PMS SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE (2%) Ophthalmic Solution marketed by Pharmascience. 920838 TOXINS IN YUKON PLANTS OR ANIMALS. We would appreciate receiving, at the earliest possible date, any and all studies, correspondence, memos, or any other documents related to tests for toxics and other contaminents in plants, fish, or animals in Yukon since January 1, 1990. 920839 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. 920839 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 111 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.15 920840 PRINTOUT OF MARKETED DRUGS FOR 5 I request your assistance to provide a printout of marketed drugs for the companies listed: a) Confab Laboratories, St. Herbert, Quebec b) Frega Inc., Levis-Lauzon, Quebec c) Lalco, Montreal, Quebec d) Rolmex e) Sant‚ Naturelle (Andr‚ Gangnon) Lt‚e., LaPrairie, Qu‚bec. 920841 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH & OTHER DOCUMEN Access to Information for PARAFON FORTE and ROBAXACET. 1) Documents to reflect if these products are Rx-to-OTC switch products 2) Current Product Monographs 3) Notices of compliance 4) All reviewer comments of the Rx-to-OTC switch review and NDS 5) Table of contents of the NDS 6) Summaries of the trials and studies associated to these products 7) Any market data to support the submissions. 1993.03.16 920843 SURVEY DATA ON DRUG/ALCOHOL USE B Records of drug and alcohol use by medical professionals; specifically, any preliminary or other data on a departmental survey of that profession. 920844 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LUXAPAC BY LEDERLE'S. Most recent Product Monograph for Lederle's LUXAPAC. 920845 DATE OFFILING N.D.S. FOR 41 PRODU Date of filing of the New Drug Submission for the following products manufactured by Apotex Inc: (see list attached). 920846 ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING N.D.C. ISS Records, notes, letters or any other documents in relation to any Notice of Compliance issued to Apotex Inc. that has been suspended, revoked or has prompted any similar action by the HPB or which has been cancelled by the manufacturer. 920847 ALL DOCUMENTS IN REGARD TO APOTEX CONCERNING PRODUCT RECALLS. On March 24, 1993, request was changed to read as follow: . In respect to Apotex Inc., all Health and Welfare Canada Plant Inspection Reports since January 1989. . Any notification or report to Apotex Inc. by Health and Welfare Canada which was the result of random product testing by HWC. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 112 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.16 920848 INSPECTION REPORTS CONCERNING APO All field Inspection Reports filed since 1987 with repsect to Apotex Inc. 920849 N.O.C. ISSUED TO APOTEX, REVOKED In respect to any Notice of Compliance issued to Apotex Inc. that has been suspended or revoked, a copy of the Minister's written notice to the manufacturer pursuant to section C.08.006 of the Food and Drug Act. 920850 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LOPID, MOTILIUM, PREPULSID. We would appreciate your assistance in providing us with a copy of the following monographs: 1. LOPID (gemfibrozil) 2. MOTILIUM (domperidone maleate) 3. PREPULSID (cisapride monohydrate) 920851 TOXINS IN YUKON PLANTS OR ANIMALS. I would appreciate receiving, at the earliest possible date, any and all studies, correspondence, memos, or any other documents related to tests for toxics and other contaminents in plants, fish, or animals in Yukon since January 1, 1990. 1993.03.18 920833 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH, COMPREHENSIVE Copies of the reviewer's comments relating to Clinical Review, the Comprehensive Summary, index of the S/NDS for Adjunctive Medication in Parksinson's Disease and Product Monograph of the New Drug Submission for PARLODEL (bromocriptine mesylate) manufactured by Sandoz. 920852 REVIEWER'S COMMENTS, PRODUCT MONO Copies of the reviewer's comments relating to clinical review, the Comprehensive Summary, Index and Product Monograph of the New Drug Submission for ELDEPRYL (selegiline HC1) manufactured by Deprenyl Research. 920853 PRECLINICAL REVIEWER'S NOTE & HPB CORRESPONDENCE FOR (XXX). We would like to request the following documents pertaining to the new drug file for (XXX) (formoterol fumarate), control No. 8HN893054: ~ preclinical reviewer's notes ~ internal HPB correspondence pertaining to the (XXX) preclinical file. 1993.03.22 920854 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 113 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.22 920855 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. 920856 INSPECTION REPORT FOR QUEST VITAM We hereby request copies of 1991 and 1992 Canadian Good Manufacturing Practices reports, including narrative comments, for the following: Quest Vitamin Supplies Ltd. 1781 West 75th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia V8P 6P2 920857 P.M. FOR XANAX, LOSEC & VENTOLIN. The most recent version of the Product Monograph for: XANAX, XANAX TS (alprazolam) by Upjohn, approx 92/12/7. LOSEC, (OMEPRAZOLE) by Astra, approx 93/01/15. VENTOLIN, Nebules PF (salbutamol sulfate) by Glaxo, approx 93/02/23. 920858 S.I., C.S. CORR. & REPORTS RE: S/NDS FOR XANAX. The following documents relating to the Supplemental New Drug Submission for XANAX tablets 1mg & XANAX TS tablets 2mg. ~ Submission Index ~ Comprehensive Summary ~ All correspondence from the manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer ~ All HPB internal reports, memoranda and other records. 1993.03.23 920859 MINUTES OF HPB DERMATOLOGY COMMIT Minutes of Expert Advisory Committee on Dermatology meeting of November 9, 1992. 920860 VARIOUS DOCUMENTS ON "ENFORCEMENT POLICY FOR HERBS & BOTANICALS". 1. The Planning Board Meeting, Minutes and or Memos emanating from the Meeting of Jan 11th, 1989, as referred to in the Memo titled "Enforcement Policy for Herbs and Botanicals" dated January 23rd, 1989. 2. The Information Letter on Traditional Medicines and any & all memos attached to or concerning this Info Letter, as mentioned on page 2, paragraph 1 of the Jan 11th, 1989 memo. 3. Lists of herbs as adulterants and those requiring cautionary labelling as mentioned on page 2, paragraph 2 of the memo dated January 23rd, 1989. 4. A copy of the clarified Branch Policy as mentioned on page 2, paragraph 4 of the memo dated January 23rd, 1989. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 114 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.23 920861 MINUTES OF MEETING N.A.C. ON IMMU National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Minutes of Meeting Feb. 15-17, 1993. 920862 P.M., C.S., OTHER DOCUMENT FOR GEN-SALBUTAMOL BY GENPHARM. Please provide the following records from the New Drug Submission of this product: 1. Currently approved Product Monograph. 2. The Chemistry and Manufacturing Section. 3. The comprehensive Summary. 4. The comments from the HPB reviewers during clinical, chemistry and manufacturing and label review. 920863 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR IMFERON BY FISONS. Full Product Monograph for IMFERON (Iron Dextrar Injection USP) - Fisons is the manufacturer. 920864 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR KEFUROX BY ELI LILLY CO. We would like to receive a copy of the following Product Monograph from New Drug Submission for the product KEFUROX manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company. 1993.03.24 920865 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LIPIDIL CAP Would you please provide us with a copy of the most recent Product Monograph for the following product: Brand Name: LIPIDIL Capsules Active Ingredients: FENOFIBRATE Strength: 100 mg Manufacturer: Jouveinal 1993.03.25 920866 SURVEYS, PRESENTATIONS, REPORTS S A complete list of public opinion surveys, reports, presentations or other information collections conducted or commissioned by Health and Welfare Canada since January 1, 1992. 920867 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR DIHYDROERGOTAMINE. 1. Would you provide me with the dates to which these products were available for sale in Canada. i.e. year and month the Sandoz' DIHYDROERGOTAMINE tablets and injectables received D.I.N. approvals. 2. Also, would you kindly send the Product Monograph on Sandoz' DIHYDROERGOTAMINE for injection and oral tablets. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 115 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.03.25 920867 Request #1 is more urgently needed and can be sent under separatecover. 920868 C.S. & REVIEWER'S COMMENTS FOR CARDIAZEM, TIMOLOL & VOLTAREN 1. Please provide information on the source (manufacturing site) of CARDIAZEM (Diltiazem) 30 mg and 60 meg tablets used to support their NDS in Canada. 2. Please provide the following records for the New Drug Submission for TIMOLOL Ophthalmic Drops by MSD: a) Comprehensive Summary b) Reviewer's Comments 3. Please provide the following records for the New Drug Submissions for VOLTAREN (Diclofenac Sodium) by Geigy: a) Comprehensive Summary b) Reviewer's Comments 920869 COPIES OF STUDIES ON HEALTH WARNI 1. Two studies on the context and one study on the content of health warning messages on cigarette and other tobacco product packaging referred to in the(XXX) letter to (XXX) dated March 19, 1993, copy of which is attached hereto. 2. Any other research studies since November 1, 1989 on warning messages in use under current Tobacco Products Control Act regulations or testing any other package warning messages in any other form or presentation on cigarette or other tobacco products. 920869 COPIES OF STUDIES ON HEALTH WARNI 1. Two studies on the context and one study on the content of health warning messages on cigarette and other tobacco product packaging referred to in the(XXX) letter to (XXX) dated March 19, 1993, copy of which is attached hereto. 2. Any other research studies since November 1, 1989 on warning messages in use under current Tobacco Products Control Act regulations or testing any other package warning messages in any other form or presentation on cigarette or other tobacco products. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 116 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.25 920870 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR (XXX). Please provide our office with the Medical Records pertaining to our client. 1993.03.26 920871 PROCEDURES RE: ENTRY OF DANGEROU I am applying under the Access to Information Act for the following records: 1. HWC procedures to offer advice to Customs/Excise personnel to place products on the prohibited from entry (to Canada) for health, safety, environmental reasons. 2. In the case of cigarette/tobacco products, recent briefings, advisories, notes as to why such cancer producing substances are primarily not on the prohibited from entry (to Canada) list. This could also involve correspondence with Finance (sets custom tariffs) and Customs and Excise (enforces tariffs). 3. Any current lists or categories of substances HWC refuses or advises to refuse entry to Canada because of their cancer producing qualities. 4. Likewise, any cancer producing products that HWC advises or refuses to allow its export abroad or only under certain restrictions/regulations. 5. Recent documentation on whether products dangerous to personal health can be allowed into Canada, including products with a known cancer threat to Canadians. 920872 P.M., N.D.S., C.S. AND REVIEWER'S COMMENTS FOR DIAMICRON (SERVIER). I request the Product Monograph, NDS Comprehensive Summary, reviewer's comments and NDS table of contents for the DIAMICRON (gliclazide) NDS, as filed by Servier Canada Inc., Montreal, Quebec. See attached the product information for DIAMICRON tablets. 920873 PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FOR 6 DIFFEREN Please provide the most recent Product Monographs for the following: (1) CARDIZEM CD (NOC Date: 93-03-12) (2) CYCLOMEN (NOC Date: 93-02-02) (3) DIFLUCAN (NOC Date: 93-03-09) (4) SOTACOR (NOC Date: 93-02-16) (5) VENTOLIN Nebules PF (NOC Date: 93-02-23) (6) CLARITIN Syrup (NOC Date: 93-02-16). 920874 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ELDISINE BY LILLY. Please provide the most recently updated Product Monograph of ELDISINE (Vindesine Sulfate) by Lilly. 1993.03.29 920875 HPB INSPECTION REPORTS 1991-92 FO Pursuant to the Access to Information Act, we hereby request copies of the 1991 and 1992 Health Protection Branch inspection reports, including narrative comments, for the following: Laboratories Romilo, Laval, Quebec. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 117 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.03.29 920876 HPB INSPECTION REPORT 1991-1992 F Pursuant to the Access to Information Act, we hereby request copies of the 1991 and 1992 Health Protection Branch inspection reports, including narrative comments, for the following: (1) Offices: C.E. Jamieson & Co. Limited, 2 St. Claire Avenue West, Suite 1502, Toronto, Ontario, M4V 1L5. (2) Factory: C.E. Jamieson & Co. Limited, 2150 Ambassador Drive, Windsor, Ontario, N9C 3R4. 920877 HPB INSPECTION REPORT 1991-1992 F Pursuant to the Access to Information Act, we hereby request copies of the 1991 and 1992 Health Protection Branch inspection reports, including narrative comments, for the following: Gobia Pharma Inc., Laval, Quebec, H7L 3R9. 1993.03.30 920878 INFORMATION CONCERNING AN EMPLOYE Information concerning an employee of BDD. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 118 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.01.26 920029 UFO SIGHTINGS I have been corresponding with the Solar-Terrestrial Physics section of the NRC for a number of years now and have been referred to you.˙ I am trying to get photocopies of the non-meteoritic sightings for 1992 from the NRC.˙ I would like to know what procedures I have to go through to get copies of these reports and what expenses may be incurred. ˙ Thank you for your cooperation and I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.˙ 1993.01.27 920031 UFO SIGHTINGS IN BC I am requesting government documents of UFO sightings in British Columbia from January 1, 1992 to June 30, 1992.˙ 1993.02.24 920032 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP caal-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: Nov. 1992, Dec. 1992, Jan. 1993. N.C. Region.˙ 1993.03.15 920030 UFO, FALCON LAKE, MANITOBA I request access to all records which will enable me to know the content of all documents which wre exchanged with the Department of National Defence concerning the May 20, 1967 UFO incident at Falcon Lake, Manitoba. The Falcon Lake Incident can be regarded as one of the more evidential cases which corroborates the existence of UFO's. The NRC carried out, in a joint effort with the Canadian and U.S. military, empirical studies shortly thereafter. Other investigations were carried out by the Departments of Health and Social Welfare, the University of Colorado, the Canadian Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, the RCMP, as well as at the Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment. I wish to have access to all the aforementioned agencies that conducted studies.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 119 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.02.03 920108 WORKERS PARTY OF CANADA/YOUNG COM Workers Party of Canada and Young Communist League - Records in RG 146 1993.02.24 920113 FLQ IN FRANCE - RG 146 RG 146 - FLQ in France 920114 RG 146- COMMUNIQUES DU FLQ RG 146-1 - communiques du FLQ 920115 RG 146 - COMMUNICATIONS, FLQ, EXT RG 146 - Communications, FLQ, external eg Quebec-France, France-Alger, Alger-Cuba 920116 RG 146- FLQ IN CUBA RG 146 - FLQ in Cuba 920117 RG 146 - LA DELEGATION DU FLQ A A RG 146 - La Delegation Exterieure Du FLQ a Alger 920118 RG 146- LE PETIT QUEBEC LIBRE, LA CLAQUE RG 146-4 - Le Petit Quebec Libre (1971), La Claque 1970. 920119 RG 146 - s.19(1) RG 146- s.19(1) 920120 RG 146 - FLQ FROM DEC. 1970-APRIL 1971 RG 146 - FLQ from December 1970 to April 1971 1993.02.25 920109 FILE FROM MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128 File 6000-5-39 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 120 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.02.25 920110 FILE FROM MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128 File 6000-5-121, 1970 and 1971 920111 FILE FROM MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128 File 6000-5-169.2 920112 FILE FROM MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128 File 6000-5-206 1993.03.01 920121 ARREST AND ATTEMPTED EXTRADITION J. Bensley (Ben) Kerr was arrested in Rochester on or about May 27, 1925 while delivering a load of Canadian beer during Prohibition. He subsequently posted bail of $4500. On Sept. 23, 1925, Kerr did not appear for trial. The U.S. attempted to have him extradited. I am looking for the copies of the American correspondence on this matter and the Ministry of External Affairs (or any other Canadian Deptartments') correspondence relating to this matter. 920122 SINKING OF THE CNAV GLENDYNE Sinking of the CNAV Glendyne Record Group 24, Volume 4112, File NSC 1156 YTB 503 Halifax Harbour, February 15,1957. 1993.03.04 920123 VARIOUS FILES IN RG 146 I would like the following files in RG 146 - HV 2, HV 5, HV 6-8, HV 17, HV 27-28 920124 MINISIS DATABASE FOR BLACK SERIES (RG 10) Operational request for records - minisis database for RG 10 - Black Series 1993.03.08 920126 MILITARY RECORDS OF LT. COL. CAR The total military records of Lt. Col. Carleton Woodford Allen of Canadian Engineers. Before 1899, a member of the Queens Own Rifles militia, Toronto. Member of 2nd Special Service Bn., Royal Canadian Regt., Boer War, 1900. Wounded at Paardeberg, 1900. Returned to Canada, 1900. Member of Edward VII Cdn. Coronation, 1901, as a L//Cpl. with the Toronto Engineers. 920127 MILITARY RECORDS OF JAMES INNES J James Innes Johnstone Born in Aberbeen, Scotland July 8, 1880 s.19(1) Fought in Boer War 1901-1902 World War I - Royal Canadian Regiment 1914-1918 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 121 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PAC 1993.03.08 920127 Corporal 14th Battalion CEF 1993.03.09 920125 FILES ON INDIVIDUAL FROM 1930 TO 1975 Files on XXX from 1930 to 1975 including memoranda and correspondence between government agencies both foreign and domestic, minutes of meetings, work permits, entry and exit documents, photographs, notes on his activities, etc. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 122 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.02.23 923193 ADVERTISING CONTRACTS WITH DSS I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL CONTRACTS GIVEN TO ST. JOSEPH PRINTING INC. IN 1992. I ALSO WANT TO KNOW WHETHER THE CONTRACT WAS GIVEN AN AMG NUMBER BY THE ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT GROUP WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT OF SUPPY AND SERVICES.˙ 1993.03.01 923195 CONTRACTS - BRISTOL COPIES OF ALL SIGNED CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA (I.E. THE FPRO) AND BRISTOL COMMUNICATIONS ENCORPORATED OF ST. JOHN'S, NFLD, AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES INCLUDING SAGA COMMUNICATIONS, APPA COMMUNICATIONS, STRATEGIC CONCEPTS LTD., ETC. RELATED TO CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE OCTOBER 1992 REFERENDUM. (PCO PLS045, FPR 155).˙ 923196 REPORTS - BRISTOL COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS PREPARED FOR THE FPRO BY BRISTOL COMMUNICATIONS ENCORPORATED OF ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES INCLUDING SAGA COMMUNICATIONS, APPA COMMUNICATIONS. STRATEGIC CONCEPTS LTD., OMNIFACTS RESEARCH, ETC. RELATED TO CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE OCTOBER 1992 REFERENDUM.˙ 1993.03.03 923198 INVOICES - BRISTOL COPIES OF INVOICES SUBMITTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY BRISTOL COMMUNICATIONS ENCORPORATED OF ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES INCLUDING SAGA COMMUNICATIONS FOR SERVICES RENDERED TO THE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL RELATIONS OFFICE RELATED TO CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE OCTOBER 1992 REFERENDUM.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 123 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.02.28 929325 COST & TIME SPEND ON A CASE Please provide all documents relating to both time expended and costs incurred pursuing the case of an individual.˙ 1993.03.02 929326 POLITICAL ACTIVITIES PUBLIC SERV. I am applying under the Access Act for the following records:˙ ˙ 1. 1990-1993 record of specific leaves requested under Section 32 of the Public Service Employment Act (names, ridings, provinces, departments, decision, date/outcome).˙ ˙ 2. Any guidelines issued over supporting federal political leadership candidates.˙ ˙ 3. Any review of guidelines/letters issued by yourselves or T.B. on federal employee's participation in the October 26, 1992 referendum, or papers done in anticipation of this and future referendums.˙ ˙ 4. 1991-93 review of Federal Court decisions on political activities federal public employees can engage in.˙ ˙ 5. The guidelines in place on political activity for federal public employees for the next federal election expected 1993, 1994.˙ ˙ 6. 1992, 1993 complaints received about federal public employees engaging in political activities.˙ 1993.03.19 929327 INFO ON EL5 TO EL6 COMPETITION I wish to make a request to have access to certain information involving an EL5 to EL6, competition, 92-EXT-CC1V-JM-02R.˙ ˙ Attached you will find a letter dated April 9, 1992 in which the PSC has responded to a letter from External Affairs seeking cancellation of the above competition. I request that any information which sheds light on why External wanted the list cancelled and what bearing it had on either the candidates placement or the number of positions be made available to me.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 124 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.01.13 930006 CALLUPS NCR JULY-OCT 92 Temporary Help Call Ups in the NCR July-Oct'92 inclusive requested by previous applicants under the A.T.I. Act.˙ 1993.03.03 930023 CALLUPS NCR NOV. - JAN. 92-93 Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: November, December, January (N.C.R. only)˙ 1993.03.08 930024 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION FEBRUARY'93 ALL CALLUPS processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period:˙ ˙ February 1993˙ 930025 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION FEBRUARY'93 All CALLUPS processed by this institution in the QUEBEC REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period:˙ ˙ February 1993˙ 930028 CALLUPS NCR FEBRUARY 1993 ALL CALLUPS processed by this institution in the NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period:˙ ˙ February 1993˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 125 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.02.15 920596 ALL INFORMATION ON PARAGRAPH 6(1)(E) AND SUBSECTIONS 6(2) & (2.2) All technical interpretations, IT rulings, internal memorandums, legal opinions and any other released material concerning paragraph 6(1)(e) and subsections 6(2) and 6(2.2) and/or automobile standby charges from 1989 to date. 1993.02.16 920597 ALL TOM MATERIAL PERTAINING TO SO Copies of all sections of the Taxation Office Manual or other office or audit manuals and all different questionnaires issued to taxpayers pertaining to the issue of whether a source of revenue is capital or income in nature. 1993.02.19 920598 ALL MATERIAL DATING BACK TO 1985 Any and all records, wherever situate, detailing the application and interpretation of the various provisions of the Income Tax Act (Canada) on training trust funds dating back to 1985. 920599 PREVIOUSLY RELEASED ORIGINAL RESE 1. The original research file on IT-392 previously released - 1977. 2. All Technical Interpretations issued since it was released 16 years ago. 1993.02.23 920600 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 911664 D Technical Interpretation dated August 24, 1991, Director, Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division, Rulings Directorate Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch pertaining to how the treaty applies to a US citizen resident in Canada. 920601 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 5-903310 DATED MARCH 6, 1991 A copy of Technical Interpretation (5-903310) by the Financial Industries Division dated March 6, 1991. 920602 XXX T2S FOR 1988 TAXATION YEAR We request a copy of all audit files, including working papers, audit reports (T20) and valuation reports, XXX with respect to the 1988 taxation year of XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 126 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.02.24 1993.02.24 920603 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARAY HELP SERV Call-Ups for temporary Help (DSS 8251) for period November 1992 to January 1993. 920604 CHRONOLOGICAL FILE FOR DECEMBER 1992 HARDCOPY & DISKETTE FORMAT Copies of all documents contained in the "Specialty Rulings" Chronological File for the following month: December 1992 as previously released. If the above mentioned file was not previously released, please treat this as a new request. We are also requesting that we additionally receive this information in electronic format. 920605 ALL INFORMATION RELATING TO LEASE INDUCEMENT PAYMENTS All briefs, submissions, reports, studies, memoranda, notes, opinions, interpretations, discussion papers, position papers, proposals, projects , statements, notices, correspondence, minutes, resolutions, rulings, decisions, instructions, policies, procedures, documents, records and material relating to lease inducement payments. 1993.02.26 920606 ALL INFO ON 40(2)(G)(II), 20(1)(C)(I) AND 50(1)(A) Any and all records, including opinions, guidelines, audit or decision summaries and internal memoranda, in the possession of the Head Office of Revenue Canada, Taxation respecting 1) subparagraph 40(2)(g)(ii) of the ITA; 2) the interpretation to be given the phrase "used for the purpose of earning income from a business property" found in subparagraph 20(1)(c)(i) of the ATI and 3) the interpretation to be given the phrase "is established by him to have become a bad debt in the year" found in paragraph 50(1)(1)(a) of the ITA. 920607 4 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS "Employee Benefit Plan becomes and RCA" - Technical Interpretation, Financial Industries Division, April 17, 1991. "Employee Thrift Plan in lieu of an Unregistered Supplementary Pension Plan" ~ Technical Interpretation, Financial Industries Division, July 16, 1991. "Purchase of Annuity for Employee is an RCA" - Technical Interpretation, Financial Industries Division, May 30, 1991. A private interpretation letter issued by Revenue Canada (probably in 1987) regarding a deferred compensation plan that was determinated to be a Salary Deferral Arrangement. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 127 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.02.26 920608 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 7-911464 ON US 410(K) PENSION Copy of Memorandum 7-911464 published by the Department of National Revenue, Financial Industries Division Directorate, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch. This memorandum discusses the rollover of an individual's account in a US 410(K) pension to a US Individual Retirement Account which is then distributed to the Canadian resident. 920609 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR J Call-Ups for temporary help in the National Capital Region for the month of January 1993. 1993.03.01 920610 ALL MATERIAL ON 248(1) - TERM PRE Term preferred shares (subsection 248(1). Any rulings, opinions, interpretations and other materials available in relation to term preferred shares that were issued in 1992 pursuant to a "Plan of Arrangement" filed under the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act. Rulings, opinions, interpretations and other materials regarding the issuance of term preferred shares that were initiated during the 1991 or 1992 calendar years. 920611 3 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER Memorandum dated April 25, 1990 - Bilingual Services and Resource Industries". Technical Interpretation dated October 27, 1986 - Small Business and General Division Directorate. Technical Interpretation on Tuition fees paid or reimbursed by employers. 920612 39 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS 39 Technical Interpretation Letters 920613 8 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER 8 Technical Interpretation Letters 920614 SUBSECTIONS 104(12),(14),(15) AND VARIOUS OTHER SECTIONS Copies des d‚cisions anticip‚es ainsi que de toutes correspondance ‚mise par le d‚partement des d‚cisions anticip‚es de Revenue Canada, Imp"t ainsi que tout document interne concernant les dispositions suivantes de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu: a) paragraphe 104(15) b) paragraphe 104(14) c) paragraphe 104(12) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 128 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.03.01 920614 d) alin‚a 108(1)(a) e) alin‚a 108(1)(g) f) ainsi que l'article 2800 du rŠglement de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu. 920615 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH TAX CREDIT IN All information pertaining to Scientific Research Tax Credit, specifically, 2 internal memorandum dealing with the late filing of designation form T2113, dated June 1985 and February 23, 1987 respectively. The above memorandum were referred to in United Equities Limited v. The Queen, 92 DTC 6572 FCTD, P6575 ~ 6576. 920618 ALL INFORMATION ON INDIAN TAX ACT All information related to the treatment of Indian Tax Remission Orders, the taxation of Status and Treaty Indians. 1993.03.03 920616 CHRONOLOGICAL FILE FOR NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 1992 ON DISK Chronological File for November and December 1992 - diskette only 920617 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 902923 Memorandum Business and General Division December 21, 1990 - Necessary land for a principal residence. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 129 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.03.08 930463 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Please forward all call ups for temporary help in the National Capital Region for the month of February 1993. ˙ 930464 REPORT - GENDER EQUITY TASK FORCE I request access to the report of the Gender Equity Task Force, referred to a page 2-27 of the 1993-94 Estimates.˙ 930465 RCMP SOURCE/WITNESS PROTECTION PRO I request access to the results of, as well as all reports or analysis done on, the questionnaire distributed to all police forces across the country in July 1992 as part of a review of the RCMP Source/Witness Protection Program. This is referred to at page 2-17 of the 1993-94 Estimates.˙ 1993.03.29 930466 LIST OF PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTS I request access to a list of professional service contracts let from January 1, 1992. Please include the name of the company or the person involved, the cost and date of the contract and a short description of the work involved.˙ 1993.03.31 930467 RECORDS PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED Records previously disclosed under the ATI Act:˙ ˙ 920452: 3 Ministerial Directives - Security investigations on university campuses; - General principales and policies governing the conduct of investigations, Oct 30, 1989; and - Ministerial Directive CSIS Foreign Investigative Activity.˙ ˙ 920453: The unpublished response to recommendations of the special House Committee that reviewed the CSIS Act.˙ ˙ 930454: Any cooperation and/or agreements the federal government had during World War II with trade unions and organized crime in order to insure public security along the ports and other vulnerable areas.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 130 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.03.02 920083 ASST. TO N.A.C Archival records of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, now under the control of the national Archive, pertaining to the Workers Party of Canada, 1st District Convention, Saskatchewan; and the Young Communist League, Drumheller, Alberta. 1993.03.08 920067 INFO. ON XXX. Information on XXX from 1930 to 1975. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 131 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.02.11 920066 1. SINCE 1988 UNTIL 1992, 1993 DA that describe: ~ numbers, provinces from ~ categories/ranges of amounts owing ~ occupations/income levels ~ number per following categories, and individual names of those who are currently federal public employees, or officials, or crown corporation employees of GIC appointees, MP's, Senators, judges 2. Any profiles done after 1988 on student loan defaulters and 1992, 1993 statistical breakout data on defaulters 3. Amounts 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93 to date paid to three federally approved collection agencies (FCA, Citidel, Total Recovery) per fiscal year. If data is unavailable, rationales for this and ability to extend their contracts to 1993-94, 1994-95. 4. Complaints 1991-1993 received on student loan collection practices. 1993.02.15 920068 I WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN ALL "CALL- help services" forms processed by S.O.S. during the months of November 1992 & January 1993 under the Authority of the Regional Master Standing Offer for Temporary Help in the National Capital area. 1993.02.17 920069 DEMANDE DE PROPOSITION LSO-2-01445 (TRADUCTION DES JUGEMENTS DE LA COUR canadienne de l'imp"t.) J'aimerais obtenir les renseignements suivants au sujet de la demande proposition susmentionn‚e: 1. nom des entrepreneurs qui sont soumis une proposition; 2. tarif propos‚ par chacun d'entre eux; 3. nom de l'entrepreneur dont l'offre a ‚t‚ retenue; 4. tarif de l'entrepreneur dont l'offre a ‚t‚ retenue. 1993.02.23 920070 ALL EVALUATIONS OF PROPOSED AND A related to the Canada 125 Celebrations. All reports of focus groups reltled to 125 Celebrations. All public opinioin polls related to Canada 125 Celebrations, National Unity of Constitutional Renewal. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 132 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.02.23 920071 MA DEMANDE CONCERNE LES CONTRATS Direction des march‚s de services et des entrepreneurs du secteur priv‚. Je d‚sire connaŒtre les tarifs (minimum, maximum et moyen) des contrats ouverts accord‚s durant la derniŠre ann‚e pour les services de traduction de l'anglais au fran‡ais rendus par des pigistes et non des cabinets de traduction. 920072 DOCUMENTATION WHICH DESCRIBES THE BUSINESS CASE THAT WAS PREPARED BY THE Student Assistance Branch which analyzed the cost/benefits of extending the current National Master Standing Offer for the Collection of Debts owed to the Crown. 920073 ANY DOCUMENTATION INCLUDING CORRE relating to the decision of the federal government to extend the National Standing Offer for the Collection of Debts owed to the Crown. I seek correspondence written by of to the following officials in the deparment: Secretary of State, Assistant Under Secretary of State (Education Support), Director General, Student Assistance Branch. 920074 PLEASE PROVIDE ALL DOCUMENTS RELA incurred pursuing the case of *******************. 920075 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, I SHOULD BE GRATEFUL IF you sould send to me, at your earliest convenience: 1. A list of Canada Student Loan recipients who defaulted in making their loan refunds, but have been reinstated to interest free status, from January 1, 1984 to date. 2. One copy of the Financial Administration Act 1985 (FAA) updated to September 30th, 1991. 3. One copy of the Canada Student Loans Act and 4. One copy of the regulations governing the Canada Student Loans Programme. 1993.03.15 920076 TRADUCTION DES D‚LIB‚RATIONS DES Traduction transcrite et r‚vis‚e sur disquette Num‚ro de dossier : LSO-2-00642 Je vous prierais par la pr‚sente, de me faire tenir copie du contrat conclu avec le cabinet ***************************** concernant l'objet cit‚ en rubrique, de mˆme que de toutes les conditions s'y rattachant. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 133 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.03.16 1993.03.16 920077 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU 1ER AU 28 F‚VR contractuels en langage gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'tat, la date, le lieux, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de t‚l‚phone. 920078 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU LER AU 31 MARS 93, LES NOMS DES INTERPRŠTES CONTRACTUELS en langage gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'tat, la date, le lieux, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. 1993.03.23 920079 I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST FOR ANY A project. The project in question may be under the same reference No. The project in question would have commenced January 1979. The project in question would have had to do with the hiring of a community worker and/or organizer in Dinorwic, Ontario and was funded in part by Frontier College. The project in question had on its board (...) I believe the project in question may have been partly funded by Canada Manpower. I would appreciate any and all information you may have regarding this particular project ie funding sources, the person hired, duration costs, etc. 920080 I REQUEST ACCESS TO ALL RECORDS C bids on Translation Contract LSO-2-02003, 1993, as well as the prices and any other particular terms of their bids. This contract was awarded on March 18, 1993. 1993.03.26 920081 COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY O Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of January, February and March of 1993 for the National Capital Region. 920082 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period : January 1993. 1993.03.30 920083 I REQUEST ACCESS TO A LIST OF POL opinion research carried out since January 1992. Please include a short description of each poll, the name of the company contracted as well as the cost and date of the poll. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 134 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.03.01 931083 TAX BASE OF STATUS INDIANS 1. Studies, analyses of surveys by Statistics Canada and other agencies compiled for the purpose of determining the tax base of Status Indians in Canada who reside both on and off reserve.˙ ˙ 2. All other reports, studies, documents for the last 5 years which have to do with Indian taxation issues.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 135 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.03.23 920035 87-C70061(ATC TRANSCRIPT) 1. Copy of Air Traffic Control transcript of conversations between the pilot of the aircraft and the tower;˙ 2. List of all documents contained on file no. 87-C70061.˙ 1993.03.26 920036 104-2(CEASE & DESIST INSTRUCTION) I enclose a copy of a severed record signed by Don Davidson, Regional Director - Aviation Regulation, Transport Canada - Edmonton, Alberta. ˙ ˙ (Severed record: "I have discussed these issues with the Regional manager for the CTAISB. He, too, is deluged with ATIP requests from xxxx. He reports that the Transportation Safety Board Headquarters has arranged for the Information Commissionner to issue a "cease and desist" instruction to xxxx.")˙ ˙ This record indicates that Mr. Davidson discussed certain issues with the regional manager for the CTAISB and that this manager reported that the Safety Board Headquarters had arranged for the Information Commissionner to issue a "cease and desist" instruction to me. ˙ I now request that you provide me with a copy of all records which pertain to Mr. Davidson's discussions with Mr. Boyko pertaining to my Access to Information requests, and for all records pertaining to any arrangement or request for a cease and desist instruction to me from the Information Commissioner.˙ Whereas it is obvious that these records contain personal information about me, I also request access to these records pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act. ˙ 920037 A92W0178 As per previous correspondence, I am requesting an access to Information concerning details on file #SA 5008 - FKOK relating to 1992 incident. I received a letter form Jeff Vachon of Public Right Division to contact you for further information regarding this matter.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.04.16 From:1993.03.01 To:1993.03.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 136 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.03.08 920009 SKIMMER OIL SEPARATORS LTD. Request for the most recent audited financial statements of Skimmer Oil Separators Ltd, as well as the latest business plan filed by Skimmer with the Western Economic Diversification Office.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.04.08 930001 WEIGHTS & MEASURES SCALE REPORT I would like to order the Ad Hoc Report for the last ten years up to present year for Canada covering Device Classes 20-26. I would appreciate the report to be printed on the most compact format (8 1/2 X 11) and divided by regions. I would also like to obtain this complete report on magnetic tape. 930001 WEIGHTS & MEASURES SCALE REPORT I would like to order the Ad Hoc Report for the last ten years up to present year for Canada covering Device Classes 20-26. I would appreciate the report to be printed on the most compact format (8 1/2 X 11) and divided by regions. I would also like to obtain this complete report on magnetic tape. 9301 WEIGHTS & MEASURES SCALE REPORT I would like to order the Ad Hoc Report for the last ten years up to present year for Canada covering Device Classes 20-26. I would appreciate the report to be printed on the most compact format (8 1/2 x 11) and divided by regions. I would also like to obtain this complete report on magnetic tape. 1993.04.13 930002 CALLUPS all callups processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period: March 1993. 1993.04.19 930003 PROGRAM EVALUATIONS-CORP & PATENT ACT PHARMACEUTICALS Program evaluations on: 1) Corporations 2) the 1987 amendments to the Patent Act concerning pharmaceuticals. Both were completed recently and are referred to in the department estimates for 1993-94, p.2-63, paragraph 4. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.04.19 930003 PROGRAM EVALUATIONS-CORP & PATENT ACT PHARMACEUTICALS Program evaluations on: 1) Corporations 2) the 1987 amendments to the Patent Act concerning pharmaceuticals. Both were completed recently and are referred to in the department estimates for 1993-94, p.2-63, paragraph 4. 1993.04.20 930004 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS Unclaimed dividends for 1989-90 930005 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends for 1990-91 930006 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends for 1991-92. 1993.04.21 930007 DROIT D'AUTEUR COPYRIGHT nous faire parvenir copie de tout document, incluant notamment la correspondance et les notes manuscrites ‚chang‚es entre le Gouverneur en Conseil et le Bureau de Droit d'Auteur et/ou le MinistŠre de la Copnsommation et des Affaires commerciales, ainsi que toute note interne ‚manant de ceux-ci, relativement ... une demande d'‚mission d'une licence aux fins d'impression et de publication faite le 18 juillet 1991 par 88766 Canada Inc., en vertu des dispositions de l'article 16 de la Loi sur le Droit d'Auteur (L.R.C. 1985, c. C-42), visant l'oeuvre "BNI OU LE PARADIS PRIV" de AZOUG BEGAG et ce, depuis la date de cette demande. 1993.04.22 930008 CALLUPS call-ups for temporary help for the months of Jan, Feb, March of 1993. 930009 PREDATORY PRICING ENFORCEMENT AIR CANADA I request access to all studies or reports or surveys on the subject of Air Canada and predatory pricing enforcement. 930010 GEMINI AIRLINE RESERVATION SERVIC I request access to all studies, reports or surveys concerning Gemini - the airline reservation service. In addition I would like any memos to the Minister on this subject. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.04.22 930011 CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP FOR GOVERNM I request access to a draft document prepared "in consultation with stakeholders and other federal departments looking at the issues, implications and opportunities of corporate sponsorship for government". This document is referred to on page 2-62 of the 93-94 Estimates. 930012 POLLS I request access to a list of all polls carried out by or for the department since January 1, 1993. Please include a short description of the poll, the name of the contractor, the date and the cost of the contract. 930012 POLLS I request access to a list of all polls carried out by or for the department since January 1, 1993. Please include a short description of the poll, the name of the contractor, the date and the cost of the contract. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.04.20 930933 STARTS AND COMPLETIONS SURVEY Starts and Completions Survey for the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton for 1992 on diskette with specification. previous request #842 930933 STARTS AND COMPLETIONS SURVEY Starts and Completions Survey for the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton for 1992 on diskette with specification. previous request #842 930934 CMHC INSURED MORTGAGES IN MANITOB A list of all CMHC insured mortgages in the provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. The list need only be those loans greater than $1.0 million and less than $10.0 million. The list should include the address of the loan security and the maturity date of the loan. The borrowers name and address would also be useful. 1993.04.21 930935 RAPPORT D'INSPECTION Obtenir copie du rapport d'inspection noXXX ainsi que le nom de l'inspecteur du SCHL pour nos clients XXX propri‚taires d'un immeuble au Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qu‚bec depuis 1986. La propri‚t‚ financ‚e auprŠs de la Banque Royale avec une assurance prˆt du SCHL de Longueuil. 1993.04.22 930936 APPRAISAL OF A PROPERTY INSURED B Appraisal of a property located at XXX Mission, B.C. This mortgage was CMHC insured and an appraisal was ordered. Could you please provide me with responsive answers to the following questions: 1. What was the name of the appraisal company which prepared the appraisal for Van City Saving Credit Union or CMHC in respect of the above property. Please indicated name and address and tel number. 2. Who was the specific employee of the appraisal company who performed the appraisal with name, address and tel number. 3. All other information pertaining to the appraisal of this property. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.04.23 1993.04.23 930937 COPIES CONCERNANT LE COMPLEXE PLA Copies du dossier de la SCHL concernant le Complexe Place Lausanne, Gatineau Quebec ... l'addresse suivantes: XXXet XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.03.24 930609 DRUG ENFORCEMENT Request for information on the enforcement of the Narcotic Control˙ Act and Food and Drug Act, Part III & IV./Insufficient Information to Locate./Re-opened 93-04-26./Abandoned awaiting fees.˙ 1993.03.25 930612 SOURCE/WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM Asst. Solicitor General Canada - Request for information on the˙ RCMP Source/Witness Protection Program./All Material Exempt.˙ 1993.03.29 930634 TRIAL PROCEEDINGS Information request on Trial Proceedings in Charlottetown, PEI in˙ 1978/79./No Record Located.˙ 930636 ABALONE FISHERY Asst Fisheries and Oceans - Request for information regarding the˙ closure of the B.C. Abalone Fishery./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.03.30 930645 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Request for information on an accident which occurred in 1992,˙ in Enfield, NS./Abandoned˙ 1993.04.01 930661 NEW HOME WARRANTY Request for information pertaining to an investigation in Alberta./˙ All Material Exempt.˙ 930665 SUICIDE Request for information pertaining to an individual who committed˙ suicide in St. Albert, Alberta./Insufficient Information to Locate.˙ 1993.04.05 930684 KU KLUX KLAN Information request regarding the Ku Klux Klan in Alberta./Abandoned,˙ Awaiting Fees.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.04.07 1993.04.07 930699 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada - Request for˙ citizenship record of individual who died in 1940 for genealogical research./All Disclosed.˙ 930700 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada - Request for a copy of˙ citizenship records of an individual who died in 1933. This information˙ will be used for genealogical research./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.04.13 930719 MAIN ESTIMATES Request for information on the cost to produce the 1993/94 Main Estimates, Part III./All Disclosed.˙ 930719 MAIN ESTIMATES Request for information on the cost to produce the 1993/94 Main Estimates, Part III./All Disclosed.˙ 930720 OPERATION AND USE OF RADAR Requests information used by the RCMP in the Pacific Region for˙ training in the operation and use of Radar speed estimation on˙ the highways of British Columbia./Abandoned, Awaiting Fees.˙ 1993.04.14 930731 ROADSIDE SCREENING DEVICE Asst to Department of Justice - Request for information pertaining to ˙ a recent research study done by the Alcohol Test Committee of the˙ Canadian Society of Forensic Scientists concerning the faulty ˙ operation of the A.L.E.R.T. J3A Roadside Screening Device./All Disclosed./˙ Re-opened 93-04-23.˙ 1993.04.16 930756 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada - Request for ˙ citizenship papers of individual who died in 1969 for genealogical˙ research./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.04.20 930777 CIGARETTE TRADE Request for information regarding the illegal cigarette trade. ˙ 1993.04.21 930789 SMUGGLING OF CIGARETTES & TOBACCO Asst to Dept of Finance - Request for records dealing with tobacco smuggling and fiscal policies./Disclosed in Part./˙ Re-opened 93-04-23./All Disclosed.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.04.26 1993.04.26 930812 MCDONALD COMMISSION Asst to National Archives of Canada - Request for access to archival records of the McDonald Commission./All Disclosed.˙ 930812 MCDONALD COMMISSION Asst to National Archives of Canada - Request for access to archival records of the McDonald Commission./All Disclosed.˙ 930821 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada - Request for a copy of˙ citizenship records of individual who died in 1960 for genealogical research./All Disclosed.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.04.02 932436 ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES CDN AMB TO ISRAEL/SPECTOR COPIES OF ALL RECORDS SHOWING ENTERTAINMENT EXPENSES FOR THE AMBASSDOR TO ISRAEL, NORMAN SPECTOR, SINCE HIS APPOINTMENT FEB. 1/92. 932437 CALLUPS FEB93 CALLUPS FOR FEB93 1993.04.05 932438 CDN ON DEATH ROW ALL RECORDS, MEMOS, LETTERS, ETC, CONCERNING THE CASE OF XXX, THE XXX ON DEATH ROW IN XXX FOR MURDER HE COMMITTED IN XXX 1993.04.07 932439 NAAB PAYMENT TO CARNEY FOR LOST PAPERS ALL REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR RECORDS OF PROCEEDINGS BY NATIONAL ARCHIVES APPRAISAL BOARD RESULTING IN COMPENSATION OF $20,000.00 PAID TO SENATOR PAT CARNEY FOR LOST MINISTERIAL PAPERS IN 1988. 932439 NAAB PAYMENT TO CARNEY FOR LOST PAPERS ALL REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS OR RECORDS OF PROCEEDINGS BY NATIONAL ARCHIVES APPRAISAL BOARD RESULTING IN COMPENSATION OF $20,000.00 PAID TO SENATOR PAT CARNEY FOR LOST MINISTERIAL PAPERS IN 1988. 1993.04.08 930199 CONSULTATION WITH DND#65 XXX 932440 CALLUPS - MARCH 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIOANAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD MARCH 1993. 932440 CALLUPS - MARCH 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIOANAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD MARCH 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.04.09 1993.04.09 930200 CONSULTATION WITH CEIC#310 XXX 1993.04.20 932441 PURCHASE OF PORTRAIT FOR MCDOUGALL PLEASE BE GOOD ENOUGH TO PROVIDE ME WITH ALL RECORDS AND LIKE DOCS RELATING TO AN ALLEGED PURCHASE OF A PORTRAIT, PAINTING OR DRAWING ALLEGEDLY COMMISSIONED BY THE DEPT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS FOR THE HON BARBARA MCDOUGALL. I HAVE INFO WHICH LEADS ME TO BELIEVE THAT THIS REQUISITION WAS PAID FOR BY GOVT MONEY IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF $38,000.00 AND THAT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOR PERSONAL USE. 932442 SIX NATIONS RESERVE/CIGARETTE SMUGGLING WE ARE INTERESTED IN ANY INFO REGARDING THE ILLEGAL CIGARETTE TRADE AS IT RELATES TO THE SIX NATIONS INDIAN RESERVE IN OHSWEKEN, ONT. ALSO, WE WOULD LIKE ANY OTHER INFO ON CIGARETTE SMUGGLING AND THEIR RE-SALE IN CDA, SPECIFICALLY AS THEY RELATE TO INDIAN RESERVES. WE REQUEST ANY RECENT REPORTS, INQUIRIES OR INVESTIGATIONS (FROM LAST THREE YEARS OR SO) WHICH HAVE BEEN DONE INTO THE SMUGGLING OF CIGARETTES FROM THE US FOR SALE IN CDA. 1993.04.22 932443 CDN AMB VISIT TO EAST TIMOR IN 1989. I WANT ALL COMMUNIQUES, REPORTS, NEWSPAPER ARTICLES (ON FILE) AND ANY VISUALS (IE PHOTOGRAPHS) RELATING TO THE VISIT OF JACK WHITLINGTON (CDN AMBASSADOR TO INDONESIA) TO EAST TIMOR WITH THE INDONESIAN FOREIGN MINISTER IN 1989. WHEN I SAY "ALL" BY THIS I MEAN ANY WRITTEN OR (RECORDED) ORAL COMMUNICATION PRIOR TO AND POST VISIT BOTH BY MEMBERS OF CDN EMBASSY IN INDONESIA AND MEMBERS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CDN GOVT. 932443 CDN AMB VISIT TO EAST TIMOR IN 1989. I WANT ALL COMMUNIQUES, REPORTS, NEWSPAPER ARTICLES (ON FILE) AND ANY VISUALS (IE PHOTOGRAPHS) RELATING TO THE VISIT OF JACK WHITLINGTON (CDN AMBASSADOR TO INDONESIA) TO EAST TIMOR WITH THE INDONESIAN FOREIGN MINISTER IN 1989. WHEN I SAY "ALL" BY THIS I MEAN ANY WRITTEN OR (RECORDED) ORAL COMMUNICATION PRIOR TO AND POST VISIT BOTH BY MEMBERS OF CDN EMBASSY IN INDONESIA AND MEMBERS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CDN GOVT. 932444 PRESIDENT SUHARTO(INDONESIA) VISIT TO CDA IN 1976 ALL DOCS AND ANY VISUALS (IE PHOTOGRAPHS) FROM THE OFFICIAL VISIT OF PRESIDENT SUHARTO (INDONESIA) TO CDA IN 1976. ALSO, PRIOR TO THE VISIT I WANT INFO ON WHO ARRANGED THE VISIT. I ALSO WANT COMPLETE DETAILS ON THE AID "DONATION" THAT CDA MADE WITH INDONESIA AS A RESULT OF THAT VISIT. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.04.22 932444 PRESIDENT SUHARTO(INDONESIA) VISIT TO CDA IN 1976 ALL DOCS AND ANY VISUALS (IE PHOTOGRAPHS) FROM THE OFFICIAL VISIT OF PRESIDENT SUHARTO (INDONESIA) TO CDA IN 1976. ALSO, PRIOR TO THE VISIT I WANT INFO ON WHO ARRANGED THE VISIT. I ALSO WANT COMPLETE DETAILS ON THE AID "DONATION" THAT CDA MADE WITH INDONESIA AS A RESULT OF THAT VISIT. 1993.04.26 932445 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY COPY OF FOLLOWING PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY REPORTS: A) PERSPECTIVE OF A CHANGING WORLD - WHAT CDNS THINK AND FEEL ABOUT INNATL RELATIONS: 1992 UPDATE (REGIS.NO.EAC/TNO-025-05283); B) ROLE OF INNATL TRADE AND ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMS IN CDN ECONOMY (REGIS.NO.EAC/TNO-025-05283); C) PUBLIC OPINION-UPDATE: CDN ATTITUDES TOWARDS NAFTA (REGIS.NO.EAC/TNO-025-05437) 932445 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY COPY OF FOLLOWING PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY REPORTS: A) PERSPECTIVE OF A CHANGING WORLD - WHAT CDNS THINK AND FEEL ABOUT INNATL RELATIONS: 1992 UPDATE (REGIS.NO.EAC/TNO-025-05283); B) ROLE OF INNATL TRADE AND ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMS IN CDN ECONOMY (REGIS.NO.EAC/TNO-025-05283); C) PUBLIC OPINION-UPDATE: CDN ATTITUDES TOWARDS NAFTA (REGIS.NO.EAC/TNO-025-05437) 1993.04.27 932446 LANDMINES EXPORT CONTROL LISTS FOR 1990/91/92 ACCESS TO THE TOTAL VALUES OF THE SHIPMENTS OF ALL LANDMINES SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL LIST (I.E. WITHIN THE ECL ITEM CATEGORY NO.2004) FROM CDA TO COUNTRIES OTHER THAN THE US FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 1990, 1991 AND 1992. I REQUEST THESE VALUES BY COUNTRY BY CALENDAR YEAR. IF THE CALCULATION OF THE VALUES BY COUNTRY WILL REQUIRE A DELAY, I REQUEST AN INTERIM REPORT OF THE AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR EACH YEAR. 932446 LANDMINES EXPORT CONTROL LISTS FOR 1990/91/92 ACCESS TO THE TOTAL VALUES OF THE SHIPMENTS OF ALL LANDMINES SUBJECT TO THE EXPORT CONTROL LIST (I.E. WITHIN THE ECL ITEM CATEGORY NO.2004) FROM CDA TO COUNTRIES OTHER THAN THE US FOR THE CALENDAR YEARS 1990, 1991 AND 1992. I REQUEST THESE VALUES BY COUNTRY BY CALENDAR YEAR. IF THE CALCULATION OF THE VALUES BY COUNTRY WILL REQUIRE A DELAY, I REQUEST AN INTERIM REPORT OF THE AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR EACH YEAR. 932447 POLLUTION PROBE FOUNDATION I AM APPLYING FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS IN THE 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 PERIOD: CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO AND ANY ASSOCIATED/RESULTING INTERIM/FINAL REPORTS OR DOCUMENTS PRODUCED BY POLLUTION PROBE OR POLLUTION PROBE FOUNDATION, A TORONTO BASED GROUP. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.04.27 932447 POLLUTION PROBE FOUNDATION I AM APPLYING FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS IN THE 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 PERIOD: CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO AND ANY ASSOCIATED/RESULTING INTERIM/FINAL REPORTS OR DOCUMENTS PRODUCED BY POLLUTION PROBE OR POLLUTION PROBE FOUNDATION, A TORONTO BASED GROUP. 932448 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS FEB15-APR30/93 ALL DOCS ON ANY PUBLIC OPINION POLLS, SURVEYS OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES, FOCUS GROUP STUDIES DONE BY OR FOR EXTERNAL IN THE MONTHS OF FEB15, 1993 TO APRIL30, 1993. 932448 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS FEB15-APR30/93 ALL DOCS ON ANY PUBLIC OPINION POLLS, SURVEYS OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES, FOCUS GROUP STUDIES DONE BY OR FOR EXTERNAL IN THE MONTHS OF FEB15, 1993 TO APRIL30, 1993. 1993.04.28 932449 EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT I REQUEST ACCESS TO ALL RECORDS CONCERNING THE INQUIRY CONDUCTED BY XXX INTO XXX CRITICISM OF THE LAVISH SPENDING OF THE EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT AND HIS VOTE AGAINST THE BANK'S LATEST BUDGET. IN ADDITION, I WOULD LIKE ALL RECORDS CONCERNING MCCUTCHEON'S PREMATURE RECALL TO CDA. FINALLY I WOULD LIKE ALL RECORDS OF COMPLAINTS FROM THE CDN GOVT ABOUT OVERSPENDING OF THE BANK AND/OR ITS HEAD XXX. 1993.04.29 932450 TANZANIA CANADA WHEAT PROJECT & BARABAIG PEOPLE DOCS FROM EXTERNAL AFFAIRS REGARDING THE TANZANIA CANADA WHEAT PROJECT: 1)BRIEFING NOTES FOR A LETTER SENT FROM JOE CLARK TO MP WARREN ALLMAND ON JUNE 16/89; 2)BRIEFING NOTES RELATING TO AN "OPEN LETTER FROM THE BARABAIG PEOPLE" FROM AROUND THE SAME DATE AS THE ABOVE LETTER; AND 3)ANY AND ALL BRIEFINGS, MEMOS, REPORTS OR STUDIES PREPARED FOR THE DEPT OR BY CIDA FOR THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO THE WHEAT PROJECT AND THE BARABAIGS FROM 1987 TO 1993. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO REQUEST ANY COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND THE CDN HIGH COMMISSION IN DAR-ES-SALAAM CONCERNING THE WHEAT PROJECT AND THE BARABAIGS DURING THE SAME PERIOD. OF PARTICULAR INTEREST WOULD BE ANY INFORMATION REGARDING THE TANZANIAN GOVT'S COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO COMPLAINT REGARDING HARASSMENT OF BARABAIGS BY WHEAT PROJECT EMPLOYEES. 932450 TANZANIA CANADA WHEAT PROJECT & BARABAIG PEOPLE DOCS FROM EXTERNAL AFFAIRS REGARDING THE TANZANIA CANADA WHEAT PROJECT: 1)BRIEFING NOTES FOR A LETTER SENT FROM JOE CLARK TO MP WARREN ALLMAND ON JUNE 16/89; 2)BRIEFING NOTES RELATING TO AN "OPEN LETTER FROM THE BARABAIG PEOPLE" FROM AROUND THE SAME DATE AS THE ABOVE LETTER; AND 3)ANY AND ALL BRIEFINGS, MEMOS, REPORTS OR STUDIES PREPARED FOR THE DEPT OR BY CIDA FOR THE MINISTER OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS SPECIFICALLY PERTAINING TO THE WHEAT PROJECT AND Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DEA 1993.04.29 932450 THE BARABAIGS FROM 1987 TO 1993. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO REQUEST ANY COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND THE CDN HIGH COMMISSION IN DAR-ES-SALAAM CONCERNING THE WHEAT PROJECT AND THE BARABAIGS DURING THE SAME PERIOD. OF PARTICULAR INTEREST WOULD BE ANY INFORMATION REGARDING THE TANZANIAN GOVT'S COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO COMPLAINT REGARDING HARASSMENT OF BARABAIGS BY WHEAT PROJECT EMPLOYEES. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.03.30 920147 COMMERCIAL FISHING LICENCES A record of all those people or corporations who hold commercial fishing vessel licences in British Columbia. 920148 DFO RECORDS Part 1. Scientific records All Scientific reports, recommendations and/or commentaries (in support studies related thereto) which were presented or available to the Department at the times that management plans or other settings of Total Allowable Catches of each Alantic species were established for each of the years 1979 to 1993, both inclusive. All scientific reports made to or made available to CAFSAC, and of CAFSAC meetings or other reports of proceedings of CAFSAC. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing two paragraphs following records: (a) Scientific advice relative to the management and develo fisheries and biological science, and scientific advice relative to resource assessments, all as they relate to Atlantic fisheries (as contained in Program Record No. DFO SCI 010) (b) Resource rehabilitation and resource management records relate to Atlantic fisheries (As contained in Program Record No. DFO AFS 015); and (c) Resource Allocation Records and/or policies applicable years 1979 to 1993, both inclusive, all as they relate to Atlantic fisheries (As contained in Program Record Numbers DFO AFS 015 and DFO PFF 030). PART II -- Licensing Records 1. All memoranda or other records which set out policy governing o pertaining to, or which has governed or pertained to, the issuance of commercial fishing licences on the east coast of Canada in each of the years 1979 to 1993 (both inclusive). 2. All memoranda or other records which set out criteria which hav applied by the Department in the issuance of such licences in such years. 3. All memoranda or other records which set out criteria and/or po which have governed the cancellation of commercial fishing licences on the east coast of Canada in such years. 4. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing three paragrap Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.30 920148 following records: (a) The Commercial Fisheries Licensing Policy for Eastern Canad including all revisions and amendments thereto; (b) Recommendations to the Minister and the Atlantic Regional C all statements of licensing policy, made by the Atlantic Fisheries Licence Appeal Board (As contained in Program Record No. DFO AFS 018); (c) Data abstracted from the Atlantic Commercial Fishing Licenc particularly, home port, fishing category, vessel specifications and licence entitlements with respect to each licence holder, but omitting names of persons or vessels, addresses or other information by which individual addresses or other information by which individual licence holders may be identified, for each of the years 1979 to 1993, both inclusive (As containes in Personnel Information Bank No. DFO PPU 010). PART 111 -- Consultation Records 1. All reports to the Department made by area offices in the Scoti Gulf and Newfoundland regions which contain or summarize the results of consultations with fishermen in each such area, at any time since 1979. PART 1V --- Enforcement Records 1. Records of all reports made to or received by the Department of violations of the Fisheries Act or any regulations made thereunder by commercial fishermen on the east coast of Canada in each of the years 1979 to 1993, both inclusive. 2. Summary of all irregularities reported by dockside monitors, in the nature and date of each, for each year from the commencement of the observer program to 1992 both inclusive. 3. Summary of all irregularities reported by dockside monitors, in the nature and date of each, for each year from the commencement of the dockside monotoring program to 1992, both inclusive. 4. Records of all prosecutions for such alleged violations or irre in each such year, regardless whether conviction resulted. SCHEDULE 3. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing four paragraph of offshore surveillance and enforcement and inshore surveillance and enforcement (as contained in Program Records Nos. DFO AFS 015 and DFO PFF 030) and records of enforcement activities (As contained in Program Record No. DFO CRP 115). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.30 920148 PART V -- Groundfish Management Plans, for each of the years 1977 to 1991, both inclusive. PART VI -- Manuals The following manuals: ~ Fisheries Officers Enforcement Policy Manual ~ Fisheries Officers Training Manual ~ Fisheries Officers Field Enforcement Manual ~ Fisheries Officers Guide to Fish Habitat Management and Protection ~ Foreign Observer Program Operations Manual ~ Observer Training and Operations Manual ~ Observers' Field Manual Domestic/Foreign Fishing Vessels ~ Officers' Manual for Interpretation and Enforcement of the Fi and Regulations PART VIII --- Ministers' Speeches Prepared texts of all ministers' speeches which pertain to the commercial fishery, made in the years 1979 to 1993, both inclusive. PART VIII --- Press Releases The following press releases and other records in the possessio Gulf Region Director of Communications, Moncton: GR-RB-082-017E NR-HQ-082-049E GR-RB-082-012E NR-HQ-082-038E PR-TD-82-03E GR-RO-0830-015E NR-HQ-082-E (Details of PEI Fisheries Development Program) NR-HQ-082-24E NR-HQ-082-020E GR-RO-082-008E GR-RO-082-007E NR-HQ-082-009E GR-RO-083-008E (MAY 25,1983) GR-RO-083-008E (JUNE 8, 1983) GR-RO-083-006E GR-RO-083-002E NR-HQ-083-91E NR-HQ-083-86E GR-RO-083-002E NR-HQ-083-003E NR-HQ-084-114E C-AC-084-97F Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.30 920148 NR-HQ-084-95E NR-HQ-84-093E NR-HQ-084-92E C-AC-84-090F NR-HQ-084-87E NR-HQ-084-82E NR-HQ-84-76E NR-HQ-84-74E Heavy Schedule for Minister Breau (June 22, 1984) NR-HQ-84-67E NR-HQ-084-66E NR-HQ-084-61E NR-HQ-84-60E NR-HQ-084-58 NR-HQ-084-057E NR-HQ-084-54E NR-HQ-084-53E NR-HQ-084-052E NR-HQ-084-44E NR-HQ-084-039E NR-HQ-084-36E NR-HQ-084-25E NR-HQ-084-018E NR-HQ-85-87E NR-HQ-85-84E NR-HQ-85-83E NR-HQ-85-79E NR-HQ-85-77E NR-HQ-085-66E NR-HQ-085-60E NR-HQ-085-59E NR-HQ-085-57E NR-HQ-085-43E NR-HQ-085-42E NR-HQ-085-41E NR-HQ-085-38E NR-HQ-085-27E NR-HQ-085-24E NR-HQ-084-03E NR-N-084-116E NR-HQ-084-104E GR-RO-085-013 GR-RO-085-011 Gulf of St. Lawrence Mid-Shore Snow CrabQuota Soon to be Reache 1985) GR-RO-085-004 GR-RO-085-003 GR-RO-084-020E NR-HQ-84-0E Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.30 920148 Minister's statement on herring price stabilization and market development program (August 21, 1984) GR-RO-084-019E GR-RO-084-017E GR-RO-084-015E GR-RO-084-014E GR-RO-084-013E GR-RO-084-012E GR-RO-084-011E NR-HQ-084-44E GR-RO-084-009E GR-RO-084-008 GR-RO-084-004 GR-RO-084-003 Dockside Graders Receive Certificate (November 1, 1985) CP-ST-84-13E CP-ST-84-14E PEI spring herring quota split (April 22, 1985) Results of 7B-1 Lobster Carapace Increase Vote (April 18, 1985) Meetings on Licensing Policy (November 15, 1985) Crab Fishery Closed for Season (November 13, 1985) CP-ST-85-04E NR-WNSL-85-072 NR-WNSL-085-011 Untitled - Re: Removal of 11 Nets...42 Nets Seized So Far (August 13, 1985) Untitled - Latest Statistics Concerning Fishery Violations in Western Newfoundland Coastal and Inland Waters (June 25, 1985). Untitled - DFO Officers Continu to Crack Down in Western Newfoundland (June 6, 1985) NR-SF-85-33E Management Plan for NS Gulf Shore Herrin Fishery (Aug. 16, 1985) NR-HQ-085-026E NR-HQ-86-101E, 92E,91E,83E,82E,80E,79E,75E,69E,65E, NR-N-86-27E NR-HQ-86-58E,59E,51E,52E,50E,46E,45E,39E,30E,26E,23E,20E,17E,16E,12E,06E,05E, 03E PR-GR-086-48,45,44,42,38,37,34,33,32,27,26,24 NR-HQ-86-16E, 110E (December 30, 1987), 109L (December 30, 1987), 109E (December 30, 1987) NR-HQ-87-105E, 96E, 94E, 93E, 91E, 90E,88E, 86E, 84E, 81E, 78E, 75E, 69E, 66E, 63E, 61E, 53E, 52E, 41E, 39E, 38E, 35E,-E(1987 Gulf Shrimp Management Plan), 30E, 29E, 24E, 21E, 18E, 10E, 05E PR-GR-087-084, 075, 073, 072, 061, 055, 054, 048, 042, 041, 037, 034, 33E, 31, 027, 026, 025, 022, 021, 020, 018, 016, 014, 012, 011, 09, 04, 03 NR-HG-88-073E, 072E, 067E, 051E, 048E, 047E, 040E, 022E NR-G-88-95, 92, 89, 86, 82, 81, 76, 72, 70, 66, 65, 64, 63, 59, 45, 43, 41, 36 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.30 920148 Undated - Bright Future for Herring Notes for Media Breifing on S. Gulf Herring # 31 (June 22, 1988) Buffer Zone - Northern Gulf (June 7, 1988) NR-G-88-25, 24, 21, 18, 17, 16 Session d'information avec la Presse par Normand Dugas (April 26, 1988) NR-G-88-14, 12 NR-HQ-89-041E, 32E, 30E and accompanying letter NR-HQ-89-025E, 23E, 21E, 20E, 019E,16E, 14E, 11E, 009A, 006E, 005E, 004E, 002E PR-G-89-53A, 51E, 43E, 36E, 34E NR-G-89-33E, 30E, 27E, 23A PR-G-89-21E PR-GR-89-17E, 16 NR-G-89-15(MAY 5, 1989) NR-G-89-15 (APRIL 27, 1989), 14 NR-HQ-89-014E NR-G-89-13 PR-GR-89-10, 09, 06 NR-G-89-01 PR-G--90-044A NR-G-90-042E, 38E PR-G-90-034E, 26E, 23E, 13E, 12E, 11E, 06E, 05E HQ-NR-90-053E HQ-B-90-15-2 NR-HQ-90-042E, 19E, 007E, 001E B-HQ-90-003E Summary of Allocation 1990 Atlantic Groudfish Management Plan BG-G-90-003E, 002E, 001E NR-HQ-91-79E B-HQ-91-012E,11E, 10E, PR-HQ-91-086E NR-HQ-91-052E, 040E, 039E, 022E, 05E Backgrounder - Groundfish Developmental Program - 1991 Criteria and Operational Guidelines NR-SF91-21E PR-G-91-057E, 48E, 47E, 034E, 15E, 012E, 09E, 04E, 03E B-G-91-01E, 02E NR-HQ-92-80E Table, CAFSAC Advise on Status of Atlantic Stocks Notes - Cod in 4T-Vn (J-A), Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Notes - Cod in 3Ps - South Coast of Newfoundland Table - Commercial Catches in 2J Table - Historical Catches of Cod from NAFO Division 2J, 1959-91 Backgrounder - The Cod Stock in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (November, 1992) Backgrounder - Research on Cod at Gulf Fisheries Centre NR-HQ-92-79E NR-HQ-72-71E Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.03.30 920148 NR-HQ-92-65E Letter June 4, 1992 NAFO to B. Rawson with Attached Report of Special Meeting Scientific Council June 1-4, 1992 NR-HQ092-34E Undated Memo, Groundfish Developmental Program - 1992; Criteria and Operational Guidelines for Greenland Halibut NR-HQ-92-18E B-HQ-92-10E B-HG-92-11E NR-HQ-92-14E, 09E, 08E NR-G-92-108E, 96E, 92E, 76E, 54E, 29E, 42E, 23E, 18E PR-G-92-15E NR-G-92-07E 1993.04.05 9301 NORTH ATLANTIC MARINE MAMMAL COMM In a letter dated November 27, 1992, the International Wildlife Coalition (IWC) asked the Honourable John Crosbie whether he had decided to accept Mr. Dan Goodman's recommendation that Canada join the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission. As no replay was received, the IWC sent a second letter on January 12, 1993 requesting some additional information and again asking whether a Ministerial decision had been made concerning Mr. Goodman's recommendation. 1, Is the Minster considering a recommendation from Dan Goodman that Canada should become a memeber of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission? 2. Has the Minister decided to accept or reject Mr. Goodman's recommendation that Canada become a member of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission? 9303 CALL-UPS FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 1993 Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of January, February and March of 1993 for the National Capital Region. 1993.04.06 930004 HARASSMENT COMPLAINT All the documentation, compiled by the Committee that investigated the harassment complaint lodged against s.19(1) , by , s.19(1) that resulted in my being given a five-day suspension on s.19(1) The report compiled by s.19(1) , s.19(1) , following the grievance hearing on s.19(1) in relation to this suspension. The report on the re-structuring of the Southeastern New Brunswick Area, that Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.04.06 930004 was prepared by Patrick Dooley and Bertin LeBLanc and submitted to the Department. 930005 SALMON IN AREA 20 OF B.C. I request all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents which relate to summary data from the years 1989, 1990 and 1991, which relate to: Total estimates numbers (pieces) of: 1) Immature Chinook and coho salmon, and steelhead trout discarded by the seine fleet of British Columbia in area 20. 2) All chinook and coho salmon, and steelhead trout, retaines by the seine fleet of British Columbia in area 20. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are witholding and the reason you are witholding each of them. I am willing to discuss any aspect of my request with you. 930006 LINGCOD FISHERY I request all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents which relate to the following: Considerations (including legal opinions) by the Department of Fishereis and Oceans, in the case of the annual decision, since 1990, to keep the Gulf of Georgia closed all year to commercial fishing for lingcod, but to open the Gulf of Georgia to a sport fishing season for lingcod. I beleive this will limit the amount of material sufficiently. If you should decide to withold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are witholding and the reason you are witholding each of them. 1993.04.13 930007 ABORIGINAL FISHERY I request all native food fish permits issued in B.C. for blackcod (sablefish) between 1980 and 1993. I have received some from a previous access request, these need not be repeated. If you should decided to withhold any of the records I have requested then i ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are withholding and the reasons you are witholding each of them. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.04.14 1993.04.14 930008 WEST COAST ABALONE HARVESTERS ASS I request all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents, from 1990 to the present, that relate to: All correspondance, memos, and all proceedings of meetings between DFO officials and representatives of the West Coast Abalone Harvesters Association. If you should decide to withold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are witholding and the reason you are witholding each of them 930009 PACIFIC SALMON MANAGEMENT PLAN I request access to all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents, from January 1987 to the present, that relate to: All correspondance, discussion papers, and all minutes of meetings of DFO officials relating to the following: The decision of the DFO to not plan a series of public meetings to discuss the contents of the following document:"Pacific Region Salmon Plan, Volume 1, Inner South Coast and Fraser River, DFO, Vancouver, B.C., 1988" When the requested records have been found, I would be prepared to review the material in order to reduce photocopying costs. I could only view the material in Vancouver, B.C. If you should decide to withold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are witholding and the reason you are witholding each of them. 930010 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontarion Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: March 1993. 930011 ALL CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: March 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.04.14 930012 LICENCE SUSPENSIONS As per our telephone dicussion, I am requesting copies of letters of sanctions sent to approximately 16 fishermenrecently, notifying them of licence suspensions and suspension of ITQ's for varying periods of 1993. These letters will be kept confidential within this Department, as has been done in the past, and will be used to verify the licence position for those fishermen applying for assistance and for determining and the ability to repay loans either in place with the Provincial Fisheries Loan Board or being applied for. These are lawful investigations carried out in confidence by this Department. As I mentioned, I have discussed this matter with the Director Generals for the Gulf and Scotia Fundy Regions and have had thie full greement on the release to us of such documentation under the conditions I have outlined. 1993.04.16 930013 CALL-UPS Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed Call uAgainst a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forma of the month of February 1993 as it pertains to your Department. 1993.04.20 930014 OVERTIME RECORDS FOR E.E. PRINCE I request access to all overtime records for the E.E. Prince for the following time periods. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August and September of 1992. Crew AND officers, including the alloted hours by marine division for those months. 1993.04.22 930015 TRAWL LICENCE HOLDERS - AREA 34 List of all groundfish longline & otter trawl licence holders, vessel size class 35'-44'TI LOA in lobster Fishery area 34. List of all 1992 Lobster License holders LFA, District 34 1993.04.26 930016 POLLS AND RESEARCH A copy of the following Public Opinion survey reports: a) Public Opinion Survey on whales (Registration no. DFO/PPP-045-05371) b) Decima Omnibus Research Questions (Registration no. DFO/PPP-045-05701) Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.03.03 920377 USN SUBMARINE Request a list of all foreign naval vessels that visited Canadian ports and naval installations from Jan 92 to Dec 92 inclusive, including the following information for each visit; name of vessel; location of visit; dates of arrival and departure; and, type of visit. 1993.03.08 920382 US PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE Defence Research Board document titled US Psychological Warfare (Project No. D77-94-85-02) 920394 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT 1993.03.12 920395 CANADIAN FORCES PUBLICATION ON PE New Canadian Forces Publication on Peacekeeping (Training General Manual) 920396 FMC PAPER ON PEACEKEEPING FMC 3450-1 (COS Ops) 16 May, 1989 FMC Paper on Peacekeeping (Lalonde Study) 920397 FORCES COWORKED AS U.N. COMMITMEN Canadian Response to the U.N. Committee of 34 request for information on forces coworked as U.N. Commitment (DI Pol 3, 25 March 1990) 920398 GOOSE BAY WATERFOWL AVOIDANCE MON Copy of the Goose Bay Waterfowl Avoidance Monitoring Program: 1992 Report, prepared for PMO-GB, DND, by Renewable Resources Consulting Services Ltd. 920399 1992 WILDLIFE AVOIDANCE MONITORIN Copy of a summary report on the 1992 Wildlife Avoidance Monitoring Program and proposal for the 1993 season prepared for DND by SNC-Lavalin (i.e. similar to the 1992 Wildlife Avoidance Monitoring Program report dated February 1992). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.03.12 920400 1993 CFB GOOSE BAY FLYING ORDERS Please send me a copy of the 1993 CFB Goose Bay Flying Orders. 920401 PERIODIC AUDITS OF ACCOUNTS TO AL Copies of periodic audits of accounts related to the provision of services , administration, etc. to Allied Users of CFB Goose Bay since January 1, 1986. 920402 QUATERLY STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNT Copies of quarterly statements of Account provided to Allied Users of CFB Goose Bay since January 1, 1986, outlining the cost incurred and payment received for the quarter. 920403 STANAG 3531 Copy of STANAG 3531 regarding flight safety and accident investigations (see 1986 MMou re. flight training at CFB Goose Bay). 920404 CORRESPONDENCE FROM EACH ALLIED U Copies of correspondence since January 1, 1986, from each Allied User of CFB Goose Bay to National Defence Headquarters, Director Financial Services, regarding concerns with cost estimates provided by Canada for use of the facilities at CFB Goose Bay. 920405 COST ESTIMATES TO EACH ALLIED USE Annual cost estimates and schedules of quarterly payments provided by Canada to each Allied User of CFB Goose Bay since 1986 as per the Multinational Memorandum of Understanding for the period January 1, 1986 to present. 920406 CT-33 SURVEY FLIGHTS IN 1992 FROM CFB GOOSE BAY Copies of documents such as reports, correspondence, proposals, etc. exchanged between CFB Goose Bay personnel, NDHQ, PMO GB and FG North Bay related to CT-33 survey flights in 1992 from CFB Goose Bay. 1993.03.16 920407 CIVILIAN EQUIVALENCIES FOR COL AN List or lists (or equivalent documentation) which shows the position by position civilian equivalencies which were first derived for CF Colonel and BGen positions in the 1982 Classification Project. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.03.16 920408 CFB GOOSE BAY FLYING AND RANGE OR Send copies of Canadian Forces Station Goose Bay Flying and Range Orders for the years 1980 through 1986 inclusive. 920409 LISTE DES CONTRATS OCTROYER AUX S La liste des societes canadiennes (avec leurs adresses) qui sont vues octroyer des contrats d'une valeur de 250 000,00$ et plus pour des approvisionnements de defense et ce, pour les trois (3) dernieres annees. 920410 DND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PLAN DND Information Management Plan, 6 Jan 93, enclosure to: 1970-1 (DIS Plans) 24 Feb 93, Concept Paper - Integrated ADP System (IAS) 1980-1 (DIS Plans 4) 18 Feb 93 prepared by LCol J.M. Riley, enclosure to: 1980-1 (DGITM) 23 Feb 93, The Information Systems Planning Process - Annex A and Appendix 1 to Annex A to 1970-1 (VCDS) 26 Jan 93. 1993.03.17 920411 AIRPLANE DISAPPEARANCE Records of Search Flight Paths Flown in search and rescue operation which followed the September 2, 1983 disappearance of a twin-engine Britten-Norman Islander, owned by Central Mountain Air Services of Smithers B.C. en route from Campbell River (Vancouver Island) to Smithers. 1993.03.18 920412 BOARD OF INQUIRY 9208153 NDHQ I request access to all reports, recommendations and conclusions prepared by the board of inquiry with control no. 9208153 NDHQ. This control number was obtained from the list provided to me in an earlier request. (your file: 1463-92/10167). 1993.03.26 920417 TAINTED TUNA SCANDAL OF 1985 The so-called tainted tuna scandal of 1985. The Defence Department having bought a significant quantity of the tuna in question, in two lots. Soldiers go through a lot of tuna and the Defence Department bought $100,000 of it from Star Kist. The cooks opened it, and ordered the cans out of their kitchens. They reported a strong smell, tuna oozing out of the cans, fish that was not recognizable as tuna. It was quarantined and sent to the Fisheries Department which declared it unfit for human consumption. A replacement batch arrived, and it too was declared unfit. What I need to know is more precisely when these events occurred. Still more specifically, I would like to know when the first of these two lots was received and when both of them were rejected. With that, I would like to see the text of the communication in which, presumably the inspections branch of the Fisheries Department replied to the Defence Department saying the tuna was unfit for Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.03.26 920417 human consumption. 1993.03.29 920419 CF-104 AIRCRAFT CRASH I am writing to request all of the information on file with the federal government relating to the death of Capt. Alexe Ivan Steinborne Andree in a CF-104 crash which took place in southern West Germany on June 25, 1968. At the time of his death he was stationed at Lahr, West Germany and attached to 439 Squadron. He was flying alone in the single seat aircraft. I would request that you provide a copy of the Board of Inquiry Report relating the the incident but I would also like any other information available including investigator's reports, aircraft service and maintenance records and the aircraft's data recording information. 1993.03.30 920420 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS ETC COMMISSI A complete list of public opinion surveys, reports, presentations or other information collections conducted or commissioned by Department of National Defence since January 1, 1992. 1993.03.31 920421 PEACEKEEPING EVALUATION REPORT Records previously disclosed under 920236. (Peacekeeping Evaluation Report) 1993.04.05 930002 FOURNISSEUR DE PIECE DE VETEMENT Nous desirons connaitre les fournisseurs des autres pieces de vetement porte car nous somme a preparer une excursion en traineau a chien. Notre but est d'acheter les meilleurs produits sur le marche sans egard au prix. Nous croyons que les produits achete par le Ministere de la defense rencontre cet objectif. 1993.04.07 930001 COMPUTER SOFTWARE KNOW AS PROMIS I would like to know if the Canadian military (any dept. public a secret) purchased the computer software know as PROMIS, which was stolen from the inslaw company by the U.S. dept. of State. 930003 B OF I OF A CRASH (C-130) IN ALER Details of military's investigator's report of the crash of the C-130 that occured October 30, 1991. Also, I would like copies of any other relevant inquiries/reports on the crash by any other organizations 930004 FINANCIAL AND AUDIT FOR 8TH CANAD Request Financial and Audit Statements for 8th Canadian Hussars (PL)(M) U5002 Unit fund, from 1985 to 1986 only. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.04.07 930005 STOLEN VCR Request copy of Summary Investigation regarding stolen VCR from 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's)(militia) B Sqn Sussex, N.B. S6234. SI conducted by 8th Canadian Hussars (PL)(M) Moncton, N.B. U5002 in 1992. 930006 COPY OF PHONE BILL Request copies of phone bills for the months of May and June 1992 from : 1) 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's)(Militia) U5002 Moncton, N.B., Reg't HQ and. 2) 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's)(Militia) S6234 Sussex, N.B. 1993.04.14 930007 CUTBACKS/TERMINATION OF THE LIBRA (1) All written notes relating to the cutbacks/termination of the library and Ensign passed between the Editor-in-Chief, Capt Colette Laplante and Chairman of the Editorial Board/Base Fund, Major W.A. Dick, since the posting/appointment of Major Dick. (2) Verbatim minutes of Base Fund meetings relative to discussions on the closing of the Base library/Ensign recorded by the secretary of that committee (not the edited and abridged versions put on paper) back to March, 1992. (3) Minutes of meetings which have taken place between yourself and the Chairman of the Editorial Board/Base Fund on the subject of the Ensign. 930008 DRY CLEANING STANDING OFFERS AND CONTRACTS - C.F.B PETAWAWA Contract Nos. W01076WW65/01000, W0107-7-R273/01-PEM, W0107-7-R274/01-PEM, W0107-6-WW65/01-PEM, W0107-8-Q263/01-PEM, W0107-8-R401/01-PEM. Please advise as to the amount of revenue earned by the contractor under of the above-noted contracts. 930009 ATOMIC II, INCIDENT NUMBER M-167 GLOVER, GREGORY Claim XF93083782, Atomic II, Incident number M-167 dated Feb. 24, 1993 1993.04.15 930010 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DSS-MAS 8251 FORMS Copies of the completed Call up Againts a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of February 1993 as it pertains to your Department. 930011 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROVIS I am requesting the call up contact names of persons responsible for the provision of temporary assistance within the Department of National Defence. I would ask that you kindly provide me with this information for the period covering January 1, 1993 to March 31, 1993, inclusive. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.04.15 930012 ALL CALLUPS IN THE NCR REGION All Callups processed by this institution in the National Capital region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: March 1993. 930013 ALL CALLUPS IN THE QUEBEC REGION All Callups processed by this institution in the Quebec region under the terms of the supply arragement for temporary help services during the period: March 1993 1993.04.20 930014 DOWNING OF SOVIET SATELLITE NWT Information regarding Inquiry into the downing of Soviet Satellite in the NWT. 1993.04.21 930015 BOARD OF INQUIRY DATED 14 FEB 91 Request copy of Board of Inquiry dated 14 Feb 91 investigating a DND response to a SIRC request for information. Request be provided with all memoranda, letters, notes, minutes recordings and other written documentation pertaining to this Board of inquiry. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1992.10.07 920054 LIST OF ALL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEWS DONE BY THE DEPARTMENT AND INFORMATION ON THE GRIP ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW.˙ 1993.03.29 920115 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO A HARASSMENT COMPLAINT.˙ 920116 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO A HARASSMENT COMPLAINT.˙ 1993.03.31 920117 A LIST OF ALL THE GAME FARM LICENSE HOLDERS IN ALBERTA FROM 1987 TO PRESENT, INCLUDING A LIST OF ALL ALBERTA GAME FARM OWNERS WHO RECEIVED FEDERAL COMPENSATION FOR LIVESTOCK PUT DOWN BECAUSE OF TUBERCULOSIS FROM 1987 TO PRESENT.˙ 1993.04.02 930001 INFORMATION ON THE APPLICANTS FSAM II FILE AND PVYn COMPENSATION FILE.˙ 1993.04.05 930002 COPY OF THE CONTRACT CONCERNING THE STUDY INTO THE MERITS OF THE "CONTINENTAL BLY MKT."˙ 1993.04.14 930003 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MARCH 1993.˙ 930004 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTHS JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1993.˙ 1993.04.15 930008 CONTENTS OF AN FDRB FILE 1993.04.21 930005 COPY OF A SEED LOT INSPECTION CERTIFICATE.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.04.21 930006 ALL FIELD READINGS OR FIELD REPORTS RELATING TO THE PREPARATION OF A SEED LOT CERTIFICATE˙ 930007 COPY OF A SEED LOT INSPECTION CERTIFICATE.˙ 1993.04.26 930009 TWO PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY REPORTS A) QUESTIONS ON THE ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS OF CANADIAN FARMERS CONCERNING FEDERAL AGRICULTURE POLICIES AND ISSUES FACING THE INDUSTRY.˙ B) QUESTIONS ON THE ATTITUDES OF FARMERS CONCERNING FEDERAL AGRICULTURE POLICIES AND POLICY OPTIONS.˙ 1993.04.27 930010 COPIES OF ALL AGRICULTURE CANADA STUDIES RELATING TO THE QUESTION OF "CONTINENTAL" BARLEY MARKETING ie. REMOVAL OF WHEAT BOARD JURISDICTION FOR BARLEY SALES TO THE U.S., IN RELATION TO THE RELULATORY REVIEW AND/OR THE FOLLOW-UP "ROUND TABLE" DISCUSSIONS AND THE REPORT BY DR. COLIN CARTER.˙ 930011 COPIES OF ANY MEMORANDA/REPORTS ON THE INDUSTRY BRIEFINGS/PRESS CONFERENCES, AND BARLEY "ROUND TABLE" MEETINGS HELD IN EDMONTON, SASKATOON & WINNIPEG, APRIL 19-22 1993, INCLUDING ANY COMMUNICATIONS DEPT/BRANCH REPORTS ON MEDIA REACTION AND PRESS CONFERENCES.˙ 930012 COPIES OF THE CONTENTS OF THE FILES MAINTAINED BY THE SENIOR ADVISOR, INDUSTRY RELATIONS, ON THE ISSUE OF "CONTENTIAL" BARLEY MARKETING.˙ 930013 COPIES OF THE FILES MAINTAINED BY THE ASSISTANT TO THE MINISTER ON THE ISSUE OF CONTENTIAL BARLEY MARKETING.˙ 930014 COPIES OF EVALUATIONS AND CASE REPORTS OF THE ADVERSE HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS OF DEET.˙ 1993.04.28 930015 INFORMATION ON A REFERENCE CHECK DONE ON THE REQUESTOR AS A PART OF A COMPETITION.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.04.29 1993.04.29 930016 COMPLETE LIST OF INGREDIENTS IN THE PESTICIDE FORAY 48B.˙ 930017 BIOTECHNOLOGY FIELD TESTS 1993 LIST OF FIELD TRIALS / APPLICATIONS FOR JANUARY TO MAY 15, 1993. THE LIST SHOULD INCLUDE LOCATIONS, TECHNIQUES, ORGANIZATIONS AND MAJOR TRAITS.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOC 1993.04.01 930004 THE ARTS NETWORK, A NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE INITIATIVE Request for a copy of a document entitled: The Arts Network, a National Arts Centre Initiative. 1993.04.13 930005 LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS Request for copies of all documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 920033, information on long distance telephone calls. 930006 CALLUPS IN THE NCR DURING MARCH 1993 Request for copies of all callups processed in the National Capital Region during March 1993. 930007 CALLUPS IN THE QUEBEC REGION DURI Request for copies of all callups processed in the Quebec Region during March 1993. 1993.04.14 930008 CALLUPS IN THE NCR DURING JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1993 Request for copies of all callups processed in the National Capital Region during the months of January, February and March 1993. 930009 BELL CELLULAR'S PROPOSAL TO CONST Request for documentation concerning Bell Cellular's proposal to construct a telecommunications tower in Flamborough, Ontario. 1993.04.16 930011 OPERATION OF A SATELLITE TO PROVI Request for any license, including the terms of license and any related application, correspondence and documentation pertaining to the launch, orbital positioning, frequency coordination or operation of a satellite which is intended to provide mobile satellite services by either Telesat Mobile Inc. or Telesat Canada. 1993.04.19 930012 ALL CORESPONDENCE BETWEEN DOC AND THE NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Request for all correspondence between the department and the National Arts Centre for the last five years (January 1, 1988 to January 1993). In particular, this request applies to correspondence with Chairman of the Board, Robert Landry, and the Direction General, Yvon Desrochers. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOC 1993.04.19 930013 LIST OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONT Request for a list of professional service contracts let by the department from January 1, 1992. Please include a short description of the work contracted, the name of the person or company, the cost and the date of the contract. 930014 LIST OF POLLS OR OTHER FORMS OF P Request for a list of polls or other forms of public opinion sampling commissioned by the department since January 1, 1992. Please include short descriptions of the poll, the name of the polling company, the cost and the date. 1993.04.20 930010 REQUEST FOR REPORTS Request for the following reports: Financial and Market Impact Study, vol 1 and 2 Study on Educational Publishing Study on Publishing of Books Publishers' opinions - English Language Market Opinions des Editeurs, marche francophone Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.03.31 920174 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE INFORMATION I am seeking information regarding **** located in Whitby, Ontario. I am interested in all environmental media including air, water, solid waste, groundwater, and subsurface activities of ****. 1993.04.02 930001 CONVERSION OF C.N.R. DATUM TO GEODETIC AT AT WABAMUN, ALBERTA I would like all the paper work and survey notes that were used to establish the 4.94 ft. adjustment to convert C.N.R. Datum to Geodetic at Wabamun, Alberta. 930002 COPY OF 3 HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST BY STABLEX & LAIDLAW Copy 3 of hazardous waste manifest filled out by Stablex Waste management facility in Blainville, Que.& Laidlaw Landfill in Sarnia Ont. Records are to cover 1 full year for any one year after 1985. Both records to be from the same year. 1993.04.13 930003 CALL-UPS IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MARCH 1993 All call ups processed in the National Capital Region for temporary help services during March 1993. 930004 CALL-UPS IN QUEBEC REGION FOR MARCH 1993 All call ups processed for temporary help in the Quebec Region for March 1993. 930005 CALL-UPS IN ONTARIO REGION FOR MARCH 1993 All call ups processed for temporary help during the period of March 1993 in the Ontario Region. 930006 RIDEAU CANAL The names and addresses of all property owners in Registered Plan No. 767 and 790, North Gower (now Rideau Township), who received license/approval for the fill of waterfront land from 1960 to the present. Detailed information including actual documents as follows: Policy Statements, Acts, Regulations, Guidelines or other Authorities regarding restrictions to waterfront property owners in reation to the development and finishing of their waterfront on the Rideau Canal. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.04.16 1993.04.16 930007 SULPHUR CONTENT REDUCTION MINUTES Copy of minutes of meetings between C&P staff and Canada's oil industry concerning the reduction in sulphur content of diesal fuel, between 1 July 1991 and 31 March 1993. 930008 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SCREENING GUIDE Working draft concerning environmental assessment and referred to on p.2-38 of the 1993-94 Estimates: the screening Advisory Guide. 930009 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCEDURAL GUIDE Working draft concerning environmental assessment and referred to on p.2-38 of the 93-94 Estimates: A Procedural Guide for implementing the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-13) 930010 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY GUIDE Working draft concerning Environmental assessment and referred to on p.2-38 of the 93-94 Estimates: a comprehensive study guide. 930011 GREEN PLAN EXPENDITURES 1992-1993 I request access to records which will enable me to know how much money is estimated to have been spent on all Green Plan programs during the second fiscal year 1992-93. Please break down the expenses, program by program for Environment Canada and all other departments operating Green Plan programs. In addition please include the total amount committed to each program. 930012 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH KERR-PATTERSON Complete copies of all letters, memos, faxes, telegrams, and internal documents sent from Gordon Kerr, Regional Director CWS (Edmonton) to Dr. Patterson between the period of November 1 1989 and November 1 1990. Also letters sent from Dr. Patterson to Gordon Kerr between these dates. They may be located in their own offices. 930018 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH MCKEATING-PATTERSON All correspondence sent from G. McKeating to Dr. J. Patterson between period of April 1 1991 and March 31 1993. All correspondence sent from Dr. Patterson to Mr. McKeating between these dates. 930023 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH PATTERSON-MANITOBA All correspondence between CWS Director of Migratory and Birds and Wildlife Dr. James Patterson and Manitoba Minister of Natural Resources Harold Enns between 1989 and 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.04.21 1993.04.21 290024 ALL CORRES.BETWEEN G.MCKEATING & H.ENNS BETWEEN APRIL 1991 & PRES All correspondence between Gerry McKeating and Harry Enns between April 1 1991 and present. 930013 TELEPHONE RECORDS Complete copies of all telephone records for Gordon Kerr's Edmonton CWS office between the dates of November 1, 1989 and 1990. 930014 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH MINISTER-PATTERSON All correspondence, letters etc, sent from the Ministers of Environment, L. Bouchard, F. Oberle, R. Rene de Cotret to Dr. Patterson (CWS) between the period of November 1 1989 and November 1 1990. Also all letters etc sent from Dr. Patterson to the Ministers of Environment between Nov. 1 1989 and Nov. 1 1990. 930015 TELEPHONE RECORDS FOR MINISTER'S OFFICE All telephone records for the Minister of Environment's office between Nov. 1 1989 and Nov. 1990. L. Bouchard, F. Oberle, R. Rene de Cotret. 930016 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH MCKEATING-PATTERSON Complete copies of all correspondence sent from G. McKeating, CWS Edmonton to Dr. J. Patterson between dates of Nov. 1 1989 and Nov. 1 1990. Also all correspondence sent from Dr. Patterson to Mr. McKeating during this period. 930017 TELEPHONE RECORDS Copies of all telephone records for Mr. McKeating's, Director of Habitat Conservation office between Nov. 1 1989 and Nov. 1 1990 930019 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH CLARKE-PATTERSON All correspondence sent from A. Clarke, Director General CWS to Dr J.Patterson between the dates November 1 1989 and Nov. 1 1990. Also all correspondence sent from Dr. Patterson to Mr. Clarke between these dates. 930020 TELEPHONE RECORDS All telephone records for Mr. Clarke's office between Nov. 1 1989 and Nov. 1990. 930021 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH MINISTER-MANITOBA All correspondence sent from the Federal Ministers of Environment to Manitoba Minister of Natural Resources Harold Enns between Nov. 1 1989 and Nov. 1 1992. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.04.21 930025 CANADIAN PARKS SERVICE REPORTS I am applying under the Access Act for the following records: 1) After 1988, reports dealing with environmental threats to the national parks system as a whole and to individual parks. 2) Since 1990, Reports on air, toxic wastes and water pollution in the National Parks. 3) Environmental criteria/guidelines for existing/contemplated national parks. 930026 ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP GRANTS CONTRIBUTIONS 1992/1993 submissions made to the Environmental Partnership Program made by: 1. Friends of the Earth 2. Sierra Club 3. Cultural Survival and copy of the assessments made by the technical review committee. 1993.04.22 930022 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH KERR-MANITOBA All correspondence between CWS Regional Director Gordon Kerr and Manitoba Minister of Natural Resources Harold Enns 1988-1991. 930024 OAK HAMMOCK MARSH MCKEATING-MANITOBA All correspondence between CWS Regional Director Gerry McKeating & Manitoba Minister of Natural Resources Harry Enns between April 1 1991 and the present. 930027 AIR QUALITY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Please send me 1 copy of the minutes of the meetings of the Air Quality Committee and any Sub-Committees held between 1 April 1991 and 31 March 1993. The Air Quality Committee was established under the authority of the Canada/U.S. Air Quality Accord, signed on 13 March 1991. 1993.04.26 930028 REGULATIONS CONCERNING USE OF PRIVATE LAND WITHIN NATIONAL PARKS I request access to all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents which relate to the following: Established Federal Policy regarding the rules and regulations governing the use of private land, as relating to developments on that land, within each established National Park within Canada.. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.04.26 930029 GWAII HAANAS-SOUTH MORESBY LAND USE All records related to the established Federal policy and proposed policy regarding the rules and regulations governing the use of private land, as relate to developments on that land, within the Gwaii Haanas/South Moresby area of B.C.. 1993.04.27 930030 CONTRACTS, GRANTS & CONTRIBUTIONS TO POLLUTION PROBE I am applying under the Access to Information Act for the following records in the 1991-92, 1992-93, and 1993-94 period. ~ Contracts, grants and contributions to; and any associated/resulting interim/final reports or documents produced by the Pollution Probe or Pollution Probe Foundation, a Toronto based group. Please check for the contract and report date at (i)HQ (Use APACS or contract lists etc.) and at (ii) the Ontario Region, Conservation / Protection Branch. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.05.17 From:1993.04.01 To:1993.04.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.02.04 920296 RESERVE LANDS FILE NO. 1653 - 269˙ ˙ FILE NO. 1653 - 278˙ ˙ RE: EXPROPRIATION OF RESERVE LANDS FOR PORT HARDY AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION˙ 920298 MERGER PLEASE FORWARD ALL DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO ANY STUDY UNDERTAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA WITH RESPECT TO THE IMPACT OF A MERGER BETWEEN AIR CANADA AND CANADIAN AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL ON AIRLINE WORKERS, INCLUDING INFORMATION ON DISLOCATION, LAY-OFFS, EARLY RETIREMENT, SEVERANCE AND OTHER RELATED AREAS.˙ 1992.02.14 910327 CONTRACTS contracts awarded to Canam and Cie Tech 80˙ 1992.03.05 910346 NATIONAIR complaints received July 1991 to October 1991 - Nationair˙ 1992.03.08 910366 TIME AIR INFRACTIONS OR ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS AGAINST TIME AIR AUGUST 1991 TO DECEMBER 1991˙ 1992.03.31 910375 DRYDEN COMMISSION ALL CORRESPONDENCE, RECORDS, RELATED TO THE RELEASED OF THE DRYDEN COMMISSION REPORT˙ 1992.06.09 920058 HELIPORT HELIPORT RECORDS RELATED TO THE 3 GREY WINNIPEG˙ 1992.06.20 920095 NORTHWEST TERRITORIAL AIRWAYS LTD COPY OF ALL AUDIT REPORTS CARRIED OUT ON NORTHSEST TERRITORIAL AIRWAYS LTD AFTER THE NOVEMBER 1987 AUDIT. THIS WILL INCLUDE THE NOVEMBER 1989 AUDIT REPORT AND ANY OTHER REPORTS PREPARED AFTER 1097˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.06.20 920096 SA EDMONTON COPY OF THE MEMORANDUM REFERED TO IN THE ATTACHED MEMO TO SA EDMONTON *** FROM AAX *** REGARDING THE JULY 3, 1991 DISCUSSIONS AT AN ACCESS TO INFORMATION MEETING.˙ 1992.06.30 920077 VICTOR 98 AND JET 586/594 DAILY RECORDS OF ALL AIRCRAFT USING AIRWAYS VICTOR 98 AND JET 586/594 IN THE AREA OF ELGIN, ONTARIO (IE. BETWEEN CAMPBELLFORD-STIRLING AND MASSENA) DURING THE PERIOD JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER 1992.˙ AS INDICATED BY *** IN THE ENCLOSED LETTER, THE DATA IS RECORDED DAILY. HE DOES NOT INDICATE THAT THE DATA IS RECORDED SEPARATELY FOR EACH AIR ROUTE BUT IMPLIES THAT IT IS NOT IN THAT HE SAYS THAT THE INFORMATION WOULD HAVE TO BE EXTRACTED.˙ THEREFORE, PLEASE PROVIDE THE CRUDE RECORDS FROM WHICH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CAN BE EXTRACTED.˙ THE ORIGIN AND DESTINATION OF ALL PLANES USING THE ROUTES IN THE AREA INDICATED ABOVE˙ A TIME REFERENCE, SUCH AS TIME OF DEPARTING THE ORIGIN OR THE TIME OF PASSING A GIVEN REFERENCE POINT˙ THE NATURE OF THE SERVICE IF AVAILABLE (EG. PASSENGER, AIR FREIGHT, ETC.) AND THE OWNER/COMPANY˙ 1992.07.20 920097 KERSHAW COLLISION BETWEEN KERSHAW BALLAST REGULATOR, OWNED BY CANADIAN PACIFIC LIMITED AND A MOTOR VEHICLE OWNED BY TANSALTA UTILITIES CORPORATION. THE COLLISION OCCURRED ON AUGUST 1, 1990 AT A LEVEL RAILROAD CROSSING LOCATED AT MILEAGE 7.92 BRETON SUBDIVISION, NEAR LEDUC ALBERTA, AT THE JUNCTION OF RANGE ROAD 263.˙ SPECIFICALLY, WE ARE SEEKING TO OBTAIN REPORTS CONCERNING THE ACCIDENT PREPARED BY EITHER CANADIAN PACIFIC LIMITED, C.P. RAIL OR TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ 1992.07.24 920103 L'AVION F-FCKR JE REPRESENTE *** QUI EST POURSUIVI (# 500-05-009778-927) POUR AVOIR CERTIFIE UN AVION QUI EU UN ACCIDENT (DECLARE PERTE TOTALE) 5 ANS APRES LES REPARATIONS.˙ J'AI BESOIN DES DOCUMENTS (LISTE DE TRAVAUX PRELIMINAIRES, CERTIFICAT DE NAVIGABILITE, MENTION DES DIVERS TRAVAUX, MODIFICATIONS, ETC.) RELIES A L'AVION F-FCKR DE TYPE MAULE M4.˙ MON FARDEAU DE PREUVE EST DE DEMONTRER QUE SUITE QUX TRAVAUX SUPERVISES PAR MON CLIENT, D'AUTRES TRAVAUX, INPECTIONS ONT EU LIEU PAR LA SUITE.˙ 1992.08.13 920118 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION JULY 1992 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.08.13 920118 THE PERIOD OF JULY 1992.˙ 1992.09.02 920131 FEDERAL COURT CASE RECORDS RELATED TO FEDERAL COURT CASE T-1470-90˙ 920133 FEDERAL COURT CASE RECORDS RELATED TO FEDERAL COURT CASEt-2348-90˙ 1992.09.03 920135 AUDIT REPORT WOULD YOU PLEASE FORWARD TO ME COPIES OF YOUR MOST RECENT AUDIT FINDINGS ON THE FOLLOWING CARRIER: AIR CREEBEC˙ 1992.09.09 920136 CALLUPS NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT EMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL. ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1992˙ 1992.09.10 920137 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION AUGUST 1992 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1992˙ 920139 ACCIDENT REPORTS ALL ACCIDENT REPORTS AND FINDINGS UP TO AND INCLUDING SEPTEMBER OF 1988 ON WAPITI AVIATION˙ 920140 ACCIDENT REPORTS ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1988˙ 920141 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1987˙ 920142 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL CRAFTI NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1986˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.09.10 920143 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1985˙ 920144 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1984˙ 920145 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS 1983˙ 920146 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1982˙ 920147 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1981˙ 920148 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1980˙ 920149 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1979˙ 920150 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1978˙ 920151 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1977˙ 920153 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1975˙ 920154 AIRCRAFT NOTICE ALL AIRCRAFT NOTICE OF INSPECTION REPORTS AND AUDIT FINDINGS FOR 1974˙ 1992.10.09 920185 TC REPORT TC REPORT WRITTEN BY R.D. LIDSTONE INSPECTION APRIL 4, 1984˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.10.09 920186 RC REPORT TC REPORT WRITTEN BY INSPECTOR GRIFFITHS AUGUST 17, 1984˙ 1992.10.27 920221 BANKRUPTCY ACT RE: CASTOR HOLDINGS LTD.˙ OUR FILE NO. R-1895-9B˙ ˙ KINDLY PROVIDE US WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:˙ ˙ . NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE AIRPLANE;˙ . A COPY OF THE LEASING AGREEMENT BETWEEN SKY SERVICES FBO INC. AND THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THIS AIRPLANE, WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN FILED WITH THE APPLICATION FOR LICENSING AND REGISTRATION;˙ . DETAILS REGARDING ANY RECENT CHANGES IN THE OWNERSHIP OF THE AIRCRAFT.˙ ˙ AS REQUIRED BY THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, WE HAVE PERFORMED A REVIEW OF THE CASH DISBURSEMENTS MADE BY CASTOR IN THE MONTHS PROCEEDING ITS BANKRUPTCY. WE NOTED THAT SEVERAL PAYMENTS WERE MADE BY CASTOR TO SKY SERVICES FBO INC. AS THESE PAYMENTS ARE SIGNIFICANT IN AMOUNT, WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY THE INSPECTORS OF THE ESTATE TO FURTHER INVESTIGATE SAME. THESE PAYMENTS WERE APPARENTLY MADE PURSUANT TO A CHARTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TWO PARTIES FOR THE USE OF A FALCON 900 AIRCRAFT (SERIAL NUMBER 75, CANADIAN REGISTRATION C-FWSC). WE HEREBY REQUEST YOUR ASSISTANCE IN ORDER TO COMPLETE OUR INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPRIETY OF THE PAYMENTS MADE BY CASTOR WITH RESPECT TO THIS AIRCRAFT.˙ 1992.10.28 920219 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICALA AN OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: OCTOBER 1992˙ 920220 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: OCTOBER 1992˙ 1992.11.02 920251 RADIO OPERATOR MY FATHER, ***, WAS KILLED ACCIDENTALLY IN STE. NAZAIRE FRANCE ON JULY 5, 1970. HE WAS A MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD; HE WAS A RADIO OPERATOR ON THE CCGS JOHN CABOT. HE WAS ON "SHORE LEAVE" AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH. I AM REQUESTING ANY AND ALL INFORMATION ABOUT HIS WORK RECORDS, EVALUATIONS, ETC., AS WELL AS INFORMATION ABOUT HIS DEATH.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.11.03 1992.11.03 920215 LBPIA RESIDENTS AFTER BEING ENCOURAGED BY THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT, LAST WEEK LESTER B. PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT MANAGEMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF CONCERNED RESIDENTS (A COALITION OF RATEPAYER GROUPS) ESTABLISHED THE LBPIA RESIDENTS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RAC).˙ ˙ THIS COMMITTE WILL SERVE TO PROVIDE THE RESIDENTS' PERSPECTIVE ON ISSUES AND CONCERNS PERTAINING TO SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS RESULTING FROM AIRPORT OPERATIONS.˙ ˙ AS A FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS, WE REQUESTED THAT RAC RECEIVE, ON A MONTHLY BASIS, A LIST OF NOIS VIOLATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS VIS-A-VIS AIRLINES USING LBPIA. WE WERE, HOWEVER, ADVISED BY THE AIRPORT MANAGER THAT WE WOULD HAVE TO MAKE A STANDING ORDER THROUGH ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THIS DATA.˙ ˙ HENCE, THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS NOT ONLY TO REQUEST THAT RAC RECEIVE SAID INFORMATION, BUT ALSO TO ASK YOU WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST METHOD TO PROCEED WITH RECEIVING THIS INFORMATION ON A TIMELY BASIS.˙ 1992.11.07 920222 1730 FILE SERIES I SEEK A COPY OF ALL RECORDS CONTAINED INT HE 1730 SERIES FILES WHICH PERTAIN TO FEDERAL COURT CASE 7-952-92 (NWT AIRWAYS V. THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT). THE RELEVANT FILES WILL BE 1730-92-095 AND THE FILE PERTAINING TO THE ORIGINAL REQUEST FOR THOSE RECORDS.˙ 920223 1730-88-008 I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL OF THE AUDITS THAT WERE RELEASED TO *** UNDER HER REQUEST FILE 1730-88-008.˙ ˙ YOU SHOULD NOTE THAT *** HAS CONTACTED ME DIRECTLY BY PHONE AND WE DISCUSSED HER REQUEST FOR AUDITS AND THE LONG DELAYS IN THE COURT REVIEW. THIS IS HOW I AM AWARE OF THE IDENTITY OF THE REQUESTER ON FILE 1730-88-008.˙ ˙ WHEREAS SUCH AUDIT REPORTS HAVE BEEN RELEASED, I BELIEVE THAT YOU OUGHT TO BE ABLE TO RELESE A COPY TO ME WITHOUT ANY FURTHER CONSULTATIONS OR THIRD PARTY NOTICE.˙ 920224 1730-90-076 FOR YOUR REFERENCE, I ENCLOSE A COPY OF A TRANSPORT CANADA LETTER DATED AUGUST 9, 1990 PERTAINING TO YOUR FILE 1730-90-076. THIS LETTER STATES THAT SEVEN AIR CARRIERS HAVE AGREED TO RELEASE THEIR RECORDS.˙ ˙ I NOW REQUEST A COPY OF ALL THE RECORDS THAT WERE THE SUBJECT OF THE ORIGINAL REQUEST (FILE 1730-90-076). THIS WILL, OF COURSE, INCLUDE ALL OF THE RECORDS THAT THE SEVEN CARRIERS CONSENTED TO RELEASE, AND ALSO THE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.07 920224 RECORDS WHICH THE OTHER CARRIERS ARE CONTESTING.˙ ˙ I WISH TO NOTE THAT THE RECORDS PERTAINING TO ONE OF THE TEN CARRIERS (AIR ONTARIO INC.) ARE THE SUBJECT OF MY PREVIOUS REQUEST FILE 1730-92-132. FEDERAL COURT ACTION T-2347-90 PERTAINS TO THESE AIR ONTARIO RECORDS, AND I AM A PARTY TO THAT REVIEW. YOU NEED NOT CONSIDER THE AIR ONTARIO RECORDS AS PART OF THIS REQUEST, ONLY THE OTHER NINE AIR CARRIER'S RECORDS.˙ 1992.11.09 920211 MAINTENANCE AUDIT CANADA 3000 EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION, J'AIMERAIS AVOIR ACCES AU RAPPORT PORTANT SUR LA DERNIERE VERIFICATION D'ENTRETIEN ("MAINTENANCE AUDIT") EFFECTUEE PAR TRANSPORT CANADA SUR CANADA 3000.˙ 920212 MAINTENANCE AUDIT AIR TRANSAT EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION, J'AIMERAIS AVOIR ACCES AU RAPPORT PORTANT SUR LA DERNIERE VERIFICATION D'ENTRETIEN ("MAINTENANCE AUDIT") EFFECTUEE PAR TRANSPORT CANADA SUR AIR TRANSAT.˙ 920213 5201-135 EN VERTU DE LA LOI D'ACCES A L'INFORMATION, JE DEMANDE A RECEVOIR COPIE DE TOUS LES RAPPORTS D'INSPECTION EFFECTUES PAR OU POUR LA GARDE COTIERE CANADIENNE, OU TOUT ORGANISME RELEVANT DU MINISTERE DES TRANSPORTS, CONCERNANT LA NAVIRE RIO ORINOCO, ENTRE 15 OCTOBRE 1980 ET LE 15 OCTOBRE 1990.˙ ˙ J'AI DEJA FAIT UNE DEMANDE EN CE SENS AU BUREAU DE QUEBEC DE LA GARDE COTIERE, LE 25 SEPTEMBRE DERNIER (LETTRE JOINTE). N'AYANT PU OBTENIR AINSI DE REPONSES SATISFAISANTES, JE M'ADDRESSE A VOUS, EN COMPTANT SUR VOTRE DILIGENCE.˙ 920234 CANADIAN HELICOPTERS RE: COAST GUARD HELICOPTERS˙ ˙ FURTHER TO MY EARLIER LETTER REGARDING THE OCTOBER MEETINGS HELD TO DISCUSS THE PRIVATIZATION OF COAST GUARD HELICOPTER SERVICES.˙ ˙ I AM DISTRESS TO LEARN THAT THE RUMOURS THAT CANADIAN HELICOPTERS WERE SECRETLY LOBBYING TO TAKE OVER COAST GUARD HELICOPTER SERVICES HAS TURNED OUT TO BE CORRECT. (FRONT PAGE, VANCOUVER SUN, NOV. 5, 1992).˙ ˙ IT SEEMS THAT YOUR MINISTRY HAS FAILED TO LEARN THE ESSENTIAL DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLE OF CONSULTATION. HERE WE HAVE BEEN CORRESPONDING FOR MONTHS OVER THE PLANS TO ATTACH RESCUE HOISTS ON THE S-61 IN PRINCE RUPERT, TO PROCEED WITH ADDITIONAL SAR CREW TRAINING - AND YOUR OWN MINISTRY IS MEETING PRIVATELY WITH ONE PRIVATE SECTOR FIRM TO PRIVATIZE THE SERVICE!˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.09 920234 ˙ IN THE SPIRIT OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION I REQUEST COPIES OF ALL MEMOS, CORRESPONDENCE, MINUTES, STUDIES, BRIEFS OR OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED TO THE PRIVATIZATION OF COAST GUARD HELICOPTER SERVICES IN CANADA.˙ 1992.11.10 920214 5201-135 I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS CONTAINED IN TRANSPORT CANADA'S FILE 5201-135 AFTER JANUARY 1, 1980.˙ 920216 SAFETY BAGS 1. 1992 EVALUATIONS DONE/SURVEYS TAKEN OF SAFETY BAGS IN PASSENGER CAR VEHICLES, AND COMPLAINTS RECEIVED.˙ ˙ 2. 1992 EVALUATIONS DONE/SURVEYS TAKEN OF CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, AND COMPLAINTS RECEIVED.˙ ˙ 3. 1992 REPORTS, IN-HOUSE OR BY CONSULTANTS, ASSESSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN 1992, 1993 CAR MODELS, AND AREAS INVOLVING CAR SAFETY STILL IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT.˙ 920217 AIRPORT FEES 1. MOT BRIEFING NOTES AND MEMORANDUM OR OTHER RECORDS TO THE DEPUTY MINISTER AND MINISTER IN 1992 ON TWO TOPICS:˙ ˙ (I) MAJOR AIRLINE COMPANIES, INCLUDING NATIONAIR, WITH UNPAID, OUTSTANDING AIRPORT FEES (INCLUDING LANDING FEES, GENERAL TERMINAL FEES, MISCELLANEOUS FEES); AND METHODS OF HANDLING THESE SITUATIONS.˙ ˙ (II) MAJOR AIRLINE COMPANIES, INCLUDING NATIONAIR, THAT HAVE NOT REMITTED TO TRANSPORT CANADA / AND THE GOVERNMENT ON A TIMELY BASIS THEIR COLLECTION OF THE CANADA AIR TRANSPORT TAX, OR OTHER APPLICABLE TAXES (GST, QUEBEC SALES TAX, INTERNATIONAL TAXES); AND ACTIONS REQUIRED/OR TAKEN.˙ ˙ 2. MOT FEE COLLECTION DEADLINE TIMETABLES, PENALTIES FOR LATE REMITTANCE (AND ANY CEILINGS ON LATE REMITTANCE) WHEN IT COMES TO COLLECTING VARIOUS AIRPORT CHARGES, INCLUDING LANDING FEES AND GENERAL TERMINAL FEES; AND WHEN IT COMES TO WHEN CANADA AIR TRANSPORT TAX FEES COLLECTED ARE LATE, IN ARREARS, AND PENALITIES AND ACTIONS TO TAKE. INCLUDE ANY RELEVATN DIRECTIVE/POLICY STATEMENTS.˙ ˙ 3. LANDING FEES CHARGED PERCOMMERICAL PASSENGER AIRCRAFT PER CAPACITY PER AIRPORT VIA FEE SCHEDULE, RULES, PRACTICES. METHODS OF CALCULATING PER PASSENGER AIRCRAFT OR COMMERCIAL AIRLINE GENERAL TERMINAL AND MISCELLANEOUS FESS (I PREFER THE CALCULATIONS IN PLACE, INCLUDING INCREASES/DECREASES FOR 1990-92).˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.10 920217 4. ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS GIVEN/AGREEMENTS REACHED/TERMS PROVIDED TO NATIONAIR FOR LAT FORWARDING OR POSTPONING OR FORGIVING (I) VARIOUS AIRPORT CHARGES, AND (II) AIR TRANSPORT TAXES COLLECTED. SPECIFY AMOUNTS INVOLVED AND PLAN OF ACTION, ANY CLAIMS MADE/FILED.˙ 920218 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES A FULL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1992 STATING ALL REQUISITIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS ASSIGNED TO ALL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES WITHIN THE OTTAWA CAPITAL REGION.˙ 920225 FILES 8010-814 THE TOWNSHIP OF BREST HISTORICAL SOCIETY IS INTERESTED IN HAVING A COPY OF FILES 8010-814 (3 VOLUMES) 1937 TO 1955, 1955 TO 1972, 1973 TO DATE. FILE 8010-816 (2 VOLUMES) APRIL 1921 TO DECEMBER 1951, DECEMBER 1951 TO DATE. FILES TITLES UNDER 8010-814, POINTE AMOUR, NFLD. UNDER 8010-816, GREENLY ISLAND. WE ARE DOING SOME RESEARCH ON LIGHTHOUSES IN THE STRAITS OF BELLE ILE, THE FILE WILL NO DOUBT HELP US TO UPDATE OUR FILES. THESE FILES WILL ALSO SERVE FOR PEDACOGICAL PURPOSES.˙ 1992.11.17 920228 VANCOUVER ISLAND HELICOPTERS LTD. RE: VANCOUVER ISLAND HELICOPTERS LTD. (THE "COMPANY")˙ ˙ WE ARE ACTING AS SOLICITORS FOR A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN CREDIT FACILITIES INVOLVING A CHARGE ON THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED IN THE SCHEDULE ATTACHED.˙ ˙ IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR ADVICE AS TO THE FOLLOWING WITH RESPECT TO EACH OF THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED IN THE SCHEDULE ATTACHED:˙ ˙ (A) WHETHER EACH AIRCRAFT IS LICENSED TO THE COMPANY;˙ (B) WHETHER OR NOT A CERTIFICATE OF AIRWORTHINESS EXIST FOR EACH AIRCRAFT AND A COPY OF SAME, IF AVAILABLE;˙ (C) THE REGISTERED OWNER FOR EACH AIRCRAFT AND ADDRESS FOR REGISTERED OWNER, IF AVAILABLE;˙ (D) THE MAKE, MODEL AND YEAR OF EACH AIRCRAFT;˙ (E) WHETHER EACH AIRCRAFT HAS BEEN GROUNDED FOR ANY REASON AND SPECIFY REASON, IF AVAILABLE; AND˙ (F) FREQUENCY OF USE, REASON FOR USE AND PERSON USING EACH AIRCRAFT.˙ 1992.11.18 920226 NEILTOWN AIR RE: NEILTOWN AIR (NOW OPERATING AS AVIATION INTERNATIONAL) OPERATOR/OWNER ***˙ 1. AUDITS - DATES - OCT. 1988 AND JUNE OR JULY 1989 AND FEB. OR MARCH 1990 AND ALL OTHER AUDITS DONE TO DATE.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.18 920226 ˙ 2. COMPLIANCE RECORDS - DATES - OCT. 1988 AND JUNE OR JULY 1989 AND FEB. OR MARCH 1990 AND ALL OTHER AUDITS COMPLIANCES DONE TO DATE.˙ 1992.11.19 920227 C-GTCM RE: C-GTCM, A C206, DEPARTED ST-GEORGE-DE-BEAUC, QUEBEC AIRPORAT, AT 1448 UTC, JULY 9, 1992, ON AN IFR FLIGHT PLAN, SUBSEQUENTLY CRASHED IN THE VICINITY OF PORTLAND, MAINE, U.S.A.˙ ˙ I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ANY RELEVANT DATA AVAILABLE ON THIS FLIGHT, THE AIRCRAFT AND PILOT IN COMMAND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPIES OF ANY ATS/FSS VOICE TAPE RECORDINGS, RADAR/DATA COMPUTER RECORDINGS, COPIES OF TRANSCRIPTS, CONTROLLER/FSS STATEMENTS, FLIGHT PROGRESS STRIPS, WEATHER BRIEFINGS, AND ASSOCIATED REPORTS.˙ 1992.11.23 920229 NATION AIR I AM INTERESTED IN OBTAINING ALL INFORMATION WITH REGARD TO THE SAFETY RECORD OF NATIONA AIR. SPECIFICALLY, I WOULD LIKE DOCUMENTATION CITING SAFETY VIOLATIONS, BOTH DOMESTICALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY. PURSUANT TO THIS, I AM ALSO INTERESTED IN ANY CORRECTIVE MEASURES TAKEN BY THE AIRLINE AND WHAT FOLLOW UP, IF ANY, HAS TAKEN PLACE IN LIGHT OF THESE VIOLATIONS.˙ 920236 CASTLEGAR AIRPORT ALL TECHNICAL SUBMISSIONS, INCLUDING ALL ARTICLES, BUSINESS PLANS, OPERATIONAL PROPOSALS, DETAILED WORK PLANS; AND ALL PRICES AND DOLLAR ESTIMATES (EXCEPT ANY INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE TENDERING COMPANY OR PERSONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE PRINCIPALS OF THE COMPANY) PERTIANING TO THE PUBLIC TENDER FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE CASTELGAR AIRPORT, CASTELGAR BC.˙ ˙ CONTRACT NUMBER: TU 13203˙ 920240 NUMBER OF EXAMINATIONS ALSO IS REQUIRED A STATISTICAL REPORT OF THE NUMBER OF EXAMINATIONS CONDUCTED BY MYSELF SINCE APPOINTMENT IN 1979. ALL CLASSES OF MASTER AND MATES EXAMINATIONS.˙ 920248 PERSONNEL NOUS VOUS DEMANDONS DONC:˙ ˙ 1. LE NOM DE CHAQUE DIRECTION, PROGRAMME ET/OU SERVICE AVEC LE NOM DU DIRECTEUR, DE TOUS LES CADRES ET ADJOINTS RELEVANT DE CELUI-CI AINSI QUE LE TITRE DU POSTE OCCUPE PAR CHACUN D'EUX ET L'ADRESSE COMPLETE DE LEURS LIEUS DE TRAVAIL.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.23 920248 ˙ 2. LE NOM DE TOUS LES PROFESSIONALES, CONSEILLERS ET TECHNICIENS PAR DIRECTION, PROGRAMME ET/OU SERVICE AVEC LE TITRE DU POSTE OCCUPE ET L'ADRESSE COMPLETE DE LEURS LIEUX DE TRAVAIL.˙ 1992.11.24 920230 AIRCRAFT RE: 1974 AEROSTAR MODEL 601 P SERIAL 601P-0194-014 TRANSPORT CANADA NO. CGBBS˙ ˙ SASKATCHEWAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (SEDCO) IS ATTEMPTING TO LOCATE AN AIRCRAFT WHICH WAS DEREGISTERED ON OR ABOUT THE 20TH OF OCTOBER 1992. ˙ ˙ IN THIS REGARD, PLEASE PROVIDE SEDCO WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:˙ ˙ ~ THE EXACT DATE THE AIRCRAFT WAS DEREGISTERED AND THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PARTY THAT DEREGISTERED THE AIRCRAFT;˙ ˙ ~ THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE NEW OWNER OF THE AIRCRAFT;˙ ˙ ~ COUNTRY IN WHICH THE AIRCRAFT IS NOW REGISTERED AND THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PARTY THAT REGISTERED THE AIRCRAFT;˙ ˙ ~ TERMS OF THE SALE OR OTHER TRANSACTION, IF APPLICABLE;˙ ˙ ~ THE MAKE, MODEL, SERIAL NUMBER, AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT CALL LETTERS FOR THE REPLACEMENT AIRCRAFT, IF THE TRANSACTION INVOLVED A "SALE AND PURCHASE" OR TRADE-IN TYPE OF TRANSACTION;˙ ˙ ~ ALL MONETARY DOLLAR VALUES INVOLVED WITH THE PURCHASED AND/OR SALE.˙ 920231 FIRST AIR AUDITS 1988-92 AUDITS/REVIEWS OF FIRST AIR (FORMERLY BRADLEY AIR SERVICES LTD.)* AND 1988-92 EMIS SUMMARY REPORTS FOR THIS AIRLINE.˙ ˙ *IN A JUNE 28, 1990 LETTER (PAGE 5), COUNSEL FOR BRADLEY WROTE THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT INDICATING THEY WERE PREPARED TO RELEASE PARTS OF THE 1988-89 BRADLEY AUDIT REPORTS (OF WHICH THERE WERE FIVE REPORTS THAT I WANT); THAT LETTER IS PART OF FEDERAL COURT FILE NO. 2240-90 (ALSO CASE T-1165-91). INCLUDE DOCUMENTS THAT DESCRIBE WHO IN 1990 TO 1992 HAS REVIEWED RELEASING THAT SEVERED REPORT, AND MADE THE DECISION NOT TO RELEASE EVEN THOSE PARTS OF THE 1988 AUDIT BRADLEY AIR HAD NO OBJECTIONS TO RELEASING.˙ 920232 INSPECTION REPORTS FIRST AIR 1991, 1992 AIRCRAFT INSPECTION REPORTS OF FIRST AIR (FORMERLY BRADLEY AIR SERVICES LTD.).˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.11.24 920242 SOUTHER FRONTIER AIRLINES I SEEK A COPY OF ALL AUDITS REPORTS PERTAINING TO SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES OF CALGARY, ALBERTA WHICH WERE CARRIED OUT IN THE CALENDAR YEARS 1984, 1985, 1986 AND 1987. I ASK THAT YOU CONSIDER EACH CALENDAR YEAR AS A SEPARATE REQUEST.˙ 920244 SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES I SEEK A COPY OF ALL AUDIT REPORTS PERTIANING TO SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES OF CALGARY, ALBERTA WHICH WERE CARRIED OUT IN THE CALENDAR YEARS 1984, 1985, 1986 AND 1987. I ASK THAT YOU CONSIDER EACH CALENDAR YEAR AS A SEPARATE REQUEST.˙ 1992.11.25 920254 CDN. AND AIR CANADA PLEASE PROVIDE ALL RESEARCH REPORTS, ANALYSES AND POLLING DATE RELATING TO THE VIABILITY OF TWO NATIONAL AIRLINES IN CANADA - CANADIAN AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL AND AIR CANADA. IN ADDITION, ANY RESEARCH INFORMATION RELATING TO THE VARIOUS OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO DEAL WITH FINANCIAL PROBLEMS RELATING TO BOTH AIRLINES. PLEASE INCLUDE BOTH INTERNAL AND CONTRACTED WORK.˙ 1992.11.26 920233 SEXUAL HARASSMENT I REQUEST ACCESS TO RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW THE FOLLOWING ABOUT SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE DEPARTMENT:˙ ˙ 1) WHAT POLICIES HAVE BEEN INSTITUTED TO DEAL WITH COMPLAINTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT?˙ ˙ 2) WHAT COMPLAINTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT HAVE BEEN MADE BY AND AGAINST EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS?˙ ˙ 3) HOW THE DEPARTMENT HAS RESOLVED THE COMPLAINTS, I.E. WERE THE COMPLAINTS SUBSTANTIATED? WHAT ACTION DID THE DEPARTMENT TAKE AS A RESULT?˙ 1992.11.27 920239 TEMPORARY HELP PLEASE FORWARD ALL CALL-UPS FOR "TEMPORARY HELP" IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1992 TO THE ADDRESS BELOW.˙ 920249 VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC. TRANSPORT CANADA - AIR: SECTION 534 WAIVER, AS ISSUED BY REGIONAL DIRECTOR AIR CARRIER OPERATIONS FOR VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC. FOR FLYING DONE ON THE CAMPUS OF B.C. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ON OR ABOUT AUGUST 28, 1992.˙ ˙ INVESTIGATORS REPORTS ON VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC., *** , *** AND COMMUNICATION TO WRIGHT BROTHERS AVIATION LTD. (THE PREVIOUS NAME FOR VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC.).˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.27 920249 ˙ DETAILS REGARDING INFORMATION BEING SOUGHT:˙ ˙ AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORTS/INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING ANY VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC. AIR CRAFT OR STAFF MEMBERS. ALSO WRIGHT BROTHERS AVIATION LTD. ACCIDENT REPORTS/INVESTIGATIONS.˙ ˙ VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC., *** & *** COMMUNICATION TO TRANSPORT CANADA - AIR, RCMP, MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD. SPECIFIC COMMUNICATIONS BEWTEEN *** OR HIS STAFF TO *** .˙ ˙ COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN MAGNUS OPUS FILMS, B.C. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MUNICIPALITY OF BURNABY AND TRANSPORT CANADA - AIR CONCERNING THE FLYING DONE BY VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC. DONE ON OR ABOUT AUG. 28, 1992.˙ ˙ ACCIDENT REPORT/INVESTIGATION ON *** FOR 1991; BELL 206B BASED A SECHELT, B.C. OPERATED BY VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC.˙ ˙ INCIDENT REPORTS MADE TO TRANSPORT CANADA - AIR (VANCOUVER) ABOUT FLYING OVER CROWN IN GIBSON SECEHLT AREA OF VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC. IN 1992.˙ ˙ INVESTIGATION REPORTS/NOTES/COMMUNICATIONS DONE BY *** OR HIS STAFF. REPORTS CONCERNING VANCOUVER HELICOPTERS INC. AND ***.˙ 1992.11.30 920235 JANITORIAL SERVICES ALL TECHNICAL SUBMISSIONS, INCLUDING ALL ARTICLES, BUSINESS PLANS, OPERATIONAL PROPOSALS, DETAILED WORK PLANS; AND ALL PRICES AND DOLLAR ESTIMATES (EXCEPT ANY INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE TENDERING COMPANY) PERTAINING TO THE PUBLIC TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF JANITORIAL SERVICES AT THE SMITHERS AIRPORT, SMITHERS BC.˙ 920237 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS ~ A LIST OF ANY BOOK TITLES, TRAINING MANUALS, AND ANY OTHER WRITTEN MATERIALS CURRENTLY USED IN THE TRAINING OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS.˙ ˙ ~ COPIES OF ALL TESTS NOT CURRENTLY IN USE FOR THE SCREENING OF CANDIDATES FOR THE TRAINING PROGRAMS.˙ ˙ ~ DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF THE TESTING MATERIAL ITS CORRECT ANSWERS AND WHAT IT WAS DESIGNED TO TEST FOR.˙ ˙ ~ STATISTICS SHOWING THE SUCCESS OF THESE TRAINING PROGRAMS, LONGEVITY OF INDIVIDUALS WHO COMPLETE THE VARIOUS STAGES OF TRAINING, THE ATTRITION RATE FOR ACTIVE CONTROLLERS AND OTHER DATA RELATING TO THE REASONS FOR INDIVIDUALS LEAVING THIS PROFESSION.˙ ˙ ~ INFORMATION ON THE COST OF THESE TRAINING PROGRAMS, CURRENTLY AND Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.11.30 920237 HISTORICALLY.˙ 920238 3 GREY HELIPORT RE: 3 GREY HELIPORT˙ ˙ WE CONFIRM OUR REQUEST PURSUANT TO THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING 3 GREY HELIPORT IN WINNIPEG MANITOBA.˙ ˙ WE ARE REQUESTING INFORMATION AS FOLLOWS:˙ ˙ 1. AS SET OUT IN *** REQUEST DATED JUNE 1, 1992, REVISED AND RE-SUBMITTED HEREWITH.˙ ˙ 2. AS SET OUT IN *** FAX DATED NOVEMBER 30, 1992.˙ ˙ FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS REQUEST, IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT REFERENCE TO THE FILE NUMBER SHOULD BE REMOVED AS APPARENTLY THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IS NOT ALL FOUND IN THAT FILE.˙ ˙ FOR CLARIFICATION, WE DO WISH TO OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION AS REQUESTED NOT ONLY IN FILE NO. RAD 5151-C153 BUT ALSO IN WHAT OTHER FILES THERE MAY BE THAT HAVE THE INFORMATION AS TO THE CERTIFICATION OF 3 GREY, WHAT IT IS CERTIFIED FOR ETC. ETC. AS ENUMERATED IN THE QUESTIONS IN OUR FAX OF NOVEMBER 30, 1992 TO ***.˙ 920246 BELL HELICOPTERE MANUEL DE FORMATION (T.C.M.) PRESENTE PAR BELL HELICOPTERE A L'AUTOMNE 1991.˙ MANUEL DETENU PAR***˙ 1992.12.01 920241 AIR POLICY ISSUES FOR YOUR REFERENCE, I ENCLOSE A COPY OF A NOVEMBER 14, 1984 MEMO FROM AAP TO WRA - EDMONTON. THIS MEMO MAKES REFERENCE TO THE MINISTER'S REVIEW OF AIR POLICY ISSUED.˙ ˙ I NOW REQUEST A COPY OF THIS MINISTER'S REVIEW OF AIR POLICY ISSUES.˙ 920243 SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES I SEEK A COPY OF ALL AUDIT REPORTS PERTAINING TO SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES OF CALGARY, ALBERTA WHICH WERE CARRIED OUT IN THE CALENDAR YEARS 1984, 1985, 1986 AND 1987. I ASK THAT YOU CONSIDER EACH CALENDAR YEAR AS A SEPARATE REQUEST.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.12.01 920245 SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES I SEEK A COPY OF ALL AUDIT REPORTS PERTAINING TO SOUTHERN FRONTIER AIRLINES OF CALGARY, ALBERTA WHICH WERE CARRIED OUT IN THE CALENDAR YEARS 1984, 1985, 1986 AND 1987. I ASK THAT YOU CONSIDER EACH CALENDAR YEAR AS A SEPARATE REQUEST.˙ 1992.12.02 920247 C-FHET COPIES OF ALL INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS ON C-FHET, A CESSNA 120 OWNED BY ***.˙ ˙ (REQUEST ABANDONED)˙ 920250 8251 FORMS 8251 FORMS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1992.˙ 1992.12.03 920253 CESSNA RE: *** V. ***˙ B.C. SUPREMET COURT ACTION NO. 11431˙ CESSNA MODILE A185E DOT REG. C-FQFC˙ SERIAL NO. 185-1492-159363-9-0˙ ˙ THIS IS TO ADVISE THE WRITER ACTS FOR THE ABOVE MENTIONED *** CONCERNING AN ACTION AGAINST *** FOR RECOVERY OF MONEYS OWING THROUGH SALE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED AIRCRAFT.˙ ˙ WE REQUEST FOR COURT PURPOSES, COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTATION ON YOUR FILE FROM AND AFTER THE TIME THAT *** OWNED THE AIRCRAFT, BELIEVED TO BE SOMETIME AROUND 1985 - 1986, UNTIL LSUCH TIME AS THE AIRCRAFT RECORDS REMAIN ON YOUR FILES. IT IS BELIEVED THAT THE AIRCRAFT LEFT THE COUNTRY ON OR ABOUT 1990.˙ 920255 DEER AT PEARSON I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF INTERNAL TRANSPORT CANADA DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS RELATING TO A AUG. 12 INCIDENT AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHEN A DEER RAN INTO A PLANE.˙ ˙ I AM ALSO REQUESTING COPIES OF TRANSPORT CANADA LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE OVERALL DEER PROBLEM AT PEARSON.˙ 920255 DEER AT PEARSON I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF INTERNAL TRANSPORT CANADA DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS RELATING TO A AUG. 12 INCIDENT AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WHEN A DEER RAN INTO A PLANE.˙ ˙ I AM ALSO REQUESTING COPIES OF TRANSPORT CANADA LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE OVERALL DEER PROBLEM AT PEARSON.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.12.03 920258 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD:˙ ˙ NOVEMBER 1992˙ 920259 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD:˙ ˙ NOVEMBER 1992˙ 1992.12.07 920252 AIRWORTHINESS REPORT I REQUEST A COPY OF THE MOST RECENT AIRWORTHINESS AUDIT CONDUCTED AT NATIONAIR AND ITS MAINTENANCE SUBSIDIARY, TECHNAIR INC. AT MIRABEL AND AT ITS OTHER MAINTENANCE BASES IN CANADA AND ABROAD. I BELIEVE THIS AUDIT WAS CONDUCTED IN 1992.˙ 1992.12.08 920256 CADORS AT PEARSON I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF THE CANADIAN AVIATION DAILY OCCURENCE REPORTS (CADORS) FOR INCIDENTS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND TORONTO ISLAND AIRPORT FROM AUG. 4 TO DEC. 4, 1992.˙ 1992.12.10 920257 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES AND THE MASTER STANDING OFFER FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD:˙ ˙ NOVEMBER 1992˙ 1992.12.14 920260 VIA RAIL PLEASE FORWARD ALL DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY VIA RAIL PERTAINING TO THE REQUEST MADE FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS OF $27,036,000 AS OUTLINED IN THE SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATES (C) , 1991-92 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1992 INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS CONTAINING VIA RAIL'S JUSTIFICATION AND RATIONALE GIVEN TO TRANSPORT CANADA FOR THIS ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.12.15 1992.12.15 920262 CESSNA 421A ON JULY 20, 1985 A CESSNA 421A, REGISTRATION NUMBER CF-FEL, CRASHED WHILE ATTEMPTING TO TAKE OFF FROM THE AIRPORT AT INVERMERE, B.C.. THE CESSNA WAS APPARENTLY ON CHARTER TO THE B.C. FOREST SERVICE. THE OPERATOR WAS SUNRISE AVIATION 1984 LTD. LOCATED AT BOX 1807, SALMON ARM, B.C. VOE 2TO. NO ONE WAS KILLED BUT THERE WERE SEVERAL INJURIES.˙ ˙ WE ARE REQUESTING INFORMATION FROM THE AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION AND AIRWORTHINESS DEPARTMENTS OF TRANSPORT CANADA AS FOLLOWS;˙ ˙ 1. ALL DOCUMENTS FILED BY SUNRISE AVIATION 1984 LTD. IN CONNECTION WITH ITS OBTAINING AND MAINTAINING A CHARTER LICENCE, INCLUDING THE PLAN OF OPERATION, FOR THE YEARS 1984 AND 1985. IF IT IS NOT CLEAR ON THE FACE OF DOCUMENTS, WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE DATE THAT THE PLAN OF OPERATION WAS FILED WITH TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ ˙ 2. ALL DOCUMENTATION FILED IN CONNECTION WITH THREE TRANSFERS OF OWNERSHIP OF CF-FEL:˙ ˙ A. ARCTIC TRADING COMPANY TO CAPITAL GLASS LTD.;˙ B. CAPITAL GLASS LTD. TO WARNER AVIATION; AND˙ C. WARNER AVIATION TO SUNRISE AVIATION 1984 LTD..˙ ˙ 3. THE FULL NAME AND LAST KNOWN ADDRESS OF THE AIRFRAME/POWERFRAME MECHANIC WHO IN FEBRUARY 1975 HELD THE LICENCE NO XDM721 - ***.˙ 920270 PARTENAVIA NAME OF OWNER AS SHOWN ON CURRENT CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF AIRCRAFT FOR:˙ ˙ PARTENAVIA COSTRUZIONI AERONAUTICHE S.P.A.˙ C-GISY˙ P68C˙ S.N. 370˙ 1992.12.16 920263 RAVEN SPIRIT RCC VICTORIA SAR INCIDENT LOG M1023 SAR RAVEN SPIRIT˙ DATED 29 JUNE 1992˙ 920275 NIAGARA HELICOPTER RE: AVIATION COLLISION OCCURRENCE˙ TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD REFERENCE˙ FILE NO. A92H0029˙ NIAGARA HELICOPTER BELL 206B C-GFXX AND˙ RAINBOW HELICOPTER MCDONNELL DOUGLAS˙ MD369E N588DB˙ NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO, CANADA˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1992.12.16 920275 SEPTEMBER 29, 1992˙ ˙ PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT I AM THE ATTORNEY REPRESENTING THE ESTATE OF *** TO PURSUE A CLAIM FOR WRONGFUL DEATH AGAINST RAINBOW HELICOPTERS INC. AND NIAGARA HELICOPTERS INC. AS A RESULT OF THE MID-AIR COLLISION ON SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 IN NIAGARA FALLS, ONTARIO.˙ 1992.12.22 920265 PFEEE CONFORMMENT LA LOI FEDERALE SUR L'ACCES L'INFORMATION, NOUS AIMERIONS RECEVOIR COPIE DES COMMENTAIRES, AVIS ET CORRESPONDANCES AYANT ETE FAITS PAR VOTRE MINISTERE SUR LE PROJET HYDROELECTRIQUE SAINTE-MARGUERITE-3 D'HYDRO-QUEBEC.˙ CES COMMENTAIRES, AVIS ET CORRESPONDANCES PORTERONT SUR LE RAPPORT D'AVANT-PROJET (ETUDE D'IMPACT) AINSI QUE SUR TOUT AUTRE DOCUMENT PRODUIT DANS LE CADRE DU PROJET SM-3 (REPONSES COMPLEMENTAIRES, SUPPLEMENTS D'INFORMATION, ETUDES SECTORIELLES...) ET CE, DANDS LE CADRE DU PROCESSUS FEDERAL D'EVALUATION ET D'EXAMEN EN MATIERE D'ENVIRONNEMENT (PFEEE) ET EGALEMENT POUR TOUTE PARTICIPATION A LA PROCEDURE QUEBECOISE ETABLIE SELON LA LOI SUR LA QUALITE DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT.˙ VOUS TROUVEREZ CI-JOINT LE CHEQUE AU MONTANT DE CINQ DOLLARS EXIGE POUR NOTRE REQUETE. VEUILLEZ AGREER NOS SALUTATIONS DISTINGUEES.˙ 920277 TIME AIR INC. I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE INVESTIGATION AND ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN AGAINST TIME AIR INC. FOR OPERATING AN AIRCRAFT WITH AN UNSERVICEABLE PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM ON OR ABOUT 15 NOVEMBER 1989 IN BOTH THE PACIFIC AND WESTERN REGIONS. I ALSO SEEK THE COMPLETE CASE FILE NUMBER 013919 WHICH PERTAINS TO A TIME AIR VIOLATION.˙ 1992.12.31 920271 NORSEMAN THIS IS A FORMAL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE AIRCRAFT NORSEMAN HAVING THE CALL NUMBERS CF-FQI. OUR OFFICE HAS BEEN ASKED TO 1) RESEARCH THE CHAIN OF OWNERSHIP OF TITLE, AND 2) VERIFY THAT THERE ARE NO SECURED CLAIMS REGISTERED AGAINST THE AIRCRAFT. WE BELIEVE YOUR OFFICE IS CAPABLE OF PROVIDING US WITH USEFUL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE FIRST ASPECT OF OUR MANDATE, THAT IS, CHAIN OF OWNERSHIP.˙ ˙ IN PARTICULAR, WE MUST KNOW WHETHER THE PRESENT 'OWNER' (2633-3898 QUEBEC INC.) IS OWNER IN VIRTUE OF A BILL OF SALE OR BILL OF LEASE. WE ALSO REQUIRE ALL THE NAMES OF REGISTERED OWNERS OF THE AIRCRAFT GOING BACK TO THE TIME IT WAS MANUFACTURED.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.01.02 1993.01.02 920294 TEMPORARY HELP A FULL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1993 STATING ALL REQUISITIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS ASSIGNED TO ALL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES WITHIN THE OTTAWA CAPITAL REGION.˙ 1993.01.04 920272 X PHONE REQUEST˙ 920273 CALLUPS THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR PROVIDING ME WITH ALL CALLUPS AS THEY PERTAIN TO THE PROVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT (TEMP-HELP) AND PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL HELP FOR THE MONTHS OCTOBER, NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1992 FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION.˙ ˙ ALSO, IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU COULD PROVIDE THE NAMES OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE CALL-UPS FOR ALL BRANCHES WITHIN TRANSPORT CANADA FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION.˙ 920278 AIR B.C. I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS LOCATED ON THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FILES PERTAINING TO AIR B.C. BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1982 TO THIS DATE.˙ 920279 TIME AIR I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS LOCATED ON THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FILES PERTAINING TO TIME AIR AFTER 1976.˙ 1993.01.05 920274 CITY OF CRANBROOK AS DIRECTOR OF THE CANADIAN OFFICE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, I REQUEST A COPY OF THE CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND THE CITY OF CRANBROOK, BRITISH COLUMBIA, RESPECTING FEDERAL COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY'S OPERATING COSTS IN PROVIDING EMERGENCY SERVICE TO CRANBROOK AIRPORT.˙ ˙ OUR OFFICE ATTEMPTED WITHOUT SUCCESS, TO OBTAIN THIS CONTRACT FROM *** OF COMMUNITY AIRPORTS WITH TRANSPORT CANADA. OUR MAIN CONCERN IS WHETHER THE CONTRACT PERMITS THE CITY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR ADDITIONAL OPERATING EXPENSES THAT OCCUR. THEREFORE, I AM REQUESTING ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION UNDER THE ACT.˙ 920276 KEY ENGINEERING LTD. PLEASE PROVIDE ME WITH ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE ALTERATION WORK AT THE VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AWARDED TO KEY ENGINEERING LTD. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE TWO CONTRACTS DESCRIBED AS:˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.01.05 920276 1) TRANSPORT CANADA/AIRPORTS GROUP, PACKAGE - B - EXTERIOR, AND˙ ˙ 2) (SITE DESCRIPTION) VANCOUVER AIRPORT AUTHORITY, AIR TERMINAL˙ BUILDING - LEVEL 1, VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT˙ ˙ AND INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY CORRESPONDENCE WITH ANY PERSON OR GROUP, NOTES, PLANS, SURVEYS, DISCUSSIONS OR TRANSCRIPTS HOWEVER RECORDED. CONTRACT NO. 1 WAS IN THE AMOUNT OF $671,500. CONTRACT NO. 2 WAS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,375,000.˙ 1993.01.07 920281 RIDLEY TERMINALS INC. THE CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERATION IS A CANADIAN ORGANIZATION. WE WOULD LIKE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING TWO ACCESS REQUESTS.˙ ˙ 1. LOAN GUARANTEES TO CONSTRUCT COAL HANDLING AND TERMINAL FACILITIES BY RIDLEY TERMINALS INC. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT TYPES OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE THE COMPANY RECEIVED; THE DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED; AMOUNTS; DATES; PURPOSE OF ASSISTANCE; AND IF AVAILABLE THE DETAILS OF ANY PROVINCIAL OR MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. IF ANY OF THESE LOANS, ETC., HAVE BEEN DEFAULTED ON WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY, THE AMOUNTS INVOLVED, THE DATES OF RECEIVERSHIP/BANKRUPTCY.˙ ˙ 2. WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW OF ANY COMPANIES/ORGANIZATIONS THAT HAVE DEFAULTED ON GUARANTEES, LOANS OR INSURANCE, OR RE-INSURANCE THAT HAVE BEEN PAID OUT BY YOUR DEPARTMENT SINCE JANUARY 1, 1980, NOT INCLUDING THE ABOVE REQUEST. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE DETAILS OF THESE FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS INCLUDING: THE NAME OF THE COMPANY; LOCATION; PURPOSE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; THE DATES THE MONIES WERE RECEIVED; TYPE OF FUNDING; THE AMOUNTS THE GOVERNMENT HAD TO PAY OUT; THE REASON FOR THE PAYOUT BY THE GOVERNMENT INCLUDING DATES OF RECEIVERSHIP OR BANKRUPTCY.˙ ˙ ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION SHOULD INCLUDE ALL CLAIMS AND PENDING AND THREATENED LITIGATION AND SHOULD INDICATE WHAT TYPE IT IS. WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW THE FULL DETAILS OF THE AUTHORIZED LIMITS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES NAMED ABOVE.˙ ˙ AS WELL, IF THE COMPANIES HAD TO PAY MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION AS WELL. IF THERE IS A FORMULA FOR CALCULATING THESE PAYMENTS WE WOULD LIKE THIS INFORMATION AS WELL.˙ 920281 RIDLEY TERMINALS INC. THE CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERATION IS A CANADIAN ORGANIZATION. WE WOULD LIKE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING TWO ACCESS REQUESTS.˙ ˙ 1. LOAN GUARANTEES TO CONSTRUCT COAL HANDLING AND TERMINAL FACILITIES BY RIDLEY TERMINALS INC. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT TYPES OF FINANCIAL Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.01.07 920281 ASSISTANCE THE COMPANY RECEIVED; THE DEPARTMENTS INVOLVED; AMOUNTS; DATES; PURPOSE OF ASSISTANCE; AND IF AVAILABLE THE DETAILS OF ANY PROVINCIAL OR MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. IF ANY OF THESE LOANS, ETC., HAVE BEEN DEFAULTED ON WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHY, THE AMOUNTS INVOLVED, THE DATES OF RECEIVERSHIP/BANKRUPTCY.˙ ˙ 2. WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW OF ANY COMPANIES/ORGANIZATIONS THAT HAVE DEFAULTED ON GUARANTEES, LOANS OR INSURANCE, OR RE-INSURANCE THAT HAVE BEEN PAID OUT BY YOUR DEPARTMENT SINCE JANUARY 1, 1980, NOT INCLUDING THE ABOVE REQUEST. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THE DETAILS OF THESE FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS INCLUDING: THE NAME OF THE COMPANY; LOCATION; PURPOSE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE; THE DATES THE MONIES WERE RECEIVED; TYPE OF FUNDING; THE AMOUNTS THE GOVERNMENT HAD TO PAY OUT; THE REASON FOR THE PAYOUT BY THE GOVERNMENT INCLUDING DATES OF RECEIVERSHIP OR BANKRUPTCY.˙ ˙ ALL THE ABOVE INFORMATION SHOULD INCLUDE ALL CLAIMS AND PENDING AND THREATENED LITIGATION AND SHOULD INDICATE WHAT TYPE IT IS. WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW THE FULL DETAILS OF THE AUTHORIZED LIMITS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL COMPANIES NAMED ABOVE.˙ ˙ AS WELL, IF THE COMPANIES HAD TO PAY MONEY TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION AS WELL. IF THERE IS A FORMULA FOR CALCULATING THESE PAYMENTS WE WOULD LIKE THIS INFORMATION AS WELL.˙ 1993.01.14 920280 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION UNDER THE TERM SOF THE DSS ADMINISTERED SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR DATA ENTRY SERVICES ON SUFFLIER PREMISES (384ER.660 ER-9-0010 XX) DURING THE PERIOD SETPEMBER 1, 1991 TO DATE.˙ 920285 VANCOUVER AIRPORT RE: AGREEMENT OF TRANSFER OF MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ˙ ˙ WE HEREBY REQUEST PURSUANT TO SECTION 4(1) OF THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT A COPY OF THE LEASE AGREEMENT DATED JUNE 30, 1992, BETWEEN HER MAJESTY IN RIGHT OF CANADA (REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT) AND THE VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY RESPECTING THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 920314 FILE 5008-FCKB FILE 5008-FCKB˙ ˙ ~ LETTERS FROM *** OR HIS SON RELATING TO THIS AIRCRAFT c-FCKB (CESSNA 180).˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.01.14 920314 ˙ ~ MEMO FROM ANY DISTRICT OFFICE RELATED TO THIS ARICRAFT WRITTEN BY ANY SUPERINTENDANT OR INSPECTOR OR OTHER EMPLOYEE OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT.˙ 920314 FILE 5008-FCKB FILE 5008-FCKB˙ ˙ ~ LETTERS FROM *** OR HIS SON RELATING TO THIS AIRCRAFT c-FCKB (CESSNA 180).˙ ˙ ~ MEMO FROM ANY DISTRICT OFFICE RELATED TO THIS ARICRAFT WRITTEN BY ANY SUPERINTENDANT OR INSPECTOR OR OTHER EMPLOYEE OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT.˙ 1993.01.15 920282 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: DECEMBER 1992.˙ 920283 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: DECEMBER 1992˙ 920284 CALLUPS IN QUEBEC REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: DECEMBER 1992˙ CLASS OF RECORDS, NUMBERS AND TITLE˙ METHOD OF ACCESS PREFERRED˙ I WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THE ORIGINAL. PLEASE NOTIFY ME OF THE COSTS PRIOR TO MAKING COPIES.˙ 930284 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: DECEMBER 1992.˙ 1993.01.19 920288 PIPER PA-22-108 PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH ALL POSSIBLE INFORMATION CONCERNING A TRANSPORT CANADA INVESTIGATION OF ***. THIS INVESTIGATION RELATES TO *** HAVING CERTIFIED AS AIRWORHTY A PIPER PA 22-108 AIRCRAFT WHICH HE LATER SOLD TO ***. THE CERTIFICATION PROVED INCORRECT AND THE AIRCRAFT WAS GROUNDED BY TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.01.20 1993.01.20 920290 NATION AIR I REQUEST A COPY OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE POST-ACCIDENT SAFETY REVIEW OF NATION AIR WHICH WAS ORDERED BY *** ON OR ABOUT JULY 12, 1991. I ENCLOSE A COPY OF PAGE 3 OF THE 'NATIONAIR MONITORING PROGRAM - OCTOBER 10, 1991. THIS PAGE INDICATES THAT THE TERMS OF REFERENCE THAT I REQUEST IS APPENDIX A.˙ 1993.01.21 920286 NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. RE: NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. (THE COMPANY) IN RECEIVERSHIP˙ ˙ WE ADVISE ON JANUARY 12, 1993, COOPERS & LYBRAND LIMITED WAS APPOINTED RECEIVER OF THE COMPANY PURSUANT TO A GENERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY TO THE SASKATCHEWAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (SEE COPY OF APPOINTMENT ATTACHED).˙ ˙ WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO DETERMINE WHETHER TWO AIRCRAFT LISTED BELOW HAVE EVER BEEN OWNED BY THE COMPANY NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. ALSO KNOWN AS NORCANAIR. IN DISCUSSIONS WITH MS. DAPHNE MCCREE OF TRANSPORT CANADA WE WERE INFORMED THAT WE MAY OBTAIN THIS INFORMATION BY FOLLOWING THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION PROCEDURES.˙ ˙ THE CALL NUMBERS OF THE TWO AIRCRAFT IN QUESTION ARE AS FOLLOWS:˙ ˙ ~ CGXAD˙ ~ CGEEN˙ ˙ PLEASE ADVISE IF EITHER OF THESE AIRCRAFT HAVE EVER BEEN OWNED BY THE COMPANY. IF THE AIRCRAFT ARE NOW OWNED BY A THIRD PARTY PLEASE CONFIRM THE OWNERSHIP OF THE AIRCRAFT SINCE THE CESSATION OF THE COMPANY'S OWNERSHIP.˙ 920287 FERRY OPERATIONS LIST OF ALL BANKS IN CANADA THAT FINANCE LOANS TO FERRY OPERATIONS AND ALL ORGANIZATIONS THAT GIVE GRANTS TO BUSINESSES INCLUDING TRANSPORTATION.˙ 1993.01.25 920289 CADORS I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF THE CANADIAN AVIATION DAILY OCCURRENCE REPORTS (CADORS) FOR INCIDENTS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND TORONTO ISLAND AIRPORT FROM DEC. 5, 1992 TO JAN. 20, 1993.˙ 1993.01.26 920291 CALLUPS COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF ALL THE 8251 FORMS (CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER OF 1992.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.01.26 920292 CALLUPS COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF ALL THE 8251 FORMS (CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER OF 1992.˙ 920293 CALLUPS COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF ALL THE 8251 FORMS (CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF 1992.˙ 1993.01.28 920297 SA 5008-GOSK TRANSPORT CANADA FILE NO. SA 5008-GOSK. ALL PRESENT AND PAST INFORMATION REGARDING CANADIAN AIRCRAFT REGISTERER ***. (PREVIOUS OWNER)˙ 920297 SA 5008-GOSK TRANSPORT CANADA FILE NO. SA 5008-GOSK. ALL PRESENT AND PAST INFORMATION REGARDING CANADIAN AIRCRAFT REGISTERER ***. (PREVIOUS OWNER)˙ 1993.01.29 920295 AUTOMOBILE RE: REPORT OF ***˙ UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN˙ DATED - OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1989˙ ˙ A REPORT WAS PREPARED FOR TRANSPORT CANADA BY A *** IN THE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN, IN RELATION TO A 1989 CHRYSLER FIFTH AVENUE AUTOMOBILE BELONGING TO A *** FOLLOWING AN ACCIDENT ON OR ABOUT OCTOBER 15, 1989.˙ 1993.02.01 920308 SAFETY REVIEW REPORT OF AN OPERATIONAL SAFETY REVIEW ON A PROPOSAL TO INTRODUCE TURBINE POWERED SINGLE ENGINE A/C COMMERICAL-PASSENGER CARRYING OPERATION AT NIGHT AND IMC IN CANADA SIGNED BY ***.˙ 1993.02.03 920300 LANDING FEES I REQUEST INFORMATION ON WHETHER NATIONAIR IS IN ARREARS TO TRANSPORT CANADA FOR FEES, INCLUDING LANDING FEES, AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL, OTTAWA, HALIFAX, AND MIRABEL AIRPORTS.˙ 920301 BITOVE CORP. I REQUEST INFORMATION ON WHETHER BITOVE CORP. IS IN ARREARS TO TRANSPORT CANADA FOR RENT AND OTHER PAYMENTS FOR ITS FOOD OPERATIONS AT TERMINALS 1 AND 2 AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.02.03 920312 NORTH COAST AIR SERVICES LTD. OPERATIONS AND ACCIDENT RECORD NORTH COAST AIR SERVICES LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. (DATES, DURATION AND REASONS SUSPENSIONS/OPERATING LICENCES & ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORTS). 1961-1992˙ ˙ ONE-PAGE SUMMARIES WILL BE SUFFICIENT.˙ 920316 MONCRIEF CONSTRUCTION LTD. WE ARE THE SOLICITORS FOR MONCRIEF CONSTRUCTION LTD. WHO PURCHASED A CESSNA 185 IN JULY OF 1992. THE AIRCRAFT CALL SIGN IS AS FOLLOWS: C-GIAT.˙ ˙ THE AIRCRAFT HAD BEEN CERTIFIED BY AN ENGINEER WHOSE NUMBER IS AS FOLLOWS: WGM243745.˙ ˙ WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR PROVIDING US WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE CERTIFYING ENGINEER.˙ 1993.02.04 920309 ENVIRONMENT I AM REQUESTING A COPY OF THE REPORT PREPARED BY THE FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW OFFICE ON TRANSPORT CANADA'S PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT THREE NEW RUNWAYS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. THE REPORT HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY FEARO AND HAS NOW BEEN PASSED ON TO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT.˙ 1993.02.05 920307 LANDING FEES I REQUIRE ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS INDICATING WHICH DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES ARE FAILING TO PAY TRANSPORT CANADA'S PRESCRIBED LANDING FEES FOR USE OF CANADIAN AIRPORTS. I ALSO REQUIRE DOCUMENTS INDICATING HOW MUCH THE DEFAULTING CARRIERS OWE TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ 920311 AIRLINE COMPANIES ˙ 1. MOT BRIEFING NOTES AND MEMORANDUM OR OTHER RECORDS TO THE DEPUTY MINISTER AND MINISTER AFTER SEPTEMBER, 1992 UNTIL FEBRUARY 5, 1993 (OR UNTIL FEB. 28/93 IF POSSIBLE) ON TWO TOPICS:˙ ˙ (I) MAJOR AIRLINE COMPANIES, INCLUDING NATIONAIR, AIR TRANSIT WITH UNPAID, OUTSTANDING AIRPORT FEES (INCLUDING LANDING FEES, GENERAL TERMINAL FEES, MISCELLANEOUS FEES); AND METHODS OF HANDLING THESE SITUATIONS.˙ ˙ (II) MAJOR AIRLINE COMPANIES, INCLUDING NATIONAIR, THAT HAVE NOT REMITTED TO TRANSPORT CANADA / THE GOVERNMENT ON A TIMELY BASIS THEIR COLLECTION OF THE CANADA AIR TRANSPORT TAX, OR OTHER APPLICABLE TAXES (GST, QUEBEC SALES TAX, INTERNATIONAL TAXES); AND ACTIONS REQUIRED / OR TAKEN.˙ ˙ 2. MOT'S 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93 (TO DATE) AGGREGATE MONIES COLLECTED FOR LAT EPAYMENTS (IN WAY OF INTEREST CHARGES) BROKEN DOWN SEPARATELY FOR Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.02.05 920311 (I) LANDING FEES (II) RENTALS AND LICENCES, (III) OTHER AIRPORT SERVICE CHARGES; AND THE AGGREGATE AMOUNTS OF OUTSTANDING AIRPORT SERVICE CHARGES OWING IN THESE THREE CATEGORIES.˙ ˙ 3. 1992, 1993 RECORDS ON WHETHER AERONAUTICS ACT, AIR SERVICES CHARGE REGULATIONS AND TRANSPORT CANADA COLLECTION ADMINISTRATIVE RULES HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY APPLIED IN INSTANCES OF LATE PAYMENT OF AIRPORT SERVICE CHARGES, AND HOW THESE PROVISIONS CAN BE WAIVED BY THE MINISTER OR HIS OFFICIALS.˙ ˙ 4. ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS GIVEN/AGREEMENTS REACHED/TERMS PROVIDED TO NATIONAIR FOR LATE FORWARDING OR POSTPONING OR FORGIVING (I) VARIOUS AIRPORT CHARGES, AND (II) AIR TRANSPORT TAXES COLLECTED. SPECIFICALLY AMOUNTS INVOLVED AND PLAN OF ACTION, ANY CLAIMS MADE/FILES. INCLUDE MOT LETTERS, INCLUDING LETTERS SIGNED BY THE MINISTER, TO THIS AIRLINE ON LATE PAYMENTS.˙ ˙ 5. ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS GIVEN/AGREEMENTS REACHED/ TERMS PROVIDED TO AIR TRANSIT FOR LATE FORWARDING OR POSTPONING OR FORGIVING (I) VARIOUS AIRPORT CHARGES, AND (II) AIR TRANSPORT TAXES COLLECTED. SPECIFY AMOUNTS INVOLVED AND PLAN OF ACTION, ANY CLAIMS MADE/FILED. INCLUDE MOT LETTERS, INCLUDING LETTERS SIGNED BY THE MINISTER, TO THIS AIRLINE ON LATE PAYMENTS.˙ ˙ 6. ANY SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS GIVEN/AGREEMENTS REACHED/ TERMS PROVIDED TO CANADIAN AIRLINES FOR LATE FORWARDING OR POSTPONING OR FORGIVING (I) VARIOUS AIRPORT CHARGES, AND (II) AIR TRANSPORT TAXES COLLECTED. SPECIFY AMOUNTS INVOLVED AND PLAN OF ACTION, ANY CLAIMS MADE/FILED. INCLUDE MOT LETTERS, INCLUDING LETTERS SIGNED BY THE MINISTER, TO THIS AIRLINE ON LATE PAYMENTS.˙ 1993.02.08 920299 CRANBROOKE . THE LAST CONTRACT/AGREEMENT PROVIDING THE CITY OF CRANBROOKE, B.C. A SUBSIDY FOR AIRPORT OPERATING COSTS, THE AMOUNT OF THE SUBSIDY, AND PROJECTED FUTURE AMOUNTS.˙ ˙ . A LIST/SUMMARY OF THE LATEST SUBSIDIES PAID TO AIRPORTS FOR OPERATING COSTS.˙ 920305 CUSTOMS & IMMIGRATION ACTS MOST CURRENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE REPORTS, STUDIES, BACKGROUND INFORMATION, WRITTEN CONFIRMATIONS, RULINGS RELATING TO U.S. AND CANADIAN FEDERAL CUSTOMS AND IMMIGRATION ACTS, REGULATIONS, POLICIES, INTERPRETATIONS, STATEMENTS OF PRACTICE CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION AND CABOTAGE.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.02.09 1993.02.09 920306 OUTER RING ROAD PROJECT REPORT AND SUPPORTING STUDIES PERTAINING TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED OUTER RING ROAD PROJECT IN ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND WHICH PROJECT IS TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER THE SO CALLED "ROADS FOR RAILS" AGREEMENT WITH THE PREMIER OF NEWFOUNDLAND. IN PARTICULAR, ACCESS IS BEING SOUGHT TO ALL SUPPORTING STUDIES PERTAINING TO ASSESSMENT OF NEED FOR THE PROPOSED OUTER RING ROAD.˙ 920318 5008-15-6 ULTRA-LIGHT AEROPLANE DESIGN STUDY NO. 1 ˙ DATED: FEBRUARY 1992˙ TRANSPORT CANADA FILE NO. 5008-15-6˙ 920356 BOAT LICENSE 1. THE LICENCE NUMBER OF REGISTRATION IN THE NAME OF ***, COMPORTING TO A 1989 CADORETTE BOW RIDER 18 FT. BOAT, WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN REGISTERED IN EITHER ST. JOHN OR FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNSWICK.˙ ˙ 2. THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF ANY TRANSFEREES OF THE ABOVE LICENCE.˙ 1993.02.10 920302 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JANUARY 1993.˙ 920303 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JANUARY 1993.˙ 920304 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JANUARY 1993˙ 1993.02.11 920310 HARASSMENT COMPLAINT 1. STATEMENTS MADE BY WITNESSES OR NOTES OF INTERVIEWS CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE INVESTIGATION OF ALLEGED HARASSMENT COMPLAINT BY *** AGAINST ***.˙ ˙ 2. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED BY THE COMPLAINANT, WITNESSES OR OBTAINED BY THE INVESTIGATOR PRIOR TO OR SUBSEQUENT TO THE FILING OF A HARASSMENT COMPLAINT BY *** AS INDICATED ABOVE.˙ ˙ 3. A LIST OF WITNESSES WHICH HAVE BEEN GIVEN BY THE COMPLAINANT TO THE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.02.11 920310 INVESTIGATOR.˙ ˙ 4. NOTES, STATEMENTS, RECORDS, COMPUTER RECORDS OF MEETINGS BETWEEN THE COMPLAINANT AND ANY PERSON WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT CONCERNING THESE ALLEGATIONS.˙ ˙ 5. ANY OTHER DOCUMENTATION WHICH MAY EXIST ON THE "INVESTIGATION FILE" NOT COVERED BY THE ABOVE.˙ ˙ 6. ALL DOCUMENTATION WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED TO OR RECORDED BY THE ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER, AVIATION OR TRANSPORT CANADA STAFF CONCERNING MEETINGS, DISCUSSIONS OR SUBMISSIONS MADE BY *** RELATIVE TO THE COMPETITION FOR DIRECTOR, AVIATION SAFETY EVLUATION AND THE APPOINTMENT OF *** TO THAT POSITION.˙ 1993.02.12 920338 AERONAUTICAL CIRCULAR I'M WRITING TO REQUEST COPIES OF LETTERS RECEIVED BY THE DEPARTMENT IN RESPONSE TO ITS AERONAUTICAL CIRCULAR OF LAST MARCH. THE LETTERS, ABOUT 30 I BELIEVE, WOULD BE ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT'S PROPOSAL TO INCREASE FLIGHT DUTY TIMES FOR PILOTS OF SMALL PLANES.˙ 920338 AERONAUTICAL CIRCULAR I'M WRITING TO REQUEST COPIES OF LETTERS RECEIVED BY THE DEPARTMENT IN RESPONSE TO ITS AERONAUTICAL CIRCULAR OF LAST MARCH. THE LETTERS, ABOUT 30 I BELIEVE, WOULD BE ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT'S PROPOSAL TO INCREASE FLIGHT DUTY TIMES FOR PILOTS OF SMALL PLANES.˙ 1993.02.15 920313 THUNDER BAY HARBOUR COMMISSION @€ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.05.07 930013 CALLUPS All callups processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period: April 1993 930014 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS Nous aimeriouns donc obtenir liste du 1er avril 1991 au 31 mars 1992 ($5.00 par ann‚e) pour les $500.00 ... $1,000.00 (95 pages ... .20) et $1,000.00 et plus (163 pages ... .20). Egalement, vous voudrez bien nous informer pour cette mˆme ann‚e combien de pages repr‚sentent les $500.00 et moins et pour la p‚riode du 1er avril 1990 au 31 mars 1991, combien de pages pour chaque cat‚gorie soit, $500.00 et moins, $500.00 ... $1,000.00 et $1,000.00 et plus. 930015 GRANTS ASSISTANCE LOANS Information relating to any and all federal grants, loans, assistance or otherwise provided within the last two years to: Mercedes Textiles Ltd. 16633 Hymus Boulevard Kirkland (Montreal) Quebec H9H 4R9 1993.05.10 930016 COMPLAINTS TELEVISION I am pleased to provide the information you requested in order to initiate a search into for complaints or problems associated with the following: RCA (or Thompson Consumer Electronics) XL100 Colour Television, 26" Screen, Manufactured 1985 - 1986. 1993.05.17 930018 CALLUPS provide call-up sheets for temporary help for the National Capital Region for the months of April 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.05.17 930018 CALLUPS provide call-up sheets for temporary help for the National Capital Region for the months of April 1993. 1993.05.18 930019 CONCOURS TEST Suite ... une enquˆte pour ‚tablir le fondement de ma perte d'emploi comme inspecteur ... CCA, j'ai appris que certaines informations auraient pu n'ˆtre communiqu‚ ... la suite des concours de reretement que j'ai pass‚s ... Qu‚bec. Je d‚sire les obtenir maintenant. 930019 CONCOURS TEST Suite ... une enquˆte pour ‚tablir le fondement de ma perte d'emploi comme inspecteur ... CCA, j'ai appris que certaines informations auraient pu n'ˆtre communiqu‚ ... la suite des concours de reretement que j'ai pass‚s ... Qu‚bec. Je d‚sire les obtenir maintenant. 1993.05.21 930020 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 91-92 unclaimed dividends for 1991-92 1993.05.25 930021 NON-SMOKERS COMPLAINTS All records prepared by, prepared within, or received by the department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada since may 25, 1992 to present, pertaining to the complaint filed by the Non-Smokers' Rights Association et al under section 52 of the Competition Act. Complaint was originally noted as file no. 954-847. Such records should include all correspondence and memoranda. 930021 NON-SMOKERS COMPLAINTS All records prepared by, prepared within, or received by the department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada since may 25, 1992 to present, pertaining to the complaint filed by the Non-Smokers' Rights Association et al under section 52 of the Competition Act. Complaint was originally noted as file no. 954-847. Such records should include all correspondence and memoranda. 930022 BICYCLES BRAKES INJURIES REPORT ~information of the cantilever brake problem of bicycles (mountain bikes) ~copy of document notifying Sears Canada of this brake defect (see January 1988) ~and other departmental correspondence with Sears Canada pertaining to this Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CCA 1993.05.25 930022 bicycle brake defect (cantilever brakes) ~copies of government reports recommending any solution of this problem ~if possible, any injuries reported as a result of this defect (a list of these injuries and the approximated date). 930022 BICYCLES BRAKES INJURIES REPORT ~information of the cantilever brake problem of bicycles (mountain bikes) ~copy of document notifying Sears Canada of this brake defect (see January 1988) ~and other departmental correspondence with Sears Canada pertaining to this bicycle brake defect (cantilever brakes) ~copies of government reports recommending any solution of this problem ~if possible, any injuries reported as a result of this defect (a list of these injuries and the approximated date). Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.04.26 930939 GRANVILLE ISLAND ORIGINAL KIDS ON Would like a copy of the original kids only submission as referred to on page 2 of the July 15, 1992 Granville Island Trust meeting. Also the financial report of the November 16th party to celebrate the opening of the Performing Arts Building. How much did that party cost? One official complaint is the missing discussions on page 2 of the September 16th, 1992 minutes, due to the head of government refusing to disclose any record requested that involves a Minister of the Crown. 1993.05.03 930938 MORTGAGES RENEWAL SINCE OCT/92 CFRP PROGRAM IN ATLANTIC PROVINCES Information on the mortgages that have come up for renewal since October 31, 1992 under CMHC "CFRP" program in the four Atlantic provinces. Specifically we would like : the Mortgagor's name the renewal date the name of the previous lender the name of the successful bidder the successful rate bid. 1993.05.04 930940 CMHC INSURED MORTGAGES IN MANITOB A list of all CMHC insured mortgages in the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia after 1970. The list need only be those loans greater than $1.0 million and less than $10.0 million. The list should include the address of the loan security and the maturity date of the loan. The borrowers name and address would also be useful. REVISED: May 18/93 - list of $800,000 and up of insured loans without social housing 1993.05.06 930941 LIST OF APARTMENT BUILDINGS AND O A list of apartment buildings and owners names and addresses in Burlington, Hamilton and the Niagara Region. We will be working with the Hamilton Office on Vacancy Surveys 1993.05.07 930942 SOUMISSION ‚VALUATION ENVIRONMENT Le 30 avril dernier, Arrakis Consultants Inc. a soumissionn‚ pour effectuer l'‚valuation environnementale pour la r‚gion de la Mauricie pour: XXX Trois-RiviŠres Ouest XXX Shawinigan XXX Grand-Mere Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CMH 1993.05.07 930942 La SCHL, succursale de Montr‚al, a retenu la firme PIERRE LAROCQUE & ASS comme consultant pour r‚aliser le mandat. Dans le but de v‚rifier si nos prix sont ceux du march‚, nous aimerions savoir les montants demand‚s par les autres firmes invit‚es a soumissionner pour ce projet. 930943 CMHC RENTAL MARKET SURVEY DATA A copy of the current universal listing used by CMHC for the semi-annual Rental Market Survey for the City of Welland. More specifically, we are requesting a copy of your current listing of addresses together with the number of units per address for the following: 1. Universal Listing of Private Apartment Buildings (6+ units) 2. Universal Listing of Private Apartment Buildings (3-5 units) 3. Universal Listing of Private Row Units 4. Universal Listing of Public Rental Buildings 1993.05.11 930944 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION ASSIST 1. Copy of any documents giving the interpretation of waiver for the RRAP for the disabled as refers to in 1.4.3. dated 91-01-24. 2. Copy of the document (National Housing Act) supporting the statement "The national housing act which is the legislation government RRAP prevents us from ... waiving regular payments". 3. Copy of the documents showing eligibility criteria "having an acceptable total debt service ratio" 4. Copy of any documents supporting XXX statements "we further understand that you do not wish to find an acceptable guarantor to co-sign your loan and assist you in making the regular monthly payments". 1993.05.14 930945 HOW MANY CANADIAN DEFAULTED ON MO 1. How many Canadian defaulted on mortgages in the past 12 months. 2. How many in the previous 12 months period. 3. Regional breakdowns (if possible for the different provinces) We will be using this information in the context of a letter to the media publicizing the benefits of taking out mortgage insurance (job loss insurance that will pay your mortgage if you lose your job.) We hope it will stimulate wary home buyers to make that new home purchase knowing that if they lose their job, the coverage will pay their mortgage and protect them from the possiblility of defaulting. 930947 LIST OF CMHC RESIDENTIAL LOANS MA Renewal information list for CMHC Residential Loans (not less than $50,000.00) maturing in the Province Ontario Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.05.17 1993.05.17 930946 LIST OF CONTRACTOR'S Lists of Contractors RNH Program - Kitchener Branch Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.04.16 930754 FLYING SCHOOL Request for information regarding the seizure of a flying school˙ in Ont. during 1939 by the RCMP./No Record Located.˙ 1993.04.30 930847 FSAMII/PVYN PAYMENTS Asst to Agriculture Canada - Request for information regarding ˙ FSAMII/PVYn payments./All Material Exempt.˙ 1993.05.03 930863 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE Request for a copy of all 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary˙ Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of January,˙ February and March of 1993 for the National Capital Region./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.05.05 930891 MVA ACCIDENT OTTAWA, ONT Request for a copy of police report pertaining to a Motor Vehicle˙ Accident that occurred October 10, 1991 in Ottawa Ontario./Abandoned,˙ Awaiting Fees./Re-opened 93-06-01/Disclosed in Part.˙ 930891 MVA ACCIDENT OTTAWA, ONT Request for a copy of police report pertaining to a Motor Vehicle˙ Accident that occurred October 10, 1991 in Ottawa Ontario./Abandoned,˙ Awaiting Fees./Re-opened 93-06-01/Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.05.07 930923 SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT LAWS Request information concerning internal or external complaints, ˙ reviews, studies, charges & convictions, either past present or˙ planned in regards to RCMP personnel having violated software˙ copyright laws either at work or at their homes./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.05.13 930956 ASSASSINATION OF J.F. KENNEDY Request for information on the assassination of J.F. Kennedy from a˙ Canadian perspective./No Record Located.˙ 930956 ASSASSINATION OF J.F. KENNEDY Request for information on the assassination of J.F. Kennedy from a˙ Canadian perspective./No Record Located.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.05.13 930956 ASSASSINATION OF J.F. KENNEDY Request for information on the assassination of J.F. Kennedy from a˙ Canadian perspective./No Record Located.˙ 930957 LABOUR DISPUTES IN WESTERN CANADA Request for files related to labour disputes & files related to ˙ immigrants and deportations in Western Canada, (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, 1920-1940).˙ 1993.05.14 930960 ASSASSINATION OF J.F. KENNEDY Request for information on the assassination of J.F. Kennedy˙ from a Canadian perspective.˙ 930969 TOBACCO SMUGGLING IN CANADA Request for all RCMP reports on the Canadian Contraband tobacco market.˙ More specifically, copies of all reports from 1988 to 1993 (inclusive)˙ on the extent of tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 930971 BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENT Request for copies of all documentation contained in RCMP˙ File No. 92T-2981, in respect of a bicycle/pedestrian accident˙ which occurred on November 20, 1990./Disclosed in Part.˙ 930971 BICYCLE/PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENT Request for copies of all documentation contained in RCMP˙ File No. 92T-2981, in respect of a bicycle/pedestrian accident˙ which occurred on November 20, 1990./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.05.19 930991 MURDER INVESTIGATION Request for investigational file which took place in Ontario in 1984./˙ All Material Exempt.˙ 930991 MURDER INVESTIGATION Request for investigational file which took place in Ontario in 1984./˙ All Material Exempt.˙ 1993.05.21 931015 EX PRIME MINISTER An individual requests access to information in relation to contact˙ with Ex Prime Minister.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.05.26 1993.05.26 931024 AMERICAN IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR Request for information on any Canadian corporate involvement in the˙ American Iran-Contra Affair.˙ 931028 ROYAL COMMISSION Asst to National Archives of Canada - Request for access to files˙ from the Royal Commission concerning certain activities of the RCMP./˙ All Disclosed.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1992.12.22 920070 PAROLE ASSISTANCE FUND / MEDICAL INSURANCE FOR PAROLEES Information on the development of policies and procedures in preparation for community release. The topics of interest are parole assistance loan fund and medical insurance for parolees. 1993.02.11 920089 1991-92 SHU REVIEW REPORT I request a copy of the 1991-92 annual report of the National SHU Review Committee to the Commissioner of Corrections. 1993.02.22 920086 FEMALE OFFENDERS PROGRAM Details regarding information requested female offenders program record #CSC OPB310 information on relocation of female offenders administration of Prison for Women Elizabeth Fry SOcieties federal female relocation project-advisory group Kitchner Prison for Women. 1993.03.05 920091 SHARING OF SENSITIVE INFORMATION I request access to a copy of the audit on the Sharing of Sensitive Information, referred to at page 29 of the 1993-1994 estimates. 920093 OFFENDER PROCESS SYSTEM - ONTARIO REGION I request access to a copy of the audit on the Offender Process System - Ontario Region, referred to at page 28 of the 1993-1994 Estimates. 920094 COMMUNITY SUPERVISION I request access to a copy of the audit on Community Supervision, referred to at page 28 of the 1993-1994 Estimates. 920095 TEMPORARY ABSENCES Copy of the audit Temporary Absences, referred to at page 29 of the 1993-94 Estimates Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.03.08 1993.03.08 920098 CALLUPS - FEBRUARY 93 All callups processed by this institution in the national capital region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: February 1993. 920099 CALLUPS - FEBRUARY 1993 - ONTARIO REGION All Callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: February 1993. 1993.03.18 920102 DORCHESTER PEN - OPERATIONAL C & D WINGS Full details on the proposed operational philosophy for "C & D" wings at Dorchester penitentiary, including: i. information on how inmates will be alloted range/cell ii. information on if and how a living unit concept will be initiated, iii. information on the details of inmate control in general, with regards to procedures of movement, etc., on these wings (if 23-hour lockup, if collect phones being placed on ranges, open access to range, etc.) information contained in either CSC COB 235 and/or CSC OPB 270 and others. Any and all information requested; notes, reports, policy plans from NHQ to RHQ, from RHQ to Institution, etc. 1993.03.26 920103 STATISTICS - SECURITY INCIDENTS 91-92 Irequest to know the number of hostage takings, assaults on inmates (minor), assaults on inmates (major), inmate suicides, attempted suicides, inmate murders, assaults on staff (major) assaults on staff (minor), actual number of inmates who escaped, actual number of inmates who attempted escapes, and actual number of inmates who escaped their escort. I request the statistics be itemized and be shown to be from each federal institution for the fiscal year of 1991-92 and each subsequent months up to and including Feb. 93 and or March 93, if possible. I also request an updated and current summary for the security designation of each and every federal institution and its current cell capacity and most recent inmate population. 1993.04.05 930002 ENQUETE -- ASSAULT ET HARCELEMENT SEXUEL Comite d'enquete -- Plainte d'harcelement sexuel et d'assault physique et annexes. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.04.08 1993.04.08 930003 CALLUPS -- NATIONAL CAPITAL REGIO All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: March 1993. 930004 CALLUPS Callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: March 1993 1993.04.13 930005 CALLUPS FEBRUARY 1993 Copies of the completed Call up against a standing offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of February 1993. 1993.04.16 930006 SEXUAL HARASSMENT STATISTICS I request access to records which will enable me to know the following about sexual harassment in the department: 1) What policies have been instituted to deal with complaints? 2) What complaints of sexual harassment have been made by and against employees of the department in the last five years 3) How have the complaints been resolved, i.e. were they substantiated? What action did the department take as a result? 1993.04.26 930007 PRIVATE FAMILY VISITING Information on the Private Family Visiting program in this institution. If possible I would like the same for Kingston, Millhaven, Collins Bay, Joyceville. I would also like the budget for VIC at Warkworth Institution. 930008 PARTICIPATION IN GROUPS All information regarding inmate participation in groups (i.e.: cognitirie skills or anger management, W.S.B.C. Substancif abuse). Also information on sanctions, if any, for not participating. Also institutional policy regarding who needs groups, what happens when groups are refused. If staff can coerse or threaten with loss if jobs& pay level for banks. 1993.05.06 930009 BID BY EXCALIBU FO ADULT EDUCATIO We would like a copy of the winning bid submitted by Excalibu for the delivery of Adult Education for Correctional Services Canada, Ontario Region. The request for proposal was dated December 12, 1992 and the proposal bids were due February 15, 1993. Georgina College was one of the Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CSC 1993.05.06 930009 bidders in the process. Fill number was 93-96-ONT-128. 1993.05.10 930010 PROCEDURES ABOUT DEPORTATION AND/ I would like information concerning the CSC policy and procedures regarding the deportation and/or voluntary departure of inmates. Data on how many cases in the Atlantic Region in the past five years, correspondence between the NPB and CSC regarding these cases, and the official policy of the process of deportation/vol dep. any and all information on the above issue on file, either in CSC COB 250 or CSC COB 245. 930012 CALL-UPS MARCH 1993 I am requesting copies of the completed Call-up against a standing offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of March 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 930013 CALL-UPS APRIL 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period April 1993. 1993.05.14 930015 FOOD SERVICES CONTRACT The PTI Group Inc. would like to make a formal request through the Access to Information for the following: 1. The duration of the food services contract for each institution and the dates when the contracts would go to tender. 2. The dollar value in which each contract was awarded and to which company it was awarded. 3. We would also like to request any parts of the food service contract which would give us a breakdown to the value of the awarded contract. 1993.05.17 930016 PERSON INCARCERATED TESTED MENTAL For each of the years 1987 to 1992, how many persons incarcerated in Canada's federal penitentiaries tested as mentally retarded (developmentally disabled) ~ as having an intelligence quotient at or below 70 on standard I.Q. tests? If possible, please indicate the testing instruments used. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.05.17 930017 PERSON INCARCERATED -- BRAIN INJU For each of the years 1987 - 1992, how many persons incarcerated in Canada's federal penitentiaries have experienced a brain injury - defined as a major interruption of brain function (usually caused by accident, injury of illness) occurring after birth, resulting in physical, social, cognitive, behavioural or emotional difficulties and which, in some cases, may be rehabilitated. 930018 MENTAL RETARDED INMATES What percentage of inmates incarcerated in Canada's federal penitentiaries (for each of the years 1987 to 1992) have met the definition of mental retardation: as having an intelligent quotient below 70 on standard I.Q. tests and experiencing significant deficits in adaptive functioning (social skills, communication, daily living skills, communication) - all of which arose before the person was 18 years old? If possible, please indicate the testing instruments being used. 1993.05.20 930019 INVESTIGATION REPORT A copy of the investigation into the death of Mr. Derek Desmond, our son. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.04.22 932443 CDN AMB VISIT TO EAST TIMOR IN 1989. I WANT ALL COMMUNIQUES, REPORTS, NEWSPAPER ARTICLES (ON FILE) AND ANY VISUALS (IE PHOTOGRAPHS) RELATING TO THE VISIT OF JACK WHITLINGTON (CDN AMBASSADOR TO INDONESIA) TO EAST TIMOR WITH THE INDONESIAN FOREIGN MINISTER IN 1989. WHEN I SAY "ALL" BY THIS I MEAN ANY WRITTEN OR (RECORDED) ORAL COMMUNICATION PRIOR TO AND POST VISIT BOTH BY MEMBERS OF CDN EMBASSY IN INDONESIA AND MEMBERS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CDN GOVT. 1993.04.28 932451 PAYMENTS OF DAMAGE CLAIMS PAYMENTS OF DAMAGE CLAIMS - LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY DUE TO INADVERTENT DISPOSAL - XXX 1993.05.04 932452 SALON DE L'AERONAUTIQUE BOURGET, PARIS JUIN93 NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR LES INFORMATIONS SUIVANTES RELATIVES AUX ENTENTES ETABLIES ENTRE LES AFFAIRES EXTERIEURES ET LE GROUPE COMMUNICATIONS CANADA POUR PAYER LA SOMME DE $200,000.00 A L.G. EXPOSITIONS DE HULL AINSI QUE $600,000.00 A LA CANADIAN AEROSPACE ASSOCIATION D'OTTAWA POUR PREPARER LE SALON DE L'AERONAUTIQUE ET DE L'ESPACE A L'AEROPORT DU BOURGET, A PARIS, FRANCE EN JUIN 1993. PAR AILLEURS, VOTRE MINISTERE A MANDATE UN CERTAIN M. DOYLE DE TORONTO POUR PUBLIER UN CATALOGUE AU SALON DU BOURGET EN JUIN 1993 RASSEMBLANT LES COMPAGNIES CANADIENNES. NOUS DESIRONS PRENDRE CONNAISSANCE DES TERMES DU CONTRAT OU DE L'OFFRE PUBLIQUE PUISQUE LA PAGE DE CETTE PUBLICATION COUTE $3,500.00; ELEMENT QUI A PENALISE NOS DEMARCHES EN CE SENS APRES AVOIR TRAVAILLE 4 MOIS SUR CE DOSSIER. VOTRE BUREAU DE MONTREAL NE NOUS A PAS INFORME A CET EFFET EN SEPTEMBRE 1992. 932452 SALON DE L'AERONAUTIQUE BOURGET, PARIS JUIN93 NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR LES INFORMATIONS SUIVANTES RELATIVES AUX ENTENTES ETABLIES ENTRE LES AFFAIRES EXTERIEURES ET LE GROUPE COMMUNICATIONS CANADA POUR PAYER LA SOMME DE $200,000.00 A L.G. EXPOSITIONS DE HULL AINSI QUE $600,000.00 A LA CANADIAN AEROSPACE ASSOCIATION D'OTTAWA POUR PREPARER LE SALON DE L'AERONAUTIQUE ET DE L'ESPACE A L'AEROPORT DU BOURGET, A PARIS, FRANCE EN JUIN 1993. PAR AILLEURS, VOTRE MINISTERE A MANDATE UN CERTAIN M. DOYLE DE TORONTO POUR PUBLIER UN CATALOGUE AU SALON DU BOURGET EN JUIN 1993 RASSEMBLANT LES COMPAGNIES CANADIENNES. NOUS DESIRONS PRENDRE CONNAISSANCE DES TERMES DU CONTRAT OU DE L'OFFRE PUBLIQUE PUISQUE LA PAGE DE CETTE PUBLICATION COUTE $3,500.00; ELEMENT QUI A PENALISE NOS DEMARCHES EN CE SENS APRES AVOIR TRAVAILLE 4 MOIS SUR CE DOSSIER. VOTRE BUREAU DE MONTREAL NE NOUS A PAS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DEA 1993.05.04 932452 INFORME A CET EFFET EN SEPTEMBRE 1992. 1993.05.06 932453 CALLUPS APRIL93 CALLUPS APRIL93 932454 CALLUPS APRIL93 CALLUPS APRIL93 1993.05.11 932455 1980 CDA-U.S. INCOME TAX CONVENTION ARTICLE IX OR XXV ALL INFO RELATING TO ARTICLES IX OR XXV(8) OF THE 1980 CANADA-US INCOME TAX CONVENTION, AS AMENDED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY STUDIES, REPORTS, MEMORANDA, NOTES ETC. RELATING TO CANADA'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE PURPOSE AND MEANING OF ARTICLES IX AND XXV(8). 932456 OECD MODEL INCOME TAX CONVENTIONS ALL INFO RELATING TO ARTICLE 9 OF THE 1963, 1974, 1977 AND 1992 OECD MODEL INCOME TAX CONVENTIONS AND THE OECD COMMENTARIES THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY STUDIES, REPORTS, MEMORANDA, NOTES, ETC. RELATING TO CANADA'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE PURPOSE AND MEANING OF ARTICLE 9 AND THE COMMENTARIES THEREON. 932456 OECD MODEL INCOME TAX CONVENTIONS ALL INFO RELATING TO ARTICLE 9 OF THE 1963, 1974, 1977 AND 1992 OECD MODEL INCOME TAX CONVENTIONS AND THE OECD COMMENTARIES THEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY STUDIES, REPORTS, MEMORANDA, NOTES, ETC. RELATING TO CANADA'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE PURPOSE AND MEANING OF ARTICLE 9 AND THE COMMENTARIES THEREON. 932457 1942 CDA-U.S. INCOME TAX CONVENTION ARTICLE IV ALL INFO RELATING TO ARTICLE IV OF THE 1942 CANADA-U.S. INCOME TAX CONVENTION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY STUDIES, REPORTS, MEMORANDA, NOTES, ETC. RELATING TO CANADA'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE PURPOSE AND MEANING OF ARTICLE IV. 1993.05.12 932458 SIKHS WEARING TURBANS IN RCMP/DND ANY STUDIES OF THE SIKH FAITH OR RELIGION WHICH DETERMINES WHETHER "BAPTISED SIKHS" ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR A TURBAN IN SUBSTITUTION OF ORDINARY HEADGEAR IN THE ARMED FORCES OR ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.05.13 1993.05.13 932459 EAITC/PASSPORT STAFF INVOLVED IN NEFARIOUS ACTS RE NEWSREPORT OF 30OCT92 RE CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE DEPT HAD INDULGED INTO VARIOUS ACTIVITIES INDICATED BELOW: 1.AIR-TICKET SCAMS; 2.FALSIFICATION OF DOCS (A.EXCHANGE-RATE RECEIPTS, B.BILLS OF LADING); 3.ABUSE OF LEAVE REPORTING; 4.NON-PAYMENT OF SHELTER SHARES; 5.FAILURE OF REPAY ADVANCES; FAILURE TO REPORT SALARY AND ALLOWANCES OVERPAYMENTS; 7.CONTRAVENTION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST; 8.THEFT, EMBEZZLEMENT, OR BOTH, OF PUBLIC FUNDS; 9.IMPROPER CONTRACTING PROCEDURES; 10.VISA FRAUD; 11.ABUSE OF OFFICIAL HOSPITALITY; 12.HARASSMENT. THIS REQUEST ENTAILS THE NUMBERS OF PASSPORT BUREAU PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE ACTS (BY CATEGORY) OR IF THEY WERE INVESTIGATED FOR THE SAME. 932459 EAITC/PASSPORT STAFF INVOLVED IN NEFARIOUS ACTS RE NEWSREPORT OF 30OCT92 RE CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE DEPT HAD INDULGED INTO VARIOUS ACTIVITIES INDICATED BELOW: 1.AIR-TICKET SCAMS; 2.FALSIFICATION OF DOCS (A.EXCHANGE-RATE RECEIPTS, B.BILLS OF LADING); 3.ABUSE OF LEAVE REPORTING; 4.NON-PAYMENT OF SHELTER SHARES; 5.FAILURE OF REPAY ADVANCES; FAILURE TO REPORT SALARY AND ALLOWANCES OVERPAYMENTS; 7.CONTRAVENTION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST; 8.THEFT, EMBEZZLEMENT, OR BOTH, OF PUBLIC FUNDS; 9.IMPROPER CONTRACTING PROCEDURES; 10.VISA FRAUD; 11.ABUSE OF OFFICIAL HOSPITALITY; 12.HARASSMENT. THIS REQUEST ENTAILS THE NUMBERS OF PASSPORT BUREAU PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE ACTS (BY CATEGORY) OR IF THEY WERE INVESTIGATED FOR THE SAME. 1993.05.14 932460 (PRO)COMMUNIST PARTIES & FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES I WOULD APPRECIATE RECEIVING WHATEVER INFO IS AVAILABLE ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1.INFO ON COMMUNIST AND PRO-COMMUNIST PARTIES AND ORGANIZATIONS; 2.INFO ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES IN CANADA 1993.05.17 932461 CALLUPS APR93 CALLUPS APRIL93 932461 CALLUPS APR93 CALLUPS APRIL93 1993.05.18 932462 WOZNIAK, TRADE COMMISSIONER OF POLAND IN CANADA FOR THE YEARS 1992 AND 1993 RELATING TO ACCREDITATION, VISAS, IDENTIFICATION PAPERS FOR HIS FAMILY, RESIDENCE PERMITS ETC WHERE SUCH CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS OR DOCS ARE INTERNAL OR BETWEEN YOUR DEPT AND THE STAFF OF THE EMBASSY OF POLAND IN OTTAWA. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.05.18 932462 WOZNIAK, TRADE COMMISSIONER OF POLAND IN CANADA FOR THE YEARS 1992 AND 1993 RELATING TO ACCREDITATION, VISAS, IDENTIFICATION PAPERS FOR HIS FAMILY, RESIDENCE PERMITS ETC WHERE SUCH CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS OR DOCS ARE INTERNAL OR BETWEEN YOUR DEPT AND THE STAFF OF THE EMBASSY OF POLAND IN OTTAWA. 1993.05.20 932463 NAFTA & LABOUR/ENVIRONMENT/IMPORT SURGES SIDE DEALS 1. 1993 RECORDS, INCLUDING BRIEFING NOTES, ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS FOR THE MINISTERS, ON CDN POSITION/CONCERNS ON SIDE DEALS TO NAFTA AGREEMENT ON (i)LABOUR, (ii)ENVIRONMENT, (iii)IMPORT SURGES; AND ON DESIRED TIMETABLE FOR NAFTA IMPLEMENTATION AND CONCERNS ABOUT POSSIBLE LENGTHY DELAYS. 2. BACKGROUND AND CONSULTANT REPORTS (1993) DONE ON THE THREE AREAS OF SIDE DEALS, AND THE TERMS OF REFERENCE AND COSTS OF THE CONSULTANT REPORTS. 3. 1993 RECORDS REFUTING AND COUNTERING THE ARGUMENTS AGAINST GROUPS OPPOSED TO NAFTA AND THE NAFTA SIDE DEALS (EG. REACTION TO 1993 CDN ENVIRONMENT COALITION REASONS WHY THE SIDE DEAL ON THE ENVIRONMENT IS UNFEASABLE). 4. DATA RELEASED UNDER THE ACCESS ACT ON NAFTA/NAFTA SIDE DEALS. 932464 CAF/RACISTS ACTIVITIES & SOMALIAN DEATHS 1. 1993 TELEXES, MEMOS SENT BY EXTERNAL HQ TO EMBASSIES CONCERNING CANADIAN ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL BEING POTENTIALLY INVOLVED (i) IN RACIST ACTIVITIES IN CANADA AND ABROAD, AND (ii) IN THE DEATHS OF SOMALIAN CITIZENS IN SOMALIA. 2. 1993 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER ON THE ABOVE SUBJECTS. 3. 1993 COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTHERS COUNTRIES CONCERNING THE ABOVE SUBJECTS. 932464 CAF/RACISTS ACTIVITIES & SOMALIAN DEATHS 1. 1993 TELEXES, MEMOS SENT BY EXTERNAL HQ TO EMBASSIES CONCERNING CANADIAN ARMED FORCES PERSONNEL BEING POTENTIALLY INVOLVED (i) IN RACIST ACTIVITIES IN CANADA AND ABROAD, AND (ii) IN THE DEATHS OF SOMALIAN CITIZENS IN SOMALIA. 2. 1993 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER ON THE ABOVE SUBJECTS. 3. 1993 COMMUNICATIONS FROM OTHERS COUNTRIES CONCERNING THE ABOVE SUBJECTS. 932465 IMMIGRATION FILE IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.03.26 920146 TWO REPORTS RELATED TO KARLSEN SH s. 20 (1) (b) Karlsen Shipping Company Limited, a company with a long history in the sealing industry. In 1988, Karlsen was requested to submit information to Doane Raymond, chartered accountants, to allow the Federal Government to assess the damage of the closure of the sealing fishery to Karlsen. It is our understanding that Doane Raymond prepared two reports which are of interest to Karlsen Shipping. Apparently there was a general report regarding the closure of the sealing fisheries generally. In addition, a document was prepared which addresses specifically the damages suffered by Karlsen Shipping. I hereby requestaccess under Section 4(1) of the Access to Information Act R.S.C., 1985, to the two documents described above, namely the general report prepared regarding damages resulting from the closure of the sealing fishery, and the document which specifically addresses losses suffered by Karlsen. It is my understanding that similar requests have been granted to other members of the industry. Section 4 of the Act provides that access shall be provided to any record under the control of a Government institution unless specifically excluded under this Act. Not having had the benefit of a review of these documents, I can only comment generally on potential exclusions under the Access to Information Act. Section 19 of the Act allows for the exclusion of personal information as defined in Section 3 of the Privacy Act. Personal information is narrowly defined in that section, and should have no application here. Similarly, the exclusion of third party information pursuant to Section 20 would appear to be inapplicable. Section 20(1)(b) would not bar disclosure of the Karlsen specific document, since any financial information in that document would presumably be regarding Karlsen Shipping Company. To the extent that the general report contains privileged financial information on other members of the sealing industry, those portions of the general report may be excluded. There do not appear to be any other exclusions under the Access to Information Act pertinent to the two documents in question. Therefore, again, I request access to the two documents described above within the 30 day period provided by Section 7 of the Access to Information Act. I look forward to hearing from you. 1993.04.05 930001 NORTH ATLANTIC MARINE MAMMAL COMM In a letter dated November 27, 1992, the International Wildlife Coalition (IWC) asked the Honourable John Crosbie whethet he had decided to accept Mr. Dan Goodman's recommendation that Canada join the North Atlantic Marine Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.04.05 930001 Mammal Commission. As no replay was received, the IWC sent a second letter on January 12, 1993 requesting some additional information and again asking whether a Ministerial decision had been made concerning Mr. Goodman's recommendation. 1. Is the Minister considering a recommendation from Dan Goodman that Canada should become a member of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission? 2. Has the Minister decided to accept or reject Mr. Goodman's recommendation that Canada become a member of the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission? 930002 HERRING ROE LICENCE The Record of the approval of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, in 1985, to the transfer of a Herring Roe licence held by Vancouver Pacific Region. 930003 CALL-UPS Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of January, February and March of 1993 for the National Capital Region. 1993.05.05 930017 NECHAKO RIVER WORKING GROUP All records including background cabinet documents (releasable under section 69 (3)(b)(ii) relating to the Nechako River Working Group established Aug. 20, 1987 by Alcan and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans including all records showing : who set it up? Why was it set up? Who picked each of the participant? Did the group get to discuss flows? if not, why not? Who set the flows? I want all records under Government of Canada control released first and then third aprts documents pursuant to section 20(6). 1993.05.06 930018 CALL-UPS ll call-ups processed by this Institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Servicesduring the period of April 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1990.02.26 900111 TEST RESULTS OF AIRCREW SELECTION CENTRE IN TORONTO Request any test results and evaluation material regarding tests written by Trevor Mulder at the Aircrew Selection Centre in Toronto during the week from December 4 to December 8. Particularly interested in the stanine rating achieved from this testing. 1990.02.28 900116 PRESCRIPTION DRUG "TRIAZOLAM" Prescription drug - brand "HALCION" - generic "TRIAZOLAM." I am gathering data on problems associated with the use of this drug. I have been advised that DND has discontinued use of this drug. I am told that Col M. Lang, MD is opposed to the use by aircrew of this drug. I am told that Col W. Hartzell, MD has produced a paper about the use of this drug. 1990.05.25 900244 COURTS MARTIAL I am currently researching the history of those members of the Allied Forces of World War II who, having been taken prisoner by the Germans, were inveigled into collaborating with them. My research has shown that a handful of Canadian soldiers were caught up in this episode and were subsequently court martialled and convicted and I am writing to you in the hope that the records of this may still exist. The names of individuals who I know to have been court martialled and convicted during the period 20 August to 6 September 1945 are: Edwin Barnard MARTIN, John Gordon GALAHER, and George HALE. If it is possible to gain access to these records I would be very grateful. 1990.06.25 900286 COST OF TRANSLATION Advise the cost of translating and republishing the 330,000 pages of backlog CFTO's attached to memo 1220-20 (PM BTDY) dated 17 May 90. 1990.07.16 900303 CLOTH, NYLON, COATED, NEOPRENE Cloth, Nylon, Coated, Neoprene 1990.09.14 900367 DEPARTMENTAL RECORDS I am applying for departmental records that have previously been released under the Access to Information Act, and are available in the CAIR list, under the following numbers: 900239 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1990.09.14 900367 900140 to 900143 90078 900190. 1990.10.17 900435 LAND AGREEMENT DND/GNWT A copy of the land agreement between the Department of National Defence and Government of the Northwest Territories for the Yellowknife Forward Operating Location. 1990.11.13 900467 BOARD OF INQUIRY - INCIDENT - ST CHARLES - BERMUDA Board of Inquiry - Incident - St. Charles - Bermuda. All tapes used to record s.19(1) testimony and questions asked with respect to such testimony by the board members. I request a copy of the terms of reference for the Board of Inquiry, the findings, and recommendations. I request a copy of any transcripts wherein s.19(1) is mentioned or where such transcripts refer to testimony made by s.19(1) . 900470 CONTRACT - PUBLIC OPINION RESEARC Copy of contract for public opinion research survey(s) by Langwords Research Group Ltd, DSS # CMW58030AA07/01. Copy of results of above survey(s). 1990.11.28 900478 RECORDS/REPORT ON INVESTIGATION B I wish to obtain a complete copy of the report, all background information, statements made by individuals, written documents, and basically every piece of document in the file associated with the Chief Research and Development Investigating Committee tasked with investigating the situation in the Directorate of Research and Development Resource Management. I request a complete copy of the document and all associated documents including the criteria used by the investigating team in deciding recommendations made to Associate Chief Research and Development. 900478 RECORDS/REPORT ON INVESTIGATION B I wish to obtain a complete copy of the report, all background information, statements made by individuals, written documents, and basically every piece of document in the file associated with the Chief Research and Development Investigating Committee tasked with investigating the situation in the Directorate of Research and Development Resource Management. I request a complete copy of the document and all associated documents including the criteria used by the investigating team in deciding recommendations made to Associate Chief Research and Development. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1991.01.03 1991.01.03 910002 ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS 30 JUN-31 DEC 90 A list, log or record of anticipated oral questions prepared for the period from June 30, 1990 to December 31, 1990. Please include the date and title of the anticipated oral questions. 1991.01.16 910009 RECORDS - EXAMINATION UNIT I would like to obtain copies of a number of previously-released records held by your institution concerning the Examination Unit, a code-breaking operation of the Canadian government which operated during the Second World War. I refer you to the letter written to me by your predecessor, Mr. C.J. Gauthier, dated 15 September 1988, in which Mr. Gauthier informed me that the records in question consist of 1345 pages, for which the reproduction fee would be $269. He also informed me that the normal access fee of $5 would be required for this request. 910010 THE TILLIAN I have become aware that your office holds a number of issues of the Tillian, a newsletter for members of the Commmunications Branch/ Communications Security Establishment, that have already been released in severed form. Some of these have also been released to me. I now request pages 153-270 inclusive of these records. 1991.02.21 910056 H16 - SEVERAL QUESTIONS 1. Documentation authorizing release and use of H16 (including any New Drug Submission made), and rights of military personnel to consent/refuse using it. 2. Costs of (i) helping develop and (ii) purchasing H16 supplies and injection kits, including contracts undertaken, royalties paid. 3. Costs of distributing H16 kits and information and how many kits were distributed and to which personnel. 4. Sale and amounts made of H16 supplies/kits to other combatants in the Gulf area, or to NATO allies. 5. DND's Surgeon General or other authorities review of that distribution/information program. 6. Review of actual use to date of H16 by military personnel. 7. Possession of any other chemical antidotes or other remedies in Gulf war area, their costs and distribution and use. 8. Canadian military personnel possession of any defensive/offensive chemical/biological materials/weaponry in the Gulf war zone. 9. Materials that the Surgeon General has declared as defence critical items to the Gulf crisis for saving military personnel. 10. Surgeon General or other senior personnel review of human tests done re H16, atropine, phenobarbital by DRES or contracts like with Laboratoire Bio-Reseaeche Ltee (Quebec). 11. Briefing notes 1990, 1991 on the above subjects that include DND dealing with H16, chemical warfare products, procedures to follow in release of chemical/biological war products. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1991.02.21 910056 12. Reaction to 1990, 1991 media stories on H16 testing, chemical defensive testing/product use. 1991.03.04 910067 DEFENCE PRODUCTION PERSIAN GULF I am applying under the Access Act for the following records: 9110054 points 1,2,4,8,11. Any changes given the Gulf war in defence production agreements or new ones with the United States, and the implications of such changes. Any declarations of certain Canadian industrial goods and service as critical defence items, or as mandatory to produce for Canadian and allies use in the Gulf war. Any new directives on critical defence items as they apply to the Gulf war. Re my access application 90-10112, any updates on tying North American Defence industries capabilities closer together. 1991.04.05 910116 CONTRAT - VENTE ... VALCARTIER 1966 Je voudrais avoir une copie du contrat de la vente qui s'est fait ... Valcartier en 1966 ... Canadian Arsenalt plant Val rose. Si ce n'est pas possible d'avoir une copie complŠte de ce contrat, il y a une clause dans le contrat qui dit que tous les employ‚s qui travaillaient ... Canadian Arsenalt au plant Val rose avaient une protection d'emplois jusqu'... la retraite ou ... 65 ans lorsque la vente s'est faite en 1966. Je voudrais avoir une copie de cette clause du contrat. 1991.10.18 910319 VEHICULE ACCIDENT All information surrounding Darren Krosney's role as a driver in the convoy coming back from Saskatchewan including when he was informed that he would be driving, who informed him, how his vehicle was chosen for him, his movements the evening before the convoy left the Saskatchewan base, and all other issues relevant to this matter. We do have the transcripts of the Board of Inquiry of October of 1983 although the recommendation on page 251 and page 252 and the comments of the Commander of the Manitoba Militia District are not included. Accordingly, I would appreciate your forwarding copies of those recommendations as well. Further, the names of witnesses have been blacked out throughout the transcripts and I would appreciate your providing me with all those portions which had been blacked out. For instance, I need the name and address of Witness No. 15 and the person to whom he refers in answer A92. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1992.07.30 1992.07.30 920125 QHM VESSEL 219 RELEASE OF CO2 Summary Investigation Report - QHM Vessel 219 release of CO2. 920125 QHM VESSEL 219 RELEASE OF CO2 Summary Investigation Report - QHM Vessel 219 release of CO2. 1992.11.24 920278 DISCRIMINATION SETTLEMENT DND COMPENSATION PAID 1988 TO 1992 FOR SETTLEMENT OF DISCRIMINATION CASES THAT VIOLATE EITHER THE CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT OR THE CHARTER OF RIGHTS. METHODS/FORMULA EMPLOYED TO DETERMINE HOW MUCH COMPENSATION IN DISCRIMINATION CASES SHOULD BE PAID 1992 1993 AND BEYOND FUNDS SET ASIDE FOR FUTURE DISCRIMINATION CASE SETTLEMENT 1992 ESTIMATIONS OF NUMBER OF NEW DISCRIMINATION CASES EXPECTED ON WHAT GROUND AND AT WHAT COST COSTS IMPLICATIONS/PROJECTIONS IN CANADIAN FORCES SALARIES AND BENEFITS, COSTS IN PERSONNEL OPERATIONS, AND COSTS IN MILITARY EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY, SHOULD DND BE REQUIRED TO END CURRENT MILITARY RETIREMENT AGE LIMITS ON GROUNDS THAT THE AGE LIMITS ARE DISCRIMINATORY 1993.01.11 920313 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FEDERAL AND BRISTOL ALL RECORDS, INCLUDING CORRESPONDENCE, PURCHASE ORDERS, BILLS OF SALE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, RECEIPTS, MEMORANDA, CONTRACTS, NOTES OR BRIEFING, ETC. RELATING TO THE SALE, LICENSE, USE, TRANSFER OR POSSESSION OF INFORMATION, DATA, DESIGNS OR PROCESSES BY CANADAIR TO BRISTOL AEROSPACE LTD. RELATING TO CF-5A, CF-5D, NF-5A, NF-5B OR F5OR F5A AIRCRAFT OR COMPONENTS OR SPARE PARTS RELATED TO SUCH AIRCRAFT INCLUDING COPIES OF ALL RECORDS RELATING TO ANY CONTRACTS, AGREEMENTS OR ARRANGEMENTS BETWEEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND BRISTOL AEROSPACE LTD. WITH RESPECT TO THE TRANSFER OF SUCH INFORMATION AND DATA FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1986 TO DATE. 920319 AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTHRUP AVIATION AND HER MAJESTY ALL RECORDS, NOTES, BRIEFINGS, REPORTS OR CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO THE PAYMENT OR CALCULATION OF ROYALTIES DUE TO NORTHRUP CORPORATION UNDER THE 1976 LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN NORTHRUP AVIATION LTD. AND HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN DURING THE PERIOD 1976 TO DATE. 1993.01.28 920335 CANADIAN FORCES SUPPLY SYSTEM UPGRADE I SEEK COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS WHICH FORM PART OF THE CANADIAN FORCES SUPPLY SYSTEM UPGRADE (CFSSU) TECHNICAL LIBRARY. CFSSU PROJECT MASTER PLAN, CFSSU SOPS, CFSSU TASKING DIRECTIVES, DND SYSTEM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY ENHANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES, DND SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY UPGRADE PHASE 1 FINAL REPORT, EXECUTIVE BRIEFING ON OBJECT BASED COMPUTING, NIAM COURSE TEST, NIAM: AN INFORMATION ANALYSIS METHOD, SDCF REVIEW REPORT, REPORT ON THE EVALUATION OF THE LLAD AND CF-18 PROTOTYPE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.01.28 920335 PROJECT. MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT SYSTEMS. 1993.02.16 920358 PERSONAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINT I WISH TO REQUEST INFORMATION UNDER THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT REGARDING THE NUMBER OF PERSONAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS THAT HAVE BEEN FILED AND/OR ARE BEING INVESTIGATED FOR EACH OF THE YEARS 1991 AND 1992 IN THE THREE CADET ORGANIZATIONS OF THE RESERVE FORCES OF THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. MORE SPECIFICALLY, I AM INTERESTED IN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: 1. THE NUMBER OF PERSONAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS THAT HAVE BEEN FILED BY EACH OF THESE THREE ORGANIZATIONS IN EACH YEAR 1991 AND 1992. 2. THE NUMBER OF PERSONAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS THAT INVOLVE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF CADETS OR CIL OFFICERS AND THE NUMBER OF EACH. 3. THE NUMBER OF PERSONAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS FILED BY EACH OF THE ORGANIZATIONS THAT INVOLVE PERSONAL HARASSMENT OF CADETS IN THESE ORGANIZATIONS BY CIL OFFICERS. 4. THE NUMBER OF PERSONAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS BY REGION OR PROVINCE, WHICHEVER IS CONVENIENT. 5. THE NUMBER OF CHARGES THAT HAVE BEEN LAID UNDER CFAO 19-39. 6. THE RESULTS OF EACH COMPLAINT, IE RELEASE, DISCIPLINARY ACTION OF REFERRED TO CIVIL COURTS. 1993.02.22 920366 MARCEL MASSE'S TRIPS 1. COSTS OF MARCEL MASSE'S TRIPS AS DND MINISTER. 2. RATIONALE, COSTS, ITINERARY OF MASSE'S TRIP AT THE END OF 1992 TO YUGOSLAVIA AND OTHER DESTINATIONS. 3. ANY REVIEWS OF MASSE'S TENURE AS DND MINISTER. 920367 SOMALI INTERVENTION 1. 1992 DIRECTIVES/INSTRUCTION FOR CAF PERSONNEL GOING TO SOMALI, INCLUDING ON THE TYPES OF ACCEPTABLE/UNACCEPTABLE MILITARY INTERVENTION. 2. 1992 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER OR OTHER DOCUMENTATION THAT DISTINGUISHES THE SOMALI INTERVENTION FROM OTHER UN/NON-UN PEACEKEEPING INTERVENTIONS. 3. 1992 STATUS REPORT ON CAF INDIVIDUAL PEACEKEEPING EFFORTS, THEIR PURPOSE, CANADA'S ROLE AND SUPPORT, AND COSTS INVOLVED IN EACH EXERCISE. 4. 1992 PROJECTED PEACEKEEPING AREAS OF CUTBACK/EXPANSION, WITH ANY ACCOMPANYING EXPLANATION AND PROJECTED COSTS 1993-2000. 1993.02.24 920370 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES PROCUREMENT FILE 8462/92/E/DD67 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENTS - INFO REQUESTED IS DCGEMPD 3445-4256 DATED 10 JUL 92 (NSN 3445-21-909-4256 SHEARING MACHINE SUBMITTED BY UP TOM BRADEN AND JAMES STATING OPERATIONAL AND PARTS AND REPAIR MANUALS WILL BE SUPPLIED IN ENGLISH ONLY 1993.03.08 920383 VIEWS ON HOMOSEXUALS Request results of attitude survey, 1991 or 1992, on force's members views on homosexuals in the forces. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.03.08 920384 DISSAPEARANCE OF SABRE JET Accident investigation report into the dissapearance of Sabre Jet 23407 and pilot F/O Baltins on July 4, 1962 Squadron was 444. 1993.03.09 920385 CALLUPS IN THE QUEBEC REGION Callups processed by this institution in the Quebec region under the terms of the Supply arrangement Termporary Help Services during the period: February 1993. 920386 CALLUPS IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL R All Callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: February 1993 920387 SNOWBIRD ACCIDENT IN TORONTO Could you please send me a copy of the accident report from the September 3, 1989 Snowbird accident in Toronto in which Captain Shane Antaya was killed. I would really appreciate a reply. than you very much. 920389 PHOTOCOPYING ON RADARS FOR THE PA Telecon 8 March 93. Applicant amend request to read: Information on Lockheed Canada R & D/Prototyping on radars for the past 3 years with DND. Info to include: Value of contract, what for, date. Do not require copy of the contract. 1993.03.10 920391 DEFENCE INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH PROGR I request access to the names of all recipients (corporate or otherwise) of Defence Industrial research (DIR) Program funds for the period January 3, 1992 to December 31, 1992. In addition to the name of each recipient I request the recipient's address, and the amount, date, and brief description of each project funded. Please see my Access to Information request of November 26, 1991 (your file number 1463-91/10384 (DIA)) for an equivalent request for an earlier period. 1993.03.12 920393 D‚CŠS ACCIDENTELS DES SOLDATS Auriez-vous l'obligeance de bien vouloir nous faire parvenir les statistiques concernant le nombre de d‚cŠs accidentels des soldats survenus pendant qu'ils exer‡aient leurs fonctions. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.04.22 1993.04.22 930016 PRIME MINISTER'S AIRCRAFT I would like to obtain a copies of any official records that explain why the Prime Minister's aircraft did not land or attempt to land at Houston on April 8, 1993. I would also like any written explanation showing why the Canadian Forces crew decided instead to fly to Orlando, Florida. 930017 EX GRATIA PAYMENTS RAINES S.C. Authority -- PC 1990 -- 1233 Compensation for loss of income, medical and other expenses -- Raines S.C. $7,369.00 930017 EX GRATIA PAYMENTS RAINES S.C. Authority -- PC 1990 -- 1233 Compensation for loss of income, medical and other expenses -- Raines S.C. $7,369.00 1993.04.26 930019 NDHQ PROGRAM EVALUATION E2/90 PEA I am requesting a report entitled "Final Report on NDHQ Program Evaluation E2/90 Peacekeeping, prepared by Colonel A.S. Henry, as noted in request nos. 920347, 920351 and 920352. 930020 PUBLIC OPINION POLL Copies of all documents released or cleared to be released to answer request 920326, public opinion polls conducted by or on behalf of the department since January 1992. 930021 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH HAZARD SURVEY (OHHS) 1. A) All existing Occupational Health Hazard surveys (OHHS) conducted at CFB Borden, Canadian Forces School of Electrical Mechanical Engineering (CFSEME), Hangar 12 welding/body shop during the years 1983 until 1988 inclusive; and B) Canadian Forces Europe (CFE) Lahr, 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (4 CMBG), 4 Service Battalion (4 Svc Bn) Building B-22 welding/body shop during the years 1978 until 1983 inclusive. 2. The OHHS sought are to include those performed by the following: A) The respective Base Preventive Medicine Technicians (Base Surgeon); and B) SO Industrial Hygiene, Directorate of Preventive Medicine, Sugeon General Branch, NDHQ (Director of Preventive (DPM) and Director of Health Protection and Promotion(DHPP). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.04.26 930021 3. Each OHHS report is to be complete in their content and when applicable, include laboratory results of air and dust samples. 930022 INJURED BY A MOTOR VEHICLE XXX s.19(1) XXX was injured by a motor vehicle on February 11, 1993 at the C.F.B. Petawawa. May I please have a complete copy of the military report investigation in respect of this accident, together with the names of all involved parties. 930023 TURKISH T33 PROGRAM 1. When did the Turkish T33 and Program begin? 2. How much money has been contributed to this program each year? If it existence? 3. In general what is the program mandate? (What has Canada set out to do in Turkey?) 4. Is Canada providing military assistance to Indonesia currently? 5. Has there ever been a Canadian military assistance program in Indonesia? If there ever was a Canadian military assistance program in Indonesia, when did it exist?, for how long?, and what money was involved?, also what was its purpose?. 930024 1992 PILOT CLASSIFICATION OCCUPAT 1992 Pilot classification occupational analysis report in its entirety, including annexes, appendices, figures, etc. (source: NDHQ/DMP 4) 1993.04.27 920392 M760 SAR MARCO POLO 1 DATED 010830Z JUNE 92 RCC Victoria SAR Incident Log - M760 SAR Marco Polo 1 dated 010830Z June 92 930025 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY REPORTS A copy of the following Public opinion survey reports: a) Public Opinion Tracking 1992 (Registration no. DND/ISD-065) b) Canadian Forces Personal Harassment questionnaire (Registration no. DND/MUD-555-05290) 1993.04.28 880205 HELICOPTER CRASH B of I - Helicopter crash 28 Jan 88 near Timmins Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.04.28 920381 CONTRACT ON EH101 Original report recommending EH101 to Federal Government. 920390 LLTA CONSTRUCTION CFB Goose Bay, contracts invoices PTA in LLTA 2 1993.04.29 930026 INVESTIGATION IN SOMALIA 1) Medical reports, arrest reports, investigative reports and correspondence concerning an incident in which Shidane Omar Aroni was arrested and then fatally injured at the Canadian Airborne Regiment compound at Belet Huen, Somalia, on March 16, 1993, or thereabouts. 930026 INVESTIGATION IN SOMALIA 1) Medical reports, arrest reports, investigative reports and correspondence concerning an incident in which Shidane Omar Aroni was arrested and then fatally injured at the Canadian Airborne Regiment compound at Belet Huen, Somalia, on March 16, 1993, or thereabouts. 930031 INCIDENT IN SOMALIA - MCPL CLAYTO Medical reports, investigative reports and correspondence concerning an attempt by Master Corporal Clayton Matchee to injure himself while in custody in Belet Huen, on March 16, 1993, or thereabouts. 930032 TRANSFER OF MAJ TONY SEAWARD FROM SOMALIA TO CANADA Documents and correspondence concerning the transfer of Major Tony Seward from Somalia to Canada. His qualifications, promotions and postings history. 930032 TRANSFER OF MAJ TONY SEAWARD FROM SOMALIA TO CANADA Documents and correspondence concerning the transfer of Major Tony Seward from Somalia to Canada. His qualifications, promotions and postings history. 930033 CLAIM OF WRONGFUL DEATH OF SHIDAN Records concerning a claim for wrongful death made by the family of Shidane Omar Aroni against Canadian Govt. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.05.04 1993.05.04 930027 INFORMATION PERTAINING TO XXX Request copies of documents to show whether XXX was relocated to Halifax during 1992, why, and at what cost and, also, whether he was relocated back to Ottawa recently, why, and at what cost. 1993.05.07 930028 BFC BAGOTVILLE - CONTRATS - LES TROIS DERNI'RE ANNES FINANCI'RES Liste des entreprises ayant eu des contrats avec la Base des Forces Canadiennes de Bagotville ainsi que la valeur des contrats n‚goci‚s pour les trois derniŠres ann‚es financiŠres. 1993.05.11 930029 TWIN HUEY HELICOPTER CRASH Aircraft Designator - Twin Huey CH135. Serial # 135119. Twin Huey crashed on 28 Jan 88 in Northern Ontario. Request a copy of accident report, flight safety report and all other related reports/records. 1993.05.12 930030 CALLUPS IN NCR All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: April 1993. 1993.05.13 930034 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN NCR FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993 A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts asigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region. 930034 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN NCR FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993 A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts asigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region. 1993.05.14 930035 TEMPORARY CALL UPS FOR NCR FOR MARCH 1993 Request copies of the completed Call Up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of March 1993 as it pertains to DND in the NCR only. 930036 CONTRACT - J. SIMKINS AND ASSOCIATES Request all contractual material leading up to the successful award of contract to J. Simkins and Associates to investigate the sexual harassment complaints; specifically the contract, bid for tenders sent out, identity of all bidders, and qualifications of bidders to do the work required. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.05.19 1993.05.19 930037 SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT REPORTS Request access to any and all SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT REPORTS filed to National Defence Headquarters from the Canadian Forces theatre of operations in Somalia between the dates of January 1, 1993, and May 15, 1993. These reports may have originated in Mogadishu, Belet, Uen, or any other location where Canadian military operations have taken place during the so-called Somali deployment. These reports will have been authored by Colonel Serge Labbe, Commander of the Canadian Joint Task Force in Somalia, LCol Carol Mathieu, Commanding Officer of the Airborne Battle Group, or other military personnel involved in Operation Deliverance or the operation of the Canadian Forces in Somalia. Department of National Defence Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) establishes a set distribution list for such SIRs. This list would include the senior chain of command, including offices such as the Chief of the Defence Staff, the Judge Advocate General and Others. In the case of each Signficant Incident Report, I would like to know who according to SOP's would have received each report and on which date each report was received by each party. 930038 TEMPORARY HELP CALL UPS IN THE NCR FOR MONTH OF APRIL 1993 Request temporary help call ups for the NCR for the month of April 1993, (Administrative Support/Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational). 930039 PROJECTED CAPITAL EQUIPMENT EXPENDITURES 1. 1993 Internal Summary Records of Defence Expenditure Cutting Proposals; 2. Updated Canadian Forces Plan; and 3. Any general directive/guidance on the drafting of DND military contracts and in particular, direction regarding the inclusion of penalty clauses dealing with the cancellation of DND military contracts. 930040 EH101 HELICOPTER PROGRAM 1. Records either prepared by consultants or internally in 1992 and 1993 reviewing public perception of the EH101 program and the latest internal communications strategy plan on the EH101 program. 2. March/April/May 93 briefing notes, anticipated oral questions on the EH101 helicopter program, including its relationship to the frigate program and to possibly scaling down the numbers of helicopters needed. 3. Statements of work, delivery schedules and quality assurance programs (revisions included) as agreeed to with EH Industries Ltd. and Paramax Systems Canada Inc. 4. Progress reports submitted to date by these two companies. 5. Status review of subcontracts awarded, and projected to be put in place; and Canadian and regional benefits/component parts awarded and projected, and percentage/costs of such Canadian based work as opposed to work abroad. 6. Any 1992, 1993 reports/assessments of the financial viability of EH Industries Ltd. and Paramax. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.05.19 930041 REGULATIONS FOR CANADIAN MILITARY PERTAINING TO OUTSIDE ACTIVITY 1. Procedures/regulations/directives on outside political/group activities of various ranks in the Canadian military in Canada and abroad. 2. Briefing notes/reports, 1991 to 1993 on unacceptable outside political/group affliation of Canadian military personnel. 3. Any numbers on military personnel affliated with neo-nazi or other unacceptable groups. 4. Current DND data that explains why military personnel's affliation to neo-nazi groups is unacceptable. 5. Any dismissals, reprimands, discipline imposed as a result in 1992, 1993 of the discovery of military personnel neo-nazi group affliation. 6. 1990 to 1993 reports/surveys including ministerial briefings on racial/visible minority military personnel, on racial relations/discrimination within the military. 930042 MILITARY UNFAIRLY PORTRAYED IN THE MEDIA AND PUBLIC 1. 1993 records that examine/log in/some Canadian military personnel and their families' beliefs that their image has suffered, that their occupations and families are being unfairly portrayed in the media and in the public. 2. 1993 records on DND's responses to these personnel and about their reputations and how to cope with public scrutiny/criticism, and what DND military personnel can discuss about their image with the media. 3. 1993 records on whether such personnel are permitted to make submissions to the newly created inquiry and directives issued to military personnel wishing to or asked to make presentations at the inquiry. 4. 1993 records on military personnel in military jail/federal penitentiaries and the nature of the charges/convictions and length of confinement/sentence. 5. Any 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on the above. 930043 MILITARY PERSONNEL AND FAMILY MOVES 1. Permissible costs/procedures for military personnel and family moves, including providing list of approved movers (provide informally if standard). Provide any different persmissable costs per rank/locales. Procedures for interim lodging & meals, househunting trips, real estate commissions, legal fees, furniture effects, transportation and personal transportation. 2. Aggregrate figures on such moving costs per year (per region or whatever way geographic way costs are broken down). 3. Any overview/summary reports evaluating, auditing such moving costs and analysing acceptable average moving costs. As well, provide number of moves per year, average distances of moves and available moving data statistics. 4. Any estimates of number of moving costs bills rejected per year, moving costs considered unacceptable. 5. Any contracts with moving companies and with telocation companies (ERS) and the contract with ERS. 6. Could I receive the two 1992 CROP, one a public opinion tracking survey and the other an internal communications research study done for DND. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.05.19 930043 7. Data 1992-1993 on Canadian Forces Relocation Program and its impact. 1993.05.20 930044 DEPARTMENT LEVEL DATA CENTRE, CF DATA CENTRE, BORDEN Reports on personnel (civilian) release, relocation, and future requirements due to financial, administrative, procedural and/or technological changes at the Directorate, Information Systems Operations, specifically the Department Level Data Cnetre, CF Data Centre, Borden. 930045 PROJECT G-2615 FOR DIRECTORATE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS I wish to request a copy of the study that was to be completed by end May 93 by consultants dealing with the five scenarios oulined in page 3/4 of Mr. Mayling's briefing dated 22 Apr 1993. 930046 M113 ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER ACCIDENT I am requesting a complete copy of the investigation conducted surrounding the accident of s.19(1) in which XXX, s.19(1) was killed by being run over by a M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier. This report should include instances leading up to the accident as well as the cause of the accident. Please forward all information on file as well as the full investigation. 930046 M113 ARMOURED PERSONNEL CARRIER ACCIDENT I am requesting a complete copy of the investigation conducted surrounding the accident of April 7, 1992 in which XXX, MCpl Rick Allen Wheller was killed by being run over by a M113 Armoured Personnel Carrier. This report should include instances leading up to the accident as well as the cause of the accident. Please forward all information on file as well as the full investigation. 1993.05.21 930047 NEO NAZI ACTIVITIES 1. Reviews/briefing notes to the Minister, memos concerning the neo-Nazi activities of XXX and investigation of the circumstances and propriety of his neo-Nazi picture being staged at army barracks that ran in Winnipeg and other newspapers this month and resulting actions. 2. Reviews/briefing notes to the Minister and reports from CFB Petawawa command to DND Ottawa and replies concerning the existence of racist activities on the base or membership in white supremist groups of DND personnel, including those sent to Somalia. 930048 INCIDENTS IN SOMALIA INVOLVING CF PERSONNEL 1. Communications records from DND including the Chief of Staff to Ministers' offices since March, 1993 concerning incidents in Somalia involving CF personnel that lead to the calling of a public inquiry in May, Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.05.21 930048 1993. 2. Draft terms of reference for that inquiry and of any earlier internal inquiries, communication stategies meeting minutes and memos concerning these inquiries and the possible establishment of a public inquiry. 3. Briefing notes to the ministers in 1993 pertaining to incidents and activities in Somalia involving CF personnel. 930048 INCIDENTS IN SOMALIA INVOLVING CF PERSONNEL 1. Communications records from DND including the Chief of Staff to Ministers' offices since March, 1993 concerning incidents in Somalia involving CF personnel that lead to the calling of a public inquiry in May, 1993. 2. Draft terms of reference for that inquiry and of any earlier internal inquiries, communication stategies meeting minutes and memos concerning these inquiries and the possible establishment of a public inquiry. 3. Briefing notes to the ministers in 1993 pertaining to incidents and activities in Somalia involving CF personnel. 930049 STATISTICS OF WEAPONRY USE BY CF PERSONNEL IN SOMALIA 1. Fall 1992, 1993 reports on serious incidents when Canadian Forces personnel had to fire their weapons at human targets while on peacekeeping assignments or at their bases in Somalia. 2. Fall, 1992, 1993 statistics of weaponry use by Candian Forces personnel in Somalia. 3. Fall, 1992, 1993 incident reports of contacts between Canadian Forces personnel and Somalia Citizens where Canadian Forces used (i) physical forces, and (ii) weapons. 4. 1993 instructions/directives for CAF personnel in Somalia on use of military force that differed from 1992 instructions/directives. 930049 STATISTICS OF WEAPONRY USE BY CF PERSONNEL IN SOMALIA 1. Fall 1992, 1993 reports on serious incidents when Canadian Forces personnel had to fire their weapons at human targets while on peacekeeping assignments or at their bases in Somalia. 2. Fall, 1992, 1993 statistics of weaponry use by Candian Forces personnel in Somalia. 3. Fall, 1992, 1993 incident reports of contacts between Canadian Forces personnel and Somalia Citizens where Canadian Forces used (i) physical forces, and (ii) weapons. 4. 1993 instructions/directives for CAF personnel in Somalia on use of military force that differed from 1992 instructions/directives. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.05.25 1993.05.25 930050 MILITARY POLICE INVESTIGATION Any and all material including but not exclusive to reports, memos, documentation records of verbal communication, photographic material and directives, pertaining to an investigation which commenced in late 1992, believed to be November or December, following the discovery of photographs in the desk of civilian employee XXX. 930051 LOSS THROUGH THEFT CFB GAGETOWN Request details concerning the loss through theft or disappearance of materials, tools and equipment associated with maintenance at CFB Gagetown and the PMQ's located outside the base gates. I am attempting to determine the amount, if any, of tools and materials that have been stolen over the past five years. I understand from speaking with Capt Ray Nichol, of the base commander's office, that audits are occassionally undertaken at the base. These are referred to by the term "distribution account verification". If these or any other type of audit would yield information on the loss of tools and materials, I would like to have it. A sample of the items that might be included in such an audit: electric saws, compressors, plywood and paint etc. But I am interested in anything maintenance related that has disappeared. I would also like to have information on the number, if any, of investigations undertaken over the past five years into thefts of such materiala at the base, and whether or not it was determined that thefts had actually taken place and if these investigations resulted in criminal convictions. 1993.05.26 930052 CANADIAN AIRBORNE REGIMENT 1. 1992 records on the readiness of and preparation of the Canadian Airborne Regiment to go on peacekeeping missons, including Somalia. 2. 1992 records on the reasons, documentation on the change of command of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in 1992, and records on the public 1993 questionning or earlier 1992 concerns by the former commander of this regiment of the relief of his command of the Canadian Airborne Regiment. 3. Summer, 1992 to present briefing notes to the Minister on the Canadian Ariborne Regiment - its state of readiness, command, image and general operation. 930053 INQUIRY BOARD SHOULD OR CAN HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. May, 1993 records on the issue of whether the recently appointed inquiry board should or can hold public hearings, and briefing notes to the Minister on this. 2. Past practices on access to boards of inquiry and directives on this aspect. 3. 1950 records from the report of the Mainguy Commission, a military-civilian panel that reviewed three 1949 mutinies in the Navy, and the current status of that in camera hearing records. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.05.26 930053 930054 FLYING OFFICER DANIEL LEWIS WALTER MEIER A file (S 427-102 TD 1172) containing correspondence concerning Flying Officer Daniel Lewis Walter Meier, Royal Canadian Air Force-World War II, service number J.86655, presumed dead-1947. The reclassification sheet from his service file is signed, "Director of Central Registries per H. Cloutier, 21 June, 1961. 930055 WHITE SUPREMACIST OR RIGHT WING EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES IN CF Request access to all records, including but not limited to, boards of inquiry, of all investigations or inquiries into allegations of white supremacist or right wing extremist activity in the forces, including but not limited to the Canadian Airborne Regiment. 1993.05.27 930056 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS SINCE FEB 1993 Request copies of all public opinion polls conducted by, or on behalf of, the Department since Feb 1, 1993. 930056 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS SINCE FEB 1993 Request copies of all public opinion polls conducted by, or on behalf of, the Department since Feb 1, 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.05.03 930019 CONTENTS OF HIS FARM DEBT REVIEW BOARD FILE.˙ 1993.05.07 930020 COPIES OF ALL AGREEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN AGRICULTURE CANADA AND DOW/ELANCO, SASK. POOL AND PHILOM BIOS CONCERNING A FERTILIZER PRODUCT WITH THE BRAND NAME OF "PROVIDE". WE SPECIFICALLY WANT INFORMATION THAT WOULD INDICATE ANY FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENT WHATSOEVER BETWEEN AGRICULTURE CANADA AND THE AFOREMENTIONED COMPANIES.˙ 930022 INFORMATION ON THE 1992 REGULATORY REVIEW DONE BY THE FOOD PRODUCTION AND INSPECTION BRANCH˙ 1993.05.10 930023 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR APRIL 1993.˙ 930025 DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE TOPIC OF LIFTING A BAN ON IMPORTED PACKAGED BEES FROM THE CONTENTIAL UNITED STATES. DOCUMENTS SHOULD INCLUDE CORRESPONDENCE WITH PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, AS WELL AS INTERNAL REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF.˙ 1993.05.11 930026 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MARCH 1993.˙ 1993.05.14 930027 PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AND LABEL APPROVALS FOR U.S. INSTITUTIONS.˙ 930029 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR APRIL 1993.˙ 930031 INFORMATION RELATED TO HARASSMENT COMPLAINT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.05.17 1993.05.17 930030 INFORMATION IN AN INVESTIGATION REPORT.˙ 930032 INFORMATION IN THEIR FARM DEBT REVIEW BOARD FILE.˙ 930033 INFORMATION IN THEIR FARM DEBT REVIEW BOARD FILE.˙ 1993.05.18 930034 COPY OF A FERTILIZER REGISTRATION APPLICATION FOR A PRODUCT CALLED PLANT STARTER.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOC 1993.04.22 930015 LISTE ADMINISTRATIVE ET TECHNIQUE DES FREQUENCES POUR QUEBEC Demande pour une liste administrative et technique des frequences pour la region du Quebec. 930016 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW P Request for all information related to "review and consideration of all relevant criteria" related to consideration of the Environmental Assessment Review Process Guidelines Order by DOC. 930017 FEDERAL GOODS AND SERVICES TAX, NAFTA AGREEMENT, FREE TRADE Request for the following: 1) reports, studies, analyses or other assessments of the impact of the federal goods and services tax on the sales volume of cultural products, particularly Canadian books, magazines, sound recordings and / or videos. 2) reports, studies, analyses or other assessments of the impact of the proposed North American Free Trade Agreement on the sale of cultural products, and any such studies or assessments that review the impact of the existing Canada-US Free Trade Agreement on the sale of cultural products since its implementation in 1989. 930018 AUTHORIZED OFFICIALS IN GTA CONCE Request for documentation which indicates the names and office telephone numbers of officials at GTA (Government Telecommunications Agency) who are: a) authorized to sign temporary help callups b) authorized to telephone temporary help orders to the temporary help firms in the National Capital Region. 1993.04.27 930019 STUDY OF SMALL COMMUNITY WEEKLY N Request for a copy of a study entitled "Study of small community weekly newspapers". Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOC 1993.04.28 1993.04.28 930020 RCMP RADARS Request for information on the licensing procedure for RCMP radars throughout Canada in general and for the Pictou County and the Town of Stellarton. 930021 PLAINTES A MONTREAL Demande concernant le suivant: ~ dossier complet concernant la plainte de XXX ~ petition faite par XXX ~ plainte faite par XXX ~ plainte faite par XXX ~ copie des tests faits par XXX ~ liste des appareils proteges chez XXX ~ article du 1er janvier 1989 concernant des normes aux fabricants sur les appareils ~ article indiquant que la norme 40-dl n'est pas applicable aux radio-amateurs ~ textes de loi concernant les radio-amateurs 1993.04.29 930022 EDICOM PORT OF MONTREAL STUDY Request for a copy of the EDICOM Port of Montreal study carried out by CGI, approximately one year ago with respect to document flow and EDI. 1993.05.03 930023 RADIO FREQUENCY INFORMATION Request for printouts of spectrum analyzer pictures 1850 Swartz Bay, Sidney, B.C. Request for details of output volume re: Radio frequency as measured by field strength meter. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.04.26 930029 GWAII HAANAS-SOUTH MORESBY LAND USE All records related to the established Federal policy and proposed policy regarding the rules and regulations governing the use of private land, as relate to developments on that land, within the Gwaii Haanas/South Moresby area of B.C.. 1993.04.30 930031 RATIONALIZATION OF MIGRATORY BIRD SANCTUARIES Rationalization of Migratory Bird Sanctuaries in the Atlantic Region, Hiscock, E.H.J. 1988, Internal Report, Canadian Wildlife Service, Atlantic Region. 1993.05.10 930032 CALL-UPS FOR DATA ENTRY SERVICES - SEPTEMBER 1, 1991 TO DATE All callups processed by this institution under the terms of the DSS administered Supply Arrangement for Data Entry Services on Supplier premises (384ER.660 ER-9-0010 xx) during the period September 1, 1991 to date. 930034 CALL-UPS FOR NCR All call-ups for NCR for temporary help services during the period of April 1993. 930035 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR - MARCH 1993 Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of completed call-up against a standing offer for temporary help services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of March 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 1993.05.12 930037 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR - MARCH 1993 Could you please provide copies of all the call-ups against a standing offer for Temporary Help Services (DSS-MAS 8251) forms issues for your Department for the month of March 1993. 1993.05.17 930038 BURRARD INLET, FRASER RIVER AND G All correspondence, memos,permits, maps,charts, diagrams, studies, reports, agreements, sampling data, and analyses concerning or touching upon the GVRD's discharges of sewage effluent into Burrard Inlet, Fraser River and Georgia Strait including combined sewer overflows Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.05.17 930038 BURRARD INLET, FRASER RIVER AND G All correspondence, memos,permits, maps,charts, diagrams, studies, reports, agreements, sampling data, and analyses concerning or touching upon the GVRD's discharges of sewage effluent into Burrard Inlet, Fraser River and Georgia Strait including combined sewer overflows 930039 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE CONS All correspondence, memos, and agreements concerning requests for Government of Canada financial assistance by the GVRD for the construction of sewage treatment facilities or for other improvements to the sewerage system; and all correspondence concerning offers by the Government of Canada to the GVRD for financial assistance for the construction of sewage treatment facilities or for other improvements to the sewerage system. 930039 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE CONS All correspondence, memos, and agreements concerning requests for Government of Canada financial assistance by the GVRD for the construction of sewage treatment facilities or for other improvements to the sewerage system; and all correspondence concerning offers by the Government of Canada to the GVRD for financial assistance for the construction of sewage treatment facilities or for other improvements to the sewerage system. 930040 OFFENCES UNDER THE FISHERIES ACT Particulars of any or all convictions of the GVRD for offences under the Fisheries Act of Canada. 930040 OFFENCES UNDER THE FISHERIES ACT Particulars of any or all convictions of the GVRD for offences under the Fisheries Act of Canada. 930041 REPORTS DEALING WITH EFFECT OF SEWAGE DISCHARGES ON FISH All reports and studies dealing with the effect upon fish from the discharge of sewage into the water of Canada frequented by fish held by Environment Canada. 930042 FISHERIES AND OCEANS REPORTS DEALING WITH THE EFFECT ON FISH All reports and studies dealing with the effect upon fish from the discharge of sewage into waters of Canada frequented by fish held by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.05.17 930043 GVRD'S DISCHARGES OF SEWAGE EFFLU All correspondence and memos dealing with the question of whether the GVRD's discharges of sewage effluent and combined sewer overflows into Burrard Inlet, the Fraser River and Georgia Strait represent violations of the Fisheries Act and whether or not the GVRD should be charged under the Act and also any agreements not to lay charges under the Act. 930043 GVRD'S DISCHARGES OF SEWAGE EFFLU All correspondence and memos dealing with the question of whether the GVRD's discharges of sewage effluent and combined sewer overflows into Burrard Inlet, the Fraser River and Georgia Strait represent violations of the Fisheries Act and whether or not the GVRD should be charged under the Act and also any agreements not to lay charges under the Act. 930044 COMPLAINTS CONCERNING THE GVRD'S All correspondence and memos representing complaints by private citizens or by Governments concerning the GVRD's sewage effluent and combined sewer overflow discharges into Burrard Inlet, Fraser River and Georgia Strait held by the Vancouver Regional Office. 930044 COMPLAINTS CONCERNING THE GVRD'S All correspondence and memos representing complaints by private citizens or by Governments concerning the GVRD's sewage effluent and combined sewer overflow discharges into Burrard Inlet, Fraser River and Georgia Strait held by the Vancouver Regional Office. 930045 GVRD'S SEWAGE EFFLUENT AND COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOW DISCHARGES a) All correspondence and memos representing complaints by private citizen or by Governments concerning the GVRD's (Greater Vancouver Regional District) sewage effluent and combined sewer overflow discharges into Burrard Inlet held by the Minister's Office. b) All correspondence and memos representing complaints by private citizen or by Governments concerning the GVRD's sewage effluent and combined sewer overflow discharges into the Fraser River held by the Minister's Office. c) All correspondence and memos representing complaints by private citizen or by Governments concerning the GVRD's sewage effluent and combined sewer overflow discharges into Georgia Strait held by the Minister's Office. 1993.05.19 930046 CALL-UPS FOR APRIL 1993 All call-ups for Temporary Help Services in the NCR for April 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.05.19 930047 CALL-UPS FOR APRIL 1993 All call-ups for the Temporary Help Services in the NCR for the month of April 1993. 1993.05.20 930048 MALIGNE RIVER All correspondence and internal memorandum relating to the potential closure of the Maligne River, as set out in file 8370-1-1 and other sub-files in this series. 930050 GRASSLANDS NATIONAL PARK Please explain the Info Source Computer Data Base. Are these micro disc available and are they in relation to the Grasslands National Park in Township 1-3 and Ranges 4-13 west of 3rd. The data I am after is land processing since 1973 and 74. 930050 GRASSLANDS NATIONAL PARK Please explain the Info Source Computer Data Base. Are these micro disc available and are they in relation to the Grasslands National Park in Township 1-3 and Ranges 4-13 west of 3rd. The data I am after is land processing since 1973 and 74. 1993.05.25 930049 CALL-UPS FOR MARCH, APRIL AND MAY 1993 All call-ups for EDP contracts for informatics professionel services for March, April and May for the NCR. 930049 CALL-UPS FOR MARCH, APRIL AND MAY 1993 All call-ups for EDP contracts for informatics professionel services for March, April and May for the NCR. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1992.12.21 920266 RO GROUP DOCUMENTATION WHICH INDICATES THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE RO GORUP WHO HAVE BEEN GRANTED LEAVE WITHOUT PAY FOR PERIODS IN EXCESS OF ONE YEAR SINCE 1983.˙ 1992.12.23 920267 RO GROUP THE NAME OF THE OFFICIAL AT TRANSPORT WHO GRANTED LEAVE WITHOUT PAY TO MEMBERS OF THE RO GROUP AS DESCRIBED IN MY PREVIOUS REQUEST IN EACH CASE SINCE 1983.˙ 920268 RO GROUP DOCUMENTATION WHICH INDICATES THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE RO GROUP WHO HAVE BEEN GRANTED LEAVE WITHOUT PAY SO THAT THEY COULD SERVE A PERIOD OF TIME IN PRISON SINCE 1983.˙ 920269 FSS LONDON DOCUMENTATION WHICH INDICATES THE FOLLOWING:˙ ˙ A) THE AUTHORIZED STAFFING LEVEL˙ B) THE ON STRENGTH LEVEL (ACTUAL NUMBER OF STAFF)˙ ˙ FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE RO GROUP AT THESE LOCATIONS:˙ ˙ 1) FSS LONDON, ONTARIO˙ 2) THE ONTARIO REGION˙ ˙ DURING THE PERIOD: FY 89-90, FY 90-91, FY 90-91˙ 1992.12.24 920261 CESSNA 421A, CF-FEL CESSNA 421A, CF-FEL˙ 1993.03.05 930036 TERMINAL 3 LBPIA PROVIDE US WITH COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING RECORDS RELATING TO THE TERMINAL 3 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT LESTER B. PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, NAMELY:˙ ˙ 1. AREA 3 GROUND LEASE; AND˙ 2. TERMINAL 3 COMPLEX LEASE.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.04.05 1993.04.05 930034 INFORMATION PERTINENTES AURIEZ-VOUS L'OBLIGEANCE DE NOUS FAIRE PARVENIR TOUTES LES INFORMATIONS PERTINENTES AU SUJET DE *** ET *** ET DU VEHICULE AERONAUTIQUE MENTIONNE EN RURIQUE.˙ ˙ PLUS PRECISEMENT, NOUS AIMERIONS OBTENIR LES RENSEIGNEMENTS SUIVANTS:˙ ˙ A) QUEL TYPE DE LICENCE A ETE ACCORDEE A *** ET ***˙ ˙ B) LE VEHICULE AERONAUTIQUE ETAIT-IL IMMATRICULE CONFORMEMENT?;˙ ˙ C) POUR QUELLE CLASSE AVAIT-IL ETE IMMATRICULE?;˙ ˙ D) TOUTE AUTRE INFORMATION AFFECTANT L'ETAT DE NAVIGABILITE DU VEHICULE AERONAUTIQUE.˙ 930035 CAATS SYSTEM 1. SINCE 1990, INTERNAL REPORTS/MEMOS/RECORDS FROM STAFF, INCLUDING COMPUTER/ENGINEERING/DESIGN PERSONNEL, ABOUT PROBLEMS WITH, AND GAPS IN THE CAATS SYSTEM AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF SUCH PROBLEMS. PROVIDE ANY SPECIFIC EXAMPLES WHERE SYSTEM LIMITATIONS CREATED AIR SAFETY PROBLEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER/AIR SAFETY REGULATION PROBLEMS OR CONCERNS.˙ ˙ 2. ANY CONSULTANTS REPORTS, AND AUDITS, EVALUATIONS OF CAATS SINCE 1990. IN THE CASE OF CONSULTANTS, THEIR TERMS OF REFERENCE AND STATEMENT OF WORK, CONTRACT CONSTS AND CONTRACT AND REPORTS, AND VERIFICATION THAT THEIR WORK WAS INDEPENDENT AND OF HIGH QUALITY.˙ ˙ 3. FOLLOWUPS/ACTIONS TAKEN TO DATE TO CORRECT CAATS PROBLEMS AND OUTSTANDING ISSUES REMAINING. INCLUDE ANY BRIEFING NOTES TO SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND THE MINISTER.˙ ˙ 4. COST OF SETTING UP AND MAINTAINING THE CAATS SYSTEM SINCE INCEPTION PER FISCAL YEAR AND MAJOR COST CATEGORIES (EG INHOUSE/CONSULTANTS, DESIGN, MAINTENANCE, PERSONNEL ETC).˙ 1993.04.20 930025 SAINT-JERUSALEM D'ARGENTEUIL DEMANDE D'UN RENDEZ-VOUS A OTTAWA, AUX FINS DE CONSULTER ET D'OBTENIR UNE COPIE, LE CAS ECHEANT, DES DOCUMENTS CONCERNANT L,EXPROPRIATION FEDERALE DES LOTS MENTIONNES A L'ANNEXE 1 (LA CARRIERE SMITH, DANS LA PAROISSE DE SAINT-JERUSALEM D'ARGENTEUIL, DEVENUE EN 1971 LACHUTE, QUEBEC), EXPROPRIES LE 27 MARS 1969 PAR LE MINISTRE DES TRANSPORTS DU CANADA POUR LA COURONNE FEDERALE POUR LA CONSTRUCTION D'UN NOUVEL AEROPORT INTERNATIONAL DE MONTREAL, APPELE SAINTE-SCHOLASTIQUE, ET MAINTENANT DENOMME MIRABEL, P.Q.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.04.22 1993.04.22 930024 HIGH SPEED TRAIN REQUEST ACCESS TO RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW THE FOLLOWING ABOUT THE HIGH SPEED TRAIN: A COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS, CONSTRUCTION COST ANALYSIS, PROS AND CONS OF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE AND ANY PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH ON THE SUBJECT DONE BY OR FOR THE DEPARTMENT.˙ 1993.04.23 930026 NATIONAIR AUDIT/REVIEW REQUESTING A COPY OF ALL RECORDS WHICH ARE LOCATED ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR 1730 SERIES FILES WHICH PERTAIN TO REQUESTS FOR THIS RECORD. THEREFORE, THIS REQUEST INCLUDES THE COMPLETE CONTENTS OF 1730-91-225. AS WELL AS THE FILE PERTAINING TO *** REQUEST FOR THIS AUDIT/REVIEW (ALONG WITH OTHER REQUESTED RECORDS), AND THE COMPLETE FILES RELATING TO ANY OTHER REQUEST FOR THE AUDIT/REVIEW.˙ 1993.04.26 930029 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY REPORT:˙ ˙ ~ PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF TRANSPORT SAFETY (REGISTRATION NO. DOT/ARE-330-05456).˙ 1993.04.27 930027 CADORS I WOULD LIKE TOR ECEIVE COPIES OF THE CANADIAN AVIATION DAILY OCCURRENCE REPORTS (CADORS) FOR INDICENTS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND TORONTO ISLAND AIRPORT FROM MARCH 1, 1993 TO APRIL 23, 1993.˙ 930030 CADORS I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF THE CANADIAN AVIATION DAILY OCCURENCE REPORTS (CADORS) FOR INCIDENTS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND TORONTO ISLAND AIRPORT FROM MARCH 1, 1993 TO APRIL 23, 1993.˙ 1993.04.28 930031 AIR CANADA AUDIT SEEK RECORDS RELATING TO THE 1983 TRANSPORT CANADA AUDIT OF AIR CANADA.˙ ˙ 1. ALL RECORDS RELATING TO ENFORMCEMENT ACTION TAKEN, OR PROPOSED TO BE TAKEN AS A RESULT OF THE AUDIT FINDINGS.˙ ˙ 2. ALL RECORDS RELATING TO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS RECOMMENDED BY TRANSPORT CANADA, OR TAKEN BY AIR CANADA.˙ ˙ 3. ALL RECORDS RELATING TO MEETINGS, OR DISCUSSIONS ETC. BETWEEN TRANSPORT AND AIR CANADA PERTAINING TO THE AUDIT REPORT, AUDIT PROCEDURES, CORRECTIVE ACTIONS, AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS.˙ ˙ 4. A COPY OF THE FEBRUARY 3, 1984 LETTER TO *** FROM *** RELATING TO THE RESPONSES TO THE AUDIT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.04.28 930031 ˙ 5. A COPY OF THE FORMAL FORMAT FOR RESPONSE ISSUED TO AIR CANADA ON FEBRUARY 20, 1984.˙ ˙ 6. A COPY OF ALL INTERIM OR DRAFT AUDIT REPORTS, AND A COPY OF ALL NOTES, OBSERVATIONS, OR RECORDS PREPARED BY THE AUDIT TEAM MEMBERS WHILE CARRYING OUT THIS AUDIT.˙ ˙ 7. A COPY OF ALL MINISTERIAL BREIFING NOTES WHICH WERE PREPARED DURING OR AFTER THE AUDIT, AND WHICH PERTAINING TO THE AUDIT CONTENTS, PROCEDURES, OBSERVATIONS, ETC.˙ ˙ 8. A COMPLETE COPY OF ALL RECORDS WHICH PERTAIN TO THE PUBLIC RELEASE OF THIS AUDIT, AND/OR PUBLIC AND MEDIA INTEREST IN THE MATTER.˙ 1993.04.30 930032 PILOT ACCIDENT ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING CERTIFICATES OR LICENSES HELD, MEDICAL RATINGS, ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS AND ANY POSSIBLE ACCIDENTS RELATING TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED CANADIAN BORN PILOT.˙ 1993.05.04 930033 COAST GUARD 1. 1991, 1992, 1993 CONSULTANT REPORTS ON THE COAST GUARD SERVICES.˙ ˙ 2. 1991, 1992, 1993 CONTRACTS LET BY COAST GUARD SERVICES. (LIST WILL DO)˙ 1993.05.06 930037 VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT I WISH TO OBTAIN A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT TO TRANSFER EXECUTED APRIL 3, 1992 BETWEEN HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA (AS REPRESENTED BY THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT) AND THE VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY, WHICH IS REGISTERED IN THE LEGAL REGISTRY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AS INSTRUMENT NO. 140746.˙ 1993.05.10 930038 CALLUPS REQUEST THE PROVISION OF ALL TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTS, NAMELY CALL UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1993 FOR TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ 930038 CALLUPS REQUEST THE PROVISION OF ALL TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTS, NAMELY CALL UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1993 FOR TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.05.10 930039 CONTRACTS OTTAWA REGION A FULL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993 STATING ALL REQUISITIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS ASSIGNED TO ALL TEMPORARY HLEP SERVICES WITHIN THE OTTAWA CAPITAL REGION.˙ 930039 CONTRACTS OTTAWA REGION A FULL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993 STATING ALL REQUISITIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS ASSIGNED TO ALL TEMPORARY HLEP SERVICES WITHIN THE OTTAWA CAPITAL REGION.˙ 930040 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: APRIL 1993˙ 930040 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: APRIL 1993˙ 930041 CALLUPS NCR ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NCR UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: APRIL 1993˙ 930041 CALLUPS NCR ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NCR UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: APRIL 1993˙ 1993.05.11 930042 CALL-UPS NCR REQUESTING COPIES OF THE COMPLETED CALL UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DSS-MAS 8251 FORMS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1993 AS IT PERTAINS TO YOUR DEPARTMENT. THIS REQUEST PERTAINS TO THE NCR ONLY.˙ 930043 CANADIAN COAST GUARD SHIP SAFETY A SHIP, THE M.V. GHADAMES WAS ENGAGED BY ALCAN ALUMINIUM LIMITED (ALCAN SMELTERS & CHEMICALS DIVISION) UNDER A FREIGHT CONTRACT TO CARRY APPROXIMATELY C$6 MILLION WORTH OF ALUMINIUM INGOT FROM ALCAN'S PORT ALFRED FACILITY TO ROTTERDAM. THE VESSEL APPARENTLY HAD PROBLEMS WITH HER CARGO HANDLING GEAR WHILE AT THE PORT OF MONTREAL PREVIOUS TO HER TRIP TO PORT ALFRED. THIS VESSEL'S ENGINES FAILED DURING HER VOYAGE UP THE SAGUENAY RIVER EN ROUTE TO PORT ALFRED FOR ARRIVAL ON 28 MAR/93. FOLLOWING Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.05.11 930043 INSPECTION, THE COAST GUARD REMOVED THE VESSEL'S NAVIGATION RIGHTS UNTIL SHE WAS REPAIRED AND PERMITTED HER TO TRAVEL ONLY TO QUEBEC CITY FOR MAJOR REPAIRS. ALCAN AND ITS CARGO INSURERS MAINTAIN GUIDELINES CONCERNING THE QUALITY OF VESSELS CONSIDERED ACCEPTABLE TO CARRY ALCAN'S CARGO. IN ORDER TO ASSESS THE ADEQUACY OF THESE GUIDELINES AND THE COMPLIANCE THEREWITH, ALCAN FEELS THAT IT IS NECESSARY AND REASONABLE TO ACQUIRE A COPY OF THE COAST GUARD'S REPORT ON THIS VESSEL WHILE IT WAS AT PORT ALFRED. IN VIEW OF THE GROWING INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE AND LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY WHICH COULD BE WREAKED BY A POORLY MAINTAINED AND MANNED VESSEL, ALL EFFORTS TO MONITOR MORE CLOSELY THE TYPE OF VESSELS BEING PRESENTED TO THE MARKET SHOULD BE FULLY SUPPORTED BY THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD. OBTAINING A COPY OF ANY RELEVANT COAST GUARD REPORT(S) ON THIS VESSEL IS THUS URGENTLY REQUESTED.˙ 1993.05.12 930044 NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. WE WISH TO CONFIRM THAT THE THREE AIRCRAFT LISTED BELOW ARE OWNED BY THE COMPANY NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. ALSO KNOWN AS NORCANAIR. THE TRANSPORT CANADA REGISTRATION NUMBERS, SERIAL NUMBERS AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT ARE AS FOLLOWS:˙ ˙ C-GCRA SERIAL #52 FIARCHILD F-27˙ C-GNUX SERIAL #49 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 90˙ C-GCWY SERIAL #104 CONVAIR CV640˙ ˙ IF THE AIRCRAFT ARE NOT OWNED BY THE COMPANY PLEASE ADVISE US AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OF THESE AIRCRAFT SINCE THE CESSATION OF THE COMPANY'S OWNERSHIP.˙ 930044 NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. WE WISH TO CONFIRM THAT THE THREE AIRCRAFT LISTED BELOW ARE OWNED BY THE COMPANY NORTH CANADA AIR LTD. ALSO KNOWN AS NORCANAIR. THE TRANSPORT CANADA REGISTRATION NUMBERS, SERIAL NUMBERS AND TYPE OF AIRCRAFT ARE AS FOLLOWS:˙ ˙ C-GCRA SERIAL #52 FIARCHILD F-27˙ C-GNUX SERIAL #49 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 90˙ C-GCWY SERIAL #104 CONVAIR CV640˙ ˙ IF THE AIRCRAFT ARE NOT OWNED BY THE COMPANY PLEASE ADVISE US AS TO THE OWNERSHIP OF THESE AIRCRAFT SINCE THE CESSATION OF THE COMPANY'S OWNERSHIP.˙ 1993.05.14 930045 CANADIAN COAST GUARD DETAILS OF MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS - CANADIAN COAST GUARD ($$ EXPRESSED IN THOUSANDS) AND WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:˙ ˙ MARINE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.05.14 930045 1. FLEET RESTRUCTURING - 2 CATAMARANS AND 1 AIR CUSHIONED VEHICLE (C-PPA) - COULD WE HAVE A BREAKDOWN ON THE ESTIMATED COST OF $28,487 FOR THE THREE (3) UNITS? HOW MUCH FOR CATAMARANS AND HOW MUCH FOR THE AIR CUSHIONED VEHICLE.˙ 2. WHAT COMBINATION OF UNITS MAKES UP THE $18,431 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE FOR 1993-94? ONE OR TWO CATAMARANS, OR AN AIR CUSHIONED VEHICLE.˙ 3. PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW THE COST ESTIMATES ARE ARRIVED AT. DO THESE ESTIMATES INCLUDE SUCH ITEMS AS, DESIGN COSTS, FLEET SYSTEMS TRAVEL AND ADMINISTRATION, AND SUPPLY & SERVICES CANADA CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION COSTS? IF SO, WHAT PORTION OF THE 1993-94 SPENDING ESTIMATES OF $18,431 IS MADE OF FROM SUCH CHARGES?˙ ˙ MARINE SEARCH AND RESCUE˙ 4. LIFEBOAT REPLACEMENT (B-EPA) - CURRENT ESTIMATED TOTAL COST OF $46,535; HOW MANY VESSELS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS COST?˙ 5. HOW MANY VESSELS ARE INCLUDED IN THE $11,301 SPENDING ESTIMATE FOR 1993-94?˙ 6. OF THE $11,301 BUDGETED FOR 1993-94, WHAT PORTION IS MADE UP FROM FLEET SYSTEMS AND SUPPLY & SERVICES CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION COSTS?˙ ˙ CANADIAN COAST GUARD FLEET - ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST ON WHICH WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUESTION;˙ ˙ 7. VESSEL TYPE 310 - SEARCH AND RESCUE OCEAN LIFEBOAT ESTIMATED REPLACEMENT COST OF $3,200; WHAT IS THE NAME OF THIS VESSEL? WHERE WAS IT BUILT? WHAT IS THE DETAILED BREAKDOWN OF THE COSTS WHICH MAKE UP THE FIGURE OF $3,200?˙ 930046 OSMARE I REQUEST COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS IN THE POSSESSION OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT PERTAINING TO THE SHIP "OSMARE". THE SHIP CALL AT VANCOUVER, B.C. IN FEBRUARY 1993 AND LOADED CANOLA, GRAIN SCREENING PELLETS, POTASH, COPPER CONCENTRATE AND FLAX SEED. THE FLAX SEED, CANOLA AND GSP WERE LOADED TO THE VESSEL FEBRUARY 23-25.˙ 1. ALL CERTIFICATES OF READINESS TO LOAD ISSUED WHEN THE "OSMARE" WAS IN VANCOUVER DURING FEBRUARY, 1993, DOCUMENTS SETTING OUT THE MINIMUM METACENTRIC HEIGHT REQUIRED AS A CONDITION OF THE CERTIFICATES OF READINESS BEING ISSUED AND ANY STABILITY RECORDS OR STABILITY CALCULATIONS FOR THE SHIP.˙ 2. PORT STATE CONTROL SURVEY AND/OR COAST GUARD SURVEY OF THE SHIP "OSMARE" WHILE IN VANCOUVER IN FEBRUARY 1993, INCLUDING ANY NOTES MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY INSPECTION OF THE SHIP.˙ 3. DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE CONDITION OF OR ANY INSPECTION OF THE HATCH COVERS OF THE "OSMARE".˙ 4. DOCUMENTS PROVIDED TO CANADIAN COAST GUARD BY THE OWNERS, OPERATORS, CHARTERERS OR AGENTS FOR THE "OSMARE" PERTAINING TO HER CONDITION.˙ 5. COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN CANADIAN COAST GUARD AND OWNERS, OPERATORS, CHARTERERS OR AGENTS OF THE "OSMARE".˙ 6. ANY CITATIONS ISSUED TO THE "OSMARE", HER OWNERS, OPERATORS OR Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.05.14 930046 CHARTERERS WHILE IN VANCOUVER IN FEBRUARY, 1993.˙ 7. CERTIFICATE OF FITNESS TO PROCEED TO SEA ISSUED IN FEBRUARY, 1993 FOR THE "OSMARE".˙ 8. DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO ANY INSPECTION OF OR THE CONDITION OF THE HATCH COVERS OF THE "OSMARE".˙ 9. ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE CONDITION OF THE SHIP "OSMARE", INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SURVEYS CARRIED OUT PRIOR TO ARIVAL OF THE "OSMARE" IN VANCOUVER IN FEBRUARY, 1993.˙ 10. DRAFT SURVEYS OF THE "OSMARE" CARRIED OUT IN FEBRUARY 1993.˙ 11. DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO ANY REMEDIAL WORK OR REPAIR WORK CARRIED OUT THE "OSMARE", INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HER HATCH COVERS.˙ 12. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE "OSMARE" OR HER GEAR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO HER HATCH COVERS.˙ 1993.05.17 930047 CALLUPS TEMPORARY HELP CALL-UPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL/93. (ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT/PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL).˙ 930047 CALLUPS TEMPORARY HELP CALL-UPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL/93. (ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT/PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL).˙ 1993.05.18 930048 COPY OF RECORDS I REQUEST A COPY OF ALL RECORDS LOCATED IN TRANSPORT CANADA'S 5002-7 FILES, LOCATED IN OTTAWA, AND EDMONTON BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1983 AND JANUARY 1 , 1989.˙ 1993.05.19 930049 MANUALS CALENDAR OF COURSES - TCTI CORNWALL (TP-920)˙ AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL PROCEDURES AND PILOT/CONTROLLER RESPONSIBILITIES EXAMINATION (TP-2900)˙ CIVIL AVIATION TERMINOLOGY MANUAL (TP-776ZE)˙ PERSONNEL LICENSING HANDBOOK: VOLUME 2 - AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS AND AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS (TP-294)˙ VOLUME 3 - MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS (TP-195)˙ 930050 AVIATION MEDICINE AVIATION MEDICINE - PRN DOT DAM 130 AVIATION LICENSING MEDICAL DATA BANK - DOT PPU 020 PERSONNEL LICENSING PROCEDURES HANDBOOK TP 1794 TRANSPORT CANADA AVIATION LICENSING OF 604-666-5571.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1992.03.18 912536 VIDEO RECORDING AND REPRODUCING EQPT LIST OF SUPPLIERS FOR VARIOUS GSIN FOR THE PERIOD OF 1991-1992 1993.05.04 930113 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO CRAIN DRUMMOND LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO CRAIN-DRUMMOND SINCE 1990 TO PRESENT 930113 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO CRAIN DRUMMOND LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO CRAIN-DRUMMOND SINCE 1990 TO PRESENT 1993.05.05 930117 CARGO SUPPORT, UNIVERSAL FIELD PACK ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 102PT.W8463-2-CM5K/A 930117 CARGO SUPPORT, UNIVERSAL FIELD PACK ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 102PT.W8463-2-CM5K/A 930118 COPY OF CONTRACT (CONTRACT NOT YET AWARDED) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 102PT.W8463-2-CP5Q EXOOPT01/A 930119 LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4004-2-0232/02 930119 LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4004-2-0232/02 930120 TO SUPPLY & INSTALL CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM WITH FLUORESCENCE DETECTOR COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.01521-2-1839/01 930121 TO SUPPLY & INSTALL ONE AUTOMATED AIR ANALYSIS GAS CHROMATOGRAPH, MASS SPECTROMETER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.KE153-2-1121/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.05 930121 TO SUPPLY & INSTALL ONE AUTOMATED AIR ANALYSIS GAS CHROMATOGRAPH, MASS SPECTROMETER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.KE153-2-1121/01 930122 MANUAL RHEODYNE INJECTOR, SYNCHRONIZATION CABLE STAR ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.KA168-2-0593/01 930122 MANUAL RHEODYNE INJECTOR, SYNCHRONIZATION CABLE STAR ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.KA168-2-0593/01 930123 LEASE OF ONE (1) TRIO-2000 GC/MS/DS QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.31029-2-0059/01 930123 LEASE OF ONE (1) TRIO-2000 GC/MS/DS QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.31029-2-0059/01 930124 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH/MASS SPECTROMETER X-REF. WITH ATI 930098/LD COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAF.31241-2-4814/01 930124 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH/MASS SPECTROMETER X-REF. WITH ATI 930098/LD COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAF.31241-2-4814/01 930125 COPY OF THE RIDER TRAVEL CONTRACT COPY OF THE GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WITH RIDER TRAVEL GROUP 930126 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC COPY OF THE TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING PERIOD OF APRIL 1, 1993 TO APRIL 30, 1993 930126 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC COPY OF THE TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING PERIOD OF APRIL 1, 1993 TO APRIL 30, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.05 930127 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY NAMES THAT PUT IN BID COMPANY NAMES THAT WERE REQUESTED TO MAKE PRESENTATIONS FOR DSS/CCG AND THE CORRESPONDING DATES. THE DOLLAR VOLUME BID RECEIVED FROM OTHER COMPANIES A SAMPLE OF THE FORMAL OF THE OTHER BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PROJECT WITH COMPANY NAMES REMOVED FOR DSS FILE 24CM.64350-2-1728 930127 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY NAMES THAT PUT IN BID COMPANY NAMES THAT WERE REQUESTED TO MAKE PRESENTATIONS FOR DSS/CCG AND THE CORRESPONDING DATES. THE DOLLAR VOLUME BID RECEIVED FROM OTHER COMPANIES A SAMPLE OF THE FORMAL OF THE OTHER BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE PROJECT WITH COMPANY NAMES REMOVED FOR DSS FILE 24CM.64350-2-1728 1993.05.06 930128 MAINTENANCE,ENHANCEMENT OF GST REGISTRATION, GST ADHOC AND CCS SELECTED SUBSYSTEMS. DOCUMENTATION WHICH INDICATES THE METHODS TO BE USED TO MONITOR SERVICE LEVELS. COPIES OF ALL REPORTS THAT HAVE BEEN CREATED BY POLARIS PURSUANT TO REQUIREMENT IN THE CONTRACT. A COPY OF THE SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION AND COPY OF THE CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 32215-2-3122/01-EQ 930128 MAINTENANCE,ENHANCEMENT OF GST REGISTRATION, GST ADHOC AND CCS SELECTED SUBSYSTEMS. DOCUMENTATION WHICH INDICATES THE METHODS TO BE USED TO MONITOR SERVICE LEVELS. COPIES OF ALL REPORTS THAT HAVE BEEN CREATED BY POLARIS PURSUANT TO REQUIREMENT IN THE CONTRACT. A COPY OF THE SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION AND COPY OF THE CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 32215-2-3122/01-EQ 930129 COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING PERIOD OF APRIL 1993 COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF APRIL 1993 930129 COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING PERIOD OF APRIL 1993 COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF APRIL 1993 1993.05.07 930130 PEST CONTROL AGENTS AND DISINFECTANTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PG.W8463-3-FL0A/00/B Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.07 930130 PEST CONTROL AGENTS AND DISINFECTANTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PG.W8463-3-FL0A/00/B 930131 INFORMATION ON GLOBAL CHANGE ENCYCLOPEDIA PROJECT A LIST OF CONTRACTS THAT HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE GLOBAL CHANGE ENCYCLOPEDIA (GCE) PROJECT INCLUDING THOSE COMPONENTS THAT MAY BE UNDER OTHER NAMES USED FOR THE GCE (E.G. GEOSCOPE). THIS PROJECT WAS HANDLED BY SPS ON BEHALF OF EMR AND CSA. A LIST INDICATING FOR WHICH CONTRACTS BIDS WERE SOLICITED, AND, FROM WHOM. FOR THOSE CONTRACTS FOR WHICH BIDS WERE SOLICITED, COPIES OF THE BID DOCUMENTS AND WORK SPECIFICATIONS (EXCEPT FOR 23413-0-8305/01) FOR THOS CONTRACTS FOR WHICH BIDS WERE SOLICITED, THE MEANS BY WHICH THE SOLICITATION WAS ADVERTISED AND THE VALUES OF THE CONTRACT AND COPY OF THE CONTRACT. 930131 INFORMATION ON GLOBAL CHANGE ENCYCLOPEDIA PROJECT A LIST OF CONTRACTS THAT HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE GLOBAL CHANGE ENCYCLOPEDIA (GCE) PROJECT INCLUDING THOSE COMPONENTS THAT MAY BE UNDER OTHER NAMES USED FOR THE GCE (E.G. GEOSCOPE). THIS PROJECT WAS HANDLED BY SPS ON BEHALF OF EMR AND CSA. A LIST INDICATING FOR WHICH CONTRACTS BIDS WERE SOLICITED, AND, FROM WHOM. FOR THOSE CONTRACTS FOR WHICH BIDS WERE SOLICITED, COPIES OF THE BID DOCUMENTS AND WORK SPECIFICATIONS (EXCEPT FOR 23413-0-8305/01) FOR THOS CONTRACTS FOR WHICH BIDS WERE SOLICITED, THE MEANS BY WHICH THE SOLICITATION WAS ADVERTISED AND THE VALUES OF THE CONTRACT AND COPY OF THE CONTRACT. 930131 INFORMATION ON GLOBAL CHANGE ENCYCLOPEDIA PROJECT A LIST OF CONTRACTS THAT HAVE BEEN ISSUED BY THE GLOBAL CHANGE ENCYCLOPEDIA (GCE) PROJECT INCLUDING THOSE COMPONENTS THAT MAY BE UNDER OTHER NAMES USED FOR THE GCE (E.G. GEOSCOPE). THIS PROJECT WAS HANDLED BY SPS ON BEHALF OF EMR AND CSA. A LIST INDICATING FOR WHICH CONTRACTS BIDS WERE SOLICITED, AND, FROM WHOM. FOR THOSE CONTRACTS FOR WHICH BIDS WERE SOLICITED, COPIES OF THE BID DOCUMENTS AND WORK SPECIFICATIONS (EXCEPT FOR 23413-0-8305/01) FOR THOS CONTRACTS FOR WHICH BIDS WERE SOLICITED, THE MEANS BY WHICH THE SOLICITATION WAS ADVERTISED AND THE VALUES OF THE CONTRACT AND COPY OF THE CONTRACT. 1993.05.11 930132 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR N62306-93-D-0018 930132 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR N62306-93-D-0018 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.11 930133 INFO ON CONTRACT NAMES OF THE BIDDERS ON THIS PROJECT AND THEIR TOTAL RATED CRITERIA POINTS AS WELL AS THE TOTAL PRICE OF THEIR BIDS FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 23235-3-3001 930133 INFO ON CONTRACT NAMES OF THE BIDDERS ON THIS PROJECT AND THEIR TOTAL RATED CRITERIA POINTS AS WELL AS THE TOTAL PRICE OF THEIR BIDS FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 23235-3-3001 930134 COPY OF STOCK INVENTORY SUPPLY CATALOGUE (SIS) COPY OF THE STOCK INVENTORY SUPPLY CATALOGUE (SIS) AND ALSO COPY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL CATALOGUE. 930134 COPY OF STOCK INVENTORY SUPPLY CATALOGUE (SIS) COPY OF THE STOCK INVENTORY SUPPLY CATALOGUE (SIS) AND ALSO COPY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL CATALOGUE. 930135 INFORMATION ON A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION ON THE CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP OF A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL 930135 INFORMATION ON A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL INFORMATION ON THE CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP OF A CERTAIN INDIVIDUAL 930136 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT TH301R01 COPY OF TEMPORARH HELP REPORT FOR THE NCR DURING PERIOD OF APRIL 1993 930137 COPY OF STANDING OFFER FOR PAINT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAL.W0102-2-HU06/00/A 930137 COPY OF STANDING OFFER FOR PAINT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAL.W0102-2-HU06/00/A 930137 COPY OF STANDING OFFER FOR PAINT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAL.W0102-2-HU06/00/A 930138 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 346EY.M9010-3-8201 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.11 930138 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 346EY.M9010-3-8201 930139 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A FIELD EMISSION SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAF.23332-2-0141/01 930139 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A FIELD EMISSION SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAF.23332-2-0141/01 930140 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VIC.W7708-2-1581/01 930141 INFO ON EVALUATION OF REQUESTOR'S BID AND THE AWARDEE'S BID AND VALUES OF RESPONSIVE BIDS. INFORMATION ON CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8469-3-BA01/A 930141 INFO ON EVALUATION OF REQUESTOR'S BID AND THE AWARDEE'S BID AND VALUES OF RESPONSIVE BIDS. INFORMATION ON CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8469-3-BA01/A 930141 INFO ON EVALUATION OF REQUESTOR'S BID AND THE AWARDEE'S BID AND VALUES OF RESPONSIVE BIDS. INFORMATION ON CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8469-3-BA01/A 930142 VALUE OF CONTRACT AWARDED AND THE VALUE OF THE RENEWAL, THE EVALUATION AND OTHER RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR PROGRAMMER/ANALYST. INFORMATION ON CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE ER.W5825-2-AC10 930142 VALUE OF CONTRACT AWARDED AND THE VALUE OF THE RENEWAL, THE EVALUATION AND OTHER RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR PROGRAMMER/ANALYST. INFORMATION ON CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE ER.W5825-2-AC10 930143 AMBER PRO-VIEW IMAGING SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QUE.W7701-2-5553/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.11 930143 AMBER PRO-VIEW IMAGING SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QUE.W7701-2-5553/01 930144 NUVISION IMAGING WORKSTATION COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QG.W8474-2-MD2D/02 930144 NUVISION IMAGING WORKSTATION COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QG.W8474-2-MD2D/02 930144 NUVISION IMAGING WORKSTATION COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QG.W8474-2-MD2D/02 930145 INFRARED LONG WAVE IMAGER 930145 INFRARED LONG WAVE IMAGER 930145 INFRARED LONG WAVE IMAGER 1993.05.13 930146 GASES-COMPRESSED AND LIQUEFIED COPY OF PRICING OFFERED FOR ITEMS IN STANDING OFFERS COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE FILIERE QUE.W8463-2-GABF/00/A 930146 GASES-COMPRESSED AND LIQUEFIED COPY OF PRICING OFFERED FOR ITEMS IN STANDING OFFERS COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE FILIERE QUE.W8463-2-GABF/00/A 930147 COPY OF CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING PERIOD MARCH 1993 COPY CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH 1993 930147 COPY OF CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING PERIOD MARCH 1993 COPY CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH 1993 1993.05.14 930148 ELECTRIC PORTABLE & HAND LIGHTING EQUIP. LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR GSIN NUMBER 6230 FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.17 1993.05.17 930149 CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING APRIL 1993 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORRY HELP FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993 930150 LIST OF CALLUPS FOR EACH GOVERNMENT AND AGENCY DURING FY 1992-1993 A LIST OF CALLUPS ISSUED BY EACH DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY WITH DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS AS FOLLOWS: DEPT, VENDOR NAME, CALLUP VALUE, DATE, AND JOB OR PROJECT CLASSIFICATION. I SEEK THE DATA IN COMPUTER FORMAT (ASCII OR DBF) ON 3.5 IBM DISKETTE. TIME PERIOD FOR THIS INFORMATION IS FY 1992-1993. 930151 COPY OF STANDING OFFER FOR PRINTING AND COPYING COPY OF THE CONTRACT AND THE NAME OF THE SUCCESSFUL SUPPLIER FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 16KT.W5829-3-0227 930151 COPY OF STANDING OFFER FOR PRINTING AND COPYING COPY OF THE CONTRACT AND THE NAME OF THE SUCCESSFUL SUPPLIER FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 16KT.W5829-3-0227 930152 LIST OF CALLUP FOR EACH DEPARTMENT AND OR AGENCY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 A LIST OF CALLUPS ISSUED BY EACH DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY WITH DESCRIPTIVE DETAILS AS FOLLOWS: DEPT, VENDOR NAME, CALLUP VALUE, DATE, AND JOB OR PROJECT CLASSIFICATION. I SEEK THE DATA IN COMPUTER FORMAT (ASCII OR DBF) ON 3.5 IBM DISKETTE. TIME PERIOD FOR THIS INFORMATION IS FY 1992-1993. 1993.05.18 930153 COPIES OF CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING MARCH 1993 FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES COPY OF THE CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE TIME PERIOD OF MARCH 1993 930154 CATERING SERVICES (BREAKDOWN OF YOUR BID). ALL COMPETITIVE BID AMOUNTS FOR SSC FILE NO. KIN92-00205-(501)/A 930154 CATERING SERVICES (BREAKDOWN OF YOUR BID). ALL COMPETITIVE BID AMOUNTS FOR SSC FILE NO. KIN92-00205-(501)/A Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.18 930155 SYSTEME DE RADIO COMMUNICATION AU PARC NATIONAL FORILLON (VOTRE PROPOSITION). DOCUMENTS COMPLETS DE SOUMISSION POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER XAT.K3601-2-4608/00/A 930155 SYSTEME DE RADIO COMMUNICATION AU PARC NATIONAL FORILLON (VOTRE PROPOSITION). DOCUMENTS COMPLETS DE SOUMISSION POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER XAT.K3601-2-4608/00/A 930156 SYSTEME DE RADIO COMMUNICATION AU PARC NATIONAL FORILLON (VOTRE PROPOSITION). DOCUMENTS COMPLETS DE SOUMISSION DEPOSES PAR GASPESIE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC. POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER XAT.K3601-2-4608/00 930156 SYSTEME DE RADIO COMMUNICATION AU PARC NATIONAL FORILLON (VOTRE PROPOSITION). DOCUMENTS COMPLETS DE SOUMISSION DEPOSES PAR GASPESIE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC. POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER XAT.K3601-2-4608/00 930157 PROVIDE CONTRACTOR SUPPORT FOR THE PROVISION MANAGEMENT DATA PROCESSING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR DND COPY OF CONTRACT AND NAMES OF THE COMPANIES SUBMITTING PROPOSALS. INDICATE IF THEY WERE RESPONSIVE AND THE VALUE ASSIGNED TO THE RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR DSS FILE 108BF.W8465-3-BSAH 930157 PROVIDE CONTRACTOR SUPPORT FOR THE PROVISION MANAGEMENT DATA PROCESSING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES FOR DND COPY OF CONTRACT AND NAMES OF THE COMPANIES SUBMITTING PROPOSALS. INDICATE IF THEY WERE RESPONSIVE AND THE VALUE ASSIGNED TO THE RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR DSS FILE 108BF.W8465-3-BSAH 930158 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT AND NAMES OF THE COMPANIES SUBMITTING PROPOSALS. INDICATE IF THEY WERE RESPONSIVE AND THE VALUE ASSIGNED TO THE RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR SECRETARY OF STATE FILE NUMBER THS-3-00002 930158 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT AND NAMES OF THE COMPANIES SUBMITTING PROPOSALS. INDICATE IF THEY WERE RESPONSIVE AND THE VALUE ASSIGNED TO THE RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR SECRETARY OF STATE FILE NUMBER THS-3-00002 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.18 930159 SUPPLY AN INTELLIGENCE CHARACTER RECOGNITION SYSTEM. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.W8474-2-AX92/01 930159 SUPPLY AN INTELLIGENCE CHARACTER RECOGNITION SYSTEM. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.W8474-2-AX92/01 930160 COMPUTER NETWORKING SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.32215-2-5259 930160 COMPUTER NETWORKING SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.32215-2-5259 930161 TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL MICROWAVE ABSORBER MATERIAL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HA.9F010-2-0501/01 930161 TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL MICROWAVE ABSORBER MATERIAL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HA.9F010-2-0501/01 930162 INFORMATION ON COMPAGNIES FOR COMMUNICATION SERVICES CENTRE AND AUDIO, VISUAL AND MULTI-MEDIA SERVICES CLIENT LISTS FOR THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES OF CCG ~ COMMUNICATION SERVICES CENTRE AND AUDIO ~ VISUAL AND MULTI-MEDIA SERVICES 1993.05.20 930163 SUPPLY, DELIVER AND INSTALL RAM MEMORY UPGRADES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.W8474-2-CE77/01 930163 SUPPLY, DELIVER AND INSTALL RAM MEMORY UPGRADES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.W8474-2-CE77/01 930164 TEMPEST MICROCOMPUTERS AND PRINTERS FOR DND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EJ.W8474-2-MK89/01 930164 TEMPEST MICROCOMPUTERS AND PRINTERS FOR DND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EJ.W8474-2-MK89/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.21 1993.05.21 930165 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS ISSUED SINCE JANUARY 1, 1992 TO DATE FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 930166 OPERATION, MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANCE OF THE NAVAL ENGINEERING TEST ESTABLISHMENT (NETE). COPY OF CONTRACT BETWEEN NETE (NAVAL ENGINEERING TEST ESTABLISHMENT) AND PEACOK BROTHERS 930166 OPERATION, MANAGEMENT & MAINTENANCE OF THE NAVAL ENGINEERING TEST ESTABLISHMENT (NETE). COPY OF CONTRACT BETWEEN NETE (NAVAL ENGINEERING TEST ESTABLISHMENT) AND PEACOK BROTHERS 930167 COPIES OF CONTRACTS BETWEEN DSS AND ANDERSEN CONSULTING COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS BETWEEN SUPPLY AND SERVICES CANADA AND ANDERSEN CONSULTING, RELATING TO DEVELOPMENT AND/OR PROCUREMENT OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPENSATION SYSTEM (PSCS) FOR SSC. 930168 VARIOUS EXPLOSIVES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE BK.W8476-2-E05/01 930168 VARIOUS EXPLOSIVES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE BK.W8476-2-E05/01 930169 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED BY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPENSATION SYSTEM PROJECT LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS AWARDED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPENSATION SYSTEM PROJECT OFFICE IN THE PERIOD OF APRIL 1, 1991 TO MARCH 31, 1993 930170 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR FIGHTER-AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING FACILITIES OR HUSH-HOUSE A LIST OF THE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AND TITLES, ISSUING DATES FOR CONTRACTS AND TENDERS FOR DND (AIR FORCE) FOR F-18 (FIGHTER AIRCRAFT) ENGINE TESTING FACILITIES OR HUSH-HOUSE DURING 1991 AND 1992 930171 NIGHT VISION MONOCULAR SYSTEMS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VAN.T1922-2-U306/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.21 930171 NIGHT VISION MONOCULAR SYSTEMS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VAN.T1922-2-U306/01 930172 FORWARD LOOKING INFRA-RED (FLIR) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QG.W8464-2-HB85/01 930172 FORWARD LOOKING INFRA-RED (FLIR) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QG.W8464-2-HB85/01 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.02.15 920280 XXX REQUEST VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.03.31 930001 XXX HIBERNIA OIL FIELD REQUEST FOR THE INFORMATION THAT WAS ISSUED TO CANADA MANPOWER AND IMMIGRATION FOR THE HIBERNIA OIL FIELD FOR THE ENGINEERING AND DRAFTING POSITIONS ON THIS JOB. 1993.04.07 930023 XXX ALL INFO AT EIC RE XXX ALL INFO. CONCERNING FILE XXX AT IMM. OFFICE IN ST. JOHN'S & OTTAWA XXX 1993.04.23 930047 MEDICAL FILE - XXX Access received re: Medical File of XXX - Requestor XXX 1993.04.26 930026 MED RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS REQUEST BY XXX FOR XXX 930044 MED. RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX MED. RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.04.28 930022 XXX VISA & NHQ FILE FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMM RECORDS OF XXX 930027 XXX RE DOWNSIZING DRAFT PEOPOSALS BY REG. DIRS. OF IMM. RE DOWNSIZING. COPIES OF EACH REGIONS DRAFT PREPARED BY THE REG. DIRECTORS OF IMM. FOR SUBMISSION TO THE MINISTER. THESE DRAFT PROPOSALS WILL DEAL DIRECTLY WITH ISSUES SUCH AS DOWNSIZING EFFECTS, OFFICE CLOSURE AND WORK PLACE ADJUSTMENT IMPACTS, ETC. THEY WERE TO BE PREPARED BY THE REGIONS FOR PRESENTATION TO THE MINISTER ON JAN. 18, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.04.28 930029 XXX RE XXX ANY AND ALL INFO RE XXX CARRYING ON BUSINESS AS XXX WITH RESPECT TO THE EMPLOYMENT UNDER THE CANADA JOBS STRATEGY PROGRAM OF XXX IN THE YEARS 1989 AND 1990. 930030 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930030 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930030 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930031 XXX VISA & MED. RECS. FOR XXX VISA AND MED. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930032 XXX MED. RECORDS FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930033 XXX XXX WORKERS CIC ROCK ISLAND COPY OF FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION SENT BY XXX TO CIC ROCK ISLAND RE WHETHER THE XXX WORKERS WOULD REPRESENT SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS FOR CANADA AS A RESULT OF THEIR ADMISSION. 930034 XXX MEDICAL RECS. FOR XXX MED. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930035 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930035 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930041 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.04.29 1993.04.29 930024 XXX ETUDE SUR LES STATISTIQUES SUR LES FRAUDES 1992/93 ETUDE SUR LES STATISTIQUES SUR LES FRAUDES 1992/93 930024 XXX ETUDE SUR LES STATISTIQUES SUR LES FRAUDES 1992/93 ETUDE SUR LES STATISTIQUES SUR LES FRAUDES 1992/93 930025 XXX ETUDE NATIONALE SUR LES CONSEILS ARBITRAUX ETUDE NATIONAL SUR LES CONSEILS ARBITRAUX XXX 930025 XXX ETUDE NATIONALE SUR LES CONSEILS ARBITRAUX ETUDE NATIONAL SUR LES CONSEILS ARBITRAUX XXX 1993.05.03 930036 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX ALL RECORDS RESPECTING THE IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930037 XXX PATTERN OF LABOUR FORCE ADJUST. IN THE 1980'S ACCESS TO AN ANALYSIS OF THE PATTERN OF LABOUR FORCE ADJUSTMENT IN THE 1980'S AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR INDUSTRY AND HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT POLICIES IN THE 1990'S (MENTIONED IN INDUSTRY, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1993-94 ESTIMATES PAGE 34 WHICH ALSO SAYS IT IS AN EIC PROJECT). 930038 VISA FILE FOR XXX & XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930038 VISA FILE FOR XXX & XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930039 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930039 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930040 XXX LANDING RECORDS FOR XXX REQUEST FOR INFO OF WHEN XXX ENTERED CANADA AND WHEN HE LEFT. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.03 930042 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930043 VISA FILE XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O MUNRO.25 930045 MED. RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930046 EVALUATION FORMS - XXX Access received by CEC Reginal re: copies of the evaluation forms submitted by students who attended XXX during the last 12 months. Requestor: XXX 930046 EVALUATION FORMS - XXX Access received by CEC Reginal re: copies of the evaluation forms submitted by students who attended XXX during the last 12 months. Requestor: XXX 1993.05.04 930054 MEDICAL RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMM. MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.05.06 930049 MED. RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX SOLICITOR MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR XXX 1993.05.07 930053 IMM. RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX NEW DELHI VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX SOLICITOR 1993.05.11 930051 XXX IMM. RECS CONFIRMATION WHETHER XXX (ALSO KNOWN AS XXX) WAS EVER ISSUED ANY SORT OF IMM. ORDER TO LEAVE CANADA. THE SEARCH SHOULD GO BACK 12 YEARS. 1993.05.12 930050 XXX EXPENSE ACCOUNTS FOR XXX EXPENSE ACCOUNTS AND RECEIPTS FROM: XXX. SEPT 1 TO SEPT 10/87 OCT. 8 TO OCT 15/87 (ESPECIALLY HOTEL RECEIPTS FROM BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL) ALL EXPENSE FORMS OR RECEIPTS FROM OCT 17, 18, 19/87. EXPENSE FORMS OR RECEIPTS FROM OCT. 3 & 4/87; OCT. 10 & 11/87; OCT. 23, 24, 25/87; AND OCT 30, 31/87. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.12 930052 XXX EIC PSP 301 (AIDE A L'INNOVATION) 0BJECTIFS DU PROGRAMME (301, ECONOMIQUE, MAIN D'OEUVRE, ...); CYBLES VISEES (GROUPES, GENS...); DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME (301); RAPPORTS D'EVALUATIONS, RESULTATS (ATTENTES VS. REALISATIONS); PROJECTIONS FUTURES; 930052 XXX EIC PSP 301 (AIDE A L'INNOVATION) 0BJECTIFS DU PROGRAMME (301, ECONOMIQUE, MAIN D'OEUVRE, ...); CYBLES VISEES (GROUPES, GENS...); DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME (301); RAPPORTS D'EVALUATIONS, RESULTATS (ATTENTES VS. REALISATIONS); PROJECTIONS FUTURES; 1993.05.17 930028 XXX MED. RECS. MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930047 MEDICAL FILE - XXX Access received re: Medical File of XXX - Requestor XXX 1993.05.25 930069 XXX MEDICAL OFFICERS HANDBOOK MEDICAL OFFICERS HANDBOOK 930070 XXX NHQ FILES FROM JAN 1991 TO THE PRESENT TIME COPY OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE FILED AT THE NHQ LEVEL IN OTTAWA & AT ONT. REGION, SINCE JAN. 1991 TO THE PRESENT TIME IN SUBJECT FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM UNDER THE FOLLOWING FILE NUMBERS: 8000-4 ONT. DIRECTORS OF IMMIGRATION MEETING 8000-4-1 DIST. MANAGERS MEETINGS 8000-4-2 IMMIGRATION MANAGERS CONFERENCES 8000-10 COUNSELLOR UNIT SUPERVISOR MEETING - MINUTES 8000-17 INLAND STAFF MEETINGS 8000-18 INLAND DIRECTORATE CIC MEETINGS 8000-19 INLAND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING 930071 XXX RECRUITMENT OF FOREIGN WORKERS - GEN & OCCUPATIONAL OUR FILE: EMP 7495 AND 7500 COPY OF EACH CORRESPONDENCE FILED SINCE JAN 1991 TO THE PRESENT TIME IN SUBJECT FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM UNDER THE FOLLOWING FILE NUMBERS: 7495-0 TO 7495-8 RECRUITMENT OF FOREIGN WORKERS - GENERAL 7500-0 TO 7495-10 RECRUITMENT OF FOREIGN WORKERS - OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORIES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.25 930072 XXX OCCUPATIONS LISTS LIST OF ALL OCCUPATIONS WHERE THERE IS A SHORTAGE OF SKILLED WORKERS FOR THAT PARTICULAR OCCUPATION FROM EACH CENTRE IN ONTARIO. LIST OF OCCUPATIONS FOR WHICH EMP5056 WAS ISSUED AND INCLUDE THE NUMBER OF EMP5056 ISSUED FOR EACH OCCUPATION FROM JANUARY 1992 TO THE PRESENT FROM EACH CEC IN ONTARIO LIST OF OCCUPATIONS, WHICH EACH CEC IN ONTARIO HAS DETERMINED THAT A SHORTAGE OF SKILLED WORKERS EXISTS, AND THE CEC IS WILLING TO ISSUE EMP5056. 930073 VISA & MEDICAL RECORDS XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930074 XXX MED. RECS. FOR XXX REQUEST FOR MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930074 XXX MED. RECS. FOR XXX REQUEST FOR MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR 930075 XXX RECORDS RE XXX ALL RELEASABLE RECORDS ON XXX A FORMER XXX POLICE OFFICER CHARGED WITH THE@€ CALGARY. 930076 GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH XXX COPIES OF THE IMMIGRATION FILES FOR GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH BY XXX 930076 GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH XXX COPIES OF THE IMMIGRATION FILES FOR GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH BY XXX 930077 XXX FOR VISA FILE OF XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O CONSULTANT Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.04.22 930004 COST ANALYSIS ON HIBERNIA ˙ I request access to the following records concerning Hibernia: any cost benefit analyses, global construction cost analyses, assessments of the pros and cons of government assistance and any public opinion research on the subject.˙ 930005 ATIP HANDBOOK I request access to the ATIP Handbook for Managers and Employees which was distributed in June 1990 and was mentioned in the 89-90 Annual ATIP Report.˙ 930006 EMR SECURITY & CLASSIFICATION GUID I request access to the EMR Security Classification and Designation Guide approved by senior management in March 1991 and mentioned in your Annual ATIP report. This clearly outlines the relationship between the Access Act and security designation and classification of information.˙ 1993.04.30 930008 DOWNSIZING EMR ˙ In accordance with Access to Information legislation, I am requesting the following information.˙ ˙ Subject: Downsizing EMR˙ ˙ Period: Nov. 1, 1989 to Jan. 31 /90˙ ˙ Levels: Minister ˙ Deputy Minister ˙ Assistant Deputy Minister˙ Director General˙ 1993.05.06 930010 CALL-UP FORMS - APRIL 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period April 1993. ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.05.08 1993.05.08 930009 CHIP APPLICATION Potential of UFFI installation in home recently purchased (per copy of letter attached).˙ 1993.05.10 930011 CALL-UPS FOR APRIL 1993 ˙ Further to my telephone conversation of this day with one of your information officers, I would like to request the following:˙ ˙ A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts assigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region.˙ ˙ I understand that a certain fee is required in order to obtain such information therefore, I have included a cheque in the amount of five dollars payable to the Receiver General of Canada.˙ 930012 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed Call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of March 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only.˙ 1993.05.13 930015 CDN COMPETITIVENESS AND THE CONTRO In keeping with the requirements of the Access to Information Act I am enclosing $5.˙ ˙ Could your department please provide in full the following document:˙ ˙ DRI/McGraw Hill˙ Canadian Competitiveness and the Control of Greehouse Gas Emissions˙ ˙ In particular, we are seeking the compendium study on carbon taxes that was completed by DRI/McGraw Hill.˙ 1993.05.14 930013 CHIP REQUEST I am writing with regard to my home at XXXX I am requesting access to the information in the CHIP file for this address. More specifically, I am trying to ascertain whether the CHIP was used to install UFFI into the home.˙ ˙ I am mailing a hard copy of this letter with the $5.00 fee. In the meantime, could you kindly order the file from Montreal as soon as possible. Francine Roberts has indicated that she will call once it is received. I am really anxious to learn of its contents.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EMR 1993.05.14 930013 ˙ I can be reached during business hours at XXXX. My fax number is XXXX.˙ ˙ Many thanks for your cooperation.˙ 1993.05.17 930014 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS Provide call-up sheets for temporary help for the National Capital Region for the month of April 1993.˙ 930016 ATTITUDE SURVEY REPORTS I am applying under the Access Act for the following records, 1. Canadian Facts interim, final report on attitudes to fuel efficiency, and use made of report; 2. Corporate Research Associates's interim, final report on attitudes re natural resources, and use made of report, 3. 1992, 1993 reports on alternate fuels, natural resource, energy sources for cars and homes and approaches made by industry for development, pilot project assistance. Enclosed is $5. A waiver is requested. Records will be viewed when availab.e Call for any clarifictions. p.s. please send any updated list of EMR program evaluations and audits underway, planned, completed. If above or any of it is available informally, please forward.˙ 1993.05.20 930017 POR ON NATURAL RESOURCES Records of public opinion research in 1992 and 1993 on attitudes and values on natural resources.˙ 930018 TEXT PRONONCED BY MR. COHEN IN 85 Could you please do a follow-up regarding the basis of Mr. Cohen's statement and the full text when it occured?˙ 930018 TEXT PRONONCED BY MR. COHEN IN 85 Could you please do a follow-up regarding the basis of Mr. Cohen's statement and the full text when it occured?˙ 1993.05.28 930020 CALLUPS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993 Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993. Your urgent attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. ˙ 930021 CHIP GRANT APPLICATION I would like to find out if a UFFI Grant In, was given at any time on my property at (personal identifier).˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EMR 1993.05.28 930021 Should you have any other information concerning UFFI and my property please forward it to myself also.˙ ˙ Please find enclosed proof of ownership.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.05.04 930024 PAIEMENT POUR PENALITE Copie de tous les documents de recherche, memoranda, lettres, directives ou autres, correspondance avec la communaute fiscale, les associations professionnelles, les grupes de pression, planintes et demandes d'information, pages pertinentes du "BLACK BOOK" couvrant la periode du 1er novembre 1992 au 31 janvier 1993 relativement a: Paiement pour penalite, gratificaation ou reduction de taux relativement au remboursement d`une creance avant son echeance.˙ 930025 ACTIONS DE CORPORATIONS Copie de tous les documents de recherche, memoranda, lettres, directives ou autres, correspondance avec la communaute fiscale, les associations professionnelles, les groupes de pression, plaintes et demandes d`information, pages pertinentes du "BLACK BOOK" couvrant la periode du 1er novembre 1992 au 31 janvier 1993 relativement a:˙ Actions de corporations en difficulte financiere (paras.248(1), 112(2.1) a 112(2.6) etc. "distressed preferred shares").˙ 930026 REORGANISATIONS PARTIELLES Copie de tous les documents de recherche, memoranda, lettres directives ou autres, correspondance aavec la communaute fiscale, les associations professionnelles, les groupes de pression, plaintes et demandes d'information, pages pertinentes du "BLACK BOOK" couvrant la periode du 1er novembre 1992 au 31 janvier 1993 relativement a:˙ Reorganisations partielles - gain exonere apr convention (para.55(3.1) - LIR).˙ 930027 CORPORATIONS ETRANGERES AFFILLIEES Copie de tous les documents de recherche, memoranda, lettres, dirctives ou autres, correspondanace avec la communaute fiscale, les associations professionnelles, les groupes de pression, plaintes et demandes d'information, pages pertinentes du "BLACK BOOK" couvrant la periode du 1er novembre 1992 au 31 janvier 1993 relativement a:˙ Corporations etrangeres affiliees (art.95 LIR) incluant la replique aux commentaires du Verificateur General du Canada.˙ 930028 CORPORATION QUITTANT LE CANADA Copie de tous les documents de recherche, memoranda, lettres, directives ou autres, correspondance avec la communaute fiscale, les associations professionnelles, les groupes de pression, plaintes et demandes Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... FIN 1993.05.04 930028 d'information, pages pertinentes du "BLACK BOOK" couvrant la periode du 1er novembre 1992 au 31 janvier 1993 relativement a:˙ Corporation quittant le Canada, changement de residence, residence incluant:˙ (1) [article 88.1 "LIR"] (nouveau): Corporation quittant le Canada;˙ (2) [Para.250(5.1) "LIR"] (nouveau): Residence;˙ (3) [Art. 128.1 "LIR"] (nouveau): Immigration;˙ (4) [Art. 128.2 "LIR"] (nouveau): Unifications transfrontalieres.˙ 1993.05.13 930029 GST/TAX AVOIDANCE/UNDERGROUND ECON Any and all studies, reports, memoranda and correspondence concerning shortfalls in GST revenues, the Growth of tax avoidance, the underground economy and measures being studied to counter these trends.˙ 930030 SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO A copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the smuggling of tobacco into Canada, including:˙ ˙ 1) information regarding the scope and nature of tobacco smuggling, broken down by location or province;˙ ˙ 2) proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada;˙ ˙ 3) information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and˙ ˙ 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers`Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or any proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 930031 TOBACCO TAXATION A copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation, including:˙ ˙ 1) information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 federal budgets;˙ ˙ 2) information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 province of Quebec budgets;˙ ˙ 3) information pertaining in any way to the federal export tax on tobacco Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... FIN 1993.05.13 930031 implemented in February 1992, and˙ ˙ 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers`Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco consumption in Canada or elsewhere in relation to tobacco taxation policy.˙ 1993.05.18 930032 TAXATION AND SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO All correspondence, from June 1st, 1992 to the present, between the government of Quebec and the department of Finance (Canada) concerning issues of tobacco taxation and tobacco smuggling.˙ 930033 FUTURE OF CPP/QUEBEC PENSION ETC.. 1. In-house/consultant reprots 1991-1993 on how social insurance programs (CPP/Quebec Pension Plans, Old Age Security in particular) will work in the next 40 years, given increased demands on the system, and changes needed/contemplated, for example, in premium contributions/age or income qualifications etc, and other ideas/plans.˙ ˙ 2. In-house/consultant reports 1991-1993 on changes needed/contemplated in the next forty years to maintain and enhance child income maintenance, any review of whether needy children`s income levels have risen/fallen in 1991-1993, and what significant tax/fiscal changes are needed for significant improvement.˙ ˙ 3. 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on changes needed/contemplated to Canada`s social an health insurance programs.˙ 930034 LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIE 1. 1991 to 1993 reviews internally or from consultants of life and health insuranac companies`s regulation, solvency, customer protection, and other practices and of potential/actual problem areas.˙ ˙ 2. Internal review, 1991 to 1993, of life and health insurance companies efforts to convince the federal government to end subsidizing those able to pay for private health and other insurance plans.˙ ˙ 3. Finance`s 1991-1993 views on CompCorp`s efforts at self-regulation and alternatives considered.˙ ˙ 4. Finance`s 1991-1993 plans for future consumer protection in the life and health insurance industry and assessment of the future of this financial industry sector.˙ ˙ 5. 1991-1993 briefing notes to the minister on the above subjects.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.05.18 930035 REPORTS PREPARED BY CONTRACTORS Contract terms of reference and reports AD22081 (p.1), ˙ A006134 (p.2),˙ AD02192 (p.3),˙ A206005 (p.5),˙ A206108 (p.6),˙ A206084, ˙ A206104,˙ A206112 (p. 8). ˙ 930036 REACTIONS TO 1993 BUDGET 1. Reports reviewing median coverage of the May/93 budget.˙ ˙ 2. Assessment, reaaction to bonding hosues rating of the canadian government after the May/93 budget.˙ ˙ 3. Assessment/reaction to Conservative leadership cnadidates`s remarks (especially Boyer/Edwards) on the May/93 budget and deficit measures.˙ ˙ 4. Release of background economic forecasts as sought in the past.˙ ˙ 5. Any 1993 internal projections on future GST revenues.˙ ˙ 6. Any polling/public opinion work done before/after the May/93 budget.˙ ˙ 7. 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on provisions in the May/93 budget and their follow-up.˙ 1993.05.20 930037 FILE EDGETECH 3919.10.90.99 The purpose of this letter is to request access to File Edgetech 3919.10.90.99˙ 1993.05.21 930038 TEMPORARY HELP Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: April 93.˙ 930039 TEMPORARY HELP A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts assigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.04.05 930012 1. CHILKA LAKE (INDIA): CANADIAN 1. Chilka Lake (India): Canadian contractor; his professional qualifications and specific experience in dealing with brackish water lakes; project description; contract value and duration and progress date. 2. List Canadian contractors and their projects in SEAsia for 1991 and 1992, dealing with "Women inDevelopment" program. 3. A list of forestry contracts given to s.19(1) and his company for three latest years. 1993.04.13 930013 UNDER THE PROVISIONS OUTLINED IN Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed Call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of February 1993 as it pertains to your Department. 1993.04.15 930014 DEUX RAPPORTS: Deux rapports: Report on the evaluation of the benefit/cost report and production cost analysis of the Tanzania wheat project reports by Prairie Horizons Limited (Report on the evaluation of Hanang wheat project cost/benefit analysis) Evaluation of CIDA's Economic Support Activities;Working Paper: Analysis of the First-Order Canadian Costs and the First-Order Recipient Benefits (Final) 1993.04.16 930015 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1990-91 "PAYMENTS O Public Accounts 1990-91 "Payments of Damage Claims" at page 9.3 Authority -- Ministerial Loss of personnal property due to inadvertent disposal -- $21,825.00 930016 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1990-91 "EX GRATI Public Accounts 1990-91 "Ex Gratia Payments" at page 9.16 Authority -- PC 1974-4/1946 and Ministerial Compensation for loss of money while on an authorized C.I.D.A. trip -- Payment under $100.00 (1) $1000.00 $ 50.00 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.04.22 1993.04.22 930017 ALL INFORMATION RE: AQUARIUS MAPP All information re: Aquarius Mapping/Surveying project (s) in Indonesia and East Timor (a) When CIDA funded (i) total disbursements from Canadian Gov't (ii) all reports from initial proposal to allprogress, interim and final reports on project(s)- from inception until CIDA funding ended (b) Any info on Aquarius Mapping/Surveying projects that are now funded by th World Bank. 930018 DETAILS ON ALL CANADIAN (CIDA) FU Details on all Canadian (CIDA) funded projects inEast Timor from 1975 to date of Access Request. (a) What are the projects? (b) who are the groups/organizations who applied for funding (NGO's) (c) Evaluation of all projects completed both by CIDA personel and members of the Canadian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia (d) Evalutions of all projects still in progress. 1993.04.27 930020 I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS TO I I am applying under the Access to Information Actfor the following records in the 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 period: ~contracts, grants and contributions to: andany associated/resulting interim/final reports ordocuments produced by Pollution Probe or Pollution Probe Foundation, a Toronto based group. 930022 REQUEST A COPY OF THE AUDIT OF TH Request a copy of the audit of the Davao Heatlh Development Project dated March 30, 1993. 1993.04.29 930019 I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THE FOLLO I would like to request the following documents from CIDA regarding the Tanzania Canada Wheat Project: 1) briefing notes for a letter sent from Monique Landry to MP Christine Stewart on June 12, 1989; 2) briefing notes for a letter sent from Joe Clark to MP Warren Allmand on June 16, 1989; 3) briefing notes relating to an "open letter from the Barabaig people" from around the same date as the above two letters; 4) briefing notes for a letter from Monique Landry to Probe Internatonional o October 25, 1989; and5) any and all briefings, memos, reports or studies prepared for her department or by CIDA for herspecifically pertaining to the Wheat Project and the Barabaigs from 1987 to 1993. I would also like to request any communications between CIDA and the Canadian Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... IDA 1993.04.29 930019 High Commission in Dar es Salaam concerning the Wheat Project and the Barabaigs during the same period. Of particular interest would be any information regarding the Tanzanian government's Commission of inquiry into complaints regarding harassment of Barabaigs by Wheat Project employees. 1993.05.03 930021 A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC OP A copy of the following Public opinion survey report: ~ But-in Questions - 3 SC Survey (CROP): Public opinion attitudes towards International Development(Registration no. IDA/RDG-695-05405) Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.04.03 930003 COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN IRB AND NI With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to Information Act, on any communication between the Immigration and Refugee Board or any of its Montreal personnel and the Nigerian embassy in Ottawa mentioning Nigeria or Nigerian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.05.07 930020 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR APRIL 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930020 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR APRIL 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930021 CALLUPS IN ONTARIO FOR APRIL 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN ONTARIO FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930021 CALLUPS IN ONTARIO FOR APRIL 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN ONTARIO FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930022 MERCEDES TEXTILES LTD. GRANTS, LOANS, ASSISTANCE OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITHIN LAST TWO YEARS TO: MERCEDES TEXTILES LTD., KIRKLAND, QUEBEC˙ 930022 MERCEDES TEXTILES LTD. GRANTS, LOANS, ASSISTANCE OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITHIN LAST TWO YEARS TO: MERCEDES TEXTILES LTD., KIRKLAND, QUEBEC˙ 1993.05.11 930023 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR MARCH 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MARCH 1993˙ 1993.05.17 930024 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR APRIL 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930024 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR APRIL 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930025 LOMAK MANUFACTURING COMPANY CONTRACT UNDER IRDP BY ECONOMICAL DEVELOPEMENT AGENCY AND/OR LOMAK MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC. IN OR ABOUT MARCH 1989. REQUEST COPY OF APPLICATION DOCUMENTS, COPY OF CONTRACT OR GRANT, COPY OF INSPECTION REPORT, CORRESPONDENCE BY IRDP AND COPY OF GUIDELINES SETTING OUT CRITERIA.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.05.18 1993.05.18 930026 TRAVEL REQUISITIONS AND CLAIMS COPIES OF TRAVEL REQUISITIONS AND CLAIMS FOR ONLY THOSE TRIPS TAKEN BY EMPLOYEES OF ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE SINCE FEBRUARY 1991.˙ 930026 TRAVEL REQUISITIONS AND CLAIMS COPIES OF TRAVEL REQUISITIONS AND CLAIMS FOR ONLY THOSE TRIPS TAKEN BY EMPLOYEES OF ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE SINCE FEBRUARY 1991.˙ 930027 TRAVEL CLAIMS 90-93 COPIES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENTS (REQUISITIONS, CLAIMS) MADE BY AN EMPLOYEE IN COPIES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENTS (REQUISITIONS, CLAIMS) MADE BY EMPLOYEE OF THE COPIES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENTS (REQUISITIONS, CLAIMS) MADE BY EMPLOYEE OF THE ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE FROM 1990-93.˙ 930028 SHIPBUILDING VIEW OR RECEIVE COPIES OF FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH $8M CONTRIBUTION; DOCUMENTS SHOWING SPENDING RESTRICTIONS; COPIES OF SHIPBUILDING POLICY AND COPIES OF AGREEMENT WITH SEASPAN, ALLIED, SHIELDINGS, LABOUR UNIONS AND THE PORT OF VANCOUVER.˙ 1993.05.25 930029 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS COPIES OF ALL PUBLIC OPINION POLLS CONDUCTED BY, OR ON BEHALF OF, THE DEPARTMENT SINCE FEB. 1, 1993˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.02.09 930016 MICHELLE DOUGLAS V. THE QUEEN Any and all documents given to Clayton Ruby for the federal court case Michelle Douglas v. Her Majesty in November 1992, including all information and compensation funds and costs of preparing the case.˙ MICHELLE DOUGLAS V. THE QUEEN Any and all documents given to Clayton Ruby for the federal court case Michelle Douglas v. Her Majesty in November 1992, including all information and compensation funds and costs of preparing the case.˙ 1993.03.01 930025 INDIAN ACT TAX 1. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions related to the Indian Act Tax Exemption/Immunity to include:˙ ˙ a) the background, history and administration of the following Indian Remission Orders and amendments˙ ˙ PC 1992-938 7 May, 1992˙ PC 1989-740 28 April 1989˙ PC 1988-787 28 April 1988˙ PC 1985-2446 7 August 1985˙ PC 1991-264 14 February 1991˙ ˙ 2. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Policy Task Force of the Department of Finance and creation of the Indian Taxation Policy Group in that department.˙ ˙ 3. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Secretariat of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.˙ ˙ 4. All correspondence, memoranda, analyses, contracts, minutes of meetings, and records of decisions concerning the taxation of Status and Treaty Indians prior to and following the Supreme Court's decision in Nowegijick v. the Queen.˙ ˙ 5. All reports, studies, documents for the last 5 years which have to do with Indian taxation issues.˙ INDIAN ACT TAX 1. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions related to the Indian Act Tax Exemption/Immunity to include:˙ ˙ a) the background, history and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... JUS 1993.03.01 930025 administration of the following Indian Remission Orders and amendments˙ ˙ PC 1992-938 7 May, 1992˙ PC 1989-740 28 April 1989˙ PC 1988-787 28 April 1988˙ PC 1985-2446 7 August 1985˙ PC 1991-264 14 February 1991˙ ˙ 2. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Policy Task Force of the Department of Finance and creation of the Indian Taxation Policy Group in that department.˙ ˙ 3. All briefing notes, analyses, memoranda, contracts, correspondence, minutes of meetings, records of decisions concerning the Indian Taxation Secretariat of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.˙ ˙ 4. All correspondence, memoranda, analyses, contracts, minutes of meetings, and records of decisions concerning the taxation of Status and Treaty Indians prior to and following the Supreme Court's decision in Nowegijick v. the Queen.˙ ˙ 5. All reports, studies, documents for the last 5 years which have to do with Indian taxation issues.˙ 1993.05.07 930048 TEMPORARY HELP CONTRACTS A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts assigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region. 1993.05.10 930049 JUDGE LOUIS ST. GEORGE STUBBS 1. Legal and political activities of Judge Louis St. George Stubbs in the 1930's. 2. RNWMP investion of potential jurors for trial of R.B. Russell, Winnipeg 1919. 1993.05.12 930050 LITIGATION INVOLVING "LA PRESSE" Documents re: litigation involving "La Presse" or Roger D. Landry. 1993.05.17 930051 WWII RCAF PILOT D.L.W. MEIER A letter from the Department of Justice dated s.19(1) to the Director of Central Registries, National Defence Headquarters concerning World War II Royal Canadian Air Force pilot s.19(1) , service number s.19(1) , placed on file s.19(1) 930051 WWII RCAF PILOT D.L.W. MEIER A letter from the Department of Justice dated s.19(1) to the Director of Central Registries, National Defence Headquarters concerning World War II Royal Canadian Air Force pilot s.19(1) , service number s.19(1) , placed on file s.19(1) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.05.17 930052 TATS FINANCIERS DES OP‚RATIONS D tats financiers des op‚rations du Centre de Ski Mont-Joie Inc. pour la p‚riode du 28 f‚vrier 1992 au 18 janvier 1993 et qui sont pr‚par‚s par l'administrateur judiciaire du Centre Ski Mont-Joie Inc., Raymond Chabot Martin Par‚. 1993.05.20 930053 TEXTS AND ARTICLES FOR EXAMINATIO A copy of all texts and articles on examinations for discovery or examinations in general prepared by Mr. John Power, Q.C., as revised from time to time. 1993.05.27 930054 TRIAL OF s.19(1) Information, files, records and trial transcripts in the possession of the Department of Justice relevant to the trial of s.19(1) for murder in Windsor, September 1946 and his subsequent appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal in November 1946. 1993.05.28 930055 CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY Copies of information by, on, or concerning the Church of Scientology and various government levels, ministries, etc. 1993.05.31 930056 NATIVE LITIGATION REPORT All editions of the "Native Litigation Report". Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.04.08 930008 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.04.30 930043 CONFIRMATION OF DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH OF MOTHER. 930045 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.05.03 930042 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the months of January, February and March 1993 for Multiculturalism and Citizenship. 1993.05.04 930046 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.05.05 930049 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930050 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.05.07 930051 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 2 INDIVIDU 1993.05.11 930052 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.05.14 930053 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930055 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930056 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 10 INDIVID 930057 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.05.14 930058 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP OF FA 930059 INFORMATION CONCERNING 2 INDIVIDU 930060 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 2 INDIVIDU 1993.05.18 930054 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.04.14 93002 WINTERLUDE FOOD CONCESSIONS I am looking for information concerningthe amounts paid to do the general˙ contracting of food concessions on the Rideau Canal for the 1992-93 season. Also the off ice venues for Winterlude. If you could tell me how much the contract cost it would be appreciated. ˙ 1993.04.25 93003 WORKSHOPS/RETREATS ˙ For fiscal years 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 (including projected specific costs) the costs of retreats/workshops held in outside HQ Laurier Avenue facilities that predominantly involve NCC staff, including management or specific branches retreats/workshops. Please provide a list of attendees, the purpose of such retreats/workshops, rationales for such off-HQ site meetings, and their dates and locales. In terms of costs, provide, besides the total cost figure, a breakdown re cost categories for: accommodation/meal/hospitality/travel/equipment/other/incidental costs per retreat/workshop.˙ 93003 WORKSHOPS/RETREATS ˙ For fiscal years 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 (including projected specific costs) the costs of retreats/workshops held in outside HQ Laurier Avenue facilities that predominantly involve NCC staff, including management or specific branches retreats/workshops. Please provide a list of attendees, the purpose of such retreats/workshops, rationales for such off-HQ site meetings, and their dates and locales. In terms of costs, provide, besides the total cost figure, a breakdown re cost categories for: accommodation/meal/hospitality/travel/equipment/other/incidental costs per retreat/workshop.˙ 1993.04.30 93004 MINUTES - ACRAM/NCPC The meeting minutes in 1992 and 1993 of the NCC and advisory committes on real property (ACRAM), and on planning (NCPC). ˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 930063 ACCESS TO 6 HWC PUBLIC OPINION SU A copy of the following Public Opinion Survey reports: a) Social Policy initiatives (Regis. no. HWC/COM-087-05433) b) Consumer response/Acceptance study - women with breast implants (Regis. no. HWC/HPB-195-05614) c) Testing Child Tax Benefit Communications Report (Regis. no. HWC/ISP-340-05455) d) Public Opinion towards policies affecting children in Canada (Regis. no. HWC/SSP-399-05285) e) Public opinion re: Policies affecting children in Canada (Regis. no. HWC/SSP-339-05296). 930063 ACCESS TO 6 HWC PUBLIC OPINION SU A copy of the following Public Opinion Survey reports: a) Social Policy initiatives (Regis. no. HWC/COM-087-05433) b) Consumer response/Acceptance study - women with breast implants (Regis. no. HWC/HPB-195-05614) c) Testing Child Tax Benefit Communications Report (Regis. no. HWC/ISP-340-05455) d) Public Opinion towards policies affecting children in Canada (Regis. no. HWC/SSP-399-05285) e) Public opinion re: Policies affecting children in Canada (Regis. no. HWC/SSP-339-05296). 1993.05.03 930064 RECORDS ON HEALTH SERVICES AND CO 1. 1992, 1993 records on Canadian health services seeking United States/other countries patients, and HWC's position on that, or HWC review of reports like the Delphi Group one suggesting that Canadian hospitals go after U.S. patients in certain in-patient services. 2. 1992, 1993 records on, or allowing, Canadians to purchase supplementary health care insurance for medical treatment (eg. in areas where there are waits for equipment diagnosis, surgery) in the United States/other countries (and not simply supp. insurance while travelling/residing abroad temporarily). 3. 1992, 1993 records on actual health care services provided to Canadians in the United States at what costs; and on actual health care provided U.S. residents in Canadian hospitals and any cost information to provide such services and payments made; and on the number of Canadian health personnel employed in the U.S., and the number who have left Canada in 1990-93 for the USA. 4. Late 1992, 1993 records reviewing possible U.S. changes to a system of insuring its health care, and the effect such changes could have on Canadian Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.05.03 930064 medicare; and efforts made to correct U.S. misinformation on Canadian medicare system practices. 5. Any 1992, 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on the above subjects. 930065 RECORDS REGARDING POTENTIAL CHANG 1. 1992, 1993 briefing notes to the Minister, anticipated oral questions on medicare, and on medicare possible/actual changes. 2. 1992, 1993 records on maintaining country wide health standards and following the five principles of the Canada Health Act, and proposed changes discussed internally to these goals, and those proposed changes received from the provinces, including of changes made, and replies to these (could be wide range from user fees to doctor's salaries etc). 3. 1992, 1993 records reviewing future medicare, medicare costs. 4. Effects of NAFTA on medicare/health services. 5. Data released under the Access to Information Act on the above subjects. 930066 LIST OF PROTECTED PATENTS SUBMITT With the approval of Bill C-91, relating to patent protection for pharmaceutical products, companies which had patents that they wanted protected were to submit a list of such patents to the HPB by early April 1993. Could you please provide a copy of the completed list. If this is available on computer disk (word perfect IBM) this would be preferable. 1993.05.05 930067 RECORDS RE SALE OF LYODURA GRAFTS BY MUNSENGEN. RE: Wrongful death of (XXX). We wish to apply pursuant to Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act for delivery of copies of all documentation which has been generated in respect to the sale of Lyodura Grafts by a company known as Munsengen in Canada. 930067 RECORDS RE SALE OF LYODURA GRAFTS BY MUNSENGEN. RE: Wrongful death of (XXX). We wish to apply pursuant to Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act for delivery of copies of all documentation which has been generated in respect to the sale of Lyodura Grafts by a company known as Munsengen in Canada. 930068 RECORDS RE GOTU KOLA AND CANCER. Please send me information about the testing showing the correlation between gotu kola and cancer. What data do they have suggesting that the study might be good science? Please send me as much data about the test as possible. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.05 930070 DOCUMENTS SUR UN GROUPE D'ALIMENT Demande d'information et documents sur les fibres non-conventionnelles (non-usuelles). En vertu de la loi sur l'accŠs ... l'information, je d‚sire obtenir des documents sur un groupe d'aliments appel‚ "fibres non-conventionnelles ou fibres non-usuelles", dans le cadre d'une recherche personnelle. Je suis citoyenne canadienne de naissance et travaille comme di‚t‚tiste. Les fibres non-conventionnelles ou non-usuelles sont d‚finies par Consommations et Corporation Canada comme des "aliments fabriqu‚s de fa‡on ... constituer une source de fibres alimentaires et n'ayant pas (...) servis traditionnellement ... la consommation humaine ou ayant subi un traitement chimique, par exemple, l'oxydation, ou un traitement physique, par exemple des fibres trŠs finement broy‚es, de sorte que les propri‚t‚s en sont modifi‚es ou ‚tant d'origine v‚g‚tale trŠs concentr‚e" (Consommation et Corporation Canada, Guide des fabricants et annonceurs, p. 98, 1988). Le but de ma recherche est de savoir si les fibres de cosses de pois, les fibres de cotyl‚don de soya et la farine de cotyl‚don de soya ainsi que le psyllium, utilis‚s dans certains produits disponibles en ‚picerie, sont actuellement consid‚r‚s comme des fibres non-conventionnelles (non-usuelles). J'aimerais recevoir les documents suivants: 1) Une liste des types de fibres que Consommations et Corporation Canada et/ou Sant‚ et Bien-ˆtre social Canada qualifient de non-conventionnelles (en fran‡ais et en anglais si possible). 2) Les r‚sultats et protocoles de recherches, avec bibliographie ... l'appui, sur: a) les fibres de psyllium de la compagnie Kellogg qui ont conduit ... l'acceptation, par Sant‚ et Bien-ˆtre social Canada, de leur produit appel‚ "C‚r‚ales Kellogg Psyllium"; b) les fibres de cosses de pois ou fibres v‚g‚tales de pois, de la compagnie Catelli pour l'acceptation de leur produit appel‚ "Pƒtes Catelli ultra fibre"; c) sur les fibres de cotyl‚don de soya et la farine de cotyl‚don de soya de la compagnie Weston (produits Weight Watchers, pain Weston l‚ger bl‚ entier 60%, pain Weston l‚ger blanc) et de la compagnie Nabob pour leur c‚r‚ales ... d‚jeuner Lifestream. 3) Les documents publi‚s par Sant‚ et Bien-ˆtre social Canada sur les fibres en g‚n‚ral ainsi que sur les fibres non-conventionnelles ou non-usuelles (publi‚s aprŠs 1986). 4) Les modifications de la Loi des Aliments et Drogues section aliments, ainsi que du Guide des fabricants et annonceurs-aliments en ce qui concernent les fibres, aprŠs 1988. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.06 1993.05.06 930071 RATING GUIDE FOR CR-4 POSITION IN EDMONTON (HSAR11). Prior boards (three), questions and answers for the position of Grants and Contribution Clerk (CR-04). (HSAR11). 1993.05.10 930073 N.D.S., N.O.C. AND HPB CORRESPOND Copy of the New Drug Submission and Notice of Compliance and internal HPB correspondence including file log for BIO AGRI MIX submission for CARBODOX. Copy of file log for the Pfizer CARBODOX file. 930074 HPB REVIEWER'S COMMENTS FOR LIVOSTIN BY JANSSEN. HPB reviewer's comments. Preclinical, clinical adn pharmaceutical evaluation of LIVOSTIN for the purposes of the PER scheme. For greater certainty this means a copy of all of the material which was submitted to Australia and for which Janssen gave a consent to be transferred to the Australian regulatory authorities. This request is made for the drug LIVOSTIN nasal spray (NDS-09267) and eye drops (NDS-08292). 930075 REVIEWER'S COMMENTS ETC. ON GYNO-TROSYD (PFIZER). We are requesting the Reviewer's Evaluation Report pertaining to the New Drug Submission for the drug GYNO-TROSYD (TIOCONAZOLE) Vaginal Ointment 6.5% and the Supplemental New Drug Submission for GYNO-TROSYD Vaginal Ovules 300 mg. During our telephone conversation of May 1993, (XXX), Acting Chief of the Infection and Immunology Division, Health Protection Branch, was informed of our request and expressed no objection. We received a Notice of Compliance for these drug products dated November 1, 1989. 1993.05.11 930076 DRUG INSPECTION REPORT FOR TELFOR Provide copies of the following drug inspection reports for Telford Pharmaceuticals 1991, 1992 and 1993: 1. Cover letter 2. Rating Form 3. Inspection Narrative Report 4. Inspector's written comments and any regulatory documents. 930077 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR SURGAM/SURGAM SR (HOECHST-ROUSSEL). The most recent version of the Product Monograph for... SURGAM/SURGAM SR (tiaprofenic acid) by Hoechst-Roussel - Approx. 93-04-21. 1993.05.12 930078 IDENTITY OF APPLICANT FOR ATI FIL Identity of the party requesting information on records of any concerns on the efficacy of dry powder inhalers (see File 91-A-556, letter to Astra Pharma Inc. from (XXX) dated April 28, 1993). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.12 930079 SPECIAL INFORMATION RE HIBITER (L Please provide me with a copy of the stability data that supports the shipment of the above product at "ambient temperature". 930080 SPECIAL INFORMATION RE DPT ABSORB Please provide me with copies of the Product Monograph and Direction Leaflet for the recently licensed product described above. 1993.05.13 930081 RECORDS PERTAINING TO TOBACCO TAX Request a copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation, including: 1. Information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 federal budgets 2. Information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco in the 1992 and 1993 province of Qu‚bec budgets 3. Information pertaining in any way to the federal export tax on tobacco implemented in February 1992 4. Information provided by the Canadian Tobacco manufacturers' Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and /or their representatives regarding tobacco consumption in Canada or elsewhere in relation to tobacco taxation policy. 930082 RECORDS RE: SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO. Request copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the smuggling of tobacco into Canada, including: 1. information regarding the scope and nature of tobacco smuggling, broken down by location or province; 2. proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada 3. information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; 4. information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or any proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.05.13 930082 5. information regarding the level of tobacco manufactured for export by Canadian tobacco companies, broken down by company, as required to be submitted to Health and Welfare Canada under Section 17(2) of the Tobacco Products Control Regulations and under Section 10(2) of the Tobacco Products Control Act. 930084 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR DIFLUCAN (P Under the provisions of this legislation, would you please provdie us with a copy of the most recent Product Monograph for the following product: Brand Name: Diflucan Capsules Active Ingredient: Fluconazole Strength: 50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg Tablets Manufacturer: Pfizer 930085 VARIOUS HPB GUIDELINES (13 PART R Request for various HPB Guidelines: 1. Code of practice - General Principles of food hygiene for use by the food industry in Canada. 2. Field Operations Directorate Information Booklet. 3. Field Operations Directorate operational policy directives 4. Food, drug, cosmetic and medical device projects to be conducted during the program year 5. Guide for the preparation of plant master files and imported drug submissions. 6. Guideline for nutrition labelling 7. General principles for labelling and advertising claims that relate to the nutrition recommendations 8. Guidelines for health information programs involving the sale of food 9. Guidelines for incidental additive submissions 10. Inspection procedures for food plant Inspectors 11. National Enforcement Reports (prosecutions, recalls, imported products unacceptable for sale in Canada) 12. Ontario region - procedures for conducting compliance activities 13. Radiation Protection Bureau policy respecting the use radionucleids in Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.05.13 930085 humans 1993.05.14 930086 RECORDS RE: VIOLATIONS/ENFORCEMEN Request copies of all documents prepare by, prepared within and received by the department of Health and Welfare Canada, since January 1992 respecting violations and enforcement of the Tobacco Products Control Act and its regulations. Specifically, I would like to see documents which concern themselves with any violation of the TPCA and the course of action pursued by the department. Such records should include: documentation respecting the report of the alleged violation and the documentation detailing the course of action pursued by the department, including correspondence issued to the party committing the violation and information on charges laid and/or penalties imposed. 930087 VARIOUS RECORDS RE: PROBLEMS OF E Access to Information Act for the following records: 1. 1991 to 1993 consultant reports or in-house test results of products for which health claims are made to protect wearers against sun's ultraviolet rays. (Medical device products include sunscreen, clothes, sunglasses, etc...) 2. 1991 to 1993 data on complaints/problem reports of such products claiming to have health value and HWC actions taken. Include any pricing data on these products. 3. Standards/proposed standards/levels or factors to meet standards for product to be considered sun protection medical devices 4. 1991 to 1993 dermatologist advisory committee meeting minutes and reports and follow-up HWC actions. 5. Any 1992 to 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on the above subjects. ** Request revised** 1. Only interested in medical devices, not drugs. 2. Daffey Report 3. Only interested in Standards (labelling) 4. abandon - follow-up HWC actions 5. abandon Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.14 930088 VARIOUS RECORDS CONCERNING HEALTH CARE COSTS. Requests for the following records: 1. 1993 reports/reviews of HWC and provincial health cost containment initiatives. 2. 1992, 1993 records that indicate what the costs nationally/provincially are for administrative overhead, major health provision areas and which areas are the target of cutback or, lower federal transfer payments. 3. Any 1993 blueprint on health care costs. 4. Any review/position on more efficient health costs via BC initiative at job perservation/transition in a changing health care delivery system. 5. Any late 1992, 1993 polls/surveys/focus groups on health care and costs. 6. Any 1992 to 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on the above subjects. 930089 VARIOUS POR STUDIES, AND A 1993-94 PLAN. Request for the following records on Public Opinion: 1. Impact Recherche's work on school health 2. Palmerson Group's work on drugs and alcohol 3. Tao Research Associate's work on child tax benefit 4. Any other public opinion research in 1993, and a list of projected information collections, 1993-94. 930090 VARIOUS RECORDS CONCERNING CANADA HEALTH ACT. Requests for the following records: 1. Since 1986 until the present, any threatened or actual enforcement attemps to uphold the five principles behind the Canada Health Act or to ensure that the Act's provisions are upheld. Include any specific fines levied, any funds withheld, or other enforcement mechanisms invoked. 2. In the cases of recent doctors' disputes in Ontario and BC, records that indicate whether binding arbitration is in line with or contrary to the Canada Health Act's provisions, and federal views/responses to these disputes and arbitration. 3. Records on any attempts 1990 to 1993 to increase or decrease the enforcement provisions of the Canada Health Act, or of the means devised to ensure enforceability (e.g. established programs financing or budget information act etc... records that describe these devices and their usefulness as enforcement means). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.05.14 930090 4. Any review of the 1993 positions taken by (XXX) and (XXX) on applying user fees to medicare,(XXX)'s exploration making medicare a taxable benefit subject to a clawback provision for high income earners. 5. Any 1992 to 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on the above subjects. 1993.05.17 930092 ADR`S FOR CLOTIMAZOLE (SEVERAL NA Request for the follwoing information: copies of all the adverse reaction reports submitted for the product clotrimaxole since its first Notice of Compliance to the present. This product has several trade names and include "Myclo", "Canesten", "Clotrimaderm" and "Neo-Zol". 930093 GIS INFORMATION CONCERNING (XXX). Information required about (XXX). I would like to know the date when she started to get the Guaranteed Income Supplement. The total amount she received for the number of years and the date and amount of the last cheque that was sent. 1993.05.18 930094 INSPECTION REPORT RE BREAKFAST CE My complaint is against (XXX), concerning a box of breakfast cereal (XXX), in which a plastic object was found. I require a copy of the Federal Inspectors Report, so as to ascertain which action I will be taking against the above company. The product was handed over by (XXX) from my home for inspection. I have since been in contact with (XXX), Health Protection Branch, St. John's. 930095 FOCUS GROUP TESTING BRIGHTER FUTU Results of Focus Group TV Ads testing by decimal Research, March 1993 for the "A brighter futures" campaign. 930096 FOLLOW-UP TO FILE 92-A-878. The following information is what is required, as well as information requested in a letter dated April 26, 1992, about (XXX). 1. The 3 times he was used as a witness a) what was the outcome of each case b) what was he attesting to 2. Was (XXX) attending a meeting in Edmonton, at the Edmonton Inn in Nov. 1992. a) if yes, what was the reason b) who put the meeting on c) who requested (XXX) d) require only notes he may have taken Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.19 1993.05.19 930097 RECORDS RELATING TO POST-MARKET A All records relating to the purity, stability, strength, quality, potency and post-market adverse reactions of sterile vancomycin hydrochloride VANCOCIN (500 mg., 1g. and 10g.) of Eli Lilly Canada Inc. including: a) all correspondence from Eli Lilly to the HPB and from the HPB to Eli Lilly b) All review of the HPB on Eli Lilly's sterile vancomycin hydrochloride c) All memoranda, reports and other records of the HPB vancomycin hydrochloride of other persons. 930098 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE (XXX). Provide the most recent Product Monograph for: VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE IV 2.5 m./ml manufactured by (XXX), 930099 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR CEFAZOLIN (XXX). Product Mnograph for CEFAZOLIN manufactured by (XXX). 930100 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LEUCOVORIN (XXX). Product Monograph for LEUCOVORIN manufactured by (XXX). 930101 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR GEN-CLOBETASOL AND SURGAM/SURGAM SR. Latest approved Monographs for the following: 1. Gen-Clobetasol Ointment (XXX) 2. Surgam/Surgam SR (XXX) 930101 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR GEN-CLOBETASOL AND SURGAM/SURGAM SR. Latest approved Monographs for the following: 1. Gen-Clobetasol Ointment (XXX) 2. Surgam/Surgam SR (XXX) 930102 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ISOPTIN IV (XXX). Provide the most recent Product Monograph for ISOPTIN IV manufactured by (XXX). 930102 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ISOPTIN IV (XXX). Provide the most recent Product Monograph for ISOPTIN IV manufactured by (XXX). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.20 1993.05.20 930103 RECORDS CONCERNING TESTING OF LAP Copies of protocol, internal memoranda relating to the testing of Sterile Laporotomy Sponges. Copies of protocol required in detail. Lists of recalls for sponges over the last five years, copies of testing results of all sterile sponges over last four years. Copies of any discussions on testing methodology. (the contact person in HPB is (XXX)). 930103 RECORDS CONCERNING TESTING OF LAP Copies of protocol, internal memoranda relating to the testing of Sterile Laporotomy Sponges. Copies of protocol required in detail. Lists of recalls for sponges over the last five years, copies of testing results of all sterile sponges over last four years. Copies of any discussions on testing methodology. (the contact person in HPB is (XXX)). 930104 COPIES OF PARTS I & III OF PROZAC NDS-OHN831456. Requests copies of Parts I and III of Prozac NDS, Control Number OHN831456 1993.05.21 930105 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR CHOLESTRAMINE AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. Request product monograph for Cholestramine made by (XXX) Request for Submission Index Request for Comprehensive Summary Request for All correspondence from the manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer Request All HPB internal reports, memoranda and other records. 930106 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR RHINARIS-F & OTHER DOCUMENTS. Request Product Monograph on RHINARIS-F (XXX) Request Comprehensive Sumary Request Submission Index Request all correspondence from the Manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer Request all HPB internal reports, memoranda and other records. 930107 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR OXTRIPHYLLINE AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. Request Product monograph for OXTRIPHYLLINE Pediatric Syrup 10mg/ml Request Submission Index Request Comprehensive Summary Request all correspondence from the manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer Request HPB internal reports, memorance and other records If there is no New Drug Submission, please provide a copy of the DIN application form and all correspondence to and from HPB relating to the issuance of the DIN. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 103 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.21 930108 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LEVOTHHYROXINE AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. Request for Product Monograph for LEVOTHYROXINE Sodium Tablets (XXX). Request for Submission Index Request for Comprehensive Summary Request for all correspondence from the manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer Request for all HPB internal reports, memoranda and other records If there was no New Drug Submission, please provide copies of the DIN application forms and all correspondence to and from HPB relating to the issuance of the DIN. 1993.05.26 930109 STUDY OF BDD DONE BY PEAT & MARWI Peat & Marwick dis a study of the Bureau of Dangerous Drugs (BDD) of the Health Protection Branch in your Department. I would like a copy of this study and if possible in both official languages. 930110 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ATROVENT, LAVOX, MOBIFLEX & PAXIL. Product Monographs for the following products: ATROVENT UBV (93-04-02) LAVOX (93-04-21) MOBIFLEX (93-03-24) PAXIL (93-05-04) 1993.05.27 930111 STUDIES OF ALCOHOL & DRUG CONSUMP Request records of studies on alcohol and drug consumption by physicians and lawyers. 930112 RESULTS OF PUBLIC OPINION ON COMP Public opinion in 1992 or 1993 on comprehensive school health. 930113 RESULTS PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH O Public opinion and analysis on the impact of social networks on alcohol and drug use. Such work would have been conducted in 1992 or 1993. 930114 ANALYSES OF EPF DECLINING CONTRIB Analyses on the declining cash portion of the federal contribution to EPF (Established Programs Financing) and the likely or possible consequences on federal power to influence or regulate provincial spending in these areas. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 104 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.27 930115 COPIES OF PUBLIC OPINION POLLS CO Copies of all public opinion polls conducted by or on behalf of, the department NHW since January 1st, 1993. 930116 INFO. RELATED TO HORMONE MELATONIN. Information concerning the hormone MELATONIN in relation to sleep problems and disorders: where human trial research is being carried out in Canada and the names, addresses and phone numbers of those to contact in order to inquire about taking part in the testing. I would also like information on the testing to date and any problems which may have been encountered. 930116 INFO. RELATED TO HORMONE MELATONIN. Information concerning the hormone MELATONIN in relation to sleep problems and disorders: where human trial research is being carried out in Canada and the names, addresses and phone numbers of those to contact in order to inquire about taking part in the testing. I would also like information on the testing to date and any problems which may have been encountered. 930117 DRUG PLANT INSPECTION REPORT FOR ROPACK INC. (RIVIŠRE DES PRAIRIES). Request for a copy of the Drug Plant Inspection Report for ROPACK INC. located at 11470 - 4th Avenue, RiviŠre-des-Prairies, QUEBEC, H1E 3A6. 930117 DRUG PLANT INSPECTION REPORT FOR ROPACK INC. (RIVIŠRE DES PRAIRIES). Request for a copy of the Drug Plant Inspection Report for ROPACK INC. located at 11470 - 4th Avenue, RiviŠre-des-Prairies, QUEBEC, H1E 3A6. 930119 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR NOC FOR AMO Release to Acepharm Laboratories and Genpharm a copy of all documents without deletion of purging, relevant to the NOC (Notice of Compliance) for the following: Amoxycillin capsulaes 250 & 500 mg (Axicillin) Amoxycillin oral suspension 25mg/ml & 50 mg/ml (Axicillin) Cephalexin capsules 250 & 500 mg (Aclosporin) Cephalexin Granules for oral suspension 125 mg/5ml Cephalexin Granules for oral suspension 250mg/5ml The address for Genpharm Inc. Pharmaceuticals is: 37 Advance Road ETOBICOKE, Ontario M8Z 2S6 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 105 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.27 930120 CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN HPB AND CO Copy of any correspondence from any of Ingram & Bell, Baxter, Kendall or Johnson & Johnson to HPB., between January 1, 1993 and May 10, 1993, concerning any issues regarding the safety or quality of gauze products and laporotomy sponges that are ethylene oxide sterilized. This will also include concerns on the validation and validation data for the sterilization process. 1993.05.28 930122 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR PENETREX BY PARKE-DAVIS. Request Product Monograph for Penetrex (Enoxacin) manufactured by Parke-Davis. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 106 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.04.01 930006 RG 146-SEPARATIST INFILTRATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RG 146 - records on separatist infiltration of the federal government. 930007 RG 146 - SEPARATIST INFILTRATION RG 146 - records on separatist infiltration of mass media in Canada, Information Canada, and mass media subversive influence and tactics within Canada. 930008 RG 146- SEPARATIST INFILTRATION O RG 146 - records on separatist infiltration of municipal and provincial governments 930009 RG 146- PENETRATION OF ROYAL COMM RG 146 - records on penetration of the Royal Commission on the Status of Woemn. 930010 RG 146-PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATION VS THE PRIME MINISTER RG 146 - records on protests and demonstrations against the Prime Minister. 930011 RG 146-PENETRATION OF MARITIME PR RG 146- records on penetration of Maritime Canada provincial governments. 930012 RG 146- PENETRATION OF NFB RG 146- records on the penetration of the NFB. 930016 RG 146 - PENETRATION AT UNIVERSIT CSIS briefs on penetration of government and on the students adminsitrative council at the University of Toronto, each identified at Brief # 305 and Brief # 325 on Finding Aid 146-3. 1993.04.05 930019 VARIOUS FILES IN RG 146 RG 146 - Hunger Marches to Toronto-1930's, Canada Council, Canada Council List of Recruits, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, SAC, Memorial University, Briefs # 305, 204, 325 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 107 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.04.05 930019 VARIOUS FILES IN RG 146 RG 146 - Hunger Marches to Toronto-1930's, Canada Council, Canada Council List of Recruits, University of Toronto, University of Toronto, SAC, Memorial University, Briefs # 305, 204, 325 1993.04.06 930018 INFORMATION RE. GERMAN PRISONER O Prisoner of War Index - German Nationals, TBS Registration 000546, Bank Number PAC PPU 010. All available information on P.O.W. XXX, incarcerated in Camp 27 in 1945. Full name, date of birth, rank, service, place of capture, date of repatriation, and destination of repatriation. It is my belief that XXX was in the Kriegsmarine and was probably a crew member of a German U-boat. 1993.04.08 930013 CHEMICAL WARFARE I wish to gain access to those exempted portions of RG 24, Volume 5248, Files S-19-68-19 and S-19-68-20 which were removed as a result of my request under the Access to Information Act, 1025-9-92004. 1993.04.13 930014 RG 146 - LIST OF INDIVIDUALS RG 146 files on various individuals 930015 MCDONALD COMMISSION - ATTORNEYS G I want information on the McDonald Commission thru the Access to Information Act. The part of the Commission's report I am interested in is the conversation between Ottawa's and Alberta's A.G. Offices related to the wrong doing of the RCMP. Since at present I am XXX I wish to have any fee waived. 1993.04.16 930017 1967 UFO INCIDENT AT FALCON LAKE, MANITOBA All information concerning May 20, 1967 UFO incident at Falcon Lake Manitoba. Search RGs 29, 18, 24 and 77. 930017 1967 UFO INCIDENT AT FALCON LAKE, MANITOBA All information concerning May 20, 1967 UFO incident at Falcon Lake Manitoba. Search RGs 29, 18, 24 and 77. 1993.04.26 930020 SOVIET TRANSPOLAR FLIGHTS & LEVAN Request for information relating to the Soviet "Transpolar Flights" and the Levanevsky rescue attempts of 1937-38. In particular, I am most interested in support information regarding the overflight and possible Canadian landing priviledges connected to these events. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 108 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PAC 1993.04.26 930020 I am seeking any further documentation (notes, memoranda, etc.) pertaining to the above that would clarify the involvement of the following: C.D. Howe, Mackenzie King, the Soviet Embassy Councilor in Washington, the Russian Ambassador. Specific files requested are: RG 24, Vol.6933, File 1044-55-4 RG 24, Vol.5206, File 15-27-4. 930021 MCDONALD COMMISSION FILE 4000-16 All memoranda, reports or correspondence concerning the Commission referred to in McDonald Commission File 4000-16. 930024 MCDONALD COMMISSION FILE 8400-58 The final drafts of the working papers/research studies found in McDonald Commission File 8400-58. 1993.04.27 930030 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE MILITARY RECORD Request for copies of my grandfather's war record and also his records of service in the Colonial Auxiliary Forces prior to the War. Private XXX - 26th Battalion - New Brunswick XXX; enlisted on November 27, 1914; killed in action at the battle of Courcelette. 1993.04.29 930025 RG 146 - PLANS TO KIDNAP FOREIGN OFFICIALS, APRIL 1971 RG 146 - Brief # 306 - Plans to Kidnap Foreign Officials, April 1971. 930025 RG 146 - PLANS TO KIDNAP FOREIGN OFFICIALS, APRIL 1971 RG 146 - Brief # 306 - Plans to Kidnap Foreign Officials, April 1971. 930027 CABINET DEFENCE COMMITTEE RECORDS RE CF-105 AVRO ARROW Request for access to the minutes, memoranda, and documents of the Cabinet Defence Committee regarding the CF-105 Avro Arrow. 930027 CABINET DEFENCE COMMITTEE RECORDS RE CF-105 AVRO ARROW Request for access to the minutes, memoranda, and documents of the Cabinet Defence Committee regarding the CF-105 Avro Arrow. 1993.05.03 930028 CSIS RECORDS ON PROTESTS AND DEMO RG 146 - records on protests and demonstrations in Ottawa (volume 2633, 2634, 2635). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 109 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.05.03 930029 CSIS RECORDS ON PROTESTS AND DEMO CSIS records on protests and demonstrations in Atlantic region 930029 CSIS RECORDS ON PROTESTS AND DEMO CSIS records on protests and demonstrations in Atlantic region 1993.05.11 930031 WAR DIARY - WORLD WAR ONE Request for Battalion War Diary (7th Canadian Infantry, 1st Canadian Division), France, for 11 November 1917. My relative XXX was wounded on that date. I'd like details about what happened during that particular action. 1993.05.17 930034 MCDONALD COMMISSION RE ALBERTA AT Under the Access to Information Act I request a copy of transcripts of the McDonald Commission material relating to correspondence between the Alberta Attorney General's office and the Royal Commission. I ask for a waiver of fee due to the fact that at present XXX 1993.05.18 930035 1980 CANADA-US INCOME TAX CONVENT All information relating to Articles IX or XXV(8) of the 1980 Canada-US Income Tax Convention, as amended, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Articles IX and XXV(8). 930035 1980 CANADA-US INCOME TAX CONVENT All information relating to Articles IX or XXV(8) of the 1980 Canada-US Income Tax Convention, as amended, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Articles IX and XXV(8). 930036 1942 CANADA-US INCOME TAX CONVENT All information relating to Article IV of the 1942 Canada-US Income Tax Convention, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Article IV. 930036 1942 CANADA-US INCOME TAX CONVENT All information relating to Article IV of the 1942 Canada-US Income Tax Convention, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Article IV. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 110 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.05.19 1993.05.19 930032 RG 146 - RECORDS ON PENETRATION O CSIS records on penetration of and leakage of information in Canada -vol. 2699, 2700 930033 ENTRY INTO CANADA BY GRANDPARENTS information relating to entry to Canada and naturalization/citizenship papers of four grandparents. 930041 IMMIGRATION RECORDS ON FATHER IMMIGRATION RECORDS ON FATHER 1993.05.20 930044 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE MILITARY SERVIC Request for records of military service for XXX (service in Militia, pre-1914, CEF). Killed in action, June 1916. 930045 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE MILITARY SERVIC Request for records of military service for XXX (service in Militia, pre-1914, CEF and permanent force). 1993.05.25 930038 RG 146 - CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS CSIS records on the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). 1993.05.28 930042 CSIS FILES RG 146 VOLUME 2601 930043 CSIS FORMAL NUMBER 93-A-00014 aNY AND ALL RECORDS IN FILES REQUESTED IN 93-A-00014, THAT DO NOT CONFLICT WITH SECTION 19(1) OF THE ACT, WHETHER OR NOT THE PARTICULAR FILES EXIST. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 111 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1992.11.13 923131 REPORTS SUBMITTED BY TEMPLE-SCOTT REQUEST COPIES OF ALL THE REPORTS SUBMITTED BY TEMPLE-SCOTT ASSOCIATES IN RELATION TO CONTRACTS THE FIRM WAS GIVEN. BY THAT, I INCLUDE REPORTS SUBMITTED WHICH GAVE ADVICE ON COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIES.˙ 923137 1992 CONTRACTS TO TEMPLE-SCOTT ALL CONTRACTS GIVEN TO TEMPLE-SCOTT ASSOCIATES DURING 1992. IN PARTICULAR, I REQUEST THE FOLLOWING DETAILS: THE DATES OF CONTRACTS, THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACTS, WHETHER THE CONTRACTS WERE GIVEN, AND THE VALUE OF THE CONTRACTS.˙ 1993.02.18 923188 RAPPORT DU DIRECTEUR CDN DU GAFI ( Groupe d'action financiere) du G7 )Groupe des Sept pays industrialises) " Le blanchiment de l'argent noir par les banques a charte canadienne et son impact sur le federalisme canadien." ˙ 1993.04.16 934007 I WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN ACCESS TO T he precise living expenses of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney since he was re-elected on November 21, 1988. I would like to know how much was spent on food, alcohol, entertaining, cleaning, gardening, heating and electricity at 24 Sussex Drive and Harrington Lake. I would also like to know the number of staff employed at the two residences, their functions and salaries.˙ 1993.04.27 934009 ANY INDEX TO THE MEETINGS AND AGEN da of the Intelligence Policy Committee from 1960 - 1972 (in any index that is similar to the one used for the ICSI - see index released under Access to Information file 897022 - or that contains a list of meetings and agenda).˙ 934010 ANY FINAL DRAFTS OF REPORTS/STUDIE s/assesments prepared, between January 1 1980 and March 31 1993, for, or by, the ICSI, the I.A.C., the S.A.C., or the Privy Council Office on protecting scientific and technological assets.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 112 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.04.27 934011 ANY FINAL DRAFTS OF REPORTS/STUDIE s/assesments prepared, between January 1 1980 and March 31 1993, for, or by, the ICSI, the I.A.C., the S.A.C., or the Privy Council Office on illegal/clandestine transfers of technology.˙ 934012 ANY FINAL DRAFTS OF REPORTS/STUDIE s/assesments prepared, between January 1 1980 and March 31 1993, for, or by, the ICSI, the I.A.C., the S.A.C., or the Privy Council Office on economic security and intelligence.˙ 934013 ANY FINAL DRAFTS OR REPORTS/STUDIE s/assesments prepared, between January 1 1980 and March 31 1993, for, or by, the ICSI, the I.A.C., the S.A.C., or the Privy Council Office on industrial espionage, commercial espionage and economic espionage.˙ 934015 RECORDS, INCLUDING CABINET MINUTES and any related Cabinet Committee documents concerning capital punishment in 1973. Reference: Cabinet meeting January 12/1973.˙ 934017 RECORDS, INCLUDING CABINET MINUTES and related Committee documents on Canada-U.S. relations and on discussions involving trade and security of oil supply. Cabinet meeting references: February 8, 13, 15 & 22, 1973.˙ 934018 RECORDS, INCLUDING CABINET MINUTES and related Committee documents, concerning bilingualism policy in the public service and implementation of multicultural policy. Cabinet meeting references: March 1, 11, 1973.˙ 1993.04.28 924034 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS.˙ ˙ AN UPDATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT LIST FEBRUARY 15/92 UNTIL APRIL 30, 1993 IN THE SAME FORM AS PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED; AND AN EXPLANATION AS TO HOW CERTAIN SOLE SOURCE CONTRACTORS ARE PERMITTED TO SUBCONTRACT THEIR WORK OR WHETHER ALL CONTRACTS LET APPEAR ON THE CONTRACT LISTS RECEIVED. (I'M THINKING OF THOSE COMPANIES DOING POLLING/FOCUS WORK THAT DID NOT APPEAR ON THE CONTRACT LISTS).˙ 934028 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS, NAMELY INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE/STATEMENT OF WORK FOR EACH CONTRACT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 113 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.04.28 934028 A. CARSON PS3551FS; B. LUSSIER PS3552F2; C. MANION PS3550F2; D. OSBADESTON PS53553F2; E. SAVOIE PS3602F2; F. PHILLIPS MANAGEMENT S3616F2; G. TEMPLE SCOTT ASSOC. H. ATHLONE MANAGEMENT PS3506F2; G. ALAIN BISONETTE IN3597F2˙ 934029 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS, NAMELY INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE/STATEMENT OF WORK FOR EACH CONTRACT.˙ ˙ A. HILL & KNOWLTON IN3578F2; B. L. LECLAIR IN3582F2; C. MANSFORD INCORP. IN3595F2; D. PLACEMENTS DELANEY PS3577F2; E. 2728931 CANADA INC. IN3574F2; F. FRED DICKSON IN3598F2; G. GHISLAIN DUBEAU IN3539F2; H. KEN ;COX IN3604F2; I. BARBER MUIR LTD. IN3605F2; J. JEFF ROACH IN3576F2 ˙ 934030 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS, NAMELY INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS AND TERMS OF REFEENCE/STATEMENT OF WORK FOR EACH CONTRACT.˙ ˙ A. FORUM COMMUNICATIONS IN3542F2; B. GROUPE SECOR IN3567F2; C. JENNIFER HARTLEY PS3573F2; D. CHRISTINE MULKINS IN3501F2, IN501F2;˙ E. MELODY REDFORD PS3514F2; F. VANDERHAYDEN ASSOC. INC. IN3619F2; ˙ G. NEIL STERRITT PS3513F2; H. JUDITH TOBE PS3557F2; I. JEANNIE ENG. PS3588F2˙ 934031 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS, NAMELY INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE/STATEMENT OF WORK FOR EACH CONTRACT.˙ ˙ DA. S.V. JONGENEEL PS3572F2; B. CATHERINE ST. JUST LETELLIER IN3567F2; ˙ C. FORUM COMMUNICATIONS IN3638F2; D. GROUPE SECOR INC. IN3567F2; ˙ E. KETHA STEPHANIE MEYER IN3607F2; F. GREGORY MILLER PS3580F2; ˙ G. MARCEL SOCQUE IN3535F2; H. STRATEGICO INC. PS3596F2;˙ I. SHAUNNA TAQYLOR PS3568F2; J. ANNIE TREMBLAY IN3530F2;˙ K. ANDREA VANASSE PS3569F2; L. ANDREW MORGAN PS3571F2;˙ M. MICHAEL REID PS 3540F2˙ 934032 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS IN THE 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 PERIOD.˙ ˙ CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO AND ANY ASSOCIATED/RESULTING Dept Date Request No Text Page: 114 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.04.28 934032 INTERIM/FINAL REPORTS OR DOCUMENTS PRODUCED BY POLLUTION PROBE OR POLLUTION PROBE FOUNDATION, A TORONTO BASED GROUP˙ 934033 REPORTS ON PUBLIC OPINION POLLS I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS ACT FOR THE FOLLOWING RECORDS.˙ ˙ SINCE FEBRUARY 15, 1993 UNTIL APRIL 30, 1993 ALL DOCUMENTATION, (INCLUDING PROGRESS, INTERIM REPORTS, NOTES MADE ON ORAL BRIEFINGS, BRIEFING NOTES, SLIDE PRESENTATIONS, TECHNICAL DATA RECEIVED, EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES, CONTRACTS) ON ANY PUBLIC OPINION POLLS, SURVEYS OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES, FOCUS GROUP STUDIES DONE FOR OR RECEIVED BY PCO/FPRO. INCLUDE INTERIM/FINAL RESULTS OF POLLS/SURVEYS/FOCUS GROUPS PROVIDED TO PCO/FPRO WHERE PCO/FPRO WAS NOT THE CONTRACT ORIGINATOR BUT ONE OF THE RECIPIENTS. INCLUDE INFORMATION COLLECTION DATA SHARED WITH REPORTING MINISTERS AND THEIR OFFICES' RESPONSES. ˙ 934035 INTERIM/FINAL CONTRACT REPORTS PROVIDE PCO/FPRO DOCUMENTATION IN 1992 AND 1993 ON THE ISSUES INVOLVED IN MID-1992 TO 1993 POLL/FOCU GROUP RELEASE, AS SEEN THROUGH BRIEFING NOTES, MEETING NOTES, REPRESENTATIONS TO THE INFORMATION COMMISSIONER.˙ ˙ (1) THE FACTORS LEADING TO RELEASE, AND WHAT IF ANY POLICY ON˙ (A) POLL/FOCUS GROUP POLL DATA RELEASE WILL PREVAIL IN 1993 OR BEYOND.˙ ˙ (2) ANY ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC REPORTS AND COMMENTARIES ON POLLS RELEASED˙ (B) IN APRIL 19, 1993.˙ ˙ (3) ANY RECORDS OF DECISION THAT INDICATE FOR 1992 POLL/FOCUL GROUPS˙ (C) DATA RELEASED ON APRIL 19, 1993 WHERE EXACTLY (DOCUMENT BY DOCUMENT AND LINE BY LINE) SECTION 14 HAS BEEN INVOKED.˙ ˙ (4) ANY RECORD INDEXES OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED TO ACCESS ACT APPLICANTS˙ (D) ON POLLS ON APRIL 19, 1993; AND ANY R4ECORDS RELEASED TO OTHER APPLICANTS THAT I DID NOT RECEIVE THEN˙ ˙ (5) ANY SPECIFIC RECORD TITLES CONSIDERED NOT TO BE RELEASABLE GIVEN THAT˙ (E) PCO/FPRO BELIEVES THAT THESE RECORDS ARE EXCLUDED MINISTERIAL RECORDS˙ (BUT NOT CABINET CONFIDENCES)˙ ˙ (6) ANY RECORDS THAT INDICATE CERTAIN RECORDS ON 1992, 1993˙ (F) POLL/FOCUS GROUP WORK WERE CONSIDERED TO BE THE PROPERTY OF THE˙ POLLSTER AND OT PART OF THE RECORDS UNDER PCO/FPRO CONTROL˙ ˙ (7) ANY OF THE CONTRACTS AND TERMS OF REFERENCE BEHIND ALL SUCH POLLS˙ (G) /FOCUS GROUPS AND FOR CONTRACTS FOR ADVERTISING TESTING OF UNITY˙ ADS THAT WERE RELEASED TO ME AND WITH DECIMA, CREATEC + ANDERSON ˙ STRATEGIC RESEARCH, MARK TREND RESEARCH, ANGUS REID (AT LEAST THE ONE ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 115 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.04.28 934035 POLL RESULT WHERE EXEMPTIONS WERE APPLIED AS THE OTHERS ARE NOT PCO˙ CONTRACTS). CROP JULY 1992 SURVEY (CHECK IF PCO CONTRACT OR ˙ SUBSCRIPTION), TANDEMAR RESEARCH, COMPAS, WILLIAM ALEXANDER AND ˙ ASSOCIATES LTD.˙ 1993.05.05 924020 PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET ET DOCUMENTS ANNEXES POUR L'ANNEE 1972 CONCERNANT LA BAIE JAMES (SUJET SOULEVE LES : 27 JANVIER/23 MARS/11 MAI/14 JUILLET˙ 924022 PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX ET ANNEXES CORRESPONDANTES DES REUNIONS DU CABINET TOUCHANT LA SITUATION SOCIALES AU QUEBEC ET LA CONSTITUTION : REUNIONS DES : 24 FEVRIER 1972/9 MARS 1972/11 MAI 1972/28 SEPTEMBRE 1972.˙ 934021 PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX ET ANNEXES CORRESPONDANTES DU CABINET SUR LA QUESTION DES JEUX OLYMPIQUES DE 1976 AU COURS DE L'ANNEE 1972; AUX REUNIONS SUIVANTES : 23 MARS 1972/14 JUILLET ET 23 AOUT 1972.˙ 934023 PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX ET DOCUMENTS ANNEXES DU CABINET SUR LA QUESTION DE L'ASSURANCE-CHOMAGE, DISCUTEE LES : 30 MARS 1972/24 AVRIL/1 JUIN/2 NOVEMBRE/23 NOVEMBRE/30 NOVEMBRE/21 DECEMBRE 1972.˙ 934024 PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX ET ANNEXES CORRESPONDANTES DES REUNIONS DU CABINET TOUCHANT LES ELECTIONS, EN 1972 : REUNIONS DES : 4 MAI 1972/5 MAI 1972/7 SEPTEMBRE 1972/12 OCTOBRE 1972˙ 934025 PROCES VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX ET ANNEXES CORRESPONDANTES DU CABINET SUR LE RAPPORT LE DAIN ET LE CANNABIS : REUNIONS DU 27 JANVIER 1972 / 14 JUILLET 1972.˙ 934026 PROCES VERBAUX REUNIONS DU CABINET PROCES VERBAUX ET ANNEXES CORRESPONDANTES DES REUNIONS DU CABINET TOUCHANT LE CONTROLE DES PRIX ET LE DISCOURS DU TRONE EN 1972 : REUNIONS DES : 2 NOVEMBRE 1972/9 NOVEMBRE 1972/10 NOVEMBRE 1972/16 NOVEMBRE 1972/30 NOVEMBRE 1972/19 DECEMBRE 1972.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 116 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.05.16 1993.05.16 924005 CALLUPS FOR NCR TEMPORARY HELP ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPROARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD MARCH 1993.˙ 1993.05.18 934037 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP (DSS 8251) FOR PERIOD: APRIL 93˙ 1993.05.19 934039 CABINET DOCUMENTS 1) DOCUMENTS DU CABINET˙ ˙ A) 43/65 : PRELIMINARY REPORT - B&B (1 FEV 1965)˙ B) 793/67 : MEMO - B&B (29 NOV 1967)˙ C) 13/68 : REPORT ON VOL. 1 - B&B (10 JAN 1968)˙ D) 17/68 : STATEMENT OF POLICY (11 JANV 1968)˙ E) 30/68 : FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL RELATIONS (17 JANV 1968)˙ F) 139/68 : OFFICIAL LANGUAGES BILL DRAFT (22 MARS 1968)˙ G) 348/69 : BILINGUALISM POLICY ( ? 1969)˙ H) 445/69 : BILINGUALISM POLICY ( ? 1969)˙ I) 244/71 : OFFICIAL LANGUAGE POLICY ( ? 1969)˙ 1993.05.21 934040 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS COPIES OF ALL PUBLIC OPINION POLLS BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE DEPARTMENT SINCE OCTOBER 26, 1992.˙ 934041 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: APRIL 1993˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 117 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.05.04 939402 LIST OF COMPUTER SCIENCE GROUP A list of names of all federal public servants in the Computer Science Group in the National Capital Region. The list should provide the folloeing details: name, classification, and rank, department and location.˙ I would like a copy of the list on paper and on diskette (IBM format 3.5 inch diskette).˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 118 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.04.02 930005 LIST OF IMPORTERS FOR PRODUCT 4911-99-90 Pursuant to section 6 of the Access to Information Act R.S.C. 1980-81-82-83 C.111, and subsection 4(b) of the amended regulations thereunder, XXX hereby request access to a list of the importers for the following product: 4911-99-90: Other printed matter. 930007 SEIZURE NO. XXX Request reports issued by the seizing officer and any other reports issued by the Seizing Agency relating to this matter for seizure No. XXX. 1993.04.07 930006 AUDIT MATERIALS FOR FST PURPOSES Audit materials from Customs and Excise audit for Federal Sales Tax purposes, for the periods of May 1, 1983 to March 6, 1985 and March 7, 1985 to February 10, 1986. 1993.04.11 930019 GST PAID/IMPORTATION OF GOODS AT EMERSON, EDM. AND VANC. BORDER Program Record number RCC EPE 134. Please provide the total amounts of GST paid upon importation of goods at Canada Customs Border, port of entry: 1) Emerson, Manitoba, 2) Edmonton, Alberta, 3) Vancouver Border (Blain) B.C. (pac,hwy) During the periods of: from 91/01/01 to 91/02/28 from 92/03/01 to 92/05/31 from 91/03/01 to 91/05/31 from 92/06/01 to 92/08/31 from 91/06/01 to 91/08/31 from 92/09/01 to 92/11/30 from 91/09/01 on the company XXX GST number XXX. 1993.04.16 930009 TAXES COLLECTED OF ONTARIO APPLIC Would like to receive the package of information which is given to customs officers which details the taxes to be collected on behalf of the Province of Ontario applicable to alcohol and tobacco. I was informed by the Hamilton district office that the package was updated to reflect an agreement on collections reached with Ontario which I believe became effective on February 1, 1993. Specifically, I am interested in the precise manner by which duties and tax are collected and calculated, including Ontario's tax portion and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 119 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.04.16 930009 fees collected by Canada Customs. 930011 CUSTOMS SEIZURE NO. XXX Pursuant to Section 6 of the Access to Information Act, the undersigned, a Canadian resident, hereby requests access to all documents contained in the Department's file respecting the above-captioned seizure. In particular, we ask for access to all reports, memoranda, notes, etc. prepared by or on behalf of any officials of Revenue Canada, whether in the specific region or in Ottawa, in respect of this matter. 930012 FST REFUND CLAIM/NOTICE OF OBJECT All notes, internal memoranda, correspondence and other documents or materials relating to the Federal Sales Tax refund claim (application no. XXX) dated XXX and the Notice of Objection dated XXX filed by XXX with Revenue Canada, Excise. 930013 TWO AUDITS CONCERNING XXX Request a complete copy of all material and information that your department has pertaining to XXX, specifically those related to our two recent audits. 930016 ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING XXX All information - including under all parts - records, memos, reports, files, letters, returns, documents concerning XXX 930017 ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING XXX All information - including under all parts - records, memos, reports, files, letters, returns, documents concerning XXX 1993.04.22 930018 DECISIONS ISSUED UNDER SECTION 57(1) OF THE CUSTOMS ACT Request information respecting certain decisions issued under Section 57(1) of the Customs Act. The information is in the form of all memoranda, record of telephone conversations, questionnaires, certificates used in determining the origin and justifying the assessments, as well as any other document from any or all sources. 930020 ILLEGAL CIGARETTE TRADE-INDIAN RE Request information regarding the illegal cigarette trade as it relates to the Six Nations Indian Reserve in Ohsweken, Ontario. Request any other information on cigarette smuggling and their re-sale in Dept Date Request No Text Page: 120 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.04.22 930020 Canada, specifically as they relate to Indian reserves. Request any recent report, inquiries or investigations (from the last three years or so) which have been done into the smuggling of cigarettes from the US for sale in Canada. 1993.04.26 930023 COMPLAINT OF ABUSE OF AUTHORITY - XXX Request copy of records which show the following: 1. the names of the customs officers who searched XXX's car and herself at the Aldergrove BC border crossing between about XXX; 2. which is the younger of the two; 3. a copy of the sections in the act or in the policy manual that permits Customs to routinely withhold the names of such customs officers; and 4. if the policy of not providing the names of customs officers, is a verbal policy, who set the policy that was applied in this circumstance, and when it was set. 1993.04.27 930032 REQUEST PREVIOUS BOARD EXAMS/DUTI XXX Duties Relief Administrator. Request copies of previous board exams. 930041 COMPETITION XXX Competition XXX Request for copies of previous board exams. 1993.04.29 930021 CONTRACTS RE XXX WITH CUSTOMS AND EXCISE We are involved in market research on the awarding of contracts to value added networks for the services of Customs and Excise. Within the rules of the Freedom of Information Act we request, and would be very appreciative of the following information: A. Number of contracts, value and to whom. B. Tendered or not. C. Date of award/contract, duration of contract. 930022 INVESTIGATION #XXX RE XXX Request a copy of the complete file contents with regard to the recent investigation concerning XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 121 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.04.30 1993.04.30 930024 REMISSION OF TAX REQUEST #XXX For and on behalf of our client, XXX, request all documents relating to the request for a remission of tax with respect to the equipment provided by our client to XXX for the years 1987 and 1988. More specifically, hereby request all documents substantiating the refusal to grant the remission of taxes based on the affirmation that Canadian manufacturers had the capability to manufacture the pertinent presses. 1993.05.03 930025 ALMALGAMATION GST/INCOME TAX REGI Request the following records: 1. Reports 1992, 1992 on how GST and Income Tax regimes will be almalgamated in the new single proposed department and at what cost savings. (As well, provide any general report on savings by combining customs and taxation). 2. 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95 projected costs for administering GST, including computer, office space, personnel, and other costs, and reports on possible areas of cost saving. 3. Any format audits mid 1992 to 1993 of GST costs, or audits of/reports on contracts worth over $250,000 that GST officials have had problems with in service/costs charged. 4. Any 1992, 1993 lists of summary reports on contracts GST has with consultants, companies that describe contracts, their value, period of time, vender, sole or competitive bid. 5. Any briefing notes to the Minister on these subjects and any other Access Act data released on these subjects. 930026 GST COLLECTION Request the following records: 1. Mid-1992 to 1993 records on numbers of GST cheaters, late payers, non payers, and fraudalent attempts to avoid or collect GST. Include any summary reports as well (one previous one enclosed). 2. Assessments 1992, 1993 and projections 1993-95 of GST collections from basic groups paying GST. 3. Reports 1992, 1993 and reasons for lower than expected GST collection. 4. Attempts to collect GST from foreign affliates of Canadian companies or other categories of businesses trying to avoid payment or ways sought to close possible tax loopholes. 5. 1993 reports (partly in response to Chretien and other ideas) on Dept Date Request No Text Page: 122 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.05.03 930026 alternatives to GST. 6. Any briefing notes to the Minister on these subjects and any other Access Act data released on these subjects. 930040 TARIFF AND VALUES ADMINISTRATOR C Request the questions/answers on the following three Tariff and Values Administrator competitions, which are now closed: XXX 1993.05.05 930027 FST FUND CLAIMS XXX Without regard to where they may be situate, any and all internal policy statements, memoranda, correspondence, formal or informal guidelines, decision summaries, rulings, background research files and/or other records pertaining to Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise's disallowance of federal sales tax refunds claimed by the below-mentioned taxpayer by refund claim XXX. The refund claims were disallowed by Notices of Determination XXX and such disallowances were confirmed by Notices of Decision XXX. 930028 ALL INFORMATION ON COMPANY XXX Require a copy of all reports, comments, memoranda to file, and otherwise, letters of opinion from independents, i.e. Universities, Associations, etc., and any other documents to establish the Department's position on the transactions listed. 1993.05.07 930029 MINISTER'S DECISION/NOTICE OF ASS Any and all records, wherever situate, relating to: 1) the Minister's decision in respect of a Notice of Objection filed by XXX to Notice of Assessment XXX. 2) the Minister's decision in respect of a Notice of Objection filed by XXX to Notice of Assessment XXX. 1993.05.13 930030 SHORTFALLS IN GST REVENUES Any and all studies, reports, memoranda and correspondence concerning Shortfalls in GST Revenues, the growth of tax avoidance, the underground economy and measures being studied to counter these trends. XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 123 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.05.13 930037 SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO INTO CANADA Request copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the smuggling of tobacco into Canada, including: 1) information regarding the scope and nature of tobacco smuggling, broken down by location or province; 2) proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; 3) information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or any proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada. 930039 CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE / CA Request the following information on Canadian international trade and Canada Customs Department: IMPORTS A) Number of formal entry transactions processed by Canada Customs in 1992. B) Value (Cdn $) of these transactions. C) Growth rate of import activity, 1983 to 1989. D) Growth rate of import activity, 1989-1992. E) Number of companies filing 50 or more import entries in 1992. F) Number of importing companies who comprised 50% of total import entry transactions in 1992. EXPORTS G) Number of Canadian exporting companies who comprise 50% of all Canadian export entries destined for the United States. DUMPING H) Number of dumping actions filed in each of the years 1988 to 1992. 1993.05.14 930031 GRIEVANCE NO. XXX Grievance No. - XXX All information pertaining to the above grievance done by XXX - The report XXX submitted to XXX outlining her findings and suggestions. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 124 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.05.17 1993.05.17 930033 XXX/EXCISE AUDIT RCC EPE 045 All correspondence, departmental memos, internal communications regarding the XXX and the application, applicability, and other information dealing with the Goods and Services Tax. The key data file is Excise Audit RCC EPE 045. 930034 XXX/GST ENFORCEMENT RCC EPE 136 All correspondence, departmental memos, internal communications regarding the XXX and the application, applicability, and other information dealing with the Goods and Services Tax. The key data file is GST Enforcement RCC EPE 136. 930035 XXX/RETURNS AND PAYMENTS OF GST RCC EPE 134 All correspondence, departmental memos, internal communications regarding the XXX and the application, applicability, and other information dealing with the Goods and Services Tax. The key data file is Returns and Payments of GST RCC EPE 134. 930036 XXX/TAX STRATEGY RCC EPE 090 All correspondence, departmental memos, internal communications regarding the XXX and the application, applicability, and other information dealing with the Goods and Services Tax. The key data file is Tax Strategy RCC EPE 090. 930038 TREATMENT OF TOBACCO TAXATION SIN Request a copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation, including: 1) information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 federal budgets; 2) information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 province of Quebec budgets; 3) information pertaining in any way to the federal export tax on tobacco implemented in February 1992; and 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco consumption in Canada or elsewhere in relation to tobacco taxation policy. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 125 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.02.11 920640 XXX INFORMATION ON 1989 AND 1990 Information provided by XXX on income tax forms and otherwise, together with copies of all correspondence relating to audits, for the income tax years of 1989 and 1990. 1993.03.05 920619 COPY OF DECISION FOR XXX Copie de la d‚cision anticip‚e ‚mise sur la transaction rendue publique mettant en relation la corporation XXX L'objet de la transaction consistait ... la vente des pertes fiscales d'une corporation ... l'autre. 920620 18 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS RE: 212(1)(B) & 212(1)(B)(VII) Information on Sections 212(1)(b) and 212(1)(b)(vii) of the Income Tax Act (Canada)(herein "I.T.A.") pertaining to: 1. Memorandum dated March 27, 1990, from the Financial Industries Division; 2. Interpretation dated November 15, 1990, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 3. Internal memorandum (7-910481) dated May 1, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 4. Technical Interpretation (911608) dated August 9, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 5. Questions by the Calgary District Office; answers provided in April 1992, by the Rulings Directorate of Revenue Canada, Taxation, Ottawa; 6. Technical Interpretation (911327) dated July 31, 1991, from the Financial Industries Division; 7. Technical Interpretation (911327) dated July 31, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 8. Technical Interpretation (910431) dated July 29, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 9. Memorandum dated September 24, 1990, from the Financial Industries Division; 10. Technical Interpretation dated January 2, 1990, from the Financial Industries Division; Dept Date Request No Text Page: 126 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.03.05 920620 11. Technical Interpretation dated January 14, 1991, from the Financial Industries Division; 12. Technical Interpretation dated August 9, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 13. Memorandum dated April 6, 1992, from the Legislation and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch; 14. Technical Interpretation dated November 23, 1990, from the Bilingual Services and Resource Industries Division; 15. Technical Interpretation dated June 10, 1991, from the Financial Industries Division; 16. Technical Interpretation dated July 29, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; 17. Technical Interpretation dated August 19, 1991, from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division; and 18. Memorandum dated August 28, 1991 from the Rulings Directorate. 1993.03.08 920628 TWO TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS DAT 1. Memorandum, Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs Branch, May 5, 1992 regarding Stock Option Plan - Election of Cash in Lieu of Shares (refers to paragraphs 7(1)(b), 7(3)(b) and 110(1)(d)). 2. Memorandum, Legislation & Intergovernmental Affairs Branch, May 11, 1992 regarding Joint Ownership of an Insurance Policy - Split-Dollar Insurance (refers to section 148, paragraph 56(1)(j), paragraph 6(1)(a) and subsection 15(1)). 1993.03.09 920621 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 5-913265 DATED DECEMBER 11, 1991 In a technical interpretation (5-913265) dated December 11, 1991, the Business and General Division of the Legislative and Intergovernmental affairs Branch stated that, where it was unclear as to whether or not a particular entity was an agent of the Crown, the Department would generally accept the opinion of the Attorney General of the Province that the particular entity was an agent of the Crown at common law....but that it was the Department's practice to view such donations as acceptable provided that no benefit accrued to the donor and the designated gift did not benefit any person dealing at arm's length with the donor. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 127 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.03.09 920622 CHRON FILES FOR NOVEMBER & DECEMB Copies of al correspondence and Technical Rulings placed in Revenue Canada's chronological files for the months of November and December 1992. We request the information on the new 3.5 diskettes. 920624 PROJECT BUILT IN ONTARIO UNDER C.M.H.C.'S I am writing to request a list detailing as much information about projects built in Ontario under C.M.H.C.'s (in conjunction with Revenue Canada) M.U.R.B. Program. My main interest lies in obtaining the civic addresses and number of units associated with each project. 920627 XXX - CLAIMS FOR 1982-90 TAXATION YEARS The information requested covers documentation added to the file XXX with respect to the XXX 1982 through 1990 taxation years concerning XXX These specific documents requested are all reports, memos, working papers, and XXX. As well, copies of documents in the permanent envelope are requested. 920629 XXX T20 REPORT FOR THE 1988 TAXAT Copie du dossier pour l'ann‚e d'imposition se terminant le 31 octobre 1988 et en particulier la formule T-20 utilis‚e par vos fonctionnaires concernant XXX 920636 XXX T2S FOR 1987 TAXATION YEAR Appeals and Adverse decisions - information on instructions and assistance to the Department of Justice on the conduct of the appeal to the courts with respect to the 1987 taxation year. T1 Processing - information on adjustments resulting from information verified by the Department and issuing notices of Reassessment for 1987 taxation year. Individual Income Tax Return - departmental working papers relating to XXX's annual income tax return for the 1987 taxation year. 1993.03.12 920623 INFORMATION ON SUBSECTION 3(2)(B) OF U.I. ACT, JANUARY 6, 1993 All information considered and/or relied upon in making a determination of insurability of employment under subsection 3(2)(b) of U.I. Act, in decision of the Minister, January 6, 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 128 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.03.12 930022 XXX T2 RETURNS FOR 1990 AND 1991 Les documents et ou les feuilles de travail d‚crivant le travail du v‚rificateur, Monsieur Alain Drolet, B.A.A. et de tout autre v‚rificateur qui a travaill‚ directement ou indirectement de quelque maniŠre que ce soit XXX. 1993.03.15 920625 2 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER A Technical Interpretation dated May 29, 1992 which originated from the Financial Industries Division and a Memorandum dated May 19, 1992 originating from the Business and General Division as previously released information. 920626 INTERNAL MEMORANDA AND OTHER DOCU I would like all internal memoranda and other documents dealing with the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). In particular, I would like any such material dealing with the meaning and scope of Article 2103 of NAFTA concerning taxation measures. 920635 INFORMATION ON XXX Letter detailing reasons why Research and Development Tax Credit was disallowed XXX Letter from Revenue Canada to XXX indicating search had been done at XXX Any other correspondence or working papers related to XXX and Revenue Canada. 1993.03.16 920630 INFORMATION ON NON-POFIT ORGANIZA XXX When it was sent up, Corporate status eg. non-profit organization vs charity, XXX registration for GST number, have they ever filed any tax returns?XXX 920633 TWO TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETT Technical Interpretation (9-21368) dated June 15, 1992 on Deductibility of Interest Expense when capitalized to debt originating from the Business and General Division. Technical Interpretation (5-912899) dated March 2, 1992 on EPSP originating from the Financial Industries Division. 1993.03.17 920631 RULING ON CATEGORIZATION OF EMPLO Ruling regarding categorization of employees and independent contractors XXX 1993.03.18 920632 ALL INFO ON 87(1)(1.1) AND (4) All memoranda, discussion papers, correspondence, interpretations, rulings, legal opinions, statements of principal issues attached to rulings, legal opinions, position papers and research studies with respect to subsections Dept Date Request No Text Page: 129 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.03.18 920632 87(1), (1.1) and (4) of the Income Tax Act and dealing with the adjusted cost base of shares following a short-form amalgamation including (but not limited to) *****PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED****** 1. a copy of a ruling or letter dated September 16, 1981 from the Specialty Corporations Rulings Division concerning the adjusted cost base of shares of a predecessor company following a horizontal short-form amalgamation; and 2. a copy of an opinion from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division dated march 29, 1988 concerning the adjusted cost base of shares following a vertical short form amalgamation. 920634 CHRON FILE FOR DECEMBER 1992 AND JANUARY 1993 ON 3.5 DISKETTES Revenue Canada Taxation Chronological File for the months of December and January 1993 on 3.5 dikettes 1993.03.22 930001 XXX T2S FOR 1987 TAXATION YEAR All paperwork pertaining to the 1987 audit of XXX 1993.03.23 920637 CHRON FILE FOR OCTOBER 1992 IN HA Rulings Chronological File for the month of October 1992 in hard copy. 920638 CHRON FILE FOR NOVEMBER 1992 IN H Rulings Chronological File for the month of November 1992 in hard copy. 920639 CHRON FILE FOR DECEMBER 1992 IN H Rulings Chronological File for the month of December 1992 in hardcopy 1993.03.24 920641 SUBSECTION 212(5) AND ARTICLE XIIIC OF CAN-US TAX CONVENTION All memoranda, rulings, research reports, opinions, departmental studies, etc dealing with subsection 212(5) of the Income Tax Act and Article XIIIC of the 1942 Canada-US Tax Convention. 920642 MEMORANDUM DATED APRIL 28, 1992 "AMOUNT OF A RETIRING ALLOWANCE" Memorandum dated April 28, 1992 dealing with "Amount of a Retiring Allowance ~ Payment of Installments - Payment Contingent on Profitability". 920643 XXX INFORMATION ON 1989 TAXATION Permanent document file and 1989 tax return for XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 130 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.03.24 920644 XXX T2S FOR 1983 TO 1990 TAX YEAR Please accept this letter as an application made on behalf of XXX for access to Material retained by Revenue Canada, Taxation with respect to the fiscal periods of the Company ending December 31, 1983 through December 31, 1990, inclusive. This material would include Auditor's working papers, correspondence, third party information, Form T20 and supporting material and the file XXX with respect to non-capital losses. 1993.03.26 920645 RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDED BY RCT T A copy of recommendations provided by Revenue Canada, Taxation to the Department of Finance with respect to foreign affiliates and related matters as provided by Mr. Robert Beith, Senior advisor, to the Deputy Minister Taxation, to the Standing Committee of the House of Commons on Public Accounts on or about January 25, 1993. 920646 ALL INFO ON SECTIONS 260, 212(1)( Copies of all Revenue Canada, taxation documents for the period from June 30, 1988 to present on the following: Dividend rental arrangements; short sale of securities; security lending arrangements; repurchase agreements "Repos"; Reverse repurchase agreements "Reverse Repos"; The relevant sections of the Income Tax Act are: Section 260; paragraph 212(1)(b); subsection 214(6); subsection 214(7) and subsection 214(7.1) 920647 COURSE MATERIAL FOR "AUDIT OF INT Revenue Canada, Taxation course material for the one week course entitled "Audit of International Transactions" which includes one reference binder, one course material binder with exercises and solutions to the exercises, and a pre-reading introduction package. 920648 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED AU Copy of Technical Interpretation dated August 20, 1990 from the Business and General Division concerning the meaning of the phrase "The taxpayer is entitled to exploit the results" of such SR & ED in subparagraph 37(1)(a)(ii). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 131 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.03.26 920649 INFO ON UI AVERAGE - ARMS-LENGTH Information on UI coverage, arms-length employment Appeal rights and procedures (PPU 130 - RCT APP 315, RCT PPU 070) 1993.03.29 920650 LIST OF POLLS, SURVEYS ETC CARRIE I request access to a list of polls, surveys or other forms of public opinion sampling carried out since January 1992. Please include the name of the company carrying out the polling, the cost and the date of the contract and a short description of the subject of the poll. 920651 COURT CASES WHERE INDIVIDUALS WER I request access to records which will enable me to know of all court cases in which an individual was found guilty of tax evasion and given jail sentences in the fiscal years 1898-90, 1990-91, 1991-92 and 1992 to date. 920652 AMOUNT OF MONEY SPENT ON TAX EVAS I request access to all records which will enable me to know how much money is spent on tax evasion investigations, how much is collected from tax evaders and the net gain or loss. In other words, how much did it cost to collect each dollar in the last ten years through such investigations. 930050 XXX T2S FOR 1991 TAXATION YEAR XXX est en d‚saccord avec l'avis de cotisation ‚mis par votre MinistŠre pour l'ann‚e d'imposition 1991. Afin de bien compl‚ter son expos‚ des faits et motifs qui ont donn‚ lieu ... l'opposition, notre cliente d‚sire obtenir une photocopie des documents suivants: T-20, TX-75, S.I.G.V., T20ST etc. 1993.03.31 920654 XXX 1988 AND 1989 TAXATION YEARS All information is required with respect to the taxation years of XXX for 1988 and 1989, inclusive, including, but not limited to, the Appeals files, the Auditors reports, Reports T20, the Appeals' Officer's reports T401, Reports T2020, and auditor's working papers, technical interpretations, notes, letters and/or memoranda with the Department of Justice and any other correspondence relating thereto. 1993.04.01 920653 XXX INFO RE: 1989 TAXATION YEAR All briefs, submissions, reports, audit, reports, working papers, studies, memoranda, notes, opinions, interpretations, proposals, projects, statements, notices, assessments and reassessments, correspondence, minutes, resolutions, rulings, formal and informal decisions, instructions, policies, procedures, documents, records and material relating to the audit carried out by Revenue Canada Taxation. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 132 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.01 930002 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 922411 We request a copy of a letter dated October 6, 1992 written by Robert Day of the Rulings Directorate. (File number 922411) The letter concerns "private health services plans" and benefits to same sex spouses. 930003 XXX T2S FOR 1986 - 1988 TAX YEARS All notes, reports, memoranda and correspondence relating to XXX for its 1986, 1987 and/or 1988 taxation years XXX 1993.04.05 930005 ARTICLE IX OR XXV(8) OF 1980 CANA All information relating to Articles IX or XXV(8) of the 1980 Canada-U.S. Income Tax Convention, as amended, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Articles IX and XXV(8). 930006 ARTICLE 9 OF THE OECD MODEL INCOM All information relating to Article 9 of the 1963, 1974, 1977 and 1992 OECD Model Income Tax Conventions and the OECD Commentaries theron, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Article 9 and the Commentaries theron. 930007 ARTICLE IV OF 1942 CANADA-U.S. IN All information relating to Article IV of the 1942 Canada-U.S. Income Tax Convention, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Article IV. 930023 XXX INSURABILITY DECISION Madame Chantal Lachance a mont‚ un dossier pour ‚tayer sa d‚cision ... propos de l'assurabilit‚ de nos XXX. 1993.04.06 930008 XXX INFORMATION ON PAYROLL AUDIT All working papers, notes, correspondence, memoranda, T20 reports, T20-2 notes of conferences, conversations and discussions in respect of the payroll audit of XXX 930009 CHRON FILE FOR OCTOBER 1992 All previously released materials with respect to the chronological file for October 1992. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 133 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.06 930010 CHRON FILE FOR NOVEMBER 1992 All previously released materials with respect to the chronological file for November 1992. 930011 CHRON FILE FOR DECEMBER 1992 All previously released materials with respect to the chronological file for the month of December 1992. 1993.04.07 930012 XXX REPORTS FOR 1986 TAXATION YEA All information is required with respect to the taxation year of XXX for 1986, including, but not limited to, the Appeals files, the Auditors Reports T20, the Appeals' Officer's reports T401, Reports T2020, and auditor's working papers, technical interpretations, notes, letters and/or memoranda with the Department of Justice and any other correspondence relating thereto. 930040 PARTICIPATION D'UN ASSOCI‚ DANS U Tout texte de Loi, modification ou amendment relatif ... la notion de participation d'un associ‚ dans une soci‚t‚ en nom collectif. 1993.04.08 930013 XXX RE: AUDIT INFO. FOR 1989-1991 TAXATION YEARS All audit information, working papers and correspondence generated during the audit of the applicant resulting in reassessments being issued for the 1989, 1990 and 1991 taxation years for XXX 930016 INFORMATION ON 1969 TO 1975 TAXAT 1. Rulings, memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records and reports relating to assessments for income tax in respect of the 1969 to 1975 taxation years regarding the following taxpayers: XXX 2. Rulings, memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records and reports relating to a search and seizure of documents, books, records papers, XXX. 3. In particular, and without restricting the generality of the oregoing, all memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records of S.I. in connection with the search and seizure described above. 4. Memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records and reports relating to charges brought against XXX. 5. In particular, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, all memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records and reports of S.I. in connection with the charges described above. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 134 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.04.08 930016 6. All documents XXX which were seized XXX including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, deeds, documents, agreements, books, records, papers, corporate minute books, ledgers and resolutions. 1993.04.13 930014 XXX T2S FOR 1987-1989 TAX YEARS Audit Division reports and related working papers; copies of tax returns, correspondence, notes and memoranda; all documents received by Revenue Canada from or on behalf of XXX with respect to its 1987, 1988 and 1989 taxation years. 930015 INTERNAL MEMO DATED FEBRUARY 8, 1983 - ASSESSING INSTRUCTIONS Information of the following document, details as follows: Document Type - Internal Memoranda Department- Assessment Returns Directorate Date - February 8, 1993 Subject - New Assessing Instructions for T2 Returns 930017 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION - SEPTEM We would like to receive a copy of a technical interpretation. The number is 5-912147 and the date is September 27, 1991. It came from the Bilingual Services and Resource Industries Division. 930018 XXX T2S FOR 1982 - 1987 TAXATION All information is required with respect to the taxation years of XXX for 1982 to 1987, inclusive, but not limited to, the Appeals files, the Auditors Reports T20, the Appeals' Officer's reports T401, Reports T2020, and auditor's working papers, technical interpretations, notes, letters and/or memoranda with the Department of Justice and any other correspondence relating thereto. 1993.04.14 930019 XXX T2S FOR THE 1989 TAXATION YEA This letter is a request to obtain a copy of the 1989 Income Tax Return for XXX. 1993.04.15 930020 CHRON FILES FROM JUNE 1989 TO OCT Revenue Canada Taxation Chronological File for the months of June 1989 to October 1991; any other months prior to November 1991 which are available; any portions of months prior to November 1991 and each month prior to June 1989 as it becomes available on 3.5" diskettes. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 135 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.16 1993.04.16 930021 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 5-920130 Technical Interpretation 5-92130 dated February 5, 1992 by the Financial Industries Division of the Rulings Directorate. It is concerning whether a payment is qualified as retiring allowance. 930024 INFO ON SECTION 122.3 OF THE INCO All documents, policies, memorandum, notes and material stored electronically on file pertaining to section 122.3 of the Income Tax Act. 930025 XXX T2S FOR 1988 TO 1993 Re: XXX copies of the original ledgers from January 1, 1988 to May 7, 1993. The ledgers must show all entries i.e. remittances, debits corrections, transfers to other accounts etc. 930029 INFO ON EFILE, EDI, MANDATE AND D I request all records which will enable me to know the mandate and directives for the Special Investigations Program at Revenue Canada, the number of employees working in the program, and the budget of the program. With respect to the Minister's statement of April 6, 1993, wherein was stated: "With the introduction of EFILE, Revenue Canada has put in place additional checks and on-going monitoring to protect the integrity of the tax filing system." I request all records which will enable me to know the specifics of the additional checks and on-going monitoring" which have been put into place to protect the integrity of the tax filing system with the introduction of EFILE. I request all records which will enable me to know which government departments have access to EFILE records and for what purpose. I request all records which will enable me to know the different types of transactions being offered to business and individuals by Revenue Canada through it's technological initiatives in the area of electronic data interchange (EDI), and the number of users. 1993.04.19 930030 XXX T2S FOR 1984 TAXATION YEAR All materials related to the reassessment of XXX's 1984 taxation year XXX including but not restricted to, all working papers, correspondence among Revenue Canada officials, the auditor's T-20 reports, the appeals officer's T-401 report, minutes, notes and memoranda of meetings and telephone conversations relating to the reassessment of the applicant and all T2020 memos to file. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 136 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.19 930042 COURSE MATERIAL ON ANTI-AVOIDANCE, CORPORATE REORGANIZATIONS All course material, handouts, exercises and solutions related to the following areas: Utilization of loss carry forwards after a change in control; General Anti-Avoidance provisions ; Corporate Reorganizations. 1993.04.20 930026 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS DATED 25/6/92 AND 29/7/92 Memorandum, Reorganizations and Foreign Division, dated June 25, 1992, regarding requests for copies of Tax Returns and other Financial Information in the Minister's possession, subsection 241(5); and Memorandum, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch, dated July 29, 1992 regarding Shareholder and Employee Benefits - Loan Guarantees. 1993.04.21 930027 ALL INFO ON SUBSECTION 256(5.1) All information and materials relating to the development, application and interpretation of subsection 256(5.1) of the Income Tax Act. 930044 COURSES OF TRAINING PROGRAM-"AUDI The material I am requesting under Access to Information consists of two courses of the Department's training program "Audit of International Transactions", i.e. the course on Audit Techniques and the course on International Tax Law. Although the latter segment is just new and will require no doubt to be "severed", the Audit Techniques course has been in use for some time. 1993.04.22 930028 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS DATED M Technical Interpretation , Reorganizations and Foreign Division, Trust's Shares Distributed to Beneficiaries - Change of Control?, dated May 28, 1992, subsection 249(4); and Memorandum, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch, Deemed Loss on Transfer of Shares from an Estate to a Corporation, dated July 29, 1992, subsection 164(6). 1993.04.26 930031 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED JU Technical Interpretation, Reorganizations and Foreign Division, Control of an Estate - Denial of Capital Losses, dated July 20, 1992, subsection 164(6). 930032 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 7-911464 ON 401(K) PLAN IN US IRA Memorandum 7-911464. Topic: rollover of an individual's account in a U.S. 401(k) plan into a U.S. IRA, followed by a distribution of the IRA to a Canadian resident (who has worked for a U.S. company). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 137 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.26 930036 SURVEY OF CANADIAN PULP AND NEWSP All information relative to the questionnaires and attachments dealing with XXX. 930039 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES OF TH All information with respect to limited liability companies organized under the laws of the United States. 930041 LAST INCOME TAX RETURN FILED BY A Please provide a copy of the last Income Tax Returns filed by XXX 1993.04.27 930033 SECTION 67 - ALL INFO PERTAINING We would appreciate receiving copy of all memoranda, rulings, technical interpretations or other documents (in the french or english language) relating to the treatment of intercorporate management fees in context of section 67 of the Income Tax Act (Canada). 930034 XXX INFORMATION ON UI RULING Application from Business Audit Section for a ruling for insurable employment of XXX. Total file leading to the opinion by Mr. Lalonde, Source Deductions, of the insurable employment under paragraph 3(1)(a) of the Unemployment Insurance Act and pensionnable employment under paragraph 6(1)(a) of the Canada Pension Plan. 930035 SUBSECTION 110.6(8), (9) FROM JUL All memoranda, briefs, interpretations, opinions, discussion papers, position papers, statements, notes, decisions, policies, and other material already disclosed between July 1, 1992 and the date of the present request, relating to and in connection with subsection 110.6(8), (9) of the Income Tax Act (Canada). 930037 REMISES DE COTISATIONS D'IMP"T SU Les m‚moires, rapports, analyses et avis ayant entour‚ la recommandation qui a men‚ ... l'adoption du D‚cret de remise des cotisations d'imp"t sur le revenu des Indiens frapp‚es de prescription SI/TR/89-128. 930038 XXX T2S FOR 1987 TO 1991 TAX YEAR Revenue Canada files relating to the reassessment of XXX for its 1987 through 1991 taxation years. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 138 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.30 1993.04.30 930043 CHRON FILE FOR FEBRUARY 1991 IN H All previously released materials with respect to the Chronological File for February 1991. 930052 XXX ALL INFORMATION ON 1984 TAXAT 1. Rulings, m‚moires, ‚nonc‚s de politique, notes de service, d‚cisions, opinions, rapports y compris formulaires T-20 et T-401 ayant trait ... la cotisation ‚mise contre XXX pour l'ann‚e d'imposition 1984. 2. Rulings, m‚moires, ‚nonc‚s de politique, notes de service, d‚cisions, opinions, rapports y compris formulaires T-20 et T-401 ayant trait ‚ l'application de l'alin‚a 109(1)(d) de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu. 1993.05.03 930045 4 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER A copy of the following 4 Technical Interpretation letters: 1) Letter 5-920527 dated April 15, 1992 2) Letter 5-912862 dated February 20, 1992 3) Letter 5-913303 dated January 22, 1992 4) Letter 5-920081 dated February 5, 1992. 1993.05.05 930046 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION ON SUBSE Technical Interpretation, Financial Industries Division March 6, 1991 regarding an election under subsection 70(6.2) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.05.06 930047 IT-428 AND PREVIOUSLY RELEASED IN Under the Access to Information Act, I request to see your subject file on Interpretation Bulletin IT-428. 930049 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 912669 D Je d‚sire obtenir pour fin de r‚f‚rence le texte anglais de l'interpr‚tation technique dat‚e du 23 juin 1992 de la Division internationale et des r‚organisations de la Section des Affaires l‚gislatives et intergouvernementales portant le num‚ro 912669. 930059 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 2050 DAT Technical Interpretation #2050 (July 20, 1992) on Deemed Dividend - subsection 84(4.2), no tax elligible under 212(2). 930060 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION #1995 DA Technical Interpretation #1995 (June 9, 1992) on Fixed Dividends on taxable preferred shares. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 139 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.05.07 1993.05.07 930048 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED OC Capital gains and losses on foreign currency dated October 3, 1990 on subsection 39(3) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.05.10 930051 XXX T2S FOR 1989-1991 TAXATION YE Dossier de v‚rification et de cotisation du ministŠre ... l'‚gard de XXX pour les ann‚es d'imposition 1989, 1990 et 1991. 930053 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS DATED O Nous aurions besoin de trois m‚mos de Revenu Canada concernant le sujet "Qualified Investment". Les r‚f‚rences dont je vous dispose sont les suivantes: no 5-8687 (October 19, 1989), no 9-00644 (July 27, 1990) no. inconnu (June 18, 1992). 930054 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED AP Interpr‚tation technique relativement ... la conservation du statut de corporation exempt‚e d'imp"t selon l'alin‚a 149(1)(o.2) de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu, d'une corporation immobiliŠre d‚tendue par des fonds de pension. (Interpr‚tation rendue le 8 avril 1992 par le d‚partement "Business and General Division" portant le num‚ro de dossier #9204405). Opinion l‚gale (s'il y a lieu ainsi que la documentation soutenant cette interpr‚tation technique.) 1993.05.13 930056 XXX T2'S 1986-1992 TAXATION YEARS All briefs, submissions, reports, studies, memoranda, notes, opinions, interpretations, discussion papers, position papers, proposals, projects, statements, notices, correspondence, minutes, resolutions, rulings, decisions, instructions, policies, procedures, documents, records and materials relating to the assessments and reassessments issued against XXX for its 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 taxation years including but without restricting the generality of the foregoing, T-20, T-2020 and T-401 reports. 1993.05.14 930058 25 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTE 25 Technical Interpretations as listed on the request. 1993.05.17 930057 XXX 1989-1991 AUDIT REPORTS The specific documents requested are all working papers, reports, memos, correspondence, inter-office memos and notes prepared for the 1989 to 1991 taxation years XXX. It is not necessary to provide documents or work papers submitted to Revenue Canada by XXX unless Revenue Canada has added notes to those documents. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 140 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.05.17 930057 As well, copies of documents in the permanent envelope are requested. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 141 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.05.03 930469 CALL UP FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of January, February and March of 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ 930469 CALL UP FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of January, February and March of 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ 1993.05.13 930470 SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO IN CANADA I would like to request, under the Access to Information Act, a copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the smuggling of tobacco into Canada, including:˙ ˙ 1) information regarding the scope and nature of tobacco smuggling, broken down by location or province;˙ 2) proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada;˙ 3) information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and ˙ 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or any proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 930470 SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO IN CANADA I would like to request, under the Access to Information Act, a copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the smuggling of tobacco into Canada, including:˙ ˙ 1) information regarding the scope and nature of tobacco smuggling, broken down by location or province;˙ 2) proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada;˙ 3) information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and ˙ 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council Dept Date Request No Text Page: 142 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SGC 1993.05.13 930470 and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or any proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 930470 SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO IN CANADA I would like to request, under the Access to Information Act, a copy of all correspondence and documentation prepared by, prepared within, or received by the Department since September 1, 1991, pertaining to the smuggling of tobacco into Canada, including:˙ ˙ 1) information regarding the scope and nature of tobacco smuggling, broken down by location or province;˙ 2) proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada;˙ 3) information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and ˙ 4) information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor, or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or any proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 1993.05.17 930471 TOBACCO SMUGGLING IN CANADA All correspondence, from June 1st, 1992 to the present, between tobacco industry organizatons (and or representatives of other organizations acting on the behalf of the tobacco industry) and the Solicitor General of Canada, concerning issues of tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 930471 TOBACCO SMUGGLING IN CANADA All correspondence, from June 1st, 1992 to the present, between tobacco industry organizatons (and or representatives of other organizations acting on the behalf of the tobacco industry) and the Solicitor General of Canada, concerning issues of tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ 1993.05.28 930472 TEMPORARY HELP - MAY 1993 Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993.˙ 930472 TEMPORARY HELP - MAY 1993 Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 143 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.05.28 930472 TEMPORARY HELP - MAY 1993 Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 144 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.05.04 930004 SPARTACUS BOOKSTORE Information on Spartacus Books. 1993.05.10 930005 STUBBS AND RUSSELL Information on Judge Louis St. George Stubbs during the 1930's and R.B. Russell in 1919. 930006 G BR./G OPS. PARIS All communications G Branch or G Ops to or from Paris France November 1970 to April 1971, including any record of verbal communication. 930007 G BR.\ G OPS. LONDON All communications G Branch or G Ops to or from London U.K. November 1970 to April 1971, including any record of verbal communication. 930008 MINISTER'S LETTERS\FLQ RCMP Minister's Letters November 1970-June 1971, and all material concerning separatist/terrorist activities, FLQ and similar organizations. 930009 SECURITY SERVICE BRIEFS\FLQ Security Service Briefs concerning FLQ or similar organizations prepared during November 1970 - December 1971. 1993.05.20 930010 PSYCHIATRISTS, PSYCHOLOGISTS Documents concerning psychiatrists, psychologists and psychoanalysts between 1919 and 1960. 1993.05.26 930011 IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR. Iran-Contra Affair. Info. on Transworld Arms or Transworld Armament or Transworld Armaments and on Propair, Inc. in Rouyn, Quebec. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 145 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.05.03 930019 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the months of January, February and March 1993 for the Secretary of State. 1993.05.04 930020 1) DEMANDES DE PROPOSITION LSO-2-01445 ET LSO-2-02517 D‚TAILS DE LA proposition retenue et du contrat attribu‚. Rapport ‚crit sur l'‚valuation de l'offre des Trad. Devinat ... la demande de proposition 01445. 2) Contrats ouverts ou autres en vigueur au 1/5/93 du service 5585 - D‚lib‚rations des comit‚s. Tarif au mot ou fascicule, montant global, nombre de mots, etc. 1993.05.10 930022 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU 1ER AU 30 AVRI contractuels en langage gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'tat, la date, le lieu, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. 930023 I REQUEST THE FOLLOWING RECORDS: 1. All records which will enable me to know the arrangement or contract whereby Financial Collection AGencies was authorized to collect student loans in 1985. 2. A copy of all records which will enable me to know how, when and what Financial Collection Agencies reported to the federal government of its activities during the periods: July, 1985, August 1985, September, 1985 and October, 1985. I understand that you will have to delete the names and social insurance numbers of all individuals other than ************ and ************. 3. All records which will enable me to know when and what supervision of, audit of, or review of the services or informaiton provided by Financial Collection Agencies was made by the federal government during the periods: July, 1985, August, 1985, September, 1985, and October, 1985. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 146 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.05.11 1993.05.11 930024 I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THE FOLLO Information Act. I would like the expenditure breakdown, by province, for the Official languages in Education program, from 1970 to 1988. 1993.05.13 930025 I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THE FOLLO A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts assigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region. 930026 COULD YOU PLEASE PROVIDE COPIES O Offer for Temporary Help Services (DSS-MAS 8251) Forms issued for your Department (including for Multiculturalism and Citizenship) for the month of March 1993. 930027 UNDER THE PROVISIONS OUTLINED IN requesting copies of the completed Call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of March 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 930028 DANS L'AFFAIRE DU DOSSIER LSO-3-00190 DE LA DIRECTION DES MARCH‚S DE services linguistiques, je demande, en vertu de la Loi sur l'accŠs ... l'information : 1. Le nom et l'adresse de chaque entrepreneur qui a ‚t‚ invit‚ ... proposer un prix ... la Direction des march‚s de service dans le dossier sus-indiqu‚; 2. Le nom de chaque entrepreneur invit‚ qui n'en a pas pr‚sent‚; 3. Le prix propos‚ par chaque entrepreneur qui a fait une offre ... la Direction des march‚s de services linguistiques; 4. Si un ou des contrats sont adjug‚s ... la date ... laquelle vous r‚pondrez ... la pr‚sente, le nom de chaque entrepreneur qui a obtenu un de ces contrats et le nombre de mots qu'il a obtenus et le prix unitaire. 930029 LA PR‚SENTE DEMANDE VOUS EST PR‚S l'information. Un jury de s‚lection a ‚t‚ charg‚ d'‚valuer les offres re‡ues dans le cadre de la demande proposition LSO-2-02070 de la Direction des march‚s de services linguistiques. Je demande une copie de sa recommandation. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 147 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.05.18 1993.05.18 930030 JE SUIS PARTIE ... UN CONTRAT OUVER priv‚. Comme ce contrat vient bient"t ... ‚ch‚ance et qu'il y a des chances qu'il fasse l'objet d'un nouvel appel d'offres, il me serait utile de connaŒtre le tarif n‚goci‚ pour les autres contrats ouverts avec d'autres entrepreneurs pour cette DSTM. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 148 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.04.21 931093 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES The names and addresses of the 38,000 people selected to participate in the survey of consumer finance during the week of April 19, 1993.˙ 931093 SURVEY OF CONSUMER FINANCES The names and addresses of the 38,000 people selected to participate in the survey of consumer finance during the week of April 19, 1993.˙ 1993.05.07 931092 DELIVERY OF CENSUS FORMS All information relating to delivery of census form at applicant's address, type of form, date delivered, name of person who delivered it. All information regarding investigation into what form actually was delivered, all documents and logs of phone calls in regards to above.˙ Any and all information bank files, etc.˙ 931092 DELIVERY OF CENSUS FORMS All information relating to delivery of census form at applicant's address, type of form, date delivered, name of person who delivered it. All information regarding investigation into what form actually was delivered, all documents and logs of phone calls in regards to above.˙ Any and all information bank files, etc.˙ 1993.05.12 931095 CALLUPS FOR MARCH 1993 FOR NCR Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed Call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of March 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only.˙ 1993.05.18 931096 CALL-UPS FOR APRIL 93 Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: April '93.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 149 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.05.10 930003 A87C0061(REPORTS OF PERIMETER AIRL 1) All correspondence and/or reports of Perimeter Airlines Ltd. in response to the preliminary or final Reports of Investigation of an Aircraft prepared by the Canadian Aviation Safety Board, file no. 87-C70061, Aircraft Designation C-GKDX, the Aviation Occurrence Report No. 87-C70061 dated July 31, 1987, or any other reports or correspondence from The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board ("CASB"). We understand that the airline is required to respond and provide comments to the Report of Investigation and Aviation Occurrence Report of the CASB and we require copies of such responses;˙ 2) Any subsequent or follow-up correspondence to the Aviation Occurrence Report or similar reports between the CASB and Perimeter Airlines Ltd. and /or Beech Aircraft Corporation, that may be contained on the said file.˙ 930003 A87C0061(REPORTS OF PERIMETER AIRL 1) All correspondence and/or reports of Perimeter Airlines Ltd. in response to the preliminary or final Reports of Investigation of an Aircraft prepared by the Canadian Aviation Safety Board, file no. 87-C70061, Aircraft Designation C-GKDX, the Aviation Occurrence Report No. 87-C70061 dated July 31, 1987, or any other reports or correspondence from The Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board ("CASB"). We understand that the airline is required to respond and provide comments to the Report of Investigation and Aviation Occurrence Report of the CASB and we require copies of such responses;˙ 2) Any subsequent or follow-up correspondence to the Aviation Occurrence Report or similar reports between the CASB and Perimeter Airlines Ltd. and /or Beech Aircraft Corporation, that may be contained on the said file.˙ 1993.05.27 930004 A92O0110(ALL THE INFORMATION) RE: Piper Aztec PA-23-250 Aircraft which crashed on the 31st of March 1992, at a location approximately 3.5 miles north east of Lucan, Ontario. ˙ File A92O0110˙ 1. All initial and subsequent Transportation Safety Board reports, whether in draft or finalized;˙ 2. All weather reports and maps gathered or used or obtained during the Safety Board investigation to date; ˙ 3. All air traffic control audio tapes gathered or obtained in the course of the investigation;˙ 4. All photographs and video tapes;˙ 5. Copy of Pilot xxxx's pilot licences and endorsements, all air traffic control printouts or videos of radar monitoring devices (I understand there is a photo or printout of the radar screen during the events leading up to Dept Date Request No Text Page: 150 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... TSB 1993.05.27 930004 and at the time of the accident);˙ 6. All witness statements obtained, including names and addresses of those witnesses (I understand some of these witnesses may first have to consent to the release of these statements);˙ 7. All technical or engineering reports;˙ 8. All investigator notes taken at the time of and during the investigation;˙ 9. Copies of any correspondence with the OPP or OPP reports or witness statements;˙ 10. Copies of Pilot xxx's pilot log book (specifically we are interested in how many hours on type pilot xxxx had flown);˙ 11. Copies of the aircraft certificate of airworthiness and aircraft journey log and technical log documentation books or as many copies of pages from those logs as are in the Safety Board's files;˙ 12. Copy of flight plan filed by pilot xxxx; and˙ 13. All other correspondence and documents contained in the Safety Board's file.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.06.16 From:1993.05.01 To:1993.05.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 151 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1989.04.17 890009 REQUEST FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION OF VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS I would like to obtain medical information from Veterans Affairs about Albert Robert Edward Hopkins. His regimental number in the war of 1914-18 was 59478. He received wounds that required the amputation of his leg, from which he later developed heart trouble. He died at Christie St. Military Hospital on June 11, 1928.˙ 1989.06.23 890007 REQUEST FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION OF VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS I have been attempting to collect material about Nursing Sister, Dorothy Beryl Moss. Any information you can supply will be very much appreciated.˙ 1989.07.10 890008 REQUEST FOR PERSONAL INFORMATION OF VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Please provide me with any and all documents pertaining to Lieutenant Eric Leslie. Born March 12, 1890, Halifax, Nova Scotia; died December 30, 1968.˙ ˙ He was a limber gunner, 29th Battery, 11th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery, CEF WWI, service number 304510.˙ ˙ Specifically, I am seeking to obtain a record of his birth.˙ 1989.07.12 890010 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED OFFICER Entire officer's file for Major Tillson Lever Harrison/claim file (dormant) for Major T.L. Harrison.˙ 1989.09.14 890012 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Re: Daniel Sweet˙ Service No. 603039˙ ˙ The subject deceased died on September 6, 1935.˙ I believe that your Mrs. Janice MacLeod recently explained the difficulty I am experiencing with your Toronto office, in obtaining the required forms (and assistance in completing these) under the Access to Information Act, in order to obtain copies of his files.˙ ˙ ˙ I enclose a money order in the amount of $5.00 (five dollars) covering the cost of this service, payable to the Receiver General for Canada, and look forward to receiving the information from your office.˙ 1989.10.17 890013 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Mon pere etait un ancien combattant, veteran de la Premiere Guerre. Il a ete belsse pendant cette guerre, et a ete recipiendaire de pension(s) et allocation(s) du Ministere jusqu'a sa mort en 1967; ma mere recevait une pension de veuve jusqu'a sa mort en 1981.˙ ˙ Ayant herite des medailles de guerre de mon pere, je suis interesse a pouvoir documenter son stage militaire, ainsi que sa vie. Je me rappelle que mon pere nous racontait Dept Date Request No Text Page: 152 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... VAC 1989.10.17 890013 certains des incidents militaires. Cependant, rien n'a ete documente et beaucoup de menus details de l'octroi de medailles.˙ Recemment, j'ai pris connaissance du fait que nous pourrions obtenire une copie des dossiers en votre possession. J'aimerais bien obtenir une copie de tous le(s) dosier(s) de mon pere avec votre ministere afin de pouvoir documenter son stage militaire et sa vie. Le cote medical m'interesse aussi, tant pour sa blessure que pour le fait qu'il est decede du cancer.˙ ˙ Je me rappelle bien qu'il ecrivait au bureau de Saint-Jean de votre ministere afin d'essayer d'obtenir une allocation, etc. Ces lettres, bien qu'ordinaires dans le temps, ont maintenant une valeur sentimentale et, avec les autres documents dans vos dossiers, me permettraient sans doute de bien agencer les evenements de sa vie, autant militaire qu'apres.˙ ˙ J'ai aussi soumis une demande pour obtenir une copie de ses documents de service.˙ ˙ En vous remerciant de votre aide, je vous prie d'agreer l'expresion de mes sentiments les meilleurs.˙ 1989.10.18 890016 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN (20 YEARS) I would like a copy of the Veterans Affairs information on Donald George Hewitt.˙ 1989.10.23 890020 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I wish to find out if the subject veteran had any pension in which his family may have received as a result of his death in the service. If indeed he did, how much was it and to whom did it go to. For curiosity sakes, how much wa a privte payed in 1943 on a yearly basis. I would appreciate any information at all on him. Please don't hesitate to write. Here is some information on him:˙ ˙ B-238317 Albert George Corbier˙ Service Rank ofnumber: H-138317˙ He was part of the Canadian Army (Active)˙ Date and place of birth: July 13, 1924 in Penetanguishene Ontario˙ Date of enlistment: January 6, 1943 in Barrie Ontario˙ Died of wounds: May 24, 1944 in Italy˙ 1989.10.27 890015 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN ~ Deceased more than 20 years, file of William Samuel Bates (CEF)˙ - Regimental No. 402266 - VA 649 B48189˙ - interested in war-related medical information after WWI service˙ - according to obituary he "succumbed" to Great War Wounds˙ - interested in any medical information which could back it up˙ - I am doing research on the lives after the war of 49 Kitchener soldiers˙ and I am interested in these soldiers' dealings with Veterans Affairs in relation to treatments for war wounds or sicknesses˙ - William Samuel Bates died April 13, 1934˙ 1989.10.30 890017 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS 1) All military records and persoal information about Sergt. H.W. Burkholder, 173rd Battalion, 11th Field Battery.˙ ˙ 2) Copy of the military inquiry into his death on July 23, 1938 at Camp Petawawa, Ontario. (H.W. Burkholder resided at 78 Est 2th Street, Hamilton, Ontario at the time of his Dept Date Request No Text Page: 153 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... VAC 1989.10.30 890017 death.)˙ ˙ A fee of $5.00 (cheque) is attached plus I am willing to cover any additional costs assessed.˙ 890021 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I am corresponding to you in regards to William A. Tippe. Prior to this, you informed me that under the Privacy Act, he had to be deceased for 20 years before any information on him could be released. With 20 years past, please find enclosed hs Service Record of the Canadian Armed Forces for your convenience.˙ ˙ It would be very much appreciated if you could send to me at this time, any information you still hold. Any and all help that you could give me would be deeply appreciated. Thank you so much for your time taken in my quest of him.˙ 1989.11.08 890019 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Please find enclosed cheque for five dollars ($5.00) for a copy of information about Reginald Shuttleworth. Thank you.˙ 1989.11.22 890023 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OF DECEASED VETERAN George Hanley died Aug 23, 1943 - member of 34th Battalion˙ - born 5/1/1877˙ ~ was wounded 2 times˙ - would like to receive pension information, medical treatments and any information on disability appeals tht relate to his war eperiences ˙ - information concerning his reestablishment into civilian life˙ 1989.11.23 890025 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN ~ would like information on Henry Joseph Doughty - CEF veteran 34th Bat.˙ - born August 1, 189- - died December 21, 1928˙ - suffered GSW left lung and spine and wa discharged in England to be employed with his father˙ - 40% disability˙ - would like pension information on Mr. Henry Doughty˙ - medical treatments and correspondence˙ - also would lke personal information on him as I have nothing but his military file from Ottawa.˙ 890026 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Would like information on CEF veteran John Noble˙ - born January 10, 1876 - died April 13, 1930 - member 34th and 1st Battalions˙ - Mr. Noble received a shrapnel wound overseas and spent time in a convalescent home in London, England˙ - he died of a hemmorhage.˙ - Is there ay correspondence that would suggest his death was due to his service.˙ - Did Mr. Noble receive a pension. Did he receive medical treatment after the war.˙ - Is there any information that would shed light on his life after the war.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 154 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1989.11.23 890029 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED PENSIONER ~ would like to receive information on CEF veteran Zare Sotiroff˙ - born July 23/1888 and died on Feb 10/1942˙ - originally from Parot, Serbia Mr. Sotiroff enlisted in the 34th Battalion on January 26, 1915˙ - suffered gunshot wound left wrist, pulmonary tuberculosis, and spent time convalescing at the Byran Sanitorium˙ - did Mr. Sotiroff receive a pension. Any further medical treatments.˙ - I have no information on his whereabouts, could you tell me where he settled.˙ 890031 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED PENSIONER Arthur Maxwell Card - died December 15 1967 in Little Rock, Arkansas˙ - was a member of the 34th Battalion - wounded in head, arm, and suffered from neurasthenia˙ - would like to receive information on Mr. Card's relations with Veterans Affairs after the war up until his death, specifically pension applications/appeals, medical information on Mr. Card, and any information in his personnel file relating as to how Mr. Card fared in civilian life after the war.˙ 890032 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED PENSIONER ~ would like pension, medical, and personal information on Mr. Walter Henry Smith - born 24 December 1895 and died May 7, 1957˙ - Mr. Smith suffered partial deafness and otitis media as a result of eing in a shell explosion; also suffered a shrapnel wound to shoulder˙ - 3/20 disability˙ - did Mr. Smith receive any medical treatments, appeal his pension or anything else related to his war service˙ 890033 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED PENSIONER ~ would like information on CEF veteran Alfred Pollard˙ born: November 19, 1893 died June 28, 1962˙ - served in 34th Battalion, later 1st Battalion.˙ - wonded by shrapnel in left arm and received 40% disability pension˙ - would like information on Mr. Pollard's relations with Veterans Affairs i.e. any medical treatments relating to his wounds˙ - any pension appeals˙ - or any information from his personal file relating to his readjustment back to civilian life.˙ 890034 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Personnel file of Horace Darling member of 34th Battalion ˙ - died October 13, 1941 - during the war received GSW in right forearm˙ - lost complete use of it - 95% disability˙ - would like to receive personal/medical/pension dealings and correspondence of Mr. Darling with Veterans Affairs relating to wounds suffered overseas.˙ - Next of kin as of August 18/1919 was Mary A. Darling˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 155 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1989.12.11 1989.12.11 890036 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON WW1 DECEASED VETERAN Pursuant to our telephone conversation of Dec 4, 1989, I would ask you to send me a copy of any files you may have regarding Jacob Cleveland Marr.˙ ˙ He was born on Oct 5, 1889 and served during WW I with the 48th Highlanders. His Regimental Number is 279610.˙ ˙ I am trying to prepare a booklet celebrating his life and times on the 100th anniversary of his birth as a Christmas present for the family.˙ ˙ Given the shortage of time from now till then, any haste and speed you could add to this search would be and is greatly appreciatd.˙ ˙ Please find the applicable fee enclosed. Merry Christmas and thank you.˙ 1989.12.15 890037 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I am requesting information in regards to Norma Sangret such as: his mother's maiden name, his grandmother's name, and his grandfather's name, where they were born and what year. The Army probably never asked for all of this information. But any information would help. Hoping you can give me some help, I thank you.˙ ˙ P.S. Since he passed away twenty years ago I do not have his Social Insurance Number. ˙ 1989.12.18 890039 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN J'aimerais recevoir les renseignements au sujet de Alexandre Gelinas, decede le 18 janvier 1969 a l'hopital Ste-Anne de Bellevue.˙ 1989.12.19 890040 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN ˙ ˙ After reaching so many dead ends, I was pleased to receive your helpful communication dated 20 December.˙ ˙ As you requested, I have enclosed my personal cheque for $5.00 payable to the Receiver General for Canada in payment of the necessary fee. Please send me a copy of (Robert Howe - #478923 WW1) Veterans Affairs file. I hereby request that the photocopying charge be waived.˙ ˙ I really do apprciate the help you have given to me. Thank you very much.˙ 1990.01.11 890043 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED PENSIONER Request copy of pension file for Lt. Col. Beverly R. Armstrong˙ born 19 Feb. 1875 died 29 June 1945˙ South African War, CEF, militia 3rd Canadian Garrison Artillery˙ 1990.01.17 890041 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I the undersigned would like all the information you can give me about the late James Doran.˙ ˙ He joined the Army in Kamloops in Jan. 1940 and was discharged in August 1944 in Vancouver, B.C.˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ His regimental number was K53243.˙ s.19(1) passed away in April 1969.˙ ˙ Thank you.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 156 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1990.01.31 1990.01.31 890042 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I would appreciate a copy of those many pages of Mr. John E Walkr's! So I am taking this opportunity to request permission to go through, and under Access to Information Act. At this time. As far as the fee is concerned that is no problem, as I have expected to pay for any extra services on this case. Just let me know as soon as possible and I will send a cheque to cover your service.˙ ˙ Yes! Mr. Walker has been dead a long time! and I do feel I have every right to proceed with research on my his case. This would be considered to reach my own satisfaction in order to clarify some problems of the past that should have been attended to a long time ago.˙ 1990.02.08 890045 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN This request was abandoned. I would like information on Donald McLeod who was with the 31st Alberta Regiment from 1914 to 1917? His number was 79119. He finished the war as a company Sergeant Major and won the DCM. He was born on the Island of Benbecula in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, and emigrated in 1909.˙ 1990.03.09 890047 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I would like a copy of the Queen Mary Veterans Hospital file for s.19(1) (DOD 02 December 1960).˙ 1990.04.03 900002 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I wish to review all documents and correspondence on the file of Donald McLeod (79119) subsequent to his discharge from the Army in 1919, and up to and including his death in 1952. I have already reviewed his military records and documents from his attestation in Calgary on 14 November 1914, transfers, wounds, to his medical board dated 22 Feb 1919, and his release on discharge on 4 Mar 1919. I am interested in developing a record of his life and activities which may be of interest to the many descendants. On the assumption that these records are held here in Ottwa, I had planned to review them, and make copies of those tht can contribute to history.˙ 1990.05.08 900003 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VRTERAN Request Veterans Affairs file for Cahill, Harold J.A. (dec'd)˙ Date of Death: 02 December 1969˙ 1990.05.28 900004 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN All documentation pertaining to Andrew Elias Spicer˙ 900006 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I wish to see the post discharge file of 2451 Frederick Broughton Billett.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 157 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1990.05.29 1990.05.29 900005 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN All personal information about John H. Martin (deceased) requested by RCLO, - client deceased more than 20 years.˙ 1990.06.04 900007 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I would like to obtain the post discharge file for s.19(1) .˙ 1990.07.09 900013 REQUEST FOR INFO ON WW1 VETERAN Request for information about Howard (Harry) Alexander Fletcher - World War 1 veteran.˙ 1990.08.20 900018 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I would like a copy of the complete service record for a veteran. He died 23 January 1958 in Moose Jaw.˙ ˙ N.B. This request was transferred to the National Archives of Canada.˙ 1990.09.19 900021 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Post discharge information on John Donnelly - Regimental No. 454489˙ 1990.10.02 900023 REQUEST FOR VETERAN INFORMATION all documentation on a relative.˙ 1990.10.05 900025 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Personal Information about Major Robert Gravel.˙ 1990.10.09 900020 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN all personal info concerning deceased relative.˙ 1990.10.22 900029 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN I am looking for military history of s.19(1) during World War II.˙ 900032 REQUEST POSITION INFORMATION COR VAC 435 - Employment and Staffing: Notice of Appointment - Acting Appointment of XXXXX to Regional Coordinator Client Services (late 1989 or early 1990). Job description for Regional Coordinator Client Services. Statement of Qualifications for RCCS position.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 158 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1990.11.05 1990.11.05 900038 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN All information about veteran.˙ 1990.11.26 900039 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Military service records for Charles Cyril Crosby. (Note: This request was transferred to the Personnel Records Centre of the National Archives of Canada.)˙ 1990.11.29 900040 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Military service records for Lionel C.S. Marten. (Note: This request was transferred to the Personnel Records Centre of the National Archives of Canada.)˙ 1990.12.07 900044 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Information about the 6th Field Regiment˙ 1990.12.11 900046 RELOCATION INFORMATION Relocation task force report or committee report which recommended the move of Veterans Affairs from Ottawa to PEI and any supporting documents, memos committee meeting minutes and speeches. Also a total cost breakdown of the move and details of any federal/provincial cost sharing arrangements for the financing of the move and relocation of the employees.˙ 1990.12.13 900047 PROPERTY ACQUISITION INFO. Inquiries of VLA acquisition of property on the Westside of Okanagan Lake at Kelowna, B.C. We would like to acquire, if at all possible, the following information:˙ ˙ 1. Date of land acquisition˙ 2. Who the property(s) were bought from˙ 3. The date of completion of the irrigation report.˙ 4. The number of 12 acre and 1.6 acre sites sold in each year from commencement.˙ 5. Copies of any reports or studies done on subject lands prior to acquisition.˙ 1991.01.18 900053 INFO ABOUT VETERANS DECEASED 20 YEARS Info required to help locate family and trace heritage.˙ 1991.01.21 900054 INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Personal information of deceased relative.˙ 1991.02.04 900055 INFO - MILITARY DOCS DECEASED VETERAN documentation - personal military documentation of person deceased more than 20 years. Trasferred to National Archives.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 159 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1991.02.12 1991.02.12 900057 GULF WAR (1) Options discussed/reviewed as to what kind of veterans benefits Canadian troops in combat in the Gulf, serving in the Gulf, or assisting in the Gulf war, would have. (2) Any comparisons as to how the chosen option compares to previously provided war veteran benefits, and whether it extends the definition of what an active war veteran is, where the war zone is, the effects of war technology on participants. (3) Any plans/contingency plans to set up services for returning war vaeterans from the Gulf or their families; including adjustment/special services programs/health services given possible chemical assaults. (4) Implications of current war for Veterans Affairs organization in terms of budget/organization. (5) Briefing notes 1990, 1991 to the Minister on these subjects. (6) Representations received on these issues from other agencies, unions, personnel.˙ 900058 FINANCIAL-STE.ANNE HOSPITAL Je demande que me soit remis tous les chiffres qui demontrant le cout operationel pour l'annee financiere en cour et celle de l'annee passe en se qui attrais le surtemps paye a l'hopital Ste-Anne de Bellevue. Egalement copie conforme du rapport concernant tous les budgets et cout d'operation tel que le verificateur general le definie (de 1985 a aujourd'hui). ˙ 1991.02.13 900027 REQUEST FOR INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN all documentation on a relative.˙ 900056 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN All documentation about parent deceased more than 20 years.˙ 1991.03.05 900062 COPY OF REVIEW TEAM REPORT Forward a copy of Review Team Report.˙ 1991.03.08 900061 DOCUMENTS CONCERNANT UNE ENQUETE Je fais l'objet d'une enquete par la Direction de l'Hopital Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue depuis le 9 janvier 1991. Je desire recevoir immediatement tous les documents faisent partie du dossier et qui y sont relies de pres ou de loin.˙ 1991.04.11 910002 REPORTS ON VAC PROGRAMS Copy of Reports on Veteran Affairs Canada programs produced for that Department by outside management consultants in 1989, 1990 and 1991.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 160 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1991.05.15 1991.05.15 910006 CONTRACT DE SECURITE Contract de securite entre le corps Canadien des Commissionnaires, Division de Montreal et l'hopital Ste Anne ou touts documents relatifs.˙ 1991.05.21 910008 AMOUNT PAID TOINSURANCE COMPANIES Itemized payments made under this contract in each of the past 3 fiscal years to Blue Cross or any other health insurance company. ˙ 1991.05.31 910007 REQUEST FOR CONTRACT INFORMATION A copy of the contract between Blue Cross and VAC for the administration˙ of drug benefits.˙ 1991.06.13 910010 CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING CONTRACT ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ requests all of the information on the tendering process including all tenders received and the contract awarded to Datacor Atlantic Inc. to provide computer services to Veterans Affairs. This is to include all ministerial correspondence regarding the process.˙ 1991.06.24 910011 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - PERLEY HOSPITA RVH TRANSFER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - PERLEY HOSPITA Documentation containing details of the benefits/options to be offered to employees transferring from Rideau Veterans Home to Perley Hospital.˙ 910012 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - NOT TRANSFERRI RVH TRANSFER EMPLOYEE BENEFITS - NOT TRANSFERRED Documentation containing details of the benefits/options to be offered to employees choosing to remain as federal employees.˙ 910013 HEALTH CARE COSTS RVH TO PERLEY H RVH TRANSFER HEALTH CARE COSTS RVH TO PERLEY H Documentation containing details of the Federal Government/VAC financial commitment to the health care costs of veterans being transferred from Rideau Veterans Home to Perley Hospital.˙ 910014 COSTS RE:SITE, FACILITIES, ETC. RVH TRANSFER COSTS RE:SITE, FACILITIES, ETC. Documentation containing details of the Federal Government/VAC financial commitment to the site acquisition, facilities, planning, capital construction and up-fitting of new veterans facilities, commissioning of new facilities.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 161 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1991.06.24 910015 COSTS - OPERATING FUNDS NEW FACILI COSTS - OPERATING FUNDS NEW FACILI RVH TRANSFER COSTS - OPERATING FUNDS NEW FACILTY Documentation containing details of the Federal Government/VAC financial commitment to the operating funds of the new veterans facility.˙ 1991.07.24 910017 NAMES OF ALL FOREIGN DVA CLIENTS Copies of all documents showing the names of all persons,excluding those of the Canadian Armed Forces,who receive financial benefits such as pension payments from the Canadian government to veterans of war.˙ 910018 NAMES OF VAC CLIENTS names of all persons who receive benefifs, such as WAR VETERANS ALLOWANCE from Veterans Affairs excluding those of the Canadian Armed Forces˙ 1991.08.30 910020 TRANSFER AGREEMENT OF RVH Request a copy of the transfer agreement between the parties,namely the˙ Dept. of Veterans Affairs and the Perley Hospital which was approved by Treasury Board for these employees transferring from the Rideau Veterans˙ Home to the Perley Hospital.˙ And all documents related thereto.˙ 1991.09.27 910021 ALL STRIKE COSTS Request a complete breakdown of all costs incurred by the department for strike related activities at the HEADQUARTERS in Charlottetown in connection with the PSAC strike. This request also covers any strike related activities paid for by another government.˙ 1992.04.28 920013 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information pertaining to his father's Veterans Affairs Files. 1992.09.26 920084 INFO ON DANIEL MASSE OVERVIEW OF VIMY RIDGE List of reports and results on Vimy Ridge Campaigne 1992.10.02 920082 INFO RE LATE FATHER VAC file.˙ Request military service info transferred to Archives.˙ 1992.10.15 920090 TELECOMMUNICATION EXPEND.91/92 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 162 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1992.10.23 1992.10.23 920099 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information regarding father's war medals and military service records. Sent to Honours and Awards and National Archives of Canada. 1992.10.28 920102 SSC CONSULTATION Consultation request from SSC.˙ 1992.10.30 920103 INFO ON TRUST/BANK ACCOUNTS OF VE Information regarding trust/bank accounts of veteran. 920104 INFO ON FAMILY OF DECEASED VETERAN Information regarding widow of deceased veteran. Transferred to Health and Welfare. 1992.11.02 920105 INFO RE BENEFITS TO VETERAN CHILD Information regarding benefits available to veteran children. 1992.11.05 920107 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information pertaining to deceased veteran. 1992.11.18 920095 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information concerning deceased veteran. 1992.11.23 920096 INFO ON HONOURS AND AWARDS Information concerning military service records and honours and awards. Transferred to Archives and Honours and Awards 920097 INFORMATION ON COMPETITION Information regarding Questions and Answers, Competition 91-76 920098 REPORT ON CPC ORGANIZATIOM REVIEW Information regarding report on Organizational review of the CPC Secretariat. 920101 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information regarding father's discharge certificate. Forwarded to PRC. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 163 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1992.11.24 1992.11.24 920100 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information. 1992.11.26 920109 INFO ONCLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE REPORT Program Support Clerk - Classification Committee Notes, Reports, etc. 1992.12.11 920106 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information regarding father. 1992.12.22 920115 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information regarding veteran. 1992.12.29 920117 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Information relating to family. Transferred to Archives. 1993.01.15 920122 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Deceased more than 20 years. Service Records - Family History purposes 1993.04.08 930032 INFORMATION ON FAMILY MEMBER WHO WAS A VETERAN Requesting information on a family member who was a veteran. 1993.04.14 930025 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing department and academic background of Sharon Boutilier. 930025 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing department and academic background of Sharon Boutilier. 930026 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Lorraine Thomas. 930026 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Lorraine Thomas. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 164 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.04.14 930027 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Colleen Dutcher-Snow. 930027 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Colleen Dutcher-Snow. 930030 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN All information on a veteran deceased twenty years by family member. 930030 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN All information on a veteran deceased twenty years by family member. 1993.04.16 930019 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Bob Coates. 930019 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Bob Coates. 930020 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Ray Venables. 930020 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Ray Venables. 930021 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history of the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, the previous employing departments and academic background.of George Watmore. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 165 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.04.16 930021 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history of the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, the previous employing departments and academic background.of George Watmore. 930022 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Ed Eimantas. 930022 INFO ON DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Ed Eimantas. 930028 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN INFORMATION ON DECEASED HUSBAND 1993.04.19 930023 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please sent me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titltes of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Clem Fewer. 930023 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please sent me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titltes of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background of Clem Fewer. 930024 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background for Chuck Guite. 930024 INFO OF DVA EMPLOYEE. Please send me a detailed employment history on the following employee of DVA. Include all titles of positions held, the location, the dates, previous employing departments and academic background for Chuck Guite. 930029 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Info on veteran deceased 20 years by family member Dept Date Request No Text Page: 166 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.04.19 930029 INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Info on veteran deceased 20 years by family member 1993.04.22 930031 INFO. AU SUJET DES PROGRAMMES D'ALLOCATIONS D'ANCIENS COMBATTANTS La veuve de l'ancien combattant veut recevoir de l'information au sujet des programmes d'allocations d'anciens combattants. 1993.04.27 930034 INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Request for information on deceased veteran 930035 RECORDS ON VETERAN DECEASED MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Requests records on veteran deceased more than twenty years. 930035 RECORDS ON VETERAN DECEASED MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Requests records on veteran deceased more than twenty years. 930036 REQUEST FOR MEDICAL INFO. Seeking all information concerning the veteran's illness, injury, accident, trauma, etc. during the two periods in which he served in the Army. 930037 REQUEST FOR INFO. ON FAMILY MEMBER DECEASED TWENTY YEARS Seeking information on family member deceased twenty years. 930037 REQUEST FOR INFO. ON FAMILY MEMBER DECEASED TWENTY YEARS Seeking information on family member deceased twenty years. 930038 REQUESTING SERVICE RECORDS Requesting service records. 1993.04.30 930039 FAMILY MEMBER SEARCHING FOR MEDICAL INFORMATION ON VETERAN Requesting medical information on veteran. 930043 ALL INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting all information on deceased veteran. 930043 ALL INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting all information on deceased veteran. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 167 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.04.30 930044 ALL INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting all information on deceased veteran. 930044 ALL INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting all information on deceased veteran. 1993.05.03 930040 INFORMATION ON FAMILY MEMBER FROM VETERAN'S FILE Request for information on veteran deceased for twenty years by a family member. 930040 INFORMATION ON FAMILY MEMBER FROM VETERAN'S FILE Request for information on veteran deceased for twenty years by a family member. 1993.05.04 930041 FAMILY MEMBER SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION ON VETERAN Family member searching for information on veteran. 1993.05.05 930042 REQUESTING INFORMATION ON VETERAN DECEASED OVER TWENTY YEARS Requesting - ~ Did veteran receive a disability pension for his wounds received in WWI? ~ What exactly was the amount of the pension? Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.05.31 930023 DIRECTORS' LIABILITY 1. 1992, 1993 papers internal/external on directors' liability (primarily in the private sector). 2. Meeting minutes 1992, 1993 of interdepartmental working group on issues surrounding director's liability. 3. Complaints/concerns 1992, 1993 raised about directors' liability, including for unpaid corporate debts. 930024 CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP MINUTES KID CARE 1. Meeging minutes of corporate sponsorship committee. 2. CCA guidelines, briefing of the minister on corporate sponsorship issue. 3. Agreements signed with corporate sponsors for CCA's Kid Care program /any other other CCA programs with corporate sponsors. 4. 1991-1993 corporate proposals for sponsorship received and contemplated corporate sponsorships by CCA. 5. Interview response notes re 1993 Corporate Sponsorship Paper and any follow ups received, reviewed re this discussion paper. 1993.06.02 930025 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends over 1,000 for 1991-92 930026 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends over 1,000 for 1990-91 930027 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends over 1,000 for 1989-90 930028 UNCLAIMED DIVIENDS unclaimed dividends over 1,000 for 1988-89 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.06.02 930029 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends over 1,000 for 1987-88 1993.06.07 930030 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period: May 1993. I would like to obtain copies of the original. Please notify me of the costs prior to making copies. 1993.06.09 930031 CALLUPS TRAINING SERVICES Would you plese send us a copy of all the DSS942 forms (call-ups Training Services) both issued and renewed for the time period of July 1992 thru July 1993 in the National Capital Region. 1993.06.14 930032 CALLUPS - MARCH, APRIL, MAY I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the months of March, April & May 1993 for Consumer & Corporate Affairs. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMH 1993.05.28 930948 COPY OF GROUP POLICY BETWEEN GREA A copy of the group policy of insurance between Great West Life and CMHC for our client XXX 930949 LIST OF SALES OCCURING BETWEEN 1990 AND 1992 list of sales files occuring between 1990 and 1992 in Grande Cache in Edmonton Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.05.19 930996 MISSING CHILDREN Request for information on actual occurences of missing children.˙ Children who have disappeared without a trace. Children who have gone missing who may have, or haven't been located.˙ MISSING CHILDREN Request for information on actual occurences of missing children.˙ Children who have disappeared without a trace. Children who have gone missing who may have, or haven't been located./Abandoned˙ 930997 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Asst to Canada Ports Corporation - Request for information regarding˙ the investigation by RCMP into allegations of sexual harassment.˙ SEXUAL HARASSMENT Asst to Canada Ports Corporation - Request for information regarding˙ the investigation by RCMP into allegations of sexual harassment./˙ Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.05.27 931029 CITZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada- Request for citizenship˙ records of individual who died in 1982./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.05.28 931042 MANAGERIAL/QUALITY REVIEW Request for copies of all information, file notes, statements,˙ reports, and working papers concerning the managerial/quality˙ review of an RCMP Detachment in Alberta during 1991./Abandoned, ˙ Awaiting Fees.˙ 1993.06.02 931062 RE-SCHEDULING OF MESCALINE Asst to Health & Welfare - Request for information concerning the˙ possible re-scheduling of Mescaline from Schedule "F" of the Food˙ and Drug Regulations to Schedule "H" of the Food and Drugs Act./˙ All Disclosed./Re-opened 93-06-11./Disclosed in Part.˙ 931067 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citzenship - Request for citizenship records of individual who died in 1985./All Disclosed.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.06.02 931068 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship - Request for citizenship records˙ of individual who died in 1888./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.06.04 931078 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Request for information related to any investigation or other inquires related to the accidental or intentional release of confidential or privileged information from the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (HMIRC), from January 1990 to the present./No Record Located.˙ 1993.06.09 931111 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Request for information pertaining to callups processed in the Quebec˙ region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary/Help˙ Services./Disclosed in part.˙ 1993.06.10 931122 CULTIVATION OF MARIJUANA Asst to Health & Welfare - Request for information regarding˙ licenses issued for cultivation of marijuana from 1987 to 1993./˙ Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.06.11 931132 RADAR Asst to Department of Communications - Request for information˙ concerning the following:˙ ~ the licensing procedure for RCMP radars throughout Canada;˙ ~ information regarding the number of licenses issued to an RCMP˙ Detachment and their expiry dates; ˙ ~ information which may assist in determining whether or not various radar guns are validly licensed; ˙ ~ information regarding which radar frequency is permitted under said licenses./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.06.14 931141 AVIATION SAFETY SURVEY Request for a copy of the Aviation Safety Survey of the RCMP˙ air services branch which was carried out sometime between˙ March 1990 and October 1990.˙ 1993.06.15 931151 UFO CRASH Request for information pertaining to reports that may provide˙ information on the Shag Harbour U.F.O. crash of Oct. 4, 1967./˙ No Record Located.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.06.16 1993.06.16 931156 MCDONALD COMMISSION Asst to National Archives - Request for access to the archival files of˙ the McDonald Commission (RG 33/128, file 6000-5-121)./Disclosed in Part.˙ 931166 AERONAUTICS ACT Request for information pertaining to the possible contravention˙ of the Aeronautics Act in Ontario./Abandoned, awaiting fees.˙ 1993.06.17 931157 TOBACCO SMUGGLING Asst to Solicitor General - Request for information on tobacco smuggling./˙ Disclosed in part.˙ 1993.06.21 931208 SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT VIOLATIONS Request for information on any RCMP personnel having been investigated˙ and/or charged with software Copyright violations./Abandoned, awaiting fees.˙ 1993.06.22 931196 SMUGGLING OF TOBACCO Asst to Revenue Canada - Request for information about the illegal˙ smuggling of tobacco into Canada./Disclosed in Part.˙ 1993.06.23 931197 CHESLATTA INDIAN BAND Request for access to "all reports, letters and memoranda relating ˙ or referring to the Cheslatta t'en Nation (Cheslatta Indian Band)./˙ Disclosed in Part.˙ 931209 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Request for a copy of the citizenship records of individual who˙ died in 1992./All Disclosed.˙ 931211 JOHN F. KENNEDY Report from the Justice, Freedom & Knowledge Committee on the˙ assassination of John F. Kennedy.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.05.31 930020 CALL-UPS MAY 93 All call-ups for Temporary help in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993. 1993.06.07 930021 CALL-UPS -- JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MA Call-up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services for the months of January, February and March 1993 for the Correctional Services of Canada. 1993.06.08 930022 CALLUPS - MAY 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement or temporary help services during the period of May 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.02.25 922417 US NUCLEAR PROBLEMS AT FACILITIES NEAR CDN BORDER 1991 TO 1993 REPORTS/ASSESSMENTS OF UNITED STATES NUCLEAR PROBLEMS AT US REACTOR/PLANT/WEAPONERY/SUB FACILITIES EITHER NEAR THE CDN BORDER, INSIDE CDN TERRITORY OR THAT AFFECT CDA. US NUCLEAR PROBLEMS AT FACILITIES NEAR CDN BORDER 1991 TO 1993 REPORTS/ASSESSMENTS OF UNITED STATES NUCLEAR PROBLEMS AT US REACTOR/PLANT/WEAPONERY/SUB FACILITIES EITHER NEAR THE CDN BORDER, INSIDE CDN TERRITORY OR THAT AFFECT CDA. 1993.03.24 922428 UN RESOLUTIONS RE EAST TIMOR - UN CDN REPS & OTTAWA DISCUSSIONS RECEIVE A COPY OF ALL FORMS OF COMMUNICATION THAT TOOK PLACE BETWEEN CDA'S REPRESENTATIVES (IE AMBASSADOR, CIVIL SERVANT, ETC) AT THE UN AND ANY GOVT OFFICIAL IN OTTAWA THAT RELATED TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS. OTTAWA WAS GIVEN AS A SAMPLE LOCATION. IF THERE WAS COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THESE TWO PARTIES AT ANY OTHER LOCATION IN THE COUNTRY, INCLUDE THEM. UN RESOLUTIONS RE EAST TIMOR - UN CDN REPS & OTTAWA DISCUSSIONS RECEIVE A COPY OF ALL FORMS OF COMMUNICATION THAT TOOK PLACE BETWEEN CDA'S REPRESENTATIVES (IE AMBASSADOR, CIVIL SERVANT, ETC) AT THE UN AND ANY GOVT OFFICIAL IN OTTAWA THAT RELATED TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS. OTTAWA WAS GIVEN AS A SAMPLE LOCATION. IF THERE WAS COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THESE TWO PARTIES AT ANY OTHER LOCATION IN THE COUNTRY, INCLUDE THEM. 1993.05.21 932467 ANGUS REID POLLS RE NAFTA THE 1992 AND ANY 1993 ANGUS REID POLLS ON ATTITUDES TOWARD THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (NAFTA) ANGUS REID POLLS RE NAFTA THE 1992 AND ANY 1993 ANGUS REID POLLS ON ATTITUDES TOWARD THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (NAFTA) 932468 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS SINCE FEB1/93 COPIES OF ALL PUBLIC OPINION POLLS CONDUCTED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE DEPT SINCE FEB1/93. PUBLIC OPINION POLLS SINCE FEB1/93 COPIES OF ALL PUBLIC OPINION POLLS CONDUCTED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE DEPT SINCE FEB1/93. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.05.25 1993.05.25 932469 COSTS-UNCED (EARTH SUMMIT) PAYMENTS TO NGOS ACCESS TO RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW OF ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH CANADA'S PARTICIPATION IN AND ATTENDANCE AT UNCED (THE EARTH SUMMIT). THIS IS TO INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION FOR THE ENTIRE DELEGATION, ALL COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS COSTS, HOSPITALITY AND OFFICE EXPENSES AND ANY CONTRIBUTIONS TO NGO'S. 1993.05.27 932472 REPORT RE TRIAL OF XANANA GUSMAO IN INDONESIA REPORT FILED BY THE CDN. AMBASSADOR TO INDONESIA CONCERNING THE TRIAL OF XANANA GUSMAO THAT WAS OBSERVED BY THE CDN. EMBASSY'S REPRESENTATIVE. IN ADDITION, ANY OTHER COMMUNICATION (ORAL OR WRITTEN) BETWEEN THE CDN. EMBASSY AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CONCERNING MR. GUSMAO'S TRIAL AND SENTENCE ARE ALSO REQUESTED. REPORT RE TRIAL OF XANANA GUSMAO IN INDONESIA REPORT FILED BY THE CDN. AMBASSADOR TO INDONESIA CONCERNING THE TRIAL OF XANANA GUSMAO THAT WAS OBSERVED BY THE CDN. EMBASSY'S REPRESENTATIVE. IN ADDITION, ANY OTHER COMMUNICATION (ORAL OR WRITTEN) BETWEEN THE CDN. EMBASSY AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CONCERNING MR. GUSMAO'S TRIAL AND SENTENCE ARE ALSO REQUESTED. 1993.06.04 932474 ECD JAN1/87 TO DEC31/89 A COPY OF ANY REPORTS, STUDIES, OR REVIEWS (NOT MEMORANDA) PREPARED BY OR FOR THE EXPORT CONTROL DIVISION, BETWEEN JANUARY 1ST, 1987 AND DECEMBER 31ST, 1989, THAT STUDY/EXAMINE/DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS/ISSUES: a) PROTECTING CANADA'S ECONOMIC SECURITY; b) ILLEGAL TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY/CLANDESTINE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY; c) PROTECTION OF CANADA'S SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASSETS; d) CONTROL OVER THE EXPORT OF STRATEGIC GOODS TO NARROW THE SCOPE OF THE SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS EXCLUDE ANY DOCS WHICH IDENTIFY IN THE TITLE OF THE DOC THE NAME OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, THE NAME OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY, OR THE NAME OF A SPECIFIC BUSINESS CORPORATION. 932475 ECD JAN1/90 TO MAY1/93 A COPY OF ANY REPORTS, STUDIES, OR REVIEWS (NOT MEMORANDA) PREPARED BY OR FOR THE EXPORT CONTROL DIVISION, BETWEEN JANUARY 1ST, 1990 AND MAY31ST, 1993, THAT STUDY/EXAMINE/DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS/ISSUES: a)PROTECTING CANADA'S ECONOMIC SECURITY; b)ILLEGAL TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY/CLANDESTINE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY; c)PROTECTION OF CANADA'S SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASSETS; d)CONTROL OVER THE EXPORT OF STRATEGIC GOODS TO NARROW THE SCOPE OF THE SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS EXCLUDE ANY DOCS WHICH IDENTIFY IN THE TITLE OF THE DOC THE NAME OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, THE NAME OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY, OR THE NAME OF A SPECIFIC BUSINESS CORPORATION. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.06.04 932476 ECD FILE 158 AND 250 A)A COPY OF ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR REVIEWS FOUND IN EXPORT CONTROL DIVISION FILE 158 - EVALUATION ASSESSMENT AND IMPACT STUDY; B)A COPY OF ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR REVIEWS FOUND IN EXPORT CONTROL DIVISION FIEL 250 - NATO, TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY STUDY. 1993.06.07 932477 ANTARCTIC CRUISE OF MV NORTHERN RANGER DEC92 ALL RECORDS RELATED TO AN ANTARCTIC CRUISE OF THE FERRY AND ICEBREAKER MV NORTHERN RANGER, OWNED BY CROWN CORPORATION MARINE ATLANTIC WHICH BEGAN FROM ST.JOHN'S, NFLD, IN DECEMBER 1992, ESPECIALLY AS PERTAINING TO THE PROVISION OF THE ANTARCTIC TREATY AND RELATED PROTOCOLS. 1993.06.08 932478 CALLUPS MAY93 CALLUPS MAY93 932479 CALLUPS FOR JAN/FEB/MAR 1993 CALLUPS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1993. 1993.06.11 932480 CALLUPS MAY93 CALLUPS MAY 1993 1993.06.14 932481 AUDIT OF TRAVEL CLAIMS 1991-92 COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO.922421, AUDIT OF TRAVEL CLAIMS FOR 1991 - 92, AUDIT OF TRAVEL CLAIMS OR IN ITS ENTIRETY - COPIES OF ALL AUDIT MATERIAL AVAILABLE ON THE SUBJECT OF TRAVEL CLAIMS. 1993.06.15 932482 INTERNATIONAL RUBBER AGREEMENT DECLASSIFICATION FOR HISTORICAL BRANCH OF DOCUMENTS RE THE INTERNATIONAL RUBBER AGREEMENT. 1993.06.17 932483 POLICE OFFICER CHARGED WITH MURDER ALL RELEASABLE RECORDS ON XXX POLICE OFFICER CHARGED WITH THE FIRST-DEGREE MURDER OF XXX WHO DIED XXX IN XXX 1993.06.22 932484 CDN DEFENCE AND NORAD DECLASSIFICATION THROUGH BMLH OF FILES # 27-1-1 AND #27-14-NORAD-1. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.06.24 1993.06.24 932485 XXX ASSASSINE A XXX TOUS LES DOCUMENTS RELATIFS A XXX ASSASSIN A XXX 1993.06.28 932486 TAXIS TO/FROM CFSI ON BISSON ST/HULL THE APPLICANT IS MAKING AN ACCESS TO INFO REQ TO DETERMINE HOW MUCH OF THE DEPT'S TRANSPORTATION BUDGET IS BEING SPENT PER ANNUM ON TAXIS TO GO TO AND FROM THE CANADIAN FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE ON BISSON STREET IN HULL. THESE FIGURES SHOULD NOT ONLY INCLUDE THE CFSI BUDGET BUT ALSO ALL DIVISIONS OF THE DEPT SUPPLYING THEIR EMPLOYEES WITH TAXI CHITS TO ATTEND COURSES AT THE INSTITUTE. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.05.06 930019 NORTHERN COD Re: Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program (NCARP) seeking full particulars of the terms, conditions and eligibility criteria which govern NCARP. 1993.06.08 930029 ATLANTIC FISHERIES PROGRAM All records created since January 1, 1992, assessing, projecting, analyzing, summarizing or examining staff levels for the Atlantic Fisheries Service over the 1990s. 930030 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institutionin the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: April 1993. 930031 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this instituiton in the QQuebec Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: May 1993 930032 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this Institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangements for temporary Help services during the period: May 1993 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1990.05.25 900244 COURTS MARTIAL I am currently researching the history of those members of the Allied Forces of World War II who, having been taken prisoner by the Germans, were inveigled into collaborating with them. My research has shown that a handful of Canadian soldiers were caught up in this episode and were subsequently court martialled and convicted and I am writing to you in the hope that the records of this may still exist. The names of individuals who I know to have been court martialled and convicted during the period 20 August to 6 September 1945 are: Edwin Barnard MARTIN, John Gordon GALAHER, and George HALE. If it is possible to gain access to these records I would be very grateful. 1990.06.25 900286 COST OF TRANSLATION Advise the cost of translating and republishing the 330,000 pages of backlog CFTO's attached to memo 1220-20 (PM BTDY) dated 17 May 90. 1990.07.16 900303 CLOTH, NYLON, COATED, NEOPRENE Cloth, Nylon, Coated, Neoprene 1990.09.14 900367 DEPARTMENTAL RECORDS I am applying for departmental records that have previously been released under the Access to Information Act, and are available in the CAIR list, under the following numbers: 900239 900140 to 900143 90078 900190. 1990.10.17 900435 LAND AGREEMENT DND/GNWT A copy of the land agreement between the Department of National Defence and Government of the Northwest Territories for the Yellowknife Forward Operating Location. 1990.11.13 900467 BOARD OF INQUIRY - INCIDENT - ST CHARLES - BERMUDA Board of Inquiry - Incident - St. Charles - Bermuda. All tapes used to record my testimony and questions asked with respect to such testimony by the board members. I request a copy of the terms of reference for the Board of Inquiry, the findings, and recommendations. I request a copy of any Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1990.11.13 900467 transcripts wherein my name is mentioned or where such transcripts refer to testimony made by me. 900470 CONTRACT - PUBLIC OPINION RESEARC Copy of contract for public opinion research survey(s) by Langwords Research Group Ltd, DSS # CMW58030AA07/01. Copy of results of above survey(s). 1993.04.22 930018 SWIMMING ACCIDENT Authority -- PC 1964 -- 20/435 Payment on compassionate grounds of $75.00 per month on account of permanent quadriplegia resulting from a swimming accident while attending summer camp at Royal Canadian Air Force Station in Aylmer, Ontario Delage E. $750.00 1993.05.25 930050 MILITARY POLICE INVESTIGATION Any and all material including but not exclusive to reports, memos, documentation records of verbal communication, photographic material and directives, pertaining to an investigation which commenced in late 1992, believed to be November or December, following the discovery of photographs in the desk of civilian employee XXX. 930051 LOSS THROUGH THEFT CFB GAGETOWN Request that I be provided with a copy of a summary of losses or thefts of tools, material and equipment from 1988 to present associated with maintenance at Canadian forces Base Gagetown and the PMQ's located outside the base gates. 1993.05.26 930052 CANADIAN AIRBORNE REGIMENT 1. 1992 records on the readiness of and preparation of the Canadian Airborne Regiment to go on peacekeeping missons, including Somalia. 2. 1992 records on the reasons, documentation on the change of command of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in 1992, and records on the public 1993 questionning or earlier 1992 concerns by the former commander of this regiment of the relief of his command of the Canadian Airborne Regiment. 3. Summer, 1992 to present briefing notes to the Minister on the Canadian Ariborne Regiment - its state of readiness, command, image and general operation. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.05.27 1993.05.27 930056 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS SINCE FEB 1993 Request copies of all public opinion polls conducted by, or on behalf of, the Department since Feb 1, 1993. 1993.05.28 930057 CFB GOOSE BAY OPERATIONS DIRECTIVES Please send me a copy of all CFB Goose Bay Operations Directives for the period November 11, 1992, to May 20, 1993 (inclusive). 930059 DESIGNATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF PTA1 SOUTH OF CFB GOOSE BAY Please send me copies of all documents. i.e. engineering plans, surveys, logistics planning, etc. related to the designation and construction of PTA1 south of CFB Goose Bay. 930060 NORTHERN LIGHTS AIR SERVICES AT CFB GOOSE BAY Please send me a copy of notes and other documents resulting from consultations or conversations with representatives (e.g. pilots) of Northern Lights Air Services at CFB Goose Bay regarding the transportation of Innu from Sheshatshit, Labrador, to and from camps in the interior of Labrador. Information provided by Northern Lights Air Services to the Military Coordination Centre at CFB Goose Bay includes the latitudes and longitudes of Innu camps and aircraft flight profiles (e.g. altitude). 930062 CALL UPS IN NCR FOR MONTH OF MAY Request all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993. 1993.05.31 930063 DAILY REPORTS FROM CANADIAN OPERATIONS IN SOMALIA Throughout the deployment of Canadian soldiers in Somalia, certain reports have been transmitted from the theatre of operations to National Defence Headquarters. Specifically, daily reports have been filed from the Commander of Canadian Forces in Somalia, Colonel Serge Labbe. I believe these reports were received by the Director of Peacekeeping Operations, Colonel Michael Houghton, among others. I am requesting copies of these daily reports from the commencment of Canadian operations in Somalia to the present. 930064 MILITARY "RULES OF ENGAGEMENT" In keeping with the normal operating procedures of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, steps are taken to make sure military personnel are familiar with the Rules of Engagement in the particular theatre of operations to which they are assigned. Apart from briefings or other verbal instructions which may be given to military personnel, these "Rules of Engagement" are also distributed to Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.05.31 930064 personnel in the form of a card which they may keep on their person. These cards, which may be laminated to protect them, are distributed to all personnel with the rules of engagement in force in their particular theatre of operations. I am requesting copies of such cards containing the rules of engagement that were or are in place for the following theatres of operations: Somalia, Cyprus, the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia) (Croatia), and the Gulf War. I understand that the Department of National Defence may express some reluctance to releasing this information on the grounds that it may be a security risk, in that potentially hostile forces in a given theatre might then be able to anticipate the responses of Canadian military personnel. 1993.06.01 930065 CITIZEN'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING AT CFB SUFFIELD Request sound recordings (cassette tapes) of the meetings held by the Citizens' Advisory Committee on feral horses CFB Suffield on March 4, March 27 and April 17, 1993. These tapes are presently held by Ms. Barbara Boyd who is under contract to DND and/or by Major Davies Base Operation Officer, CFB Suffield. 1993.06.04 930066 CALL UPS IN NCR FOR PERIOD MAY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for Tmeporary Help Services during the period May 1993. 930067 CALL UPS FOR QUEBEC REGION FOR MONTH OF MAY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period May 1993. 930068 CALL UPS FOR QUEBEC REGION FOR MONTH OF APRIL 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period April 1993. 930069 CALL UPS FOR ONTARIO REGION FOR MONTH OF MAY 1993 All call ups process by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period May 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.06.07 1993.06.07 930070 CALL UPS FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1993 Request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services" for the months of January, February and March 1993 for the Department of National Defence. 930071 PRIMES DE BILINGUISMES 1. Dans quelles cat‚gories (groupes) y a-t-il des gens qui re‡oivent des primes de bilinguismes? 2. Ž partir de quel d‚cret en conseil, ordre de cour etc. ces primes sont-elles pay‚es? 930072 HISTORY - WORLD WAR I CANADIAN INFANTRY BATTALION I am interested in the unit history and any other historical material held for a World War I Canadian Infantry Battalion. 4 Canadian Division, 78th Canadian Infantry Battalion France Canadian Expeditionary Force Also, any specific material on one unit member who served in France. Private XXX, No. XXX enrolled at Arborg, MB 16 Mar 1916 with 223rd Can Inf Btn but served with 78th. Discharged 18 Sept 1919. 1993.06.10 930073 ALL CALLUPS FOR IN THE NCR FOR JUNE, JULY, AUG OF 1992 I would like to obtain all Call Ups under Standing Offers (form 8251's) for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services for your department, in the National Capital Region, for the months of June, July and August of 1992. 1993.06.11 930074 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS Request copies of all records to show personal services contracts with Frederic Loiselle, Michael Ferrabee and Cindy (Cynthia) Boucher since January 1993. 930075 NIGHT VISION EQUIPMENT Request information regarding "Image Intensifiers" NIGHT VISION EQUIPMENT used for survelance, navigation and target identification. Information regarding: suppliers; costs; operation of such equipment, technical manuals and crown assests disposal. 1993.06.15 930076 1993 WILDLIFE AVOIDANCE PROGRAM Please send me of a copy of the contract signed with Jacques Whitford Environment regarding the preparation of a report on the Raptor/Harlequin Duck for the 1993 Wildlife Avoidance Monitoring Program. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.06.16 1993.06.16 930077 DIRECTORATE OF FACILITIES MANAGEM I request access to all records, correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, etc. in connection with an audit and subsequent investigation into the operations of the Directorate of Facilities Management (DFM) within NDHQ. The audit was initially ordered in the winter of 1991 and commenced in the summer of 1991. Subsequently, there was also an internal inquiry into the Directorate of Facilities Management. The individuals conducting this inquiry were: P. Lagueux (DG PROC S), B. Guermonprez (DGMS), F. Spencer (DCHRP), CDR. S. Blythe (D LAW/A) and J.R. Greffe (DPSCE 3-4). I also wish to have access to all of the records of the subsequent inquiry into the Directorate of Facilities Management up to the present time. 1993.06.18 930078 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS ASSOCIATED Please find enclosed a request for information, under the Access to Information Act, related to the evolution, development and drafting of the Department of Communications' "Environmental Assessment Process Associated with Spectrum Management Activities, (CPC-2-0-03)" from the date of issue of the Environmental Assessment Review Process Guidelines by the Federal Government to the date of receipt of this request. This is to include accounts of all consultations and discussions with and comments by all sources both internal and external to the Department of National Defence. 1993.06.21 930080 CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING L'COLE DE LANGUE DE L'ESTRIE Records of all contracts, memos and correspondence regarding and in reference to Ecole de Langue de L'Estrie. 1993.06.22 930081 SIU INQUIRY ON ALLEGATIONS OF RACISM AT ESQUIMALT BASE Request records on any Special Investigation Unit Inquiry on allegations of racism at Esquimalt Base. 930082 ALL CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN NCR FOR MONTH OF APR 93 I formally request callup sheets for all temporary help at National Defense in the National Capital Region. The areas I'm interested in is the administrative and technical support for the month of April 93. 1993.06.23 930083 FILE INDEX - CSE Request a copy of the file index (records index) for the files of the Chief, Communications Security Establishment. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.06.23 930084 REPORTS, STUDIES, ASSESSMENTS PREPARED FOR THE CHIEF - CSE Request a copy of any reports/studies/assessments prepared for the Chief, Communications Security Establishment since January 1, 1992 which use one or more of the following combination of keywords in the titles of the documents: a) "foreign" and "intelligence"; and b) "economic" and "inteligence". Exclude from the search any documents which use these combinations of keywords but also include in the title the name of a foreign intelligence agency or the name of a foreign country. 930085 INDEX/LISTING OF RECORDS RELEASED BY DND UNDER THE AIA A copy of the index/listing of records released by the Department of National Defence under the Access to Information Act. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.05.07 930021 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993˙ CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1993˙ 1993.05.10 930024 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR APRIL 1993.˙ 1993.05.21 930035 LIST OF ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT REVIEWS DONE 1991-93 RANKED LEVELS 2 TO 9 AND PLANNED 1993-94 FOR FOOD˙ PRODUCTION & INSPECTION BRANCH, RESEARCH BRANCH AND FARM FINANCIAL˙ PROGRAMS BRANCH.˙ 2. UPDATE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF GRIP PROGRAM.˙ 3. ANY 1992, 1993 REPORTS THAT DISCUSS HOW ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES CAN STOP˙ MAJOR AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENTS.˙ 930036 COPIES OF ANY AUDIT OR INSPECTION REPORT ON GAINERS PROPERTIES OR GAINERS INC, IN EDMONTON ALBERTA FOR THE PERIOD SINCE OCTOBER 1, 1989.˙ 1993.06.01 930037 LIST OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO PLACE CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION.˙ 1993.06.02 930038 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL REGION FOR MAY 1993.˙ 1993.06.04 930039 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR JUNE, JULY, AND AUGUST 1992.˙ 1993.06.07 930040 ASSESSMENTS/RECORDS/REPORTS ON THE CASE FOR PRIVATIZING THE FARM CREDIT CORPORATION, ANY OTHER FEDERAL AGRICULTURE AGENCY, OR AGRICULTURE FARM INSURANCE PROGRAMS.˙ ANY 1991 TO 1993 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTERS ON PRIVATIZATION CANDIDATES IN THE AGRICULTURE FIELD.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.06.07 930041 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR JANUARY, FEBRUARY, AND MARCH 1993.˙ 1993.06.08 930042 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MAY 1993.˙ 930043 TOTAL COST TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA FOR HOLDING THE AGRI-FOOD CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS, TITLED WINNING IN A GLOBAL MARKET, HELD IN SASKATCHEWAN, 22-24 NOVEMBER 1992.˙ 1993.06.14 930045 COPY OF THE MEAT INSPECTION AUDIT REPORTS BETWEEN MARCH 1992 AND YEAR-TO-DATE 1993 PREPARED BY THE FOOD PRODUCTION AND INSPECTION BRANCH.˙ 930046 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MARCH, APRIL, AND MAY 1993.˙ 1993.06.21 930048 INFORMATION RELATED TO THE EVOLUTION, DEVELOPMENT AND DRAFTING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS' "ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS ASSOCIATED WITH SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES, (CPC-2-0-03)"˙ 930049 RECORDS RELATED TO THREE SUBSIDIZED STORAGES IN TRENTON, ONTARIO AREA INCLUDING:˙ ˙ 1) COPY OF APPLICATION & ALL RELEVANT CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE APPLICANT.˙ 2) COPY OF THE DOCUMENT ACKNOWLEDGING ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICANTS PROPASAL.˙ 3) COPY OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN AGRICULTURE CANADA AND THE APPLICANT.˙ 4) AMOUNT OF FUNDS PROVIDED IN EACH APPLICATION˙ 930051 COPY OF INFORMATION ON COMPOUND 1080 PCP No. 17664, ALL APPLICATIONS FOR REGISTRATION, ALL DOCUMENTS SUPPLIED TO THE MINISTER, A COPY OF THE LABEL AND CONFIRMATION THAT THE COMPOUND WAS NOT TEMPORARY REGISTERED.˙ 930052 COPIES OF LETTERS, MEMOS OR REPORTS BETWEEN A POLICY BRANCH EMPLOYEE AND THE CHIEF OF SECURITY SERVICES.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.06.24 1993.06.24 930053 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO THE SETTLEMENT TO FARMERS AFFECTED BY THE BANKRUPTCY OF KLEMMER SEEDS AND OTHER RELATED INFORMATION.˙ 1993.06.30 930054 STATISTICS 1990-1993 ON FOOD PRODUCTION ANIMALS AT FEDERAL ESTABLISHMENTS CONSIDERED CRIPPLED/NON-AMBULATORY ANIMALS, OR FOUND DEAD OR THAT WERE CONDEMMED, AND REASONS FOR THIS.˙ 2. CANADIAN POSITION/PROCEDURES ON CRIPPLED ANIMALS TREATMENT/SALE, AND COMPARISONS TO OTHER JURISDICTIONS.˙ 3. STATISTICS 1990-1993 ON NUMBER OF ILLEGAL EDIBLE FOOD PRODUCTION SALES OF ANIMALS CONTAINING UNACCEPTABLE DISEASES, DRUG RESIDUES, DEFORMITIES.˙ 4. STATISTICS 1990-1993 ON DISEASED/CRIPPLED PETS TURNED FROM ENTRY TO CANADA.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.05.10 930033 CALL-UPS - ONTARIO REGION All call-ups for temporary help services during the period of April 1993. 1993.05.27 930052 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS I am applying under the Access to Information Act for the following records, concerning environmental regulations. 1. Mid-1992 until present reviews\competitiveness of federal environmental regulations. Include reports\drafts handed in by external reviewers. 2. Development of the new environmental regulations to track certain toxic substances - 1992, 1993 internal\external reports on what to incorporate\leave out, how to publicize results, who should report\not report. 3. Development of the new toxic substances proposed regulations 1992, 1993 records that reflect substances likely to be targetted, not targetted and likely applications. 1993.05.28 930051 GREEN PLAN SPENDING TO REDUCE SMOG On Dec. 6, 1991, Environment Canada announced $30 million in new spending under the Green Plan to reduce smog. Please tell me: How much of this money has been allocated, and where? How much does this spending help the negotiation of bilateral agreement with the provinces (as described in the press release on the above date)? Please give details of research contracts covered by this $30 million. 930053 NAFTA 1993 review, analysis about a possible environmental side deal to NAFTA including penalty provisions. 1993 reports\memos on environmental groups' views on NAFTA. Data previously released under Access on the NAFTA agreement, and 1993 briefing notes to the Minister on NAFTA. 1993.05.31 930054 CALL-UPS NCR-MAY 93 Call-ups for Temporary Help in the NCR for the month of May 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.01 1993.06.01 930055 CALL-UPS - APR93 NCR Temporary Help call-ups for the month of April 1993 within NCR. 930056 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP NCR FO Copies of callups for Temporary Help Services for the month of April, 1993 in the National Capital Region. 930057 CALLUP FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR MAR Copies of callup against a standing offer for Temporary Help Services for the months of March and April, 1993. 930058 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS FOR 1992 List of personal service contracts let in 1992, previously released to Ann Mcllroy of Southam News 1993.06.08 930059 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST 1992 All call-ups under Standing Offers (form 8251's) for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services for your department, in the National Capital Region, for the months of June, July and August of 1992. 930060 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: May 1993. 930061 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION IN MAY, 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: May 1993. 930062 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR APRIL, 1993 All Call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: April 1993. 930063 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE ONTARIO REGION FOR MAY, 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: May 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.09 1993.06.09 930064 PRAIRIE FARM REHABILITATION ACT P.F.R.A. agreements for grazing and lease of Val Marie P.F.R.A. for establishment of during 1934 - 1938, also renewal during 1974-2005 (21 year lease with Sask.) 930065 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JULY 1992 Would you please send us a copy of all the DSS 942 forms (call-ups Training Services) both issued and renewed for the time period of July 1992 through July 1993 in the National Capital Region. 1993.06.11 930066 AUTORISATIONS TRANSITOIRES POUR 1993 Je desire, par la presente, vous demander une copie des informations suivantes pour toutes les fabriques de pates et papiers du Quebec auxquelles vous avez accorde une autorisation transitoire: Production de reference pour l'annee 1993. Quantite de substances nocives autorisees (MES,DBO, letalite aigue), tant pour les limites quotidiennes que mensuelles. 1993.06.16 930068 CURATORIAL SERVICES REPORT Curatorial Services Management Review Report and the Implementation Strategy Report as follows: 1)Interview Notes taken from over 40 respondents: interviews conducted in in person and over the telephone. 2) Notes of and specific recommendations made by Review Team summarizing the interview. 3) Draft Report of the Curatorial Services Management Review prepared by the Review Team and presented at a meeting in Calgary May 18, 1993. 930069 CURATORIAL SERVICES REPORT Curatorial Services Management Review Report and the Implementation Strategy Report as follows: 1) Interview notes taken from over 40 respondents: interviews conducted in person and over the telephone. 2) Notes of and specific recommendations made by the Review Team summarizing the interview responses. 3) Draft Report of the Curatorial Services Management Review prepared by the Review Team and presented at a meeting in Calgary May 18, 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.16 930070 CARBOFURAN A copy of the most recent complete (executive summary plus full report) version of the following document prepared by Canadian Wildlife Service: The Hazard of Carbofuran to Birds and other Vertibrate Wildlife. 1993.06.18 930071 SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Information related to the evolution, development and drafting of the Department of Communications' "Environmental Assessment Process Associated with Spectrum Management Activities, (CPC-2-0-03)" from the date of issue of the Environment Assessment Review Process guidelines by the Federal Government to the date of receipt of ths request. This is to include accounts of all consultations and discussions with and comments by all sources both internal and external to the Department for the Environment. Exclude only formal responses to the Gazette Notice No. SMRR-001-92, relating to this document. 930072 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR AUGUST, 1992 All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Region for the month of August, 1992. 930073 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR SEPTEMBER, 1992 All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Region for the month of September, 1992. 930074 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR OCTOBER, 1992. All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Regional for the month of October, 1992. 930075 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR NOVEMBER , 1992 All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Region for the month of November, 1992. 930076 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR DECEMBER, 1992. All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the Natinal Capital Region for the month of December, 1992. 930077 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JANUARY, 1993 All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Region for the month of January, 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.18 930078 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR FEBRUARY, 1993. All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Region for the month of February, 1993. 930079 CALL-UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR MARCH, 1993. All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the National Capital Region for the month of March, 1993. 930080 CALLUPS - NCR APRIL & MAY 1993 All call-ups processed by Environment Canada for Training Services in the national Capital Region for the months of April and May, 1993. 1993.06.21 930081 ENVIRONMENTAL CHOICE BOARD MINUTES Any record of the proceedings or discussions or motions or votes of the Environmental Choice Board after January 1, 1992, including, but not necessarily limited to, verbatim transcripts of and minutes from, the May 1992, September 1992, November 1992, March 1993, and May 1993 Environmental Choice Board meetings. 930082 CURATORIAL SERVICES REPORT All records including, but not limited to: reports; correspondence; memoranda; verbal statements/notes; and/or sound recordings concerning myself or my workplace which are related to the Curatorial Services Management Review. In addition to the Curatorial Services Management Review Report and the Implementation Strategy Report, the following specific records are requested: 1) Interview notes taken from over 40 respondents: interviews conducted in person and over the telephone. 2) Notes of and specific recommendations made by the Review Team summarizing the interview responses. 3) Draft Report of the Curatorial Services Management Review prepared by the Review Team and presented at a meeting in Calgary May 18, 1993. Re: Federal Government Institution: Curatorial Services Division, Heritage Resource Conservation, Canadian Parks Service, Environment Canada, Western Regional Office, 220-4th Avenue, S.E. Calgary, Alberta Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.23 1993.06.23 930083 CALL-UPS IN NCR FOR MAY 1993 Call ups against a standing offer for temporary help in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993 for F&A, Parks, and C&P. 930084 CLEAN UP OF URANIUM MINES & URANIUM TAILINGS SITES AT ELLIOT LAKE Please accept this letter as an application under the Access to Information Act for all documents relating to a federal environmental assessment of the clean up of uranium mines and uranium tailings sites at Elliot Lake. Specifically, we are requesting copies of the following information: 1. Letter of Referral issued by you in February 1993. 2. Draft terms of reference 3. Outline of how the department plans to proceed with the environmental assessment. 4. Details of the sites to be included in the environmental assessment; and what sites are not to be included in the Elliot Lake Basin. 5. Details on whether this EA is to be a joint Ontario-federal process. 6. Details of the budget for participants funding. 7. Planned timeline for this environental assessment process. 1993.06.28 930085 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP APRIL 1993 Call ups for all temporary help at Environment Canada. Administration and technical support for April 1993. 930086 CHURCHILL MANITOBA BOAT CONTRACTS 1992, 1993 CPS, Churchill, Manitoba Boat Transportation Contract 1992, and 1993. Drivers listed and their experience as per criteria requirements, proof of marine liability insurance, proof that equipment has met or exceeded the requirements plus other information required by the tender. 930087 VISIBLE MINORITIES PROGRAM Total number of visible minorities on permanent staff and total number in NCR from 1983 to 1993. A breakdown of that number by classification. The duration of employment. Promotions of that number. What efforts were made to increase minorities within CPS(NCR). How does the statistics compare to the overall statistics for the Department. 930088 CONVICTIONS FOR SURFACTANT USE 1990-93 orders/convictions under CEPA against [company]. 1990-93 records on air pollution/toxic releases/sewer discharges at [company]. Particularly looking for reports/inspections on its use of the chemical surfactant. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.02.09 920306 OUTER RING ROAD PROJECT REPORT AND SUPPORTING STUDIES PERTAINING TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED OUTER RING ROAD PROJECT IN ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND WHICH PROJECT IS TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER THE SO CALLED "ROADS FOR RAILS" AGREEMENT WITH THE PREMIER OF NEWFOUNDLAND. IN PARTICULAR, ACCESS IS BEING SOUGHT TO ALL SUPPORTING STUDIES PERTAINING TO ASSESSMENT OF NEED FOR THE PROPOSED OUTER RING ROAD.˙ OUTER RING ROAD PROJECT REPORT AND SUPPORTING STUDIES PERTAINING TO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF PROPOSED OUTER RING ROAD PROJECT IN ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND WHICH PROJECT IS TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT UNDER THE SO CALLED "ROADS FOR RAILS" AGREEMENT WITH THE PREMIER OF NEWFOUNDLAND. IN PARTICULAR, ACCESS IS BEING SOUGHT TO ALL SUPPORTING STUDIES PERTAINING TO ASSESSMENT OF NEED FOR THE PROPOSED OUTER RING ROAD.˙ 1993.04.16 930019 TIME AIR MANUAL TIME AIR MANUAL˙ 1993.04.26 930028 AIRWORTHINESS PUBLICATIONS WE WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN COPIES OF TWO PUBLICATIONS (1. AIRWORTHINESS STAFF INSTRUCTIONS AND 2. AIRWORTHINESS POLICY LETTERS) FROM YOU.˙ AIRWORTHINESS PUBLICATIONS WE WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN COPIES OF TWO PUBLICATIONS (1. AIRWORTHINESS STAFF INSTRUCTIONS AND 2. AIRWORTHINESS POLICY LETTERS) FROM YOU.˙ 1993.05.21 930051 EKOS THE 1991 EKOS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES STUDY ON PERCEPTIONS OF TRANSPORT SAFETY.˙ 1993.05.25 930052 AIRCRAFT C-GNQD THE INFORMATION WE REQUIRE PURSUANT TO ACCESS TO INFORMATION LEGISLATION, FROM TRANSPORT CANADA, IS AS FOLLOWS:˙ ˙ 1. THE PILOT LICENCES AND ENDORSEMENTS OF THE PILOT OF THE AIRCRAFT, *** (WE ARE ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE LICENCES OF *** AS ATTACHED, HOWEVER, THERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE AS TO WHETHER OR NOT, AS OF MARCH 31, 1992, *** WAS ENDORSED WITH AN INSTRUMENT RATING, AND IF SO, WHAT WAS THE ENDORSEMENT).˙ 3. ALL AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TAPES AND PHOTOS AND PRINTOUTS OF THE RADAR SCREENS DURING THE SUBJECT FLIGHT - THE AIRCRAFT IS REPORTED TO HAVE CRASHED AT 1905 HOURS, (EST) APPROX. 41 MIN. AFTER TAKING OFF FROM THE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.05.25 930052 BRAMPTON AIRPORT ON A PROPOSED FLIGHT TO THE WINDSOR REGIONAL AIRPORT. ACCORDING TO THE TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD, THE AIRCRAFT CRASHED APPROXIMATELY 3.5 MILES NORTH OF LUCAN, ONTARIO.˙ 4. ANY AUDIO RECORDINGS OF TOWER CONTROLLERS OR GROUND CONTROLLERS OR TAPES OR DOCUMENTS FROM ANY FLIGHT SERVICES FACILITY OR WEATHER FACILITY.˙ 5. A COPY OF ALL WEATHER DATA, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ALL FORECAST DATA FOR THE PERIOD BEFORE AND DURING THE FLIGHT, ALL SURFACE ANALYSIS CHARTS, ALL WEATHER REPORTS FOR THE REGIONS INCLUDING BRAMPTON AND WINDSOR, AS REPORTED DURING THE PERIOD AT LEAST 3 HOURS BEFORE FLIGHT TO AT LEAST 2 HOURS AFTER THE TIME OF THE IMPACT, 19:05 (EST), ALL REGIONAL AREA WEATHER, FORECAST AND AVIATION FORECASTS AND PROGNOSIS FOR THE 6 AND 12 HOUR PERIODS IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO 19:05 (EST).˙ 6. ALL MEMORANDA OR WRITTEN REPORTS PREPARED RESPECTING THE WEATHER SITUATION WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN PREPARED SPECIFICALLY ANALYZING THE WEATHER SITUATION AS TO THE FLIGHT IN QUESTION.˙ 7. ANY STATEMENTS OR REPORTS PRODUCED BY TRANSPORT CANADA PERSONNEL, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS RESPECTING THE FLIGHT AND CRASH IN POINT; AND˙ 8. COPY OF THE PILOT'S FLIGHT PLAN.˙ 1993.05.31 930053 CALL-UPS PLEASE FORWARD ALL CALL UPS FOR "TEMPORATY HELP" IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993. ˙ 930054 RAMP RADAR SYSTEM I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE RAMP RADAR SYSTEM AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND THE PROBLEMS THAT HAVE DELAYED ITS START-UP˙ 930055 LBPIA I WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE PROBLEM OF FALSE LOCALIZER CAPTURES BY AIRCRAFT AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 1993.06.03 930056 COMPTROLLER GENERAL LIST OF PERSON(S) FROM THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL TREASURY BOARD, WHO STAYED AT THE CORNWALL TRAINING INSTITUTE BETWEEN FEBRUARY 22, 1989 TO FEBRUARY 24, 1989.˙ 930058 HUBERT GAUCHER AND THE RIVERSHELL ASK THAT I BE PROVIDED WITH THE DOCUMENTS RELEVANT TO THESE OTHER TWO SHIPS, (HUBERT GAUCHER AND THE RIVERSHELL) ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.06.04 1993.06.04 930057 AROPORTS DE MONTREAL REQUEST A COPY OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT:˙ ˙ A TRANSFER AGREEMENT ("CONVENTION DE CESSION") DATED APRIL 1, 1992 ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE CROWN AND AEROPORTS DE MONTREAL, A COPY OF WHICH HAS BEEN DEPOSITED IN THE OFFICIAL REGISTER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNDER NUMBER 140745.˙ 1993.06.07 930060 CALL-UPS I WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN ALL CALL-UPS UNDER STANDING OFFERS (FORM 8251'S) FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR YOUR DEPARTMENT, IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, FOR THE MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST OF 1992.˙ 1993.06.08 930061 C-FPSM WE WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN A COPY OF ANY FLIGHT PLAN REGISTERED AT LONDON ONT. AIRPORT BY AIRCRAFT (C-FPSM) ON APRIL 28, 1992. THIS IS IN RELATION TO THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THIS CRAFT ON THAT DATE AND IS CRUCIAL TO THE SETTLEMENT OF DEATH BENEFITS BY MY CLIENTS CUMIS INSUR. s.19(1) ˙ 930062 VISTA CARGO TERMINALS INCL. WE ARE CURRENTLY UNDERTAKING A REVIEW OF THE ABOVE NOTED FACILITY AS PART OF A ROUTINE ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT. THE REVIEW ENCOMPASSES A CARGO TERMINAL WHICH HAS SEVERAL TENANTS ALL AT THE SAME ADDRESS. AS IT IS UNCLEAR HOW THIS FACILITY IS INDEXED WITH YOUR OFFICE, WE ARE LISTING THE TENANTS OF MOST INTEREST AS FOLLOWS: ˙ ˙ AIR FRANCE˙ DANZAS˙ INTEREX AVIATION˙ LUFTHANSA˙ VISTA CARGO SERVICES INC.˙ BURLINGTON AIR˙ EMERY WORLD WIDE˙ KLM DUTCH AIRLINES˙ SWISSAIR˙ CANADA POST˙ FEDERAL EXPRESS˙ KOREAN AIR˙ VCC CARGO SERVICES˙ ˙ WITH REGARD TO THIS REVIEW, WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR ATTENTION TO COMPLETING A REVIEW OF INFORMATION AND FORWARDING THE INFORMATION TO OUR OFFICE. WE ARE ESPECIALLY INTERESTED IN ANY INFORMATION WHICH MAY POINT TO AN ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY PAST OR PRESENT. PLEASE INCLUDE ATTACHMENTS AS REQUIRED.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.06.11 1993.06.11 930059 CALL-UPS QUEBEC REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD:˙ ˙ MAY 1993˙ 930063 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD:˙ ˙ MAY 1993˙ 930064 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERICES DURING THE PERIOD: APRIL 1993˙ 930065 CALLUPS NCR ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD:˙ ˙ MAY 1993.˙ 1993.06.14 930066 CALL-UPS SEND A COPY OF ALL THE DSS942 FORMS (CALL-UPS TRAINING SERVICES) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE TIME PERIOD OF JULY 1992 THRU JULY 1993 IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION.˙ 930067 HIGHWAY SYSTEM WANT TO EXAMINE DOCUMENTS RECENTLY RELEASED UNDER ACCESS TO INFORMATION REGARDING THE BELOW-MINIMUM STANDARD CONDITIONS OF NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM AND ESTIMATES OF WORK AND COSTS THAT WOULD BE INVOLVED IN BRINGING IT UP TO STANDARD. INTERESTED IN DOCUMENTATION PREPARED LAST YEAR DURING EXAMINATION OF POSSIBLE MAJOR CAPITAL INVESTIMENT PROJECT.˙ 1993.06.15 930068 NOTRE DOSSIER 56694/69730 APRES MAINTES CONVERSATIONS AVEC DIFFERENTS EMPLOYES DU MINISTERE DES TRANSPORTS, IL SEMBLE IMPOSSIBLE D'OBTENIR UNE COPIE DES DOCUMENTS SUIVANTS:˙ ˙ ~ UNE CONVENTION DE CESSION ENTRE SA MAJESTE DU CHEF DU CANADA ET LA Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.06.15 930068 SOCIETE DES AEROPORTS DE MONTREAL, EN DATE DU 1ER AVRIL 1992 LAQUELLE DES DUMENT CONSIGNEE AU REGISTRE OFFICIEL DU MINISTERE DES TRANSPORTS SOUS LE NUMERO 140745;˙ ˙ ~ L'ANNESE III DU DECRET NUMERO C.P. 1992-1701 DATE DU 24 JUILLET 1992.˙ 930069 1730-93-021 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO ROAD FINANCING IDENTICAL TO FILE #1730-93-021˙ 930070 ROADS & BRIDGES DOCUMENTS RELEASED THROUGH ACCESS TO INFORMATION THAT PROVE THAT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS CREATING AN UNNECESSARY FINANCIAL BURDEN BY POSTPONING REPAIRS TO CANADA'S CRUMBLING ROADS & BRIDGES.˙ 1993.06.16 930071 FILE NO 1730-90-132 COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO 900132.˙ ˙ ~ RECORDS ON THE USE OR PRESENCE OF BOGUS AIRCRAFT PARTS IN CANADA˙ 930072 FILE 1730-93-217 COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO. 900217, COPY OF AN AUDIT OF SECURITY CHECKS AT CANADIAN AIRPORTS.˙ 930073 SANT DE SCURIT UNE COPIE DU RECENT RAPPORT SUR LE PROGRAMME DE SANTE ET DE SECURITE DES 17,500 FONCTIONNAIRES DU MINISTERE. SELON UN ARTICLE PUBLIE DANS LA PRESSE DU 25 MAI, LE RAPPORT DATE DE JANVIER 1992 (COPIE DE L'ARTICLE CI-JOUT).˙ 1993.06.17 930074 CESSNA 421A I AM SEEKING INFORMATION FROM TRANSPORT CANADA CONCERNING ANY CRASH INVOLVING A CESSNA 421A IN THE CALGARY OR EDMONTON AREA IN THE PERIOD FROM 1970 - 1980, 1993. IN THE COURSE OF THE DISCOVERY PROCESS IN LITIGATION BROUGHT BY MY CLIENT *** AGAINST CESSNA ET AL., WE HAVE LEARNED THAT THERE MAY HAVE BEEN A CESSNA 421A CRASH IN THE CALGARY AREA IN THE MID-1970.˙ ˙ I HEREBY REQUEST COPIES OF ANY MATERIAL IN THE POSSESSION OF TRANSPORT CANADA, CONCERNING THE ABOVE-MENTIONED POSSIBLE CRASH OR CRASHES, PARTICULARLY ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING WHETHER THE EXHAUST SYSTEM OF THE CESSNA 421A WAS INOVLED IN THE INCIDENT, OR ANY OTHER FAILURE LEADING TO THE CRASH, INCLUDING PARTICULARS OF THE MANUFACTURER OF THE EXHAUST SYSTEM AND THE NATURE OF THE EXHAUST SYSTEM; FULL INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.06.17 930074 INVESTAIGATION RELATING TO THE CRASH OF THE AIRCRAFT; THE NAMES AND IDENTITIES OF INDIVIDUALS HAVING KNOWLEDGE OR POTENTIAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE CRASH; THE DATE OF THE CRASH, AND ANY SUBSEQUENT INVESTIGATION; THE NAMES OF ANY WITNESSES TO THE CRASH OR PERSON INVOVLED IN ANY PRIOR SUBSEQUENT MECHANICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF PARTS WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN IMPLICATED IN THE CRASH.˙ 930075 HELICOPTER HARASSMENT AS REGARDS OUR TELEPHONE CONVERSATION OF MAY 31, 1993 IN WHICH I REQUESTED INFORMATION AS REGARDS AN INCIDENT OF HARASSMENT BY HELICOPTER NO. CFJAR ON OCTOBER 6, 1992.˙ ˙ THE PILOT DURING THE INCIDENT BEING ONE *** WHO IS OF CANADIAN HELICOPTERS LTD., OF SMITHERS, B.C.˙ ˙ AT 2:43 P.M. OF OCTOBER 6, 1992 THE HELICOPTER BEGAN FLYING AT A VERY LOW ALTITUDE (JUST ABOVE THE TREE-TOPS) MAKING TWO PASSES OVER MY HOME, THE HOVERING AT A DISTANCE UNTIL 2:58 P.M. AT 2:57 P.M. I MYSELF PHONE THE HELICOPTER BASE AT SMITHERS COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS MATTER, BEING TOLD BY THE LADY IN THE OFFICE THAT THE PILOT *** WOULD PHONE ME PERSONALLY WHEN HE RETURNED. AT 6:00 P.M. THAT NIGHT *** DID PHONE ME SAYING THAT I SHOULD SPEAK TO THE MAN WHO HAD HIRED HIM. WHEN I MENTIONED TO HIM THAT WHEN ONE HIRES A VEHICLE, TAXI OR HELICOPTER, AND A PASSENGER TELLS ONE TO BREAK THE LAW, WHICH ONE WOULD BE GUILTY FOR CARRYING OUT THE DEED. *** TOLD ME THIS WAS AN UNREASONABLE ATTITUDE ON MY PART AND MENTIONED SOME OF THE FINE SERVICES HE HAD RENDERED IN THE AREA IN THE PAST. WHEN THIS INCIDENT TOOK PLACE TWO CARPENTERS AND MYSELF WERE WORKING ON THE ROOF OF MY HOME. THERE WERE IN TOTAL FIVE WITNESSES TO THIS MANEUVER.˙ ˙ I REQUEST IS TO KNOW WHAT IF ANYTHING HAS BEEN DONE ABOUT THIS MATTER, AS A CLEAR ANSWER WAS NEVER GIVEN TO ME. THE MATTER WAS REPORTED TO THE RCMP.˙ 1993.06.18 930076 COAST GUARD THE 1992 OR 1993 AUDIT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD PUBLIC HARBOURS AND PORTS.˙ 1993.06.21 930077 CESSNA C-FHET WE REQUIRE A COPY COPY OF TRANSPORT CANADA FILE NUMBER 50108FHET, IN ITS ENTIRETY˙ 1993.06.22 930078 OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT I AM WRITING TO REQUEST THAT YOUR OFFICE PROVIDE ME WITH A COPY OF ALL LETTERS WRITTEN BY MYSELF, TO THE OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ ˙ THE TIME PERIOD COVERED BY THE ABOVE LETTERS IS SEPTEMBER 1991 TO SEPTEMBER Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.06.22 930078 1993.˙ 930079 HIGHWAY EXPENDITURES NATIONAL HIGHWAY EXPENDITURES˙ 930080 REQUESTS FOR TENDERS 1. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TREASURY BOARD AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT WHICH RESULTED IN THE ISSUANCE OF REQUESTS FOR TENDERS: T-8080-2-7080B,2D FOR THE TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY OF BULK PETROLEUM, OIL AND LUBRICATING PRODUCTS TO VARIOUS SITES DURING THE YEARS 1993, 1994 AND 1995.˙ ˙ 2. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TREASURY BOARD AND THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT WHICH RESULTED IN THE ISSUANCE OF REQUESTS FOR TENDERS: T-8080-9-5100 FOR THE TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY OF BULK PETROLEUM, OIL AND LUBRICATING PRODUCTS TO VARIOUS SITES DURING THE YEARS 1990, 1991, 1992.˙ ˙ 3. AGREEMENT AND CORRESPONDANCE EXCHANGED BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES AND THE TREASURY BOARD OR THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OF CANADA PURSUANT TO WHICH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WAS TO FIND CARRIERS FOR THE DELIVERY OF REFINED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS TO CERTAIN LOCALITIES IN THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES FOR THE YEARS 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 AND 1995.˙ ˙ 4. LETTERS OR OTHER WRITTEN DOCUMENTS FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT INFORMING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OF ITS DECISION TO AWARD THE SEALIFT CONTRACT ITSELF.˙ 1993.06.25 930081 1730-93-021 PELASE PROVIDE ONE COPY OF FILE: 1730-93-021, WHICH WAS INITIATED BY DEAN BEEBY OF THE CANADIAN PRESS. THIS FILE CONTAINS INFORMATION OF CANADA'S NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM AND BRIDGES.˙ 1993.06.28 930082 CANADIAN COAST GUARD, WESTERN REG. THE COST OF INSTALLTION OF THE "ALAN" RADIO CIRCUITE IN WEST-COAST LIGHTSTATIONS, INCLUDING COSTS FOR MAINTENANCE SINCE INSTALLATION.˙ AN OVERALL BREAKDOWN OF THE NUMBER OF MANAGERIAL POSITIONS IN WESTERN REGION COAST GUARD - INCLUDING JOB TITLES AND CLASSIFICATIONS, DUTIES, AND SALARY RANGES - OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS.˙ COST OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING INITIATIVE AND NUMBER OF PERSON-YEARS ASSIGNED, INCLUDING NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED AND THE PERCENTAGE OF THEIR WORK TIME ALLOTED TO THE PROJECT (IE. HOW FREQUENTLY DO THEY MEET?) WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SEE THE STRATEGIC PLANNING DOCUMENTS.˙ OPERATING COST OF ODAS BUOYS. OPERATING COST OF THE WEATHER SHIPS THEY REPLACED. PLEASE INCLUDE FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO.˙ TENDER OF CONTRACTS FOR THE VIDEOGRAPH USED IN LIGHTSTATIONS - WHO BID, Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.06.28 930082 WHAT THE BIDS WERE AND WHO GOT THE CONTRACT.˙ COMPARISON OF THE COST OF MAINTAINING LIGHTSTATIONS IN MANNED AND UNMANNED MODE.˙ A BREAKDOWN OF MARINE INCIDENTS SUMMARY FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS TO INCLUDE THE NUMBER OF INTERVENTIONS BY WEST-COAST LIGHT-KEEPERS. WHAT IS THE COST OF A TYPICAL SAR OPERATION, AND HOW MUCH OF THAT IS ACCOUNTED FOR BY OVERTIME PAYMENTS?˙ BREAKDOWN OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES RELATED TO LIGHTSTATION MAINTENANCE IN BOTH STAFFED AND DE-STAFFED MODES, INCLUDING ENGINEERING, SUPPLY AND PERSONNEL COSTS.˙ BREAKDOWN OF COAST GUARD EXPENDITURE ON NAVIGATIONAL POSITIONING EQUIPMENT SUCH AS LORAN AND GPS FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS. NUMBER OF REPORTED FAILURES OF SUCH EQUIPMENT IN COAST GUARD VESSELS.˙ BIDS TO PERFORM WHAT WAS ULTIMATELY CALLED THE "LEBLONDE REPORT". LIST OF FEDERAL CONTRACTS AWARDED TO "SEACONSULT".˙ DESCRIPTION OF QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING OF SAR PERSONNEL, INCLUDING CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGES, AS WELL AS TRAINING EXPENDITURES.˙ 1993.06.29 930083 GARDE COTIERE CANADIENNE (AMF) DESCRIPTION DU POSTE DE GESTIONNAIRE - PROGRAMME DE DEGLACAGE ET SERVICES OPERATIONNELS (#MFO-00044), AVANT LE 12 MAR 92 ET APRES, CETTE DATE, SI DIFFERENCE IL Y A. MA DEMANDE POURRAIT DONC REPRESENTER DEUX (2) DOCUMENTS. CE POSTE DE GESIONNAIRE EST SONS LA SUPERVISION DU CHEF, SERVICES DE L'EXPLOITATION DE LA FLOTTE (AMFO).˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.04.30 930112 INFORMATION REGARDING THE CORP. OF COMMISSIONAIRE OPERATIONS WITHIN NFLD LABRADOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE CORP. OF COMMISSIOINAIRE OPERATIONS WITHIN NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR. A LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS FOR WHICH THE COMMISSIONNAIRE PROVIDES SERVICE, AS WELL AS A LIST OF COST TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR SUCH SERVICES. 1993.05.25 930175 PRODUCTION OF TERMIUM ON CD-ROM REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CP.66511-2-00229 1993.05.27 930174 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT WHICH WAS ISSUED BY OASIS DIRECTORATE TO SOFTWARE KINETICS INC. FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF THE RCMP. 930176 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT AND PRICING OF ALL BIDS FOR TOX.E0274-3-5004/00/A 930177 PROGRAM MONITORS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAQ92-00136-(020) 930178 TO SUPPLYM DELIVER, INSTALL AND INTEGRATE ONE MASS STORAGE MEDIA SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT INCLUDING RFP, SOW, RESPONSE AND AMENDMENTS FOR DSS FILE EY.66000-2-0685/01 930179 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EY.6602-2-0940 930180 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 350EY.73013-2-0118/A 930181 PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HA.23243-2-8318/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.27 930182 HIGH SPEED DUPLICATORS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EW.W0134-2-1D58/01 930183 PRINTERS, PAGE, LASER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EJ.FP802-2-7312/01 930184 FILM, DUPLICATING COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX.38K11-2-C718/01 930185 FILM, DUPLICATING COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.W8463-3-LA0B/01 930186 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CAL.23294-2-0824/01 930187 PRINTERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EJ.38A17-2-W546/01 930188 PHOTOCOPYING MACHINE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAD.65058-2-0311/01 930189 OXIDATA 400 LASER PRINTER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE OSC.W0100-2-E265/01 930190 PRINTERS, PAGE, LASER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 0SC.W0100-2-E264/01 1993.05.28 930191 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR NCR COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING JANUARY TO MARCH 1993 930193 INFORMATION REGARDING POLLS SINCE OCTOBER 92, ALL CONTRACT REQUESTS FOR POLLS SINCE JANUARY 93, ALL POLLS COMMISSIONED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OR THE MINISTER SINCE LATE 1992, ALL BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER PREPARED ON POLLS PUBLIC OPINION STUDIES, INCLUDING ON PLLSTER COMPANY SELECTION, COMPETITIVENESS AND POLL MATERIAL RELEASE. RECORDS THAT INDICATE WHY THE MINISTER'S OFFICE AND PERSONNEL HAVE DELAYED THE RELEASE OF DSS POLLING LISTS IN 1992, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.05.28 930194 INFORMATION ON EH101 PROJECT LIST OF CONTRACTS/SUCONTRACTS AWARDED FOR EH101 PROJECT, THE VENDORS AND LOCALES, THE AMOUNTS AND SUMMARY TERMS, AND TERMS FOR PENALTY COMPENSATION FOR CANCELLATION CLAUSES, INCLUDING % OR AMOUNTS OF PROFITS SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT CANCEL CONTRACTS THAT GO TO CONTRACTORS RULES, PROCEDURES ON GOVERNMENT CANCELLING CONTRACTS AND APPROPRIATE FORMS THAT COMPENSATION TAKES AND TYPES OF PENALTIES THE GOVERNMENT CAN INVOKE FOR FAILURE OF CONTRACTOR TO MEET OBLIGATIONS. SINCE 1992, COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIES TO ANNOUNCING AWARDS OF CONTRACTS/SUBCONTRACTS FOR EH101 PROJECT. 1993 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER ON ABOVE. 1993.06.03 930195 LIST OF SUPPLIERS IN THE NCR WITH BUSINESS VOLUME OVER 100,000 A LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS OF SUPPLIERS OF GOODS WITH ADDRESSES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION WHOSE BUSINESS VOLUME WITH SUPPLY AND SERVICES WAS $100,000 OR MORE DURING 1992-1993 930196 LIST OF SUPPLIERS IN THE NCR WITH BUSINESS VOLUME OVER 100,000 FOR FY 1992-1993 A LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS OF SUPPLIERS OF GOODS WITH ADDRESSES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION WHOSE BUSINESS VOLUME WITH SUPPLY AND SERVICES WAS $100,000 OR MORE DURING 1992-1993 930197 CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING MAY 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESS BY DSS FOR NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE MONTH OF MAY 1993 1993.06.04 930198 CAIR PRINTOUT FOR MAY 1993 REGULAR MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FROM THE CAIR SYSTEM, ALL DEPARTMENTS FOR MAY 1993 930199 CLINICAL REPORTS FOR VAGINAL CANDIDIASIS CLINICAL REPORTS GIVING OPINIONS ON THE PRESCRIPTION TO NONPRESCRIPTION SWITCH OF INGREDIENTS USED TO TREAT VAGINAL CANDIDIAISIS. 930200 RATES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ONTARIO REGION COPY OF RATES AND PROCEDURES FOR TEMPORAY HELP IN NORTHERN ONTARIO Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.04 930201 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION DURING MAY 1993 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING MAY 1 TO MAY 31, 1993 930202 COPY OF STANDING OFFER COPY OF STANDING OFFER FOR DSS FILE CAL.21530-2-9017/00/A 930203 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR FURNITURE RENTAL PURCHASED IN ONTARIO FOR THE PAST TWO FISCAL YEARS LIST OF CONTRACT FOR FURNITURE RENTAL TENDERS BOTH OVER 25,000,00 AND UNDER ISSUED IN THE ONTARIO REGION IN THE LAST TWO FISCAL YEARS. 930204 LIST OF PUBLIC OPINION POLLS FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1993 TO MAY 17, 1993 COPY OF PUBLIC OPINIONS POLLS COMMISSIONED BY DSS FROM FEBRUARY 1 TO MAY 17, 1993 930205 COPY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL & MEDICAL SUPPLY CATALOGUE AND MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD IN 1991 TO 1993 MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD IN 1991, 1992, 1993 (LAST MEETING HELD ON MAY 13 & 14, 1993. COPY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL & MEDICAL SUPPLY CATALOGUE. 930206 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX93-0072-(026) 930207 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PEM92-00484-(901) 930208 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4001-2-0302/01 930209 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.660DA-2-0036/01 930210 MANUAL RHEODYNE INJECTOR, SYNCHRONIZATION CABLE STAR ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.KA168-2-0593/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.04 930211 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE STN.31029-2-0069/01 930212 TO SUPPLY AND INSTALL CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS SYSTEM WITH FLUORESCENCE DETECTOR COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.01521-2-1839/01 930213 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.K7126-2-0909/01 930214 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.660DA-2-0043/01 1993.06.08 930215 COPY OF THE ACQUISITION GUIDE FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COPY OF ACQUISITION GUIDE FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1992 930216 DOLLAR VALUE ON STANDING OFFER FOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR MOST RECENT FY 92-93 A REPORT BY DOLLAR VOLUME ON STANDING OFFER FOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR MOST RECENT FISCAL YEAR 930217 DOLLAR VOLUME ON STANDINGOFFER FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR MOST RECENT FY 92-93 A REPORT BY DOLLAR VOLUME ON STANDING OFFER FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR MOST RECENT FISCAL YEAR. 1993.06.09 930218 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT AND PROPOSALS OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR DSS FILE NUMBER REG92-00213-(109)/A 930219 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT AND PROPOSALS OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER FOR DSS FILE REG92-00214-(109)/A 930220 LIST OF SUPPLIERS AWARDED CONTRACTS DURING PERIOD APRIL 1, 1992 THROUGH MARCH 31, 1993 LIST OF ALL CANADIAN SUPPLIERS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY AND SERVICES THAT WERE AWARDED CONTRACTS ON BEHALF OF THE DND DURING PERIOD APRIL 1, 1992 THROUGH MARCH 31, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.09 930221 NUMBER OF CONTRACTS FOR ACS GROUP SINCE 1990 NUMBER OF CONTRACTS AND DOLLAR VALUE AND DURATION IF APPLICABLE SINCE 1990 AWARDED TO ACS GROUP 930222 INFORMATION ON LOT NUMBER R2ED00266 INFORMATION ON LOT NUMBER R2ED00266 930223 LISTE DE CONTRATS POUR LA REDACTION LE NOMBRE DE CONTRATS DANS LE DOMAINE DE LA REDACTION QUI ONT ETE SOUMISSIONNES, EGALEMENT, LA VALEUR DE CHAQUE CONTRAT OFFERT POUR LES DOUZES MOIS ANTERIEURS AINSI QUE LE NOMBRE COMPETITEURS 930224 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PT.W8463-2-HD0E/01 930225 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PT.W8463-2-HD0J/01 1993.06.10 930226 COPIE DU GUIDE D'ACQUISITION POUR LES PROFESSIONALS EN INFORMATIQUE COPY OF THE ACQUISITION GUIDE FOR INFORMATICS GUIDE FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ON DISKETTE 93-94 930227 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8467-2-CY07/01 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.02.17 930101 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX REQUEST BY SOLICITOR FOR IMM. RECORDS FOR XXX 930102 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX REQUEST BY SOLICITOR FOR IMM. RECORDS FOR XXX 930103 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX REQUEST BY SOLICITOR FOR ALL IMM RECORDS FOR XXX 930104 XXX IMM RECORDS FOR XXX REQUEST BY SOLICITOR FOR IMM RECORDS FOR XXX 1993.03.23 930056 XXX MED. RECS FOR XXX MED. RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.04.02 930013 XXX FOR XXX VISA FILE VISA FILE FOR XXX 1993.05.06 930084 XXX LETTRE DE 23 PAGE PAR XXX LETTRE DE 23 PAGES DE XXX DEPOSE DANS LE DOSSIER DU PROJET PDE BASS # E 90275-4 1993.05.10 930048 IMM. RECS. FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMM. RECORDS OF XXX AND XXX C/O SOLICITOR 1993.05.13 930057 XXX TRANSFER OF FILE FROM ONE CDN COMMISSION TO ANOTHER INFO RE THE PRESCRIBED FORM USED BY AN APPLICANT AS A MEANS OF EFFECTING THE TRANSFER OF HIS FILE FROM ONE CDN COMMISSION TO ANOTHER; IF THE REQUEST FOR A TRANSFER IS FILED WITH THE COMMISSION FOR CANADA IN HONG KONG, HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE THAT COMMISSION TO ACTION THE REQUEST AND FORWARD IT BY DIPLOMATIC BAG TO THE NEW RECEIVING COMMISSION; DOES THE APPLICANT RECEIVE NOTICE OF ANY NEW FILE NUMBER ALLOCATED BY THE NEW COMMISSION AND WILL HIS AGENTS ADDRESS BE AUTOMATICALLY RECORDED ON THE FILE IF THE APPLICANT DESIRES SUCH AT THE POINT OF APPLYING FOR THE FILE TRANSFER. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.13 930059 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX 1993.05.14 930055 XXX VISA & CIC FILES FOR XXX REQUEST FOR NHQ, VISA AND CIC FILES FOR XXX 1993.05.19 930065 XXX MEDICAL FILE MEDICAL FILE OF XXX, SISTER OF MR. XXX 930068 XXX IAS GRANT GIVEN TO INTL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECT. WORK 1) WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE I.A.S. GRANT OR GRANTS GIVEN TO INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OR ELECTRICAL WORKS 2085 A-1676 ST. JAMES STREET, WIN. MAN. THE GRANT OR GRANTS WERE IN THE FALL OF 1991 OR THE SPRING OF 1992 2) HOW THE GRANT WAS SUED AND HOW MUCH THE CHEQUES ISSUED WERE FOR AND WHEN THEY WERE ISSUED 930078 XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX DAUGHTER MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX FOR DAUGHTER XXX 1993.05.21 930082 VISA & IMM RECORDS FOR XXX IMM. RECORDS FOR XXX 1993.05.25 930083 INFO RE GRANT GIVEN TO I.B.E.W. BY IAS BETWEEN DEC/90 AND FEB/91 IAS GAVE A GRANT TO THE IBEW LOCAL 2085 TO COVER SURVEYS, TRAINING ETC FOR THE UNION'S COMPUTER. INFO NEEDED: AMOUNT OF GRANT, DETAILS & BREAK OF ALLOCATIONS OF MONIES, ALSO DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED BY THE UNION TO QUALIFY FOR GRANT 930095 XXX KELOWNA & DISTRICT BOYS & GIRLS CLUB INFO RE THE KELOWNA & DISTRICT BOYS & GIRLS CLUB: FEDERAL GRANTS IN 1987, 1988, 1989; JOB ENTRY CONTRACT 1990 AND 1991; WORK ORIENTATION WORKSHOP CONTRACT 1990 & 1991; CHALLENGE 1990 & 1991; YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICES CONTRACT/GRANT 1991; ANY OTHER CONTRACT OR GRANT AWARDED BETWEEN 1992 AND 1993; REVIEWS OR AUDITS CONDUCTED IN RELATION TO THESE CONTRACTS OR GRANTS. 930098 IMM MEDICAL REC. XXX MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.26 1993.05.26 930080 COPY OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY XXX COPY OF THE PROPOSAL AND OPTIONS THEREOF, SUBMITTED BY XXX TO TRAIN 67 STUDENTS IN LORD'S COVER AND ST. LAWRENCE 930081 COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS BY EASTERN COLLEGE TO TRAIN NCARP CLIENTS COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS SIGNED WITH EASTERN COLLEGE BY THE CEC, MARYSTOWN, TO TRAIN NCARP CLIENTS ON THE BURIN PENINSULA. ALSO TO OBTAIN COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS SIGNED WITH PRIVATE TRAINING INSTITUTIONS BY THE CEC MARYSTOWN, TO TRAIN NCARP CLIENTS ON THE BURIN PENINSULA 930092 XXX IMM. RECS FOR XXX REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO ALL RECORDS RESPECTING THE IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF XXX C/O SOLICITOR 1993.05.27 930079 XXX INFO RE JEAN CHAREST I REQUEST ALL RECORDS OF EXPENCES INCURRED BY THE MINISTERS OF STATE (YOUTH), JEAN CHAREST, AND HIS OFFICE STAFF ON THANKSGIVING WEEKEND (0CT 9-12) 1987 AND LABOR DAY WEEKEND 1987. (TRAVEL, ACCOMODATIONS, MEALS, ETC AND INVOICES). ALSO, I REQUEST ALL EXPENSES INCURRED BY MR CHAREST AND HIS OFFICE STAFF AT THE FULIWAH RESTAURANT WHILE MR CHAREST WAS MINISTER OF FINANCE. 1993.05.31 930088 XXX VISA FILE C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930090 XXX MANUEL PROFIL MEDICAL POUR OBTENIR LE MANUEL PROFIL MEDICAL 930091 XXX CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN MAY 1993 ALL CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993. 930096 XXX CORR. FILES 8070 - 8080 COPY OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE FILED AT THE NATIONAL HQ LEVEL IN OTTAWA AND AT ONT. REGION, SINCE JAN. 1991 TO THE PRESENT TIME IN YOUR SUBJECT FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM UNDER THE FOLLOWING FILE NUMBERS 8070-0 STUDENTS POLICY; 8070-1 GENERAL; 8070-2 SCHOOOLS-GENERAL; 8070-3 NHQ/ONTARIO REGIONAL-SPECIAL STUDIES ON STUDENTS; 8070-4 IRANIAN STUDENTS; 8070-5 UNAPPROVED SCHOOLS; 8070-7 STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM; 8070-8 CANADIAN OVERSEAS STUDENT SERVICES; 8070-9 FOREIGN STUDENTS WHO VIOLATE THE ACT OR REGS; 8070-10 PROPOSAL FOR TRAINING FOREIGN STUDENTS; 8080-0 BONDS AND SECURITY DEPOSITS POLICY; 8080-1 GENERAL ALSO INCLUDE STATISTICS SHOWING NUMBER OF STUDENT AUTHORIZATION ISSUED AFTER Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EIC 1993.05.31 930096 JAN 1991 AND FROM WHAT COUNTRIES ARE THE STUDENTS COMING FROM. ALL CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO CANADIAN RELATIVES ACTING AS FINANCIAL GUARANTORS FOR THEIR RELATIVE STUDENTS COMING TO STUDY IN CANADA. PLEASE INCLUDE ALL POLICY, PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE DIRECTIVES ON THIS TOPIC. ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING ANY SPECIAL PROCEDURES OR PRACTICES FOLLOWED OR REQUIRED BY NEW DELHI VISA OFFICE. HAVE NEW DELHI SEND ALL LOCALLY GENERATED CORRESPONDENCE ON STUDENTS APPLYING IN INDIA. SEND COPIES OF ALL GUIDELINES, MANUALS, DIRECTIVES USED BY NEW DELHI TO EQUATE INDIAN EDUCATION TO CANADIAN EQUIVALENT. NUMBER ALL PAGES PRIOR TO INVOKING ANY EXEMPTIONS. 930097 XXX CORRES FILES 8040-0 TO 8065-1X ALL CORRES. FILED AT THE NHQ LEVEL IN OTTAWA AND AT ONT. REGION SINCE JAN. 1991 TO THE PRESENT TIME IN SUBJECT FILE CLASS. SYSTEM UNDER 8040-0 EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATIONS POLICY; 8040-1 GENERAL; 8040-8 STUDENTS; 8040-9 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPEMENT ASSOCIATION; 8040-10 FRAUDULENT EMPLOYMENT OFFERS; 8040-11 WORKING COMMITTEE 1102/2151 PROCESS/PROCEDURES; 8040-13 EXTENSION REQUESTS BEYOUND 5 YEARS; 8055-0 POLICY; 8055-1 GENERAL; 8055-3 DANCERS; 8055-4 CASES; 8060-1 GENERAL; 8060-2 EXCHANGE PROGRAM; 8060-3 FOREIGN ACADEMICS;8065-1 GENERAL. INCLUDE STATS SHOWING NUMBER OF EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION ISSUED AFTER JAN 1991 AND IN WHAT OCCUPATIONS. NUMBER ALL PAGES PRIOR TO INVOKING ANY EXEMPTIONS. ALL CORRES. RE ANY SPECIAL PROCEDURES OR PRACTICES FOLLOWED OR REQUIRED BY NEW DELHI VISA OFFICE. HAVE NEW DELHI SEND ALL LOCALLY GENERATED CORRESPONDENCE ON EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATIONS AND EPRSONS APPLYING IN INDIA FOR WORK VISA. SEND COPIES OF ALL GUIDELINES, MANUALS, DIRECTIVES USED BY NEW DELHI TO EQUATE INDIAN VOCATIONAL OR PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION TO ITS CDN EQUIVALENCE 930105 XXX 8020-0, -1 & -2 COPY OF ALL CORRES. FILED AT NHQ & ONT. REG. SINCE JAN/91 TO PRESENT IN FILE 8020-0 ADOPTION POLICY; 8020-1 GENERAL; 8020-2 STATISTICS. INCLUDE ALL CORR BETWEEN NEW DELHI & NHQ RE ADOPTIONS 930106 XXX ALL CORRES. AT NHQ & ONT REG SINCE JAN 1991 TO PRESENT RE FILES 8200-1 GENERAL; 8200-2 NON-BONAFIDE- GENERAL; 82-2-1 NON-BONAFIDE-STUDENTS; 8200-2-2 NON BONAFIDE BROKERS; 8225-1 GEN.; 8225-2 DETENTION-HOTELS-GEN.; 8225-7 DETENTION PRACTICES; 8225-78-1 STUDY TO REVEIW DETENTION PROCEDURES;8238-1 GEN; 8238-2 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS; 8238-10 CSIS; 8250-1 GEN.; 8250-2 IMM. CONSULTANTS; 8250-3 STANDING PROSECUTION AGENTS; 8255-1 GEN.; 8255-2 PORTS OF ENTRY; 8255-2-1 BORDER PORTS; 8255-6-1 KUWAIT-IRAQ-PORTS OF ENTRY; 8260-1 GEN; 8260-2 TOR. INT'L AIRPORT AND OTHER AIRPORTS. HAVE NEW DELHI SEND ALL LOCALLY GENERATED CORRES. ON 8200 SERIS AS IT APPLIES TO INDIA. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.31 930107 XXX ALL CORRES. AT NHQ & ONT. REG. SINCE JAN/91 TO PRESENT IN FILE 8280-1 GEN.; 8280-2 DESIGNATED PHYSICIANS; 8280-5 MEDICAL INADMISSIBILITY REVIEW; 8282-1 GEN.; 8285-1 GEN.; 8285-2 SECURITY SCREENING (CASES); 8290-1 GEN; 8290-2 U.S. VISA SEEKERS & CANADA VISA SEEKERS; 8290-2-1 GUYANESE VISITORS SCAM; 8290-3 IN TRANSIT; HAVE NEW DELHI SEND ALL LOCALLY GENERATED CORRES. ON THE ABOVE SERIES AS IT APPLIES TO INDIA. 930108 XXX CORRES. AT NHQ & ONT REG. SINCE JAN./91 ON FILE 8300-1 GEN; 8300-2 APPEALS - FAMILY CLASS; 8300-6 HEARINGS AND APPEALS (MANAGERS MEETINGS MINUTES); 8302-1 GENERAL; 8305-1 GEN; 8305-2 F.C.A. SEC. 28 APPL.; 8305-2-1 I.R.B. DECISIONS; 8305-5 F.C.A. SECTION 28 IE 12.81(1); 8305-5-2 F.C.A. BACKLOG, HUMANITARIAN & COMPASSIONATE; 8315-1 GEN; 8315-3-1 MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING WITH USINS; 8315-8 MONITORING OM-EI-252 HUMANITARIAN & COMPASSIONATE; 8325-1 GENERAL; 8330-1 GEN; 8330-2 FAVOURABLE DECISIONS 930109 XXX ALL CORRES. AT NHQ & ONT REG SINCE JAN 1991 TO THE PRESENT ON FILES 8350-1 GENERAL; 8350-3 QUEBEC IMM. PROGRAMS; 8360-1 GEN; 8360-2-3 NGO RELATIONS REPORT; 8360-2-7 IMM. STRATEGY 1990 LEVELS 1991/96. ALL INFO RE QUE. IMM. PROGRAM INCLUDING MANUALS, GUIDELINES & SELECTION CRITERIA. 1993.06.01 930085 XXX LE SYMDROME DE DOWN TOUS DOCUMENTS, ETUDES, STATISTIQUES, RAPPORTS, SYNTHESES, ANALYSES, EBAUCHES DE COUTS MEDICAUX, SOCIAUX OR ECONOMIQUES, DOCUMENTS EN GENERAL SUR L'ETHIOLOGIE, LE PRONOSTIQUE EN RAPPORT AVEC LE SYMDROME DE DOWN, LA TRISOMIE 21, LE MONGOLISME, LES TROUBLES MENTAUX LES MALADIES CONGENITALES - CONSULTES PAR LE MEDICAL SERVICE BRANCH OF HEALTH AND WELFARE CANADA DANS L'ETUDE DES DEMANDES D'IMMIGRATION AU CANADA DE PERSONNES OU MEMBRES DE LEUR FAMILLE SOUFFRANT D'UNE DES MALADIES MENTIONNEES PLUS HAUT. 930086 XXX MEDICAL OFFICER HANDBOOK TOUT DOCUMENT, STATISTIQUE, ETUDES, RAPPORT, ANALYSE, EBAUCHE DE COUTS MEDICAL, SOCIAUX, ECONOMIQUES - DOCUMENT SUR L'ETHIOLOGIE, LE PRONOSTIQUE - UTILISES POUR LA PREPARATION DU MEDICAL OFFICER HANDBOOK ET PLUS PARTICULIEREMENT AUX FINS DE LA PREPARATION DU CHAPITRE TRAITANT DELA TRISOMIE 21, DU SYNDROME DE DOWN, DU MONGOLISME. LE MEDICAL OFFICER HANDBOOK EST UTILISE PAR LE SERVICE MEDICAL DE HEALTH AND WELFARE CANADA DANS L'ETUDE DES DEMANDES D'IMMIGRATION AU CANADA DE PERSONNES SOUFFRANT DE DIVERSES MALADIES DONT LE TYPE DE MALADIES MENTIONNEE PLUS HAUT Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.01 930087 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX COPIE COMPLETE DU DOSSIER DE XXX 930093 XXX JEAN CHAREST INFO REQUEST ON LABOUR DAY WEEKEND IN 1987, THEN-JUNIOR EIC MINISTER, JEAN CHAREST, REPORTEDLY HELD A BARBECUE AND BROUGHT ALONG FIVE OF HIS MINISTERIAL STAFF TO ASSIST WITH THE PARTY. WERE HOTEL AND TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR THE STAFF BILLED TO EIC. DID J. CHAREST BILL THE DEPARTMENT FOR ANY MEALS AT OTTAWA'S FULIWAH CHINESE RESTAURANT. IN OCTOBER 1987, CHAREST AND HIS FAMILY REPORTEDLY SPENT A THANKSGIVING WEEKEND AT THE BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL. WERE HOTEL AND CAR RENTAL COSTS BILLED TO EIC. JEAN CHAREST'S FATHER REPORTEDLY ATTENDED THE 1987 BC TORY CONVENTION IN CAMPBELL RIVER, BC ALONG WITH HIS SON. DID DEPARTMENT STAFF ARRANGE AND PAY FOR HIS FATHERS TRANSPORTATION, AND WAS HIS FATHER DESCRIBED IN THE DEPARTMENT'S RECORDS AS THE MINISTER'S AIDE DURING THE TRIP. 1993.06.02 930089 VISA & MED. RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL AND VISA RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR XXX 930100 IMM RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMM. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.06.03 930094 XXX TEMP CALL UPS FOR FEB, MARCH & APRIL 1993 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP PURCHASED FOR FEBRUARY, MARCH AND APRIL 1993 930099 MEDICAL RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.06.07 930112 XXX TEMP. HELP CALL-UPS FOR NCR FOR MAY 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NAT'L CAP. REG. FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING MAY 1993 1993.06.10 930118 XXX TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR MAY 1993 A FULL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993 STATING ALL REQUISITIONS AND/OR CONTRACTS ASSIGNED TO ALL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES WITHIN THE OTTAWA CAPITAL REGION 1993.06.18 930134 XXX REQUESTS INFO RE FEDNOR PROGR XXX wants to know how much money was spent in and around the Parry sound area in grants and loans to private businesses through the FedNor program. Who received the money the last five years, how much each business received and whether it was a grant or loan. This was for job creation in northern ontario. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.22 1993.06.22 930137 XXX REQUESTS REFUSAL LETTER FROM XXX requests his sisters imm. record (XXX 1993.06.23 930138 ROBERT MUNRO REQUESTS IMM. FILE F XXX requests imm. file from Hong kong for XXX 930139 XXX - UI - combien d'heures de travail ca prend pour la semaine compe a l'assurance chomage - combien de semaines faut faire pour avoir le droit au chomage pendant combien de semaines j'aurai le droit au chomage si je manque du travail- copie de la nouvelle loi entr en vigueur 1993.06.28 930140 XXX - PERSONNEL -TACHES OFFICIELLE DES 3 POSTES DESCRIPTION DE TACHES OFFICIELLE DES 3 POSTES PARTICIPANTS PDE, HIRER 93, CENTRE PREQUSSIT DE COMPORTEMENT MIMAL DU QUEBEC, 7483 RUE DROLET MONTREAL H2R 2C3 (PDE1E-93169-6)-POSTE D'AGENT DE DEVELOPPEMENT, ORGANISATEUR COMMUNONTORIE ET INTEREMONT-CONSEILLER EN COMPRTEMENT CANIN (SUITE SUR FEUILLE ANNEXEE) 1993.06.29 930141 XXX DOSSIER DES ENFANTS DE XXX XXX DESIRE OBTENIR COPIE DE TOUS LES DOCUMENTS VERSES AU DOSSIER DES ENFANTS DE XXX 930142 XXX - REQUEST REFUGEE CLAIMS FOR MEXICO XXX OF GOWLING, STRATHY & HENDERSON, WANTS TOTAL NUMBER OF REFUGEE CLAIMS MADE INVOLVING MEXICO AS THE COUNTRY OF ALLEGED PERSECUTION FOR 1991, 1992 AND FIRST QUARTER OF 1993. 930143 s.19(1) REQUESTS HONG KONG FILE OF XXX IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX FROM HONG KONG VISA OFFICE s.19(1) 930144 s.19(1) REQUESTS HONG KONG FILE FOR XXX IMMIGRATION FILE FROM HONG KONG FOR XXX s.19(1) 930145 IMMIGRATION FILE FOR XXX XXX OF DOHM & JAFFER IS REQUESTING IMMIGRATION FILE FROM AUSTRALIA ON BEHALF OF XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.29 930146 XXX - DEPORTATION OF CITIZENS OF CHINA XXX LAWYER WANTS COPIES OF GOVERNMENT POLICY NOT TO DEPORT, REMOVE ETC. CITIZENS FROM THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND REASONS WHY. 930147 IMMIGRATION RECORD OF XXX XXX REQUESTS XXX IMMIGRATION FILE FROM IRAN 930148 RESULTS OF MINISTERIAL INQUIRIES RE NORTH CLAYBELT COM. FUTURES XXX WANTS RESULTS OF THE MINISTERIAL INQUIRIES INTO THE HIRING PRACTICES OF THE NORTH CLAYBELT COMMUNITY FUTURES PRACTICES OF THE NORTH CLAYBELT COMMUNITY FTURUES COMMITTEE (THEY WERE DONE IN JULY AND NOVEMBER OF 1992) 930149 XXX CALL-UP SHEETS RE INFORMATICS CONSULTANTS SERVICE XXX OF THE MISSING LINK INFORMATICS AND EDP SERVICES WANTS COPIES OF 5 OR MORE CALL-UP SHEETS ON INFORMATICS CONSULTANTS SERVICES FOR ANY PARTICULAR MONTH WITH IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.05.27 930019 CALL-UPS TEMPORARY HELP All call-ups against standing offer for temporary help services for the months of March and April 1993.˙ 1993.05.28 930020 CALLUPS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993 Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993. Your urgent attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. ˙ 930021 CHIP GRANT APPLICATION I would like to find out if a UFFI Grant In, was given at any time on my property at (personal identifier).˙ ˙ Should you have any other information concerning UFFI and my property please forward it to myself also.˙ ˙ Please find enclosed proof of ownership.˙ 1993.06.03 930022 CALL-UPS UNDER STANDING OFFERS All temporary help call-ups under standing offers (Form 8251) for Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational Temporary Help Services for EMR in NCR for the months of June, July and August of 1992.˙ 1993.06.07 930023 CALL-UPS TEMPORARY HELP All temporary help call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region (NCR) under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of May 1993.˙ 1993.06.10 930024 NATIONAL REPORT GREENHOUSE GASES Please accept this letter as an application under the Access to Information Act for all documents relating to the development of the "National Report on Greenhouse Gases" prepared by Energy, Mines and Resources.˙ ˙ In addition to a copy of the report itself, I would like to receive all documents outlining the assumptions that were used to prepare the report. I enclose a cheque for $5 payable to the Receiver General of Canada.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.06.22 1993.06.22 930025 CALL-UPS TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES All call-ups for Temporary Help Services in the NCR for April & May 1993, all categories.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.05.28 930040 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP All call-ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993˙ 930041 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Call-ups for temporary help for the months February and March 93 in the Capital National Region˙ 1993.05.31 930042 DEPOSIT INSURANCE STRUCTURE 1. Meeting minutes of the task force and subcommittees reviewing the current deposit insurance structure.˙ 2. Consultant/internal reports 1992, 1993 on the issues surrounding deposit insurance, and better consumer protection at financial institutions.˙ 3. Briefing notes to the Minister on the above subjects, and on the views of Grant Rueber on deposit insurance reform.˙ 1993.06.07 930043 LIST OF CONTRACTS La liste des contrats octroyes par le ministere des Finances au cours des 6 derniers mois˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FOR 1993.03.11 930008 COPIES OF BRIEFING NOTES COPIES OF BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER & DEPUTY MINISTER.˙ 1993.05.15 930011 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD APRIL 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.04.05 930006 IRB MONTREAL/MINISTRY EXT. AFFAIRS With present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Acces to Information Act, on any communication between the Immigration Refugee Board or any of its Montreal personnel and the Ministry of External Affairs mentioning Nigeria or Nigerian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day.˙ 930007 COMM. BETWEEN IRB MONTREAL AND EIC With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Acces to Information Act, on any communication between the Immigration Refugee Board or any of its Montreal personnel and the Ministry of Employment and Immigration mentioning Nigeria or Nigerian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day.˙ 1993.04.30 930016 SI-03 COMPETITIONS In preparation for the upcoming SI-03 competitions, I would like to access all previous SI-03 competitions (including the legal documentalist competition) questions and expected answers, merit ratings, rating guide or similar exams since 1989. 1993.06.03 930017 XXX We are the solicitors for Pacific Press Limited, publichers of the Vancouver Sun and Province newspapers, and for the Vancouver Sun's reporter, XXX XXX. We have been informed by Mr. David Matas, counsel for XXX XXX XXX, that Mr. XXX will be making an application for a partial publication ban when his appeal resumes on June 21, 1993. We have also spoken to Mr. George Carruthers of the Department of Justice about this matter. Apparently, one Mrs. H. XXX, a Deputy Registrar of the Immigration Appeal Board, provided to Mr. Carruthers transcripts of Mr. XXX's testimony at his refugee hearing on June 18 and 19, 1985 and June 21, 1985 (pages 95 + of the transcript). In our discussions with Mr. Matas, he indicated that he did not have copies of those transcripts but understood that Mr. Carruthers intended to use the transcripts for the purpose of cross-examining Mr. XXX at the hearing on June 21, 1993. Mr. Carruthers did not feel at liberty to provide us with copies of the transcript and suggested that with Mr. matas' consent, we ask the Appeal division to authorize the release to us of copies of the transcripts. We have given an undertaking of confidentiality which is acceptable to Mr. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... IRB 1993.06.03 930017 Matas, and he has consented to the appeal board releasing the transcripts to us on that basis. Presumably, Mr. Matas would also like to have copies of the transcripts. We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Matas and to Mr. Carruthers. We would appreciate a telephone call from you to discuss the mechanism that we should follow in order to obtain copies of these transcripts. Mr. Carruthers informed us that the transcripts are in proceeding V83-6485 in XXX v. The Ministry of Employment and Immigration and that there are three transcripts, from the dates aforementioned. 1993.06.18 930018 RECORDS FROM DEPUTY CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1/9/92-PRESENT We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present that is from a Deputy Chairman and went to the Executive Director. (R.K.'s # 91-393) 930019 RECORDS FROM DG OPS TO CHAIRMAN FROM DECEMBER 1, 1992 TO PRESENT We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1, 1992 to the present that is from the Director General, Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to the Chairman. (R.K.'s# 91-397) 930020 RECORDS FROM DG OPS TO ANALYSIS DIRECTORATE - 1/12/92 TO PRESENT We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1, 1992 to the present that is from the Director General, Operations, Policy and Planning and to the Planning and analysis Directorate. (R.K.'s #91-420) 930021 RECORDS RE. NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THE ROLE OF RHO 1/1/93-PRESENT We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - that concerns the national committee on the role of the Refugee Hearing Officer, between January 1st, 1993 to the present. (R.K.'s# 91-386) 930022 COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY GROUP... We wish to access alll memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1, 1992 to the present from the Communications Group, the Communications Strategy Group, or the group responsible for media relations. (R.K.'s# 91-387) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.06.18 930023 SENIOR MANAGEMENT MEETINGS HELD BY REG. DIR. MONTREAL We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1, 1992 to the present that concerns senior management meetings held by the Regional Director of Montreal. (R.K.'s# 91-392) 930024 SENIOR MANAGEMENT MEETINGS HELD BY REGIONAL DIRECTORS TORONTO We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1, 1992 to the present that concerns senior management meetings held by the Regional Director(s) of Toronto. (R.K.'s# 91-388) 930025 RECORDS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TREASURY BOARD SINCE 1/9/92 We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director and went to Treasury Board. (R.K.'s# 91-389) 930026 RECORDS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DG, DIRB SINCE 01/09/92 We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director and that is to the Director General, Documentation, Information and Research. (R.K.'s# 91-391) 930027 RECORDS FROM DG, DIRB TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SINCE 01/09/92 We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Informatio Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present that is form the Director Genera, Documentation, Information and Research and tha tis to the Executive Director. (R.K.'s# 91-390) 930028 RECORDS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DG, OPS SINCE 01/12/93 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director and that is to the Director General, Operations Policy and Planning. (R.K.'s# 91-389) 930029 RECORDS FROM DG, OPS TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SINCE 01/12/92 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "records" is defined under the Access to Informatio Act - from Decembe 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Director General, Operations Policy and Planning and that is to the Executive Director. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... IRB 1993.06.18 930029 (R.K.'s# 91-395) 930030 RECORDS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO A DEPUTY CHAIRMAN-1/12/92 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director to a Deputy Chairman. (R.K.'s# 91-396) 930031 RECORDS FROM DIRECTOR HEARINGS DIVISION TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Director, Hearings Division and that is to the Executive Director. (R.K.'s# 91-409) 930032 RECORDS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO THE PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director and that is to the Prime Minister's Office. (R.K.'s# 91-410) 930033 LISTING OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE BOARD We wish to access the listing of all Members of the Immigration and Refugee Board, including the commencement and termination date of each Board member. (R.K.'s# 91-411) 930034 RECORDS CONCERNING SENIOR MANAGEMENT MEETING AT HEADQUARTERS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from Novemer 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns Senior Management meetings at Headquarters in Ottawa. (R.K.'s# 91-412) 930035 RECORDS CONCERNING REGIONAL DIRECTORS' CONFERENCE CALLS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "records" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the regional directors' conference calls. (R.K.'s# 91-413) 930036 RECORDS ON MEETINGS HELD BETWEEN BRANCH HEADS & SUPERVISORY STAFF We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... IRB 1993.06.18 930036 and Supervisory Staff", we are referring to: A. All the regions, B. Just headquarters, C. And both the regions and headquarters. (R.K.'s# 91-414) 930037 MEETINGS BETWEEN THE DEPUTY CHAIRMEN & ASSISTANT DEPUTY CHAIRMEN We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present in connection with all meetings held between the Deputy Chairmen and the Assistant Deputy Chairmen. (R.K.'s# 91-415) 930038 SURVEYS ON THE PUBLIC'S ATTITUDES TOWARD IMMIGRATION ISSUES We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from July 1st, 1991 to the present that concerns surveys on the public's attitudes toward immigration issues, or Board issues, that have been forwarded by the CEIC or that have been undertaken by the Board, or any other government department. (R.K.'s# 91-416) 930039 RECORDS FROM POLICY & MONITORING DIRECTORATE TO DIRECTOR HEARINGS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate and to the Director, Hearings Division. (R.K.'s# 91-418) 930040 RECORDS FROM PLANNING ANALYSIS DIRECTORATE TO DG OPS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Planning and Analysis Directorate and to the Director General, Operations, Policy and Planning. (R.K.'s# 91-419) 930041 RECORDS FROM ADC MONTREAL (CRDD) TO A MEMBER (REFUGEE) MONTREAL We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Assistant Deputy Chairman Montreal (Refugee), and that is to a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board (Refugee) in Montreal. (R.K.'s# 91-399) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.06.18 930042 RECORDS FROM ADC TORONTO (CRDD) TO MEMBER (REFUGEE) TORONTO We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Assistant Deputy chairman Toronto (Refugee), and that is to a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board (Refugee) in Toronto. (R.K.'s# 91-400) 930043 RECORDS FROM ADC MONTREAL (CRDD) TO DEPUTY CHAIRMAN MONTREAL We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from an Assistant Deputy Chairman Montreal (Refugee), and that is to the Deputy Chairman in Montreal. (R.K.'s# 91-401) 930044 RECORDS FROM ADC MONTREAL (REFUGEE) TO REGIONAL DIRECTOR MONTREAL We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from an Assistant Deputy Chairman Montreal (Refugee), and that is to the Regional Director in Montreal. (R.K.'s# 91-402) 930045 RECORDS FROM REGIONAL DIRECTOR MONTREAL TO DG OPS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Regional Director in Montreal to the Director General, Operations, Policy and Planning. (R.K.'s# 91-403) 930046 RECORDS FROM DG OPS TO REGIONAL DIRECTOR IN MONTREAL We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Director General, Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to the Regional Director in Montreal. (R.K.'s# 91-404) 930047 RECORDS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO THE DIRECTOR HEARINGS DIVISION We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director to the Director, Hearings Division. (R.K.'s# 91-405) 930048 RECORDS FROM DG. OPS. TO DIRECTOR, HEARINGS DIVISION We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Director General, Operations, Policy and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... IRB 1993.06.18 930048 Planning to the Director, Hearings Division. (R.K.'s# 91-406) 930049 RECORDS FROM REGIONAL DIRECTOR, MONTREAL TO DIRECTOR HEARINGS DIV We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present tha tis from the Regional Director, Montreal to the Director, Hearings Division. (R.K.'s# 91-407) 930050 RECORDS FROM DIRECTOR, HEARINGS DIVISION TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Director, Hearings Division and that is to the Executive Director. (R.K.'s# 91-408) 930051 RECORDS CONCERNING SR. MGMT MTGS HELD WITH REG DIR TOR UNIVERSITY We wish to access memoranda or other record - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1, 1992 to the present that concerns senior management meetings held by the Regional Director of Toronto University. (R.K.'s# 91-388) 930052 RECORDS FROM ADC TORONTO (CRDD) UNIVERSITY TO MEMBER TORONTO We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Assistant Deputy Chairman Toronto University (Refugee), and that is to a Member of the Immigration and Refugee Board (Refugee) in Toronto. (R.K.'s# 91-400) 1993.06.22 930053 SANITIZATION OF REASON U92-08714 Would like a sanitized version of reason U92-08714. 1993.06.23 930054 SI-03 BOARDS Information (including question and answers since April 1991) on informal tests, term boards, merit ratings and acting assignment for SI-3 (DIRB-HQTS only). 1993.06.24 930055 SI-03 COMPETITIONS Questions and answers to SI-03 competitions, term boards/hirings, merit rating, acting assignments at DIRB HQ since April 1991. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.06.24 930056 SI-03 COMPETITIONS I wish to access all records that concern SI-3 competitions; ie. questions, answers, merit rating, term boards, acting assignments DIRB HQ since April 1991. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.05.18 930027 TRAVEL CLAIMS 91-92 COPIES OF TRAVEL DOCUMENTATION (CLAIMS, ETC.) FOR EMPLOYEE IN ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR 1991-92.˙ 1993.05.28 930030 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR MAY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MAY 1993˙ 1993.06.03 930031 CALL UPS IN NCR JUN-AUG '92 ALL CALL-UPS IN THE NCR FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE MONTHS OF JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST, 1992˙ 1993.06.08 930032 CALLUPS IN NCR - MAY, 1993 ALL CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR IN MAY, 1993˙ 930033 CALLUPS FOR ONTARIO IN MAY, 1993 ALL CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE ONTARIO REGION IN MAY, 1993˙ 930034 CALLUPS FOR QUEBEC IN MAY, 1993 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION IN MAY, 1993˙ 930035 CALLUPS FOR QUEBEC IN APRIL, 1993 ALL CALLUPS IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN APRIL, 1993˙ 930035 CALLUPS FOR QUEBEC IN APRIL, 1993 ALL CALLUPS IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN APRIL, 1993˙ 1993.06.18 930036 MONIES SPENT IN PARRY SOUND HOW MUCH MONEY WAS SPENT IN AND AROUND THE PARRY SOUND AREA IN GRANTS & LOANS TO PRIVATE BUSINESSES THROUGH THE FEDNOR PROGRAM. WHO RECEIVED THE MONEY IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS, HOW MUCH EACH BUSINESS RECEIVED AND WHETHER IT WAS A GRANT OR LOAN. THIS WAS FOR JOB CREATION IN NORTHERN ONTARIO.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.06.18 930036 MONIES SPENT IN PARRY SOUND HOW MUCH MONEY WAS SPENT IN AND AROUND THE PARRY SOUND AREA IN GRANTS & LOANS TO PRIVATE BUSINESSES THROUGH THE FEDNOR PROGRAM. WHO RECEIVED THE MONEY IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS, HOW MUCH EACH BUSINESS RECEIVED AND WHETHER IT WAS A GRANT OR LOAN. THIS WAS FOR JOB CREATION IN NORTHERN ONTARIO.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.05.27 930054 TRIAL OF RONALD GEORGE SEARS Information, files, records and trial transcripts in the possession of the Department of Justice relevant to the trial of Ronald George Sears for murder in Windsor, September 1946 and his subsequent appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal in November 1946. 1993.06.09 930057 FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL CONSTITUTIONAL NEGOTIATIONS - 1971 Documentation on the process of federal-provincial constitutional negotiations leading to the Victoria Charter, June, 1971; bilateral discussions with the provinces regarding items in "the package" i.e. amending formula, fundamental rights, regional disparities, Supreme Court; bilateral discussions with Quebec on social policy, January-June, 1971 - material on meetinf of federal and provincial ministers, chaired by federal Minister of Justice, John Turner, on draft constitutional rights - May 31, 1971; briefing books for the federal delegation for working session of February, 1971, and June, 1971, constitutional conference. 1993.06.10 930058 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI All call-ups processed by Justice in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: May, 1993. 930059 PERSONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS Copies of all records to show personal services contracts with Fr‚d‚ric Loiselle for the period between February 1990 and January 1993. 1993.06.11 930060 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES All call-ups for temporary help in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993. 1993.06.15 930061 PAROLE APPLICATIONS s.19(1) All information in the form of letters, notes, memos, etc. between the Ministry of Justice and both the National Parole Board and the RCMP, in the matter of the parole applications of s.19(1) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.06.16 1993.06.16 930062 CONTRACT ARRANGEMENT - YUKON TERR Details pertaining to the contract arrangement between Mr. Bruce Willis, Q.C. and the Yukon Territory Water Board, specifically information relating to the dates of his term appointment & expiry or renewal, as well as his contractual agreement. 1993.06.18 930063 AUDITS ON PROGRAMS AND BRANCHES A list, or if none is available, title pages of audits completed for the department on programs or branches and to date in 1993. 1993.06.22 930064 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES CONTRACTS A full report for the month of June 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts assigned to all temporary help services within the National Capital Region. 1993.06.24 930065 ILLEGAL POSSESSION AND IMPORTATIO 1. The number of prosecutions initiated (and/or concluded) in the Province of New Brunswick for the last completed annual reporting period for any offences alleged under the Customs Act of Canada and the Excise Act of Canada relating to the illegal possession and importation of tobacco and tobacco related products. 2. The same information for the two previous annual reporting periods. 3. the same information as may be available for the current reporting period and the time period to which that information relates. 4. A breakdown (if available) of case numbers (volume) by Court Region, federal agent and RCMP detatchment area, for all of items 1-3. 5. Legal costs paid or receivable from the Government of Canada for prosecutions conducted in the Province of New Brunswick for all of items 1-3. 6. List of all federal agents for prosecutions of the Customs Act of Canada and the Excise Act of Canada in the Province of New Brunswick and the time of appointment and the time of revocation if applicable. 930066 NORTHERN AIR CHARTER (P.R.) INC. Copy of draft affidavits in the case of Northern Air Charter (P.R.) Inc. v. Minister of Transport. 1993.06.30 930068 SECURITY IN COURTS; WIRETAPING Copy of the government working group study on use of security in courts; report on the implications of the Supreme Court decision in Stinchcombe; wiretap legislation information kit. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ LAB 1993.04.21 930006 INFORMATION ON ADJUDICATION CASES information on adjudication and other material to help him prepare his case˙ 1993.05.11 930007 DOCUMENTS LIEE A EGALITE DU SRC Copie du plan d'action de la Societe Radio-Canada en matiere d'equite salariale depose au Travail Canada;˙ et/ou copie des informations transmis par la SRC au Travail Canada concernant le projet, la mise en oeuvre, l'application ou etablissement de politiques, directives ou procedures de SRC;˙ et/ou copie de la ou des methode(s) d'evaluation equivalente des fonctions adoptees et/ou proposee(s) et/ou utilisee par la SRC et transmise(s) au Travail Canada;˙ et/ou copie des renseignements ou informations concernant une ou des methode(s) d'evaluation adoptee(s, proposee(s) ou utilisee par la SRC et transmise(s) au Travail Canada˙ et/ou copie des renseignements, informations ou correspondance transmis au Travail Canada par Mme Marie Poulin, Vice-presidente de SRC;˙ et/ou copie des informations, renseignements, directives ou commentaires, transmise depuis le 1er janvier 1990 au Travail Canada par la SRC concernant l'application de programmes ou directives en matiere d'equite salarial chez Radio-Canada˙ 1993.05.30 930008 1993 REPORTS/ASSESS'TS RE NAFTA 1993 reports/assessments on NAFTA - labour side deal on NAFTA agreement including penalty provisions;˙ 1992,1993 reports/reviews of labour/corporate/other groups views on the NAFTA agreement;˙ briefing notes, anticipated oral questions, 1993 NAFTA;˙ any previous data released under Access on NAFTA˙ 1993.06.07 920009 CALLUPS FOR APRIL 1993 Call Callups processed by this institution in the NRC for temporary help services for April 1993˙ 1993.06.08 930009 CALLUPS FOR APRIL 1993 Callups processed by this institution in the national capital region for the period April 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ LAB 1993.06.10 1993.06.10 930010 CALLUPS JULY '92 -93 Callups Training Services both issued and renewed for period July 1992 though July 1993.˙ 1993.06.14 930011 CALLUPS AGAINST STANDING OFFERS All temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for temporary help services" for the months of January, February and March 1993 for Labour Canada.˙ 1993.06.15 930012 OCCUP. SAFETY AND HEALTH CONTRACTS I wish to obtain the reports of studies and the terms of reference for the three contracts leading to the studies listed in the letter (three occupational safety and health studies sponsored by Labour Canada).˙ 1993.06.22 930013 SAFETY HEALTH LABOUR CODE PROVIS Information in the form of policy statements, interpretation bulletins, departmental or ministerial directives, decisions, judicial considerations, and all other material which touches upon the interpretation of, consideration of, enforcement, directions and procedure concerning, and any and all other information with respect to sections 122.1, 124, 125(s), 148(1), (4), (6), Canada Labour Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. 1-2 ˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.05.04 930047 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930048 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 1993.05.19 930070 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.05.25 930063 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930064 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930065 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930067 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930068 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF GRANDFATHER. 930069 CITIZENSHIP RECORD 1993.06.07 930072 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF ONE INDIVID 1993.06.11 930071 COULD YOU PLEASE PROVIDE COPIES O Offer for Temporary Help Services (DSS-MAS 8251) forms issued for your Department in the National Capital Region for the months of March and April 193. 1993.06.15 930073 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.06.16 930074 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.06.18 1993.06.18 930075 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930076 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930077 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF GRANDFATHER. 930078 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 930079 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF MOTHER. 930080 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 1993.06.23 930081 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930082 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.05.18 93005 TEMPORARY SERVICES ˙ Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: April 93.˙ 1993.05.21 93006 PESTICIDE, HERBICIDE, FUNGICIDE AP ˙ ˙ ~ I would like a detailed schedule of pesticide, herbicide and fungicide application on NCC lands. The schedule should include month, day and time of day at which these chemicals are applied.˙ ~ I would like a highly detailed account of NCC expenditures for the duration of one year either for l993 or l992 if the previous is not available. Of particular interest is the total dollar figure spent on pesticide, herbicides, fungicides and applications. ˙ 1993.06.10 93007 COSTS INCURRED FOR PROJECT ˙ Under Access to Information, I would like a breakdown of˙ the costs incurred for the project completed in May 1993 known as The Role of the Capital in Canada, A Report on a Fact-finding Tour of Selected European Capitals. This project was done by strategic management branch. The trip was in 1992.˙ 1993.06.15 9308 TEMP. HELP - APRIL TO MAY 1993 Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of March, April and May of 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ 93008 TEMPORARY HELP CALL-UPS Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of March, April and May of 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ 93009 LAND DISPOSALS & ACQUISITIONS ETC. 1. Updated list in 1993 of lands (i) disposed of, (ii) acquired by the NCC.˙ 2. Data that details projecions for 1993-1998 on net gain on disposal of land, buildings and equipment that are contained in the 1993-94-1997-98 corporate plan summary. Include any contemplated aras of greenbelt sales.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NCC 1993.06.15 93009 3. Data on the land ownership of the Confederation Heights government campus 1984-1993 period, and on how Canada Post acquired land ownership of part of this government campus, in 1993 at what price, and had NCC approval; and whether any other land in this area is potentially for sale.˙ 4. Documents that back up the NCC map of its holdings that indicate prime/not so prime or essential lands. ˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.05.05 930069 COPY OF APPLICATION FILE & RELATE Copy of application file and all related correspondence for DIN 770531. 1993.05.27 930121 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH ETC. FOR DIHYDERGOT (SANDOZ). Request information on oral Dihydroergotamine mesylate 1, 2.5, and 5 mg tablets manufactured by Sandoz and marketed under the name Dihydergot in Australia. I would like the following: ~ Product Monograph - Pharmaceutical Evaluation Report ~ Indication (s) - Year in which it was launched ~ Comprehensive Summary - Package Insert, labels and Clinical ~ Reviewer's comment of Submission data Product Monograph etc. for DIHYDROERGOTAMINE (Sandoz). Request information on oral Dihydroergotamine mesylate 1, 2.5, and 5 mg tablets manufactured by Sandoz and marketed under the name Dihydergot in Australia. I would like the following: ~ Product Monograph - Pharmaceutical Evaluation Report ~ Indication (s) - Year in which it was launched ~ Comprehensive Summary - Package Insert, labels and Clinical ~ Reviewer's comment of Submission data 1993.05.31 930123 INFORMATION RE: TWENTY-SIX (26) (A) I am requesting the following information on LOXAPAC (LOXAPINE) by Lederle and COGENTIN (BENZTROPINE MESYLATE) by MSD: (1) Product Monograph(s) (2) Adverse Drug Reaction Reports (3) Comprehensive Database Summaries (4) Reviewers' Comments (6) Clinical Trials (7) Correspondence between HPB and Manufacturer(s) (8) Index of the Submission(s) (9) Reports of these drugs taken alone and in conjunction with each other. (10) Date each drug entered the marketplace. (B) I would also like the Product Monograph(s) and Adverse Drug Reaction Reports for the following drugs. Note that those marked with an asterisk are of special importance: Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.05.31 930123 ~ BENPERIDOL ~ CLOZAPINE ~ DROPERIDOL ~* TRIFLUOPERAZINE (STALLAZINE) ~* HALOPERIDOL (HALDOL) ~ FLUPENTHIXOL ~ MELLARIL ~* LARGACTIC ~* DILANTIN ~* VALPROIC ACID ~ FLUPHENAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE ~ OXYPERTINE ~ PERICYAZINE ~ PERPHENAZINE ~ PIMOZIDE ~ PROCITLORPERAZINE ~ SULPIRIDE ~* CHLORPROMAZINE ~ THIORIDAZINE ~ TRIFLUPERIDOL ~* BENHEXOL (ARTANE) ~* ORPHENADRINE (BIORPHEN) ~* PROCYCLIDINE (KEMADRIN) 930124 INFO RE: INCIDENCE OF THE NEUROL I would like you to check into the incidence of the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, specifically in Canada and elsewhere if available. This is in regards to LOXAPAC by Lederle and in conjunction with an antiparkinsonian agent such as COGENTIN by MSD. I would also like information as to fatalities due to NMS. 930125 LIST OF LICENCES ISSUED FOR GROWI Provide list of all licences ever issued for growing cannabis sativa (to wit marijuana or hemp) since 1923 to the present (1993). Amendment: July 2, 1993 s.19(1) has reduced the time frame of his request to include records only from 1987 to present, not 1923 to present as originally submitted. (See letter to s.19(1) of June 22, 1993.) 930125 LIST OF LICENCES ISSUED FOR GROWI Provide list of all licences ever issued for growing cannabis sativa (to wit marijuana or hemp) since 1923 to the present (1993). Amendment: July 2, 1993 s.19(1) has reduced the time frame of his request to include records Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.05.31 930125 only from 1987 to present, not 1923 to present as originally submitted. (See letter to s.19(1) of June 22, 1993.) 1993.06.01 930126 COPIES OF PRE-CLINICAL STUDIES FO Copies of pre-clinical studies involving LOMEFLOXACIN (including Hydrochloride and base). This information is contained in the New Drug Submission file for Hoffmann Laroche and involves comparative studies with Searle's LOENEFLOXACIN. The pre-clinical studies have been discussed publicly in the United States. Copies of the index to the New Drug Submission for Hoffmann Laroche's QUINOLONE antibotic is also required. 930127 REVIEWERS' NOTES ETC. FOR UPJOHN' Reviewers' notes for Upjohn's IND submissions for (COLESTID Orange Granules) (COLESTIPOL HCI). More specifically, I am requesting: ~ File #9427-U4-128C (1) Medical and Pharmaceutical Evaluation reviewers' notes for Control #4HP70000302. (2) Medical reviewers' notes for Control #12891. (3) Medical reviewers' notes for IND meeting on 23 February 1993 to clarify questions. 930128 HPB INSPECTION REPORT OF PHARMABI Please provide us with a copy of the HPB Drug Plant Inspection Report for 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 of the following: Pharmabiotic Canada (A Division of Genpharm) - Ontario. 930129 HPB INSPECTION REPORT OF NOVOCOL PHARMACEUTICAL INC. FOR 1977 TO 1987. Please provide us with a copy of the HPB Drug Plant Inspection Report for 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987 of the following: Novocol Pharmaceutical Inc. - Cambridge, Ontario. 930130 HPB INSPECTION REPORT FOR VITA HE We request copies of the 1992 Health Protection Branch inspection report, including narrative comments for the following: ~ Vita Health Company Westcan Pharmaceutical Company 150 Beghin Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 3W2. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.06.01 930131 MONOGRAPHIE DE PRODUIT UREMOL - HC T.C.D. (TRANS CANADERM INC.). La Monographie de Produit de la pr‚sentation pharmaceutique suivante: UREMOL ~ HC T.D.C. (Trans Canaderm Inc.). 930132 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH ETC. FOR PHOTOFRIN BY QUADRA LOGIC TECHNOLOGIES. This letter is to request information regarding the new drug PHOTOFRIN (PORFIMER SODIUM) under the Access to Information Act. This drug was recently approved for sale in Canada by the Health Protection Branch. In addition to any general information available about this drug, I would like to specifically request the reviewers' comments on the application, the Product Monograph, and any information about the safety and effectiveness of PHOTOFRIN. In regards to the safety and effectiveness information, I am especially interested in information relating to acute and chronic toxicity of this drug. 930133 RECORDS REGARDING DOWN'S SYNDROME ETC. Tout document, statistique, ‚tudes, rapport, analyse, ‚bauche de co-ts m‚dical, sociaux, ‚conomiques - document sur l'‚thiologie, le pronostique - utilis‚s pour la pr‚paration du Medical Officer Handbook et plus particuliŠrement aux fins de la pr‚paration du chapitre traitant dela trisomie 21, du syndrome de Down, du mongolisme. Le Medical Officer Handbook est utilis‚ par le service m‚dical de Health and Welfare Canada dans l'‚tude des demandes d'immigration au Canada de personnes souffrant de diverses maladies dont le type de maladies mentionn‚e plus haut. 930134 MORE RECORDS REGARDING DOWN'S SYN Tous documents, ‚tudes, statistiques, rapports, synthŠses, analyses, ‚bauches de co-ts m‚dicaux, sociaux ou ‚conomiques, documents en g‚n‚ral sur l'‚thiologie, le pronostique en rapport avec le syndrome de Down, la trisomie 21, le mongolisme, les troubles mentaux les maladies cog‚nitales - consult‚s par le Medical Services Branch of Health and Welfare Canada dans l'‚tude des demandes d'immigration au Canada de personnes ou membres de leur famille souffrant d'une des maladies mentionn‚es plus haut. 930135 EFFICACY STUDY CONDUCTED FOR FACTREL BY AYERST LABORATORIES. Efficacy study data base conducted in support of the claim "For use in repeat breeder dairy cows on or at the time of their third or greater service" for FACTREL (GONADORELIN) DIN 00573760 sponsored by Ayerst Laboratories, Saint Laurent, Quebec. 930136 DRUG RESIDUE DEPLETION STUDIES FO Drug residue depletion studies in broiler chickens, laying chickens, replacement chickens, turkeys, lambs, swine, beef cattle, and calves submitted by Pfizer Canada Inc. in support of the preslaughter withdrawal Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.06.01 930136 periods for the following products: ~ TERRAMYCIN-10 Premix (OXYTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE) DIN 00157716 ~ TERRAMYCIN-50 Premix (OXYTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE) DIN 00157791 ~ TERRAMYCIN-100 Premix (OXYTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE) DIN 00865060 ~ TERRAMYCIN-200 Premix (OXYTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE) DIN 01979604. 1993.06.02 930137 MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WINNIPEG S 1. City of Winnipeg Health Department inclusive documentation of items and quantities for the City of Winnipeg Social Services Department for the 1992 social services rates. 2. The May 1992 City of WInnipeg Social Services Depatment departmental staff independant pricing of baby food at five local grocery stores. 1993.06.03 930138 CALL-UPS/CONTRACTS FOR NURSING SE Copies of all contracts or call-ups used by the department to purchase nursing services in the Yukon region. Would like copies of originals. 1993.06.07 930139 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR SURGAM/SURGAM SR BY HOECHST ROUSSEL. Please send a copy of Product Monograph for SURGAM/SURGAM SR. Manufacturer Hoechst Roussel. NOC issued 93/04/21. 930140 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR MOBIFLEX BY HOFFMANN-LAROCHE. Please send a copy of the Product Monograph for MOBIFLEX manufactured by Hoffmann-LaRoche. NOC issued 93/04/21. 930141 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR BETALOC CR Please send a copy of the Product Monograph for BETALOC CR manufactured by Astra Pharma. NOC issued 93/04/26. 930142 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR NICOTROL BY KABI PHARMACIA. Please send a copy of the Product Monograph for NICOTROL manufactured by Kabi Pharmacia. NOC issued 93/04/26. 930143 FOLLOW-UP TO FILE 92-A-753. I am applying under the Access to Information Act for the following records: the most recent 1993 specifics of seized assets under the "profits of crime " section of NCA (asset by location, name, type of asset, and it available, operational status of business assets, active and inactive, and dollar value). Also any statistical breakdown of seized assets by type/number. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.06.07 930143 Refer to beginning categories in May 28/93 reply to 92-A-753. 1993.06.09 930144 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LUVOX TABLE Please provide us with a copy of the most recent Product Monograph for LUVOX Tablets (Strength: 50 mg and 100 mg tablets) manufactured by Solvay Kingswood. 930145 CLINICAL REPORTS FOR VAGINAL CAND Provide all clinician reports giving opinions on the prescription to nonprescription switch of ingredients used to treat vaginal candidiasis. 1993.06.15 930152 REVIEWER'S COMMENTS ON RISPERDAL (XXX). Reviewer's comments on Janssen Pharmaceutica's cleared New Drug Submission for their RISPERDAL (Risperidone) product. 1993.06.18 930153 REVIEWER'S NOTES FOR DEPO-PROVERA BY UPJOHN. Requires all the review notes related to Upjohn submission for Depo-Provera 150 for contraception. 1993.06.22 930154 RECORDS RE: DEPT. OF COMMUNICATI Please find enclosed a request for information, under the Access to Information Act, related to the evolution, development and drafting of the Department of Communications' "Environmental Assessment Process Associated with Spectrum Management Activities, (CPC-2-0-03)" from the date of issue of the Environmental Assessment Review Process Guidelines by the Federal Government to date of receipt of this request. This is to include accounts of all consultations and discussions with and comments by all sources both internal and external to the Departments from which the information is requested. Exclude only formal responses to the Gazette Notice No. SMRR-001-92, relating to this document, because I have already received those responses as a result of an earlier access to information request. 930155 SURVEY ON DRUG USE BY CANADIAN PR Copies of all documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 920843, records of drug and alcohol use by medical professionals. 930156 ALL CORRESPONDENCE FROM OCTOBER 1990 TO PRESENT RE: NERISONE C. We are requesting, under the Access to Information Act, all internal and external correpondence to the Health Protection Branch from October 1, 1990 to present regarding NERISONE C. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.06.23 1993.06.23 930157 CALL-UP FOR TRAINING SERVICES SIN Would you please send us a copy of all the DSS942 forms (call-ups for Training Services) both issued and renewed for the time period of July 1992 thru July 1993 in the National Capital Region. 1993.06.24 930158 RECORDS RE TPCA REGULATIONS SINCE JANUARY 1992. Request copies of all documents prepared by, prepared within and received by the department of Health and Welfare Canada since January 1, 1992 concerning the Tobacco Products Control Act Regulations including proposed regulations. Such records should include: all memos and correspondence originating from within the department, including but not limited to the Health Protection Branch and the Legislative and Regulatory Processes Branch, Environmental Health Directorate, as well as those documents received from other federal deparments and the tobacco industry (the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Council, manufacturers, importers, retailers and their representatives). 1993.06.25 930159 RECORDS RE: CONDEMNED BALKAN JAM. All documentation in your possession relating to the original importation of this product(Balkan Jam), subsequent inspection of it, any condemnation order relating to the product, and documentation relating to the removal of the product from Canada. Further, we request you provide us with all documentation in your possession relating to the involvement of Health and Welfare Canada concerning this product while either in hands of our client, or any food brokerage company or individual who may have had contact with the Government of Canada for the purpose of importing these goods from the State of Washington. We are particularly interested in receiving copies of lab reports and test data. 1993.06.29 930160 ALL RECORDS RELATED TO POSITION HPHL-470. All documents directly related to position number HPHL-470 from its creation to present. This should include but not be exclusive to such documents as memoranda, job descriptions, (all versions), TB-330`s, organization charts showing relationship of HPHL-470, and classification request forms. These documents requested are likely located in the Personnel Directorate and the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control in Health Protection Branch. 930161 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR TIAPROFENIC ACID BY HOECHST-ROUSSEL. Request a copy of the lates Product Monograph for Tiaprofenic Acid marketed under the name of Hoechst-Roussel. In addition a copy of the latest Product Monograph for Alprazolam as marketed by Kenral. Please refer to Kenral`s ~new strengths~ N.O.C. dated 93-01-25 and also the latest Product Monograph for Alprazolam marketed under Upjohn. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.06.29 930162 NDS FOR SECOND ENTRY CLONAZEPAM P Enquire about the existence of any NDSs at the Health Protection Branch in support of second entry clonazepam products. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.04.27 930002 IRAP PROJECTS WITH SYSTEMHOUSE All letters, proposals, reports and other documents relating to any IRAP projects (1980-1990) with Canadian computer firm "Systemhouse" of Ottawa.˙ 930003 IRAP PROJECTS WITH "I.P. SHARP" All letters, proposals, reports and other documents relating to any IRAP projects (1980-1990) with I.P. Sharp (and successor companies) regarding PROMIS (Process management and information system).˙ 1993.05.10 930004 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES NCR A full report for the month of April 1993 stating all requisitions and/or contracts assigned to all temporary help services within the Ottawa Capital region.˙ 930005 TRIUMF NRC has supplied approximately 1 billion dollars in taxpayer funds over the years to TRIUMF. Please furnish me with full details of the terms and conditions this has been done under including all NRC policies, regulations, requirements, rulings, reports required etc.˙ 1993.06.07 930006 CALL-UPS In accordance with the Access to information act, I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for temporary help services" for the months of January, February and March 1993 for National Research Council.˙ 930007 AMOUNT PAID OUT Details of payment in amount of $224,912 paid to *** NRC for early retirement as per chapter 9.5 volume II, Part II, Accounts of Canada, 1991-92, under ISTC.˙ 1993.06.09 930008 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of March, April and May 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.06.18 1993.06.18 930010 CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT Please be advised that we are representing the interests of ** and ** in their request for Judicial Review of a decision by the Attorney General of Canada to deny them consent to prosecute under S. 59 and S. 60 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.˙ We, therefore, enclose their signed authorization for access to information as pertains to this legal action under the Access to Information Act. Please forward to our office all documents, correspondence, files, and information related to the investigation, opinions, and decisions pertaining to the complaints of ** pursuant to S. 59 and S. 60 of the Can. Human Rights act and held at NRC. This should include all correspondence between: the Attorney General of Canada, the Canadian human rights Commission, the Justice Dept. of Canada, the NRC and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police made between April 4, 1991 and the present, including all correspondence between the departments and in particular all correspondence, documentation, and information to and from a lawyer and the R.C.M.P.˙ 1993.06.22 930011 HUMAN RIGHTS CASE Please forward to our office, all documents, correspondence, files, notes and minutes of meetings including minutes from Executive Council meetings and management meetings, and all other information held by the NRC pertaining to the decision taken by the President, September 10 1990 to transfer "an employee" from the Institute of National Measurement Standards to the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics.˙ The information required includes all correspondence pertaining to the decision which was made about the appropriate position between: ....˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1992.10.09 920072 IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF GRANDPAREN I would like to see the records collected from my grand father XXX and his wife XXX maiden name XXX. Arrived from Kalnikiw Ukraine which was at the time under Austrian domination. Believed to have arrived in Halifax Canada in 1903. Destination Vegerville Alberta or Innistree Alberta. Immigration records of grandparents I would like to see the records collected from my grand father XXX and his wife XXX maiden name XXX. Arrived from Kalnikiw Ukraine which was at the time under Austrian domination. Believed to have arrived in Halifax Canada in 1903. Destination Vegerville Alberta or Innistree Alberta. 1993.05.18 930037 OECD MODEL INCOME TAX CONVENTIONS All information relating to Article 9 of the 1963, 1974, 1977, and 1992 OECD Model Income Tax Conventions and the OECD Commentaries thereon, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Article 9 and the Commentaries thereon. OECD Model Income Tax Conventions All information relating to Article 9 of the 1963, 1974, 1977, and 1992 OECD Model Income Tax Conventions and the OECD Commentaries thereon, including but not limited to any studies, reports, memoranda, notes, etc. relating to Canada's understanding of the purpose and meaning of Article 9 and the Commentaries thereon. 1993.05.25 930039 CSIS RECORDS ON YORK UNIVERSITY CSIS records on York University from 1968-1970. CSIS records on York University CSIS records on York University from 1968-1970. 930049 IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF FAMILY MEM Immigration files on family members listed on original request (see case file) 1993.05.26 930060 RCAF FLYING OFFICER Request for file S 427-102 TD 1172 containing correspondence concerning Flying Officer XXX, Royal Canadian Air Force - World War II, service number XXX, presumed dead in 1947. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.05.28 1993.05.28 930046 CAPITAL CASE FILE Information, files, records and trial transcripts in the possession of the National Archives of Canada from the Department of Justice and the Secretary of State relevant to the trial of Ronald George Sears for murder in Windsor in September 1946 and his subsequent appeal to the Ontario Court of Appeal in November 1946. 1993.05.31 930047 CSIS RECORDS ON MARITIME CANADA U RG 146 records on Maritime Canada universities 930048 RG 146-PROTESTS AND DEMONSTRATION CSIS records on protests and demonstrations by North American Indians 1993.06.04 930056 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE MILITARY SERVIC Request for records regarding XXX Royal Horse Artillery, Boer War (Maidestone Rank Driver No.XXX Section B Army Reserve, Kent). Born in XXX Attested at Woolwich on 13 November 1894 for RHA at 18 1/2 years. Service abroad, 2 years 290 days. Discharge confirmed at Woolwich. 1993.06.07 930054 RG 146-VOLUME 2602 RG 146 - volume 2602 930055 CALLUPS PROCESSED BY NATIONAL ARC All callups processed by National Archives in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during April 1993. 1993.06.08 930050 CSIS - ASSOCIATION OF UNITED UKRA RG 146- "Bombing of Association of United Ukranian Canadians, Ukranian Labour Temple - Toronto, Ontario 50-09-05/50-11-08 to 50-12-01/04-03-05 (inclusive). 930051 RG 146-YORK UNIVERSITY 1963-1967 CSIS- York University, Toronto from 63-05-29/67-01-27 to 67-12-21/69-11-12 (inclusive) 930052 RG 146-YORK UNIVERSITY FROM 1970-1971 York Unversity 71-01-18/72-0301 and wallet (post 1972) Volumes 2756 and 2757 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.06.08 930053 RG 146 - NATIONAL FILM BOARD CSIS - National Film Board volume 2690 (45-12-04/70-04-31 to 53-03-05/60-05-25 (inclusive) 1993.06.11 930057 CALL-UPS TRAINING SERVICES Would you please send us a copy of all the DSS942 forms (call-ups Training Services) both issued and renewed for the time period of July 1992 thru July 1993 in the National Capital Region. 930058 CSIS RECORDS - KEY SECTORS CSIS records on an RCMP security service called "Key Sectors" - found in volume 2680 930059 OPERATION REQUEST RE: DESTRUCTION OF CRTC HEARING NA records concerning destruction of CRTC hearing into CBC film "Air of Death" 930061 IMMIGRATION INFORMATION ON GRANDF All information relating to paternal grandfather XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1992.07.06 923053 AIR INDIA CRASH & NARITA BOMBING 1. COPY OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S PUBLIC STATEMENT OF JUNE 24, 1985, REGARDING THE AIR INDIA CRASH AND THE NARITA BOMBING.˙ ˙ 2. COPY OF THE REVIEW (ORDERED BY THE PRIME MINISTER IN THE ABOVE STATEMENT) CONDUCTED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE CABINET INTO SAFETY AND SECURITY OF AIRPORTS AND AIRLINES.˙ ˙ 3. COPY OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE ABOVE REVIEW.˙ ˙ 4. COPY OF THE TRANSMITTAL LETTER ACCOMPANYING THE ABOVE REPORT (FROM THOSE ORDERED TO PROVIDE IT) TO THE CABINET SECRETARY.˙ AIR INDIA CRASH & NARITA BOMBING 1. COPY OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S PUBLIC STATEMENT OF JUNE 24, 1985, REGARDING THE AIR INDIA CRASH AND THE NARITA BOMBING.˙ ˙ 2. COPY OF THE REVIEW (ORDERED BY THE PRIME MINISTER IN THE ABOVE STATEMENT) CONDUCTED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE CABINET INTO SAFETY AND SECURITY OF AIRPORTS AND AIRLINES.˙ ˙ 3. COPY OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE ABOVE REVIEW.˙ ˙ 4. COPY OF THE TRANSMITTAL LETTER ACCOMPANYING THE ABOVE REPORT (FROM THOSE ORDERED TO PROVIDE IT) TO THE CABINET SECRETARY.˙ 1992.11.04 923123 NAT'L. HIGHWAY STUDY ALL RECORDS OF CORRESPONDENCE, NOTES, MESSAGES AND LETTER SENT TO OR RECEIVED FROM TRANSP0RT CANADA IN 1991 OR 1992 REGARDING THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY STUDY AND THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY NETWORK.˙ NAT'L. HIGHWAY STUDY ALL RECORDS OF CORRESPONDENCE, NOTES, MESSAGES AND LETTER SENT TO OR RECEIVED FROM TRANSP0RT CANADA IN 1991 OR 1992 REGARDING THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY STUDY AND THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY NETWORK.˙ 1993.02.18 923190 ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY REQUEST TO READ: "OPERATIONAL RECORDS RELATING TO THE DECISION BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT IN JUNE 1992 TO EXPEND 140 MILLION DOLLARS OVER 7 YEARS ON ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY IN THE 1991-1993 PERIOD. INCLUDE BACKGROUND PAPERS, REGUALTIONS, AND STRATEGY FOR IMPLEMENTATION.˙ ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY REQUEST TO READ: "OPERATIONAL RECORDS RELATING TO THE DECISION BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT IN JUNE 1992 TO EXPEND 140 MILLION DOLLARS OVER 7 YEARS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.02.18 923190 ON ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY IN THE 1991-1993 PERIOD. INCLUDE BACKGROUND PAPERS, REGUALTIONS, AND STRATEGY FOR IMPLEMENTATION.˙ 1993.04.08 934002 JE VOUS DEMANDE DE ME FAIRE PARVEN ir tous les extraits des proces-verbaux du Cabinet qui portent sur les districts bilingues entre 1967 et 1973, ainsi que tous les rapports pertinents soumis au Cabinet a cet egard.˙ JE VOUS DEMANDE DE ME FAIRE PARVEN ir tous les extraits des proces-verbaux du Cabinet qui portent sur les districts bilingues entre 1967 et 1973, ainsi que tous les rapports pertinents soumis au Cabinet a cet egard.˙ 1993.04.29 934019 OVERSPENDING OF BANK/JACQUES ATTAL ˙ ALL RECORDS CONCERNING THE INQUIRY CONDUCTED BY JAMES WRIGHT INTO DON MCCUTCHEON'S CRITICISM OF THE LAVISH SPENDING OF THE EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT AND HIS VOTE AGAINST THE BANK'S LATEST BUDGET. ALL RECORDS CONCERNING MCCUTCHEON'S PREMATURE RECALL TO CANADA. ALL RECORDS OF COMPLAINTS FROM THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ABOUT THE OVERSPENDING OF THE BANK AND/OR ITS HEAD JACQUES ATTALI.˙ 1993.05.26 934042 UN CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT LIST OF THE NAMES OF PEOPLE AND TOTAL AMOUNT OF EXPENSES FOR EACH PERSON WHO WENT TO THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT.˙ 1993.06.01 934044 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP CALL UPS FOR "TEMPORARY HELP" FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993.˙ 1993.06.02 924049 BRIEFING FOR THE FEDERAL DELEGATIO "BRIEFING FOR THE FEDERAL DELEGATION FOR THE THIRD WORKING SESSION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCE, FEBRUARY, 1971; SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ON SOCIAL POLICY - SUMMARY RECORD OF DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND THE QUEBEC GOVERNMENT, JANUARY 26, 1971 (TAB S)."˙ 1993.06.05 934020 PROCES-VERBAUX DU CABINET PROCES-VERBAUX DU CABINET ET DOCUMENTS ANNEXES POUR LANNEE 1972 CONCERNANT LA BAIE JAMES : (SUJET SOULEVE LES : 27 JAN.; 23 MARS; 30 MARS; 11 MAI; ˙ 14 JUIL.)˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.06.07 1993.06.07 934046 CABINET MINUTES ON BILINGUALISM CABINET MINUTES ON BILINGUALISM 1970-1973.˙ 1993.06.09 934047 DOCUMENTATION ON 1971 CONSTITUTION DOCUMENTATION ON THE CONSTITUTION FROM 1971:˙ MEMORANDUM TO CABINET FROM THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE: CONSITUTION REVIEW - REPORT ON BILATERAL DISCUSSIONS WITH THE PROVINCE (CAB. DOC. 478-71).˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.04.27 930064 INFORMATION ON SUBSECTION 153(1) Without regard to where they may be situate, any and all records, internal policy statements, technical interpretations, rulings, formal and informal guidelines, memoranda, decision summaries, opinions, reports, recommendations and background research files relating to the meaning of "a person paying salary wages" as used in subsection 153(1) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.05.12 930055 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED JU Technical Interpretation, Business and General Division July 2, 1991 Technical Interpretation dated July 2, 1991 Technical Interpretation, Business and General Division July 2, 1991 1993.05.14 930062 ALL INFORMATION ON 212(1)(B) OF T We request all records with respect to the withholding tax exemption contained in subparagraph 212(1)(b)(vii) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.05.17 930061 XXX T2S FOR 1989 TAXATION YEARS All departmental working papers, auditor's reports, notes of interviews, audit files, report of appeals officer and appeal files relating to the reassessment of the 1989 taxation year of XXX. 1993.05.18 930063 ADVANCE TAX RULING OBTAINED BY XXX We are requesting a copy of the advance tax ruling obtained by XXX regarding XXX. 1993.05.19 930065 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION #9134625 DATED MAY 13, 1992 Technical Interpretation, manufacturing Industries, Partnership and Trusts Division, dated May 13, 1992 - Revenue Canada File No. 9134625. 930066 SUBPARAGRAPHS 111.(5)(A)(II) AND 111(5)(B)(II) We are writing to request information retained by Revenue Canada with respect to subparagraphs 111(5)(a)(ii) and 111(5)(b)(ii) and clause 127(9.2)(d)(i)(B). Specifically we are interested in the words "from any other business substantially all the income of which was derived from the Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.05.19 930066 sale, leasing, rental or development, as the case may be, of similar properties of the rendering of similar services" in subparagraphs 111(5)(a)(ii) and 111(5)(b)(ii) and the similar words in clause 127(9.2)(d)(i)(B) of the Act. 1993.05.20 930067 10 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATI 10 various technical interpretation letters 1993.05.25 930068 3 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER Technical Interpretation, Financial Industries Division, Transfers from US Individual Retirement Accounts to RRSP's, dated August 11, 1992. Technical Interpretation, Manufacturing Industries, Partnerships and Trusts Division, Variation of Trusts - Disposition of Trust Property, dated July 22, 1992, subsection 107(2). Technical Interpretation, Manufacturing Industries, Partnerships and trusts Division, Attribution Rules - Application of subsection 75(2), dated August 11, 1992, subsection 75(2). 930069 ALL INFORMATION ADDED TO THE 1990 & 1991 TAXATION YEARS The information requested covers documentation added to the file during an audit review carried out by the Windsor District Office in respect to XXX 1990 and 1991 taxation years. The specific documents requested are all reports, memos, working papers, and notes prepared during this time frame by the Windsor District Taxation Office. It is not necessary to provide documents or work submitted to Revenue Canada by the company unless Revenue Canada has added notes to those documents. As well, copies of documents in the permanent envelope are requested. 930070 ALL TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS - F All the following technical interpretations: Document number: 7-98, dated December 10, 1987, Subject: Benefit derived from Canadian parent's stock option plan by employee of U.S. subsidiary Document number: 7-102, dated December 4, 1985, Subject: Benefit from grant of stock options by non-resident subsidiary of Canadian public corporation to subsidiary's non-resident employee Document number: 7-106, dated February 4, 1981, Subject: Application where stock option received by non-resident employee of foreign corporation exercised after becoming a Canadian resident Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.05.25 930071 XXX T2S FOR 1988 AND 1989 TAXATIO T2 returns and related papers for the 1988 and 1989 taxation years of XXX 930072 XXX T2S FOR 1988 AND 1989 TAXATIO T2 returns and related working papers for the 1988 and 1989 taxation years of XXX 930073 XXX T2S FOR 1989 AND 1990 TAXATIO T2 returns and related papers for the 1989 and 1990 taxation years of XXX 930074 XXX T2S FOR 1989 TAXATION YEAR T2 returns and related papers for the 1989 taxation year of XXX 930075 XXX T2S FOR THE 1988, 1989 AND 1990 TAX YEARS T2 returns and related papers for the 1988, 1989 and 1990 taxation years of XXX 930076 XXX T2S FOR 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 TAXATION YEAR T2 returns and related papers for the 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1989 taxation years of XXX 930077 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION ON 85(4) IN CONTEXT OF SS 164(6) Copy of the technical interpretations and any documents or information that were necessary to render such technical interpretations, as well as any other documents, all included in the tax sections 85 and 164 files of the Rulings Division that pertain to the application of the loss denial provision of subsection 85(4) of the ITA in the context of subsection 164(6) of the ITA, the foregoing for the time period that began January 1, 1980 until the day of the present request. 930085 XXX T2S FOR 1989 TAXATION YEAR All information with respect to the 1989 taxation year of XXX dealing with the issue of revenue recognition including, but not limited to the auditor's files, the Auditors reports T20, and auditor's working papers. Please also include any technical interpretations, notes, letters, opinions and memoranda whether drafted by members of Revenue Canada, other taxpeyers, or members of the Department of Justice and any other correspondence. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.05.26 1993.05.26 930078 INFORMATION ON RULING 7-930743 Relativement au dossier XXX, Nous d‚sirons obtenir une copie d'une lettre exp‚di‚e par la Division des d‚cisions anticip‚es a la division des organismes de charit‚. XXX 930080 XXX T2S FOR 1987, 1988 AND 1989 T All information held by Revenue Canada in connection with XXX and XXX for the 1987, 1988 and 1989 taxation years. 1993.05.27 930079 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS AND MEMORANDUMS Various Technical Interpretations and memorandums. 930081 ALL INFORMATION ON SCIENTIFIC RES I request access to all information written on Scientific Research and Experimental Development tax credit, rulings and tax cases. A national list of science advisors and science advisors who work in the R7D field and the manuals viewed in the courses given by the government on this subject. REF: Science Advicor Manual ML 21-Steps. 1993.05.31 930082 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR M Please forward all call ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of May 1993. 930088 INFORMATION ON WAGE LOSS REPLACEM Letter re. copy attached on Wage Loss Replacement Plans - XXX. Any letters pertaining to Wage Loss Replacement Plans since the beginning of 1991. 1993.06.01 930083 XXX T2S FOR 1985, 1986, 1987 Copies of the final tax returns of XXX for the years 1985, 1986 and 1987. 930084 XXX PAYROLL AUDIT FOR 1989, 1990 I am seeking information with respect to a recent Audit completed by Revenue Canada on the XXX for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991. 1993.06.03 930086 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS 7-921697 AND 7-922788 I would like to obtain a copy of letter (No. 7-921697) dated December 22, 1992 and (No. 7-922788) dated January 26, 1993 which originated with the Financial Industries Division. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.06.04 1993.06.04 930087 XXX INFORMATION ON 1984, 1985 AND 1986 TAX YEARS XXX Revenue Canada, Taxation sent notices of reassessment to XXX pertaining to income tax payable during the 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987 taxation years, XXX. We are requesting: 1. any and all correspondence sent to or received from our client from January 1, 1984 to the present pertaining to the reassessments; 2. any documents, notes or reports obtained from our client, directly or indirectly in the course of or pertaining to the reassessments; 3. any documents, notes or reports obtained from any of our client's advisors or counsel, in the course of or pertaining to the reassessments; 4. any policy statements, position papers or similar documents pertaining to the taxation of XXX; 5. any other documents, reports, notes or similar information records obtained during the period from January 1, 1984 to the present pertaining or relevant to the reassessment. 930093 XXX T2S FOR THE 1988 TAXATION YEA All documentation regarding the audit of XXX including the notes and memoranda of the auditor (Mr. Al Morgan) or others in the Department. Full details of the valuation performed by the Business Equity Valuation Section and all their notes and memoranda for the 1988 taxation year. 1993.06.07 930089 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 9216755 - BUTTERFLY TRANSACTIONS I would like to request a copy of the source documents(s) under the Access to Information Act, referred to in an article in the May 1993 edition of the CCH Canadian Limited "The Tax Window". The article is entitled "Butterfly Transactions - Treatment of Partnership Assets" and with the article is a Revenue Canada File Number 9216755. 930090 XXX T2S FOR 1986 TAXATION YEAR Please consider this letter, on behalf of XXX, for information and documentation relating to a Notice of Reassessment XXX in connection with its 1986 taxation year, and a Notice of Determination of Loss in connection with the 1985 taxation year of XXX. In particular, we are seeking a copy of the T20 report prepared by the Revenue Canada auditor in connection with the notice of Reassessment and Notice of Determination, together with any relevant attachments. In addition, we are seeking a copy of the T401 Report prepared by the Revenue Canada Appeals Officer who reviewed the Notices of Objection filed by the company in connection with the said Notice of Reassessment and Determination. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.06.07 930091 XXX T2S FOR 1987 AND 1988 TAXATIO We request a copy of all audit files, including working papers and audit reports T20, and all notes and documents of any kind whatsoever with respect to the reassessments of the 1987 and 1988 taxation years of XXX. 930092 XXX T2S FOR 1987 AND 1988 TAXATIO We request a copy of all audit files, including working papers and audit reports (T20), and all notes and documents of any kind whatsoever with respect to the reassessments of the 1987 and 1988 taxation years of XXX 1993.06.09 930094 XXX AUDIT & APPEAL OF 1986 TAXATI All Audit files, including working papers and audit reports, Appeals Division Reports and related working papers, correspondence, notes and memoranda and documents of any kind whatsoever prepared, received or held by the Department of National Revenue, Taxation from or an behalf of XXX with respect to its taxation year ended December 31, 1986 and the Minister of National Revenue's inclusion of "additional revenue" XXX. 1993.06.10 930095 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION - MARCH 6, 1991 - CAPITAL COST ALLOWANCE Memorandum, Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division, dated March 6, 1991. This memorandum discusses Capital Cost Allowance for a Non-Resident partnership. 1993.06.11 930096 XXX INSURABILITY OF EMPLOYEES All documentation on file regarding an investigation into the operations of XXX as far as insurability of our employees is concerned. This would include third party information obtained orally and in writing and also the rationale for the decision arrived at. 1993.06.14 930097 CONSUMER REPORT DEALING WITH EFILE COGEM REPORT JUNE 1986 Consumer Report dealing with EFILE Cogem Report June 1986. 930098 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI I would like to request the provision of all temporary requests, namely "Call up against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services" for the months of January, February and March 1993 for the National Capital Region. 930099 XXX INFORMATION ON ASSESSMENT Documents, memoranda, opinions, reports, correspondence, forms, dockets and notes including such data stored on a computer, prepared, collected or generated by any officer or agent of the Department of National Revenue, Taxation or any officer or agent of the Department of Justice which relate to all assessments of XXX for unremitted source deductions for the period March Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.06.14 930099 1, 1988 to September 16, 1988 under the Income tax Act, the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1971 and the Canada Pension Plan, inluding, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all Audit Division reports, Appeals Division reports, Collection Division reports and related working papers. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.06.10 930473 CALL UPS - TRAINING SERVICES Could you please send us a copy of all the DSS 942 forms (call-ups Training Services) both issued and renewed for the time period of July 1992 thru July 1993 in the National Capital Region.˙ 1993.06.17 930474 POLICE GOVERNANCE IN FIRST NATIONS I would like to make a formal request under the Access to Information Act for records in possession of the Solicitor General of Canada concerning the following: Consultant's report by Dr. Philip Stenning: "Police Governance in First Nations in Ontario," dated July, 1992.˙ 1993.06.24 930475 LIST OF RECORDS RELEASED UNDER ATI I would like a copy of the index of all records previously released by the Department of the Solicitor General under the Access to Information Act.˙ 930476 RECORDS PREPARED BY SAC I would like a copy of any studies/reports/assessments prepared for or by the Security Advisory Committee or its subcommittees since January 1st, 1989 which have one or more of the following combination of keywords in the titles of the documents: ˙ a) "foreign" and "intelligence"˙ b) "economic" and "intelligence"; and˙ c) "economic" and "espionage".˙ ˙ Exclude from the search any documents which use these combinations of keywords but also include in the title the name of a foreign intelligence agency, the name of a foreign country, the name of a specific business corporation, or if the subject matter exclusively deals with counter-terrorism.˙ 930477 DOCUMENTS PREPARED FOR AND BY SAC I would like a copy of any studies/reports/assessments prepared for or by the Security Advisory Committee or its subcommittees since January 1st, 1989 which have one or more of the following combination of keywords in the titles of the documents:˙ a) "commercial" and "espionage";˙ b) "transfer" and "technology";˙ c) "theft" and "information"; and ˙ d) "protection" and "information".˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SGC 1993.06.24 930477 Exclude from the search any documents which use these combinations of keywords but also include in the title the name of a foreign intelligence agency, the name of a foreign country, the name of a specific business corporation, or if the subject matter exclusively deals with counter-terrorism.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.06.04 930012 INFO. ON 5 INDIVIDUALS Information on s.19(1) . 930013 RAP REPORTS RAP reports between January 1, 1987 and December 31, 1989, for ~ economic intelligence; scientific assets, scientific sectors, and technological intelligence; protecting Canada's economic security; illegal transfer of technology, clandestine transfer of technology; protecting Canadian scientific and technological assets; industrial, business, commercial espionage/spying. 930014 RAP REPORTS Rap reports between January 1, 1990 and May 1, 1993, for ~ economic intelligence; scientific assets, scientific sectors, and scientific intelligence; technological assets, technological sectors, and technological intelligence; protecting Canada's economic security; illegal transfer of technology/clandestine transfer of technology; protecting Canadian scientific and technological assets; industrial, business, commercial espionage/spying. 930015 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER UNIT The terms of reference of the Technology Transfer Unit, and any reports concerning the establishment, functions and effectiveness of the Technology Transfer Unit. 1993.06.07 930016 KEY SECTORS Key sectors, circular memorandum dated 7-11-67. 1993.06.22 930017 TASK FORCE REPORT\INDEXES Info. on the CSIS Director's Task Force Report. 930018 A.T.I. REQUESTS The index\listing of records released by CSIS under the Access to Information Act. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.06.22 930019 DIRECTOR'S FILES The file indexes (records index) for all the files of the Director of CSIS. 1993.06.23 930020 SYRIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES Information on the Syrian Intelligence Services for the period of 1985 to 1993. 1993.06.25 930021 s.19(1) Info. on . s.19(1) 930022 s.19(1) Tous les documents relatifs a . s.19(1) 1993.06.28 930023 DIRECTOR'S TASK FORCE Copy of the Director's task force report and a copy of the Director's transmittal letter, which accompanied the submission of that report. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.04.05 930001 I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS AC 1. records unpublished released under Sect. State Access request 920049 2. records to be released under Sect State Access request 92/93-063 I am applying under the Access Act for the following records 1. records unpublished released under Sect. State Access request 920049 2. records to be released under Sect State Access request 92/93-063 1993.05.18 930036 WE REQUIRE INFORMATION ON THE FOL Services: THS-3-00002 (Secretary of State) 1. Copy of contract awarded. 2. Names of the companies submitting proposals. Indicate if they were responsive and the value assigned to the responsive bids. Please contact me should you require any additional information concerning any aspect of the above. 1993.05.20 930031 1. VERSIONS FRAN‡AISE ET ANGLAIS correspondant au num‚ro de contr"le 2742251, vis‚ par le contrat de traduction no LSO-1-01430 intervenu entre Transcom et Sa Majest‚ la Reine. 2. Rapport Secor sur l'avenir du Bureau des traductions. 1993.05.21 930032 CALL-UPS FOR AGENCIES IN THE NATI Services in the Administrative Support, Professional and Technical Categories from Jan 1st 1993 to Most current. 1993.05.25 930033 I REQUEST ALL RECORDS OF EXPENSE Jean Charest, and his office staff on Thanksgiving Weekend (Oct 9-12) 1987 and Labor Day Weekend 1987. (Travel, accomodation, meals, etc. and invoices). Also, I request all expenses incurred by Mr. Charest and his office staff at the Fuliwah restaurant while Mr. Charest was minister of Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.05.25 930033 finance. 930034 AURIEZ-VOUS L'OBLIGEANCE DE ME FA re‡ues des divers entrepreneurs qui ont r‚pondu ... la demande de proposition LSO-3-00017 de la direction des march‚s de services linguistiques, avec le nom et l'adresse de chaque entrepreneur. Pourriez-vous du mˆme coup, me faire tenir la liste complŠte des noms et adresses de tous les entrepreneurs qui ont ‚t‚ invit‚s ... pr‚senter une proposition. 1993.05.26 930035 I REQUEST ACCESS TO RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW OF ALL COSTS associated with Canada's participation in and attendance at UNCED (the Earth Summit). This is included but is not limited to travel and accommodation for the entire delation, all communicatins and public relations costs, hospitality and support services and any contributions to NGOs. 1993.06.01 930037 JE VOUDRAIS, POUR CHAQUE ENTR a ‚t‚ adjug‚: 1. Une copie du contrat, avec le nom et l'adresse de l'entrepreneur; 2. Une liste d‚taill‚ pr‚cisant pour chaque commande indiviuelle pass‚e dans le cadre du contrat permanent: a) le titre du texte ... traduire; b) le num‚ro de la demande de traduction; c) le nombre de mots de la commande; d) la date du d‚but et de la fin des travaux pr‚cis‚e dans la commande; e) la date ... la quelle l'entrpreneur a effectivement livr‚ la traduction; f) si le travail a ‚t‚ jug‚ satisfaisant; g) si le d‚lai a ‚t‚ respect‚; h) le tarif unitaire. 3. Le total des mots command‚s ... chaque entrpreneur depuis le d‚but du contrat. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.06.04 1993.06.04 930038 ON BEHALF OF VARIOUS MEMBERS OF T of British Columbia who do contract work in the official languages for the Secretary of State Department, I am writing to request information on recent open contracts awarded by your division. Could you kindly send us a print-out of official-languages open contracts awarded in the past 6 months, with the price, the date, the term and the name of the successful bidder. 1993.06.08 930039 CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDING FOR METIS WOMEN OF B.C.: (a) What Metis women's groups did access the funding alloted to B.C. (b) Was there a report and a budget sent in to verify the use of these funds for women's issues. (c) If there is a report, would you please forward a copy of it to our group, as it would prove to be a useful tool in our future movement. (d) We would appreciate a breakdown of the total amount of funding that was allocated to the Pacific Metis Federation for women's issues. 1993.06.09 930040 KINDLY ADVISE WHERE WE CAN OBTAIN THE LISTS OF ALL THE GIFTS AND GRANTS that have been given to the various individuals and corporations during the year. 1993.06.11 930041 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS terms of the Supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period May 1993. 1993.06.15 930042 COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY O Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of March, April and May of 1993 for the National Capital Region. 1993.06.17 930043 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU 1ER AU 30 JUIN 93, LES NOMS DES INTERPRŠTES EN LANGAGE gestuel ASL ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'Etat, la date, le lieux, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. 930044 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU 1ER AU 30 JUIN 93, LE NOM DES INTERPRŠTES EN LANGAGE gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'Etat, le lieu, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 103 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.06.08 931097 CALLUPS FOR APRIL 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period April 1993.˙ 931098 CALLUPS FOR MAY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period May 1993.˙ 1993.06.10 931099 CALLUPS FOR MARCH, APRIL & MAY 93 Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of March, April and May of 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ 1993.06.23 931100 CALLUPS FOR APRIL 1993 I formally request callup sheets for all temporary help at Stats Canada. The areas I'm interested in is the administrative and technical support for the month of April 93.˙ 1993.06.25 931101 CALLUPS - INFO CONSULTANTS -1 YEAR We are requesting to have copies of five or more call-up sheets on informatics consultants services through the standing offer used in the National Capital Region for any particular month in the last twelve months.˙ ˙ The specific positions we are looking for in the call-ups of the informatics consultants are listed below:˙ ˙ I) Technology Architect (TA)˙ II) Technology Analyst (TAn)˙ III) Technology Operator (TO)˙ IV) Senior Systems Analyst (SSA)˙ V) Programmer Analyst (PA)˙ VI) Programmer (P)˙ VII) Project Manager (PM)˙ VIII) Project Leader˙ IX) Project Administrator (PAd)˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 104 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TBS 1993.03.25 930155 TRANSFER OF DEPOSITORY SERVICE Documents relating to any proposed transfer of the Depository Service Program from Canada Communications Group (Dept. of Supply and Service) to National Library or any other agency. Source: TBS APB 025˙ 930156 DOCUMENTS ON INFORMAITON POLICY List of documents created by, or received by Treasury Board relating to government information policy, from 1991 to date. ˙ Primary Source - TBS APB 035˙ 1993.04.03 940001 AUTHORITY FOR MAGNETIC TAPE TRANS. Documents on the authority for the transfer of information from PSAC to DSS on magnetic tape˙ 1993.04.05 940002 INFORMATION ON EQUAL PAY 1993.04.08 940004 HOTELS BOOKED BY TBS Copies of all documents released, or cleared to be released to answer requent no. 930127, on the number of hotels booked by TBS.˙ 940005 MINISTER'S OFFICE BUDGETS Copies of all documents released or cleared to be released to answer request No. 920131, update on minister's office budget.˙ 1993.04.13 940007 PENSION INFORMATION All documents, sworn statements, affidavits, applications and any and all pertinent information regarding the applicatio and granting of superannuation benefits payable in respect of a deceased person, and ˙ information establishing residency or another person.˙ 1993.04.19 940019 ACCOUNTABLE ADVANCES REGULATIONS 1. Before issuing an accountable advance in excess of $20,000, pursuant to the Accountable Advances Regulation (SOR. 1984-164) does policy require that the employee have at least an equivalent sum in his pension fund or surety.˙ 2. Policy/Regulations/Proceedures governing administrative inquiries.˙ 3. Accountable Advances Regulations.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 105 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... TBS 1993.04.19 940019 4. Personnel Management Manual - Vol. 13 Chap. 375 - Relocation.˙ 1993.04.23 940008 BRIEFING NOTES OF EQUAL PAY Copy of material released in answer to request No. 920135 relating to briefing notes on equal pay.˙ 1993.04.28 940009 REMISSION OF INDIAN INCOME TAX All documents pertaining to remission order number SI/TR/89-128 on Indian ˙ taxation.˙ 1993.05.07 940013 ASSISTANCE TO MERCEDES TEXTILES Information relating to any and all federal grants, loans, assistance or otherwise provided within the last two years to:˙ Mercedes Textiles Ltd.˙ 16633 Hymus Boulevard˙ Kirkland (Montreal), Quebec˙ H9H 4R9˙ 1993.05.11 940014 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES PROGRAM 1. Official languages Program Management Review Guide.˙ 2. Regulations on Service to the Public;A description of the TB Secretariats's Preferred Approach, dated Oct. 2, 1987.˙ 3. Treasury Board Circulars: 1970-95 & 1971-21.˙ 4. "Revised Official Languages Policies in the Public Service of Canada," 1977, Joint publication of the Treasury Board and the Public Service ˙ Commission˙ 5. The original sections of Treasury Board Circular 1977-46: Policies IV.2.1 to IV.2.5 and IV.3.1 to IV.3.2.˙ 6. The percentages of the incumbents of bilingual-essential jobs who are francophones, and the percentage of occupants of bilingual-imperative jobs who are francophones. ˙ 1993.05.12 940017 TOBACCO SMUGGLING INTO CANADA 1. Information regarding the scope and nature of tabacco smuggling, broken down by location or province;˙ 2. proposed solutions from any source intended to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada;˙ 3. information regarding measures actually taken by the Government of Canada to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada; and˙ 4. information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/ or a member of the tobacco industry or their representatives regarding tobacco smuggling in Canada and/or proposed measures to deal with tobacco smuggling in Canada.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 106 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TBS 1993.05.12 940018 INFORMATION ON TOBACCO TAXATION ˙ 1. Information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 federal budgets.˙ 2. Information pertaining to the treatment of tobacco taxation in the 1992 and 1993 province of Quebec budgets.˙ 3. Information pertaining in any way to the federal export tax on tabacco implemented in February 1992.˙ 4. Information provided by the Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers' Council and/ or a member of the tobacco industry (manufacturer, importer, distributor or retailer) and/or their representatives regarding tobacco consumption in Canada or elsewhere in relation to tobacco taxation policy.˙ 1993.05.21 940022 SALARY SCALES - LABOUR AND TRADES Salary scales for carpenters and woodworkers in the general labour and trades classification˙ 1993.06.09 940026 PAY SYSTEMS-FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE ~ GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE PAY SYSTEMS IN THE FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE. ˙ ~ PROGRAM RECORD # (TBS PPB 390)˙ 940027 PENSIONS SCHEMES -GOV'T OF CANADA ~INFORMATION OF PENSION SCHEMES THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA PROVIDES˙ ~PROGRAM RECORD # (TBS PPB 380)˙ 940028 FINANCE PROGRAM RECORD #914 REQUESTING SPECIFICATION - HANDLED INFORMALLY˙ 1993.06.10 940029 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS NEGOTIATIO ˙ DOCUMENTS VERIFYING NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN TREASURY BOARD AND CATCA ON˙ COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 401/91˙ 1993.06.17 940031 INFORMATION ON COLE DE LANGUE All records, memos, correspondence, etc. regarding the firm ˙ Ecole de langue de l'Estrie˙ 1993.06.18 940032 COLE DE LANGUE DE L'ESTRIE All records ,memos correspondence etc. with and from ~----------and----------- regarding the firm Ecole de langue de l'Estrie˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 107 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TBS 1993.06.22 1993.06.22 940034 ARCTIC SEALIFT CONTRACT 1. Agreement between the Treasury Boaard and the Department of Transport˙ which resulted in the issuance of Requests for Tenders: T-8080-2-7080B ,2D,˙ for the transportation and delivery of bulk petroleum, oil and lubricating products to various sites during the years 1993, 1994, and 1995.˙ ˙ 2. Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Department of Transport which resulted in the issuance of Requests for Tenders: T-8080-9-5100 for the transportation and delivery of bulk petroleum, oil and lubricating products to various sites during the years 1990, 1991, and 1992.˙ ˙ 3. Agreement and correspondance exchanged between the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Treasury Board or the Department of Transport of Canada pursuant to which the federal government was to find carriers for the delivery of refined petroleum products to certain localities in the Northwest Territories for the years 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995.˙ ˙ 4. Letters or other written documents from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Department of Transport informing the Department of Transport of its decision to award the sealift contract itself.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 108 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.06.02 930004 A92O0110(ALL THE INFORMATION) RE: Piper Aztec PA-23-250 Aircraft which crashed on the 31st of March 1992, at a location approximately 3.5 miles north east of Lucan, Ontario. ˙ File A92O0110˙ 1. All initial and subsequent Transportation Safety Board reports, whether in draft or finalized;˙ 2. All weather reports and maps gathered or used or obtained during the Safety Board investigation to date; ˙ 3. All air traffic control audio tapes gathered or obtained in the course of the investigation;˙ 4. All photographs and video tapes;˙ 5. Copy of Pilot xxxx's pilot licences and endorsements, all air traffic control printouts or videos of radar monitoring devices (I understand there is a photo or printout of the radar screen during the events leading up to and at the time of the accident);˙ 6. All witness statements obtained, including names and addresses of those witnesses (I understand some of these witnesses may first have to consent to the release of these statements);˙ 7. All technical or engineering reports;˙ 8. All investigator notes taken at the time of and during the investigation;˙ 9. Copies of any correspondence with the OPP or OPP reports or witness statements;˙ 10. Copies of Pilot xxx's pilot log book (specifically we are interested in how many hours on type pilot xxxx had flown);˙ 11. Copies of the aircraft certificate of airworthiness and aircraft journey log and technical log documentation books or as many copies of pages from those logs as are in the Safety Board's files;˙ 12. Copy of flight plan filed by pilot xxxx; and˙ 13. All other correspondence and documents contained in the Safety Board's file.˙ 1993.06.11 930005 104-2(NORTH COAST AIR SERVICES) The Accident investigation Reports involving aircraft of North Coast Air Services of Prince Rupert since 1961. ˙ 1993.06.18 930006 104-2 (HICKLING REPORT) A copy of the Hickling Report.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 109 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.06.22 1993.06.22 930007 A92O0407 (ALL INFO) All investigative and background information relating to an incident which required an emergency landing of Air Canada Flight 968 from Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto to Trinidad, on November 28, 1992.˙ ˙ All documents, reports, memoranda and correspondence, including responses to or comments on the investigation or report made by any of the parties and responses thereto, any further or subsequent investigations, any recommendations made and the final report of the investigators.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 110 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.04.14 930049 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting information on deceased veteran. 1993.05.06 930050 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting information on deceased veteran. 1993.05.07 930045 FAMILY MEMBER REQUESTING INFORMATION ON VETERAN Requesting information on veteran. 1993.05.11 930046 INFORMATION ON VETERAN Requesting information on veteran. 930048 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERANS Requesting information on deceased veterans. 1993.05.12 930047 INFORMATION ON VETERANS Requesting information on veterans. 1993.05.17 930051 FATHER'S SERVICE Requesting father's service records. 1993.05.21 930052 VETERAN'S SERVICE RECORDS PLUS ANY INFORMATION ON MEDALS AWARDED Family member requesting information regarding veteran's service records and medals. 1993.05.26 930053 ANY INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting any information on deceased veteran. 930054 INFORMATION ON VETERAN Requesting information on veteran. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 111 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.05.26 930055 FAMILY MEMBER SEEKING INFORMATION ON VETERAN Family member trying to locate veteran. 930056 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting information on deceased veteran. 1993.05.31 930057 REQUEST ALL INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 1993.06.03 930058 ALL INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 930059 ALL INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 930060 ALL INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 1993.06.07 930061 REQUEST FOR INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Requestor wants information on Veterans' life insurance. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.07.16 From:1993.06.01 To:1993.06.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 112 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.05.21 930002 MISUSE OF GOVERNMENT FUNDS Requestor has reason to believe that there has been misuse of government funds by xxxxxxx and xxxxxx, involving a project funded by Western Economic Diversification Canada. The requestor would like to know if there is any information on file to substantiate or refute a claim of misuse of ˙ government funds and requests a copy of the information on file with regard to the misuse of funds and the action taken or sought if any against those˙ involved. ˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.07.05 930033 PRIVATE PUBLISHER ELECTRONIC FED re: Arrangements with private industry publisher to deliver electronic Federal Government Information I am searching out any documents, electronics or otherwise, describing the nature of any arrangements, informal or otherwise, the Department of CCA has entered into with private sector publishers for the delivery of informaiton producrd by the Federal Government which was delivered in an electronic format with the intent of allowing it to be published, in any format, by the private publisher. In brief, but not to be limiting, I am interested in any arrangements made by CCA to deliver electronic informaiton which the private publisher then publishes to the general public for a price. The exact nature of the information I do not wish to list since it may be very diverse, for CBCA registrations to Superintendent of Bankruptcy Directives: essentially I wish targeted all the categories of information provided regardlesss of its character. The actual section of CCA, as well, I do not wish to be limited since many may be sources. The exact nautre of the documents or files I am interested in includes principally only those describing the arrangements accepted by CCA and not those related only to the delivery of the information such as delivery slips, etc of an ancillary nature. I wish to know how and to what extent private publishers have arrangements with CCA for the delivery of electronic information to the market place. While I suspect that you will wish to consult with Supply and Services (Canada Publishing Group) on this matter I understand that you will most likely be taking time extensions however please note that I wish only targeted information produced by the Federal Government and not that supplied by private industry participants. If documents do contain such I ask that severing that information be well explained to the third parties when confirmation prior to release is pursued. 1993.07.09 930034 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS processed by this institution in the ONTARIO REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.07.14 1993.07.14 930035 CS EMPLOYEES LIST COMPUTER SPECIA Under the Access to Information & Privacy Act, I would like to request a list of employees within Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada that have a "Computer Specialist" (CS) designation. 1993.07.19 930036 GRANTS FUNDINGS All documentation pertaining to any funding, i.e., grants or loans, or contracts of any amount given to the Non-Smokers' Rights Assoc. or the Action on Smoking and Health Foundation. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.06.01 931064 ROAD SIDE SCREENING DEVICE Request for information concerning the approval, operation, maintenance,˙ testing, servicing and modification of the Alert J3A road side screening˙ devices since 1990.˙ ROAD SIDE SCREENING DEVICE Request for information concerning the approval, operation, maintenance,˙ testing, servicing and modification of the Alert J3A road side screening˙ devices since 1990./All disclosed.˙ 1993.07.02 931278 TOBACCO SMUGGLING Asst to Indian & Northern Affairs - Request for information pertaining to ˙ the smuggling and/or manufacturing of tobacco on native reserves which ˙ straddle the Canadian- U.S. border./Disclosed in part. ˙ 1993.07.09 931302 ALERT J3A DEVICE Request for a copy of the Directive made by the RCMP in the summer of ˙ 1992 relating to the use of a Breathalizyer - A.L.E.R.T. J3A Device./˙ All disclosed.˙ 931331 COMPUTER MAINFRAM SYSTEMS Asst. to Supply & Services - Request for information pertaining to˙ computer mainframe systems - installation, maintenance and service./All˙ disclosed.˙ 1993.07.12 931334 USE OF EXCESSIVE FORCE Request for inquiry report used to answer allegations of excessive force˙ used under the Sex Offenders Program./Unable to process.˙ 931335 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Request for all callups processed by the RCMP in the Quebec region ˙ under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services˙ during the period of June 1993./Disclosed in part.˙ 931337 AIRCRASH Request for information pertaining to an airline crash that occurred˙ near Okasa, Zaire on November 21, 1976./No record.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.07.15 1993.07.15 931349 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS Asst to Multiculturalism and Citizenship - Request for citizenship˙ records of individual who died in 1955./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.07.19 931368 OLEORESIN CAPSICUM SPRAYS Request for a copy of the report(s) on field test results of Oleoresin˙ Capsicum (OC) sprays and a copy of each of the 150 questionnaires completed˙ by RCMP members that used the sprays during the test. ˙ 931369 FRAUD Asst to Agriculture Canada - Request for assistance regarding˙ unfounded fraud investigation./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.07.20 931372 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT Request for RCMP investigative file on a motor vehicle accident that occurred in April 1993 in Fort Nelson, B.C./All Material Exempt.˙ 1993.07.21 931388 ILLEGAL CIGARETTE TRADE Request for any information regarding the illegal cigarette trade as it˙ relates to the Six Nations Indian Reserve in Oshweken, Ontario and other information on the smuggling and re-sale of cigarettes in Canada./All material exempt.˙ 931392 TRAVEL OF FORMER PRIME MINISTER Request for access to any records, documents, and materials showing˙ how many Mounties accompanied the former Prime Minister on his trip to France, and also information on hotel and living expenses while there./Abandoned.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.04.01 930001 CORRECTIONS FILE XXX complete corrections file minus documents which have been classified as confidential on security grounds. 1993.05.10 930011 FAMILY VISITS I would like all information currently in force regarding PFVs (Personal Family Visits). That is who qualifies how often, procedure for applying, wait between etc. I would also like all information on regular visits. i.e. who can come, how often, rules & regulations. I would appreciate all policies & practises regarding visiting. Family Visits I would like all information currently in force regarding PFVs (Personal Family Visits). That is who qualifies how often, procedure for applying, wait between etc. I would also like all information on regular visits. i.e. who can come, how often, rules & regulations. I would appreciate all policies & practises regarding visiting. 930014 CALL-UPS - APRIL 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period April 1993. Call-ups - April 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period April 1993. 1993.06.07 930024 WARKWORTH BUDGET Copies of the budgets of April 1993 for the following Departments of Warkworth Institution: Social Development Recreation, SIS, Management Services and Correctional Program. 1993.06.10 930023 CALLUPS FROM JULY 1992 TO JULY 1993 Temporary Help Services callups both issued and renewed for the time period of July 1992 thru July 1993 in the National Capital Region. 1993.06.21 930025 DEATH OF INMATES SINCE JANUARY 1, 1975 All inmate deaths in federal penal institutions since January 1, 1975. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.06.25 1993.06.25 930026 EFFICIENCY ON ANKLE MONITORS ON K Records that would tell me the efficacy on ankle monitors on keeping track of offenders. Such records should indicate the results of tests of such devices and any related incidents. 1993.07.09 930027 CALLUPS - JUNE 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: June 1993 1993.07.12 930028 SECURITY INQUIRY I would like a copy of Security Inquiry C3100-11-510-1984/05/19, Hostage Taking - s.19(1) . Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.05.28 932473 CALLUPS MAY93 CALLUPS MAY93 CALLUPS MAY93 CALLUPS MAY93 1993.07.05 932487 EAITC INFO PUBLISHED BY PRIVATE PUBLISHERS I AM SEARCHING OUT ANY DOCUMENTS, ELECTRONIC OR OTHERWISE, DESCRIBING THE NATURE OF ANY ARRANGEMENTS, INFORMAL OR OTHERWISE, THE DEPT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE HAS ENTERED INTO WITH PRIVATE SECTOR PUBLISHERS FOR THE DELIVERY OF INFO PRODUCED BY THE FEDERAL GOVT WHICH WAS DELIVERED IN AN ELECTRONIC FORMAT WITH THE INTENT OF ALLOWING IT TO BE PUBLISHED, IN ANY FORMAT, BY THE PRIVATE PUBLISHER. IN BRIEF, BUT NOT TO BE LIMITING, I AM INTERESTED IN ANY ARRANGEMENTS MADE BY EAITC TO DELIVER ELECTRONIC INFO WHICH THE PRIVATE PUBLISHER THEN PUBLISHES TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR A PRICE. 932488 EXPENSES BY MCDOUGALL FOR NOVA SCOTIA RESIDENCE QUESTION NO. 922161, EXPENSES BY MCDOUGALL FOR NOVA SCOTIA RESIDENCE 932489 PURCHASE OF PORTRAIT FOR B MCDOUGALL REQUEST NO 932441, PURCHASE OF PORTRAIT FOR BARBARA MCDOUGALL 932490 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS APR30-JUN30/93 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS, SURVEYS OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES, FOCUS GROUP STUDIES DONE BY OR FOR EXTERNAL IN THE MONTHS OF APRIL 30/93 TO THE END OF JUNE, 1993. 932491 ORAL QUESTIONS FEB15-JUN30/93 A RECORD/LOG/LIST OF ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS PREPARED FOR THE PERIOD FEB 15 TO JUNE 30/93. THESE RECORDS ARE PREPARED FOR ANTICIPATED QUESTIONS IN PARLIAMENT OR FOR THE MEDIA SCRUMS AT PARILAIMENT OR FOR OTHER ANTICIPATED QUERIES. 932492 PUBLIC GROUPS/IND INVITED TO WORK ON NAFTA ARRANGEMENTS GROUPS, INDIVIDUALS INVITED BY EAITC OR DEPARTEMENTAL ADVISORY GROUPS MEETINGS ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE TO PRESENT THEIR VIEWS/CONCERNS, OR TO PARTICIPATE IN EAITC ADVISORY GROUP BRIEFINGS OR WORKSHOPS, ON VARIOUS ASPECTS OF NAFTA ARRANGEMENTS OR INTERNATIONAL TRADE NEGOCIATIONS. 2.RATIONALES FOR SELECTING FOR INVITING GROUPS, NOT INVITING OTHER GROUPS TO Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DEA 1993.07.05 932492 SUCH BRIEFINGS. 3.TERMS OF REFERENCE, OPERATION, AND COSTS OF ADVISORY GROUPS ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE SIDE, INCLUDING ITAC AND OTHER GROUPS. 1993.07.09 932493 EAITC/CEIC RE DEPORTATION OF HAITIAN REFUGEES I WISH TO REQUEST ALL RECORDS ON ANY INFORMATION IN THE POSSESSION OF THE MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION, MENTIONING THE DEPORTATION MORATORIUM ON HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY. 932494 EAITC/CEIC RE HAITI/HAITIAN REFUGEES I WISH TO REQUEST ALL RECORDS ON ANY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION AND THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MENTIONING HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY. 932495 EAITC/IRB RE HAITI/HAITIAN REFUGEES I WISH TO REQUEST ALL RECORDS ON ANY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE IMMIGRATION REFUGEE BOARD AND THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MENTIONING HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY. 932496 EAITC & HAITIAN GOVT/EMB RE HAITIAN REFUGEES I WISH TO REQUEST ALL RECORDS ON ANY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND THE HAITIAN EMBASSY IN OTTAWA OR ANY HAITIAN GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL, MENTIONING HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY. 1993.07.12 932497 POSTING EXPENSES FOR OSLER, MCDONALD AND GOSSAGE DETAILED RECORDS OF THE EXPENSES INVOLVED IN SETTING UP AND MAINTAINING THE POSTINGS OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS MINISTER JOCK OSLER & FAMILY, (JULY 87 - JULY 90), PUBLIC AFFAIRS MINISTER L. IAN MCDONALD & FAMILY, (SEPT 92 - ...) AND PATRICK GOSSAGE (DATES UNKNOWN) & FAMILY, AT THE CDN EMBASSY, WSHDC. 1993.07.13 932498 CALLUPS APR/MAY/JUN CALLUPS FOR APR, MAY AND JUN 1993. 932499 CALLUPS JUNE 1993 CALLUPS FOR JUNE 1993. 932500 FILE 7-1-6-1 (PSIR) FILE 7-1-6-1 (PSIR) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.07.14 1993.07.14 932501 CDN COMPANIES EXPORT/IMPORT BETWEEN CDA/HAITI I AM REQUESTING THE NAMES OF ALL CANADIAN COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE EXPORTED GOODS AND SERVICES FROM CANADA TO HAITI, AND/OR IMPORTED GOODS AND SERVICES FROM HAITI TO CANADA AT ANY TIME IN THE PERIOD FROM 1985 TO THE PRESENT. 932502 HAITI COMPANIES EXPORT/IMPORT BETWEEN CDA/HAITI I AM REQUESTING THE NAMES OF ALL HAITIAN COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE EXPORTED GOODS AND SERVICES FROM CANADA TO HAITI, AND/OR IMPORTED GOODS AND SERVICES FROM HAITI TO CANADA AT ANY TIME IN THE PERIOD FROM 1985 TO THE PRESENT. 1993.07.15 932503 EMPLOYEES WITH CS DESIGNATION I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A LIST OF EMPLOYEES WITHIN EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CANADA THAT HAVE A "COMPUTER SPECIALIST" (CS) DESIGNATION. 1993.07.16 932504 VISA FILE VISA FILE OF XXX 1993.07.19 932505 ENTREPRISES, AIDE FINANCIERE DEPUIS 1988 LA LISTE DES MONTANTS AINSI QUE LES NOMS DE TOUS LES ORGANISMES ET ENTREPRISES QUI ONT BENEFICIE D'UNE AIDE FINANCIERE DANS MON COMTE, PAR L'ENTREMISE DE VOTRE MINISTERE DEPUIS 1988. - A-08006-93 1993.07.20 932506 FUNDING TO NON-SMOKERS' RIGHTS ASSOCIATION ALL DOCUMENTATION PERTAINING TO ANY FUNDING, IE GRANTS OR LOANS OR CONTRACTS OF ANY AMOUNT GIVEN TO THE NON-SMOKERS' RIGHTS ASSOCIATION OR THE ACTION ON SMOKING HEALTH FOUNDATION. 1993.07.21 932507 CALLUPS APR/MAY/JUN 93 CALLUPS FOR APRIL, MAY AND JUNE 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.05.17 930022 POLLS AND SURVEY A copy of any poll and polls or results from any polls or surveys from March 1, 1993 to present date. 930023 FILES AND FILING SYSTEM Any indices, charts or other documents describing or categorizing the files and filing system for Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Region. 930024 FISH CATCHES AND CONSUMPTION In february, I asked for any recent studies re prehistoric aboriginal food fish catches on the Fraser river but there was none. Has there been any studies on the aboriginal food fish catches on the Fraser river which details the estimate actual consumption which equals Indian fish catches less illegal sales. The period from 1965 on seems reasonable. 1993.05.26 930026 NORTHERN COD ADJUSTMENT AND RECOV All original regulations, guidelines, etc. with respect to NCARP . When the program was initiated in Nlfd., as well as any updates to the above. 1993.05.28 930028 CALL-UPS Please forward all call-ups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Regionfor the month of May 1993. 1993.06.10 930033 CALL-UPS Could ypu please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of March, April and May 1993 for the National Capital Region. 1993.06.15 930034 LANDSLIDE On December 9, 1992 a landslide occurred along Miller Creek(a.k.a. Chinkundl Creek) on the Queen Charlotte Islands. The slide originated in a logging cut block known as MC-1. Apparently, a significant amount of material entered the creek causing a major stream blockage. Mr. Al Cowan, Habitat Protection Officer, DFO Queen Charlotte Islands District 9, investigated the slide and determined that the event occurred in a section of the stream that did not harbour anadromous salmon. Therefore, Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.06.15 930034 DFO's involvement in the matter was terminated. The case was referred to the B.C. Ministry of Environment Conservation Officer Service for their consideration. It is my understanding that Mr. Cowen has in his possession records of correspondance between himself and Fletcher Challenge, the company responsible for logging the cut block, pertaining to certain events that led up to the slide. In particular, prior to the slide occuring, he instructed the company in writing to undertake certain measures to ensure such an event would not happen. He also has photographs of the slide itself and field notes detailing his observations on the event. I would like to have access to Mr. Cowan's file on the Miller Creek Slide so that I may review this material and use it as see fit. I have talked to Mr. Cowan directly and he has no qualms about releasing the material in question. However, he has indicated that he may require permission from your office to do so. 930035 DEUX GRIEFS Je d‚sire avoir accŠs et recevoir une copie des documents aux deux dossiers maintenus ... la direction des relations de travail au sujet de deux griefs que XXX ai soumis au dernier palier de la proc‚dure des griefs en 1992. 1993.06.25 930036 PERSONNEL HUMAN RESOURCES SECTION Studies done by two DFO Gulf Region employees on the Personnel Human Resources Section on or about April 1, 1993 to June 24, 1993. Subject: Personnel Study requested in May, 1993, (approximate date) and presented to the Regional Director General. 1993.06.29 930037 GRANTING OF LICENCE The record of "Vessel licence Appeal Committee" of the Granting to Andrew Redman fishing vessel (sea rake) a shrimp trawl Licence (Pacific Region) your file No.-5603-7-1. 1993.07.06 930038 SALMON SEINE FISHING VESSELS A complete list of all British Columbia salmon seine fishing vessels (A and AI licences)and their present owners. 930039 SOUTH COAST ADVISORY COMMITTEE A list of all participants, and minutes of all meetings, of the South Coast Advisory Committee, from January 1990, till present Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.07.06 930040 INTERTIDAL FISHERIES SECTORAL COM A list of all participants, and minutes of all meetings, of the Intertidal Fisheries Sectoral Committee from January 1990, till present. 930041 HERRING INDUSTRY ADVISORY BOARD A list of all participants, and minutes of all meetings, of the Herring Industry Advisory Board from January 1990, till present. 930042 HERRING SPAWN-ON-KELP COMMITTEE A list of all participants, and minutes of all meetings, of the Herring Spawn-on-Kelp committee from January 1990, till present. 1993.07.07 930043 SIGNED AGREEMENTS - AFS Copies of all signed agreements (or most recent drafts) between DFO and various aboriginal bands, and including copies of all communal licences issued to aboriginal organizations in B.C., from February 15, 1993 to present. Signed agreements - AFS Copies of all signed agreements (or most recent drafts) between DFO and various aboriginal bands, and including copies of all communal licences issued to aboriginal organizations in B.C., from February 15, 1993 to present. 930044 RESULTS OF POLLS - AFS A copy of all polls, or results, or analysis, of any polls or surveys from March 1, 1993 to present date to assess public opinion in British Columbia (mostly on Aboriginal Fishing Strategy. Results of polls - AFS A copy of all polls, or results, or analysis, of any polls or surveys from March 1, 1993 to present date to assess public opinion in British Columbia (mostly on Aboriginal Fishing Strategy. 1993.07.12 930045 CALL-UPS, QUEBEC REGION - JUNE 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the QUEBEC Region under the terms of the SUPPLY arrangement for temporary help services during the period: June 1993. Call-ups, Quebec Region - June 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the QUEBEC Region under the terms of the SUPPLY arrangement for temporary help services during the period: June 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.07.12 930046 CALL-UPS FOR JUNE 1993 - ONTARIO REGION All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993. Call-ups for June 1993 - Ontario Region All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993. 1993.07.20 930047 KEMANO TASK FORCE REPORT Kemano Task Force Report by W. Scowwenburg 1993.07.26 930048 INFORMATION RE: NCARP All records that audit, assess, examine, analyze or review the effectiveness of the Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program, including any examination of fraud within the program. 930049 FISHERIES OBSERVERS REPORTS RE: 28 RUSSIAN FACTORY TRAWLERS Fisheries observers reports pertaining to the 28 Russian factory freezer trawlers fishing in areas 0, 2G + 2H in the past year. These reports are filed by Seawatch Ltd. which is the company contracted to do this work for the Department. They are filed by each observer after their respective trips. These trawlers were contracted by Seafreeze Ltd. and other Canadian companies. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1992.05.06 920045 UNIFORMS TOUTES LES INFORMATIONS ET TOUS LES DOCUMENTS CONCERNANT LES VETEMENTS OU HABITS CIVILS PORTES PAR LES MILITAIRES. AUCUN RENSEIGNEMENTS N'EST REQUIS QUANT AUX VETEMENTS DE COMBAT. SANS S'Y LIMITER LES INFORMATIONS A RECEVOIR DEVRAIT COUVRIR: LES PRODUITS VISES PAR CETTE DEMANDE SONT PLUS SPECIFIQUEMENTS LES VETEMENTS D'HIVER ET D'ETE OU AUTRE DE CORPS, CHEMISES, PANTALONS, SOULIERS, CHAUSETTES, CEINTURES, GALLONS, CHAPEAU, MANTEAUX, GANTS, BERETS, BOTTES, ETC., BREF TOUT CE QUI EST PORTE DURANT LA VIE CIVILE D'UN MILITAIRE DES 2 SEXES. POUR CHACUN DES PRODUITS CITES PRECEDEMMENT, UNE LISTE DES FOURNISSEURS AGREES, LES PLANS TECHNIQUES DES PRODUITS, DES PHOTOS OU ILLUSTRATIONS, ET TOUT RENSEIGNEMENTS DECRIVANT LE PRODUIT, POUR CHACUN DES PRODUITS PRCEDEMMENTS SOULIGNES, LEUR DERNIER PRIX COUTANT ACCOMPAGNE DE LA QUANTITE COMMANDE DURANT LA DERNIERE ANNEE FINANCIERE, OU LA MOYENNE DES PRIX COUTANTS DES ACHATS DE L'AN DERNIER SONT DES RENSEIGNEMENTS ACCEPTABLES. LES ETUDES AYANT MENES AU CHOIX ACTUEL DES VETEMENTS PORTES OU EN D'AUTRES TERMS LA MODE CIVILE DES MILITAIRES, TOUTE AUTRE DOCUMENT PERTINENT. 1993.06.21 930079 INVESTIGATION INTO WHITE SUPREMACIST ACTIVITY AT CFB ESQUIMALT Wants to receive a copy of the Inquiry or investigation report of the investigation into white supremacist activity in Esquimalt as indicated by Maj Roy in the attached article. 1993.06.25 930086 SEXUAL HARRASSMENT OF SUMMARY TRIAL List of witnesses pertaining to summary trial involving XXX 930087 PLAINTE DE HARC'LEMENT Selon la loi sur l'acc‚s ... l'information, je, XXX vous demande par la pr‚sente de me faire parvenir copies de toutes les preuves et tous les autres documents pertinents XXX dans la plainte de harc‚lement XXX. 1993.06.28 930088 PARKING VIOLATION REPORTS All parking violation report's starting April 22, 1993 and going back 3 years on (CFB Ottawa/W Tpt Section) Prime Minister's mail run CFR. 88-82705. 1993.07.02 930089 WOMEN ADVISORY BOARD REPORT A. Women Advisory Board Report (used as basis for Globe and Mail article 11 Mar 1993 - "Sex Harassment Called Rampant on Militry Bases). B. Briefing/Reports and Administrative Reports based on Camp Wainwright/RV92. C. All documents released as related to the Board and its workings, Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.07.02 930089 particularly Ms. Linda Long. 930090 DEMANTELEMENT DE LA BFC MONT-APIC sur le d‚mantele de la base militaire du Mont-Apica, dans la r‚serve faunique des Laurentides, au Qu‚bec. En mai dernier, j'ai appel‚ au ministere de la D‚fense nationale, a Ottawa , pour obtenir un rapport ‚crit concernant ce d‚mantelement. J'ai dit que je voulais savoir, entre autres, combien ca avait cout‚, ce qui adviendrait du terrain et du mat‚riel, connaitre le nombre exact de batiments d‚m‚nag‚s, d‚molis, recycl‚s, ou et a qui sont all‚es les maisons d‚m‚nag‚es. Je vous envoie une photocopie du fax que j'ai recu en guise de r‚ponse. Meme si le d‚mantelement n'est pas encore officiellement compl‚t‚, je veux savoir ou le ministere de la D‚fense national en est rendu et quels sont ses projets relativement a cette ancienne base militaire. Pour cela, j'ai besoin d'un rapport ‚crit. Je m'adresse a vous pour l'obtenir. 930091 REPORT OF THE MINISTERIAL COMMITT We require the report of the Ministerial Committee on Military Colleges, recently submitted to the Minister 1993.07.07 930092 BRIEFING NOTES PERTAINING TO CANADIAN SOLDIERS IN SOMALIA 930093 SHOOTING INCIDENT IN SOMALIA Request access to certain reports prepared within the Canadian Armed Forces and DND concerning the shooting incident in Somalia on March the 4th which resulted in the wounding of a Somali national and the death of another. Sepcifically, request any reports prepared by medical staff and the Canadian base at Belet Huen, including Major Barry Armstrong, Supervisor of the Surgery Unit, Major Jewer, The Officer in charge of the medical platoon, or other senior medical personnel concerning the injuries of the two Somalis shot. These reports will have been forwarded in theatre to LCol Carol Mathieu or Col Serge Labbe, perhaps through the standard chain of command including Major Vanderveer, the Officer Commanding Service Commando. My request is to include any and all attachments as may have been prepared by these people or others. Also request a report submitted ot NDHQ on or about March 5th, 1993, from Col Serge Labbe, the Commander of Canadian Forces in Somalia relaying his belief that a formal military police investigation into the shooting incident was not necessary. Also request any attachments to this report. This report may have been received by either the Director General- Peacekeeping, the military police at NDHQ, the Judge Advocate General's Branch, or other senior commanders including the Chief of Defence Staff. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.07.07 930093 This report would have been reviewed by Vice-Admiral Larry Murray and/or by other senior NDHQ officers before a formal police investigation was ordered on April the 20th, 1993. 930094 MILITARY TRAINING TO HANDLE CIVILIAN DISTURBANCES 930095 BRIEFING BINDER/NOTES PREPARED FOR THE MND, MR. SIDDON 930096 CHANGING OF THE GUARDS AT CITADELLE IN QUBEC CITY 930097 HARASSMENT COMPLAINT 1993.07.08 930098 PHOTOGRAPHS PERTAINING TO THE VESSEL M/V FINNPOLARIS Request information concerning M/V FINNPOLARIS which sank off the south west coast of Greenland on or around August 11, 1991. November 19, 1992, received from Maj M.K.P. Dorey of the Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax, a series of photographs of the above-mentioned vessel taken on August 11, 1991 by a CP-140 aircraft no. R-113 from 415 Martime Patrol Squadron, CFB Greenwood. We are particularly interested in learning the times at which the various photographs were taken, and hereby request that you provide us with such information, if possible. We also request that you provide us with the name and rank of the individual(s) who took the photographs, and the name and rank of the officers, crew and passengers aboard the aircraft at the time the photographs were taken. One or more of these individuals may be called as witnesses. 930099 CLASSIFICATION GRIEVANCE RATIONALE A classification Greivance has been heard and a decision rendered on a position in the Queen's Harbour Master (Esquimalt) organization numbered as follows: #11238-00191 (G.T. 6). Request a copy of the rationale of the decision, forwarded to the above address. 930100 AFTER ACCIDENT SUMMARY REPORT 930101 DETENTION OF PRISONERS BY THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES 1993.07.12 930102 CONDUCT OF CANADIAN SOLDIERS DEPLOYED IN SOMALIA I request access to certain reports prepared within the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence concerning the conduct of Canadian soldiers deployed to Somalia. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.07.12 930102 Specifically, I am requesting copies of all documents entitled, "ITEM OF POSSIBLE INTEREST TO MINISTER". I understand these reports are prepared from time to time to make the Minister of National Defence or the Minister's office aware of noteworthy occurances. I am requesting all such reports transmitted from the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence through the months of March, April, May and June of 1993. I shall limit my request to only those documents that relate to events in the Somalia theatre of operations, or any events that may have occurred in Canada in relation thereto. These reports may have been prepared by any number of people including Col. Serge Labbe', the commander of Canadian Forces in Somalia, LCol. Carol Mathieu, Commander of the Canadian Base at Belet Huen, the Direction General of Peacekeeping, NDHQ, the Chief of Defence Staff, NDHQ, or any or other person. Along with the primary "ITEM", my request is to include any and all attachments as may have been prepared by these people or others. 930103 CALLUPS FOR QUEBEC REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993. 930104 CALLUPS FOR THE ONTARIO REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangemrny for Temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993. 930105 CALLUPS IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANAGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JUNE 1993. 1993.07.14 930108 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN NCR FOR JUN 93 Request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the month of June 1993 in the NCR. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.07.14 930109 NEO-NAZI ACTIVITIES AT CFB ESQUIMALT I am writing to request that you release copies of reports, or any other written material or documentation, related to the 1992 investigation into allegations that a number of naval trainees at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt were involved in neo-Nazi activity. Maj. Don Roy has confirmed that the trainees were subject to investigation but he has refused to provide details or to say whether they were dismissed or faced any form of disciplinary action. Until the outcome of this investigation is made public, a cloud will remain over not only CFB-Esquimalt, but also over the entire Canadian armed forces. If I do not hear from you within 30 days, I will take my request to the federal information commissioner. 1993.07.15 930110 REQUEST TO LOCATE COLLEAGUES DURING APPLICANTS R.C.A.F. DAYS I formally request the last known address to-day of the above mentioned person, under the Access to Information Act. 930111 TENDER FOR OFFICE/STORAGE SPACE IN YELLOWKNIFE Request information regarding the purpose of the attached public tender for office/storage space in Yellowknife (number of personnel to be accommodated, rank general duties, type of material to be stored, current location of personnel/materials, why the new DND Headquarters building in Yellowknife cannot accommodate these requirements) 930112 INFO ON MESS & LOUNGE FACILITIES AT YELLOWKNIFE NORTHERN AREA HQ ~ request price lists for food and beverages (including alcoholic beverages) at the mess and lounge facilities at the Yellowknife Department of National Defence Northern Headquarters building ~ policy governing the use of these facilities by non-DND personnel (as individuals and groups) 930113 1993 ANNUAL SAC/TAC/NORAD/USN BRIEFINGS ON CANADIAN AIRSPACE Request correspondence, memos, minutes and other records related to the 1993 Annual SAC/TAC/NORAD/USN Briefings on the use of Canadian Airspace. 930114 MODERNIZING THE WAY WE PROTECT CANADIAN AIRSPACE ~ Request memos, correspondence and other records concerning the publication of the article "Modernizing the way we protect Canadian airspace" in the Spring 1993 (Vol. 5 No. 2) edition of the magazine Above and Beyond. 1993.07.16 930115 LIST OF DND COMPUTER SPECIALIST (CS) DESIGNATION Request a list of employees within the Department of National Defence that have a "Computer Specialist" (CS) designation. If possible please format the listing with the following headings: Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.07.16 930115 SURNAME INIT GR LVL 1993.07.19 930116 MOU WITH ROMANIA Request a copy of the MOU with Romania described in the attached ND News Release. 1993.07.20 930117 EAGLE RIVER FISHING CAMP IN LABRADOR Requests ~ Annual costs for maintaining & equiping Eagle River Fishing Camp in Labrador ~ Guest list/List of visitors in Summer 92/93 ~ Costs for transportation of guests/visitors during 1992/93 to date. 930118 AVOIDANCE CRITERIA Request copy of the document produced by Renewable Resources Consulting Services Ltd referred to in Goose Bay Operations Directives, e.g. "RRCS Ltd Review of Avoidance Criteria, March 1993 (Ops. Dir. 93-30, 20 May 93)." 930119 CFB GOOSE BAY OPERATIONS DIRECTIVES FOR 21 MAY - 15 JULY 1993 Request a copy of all CFB Goose Bay Operations Directives for the period May 21, 1993, to July 15 1993. 930120 NOISE OVERFLIGHT COMPLAINTS 1 JAN - 15 JUL 1993 Request a copy of all noise/overflight complaints for the period January 1, 1993, to July 15, 1993, associated with airport and military activities at CFB Goose Bay. 930121 FLIGHT ADVISORY & CAMPS IN TRAINING AREAS - CFB GOOSE BAY Request copy of all documents entitled "Flight Advisory" and "Camps in Training Areas" related to operations at CFB Goose Bay for the period March 1, 1993, to July 15, 1993 (see ref to former AIA request 1463-(A)93/0060). Request all the information that was omitted from the response to my previous request received by your department on 28 May 1993 in addition to the new information for the extended period. 930122 1993 CFB GOOSE BAY FLYING AND RANGE ORDERS Request a copy of the 1993 CFB Goose Bay Flying and Range Orders. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.07.20 930123 REPORT RESULTING FROM NOISE STUDY IN RELATION TO CFB GOOSE BAY Request a copy of a report resulting from a noise study in relation to airport activities in CFB Goose Bay. 930124 GOOSE BAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Request a copy of all tendering documents related to consulting services re peer review of the revised Goose Bay Environmental Impact Statement. 1993.07.21 930125 DISCIPLINARY ACTION RELATED TO SOMALIA INTERVENTION Request the following records 1992, 1993 records for military/civilian personnel who have been subject to internal disciplinary actions as a result of activities related to the Somalia intervention, be they committed in Somalia, Canada or elsewhere. Indicate the nature of disciplinary actions and whether the result was criminal charges, or court martials or other actions. Include any statistics, summary descriptions, indivdual summary disciplinary records (minus personal information). Records will be viewed as they become available. 930126 RECORDS PERTAINING TO MILITARY/CIVILIANS FACING CRIMINAL CHARGES Request the following records 1992, 1993 records for military/civilian personnel who are facing criminal chages either under the Defence Act or Criminal Code as a result of activities related to the Somalia intervention, be they committed in Somalia, Canada or elsewhere. Indicate the nature of the criminal actions and the status of such prosecutions. Include any statistics, summary descriptions, individual summary criminal charge records (minus personal information). Records will be viewed as they become available. 1993.07.28 930127 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT (AAIR) IN INUVIK 29 JAN 90 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.05.14 930028 COPY OF THE SUCCESSFUL TENDER DOCUMENT WHICH WAS SUBMITTED BY THE UNITED GRAIN GROWERS FOR SAWFLY RESISTANT HARD RED SPRING WHEAT IN APRIL 1993.˙ COPY OF THE SUCCESSFUL TENDER DOCUMENT WHICH WAS SUBMITTED BY THE UNITED GRAIN GROWERS FOR SAWFLY RESISTANT HARD RED SPRING WHEAT IN APRIL 1993.˙ 1993.07.09 930055 COPIES OF ANY INTERNAL DEPARTMENTAL ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PRIVACY PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING ACCESS AND PRIVACY REQUESTS.˙ 930056 ALL RECORDS DEALING WITH THE INSPECTION OF MEAT-PACKING PLANTS IN ALBERTA FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1988 TO PRESENT. IN PARTICULAR, THE RECORDS THAT DEAL WITH GAINERS MEAT-PACKING.˙ 1993.07.12 930057 COPY OF THE AUDIT INSPECTION REPORT FOR THE GAINERS MEAT PACKING PLANT IN EDMONTON DATED JULY 5-6, 1993.˙ 1993.07.13 930060 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR JUNE 1993˙ 1993.07.14 930059 ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE REORGANIZATION OF FPI BRANCH. SPECIFICALLY DETAILS OF MEETINGS BETWEEN JAN 1/91 TO OCT 31/91 THAT ADDRESSED THE ISSUE OF THE DELETION OF OPERATIONS DIRECTORATE AND THE CHANGE IN STATUS OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS DIVISION.˙ 1993.07.15 930061 COPY OF THE FEDERAL/PROVINCIAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE NET INCOME STABILIZATION ACCOUNT PROGRAM.˙ 1993.07.20 930062 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR JUNE 1993˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.30 930090 CALL-UPS FOR INFORMATICS CONSULTANTS SERVICES IN NCR We are requesting tohave copies of five or more call up sheets on informatics consultants services through the standing offer used in the National Capital Region for any particular month in the last twelve months. The specific positions we are looking for in the in the call-ups of the informatics consultants are listed below: 1) Technology Architect (TA) 2) Technology Analyst (TAN) 3) Technology Operator (TO) 4) Senior Systems Analyst (SSA) 5) Programmer Analyst (PA) 6) Programmer (P) 7) Project Manager (PM) 8) Project Leader (PL) 9) Project Administrator (PAD) 930091 SOUTH MORESBY NATIONAL PARK VISITOR SURVEY A summary of the results of questionnaires about National Parks in Canada which was conducted by {Consultant}. The results obtained from this study will be used by the Canadian Park Service to make important decisions about the future of our national parks. 1993.07.05 930089 MANIFESTS SENT TO ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT I would like to request throught the Access of Information Act a manifest disclosure, of all manifests sent to St. Lawrence Cement during the period of January 1991 through April 1993. The exact address of the generator in question follows. St. Lawrence Cement 2391 Lakeshore Road West Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5J 1K1 At the minimum I would be interested in the following data: 1. Generator of waste 2. Shipping name of waste 3. Volume of waste 4. Transporter Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.07.05 930089 5. Manifest # and date. 1993.07.09 930092 FINANCIAL FILES Financial files for 3 companies. 930094 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR JUNE 1993. All call-ups processed by the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the month of June, 1993. 1993.07.12 930093 MALIGNE VALLEY AREA CONCEPT PLAN FILE We would like access to the entire Maligne Valley Area Concept Plan file including the visitor survey. We would like to know when this plan will be complete and why it is two years overdue. 930095 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE ONTARIO REGION FOR JUNE 1993. All call-ups process by Environment Canada in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the month of June, 1993. 930096 CALL-UPS FOR TERMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR FOR JUNE, 1993. All call-ups processed by Environment Canada in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services for the month of June, 1993. 930097 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN NCR FOR APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1993. All the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of April, May and June of 1993 for the National Capital Region. 1993.07.14 930098 JOBS RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT Info. on jobs relating to the Environment and application form. What schooling is needed or not needed. 930099 STUDIES AND REPORTS ON THE HOWSE PASS AREA OF BANFF NATIONAL PARK Copies of studies and reports on the Howse Pass area of Banff National Park including conclusions as to building a highway through pass area; copies of current proposals being studied. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.07.14 930100 MINISTERIAL CORRESPONDENCE -ADDITIONAL RUNWAYS AT PEARSON AIRPORT Copies of correspondence and reports between all Ministers of the Environment and all Ministers of Transport since August 1989 regarding additional runways at Pearson International Airport. 1993.07.15 930101 LIST OF EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE COMPUTER SPECIALIST (CS )DESIGNATION Under the Access to Information & Privacy Act, I would like to request a list of employees within Environment Canada that have a Computer Specialist (CS) designation. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.07.01 930085 C-GNQD THE BRITISH AVIATION INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED ATS AIRCRAFT REG. C-GNQD˙ DATE OF ACCIDENT: 31 MARCH 1992˙ ˙ I REQUEST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION RESPECTING THE AIRCRAFT INVOLVED, A PIPER AZT4C PA-23-250 CANADIAN REGISTERED AS C-GNQD, OWNED BY MASTER DALE INVESTMENTS:˙ ˙ A. THE AIRCRAFT TYPE CERTIFICATE,˙ ˙ B. THE AIRCRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE OR ANY OTHER SUPPLEMENTAL TYPE CERTIFICATE ON FILE IN RESPECT TO THE AIRCRAFT.˙ 1993.07.05 930086 ATC TRAINING PROGRAM RECORD FOR EACH OF THE LAST FIVE YEARS (1987 - PRESENT) OF THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS (ON A REGIONAL BASIS), THAT HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE ATC TRAINING PROGRAM, THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS THAT HAVE GRADUATED FROM THE BASIC AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL COURSE IN CORNWALL, THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS THAT HAVE SUBSEQUENTLY BEEN ASSIGNED TO EACH AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL LOCATION, AND THE NUMBER OF THOSE THAT AS OF THE SEARCH DATE, HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE TRAINING, THE NUMBER THAT HAVE BEEN UNSUCCESSFUL, AND THE NUMBER THAT ARE CURRENTLY UNDERGOING THEIR SUBSEQUENT TRAINING IN THE NEXT PHASE AT EACH OF THOSE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL LOCATIONS.˙ 1993.07.06 930087 CALL-UPS COPIES OF ALL CALL-UPS PROCESSED IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL AND MAY 1993.˙ 1993.07.07 930088 1730-1-131 I SEEK A COPY OF ALL RECORDS CONTAINED IN YOUR FILE 1730-1-131˙ 1993.07.12 930090 CALL-UPS COPY OF ALL THE 8251 FORMS (CALL-UPS) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL, MAY AND JUNE OF 1993 FOR THE NCR.˙ 1993.07.13 930091 CALL-UPS COPIES OF ALL CALL-UPS PROCESSED IN ONTARIO REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.07.13 930092 CALL-UPS COPIES OF ALL CALL-UPS PROCESSED IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993.˙ 930093 CALL-UPS COPIES OF ALL CALL-UPS PROCESSED IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993.˙ 930094 SECURITY PENETRATION INSPECTIONS COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO SHOW NATIONAL SUMMARY RESULTS, SECURITY PENETRATION INSPECTION TESTS FROM SEPTEMBER 1990 - PRESENT. ALREADY HAVE RESULTS OF TESTS FROM JULY 1989 - SEPTEMBER 1990. PLEASE PROVIDE ONGOING RESULTS, INCLUDING MOST RECENT.˙ 930095 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT˙ D/L - MAY 25,1993˙ AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION NUMBER C-GEDK˙ DECEASED'S 1. ***˙ 2. ***˙ LOCATION - BULL LAKE, ONTARIO˙ BELL CANADA HAS BEEN PUT ON NOTICE OF A POSSIBLE LAWSUIT AGAINST IT AS A RESULT OF AN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT THAT OCCURRED ON MAY 25, 1993 AT BULL LAKE, ONTARIO. THE AIRCRAFT WAS A CESSNA 172 REGISTRATION C-GEDK. THE 2 OCCUPANTS OF THE AIRCRAFT WERE KILLED, THEY WERE 1) *** 2) ***. WE WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:˙ 1. COPIES OF AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION.˙ 2. COPIES OF ALL MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS CARRIED OUT BY TRANSPORT CANADA ON THIS AIRCRAFT.˙ 3. COPIES OF ALL MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS CARRIED OUT BY THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE AIRCRAFT AND FILED WITH TRANSPORT CANADA.˙ 4. COPIES OF THE DECEASEDS' PILOTS LICENCES AND COPIES OF THEIR FILES INCLUDING DETAILS OF ANY REPRIMANDS, ACCIDENTS OR VIOLATIONS AND THEIR MEDICAL HISTORIES.˙ 5. A COPY OF THE ACCIDENT REPORT FILED WITH TRANSPORT CANADA˙ 6. A COY OF THE FLIGHT PLAN THAT WAS FILED PRIOR TO TAKE-OFF.˙ 7. DETAILS CONCERNING THE DESIGNATED FLIGHT PATH ARES AT OR NEAR THE ACCIDENT LOCATION.˙ 8. TRANSCRIPTS OR ANY RADIO COMMUNICATIONS WITH THIS AIRCRAFT OR ANY DISTRESS CALLS MADE BY THE OCCUPANTS OF THIS AIRCRAFT.˙ 9. COPIES OF ANY PHOTOGRAPHS OR VIDEOTAPE CONCERNING THIS ACCIDENT.˙ 10. COPIES OF ANY MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS DONE ON THE WRECKAGE OF THIS AIRCRAFT.˙ 11. COPIES OF ALL AUDIO TAPES OF ALL RADIO COMMUNICATIONS WITH THIS AIRCRAFT OR ANY DISTRESS CALLS MADE BY THE OCCUPANTS OF THIS AIRCRAFT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.07.14 1993.07.14 930096 AIR TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT LBPIA SUBJECT: PROJECTED AIR TRAFFIC VOLUMES AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ ˙ I AM REQUESTING COPIES OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND THE PARTIES REFERENCED BELOW, ON THE SUBJECT REFERENCED ABOVE, FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1986 THROUGH TO THE DATE OF THIS REQUEST. PARTIES ARE: OWNERS/MANAGERS OF TERMINAL 3, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS' UNION AND AIRLINES CURRENTLY USING TERMINAL 3.˙ 930103 RED LAKE SEAPLANE SERVICE PROVIDE US WITH THE NAME OF THE OWNER OF EACH AIRCRAFT AS DISCLOSED BY YOUR RECORDS FOR:˙ ˙ MU2, REGISTRATION CF-CXM˙ CESSNA 180, REGISTRATION CG-ROJ˙ PIPER NAVAJO, REGISTRATION CG-ROJ˙ 1993.07.15 930097 LIGHTSTATION OPERATING COSTS COMPARISON OF THE COST OF MAINTAINING LIGHTSTATIONS IN MANNED AND UNMANNED MODES. BREAKDOWN OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES RELATED TO LIGHTSTATION MAINTENANCE IN BOTH STAFFED AND DE-STAFFED MODES, INCLUDING ENGINEERING, SUPPLY AND PERSONNEL COSTS.˙ 930098 CCG CONTRACTING INFORMATION TENDER OF CONTRACTS FOR THE VIDEOGRAPH USED IN LIGHTSTATIONS - WHO BID, WHAT THE BIDS WERE AND WHO GOT THE CONTRACT. BIDS TO PERFORM WHAT WAS ULTIMATELY CALLED THE "LEBLONDE REPORT". LIST OF FEDERAL CONTRACTS AWARDED TO "SEACONSULT".˙ 930099 CCG PERSONNEL/ORGANIZATION INFO. AN OVERALL BREAKDOWN OF THE NUMBER OF MANAGERIAL POSITIONS IN WESTERN REGION COAST GUARD - INCLUDING TITLES AND CLASSIFICATIONS, DUTIES AND SALARY RANGES - OVER THE PAST FIVE YEARS. DESCRIPTION OF QUALIFICATIONS AND TRAINING OF SEARCH AND RESCUE PERSONNEL, INCLUDING CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGES, AS WELL AS TRAINING EXPENDITURES.˙ 930100 SEARCH AND RESCUE INFORMATION A BREAKDOWN OF MARINE INCIDENTS SUMMARY FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS TO INCLUDE THE NUMBER OF INTERVENTIONS BY WEST-COAST LIGHTKEEPERS. WHAT IS THE COST OF A TYPICAL SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION, AND HOW MUCH OF THE COST IS ACCOUNTED FOR BY OVERTIME PAYMENTS?˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.07.15 930101 STRATEGIC PLANNING INFORMATION COST OF STRATEGIC PLANNING INITIATIVES (WESTERN REGION AND ALL FEDERAL INITIATIVES RELATED TO LIGHTSTATIONS) AND NUMBER OF PERSON-YEARS ASSIGNED, INCLUDING THE NAMES OF INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED AND THE PERCENTAGE OF THEIR WORK TIME ALLOTTED TO THE PROJECT (IE. HOW FREQUENTLY DO THEY MEET?). WE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO SEE THE STRATEGIC PLANNING DOCUMENTS.˙ 930102 LESTER B. PEARSON AIRPORT COPIES OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE AND MEMORANDA FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING TRANSPORT CANADA PERSONNEL REGARDING ADDITIONAL RUNWAYS AT LESTER B. PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DATING FROM JANUARY 1, 1988˙ 930105 TRANS LABRADOR HIGHWAY REQUESTS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MENTIONED NAMED ON PREVIOUS REQUEST.˙ REQUEST THE PRELIMINARY REPORT PREPARED BY TRANSPORT CANADA˙ ˙ IN ADDITION, SINCE THE FINAL REPORT BY FIANDER GOOD ASSOCIATES "TRANS LABRADOR HIGHWAY: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROJECT FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS" JANUARY 1993, HAS BEEN PUBLICLY RELEASED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND, WE REQUEST:˙ ˙ 1. ANY TRANSPORT CANADA REVIEW OR ANALYSIS OF THIS FINAL REPORT, OR ANY SUCH REVIEW PREPARED ON BEHALF OF TRANSPORT CANADA, OR AN EXPLANATION OF WHAT REVIEW WILL TAKE PLACE;˙ 2. ANY PRESS STATEMENTS OR MINISTERIAL STATEMENTS CONCERNING THIS REPORT ISSUED BY TRANSPORT CANADA;˙ 3. ANY CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE PROVINCE CONCERNING THE TRANS LABRADOR HIGHWAY OR THE FIANDER GOOD STUDY IN THE PERIOD MAY 1993 TO PRESENT;˙ 4. ANY POSITION ADOPTED BY TRANSPORT CANADA CONCERNING THE FIANDER GOOD STUDY OF THE DESIRABILITY OF PROCEEDING WITH THE TRANS LABRADOR HIGHWAY AS RECOMMENDED IN THE STUDY;˙ 5. ANY TRANSPORT CANADA LETTERS, MEMORANDUM, ETC, CONCERNING THE DEFICIENCIES OR FAULTS IN METHODOLOGY USED BY FIANDER GOOD AND ASSOCIATES IN THEIR STUDY OF THE TRANS LABRADOR HIGHWAY, OR LETTERS RECEIVED BY TRANSPORT CANADA CONCERNING THE SAME; AND˙ 6. ANY ANALYSIS PREPARED BY TRANSPORT CANADA ON ITS ABILITY TO FUND THE RECOMMENDED OPTIONS IDENTIFIED BY FIANDER GOOD ASSOCIATES FOR THE TRANS LABRADOR HIGHWAY.˙ 1993.07.16 930104 CALL-UPS COPIES OF ALL CALL-UPS PROCESSED IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.03.29 921660 COPIES DE CONTRATS TRANSMIS PAR DES UNIVERSITES RECEVOIR TOUS LES DOCUMENTS POUVANT AVOIR ETE TRANSMIS PAR DES UNIVERSITES OU DES ENTREPRISES SANS BUT LUCRATIF, EN REPONSE AUX DEMANDES DE PROPOSITIONS FAITES PAR ASC OU PAR L'AGENCE SPATIALE CANADIENNE, DANS LE CADRE DU PROGRAMME DE DEVELOPPEMENT AXE SUR LES UTILISATEURS DE LA STATION SPATIALE (UNIVERSITES ET ETABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE A BUT NON LUCRATIF: SCIENCES DES MATERIAUX. PLUS PRECISEMENT, NOUS DESIRONS CONNAITRE LE NOM DES UNIVERSITES ET DES ENTREPRISES SANS BUT LACRATIF AYANT TRANSMIS UNE PROPOSITION, LES DATES DE TRANSMISSION ET LE NOM DE LA PROPOSITION DE PROJET DE RECHERCHE SOUMISE PAR CHACUNE DES ENTREPRISES ET UNIVERSITES. NOUS DESIRONS EGALEMENT RECEVOIR COPIE DE LA PROPOSITION DE RECHERCHE TRANSMISE PAR L'UNIVERSITE DALHOUSIE ET CONNAITRE LA DATE A LAQUELLE L'AGENCE CANADIENNE SPATIALE A OCTROYE LE CONTRAT. COPIES DE CONTRATS TRANSMIS PAR DES UNIVERSITES RECEVOIR TOUS LES DOCUMENTS POUVANT AVOIR ETE TRANSMIS PAR DES UNIVERSITES OU DES ENTREPRISES SANS BUT LUCRATIF, EN REPONSE AUX DEMANDES DE PROPOSITIONS FAITES PAR ASC OU PAR L'AGENCE SPATIALE CANADIENNE, DANS LE CADRE DU PROGRAMME DE DEVELOPPEMENT AXE SUR LES UTILISATEURS DE LA STATION SPATIALE (UNIVERSITES ET ETABLISSEMENTS DE RECHERCHE A BUT NON LUCRATIF: SCIENCES DES MATERIAUX. PLUS PRECISEMENT, NOUS DESIRONS CONNAITRE LE NOM DES UNIVERSITES ET DES ENTREPRISES SANS BUT LACRATIF AYANT TRANSMIS UNE PROPOSITION, LES DATES DE TRANSMISSION ET LE NOM DE LA PROPOSITION DE PROJET DE RECHERCHE SOUMISE PAR CHACUNE DES ENTREPRISES ET UNIVERSITES. NOUS DESIRONS EGALEMENT RECEVOIR COPIE DE LA PROPOSITION DE RECHERCHE TRANSMISE PAR L'UNIVERSITE DALHOUSIE ET CONNAITRE LA DATE A LAQUELLE L'AGENCE CANADIENNE SPATIALE A OCTROYE LE CONTRAT. 1993.04.19 930063 ALL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN RSI AND THE CROWN, MORE SPECIFICALLY ON THE CDPF PROJECT PROVIDE ALL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN RSI (RADARSAT INTERNATIONAL) AND THE CROWN, OR ALL DOCUMENTS, MEMOS, LETTERS, SPREADSHEETS, DATA, LETTERS, ETC. ABOUT RSI 1993.06.15 930228 TO SUPPLY VARIOUS TYPES OF ATHLETIC SPORTS EQUIPMENT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX92-01277-(007) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.15 930229 TETFLOAT UNITS AND ACCESSORIES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W0114-2-KTBL/01 930230 TO SUPPLY ALL MATERIAL TO CONSTRUCT A STEEL FRAME BUILDING LIST OF BIDDERS AND PRICES QUOTED FOR EACH ONE ON DSS FILE NUMBER W0113-2-00ZW/01.TOX 930231 BUSINESS VOLUME UNDER THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS COPY OF SUPPLY ARRANGEMENTS FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ORGANIZATIONS EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1992 930233 SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE SUPPORT/MAINTENANCE SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE ET.61410-2-8011 930234 TO SUPPLY PAINT SUPPLIES TO TRANSPORT CANADA ON AN AS AND WHEN REQUESTED BASIS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PEI92-00169-(003) 930235 LIST OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRMS LIST OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FIRMS SUBMITTED BIDS, IN THE LAST YEAR, FOR CONSULTING PROJECTS INVOLVING ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ~ SALES & MARKETING PLANNING ~ STRATEGIC MARKETING ~ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM). I WOULD LIKE TO OBTAIN THE COMPANY NAMES AND ADDRESS, THE NAME OF THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROJECT, AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT AND ITS SCOPE. 930236 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH316R01 FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 93 FOR NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. 930237 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH311R01 COPY OF THE TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH311R01 FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 93 FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 930238 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH308R01 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH308R01 FOR MONTH OF MAY 93, FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.15 930239 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH306R01 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH306R01 FOR MONTH OF MAY 93, FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 930240 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH303R01 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH303R01 FOR MONTH OF MAY 93, FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 930241 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH301R01 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH301R01 FOR MONTH OF MAY 93, FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 930242 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH221R01 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH221R01 FOR MONTH OF MAY 93, FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION 930243 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR MAY 1993 RE TH210R01 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR TH210R01 FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 93, FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. 930244 FOOD SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PEM93-00021-(902) 930245 LISTE DE CONTRATS POUR L'ARCHITECTURE DU PAYSAGE AU COURS DES 12 DERNIERS MOIS LISTES DE CONTRATS AYANT ETE ACCORDES POUR SERVICES PROFESSIONELS DE CONSULTANTS EN ARCHITECTURE DU PAYSAGE AU COURS DES 12 DERNIERS MOIS PAR DES MINISTERES OU TOUT ORGANISMES RELEVANT DE VOTRE COMPETENCE EN CE DOMAINE. 1993.06.17 930246 DEVELOPMENT OF AN INFORMATION BASE RELATED TO ACCESSIBILITLY AND TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORT CANADA (MONTREAL,QC) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE T8200-2-2511/01 1993.06.18 930248 COPY OF CONTRACT COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER W2213-0-0701/01 930249 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR ON-SITE PREVENTIVE AND REMEDIAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES AND SOFTWARE SUPPORT COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER W22130-0-0701/01002 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.18 930250 COPIE DE CONTRAT FOR ON-SITE HARDWARE & SOFTWARE PREVENTIVE AND REMEDIAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER 36001-10-3529/01 930251 COPIE DE CONTRAT FOR THE SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & INTEGRATION OF HITACHI DATA SYSTEMS COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER 32762-1-4404/01 930252 MAINTENANCE OF MAINFRAME, DISK & TAPE COMPUTER EQUIPMENT COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER 32762-1-4018/01 930253 COMPUTER SYSTEM & MAINTENANCE SERVICES COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER 33033-1-1102/01 930254 COMPUTER MAINFRAME SYSTEMS - INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND SERVICE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE M9010-1-Z025/01 930255 COPIE DE CONTRAT FIREFIGHTING PUMPER TRUCKS COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER W84676-0-MC04/01 930256 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR COMPUTER SYSTEMS. COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER 23306-1-0202/01 930257 SUPERWORKSTATION W/ALPHA COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W7702-2-0031/01 1993.06.21 930258 FITTINGS AND SPECIALITIES HOSE PIPE,TUBE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 234BL.W8466-2-FBA2 930259 COPY OF PROPOSAL & CONTRACT FOR THE "DELIVERY OF AN ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM AT CORRECTIONAL SERVICES CANADA IN PACIFIC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSB.21803-2-J984/00 930260 GAMMA RAY SPECTROMETER SURVEY YUKON COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23226-3-0163/A Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.21 930261 TOTAL EVALUATION SCORES AND TOTAL BIDS. AEROMAGNETIC SURVEY YORKTON SASK COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23235-3-3053 1993.06.23 930263 COPY OF CALLUPS FOR THE TRAINING SERVICES COPY OF ALL DSS942 FORMS (CALLUPS TRAINING SERVICES) FOR THE TIME PERIOD OF JULY 1992 TO JULY 1993. 930264 SYSTEME DE RADIO COMMUNICATION AU PARC NATIONAL FORILLON NOM DU REQUERANT LE NOM DU REQUERANT AYANT DEMANDE DE L'INFORMATION SUR LE CONTRAT K3601-2-4608 930265 PHOTOCOPIER PAPER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EM.67SSC-2-0066/A 930266 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 346EY.D1822-2-2657/A 930267 PLUMBING, HEATING & SAN. EQUIPT. - MISC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 026DB.W8462-2-EHB1/A 930286 TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS SOLD FOR CUSTOM TARIFF 1992 AND DIRECTIVE MEMORANDUM TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS SOLD FOR THE FOLLOWING TWO PUBLICATIONS ~ CUSTOMS TARIFF 1992, BY REVENUE CANADA - CUSTOME AND EXCISE ~ DIRECTIVE (D) MEMORANDUM - 1992 UPDATE SUBSCRIPTIONS, BY REVENUE CANADA - CUSTOMS AND EXCISE 1993.06.25 930268 SUPPLY OF PAGER SERVICE TO PUBLIC WORKS CANADA IN THE NCR Copy of Contract for SSC file E0231-2-0080/A 930269 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF DATA ENTRY AND SUPPORT PERSONNEL SERVICES. Copy of Contract for SSC File 05005-3-0437/A 1993.06.28 930270 COPY OF CONTRACT Copy of Contract for SSC file M9248-2-8YAW/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.28 930271 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR TEMPEST PRODUCTS - HETRA 205T COMPUTER SYSTEMS Copy of Contract for SSC File W8474-2-CE42/02 930272 LISTE 1000 CONTRATS PLUS IMPORTANTS DANS REGION CAPITALE NATIONALE LESQUELS OCTROYES COMPAGNIES EXTERIEURES DE REGION Liste des 1000 contrats les plus hauts dans la region de la capitale nationale qui ont ete octroyes a des firmes de l'exterieur de la region de la capitale nationale 930273 PROGRAM MONITORS Name of Requestor 930274 GUIDE DE L'ACQUISITION POUR DES SERVICES EN GESTION DE Guide d'acquisition pour les services de gestion de la qualite totale 1993.06.29 930275 PANEL LEG DESIGN FURNITURE (CONTRACT NOT YET AWARDED Copy of Contract for SSC file 660EV-2-0316/00A 930276 AIR TURBINE STARTER/AIR VALVE Copy of Contract for SSC File W8465-2-ND15/01 1993.06.30 930277 TO RECOVER AND/OR REPAIR UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE LOCATED IN ALL TRANSPORT CANADA BUILDINGS AT PEARSON INT'L AIRPORT Copy of SSC File 92009-6-1002 930278 RECOVER/REPAIR UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE IN TERMINALS 1 & 2 AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Copy of SSC File 92010-2-4002 930279 HAND TOOLS, NON-EDGED, NONPOWERED Copy of SSC File W8463-2-GB0R 930280 HAND TOOLS, EDGED, NONPOWERED Copy of SSC File W8463-2-GB0Q 930281 HAND TOOLS, EDGED, NONPOWERED Copy of SSC File W8463-2-GB2J Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.30 930282 HAND TOOLS, EDGED, NONPOWERED Copy of SSC File W8463-2-GB6M 1993.07.05 930283 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR LABELS LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS DURING PERIOD OF THE LAST 12 MONTHS FOR LABELS 1993.07.06 930284 CAIR PRINTOUT FOR JUNE 1993 REGULAR MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FROM THE CAIR SYSTEM, ALL DEPARTMENTS EXCLUDING REVENUE CANADA, TAXATION AND CUSTOMS AND EXCISE FOR JUNE 1993 930285 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING SERVICES FOR THE LAST 12 MONTHS LIST OF CONTRACT FOR CONSULTANTS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE LAST TWELVE MONTHS. 930287 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHERE XXXXXXX RANKED AMONG THE BIDDERS FOR DSS FILE 20CM.1N001-3-016J 930288 TECHNICAL REPORTS, RESEARCH AND SUMMARY MEMOS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSA.4Y104-3-0017/00 930289 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR JUNE 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 1993.07.07 930290 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR THE OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF THE PRINCE ALBERT SATELLITE STATION (PASS) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 05GS.23413-0-4216 930291 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W8464-3-FA04 930292 FILTER ELEMENT, FLUID, CYLINDRICAL W/O CONTAINER INDIVIDUAL PRICE FOR EACH PIECE US OR CAN DOLLARS QUOTED IF THE VENDOR QUOTED IN US DOLLARS, PLEASE ADVISE EACH COST ITEM ADDED TO ARRIVE AT CANADIAN DOLLAR VALUE. (EG. EXCHANGE, FREIGHT COST, DUTY, BROKERAGE COST) FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC3/07F Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.07 930293 CONTRACTS AWARDED BY DSS FOR ALL GOODS AND SERVICES AND FOR DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES TOTAL VALUE AND NUMBER OF ALL CONTRACTS AWARDED BY SUPPLY AND SERVICES CANADA, BOTH FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF ALL GOODS AND SERVICES AND FOR DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES, FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1992-1993. 930294 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR THE LEASE AND MAINTENANCE OF AUTOAMPLER, CAPILLARY INJECTOR & ELECTRON CAPTURE DETECT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE WPG.FP430-3-0261/01 930295 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF A GAS CHROMATOGRAPH, LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPH, TRIPLE QUADRUPOLE MASS SPECTROMETER DATA SYST COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.01521-2-1335/01 930296 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF FAST PROTEIN LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPH COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4001-2-0302/01 930297 SUPPLY & INSTALL A GAS CHROMATOGRAPH/MASS SPECTROMETER SYSTEM WITH CHEMICAL IONIZATION DETECTOR. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4001-2-0074/01 930298 FOR THE LEASE AND MAINTENANCE OF A MULTI-METHOD MICROPROCESS AND STAR INTEGRATOR COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE WPG.FP430-3-0088/01 930299 KNIVES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 33DE.W8463-2-GGON/A 930300 CORROSION PREVENTIVE COMPOUND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 18DF.W8463-2-HV0G/PTB 930301 SEALING COMPOUND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 18DF.W8463-2-HV0A/A 930302 PLASTIC COATING COMPOUOND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 18DF.W8463-2-HV0G/PT A Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.07 930303 DRILL SET, COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 10DE.W8463-2-GD0A/PT A 930304 CABINET, FRAME, DRAWER ETC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 36DC.W8473-2-MB0U/A 930305 FIRE STARTER, AVIATION SURVIVAL, FACESHIELD ETC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 04DC.W8462-2-DH06/A 930306 PRESERVATIVE COMPOUND, SEALING COMPOUND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 18DF.W8463-2-HV0H/A 1993.07.08 930307 PRINTING SERVICES FOR 1Q NAMELY APRIL 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 PRINTING PRODUCTS/SERVICES IN THE NCR AND IN THE OTHER REGIONS DURING THE PERIOD OF 1Q NAMELY APRIL 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993. 930308 CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING JUNE 1993 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY DSS FOR THE NCR DURING THE PERIOD OF JUNE 93 930309 CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS BY DEPARTMENT WITH VENDOR NAME, CLASSIFICATION AND CALLUP VALUE A LIST OF ALL CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS BY DEPARTMENT WITH VENDOR NAME, CLASSIFICATION AND CALLUP VALUE FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL 1 TO JUNE 1993 930310 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION DURING THE PERIOD APR. 1/93-JUNE 30/93 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION FOR TIME PERIOD APRIL 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 930311 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR ONTARIO REGION DURING THE PERIOD APR. 1/93-JUNE 30/93 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE ONTARIO REGION FOR TIME PERIOD APRIL 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 930312 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR QUEBEC REGION DURING THE PERIOD APR.1/93-JUNE 30/93 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE QUEBEC REGION FOR THE TIME PERIOD APRIL 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.08 930313 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR NCR REGION DURING THE PERIOD APR.1/93-JUNE 30/93 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE NCR FOR THE TIME PERIOD APRIL 1, 1993 TO JUNE 30, 1993 1993.07.09 930314 CALL UPS FOR TRAINING SERVICES IN THE NCR FROM JULY, 1992 THRU JULY, 1993. COPY OF ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY DSS FOR THE NCR DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1993 930316 TO SUPPLY REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE COMPONENTS WHEN REQUESTED BY THE CFB TRENTON, TRENTON, ONT. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE KIN.W0125-2-B004/01 1993.07.12 930317 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR MANAGEMENT, SUPPORT STAFF AND COMPUTER TRAINING LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED THROUGH DSS FOR MANAGEMENT, SUPPORT STAFF, AND COMPUTER TRAINING IN THE PAST SIX MONTHS. 930318 FOR THE SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF THE GOODS (ALL EQUIPMENT WITH ASSOCIATED HARDWARE & SOFTWARE) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EU.W8474-2-MA1E/01 1993.07.13 930319 LIST OF TENDERS ISSUED BY CCG FOR MEDIA MONITORING SERVICES FROM JANUARY 1, 1993 UNTIL JUNE 30, 1993 LIST OF CONTRACTS ISSUED THROUGH CANADA COMMUNICATION GROUP FOR MEDIA MONITORING SERVICES FROM JANUARY 1, 1993 UNTIL JUNE 30, 1993 AND THE DEPARTMENTS/AGENCIES ON WHOSE BEHALF THEY WERE ISSUED. 1993.07.14 930320 INFORMATION ON THE EH 101 PROJECT A COPY OF PARAMAX'S PROPOSALS FOR THE EH-101 PROGRAM STARTING WITH THE ONES SUBMITTED IN 1992 AND INCLUDING ANY RELEVANT DOCUMENTS. A COPY OF THE CONTRACT AWARDED TO PARAMAX ELECTRONICS INC. AS PART OF THE EH-101 HELICOPTER PROGRAM. A COPY OF ANY LETTERS, PROPOSALS, OR OTHER DOCUMENTS ORIGINALLY SENT TO PARAMAX BY LUTEM CORPORATION AND SUBSEQUENTLY SENT (BY PARAMAX) TO SUPPLY AND SERVICES CANADA A COPY OF THE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT THAT CONTAINS THE CONDITIONS THAT WERE TO BE MET BY PARAMAX BEFORE IT COULD APPLY FOR ITS EH-101 CONTRACT. A COPY OF ALL THE CORRESPONDENCE EXCHANGED BETWEEN PARAMAX AND SSC BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1989 TO PRESENT A COPY OF ALL THE SSC DOCUMENTS (INCLUDING THE INTERNAL ONES) RELATING TO THE CONDITIONS THAT WERE TO BE MET BY PARAMAX BEFORE IT COULD APPLY Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DSS 1993.07.14 930320 FOR (OR BE AWARDED) ITS EH-101 CONTRACT. 930321 PICK-UP & DELIVERY SERVICE FOR EIC, REGIONAL SUB- HEADQUARTERS, BELLEVILLE ONT. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX.38K11-3-213/00/AA 930327 INFO ON EH-101 CONTRACT A COPY OF THE CONTRACT AWARDED TO PARAMAX ELECTRONICS INC. AS PART OF THE EH-101 HELICOPTER PROGRAM. 930328 INFO ON EH-101 CONTRACT A COPY OF ANY LETTERS, PROPOSALS, OR OTHER DOCUMENTS ORIGINALLY SENT TO PARAMAX BY XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX AND SUBSEQUENTLY SENT BY PARAMAX TO DSS 930329 INFO ON EH-101 CONTRACT A COPY OF THE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT THAT CONTAINS THE CONDITIONS THAT WERE TO BE MET BY PARAMAX BEFORE IT COULD APPLY FOR (OR BE AWARDED) ITS EH-101 CONTRACT. 930330 INFO ON EH-101 CONTRACT A COPY OF ALL THE CORRESPONDENCE EXCHANGED BETWEEN PARAMAX AND SSC BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1989 AND THE PRESENT 930331 INFO ON EH-101 CONTRACT A COPY OF ALL THE SSC DOCUMENTS (INCLUDING THE INTERNAL ONES) RELATING TO THE CONDITIONS THAT WERE TO BE MET BY PARAMAX BEFORE IT COULD APOPLY FOR (OR BE AWARDED) ITS EH-101 CONTRACT. 1993.07.15 930322 COPY OF CALLUPS FOR NCR DURING MONTH OF JUNE 1993 FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES COPY OF ALL CALLUPS FOR NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1993 930323 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS SECTIONS LIST OF CONTRACTS WITH NATO STOCK NUMBER FOR ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS SECTION Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.15 930324 INTERCONNECTING PANNEL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.0231-3-0038 930325 COPIE DU GUIDE DE PROCEDURES ET TAUX POUR AIDE TEMPORAIRES POUR LA REGION DE QUEBEC COPIE DU GUIDE D'AIDES TEMPORAIRES POUR LA REGION DE QUEBEC 930326 COPY OF CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR THE MONTHS OF APRIL, MAY AND JUNE, 1993 FOR TEMPOARY HELP SERVICES COPY OF ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NCR DURING THE PERIOD OF APRIL, MAY AND JUNE 1993 930332 INTERCONNECTING PANNEL SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EV.661166-3-0020/00/A 930333 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT NAMES OF THE COMPANIES AND THEIR TOTAL EVALUATION SCORES AND BID VALUES FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23235-3-3053/A 930334 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT NAMES OF COMPANIES AND THEIR TOTAL EVALUATION SCORES AND BID VALUES FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23235-3-3001/A 1993.07.20 930335 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT SPECIFICS OR REQUIREMENTS THAT WERE CALLED FOR IN THE STANDING OFFER. ALSO THE DETAILS OF THE ENGINE REQUIREMENTS AND HOW THIS WAS PAID FOR IN THE TENDERING PROCESS FOR DSS FILE ZD.K3509-0-0072/01 930336 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 403ZG.5H001-3-7090 930337 FOR THE PROVISION OF ACCOMODATIONS, MEALS, ETC., FOR PERSONS DETAINED UNDER THE IMMIGRATION ACT IN MISSISSAUGA, ONT. COPY OF CONTRACT WITH COSTS AND AMOUNTS FOR DSS # TOX.38K11-9-C197/01 930338 FOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR A LARGE SCALE AND/OR MEDIUM SCALE COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANUFACTURED BY IBM COPY OF THE STANDING OFFER FOR DSS FILE 41EW.660EW-2-0300 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.20 930339 INFO ON INFOGLOBE NEWS BULLETIN COPIES OF INFOGLOBE NEWS BULLETIN AS PRODUCED FOR AND DISTRIBUTED BY EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE TO CANADIAN MISSIONS ABROAD FOR THE FOLLOWING DATES: APRIL 5, 6 AND 7, 1993 930340 INFO ON INDIVIDUALS AND THEIR AFFILIATION RECEIVING INFOGLOBE A LIST OF INDIVIDUALS AND THEIR AFFILIATION NORMALLY RECEIVING THE APPROXIMATELY 1,500 COPIES OF QUORUM DISTRIBUTED DAILY BY THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT. 1993.07.21 930341 CHARTER SCHOOL BUSES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CAL.W0109-3-TN18/00/A 930342 LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS BETWEEN GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND THE TOP 15 VENDORS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES A LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND THE TOP 15 VENDORS OF DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS DURING FISCAL YEAR 1992-1993. 930343 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR OAT PRODUCTS LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR ANY OAT PRODUCTS PROCURED BY ANY AGENCY OR DEPARTMENT OF THE CANADIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN 1992 THROUGHOUT CANADA. 930344 LISTE DE CONTRATS POUR DESIGN D'INTERIEUR LISTE DE CONTRATS POUR LA CATEGORIE DU DESIGN INTERIEUR POUR L'ANNEE 1992 DANS LA REGION DE MONTREAL OU LE QUEBEC. 930345 STOCKED ITEM SUPPLY PROGRAMME FOR FY 1991-1992 AND FY 1992-1993 COPIES OF MANAGEMENT REPORTS CONCERNING THE STOCKED ITEM SUPPLY PROGRAMME FOR FY 1991-1992 AND FY 1992-1993. I SEEK INFORMATION SIMILAR TO WHAT WAS PROVIDED BY DSS FOLLOWING PREVIOUS REQUESTS. THESE REPORTS INDICATED TOTAL BUSINESS VOLUME, BUSINESS VOLUME BY PRODUCT ECT. 1993.07.22 930346 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT TOTAL BID VALUE AND TOTAL EVALUATION SCORES FOR ALL THE COMPANIES THAT RESPONDED FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23226-3-0163/A Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.22 930347 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT TOTAL BID VALUE AND TOTAL EVALUATION SCORES FOR ALL THE COMPANIES THAT RESPONDED FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23235-3-3053/A 930348 HAND TOOLS, NONEDGED, NONPOWERED COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 024DE.W8463-2-GB6M/A 930349 BEARINGS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 037DC.W8465-2-MBJA/A 930350 AIRFRAME STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 279BY.W8465-1-LBTK/A 930351 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 025DD.W8464-1-DAA5/A 930352 ELECTRON TUBES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 009DB.W8464-1-GB13/B 930353 THE SUPPLY OF DETROIT ENGINE SPARES AS APPLICABLE TO THE M113 VEHICLE AND THE LOW LEVEL AIR DEFENCE PROJECT (LLAD) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 15RX.W8471-0-LLPD 930354 SPECIALIZED SHIPPING AND STORAGE CONTAIN COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 014DF.W8463-1-DA9B/A 930355 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 028DB.W8464-1-HB61/A 930356 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 154TP.W8463-1-HCDK/A 930357 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR MESSENGER SERVICES LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR MESSENGER SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1992 TO JUNE 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.22 930358 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PC.W8473-1-AK0T/01 930360 EXTINGUISHER, HOSE CABINET & SCOTT AIR PACK COPY OF PRICES FOR DSS FILE STN92-00104-(149)/A 930361 FIRE ESTINGUISHER SERVICE TO ALL FEDERAL GOVT. DEPTS. AND AGENCIES IN THE RURAL AREAS OF SASKATCHEWAN COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE REG.66053-3-CA01/00/A 930362 FIRE ESTINGUISHER SERVICE TO ALL FEDERAL GOVT. DEPTS. AND AGENCIES IN THE CITY OF SASKATOON COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE REG.66053-3-CA02/00/A 930363 PHOTOGRAPIC PROCESSING MACHINES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.W8473-3-MP6A/01 930364 PHOTOCOPIER/FACSIMILE MACHINE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HA.M9010-3-2521/01 930365 PHOTOCOPIER/FACSIMILE MACHINE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HA.M9010-3-2523/01 930366 PHOTOCOPIER MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES - RENTAL 930367 PHOTOCOPIER MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES - RENTAL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM.W0134-2-1E17/01 930368 COLOUR LASER REPRODUCING SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QUE.W0106-2-S355/01 930369 COLOUR COPIER, INCLUDING INTERFACE COMPONENT TO AN IBM PERSONAL COMPUTER AND LOCATION COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE STN.66STN-1-0001/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.27 1993.07.27 930370 A REQUIREMENT FOR UPGRADING & ADDITIONS OF SECURITY SYSTEMS AT TRANSPORT CANADA, PLACE DE VILLE OFFICE TOWERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DB.T8080-2-1820/01 930371 MAINTENANCE & MINOR RENOVATION IN VARIOUS BUILDINGS AND PMQ AT CFB NORTH BAY ETC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TNB.92-00173-(800) 930372 FILTER ELEMENT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC8/05 AND 06 930373 INDEX OF STANDING OFFERS AND SUPPLY ARRANGEMENTS COPY OF THE INDEX FOR STANDING OFFERS AND SUPPLY ARRANGEMENTS 930374 LIST OF BIDDERS LIST FOR ALL THE CD-ROM REQUESTS FOR PROPOSAL DN REQUESTS FOR QUOTATION WHICH WERE SUBMITTED TO THE GOVERNMENT SERVICES SINCE JULY 01, 1992. 930375 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR CD-ROM AWARDED FROM JULY 1, 1992 TO JUNE 30, 1993 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FROM JULY 1, 1992 TO JUNE 30, 1993 930376 LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR PHARMACEUTTICALS LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR PHARMACEUTICALS THAT CURRENTLY HAVE NATIONAL MASTER STANDING OFFERS OR REGIONAL STANDING OFFERS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 930377 LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR TIRES AND TUBES LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR TIRES AND TUBES THAT CURRENTLY HAVE NATIONAL MASTER STANDING OFFERS OR REGIONAL STANDING OFFERS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 930378 LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR PC MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR PC MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT THAT CURRENTLY HAVE NATIONAL MASTER STANDING OFFERS OR REGIONAL STANDING OFFERS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.07.27 930379 LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS FOR OUTBOARD MOTORS LIST OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTACTS OF OUTBOARD MOTORS THAT CURRENTLY HAVE NATIONAL MASTER STANDING OFFERS OR REGIONAL STANDING OFFERS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. 930380 COPY OF CONTRACT, BIDDERS LIST AND LIST OF RESPONSIVE BIDS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR DATA ENTRY COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 411ZG.05005-3-0437/A 1993.07.28 930388 FILTER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 027DD.W8462-2-DAC4 1993.07.29 930382 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH, RESEARCH GRADE, WITH FULL DATA SYSTEM, CONTROL SOFTWARE AND REPORTING OPTIONS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOD.KM061-2-8764/01 930383 DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF TWO PROTOTYPE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE SV.67D1P-1-1423/01 930384 PROCUREMENT OF LOGISTIC SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE SUPPLY MANAGEMENT OF EUROPEAN REPAIR AND OVERHAUL CONTRACT ACTIVITY COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE SV.W8467-2-HA25/01 930385 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH/MASS SPECTROMETER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.H4001-2-0074/01 930386 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH, AND ACCESSORIES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOD.KM061-2-9022/01 930387 KNIFE AND SPOON, PICNIC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DE.W8463-2-HH0W/00/A Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1992.07.13 920070 IMM. RECORDS XXX(DAUGHTER) XXX All material on file, including correspondence, memoranda, reports (including medical reports), etc. relating to the sponsorship submitted by xxx xxx (D.O.B. (April 4, 1958), on behalf of xxx xxx (D.O.B. October 7, 1981), and wihtout restricting the generality of the foregoing the contents of Canada Immigration Centre xxxxx File No. xxxx 1993.02.08 920266 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX XXX requests copy visa file of my sister-in-law, XXX from Tehran, Iran. 1993.05.19 930067 LANGUAGE NEEDS ASSESSMENT REPORT XXX A COPY OF A LANGUAGE NEEDS ASSESSMENT REPORT OF MARCH 1993 PREPARED FOR THE CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CENTRE, GRAND PRAIRIE, ALTA BY D. CARLOON OF CARLSON CONSULTING. MY REQUEST INCLUDES IN PARTICULAR TWO APPENDICES ON DATA ANALYSIS AND SURVEY POPULATION. THIS HAS BEEN PREPARED IN CONNECTION WITH THE LINC PROGRAM (LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION FOR NEWCOMERS TO CANADA) 930163 XXX LISTE DES SUBVENTIONS ACC. AUX CLUBS DE GOLF LISTE DES SUBVENTIONS ACCORDEES PAR LE MINISTERE AUX CLUBS DE GOLF DE LA REGION QUEBEC; NOM DU CLUB, MONTANT OC.TROYE - POUR LES ANNEES 1991 & 1992 ET COURANT 1993 AINSI QUE BUT DE LA SUBVENTION (PROGRAMME) 1993.06.07 930124 XXX FINDINGS & RECOMM. RE ADMIN INVEST. XXX A COPY OF THE REPORT CONTAINING THE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE WHICH CONDUCTED THE ADMIN INVEST. OF XXX IN 1993 1993.06.08 930123 XXX COPY OF FINDING AND RECOM. OF THE XXX THE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE WHICH CONDUCTED THE 1993 ADMIN. INVESTIGATION OF XXX 930159 UI INVESTIGATION RE XXX XXX ALL DOCUMENTS ON FILE CONCERNING A UI INVESTIGATION CARRIED OUT BY XXX. THIS WOULD INCLUDE THIRD PARTY INFORMEES ON FILE, AS WELL AS INFORMATION SENT TO REVENUE CANADA, AND ANY OPINIONS OR RATIONAL USED IN EIC DECISION TO INVESTIGATE XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.09 1993.06.09 930114 XXX INVESTIGATION FILE RELEASE ALL DOCUMENTS AND FULL REPORT ON THE COMPLETE INVESTIGATION OF XXX 930117 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.06.15 930120 XXX ADMIN INVESTIGATION COPIES OF ALL MATERIAL RE THE ADMIN INVESTIGATION IN RELATION TO XXX 1993.06.16 930129 XXX MEDICAL RECS FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930130 XXX UI REPORT ENQUETE FAITE PAR LE SEC EN 1990 SUR L'AGENCE FRAUDULEUSE DU NOM DE XXX 1993.06.18 930131 s.19(1) REQUESTS MEDICAL FILE OF XXX- SHANGHAI s.19(1) is requesting medical file of XXX 930132 GREEN & SPIEGAL - MEDICAL OF XXX s.19(1) of Green and Spiegel requests medical file of XXX's father XXX of Pakistan 930133 XXX - REQUESTS TWO MINISTERIAL IN XXX requests two ministerial inquires on the affairs of the north claybelt business development centre and community futures committee as conducted in July and November of 1992. Both inquires were commissioned by the Minister of EIC at XXX request. 930135 XXX WANTS COPY OF HUSBANDS FILE XXX requests CIC file belonging to her husband XXX 1993.06.23 930157 XXX IMMIGRATION FILE RE XXX 1- IMMIGRATION MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX; 2- MEDICAL OFFICERS' HANDBOOK ISSUED BY MEDICAL SERVICES BRANCH, NHW; 3- PHYSICIANS' GUIDE TO MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS; 4- IMMIGRATION APPEALS BOARD RECORDS FOR XXX; 5- IMMIGRATION APPEAL DIVISION RECORD FOR XXX; 6- APPEALS PROCESS, PROGRAM RECORD NO. IRB OPS 025; 7- IMMIGRATION APPEALS, PROGRAM RECORD NO. IRB OPS 010 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.28 1993.06.28 930156 XXX - IMMIG. FILE OF RELATIVE XXX WANTS IMMIG. FILE OF XXX - THERE IS NO CONSENT OR $5.00 AND CANNOT GET A CONSENT - THEREFORE CLOSE THE FILE 1993.06.30 930155 MEDICAL FILE OF XXX SPONSOR, DAUGHTER XXX - APPLICANT XXX LAWYER - s.19(1) 1993.07.02 930152 XXX - GOV'T CONTRACTS WITH PVT. INDUSTRY PUBLISHERS XXX REQUESTS INFO ON GOVERNMENT ARRANGEMENTS WITH PRIVATE INDUSTRY PUBLISHERS TO DELIVER ELECTRONIC FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INFORMATION. 930153 MEDICAL FILE - XXX - NEW DELHI C/O s.19(1) , LAWYER, XXX REQUESTING MEDICAL FILE OF HIS DEPENDENT CHILD s.19(1) 930154 XXX REQUESTS IMMIG FILE OF HUSBAND & KIDS C/O s.19(1) , LAWYER, XXX REQUESTS HER FAMILY'S IMMIG. FILE 930162 XXX VARIOUS CJS CONTRACTS ALL TORONTO METRE C.J.S. OPERATIONS PROGRAM CONTRACTS BETWEEN APRIL 1, 1992 AND MARCH 31, 1993. 1993.07.05 930158 XXX COURSE PURCHASE NOTICES FOR COURSES/PROGRAMS COPIES OF ALL COURSE PURCHASE NOTICES FOR COURSES/PROGRAMS PURCHASED THROUGH THE 4 METRO COMMUNITY INDUSTRIAL TRAINING COMMITTEES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992/1993 930160 XXX IMMIGRATION FILE XXX IMMIGRATION FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930161 XXX INFO RE PARENTS XXX REQUEST BY XXX FOR INFORMATION REGARDING HIS PARENTS 1993.07.06 930185 XXX MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PROGRAM RE XXX ALL DOCUMENTATION, AGREEMENTS, TRAINING PLANS, ETC RELATED TO XXX MEMBERSHIP IN THE MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PROGRAM Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.07.07 1993.07.07 930164 VISA AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA AND MEDICAL FILES OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.07.09 930167 XXX COMITE SUR PAYS AVEC CONSEQUENCES AUX RENVOIS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT THE "COMITE CONSULTATIF SUR LES CONDITIONS DE CERTAINS PAYS QUI PEUVENT AVOIR DES CONSEQUENCES AUX RENVOIS" REFERRED TO IN THE ATTAHCED LETTER: 1- DATE COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED; 2- AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEE (TO WHOM DOES IT REPORT; 3- PRESENT MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE; 4- DATES AND MINUTES OF MEETINGS (JAN. 1992 - PRESENT); 5- COUNTRIES DISCUSSED AND CONCLUSIONS OF COMMITTEE (JAN. 1992 - PRESENT) 930168 XXX DEPORTATION MORATORIUM ON HAITIAN REFUGEES ANY INFO ON THE DEPORTATION MORATORIUM ON HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO PRESENT DAY. 1993.07.12 930150 XXX, LAWYER, FOR XXX MEDIC XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER, WOULD LIKE HER FATHER'S MEDICAL FILE 930165 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930166 STUDY RE MEDICAL AND SOCIAL SERVICES COSTS RE VAR OF DISEASES REQUEST FOR A COMPLETE VERSION OF THE PILOT STUDY RESULTS, AS WELL AS ANY UPDATE OF THE STUDY WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN CONDUCTED SUBSEQUENTLY REGARDING THE MEDICAL AND SOCIAL SERVICES COSTS RELATED TO A VIARIETY OF DISEASES AND ILLNESSES. THE MEMO WAS SIGNED BY XXX 930173 XXX IMM RECORDS FOR XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX SOLICITOR 930175 XXX REGULATIONS RE OWNERS OF SEASONAL BUSINESS & UI COPY OF REGULATION WITH REFERENCE TO PERSONS WHO OWN PART OF A SEASONAL BUSINESS AND THEIR QUALIFICATION FOR UI. REGULATIONS - IF THIS BUSINESS IS INCORPORATED. 930177 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR JUNE 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY EIC IN THE NCR UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING JUNE 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.07.13 1993.07.13 930169 XXX - SURVEYS PUBLIC ATTITUDES RE IMMIG. XXX WANTS ALL RECORDS FROM JULY 1ST 1991 TO PRESENT REGARDING SURVEYS IN THE POSSESSION OF THE CEIC REGARDING THE PUBLIC'S ATTITUDES TOWARD IMMIGRATION ISSUES. 930197 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.07.14 930170 XXX - VISA FILE - DELHI FOR WIFE XXX REQUESTS HIS WIFE'S ( s.19(1) ) VISA FILE FROM NEW DELHI - WANTS TO KNOW s.19(1) 930176 LIST OF COMPUTER SPECIALIST (CS) DESIGNATION REQUEST FOR A LIST OF EMPLOYEES WITHIN EIC THAT HAVE A COMPUTER SPECIALIST (CS) DESIGNATION. 930178 XXX EIC & HAITIAN EMBASSY/REFUGEE CLAIMANTS COPIES OF ANY COMMUNICATON BETWEEN THE EIC AND THE HAITIAN EMBASSY IN OTTAWA OR ANY HAITIAN GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL, MENTIONING HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY 930179 XXX COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN IRB & EIC REQUEST INFORMATION RE ANY COMMUNICATION BETWEEN IMMIGRATON REFUGEE BOARD AND EIC MENTIONING HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY. 930180 DETERMINATION OF HUMANITARIAN & COMPASSIONATE CONSIDERATIONS INFORMATON CONCERNING THE DETERMINATION OF HUMANITARIAN AND COMPASSIONATE CONSIDERATIONS FOR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY 930181 INFO BETWEEN EIC & EXTER. AFFS. RE HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEES COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN EIC AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MENTIONING HAITI OR HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS FROM JANUARY 1989 TO THE PRESENT DAY 930182 XXX EVAL. OF HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS INFORMATION RE THE EVALUATION OF HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS AS MEMBERS OF THE POST-DETERMINATION REFUGEE CLAIMANTS IN CANADA CLASS, BY VIRTUE OF THE NEW 1993 IMMIGRATION LAW. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.07.15 1993.07.15 930171 IMM & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX & XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR, XXX 930172 XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX IMM RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SOLICITOR XXX 930174 2ND STUDY RE THE IMM. INVESTOR PROGRAM XXX REQUEST FOR A COPY OF THE SECOND STUDY CONDUCTED FOR THE EVALUATION OF THE IMMIGRATION INVESTOR PROGRAM. 1993.07.16 930183 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930195 VISA FILE FOR XXXGRETCHEN.01X REQUEST FOR THE MEDICAL/IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.07.19 930199 XXX WAITING TIME SCHEDULES FOR CITIES/CATEGORIES INFO RE WAITING TIME SCHEDULE OF APPROX. TIME FROM RECEIPT OF APPLICATION TO INTERVIEW; APPROX. MINIMUM TOTAL PROCESSING TIME FROM RECEIPT OF APPLICATION TO VISA FOR LONDON, ROME, AUSTRALIA, BUFFALO, SEATTLE, HONG KONG, SINGAPORE & BEIJING UNDER CATEGORIES OF FAMILY CLASS, SKILLED WORKER WITH VALIDATED JOB OFFERS, BUSINESS, PROVINCIAL NOMINEES, SKILLED WORKER & ASSISTED RELATIVES, TEMPORARY WORKERS (EXCEPT DOMESTICS), DOMESTICS 1993.07.20 930184 XXX REPORT OF XXX ADMIN INVEST. COPY OF THE REPORT OF THE XXX ADMINISTRATIVE INVESTIGATION BOARDX 930187 XXX QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR PM-02 COMPETITION EMPLOYER REGISTRATION PM-02 - COMPLETE COPIES OF ALL QUESTIONS; EXPECTED RESPONSES OF THE BOARD MEMBERS TO ALL QUESTIONS; REQUESTORS ANSER TO ALL QUESTIONS; BREAKDOWN OF POSSIBLE MARKS FOR EACH ANSWER; BREAKDOWN OF MY MARKS FOR EACH ANSWER; COMPLETE COPIES OF SUPERVISORS REFERENCES; ALL SCORE SHEETS FOR EACH ANSWER AND SUPERVISORS REFERENCES; ALL ADDITIONALLAL NOTES TAKEN BY BOARD MEMBERS 930190 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX & XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.07.20 930193 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.07.21 930186 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930188 MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX FULL MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930189 XXX POST DETERMINATION REFUGEE CLAIMANTS IN CANADA INFO CONCERNING THE POST DETERMINATION REFUGEE CLAIMANTS IN CANADA CLASS: NUMBER OF OFFICERS WORKING ON PDRCC IN EACH OF THE 3 REVIEW CENTRES; BUDGET FOR PDRCC, INCLUDING SALARIES AND TRAINING; REPORTING STRUCTURE OF PDRCC OFFICERS; STATISTICS ON CASES REVIEWED, ACCEPTED, REJECTED OR DELARED INELIGIBLE FROM FEB. 1, 1993 TO THE PRESENT; INSTRUCTION MANUALS, MEMOS, DIRECTIVES GIVEN OR SENT TO PDRCC OFFICERS 1993.07.26 930192 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930198 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.07.27 930191 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX RECORDS OF ENTRY FOR XXX C/O XXX 930196 XXX FRAUD IN UI PROGRAM FOR ATLANTIC PROVICNES ALL SUMMARY RECORDS CONTAINING AUDITS OR ASSESSMENTS OF FRAUD IN THE UI PROGRAM FOR THE FOUR ATLANTIC PROVINCES, SUCH RECORDS CONFINED TO THOSE CREATED SINCE JAN. 1, 1992. 930200 IMMIGRATION FILES XXX, XXX IMMIGRATION FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 930201 IMMIGRATION RECORDS & VISA FILE XXX XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.07.28 1993.07.28 930194 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930202 XXX INFO DE TOUTE SUBVENTION ACCORDEE A XXX TOUTE CORRESPONDANCE, RECOMMANDATION, CONTRAT EN RAPPORT AVEC TOUTE SUBVENTION ACCORDEE POUR LE LANCEMENT DU JOURNAL 'L'OBJECTIF' PAR LES PROMOTTEURS XXX 930203 XXX INFO RE C.A.D.C. LA LISTE DE TOUS LES ORGANISMES OU INDIVIDUS QUI ONT FAIT L'OBJET D'UNE RECOMMANDATION DE LA PART DE CADC EN VUE DE L'OBTENTION D'UNE SUBVENTION DEPUIS L'EXISTENCE DU C.A.D.A. JUSQU'A AUJOURD'HUI 930204 XXX RECOMMANDATION EN VUE DE L'OCTROI TOUT DOCUMENT RELATIF A LA RECOMMANDATION EN VUE DE L'OCTROI D'UNE SUBVENTION AU JOUNAL L'OBJECTIF ET SES REQUERANTS XXX ET XXX C'EST-A-DIRE DEMANDE, CORRESPONDANCE ECHANGEE AVEC LE JOURNAL OU AUTRE INTERVENANT, BREF TOUT DOCUMENT RELATIF AU DOSSIER 930205 XXX CLUB DE GOLF DE BAIE-COMEAU TOUT DOCUMENT RELATIF A LA RECOMMANDATION EN VUE DE L'OCTROI D'UNE SUBVENTION AU CLUB DE GOLF DE BAIE-COMEAU, C'EST-A-DIRE DEMANDE, CORRESPONDANCE ECHANGEE AVEC LE CLUB DE GOLF OU AUTRE INTERVENANT, BREF, TOUT DOCUMENT RELATIF AU DOSSIER Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.06.24 930026 SE-880 SONAR ENHANCEMENT SYSTEMS It is our understanding that between Sept. 90 & Jul 91 the Aatlantic Geoscience Center of DEMR, acting thru DSS under DSS file OAD-90-00284 (004), purchased two SE-880 Sonar Enhancement Systems from xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx of the United Kingdom or its agent, xxxxxxxx xxxx xxx of the USA. In early 91, xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx was acquired by xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx of the United Kingdom (no relation to my company); while xxxxxxxx xxx xxx was acquired by xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx of the USA Delivery of the units may have been effected by any of the above named companies. We further understand that one or both units were returned to xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx in the UK one or more times for repair, replacement, and/or enhancement, & finally delivered back to xxx before the end of Jul 91. In addition, one or both of the untis may have been replaced by a similar units with a different serial No. at some point. ˙ We wish to determine the exact terms & conditions of the sale; the dataes & methods of del'y, invoicing, & payment; & the dates & circumstances of any subseqent shipments of the untis btwn xxx & any of the companies listed above. We therefor requst cc of the following relatede cocs. under the provisions of the ATI Act ˙ ~The Request for Quotation.˙ ~The contract(s) or purchase order(s) issued to the supplier.˙ ~Shipping docs relating to the initial del'y & subsequent shipments to & from the UK including waybills, packing slips, & customs cocs.˙ ~Invoices from the supplier.˙ ~Records of dates of payments by DEMR to the supplier.˙ ~Any other docs. generally relavant to the information requested.˙ ˙ We believe that some of thes e docs. may be held at DSS in Dartmouth, NS, & will make a separate request to the DSS Coordinator of ATI in due course. We believe that relelvant docs. are held by DEMR in at least two offices at the Atlantic Geoscience Center, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, NS.˙ ~-xxx Purchasing Dept. (contact xxxxx xxxxxxxxx).˙ ~The office of Mr. xxxxxxx xxxxxxx, coordinator of the xxx xxxxxxx Initiaatives Program.˙ Our cheque for $5 is enclosed. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.˙ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx˙ xxxx xxxxx˙ President˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.06.25 1993.06.25 930027 CHIP GRANT I'm making a request under the Access to Information Act to get a copy of a Chip Grant for (address withheld). Thank you˙ 1993.07.06 930028 WESTRAY COAL MINE CONTRACTS All records pertaining to the awarding of contracts for underground geotechnical investigations and surface monitoring at the Westray coal mine in Plymounth, Nova Scotia. The contracts, awarded to Curragh Inc., were reported in the June 1992 edition of the Mineral Industry Research Newsletter, page 3 (copy attached).˙ 930029 CHIP GRANT This will confirm my telephone discussion with xxxxxxxx today. xxxxxx is in the process of selling the above property and the closing date is scheduled for June 30. The documents are being signed by xxxxxxxx pursuant to a power of attorney and xxxxx does not know whether the above premises have been insulated with UFFI. Would you please obtain your CHIP file and let me know if a grant was issued for this property under the CHIP program.˙ 1993.07.09 930030 CALL-UPS All callups processed by this institution in the NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period June 1993. I would like to obtain copies of the original. Please notify me of the costs prior to making copies.˙ 930031 CHIP UFFI Under the Access to Information Act, we would like all available information on the UFFI installation at xxxxxxxxxxx.˙ 1993.07.14 930032 CHIP UFFI Please forward the reading of the UFFI count taken at the above address. My husband and I owned the property and sold it within our family, our daughter/husband are now the owners, at this time they would like to sell the house but, require the UFFI count for the buyers. I now manage the said proerty therefore, enclosed is a recent copy of Taxes that I have paid for this year. If you should need any information that I might be of assitance in this matter please phone or fax me at the following numbers.˙ 930033 LIST OF EMPLOYEES IN CS CATEGORY Under the Access to Information & Privacy Act, I would like to request a list of employees within Energy, Mines and Resources that have a 'Computer Specialist' (CS) designation. If possible, please format the listing with the following headings: e.g. SURNAME INIT GR LVL˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EMR 1993.07.14 930033 I have enclosed a five dollar cheque made payable to the Receiver General to cover the cost of the request. If you have any questions regarding my request, please do not hesitate to call me at xxxx. Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated.˙ 1993.07.20 930035 CHIP APPLICATION. Under the Access to Information Act I wish to detremine if a Chip Grant was ever issued to Unit .. - .... .... Your early reply would be appreciated.˙ 930036 CALL-UPS JUNE 1993. In accordance with the Access to Information Act, I would like to request the provision of all temporary help request, naemly "call-ups against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the month of June 1993, for Energy, Mines and Resources Canada - $5 included.˙ 1993.07.22 930034 CALL-UPS APRIL & MAY 1993. Call-ups against a Standing Offier for Temporary Services April & May 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.06.29 930044 MORTGAGE INSURANCE REQUIREMENT With respect to my request for a fee waiver, you asked for my reasons. If you read my letter to Mr. Watson dated April 26, 1993, it will become apparent to you that my concern relates to a particular and obscure provision of the Federal Income Tax Regulations that is unfair to thousnads of Canadians. I am suggesting that this regulation should be revoked, and to that end I have been in contact with the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. My submissions are on my own behalf as a Canadian taxpayer. I represent no lobby group, interest group or political group.˙ 1993.07.13 930045 FEDERAL CASH TRANSFERS TO PROVINCE I would like to see analyses or studies of the decline of federal cash transfers to the provinces under Established Programs Financing, especially as they relate to the possible consequences if this trend continues.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.05.13 930024 IN THE MULTILATERAL PROGRAMS BRAN In the multilateral programs branch Family planning and population control: ida mvp 150 In the Asia branch Bangladesh assistance to women's groups for population planning and income generation; IDA BSD 270 East and South Africa Division Kenya: population activities and women in development: IDA BCD 470 1993.05.18 930025 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP (DSS 82 Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for periodapril 1993 1993.06.01 930026 I REQUEST ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING I I request access to the following information about all professional service contracts let between January 1, 1992 and September 30, 1992 that were relate in any way to UNCED (the Earth Summit): ~ a short description of the work involved ~ the name of the contractor ~ the originator of the contract ~ the cost and date of the contract. 1993.06.08 930027 ETAT DES SOMMES VERSEES OU A VERS Etat des sommes versees ou a verser a M. Daniel Pelletier a quelque titre que ce soit depuis le 1er janvier 1993 a ce jour; Liste des contrats accordes a M. Daniel Pelletierdepuis le 1er janvier 1993 e detail de ces contrats. 1993.07.08 930028 PLEASE PROVIDE ME WITH A FULL ACC Please provide me with a full accounting and description of all expenses paid to , or on behalf of, Nepean Councillort David Pratt in relation to expenses incurred for travel and all other activities associated with the Nepean, Canada/Bo, Sierra Leone Exchange which is part of the CIDA/Federation of Canadian Municipalities project known as "Africa 2000". Please include a listing of all miscellanuous expenses, and expense claims, filed by him and/or his travel party (or parties) in relation to trips with intended and/or actual African destinations, as well as the total expenses paid toeach Nepean based travel delegation of which he was a Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... IDA 1993.07.08 930028 member. Please also include a full listing and description of all of the above type charges which have not yet been paid, are outstanding or have been claimed. 1993.07.12 930029 COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY O could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Services) both issued and renewed for the months of April, May andJune o 1993 for the National Capital Region. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1992.06.11 920144 RELOCATION RHO VANCOUVER OFFICE Under the Access and Privacy Acts I request copies of the following documents etc: re: Grievance 91-VAN-012(NJC) 1) All documents, correspodence, E-mail messages, notes of telephone coversations etc. which relate to the preocessing and decision on this grievance at the 1st level (by R. Gatland, Regional Director - Vancouver) and at the final level (by P. Bourget, A/Director General). 2) All documents, correspondence, notes, minutes of meetings and the like concerning the renvations to office space and relocation of RHOs within the Vancouver office. 1992.11.19 920278 INTERPRETER DATA INTERPRETER DATA, I need informatio about: a/ total number of interpreters retained by the Board in 1989, 1990, 1991 b/ number of cases where interpreters' service is needed in the last 3 years c/ annual payroll for their service in 1989, 1990, 1991 d/ which top 10 languages are often serviced by the interpreters? e/ what are the criteria in evaluating the interpreters' performance? 1993.06.18 930059 MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 1 TO PRESENT HELD BY DEPUTY CHAIRMAN CRDD We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by Deputy Chairman CRDD. 930060 MINUTES OF MEETINGS HELD BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by the Executive Director. 930061 MINUTES OF MEETINGS SEPTEMBER 1 TO PRESENT HELD BY ADC BACKLOG We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by ACD Backlog Subdivision. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.06.18 930062 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY ADC CRDD(CAL) IAD(WIN) We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by E. Bryant, ADC, CRDD (Calgary) and L. Goodspeed, ADC, IAD (Winnipeg). 930063 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY ADCS CRDD TOR FRONT We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by D. Davey, U. Ferdinand and K. Spencer - ADCs, CRDD Toronto Front. 930064 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY ADCS MONTREAL We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by G. Morgan and C. Savard, ADCs, CRDD, Montreal. 930065 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY ADCS VANCOUVER We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by E. Robles and A. Wlodyka, ADCs, Vancouver. 930066 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY D. AUSTIN We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by D. Austin, Director, Communications. 930067 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIO We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by M. Boucher, Director, Administration. 930068 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY DIRECTOR GENERAL OPS We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by Pierre Bourget, Director General, Operations, Policy and Planning. 930069 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY DIR. PLANNING & ANALYS We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by G. Boyd, Director, Planning and Analysis. 930070 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY DIR. POLICY & MONITORI We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by R. Desperrier, Director, Policy and Monitoring. 930071 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY DIRECTOR, HEARINGS We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by S. Laredo, Director, Hearings. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.06.18 930072 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY DIRECTOR INFO SERVICES We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present helb by Sam Ho, Director, Information Services. 930073 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY REG.DIRECTOR MONTREAL We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by S. P‚russe, Regional Director, Montreal. 930074 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY REG.DIR. TORONTO FRONT We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by D. Bradley, Regional Director, Toronto Front. 930075 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY REG.DIR.TORONTO UNIVER We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by B. Glenn, Regional Director, Toronto University. 930076 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY REG. DIR. PRAIRIE We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by D. Kornichuk, Regional Director, Prairie Region. 930077 MINUTES OF MEETINGS FROM SEPT 1/92 HELD BY REG. DIR. VANCOUVER We wish to access minutes of meetings from September 1, 1992 to the present held by D. Kornichuk, Regional Director, Vancouver. 1993.06.28 930058 CRDD DECISIONS This letter is a request under the Access to Information Act for information in the possession of the Immigration and Refugee Board. The records to which access is requested are Reasons for Decision by the Convention Refugee Determination Division relating to grants of refugee status to claimants for which Mexico is the country of alleged persecution. The period of time for which decisions or abstracts of decisions are requested are 1991 to 1993 inclusive. It appears that the requested information may be found under Program Record Number IRB INF 100, IRB LEG 040, IRB DOC 060 or IRB PPU 120. We would like to receive copies of the decisions or abstracts. Please forward the copies to the undersigned at this law firm. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.07.09 1993.07.09 930078 DEPORTATION MORATORIUM ON HAITIAN REFUGEE CLAIMANTS With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to Information Act, on any information in the possession of the IRB, mentioning the deportation moratorium on Haitian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day. 930079 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN IRB AND HAITIAN EMBASSY With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to Information Act, on any communication between the Immigration Refugee Board and the Haitian embassy in Ottawa or any Haitian government personnel, mentioning Haiti or Haitian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day. 930080 RECORDS: INFORMATION SESSION, FORMAL & INFORMAL GIVEN TO IRB MTL With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to Information Act, on any information sessions, formal or informal, given to Montreal IRB Board members or any other Montreal IRB personnel on Haiti or Haitian refugee claimants, from January 1989 to the present day. I would like to obtain the following information, which although, is not necessarily exhaustive: 1- A list of everyone present at each of these sessions; 2- Names and positions of those people providing the information at each session along with their curriculum vitaes; 3- Any transcription, tapes, videos or any other record of each sessions o relating to each sessions. 930081 COMM. BETWEEN EXT.AFFAIRS & IRB RE. HAITI OR HAITIAN CLAIMANTS With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to Information Act, on any communication between the Immigration Refugee Board and the Ministry of External Affairs mentioning Haiti or Haitian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day. 930082 COMMUNICATION BETWEEN IRB & EIC RE. HAITI OR HAITIAN CLAIMANTS With the present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to Information Act, on any communication between the Immigration Refugee Board and the Ministry of Employment and Immigration mentioning Haiti or Haitian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.07.12 1993.07.12 930084 RECORDS FROM 07-12-92 TO PRESENT OF THE STAR COMMITTEE We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 7, 1992 to the present, of the STAR Committee. (Reference: Update of previous request 140-295/91-372). Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.06.29 930037 STEPAN COMPANY 1990-93 LOANS/ASSISTANCE PROVIDED TO STEPAN COMPANY AT LONGFORD MILLS, ONTARIO AND APPLICATIONS FOR LOANS/ASSISTANCE. REPORTS ANALYZING COMPANY'S OPERATION IN ONTARIO, ITS CHEMICAL PRODUCTION LINES, COSTS AND EXPANSION.˙ 930038 WESTRAY DOCUMENTS 11,000 PAGES OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED TO WESTRAY MINE PUBLIC INQUIRY AND DELIVERED TO INQUIRY'S HALIFAX OFFICES ON APRIL 8, 1993.˙ 1993.07.05 930039 ORG. CHART FOR SASK. REGIONAL OFF. COPY OF ORGANIZATION CHART FOR THE SASKATCHEWAN REGIONAL OFFICE WHICH IS CURRENT AS AT JULY 1, 1993. CASE WAS HANDLED INFORMALLY˙ 930040 WESTRAY MINES CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, MEMORANDA AND ANY OTHER RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S EFFORTS TO INTERPRET AND IMPLEMENT ITS LOAN INSURANCE AGREEMENT WITH CURRAGH INC. SINCE MAY 9, 1992 EXPLOSION AT WESTRAY COAL MINE IN PLYMOUTH, NOVA SCOTIA. THIS WOULD INCLUDE RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE GOVERNMENT'S EFFORTS TO RECOVER ITS $80.75 MILLION PAY-OUT UNDER THE AGREEMENT, AND ANY ATTEMPTS TO FIND A NEW OPERATOR FOR THE MINE.˙ 1993.07.08 930041 CORP. FUNDED FROM N.E.D.P. REQUEST IS FOR ORIGINAL COPIES OF INDIVIDUALS, COMPANIES OR CORPORATIONS THAT WERE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT FUNDED FROM THE NATIVE ECONOMICAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (NEDP)(1984 - 1989).˙ 1993.07.09 930042 CALLUPS FOR QUEBEC IN JUNE 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY ISTC IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR JUNE 1993.˙ 930043 CALLUPS FOR ONTARIO FOR JUNE 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY ISTC IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.07.09 930044 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR JUNE 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY ISTC IN THE NCR UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1993.˙ 1993.07.23 930045 PERSONNEL RECORD PERSONNEL FILE FROM INDUSTRY TRADE AND COMMERCE FOR THE YEARS 1965 TO 1978 FOR AN EMPLOYEE˙ 930046 PERSONNEL RECORD PERSONNEL FILE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL AND ECONOMIC EXPANSION FOR THE YEARS 1968 TO 1978 FOR AN EMPLOYEE˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.04.28 930047 ABORIGINAL JUSTICE DIRECTORATE RE Report prepared by Margo Nightingale of the Aboriginal Justice Directorate, dated February 18, 1993 on a meeting held in Victoria, B.C. Aboriginal Justice Directorate report Report prepared by Margo Nightingale of the Aboriginal Justice Directorate, dated February 18, 1993 on a meeting held in Victoria, B.C. 1993.06.30 930069 CLAYMORE INC. CONTRACT Were the work tasks as per the subject bid completed pursuant to the tender requisites? In particular was the project completed as at May 31, 1993? Has Claymore received any payment to date under the contract? 1993.07.06 930070 WESTRAY MINE PUBLIC INQUIRY All correspondence, reports, memoranda and any other records pertaining to the federal government's efforts to comply with a May 25, 1992 order to produce documents, which was served on the Department of Justice by the Westray Mine Public Inquiry. 1993.07.08 930071 NATIONAL JUDICIAL INSTITUTE Copy of an evaluation report done by Abella Kirby and Robert Sharpe on the National Judicial Institute. 1993.07.09 930072 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during June 1993. 1993.07.13 930073 NORTHERN FLOOD AGREEMENT Northern Flood Agreement - 1983 Opinion on Possible Interpretation of NFA. 1987 Analysis to clarify nature and scope of obligations under NFA. 930074 ALL THAT HAS YET TO BE RELEASED T To obtain, pursuant to the Access to Information Act, "all of the information requested under the Act by s.19(1) (...) that has yet to be released". Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.07.13 930075 OBTAIN ACCESS TO REPORT ON THE RE Requester would like to obtain access to a report on the reform of section 690 of the Criminal Code that was prepared for the Department by Ottawa lawyer James O'Reilly. (When available, will pick up). 1993.07.14 930076 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Letter, orders and other documents issued by the Attorney General of Canada or the Department of Justice since Jan.1, 1993 relating to the order registered as SOR/92-584 and dealing with Canada's trade with Cuba. 1993.07.15 930077 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE A list of Canadian Subsidiaries of U.S. Companies which have filed notice with Attorney General of Canada of having received an order from the U.S. Government requiring them to stop doing trade with Cuba. 1993.07.16 930078 INFORMATION ABOUT THE ALERT(TM) J3A All records about the ALERT(TM) J3A screening device. Re: 1. meeting in Halifax, N.S. on August 20-21, 1992. 2. meeting in Ottawa, Ontario, on September 23, 1992. 1993.07.19 930079 RE: THE MODEL 900A BREATHALYZER M re: The Model 900A Brealthalyzer machine 1993.07.22 930080 CALL UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER Call ups against a standing offer for temporary help, for the months of April, May and June 1993. 930081 INF. RE: ALCOHOL TEST COMMITTEE-J3A MODEL ALERT-BREATHALYZERS Re: - the minutes and directives of the meetings of the Alcohol Test Committee. ~ the diagram and/or schematics of the J3A Model Alert Machine. ~ specification of the chemical components was approved for use in the 900 and 900A Breathalyzers. 1993.07.28 930082 RESEARCH Research for biography on Judge Helen Kinnear. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.06.29 930085 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF 1 INDIVIDUA 1993.06.30 930083 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 2 INDIVIDU 930084 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.07.07 930086 1993.07.13 930087 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF ONE INDIVID 1993.07.16 930088 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.07.19 930092 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF AN INDIVIDU 1993.07.20 930090 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930091 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 1993.07.22 930089 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.07.28 930093 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF MOTHER. 930094 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930095 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930096 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.07.29 1993.07.29 930097 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 930098 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930099 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930100 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.06.11 930007 FACT-FINDING TOUR COSTS Under Access to Information, I would like a breakdown of the costs incurred for the project completed in May 1993 known as The Role of the Capital in Canada, A Report on a Fact-finding Tour of Selected European Capitals. This project was done by strategic management branch. The trip was in 1992.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1992.07.19 930197 INFORMATION REGARDING VARIOUS HPB CORRESPONDENCE IN OCTOBER 1987. I am requesting the following information: (1) The document and any attachments thereof sent by (XXX) to (XXX), mentioned in (XXX) memo of October 7, 1987, referring to Pages 4, 6 etc. (2) Copies of all documents sent to the regional directors as mentioned in (XXX) memo of October 7, 1987. (3) The attachments sent with (XXX) memo of October 7, 1987, as mentioned in (XXX) memo to Director, Field Operations, Page 1, first Paragraph. (4) The answer to (XXX) memo to Director, Bureau of Field Operations, by the Director, Bureau of Field Operations. 1993.06.14 930148 ALL RECORDS RE: KER NOELLE SOFT B All of the records, test results, interviews, etc. relating to the Ker Noelle soft brie cheese which was purchased from the 301 Moore Loblaws store on or about November 18, 1988. Further details are as follows: 1) a Health and Welfare Canada news release dated December 9, 1988, indicates that the Ker Noelle brie soft cheese (lot number 273) contained 50% or 60% butter fat; and 2) that the brie was voluntarily recalled by the importer, Froche Limit‚e of Montr‚al. 1993.06.16 930193 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ANECTINE BY BURROUGHS WELLCOME. Provide a copy of the most recent Product Monograph for ANECTINE (succinylcholine chloride) manufactured by Burroughs Wellcome. 1993.06.30 930163 CONTENTS OF CR FILE: 9428 I am still very interested to receive the documentation of CR File: 9428. I need the contents in order to continue with protocol and I also need copies of any documents produced by Health Protection Bureau for study. 1993.07.05 930164 RECORDS RE PROJECT ON AIDS AND AB Project - HIV/AIDS and the Impact on Aboriginal Women in Canada. Information sought on financial statements submitted by Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada with regard to claims against this project. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.07.05 930165 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR HALCION MAN Copy of the original Product Monograph for the drug HALCION, manufactured by Upjohn Co., and any amendments thereto. 930166 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR DOXORUBICIN MANUFACTURED BY ADRIA. Provide the most recent Product Monograph for DOXORUBICIN manufactured by Adria. 930167 P.M. FOR DAUNORUBICIN MANUFACTURE Provide the most recent Product Monograph for DAUNORUBICIN manufactured by Rhone Poulenc Rorer. 930168 INFORMATION ON DRUGS CONTAINING DIHYDROERGOTAMINE. Information on the following: (1) DIHYDROERGOTAMINE & SCOPOLAMINE and/or any other combination of drugs with DIHYDROERGOTAMINE. (2) I am also interested in any information for a sublingual form of DIHYDROERGOTAMINE alone or in combination with other products. (3) I would like Company names, Product Monographs, prescribing information and year they were marketed and if it is the case, taken off the market. 1993.07.06 930169 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR PANCREASE MT 25. Product Monograph for PANCREASE MT 25. 930170 BIOAVAILABILITY DATA ETC. RE: VALPROIC ACID. Request for all the comparative Bioavailability or Clinical data submitted to support the Safety and Efficacy of Valproic Acid Capsules. 930171 UNE ‚TUDE SUR LE BROMATE DE POTASSIUM. Demande pour une copie de l`‚tude sur le BROMATE de POTASSIUM pour ‚liminer du march‚ cet additif alimentaire, je suis particuliŠrement interess‚ par la bibliographie ayant servi ... l`‚tude. 930172 EFFETS NOCIFS DES M‚DICAMENTS/CAR Une copie sure programme de d‚claration des effets ~Nocifs des m‚dicaments~ en particulier sur Carbonate de Lithium (en administration d`une seul dose de 900mg lithave ... 8:00 p.m. pour une p‚riode prolong‚). 1993.07.07 930173 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR SANDIMMUNE (SANDOZ) & SCLERODINE (OMEGA). 1. Request Product Monograph for Sandimmune Oral Solution, manufacturer (Sandoz). The following refers to a formulation change 93-06-17. 2. Request Product Monograph for Sclerodine 6, manufacturer (Omega). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.07.07 930173 N.O.C. date 93-05-28. 1993.07.08 930174 HEMP GROWN AT CEDAR SPRINGS RIFLE RANGE (WW2). Hemp grown at Cedar Springs Rifle Range under auspices of Dept. of National Defense, during World War II: 1940 - 1945. Hemp was used to produce cores for tires on military vehicles. 930175 RECORDS RE: IUD`S (INCL. COPPER 7) Copies of any and all documents relating to the Gravigard IUD also known as the Copper 7 or Cu-7 IUD sold by the G.D. Searle & Co.; including but not limited to documents relating to testing of the IUD for safety and efficacy and for marketing, included but not limited to physician and patient communications, marketing and advertising; documents authored or received by (XXX), M.D.,(XXX), (XXX) and (XXX) relating to the Gravigard Canadian Department of Health and Welfare or any branch within this department. 930176 PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FOR 6 DRUGS. Request a copy of each of the following Product Monographs: 1. CARBOLITH revised Product Monograph 92-08-26. 2. DURALITH, McNeil; Lithium Carbonate, revised Product Monograph 92-10-07. 3. FENTANYL CITRATE, David Bull; Liq (50mg/ml) IV,IM,EPD, Product Monograph 92-06-04. 4. GEN-TIMOLOL, TIMOLOL MALEATE, Genpharm; Liq (0.25% 0.5%) Opt., Product Monograph 92-04-28. 5. SULCRATE SUSPENSION, Nordic; Sulcrate, Product Monograph 92-07-20. 6. TIM-AK, AKCORN; TIMOLOL MALEATE, Liq (0.5% 0.25%) Oph., Product Monograph 92-10-19. 930177 RECORDS CONCERNING PROZAC. Requests information pertaining to the psychiatric drug PROZAC which is generically known as FLUOXETINE. Any correspondance between: Eli Lilly and Company of Canada Ltd., or its parent company in the USA, and Health and Welfare Canada; HPB; Bureau of Pharmaceutical Surveillance; Bureau of Human Prescription Drugs or any other bureau relating to the approval of PROZAC in Canada. The correspondence referred to would be any form of correspondence between Eli Lilly and Company of Canada Ltd. and the above agencies regarding any Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.07.08 930177 adverse reactions discovered since and prior to the drug`s approval for use on the Canadian market. I also request any and all internal communications and reports of adverse reactions gathered from the public by the above-named Canadian government agencies. ~ Specifically, I would like any reported deaths, suicides, or attempted suicides connected with PROZAC use. These could be reports by Eli Lilly and Company itself, doctors or patients since or prior to the drug`s approval. ~ Any internal correspondence between the above-named agencies regarding any deaths, suicides, attempted suicides, attributed in any way to the use of PROZAC. ~ I would like any correspondence from Eli Lilly and Company of Canada Ltd. or its parent company in the USA regarding the initial approval of the drug. Plus any supporting documents which may have been used by Eli Lilly and Company that showed PROZAC`s safety and efficacy for Canadian use. ~ Any information or correspondence received from Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, USA, regarding the Food and Drug Administration`s approval of this drug. In other words, if data on the Food and Drug`s approval was used to support a Canadian approval, this data is needed. Also, any and all correspondence between the FDA and the above-named Canadian government agencies. ~ Any correspondence between Eli Lilly and Company Ltd. of any country and the above-named Canadian agencies that deals with any adverse publicity the drug has encountered. In other words, any letters, faxes, internal communications or any other communciation sent to Health and Welfare Canada or any of the above-named agencies from Eli Lilly and Company Canada Ltd., or its parent company, that explains or justifies any negative publicity or reactions existing concerning the drug. ~ Any and all letters, reports or internal communications and supporting documentation that has to do with the drug`s approval for use on the Canadian market, including studies of efficacy and evaluation. These would be in the form of faxes, letters or any other communication from Eli Lilly and Company of Canada Ltd., or its parent company, to Health and Welfare Canada or vice versa. ~ The documentation showing the drug`s approval and all supporting evidence presented for its approval. I need all data on when it was approved, documentation that it was indeed approved, and for what illness. All the supporting data that convinced Health and Welfare Canada of PROZAC`s safety and efficacy. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.07.08 930178 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH ETC. FOR PARAFON FORTE. Product Monograph and/or prescribing information and any other information re: PARAFON and PARAFON FORTE. 930179 INSPECTION REPORTS FOR VETREPHARM INC OR BIONICHE INC. The following information which I request is of Vetrepharm Inc. (including it`s subsidiaries Bioniche Inc. and Vetrepharm Research Inc.) are as follows: 1. All GMP Inspections from 1989 to 1993. 2. All Food and Drug related enforcement actions from 1988 to 1993. 3. All conversations and responses to investigational activities from 1988 to 1993. 930180 HEALTH PROTECTION BRANCH CONTRACT Request for the following records, Health Protection Branch professional services contracts from September 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993. Modified: HPB contracts from Jan. 1, 1992 to March 1993 (records same as for 93-A-53). 930181 RECORDS RE: USERS FEES/MEDICARE C Request for the folowing records: 1. Any review, including briefing notes to the Minister and anticipated oral questions, of the 1993 positions taken by (XXX) and(XXX) on applying user fees to medicare, (XXX)`s exploration making medicare a taxable benefit subject to a clawback provision for high income earners. 2. 1993 notes prepared for the Minister on the necessity of not experimenting with charging user fees or making medical care a taxable services. (the Minister in May/93 spoke publicly on the issue of user fees). 3. May/June 1993 briefing notes prepared on user charges/medicare costs for the successor of (XXX) as Minister. (Mullins). 930182 RECORDS RE: SANDIMMUNE ORAL (93-06-12). Requests the following documents relating to the Supplemental Submissions for SANDIMMUNE ORAL Solution for which NOC issued 93-06-17. ~ Product Monograph ~ Submission Index ~ Comprehensive Summary ~ All correspondence from the manufacturer to HPB and HPB to the manufacturer Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.07.08 930182 ~All HPB internal reports, memoranda and other records. 930183 ALL RECORDS RE: DIN 586102 (JOINT AND MUSCLE BALM). All records concerning DIN 586102 for (Joint and Muscle Balm). 930184 N.O.C. DATA FOR ISOVUE 200, 300, 370 BY SQUIBB. Request a copy of the data filed by Squibb Diagnostic to support their N.O.C. dated 93-04-26 for their new indications for the product ISOVUE 200, 300, 370 (Iopamidol). 930185 N.O.C. DATA FOR ISOFLURANE USP BY ABBOTT. Request a copy of the data filed by Abbott to support their N.O.C. dated 93-05-31 for ISOFLURANE USP Liq (99.9%) INH. 1993.07.12 930186 N.O.C. FOR TRICLOSAN. Request for copy of information relating to the issuance of Notice of Compliance for products (oral care, dentifrice) containing the ingredient TRICLOSAN. 930187 P.M., C.S.AND NDS. FOR TAXOL BY B Request for the following documents from INDs and NDS of TAXOL (paclitaxel) of Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc.: ~ Table of contents from the INDs and NDS of Preclinical and Clinical sections; ~ Investigators Brochure; ~ Comprehensive Summary; ~ Product Monograph, labels, Notice of Compliance. 1993.07.13 930188 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR NICORETTE PLUS BY MERRELL DOW. Send a copy of the revised Product Monograph for NICORETTE PLUS, manufacturer is Merrell Dow, NOC issued 93/06/17. 1993.07.16 930191 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR NICORETTE B Most recent version of the Product Monographs for NICORETTE 2 mg and 4 mg Nicotine Resin complex by Merrell Dow. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.07.16 930192 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR QUELICIN BY ABBOTT. Copy of your most recent Product Monograph for QUELICIN, manufactured by Abbott. 1993.07.19 930194 RECORDS CONCERNING THE ADOPTION O I request to have in my possession a full copy of any written documents presently at the National Adoption Desk, National Health and Welfare concerning the sponsorship of (XXX) from (XXX) to Canada, including information relating to medical assessment/status of our daughter. 930195 INFORMATION RE: VARIOUS TRI-PARTEID MEETINGS BETWEN 1988 AND 1993. Please provide the following information: (1) (XXX)'s letter to the Chinese Herbal Merchants Association (or member) mentioned on page 16 - 2nd paragraph of the edited minutes of the TRI-PARTEID meeting October 31, 1988. (2) The unedited minutes of the TRI-PARTEID meeting prepared by (XXX) and (XXX). (3) Minutes made by (XXX) of our December 17, 1991 meeting at Western Region Headquarters. (4) All memoranda and/or correspondence of that meeting above, which was distributed among Western Region personnel as well as those sent to officials of the Health Protection Branch in Ottawa. (5) All memoranda of our meeting with (XXX) on January 29, 1993, distributed to other officials in Western Region as well as any sent off to other officials in Ottawa. 930196 INFO RE:VARIOUS HPB RECORDS & SOL I am requesting the following information: (1) Minutes of the October 26-30 meeting between(XXX) and(XXX) as mentioned in(XXX)' letter to(XXX) dated October 7, 1987. (2) All memoranda re: the various discussions(XXX) with(XXX) with respect to Ethnic Drugs as mentioned in the same October 7, 1987 memo from(XXX) to(XXX). (3) All memoranda of (XXX) both to Western Region officials as well as HPB officials in Ottawa and Customs officials in Western Region with respect to my Solgar shipment on December 24, 1992, Customs ID #s 362359/60/61-D concerning both the refused entry and the phoney seizure later rescinded. (4) All documents passing between (XXX) and Customs officials with respect to this phoney seizure and refused entry. (5) The same request for all memoranda and documents in the same exact detail as in # (3) and (4) above with respect to my shipment from Basic Organics on June 17, 1993, Customs ID #s 1374-000930573-A&C. (6) All memoranda and documents in the exact same detail as in # (3) and (4) above with respect to my shipment from Country's Health, 80% of which is refused entry by (XXX), refusal date(s) June 25, 1993 and June 24, 1993, and Customs ID #s 13714-000986386-D, 13714-000986386-1&2&3. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.07.19 930198 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ZOVIRAX MAN Please provide us with a copy of the most recent Product Monograph (June 17, 1993) for ZOVIRAX (Acyclovir) manufactured by Wellcome Medical. 930199 COPIES OF DATA SUBMITTED BY THE U Request copies of original data submitted by The Upjohn Company of Canada for: (1) TROBICIN Sterile Powder NDS, Control #4HN710004, File #960-U4-112, Vol 1-6 (inclusive). (2) TROBICIN Sterile Powder SNDS, Control #4HN710004B, File #9427-U4-112. We request all the information submitted by Upjohn. 1993.07.20 930200 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEPATITIS B I have recently received a letter from (XXX), regarding illnesses promoted by Hepatitis B immunization. A large number of people have apparently fallen ill, ofter with a Myalgie Encephalomyalgie/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome like disease, immediately following immunization for Hepatitis B. This has resulted for many of them in permanent or long-lasting disability. (XXX) prodided a list of such patients to Health and Welfare Canada, and Director General (XXX) has publicly stated that their reserach revealed no relationship between Hepatitis B immunization and M.E./C.F.S. (XXX) has a number of questions regarding the study done on this issues, the answers to which I, too, would like to know: 1. What budget was alloted for the Hepatits B investigation? 2. Who were the workers involved in this investigation? Could a list of names be provided? 3. What expert in M.E./C.F.S. was consulted and how much was this person paid for this expertise? I would like to see a copy of his/her report, if an expert was indeed consulted. 4. Between what dates was the study carried out? 5. What further follow-up has been done onn the patients? 6. How many of the patients were seen by government physicians or by other physicians at the government`s request? Would (XXX) be permitted to review their investigation files? 7. What investigations were done on these patients, particularly, what brain scanning was requested and what were the specific results? Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.07.20 930200 8. What directives, if any, did (XXX)'s office give to the department on this matter? I trust that you will be able to access this information and thereby clarify the nature and the extent of the investigation which has been made into this matter. Further, have you a file of correspondence between (XXX) and Merck Frosst, regarding the department`s immunization programmes? Could you send me a copy of that file, if it exists? Thank you very much for your attention to these questions. 1993.07.21 930201 FOLLOW-UP ON 93-A-109 RE: BDD ORG-STUDY. The Project Report entitled An Organization Review of the Bureau of Dangerous Drugs - from KMPG Peat Marwick Stevenson & Kellogg states that it is the final report. I would like to obtain copies of the two (2) preceding reports. The final documents refers to an interim report where the management consultants "identified the factors driving the Bureau`s need to reorganize" and a "second report on organizational alternatives". 930202 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ISOVUE (XXX) BY SQUIBB DIAGNOSTICS. Recent product monograph for: Isovue (XXX), manufactured by Squibb Diagnostics. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.07.12 930012 ASSOCIATE CTTEE ON ASBESTOS RESEAR I am making a formal request to obtain complete copies of all of the proceedings of the Associate Committee on Asbestos Research between 1930 and 1945. I enclose for your information the cover pages for the reports for each of these years.˙ We have obtained from the NRC a copy of the meeting minutes of the Proceedings of the 5th meeting of the Internal Committee on Asbestos Research held June 14, 1935. Can you confirm whether there are any preceeding or subsequent meeting minutes of the Internal Committee on Asbestos Research. If so, we would also appreciate receiving copies of these meeting minutes.˙ 1993.07.14 930013 RECIPIENTS OF IRAP GRANTS List of all recipients of financial assistance under the IRAP program during the 36 month period preceding July 1, 1993.˙ 1993.07.15 930014 LIST OF (CS) COMPUTER SPECIALISTS I would like to request a list of employees within the NRC that have a Computer Specialist (CS) designation.˙ 1993.07.19 930015 IRAP FUNDING 1. All firms that received funding under the IRAP program in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia and Quebec and the dollar amount of funding.˙ ˙ 2. Initially, I require this information for fiscal year April 1991 - April 1992.˙ 1993.07.21 930016 CALL-UPS - JUNE 1993 In accordance with the ATI Act, I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services, for the month of June 1993 for NRC.˙ 930017 MANAGEMENT OF R&D AT NRC Management discussion paper entitled: 'Management of Research and Development Activities at NRC: The Evaluation and Selection of Research and Development Projects.'˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.07.26 1993.07.26 930018 IRAP FUNDING All records of funding and research support provided to Lighthouse Industries Ltd., Calmar Paint and Fiberglass Ltd., or **** towards the development of a solid lubricant product and determination of the properties of that product during the years 1988 and 1989.˙ Assistance on this product was provided by **** and ****.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ OIG 1993.06.24 093002 IG OF CSIS CERTIFICATES All Inspector General of CSIS'S certificates submitted after April 16, 1987 (i.e. after the third certificate).˙ 1993.06.28 093001 IG OF CSIS REPORTS A copy of all reports prepared for submission to either the Minister or SIRC by the Inspector General of CSIS that have already been released under the Access to Information Act (excepting the one on security screening dated June 1986).˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.03.17 920133 LE PETIT QUEBEC LIBRE (1971), LA CLAQUE (1970) RG 146- Le Petit Quebec Libre (1971), La Claque (1970) Le Petit Quebec Libre (1971), La Claque (1970) RG 146- Le Petit Quebec Libre (1971), La Claque (1970) 920134 RG 146 FILE ON INDIVIDUAL RG 146 - XXX RG 146 file on individual RG 146 - XXX 1993.05.26 930040 MCDONALD COMMISSION RECORDS Request for RG 33/128, Higgitt Notebooks, in their entirety. Mcdonald Commission Records Request for RG 33/128, Higgitt Notebooks, in their entirety. 1993.06.11 930072 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE SERVICE RECORDS Request for military service records for XXX, 74th Regiment (NB Rangers) Militia. 1993.06.15 930065 GENEOLOGICAL INFORMATION Family background on XXX 1993.06.21 930062 RG 146 BOMBING OF ASSN OF UNITED UKRANIAN LABOUR TEMPLE(1950-64) RG 146- Bombing of Association of United Ukranian Canadians, Ukranian Labour Temple - Toronto, Ont. (1950-12-01/1964-03-05) Split request from 93-A-00050 930067 MILITARY SERVICE RECORDS Request for records concerning XXX, his service during the Boer War and World War One, and his career in the Royal Norhtwest Mounted Police. 1993.06.22 930063 AIR CRASH - HARVARD MK 4 Request for information concerning a Harvard Mk 4, serial # CCF-4-223, which crashed on 29 February 1956 at CFB Penhold. It was then converted to constructional airframe 619B on 23 March 1956. Request is for any colour schemes, photographs, literature concerning the causes of the crash and damage sustained. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.06.22 930068 IMMIGRATION INFORMATION ON GRANDF I am interested in any information about my grandfather that you may have on file. Where he came from, any family members, address of friends or relatives, where and when he arrived in Canada and if he became a Canadian citizen. XXX Born 1887 in Italy, Came to Canada January 1913, Died 13 Aug, 1935. Canada Registration Board # XXX Resided at XXX Dated 22 June 1918 by James A. Thompson, Deputy Registrar 1993.06.23 930064 RG 146 VOLUME 2603 RG 146 contents of volume 2603 930066 RG 146 - ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING T RG 146 - all documents relating to s.19(1) 1993.06.29 930069 RG 146 - U OF OTTAWA, TRENT U. AN RG 146 - University of Ottawa, Trent University and Loyola College 930070 RG 146 - VOLUME 2604 RG 146 volume 2604 1993.07.02 930074 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE SERVICE RECORDS Request for military service records for XXX (service in Militia pre-1914 and CEF). 1993.07.05 930071 RG 146 - s.19(1) RG 146 - files on . s.19(1) 1993.07.06 930076 RG 146 - YORK UNIVERSITY (1971-1972) RG 146 - York University 1971-02-25/71-04-30, 71-05-10/72-02-29 and Wallet 1971/72 930077 RG 146- YORK UNIVERSITY (1972-1975) RG 146-York University 72-03-01 to 75-03-06 930078 RG 146 YORK UNIVERSITY (1975-1982) RG 146 -York Unversity from 1975-1982 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.07.06 930079 RG 146-YORK UNIVERSITY RG 146-York University post 1982 930080 RG 146-NFB 1949-1950 RG 146-NFB 49-06-22/49-11-30 to 49-12-01/50-02-22 930081 RG 146 -NFB 1950-1951 RG 146-NFB 50-12-23/50-06-24 to 50-06-25/51-10-31 930082 RG 146-NFB 1951-1960 RG 146-NFB 51-11-01/53-03-04 to 53-03-05/60-05-25 1993.07.09 930073 RCMP IN NOVA SCOTIA RCMP and relations with the N.S. attorney general; unionization of N.S. police departments and other info. re RCMP policing in N.S. 1993.07.12 930075 CALL-UP FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVIC Request for Call-up against Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services for the month of June 1993. 930085 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE MILITARY SERVIC Request for military and related personal information concerning XXX, Boer War regimental number XXX, "G" Company, 2nd Battalion, R.C.R. 1993.07.13 930083 UFO SIGHTING UFO Crash of October 4, 1967 in Shelburne, N.S. (Shag Harbour) Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.06.28 934049 1971 CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCE "BRIEFING FOR THE FEDERAL DELEGATION FOR THE THIRD WORKING SESSION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONFERENCE, FEBRUARY, 1971; SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL ON SOCIAL POLICY - SUMMARY RECORD OF DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND THE QUEBEC GOVERNMENT, JANUARY 26, 1971 (TAB S)".˙ ˙ ALSO, CABINET DOCUMENTS 630-71, 638-71, 639-71.˙ 1993.07.06 934074 DELIVERY OF ELECTRONIC GOVT. INFO. Any documents, electronic or otherwise, describing the nature of any arrangements, informal or otherwise, the PCO has entered into with private sector publishers for the delivery of information produced by the Federal Government which was delivered in an electronic format with the intent of allowing it to be published, in any format, by the private publisher. In brief, but not to be limiting, any arrangements made by PCO to deliver electronic information which the private publisher then publishes to the general public for a price.˙ The exact nature of the information I do not wish to list since it may be very diverse; essentially, all categories of information provided regardless of its character. The actual section of PCO, as well, I do not wish to be limited since many may be sources.˙ The exact nature of the documents or files includes principally only those describing the arrangements accepted by PCO and not those related only to the delivery of the information such as delivery slips, etc., of an ancilliary nature. How and to what extent private publishers have arrangements with PCO for the delivery of electronic information to the market place.˙ I wish only targeted information produced by the Federal Government and not that supplied by private industry participants.˙ 1993.07.07 934065 ECONOMIC/FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Any reports, studies, reviews or assessments prepared by or for the PCO, ICSI, JIC, and IAC from Jan. 1, 1965 - Dec. 31, 1974 that study/examine/ discuss economic intelligence and foreign intelligence.˙ 934066 ECONOMIC/FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Any reports, studies, reviews or assessments prepared by or for the PCO, ICSI, IAC, and Economic Intelligence Sub-Committee, from Jan. 1, 1975 - Dec. 31. 1979 that study/examine/discuss economic intelligence and foreign intelligence.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.07.07 934067 ECONOMIC/FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Any reports, studies, reviews or assessments prepared by or for the PCO, ICSI, IAC, and Economic Intelligence Sub-Committee from Jan. 1, 1980 - Dec. 31, 1984 that study/examine/discuss economic intelligence and foreign intelligence.˙ 934068 ECONOMIC/FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Any reports, studies, reviews or assessments prepared by or for the PCO, ICSI, IAC, and Economic Intelligence Sub-Committee from Jan. 1, 1985 - Dec. 31, 1989 that study/examine/discuss economic intelligence and foreign intelligence.˙ 934069 ECONOMIC/FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Any reports, studies, reviews or assessments prepared by or for the PCO, ICSI, IAC, and Economic Intelligence Sub-Committee from Jan. 1, 1990 - May 1, 1993 that study/examine/discuss economic intelligence and foreign intelligence.˙ 934070 OCT.14/76 ICSI MEETING (A) Minutes and any attachments/appendixes to the minutes for the ICSI meeting on October 14, 1976.˙ ˙ (B) Any reports/studies/reviews prepared in 1974, 1975 or 1976 by or for the PCO, ICSI or IAC on the functions, or operations, or establishment of the Special Research Bureau (e.g. agenda of the October 14th meeting of the ICSI refers to an Interdepartmental Review of the Functions and Establishment of the Special Research Bureau).˙ 1993.07.12 934076 CELLULAR PHONE BILLS FOR PCO-PMO COPIES OF ALL RECORDS FOR ALL CELLULAR PHONE BILLS FOR THE PCO AND PMO FOR THE PERIOD JUNE 1992 - JUNE 1993.˙ 934077 CALLUPS PROCESSED BY PCO DESCRIPTION OF RECORD AND SUBJECT TOPIC OF INTEREST˙ ˙ ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JUNE 1993 (CLASS OF RECORDS AND NUMBER AND TITLE).˙ 1993.07.19 934075 CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW MINUTES OF CABINET MEETINGS IN 1970 AND RELATED CABINET DOCUMENTS ON CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.07.20 1993.07.20 934079 CALL UP FOR TEMPORARY HELP REQUEST THE PROVISION OF ALL TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTS, NAMELY "CALL UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES" FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993, FOR THE PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.06.07 939403 INFORMATION RE COMPLAINTS Attached please find a $5. Canada Post money order for the application fee under the Access to Information Act. Would you please send me all pertinent information - including statutes, regualtions, form documents, etc. in the RCMP Public Complaints Commission, Information Commission and Secretary of State offices. Please note that this includes but is not limited to information about: a) how employees in those agencies are to deal with formal complaints submitted thereto (including responsibility to inform the complainant about alternative ways to lodge a formal complaint); b) how a member of the public should submit such complaints to the Public Service Commission or any Board or other entity associated therewith which can deal with these matters; c) the regulations, policy specifications, guidelines, etc., governing how the Public Service Commission or any Board or other entity associated therewith is to process such complaints. If this information in re: the RCMP Public Complaints Commission or the Information Commission or the Secretary of State offices is under the control of some governmental agency other that your Commission, would you please specify where else I should apply therefor in each case? And would you please explicitly confirm that, aside from what you send me, there is no other information under your control which relates in any way to this request?˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.01.13 930051 CALLUPS NCR JULY - OCT. 1992 Temporary help callups in the NCR July - Oct '92 inclusive requested by previous applicants under the ATI Act. 1993.02.05 930052 CALLUPS NCR JANUARY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: January 1993 930053 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION JANUARY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: January 1993 930054 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION JANUARY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement of temporary help services during the period: January 1993 1993.02.10 930055 EXPROPRIATION OF RESERVE LANDS FO File No. 1652-269 Re: Expropriation of Reserve Lands for Port Hardy Airport Constrution 1653-278 1993.03.01 930062 CALLUPS NCR FEBRUARY 1993 Please forward all callups for "temporary help" in the National Capital Region for the month of February 1993. 1993.03.03 930056 CALLUPS NCR NOV. DEC. JAN. 92-93 Callups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: November, December, January (NCR only) 1993.03.08 930057 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION FEBRUARY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: February 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.03.08 930058 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION FEBRUARY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: February 1993. 930059 CALLUPS NCR FEBRUARY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: February 1993 1993.03.31 930041 WOMEN'S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IN KITCHENER Details on all the other 18 sites considered for the proposed Women's Correctional Facility in Kitchener, Ontario including asking price, acreage, zoning, location and reasons for rejection taking into account the criteria used for selection of the site. 1993.06.08 930034 PROJECT ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION DI Project Engineers construction diary Proj. #N1-W144-0075(20) Norman Wells Combined Services Building. I have been informed that a Larry Lefebve has this information Ph.(403) 497-3872. I have made an informal request for this information previously. This information was to be recorded by the consulting project engineer and forwarded to P.W.C. at the end of the project. 1993.06.16 930040 DSS 942 FORMS Please send me copies of all the DSS 942 Forms both issued and renewed from June 1992 thru July 93. I am asking that this request be made pursuant to the Access to Information Act. I am also stating that I am a permanent resident in Canada. 1993.06.28 930043 FIXED LINK I am applying under the Access Act for the following records on the fixed link issue, 1. Any consultants on retainer with Public Works, or with SCI Partnership or Strait Crossing Partnership, at Public Works insistence o requirement since 1992, and the nature of said agreements and costs incurred/projected. Further, consultants who will be expected to monitor the fixed link project throughout its developments. 2. In reference to Buckland and Tylor, costs paid to them to date by PWC or SCI/SCP and the continued role and retainer basis of this firm in the fixed link project. 3. In reference to the individual members of the Ice Committee, yearly Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PWC 1993.06.28 930043 fiscal payments made to each to date/project and their long-term arrangement throughout the fixed link project. 4. 1993 and on operational arrangements projected/contemplated between PWC, SCI/SCP, other government agencies, consultants. Include any suggested monitoring work plan. 5. Other released Access Act requests since May 1, 1993 on the fixed link. 1993.06.29 930044 JOB DESCRIPTION OF E. NEARY AS-01 NFLD. DISTRICT Written job description of E. Neary AS-1 Nfld. District including job description, point rating and organization chart. Identify the date of request for re-classification and the recommendation for approval. 1993.07.09 930048 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION, JUNE '93 All callups processed by this instition in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: June 1993 1993.07.12 930050 SPACE AND SERVICES PROVIDED FOR M What was the cost to the Canadian tax payer of space and services provided for Mila Muroney in the Langevin Block? 1993.07.16 930063 LIST OF COMPUTER SPECIALISTS EMPL I would like to request a list of employees within Public Works Canada that have a "Computer Specialist" (CS) designation. If possible, please format the listing with the following heading: eg. SURNAME INIT CR LVL Smith GJ CS 02 Loucks P CS 03 Crispen RG CS 01 930065 INFORMATION FOR HARASSMENT INVEST Please send me, at the address given below, the following material related to an investigation being conducted by *** of my harassment allegations, and material involving my status as a witness in previous investigation conducted by *** from November 1992 - approximately February 1993: ~ a letter from *** to PWC on or about January 6, 1993, in which he made Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PWC 1993.07.16 930065 recommendation regarding giving me time off work; ~ a letter from *** to *** April 3, 1993, regarding my harassment investigation; ~ any and all correspondence or documents related to *** previous investigation, that referred to me or any of my testimony, including any and all information passed to *** and/or her legal representative(s) that contains similar information about me. 1993.07.19 930064 LEASE REGARDING THE CANADA EMPLOY Lease regarding the "Canada Employment Immigration Centre" Riverside Mall Trans Canada Highway Duncan, BC 1993.07.23 930066 COPY OF CHAIRPERSON REPORT ON BLA This is a formal request for information. On April 5, 1993, Public Works Canada held a Contracts Disputes Advisory Board meeting with Black Electric Ltd. As a result of this meeting, I received an unfavourable report based on the Chairperson's report which was sent ot Public Works Canada (attached). I would like a copy of this report along with any pertinent information related to this claim. 1993.07.28 930067 S.S. MOYIE #1 Sequence of Events Regarding Asbestos Aboard S.S. Moyie #2 As per agreement between: Her Majesty The Queen In The right of Canada the Ministry of the Environment and: The Kootenay Lake Historical Society and: The Corporation of the Village of Kaslo. on the 25th day of July 1988. I specifically request a copy of the Evidence and Performance requireme stipulated in item 4 of evidence and Performance P.4 of agreement Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.01.18 920539 XXX INFO ON 1988 AND 1989 TAX YEA Toute information actuellement disponible ... votre ministŠre relativement aux avis de nouvelle cotisation concernant les corporations XXX pour les ann‚es d'imposition suivantes: 31 juillet 1988 et 31 juillet 1989. La pr‚sente demande inclut, et ce de fa‡on non exhaustive, les documents suivants: ~ Rapports du v‚rificateur ‚mis suite ... la v‚rification; ~ Toute opinion technique ‚mise par le ministŠre du revenu ou des Finances que le ministŠre a consid‚r‚ pour l'‚tablissement des avis de nouvelle cotisation. Ce qui inclut, et ce de fa‡on non exhaustive, toute opinion technique appuyant l'association des compagnies pr‚cit‚es. 1993.06.14 930106 XXX ALL INFO MAY 1, 1991 TO PRESE Any correspondence, memoranda and other documentary material on file between the International Taxation Office of Revenue Canada (either in the Ottawa Head Office or Toronto District Office) and the tax authorities of any foreign jurisdiction with which Canada has had a tax treaty including XXX. 1993.06.16 930100 CLARIFICATION DIRECTIVE (APRIL 23/93): CA-93-20 U.I.C. (Re: Insurance Earnings) Issue of "control" by shareholder/employee in circumstance where shareholder has shares in both a parent and subsidiary company. "Clarification Directive" (April 23/93): CA-93-20. 930101 XXX INFORMATION POUR LE TRAITEMEN Toutes communications, tout compte-rendu verbal ou ‚crit concernant le traitement fiscal d'un boni XXX pour l'exercice financier termin‚ le 30 avril 1990 ainsi que tous les documents ‚mis par le bureau principal de Revenue Canada concernant ledit boni ainsi que toute documentation ayant servi ... ‚tablir les avis de cotisation XXX. La demande exclus les documents qui ont ‚t‚s fournis par XXX. 1993.06.17 930102 XXX T2S FOR THE YEARS 1989, 1990 & 1991 We wish to examine everything in the Income Tax Files of XXX for the years 1989, 1990, 1991 and to have photocopies made of items to be chosen by us. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.06.18 1993.06.18 930103 COPIE DU MOI. NO 1014.9 En vertu des dispositions de la Loi sur l'accŠs ... l'information, nous d‚sirons par la pr‚sente faire une demande pour obtenir copie du MOI. No 1014.9 relatif aux demandes non-officielles d'accŠs ... des renseignements. 1993.06.21 930104 XXX T2S FOR 1988-1991 TAXATION YE All information is required with respect to the 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 taxation years of XXX including but not limited to the Appeals' Officer's reports T401, Reports T2020 and auditor's working papers, technical interpretations, notes, letters and/or memoranda with the Department of Justice and any correspondence relating thereto. 930105 XXX T2S FOR 1988-1991 TAXATION YE All information is required with respect to the 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 taxation years of XXX including, but not limited to, the Appeals files, the Auditor's Reports T20, the Appeals' Officer's reports T401, Reports T2020 and auditor's working papers, technical interpretation, notes, letters and/or memoranda with the Department of Justice and any correspondence relating thereto. 1993.06.22 930107 BREAKDOWN OF WAIVERS OF INTEREST Could you please provide me with a breakdown of all waivers of interest and/or penalties which have been granted by Revenue Canada, Taxation, under the guidelines for same, as published in Circular 92-2 (March 18, 1992). With each item listed, would you also please provide the amounts involved (i.e. amount requested/amount granted) and the specific reason(s) for granting such waiver(s). Could you also please provide the same breakdown of information for all requests made under the same circular which have not been granted, also stating the specific reasons for not granting such waiver request(s). 1993.06.23 930110 XXX DOCUMENTS SUPPORTING EMPLOYME The file to support the ruling of XXX pursuant to the request for the employment status of a worker by XXX. 1993.06.25 930108 COPY OF RULING ISSUED BY SOURCE D A copy of Ruling XXX issued by Source Deductions/Rulings, Kitchener District Office, Revenue Canada, Taxation on or about April 29, 1993 on the issue of whether the contract between XXX was a contract of service. 1993.06.28 930109 PREVIOUSLY DISCLOSED INFO ON PARA Please consider this an application for a copy of previously disclosed documents with respect to paragraph 138(11.92) of the Income Tax Act. In particular, any documents providing an opinion on the meaning of "an Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.06.28 930109 insurance business" and "in a line of business of an insurance business". Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.07.12 930478 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the month June 1993.˙ 1993.07.21 930479 RCMP MINISTER LETTERS The RCMP used to submit letters to the Solicitor General entitled "Minister Letters" (either monthly or bimonthly). I wish to access those RCMP "Minister Letters" that were submitted between November 1970 to June 1971 (inclusive) and that deal with or discuss matters related to separatist/terrorist activities, FLQ and similar organizations.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.06.30 930024 WELFRED FRANCIS RAVENOR Information on Welfred Francis Ravenor, born: 1883; deceased: March 4, 1951. 1993.07.08 930025 KGB, ALPHA GROUP. Information on KGB, Alpha Group in 1991. 1993.07.09 930026 NAMES OF 1500 CANADIANS Names of 1500 Canadians who went to Moscow for subversive training. 930027 SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES Analysis of the extent of subversive activities on Canadian Universities, forwarded to the Minister fo Justice 11 August, 1961. 1993.07.12 930028 LABOUR CHURCHES IN WESTERN CANADA Investigations into the affairs of the Labour (People's) Churches in Western Canada in the period 1918 to 1928, in particular the activities of XXX of Winnipeg, XXX and s.19(1) of Brandon. 930029 SUBVERSIVE INVESTIGATIONS RCMP Security and Intelligence memorandum dated 1-11-67, re Instructions re Subversive Investigations and Correspondence. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.03.16 920078 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU LER AU 31 MARS 93, LES NOMS DES INTERPRŠTES CONTRACTUELS en langage gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'tat, la date, le lieux, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. Pour la p‚riode du ler au 31 mars 93, les noms des interprŠtes contractuels en langage gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'tat, la date, le lieux, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. 1993.06.29 930045 PLEASE PROVIDE ME WITH ANY AND AL might have with respect to a Mr. *************** (also operating as High Tech Translations) and his providing translation services through publicly tendered contacts th the Departments of the Secretary of State, National Defence and any other department or Crown Corporation of the Federal Government. Mr. ******* identification number with the Secretary of State is **********. Specifically, I would like copies of any bids submitted by Mr. ******* for translation services, whether of not they resulted in his being awarded the contract, any contracts actually awarded, any correspondence or documentation with respect to Mr. *******'s translator, a summary of what Mr. ******* has been paid for his services, and copies of all cancelled cheques representing to Mr. *******. 930047 .... AS WELL, I AM REQUESTING TH Order, or Treasury Minute (and related working papers and instructions) that culminated in the act of referring my refund to the Secretary of State. It should be noted that no money is owed to the Secretary of State, as the matter was judicially resolved in 1984. 1993.06.30 930046 WE ARE REQUESTING TO HAVE COPIES informatics consultants services through the standing offer used in the National Captial Region for any particular month with in the last twelve months. The specific positions we are looking for in the call-ups of the informatics consultants are listed below; 1. Technology Architect (TA) 2. Technology analyst (TAn) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.06.30 930046 3. Technology Operator (TO) 4. Senior Systems Analyst (SSA) 5. Programmer Analyst (PA) 6. Programmer (P) 7. Project Manager (PM) 8. Project Leader (PL) 9. Project Administrator (PAd) 1993.07.06 930048 I AM APPLYING UNDER THE ACCESS AC 1. 1992, 1993 furniture, furnishing/renovation costs (actual/projected by major categories) for the deputy minister's offices and boardrooms for the then deputy ministers Ms. Jean and Gusella. 2. Rationales/work orders/contracts for said expenditures. 3. With the announced creation of a new department on June 25/93, the uses such offices/boardrooms are now intended to be put to. 1993.07.07 930049 I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THE PROVI namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the months of May and June 1993 for National Capital Region Ottawa - Hull. 1993.07.13 930050 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993 930051 JE DEMANDE UNE COPIE DES APPELS D'OFFRES SUIVANTS: LSO-3-00493 LSO-3-00494 LSO-3-00491 LSO-3-00471 ‚mis par la Direction des march‚s de services linguistiques. 1993.07.27 930052 POUR LA P‚RIODE DU 1ER AU 31 JUIL contractuels en langage gestuel LSQ ayant re‡u des affectations du Secr‚tariat d'tat, la date, le lieux, les heures d'affectations, le montant des soumissions, ainsi que le num‚ro de conf‚rence. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.07.27 930053 PLEASE SEND ME THE FOLLOWING INFO CANADA STUDENT LOANS PROGRAM - COLLECTION AGENCY DIRECTIVES. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 103 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.07.09 931102 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR JUNE 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: June 1993.˙ 1993.07.19 931104 1911 AND 1921 CENSUS RESEARCH I am a local historian and a Canadian ciizen, working on family reconstitution for the municipality of Delta in British Columbia.˙ ˙ For that purpose, I wish to obtain copies of the manuscript census for the years 1911 and 1921 for Delta, as well as Ladner, Port Guichon, Chinatown and Westham Island, which may have been enumerated separately.˙ 931105 LIST OF CS EMPLOYEES Under the Access to Information & Privacy Act, I would like to request a list of employees within Statistics Canada that have a 'Computer Specialist' (CS) designation.˙ ˙ If possible, please format the listing with the following headings:˙ ˙ SURNAME INIT GR LVL˙ ˙ Smith GJ CS 02˙ Loucks P CS 03˙ Crispin RG CS 01˙ 1993.07.23 931107 CALLUPS FOR APRIL, MAY & JUNE 1993 Callups against a standing offer for April, May & June 1993˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 104 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TBS 1993.05.05 940010 OFFICIAL BILINGUAL STATISTICS 1. The definition for "service to the public" for classifying jobs Bilingual Imperative.˙ 2. Number of posts designated English Essential, French Essential, Bilingual Essential and Bilingual Imperative˙ 3. What percent of Public Service jobs are designated "bilingual imperative" carry service-to-the-public obligations.˙ 1993.07.07 940035 NCC'S PURCHASE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS ACCESS TO ALL RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW ABOUT TREASURY BOARD'S ˙ DECISION TO APPROVE THE NATIONAL CAPITAL COMMISSION'S PURCHASE OF $150,000˙ WORTH OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS˙ 1993.07.16 940039 PRODUCTION COSTS OF ESTIMATES 1.The value of the contract for the printing and related production cost for the 1993/94 Main Estimates Part III.˙ 2.The final amount paid, including a breakdown for overtime, authors, alterations, and security?˙ 3.The breakdown for the fixed and variable printing costs.˙ 4.The costs, on the same breakdown basis, for the 1992/93 Main Estimates Part III.˙ 1993.07.23 940041 TEMPORARY HELP Information on call ups against a standing offer for temporary help for the months of April, May, and June.˙ 1993.07.29 940043 NATIONAL DEFENCE MEDICAL CENTRE INFORMATION ON THE NAMES AND CLASSES OF PERSONS WHO HAVE ACCESS TO THE SENIOR OFFICIALS CLINIC AT THE NATIONAL DEFENCE MEDICAL CENTRE˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 105 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.07.15 930008 104-2 (AIRCRAFT AND MILITARY HELI) 104-2 (ALL FILES CONCERNING ANY AI All files concerning any Aircraft or Military Helicopter accidents at Bull Lake, Ontario. Including photographs, videotape and movie film.˙ 930009 A92O0144 (COPY OF ALL THE FILE) A copy of the entire investigation file including Photographs and Video Tape concerning an aircraft accident that occured on May 25, 1993 at Bull Lake, Ontario. The aircraft involved was a Cessna registration C-GEDK. The instructor and pilot were killed. They were 1) XXX 2) YYY. The aircraft struck a Bell Canada overhead cable and Bell Canada has been put on Notice about a possible lawsuit.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 106 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.06.16 930065 INFORMATION ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Information on veteran deceased 20 years 1993.06.21 930068 WVA INFORMATION WVA information. Amounts of time it takes the Department of VA to process benefit applications once the file is complete in terms of the applicatn having submitted all documents and information required to complete the file. 1993.06.23 930071 INFO OF DECEASED VETERAN 20 YEARS Info on veteran deceased 20 years. 1993.06.25 930070 INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Info on veteran deceased 20 years 930073 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN - 20 YEARS Information on deceased veteran - 20 years 1993.07.07 930078 INFO FROM DECEASED VETERANS FILE Information from deceased veteran's file. 1993.07.09 930080 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Requesting information on Veteran for geneology. 1993.07.12 930083 INFO ON VETERAN DECEASED 20 YRS Seeking information of Veteran deceased 20 years 1993.07.14 930081 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Medical information on veteran deceased 20 years. 1993.07.16 930082 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years Dept Date Request No Text Page: 107 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.07.22 1993.07.22 930084 INFO ON COMPETITION PM-02 (BPA) DVA Employee would like to have copy of the last two Boards (Questions and Scoring Marks) for the PM-02 Legal & Administrative Officer with the BPA Office in Charlottetown 1993.07.23 930085 INFO ON VETERANS GRAVE SITE Family coming to Canada in Sept. would like to locate veteran's grave site. 930086 INFO ON WW1 VETERAN Would like transcripts of veteran's war records and copies of parents citizenship papers. WW1 Veteran 1993.07.26 930087 ALL INFO ON DECEASED VETERAN Request all information on serviceman with copies of originals. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.08.16 From:1993.07.01 To:1993.07.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 108 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.06.29 930003 SPECIFIC TOURS INC. Request for all files, memos, minutes and other relevant and pertinent˙ information relating to the Specific Tours project, "The Whistler Experience". In particular the discussion, minutes, and any additional notes relating to the WD assessment board's meeting of February 1992.˙ ˙ All WD projects approved between February 1991 and March 1992 by Mr. Eldon Schorn, the terms, amounts, and present status of all contributions and how the funds have been spent in each case. In addition, names and program details of those tour operators in western Canada whose product closely resembles that of Specific Tours Inc. / The Whistler Experience. ˙ 1993.07.15 930004 SOLID LUBRICANT PRODUCT All records of funding and research support provided to Lighthouse Industries Inc., Calmar Paint and Fiberglass Ltd., or xxxxxxxx towards the development of a solid lubricant product and determinition of the properties of that product during the years 1988 and 1989.˙ 930005 NORTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER BOAT LTD. Request for information for the most recent business plan, the most recent audited financial statements and the most recent unaudited financial statements for the North Saskatchewan River Boat Ltd.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.07.21 930037 CALLUPS I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against an Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the month of June 1993 for the department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. 1993.07.23 930038 SCALE I would like to order the Ad Hoc Report, five year history, for the Device Class 10, on magnetic tape only (print-out not required). 1993.07.26 930039 CALLUPS call-ups to temporary help services in the National Capital Region for the Last 3 (Completed) months (for all categories, if possible but mostly administrative support) 1993.07.29 930040 DRUGS SAFETY HAZZARD Are the following approved for use, or constrained from use from a safety/hazzard aspect. What are the levels/conditions prescribed for safe usage/storage/transportation? 1) chitosen 3) z-Amino-2-deoxyglucose (Glucosamine/Chitosamine) 2) chitin 4) Glucosamine Hydrochloride 5) Alucosamine Sulphate 1993.08.05 930041 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS Review FY93 Unclaimed Bankruptcy Dividends 930042 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS Please find enclose a cheque for $32.20 in payment of ~ Access to Info - 92-93 Dividends ~ 136 Photocopies sheets 1993.08.06 930043 BANKRUPTCY UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 1992-93 Bankruptcy trustee remittances (fiscal 1992) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.08.09 1993.08.09 930044 CALL-UPS FOR JULY 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for temporary help services during the period of July 1993. 1993.08.11 930045 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 1992-93 A copy of unclaimed dividends for 1992-93 930046 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 1991-92 unclaimed dividends for 1991-92 1993.08.12 930047 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 1992-93 ($1000.+) We seek to obtain copies of documents identifying unclaimed funds. The documents sought reflect unpaid dividends or undistributed assets arising from 1992 bankruptcy actions with payable dollar amounts in excess of $1000.00. 1993.08.16 930048 TRUCK SCALES REPORT Ad Hoc report for device class D all regions for 1993 930049 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS 1992/93 All unclaimed dividend forms for 1992-93. 1993.08.17 930050 CALLUPS - JULY In accordance with the Access to Information Act, I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the month of July 1993 for Consumer & Corporate Affairs. 1993.08.19 930051 REGULATIONS S. 55.2 PATENT ACT I am applying under the Access Act for the following records. Internal records, including notes, memos, briefing notes to the Minister, minutes of meetings, letters or faxes regarding the development and implementation of regulations promulgated on March 12, 1993 pursuant to section 55.2 of the Patent Act. 930052 SECTION 55.2 PATENT ACT I am applying under the Access Act for the following records. External records, including letters, meeting notes, briefing notes, contracts, memos of understanding with government and private sector associations/firms regarding the development and implementation of regulations promulagated on March 12, 1993 pursuant to section 55.2 of the Patent Act. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.08.23 1993.08.23 930053 CREDIT DEBT PROGRAMS GRANTS CONTR 1. I am interested in knowing if the federal government is developing or planning any future legislation in regards to Credit Counselling (also knowns as Orderly Payment of Debt Programs) in Canada with or without the co-operation of the provinces. 2. It is my undestanding that the federal government has funded non-profit Credit Counselling in Ontario for the years '85/'86 to '91/'92. The total amount of grants for this period is $13,428,733.00. I would like to know what the government got for their money. How much money was given to each province during this time period? I am interested in receiving copies of any annual reports from these non profit credit counselling associations. I would expect that the government would require a status report for each year they provided funding. The information I am hoping to find is as follows: A. The number of consumers served. B. The amont of money paid back to creditors. C. The number of consumers that completed the repayment program. D. The number of consumers who did not complete the debt repayment program. E. The financial statements of these non profit associations. F. The applications for request for funding. G. The cost to consumers to participate in such programs. 930054 CREDIT DEBT STUDIES 3. Any studies that the government has prepared concerning consumer debt for the past 5 years. 4. Any studies relating to consumer credit reporting and it's effect on Canadians. 5. Information relating to the monopolistic control of one credit reporting company in Canada and the Competition Act. Is the government aware of the problem? Are there any studies relating to this topic? Have any credit reporting companies in the last ten years ever been successfully charged and prosecuted under the Competition Act? 6. Is voluntary compliance under the Competition Act public information? If so, have any credit reporting companies in Canada voluntarily complied to the requests of the governments? I would like to see these documents. Requests for informaiton concerning credit counselling, non profit credit counselling and consumer debt repayment programs I am interested in specific information as it relates to Ontario and more of an overview for the country as a whole. Requests for credit reporting information I will take everything. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CLR 1993.07.29 900028 ROLATIF A LA DECISION N# 675. CONSULTATION DES DOSSIERS DE REPRESENTATION DES PARTIES RELATIFS A LA DECISION N# 675 DU CONSEIL. LES DOSSIERS IMPLIQUES PORTENT LES LES N# 530-1218 ET 530-1481. JE NE DESIRE PAS REGARDER D'AUTRES DOSSIERS QUE COUX DONT LES NUMEROS SONT MENTIONNES CI-HUNT.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 931451 CLASSIFICATION OF POSITION Request for the point ratings and position titles for all CR3, CR4 and ˙ CR5 positions as well as copies of the position descriptions and the˙ organization charts for the 10 highest and 10 lowest rated positions at˙ each level.˙ 931452 CLASSIFICATION OF POSITION Request for copies of job descriptions for position #'s E0033-405 and 407./˙ All disclosed -93-08-22./˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.07.12 930046 IDARAC Could I get information about the prescription medication "IDARAC" in relation to the CSC drug formulary? Was this medication ever on this formulary, and if so when did it get removed? As well could I find out why it was removed and relevant policies? 1993.07.16 930029 INVESTIGATION SUBMITTED BY KING & DALBY All personal information including any from personal information contained in the document entitled Regional investigation into allegations of improper conduct into the Practic of charted psychologist s.19(1) , submitted by authors King and Dalby, July 1992. 1993.08.17 930044 CALL-UPS NCR --JULY 1993 I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services for the month of July 1993 for the department of Correctional Services Canada. 1993.08.23 930045 CALL-UPS -- JUNE 1993 I am requesting copies of the complete call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 1993.08.25 930047 CALL-UPS -- JUNE & JULY 93 Call-ups for temp. Help and Pato for the months of June and July 1993. In the NCR. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.07.29 932508 POSSIBLE DETENTION OF CDNS IN 1970S PAKISTAN WERE ANY CANADIAN CITIZENS ARRESTED BY THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT DURING THE 1970S WAR WITH INDIA AND HELD WITHOUT CAUSE/ 1993.08.05 932509 EFFECTIVENESS OF BOSTON CONSULATE GENERAL ALL RECORDS CREATED SINCE JAN. 1/92 THAT ASSESS, EXAMINE OR REVIEW THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CDN CONSULATE AND CONSUL-GENERAL FOR NEW ENGLAND, BASED IN BOSTON, INCLUDING RECORDS SUMMARIZING OPERATIONS UNDER THE OUTGOING CONSUL-GENERAL, TOM MCMILLAN. 1993.08.10 932510 CANCELLATION OF FOREIGN GOVT AWARDS PROGRAM INFORMATION REGARDING EXTERNAL AFFAIRS' DECISION TO CANCEL THE FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AWARDS PROGRAM, PARTICULARLY THE SCHOLARSHIP TO HOLLAND. 932511 CALLUPS FOR TEMP HELP SERVICES ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY DEA IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JULY 1993. 1993.08.11 932512 CALLUPS FOR JULY 1993 CALLUPS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1993 FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION. 1993.08.12 932513 ABUSES BY EMPLOYEES XXX 1993.08.13 932514 AUDITS 1992 & 1993 A LIST, OR TITLE PAGES IF NO LIST IS AVAILABLE, OF PROGRAM, SPECIAL OR COMPREHENSIVE AUDITS CONDUCTED OR COMPLETED FOR THE DEPARTMENT IN 1992 AND 1993. 932515 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS 1993 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS CONDUCTED FOR THE DEPARTMENT IN 1993 TO DATE. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.08.13 932516 EXPENSES FOR AMB ARTHUR CAMPEAU I REQUEST ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING RECORDS CONCERNING THE AMBASSADOR FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, ARTHUR H. CAMPEAU: COPIES OF ALL EXPENSE ACCOUNTS SUBMITTED SINCE HIS APPOINTMENT AND THE RECORDS OF ANY OTHER COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRIPS OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY; AN ITINERARY OF ALL TRIPS ABROAD WHICH SHOULD INCLUDE ANY CONFERENCES ATTENDED IN HIS ROLE AS AMBASSADOR. XXX 1993.08.17 932517 FOREIGN INTELL BUREAU/DIV & VARIOUS INTELL REPORTS COPIES OF ANY DOCS PREPARED BY OR FOR THE FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE BUREAU/DIVISION, THAT RELATE TO : a)C.M. ISBISTER'S REPORT ON INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS IN THE CDN GOVT, NOV 9, 1970; b)THE 1984 PCO'S STAFF REPORT ENTITLED "FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE FOR CANADA" (FADDEN REPORT); c)ARTHUR KROEGER'S 1984 REPORT ENTITLED "MANAGEMENT OF THE CDN INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM"; d)THE 1987 MARCHAND REVIEW ENTITLED "FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT REVIEW"; e)ANY REVIEWS, REPORTS OR STUDIES UNDERTAKEN SINCE 1988 BY OR FOR THE FEDERAL GOVT ON CDN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, INCLUDING THOSE REVIEWS, REPORTS OR STUDIES THAT RELATE TO INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTS, INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION, INTELLIGENCE POLICY, COORDINATION OF INTELLIGENCE, AND MANAGEMENT OF INTELLIGENCE. 932518 USSEA & VARIOUS INTELLIGENCE REPORTS COPIES OF ANY DOCS IN THE FILES OF THE UNDER-SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, OR HIS OR HER PREDECESSORS, OTHER THAN THOSE IDENTIFIED AND PROCESSED FOR REQUEST A-2517, THAT RELATE TO: a)C.M. ISBISTER'S REPORT ON INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS IN THE CDN GOVT, NOV 9, 1970; b)THE 1984 PCO'S STAFF REPORT ENTITLED "FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE FOR CANADA" (FADDEN REPORT); c)ARTHUR KROEGER'S 1984 REPORT ENTITLED "MANAGEMENT OF THE CDN INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM"; d)THE 1987 MARCHAND REVIEW ENTITLED "FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT REVIEW"; e)ANY REVIEWS, REPORTS OR STUDIES UNDERTAKEN SINCE 1988 BY OR FOR THE FEDERAL GOVT ON CDN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, INCLUDING THOSE REVIEWS, REPORTS OR STUDIES THAT RELATE TO INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTS, INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION, INTELLIGENCE POLICY, COORDINATION OF INTELLIGENCE, AND MANAGEMENT OF INTELLIGENCE. 932519 FILES OF THE INTELLIGENCE POLICY CTTEE A COPY OF THE FILE/RECORDS INDEX TO THE FILES OF THE INTELLIGENCE POLICY COMMITTEE; AND THE INDEX TO THE AGENDA AND MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEE. 1993.08.18 932520 EMPLOYEE EXPENSE ACCOUNT IRREGULARITIES COPIES OF ALL REPORTS, MEMOS, ETC PREPARED BY OR RECEIVED BY THE DEPT SINCE MAY 1993 WITH RESPECT TO EMPLOYEE EXPENSE ACCOUNT IRREGULARITIES. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.08.18 932521 CALLUPS JULY93 CALLUPS FOR JULY, 1993. 932522 FOREIGN GIFTS TO PM MULRONEY FROM 1985 TO 1993 ANY LOG/LIST/RECORD OF OFFICIAL GIFTS GIVEN HERE OR ABROAD BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES IN THE 1985-93 PERIOD TO PM MULRONEY OR HIS WIFE/FAMILY, WHERE THE GIFTS ARE MOW AND IN WHOSE POSSESSION/OWNERSHIP THESE GIFTS ARE. PROVIDE ANY RULES ON SUCH GIFTS TO CDN SENIOR OFFICIALS/PRIME MINISTERS. 1993.08.19 932523 SPIRIT SINGS EXHIBIT COMMUNICATIONS ISSUED IN 1986 AND 1987 BY EXTERNAL AFFAIRS PRESSURING EUROPEAN MUSEUMS WHO WERE RECONSIDERING PROMISES TO LEND OBJECTS TO THE GLENBOW MUSEUM IN CALGARY "SPIRIT SINGS EXHIBIT" TO INDEED LEND THEM TO THAT INSTITUTION. 932524 CARBON TAX BY DRI I REQUEST ACCESS TO A STUDY ON THE POTENTIAL IMPACT OF A CARBON TAX DONE BY DRI CANADA. 932525 CALLUPS JUNE/JULY 1993 CALLUPS FOR JUNE AND JULY, 1993. 1993.08.20 932526 S.55.2 OF PATENT ACT/INTERNAL RECORDS INTERNAL RECORDS, INCLUDING NOTES, MEMOS, BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER, MEETING MINUTES, LETTERS OR FAXES REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REGULATIONS PROMULGATED ON MARCH 12, 1993 PURSUANT TO SECTION 55/2 OF THE PATENT ACT. 932527 S.55.2 OF PATENT ACT/EXTERNAL RECORDS EXTERNAL RECORDS, INCLUDING LETTERS, MEETING NOTES, BRIEFING NOTES, CONTRACTS, MEMOS OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE SECTOR ASSOCIATIONS/FIRMS REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REGULATIONS PROMULGATED ON MARCH 12, 1993 PURSUANT TO SECTION 55.2 OF THE PATENT ACT. 932528 SENIOR GOVT EMPLOYEES 1. SINCE JUNE 25, 1993, SENIOR GOVT EMPLOYEES FROM OTHER AGENCIES WHO HAVE BECOME EXTERNAL PERMANENT OR CONTRACT EMPLOYEES, THEIR POSITIONS, CLASSIFICATIONS, PAY/CONTRACT VALUE. 2. DATA ON EXTERNAL SENIOR EMPLOYEES COLLECTING FEDERAL GOVT PENSIONS. 3. SENIOR EMPLOYEES WHO AFTER JUNE 25, 1993, HAVE BEEN RELEASED FROM EXTERNAL. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.08.20 932529 1973 MILITARY COUP IN CHILE & CDA'S DECISION TO RECOGNIZE AS A RESEARCHER INTERESTED IN THE EVENTS SURROUNDING THE 1973 MILITARY COUP IN CHILE AND CANADA'S DECISION TO RECOGNIZE THE NEW REGIME, I WISH TO APPLY UNDER THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT FOR ACCESS TO CABLES, CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER RELEVANT RECORDS FOR THE PERIOD SEPT 1 TO OCT 15, 1973. I AM INTERESTED IN OBTAINING COPIES OF WHATEVER DOCUMENTS ARE FOUND. 1993.08.24 932530 CALLUPS JUNE 93 CALLUPS JUNE 1993. 932531 LIST UNDER IMPORT/EXPORT PERMITS ACT FOR 1993 THE IDENTITY OF ALL PERSONS TO WHOM QUOTA HAS BEEN ALLOCATED AND/OR A PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED UNDER THE IMPORT AND EXPORT PERMITS ACT, FOR THE IMPORTATION OF : (i) ICE-CREAM AND ICE-CREAM PRODUCTS; AND (ii)YOGHURT FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1993. 1993.08.26 932532 INVESTIGATIONS INTO ALLEGATIONS BY TNO EMPLOYEE ALL STAFF INVESTIGATIONS INTO ALLEGATIONS BY XXX, FORMERLY OF TNO, THAT DOCUMENTS CONNECTED WITH FTA DISCUSSIONS WERE ALTERED, LOST, SHREDDED OR OTHERWISE DESTROYED. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.07.13 930107 CANADIAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT I am writing to request a copy of the current Canadian Armed Forces policy on the settlement of human rights complaints made under the Canadian Human Rights Act. I specifically request the policy on settlement of complaints at the conciliation stage of proceedings. This request is made pursuant to the Access to Information Act, R.S.C. 1985, Ch. A-1. 1993.07.29 930128 ORGANIZATIONAL REVIEW OF CFB HALIFAX BCEO/UTILITIES SECTION 1. Complete files on the organizational review of CFB Halifax BCEO/Utilities Section. (Ref 6036-605) (DCPRO-2) 07 September 1989 Project Officer J. Layne. 2. Complete files on the resulting H.P. Group reclassification at CFB Halifax from above mentioned review. 1993.08.03 930129 MILITARY BANDS IN THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES A list of all the current full and part time military bands in the Canadian Armed Forces. A list of the name and rank of each Commanding Officer (Band Master) for the above. A list of the mailing address and phone number for each of the above. The name, address, and phone number for the person in charge of all Canadian Forces Bands. 1993.08.09 930130 G.L. BUS - 2 (CLEANER) EMPLOYEE LIST AT CFB DETACHMENT LONDON I would like access to an employee list for C.F.B. London now C.F.B. Detachment London with specific regard to G.L. Bus-2 cleaners! The time period I'm looking for is Nov 90 to the present day. 1993.08.10 930131 MAGNETIC ACOUSTIC ANOMALIES DETECTION LIST In 1958 a Canadian and U.S. joint operations were conducted in regards to obtaining and completing an accurate sub-surface contact list. It has been commonly called and known as a "MAAD LIST"..."Magnetic Acoustic Anomalies Detection List". This list was formerly held by the Department of Navy Chart and Chronometer Depot, which now no longer exists. My only interest is what was completed in 1958. The list of sub-surface contacts is as folows: 40 to 53 degrees North Latitude and from 45 to 68 degrees West Longitude. Reference point: Prince Edward Island North Cape. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.08.10 930132 CRASH OF CF LABRADOR HELICOPTER CH11311, 30 APRIL 1993 All accident investigation results associated with the crash of Canadian Forces Labrador Helicopter CH11311, 30 April 93, 15 nautical miles southeast of Bella Coola, British Columbia. 1993.08.11 930133 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN THE NCR DURING JULY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: July 1993. 930134 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR JULY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period July 1993. 930135 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN THE ONTARIO REGION FOR JULY 1993 All Callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period July 1993. 1993.08.12 930136 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN THE NCR FOR JULY 1993 All callups for the month of July 93 for the National Capital Region. 930137 SERVICE INCOME SECURITY INSURANCE PLAN (SISIP) Copy of the terms and definitions of the original contract of the Service Income Security Insurance Plan (SISIP) pertaining to survivor income benefits, as well as a copy of all subsequent amendments to these tems and definitions. The above is requested in both official languages. 1993.08.16 930138 DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST CANADIAN AIRBORNE REGIMENT MEMBERS I request information concerning disciplinary action intiated against any members of the Canadian Airborne Regiment. This request is to cover the period of time from January 1st, 1992 until May 30th, 1993. Throughout this period of time, members of the Canadian Airbonrne Regiment were stationed at Canadian Forces Base Petewawa and/or were on deployment to Somalia in conjunction with operation deliverance. I wish to receive information about any military or civilian charges laid or disciplinary action taken against members of the Airborne. I wish to know the names of any individuals against whom charges were laid, and the outcome of those charges. On occassions where members of the airborne were found to be in violation of military or Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.08.16 930138 civilian regulation and laws, I wish to know specifically what penalities fines or punishments were ordered. My request for information is to be applied to any charges whether they were handled through Summary Trial by a Commanding Officer or any form of Military Court Martial, or were delegated to other persons. Information concerning any disciplinary action taken may be found in Punishment Warrants that are prepared in accordance with military regulations. 930139 WHITE SUPREMACIST ACTIVITY AT CFB ESQUIMALT OR OTHER FACILITIES All documents relating to any investigation or report concerning white supremacist activity at Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt and other defence facilities in Canada. 930140 FORWARD OPERATING LOCATIONS (FOL) SINCE JANUARY 1, 1992 Correspondence, memos, reports or other documents related to public relations strategies, media contacts or promotion of the Forward Operating Locations since January 1, 1992. 930141 YELLOWKNIFE FORWARDING OPERATING LOCATION JAN 25-30, 1993 Correspondence, memos, telexes, reports or other documents evaluating the Yellowknife Forward Operating Location after the trial operation from January 25-30, 1993. 1993.08.18 930142 JOINT INTELLIGENCE BUREAU Requests copy of the following: a) file index/manual, records index/manual, subject file classification system used by the Joint Intelligence Bureau; b) documents that relate to the establishment of the Joint Intelligence Bureau and its mandate/terms of reference of functions; and c) a copy of any documents that relate to the restructuring, transfer or dissolution of the Joint Intelligence Bureau. 1993.08.19 930145 NEW SUPPLY FACILITY FOR THE CANADIAN FORCES IN MONTREAL Copy of winning bid and evaluation for the new supply facility for the Canadian Forces in Montreal. Government file number G2594. 1993.08.23 930143 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.08.23 930146 TRAINING 1992/93 FOR THE 8TH CANADIAN HUSSARS Request a training outline for 1992/93 for the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) (Militia), parent unit code U5002, detailing ONLY the training that ACTUALLY took place during this period. Provide details by date and description of ALL training. Such as local headquarters training, administrative training, regimental training, gun camps, field exercises, computer courses, and the November 11th parade. Provide above details for Regimental Headquarters (RHQ), B Squadron (B SQN) and the unauthorized Headquarters Squadron (HQ SHQ). 930147 EH101 HELICOPTER 1. Summary of material relating to concerns about downwash from the EH101 and how that will affect the helicopter's search and rescue capability. 2. Summary of material relating to possible problems with pilot vision from the cockpit of the EH101 in search and rescue missions. 3. Summary of material relating to whether or not the EH101 will fit into the storage area allocated to it upon the new frigates. 4. All assessments, particularly the most recent assessments, of future sales potential of the EH101. 5. All material related to the causes of the crash of an EH101 in Italy in January including documents explaining the cause of the crash. 6. All material dealing with assessments of the longterm financial viability of Paramax, Agusta SpA and Westland also including any material dealing with the implications for the companies should Canada's EH101 contract be cancelled. 1993.08.24 930144 CALLUPS IN THE NCR FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 Request copies of the completed call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region (NCR) only. 930148 LIST OF DEFENCE SCIENTISTS IN CANADA Request a list of all the Defence Scientists at all establishments in Canada. The list should provide the following descriptive details about each Defence Scientist: name, rank and level, location: business address and city and telephone number. I would like a copy on paper and on diskette in ascii file format. 930149 INFORMATION PERTAINING TO CAR ACCIDENT AT ROCKCLIFFE BASE Request regarding the death of s.19(1) died in a car accident involving the Ottawa Police, following a chase through parts of Ottawa which culminated at Rockcliffe base. Request under AIA information relating to this accident in the hands of the Military in general and the Military Police more specifically. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.08.25 1993.08.25 930150 SOMALI INVESTIGATION 1. The names and addresses of all personnel having contact with MCPL Matchee from the time he was taken into custody to the time he was transported to NDMC Ottawa. 2. The names and addresses of all personnel involved in the hanging investigation. 3. A copy of all reports (drafts and final) petaining in any way to the investigation of MCPL Matchee's alleged hanging. 4. The names and addresses of all personnel assigned to guard MCPL Matchee when he was in custody in Somalia. 5. The inventory of MCPL Matchee's effects when he was taken into custody and the names of the individuals who conducted and supervised the taking of the inventory. 6. All photographs and copies of all negatives of photographs taken of MCPL Matchee from the time he was taken into custody to the time he arrived at NDMC Ottawa including the names of all the photographers. 7. A copy of all the "checksheets" used to log the observations made of MCPL Matchee while in custody from the time MCPL Matchee was taken into custody to the time he arrived at NDMC in Ottawa. 8. The names and addresses of all and any personnel who interviewed or saw MCPL Matchee while in custody about the death of the said Somalian or any other topic and copies of his, her or their notes, reports, audio or videotapes, photographs, phtographic negatives or any other record respecting the said interview including all drafts and final productions thereof. 1993.08.27 930151 BULLET PROOF BODY ARMOUR Since 1991, purchasing process, and costs for bullet proof body armour, its testing and results, its effectiveness in use, any complaints/concerns and any follow up actions. 930152 FOREIGN FISHERY BOAT VIOLATIONS/CATCHES 1. In mid-1993, assistance requested, monitoring of and contingency plans of the blockade of the Russian ship Pioner Murmana in the Shelburne Harbour by Canadian boats. 2. In 1993, monitoring of and contingency plans re the Sea Shapard vessel as it was preparing and bound for and at the sites off the East Coast fishery grounds attended to by foreign fishing vessels. 3. In 1993, DND monitoring reports of foreign fishery boat violations/catches. 4. Procedures for above work, including rules of engagement. 1993.08.31 930153 1993 ANNUAL SAC/NORAD/USN BRIEFINGS Request correspondence, memos, telexes and any other records related to the 1993 Annual SAC/NORAD/USN Briefings on the use of Canadian airspace dated after the documents provided in AIA request 93/0113. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.08.31 930154 POSTPONEMENT OF THE KUUJJUAQ FORWARD OPERATING LOCATION Request correspondence, memos, reports, briefing notes, telexes and other documents related to the postponement of the Kuujjuaq Forward Operating Locations (FOL) dated after the material supplied in Access to Information request 92/10020. [Contact North American Air Defence Modernization Office, NDHQ] 930155 KUUJJUAQ FORWARD OPERATING LOCATION Request correspondence, memos, telexes and other documents related to AIA request 92/10020 submitted to DND on April 4, 1992 excluding the actual records supplied to the applicant, but including the investigation of exempted or withheld sections, by the Access to Information Commissioner's Office. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.05.04 930018 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO AN HARASSMENT FILE.˙ 1993.07.21 930063 A COPY OF THE ARTHUR ANDERSON & CO. / CHARLES DOCHERTY AUDITOR'S REPORT IS REQUESTED.˙ 1993.07.22 930064 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR APRIL 1993˙ 930065 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MAY 1993.˙ 1993.07.28 930066 BARLEY REQUEST ALL WRITTEN PRESENTATIONS, COMMENTS AND DIALOGUE PROVIDED TO AND BY MEMBERS OF THE INDUSTRY ROUND TABLE ON BARLEY AND ANY OTHER SOURCE RELATED TO THE CONTINENTAL BARLEY MARKET ISSUE TO AND BY THE HONOURABLE CHARLES MAYER, MINISTER OF AGR AND DR. H. BJARNASON, ASSOCIATE DEPUTY MINISTER, GRAINS AND OILSEEDS. ˙ 930067 COPIES OF VARIOUS MEAT AUDIT INSPECTION REPORTS FOR 1991 TO 1993.˙ 1993.07.29 930068 COPY OF THE AUDIT INSPECTION REPORT FOR THE GAINERS MEAT PACKING PLANT IN EDMONTON DATED JULY 7-8, 1993 AND THE ACTION PLAN DEVELOPED BY GAINERS TO DEAL WITH DEFICIENCIES IDENTIFIED IN THE REPORT˙ 930069 FARM DEBT REVIEW BOARD FILES 1993.08.04 930073 INFORMATION ON THE PRODUCT CATTLEMASTER 4˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.08.05 1993.08.05 930070 LIST OF NAMES AND ADRESSES OF PRODUCERS THAT HAVE HAD BISONS TESTED.˙ 1993.08.06 930071 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTHS OF JUNE AND JULY 1993.˙ 930072 INFORMATION IN HIS FDRB FILE 1993.08.10 930074 ALL RECORDS AS DEFINED IN ATIP ACT. INCLUSIVE, NOTES, AGENDA ENTRIES, HANDWRITTEN, COMPUTER MAIL, INTERNAL;/EXTERNAL MEMORANDA, ETC. FROM OCTOBER 1990 TO PRESENT.˙ 930075 ALL CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1993.˙ 1993.08.11 930076 ANY INFORMATION REGARDING THE CANADIAN ANDALUSIAN HORSES ASSOCIATION.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.06.11 930067 ACCURACY OF FORECASTS MADE BY AES All records created since January 1, 1992 that audit or assess the accuracy of forecasts made by the Atmospheric Environment Service. 1993.07.22 930102 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JUNE, 1993 Call-ups for Temporary Help Services in the National Capital Region for the month of June, 1993. 930103 VOYAGE EFFECTUE LE 15 NOVEMBRE 1989, PAR M. LUCIEN BOUCHARD Je vous fais parvenir, ci-inclus, un formulaire de demande d'acces a l'information, dument complete concernant un voyage effectue le 15 novembre 1989, par M. Lucien Bouchard, lorsqu'il etait ministre de l'environnement. 1993.07.28 930104 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE, NCR APRIL, MAY, JUNE, 1993 All call-ups for Temporary Help Services in the National Capital Region for the months of April, May and June, 1993. 1993.08.04 930105 PCB OWNERS DIRECTORY Please treat this correspondence as a formal application to receive copies of information currently in the possession of Environment Canada regarding registered owners of PCB contaminated electrical equipment in Canada. 930106 MANIFESTS SENT TO ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT - JAN. 1991 TO APRIL 1993. I would like to request through the Access of Information Act a manifest disclosure, of all manifests sent to St. Lawrence Cement during the period of January 1991 through April 1993. The exact address of the generator in question follows: St. Lawrence Cement 2391 Lakeshore Road West Mississauga, ontario Canada L5J 1K1 At the minimum I ould be interested in the following data. 1. Generator of waste 2. Shipping name of waste 3. Transporter Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.08.04 930106 4. Manifest # and date. 1993.08.05 930107 CANADIAN PARKS AND WILDERNESS SOCIETY Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. Information concerning the relationship between the Canadian Parks Service and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. 1993.08.09 930108 CONTRATS ACCORDE AU TROIS COMPAGNIES Nous souhaitons savoir si au cours des douze derniers mois, votre organisme a accorde un ou des contrats a: P.M. Valiquette & Associes Inc. 129. rue Courcelles Montreal ou Pierre M. Valiquette Architecte paysagiste ou Le Groupe D B S F Inc. 7333, rue St-Denis Montreal Cette requete inclue les contrats a etre executes au cours des six prochains mois.. 1993.08.10 930109 MATERIAL TO CABINET TO EXEMPT THE KEMANO COMPLETION PROJECT All background material provided to cabinet, which was used to make its October 12, 1990 decision to exempt the Kemano Completion Project from the Environmental Assessment Review Process Guidelines Order. The information is being asked for in the spirit of Sections 69(3) and 20(6) of the Access to Information Act.. 930110 S.S. MOYIE AGREEMENT OF JULY 25, 1988 The evidence and performance requirements as stipulated in the agreement of July 25, 1988 between: Her Majesty the Queen in the Right of Canada and the Ministry of Environment and: The Kotenany Lake Historical Society and the The Village of Kaslo. Item #4 Evidence and Performance : (a) 930111 CALL-UPS FOR TERMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR FOR JULY 1993. This is a request for all callups against the Master Standing Offer for the month of July 1993 in the National Capital Region. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.08.10 930112 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JULY 1993 To receive all the call ups for the month of July 1993 for the National Capital Region.. 930113 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JULY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution inthe National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangements for Temporary Help Services during the period of July 1993. 930114 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES-ONTARIO REGION FOR JULY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of July 1993.. 930115 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR JULY 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for temporary help services during the period of July 1993. 1993.08.11 930116 CONTRACT TO THE HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING INST. I am writing to request a copy of the contract between Environment Canada and the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute, otherwise known as the (HRAI) for maitenance of a data base of workers trained to handle refrigerants. I also would like copies of any background information that led to the signing of the contract. I am also requesting information on the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment's decision which led to the development of the above training program and contract. 1993.08.16 930117 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR JULY 1993 IN THE NCR. In accordance with the Access to Information Act, I would like to request the provision of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up against a Standing offer for Temporary Help Services" for the month of July 1993 for Environment Canada, NCR. 930118 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES-NCR-MAY, JUNE, JULY, 1993 Call-ups for Temporary Help (DSS 8251) for period: May, June, July, 1993 1993.08.19 930119 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN NCR FOR JUNE & JULY 1993 Copies of call-ups for Temporary Help and Professional and Technical help for the months of June and July 1993 for the National Capital Region. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.08.23 1993.08.23 930120 RENOVATION WORK CARRIED OUT AT THE VIA RAIL UNION STATION BLDG. GEREMIA BLACKIE ARCHITECTURE REQUESTS All correspondence between: Environment Caada Architectural and Engineering Services Office in Winnipeg and Heritage and Conservation Program Architectural and Engineering Services for Environment Canada Office in Ottawa and Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada Office in Ottawa that relates to or mentions "Geremia Blackie Architecture" and "VIA Rail Canada" with respect to the renovation work carried out under the "Historic Railway Heritage Protection Act" at the VIA Rail Union Station Building located at 123 Main Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba Dates of correspondence requested is between December 1, 1992 and present. 930121 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN NCR FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed call up against a standing offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 930122 LIST OF CEPA AND FISHERIES ACT PROSECUTIONS ~-List of prosecutions by Environment Canada of offences under CEPA and the Fisheries Act.-- I am writing to you now to make an official request, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, for the release of this previously public list. The title which appears at the top of this list is : Office of Enforcement, Legal Activities (CEPA and Fisheries Act). We require the most recent copy. 1993.08.24 930123 HERITAGE RAILWAY STATIONS STATIONS DIVISION INVENTORY PROJECT Project K7335-3-087 Heritage Railway Stations Division Inventory Project for Canadian Parks Service Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.08.24 930123 Details of tender results - per diem/total ~ total cost for sucessful bidder (Commonw Limited). 930124 RADIOACTIVE ORGANIC COOLANT I would like to acquire from Environment Canada, all information pertaining to releases of radioactive organic coolant by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., into the Winnipeg River during the period 1976-93. 1993.08.27 930125 EXPENDITURES OF CPS RELATING TO THE QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. All summary documents, since 1990, which detail the total expenditures of the Canadian Parks Service in regard to all historical, anthropological and archaeological research relating to the Queen Charlotte Islands. 1993.08.30 930126 AGREEMENT BETWEEN HER MAJESTY AND LEASE HOLDER TO OPEN DRIVEWAY I hold a cottage lease of s.19(1) Access from the front of my lot to s.19(1) is by a driveway across Park property. The driveway has been in place for at least 40 years. The Park Service is now redeveloping s.19(1) and it proposes to close off my driveway by installing a concrete curb. I believe the driveway was created in the 1930's or 40's pursuant to an agreement between Her Majesty and one of my predecessors, possibly s.19(1) . I am looking for evidence of that agreement. The documentary evidence may be simply a letter or memo granting permission to the leaseholder to open up the driveway. The files may be in the National Archives by now. The simplest course may be to copy the whole file rather than ask your researcher to decide what pages are relevant. Please call if in doubt about how to proceed. 930127 WORK PERMIT-SHORE LINE OF LITTLE LAKE-PORT SEVERN-TRENT WATERWAY I am applying for access to a permit under the Information Act. The permit that I am applying for was issued in late August or early September of 1991. The permit pertains to work being done on the shore line of Little Lake in Port Severn on the Trent Waterway. The property that the permit was issued to is in the township of Georgina Bay, part lot 24, parts 13, 14, 15 and 24, Con 4 of Baxter Ward. The Department that issue this permit was Environment Canada which will soon be falling under the new Canadian Heritage Department. I am enclosing a check to cover the cost. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.08.30 930128 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JULY 1993. As required, Manpower Services is including a cheque for $5.00 for information. We require the 8251's for your most recent month. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.03 930389 SUPPLY OF FAX ENCRYPTION UNIT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 098QE.33140-3-0002 930390 REGULAR MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FOR CAIR REGULAR MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FROM THE CAIR SYSTEM, ALL DEPARTMENTS EXCEPT FOR REVENUE CANADA CUSTOMS AND EXCISE. 930391 POINT RATINGS AND POSITION TITLES FOR ALL POSITIONS AT THE CR3, CR4 AND CR5 COULD I PLEASE RECEIVE A LIST OF THE POINT RATINGS AND POSITION TITLES FOR ALL POSITIONS CLASSIFIED AT THE CR3, CR4, AND CR5 LEVELS IN YOUR DEPARTMENT, AS WELL AS COPIES OF THE POSITION DESCRIPTIONS AND ORGANIZATION CHARTS FOR THE 10 HIGHEST AND THE 10 LOWEST RATED POSITIONS AT EACH LEVEL. 930392 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 52KP.33067-3-0284 930393 CONTRACT TO CLEAN AND PAINT THE CTS TOWER CCG INFORMATION ON CONTRACT TO CLEAN AND PAINT THE CTS TOWER FOR CCG 1993.08.04 930394 INFO ON CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT, NAME OF BIDDERS, TOTAL VALUE OF THEIR BIDS, COPY OF PAGES FROM EACH BID SHOWING MAKE AND MODEL FOR DSS FILE 355EU.08317-3-0804/A 930395 INFO ON CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT, NAME OF BIDDERS, TOTAL VALUE OF THEIR BIDS, COPY OF PAGES FROM EACH BID SHOWING MAKE AND MODEL FOR DSS FILE EW.2D001-3-0018/01 1993.08.05 930396 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DB.W8464-1-GB13/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.05 930397 LIST OF SUPPLIERS FOR CONTRACTS OVER $50,000 FOR 1991-92 & 1992-93. COMPANIES WHICH ARE SUPPLIERS TO THE GOVERNMENT WITH CONTRACTS OVER $50,000.00 EACH AND COMPANIES WHICH EACH SUPPLIES OVER $50,000.00 TO THE GOVERNMENT WHITHOUT CONTRACTS. 930398 COPY OF INVOICE OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENTATION CONCERNING A CERTIFIED CHEQUE COPY OF THE INVOICE AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENTATION RELATING TO A CERTIFIED CHEQUE. 930399 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC3/07 930400 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DS FILE DJ.W8462-1-EBH7/02 930401 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC3/06 930402 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC3/05 930403 RMSO TO REPAIR, RECHARGE AND HYDROSTATICALLY TEST FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAD.66HAL-2-0042/01 930404 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DC.W8463-2-EA2J/01 930405 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DC.W8462-2-DH05/01 1993.08.09 930407 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR THE TOP TWENTY VENDORS TOTAL VALUE AND NUMBER OF CONTRACTS FOR THE TOP TWENTY VENDORS TO THE GOVERNMENT CANADA OF EACH DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES DATA PROCESSING SERVICES, IN EACH OF THE 1991-1992 AND 1992-1993 FISCAL YEARS. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.09 930408 INFO ON CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS, DATES AND METHODS OF DELIVERY, INVOICING AND PAYMENT FOR THE FOLLOWING ~ REQUEST FOR QUOTATION ~ THE CONTRACT OR PURCHASE ORDER ISSUED TO THE SUPPLIER ~ SHIPPING DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE DELIVER, INCLUDING WAYBILLS, PACKING SLIPS, AND CUSTOMS DOCUMENTS. ~ INVOICES FROM THE SUPPLIER ~ RECORDS OF DATES OF PAYMENTS TO THE SUPPLIER ~ ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS GENERALLY RELEVANT TO THE INFORMATION REQUESTED 930409 INFO ON STANDING OFFER COPIES OF OFFERS RECEIVED AND THE STANDING OFFER ISSUED FOR DSS FILE NUMBER EV.E0231-3-0040 930410 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES BY DOLLAR VOLUME FOR EACH QUARTER OF THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 1993 930411 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1993 TO JULY 31, 1993 930412 TO PROVIDE TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX93-00145-(024) 930413 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 508HA.W0126-3-R011/A 930414 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 508HA.W0126-3-RO19/A 1993.08.10 930415 CONSULTATION FROM ATLANTIC CANADA OPPORTUNITIES AGENCY RE: CALL-UPS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 CONSULTATION FROM ACOA FOR STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 FOR THE ATLANTIC CANADA OPPORTUNITIES AGENCIES. 1993.08.11 930417 CALLUPS FOR THE NCR FOR PERIOD OF JULY 1993 COPY OF ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE MONTH JULY 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.11 930418 INFO ON CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 31077-2-1270/00/A AND ANTECEDENT 1993.08.13 930419 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TNB93-00327-(801) 930420 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES TOTAL VALUE AND NUMBER OF ALL CONTRACTS AWARDED BY DSS FOR EACH FISCAL YEAR 1991-1992 AND 1992-1993, FOR DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES AND FOR DATA PROCESSING SERVICES. 930421 COPIE DE CONTRAT COPIE DE CONTRAT POUR LE NUMERO DE DOSSIER COQ92-00249-(001)/A 930422 COPIE DE CONTRAT CONDITION DE L'OFFRE QUI A ETE ACCEPTEE POUR LE NUMERO XSD93-00020 SERVICE D'ENCANTEURS. 930423 CAIR LIST FROM JANUARY 1, 1993 TO PRESENT THE CAIR LIST FROM JANUARY 1, 1993 TO PRESENT 930424 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TY.W8465-2-DA06/03 930425 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DC.W8476-2-EU01/02 930426 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC8/05 930427 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8462-2-EBC8/06 930428 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDMW0134-3-HMAN/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.13 930429 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE STJ.W0105-3-V017/01 930430 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HD.31053-3-2053/01 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.02.19 920278 IMMIGRATION RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX c/o XXX 1993.05.17 930062 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA AND MEDICAL FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.05.19 930151 XXX - IMMIG FILE - B.C. AREA XXX WANTS HER HUSBAND'S IMMIG. FILE 1993.06.11 930136 REQUEST FOR IMMIG. FILE OF MS. XXX - NEW DELHI s.19(1) of Mark & Company Law Corp. represents XXX and requests her immig. file from New Delhi 1993.06.15 930125 XXX IMM. RECS RE XXX IMM RECORDS XXX C/O XXX 930126 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX IMM. RECRDS FOR XXX ON XXX 930128 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX\ ALL RECORDS RE THE IMM. MATTERS OF XXX 1993.07.21 930221 XXX IMM RECORDS FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMMIGRATION VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.07.27 930215 XXX COST OF FED ASSIST./GRANTS FOR REFUGEES 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94 (PROJECTED AND ACTUAL TO DATE) COSTS (BROKEN DOWN BY MAJOR CATEGORIES) OF FEDERAL ASSISTANCE/GRANTS FOR REFUGEE SERVICES/ADMINISTRATION, AND RATIONALES AND FORMULAS ADOPTED FOR THESE GRANTS. ALSO FOR THESE YEARS THE NUMBER OF REFUGEES SETTLING PER PROVINCE AND EXPECTED LEVELS OF REFUGEE SERVICES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.07.28 1993.07.28 930207 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930212 XXX EDMONTON YMCA FOR THE SEA PROGRAM REQUEST FOR A COPY OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN EIC AND THE EDMONTON YMCA FOR THE SEA PROGRAM 930227 XXX IMM INFO ON AUTHOR. OF WORK PERMITS A COPY OF IMMIGRATION PROCEDURES MANUAL REFERENCES, AND POLICY MEMOS RE THE AUTHORIZATION OF WORK PERMITS TO FOREIGN CONSULTANTS ACCEPTING CONTRACTS IN CANADA AND IMPORTING FOREIGN WORKERS TO UNDERTAKE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTRACTS. WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO OBLIGATION OF CANADA EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION COMMISSION TO ENSURE THAT THERE ARE OR ARE NOT QUALIFIED CANADIANS AVAILABLE 930238 XXX CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT N.B. ABORIGINAL PEOPLES COPY OF THE CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT OF THE N.B. ABORIGINAL PEOPLES COUNCIL'S EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE POJECT FUNDED BY EIC FOR THE 1993 FISCAL YEAR, FOR THE PURPOSE OF DELIVERING YOUTH EMPLOYMENT - RELATED SERVICES, TO OFF RESERVE FIRST NATION YOUTH OF THE PROVINCE 1993.07.29 930209 XXX CR-3, CR-4 CR-5 REQUEST FOR A LIST OF THE POINT RATINGS AND POSITION TITLES FOR ALL POSITIONS CLASSIFIED AT THE CR-3, CR-4 AND CR-5 LEVELS, IN EIC AS WELL AS COPIES OF THE POSITION DESCRIPTIONS AND ORGANIZATION CHARTS FOR THE 10 HIGHEST AND THE 10 LOWEST RATED POSITIONS AT EACH LEVEL 930210 XXX INVEST. REPORT OF XXX INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT OF HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS AGAINST XXX; TERMS OF SETTLEMENT BETWEEN EIC & XXX RE TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP 930211 XXX TRAINING MATERIALS & MANUALS FOR VISA OFFIC. REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO ALL TRAINING MATERIALS AND MANUALS USED IN THE TRAINING OF VISA OFFICERS. ALL RECORDS RELATING THE THIS TOPIC THAT HAVE BEEN PRODUCED OR COMPILED ON OR SINCE JANUARY 1, 1993 930219 XXX FOR MEDICAL RECORDS ON XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.08.02 1993.08.02 930208 XXX PO/FOCUS GRPS/SURVEY RESULTS GALLUP, AD HOC MARKT REQUEST FOR ALL 1993 PUBLIC OPINION/FOCUS GROUPS/SURVEY RESULTS, INCLUDING GALLUP, AD HOC MARKETING, TADEMAR, ANGUS REID RESEARCH INTERIM/FINAL REPORTS. 930213 XXX IMM/REFUGEES LEAVING MINORS IN CANADA REQUEST FOR 1991-1993 REPORTS, FIGURES ON IMMIGRANTS/REFUGEES WHO ARE LEAVING THEIR MINORS IN CANADA WHILE GOING OVERSEAS TO WORK. COMPLAINTS RECEIVED, BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER PREPARED AND ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN 930214 XXX DOMESTIC HELP ACCEPTED IN CANADA ON TEMP WORK VISA 1992, 1993 FIGURES ON DOMESTIC HELP ACCEPTED INTO CANADA ON TEMPORARY WORK VISAS SINCE THE ADMISSION CHANGE LAST YEAR, THEIR EDUCATION LEVEL, TYPE OF TRAINING, COUNTRY OF ORIGIN, SEX, AGE; HOW THIS DIFFERS FROM THE PREVIOUS 1990-92 PERIOD; AND CHANGES CURRENTLY BEING CONTEMPLATED.; AS WELL ANY 1990-93 DEPORTATION FIGURES OF DOMESTIC HELP BY COUNTRY DEPORTED TO. 1993.08.03 930216 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX XXX MEDICAL RECORDS REQUEST BY XXX FOR XXX 930281 XXX MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX REQUEST FOR THE MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX BY XXX 1993.08.04 930217 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930218 XXX 1993 STATUS ON INCOME SECURITY POLICY REDESIGN 1993 STATUS REPORT ON THE INCOME SECURITY POLICY (ISP) REDESIGN PROJECT, CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT WITH EDS, EVALUAITON REPORT ON THE TWO COMPETITORS' WORK (EDS/SHL) TOWARDS THE ISP REDESIGN CONTRACT AWARD, EVALUATION REPORT ON THE METHOD OF PROVIDING TWO COMPETING TEAMS WITH PRELIMINARY FUNDING TO COME UP WITH A PLAN, THE WINNING EDS PLAN, COST-BENEFIT FIGURES OF THE ISP REDESIGN PROJECT AND ANY CONTEMPLATED CHANGES TO THE PROJECT AS A RESULT OF THE JUNE 25/93 TRANSITION OR REVISED 1993 INCOME SECURITY POLICIES. PROVIDE THE DRAFTS OR SUMMARY STATUS MEMOS ON THE PROPOSED 1992, 1993 INCOME SECURITY POLICY CHANGES. 930220 XXX XXX DEMANDE COPIE COMPLETE DE SON DOSSIER RELATIVEMENT A UNE DEMANDE D'ATTESTATION D'EMPLOI TEMPORAIRE CONCERNANT L'UN DE SES EMPLOYES, XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.08.04 930222 XXX IMM. VISA & MEDICAL RECORDS IMM. VISA & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX 930223 VISA FILE XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930275 MEDICAL RECORD (CLEARANCE) FOR XXX REQUEST FOR A COPY OF THE MEDICAL CLEARANCE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.05 930234 RECORDS OR MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF IMM. MEDICAL REVIEW BOARD REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO RECORDS FOR MINUTES OF ALL MEETINGS OF THE IMMIGRATION MEDICAL REVIEW BOARD (IMRB) SINCE JANUARY 1, 1992 XXX 1993.08.06 930224 VISA AND MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.09 930225 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX C/O XXX 930229 XXX INFO ON GRANDFATHER XXX LANDING RECORDS AND ANY OTHER INFO RE GRANDFATHER XXX FOR XXX 930231 XXX REQUESTS LANDING RECORD XXX REQUESTS HIS GRANDMOTHER'S LANDING RECORD XXX 1993.08.10 930226 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930228 XXX QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ON PM2 COMPETITION ALL QUESTIONS & RESPONSES ON PM02 COMPETITION FOR HEAD, PLAN DETERMINATION 930230 XXX CALL UPS FOR TEMPS FOR JULY 1993 CALLUPS FOR TEMPS FOR JULY 1993 FOR XXX 1993.08.11 930232 XXX- IMMIGRATION FILE s.19(1) , LAWYER, ACTING ON BEHALF OF XXX FOR THE IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX IN NEW DELHI. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.08.11 930233 XXX - IMMIG. FILE s.19(1) , LAWYER, REQUESTS MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX 930237 XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.12 930235 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX 930236 XXX NHQ AUDITS OF PROGRAM, SPECIAL & COMPREHENSIVE A LIST - OR IF NONE AVAILABLE, TITLE PAGES - OF PROGRAM, SPECIAL AND COMPREHENSIVE AUDITS COMPLETED IN 1992 AND TO DATE IN 1993 NHQ AUDITS 930277 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.13 930242 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.16 930249 MEDICAL RECORDS XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930254 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O SOLICITORX 1993.08.20 930279 WARSAW VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX WARSAW VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.21 930278 XXX REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION OF PREVIOUS REQUEST REQUESTING CLARIFICATION IN REFERENCE TO A NOTATION THAT WAS PART OF THE RECORDS THAT WERE SENT TO THE REQUESTOR IN CONNECTION TO AN ACCESS REQUEST PROCESSED AT HEALTH & WELFARE 1993.08.24 930255 IMM. & MED. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.08.24 930256 IMM. & MED. RECORDS FOR XXX XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930257 IMM. & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX FOR XXX 930258 IMM. & MED. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX IMM. & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930259 IMM. & MED. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930260 IMM. & MED. RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O ZAIFMAN.58XXGAMING WORLD INTERNATIONAL LTD.X 930261 IMM. & MED. RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930262 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930263 IMM. & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930264 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930265 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930266 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930267 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.08.24 930268 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930269 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930270 IMM & MED RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX XXX 930271 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930272 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930273 IMM & MED RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX XXX 930274 XXX POSTE/FONCTIONS CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE XXX TOUS LES RENSEIGNEMENTS NON PERSONNELS RELIES AU POSTE/FONCTIONS DE: CONSEILLER TECHNIQUE ET OPERATIONNEL ASSURANCE - EMPLOI & IMMIGRATION CANADA REGION DU QUEBEC POUR 1988 ET LES ANNEES ANTERIEURES 930276 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930282 XXX VISA FILE XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 930283 XXX REPORT ON MANAGEMENT AUDIT OF O.A.S.I.S. 1993 REPORT ON MANAGEMENT AUDIT OF O.A.S.I.S. BY XXX 930285 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.08.26 1993.08.26 930284 VISA FILE, MEDICAL RECORDS & CIC FILE XXX REQUEST FOR THE MEDICAL RECORDS, VISA FILE AND WINNIPEG CIC FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930286 L.A. VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.27 930280 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930287 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.08.05 930037 MINISTER EPP TRANS-CANADA PIPELINE This is a request for records under the Access to Information Act. I am a Canadian citizen. This is a request for any and all correspondence between the former Minister of Energy, the Honourable Jake Epp and the Corporation known as Trans-Canada Pipelines. This request is to cover the period of time from January 30, 1989 until January 3rd, 1993. This is the period during which Mr. Epp served as Minister. The request for correspondance is to include all letters addressed to any person at Trans-Canada Pipelines that were signed by the Minister, Mr. Epp, anyone acting as his Chief of Staff, or any person serving as Deputy Minister for the Department. I enclose a cheque for five dollars. I request that you waive all other fees. I am a journalist and will disseminate the information contained in the records I have requested. This dissemination will promote the free and vigorous debate of important public issues. I am aware that you can impose fees for search time in excess of five hours and for the cost of reproducing material. If you do not grant my request for a fee waiver, I request that you provide me with an itemized list of any fees you wish to impose. If the time for searching for the records is in excess of five hours, I will want to know the qualifications of the person doing the search, the locations where that person had to search, any transfer of records from one part of the Department to another, the qualifications of the person who reviewed the records once found and the time necessary to segregate the exempt portions of the records from the non-exempt. I remind you of the provisions of s.25 of the Act which states that you must sever the non-exempt portions of the records from the exempt portions and you must release the non-exempt. Should the records I have requested need severing, I request that you provide me with an explanation of each deletion which you find necessary to make. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask you to provide me with a list of the records you are withholding and the reason you are withholding each of them. I am available to discuss my request with you. ˙ 1993.08.09 930038 CALL-UPS I request all call-ups for temporary help for the month of June 1993˙ 930040 CHIP APPLICATION I am requesting a copy of application for the CHIP program for Mr. xxx xxxxx, xx xxxxxxxxx xx., xxxxxxxxxx, xx, xxx xxx. I understand this is available under the access to Information Act.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.08.10 1993.08.10 930041 CHIP (PITRC) APPLICATION. En vertu de la loi sur l'acces a l'information, j'aimerais des informations sur le programme P.I.T.R.C. concernant le genre d'isolation utilis a l'adresse suivante: .. .... ......., ........, ..., ... .... Je joins un cheque de $5.˙ 1993.08.17 930042 POLL ON NATURAL RESOURCES Poll on Canadian attitudes on natural resources by Corporate Research Associate Inc.˙ 1993.08.18 930043 CALL-UPS FOR JUNE & JULY 1993 Copy of temporary help call-ups for the months of June and July 1993˙ 930044 MAGNESIUM SMELTING PLANT Economic viability of building and operation a magnesium smelting plant in High River, Alberta, known as the Magnesium Company of Canada.˙ 930045 LLOYDMINSTER UPGRADER 1991 and 1992 Joint venture agreements between the Governments of Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Husky Oil on capital cost overruns for the construction of the Lloydminster Bi-provincial Upgrader.˙ 1993.08.20 930046 CALL-UPS FOR JUNE 1993 Call-ups for temporary help services for June 1993.˙ 1993.08.24 930047 CHIP REQUEST Request for CHIP grant file.˙ 1993.09.13 930039 CALL-UPS JULY 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the NRC under the terms of the Supply Arrangmeent for Temporary Help Services during the period of July 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.04.16 930010 RECORDS PRODUCED UNDER CONTRACTS: I request access to records produced under the following related contracts:˙ A106100 - Veall, Michael R. - Advise and comment on the Empirical Analysis of the demand for Tobacco Products being conducted by the Sales Tax Division.˙ A206092 - Dahlby, Bev - Review paper entitled 'An evaluation of tobacco taxes'.˙ A206093 - Gregory, Allan - Review paper entitled 'An evaluation of tobacco taxes'.˙ RECORDS PRODUCED UNDER CONTRACTS: I request access to records produced under the following related contracts:˙ A106100 - Veall, Michael R. - Advise and comment on the Empirical Analysis of the demand for Tobacco Products being conducted by the Sales Tax Division.˙ A206092 - Dahlby, Bev - Review paper entitled 'An evaluation of tobacco taxes'.˙ A206093 - Gregory, Allan - Review paper entitled 'An evaluation of tobacco taxes'.˙ 1993.07.29 930046 ECONOMIC COUNCIL OF CANADA REPORT Summary of "Economic Council of Canada Report" dated February 19, 1993˙ 1993.07.30 930047 CONTRACTS & RATIONALE 1. April-July/1993 professional service contract list˙ ˙ 2. Details of any contracts and their rationales for June/July/93 for special assistants to the Deputy Minister˙ 930048 CONTRACTS I wish to apply under the Access Act for all documentation, (including progress, interim reports, notes made on oral briefings, briefing notes, slide presentations, technical data received, executive summaries, contracts) on any public opinion polls, surveys of public attitudes, focus group studies done by or for Finance in the months of January 31, 1993 to July 30/93 include interim/final results of polls/surveys/focus groups provided to Finance where Finance was not the contract originator but one of the recepients.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.07.30 930049 FTA ACCELERATION Copies of all submissions to the Interdepartmental Committee on FTA Acceleration, both in support of and opposed to accelerated elimination of tariffs under the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, in respect of goods coming within the following eight-digit item: 8503.00.11˙ 1993.08.03 930050 EXCISE TAX ACT Proposed Amendments to the Excise Tax Act Notice of Ways and Means Motion Tabled April 30, 1993.˙ 1993.08.17 930052 STATIONERY Copies of documents to show how much money has been spent changing and acquiring new ministerial and departmental stationery which puts the French wording to the left of the seal in the logo and the English to the right, since the new Minister of Finance Gilles Loiselle was sworn in June 1993, including but not limited to letterhead, envelopes and business cards. Also, please provide documents to show the estimated value of existing stationery which has the English lettering to the left of the seal, the French to the right, and the estimated costs of destroying and/or warehousing it. Copies of all communications and notations relative to this requested change.˙ 1993.08.18 930053 POLLS ON FOCUS GROUPS Copies of polls pre-and post-budget 1993, including report on focus groups on economic issues by Anderson Research.˙ 930054 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: May, June, July 1993.˙ 1993.08.19 930055 INTERNATIONAL BARRIERS TO TRADE Any status reports produced by the Department of Finance since January 1, 1993 with respect to negotiations between the federal government and the provinces to reduce and/or eliminate interprovincial barriers to trade.˙ 930056 PROVINCIAL CORPORATE TAX/ALBERTA Copies of any documents prepared by or on behalf of the government of Canada and any correspondence exchanged between the federal Department of Finance and the Alberta Treasury since January 1, 1992 with respect to the decision to have the federal government administer the collection of provincial corporate tax in Alberta.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FOR 1993.03.09 930006 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: FEB 1993˙ CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: FEB 1993˙ 930007 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: FEB 93˙ CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: FEB 93˙ 1993.04.06 930005 REPORT OF 1989 ACTIVITIES OF BT RAPPORT DES ACTIVITES ET RESULTATS POUR LA SAISON 1989 DU PROGRAMME DE PULVERISATION AERIENNE DE BACILLIUS THURINGIENSIS EN FORET PRIVEE DANS L'EST DU QUEBEC DE MEME QUE LA PROPOSITION POUR L'ANNEEE 1990.˙ REPORT OF 1989 ACTIVITIES OF BT RAPPORT DES ACTIVITES ET RESULTATS POUR LA SAISON 1989 DU PROGRAMME DE PULVERISATION AERIENNE DE BACILLIUS THURINGIENSIS EN FORET PRIVEE DANS L'EST DU QUEBEC DE MEME QUE LA PROPOSITION POUR L'ANNEEE 1990.˙ 1993.04.15 930009 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONT REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD MARCH/93.˙ CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONT REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD MARCH/93.˙ 930010 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: MARCH/93˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... FOR 1993.04.15 930010 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: MARCH/93˙ 1993.06.10 930012 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD APRIL 1993.˙ 930013 INFO ON EUROPEANBOYCOTT OF CANADIA SINCE NOVEMBER, 1992 COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIES, PLANS/COSTS TO COUNTER EFFORTS AT A EUROPEAN BOYCOTT OF CANADIAN LUMBER PRODUCTS,INCLUDE MEETING MINUTES.˙ ˙ PROVIDE PUBLIC RELATIONS CINSULTANTS HIRED, THEIR REPORTS TO DATE.INVITATIONS/MATERIALS TARGARTED OR SENT TO EUROPEAN BUSINESS, POLITICAL,MEDIA/OTHER GROUPS,SPEAKER ROOSTER FOR CANADA/OVERSEAS, TARGETIED/PLANNED COMMUNICATION IN CANADA/EUROPE; AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT SHARING IN CAMPAIGN COSTS.˙ ˙ AS WELL, ANY ANALYSIS OF BOYCOTT CAMPAIGNS AND METHODS OF AND ARGUMENTS TO USE TO COUNTER BOYCOTT ATTEMPTS.˙ ˙ ANY BREAKDOWN OF CAMPAIGN COSTS AND ESTIMATED COSTS 1993-98 TO CANADA OF SAID BOYCOTT EFFORTS. INCLUDE DATA ON RATIONALES FOR AND RECORDS ABOUT THE GRANT TO THE FORESTRY INDUSTRY VAI CPPA.˙ ˙ ANY REVIEW OF MEDIA STORIES SINCE 1992 ON THIS SUBJECT.˙ 930014 BC DECISION ON CLAYOQUOT SOUND 1993 RECORDS REVIEWING PREMIER HARCOURT'S GOVERNMENT DECISION ON FORESTRY LOGGING/PERSERVATION ON VANCOUVER ISLAND, AND THE ONGOING CONTROVERSY THIS DECISION HAS CAUSED˙ 930015 PREMIER HARCOURT'S TRIP TO EUROPE 1992, 1993 FORESTRY REPORTS ON PREMIER HARCOURT VISITS TO BRITAIN/EUROPE AND HIS ROLE THERE IN DESCRIBING CANADIAN FORESTRY PRACTICES.˙ 930016 LOGGONG ON VANCOUVER ISL OLD GROWT 1992, 1993 FORESTRY'S POSITION/ASSESSMENT ON LOGGING ON VANCOUVER ISLAND;˙ AND ON THE WAY TO LOG OLD-GROWTH FORESTS.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.07.14 930030 I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST A LIST OF E I would like to request a list of employess withinCIDA that have a Computer Specialist (CS) designation. 930032 REQUEST THE PROVISION OF ALL TEMP request the provision of all Temporary Help Services for the month of June 1993 1993.07.15 930033 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region for Temporary Help Servicesfor the month of June 1993 1993.07.16 930031 I REQUEST DOCUMENTATION NAMING AL I request documentation naming all Canadian and Haitian companies and individuals who have worked with CIDA funding for development and aid projects under the Industrial Cooperation Programor the Private Sector Development Fund programs inHaiti at any time in the period between 1985 and the present. 1993.07.20 930034 REQUEST COPY OF THE AUDITOR"S REP request copy of the Auditor"s report on a project s.19(1) completed in Thailand. The project was titledKung Krabaen Royal Project, PRoject # 906/14883, Contract # C16906 and commitment # 99773. The Auditor's report was submitted to CIDA sometime in January or February 1993. 1993.08.02 930035 JE REPRESENTE UN ETUDIANT RWANDAI Je represente un etudiant Rwandais qui beneficiaitd'une bourse dans le cadre d'un projet entre l'Universite du Quebec et l'Universite Nationale du Rwanda. Par lettre datee du 30 aout 1991, cet etudiant etait avise d'une prolondation de sa bourse. Or l'Universite de Quebec, refuse de luiverser les sommes. M. Jean Bienvenu est charge du dossier a l'ACDI. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.08.10 1993.08.10 930036 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI Call-ups for temporary help services in the national capital region for the last 3 completed months- May, June and July 1993. 1993.08.17 930037 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP (DSS 82 Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: May, June & July 1993 1993.08.19 930038 DOSSIER #914 FINANCES - GENERALIT Dossier #914 finances - generalites; accords et ententes; affectations et virements; indemnites; contrats; charges; depenses; droits; fonds; subventions; indemnites et frais de voyage. Dossier #901 - Administration- en particulier ce qui concerne: conferences; reunions; colloque; societe; compagnies et entreprises. 1993.08.20 930039 UNDER THE PROVISIONS OUTLINED IN Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Regiononly. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.07.09 930083 HAITI Witht he present letter I wish to request all records, as defined by the Access to information Act, on any information in the possession of the IRB, mentioning the deportation moratorium on Haitian refugee claimants from January 1989 to the present day. 1993.07.20 930085 MANAGING DIVERSITY CONSULTATION C We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - From September 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", we are referring to: A all the regions, B just headquarters, C both headquarters and regions. Managing diversity consultation committee minutes of meeting (Toronto Front). 930086 LMCC MEETING MINUTES "records" from september 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", we are referring to: A all the regions, B just headquarters, C both the regions and headquarters. Minutes of LMCC meeting held March 11, 1993.(Toronto Front) 930087 SAFETY AND SECURITY MEETING MINUT "Recoreds" from September 1st, 1992 to the present concerning the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", We are referring to: A- All the regions, B- Just headquarters, C- And both regions and headquarters. 930088 RECORDS OF MEETINGS BETWEEN BRANC We wish to access all memoranda and all records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory Staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", we are referring to: A- all the regions. B- just headquarters. C- and both the regions and headquarters. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.07.20 930089 DOCUMENTER CENTER MEETINGS MINUTE "Records" from September 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", we are referring to: A- All regions. B- Just headquarters C- And both the regions and headquartes 930090 EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION HEALTH & S "Records" from september 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", we are reffering to: A- all the regions B- just headquarters C- And both the regions and headquarters. 930091 EXPEDITED MEETING MINUTES.(TORONT "Records" from September 1st, 1992 to the present that concerns the meetings held between Branch Heads and supervisory staff. To further clarify, when we use the term "Branch Heads and Supervisory Staff", we are referring to: A- all the regions B- just headquarters C- and both the regions and headquarters. 1993.07.22 930092 RECORDS FROM COMMUNICATION GROUP We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from March 1, 1993 to March 30, 1993 from the Communications Group, the Communications Strategy Group, or the group responsible for media relations. 930093 RECORDS COMMUNICATION GROUP, COMM We wish to access aii memoranda and all records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from April 1st,1993 to April 30th,1993 from the Communication Group, the Communication Strategy Group, or the group responsible for media relatiions. 930094 DISKETTE COPY OF STAR 89,90,91 AN The attached document entitled "STAR - ARCHIVING MODULE" states that there will be a database for archived cases for each year (STAR89,STAR90...). We wish to obtain a copy on diskette of STAR89,STAR90,STAR91, and STAR92. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.07.22 930095 MEMO MENTION OF THE REFPIF DATABA We wish to access the documents referred to in the attached copy of a memo dated July 14, 1992. In this memo there is mention of the REFPIF Database which "has been used as a research tool and which has assisted in responding to ad hoc information requests, and the production of a number of reports." For greater clarity, we wish to access the aforementioned reports from May 1992 to the present. 930096 CHANGES TO FOSS SYSTEM (BILL C-86) We wish to access the document referred to in the attached copy of a memo dated October 7, 1992. For greater clarity, we wish to access the "Memorandum dated 15 September 1992 Changes to FOSS System (BILL C-86)". 930097 COPY OF A RESPONSE IN FILE 140-022-9394. (3000 RECORDS) Kindly find enclosed a copy of a response in Flie 140-022-9394 indicating that the Communications Group, the Communications Strategy Group, or the group responsible for media relations, has approximatlely 3000 records stored electronically. We wish to access these records. 1993.07.26 930098 s.19(1) Re: s.19(1) , v. The Minister of Employment and Immigration: CIC File Number s.19(1) . Please be advised that I am counsel for the appellant, s.19(1) , and for s.19(1) , Who has applied for permanent residence in Canada. Application is herein made for disclosure of the following under the Privacy Act: ~ Appeals Process, Program record number s.19(1) ; ~ Immigration Appeals, Program record number s.19(1) . 1993.07.29 930099 PERSONNES QUI ONT OBTENU A CALGARY LE STATUT DE REFUGIE Je vous demande de me fournir de l'information concernant les 3 personnes qui ont obtenu ... Calgary le statut de r‚fugi‚ et d'o- le pays d'origine des pers‚cutions est la France, tel qu'indiqu‚ dans le compte-rendu statistique du 1er janvier au 31 mars 1993 ‚manant de la Commission de l'immigration et du statut de r‚fugi‚ - section du statut de r‚fugi‚. Je souhaite obtenir les transcriptions des procŠs verbaux des deux ‚tapes. 1993.08.09 930100 "RECORDS" FROM 01/12/92 TO PRESEN We wish to access all memorandum and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from December 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning Cabinet documents. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.08.09 930101 EIC/IRB LIAISON MEETINGS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning EIC/IRB Liaison Meetings, Vol. 1 & 2 1992, and all ohter records to the present. 930102 EIC POLICIES We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning EIC - policies. 930103 EIC - RESEARCH We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning EIC - research. 930104 EIC - REFUGEE HUMANITARIAN PROGRAM We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning EIC - refugee humanitarian program. 930105 FILE RETENTION AND DISPOSAL SCHEDULE We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning file retention and disposal schedule. 930106 SCHEDULING/CRDD/PROCEDURES We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning scheduling/CRDD/procedures. 930107 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING - EIC We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate concerning Memorandum of Understanding - EIC. 930108 POLICY AND MONITORING DIRECTORATE TO ADJUDICATION We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate to Adjudication. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.08.10 930047 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR JULY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR FOR JULY 1993˙ 930048 CALLUPS IN ONTARIO FOR JULY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR JULY 1993˙ 930049 CALLUPS IN QUEBEC FOR JULY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN QUEBEC REGIONAL OFFICE FOR JULY 1993˙ 930050 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR MAY 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR MAY 1993˙ 1993.08.12 930051 DRI STUDY ON GREENHOUSE GASES COPY OF STUDY PREPARED BY DRI ON GREENHOUSE GASES AMD THE POSSIBILITY OF STABILIZING CO2 EMISSIONS IN THE NEXT DECADE˙ 1993.08.18 930052 OTTAWA PALLADIUM PROJECT COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELEVANT TO DISCUSSIONS AND DECISIONS ON FEDERAL GRANTS, LOANS, LOAN GUARANTEES AND ANY OTHER FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT IN THE OTTAWA PALLADIUM PROJECT.˙ 930053 CALLUPS FOR JUNE 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR JUNE 1993˙ 1993.08.19 930054 OTTAWA PALLADIUM 1992-93 REPORTS/ASSESSMENTS/REVIEW OF/PLANS FOR ASSISTANCE TO TERRACE CORPORATION TO BUILD AN OTTAWA PALLADIUM. 1992-93 REPORTS SUMMARIZING FEDERAL ASSISTANCE OFFERED AND TERMS FOR BUILDING SPORTS FACILITIES IN CANADA. 1993 BRIEFING NOTES PREPARED FOR THE MINISTER ON THIS SUBJECT.˙ 930055 PATENT ACT INTERNAL RECORDS, INCLUDING NOTES, MEMOS, BRIEFING NOTES TO MINISTER, MINUTES OF MEETINGS, LETTER OR FAXES REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REGULATIONS PROMULGATED ON MARCH 12, 1993 PURSUANT TO SECTION 55.2 OF THE PATENT ACT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.08.19 930056 PATENT ACT EXTERNAL RECORDS, INCLUDING LETTERS, MEETING NOTES, BRIEFING NOTES, CONTRACTS, MEMOS OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE SECTOR ASSOCIATIONS/FIRMS REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REGULATIONS PROMULGATED ON MARCH 12, 1993 PURSUANT TO SECTION 55.2 OF THE PATENT ACT.˙ 930057 NATIONAL EDUCATION PLANS 1993 NATIONAL EDUCATION PLANS/OPTIONS PUT FORWARD, INCLUDING NATIONAL STANDARDS AND TESTING, A NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, PLANS FOR COOPERATION WITH INDUSTRY AND LABOUR, PLANS FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE FOR EDUCATION, INCLUDING TAX CREDITS, GRANTS, LOANS. TERMS OF REFERENCE AND CONTRACTS LET FOR REVIEWING OUTSTANDING EDUCATIONAL MODEL EXAMPLES IN CANADA/ABROAD. 1993 BRIEFING NOTES PREPARED FOR THE MINISTER.˙ 930058 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR JUNE 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR JUNE 1993˙ 1993.08.24 930059 ABORIGINAL OFFICER'S HANDBOOK COPY OF THE ABORIGINAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OFFICER'S HANDBOOK˙ 1993.08.27 930060 B.C. AQUACULTURE R & D COUNCIL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH B.C. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FROM DATE OF REQUEST˙ 1993.08.30 930061 s.19(1) SMALL BUSINESS LOAN - s. 20 (1)(c)(d), LOAN REGISTRATION NUMBER - s. 20 (1)(c)(d),, B.I.L. NO. 7-8, BORROWER - s. 20 (1)(c)(d),, LENDER - HONG KONG BANK OF CANADA. COPIES OF REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS, COPIES OF DOCUMENTS, RELATING TOs. 20 (1)(c)(d), BY BORROWER, COPIES OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO SATISFACTION OF GUARANTEE TO HONG KONG BANK OF CANADA AND CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT OF ANY MONIES FROM HONG KONG BANK OF CANADA.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.04.26 930043 CHILD SUPPORT 1. 1992, 1993 consultant contracts, terms of reference discussions, and interim/final reports on child support, both on the economics of (including costs of raising children) and legal basis of child support. 2. Justice's own 1991, 1992, 1993 reports, memos that review the economics of (including costs of raising children) and legal basis of child support, that explore options of different models, that summarize the public's input, particularly given the 1991 discussion paper and the 1992 research report produced by Justice on child support. 3. In 1993, any in-house/consultant summary, analysis undertaken of the enclosed child support award questionnaire forms as completed. 4. Records on the number of completed forms still expected and from which locales, a log/record of locales for which questionnaires have been received by Justice with the number of questionnaires per locale already received by Justice, records on or comments about the process of developing and using the said questionnaire to collect public court record data. 5. Taxpayers' costs involved/projected re child support in-house/consultant work 1991-94 (including for questionnaire, its administration, review). Child support 1. 1992, 1993 consultant contracts, terms of reference discussions, and interim/final reports on child support, both on the economics of (including costs of raising children) and legal basis of child support. 2. Justice's own 1991, 1992, 1993 reports, memos that review the economics of (including costs of raising children) and legal basis of child support, that explore options of different models, that summarize the public's input, particularly given the 1991 discussion paper and the 1992 research report produced by Justice on child support. 3. In 1993, any in-house/consultant summary, analysis undertaken of the enclosed child support award questionnaire forms as completed. 4. Records on the number of completed forms still expected and from which locales, a log/record of locales for which questionnaires have been received by Justice with the number of questionnaires per locale already received by Justice, records on or comments about the process of developing and using the said questionnaire to collect public court record data. 5. Taxpayers' costs involved/projected re child support in-house/consultant work 1991-94 (including for questionnaire, its administration, review). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.04.26 930044 CHILD SUPPORT AWARD CASES QUESTIO The 1992, 1993 completed questionnaire forms Justice has received to date that were drawn from public court file records and that pertain to cases of child support awards. Child support award cases questionnaires The 1992, 1993 completed questionnaire forms Justice has received to date that were drawn from public court file records and that pertain to cases of child support awards. 1993.04.27 930046 PAPERS & MANUALS Extrinsic Evidence, Social Science and Constitutional Litigation in the United States: Implications for Litigation Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Human Rights Resolution Mechanims; Charter Literacy and the Administration of Justice in Canada; Problems of Governance, Political Participation and the Administration of Justice in an Information Society; Binder: Human Rights Law Section Collection; Various Charter Research and Policy papers; various Administrative Manuals. Papers & Manuals Extrinsic Evidence, Social Science and Constitutional Litigation in the United States: Implications for Litigation Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Human Rights Resolution Mechanims; Charter Literacy and the Administration of Justice in Canada; Problems of Governance, Political Participation and the Administration of Justice in an Information Society; Binder: Human Rights Law Section Collection; Various Charter Research and Policy papers; various Administrative Manuals. 1993.06.24 930067 CANADIAN AVIATION SAFETY BOARD IN Copy of all records on A91-00093 (excluding the records which were sent at issue of request), including the Information Commissioner's letter of July 10, 1992 to the D.M. of Justice seeking representations; Department of Justice's leter of August 5, 1992 to the Information Commissioner; Department of Justice's letter of December 7, 1992 to the Information Commissioner; the Information Commissioner's letter of finding to the D.M. of Justice advising that the section 23 exemption was improper; the D.M. of Justice's letter of response to the Information Commissioner. Canadian Aviation Safety Board Inquiry Copy of all records on A91-00093 (excluding the records which were sent at issue of request), including the Information Commissioner's letter of July 10, 1992 to the D.M. of Justice seeking representations; Department of Justice's leter of August 5, 1992 to the Information Commissioner; Department of Justice's letter of December 7, 1992 to the Information Commissioner; the Information Commissioner's letter of finding to the D.M. of Justice advising that the section 23 exemption was improper; the D.M. of Justice's letter of response to the Information Commissioner. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.08.06 1993.08.06 930083 WILBERT COFFIN MURDER TRIAL Court exhibits in Wilbert Coffin murder trial of August 1954 in Perc‚, Quebec. Photographs only. Preferable negatives also if available. 1993.08.09 930084 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI All call-ups processed by Justice in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during July 1993. 930085 FEDERAL COURT CASE T-1034-90 All records on the files of the Department of Justice and on the files of the Minister of Justice pertaining to Federal Court case T-1034-90. 1993.08.18 930086 ROYAL PREROGATIVE OF MERCY (FREE Records on the royal prerogative of mercy (free pardons) handled by Justice under Section 690 of the Criminal Code - procedures, profiles, yearly statistics (and reaons for pardon/mercy), number successful/rejected per year, and briefing notes to the Minister on these since 1990. Records concerning the Evelyn Dick (nee MacLean) case - murders in 1946, convicted by 1947 and released on parole from Kingston Prison in 1958 and reputed to have received a mercy pardon (perhaps in 1985) and maybe living in Ontario. Any record of assistance for pardons from MP's, MLA's. Any briefing notes concerning the Dick case. 1993.08.19 930087 LEGAL AID SERVICES IN CANADA Study conducted by Paul Brantingham on a historical expenditure analysis study that examines the relative impact of a number of socioeconomic factors on the cost of legal aid services in Canada over the period 1980-1 to 1991-2. 930088 JURY SELECTION AND TRIAL PROCESS Research document, initiated by the former Law Reform Commission and completed by David Pomerant, which explores issues related to multiculturalism and the jury selection and trial process. 930089 DUTY COUNSEL SYSTEMS IN CANADA Study of duty counsel systems in Canada conducted by Prairie Research Associates Inc. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.08.19 930090 RACIALLY MOTIVATED CRIMES Paper on racially motivated crimes prepared by Glenn Gilmour. 930091 JUSTICE ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE TO E Study of Justice Issues of Importance to Ethnic Organizations prepared by the Minority Advocacy and Rights Council. 930092 LAW STUDENTS Survey of Students at Ten Law Schools in Canada. 930093 VICTIM FINE SURCHARGE IN ONTARIO Study on victim fine surcharge in Ontario prepared by Robert Hann and Associates. 930094 ANALYSIS OF VIDEO AND AUDIO SURVE Analysis of video and audio surveillance in Canada conducted by Ken Chasse. 930095 YOUTH GANGS AND VIOLENT YOUTH Research conducted by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on Youth Gangs and Violent Youth in Canada. 930096 USE OF CORRECTIVE FORCE ON CHILDR Review of social science and legal literature to determine the short and long term impacts of using corrective force on children conducted by Shillington and Burns Consultants. 930097 PRELIMINARY INQUIRY PROCESS IN CA Review of the Preliminary Inquiry Process in Canada prepared by David Pomerant and Glenn Gilmour. 930098 BILL C- 18 - IMPAIRED DRIVING IN CANADA Assessment of the impact of Bill C-18 on impaired driving in Canada conducted by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada. 1993.08.20 930099 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Completed call up against a standing offer for temporary help services in the National Capital Region DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to Department of Justice. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.08.23 1993.08.23 930100 A.L.E.R.T. J3A ROADSIDE SREENING DEVICE Package of material concerning the roadside screening device A.L.E.R.T. J3A Model. 1993.08.25 930101 ALBERTA BILLS (1937 THIRD SESSION) Any and all documents in the possession of the Federal Department of Justice concerning the 1938 reference by the Governor General in Council to the Supreme Court of Canada in the matter of three bills passed by the legislative assembly of the Province of Alberta at the 1937 (third session) thereof, entitled respectively: An Act respecting the taxation of banks; An Act to amend and consolidate the credit of Alberta's Regulation Act; and An Act to ensure the publication of accurate news and information; and reserved by the Lieutenant Governor for the signification of the Governor General's pleasure. 1993.08.30 930102 CROWN COUNSEL POLICY MANUAL Copy of the Crown Counsel Policy Manual made public by the Attorney General of Canada in January 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ LAB 1993.07.20 930014 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP -JUNE93 1993.07.27 930015 RECORDS RE UNJUST DISMISSAL Program record s. 19(1) . copies of entirety of file s. 19(1) pertaining to my unjust dismissal complaint against the Toronto-Dominion Bank. ˙ 1993.08.18 930017 CONTRACT FILES FOR RECORDS MNGMENT ˙ All files for '92-'93 relating to contracts for Records Information Management Project.˙ 930018 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP JULY 93 930019 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP JUNE 93 1993.08.25 930016 UNSAFE WORKING CONDITIONS COMPLAIN All written records & correspondence re investigation by Labour Affairs Officer regarding shipment of live grenades.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.07.28 930101 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF 1 INDIVIDUA 930102 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.08.02 930103 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930104 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930105 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930106 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930108 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF UNCLE. 1993.08.03 930107 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 1993.08.10 930109 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930110 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF GRANDPAREN 1993.08.11 930111 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE CITI 1993.08.12 930112 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.08.13 930113 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP OF MO 930114 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.08.13 930115 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930116 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930117 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENHIP STATUS OF HUSBAND. 1993.08.18 930118 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.08.25 930119 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930120 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.07.07 930011 $150,000 PURCHASE OF HOUSEHOLD ITE ˙ I request access to records which will enable me to know the following about the $l50,000 paid to Brian and Mila Mulroney for 75 household items:˙ 1) an itemized list and description of the objects purchased.˙ 2) the original cost of each item, any appraisal of its current value and the amount paid to the Mulroneys.˙ I also request access to all correspondence or other records in which this transaction is discussed.˙ 1993.07.15 930012 APPRAISAL OF FURNITURE Supply names and credentials of all companies and individuals responsible for appraising the furniture and other household items purchased from Mila Mulroney by the National Capital Commission.˙ 1993.07.20 930013 FURNITURE APPRAISALS Copies of appraisals done on the Mulroney furniture˙ 930014 CONTRACT Please forward all documents pertaining to the contract signed between the Government of Canada and two evaluators concerning the assessment of the value of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's furniture and other wares made between January 1, 1993 and July 15, 1993, for the purpose of a sale to the National Capital Commission, including among the documents, the names of the evaluators, copies of the evaluations and the name(s) of the person(s) who gave the contracts to the evaluators.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1992.08.05 930236 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING 5 PRODUCTS. Are the following products approved for human use as a food additive, drug or drug additives or as a precursor for other materials governed by the Food and Drug Regulations, for veterinary/animal use or agricultural use, and at what levels: (1) CHITOSAN (2) CHITIN (3) 2-AMINO-2-DEOXYGLUCOSE (GLUCOSAMINE/CHITOSAMINE) (4) GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE (5) GLUCOSAMINE SULPHATE 1993.04.27 930054 HWC POSITION RE CHA VIOLATIONS ON ABORTIONS. I request access to records which will enable me to know the position of the department on the violation by some provinces of the Canadian Health Act with reference to abortion. I am especially interested in any reports, studies, memos or correspondence concerning Prince Edward Island. Modification 93-05-31: I request access to a review carried out in 1987 or 1988 by the Health Insurance Division to see whether Prince Edward Island was violating the Canada Health Act by refusing, through its provincial medicare program to cover the cost of abortions performed on island women in clinics outside PEI. The review also examined whether the act was being violated by PEI's refusal to cover costs of abortions performed on island women at hospitals outside PEI unless the abortion had received approval by a group of doctors. HWC position re CHA violations on abortions. I request access to records which will enable me to know the position of the department on the violation by some provinces of the Canadian Health Act with reference to abortion. I am especially interested in any reports, studies, memos or correspondence concerning Prince Edward Island. Modification 93-05-31: I request access to a review carried out in 1987 or 1988 by the Health Insurance Division to see whether Prince Edward Island was violating the Canada Health Act by refusing, through its provincial medicare program to cover the cost of abortions performed on island women in clinics outside PEI. The review also examined whether the act was being violated by PEI's refusal to cover costs of abortions performed on island women at hospitals outside PEI unless the abortion had received approval by a group of doctors. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.06.14 1993.06.14 930150 VARIOUS RECORDS RE: CONFIDENTIALI All memoranda, guidelines and correspondence regarding the confidentiality of information contained in an IND, NDS or supplemental NDS. May 9, 1980 guideline (and any revisions thereto) from legal services of the HPB to(XXX) of the HPB regarding the confidentiality of files at the HPB. 930151 MEDICAL DEVICE NOTIFICATIONS ETC. RE: MICROVISC AND MICROVISC PLUS. Request copies of all original medical device notifications and related documents filed with the HPB pursuant to Section 24 and following of the Medical Devices Regulations in connectionn with the folowing medical devices: MicroVisc and MicroVisc Plus. Although not aware of the manufacturer, the canadian distributor of these medical devices is: Domilens (Canada) Inc. 3869 Sources Blvd. Dollard-des-Ormeaux (Qu‚bec) H9B 2A1 1993.07.22 930203 ALL INFORMATION RELATED TO CR-4 C Requesting all information concerning the CR-4/Information Clerk competition held by HWC, ISP Branch, of the CSC521 office. The board members were (XXX) and (XXX) and the approximate time of the competition written exam was Dec. 1991. 930204 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LOSEC (OMEP Copy of the latest approved Product Monograph for: Losec (Omeprazole) 20mg and 40mg capsules (Astra). 930205 DOCUMENTATION PERTAINING TO FUNDI All documentation pertaining to any funding, i.e., grants or loans, or contracts of any amount given to the Non-Smokers` Rights Association or the Action on Smoking and Health Foundation. Amended on July 26, 1993, a list of grants, contributions or contracts since Jan. 1, 1988. 1993.07.23 930206 INFORMATION RE: CANADA FOOD GUIDE. I would like to see: 1. The food choices the government was planning to suggest in the new Canada Food Guide; 2. the letters of objection received by Health and Welfare from Canadian Agriculture Commodity Groups, such as Canada Pork, the Beef Information Center, the Cdn. Egg Marketing Agency, the Diary Farmers of Canada, etc... Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.07.23 930206 3. the final version of the new Canada Food Guide 930207 REVIEWER`S EVALUATION REPORT ON N.D.S. FOR REACTINE. Request a copy of the Reviewer`s Evaluation Report on the New Drug Submission for REACTINE by Pfizer Canada Inc. 930208 VARIOUS RECORDS CONCERNING THE CA Request for the following copies: 1. Minutes of the meetings of the Canadian Blood Committee from 1981 to the date the Committee was dissolved; 2. All background documentation circulated among the members and the participants in preparation to the meetings of the Canadian Blood Committee from 1981 to the date the Committee was dissolved; 3. All memorandums and correspondence from, to and between members (including participants and observers) of the Canadian Blood Committee and its Sub-Committees from 1981 to the date the Canadian Blood Committee was dissolved. 1993.07.26 930209 DOCUMENTATION IN REGARD TO ALPRAZOLAM (XANAN) BY UPJOHN. I am writing with regards to research I am conducting on the drug Alprazolam (also known as Xanan, manufactured by the Upjohn Company). I would like access to copies of all reports, studies, documents and correspondence used by the Upjohn Company in support of their Supplemental New Drug Submission for the use of Alprazolam (Xanan) as a treatment for panic disorder and agoraphobia with panic disorder in Canada. I would also like all letters, memos, documents and other correspondence between the Upjohn Company and the Health Protection Bureau of Health and Welfare Canada discussing this approval process. In particular, I am interested in any documents pertaining to: potential for dependence and withdrawal symptoms, seizures, rage or other reactions in association with treatment or any other concerns of Health and Welfare staff or independent reviewers. 930210 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR PROSCAR. Request current copy of Product Monograph for PROSCAR (Finasteride) Tablets. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.07.26 930211 C.S. CONTAINED IN THE N.D.S. AND Request for copies of the following records related to this N.D.S.: l. Copy of the comprehensive summary contained in the N.D.S. 2. Copy of the cover letter which accompanied the N.D.S. 3. Copy of any letters of non-compliance which were issued by Pharmaceutical Evaluation Division, and/or group responsible for the clinical review of the N.D.S. 4. Copy of the cover letter(s) accompanying any submission of additional information to the N.D.S. 5. Copy of the Notice of Compliance for the N.D.S. copy 930212 COPY OF C.S. CONTAINED IN N.D.S. Request copies of the following records related to this N.D.S.: 1. Copy of the Comprehensive Summary contained in the N.D.S. 2. Copy of the cover letter which accompained the N.D.S. 3. Copy of any letters of non-compliance which were issued by the Pharmaceutical Evaluation Division, and/or group responsible for the clinical review of the N.D.S. 4. Copy of the cover letter(s) accompanying any submission of additional information to the N.D.S. 5. Copy of the Notice of Compliance for the N.D.S. 1993.07.27 930213 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR RANITIDINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND SALBUTAMOL Provide a copy of the most recent Product Monographs for the following products: Ranitidine Hydrochloride manufactured by Kenral, May 25, 1993 Salbutamol manufactured by Kenral, May 25, 1993. 1993.07.28 930214 ELECTROCONVULSIVE TREATMENT IN CA I am writing with regards to research I am conducting on Electroconvulsive therapy use in Canada. I would like to have access to statistics over the past ten years which break down the age and sex of patients who received Electroconvulsive therapy Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.07.28 930214 through those years. It woul also be useful to know the average number of treatments of patients received for each session of therapy. 930215 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR IMFERON. Request Product Monograph for IMFERON. 930216 PRESCRIBING INFORMATION FOR DEHYD I am requesting a copy of the most recently approved Prescribing Information for Abbott`s Dehydrated Alcohol Injection, DIN 00537640. 930217 MOST RECENT PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FO Request most recent Product Monographs for: Zovirax 93-06-28 Norvasc 93-06-14 Tehomin 93-06-28 (tablets) Ventolin 93-06-14 (oral solution) Cordarone 93-06-21 Questran 93-01-15 Endantadine 93-06-07 Moritan 93-06-21 930218 RECENT PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FOR APO-GEMFIBROZIL & CARDIZEM CD. Request the latest approved Product Monographs for the following: 1. APO-GEMFIBROZIL Tablets (Apotex Inc.) 2. CARDIZEM CD Capsules (Nordic Laboratories Inc.) 1993.07.30 930219 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Re: 4050 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. (DND - Jericho Detachment) (1) Chemical Hazards Investigations (HWC HPB 190) (2) Environmental Assessment Reports from 1978-1979, 1985-1986, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993. In particular, documents leading to and subsequent to investigations reference #153-5-2 DND. Any and all documents. 1993.08.03 930220 INFORMATION ON CONSULTANTS HIRED Names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of all consultants being used by the Health Protection Branch to review drug product submissions. 930221 COPIES OF REPORTS ON PULSED ZENON SPECTROSCOPY. Please supply copies of reports on pulsed Zenon spectroscopy, H4078 C510- 01 ~SS, going back to 1989 till present. Also, please supply copies of survey work done on toxic constituent information. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.03 930222 DOCUMENT GENERATED BY HEALTH ASSE All documents, memos, notes and correspondence generated as a result of the request for a health assessment of the 50g and arsenic emmissions from the Giant Mine, Yellowknife, N.W.T. 930223 DOCUMENTATION ON GENETICALLY ENGI Request for the following records: 1. Since 1991, reports, assessments on genetically engineered foods; any health impact tests/reviews done; and how to approve/reject them in Canada. 2. Since 1991, applications or formal queries HWC has received in Canada for genetically engineered foods, either on an experimental basis or regular basis. 3. Alternatives to and possible regulations for such "novelty foods".Indicate how US or other country exports to Canada of genetically engineered foods are or will be handled. 930224 LEGAL ACTIONS SINCE 1989 RE: MEDI Request for the following records: 1. Any medical device legal actions in Canada or aboard after 1989 that the federal government has been a party and a brief description of said actions. 2. Briefing notes on and role in the current Ontario/Manitoba legal action against US-based Shiley Inc. for defective heart valves. 3. Since 1989, reports on and assessment of public and company compensation paid for defective Canadian Medical Devices. 930225 INFORMATION REGARDING MEDICARE CO Request for the following records: 1. All 1993 visits, their purpose and target audiences and locale and their costs by Canadian medicare officials to the Unites States to discuss health care insurance, and cooperation in future health insurance programs. 2. All 1992 plans to tie Canadian and American health care insurance schemes closer together. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.03 930226 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH & ALL CORRESPON Most recent version of the Product Monograph and all correspondence with Health Protection Branch pertaining to the NDS and SNDS for APO-SULFATRIM SUSPENSION. 930227 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH & ALL CORRESPON Most recent version of the Product Monograph and all correspondence with the Health Protection Branch pertaining to the NDS and SNDS for APO-SULFATRIM DS Tablets. 930228 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH & ALL CORRESPON Most recent version of the Product Monograph and all correspondence with Health Protection Branch pertaining to the NDS and SNDS for APO-SULFATRIM Tablets. 930229 SAFETY AND HAZARDS CONCERNS RE: 5 PRODUCTS. Are the following approved for use or constrained from use from a safety hazard aspect. What are the levels/conditions prescribed for safe usage/storage/transportation: 1. CHITOSAN 2. CHITIN 3. 2-AMINO 2- DEOXYGLUCOSE (GLUCOSAMINE/CHITOSAMINE) 4. GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE 5. GLUCOSAMINE SULPHATE 1993.08.04 930230 INFORMATION ON DIN LISTING FOR 2 A/I GR CODES. Request information for any DIN listings for 2 A/I GR codes that did not appear in the Eighteenth edition of the Canadian Drug Identification Code. 930231 MULTI-INFO ON PENICILLIN G SODIUM BY AYERST LABS. Request the following information on the products listed below: 010588HYQ PENICILLIN G Sodium, Ayerst Labs, DIN 00002232. Labels Package Insert Submission Index Comprehensive Summary Reviewers' comments (for the chemistry and manufacturing, clinical and label reviews). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.04 930232 MULTI-INFOR ON CRYSTAPEN IU BY GL Request the following information on the product listed below: 0105887YHQ PENICILLIN G Sodium - CRYSTAPEN by Glaxo Canada Inc., DIN 00012009. Labels package Insert Submission Index Comprehensive Summary Reviewers' comments (for the chemistry and manufacturing, clinical and label reviews). 930233 MULTI-INFO ON STREPTOMYCIN SULFATE BY ALLENS & HANBURYS. Request for the following information on the product listed below: 0105722HTS STREPTOMYCIN SULFATE, by Allens & Hanburys (Glaxo), DIN 00303984 Labels Package Insert Submission Index Comprehensive Summary Reviewers' comments (for the chemistry and manufacturing, clinical and label reviews) 930234 DIN FOR AMPICILLIN NOT LISTED CAN Request for a list of any DIN`s for AMPICILLIN 250mg capsules (A/I GR 0105872NK) that are not listed in the Canadian Drug Code. 1993.08.05 930235 ALL AVAILABLE INFORMATION PERTAIN Please provide all available information pertaining to IMFERON, including the correct dosage of IMFERON and if statements made on their label are correct of its dosage and use of this product. 930237 ALL DOCUMENTATION PERTAINING TO N.O.C. FOR DOXORUBICIN HLC. Please provide us with all records, documents, reports and letters submitted to the Health Protection Branch of National Health and Welfare regarding the Notice of Compliance issued to Adria with respect to the drug DOXORUBICIN HCL. 930238 DOCUMENTATION DE SOUTIEN POUR N.O.C. HEMOPHIL FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF. Documentation de soutien de la demande de permis (Notice of Compliance) de Baxter-Hyland pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.05 930239 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... BAXTER POUR HEMOPHIL FACTEUR 8. Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Baxter (Hyland, Baxter-Travenol) pour HEMOPHIL FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF et toute autre marque le commerce laquelle le produit a ‚t‚ autoris‚ pour vente au Canada. 930239 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... BAXTER POUR HEMOPHIL FACTEUR 8. Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Baxter (Hyland, Baxter-Travenol) pour HEMOPHIL FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF et toute autre marque le commerce laquelle le produit a ‚t‚ autoris‚ pour vente au Canada. 930240 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... CUTTER POUR FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF (KOATE). Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Cutter pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF, KOATE et toute autre marque de commerce selon laquelle le produit a ‚t‚ autoris‚ pour vente au Canada. 930240 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... CUTTER POUR FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF (KOATE). Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Cutter pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF, KOATE et toute autre marque de commerce selon laquelle le produit a ‚t‚ autoris‚ pour vente au Canada. 930241 DOCUMENTATION DE SOUTIEN POUR N.O.C. FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF DE CUTTER. Documentation de soutien de demande de permis (Notice of Compliance) pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF de Cutter 930242 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... ARMOUR POUR VEN Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Armour pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF, sous les noms de HUMATE et FACTORATE et toute autre marque de commerce du produit pour lequel la vente a ‚t‚ autoris‚ au Canada. 930242 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... ARMOUR POUR VEN Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Armour pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF, sous les noms de HUMATE et FACTORATE et toute autre marque de commerce du produit pour lequel la vente a ‚t‚ autoris‚ au Canada. 930243 N.O.C. ACCORD‚ ... HOECHST POUR VEN Notice of Compliance accord‚ ... Hoechst pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF. 930243 N.O.C. ACCORD‚ ... HOECHST POUR VEN Notice of Compliance accord‚ ... Hoechst pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.05 930244 N.O.C. ACCORD‚ ... CONNAUGHT POUR FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF. Notice of Compliance accord‚e au laboratories Connaught pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 trait‚ par chauffage. 930244 N.O.C. ACCORD‚ ... CONNAUGHT POUR FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF. Notice of Compliance accord‚e au laboratories Connaught pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 trait‚ par chauffage. 930245 N.O.C. POUR VENTE AU CANADA PAR C Notice of Compliance pour vente au Canada accord‚e ... Cutter pour FACTEUR 8 NON-CHAUFF. 930245 N.O.C. POUR VENTE AU CANADA PAR C Notice of Compliance pour vente au Canada accord‚e ... Cutter pour FACTEUR 8 NON-CHAUFF. 930246 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... IMMUNO FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF, KRYOGLOBULIN. Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... IMMUNO pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF KRYOGLOBULIN et toute autre marque de commerce sous laquelle le produit a ‚t‚ autoris‚ pour vente sur le march‚ canadien. 930246 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... IMMUNO FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF, KRYOGLOBULIN. Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... IMMUNO pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 CHAUFF KRYOGLOBULIN et toute autre marque de commerce sous laquelle le produit a ‚t‚ autoris‚ pour vente sur le march‚ canadien. 930247 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... ARMOUR POUR FACTEUR 8 NON-CHAUFF. Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Armour pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 NON-CHAUFF. 930247 N.O.C. ACCORD‚E ... ARMOUR POUR FACTEUR 8 NON-CHAUFF. Notice of Compliance accord‚e ... Armour pour vente au Canada de FACTEUR 8 NON-CHAUFF. 930248 PROCŠS VERBAUX DES R‚UNIONS COMIT‚ CANADIEN DU SANG 1981-1991. ProcŠs verbaux des r‚unions du Comit‚ Canadien du Sang, de 1981 ... 1991. 930249 DOCUMENTS, R‚SOLUTIONS ETC COMIT‚ CANADIEN DU SANG, 1981-1991. Tous les documents appuyant les r‚solutions des r‚unions du Comit‚ Canadien du Sang de 1981 ... 1991. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.05 930250 CORRESPONDANCE ENTRE COMIT‚ CANAD Toute la correspondance entre le Comit‚ Canadien du Sang et la Croix-Rouge Canadienne entre 1981 et 1991. 930251 ALL DOCUMENTATION REGARDING NOTIC Please provide us with a copy of all records, documents, reports and letters submitted to the Health Protection Branch of National Health and Welfare regarding the Notice of Compliance issued to Berlex Canada with respect to the drug ANDROCUR. 930252 ALL RECORDS RELATED TO N.D.S. FOR APO-TRAZODONE. The following records related to Apotex's New Drug Submission for APO-TRAZODONE, Project ID#1225: ~ All records relating to the review and the results of the review of the dissolution data and dissolution methods submitted in the New Drug Submission and/or submitted as additional data. 1993.08.10 930253 RECORDS ON ENFORCEMENT OF TOBACCO ADVERTISING REGULATIONS. 1990-93 records on problems with enforcement of tobacco advertising regulations, particularly in connection with sponsorship of sports, fine arts, fashion shows and other events; and where the line is drawn between cigarette sales areas and promotional materials for said events. Include documents that support non-enforcement from the tobacco industry and their boards of directors, and their trade associations in response to complaints received. If there are successful cases of violations, include these along with ones where officials allowed the connection to be continued between sponsored events and tobacco companies. 930254 LIST OF TOBACCO ADDITIVES AND REL The most current listing of additives found in cigarettes/rolled tobacco sold in Canada and quantities used. Please provide both in general terms and per brand cigarette. 1990-93 records on potential cancer-causing/birth defects additives (including those produced while smoking) that could possibly be found in Canadian cigarettes/rolled tobacco. (eg. shellac, acetone, gloxal, methyl salicylate, licorice root, invert sugar, eugenol, guaiacol, glycols, polonium, lead, other metals, benezene, cyanide, toulene etc). Assessments of other habit-forming compounds found in Canadian cigarettes besides nicotine, including any traces of narcotic or other drugs. Any other data released under the Access Act on the above and relevant previous Information Commissioner findings. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.10 930255 DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR N.D.S. BY BRISTOL-MYERS FOR PACLITAXEL. 1. Chemistry & manufacturing review of Paclitaxel (Taxol) 2. Pharmacology and Toxicology Review of Paclitaxel (Taxol) 3. Clinical evaluation review of Paclitaxel (Taxol) Submitted by Bristol-Myers Squibb of Canada for a new drug submission for Paclitaxel. 1993.08.12 930256 HPB INVESTIGATION/COMPLAINTS (1990) NOVOPHARM CEPHALEXIN FOR FDA. Request hard copy for the HPB 1990 investigation into Novopharm CEPHALEXIN Suspension complaints for FDA. 930257 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR EUFLEX BY S Latest approved Product Monograph for the following: EUFLEX (Flutamide) tablets, Schering Canada Inc. 1993.08.13 930258 REVIEWER`S COMMENTS, C.S. & OTHER INFO FOR TRIBRISSEN (COOPERS). I would like to request the following information for the prescription veterinary drug product TRIBRISSEN Oral Paste, DIN 00667226. This product is manufactured by Coopers Agropharm Inc. Information requested: Labels Package Insert Submission Index Comprehensive Summary Reviewers comments (for chemistry & manufacturing, clinical & label reviews). 930259 REVIEWER`S COMMENTS, C.S. & OTHER INFO FOR STRONGID-T (ROGAR/STB). I would like to request the following information for the prescription veterinary drug products STRONGID-T Oral Suspension 60ml vial, DIN 00288616 and STRONGID-T Oral Suspension 600ml bottle, DIN 00288616. These products are manufactured by Rogar/STB Inc. Information requested: Labels Package Inserts Submission Index Comprehensive Summary Reviewer's comments (for the chemistry & manufacturing, clinical and label reviews). 930260 REVIEWER`S COMMENT, C.S. & OTHER I would like to request the following information for the prescription veterinary drug product STRONGID-P Paste, DIN 00433780. This product is manufactured by Rogar/STB Inc. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.08.13 930260 Information requested: Labels Package Insert Submission Index Comprehensive Summary Reviewers' comment (for the chemistry & manufacturing, clinical and labels reviews) 930261 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH C.S., NDS FOR APO-THEO-LA BY APOTEX. Request a copy of Product Monograph, clinical section of comprehensive summary (Section 3.2) to NDS, and all additional clinical summaries submitted as additional information to the NDS to date. 930262 DESCRIP. DE TƒCHES, CLASSIFI‚ES SBEC - INSPECTEUR DES ALIMENTS. Description de tƒches (nouvellement reclassifi‚es) - inspecteur des aliments, PM-03 avec SBEC - Vancouver et Toronto. 1993.08.16 930263 RECORDS RELATING TO N.D.S. FOR APO-ENALAPRIL ETC. Please provide the following records relating to Apotex's New Drug Submission for APO-ENALAPRIL: (A) All records relating to the review and the results of the review of the APO-ENALAPRIL New Drug Submission, including particularly, records relating to a 'patent linkage' for ENALAPRIL and APO-ENALAPRIL and consideration of the impact of Bill C-91 upon the grant of Notices of Compliance for APO-ENALAPRIL. (B) All records relating to communications, whether in writing or oral, or meetings involving: (1) The Prime Minister, his office or his staff and the Minister of National Health and Welfare, his office or his staff (collectively the 'Minister'); (2) The Minister and the Deputy Minister of National Health and Welfare, his office or his staff (collectively the 'Deputy Minister'); (3) The Minister and his Chief of Staff; (4) The Minister and Assistant Deputy Ministers, (XXX) and (XXX); (5) The Minister's Chief of Staff and Assistant Deputy Ministers, (XXX) and (XXX); (6) The Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Ministers, (XXX) and (XXX); (7) Assistant Deputy Minister, (XXX), and Assistant Deputy Minister, (XXX). regarding the following: (1) APO-ENALAPRIL and the issuance of or refusal to issue Notices of Compliances; (2) Patent linkage and the treatment of new drug submissions where Bill C-91 had not yet been passed (given Royal Assent) or proclaimed into force or Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.08.16 930263 portions thereof not yet proclaimed into force; (3) Drugs having patent linkage; (4) Securing legal advice regarding the issuance of the APO-ENALAPRIL Notice of Compliance and retaining outside legal counsel; (5) Communications from Merck & Co. Inc. and Merck Frosst Canada Inc. (collectively 'Merck") and its officers, representatives, agents and solicitors; (6) Making of the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations, P.C. 1993-502, SOR/93-133, March 16, 1993 (the 'Regulations'); (7) Adjournment of proceedings brought by Apotex returnable in the Federal Court (T-3099-92) on March 9, 1993 so as to enable the Regulations to be made before the hearing of the Apotex proceedings on March 16, 1993. (C) All communications to, from, with and between Merck and its officers, representatives, agents and solicitors and the Prime Minister, his office and staff, the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Minister's Chief of Staff and Assistant Deputy Ministers, (XXX) and (XXX). (D) All communications between the Prime Minister, his office and staff, the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Minister's Chief of Staff and Assistant Deputy Ministers, (XXX) and (XXX), on the one hand, and the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, his office and staff, and Privy Council office, on the other hand, with respect to the making of the Regulations. 930264 IDENTITY OF REQUESTORS FOR FILES # 92-A-708 AND # 93-A-33. Please provide the identities of parties requesting copies of the LOSEC Product Monograph. One request was by telephone (May 26, 1993) and we never received a file number, and the other request was file 92-A-708 (February 26, 1993). 930265 REVIEWERS' COMMENTS AND HPB CORRE Copy of all reviewers' comments and internal HPB correspondence pertaining to ROXIAM (REMOXIPRIDE HYDROCHLORIDE MONOHYDRATE) New Drug Submission from date of submission to present. 930266 INFORMATION RE: THE BANNING OF I In the letter dated August 8, 1991, I requested information regarding the banning of s. 19(1) insect repellant X-IT. On page 145, section 14, of that information it is stated that "Health and Welfare Canada is currently involved in evaluating all the available information on the health effects of DEET. We are aware of some case reports of adverse human health effects. Continuing efforts... to unwanted health risks". The purpose of this letter is to request copies of these evaluations and copies of the case reports of adverse human health effects/ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.18 1993.08.18 930267 RECORDS RE: POSITION HPHL-003 (LCDC, HPB). Any documentation related to position HPHL-003 (LCDC-HPB). This should include but not be limited to classification documents, such as position description, organizational charts, TB330`s, any staffing documentation during the last 4 years which would include requests for staffing actions, memorandums and letters, etc. This information will likely be found in the Human Resources Directorate and LCDC. 930267 RECORDS RE: POSITION HPHL-003 (LCDC, HPB). Any documentation related to position HPHL-003 (LCDC-HPB). This should include but not be limited to classification documents, such as position description, organizational charts, TB330`s, any staffing documentation during the last 4 years which would include requests for staffing actions, memorandums and letters, etc. This information will likely be found in the Human Resources Directorate and LCDC. 930268 H.P.B. INSPECTION REPORT FOR VITA HEALTH COMPANY (1985) LTD. Request for copies of the 1992 Health Protection Branch inspection report, including narrative comments, for Vita Health Company (1985) Ltd. of Winnipeg, Manitoba which operates under the following trade styles: Vita Health Westcan Labels Westcan Pharmaceuticals 930269 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR RISPERDAL B Product Monograph for RISPERDAL (1,2,3,4 mg. tablets) (Risperidone) manufactured by Janssen, NOC issued 93-04-23. 930270 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR ZOVIRAX AND MICATIN. Product monograph for 1. ZOVIRAX/Wellcome Medical (Acyclovir), New Indication 93-06-17 2. ZOVIRAX/Wellcome Medical (Acyclovir), New Dosage Form 93-06-28 3. MICATIN/Ortho - McNeil (Miconazole nitrate), 93-06-03 1993.08.19 930271 IMPORTATION DOCUMENTS - JANUARY T Copies of the importation documents provided by Customs Canada to the Health Protection Branch regional office in Longueuil, Qu‚bec that detail the monthly importations of all drugs, medical devices, cosmetics and foods for the months of January to August 1993 into the Province of Qu‚bec. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.19 930272 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH & OTHER DOCUMEN Please provide for the LEVO THYROXINE SODIUM Tablets U.S.P. (25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300 mg) of Pharmascience copies of: (1) The analytical test methods and any reviewers' notes concerning special allowances or deviations permitted in the methodology, including the dissolution testing. (2) The bioavailability test method and data, plus the reviewers' notes, showing equivalence to currently marketed product. (3) Any reviewers' notes and HPB or company correspondence detailing equivalence to currently marketed product. (4) The Product Monograph. (5) The reviewers' labelling comments and any HPB or company correspondence on labelling. (6) The chemistry and manufacturing portion of the New Drug Submission. 930273 PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FOR ROXIAM (AS Please provide us with a copy of the Product Monograph for ROXIAM, Astra's RAMOXIPIDE and the Product Monograph and label copy for NORPLANT (levonorgestrel system implants) by Ayerst Wyeth. 1993.08.20 930274 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CHILDR Re: Children's Bureau at Health and Welfare - 1. What has been the total budget of the Children's Bureau over the last three years, and how that money has been spent; 2. A list of the consultants hired over the last three years to do public opinion polling, TV advertising, communications, videos and pamphlets; 3. An accounting of the products produced by the consultants, and the total cost of hiring such consultants. 930275 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR METHOTREXATE BY LEDERLE. Provide a copy of the most recent Product Monograph for Lederle's Methotrexate Injection. 1993.08.23 930276 PROBLEMS WITH DIRTY BEER BOTTLES. Request for the following records: 1993 documents, including briefing notes, surrounding the inspection of Molson-O`Keefe beer bottles after akaline cleaning fluid was found in some bottles and actions taken by or considered by Health and Welfare Canada. As well, any 1993 complaints about contamination found in canadian beer bottles. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.08.23 930277 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR COLGATE TOT Request for Product Monograph for COLGATE TOTAL made by Colgate-Polmolive which was approved as a New Drug by the Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs. 930278 COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY FOR COLGATE TOTAL BY COLGATE-PALMOLIVE. Request the Comprehensive Summary for COLGATE TOTAL made by Colgate-Palmolive which was approved recently as a New Drug by the Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs. 930279 RECORDS RE: REGS FOR PATENT ACT S Request for the following records: 1. Internal records, including notes, memos, briefing notes to the Minister, meeting minutes, letters or faxes regarding the development and implementation of regulations promulgated on March 12, 1993 pursuant to section 55.2 of the Patent Act. 2. External records, including letters, meeting notes, briefing notes, contracts, memos of understanding with government and private sector associations/firms regarding the development and implementation of regulations promulgated on March 12, 1993 pursuant to section 55.2 of the Patent Act. It is likely that much of the records for these two applications will be for the 1992 and 1993 period. 1993.08.25 930280 RATING GUIDES FOR FI-2 AND FI-3 C Request for information concerning the rating guide for Finance Officer Level 2 and 3 (FI-2 and FI-3) competitions held for the past 2 years within Health and Welfare Canada. Board questions and answers/written and oral. 930281 INFORMATION CONCERNING STERRAD ST Request a copy of information relating to the regulatory Status of Medical Device with the following particulars: STERRAD Sterilizer, Hydrogen Peroxide, by Johnson & Johnson Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.07.28 930009 PATENTS The records for which a request for access is made are as follows:˙ 1) Correspondence between the NRC or CPDL and the inventors relating to the U.S. Patent. No. 5,056,922 and Canadian Patent No. 1,307,051 both entitled `Method and Apparatus for Monitoring the Surface Profile of a Moving Workpiece`, and correspondence between the NRC and any Patent Agents or firms relating to those patents.˙ 2) All correspondence or agreements entered into between the NRC or CPDL and third parties respecting licensing, or otherwise the manufacture and sale of the device which is subject of U.S. Patent No. 5,056,922 and Canadian Patent No. 1,307,051.˙ 1993.08.07 930019 AVRO CANADA VTOL ... any items held that are related to the AVRO CANADA VTOL programs and/or Proposals of around EARLY 1950's onward. This would include copy of any brochures/documents/drawings etc. produced by Avro Aircraft Ltd. Canada, AV Roe Canada Ltd., AV Roe & Co. England, as well as copy of reports and/or analysis produced by NAE/NRC/DND etc. in relation to the above.˙ Assuming that the above will be possible, I would first like to obtain photocopies of the Title page of any documents you hold, in order that I may establish that I do in fact require complete copy of any document. I request this as I already have considerable documentation on the topic via Freedom of Information as supplied by DND/SIS (Ottawa) and USA F Wright Patterson Airforce Base (USA). As well as copies of Canadian, British & USA patents. All of which has been fully declassified. ˙ Enclosed also is a photocopy of a list of 7 brochures held at NRC.˙ 1993.08.11 930020 RO/RCO JAN-89 TO JAN-91 They are asking that NRC provide them with information pertaining to term positions for Research Officers (RO) and Research Council Officers (RCO) during the period between Jan.1.89 and Dec.31.91. The lengthy request includes total number of RO/RCO positions, commencement and expiry dates, the number of contracts renewed at the end of their term, reasons for renewal, number of contracts discontinued along with the reasons... ˙ Also want documents relating to NRC's reorganization and reduction of PYs in 1990, including all documents relating to the identification of RO/RCO positions to be eliminated. They want a list of the staff identified as surplus, the average age of the employees by Institute, the numbers of staff of the Institute for Information Technology by age group.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.08.11 930021 CALL-UPS TEMPORARY HELP I would like to request copies of callups (Government 8251's) covering the Temporary Help Services usage at the NRC for the month of May 1993 in the National Capital Region.˙ 930022 CALL-UPS - JULY 1993 Applicant seeks copies of all Call-ups against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services for the month of July 1993 for the National Capital Region.˙ 1993.08.16 930023 FLIGHT DATA RECORDER Flight Data recorder information pertaining to Quebecair F-27 accident March 29, 1979 Quebec city. (ASB file #H90001) Any FDR trace, printout no matter how minimal is requested. It is understood that approximately 3 seconds of data was recovered.˙ 1993.08.19 930024 CALL-UPS - JUNE & JULY 1993 Please provide copies of all call-ups for temporary help and professional & technical help in the national capital region for June and July 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.04.27 934003 THE MINUTES AND ANY ATTACHMENTS/AP pendices to the minutes for the ICSI meetings held in January 1978, December 1978, and September 1979.˙ THE MINUTES AND ANY ATTACHMENTS/AP APPENDICES TO THE MINUTES FOR THE ICSI MEETINGS HERLD IN JANUARY 1978, DECEMBER 1978, and SEPTEMBER 1979.˙ 934008 ANY INDEX TO THE MEETINGS AND AGEN da of the Joint Intelligence Committee from January 1945 until 1972 (in particular, I am interested in any index that is similar to the one used for the ICSI - see index released under Access to Information file 897022 - or that contains a list of meetings and agenda).˙ ANY INDEX TO THE MEETINGS AND AGEN AGENDA OF THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE FROM JANUARY 1945 UNTIL 1972 (IN PARTICULAR, I AM INTERESTED IN ANY INDEX THAT IS SIMILAR TO THE ONE USED FOR THE ICSI - SEE INDEX RELEASED UNDER ACCESS TO INFORMATION FILE 897022 - OR THAT CONTAINS A LIST OF MEETINGS AND AGENDA).˙ 1993.06.21 934055 FILE INDEX FOR FILES OF DEPUTY CLE FILE INDEX (RECORDS INDEX) FOR THE FILES OF THE DEPUTY CLERK, INTELLIGENCE, AND COUNSEL; ALSO, MOST RECENT FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE.˙ 1993.06.25 934071 PM'S VISIT TO EUROPE & USA ALL EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA DURING THE PRIME MINISTER'S VISIT TO EUROPE, MAY 6-14/93 AND VISIT TO THE UNITED STATES FROM APRIL 5-7/93. ˙ 1993.07.21 924080 LES MINUTES DU CONSEIL DES MINISTR ACCESS A LA CORRESPONDANCE, AUX MINUTES, NOTES ET RAPPORTS RELATIFS AUX REUNIONS DU CONSEIL DES MINISTRES DU GOUVENEMENT CANADIEN TENUES A OTTAWA, LE 25 JUILLET 1967.˙ 1993.07.27 934081 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY REVIEW GROUP "MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIZED ASSESSMENT REVIEW GROUP."˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.07.27 934082 STUDIES BY ARG ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS REVIEWED BY THE IAC SINCE JANUARY 1991 THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE (INCLUDING ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY AN ARG SPECIFICALLY TASKED TO EXAMINE THE SUBJECT/ISSUE OF ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE).˙ 934083 ICSI REPORTS "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS DISCUSSED BY THE ICSI SINCE JANUARY 1991 THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE".˙ 934084 IAC REPORTS ON ILLEGAL TECHNOLOGY "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS REVIEWED BY THE IAC SINCE JANUARY 1990 THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH ILLEGAL/CLANDESTINE TRANSFERS OF TECHNOLOGY (INCLUDING ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY AN ARG SPECIFICALLY TASKED TO EXAMINE THE SUBJECT/ISSUE OF ILLEGAL/CLANDESTINE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY)."˙ 934085 ICSI REPORTS ON ILLEGAL TECHNOLOGY "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS DISCUSSED BY THE ICSI SINCE JANUARY 1990 THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH ILLEGAL/CLANDESTINE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY."˙ 934086 NATIONAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS ON ECONOMIC SECURITY CONTAINED IN THE PCO'S SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE FILES THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH CANADA'S NATIONAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS. (I AM INTERESTED IN DOCUMENTS THAT DISCUSS ECONOMIC SECURITY INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS. (I AM INTERESTED IN DOCUMENTS THAT DISCUSS ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN MADE PUBLIC BY THE SOLICITOR GENERAL SINCE 1989/90 AND THE SEARCH FOR DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO THOSE FILES SERIES THAT DEAL WITH THE SETTING OF NATIONAL SECURITY INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS AND ANY ASSESSMENTS OR REVIEW OF SUCH REQUIREMENTS THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE SINCE 1990)."˙ 934087 REPORTS PREPARED BY PCO ON SIRC "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY OR FOR THE PCO ON THE SECURITY INTELLIGENCE REVIEW COMMITTEE'S 1989 REPORT ON PROTECTING SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASSETS."˙ 934088 REPORTS SINCE 1990 IN PCO ON S&I "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED SINCE JUNE 1990 CONTAINED IN PCO SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE FILES 4195-5 AND 4195-5-1.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.07.27 934089 REPORTS SINCE JAN.89 IN PCO ON S&I ˙ "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED SINCE JANUARY 1989 CONTAINED IN PCO SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE FILE 4195-7".˙ 934090 REPORTS BY OR FOR PCO ON CSIS'TECH "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY OR FOR THE PCO ON CSIS'S TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER UNIT."˙ 934091 REPORTS BY OR FOR PCO ON FALL 1992 "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY OR FOR THE PCO ON THE FALL 1992 REPORT COMMISSIONED BY CSIS'S DIRECTOR ON THE MANDATE OF CSIS (EXCLUDING CORRESPONDENCE THAT FALLS WITHIN REQUREST 9394059)."˙ 934092 REPORTS ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, OR THE INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS OF THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT THAT HAVE THE SAME FILE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER AS THE ISBISTER REPORT (EXCLUDING FADDEN, MARCHAND)."˙ 934093 REPORTS ON ISBISTER REPORT "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED ON THE ISBISTER REPORT THAT HAVE THE SAME FILE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER AS THE ISBISTER REPORT."˙ 934094 REPORTS IN PCO SECURITY INTELLIGEN "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS CONTAINED IN PCO SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE FILE 400-1 ON THE SECURITY INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENT FUNCTION AND THE COORDINATOR OF INTELLIGEANCE AND PRODUCTION".˙ 934095 REPORTS CONTAINED IN PCO S&I "REPORTS OR STUDIES ON ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE, AND FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, CONTAINED IN PCO SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE FILE 4045-3."˙ 934097 STUDIES ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE "I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1980 - DECEMBER 1983 THAT ARE CONTAINED IN PCO FILES 4040-1; 4040-2-1; 4045-1; 4045-2-1; 4055-1 (EXCLUDING ANY DOCUMENTS WHERE THE TITLE INCLUDES THE NAME OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY)."˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.07.27 934098 STUDIES ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1985 - DECEMBER 1989 THAT ARE CONTAINED IN PCO FILES 4040-1; 4040-2-1; 4045-1; 4045-2-1; 4055-1 (EXCLUDING ANY DOCUMENTS WHERE THE TITLE INCLUDES THE NAME OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY, PLUS THE MARCHAND REPORTS)."˙ 934099 STUDIES ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1985 - DECEMBER 1989 THAT HAVE THE SAME FILE CLASSFICATION NUMBER AS THE OWEN DAVEY " AN IDEA OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE - FEBRUARY 1989" (BUT EXCLUDING THE DAVEY PAPER, AND ANY DOCUMENTS WHERE THE TITLE INCLUDES THE NAMES OF A FOREGIN COUNTRY)."˙ 934101 STUDIES ON FOREGIN INTELLIGENCE "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENT ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1990 - MAY 1993 THAT HAVE THE SAME FILE CLASSIFICATION NUMBER AS THE 1989 OWEN DAVEY PAPER ON NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EXCLUDING ANY DOCUMENTS WHERE THE TITLE INCLUDES THE NAME OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY)."˙ 1993.07.29 934102 MINUTES RE QUEBEC SEPARATISM MINUTES OF MEETING, 14 AUGUST 1967, OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE SECURITY PANEL RE: QUEBEC SEPARATISM.˙ 1993.07.30 934103 CABINET DOCUMENTS CABINET DOCUMENTS 952-69, 957-69, 1019-69˙ ˙ RECORD OF CABINET DECISION (DEFINITION OF PROBLEM)˙ 934104 HOUSE REPORT IN-HOUSE REPORT "STRUCTURE OF EXECUTIVE DECISION-MAKING IN THE CANADIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT".˙ ˙ ~ (VOL. 1) DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS˙ ˙ ~ (VOL. 2) DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS˙ ˙ ~ (VOL. 3) STUDY OF FUNDAMENTAL ALTERNATIVES AND STRUCTURAL˙ ARRANGEMENT OF GOVERNMENTS˙ 1993.08.03 934105 CABINET MEETINGS I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE BEING ABLE TO EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING PORTIONS OF 5 CABINET MEETINGS:˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.08.03 934105 "UI, DRAFT WHITE PAPER", 23 APRIL 1970˙ ˙ "UI ACT AND QUEBEC", 27 MAY 1971˙ ˙ "UI PAPER", 23 DEC. 1970˙ ˙ "UNEMPLOYMENT", 14 MAY 1970˙ ˙ "UNEMPLOYMENT", 11 MARCH 1971˙ 1993.08.05 934096 FUNCTIONS OF THE ECONOMIC INTELLIG "ANY MEMORANDA, REPORTS, STUDIES, ASSESSMENTS OR REVIEWS CONTAINED IN fILE 4045-3 THAT RELATE TO THE EFFECTIVENESS, MANDATE, FUNCTIONS OR OPERATION OF THE ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE."˙ 1993.08.10 934108 SECESSION OF LABRADOR FROM NFLD. 1) HAVE CANADA AND THE PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND HELD ANY DISCUSSIONS IN THE PERIOD 1949 - PRESENT ON ALL OR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS:˙ ˙ A) SECESSION OF LABRADOR FROM THE PROVINCE OF NEWFOUNDLAND AS A ˙ SEPARATE PROVINCE OR TERRITORY;˙ ˙ B) PUBLIC OPINION IN LABRADOR AND NEWFOUNDLAND REGARDING SEPARATISM OR SECESSIONISM IN LABRADOR;˙ ˙ C) TRANSFER OF ALL OR PART OF LABRADOR TO THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC.˙ ˙ 2) HAS THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA CONDUCTED, OR REVIEWED THE RESULTS OF, PUBLIC OPINION SURVEYS IN NEWFOUNDLAND OR LABRADOR ON EITHER OF THE SUBJECTS LISTED ABOVE DURING THE PERIOD 1968-PRESENT? IF SO, WHAT WERE THE RESULTS OF ANY OR ALL SUCH SURVEYS? ˙ 934109 RC ON REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES 1.) A CURRENT LIST OF RESEARCH GRANTS (VALUES, TO WHO, TITLES) DONE FOR THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES.˙ ˙ 2.) COSTS SPENT TO DATE PER FISCAL YEAR BY THIS COMMISSION - PROJECTED SPENDINGS (INCLUDE AMOUNTS SPENT ON PUBLIC RELATIONS, PUBLIC OPINION POLLING, TRAVEL, MEETINGS, ETC.).˙ ˙ 3.) PROCEDURE AND COSTS/PROJECTED COSTS FOR WRITING THE FINAL REPORT AND WHO IS WRITING IT, AND WHO ON THE COMMISSION STAFF HAS BEEN RELEASED BEFORE ITS WRITING. INCLUDE A LIST OF STAFF 1992, CURRENT 1993.˙ ˙ 4.) ANY OTHER DATA RELEASED ON THE COMMISSION UNDER ACCESS.˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.08.10 934109 5.) PROVIDE ANY 1992, 1993 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE PRIME MINISTER ON THE COMMISSION.˙ 934110 POLLS/FOCUS GROUP STUDIES PCO/FPRO SINCE APRIL 30, 1993 UNTIL AUGUST 5, 1993 ALL DOCUMENTATION, (INCLUDING PROGRESS, INTERIM REPORTS, NOTES MADE ON ORAL BRIEFING NOTES, SLIDE PRESENTATIONS, TECHNICAL DATA RECEIVED, EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES, CONTRACTS) ON ANY PUBLIC OPINION POLLS, SURVEYS OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES, FOCUS GROUP STUDIES 934111 1993.08.11 934112 1993.08.16 934113 1993.08.28 934100 REPORTS ON FOREGIN INTELLIGENCE "ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS ON FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1990 - MAY 1993 THAT ARE CONTAINED IN PCO FILES 4040-1; 4040-2-1; 4045-1; 4045-2-1; 4055-1 (EXCLUDING ANY DOCUMENTS WHERE THE TITLE INCLUDES THE NAME OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY(."˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.07.20 939404 INFO ON COMPUTER SPECIALISTS As per our telephone conversation on July 19, 1993 I would like to request a list of employees within the Public Service of Canada that have a Computer Specialist (CS) designation.˙ ˙ If possible, please format listing to include Surname, First Name, CS level, Department and Region.˙ 1993.07.23 939405 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY DATA Data regarding the recruitment of physically/mentally disabled persons (since 1977 if available until now). ˙ ˙ Data regarding the level(s) of employment and indeterminate, and term positions (since 1977 if available until now).˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.07.09 930047 CALLUPS JUNE '93, NCR All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services durign the period: June 1993 930049 CALLUP ONTARIO REGION, JUNE'93 All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: June 1993 1993.08.03 930071 CONTRACT TO CLEAN AND PAINT THE CTS TOWER s. 19(1) firm entered into a contract to clean and paint the CTS tower at Communications Canada-Carling Ave. Shirleys Bay, Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Brian Carleton was the Project Manager. This contract was signed on or about June 1991. I am requesting a copy of the complete file on this contract. This is to include the signed contract, specification, general conditions, invoices (all), payment certificates, and misc correspondence and notes. 1993.08.09 930068 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION, JULY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: July 1993 930069 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION, JULY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: July 1993. 930070 CALLUPS NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, JULY 1993 All Callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: July 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.08.11 1993.08.11 930072 CALLUPS NCR, NOV. 92, JUNE 92, JU Please provide copies of the DSS-MAS 8251 forms processed in the NCR (specifically Ottawa/Hull) for the period November 1992, June 1992 and July 1992, April 1993 930073 CALLUPS NCR, JULY 1993 To Receive all call-ups for the month of July/93 for the national capital region. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.06.04 930116 XXX ALL RECORDS - 91-05-01 TO PRE Correspondence between tax authorities of any foreign jurisdiction with which Canada has a tax treaty including the Inland Revenue Service of the United Kingdon and the International Taxation Office of Revenue Canada relating to XXX 1993.07.03 930166 1992-1993 STATISTICS PERTAINING T 1. 1992, 1993 records on how the GST low-income credit is working, contemplated changes, actual statistics (per income group, occupation, marital status etc) and fraudulent possibilities. 1993.07.05 930114 XXX AUDIT & APPEALS FILES FOR 1988 TO 1991 All information pertaining to the 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 taxation years of XXX including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing: ~ All T2020 Reports; ~ All T410 Reports; ~ All Inter Office Memoranda; ~ All working papers; and ~ All information stored on computer based disks or computer based hard drives. 1993.07.06 930111 TEXT OF CONFERENCES & BACKGROUND Copie des textes des deux conf‚rences prononc‚es ... l'occasion d'une session sp‚ciale sur la recherche et d‚veloppement, organis‚e par l'APFF les 15 et 16 juin 1993 ... Montr‚al et Qu‚bec. Titre de la conf‚rence: R & D, vue par Revenu Canada; Table Ronde sur la R & D Nous aimerions ‚galement recevoir les notes et tout autre document de recherche sous-jacent ... cette conf‚rence. 930112 TEXT OF CONFERENCE & BACKGROUND R Copie des textes de la conf‚rence prononc‚e ... l'occasion des Journ‚es d'tudes Fiscales 1993 organis‚es par l'Association Canadienne d'tudes Fiscales les 1er et 2 juin 1993 ... Montr‚al, Qu‚bec. Titre de la conf‚rence: Administration fiscale, point de vue de Revenu Canada Nous aimerions ‚galement recevoir les notes et tout autre document de Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.07.06 930112 recherche sous-jacent ... cette conf‚rence. 930113 COPY OF ATTACHMENTS NOTE IN 2ND L Copie des annexes se rattachant au document 9225627 pr‚par‚ par Bruce Rankin, en date du 2 septembre 1992. Il s'agit plus particuliŠrement des annexes sur les exigences des cat‚gories 24 et 27. Nous aimerions ‚galement recevoir les notes et tout autre document de recherche sous-jacent ... cette conf‚rence. 930115 ALL RECORDS DISTRIBUTED IN SEPT A All records (as defined in the Act) distributed in late September 1992/ early October 1992, XXX. 930117 ALL INFORMATION ON CURRENT DEDUCT Any and all records touching on the Department's position respecting the current deductibility of lease inducements given by landlords in respect of the entering into of leases having a term of ten years or less. 930118 XXX T2 RETURNS FOR TAX YEAR ENDIN All material relating to the reassessment of XXX taxation year ended May 31, 1988 XXX, including, but not restriced to, the T20 auditor's report, T2020 memos to file and notes or memoranda of conferences, conversations and interviews relating to the reassessment. 930119 XXX ALL INFO. ADVANCE TAX RULINGS - 86-09-22 All materials related to a request XXX to Revenue Canada Taxation, Rulings Division, on September 22, 1986, for an advance income tax ruling including, but not restricted to, the T2020 memos to file and notes or memoranda of all conferences, conversations or interviews relating to consideration of the advance ruling request and any subsequent discussions with, and enquiries by, other Revenue Canada personnel regarding the advance ruling request. 930120 XXX T2S FOR 1988, 1989 AND 1990 All briefs, submissions, reports, audit reports, working papers, studies, memoranda, notes, opinions, interpretations, proposals, projects, statements, notices, assessments and reassessments, correspondence, minutes, resolutions, rulings, formal and informal decisions, instructions, policies, procedures, documents, records and material including but not limited to any and all T20 formal and appraisals relating to the audit carried out by Revenue Canada, Taxation with respect to the assessment and reassessment of XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.06 930121 XXX ALL INFORMATION ON TAX AUDITS All briefs, submissions, reports, audit reports, working papers, studies, memoranda, notes, opinions, interpretations, proposals, projects, statements, notices, assessments and reassessments, correspondence, minutes, resolutions, rulings, formal and informal decisions, instructions, policies, procedures, documents, records, records, and material including but not limited to any and all T20 forms and appraisals relating to the audit carried out by Revenue Canada, Taxation with respect to the assessment and reassessment of XXX. 930122 XXX ALL INFORMATION ON TAX AUDITS All briefs, submissions, reports, audit reports, working papers, studies, memoranda, notes, opinions, interpretations, proposals, projects, statements, notices, assessments and reassessments, correspondence, minutes, resolutions, rulings, formal and informal decisions, instructions, policies, procedures, documents, records and material including, but not limited to the audit carried out by Revenue Canada, Taxation with respect to the assessment of XXX. 1993.07.07 930127 XXX ALL TAX AUDIT INFORMATION 1988, 1989, 1990 Any and all information related to or associated with an income tax audit XXX without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all auditor's reports and working papers and associated materials relevant to any issue in the audit. 930184 XXX INFORMATION RE: 1988 TAX YEAR Memoranda and reports prepared by officers of Revenue Canada, Taxation in connection with the assessment and reassessment of income tax, interest and penalties for the 1988 taxation year for XXX. 930185 XXX T2S FOR 1988 TAXATION YEAR Memoranda and reports prepared by officers of Revenue Canada, Taxation in connection with the assessment and reassessment of income tax, interest and penalties for the 1988 taxation year of XXX. 1993.07.08 930125 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER D Technical Interpretation, Financial Industries Division dated November 18, 1991. Revenue Canada File Number 912880 re: s 181.2(3) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.07.09 930123 TWO LETTERS DATED MAY, 1993, XXX Two formal letters written by Revenue Canada May 1993 XXX. 1. Letter from Paul Remillard 2. Letter from Source Deductions Directorate. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.09 930124 XXX ALL INFORMATION ON 1992 TAXAT Provide all audit information and auditor's notes and working papers of audit XXX in 1992. 930126 FOUR SPECIFIED TECHNICAL INTERPRE Technical Interpretation dated August 6, 1992 which originated with the Business and General Division (previously disclosed) on Employee Benefits - Reimbursement of Cost Differential on Relocation. Technical Interpretation dated August 17, 1992 which originated with the Business and General Division (previously disclosed) on Employees on Call - Home Telephone Expenses. Technical Interpretation dated August 18, 1992 which originated with the Financial Industries Division (previously disclosed) on Retiring Allowance included in RRSP - Purchased Pension Time. Technical Interpretation dated August 7, 1992 which originated with the Business and General Division (previously disclosed) on Employee Coverage under Long-Term Disability Plan. 1993.07.12 930128 XXX T2S FOR 1991 TAXATION YEAR All materials, including but not restricted to any auditor's reports, memos to file, correspondence, notes, memoranda of interviews, working papers and any other documents relating to any audit or assessment or reassessment of XXX for its 1991 taxation year. 1993.07.14 930160 SECTION 81(1)(C) & ARTICLE VIII - 1975 TO CURRENT Obtenir des renseignements concernant le traitement fiscal accord‚ aux revenus provenant du transport international. Plus particuliŠrement, nous aimerions recevoir copie de toute documentation relativement ... l'alin‚a 81(1)(c) de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu ainsi que l'article VIII des conventions fiscales sign‚es par le Canada, portant sur le transport international. 930161 COPY OF LEGISLATION SHOWING POST- Copy of legislation showing that post-bankruptcy income tax refunds may be applied against any outstanding Government debts such as Student Loans, UIC, etc. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.15 1993.07.15 930193 LIST OF EMPLOYEES IN REVENUE CANA I would like to request a list of employees within Revenue Canada that have a Computer Specialist (CS) designation. 1993.07.16 930129 XXX TAX AUDIT INFORMATION FOR 1988 TO 1990 Le rapport du cotiseur concernant un avis de cotisation ‚mis ... l'endroit de XXX par Revenue Canada Imp"t. Tout document concernant un ‚nonc‚ complet de tous les faits ou pr‚somption de faits que le Ministre du Revenu a assum‚ et pris en consid‚ration pour proc‚der ... l'‚mission dudit avis de cotisation XXX. 1993.07.19 930130 2 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS AS ST Copy of letter number 5-923379 dated March 10, 1993 which originated with the Financial Industries Division - previously disclosed. Copy of a Technical Interpretation dated September 21, 1992, which originated with the Financial Industries Division - previously disclosed. 930131 XXX T2S FOR 1988 AND 1989 TAXATIO XXX est en d‚saccord avec les avis de nouvelles cotisations ‚mis par votre MinistŠre pour les ann‚es d'imposition 1988 et 1989. Afin de bien compl‚ter son expos‚ des faits et motifs qui ont donn‚ lieu ... l'opposition pour lesdites ann‚es, notre cliente d‚sir obtenir les documents suivants: 1 - Le feuillet de classement des documents permanents TX-75. 2 - les donn‚es des r‚sultats du systŠme d'information de gestion de la v‚rification (S.I.G.V.). 3 - le rapport complet du v‚rificateur T-20 4 - Les documents et les feuillets de travail concernant le calcul effectu‚ ... partir du codage de la T20ST. 5 - Les documents et/ou les feuilles de travail concernant le rapprochement de la T20ST 6 - Les documents et/ou les feuilles de travail r‚sumant les conversations t‚l‚phoniques et les entrevues avec le contribuable 7 - Les documents et/ou les feuilles de travail r‚sumant la position adopt‚e par Revenu Canada, Imp"t suite aux repr‚sentations du contribuable. 930132 XXX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TAX YEA All information on the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930133 XXX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TAX YEA All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.19 930134 XXX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TAX YEA All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930135 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930136 XXX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO PRES All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930137 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930138 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930139 XXX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO PRES All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930140 XXX INFORMATION SINCE 1985 All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930141 XXX INFORMATION FORM 1985 TO PRES All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930142 XXX INFO FROM 1985 TO PRESENT All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930143 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including information relating to XXX's business premises. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.19 930144 XXX INFO FROM 1985 All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930145 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930146 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930147 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX 's business premises. 930148 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930149 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930150 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930151 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930152 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, including all information relating to XXX's business premises. 930153 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.19 930154 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing XXX. 930155 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, XXX. 930156 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, XXX. 930157 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, XXX. 930158 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, XXX. 930159 XXX TAX INFORMATION FROM 1985 TO All information regarding XXX for the tax years 1985 to the most recent filing, XXX. 1993.07.20 930163 TECHNICAL INTEPRETATIONS ON 149(1)(T) SINCE 1970 J'aimerais obtenir une copie de tous les "rulings" et d‚cisions rendus en fran‡ais ou en englais sur l'article 149(1)(t) de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu du Canada. La p‚riode couverte par cette demande est de 1970 ... aujourd'hui. 1993.07.22 930162 XXX- AUDIT FOR THE 1985 TAXATION All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with the 1985 taxation year and in particular T20 Auditor's reports, T2020 Memo for File and Interviews, Working Papers and Memorandum and notes to file in relation to XXX 1993.07.23 930164 XXX AUDIT REPORTS FOR TAX YEARS 1987-89 Information and documentation in any way connected with an audit in connection with the 1987, 1988 and 1989 taxation years relating to XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.23 930165 6 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIO 1. Memorandum from Business and General Division dated September 27, 1990 regarding the capitalization of unpaid interest. 2. Technical Interpretation from the Financial Industries Division dated October 10, 1990 regarding replacement of a loan with a new loan. 3. Technical Interpretation from the Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division dated November 19, 1990 regarding S. 212(1). 4. Memorandum from the Business and General Division dated July 3, 1991 regarding payment of salary. 5. Memorandum from the Legislation and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch dated April 6, 1992 regarding capitalized interest. 6. Technical Interpretation from the Business and General Division dated August 7, 1992 regarding journal entries. 1993.07.28 930167 REGULATION 1101(C) OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS All information on Regulation 1101(c) of the Income Tax Regulations. 930168 REGULATION 1101(4B) OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS All information on Regulation 1101(4b) of the Income Tax Regulations. 930169 REGULATION 1101(4A) OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS All information on Regulation 1101(4a) of the Income Tax Act. 930170 CLASS 10(G) OF SCHEDULE II OF THE INCOME TAX ACT All information on Class 10(G) of Schedule II of the Income Tax Act. 930171 DEFINITION OF MINERAL RESOURCE AT SUBSECTION 248(1) OF THE ITA All information on the definition of Mineral Resource at subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act. 930172 SUBPARAGRAPH 125.1(3)(B)(VI.1) OF THE INCOME TAX ACT All information on subparagraph 125.1(3)(b)(vi.1) of the Income Tax Act. 930173 SUBPARAGRAPH 125.1(3)(B)(VI) OF T All information on subparagraph 125.1(3)(b)(vi) of the Income Tax Act. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.28 930174 SUBPARAGRAPH 125.1(3)(B)(V) OF TH All information on subparagraph 125.1(3)(b)(v) of the Income Tax Act. 930175 REGULATION 1104(6) OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS All information on Regulation 1104(6) of the Income Tax Act. 930176 CLASS 41 OF SCHEDULE II OF THE IN All information on Class 41 of Schedule II of the Income Tax Regulations. 930177 CLASS 28 OF SCHEDULE II OF THE IN All information on Class 28 of Schedule II of the Income Tax Regulations 930178 CLASS 10(K) OF SCHEDULE II OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS All information on Class 10(k) of Schedule II of the Income Tax Regulations. 930179 REGULATION 1204(1)(B)(IV) OF THE ITA All information on Regulation 1204(1)(b)(iv) of the Income Tax Act. 930180 REGULATION 1204(1)(B)(III) OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS All information on Regulation 1204(1)(b)(iii) of the Income Tax Regulations. 930181 REGULATION 1204(1)(B)(II) OF THE INCOME TAX REGULATIONS. All information on Regulation 1204(1)(b)(ii) of the Income Tax Regulations. 930187 XXX COPY OF RULING AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ruling XXX - need a copy of Ruling and all backup information in file for XXX. 1993.07.29 930182 SUBSECTION 96(1), 96(1.1), 98(1), 98.1(1) Copie de toute documentation ou interpr‚tation ‚mise par le MinistŠre, depuis le 1er janvier 1990, relativement aux paragraphes 96(1), 96(1.1), 98(1), 98(1.1) et 34(1) de la Loi de l'imp"t sur le revenu. 1993.07.30 930183 XXX T2S FOR 1986 AND 1987 TAXATIO Copy of 1986 and 1987 T2 return. Copy of audit working papers and reports. Copy of Appeals and any other related documentation for XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.08.03 1993.08.03 930188 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED JA January 18, 1991 Technical Interpretation given by Business and General Division of Revenue Canada on "whether the M&P deduction would be available in respect of income from the meat, bakery and produce department of grocery stores". 930189 ALL DOCUMENTS ON THE INCOME TAX C All interpretations, rulings, opinions, technical interpretations, memoranda and other similar documents relating to the Income Tax Conventions Interpretations Act R.S.C. 1985, CI-4 as amended to S.C. 1993, c.24 ss. 147-148. 930190 ALL INFORMATION ON SECTION 37 OF All information including but not limited to, Revenue Canada internal correspondence, advanced income tax rulings, interpretations, and third party requests related to Section 37 of the Income Tax Act and related to Income Tax Regulations 2900 and 2902. 1993.08.04 930186 MEMORANDUM DATED JUNE 4, 1991 Memorandum of June 4, 1991 issued by the Business and General Division. 930191 XXX T2S FOR 1988, 1989 AND 1990 T 1. Auditor's Report (T20) XXX with respect to the 1988, 1989 and 1990 taxation years of XXX. 2. Auditor's Report (T20) XXX with respect to the 1988, 1989 and 1990 taxation years of XXX. 1993.08.06 930192 CALL-UPS FOR JULY 1993 FOR THE NA All call-ups for the month of July 1993 for the National Capital Region. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.07.22 930030 OVERHEAD DOOR COMPANY Information on Overhead Door Company in 70"s & 80"s. 1993.07.28 930031 CONSTRUCTION CSIS GYMNASIUM HQ All documents related to the construction, equipping and staffing for the gymnasium of the new CSIS headquarters, including plans and budget allocation. 1993.08.16 930032 RAP INDEXES a) the file index/subject file classification system used by the Analysis and Production Branch; and b) index/list of CSIS Studies and CSIS Reports produced by the Analysis and Production Branch; and c) the most current terms of reference/mandate or functions of the Analysis and Production Branch. 930033 POLICY BRANCH INDEXES. a) the file index/subject file classification system used by the Policy Development Branch Unit/Policy Branch; and b) the file index/subject file classification system used by CSIS' Corporate Planning Section; and c) the most current terms of reference/mandate or functions of the Policy Branch. 930034 INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM REPORT a) the 1984 PCO's staff report entitled "Foreign Intelligence for Canada" (Fadden Report); b) Arthur Kroeger's 1984 report entitled "Management of the Canadian Intelligence Program"; c) the 1987 Marchand Review entitled "Foreign Intelligence Assessment Review"; and d) reviews, reports or studies undertaken since 1988 on Canadian foreign intelligence. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.08.16 930035 FILE IP 151-7-2 File IP 151-7-2 (Review of Canadian Intelligence Policy). 930036 FILE IP 160-13 File IP 160-13 (Special Joint Study Group on Internal Security Indicators). 930037 FILE IP 431-Q-12 File IP 431-Q-12 Foreign Interference in Canada. 1993.08.19 930038 SECURITY SERVICE IN THE YEARS 1919 TO 1940 Criminal Investigation Branch, Confidential Monthly Reports from RCMP Districts in Manitoba, Sask. and Alberta for years 1919-1940; and Criminal Investigation Branch Circular Memorandum for these years (1919-1940) and districts. 1993.08.24 930039 COMMUNICATION MACHINE Name, maker and engineer who made a communication machine. 1993.08.30 930040 KENNEDY ASSASSINATION 1) events in Canada around the time of the assassination of John F. Kennedy; 2) list of the names of several individuals; XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SIS 1993.08.30 930040 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3) list of the names of organizations O.A.S.; C.A.C.L.; Alpha 66; W.A.C.L.; Aginter Presse; Permindex; Le Groupe Paladin; C.M.C. (Centro Mondiale Commerciale); International Trade Market; Schlumberger Corporation; Societe Expinmaq; Gavevgnuhmetals. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 103 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.08.03 930054 ~ PROPOSITION RETENUE DANS LE CAD adjug‚. ~ Contrat LSO- 1-01430 entre Transcom et la Reine ~ Co-t/honoraires des consultations du rapport SECOR. 1993.08.10 930055 JE VOUS PRIERAIS DE ME FAIRE PARV dans le cadre de l'appel d'offre cit‚ en rubrique. 930056 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF MOST RECE CD-ROM. 930057 TOUTE CORRESPONDANCE, TOUS RAPPOR et en fran‡ais, interne et externe portant sur le conseil r‚gional Hamilton de l'Association canadienne-fran‡aise de l'Ontario et de ***************** ******************* depuis janvier, 1988 lettres, notes de serivce, rapports, r‚sum‚ de rencontres, recommandations du Secr‚tariat d'tat du Canada, de ses employ‚s et de ses clients. 930058 I AM WRITING TO REQUEST INFORMATI Services Contracts Directorate. Could you therefore kindly send us information on official-languages open contracts awarded in the past 6 months with price per word, the date of the award, the total number of words covered by the contract, the term of the contract, the specialties required (e.g. JUR 00, ADM 10, FED 20, etc.) the name of the successful bidder and the region in which the successful bidder is located (or the address, if this is easier to provide). 930059 D‚TAILS DES CONTRATS OUVERTS ‚TAB de traduction minist‚riels ou Bureau de la traduction) et les pigistes ou cabinets retenus par le Secr‚tariat d'tat pour des services de traduction pour chacun de ces ministŠres lors d'appels d'offres depuis le 1er ao-t 1992 jusqu'... ce jour (jour du traitement de la pr‚sente demande). Agence canadienne de d‚veloppement international MinistŠre des affaires ext‚rieures Commission de la fonction publique Dept Date Request No Text Page: 104 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.08.10 930059 Conseil priv‚ Chambre des communes Industrie, Sciences et Technologies Sant‚ et Bien-ˆtre social Canada Secr‚tariat des conf‚rences Travail et consommation SCRS Statistique Canada CRTC Renseignements demand‚s: . Nom de chacun des cabinets de traduction ou de chacun des traducteurs pigistes avec lesquels des "contrats ouverts" ont ‚t‚ ‚tablis par le Secr‚tariat d'tat pour des services de traduction offerts ... chacun des ministŠres ou organismes f‚d‚raux mentionn‚s ci-haut, depuis le 1er ao-t 1992 ... ce jour. . Dur‚e de chacun de ces contrats . Volume total de mots pr‚vus ... chacun de ces contrats . Volume quotidien de mots pr‚vus ... chacun de ces contrats . Sp‚cialit‚s de traduction (ADM 00, FED 00, etc.) demand‚es pour chacun de ces contrats. . Co-t par mot convenu pour chacun de ces contrats . Langue de d‚part, langue d'arriv‚e (anglais au fran‡ais, fran‡ais ... l'anglais). 930060 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period: JULY 1993. 1993.08.12 930061 PLEASE PROVIDE EACH ITEM OF INFOR The total word volume and average per-word price paid for all Secretary of State French-into-English contract translators (i.e., any translator working on contract for the Secretary of State and listed in at least one French-into-English Specialty by the Secretary of State) for fiscal 1992-1993. Also, the total number of translators listed in at least one specialty from French into English for 1992-1993. The same information on volume, price and number of translators for 1987-1988. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 105 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.08.12 930061 The same information on volume, price and number of translators for 1982-1983. The total word, volume and average per-word price paid for all free-lance translations done under the auspices of the Montreal English Section for fiscal 1992-1993, 1987-1988, and 1982-1983, as well as the number of French-into-English contract with open or other contracts for work from French into English during each of these three periods for this section. The number of proposals solicited for the Montreal English Section from the spring-summer 1993 round of bidding. The number of proposals accepted for the Montreal English Section from the spring-summer 1993 round of bidding. The average per-word-price given in proposals by French-into-English contract translators that were recently accepted by the Secretary of State durint the latest round of bidding (spring-summer 1993) for the Montreal English Section. The number of words translated by free-lance contractors into English for the Montreal English Section identified per specialty for the 1992-1993 fiscal year. The names of all specialties requested in the latest round of bidding (spring summer 1993) for the Montreal English Section. The sets of specialties required or requested of each contract translator who was invited to make a proposal by the Secretary of State for the Montreal English Section, and the number of words contracted to be translated under each such proposal. The names of successful bidders, or proposal makers, in the spring-summer round of bidding within the Secretary of State for the Montreal English Section, and their individual prices. The names of unsuccessful bidders, or proposal makers, in this round of bidding and their individual prices. The names of individuals designated in the past twelve months by the Montreal English Section (officially of unofficially) as "sub-contractors." If no persons have been designated as "sub-contractors," the names of all persons asked by any staff of the Montreal English Section to do translation work from French into English other than designated contractors within the past twelve months, or closest similar period, and billed under the names of contract translators holding contracts with the Secretary of State to do work for the Montreal English Section. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 106 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.08.12 930061 The names of any such "sub-contractor" or non-designated contractors doing translation work within the past twelve months, or closest similar period, solicited to bid or to submit proposals in the current round of bidding (spring-summer 1993) for work from the Montreal English Section. The names of any "sub-contractor" not asked to submit bids or proposals in this latest round who are still considered "sub-contractor" by the Montreal English Section of to whom the Montreal English Section has directly asked to do work, within the past three months, or closest similar period. Total fees paid in fiscal 1992-1993 to French-into-English contract translators on contract with the Secretary of STate for the Montreal English Section as compensation for putting the work of non-designated contractors ("sub-contractors") through their invoicing systems. Also, total fees invoiced in this way per each contract translator, for the same period, as well as per-word fees effectively charged each "sub-contractor" for such invoicing by contractors. Specifications of numbers of words, specialties, departments, etc., for all open contracts awarded to French-into-English contract translators by the Secretary of State and other departments and agencies drawing from the Secretary of State contractors' inventory for fiscal 1992-1993. Specifications for all open contracts for which the compagny Anglotrad has been given the opportunigy to bid in fiscal 1992-1993 by the Secretary of State and other departments and agencies drawing from the Secretary of State contractors' inventory. The total number of requests for bids from French-into-English contract translators listed as "active" under the Secretary of State's rotating bidding system for the period April 1 to July 31, 1993, the total number of such requests broken down by specialty, word volume, and price, the average number of such requests per "active" translator for the same period, and the total and the average number of requests for the specialty "ADM001". The total number of requests for bids from Anglotrad under the rotating bidding system for the period April 1 through July 31, 1993 and the total number of requests in the specialty "ADM001" for this period. The total number of requests made through the Secretary of State inventory for "standing offer" contracts for French-into-English contract translators with standing offers in the same specialties as Anglotrad, and at prices equal to or higher than those of Anglotrad, in the period July 15 through July 31, 1993. (Anglotrad's listed prices are 16.43‡ per word for all specialties terminating in "00" and 16.98‡ per word for all other specialties. Anglotrad's specialties, as well as those of other translators, are on file with the Secretary of State's Service Contracts Information System. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 107 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.08.12 930061 930062 J'AIMERAIS QUE L'ON ME FASSE PARV AUDIT PLAN SUMMARY REPORT, remis ... l'autorit‚ contractante, Madame Nicole Letendre, de D‚fense nationale QG CFT - Saint-Hubert le 93.07.08. J'aimerais aussi recevoir une copie de l'original pour v‚rifier les corrections apport‚es ... ma traduction en regard du texte de d‚part. 1993.08.24 930063 UNDER THE PROVISIONS OUTLINED IN requesting copies of the completed call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 1993.08.25 930064 JE SUIS AU NOMBRE DES DIX SOUMISS la demande ci-dessus a ‚t‚ retenue. Comme la loi m'y autorise, j'aimerais connaŒtre : 1) le tarif (prix au mot) que les autres soumissionnaires ont demand‚; 2) la note qu'ils ont obtenue (la note en fonction de laquelle les tarifs ont ‚t‚ pond‚r‚s). 1993.08.27 930065 JE DEMANDE, EN VERTU DE LA LOI SU contrat LSO-3-00334 adjug‚ par la Division des march‚s linguistiques du Secr‚tariat d'Etat et de l'offre de l'entrepreneur ... qui ce contrat a ‚t‚ adjug‚, avec toutes les piŠces jointes. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 108 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.08.06 931111 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE Marriage Certificate˙ Married ...... to ...... in Edmonton by a Justice of the Peace˙ 931112 BIRTH CERTIFICATE Birth Certificate˙ Born ..... in Edmonton˙ 931113 BIRTH CERTIFICATE Birth Certificate˙ Born ..... ˙ Born in Saskatchewan˙ Maiden name .....˙ Applicant is deceased, information is needed for Canada Pension˙ 1993.08.10 931114 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR JULY 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: July 1993˙ 931115 1911, 1921, 1931 AND 1941 CENSUS 1911, 1921, 1931 and 1941 census for Canada for Harrow, Ontario, Colchester South, for a named individual, his wife and their children.˙ 1993.08.16 931116 CALLUPS FOR NCR - MAY, JUNE, JULY Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: May, June & July 1993˙ 1993.08.20 931118 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR JUNE 1993 Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 109 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TBS 1993.08.11 940045 SENIOR PUBLIC SERVANTS REDUCTIONS RECORDS, EXCLUDING PRESS CLIPPINGS, THAT IDENTIFY THE IMPACT OF THE RECENT˙ REDUCTIONS IN THE NUMBER OF SENIOR PUBLIC SERVANTS, INCLUDING SAVINGS IN PERSON-YEARS AND/OR OTHER RESOURCES, AND ANY ANTICIPATED SAVINGS.˙ 1993.08.17 940046 PAY EQUITY BY CROWN CORPORATIONS ALL CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PAYMENT OF PAY EQUITY OR SALARY RELATIVITY ADJUSTMENTS BY FEDERAL CROWN CORPORATIONS.˙ 940049 EXEMPT STAFF SEVERENCE & ED. LEAV COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO SHOW THE TOTAL AMOUNT SPENT AND COMMITTED TO BE SPENT ON SEVERANCE PACKAGES FOR EXEMPT STAF OF ALL MINISTERS SINCE jANUARY 1, 1993, IF POSSIBLE BROKEN DOWN BY DEPARTMENT. ALSO, COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO SHOW THE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS CLASSIFIED AS EXEMPT STAFF, BY DEPARTMENT, WHO HAVE RECEIVED SEVERANCE PACKAGES SINCE JANUARY 1, 1993.˙ ALSO, PLEASE PROVIDE DOCUMENTS TO SHOW THE NUMBER OF EXEMPT STAFF WHO HAVE BEEN GRANTED PAID EDUCATIONAL LEAVE SINCE JANUARY 1, 1993, AND THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND BENEFITS PROVIDED UNDER SUCH LEAVE PROVISIONS.˙ 1993.08.18 940047 CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP CALL UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR PERIOD MAY, JUNE AND JULY 1993 FOR THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL - ALL DISCLOSED˙ 1993.08.24 940050 BREAKDOWN OF FIGURE IN ANNUAL REP. ˙ A BREAKDOWN OF A PARTICULAR FIGURE CONTAINED IN TABLE 25 OF TREASURY BOARDS˙ 91/92 ANNUAL REPORT (PAGE 55). THE FIGURE IS UNDER THE ADMINISTRATION AND IMPLEMENTATION SECTION OF THE TABLE AND IS LABELLED "DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES". THE REQUEST IS TO BREAK DOWN THE FIGURE 29.0 MILLION BY DEPARTMENT AND AGENCY FOR THAT YEAR ONLY. INFORMATION DISCLOSED INFORMALLY.˙ 1993.08.25 940051 DISPOSITION OF PM MULRONEY'S PAPER ALL RECORDS CONCERNING THE HANDLING, DISPOSITION AND ARRANGEMENTS INVOLVING THE PAPERS OF PRIME MINISTER BRIAN MULRONEY˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 110 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.08.11 930010 79H90001(VIEW FILES) A79H0001, Quebecair Flight 255, Fairchild F-27B CF-QBL, Quebec City, P.Q., March 29, 1979.˙ View files and receive selected copies.˙ 1993.08.20 930011 A93O0115(ATC TRANSCRIPTS) A93O0115, C-GOEZ, 19 April 1993, Inglewood, Ontario. We understand that this flight originated at the Hamilton Airport and was proceeding to the Brampton Airport when the loss occurred. We also understand that the pilot was on an IFR flight plan at the time of the loss and would have been talking to Toronto Centre and in particular an Arrival Controller when the loss occurred. ˙ We are therefore requesting a copy of the transcript of any communications that were made between the pilot of the above captioned aircraft and any Toronto Centre or Toronto Arrival Controller when this loss occurred, as well as a copy of any related transcripts within Toronto Centre i.e. land lines, conversations/communications, etc. between controllers relating to this flight. ˙ We would request that you forward a copy of the Air Traffic Control transcripts and any other information that you may supply us pursuant to the Freeedom of Information Act.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.09.21 From:1993.08.01 To:1993.08.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 111 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.07.29 930006 SMOKY RIVER COAL LTD. Latest audited and unaudited financial statements of Smoky River Coal Ltd.˙ 930006 SMOKY RIVER COAL LTD. Latest audited and unaudited financial statements of Smoky River Coal Ltd.˙ 930007 HPC COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES LTD. The latest audited and unaudited financial statements of HPC Computing ˙ Technologies Ltd.˙ 930007 HPC COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES LTD. The latest audited and unaudited financial statements of HPC Computing ˙ Technologies Ltd.˙ 1993.08.05 930008 EX TERRA FOUNDATION The most recent audited financial statements and the most recent audited financial statements and the most recent unaudited financial statements for Ex Terra Foundation with regard to the financial assistance provided to facilitate the holding of the Dinosaur World Tour. ˙ 1993.08.13 930009 SHOTCO AMMUNITION CORP. Request for the recent review of Shotco Ammunition Corporation ordered by former Minister Mary Collins. The original application by Shotco or predessor company. Federal Business Development Bank appraisal of Business˙ Plan. All correspondence between Shotco and Western Economic Diversification and background information on all Shotco investors.˙ 930010 SHOTCO AMMUNITION CORP. Request for a copy of the review made by WD between May 27, 1993 and ˙ July 16, 1993 of the interest-free loan made to Shotco Ammunition Corp. and submitted to the Minister. A copy of the business proposal made by Shotco Ammunition Corp. to WD. A copy of any contract or letter of agreement between WD and Shotco Ammunition Corp. which outline the conditions agreed upon due to the review.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 112 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.08.20 1993.08.20 930011 HPC COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES Request for any amended business plans filed by HPC Computing Technologies and any audited financial statements filed by the same entity since March ˙ 1992.˙ 930011 HPC COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES Request for any amended business plans filed by HPC Computing Technologies and any audited financial statements filed by the same entity since March ˙ 1992.˙ 930012 NOVATEL COMMUNICATIONS Request for copies of audited financial statements, pro-formas and business plans filed by NovAtel Communications Ltd. or NovAtel Finance from January˙ 1990 to the present to support the $2 million in research and development funding provided by WD in 1990.˙ ˙ Copies of financial statements and business plans for any company indebted to NovAtel Communications and/or NovAtel Finance from 1988 to present.˙ ˙ List of any or all cellular markets and/or companies with whom NovAtel Communications or NovAtel Finance entered into a financial arrangement to supply cellular equipment from 1988 to present.˙ 930012 NOVATEL COMMUNICATIONS Request for copies of audited financial statements, pro-formas and business plans filed by NovAtel Communications Ltd. or NovAtel Finance from January˙ 1990 to the present to support the $2 million in research and development funding provided by WD in 1990.˙ ˙ Copies of financial statements and business plans for any company indebted to NovAtel Communications and/or NovAtel Finance from 1988 to present.˙ ˙ List of any or all cellular markets and/or companies with whom NovAtel Communications or NovAtel Finance entered into a financial arrangement to supply cellular equipment from 1988 to present.˙ 930013 PRATT AND WHITNEY CANADA Request for the most recent audited and unaudited financial statements filed by Pratt and Whitney Canada.˙ 930013 PRATT AND WHITNEY CANADA Request for the most recent audited and unaudited financial statements filed by Pratt and Whitney Canada.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 113 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.08.20 930014 VISIONWELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. Request for the most recent business plan, audited financial statements and unaudited financial statements for Visionwell Technologies Inc.˙ 930014 VISIONWELL TECHNOLOGIES INC. Request for the most recent business plan, audited financial statements and unaudited financial statements for Visionwell Technologies Inc.˙ 1993.08.23 930015 ALTA GENETICS INC. Request for the most recent business plan and most recent audited and unaudited financial statements for Alta Genetics Ltd.˙ 930016 AMPTECH CORPORATION Request for the most recent business plan and most recent audited and unaudited financial statements for Amptech Corporation.˙ 930017 ATLAS LUMBER (ALBERTA) LTD Request for the most recent business plan and most recent audited and unaudited financial statements for Atlas Lumber (Alberta) LTD.˙ 930018 DIAL-GUARD LTD. ˙ Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for Dial-Guard Ltd.˙ 930019 DOWNHOLE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY CANADA Request for the most recent business plan and most recent audited and unaudited financial statments of Downhole Systems Technology Canada.˙ 930020 EDO (CANADA) LIMITED Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for EDO (Canada) Limited.˙ 930021 ENGINEERED PROFILES LTD. Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for Engineered Profiles Ltd.˙ 930022 FRE COMPOSITES AND FRE PULTRUSIONS Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for FRE Composites and FRE Pultrusions Inc.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 114 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.08.23 930023 FRENGER CANADA INC. Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for Frenger Canada Inc.˙ 930024 GLOBAL THERMOELECTRIC INC. Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and˙ unaudited financial statements for Global Thermoelectric Inc.˙ 930025 NEW NOBLE SERVICES LTD Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent recent audited and unaudited financial statements for New Noble Services Ltd.˙ 930026 TYCOR INTERNATIONAL INC. Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for Tycor International Inc.˙ 930027 UNIVERSAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for Universal Industries Ltd.˙ 930028 WESTCASTLE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Request for the most recent business plan and the most recent audited and ˙ unaudited financial statements for Westcastle Development Authority and Vacation.˙ 1993.08.30 930029 DUCKS UNLIMITED:OAK HAMMOCK MARSH Request for copies of all records (letters, reports, faxes, memos, consultations, correspondence, assessments, financial records and transactions, and any other documentation whatsoever) on file (at the WD office in Winnipeg and anywhere else) with the Ministry of Western Economic Diversification regarding Ducks Unlimited's Oak Hammock Marsh headquarters and interpretation centre development at the Oak Hammock Marsh wildlife sanctuary north of Winnipeg. As part of this request we would like copies of all correspondence between Ducks Unlimited members and staff and Western Economic Development staff since 1985, even if the subject of the Oak Hammock Marsh is not named in it.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.09.01 930055 BANKRUPTCY UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS Bankruptcies, 1991-92 1993.09.17 930057 FOOD LABELLING RULING Provide details regarding the information being sought This information is in the Food Division of the Consumer Products Branch. The information requested is a copy of the rulings on foods/food labelling etc. The information is resident on computer files. A diskette containing the information is acceptable. 1993.09.23 930058 INVESTIGATION CHEMAGRO - COMPETIT s. 19(1) which is the victim of a breach of the Competition Act by Chemagro Limited to which Chemagro pleaded guilty before the Quebec Superior Court on June 11, 1993, was convicted and fined. In the course of its investigation of Chemagro Limited, David M. Gilkes on behalf of the Director of Investigation and Research appointed under the Competition Act, obtained a search warrant authorizing the Director to enter the premises of Chemagro Limited and seized documents. These documents, or some of them, would have been used in Court in the prosecution of Chemagro Limited had Chemagro Limited not pleaded guilty, and they therefore would have been available to our client. I understand from speaking with Mr. Gilkes that these documents number about 2500, and that although the original documents had been returned, the Director maintains microfilm and photocopies of these documents. Accordingly, pursuant to the Access to Information Act, and on behalf of our client, we ask that we be provided access to review these documents and to take copies of them. Further, in the Information of David Gilkes sworn before the Ontario court (General Division) on November 6, 1992, against Chemagro Limited, Mr. Gilkes refers to 750 documents being seized between the period of August 20, 1991 from the premises of XXX and the head office of Chemagro Limited. We understand from Mr. Gilkes that these documents were also photocpied and a microfilm was made while the original documents were returned. We request on behalf of s. 19(1) access to these documents for review and copying. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CCA 1993.09.23 930058 Further, in the same Information of Mr. Gilkes, he discloses thatXXX was examined under oath on October 20, 1992 by a representative of the Attorney General as the former Manager of Forestry for Chemagro Limited. On behalf of our client, we request access to the transcript or tape recording of this examination, and to copy it. Forest Protection Limited is duly incorporated under the laws of New Brunswick and has its head office in Fredericton, New Brunswick. It has been declared by the New Brunswick Court of Appeal to be a servant of the Crown in Right of New Brunswick. We thank you for your cooperation and we await your reply. 1993.09.24 930059 CALLUPS Request for information of all temporary help requests, namely "Call-up against a standing offer for temporary help services for the month of August/93. 1993.09.27 930060 AUDITS SINCE 1990 I want to request any records pertaining to audits of the department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs since 1990. This request includes any branches transfered to the authority of Industry and Science Canada that engage in the same activities as the former department. The request also includes the Competition Bureau. If a list describing such audits does not exist, I would like photocopies of the cover pages and accompanying tables of contents of any relevant audits. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.06.16 931166 AERONAUTICS ACT Request for information pertaining to the possible contravention˙ of the Aeronautics Act in Ontario./Abandoned, awaiting fees./Reopen˙ 93-07-21./Disclosed in part.˙ 1993.08.09 931510 FILE CIRCULATION & DESTRUCTION Request regarding circulation and destruction of RCMP Headquarter files/˙ Opened 93-08-09/Disclosed in part/93-09-01.˙ 1993.08.12 931534 RCMP PROTECTION COST OF FORMER PM Request for information concerning any expenses by the RCMP in relation to˙ the protection of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and his family./˙ bandoned, awaiting fees./Disclosed in part.˙ 1993.08.16 931551 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT Request for information regarding a motor vehicle accident under the ˙ jurisdiction of the Halifax Detachment, RCMP/Unable to process.˙ 1993.08.18 931548 RCMP HIRING PRACTICE Request for the breakdown of RCMP employees at the Sault Ste. Marie˙ Detachment./Abandoned./Reopened 93-09-02./All disclosed. ˙ 931566 RCMP POLICY ON FILE PURGING Request for information regarding the policy in regard to the destruction˙ or purging of files relating to sudden deaths which do no result in˙ charges or other court proceedings. /All disclosed.˙ 1993.08.23 931583 INFO ON ARMS MERCHANT Re Information regarding the investigation by the RCMP of a Canadian˙ Arms Merchant./Abandoned.˙ 1993.08.24 931620 RENTAL OF RIFLE CLUB Request regarding rental by the RCMP of a Rifle Club facility and˙ the amount of rent that was paid for the years 1992 and 1993 for˙ the above./All disclosed.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.08.27 1993.08.27 931627 FAMILY GENEALOGY Request for information held in archives pertaining to criminal record of great grandfather./Abandoned.˙ 1993.09.03 931653 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Requesting information regarding all temporary help services for the RCMP.˙ for the month of June./Awaiting fees.˙ 1993.09.09 931668 PRISONERS IN DETACHMENT CELLS Request for information on the RCMP policy regarding living˙ conditions of prisoners in detachment cells./All disclosed.˙ 931693 INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE OF INFO Request for access to copies of agreements between Canada and other˙ countries to exchange information pertaining to national security.˙ 931696 UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS Request for access to records concerning the study of and documentation of UFO sightings in Canada.˙ 1993.09.13 931723 REQUEST FOR MANUAL Request for a manual for the Canadian Police Information Computer˙ (C.P.I.C.)./Unable to Process.˙ 1993.09.22 931779 FUR MARKETS IN THE FEDERAL GOV'T. Request for information regarding the potential Markets for Fur and Seal˙ Leather Products in the Federal Government./All disclosed.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.08.10 930042 CALLUPS JULY 93 -- ONTARIO REGIO All Callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of July 1993. 930043 CALLUPS JULY 93 -- NCR All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary Help Services during the period of July 1993. 1993.09.08 930048 MANUFACTURE & SALES OF FURNITURE The manufacture and sales of furniture by "CORCAN" i.e. prison industry. The information we are seeking is: How big is this competitor manufacturing in the Canadian prisons? What sales volume of furniture is being sold by "CORCAN"? What are the employees (inmates) paid? What costs, such as labour, rent, heat, machinery, equipment, depreciation are underwritten by the taxpayers? What benefits, such as unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, vacation pay, health insurance, retirement are paid? Are there any restrictions to the operation to allow for equity with private industry competing for the same business? Are the costs of distribution, sales commissions, samples, travel expense, sales offices, communication expenses, etc. borne by the taxpayer? Has there been an analysis of the impact of prison industries on private enterprise in Canada? Should there be? From recent experience in a very down market, we believe that we are no longer playing on a level field with respect to competition from Corcan. We have lost a number of competitive bids to this organization and an analysis of our pricing suggests that Corcan is subsidized by the Federal government's operation of the prisons or is operating at a loss if their costs base is comparable to private Canadian furniture operations. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.09.09 1993.09.09 930049 CALL-UPS JUNE 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of June 1993. 930050 CALLUPS AUGUST 1993 All Callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of August 1993. 1993.09.22 930052 ASSOCIATE WARDEN POSITION In his letter of 03 August 1993 s. 19(1) , Warden Deslauriers explains that at SHU Quebec there is no resident Associate Warden position, but rather the Associate Warden there deals with the whole institution (Regional Reception Centre as well as SHU Quebec) from an office in the main administration area. Warden Deslauriers goes on to say that this management organizational chart " part of the pilot project in which we are actually involved." I request every possible report and memo and all files about this pilot project. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.08.30 932533 CDA/US NEGS RE ACID RAIN CANADA/US NEGOTIATIONS RELATING TO ACID RAIN. 1993.08.31 932534 PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES GALAXIE INC DANS LE CADRE DE PROCEDURES JUDICIAIRES, NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR TOUTE DOCUMENTATION RELATIVE A L'IMPORTATION DE POULETS OU DINDONS EFFECTUEE PAR LES PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES GALAXIE INC; NO. DE PERMIS 58928, ENTRE LE 1ER JANVIER 1993 ET LA DATE DE TRAITEMENT DE CETTE DEMANDE ET CE, EN INCLUANT SANS S'Y RESTREINDRE, TOUT DOCUMENT SOUMIS AU DEPARTEMENT DES DOUANES ET ACCISES DE REVENU CANADA AINSI QUE TOUT DOCUMENT DE TRANSACTION RELAYE AU D.G.P.E.I. 932535 VIANDES GUY CHEVALIER INC DANS LE CADRE DE PROCEDURES JUDICIAIRES, NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR TOUTE DOCUMENTATION RELATIVE A L'IMPORTATION DE POULETS OU DINDONS EFFECTUEE PAR LES VIANDES GUY CHEVALIER INC; NO. DE PERMIS 67010, ENTRE LE 1ER JANVIER 1993 ET LA DATE DE TRAITEMENT DE CETTE DEMANDE ET CE, EN INCLUANT SANS S'Y RESTREINDRE, TOUT DOCUMENT SOUMIS AU DEPARTEMENT DES DOUANES ET ACCISES DE REVENU CANADA AINSI QUE TOUT DOCUMENT DE TRANSACTION RELAYE AU D.G.P.E.I. 932536 PLACEMENT G.& R. LEPINE LTEE DANS LE CADRE DE PROCEDURES JUDICIAIRES, NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR TOUTE DOCUMENTATION RELATIVE A L'IMPORTATION DE POULETS OU DINDONS EFFECTUEE PAR PLACEMENT G. & R. LEPINE LTEE; NO. DE PERMIS 22362, ENTRE LE 1ER JANVIER 1993 ET LA DATE DE TRAITEMENT DE CETTE DEMANDE ET CE, EN INCLUANT SANS S'Y RESTREINDRE, TOUT DOCUMENT SOUMIS AU DEPARTEMENT DES DOUANES ET ACCISES DE REVENU CANADA AINSI QUE TOUT DOCUMENT DE TRANSACTION RELAYE AU D.G.P.E.I. 1993.09.01 932537 HQ AUDIT OF WORK FORCE ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM 1992 THE HEADQUARTERS AUDIT OF THE WORK FORCE ADJUSTMENT PROGRAM COMPLETED OR CONDUCTED IN 1992. 932538 HQ AUDIT OF SEVILLE '92 THE HEADQUARTER AUDIT OF SEVILLE '92. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.09.01 932539 NOV/92 AUDIT OF HONG KONG OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE AUDIT ISSUED IN NOV 1992 OF HONG KONG OPERATIONS. 932540 INTERVIEWS/ASSESSMENTS RE XXX ANY INTERVIEWS/ASSESSMENT REPORTS 1991-93 OF THE POLITICAL AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS BRANCH (PISA), INCLUDING THE INTERVIEW DIVISION (INI) OR OTHER EXTERNAL AFFAIRS BRANCH REGARDING XXX AND HIS ACTIVITIES. BRIEFINGS ON ENTRY TO CANADA IN 1991 OF XXX, HIS SUBSEQUENT BUSINESSES CONNECTIONS (INCLUDING WITH COMPANIES XXX), CONNECTIONS WITH RUSSIAN/OTHER GROUPS AND IMMIGRANT APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE AND ON RECENT 1993 REPORTS ABOUT HIS ACTIVITIES. RECORDS INDICATING WHO KNEW WHAT, WHEN ABOUT THE PENDING/ACTUAL ENTRY AND IMMIGRATION REQUEST/ACCEPTANCE OF XXX. ANY ACTIONS REQUESTED IN CDA OR ABROAD CONCERNING XXX, AND ANY 1991-93 BRIEFING NOTES/ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS ON HIM AND HIS ACTIVITIES. COMMUNICATIONS WITH OTHER FOREIGN AGENCIES ON THIS INDIVIDUAL/ISSUES HIS ACTIVITIES RAISE. COMMUNICATIONS WITH OTHER CDN AGENCIES, AND INTRAGENCY MEETING NOTES ON THIS INDIVIDUAL/ISSUES HIS ACTIVITIES RAISES. COPIES OF OTHER APPLICATIONS/ OF ANY DATA RELEASED ON THIS SUBJECT. 1993.09.02 932541 ANY COMMUNICATIONS RE 7 NAMES THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST TO RECEIVE COPIES ON ANY WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS, RECORDS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL), MEMORANDUMS, REPORTS OR AUDIO/VIDEO TAPES - HAVING OCCURED OR ORIGINATED BY: XXX WRITINGS OR TAPES BY A XXX IN THE DEPT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. IT IS KNOWN THAT CERTAIN COMMUNICATIONS HAVE BEEN OPENLY PLACED IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 1993.09.09 932542 COSTS OF MULRONEY'S FAREWELL TRIP MAY93 I REQUEST ACCESS TO RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW OF ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH BRIAN MULRONEY'S FAREWELL TRIP IN EARLY MAY TO RUSSIA, GERMANY, BRITAIN AND FRANCE. THIS IS TO INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, COSTS OF TRANSPORTATION, ACCOMMODATION, FOOD, HOSPITALITY, AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE PRIME MINISTER AND FOR EVERYONE WHO TRAVELLED WITH HIM OR JOINED THE TOUR AT ANY POINT. 1993.09.13 932543 CALLUPS AUG93 CALLUPS FOR AUGUST 1993 1993.09.14 932544 CALLUPS CALL UPS FOR YOUR MOST RECENT AVAILABLE MONTH. 1993.09.21 932545 DEFECTION TO BRITAIN OF IRAQ'S AMBASSADOR TO CDA ACCESS TO RECORDS CONCERNING THE DEFECTION TO BRITAIN OF IRAQ'S AMBASSADOR TO CANADA s. 19(1) . ALL CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS OR TELEXES ON THE SUBJECT INCLUDING RECORDS CONCERNING ANY REQUEST BY s. 19(1) TO STAY IN Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DEA 1993.09.21 932545 CANADA. 932546 REPORTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS (ANNUAL AND/OR SPECIAL) ACCESS TO "ANNUAL (AND/OR SPECIAL) REPORTS" PREPARED BY ALL FOREIGN MISSIONS, CONCERNING RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE COUNTRIES TO WHICH THEY ARE ACCREDITED. REPORTS FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS. COPIES OF ANY DIRECTIVES REQUIRING THAT SUCH REPORTS BE COMPILED AND ANY RECORDS DESCRIBING WHO SHOULD COMPILE THEM. 1993.09.22 932547 CANADA/ALBANIA RELATIONS CANADA/ALBANIA RELATIONS 1993.09.27 932548 CALLUPS JUNE93 CALLUPS JUNE 1993 932549 CALLUPS JULY93 CALLUPS JULY 1993 XXX 1993.09.28 932550 NAFTA NEWS CONFERENCE OF SEPT14/93 DEPARTMENTAL BRIEFING NOTES FOR THE NEWS CONFERENCE AT THE NATIONAL PRESS THEATRE ON SEPT 14 ON NAFTA. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.05.11 930020 TRAVEL EXPENSES All receipts, records, documents relating to the travel expenses of Assistant Deputy Minister Flumian and Deputy Minister Rawson for the period of Dec.1/91 to April 30/93. 1993.05.28 930027 NECHAKO RIVER HYDROTHERMAL MONITO Envorocon Limited Technical Memorandum 1941/C, "Review of the 1984 Nechako River Hydrothermal Monitoring and Control Program." [ Reference: Pages 4 and 5 of the Sept. 14, 1987 Kemano settlement Agreement]. Since this is a public agreement and the protocol of part and parcel of it, it should be released in the public interest?? pursuant to section 20(b) of Access to Information Legislation. 1993.08.06 930050 POLLUTION EFFECTS DUE TO PHOSPHAT Pollution effects on the waterand fishin Long Harbour, Nfld and in Norman's Cove, Nflddue to phospahte fertilizer plant, ERCO(Electrical Reduction Company) from 1968 until plant closed (around 1980). Department correspondence between government dept. and interest groups and individuals regarding pollution related problem. Submission by this department to the Canadian Public Health Association inquiry 1977. 1993.08.09 930051 CORRESPONDENCE AND DOCUMENTATION All documentation and correspondence to my file. 1993.08.10 930052 LICENCING Limited licence A 930058 DECERTIFICATION OF INTERGRATED AQ am requesting the concerns as noted in s. 19(1) letter of May 4, 1993, to Mr. John Cornick be addressed under the Access to Information Act. Additionally, we would also like to obtain the following information; 1. The laboratory lab log book for the month previous to and including the time during the IAS samples were examined; and 2. The specific brand name of the lab disinfectant used at the Halifax Lab at the time the IAS samples were run, the lab sisinfectant currently used, as well as a detailed description of its use. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.08.11 1993.08.11 930053 ALL CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement or Temporary Help Services during the period: July 1993 930054 CALLUPS All callups processed by this institution in the Ontario Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period : July 1993 1993.08.12 930055 NOM DE BATEAUX ET PROPRIETAIRE Concernant le nom des bateaux et de leur proprietaire ainsi que leur B.C.P. et leur province d'origine pour toute lafoltte de bateaux de 25 pieds et plus ayant ‚t‚ actif en peche et ayant eu de d‚barquemnets de morue et autres poissons de fond en 1993 pour les r‚gions de l'ouest de Terre-Neuve, la Nouvelle-Ecosse, L'Iles du Prince Edouard, le Quebec et le Nouveau-Brunswick. 930056 COPIE INT‚GRALE DES D‚CISIONS PRI Nous demandons copie int‚grale des d‚cisions prises par le comit‚ d'appel relatif aux permis r‚gional et f‚d‚ral concernant l'article 20 de la Politique d'Emission des permis pour la pˆche commerciales dans l'Est du Canada, lequel article porte sur la disposition de permis en cas de d‚cŠs du titulaire et qui est reproduit en annexe "A" de la pr‚sente. 1993.08.13 930057 ALL INFO RE: DFO AND NEW BRUNSWIC requests all information concerning the agreement between the Department of Fisheries & Oceans and the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission for the supply of fresh water via pipeline from the Mactaquac Power Generating Station to the Fish Hatchery below, both located near Fredericton, New Brunswick, and including any pre- and post- agreement negotiations, studies, documentation, proposals, or correspondence related thereto, more specifically with regard to the former railway right-of-way transferred from Canadian National Railways to the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission in 1967 on which the pipeline was constructed. 1993.08.18 930059 ALL FILE INFORMATION I would like to see copies of s. 19(1) file from the ministers office and it's department. Any and all information on s. 19(1) or SIGCORP. Inc. Since the Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation falls under their jurisdiction all and any information on s. 19(1) and s. 19(1) company SIGCORO Inc. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.08.20 1993.08.20 930060 ABORIGINAL FISHING STRATEGY All documents which relate to: All material relating to the 1993 development of the directives, by DFO staff, Ottawa, to instruct Pacific Region staff to restrict aboriginal harvests, in 1993 communal licenses, to levels of salmon taken in recent years. This should include minutes of all meetings involved in this policy making process in Ottawa, including all correspondence, all telephone communications, and all memos between the various DFO officials, Ottawa, who developed this 1993 AFS policy. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with alist of the records you are withholding and the reason you are withholding each of them. 1993.08.23 930061 CALL-UPS Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed call-up against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 1993.08.25 930062 FOOD FISH FORMULA All reports, analysis, memos, or documents, relating to the development of DFO's food fish formula that provides a basis for quantifying aboriginal food fish needs. 930063 ABORIGINAL CO-OPERATIVE MANAGEMEN I would like a copy of the Aboriginal co-operative Management Program report along with updated summaries and financial information along with the handwritten notes mentioned in the attached memo. 930064 DFO FUNDS TO SUPPORT AFS Any reports or details concerning amounts of funds within DFO that are being or have been reallocated to support avtivities under Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, one such report is mentioned in the attached memo. 930065 SURPLUS FUNDS INTO THE AFS Copies of a review into "surplus" funds in the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy agreements. This review was ordered by ADM Flumian on January 20, 1993 and was to be forwarded to XXX by January 29, 1993 and in a memo dated Jan. 23, 1992 (copies attached). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.08.25 930066 WEEKLY STATUS REPORTS On January 7, 1993, the ADM, MA Flumian required weekly status reports by the Pacific Native Affairs Division a copy of these reports. 930067 LAND CLAIMS NEGOTIATIONS Reports, memos, studies or other documents that elaborate on DFO's negotiating policies and organizational structure for land claims negotiating in B.C. 1993.08.31 930068 PROGRAM AUDITS The list or , if none available, title pages of all program audits conducted for the Department in 1992 1nd to date in 1993. 930069 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS All summary documents which describe the finanacial arrangements (including subcontracting) which relate to the report released in September of 1982 titled "Turning the tide, a new policy in Canada's Pacific Fisheries", by Peter H. Pearse. 930070 " MANAGING SALMON IN THE FRASER" all considerations by DFO Staff, in regard to the contracting of Dr. Peter Larkin for his part in the report released in November of 1992 titled "Managing Salmon in the Fraser", of the possible bias or conflict of interest of Dr. Peter Larkin due to his past or present private sector involvement with B.C. Packers Ltd. 930071 FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS all financial arrangements (including subcontracting) which relate to the report released in November of 1992 titled "Managing Salmon in the Fraser" by Peter H. Pearse with scientific and technical advice from Peter A. Larkin. 930072 FRASER RIVER TASK FORCE all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents, from 1985 to the present, which relate to the following: All final reports prepared by the Fraser River Task Force. 930073 INTRODUCTION OF ATLANTIC SALMON I all records which willenable me to know the contents of all documents, from 1985 to the present, that relate to: the policy issue of the introduction of Atlantic salmon into the British Columbia waters. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.08.31 930074 DEVELPMENT BY THE SALMON SUBCOMMI All records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents prepared, since 1990, in regard to the following: the development by the Salmon subcommittee of PSARC of the draft definition of conservation as it supplies to commercially exploited species of Oncorhynchus sp. in British Columbia. 930075 CORRESPONDENCE OR COMMUNICATION W All records which will enable me to know the contents of all DFO documents, since 1990, which will enable me to know: all correspondence or communications with DFO staff made with Peter H. Pearse, while Peter H. Pearse was under comntract to the DFO, that were in direct regard to the Kemano Completion Project. 1993.09.07 930076 LIST SWORDFISH LONGLINE LICENCE H I would like a list of the swordfish longline licence holders for Scotia Fundy, Newfoundland, and Gulf Region (names only). 1993.09.08 930077 INSPECTION NOTES RELATING TO SARD Internal DFO memos, correspondance with Health and Welfare Canada, Inspectors notes relating to a product produced by XXX Ltd. of Balck Harbour, N.B., Canada, designated Fairhaven sardines in oil and detained under DFO number 50116 after being detained and released under tag number 51243. 1993.09.10 930078 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this Institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services durin the period of August 1993 1993.09.13 930079 CLOSURE OF THE AMERICAN PLAICE FI Please send me copies of all documents (including correspondence, memoranda, stock assessment analyses, reports, etc.) related to the recent closure of the American plaice fishery on the Grand Banks off the eastern coast of Newfoundland. 1993.09.14 930080 DFO OFFICIALS AND MARKTREND RESEA to all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents which relate to the following : all correspondence between DFO officials and Marktren Research from 1991 to the present. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.09.14 930081 LINGCOD FISHING CLOSURE All DFO summary documents or correspondence relating to the legalissue of the closure of commercial fishing for lingcod in the Gulf of Georgia, while at the same time leaving open the sportfishing for lingcod in the Gulf of Georgia. 930082 CLOSURE OF ATLANTIC SALMON COMMER All DFO summary documents or correspondence relating to the legal issue of the closure of commercial fishing for Atlantic salmon under conservationcritera, while at the same leaving open the sportfishery for Atlantic salmon. 930083 SCIENTISTS EMPLOYED OR HIRED AS C All DFO summary documents noting the number of social scientists (excluding economists) employed or hired as consultants by the DFO, from 1990 to the present. 930084 MARKET VALUE OF SALMON All DFO studies, since 1975, of the market value of salmon caught in up-river fisheries in B.C. 930085 OCEAN PRODUCTION ENHANCEMENT NETW All documents which relate to the following: since 1990, summarize the financial contributions made to the Ocean Production Enhancement Network (O.P.E.N.) by the Department of Fishereis and Oceans, including all detailed proposals that have been successfully submitted to DFO by OPEN 930086 PACIFIC HALIBUT All DFO documents, which describe DFO plans for futureconsultations with native bands in regard to their food, social and ceremonial use of Pacific halibut, written since the "Sparrow " decision. 930087 BLACK COD All DFO documents, which describe DFO plans for future consultations with native bands in regard to their food, social and ceremonial use of black cod, written since the "Sparrow" decision. 930088 FRASER RIVER TASK FORCE All minutes of meetings of the Fraser River Task Force for 1989 and 1990. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.09.14 930089 PROGRAM FOR HOOK AND LINE ROCKFIS DFO summary documents and press releases relating to long term DFP planning and policy intentions in regard to the B.C. limited entry program for hook and line rockfish. 930090 CONTRACTS WITH WESTERN SUBSEA All DFO contracts with Western Subsea Limited which involve Andrew Duthie of DFO, from 1975 to the present. 930091 PROGRAN FOR KRILL All DFO policy and planning documents relating to the limited entry program for krill for the Pacific coast. 930092 WEST COAST ABALONE HARVESTERS ASS All DFO correspondence or communications with the West Coast Abalone Harvesters Association, fro April 14, 1993 to the present. 1993.09.20 930093 "EVALUATION OF ENFORCEMENT EFFECT The 1992 and 1993 "evaluation of enforcement effectiveness study", conducted by the department's audit branch. 930094 "WORKFORCE ADJUSTMENT POLICY" The special audit "Workforce Adjustment Policy" dated June 1993. 930095 "FISHERY OFFICERS ALLEGATIONS - G The audit, titled "Fishery Officers Allegations - Gulf" dated Feb. 1993 930096 EVALUATIONS 1- February, 1992 - Pacific Region Under Utilized Species - Evaluation 2- February, 1992 - Pacific Region's Recreational Fisheries - Evaluation 930097 "FISHERY MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN THE PACIFIC" January, 1992 - Fishery Management and Resource A;llocation in the Pacific Region - Evaluation. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.08.31 930156 ORDER OF MILITARY MERIT 1. The number of nominations for the Order of Military Merit (OMM) received by DND for A class Reserve Officers and more specifically only for Officers in the Cadet Instructor's List (CIL Category). 2. The number of CIL Officers who have been awarded the OMM. Both Item 1 and 2 are for the period of 1987 to 1993. 1993.09.01 930157 BOARD OF INQUIRY - CANADIAN AIRBORNE REGIMENT BATTLEGROUP I request a complete copy of the Phase One report from the Board of Inquiry on the Canadian Airborne Regiment Battlegroup to Somalia. I would like all volumes of the report. I am aware that these reports have already been severed IAW restrictions contained in the AIA. I would therefore insist there is no need for a 30 day waiting period to comply with this request. If there is to be any delay beyond the end of this week I request that you telephone me Ottawa. I request that you waive all other fees. I am a s. 19(1) and will disseminate the info contained in the records I have requested. This dissemination will promote the free and vigorous debate of important public issues. I am aware that you can impose fees for search time in excess of five hours and for the cost of reproducing material. If you do not grant my request for a fee waiver, I request that you provide me with an itemized list of any fees you wish to impose. If the time for searching for the records is in excess of five hours, I will want to know the qualifications of the person doing the search, the locations where that person had to search, any transfer of records from one part of National Defence to another, the qualifications of the person who reviewed the records once found and the time necessary to segregate the exempt portions of the records from the non-exempt. Should the records I have requested need severing, I request that you provide me with an explanation of each deletion which you find necessary to make. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask you to provide me with a list of the records you are withholding and the reason you are withholding each of them. I am available to discuss my request with you. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.02 1993.09.02 930158 NOTAM REQUEST - GOOSE BAY Please send me copies of the completed forms entitled "NOTAM REQUEST - MEDIUM LEVEL AIRSPACE HIGH SPEED MILITARY JET ACTIVITY" for the period 1 Apr to 25 Aug 93, as per Annex X to CFB Goose Bay Flying Orders (30 Mar 93). 930159 FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA - GOOSE BAY Please send me copies of completed CFB Goose Bay "Flight Distribution Data" forms for the period 1 Apr to 25 Aug 93, as per Annex CC to CFB Goose Bay Flying Orders (30 Mar 93). 930160 LLTA TARGET CATALOGUE - GOOSE BAY Please send me a copy of the current CFB Goose Bay LLTA Target Catalogue as per #502.4 (p.5-1) of the Goose Bay Flying Orders 30 Mar 93. 930161 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENTS & MILITARY HELICOPTER ACCIDENTS AT BULL LAKE aircraft accident that ocurred at Bull Lake, Ontario on May 25, 1993. We would appreciate your providing us with any files or informatoin that you may have with respect to any military aircraft accidents that occurred at this location. We understand that the rescue coordination centre of CFB Trenton took part in the search for and retrieval of the pilots and wreckage of the Cessna 172 on May 25, 1993. We would like to order a copy of all their notes, reports, journals, photographs and video tape that they may have taken. 930162 CANADIAN SERVICEMAN DISCHARGED FIREARM IN DIRECTION OF SUPERIOR A Canadian serviceman, according to a reports in the media "...discharged a firearm in the direction (of a superior officer)..." This had happened in Croatia. 1993.09.03 930163 POLICE REPORT On june 25, 1992 XXX was detained by the Military Police at the construction site for an alcohol related incident. We would formally request a copy of the police report in regards to this incident.... 1993.09.08 930164 CONTRATS DE RECHERCHE ET DE DEVLOPPEMENT Rapport de v‚rification interne operations regionales de verification Adjudication des contrats de recherche et de dev‚loppement #RA 0004 7053-41-2 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.08 930165 RAPPORTS SUR LA FERMETURE DE LA BFC SUMMERSIDE Rapports de v‚rification interne sur la Fermeture de la BFC Summerside (avril 92 et mars 93) 930166 RAPPORTS SUR LA FERMETURE DE LA BFC PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Rapports de v‚rification interne sur la fermeture de la BFC Portage La Prairie. 1993.09.10 930167 CONDUCT OF CANADIAN SOLDIERS IN SOMALIA Request records relating to the conduct of Canadian soldiers in Somalia during Operation Deliverance‚ Specifically, requesting records relating to the March 4th, 1993 shooting incident in which one Somali national was killed and another was wounded. I am requesting the following records: 1) A report dated March 6th, 1993 written by the military intelligence officer attached to the Canadian base in Belet Huen. The military identifies this report by the reference code: 1080-1 (IO) 6 Mar 93. I believe this report was prepared by Captain Hope. 2) A report dated March 13th, 1993 written by the Commander of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Belet Huen. The military identifies this report by the reference code: 1080-1 (CO) 13 Mar 93. 3) A report dated March 23rd, 1993 written by the Commander of the Canadian Forces in Somalia. The military identifies this report by the reference number: 3350-52-26 (Comd) 23 Mar 93. 4) A report dated March 29th, 1993 written by the Commander of the Canadian Airborne Regiment in Belet Huen. The military identifies this report by the reference number: 3451-7 (CO) 29 Mar 93. 5) A document entitled: "Legal Review-Shooting Incident Belet Eun Somalia-4 Mar 93. I believe this document will be dated sometime in the month of April. 930168 ALCOHOL USE IN THE CANADIAN FORCES 1992, 1993 briefing notes, reports, surveys on alcohol use and drinking problems/rehabilitation/action efforts in the Canadian military, and current global summary alcohol consumption and prices on bases. 1993.09.13 930169 ALL CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE QUEBEC REGION FOR AUG 93 All Callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period August 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.13 930170 ALL TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS IN THE NCR FOR AUGUST 1993 All Callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of August 1993. 1993.09.14 930171 EH-101 CONTRACTS Any memos, correspondence, reports, studies prepared by the Department of National Defence concerning the purchase from Agusta Spar and EH Industries of EH-101 helicopter for 1993 only. 930172 COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY ESTABLISHMENT AT CLYDE RIVER, N.W.T. Request documents providing a description of the purpose, operations and facilities at the Communications Security Establishment at Clyde River, N.W.T. 930173 AIRCRAFT HANGAR BUILDING - YELLOWKNIFE FORWARD OPERATING LOCATION ~all letters, memos, correspondence and other records pertaining to the expansion of the aircraft hangar building to a 6 bay complex at Yellowknife forward Operating Location excluding plans and drawings larger that 8" x 11". 930174 EXERCISE TARGET TALLY 93 Please send me a copy of all documents concerning "Exercise Target Tally 93" as per Goose Bay Operations Directive 93-52, 18 Jun 93. This request excludes copies of Operations Directives and Flight Advisory forms. 930175 RECORDS ON RACIST ACTIVITIES IN CANADA'S ARMED FORCES IN 1992 All records on racist activity in Canada's Armed Forces in 1992, expecially SIU investigation of racism at CFB Esquimalt in 1992. 930176 DOCUMENTATION OF UFOS SIGHTINGS IN CANADA I request access to records which will enable me to know the following about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs): Any directives or regulations concerning the documentation of UFO sightings in Canada; Reports of sightings received in the last three years; Any studies or analyses of UFO sightings. 930177 DAILY EXECUTIVE MEETING PREPARED BETWEEN 1 MARCH - 5 JUNE 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.14 930178 INQUIRY ON ALLEGATIONS OF RACISM AT ESQUIMALT BASE Copies of all records released or cleared to be released to answer request no 930081, records on any Special Investigation Unit Inquiry on allegations of racism at Esquimalt Base. 1993.09.15 930179 SOMALIA BOARD OF INQUIRY 1) Five letters dated October 30th, 1992 from the Commanding Officer of the Canadian Airborne Regiment to Militia CO's. To assist you in locating these records, copies can be found at pages 2473-2477 of the Inquiry's report. 2) A letter from Brigadier General Beno to Major General McKenzie dated October 29th, 1992. To assist you in locating this record, it can be found at pages 2272 and 2273 of the Inquiry report. 3) A service paper dated May 4th, 1993 entitles "The Way Ahead". It was prepared by Brigadier General Beno and addressed to Major General Vernon. To assist you in locating this document, it can be found at pages 2731 to 2745 of the Inquiry's report. 4) A letter written by the Chief of the Defence Staff to Colonel Serge Labbe, dated March 16th, 1993. To assist you in locating this letter, it can be found at page 2948 of the Inquiry's report. 5) A message from CARBG to CJFS HQ J1 Legal entitled "Summary Trials CARBG - A ADM 173 170650Z May 93. I beleive the last set of numbers indicates this document was sent on May 17th, 1993. To assist you in locating this record it can be found at pages 2991-2994 of the Inquiry's report. 6) A letter dated April 22nd, 1993 from someone who's name has been exempted from my records. The name of the person who received this letter is also exempted. To assist you in locating this letter it can be found at page 3066 of the Board's report. 7) A letter from the Commander of the Special Service Force to the Commander of the Land Forces Central Area concerning "Replacement - CO CAR" dated October 20th, 1992. To assist you in locating this record it can be found at pages 3080-3089 of the Inquiry report. 8) A letter from the Commander, Quartier General du 5e Groupe Brigade Mecanise du Canada to the Commander of the Special Service Force. To assist you in locating this record it can be located at exhibit number 94-1 in the Inquiry's report. 9) A minute sheet dated October 14th, 1992. The reference is deleted from my records. But to assist you in locating this record it can be located as exhibit number 94-2 in the Inquiry's report. 10) A letter from the Deputy Commanding Officer of the Canadian Airborne Regiment to the Commander of the Special Service Force dated October 26, 1992. To assist you in locating this record it is filed as exhibit number 94-3 in the Inquiry's report. 11) A letter from the Commander of the Special Service Force dated October 23rd, 1992. The name of the person it was sent to is deleted from my records. But to assist you in locating this records it can be found as exhibit number 94-4 in the Inquiry's report. 12) A letter from the Commander of the Special Service Force to the Commanding Officer of the Canadian Airborne Regiment dated December 15th, 1992. A reference number of 5200-1 is noted in my record. To assist you in Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.09.15 930179 locating this record, it can be found as exhibit number 94-5 in the Inquiry's report. 13) A message sent from CJFS HQ to Adjt Cdn AB Regt Petewawa CJFS J1 414 031950Z Jun 93. I believe from the notation that this message was sent on June 3rd, 1993. To assist you in locating this record, it can be found as exhibit number 97 in the Inquiry's report. 14) A letter to the Board of Inquiry on the Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group from an unknown person dated June 16th, 1993. To assist you in locating this record, it can be found as exhibit number 102 in the Inquiry's report. 930180 ALL SIGNIFICANT INCIDENT REPORTS - MAY 15TH TO SEP 14TH, 1993 Copies of all Significant Incident Reports received by the Operations Centre at NDHQ between the dates of May 15, 1993 and September 14, 1993. These reports will have been filed from any number of Canadian Forces theatres of operation or military bases both foreign and domestic. These reports are maintained in chronological order at NDOC. I also request the attached distribution lists. I enclose a cheque for five dollars. I request that you waive all other fees. s. 19(1) and will disseminate the inforamtion contained in the records I have requested. This dissemination will promote the free and vigorous debate of important public issues. I am aware that you can impose fees for search time in excess of five hours and for the cost of reporducing material. If you do not grant my request for a fee waiver, I request that you provide me with an itemized list of any fees you wish to impose. If the time for searching for the records is in excess of five hours I will want to know the qualifications of the person doing the search, the locations where that person had to search, any transfer of records from one part of National Defence to another, the qualifications of the person who reviewed the records once found and the time necessary to segregate the exempt portions of the records from the non-exempt. I remind you of the provisions of s.25 of the act which states that you must sever the non-exempt portions of the records from the exempt portions and you must release the non-exempt. Should the records I have requested need severing, I request that you provide me with an explanation of each deletion which you find necessary to make. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask you to provide me with a list of the records you are withholding and the reason you are withholding each of them. 1993.09.16 930181 EX AMALGAM CHIEF Copies of all documents related to "Ex Amalgam Chief" as per Goose Bay Operations Directive (5 Wing) 92-32, 3 Jun 92. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.16 930182 NOISE COMPLAINTS AT CFB GOOSE BAY (5 WING) DURING 1992 Request copies of all documents related to noise complaints regarding military aviation at CFB Goose Bay (5 Wing) during 1992. 930183 CIVILIAN AVIATORS (OPERATORS) USING CFB GOOSE BAY (5 WING) Request copies of minutes and other documents associated with meetings with civilian aviators (operators) using CFB Goose Bay (5 Wing) during the period January 1, 1990, to September 8, 1993. 930184 GOOSE BAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Request a copy of contracts signed with the consulting firm(s) re peer review of the revised Goose Bay Environmental Impact Statement. See previous request 1463-(A)93/0124 re list of companies that submitted bids on the "Request for Proposal". 930185 FLIGHT PLANS FOR CAF AIRCRAFT USING CFB GOOSE BAY Request copies of Flight Plans for CAF aircraft using CFB Goose Bay during the period 1 January 1992 to 8 September 1993 (e.g. CF-18s, T-33s) 930186 CFB GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA Request copies of completed CFB Goose "Flight Distribution Data" forms for the period 1 March 1992 to 30 November 1992, as per Annex CC to CFB Goose Bay Flying Orders (30 February 1992). 1993.09.20 930187 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS FOR AUGUST 1993 FOR NCR. Request Temporary Help Industry for the month of August 1993 in the National Capital Region (NCR). 1993.09.23 930188 BOARD OF INQUIRY - s. 19(1) I am applying under the Access to Information Act. Board of Inquiry convened XXX s. 19(1) ....The accident took place at Patricia Bay, BC. He was a clearance diver belonging to FDUA unit. 1993.09.24 930189 BRIEFING NOTES ON THE PROCUREMENT PLANS FOR EH-101 Departmental briefing notes for the news conference at the National Press Theatre in early September on the subject of changes to the procurement plans for EH-101 helicopters. 1993.09.27 930190 COMPANIES SUPPLYING GOODS & SERVICES OVER $100,000 IN LAST 2 YRS Request a list of companies which have been supplying goods and services to the federal government in the department of National Defence of over $100,000 in the past 2 years. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.05.10 930025 DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE TOPIC OF LIFTING A BAN ON IMPORTED PACKAGED BEES FROM THE CONTENTIAL UNITED STATES. DOCUMENTS SHOULD INCLUDE CORRESPONDENCE WITH PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, AS WELL AS INTERNAL REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF.˙ DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE TOPIC OF LIFTING A BAN ON IMPORTED PACKAGED BEES FROM THE CONTENTIAL UNITED STATES. DOCUMENTS SHOULD INCLUDE CORRESPONDENCE WITH PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS, AS WELL AS INTERNAL REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM STAFF.˙ 1993.08.19 930077 REFERENCE TB POLICY ON HARASSMENT INFORMATION ON COMPLAINT LODGED FROM 1989 TO DATE ON A ANNUAL BREAKDOWN REPORT.˙ 1993.08.20 930078 ANY AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OR BUSINESS PLANS FROM 1989 TO PRESENT, FILED BY GAINERS INC OR GAINERS PROPERTIES WITH THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.˙ 930079 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993.˙ 930084 ALL NOTICES OF INTENT TO REALIZE ON SECURITY SEC. 22 OF THE FARM DEBT REVIEW ACT.˙ 1993.08.25 930080 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993.˙ 930081 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1993.˙ 1993.08.27 930082 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO SHOW WHY PRICE WATERHOUSE, 2200 - ONE LOMBARD PLACE, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, HAS A CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES FOR AGRICULTURE CANADA FOR 137,301.00˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.08.31 1993.08.31 930085 COPIES OF ANY WRITTEN COMPLAINTS MADE BY AGRICULTURE CANADA MID WEST REGION OFFICE TO BUREAU OF COMPETITION POLICY OF FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY AND SCIENCE CONCERNING THE ADVERTISING PRACTICES OF POWERRICH CORPORATION.˙ 1993.09.08 930086 COPIES OF FDRB FILES 930087 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993.˙ 1993.09.13 930088 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 1993.09.17 930091 COPY OF THE MOST RECENT BUSINESS P LAN, RELEVANT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, AND ANY AGREEMENT MADE WITH BEATRICE FOODS INC. WITH RESPECT TO THE WESTERN ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT.˙ 1993.09.20 930089 COPY OF THE ATI REQUEST ON FOOD LABELLING.˙ 930090 ALL RECORDS WHICH WERE REQUESTED BY THE EDMONTON JOURNAL ON JULY 9th INCLUDING THE GAINER'S REPORT.˙ 1993.09.22 930095 COPY OF A REPORT OF THE AGRIFOOD SAFETY AND STAGETIES DIVISION AS A RESULT OF THEIR INSPECTION OF GAINERS MEAT PACKING PLANT IN EDMONTON ON MAR. 31 AND APR. 1 OF THIS YEAR. ALSO COPIES OF MONTHLY INSPECTION REPORTS BY AGRICULTURE CANADA'S REGIONAL STAFF IN EDMONTON.˙ 1993.09.23 930092 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1993˙ 930093 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1993˙ 930094 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1993˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.09.24 1993.09.24 930096 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 1993.09.27 930097 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE ANNUAL PERIOD PROCEDING SEPTEMBER 1993.˙ 930099 MINUTES AND DOCUMENTS OF THE MEETING BETWEEN FARM CREDIT, FARM DEPT REVIEW BOARD, CIBC, UCO AND THE s. 19(1) HELD IN SAULT STE-MARIE IN 1988.˙ 1993.09.28 930098 ALL RECORDS THAT REFERENCE THE REQUESTOR IN A HARASSEMENT INVESTIGATION WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.08.31 930129 RADIUM - 266 In the Metal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations set in 1977, Radium-226 was set fpr monthly average at .037 bequerels per litre in effluent from uranium mines. I would like to request all reports, correspondence and Minutes of meetings that led to the rationale and decision to set this maximum allowable average at .037 bequerels per litre. 1993.09.02 930130 PACIFIC RIM NATIONAL PARK Access to Human history records in 1973-74 for Human History of Pacific Rim National Park study. contract #WR70-73. Newspaper clippings, land records, photographs, oral history, transcripts, magazine, articles, maps. 1993.09.07 930131 REPORTS ON MIGRATORY WATERFOWL INVENTORIES FOR QUEBEC NORTH SHORE Please send me a copy of all reports concerning migratory waterfowl inventories and habitat classification for the area of the Quebec North Shore of Natashquan, Kegaska, and La Romaine (eg. 1992 block surveys). Recommended contact is Charles Drolet at the Ste-Foy office of the Candian Wildlife Service. 1993.09.09 930132 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services for the period of August 1993. 930133 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE QUEBEC REGION FOR AUGUST 1993 All call ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services in the during the period of August 1993. 1993.09.13 930135 TRANSPORT TRUCK EMISSIONS AND FEARO POLICY Cumbustion sources DOE CAP 235 - Mobile Sources DOE CAP 215, Surveillance DOE CAP 250. Any or all information of transport truck emission, pollutions, studies of environmental impact of truck idling, residential concerns, testing procedures of air quality of a commercial truck compound. Any info on FEARO, EARP. Any info which explains the assessment process and how it gets implemented, Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.09.13 930135 time frames, who can do it, private residential rights of people living near a polluted area. Manuals (METNET/RESMET/FEARO MANUALS) 1993.09.14 930134 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN CPS/NCR FOR AUGUST 1993 A.W. Aumand, ATIP Coordinator, Secretary of State received a request for all call-ups in the NCR for August, 1993. Requester has asked for CPS documents. 930136 BEAR ATTACK IN JASPER NATIONAL PA We request copies of all documents in your file which pertain to the bear attack in Jasper National Park on September 15, 1992, including all victim and witness statements photographs and reports. 1993.09.16 930137 BATH CREEK CURVE ON THE TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY I would like to obtain the curve data for the curve on the Trans-Canada Highway, located approximately 5.4 km west of Lake Louise, locally known as the Bath Creek Curve (or corner). The curve data consists of the Radius, Arc Length, Change in Angle, uper Elevation. A copy of any plan drawing with this information would be satisfactory. 1993.09.22 930138 DOCUMENTATION CONCERNING SELECTION PROCESS 93-DOE-CAL-CC-049 Please provide me with all documentation (handwritten, typed, recorded etc.) relating to the selection process of 93-DOE-CAL-CC-049 Historic Park/Site Planner. 1993.09.24 930139 HERITAGE CANAL To provide a list of lock stations on the Heritage Canal systems managed by Parks Canada having boat launching facilities. To provide a list of lock stations on the Heritage Canal systems managed by Parks Canada having access roads to and from private lands. 930140 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR AUGUST, 1993. Please provide all "call-up against a standing offer" forms processed for Temporary Help from August 1, 1993 to August 31, 1993 inclusive for the Ottawa-Hull Region. 930141 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JUNE, 1993. Under the Access to Information Act, I would like to request copies of callups (Government 8251's) covering the Temporary Help Services usage at Environment Canada for the month of June 1993 in the National Capital Region. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.09.24 930142 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP IN THE NCR FOR JULY AND AUGUST,1993 In accordance to access to information policy our company, The Associates, would like to place the following request. We require call-ups for temporary help for the annual period preceding September 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.07.09 930089 M.V. MILTA GR M.V. MILTA GR - SUBJECT VESSEL LOADED MONTREAL STEEL SCRAP FROM 17.3.91 - 29.3.91˙ ˙ COAST GUARD INSPECTORS CARRIED OUT ON BOARD PORT STATE CONTROL FINDING SEVERAL VESSEL'S DEFICIENCIES AND WE REQUIRE COPIES OF ALL COAST GUARD REPORTS RELATED TO THE ABOVE VESSEL.˙ 1993.07.19 930107 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT C-GOEZ REQUEST THAT YOU FORWARD A COPY OF THE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TRANSCRIPTS AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION CONCERNING C-GOEZ ACCIDENT ON APRIL 19, 1993.˙ 930108 FLEET RESTRUCTURING PROGRAM CANADIAN COAST-GUARD STUDY REGARDING THE "FLEET RESTRUCTURING PROGRAM".˙ THE ACTUAL STUDY'S CALLED THA CLAVELLE STUDY COMPLETED IN 1989/90. I AM SEARCHING FOR THE CLAVELLE STUDY WHICH WAS THE RESEARCH DONE FOR THE PROGRAM.˙ 1993.07.20 930106 PRINCE RUPERT PORT CORPORATION I REQUEST THAT THE WAGES AND SALARIES OF ALL EMPLOYEES, PAST AND PRESENT, OF THE PRINCE RUPERT CORPORATION BE MADE AVAILABLE.˙ 1993.07.22 930109 CORRESPONDENCE COPIES OF CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS, REPORTS, BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND MINISTER OF TRANSPORT FOR ONTARIO BETWEEN AUGUST 1989 AND PRESENT.˙ 1993.07.23 930110 VANCOUVER ISLAND HELICOPTERS LTD. WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR ADVICE AS TO THE FOLLOWING WITH RESPECT TO EACH OF THE AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED IN THE SCHEDULE ATTACHED:˙ ˙ A. WHETHER EACH AIRCRAFT IS LICENSED TO THE COMPANY;˙ B. WHETHER OR NOT A CERTIFICATE OF AIRWORTHINESS EXIST FOR EACH AIRCRAFT AND A COPY OF SAME, IF AVAILABLE;˙ C. THE REGISTERED OWNER FOR EACH AIRCRAFT AND ADDRESS FOR REGISTERED OWNER, IF AVAILABLE;˙ D. THE MAKE, MODEL AND YEAR OF EACH AIRCRAFT;˙ E. WHETHER EACH AIRCRAFT HAS BEEN GROUNDED FOR ANY REASON AND SPECIFY REASON, IF AVAILABLE; AND˙ F. FREQUENCY OF USE, REASON FOR USE AND PERSON USING EACH AIRCRAFT.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.07.30 1993.07.30 930111 HIGHWAY FUNDING I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE OBTAINING A COPY OF THE DOCUMENTS WHICH WERE RELEASED TO ***. THE DOCUMENTS ARE CONCERNED WITH THE LEVEL OF HIGHWAY FUNDING IN CANADA AND WOULD BE HELPFUL IN MY RESEARCH WORK.˙ 1993.08.10 930112 DOMAINE DES DEUX-OURS AURIEZ-MIS L'OBLIGEANCE DE ME FAIRE PARVENIR LES DOCUMENTS, BOUILLONS ET CORRESPONDANCE RELATIFS A L'OBJET SUS-MENTIONNE?˙ ˙ PISTE D'ATTERRISSAGE DU LA BASKATONG (DEMAINE DES DEUX-OURS)˙ 930113 COPIES DU RAPPORT BRAKEGUARD UN COPIE DE TEST DU PRODUIT CI-HAUR MENTIONNE SENSI QUE LA NATURE DE LA PLAINTE DIPOSE CARTRE CE DIT PRODUIT.˙ 930114 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE ONTARIO REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JULY 1993˙ 930115 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JULY 1993˙ 930116 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: JULY 1993˙ 1993.08.11 930117 CESSNA 421B WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO MARSHALL ALL AVAILABLE DATA ON THE C-GDWV'S OWNERSHIP, SERVICE, MAINTENANCE, OVERHAUL, MODIFICATION AND INSPECTION HISTORY DURING THE PERIOD OF ITS CANADIAN REGISTRATION AND ARE PARTICULARLY INTERESTED IN MATTERS RESPECTING THE AIRCRAFT'S FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM. ˙ 930118 INDIVIDUAL TESTED *** COMMENTS ON TRANSPORT CANADA'S INDIVIDUAL WHO TESTED *** FOR PRIVATE PILOTS LICENCE AND NIGHT RATING P-410958 ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.08.11 930119 HIGHWAY SYSTEM I WOULD LIKE INFORMATION ON ANY FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT IN PLANNING, DESIGNING, OR DEVELOPING A HIGHWAY SYSTEM IN NORTHERN QUEBEC, LABRADOR, AND THE LOWER NORTH SHORE. THIS WOULD INCLUDE FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN CANADA AND QUEBEC OR CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND; DISCUSSIONS BETWEEN ALL THREE GOVERNMENTS; AND ANY FEDERAL DISCUSSIONS WITH ENGINEERING OR CONSTRUCTION FIRMS REGARDING PLANNING, DESIGNING OR BUILDING SUCH HIGHWAYS IN SAID AREAS. ˙ 930120 AIRLINE POLICY I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN RECEIVING POLICY STATEMENTS, BACKGROUND PAPERS AND REPORTS, BRIEFINGS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO POLICY WITH REGARD TO THE AIRLINES INDUSTRY, BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 1991 AND THE PRESENT.˙ 1993.08.16 930121 REEDO A LIST OF ALL PROPELLOR PLANES FLYING BETWEEN CAMBELLFORD AND THE COMPULSORY REPORTING POINT, REEDO, DURING THE 24-HOUR PERIOD OF AUGUST 5, 1993, GIVING A TIME REFERENCE AND (IF AVAILABLE) THE ORIGIN AND DESTINATION FOR EACH PLANE.˙ 930122 AIR ROUTE J594 A LIST OF ALL JET AIRCRAFT FLYING ON AIR ROUTE J594 BETWEEN TORONTO AND MASSENA (N.Y.) DURING THE 24-HOUR PERIOD OF AUGUST 5, 1993, SHOWING ORIGIN, DESTINATION, AND A TIME REFERENCE.˙ 1993.08.17 930123 NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT ~ INTERNAL AND CONSULTANT DRAFT/FINAL REPORTS ASSESSING THE VESSEL TRAFFIC AND THE ICE-BREAKING COSTS, ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF BUILDING A FIXED LINK BRIDGE IN NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT.˙ ~ INTERNAL AND CONSULTANT DRAFT/FINAL SCREENING/OTHER REPORTS ASSESSING THE NAVAGATION WATER PROTECTION ASPECTS OF THE FIXED LINK BRIDGE IN NORTHUMBERLAND STRAIT, AND ASSESSING THE FIXED LINK PROJECT UNDER THE TERMS OF THE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT AND SECTION 12, EARP GUIDELINES. INCLUDE ANY DEFECENCIES REPORTS/MEMOS AND ANY INPUT REPORTS/MEMOS FROM OTHER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (F&O, PWC EC ETC).˙ ~ RESPONSIBILITIES AND COSTS TO BE INCURRED BY TRANSPORT CANADA VIA THE FIXED LINK BRIDGE PROJECT.˙ ~ ANY DATA RELEASED ON THE FIXED LINK PROJECT UNDER THE ACCESS ACT.˙ ~ INCLUDE ANY BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER ON THE ABOVE SUBJECTS.˙ 930127 RAILWAY ACCIDENT CURRENTLY INVESTIGATING A RAILWAY ACCIDENT WHICH OCCURRED ON JANUARY 19, 1992, INVOLVING ONE OF OUR TRAINS AT THE DIAMOND CROSSING LOCATED AT MILEAGE 105.6 CARBERRY SUBDIVISION, CARBERRY, MANITOBA. I AM INTERESTED IN OBTAINING COPIES OF ALL SUBMISSIONS AND PAPERS ON YOUR FILES PERTAINING TO Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.08.17 930127 BOARD ORDER 122440 DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1966, BOARD OF TRANSPORT FILE 18571. THE BOARD ORDER AUTHORIZES CP RAIL TO OPERATE ITS TRAINS OVER THE DIAMOND CROSSING AT SPEEDS UP TO FIFTY MILES PER HOUR. I AM PARTICULARLY INTERESTED IN OBTAINING ANY SUBMISSIONS, COMMENTS OR CORRESPONDENCE TO OR FROM CN RAIL PERTAINING TO CP RAIL'S APPLICATION.˙ 1993.08.18 930124 PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT I AM REQUESTING COPIES OF THE CANADIAN AVIATION DAILY OCCURENCE FOR INCIDENTS AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIPORT AND TORONTO ISLAND AIRPORT FROM APRIL 24, 1993 TO AUGUST 13, 1993.˙ 930125 CHERN HEED I AM REQUESTING COPIES OF LETTERS FROM CHERN HEED, AIRPORT GENERAL MANAGER AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, TO SENIOR TRANSPORT BUREAUCRATS ON THE SUBJECT OF THE PRIVATIZATION OF TERMINALS 1 AND 2.˙ 930126 PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT I AM REQUESTING THE SPECIFIC BREAKDOWN OF GROSS SALES AND THE REVENUE TO TRANSPORT CANADA AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN THE FOLLOWING SECTORS: FOOD AND BEVERAGE; PARKING; AND CAR RENTALS FROM 1984 TO 1993.˙ I AM ALSO REQUESTING A COPY OF THE LEASE BETWEEN BITOVE CORP. AND TRANSPORT CANADA REGARDING THE FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICES AT PEARSON.˙ 930128 CALLUPS CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993˙ 930129 CALLUPS REQUEST TO VIEW THE CALL-UPS PROCESSED IN THE NCR FOR TEMPORARY SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1993.˙ 1993.08.19 930130 CALLUPS CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE N.C.R. FOR JUNE AND JULY 1993˙ 1993.08.23 930131 MACDONALD-CARTIER AIRPORT HANGARS COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO SHOW ESTIMATES, JUSTIFICATION AND EXPENSES FOR HANGAR RENOVATION WORK (CURRENT) AT MACDONALD-CARTIER AIRPORT.˙ 930132 RESTRUCTURING PLANS FOR PWA CORP. COPIES OF ANY RESTRUCTURING OR BUSINESS PLANS PRESENTED BY PWA CORPORATION TO CREDITORS SINCE JANUARY 1, 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.08.23 930133 CALLUPS FOR JUNE 1993 UNDER THE PROVISIONS OUTLINED IN THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, I AM REQUESTING COPIES OF THE COMPLETED CALL UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DSS-MAS 8251 FORMS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1993 AS IT PERTAINS TO YOUR DEPARTMENT. THIS REQUEST PERTAINS TO THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION ONLY.˙ 930134 LOUIS ST. LAURENT - CORRESPONDENCE COPIES OF ALL CORRESPONDENCE FROM, OR IN WHICH IS MENTIONED, THE NAMES AND OR THE NAMES OF THE FIRMS INVOLVED: OF FORMER MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS STEWART MCINNES (MCINNES, COOPER AND ROBERTSON OF HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA) AND FRED OR GERALD DOUCET (GOVERNMENT BUSINESS CONSULTING GROUP OF OTTAWA) WITH RESPECT TO THE REFITTING PROJECT OF THE LOUIS ST. LAURENT ICEBREAKER. ALSO, COPIES OF ALL PRESS RELEASES RELATED TO SAID PROJECT.˙ 930135 NERCO CON MINE LICENSES s. 19(1) . WHICH HAS AN OPTION TO PURCHASE ALL THE SHARES OF NERCO CON MINE LTD. FROM NERCO MINERALS COMPANY. AS PART OF THE s. 19(1) BEING CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE OPTION AGREEMENT, s. 19(1) COPIES OF ALL LICENSES, PERMISSIONS AND AUTHORIZATIONS ISSUED BY YOUR OFFICE TO NERCO. WE ALSO WISH TO KNOW WHAT STEPS s. 19(1) MUST TAKE TO ASSUME THESE LICENSES, PERMISSIONS OR AUTHORIZATIONS.˙ 1993.08.24 930136 BRIDGE ON MASSETT INDIAN RES. #1 I'M WRITING TO REQUEST INFORMATION REGARDING A BRIDGE MAINTAINED BY TRANSPORT CANADA ON MASSETT INDIAN RESERVE #1. 1. ANY AND ALL FILES PERTAINING TO THE RANGE LIGHTS AND THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THOSE LIGHTS ON MASSETT INDIAN RESERVE #1, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. 2. ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE BRIDGE OVER THE TIDAL SLOUGH FROM 1912 TO THE PRESENT. 3. ANY AND ALL FILES HAVING TO DO WITH THE WHARF AT MASSETT INDIAN RESERVE #1, FROM THE TIME OF ITS CONSTRUCTION IN 1910 TO ITS DEMOLITION IN 1976. 4. ANY AND ALL FILES HAVING TO DO WITH THE SEA WALL AT MASSETT INDIAN RESERVE #1.˙ 1993.08.25 930137 EXCELCOM TRANSLLEX TRANSLATIONS THIS IS MY WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE AMOUNT OF MONIES PAID TO EXCELCOM TRANSLEX TRANSLATIONS INC., 116 ALBERT ST., OTTAWA, FOR THE INITIAL CONTRACT PLUS ANY AMMENDMENTS THEY MADE TO THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT FOR COSTS INCURRED IN THE PRINTING AND PRODUCTION OF THE ABOVE MANUAL.˙ 930140 AIRCRAFT C-GPSI RE: P51 C-GPSI. TO ASCERTAIN FROM TRANSPORT CANADA WHETHER TRANSPORT CANADA SENT A LETTER TO TRANS-AM OR RICHARD RASMUSSEN FOLLOWING THE REGISTRATION OF TRANS-AM AS OWNER OF THE AIRPLANES AND RETURNING DOCUMENTS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.08.25 930140 OR COPIES OF DOCUMENTS WHICH HAD BEEN USED TO EFFECT THAT REGISTRATION.˙ 1993.08.26 930138 PRIVATIZING COAST GUARD HELICOPTER COPIES OF DOCUMENTS ON THE PLANS OR DISCUSSIONS OF PRIVATIZING THE COAST GUARD HELICOPTER FLEET AND ANY OTHER ASPECTS OF ITS OPERATIONS. PLEASE INCLUDE ANY RELEVANT STUDIES.˙ 930139 CALLUPS FOR JUNE & JULY 1993 CALL-UPS FOR JUNE & JULY FOR TEMPORARY HELP AND PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL HELP IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION.˙ 1993.08.27 930141 PICKERING AIRPORT LANDS WITH RESPECT TO THE SALE OF THE PICKERING AIRPORT LANDS, I AM REQUESTING THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION UNDER ACCESS TO INFORMATION:˙ 1) ANY CORRESPONDENCE, MINUTES OF MEETINGS, MEMOS TO FILE OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENTATION IN YOUR POSSESSION BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND ENVIRONMENT CANADA. 2) ANY CORRESPONDENCE, MINUTES OF MEETINGS, MEMOS TO FILE OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENTATION IN YOUR POSSESSION BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND FEARO (FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW OFFICE). 3) ANY DOCUMENTATION THAT FORMS THE RATIONALE FOR DECLARING THE LANDS SURPLUS. 4) THE SOAAS (SOURTHERN ONTARIO AREA AIRPORT STUDY. 5) THE SALES PLAN AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT. 6) THE DRAFT ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE REMAINING AIRPORT LANDS, PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF IMPLEMENTATION AND CURRENT STATUS. 7) THE CONCEPTUAL LAND USE PLAN (10 COPIES).˙ 1993.08.30 930142 WEST COAST ABALONE HARVESTERS I REQUEST ACCESS TO ALL DOCUMENTS, FROM 1990 TO THE PRESENT, THAT RELATE TO: ALL CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS, AND ALL PROCEEDINGS OF MEETINGS THAT CONTAIN REFERENCE TO THE WEST COAST ABALONE HARVESTERS ASSOCIATION, INCLUDING ALL OF THOSE THAT ADDRESS THE ISSUE OF THE PROPOSAL BY THIS ASSOCIATION TO ACQUIRE THE ETHELDA BAY SITE.˙ 1993.09.01 930143 AIRCRAFT CF-YEZ COPY OF INFORMATION CONCERNING AN AIRCRAFT FORMERLY BEARING CANADIAN NATIONALITY AND REGISTRATION MARKS CF-YEZ. INCLUDES COPY OF THE BILL OF SALE FOR SAID AIRCRAFT.˙ 1993.09.02 930144 CALLUPS, JUNE AND JULY 1993 8251'S FOR THE MONTH OF JULY AND JUNE 1993 FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL R.M.S.O., P.A.T.O. R.M.S.O AND THE INFORMATICS R.M.S.O.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.09.08 1993.09.08 930145 FORECASTS RE: AIRLINE INDUSTRY I REQUEST ACCESS TO RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW OF ANY ECONOMIC FORECASTS, FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS OR ANALYSES OF THE FUTURE OF AIRLINES OR THE AIRLINE INDUSTRY IN CANADA SINCE APRIL 1991.˙ 930146 IMPACT OF LOSS OF ONE MAJOR AIRLIN I REQUEST ACCESS TO ALL STUDIES OR REPORTS DONE BY OR FOR THE DEPARTMENT ON THE PROJECTED IMPACT OF THE LOSS OF ONE OF THE TWO MAJOR AIRLINES.˙ 1993.09.10 930147 TERMINALS 1 & 2, PEARSON INT'L. COPIES OF ALL STUDIES, REPORTS, CORRESPONDENCE INCLUDING ALL THIRD PARTY CORRESPONDENCE AND INTERNAL MEMORANDA CONCERNING THE INTENT TO PRIVATIZE TERMINALS ONE AND TWO AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 930148 TERMINALS 1 & 2, PEARSON INT'L. COPIES OF ALL FEASABILITY REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS AND ALL AVAILABLE PROJECTIONS OF PASSENGER TRAFFIC AND AIRLINE TRAFFIC THROUGH TERMINALS ONE AND TWO AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 930149 TERMINALS 1 & 2, PEARSON INT'L. SUMMARY AND/OR BALANCE SHEET SHOWING ANNUAL INCOME AND EXPENSES FROM THE OPERATIONS OF TERMINALS ONE AND TWO AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 930150 CALLUPS, AUGUST 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE QUEBEC REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 930151 CALLUPS, AUGUST 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 1993.09.13 930152 AUDITS, AIR CANADA, CANADIAN ANY 1992 AUDIT REPORTS FOR AIR CANADA, CANADIAN AIRLINES AND A LIST/LOG OF AIR AUDITS DONE IN 1990-1993, PROJECTED UNTIL 1995, AND ANY PLANS/REPORTS OF SAFETY REVIEWS AFTER THE 1991 NATIONAIR REVIEW.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.07 930111 IMM & MED. RECS FOR XXX C/O XXX IMM RECS & MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX C/O CONSULTANT 1993.08.07 930252 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.16 930247 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930251 VISA FILE XXX C/O XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.18 930245 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.09.01 930288 MINISTERIAL REVIEW OF XXX FOR XXX MINISTERIAL REVIEW OF XXX FOR XXX 930289 CIC FILE FOR XXX IN B.C. C/O XXX XXX REQUESTS CIC VANCOUVER FILE FOR XXX 930290 MINISTERIAL REVIEW OF XXX FOR XXX MINISTERIAL REVIEW OF XXX FOR XXX 930291 IMMIGRATION FILE IN NAIROBI OF XXX FOR XXX XXX REQUESTS IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX IN NAIROBI 930294 XXX INFO ON JAPANESE IN CANADA XXX OF JAPAN WANTS POPULATION OF CANADA, NUMBER OF LANDED IMMIGRANTS FROM JAPAN IN CANADA AND ANALYSIS OF IMMIGRANT LANDINGS (TOP TWENTY CASES IN 90, 91 AND 92) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.09.01 930295 XXX REQUESTS 1 BEW AUDIT XXX REQUESTS 1 BEW AUDIT...INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS 1993.09.03 930292 XXX MED RECORDS FOR XXX medical records for XXX C/O LAWYER XXX. 930293 XXX - REQUEST UNDER PUBLIC SECURI XXX request for briefings on entry to Canada in 1991 of XXX. 1993.09.07 930296 XXX MEDICAL RECORDS - XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER, WANT HIS MEDICAL RECORDS. 1993.09.08 930297 XXX CIC FILE IN CALGARY XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER, REQUESTS CIC IMMIG. FILE 930298 XXX WANTS FAMILY'S MEDICAL FILES XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER REQUESTS HIS FAMILY'S MEDICAL FILES 930299 XXX IMMIG VISA FILE -ENGLAND XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER, REQUESTS VISA FILE IN LONDON ENGLAND AND FILE AT REHAB. UNIT AT NHQ. 1993.09.09 930302 XXX 1992, 1993 RECORDS, INCLUDING PRIMARILY MINISTERIAL BRIEFING NOTES, ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS, EVALUATIONS, REPORTS ON (A) LOWERING THE STATISTICS CANADA POVERTY LINE AND SAVINGS/COSTS; (B) ON PROVIDING INCOME SUPPLEMENTS TO THE WORKING PPR AND COSTS, (C) ON FURTHER CUTTING UIC (AFTER 1993 EFFORT) AND OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFITS, AND (D) ON PLANS/OPTIONS TO CUTTING DOWN THE DIFFERING BUREAUCRACY HANDLING UIC, RETRAINING AND COSTS/SAVINGS INVOLVED. 1993.09.10 930300 XXX XXX 1993 REPORT ON MGNT AUDIT OF OASIS REQUEST FOR A COPY OF THE 1993 REPORT ON THE ORIENTATION ADJUSTMENT SERVICES FOR IMMIGRANTS SOCIETY (OASIS) IN VANCOUVER 930301 XXX CALL UPS FOR AUG/93 CALL UPS FOR NCR FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR AUGUST 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.09.10 930303 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX, XXX AND XXX C/O XXX 930307 XXX WANTS SISTER'S MEDICAL XXX XXX REQUESTS HIS SISTER'S MEDICAL FILE XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER 930309 MEDICAL RECORD OF XXX SPONSOR XXX, PRINCIPAL APPLICANT XXX INADMISSIBLE APPLICANT XXX C/O XXX, LAWYER 1993.09.13 930306 MEDICAL FILE OF XXX C/O SPONSOR XXX SPONSOR XXX WANTS HER SISTER'S XXX MEDICAL FILE C/O XXX, LAWYER 1993.09.14 930304 XXX COMPETITION PM-03 REQUEST FOR COPY OF COMPETITION, EMPLOYER REGISTRATION DIV/BATHURST PM03 CHIEF, POLICY AND TECHNICAL SERVICES NO. 93-EIC-CC-NB-NAT-08 930305 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX REQUEST FOR IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX 930308 MEDICAL RECORD OF XXX SPONSOR XXX WANTS FATHER'S XXX MEDICAL RECORD C/O XXX, LAWYER 930310 MEDICAL FILE OF XXX MEDICAL FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 930311 XXX CIC FILE, VISA FILE, MEDICAL FILE XXX CIC WINNIPEG FILE, VISA FILE NEW DELHI, MEDICAL FILE C/O XXX, LAWYER 930317 IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.09.15 930313 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.09.15 930330 XXX INFO RE REVIEW OF CANADA'S SOCIAL PROGRAM ANY DISCUSSION PAPERS, REPORTS, MEMOS, DRAFT REPORTS PREPARED BY THE DEPT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE CONCERNING A REVIEW OF CANADA'S SOCIAL PROGRAM UNDERTAKEN IN 1992 - 1993 1993.09.16 930312 NEW DELHI VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX NEW DELHI VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930314 VISA FILE OF XXX IMMIGRATION VISA FILE FOR XXX 1993.09.17 930315 XXX INFO ON XXX XXX WISHES TO KNOW IF XXX RECEIVED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE SELF EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - TO START A BUSINESS VENTURE 1993.09.20 930316 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O SON XXX 1993.09.22 930318 XXX CIC VANCOUVER FILE XXX c/o XXX, Lawyer, requests CIC vancouver file 930319 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX REQUEST FOR CHINA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930320 XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX & XXX 930323 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX KOREA VISA FILE FOR XXX 930324 HONG KONG VISA FILE OF XXX HONG KONG VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930325 MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.09.22 930329 XXX WHITE PAPER ON SOCIAL PROGRAMS COPY OF A STUDY OR A WHITE PAPER ON SOCIAL PROGRAMS PREPARED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA THROUGH THE MINISTER OF HEALTH 1993.09.23 930321 XXX XXX 1. TOTAL # OF REMOVALS FROM CANADA IN 1993 (JAN. TO PRESENT); 2. # OF REFUGEE CLAIMANTS THAT HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM CANADA DURING THE SAME PERIOD AND THE PLACES WHICH THESE CLAIMANTS HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO, BROKEN DOWN BY THEIR GENDER AND AGE GROUPS; 3. REFUGEE CLAIM REPORT BY COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP FOR THE FIRST 8 MONTHS OF 1993 (INTAKE BY REGION AND COUNTRY OF CITIZENSHIP); 4. TOTAL # OF PEOPLE DETAINED AT VARIOUS IMMIGRATION DETENTION CENTRES BROKEN DOWN IN TERMS OF THEIR PLACE OF DETENTION, THEIR GENDER AND AGE GROUPS 930322 XXX COMPLETE CONTENTS OF FILE AT 200 CATHERINE STREET FOR XXX 930326 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE VISA FILE OF XXX C/O SOLICITOR, XXX 1993.09.24 930328 XXX IC VOLUME OF JULY 1992 TO SEPT. 19, 1993 ACCESS THE IC VOLUME: SPECIFICALLY, THE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE IC VOLUME BETWEEN JULY 1992 TO SEPTEMBER 19, 1993. XXX 930331 VISA FILE OF XXX C/O SOLICITOR REQUEST FOR VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 930332 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.09.27 930327 XXX PROJET HE664800 RESOLUTION PRESENTEE PAR "COMITE DE CITOYENS, RENOUVEAU ET PROGRESSION, DE RIVIERE-A-CLAUDE, AU CENTRE D'EMPLOI DU CANADA, POUR L'OBENTTION DU PROJET HE664800. LA DITE RESOLUTION A ETE TRANSMISE AU CEC PAR LE COMITE CONCERNE ENTRE LE DEBUT DECEMBRE 1991 ET LA FIN FEVRIER 1992 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.08.26 930048 CHIP REQUEST CHIP Application or Special CHIP Application for following address:˙ 930049 CHIP REQUEST CHIP Application or Special CHIP Application for following address:˙ 930050 CHIP REQUEST ˙ Par la presente je voudrais faire la demande d'information concernant le dossier sur l'isolant MIUF dans ma residence a l'adresse suivant:˙ ˙ (Personal identifier)˙ 1993.08.31 930051 SURPLUS POSITION I am writing to make a request under the Access to Information Act. The information I seek is the Department Records concerning the decision to declare my position surplus.˙ 1993.09.01 930052 CHIP REQUEST ˙ RE: (Personal identifier)˙ ˙ I wish to make a formal request under the Access to Information Act. I am looking for information in the CHIP file for information on the above mentioned perperty.˙ 930053 CHIP REQUEST ˙ Re: (Personal identifier)˙ ˙ I wish to make a formal request under the Access to Information Act. I am looking for information in the CHIP file for information on the above mentioned perperty.˙ 930054 CALL-UPS Under the Access to Information Act I would like to request copies of callups covering the Temporary Help Services usage at EMR for the month of June 1993 in the National Capital Region.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.09.09 1993.09.09 930055 CHIP REQUEST As advised by the former Consumer & Corporate Affairs, Ottawa, we are contacting you to find out if our home (tax bill included for proof of ownership) contains UFFI. Enclosed please find $5.00 fee as advised. The previous owners of this property prior to 1984 were XXX and XXX XXX (for more than 20 years). Approximately 1984 it was sold to their daughter, XXX and her husband XXX.˙ 1993.09.10 930056 TEMP HELP CALLUPS - AUGUST 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: August 1993.˙ 930057 CHIP REQUEST to determine if property being XXX in the city of York, Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto had been insulated with UFFI as per Government of Canada, Canadian Home Insulation Program in 1981, as per their account XXX.˙ 1993.09.14 930058 ASBESTOS FILES ˙ This is a reqeust for records under the Access to Information Act. I am a Canadian citizen. I request access to the following records:˙ ˙ MP 4200-11 (cancelled), MP 4210-12 (years 82 to 92), MP 4210-14 (years 75 to 92), MP 4235-50/C11 (cancelled), MP 4235-50/N18, MP 4255-6, MP4290-3, MP9051-B349 (replaced by MP4201-B1). (Clarifications were received on September 28, 1993.)˙ ˙ I would be pleased to review the documents in your public reading room in Regina. ˙ ˙ I enclose a cheque for $5.00. I request that you waive all other fees because the information contained in the records I've request will be disseminated for the public benefit throught publication in scholarly journals, popular magazines, labour and health journals. ˙ 1993.09.23 930060 CHIP FILE APPLICATION GRANTS GIVEN FOR INSTALLATION OF UFFI UNDER CHIP OR ANY OTHER PROGRAM FOR XXXX, XXXXXX.˙ 930061 CALLUPS FOR JULY CALLUPS AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR JULY 1993˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.09.23 930062 CALLUPS FOR AUGUST 1993 CALLUPS AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR AUGUST 1993˙ 930063 CALLUPS FOR SEPTEMBER 1993 CALLUPS AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR SEPTEMBER 1993˙ 1993.09.27 930059 CHIP GRANT I am making a request under the Access to Information Act to obtain a copy of the contents of the CHIP files for (address witheld). ˙ 1993.09.28 930064 CALLUPS FOR JULY AND AUGUST 1993 IN ACCORDANCE TO ACCESS TO INFORMATION POLICY, OUR COMPANY XXXX WOULD LIKE TO PLACE THE FOLLOWING REQUEST: WE REQUIRE CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE ANNUAL PERIOD PRECEEDING SEPTEMBER 1993. ANY ASSISTANCE YOUR DEPARTMENT CAN OFFER IN EXPEDIATING THIS REQUEST WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.08.25 930057 SENIOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Since June 25/93 senior government employees (EX, GIC categories) from other government agencies or exempt staff who have become permanent Finance employees, their positions, classifications, pay, and hiring process.˙ 930058 PROS AND CONS OF OPENING UP BUDGET 1992, 1993 records including briefing notes, external and internal views on the pros and cons of opening up the budget process, who would set the agendas for such consultations, who would be invited/excluded and how those without resources will participate.˙ 1993.09.16 930059 MP'S RETIRING ALLOWANCES Members of the Senate and of the House of Commons' Retiring Allowances˙ 1993.09.17 930060 GOODS & SERVICES TAX Copy of a study undertaken on the effect of the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax on the underground economy on retail sales that do not impose sales taxes.˙ 1993.09.21 930061 TPS Copie des documents produits par le ministere des Finances entre le 1er janvier 1989 et le 31 decembre 1990 qui relatent la strategie du ministere pour mettre en marche et publiciser la TPS.˙ Copie des contrats de plus de $25,000 octroyes par le ministre des Finances entre le 1er janvier 1989 et le 31 decembre 1990 pour mettre en marche et publiciser la TPS.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ICA 1993.06.22 930001 APPLICATIONS - INT'L PAPER CO. Information concerning the purchase of the Fiber Products Division of Kendall Canada by the International Paper Company. (All documents that are available)˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.07.21 930068 PRIME COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION FROM DOC. COMPLETE CONTENTS OF CORPORATE FILES FOR PRIME COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION INCLUDING ANY DOCUMENTS OR NOTES THAT HAVE YET TO REACH THE MAIN FILES. 1. FILE CONTENTS GENERATED BY CORPORATION OR PRESIDENT ARE NOT REQUIRED. DOCUMENTS DATED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1990 UP TO AND INCLUDING JULY 20, 1993 ARE REQUIRED. 2. REQUIRED INFORMATION INCLUDES ANY CLASSIFIED FILES, MAIN FILES, TEMPORARY FILES, WORKING FILES, NOTES, E-MAIL NOTES (E-MAIL DATA - PRINTED OR STORED ON DISK) PERSONAL NOTES AND ANY OTHER NOTES OR FILES HELD BY OR IN THE POSSESSION OF THE FOLLOWING DOC PERSONNEL IN GENERAL AND SPECIFICALLY ANY INFORMATION DEALING WITH THIS COMPANY AND TELESAT CANADA, NOVANET AND ANY OTHER SATELLITE ISSUE WHEREVER THIS INFORMATION MAY BE LOCATED. 3. COPIES OF ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS FROM OTTAWA AND VANCOUVER ARE REQUIRED BY THE PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE IN OTTAWA.˙ 1993.08.20 930062 SUBSIDIES GRANTED OVER $100,000 SUBSIDIES GRANTED OVER $100,000 IN THE PAST 2 YEARS - REQUIRE LIST WITH COMPANY NAME, DOLLAR AMOUNT OF SUBSIDIES AND AREA OF SUBSIDIES˙ 1993.08.25 930071 BUSINESS PLANS BY NOVATEL COPIES OF ANY BUSINESS PLANS OR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FILED BY NOVATEL COMMUNICATIONS LTD. FOR THE YEARS 1989-1992˙ 930072 SRI INTERNATIONAL REPORTS PREPARED BY SRI INTERNATIONAL OR HERSCHEL SHOSTECK COMMUNICATIONS OR PAUL KAGEN AND ASSOCIATES BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1990 AND THE PRESENT DEALING WITH THE CELLULAR INDUSTRY AND NOVATEL COMMUNICATIONS LTD. OR TELEXEL HOLDING LTD. POSITION WITHIN THE INDUSTRY˙ 1993.09.09 930063 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR AUGUST 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR AUGUST 1993˙ 1993.09.13 930064 TIEM CANADA INC. RECORDS ON TIEM CANADA INC. THAT WOULD TELL ME WHO WERE OR ARE ITS PRINCIPALS, HOW MUCH THE COMPANY WAS LENT, WHAT WAS ITS PURPOSE, HOW MUCH IT OWES TO THE DEPARTMENT AND HOW MUCH THE DEPARTMENT RECOVERED.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.09.13 930065 CORPORATE STRATEGY SURVEYS/REPORTS THE THREE MOST RECENT CORPORATE STRATEGY SURVEYS/REPORTS FOR 1993˙ 930069 LISTE DE STATIONS ET INDICATIFS FROM D0C. LISTE DE STATIONS ET INDICATIFS ET MODES. A PARTIR DE LA BANDE DE FREQUENCES DE 2.0 MHZ A 30.0 MHZ.˙ 1993.09.14 930066 PORT HARDY MARINE RESOURCE MANAG. ALL CONTRACTS AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITH PORT HARDY MARINE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SOCIETY FROM 1990 TO PRESENT˙ MANAGEMENT SOCIETY FROM 1990 TO PRESENT˙ 1993.09.15 930067 TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS ALL RECORDS WHICH WILL ENABLE ME TO KNOW THE CONTENTS OF ALL DOCUMENTS, WHICH WERE MADE TO MAKE RECORDS OF ALL TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS MADE BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT AND THE REQUESTOR IN REGARD TO: 1) MATERIALS RECEIVED FROM THE COORDINATOR WITH COVERING LETTER OF DEC. 14, 1992 REGARDING A REQUEST CONCERNING THE UTILIZED SPECIES FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. 2) MATERIALS RECEIVED FROM THE COORDINATOR WITH COVERING LETTER OF DEC. 14, 1992 REGARDING A REQUEST CONCERNING THE B.C. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL.˙ 930070 LIST OF AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS LIST OF ALL LICENSED AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. THE CALL SIGN PREFIX WOULD START WITH VE7 (WHICH DESIGNATES THE AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR AS A B.C. STATION). IN PARTICULAR, I AM LOOKING FOR NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THESE INDIVIDUALS MATCHED TO THEIR CALLSIGN. ˙ 1993.09.22 930073 ARA PROJECT DOCUMENTS, MEMOS AND CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THE TERMS OF REFERENCE AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE WITH THE ARA CONSULTING GROUP FOR PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN FROM 1990 TO THE PRESENT, AS WELL AS ALL FINAL ARA PROJECT REPORTS, FOR ALL PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN BY THIS COMPANY, OR IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROVINCE OF B.C. OR OTHER FEDERAL DEPARTMENTS DURING THIS PERIOD INCLUDING THE REPORT "STRATEGIC OUTLOOK FOR THE B.C. FISH PROCESSING SECTOR".˙ 930074 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING ALL CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS AND ALL PROCEEDINGS OF MEETINGS OF OFFICIALS IN REGARD TO PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN BY ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING INSTITUTE INC. FROM 1990 TO THE PRESENT, INCLUDING THE 1991 STUDY "A REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH SEAFOODS".˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.09.24 1993.09.24 930075 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR SEPTEMBER 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR SEPTEMBER 1993˙ 1993.09.30 930076 NATIONAL EDUCATION DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO. 93057 CONCERNING NATIONAL EDUCATION PLANS INCLUDING A NATIONAL DEPT. OF EDUCATION (BRIEFING NOTES FOR THE MINISTER).˙ 930077 SALE OF HELICOPTERS COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO SHOW ALL EVALUATIONS OF FUTURE INTERNATIONAL SALES POTENTIAL OF EH-101 HELICOPTERS.˙ 930078 SALES OF PATROL FRIGATES COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO SHOW ALL EVALUATIONS OF FUTURE INTERNATIONAL SALES POTENTIAL OF CANADIAN PATROL FRIGATES.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.09.03 930103 1991 RCMP INVESTIGATION - ALCAN A All records relating to the 1991 RCMP Investigation conducted by Sgt. Gordon White of former Fisheries and Oceans Minister Tom Siddon, Deputy Minister Peter Meyboom and Alcan Aluminum Limited. 1993.09.09 930104 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period. 1993.09.10 930105 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI Call-ups for temporary help services in the National Capital Region processed by this institution for June 1993. 1993.09.13 930106 A.L.E.R.T. J3A ROADSIDE SCREENING DEVICE A.L.E.R.T. J3A Package. 1993.09.17 930107 LEGAL FEES Legal fees paid to Crampton, Brown & Arndt of Terrace, B.C. from 1980 to present. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.08.24 930122 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930123 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.08.26 930121 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.08.31 930124 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930125 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.09.03 930126 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 2 INDIVIDU 930127 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF GRANDFATHER. 1993.09.10 930128 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930129 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.09.14 930130 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930131 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930132 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930133 CONFIRMATION OF GRANDFATHER'S CIT 930134 CONFIRMATION OF PARENTS' CITIZENS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.09.14 930135 CONFIRMATION OF GRANDMOTHER'S CIT 930136 CONFIRMATION OF HUSBAND'S CITIZEN 930137 CONFIRMATION OF MOTHER'S CITIZENS 1993.09.15 930138 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF 1 INDIVIDUA 930139 CONFIRMATION OF PARENTS' CITIZENS 1993.09.17 930140 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930141 CONFIRMATION OF MOTHER'S CITIZENS 930142 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 1993.09.22 930143 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN CITIZENS 930144 CONFIRMATION OF WIFE'S CITIZENSHI 930145 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930146 CONFIRMATION OF GRANDFATHER'S CIT 1993.09.23 930147 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 1993.09.27 930148 INFO REGARDING ANY GRANTS AWARDED TO MEL HURTRIG OR HURTIG PUBLISHING INC. from the Federal or Provincial Govts. from the years 1970 to present, under the jurisdiction of the Nat'l Literacy Secretariat, Citizenship Sector (for the promotion of nationalism?). The program record number is SSC CCP 090. 930149 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.09.27 930150 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 930151 CONFIRMATION OF GREATGRANDFATHER' 930152 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930153 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.04.14 93001 COMMITTEE MINUTES I am applying under the Access Act for the following records:˙ ˙ The February 6/93 to April 15, 1993 NCC Commission, Executive Committee and Executive Management Committee meeting minute records. Provide the agendas first if possible for these meetings and an index to appendices/attachments.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1992.09.20 930306 DOCUMENTS PROPOSING TO DE-INSURE I am applying under the Access to Information Act for the following records: 1991-1993 documents, including briefing notes, indicating areas where health services should be delisted or be without insurance coverage, savings and costs; and similar records on the specific example of insuring/deinsuring psychotherapy services and any evaluation of this medical service and 1993 records on what HWC considers medically unnecessary/necessary services. 930308 SECONDARY ON 93-A-125 (MARIJUANA Copies of documents to answer request no. 93-A-125, to provide a list of all licenses ever issued for growing cannabis sativa (to wit marijuana or hemp) from 1987 to present. (Question originally submitted to cover period fro 1923 to present). 1993.07.16 930190 LIST OF 3600 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO TOBACCO. See attached list of documents. A glossary of abbreviations used in the list is also attached. A copy of this request is being sent to (XXX), Department of Justice, who is aware of the requested documents. (XXX), previously Head of the Tobacco Products Unit of Health and Welfare Canada, also has knowledge of the existence and current location of the requested documents. List contains approximately 3600 documents pertaining to tobacco. 1993.08.02 930288 REPORT CONCERNING CHLORURE DE CAMPHORIMINIUM. Included you will find a copy of the intriguing memo of 28 February 1985 from(XXX) that alludes to a three part report that I would love to get a hold of. 930289 NAME OF REQUESTER OF INFO IN RELA Provide details regarding the information being sought: 1. Name of requester of the information re relation to Miles/Cutters blood products; 2. Copies of the information released to date to the requester in relation to the Miles/Cutter products and in relation to any other information on any other products made by the same requester; 3. Copy of the actual request made by the requester in relation to Miles and all the other products. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.08.02 930289 The Miles products are: Antihemophilic Factor (Human) Koate HT and HS. The Miles/Cutter file number is: 92-A-062.5 The Miles information is exempted from this request. 1993.09.01 930282 THE MOST RECENT PRODUCT MONOGRAPH Please provide the most recent Product Monographs for the following drugs: (1) APO-CLOMIPRAMINE (Apotex) Tablets 10, 25, 50 mg, N.O.C. Date 93.07.26 (2) CAPOTEN (Squibb) - CAPTOPRIL (New Indication), N.O.C. Date 93.07.13 (3) CORDARONE - AMIODARONE HYDROCHLORIDE (Wyeth-Ayerst) Tablets 200mg, N.O.C. Date 93.06.21 (4) ENTANTADINE - AMANTADINE HYDROCHLORIDE CAPSULES 100 mg & Syrup (Endo Canada), N.O.C. Date 93.06.07 (5) NOVO-METFORMIN (Novopharm) METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE Tablets 500 mg, N.O.C. Date 93.07.19 930283 THE MOST RECENT PRODUCT MONOGRAPH Please provide the most recent Product Monographs for the following drugs: (1) PMS-TRAZODONE - TRAZODONE HYDROCHLORIDE (Pharmascience), N.O.C. Date 93.07.14 (2) TRANSOVATE - (Trans Canada Derm) Cream/Oinment/Lotion, N.O.C. Date 93.06.21 (3) ZOVIRAX - ACYCLOVIR (Wellcome Medical) - New dosage form, N.O.C. Date 93.06.17 (4) BECLOVENT - BECLOMETHASONE DIP. (Glaxo), N.O.C. Date 93.07.13 (5) SOTACOR Tablets - SOTALOL HCL (Bristol) Tablets 160 mg., N.O.C. Date ? 930284 INFO. RE: TOXICOLOGY, CARCINOGIN Information about toxicology, carcinoginicity and mutagenicity of BACLOFEN (LIORESAL) OR L-BACLOFEN in animals and humans. 930285 FILE CONTAINING RELEVANT INFO. FO Please provide the information submitted by (XXX) c/o Chemins Co. or Cytochange from Colorado released to File CR9428. This file could contain relevant information for producing EPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE and also recent information for Better B's requested by (XXX) Drug Evaluation, Non-prescription Dept. Please coordinate the information into my file for the Chemins Company so that we may sell the study licenses to someone who can afford to do them. 930286 COPY OF REVIEWERS' NOTES, SUMMARY & MEMORANDA ETC. FOR MAXAQUIN. Please provide a copy of the reviewers' notes, summary; HPB internal memoranda and copies of individual adverse reaction reports for MAXAQUIN submitted by Searle Canada for their MAXAQUIN Control No. 08307 and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.09.01 930286 supplements thereto - Control numbers 10934, 10351 and 13829. This includes any information in the Bureau Director's files and those of Drug Regulatory Affairs. Authority to request information attached. 1993.09.02 930287 EVALUATION REPORT FOR PMS - SODIUM CROMOGLYCATE (PHARMASCIENCE). Evaluation Report for PMS - Sodium Cromoglycate, Liquid (1% w/v) Inhalation, related to the Notice of Compliance granted to Pharmascience Inc. 93-08-11, HPB Submission Control No. 11677. This formulation is sometimes referred to as nebulizer solution or solution for inhalation. 930290 LIST OF DRUGS ON EMERGENCY RELEAS I would like to have the complete list of products available through Ottawa's Health and Welfare's Emergency drug release programme. 930291 COPIES OF SUBMISSION INFO FOR MUCOMYST FILES BY DIFFERENT LABORATORIES This is to request under the Access to Information Act copies of all submission information (with file and data) filed by Mead Johnson/Bristol Laboratories of Canada/Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc. with the Health Protection Branch for MUCOMYST (N-acetylcysteine Injection) Type Control No. Filed NDS 6HN661899 September 25, 1962 S/NDS 6HN661899A February 10, 1966 S/NDS 6HN661899B March 26, 1969 S/NDS 6HN661899C ..... S/NDS 6HN661899D April 25, 1980 S/NDS 6HN661899E September 21, 1981 S/NDS 6HN661899F September 26, 1983 S/NDS 6HN661899G September 9, 1987 930292 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR APO-TIMOL O I wish to obtain under the Access to Information Act the most recent Product Monograph for APO-TIMOL Opthalmic Solution (Apotex). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.09.02 930293 DRINKING WATER STANDARDS FOR RADI The 1968 Canadian Drinking Water Standards and Objectives for Radium-226 were set at 0.37 bequerels per litre; the 1989 Guidelines are set at 1 bequerels per litre. I would like to request all reports, correspondence and minutes of meetings that led to the rationale and decision that made this change or modification from the 1968 Standard of 0.37 Bq/Litre to the 1989 Guideline of 1 bequerel per litre. 1993.09.08 930294 INFORMATION RE ADR'S WITH DEFIBRI On August 19th I received an Adverse Reactions report on defibrillators from Health and Welfare. I would like further information regarding the cases that have been reported. I would like all case files regarding design shortcomings, component failure, instruction/labelling deficiency, and QC failure. 930295 RECORDS OF REORGANIZATION OF ENVI Preliminary access to files: I have accessed and viewed my personal file in the possession of Staff Relations. I am advised to look into files in the possession of: (1) Personnel, Corporate (2) Management files: (A) Medical Services Branch (B) Occupational and Environmental Health Services Directorate. (Public Service Health Directorate). (C) Office of the previous Senior ADM, (XXX). I now wish to see files in the following areas: (1) All files, memoranda or documents in support of the reorganization of the Environmental Health Services Division, including the minutes of meetings held with my staff. (25 May, 16 June 1992, etc.) (2) All memos and notes in the files related to the meetings I had with (XXX) in the presence of (XXX) (four meetings). Dates: 19, 20, 26 May, 5 June, 2 July 1992. (3) Files related to the meeting I had with (XXX), acting DG in presence of (XXX) of Personnel, during which she stated she, "had been fully briefed by (XXX) as to the course of action" she was to follow. (August 17, 1992). (4) All files, memos, etc. that accompanied or resulted from these meetings. The file left by (XXX) for the direction of his successors and in their possession. (5) Minutes, notes of discussion and recommendation of the Resource Committee when the PSH Reorganization was approved with a statement of the Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.09.08 930295 roles and functions of (XXX) the ADM at the time and (XXX) the Director of Personnel Staffing who attended the meeting and who was the chairperson or occupied an unstated role. Particularly the record of decisions and recommendations related to me and/or my position. (29 June, 1992). (6) All files, documents, notes and memoranda held by Corporate Personnel, and senior management concerning the reorganization and the "surplusing" of (XXX) including those in the possession of (XXX), (XXX), (XXX), or Staff Relations. (7) All documents, memoranda and minutes held on the 3 April, 7 April, 28 April 1992, to discuss the disposition of Green Plan Funds, for the year of 1992 and thereafter. Those in attendance included (XXX), (XXX), (XXX) and (XXX). Particularly the disposition of funds related to the Arctic and Northern Initiative and the Pregnancy and Childhood Initiative. 1993.09.09 930296 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH 7 PRODUCTS. Request the most recent version of the Product Monograph for the following drugs: 1. Capoten (Captopril) SQUIBB 2. Losec (Omeprazole) ASTRA PHARM 3. Monitan (Acebutolol HCL) WYETH-AYERST 4. Prinivil (Lisinopril) MSD 5. Ventolin Oral Solution (Salbutamol Sulphate) GLAXO 6. Hismanal Suspension, Tablets (Astemizole) JANSSEN PHARM 7. Cardene SR (Nicardipine HCL) SYNTEX 1993.09.10 930297 MEMORANDA, REVIEWER`S NOTES, EVAL Request for all internal memoranda, reviewer's notes, evaluation reports and recommendations in the files of the Health Protection Branch pertaining to APO-ENALAPRIL. (XXX) 1993.09.14 930298 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR AZATHIOPRINE BY BURROUGHS WELLCOME. Please provide the most recent product monograph for: Azathioprine (Imuran) manufactured by Burroughs Wellcome. 930299 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR DAUNORUBICIN BY RHONE POULENC. Please provide the most recent product monograph for Daunorubicin (Cerubidine), manufactured by Rhone-Poulenc. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.09.15 1993.09.15 930300 ALL DOCUMENTATION CONCERNING REVI Any discussion papers, reports, memos, draft reports prepared by the Strategic Planning Branch of the Department of Health and Welfare concerning a review of Canada`s social programs undertaken in 1992-93. 930301 LETTER OF APRIL 26, 1993 RE: ISP REDESIGN PROJECT. Letter dated April 26, 1993 from (XXX), RCMP to (XXX), H&W referring to investigation on cotracting practices in ISP Redesign. 930302 CURRENT DIN CETIFICATES FOR ALL SISU`S PRODUCTS. Request copies of the current DIN certificates of all SISU`s products. 930303 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR CEFAZOLIN SODIUM BY SMITH-KLINE. Please provide a Product Monograph for: CEFAZOLIN SODIUM (ANCEF). Manufactured by: Smith-Kline Pharma 1993.09.20 930304 A MEMORANDUM OF NOVEMBER 19, 1991 FROM (XXX). The comments appended to a memorandum dated November 19, 1991 from (XXX), Director General, Drugs Directorate to (XXX), re: "Racial bias rife at Health and Welfare". The appended "detailed comments" are referred to in paragraph 3 of that memo. 930305 STATISTICS REGARDING VISIBLE MINO Internal statistics, from 1983 to present, as well as Treasury Board Statistics on the number and percentage of visible minority employees employed at Health and Welfare Canada, broken down by category, including Feeder Groups and Directors of Departments. 930307 LIST OF MANUFACTURERS OF DIAGNOST Information regarding manufacturers in Canada who have registered Diagnostic Imaging Devices pursuant to Section 24 of the Food and Drug Regulations. 930309 PRODUCT MONOGRAPHS FOR 4 PRODUCTS. Please provide us with a copy of the most recent Product Monographs for the following products: (1) Brand Name: BECLOVENT Active Ingredient: Beclomethasone dipropionate Manufacturer: Glaxo Date: July 13, 1993 (2) Brand Name: LOXAPAC Oral Tablets Active Ingredient: Loxapine Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.09.20 930309 Manufacturer: Lederle (3) Brand Name: MEDROXYPROGESTERONE ACETATE Active Ingredient: Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Manufacturer: Kenral Date: July 6, 1993 (4) Brand Name: NORVASC Active Ingredient: Amlodipine besylate Manufacturer: Pfizer Date: June 14, 1993. 930310 COPY OF RULING AND POLICIES IN RE Provide details regarding the following information being sought: This information is in the Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs. The information requested is a copy of the rulings and policies in relation to OTCs resident on computer files. 1993.09.21 930311 S.B.A. FOR THE DRUG TIOCONAZOLE B Request a copy of the SBA (Summary Basis of Approval) for the drug Tioconazole which is sold by Pfizer under the trade name Gyno-Trosyd. 930312 LIST OF MEDICAL DEVICE DISTRIBUTO A list of all medical device distributors registered as distributors of medical products in accordance with the laws of Canada. 1993.09.22 930313 SPECIAL HPB LABORATORY RECORDS. I am a Canadian citizen and would like access to those records which originated from my former laboratory in the Health Protection Branch dealing with HIV in persons with hemophilia or recipients of blood transfusions. The records of particular interest to me are from mid-1984 to the end of 1987. These records would have been under my signature or those of my subordinates. It may be necessary for me to have access to the original laboratory work books for that same period since they contain information lacking in the final report. 1993.09.23 930314 LETTER OF AUGUST 1992 BY NCARR. Request the letter written and sent by the National Capital Alliance on Race Relations (NCARR) and dated August 1992 regarding lack of employment equity at the federal Department of Health and Welfare. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.09.27 1993.09.27 930315 COPIE DE TOUTE DOCUMENTATION CONC Nous vous saurions gr‚ de nous faire parvenir copie de tout document, incluant les rapports d'inspection, les rapports de fabrication et les d‚clarations de cosm‚tique depuis le 1er janvier 1993 de l'ensemble des produits pharmaceutiques et cosm‚tiques de marque NEUTROGENA ou autres fariqu‚s par: PROFESSIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL CORP./ CORPORATION PHARMACEUTIQUE PROFESSIONNELLE, 9200 C"te de Liesse Lachine (Qu‚bec) CANADA H8T 1A1 ainsi que la correspondance ‚chang‚e entre le MinistŠre de la Sant‚ et Bien-ˆtre Social Canada et la compagnie sus-mentionn‚e de mˆme que les notes internes ‚manant de ce ministŠre relativement ... cette compagnie depuis le 1er janvier 1983. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.09.07 930025 BRI ADVISORY BOARD Since the fall of 1989 until the present, all minutes of meetings or reports to and from the Advisory Bommittee to the Biotechnology Research Institute. This should include NRC staff, Management or Consultants reports.˙ 930026 IBS ADVISORY BOARD Since the fall of 1989 until the present, all minutes of meetings or reports to and from the Advisory Committee to the Institute for Biological Sciences. This should include NRC staff, Management or Consultants reports.˙ 930027 IMB ADVISORY BOARD Since the fall of 1989 until the present, all minutes of meetings or reports to and from the Advisory Committee to the Institute for Marine Biosciences. This should include NRC staff, Management or Consultants reports.˙ 930028 PBI ADVISORY BOARD Since the fall of 1989 until the present, minutes of meetings or reports to and from the Advisory Committee to the Plant Biotechnology Institute. This should include NRC staff, Management or Consultants reports˙ 930029 IBD ADVISORY BOARD Since its inception until the present, all minutes of meetings or reports to and from the Advisory Committee to the Institute of Biodiagnostics. This should include NRC staff, Management or Consultants reorts.˙ 930030 PRESIDENT'S CORRESPONDENCE Since the fall of 19889, a list/log/record of briefing notes to the President, and the President's log/list of correspondence/meetings/ briefings to the Minister.˙ 930031 BRIEFING BINDER FOR MINISTER The 1993 briefing binder prepared by the NRC for the Minister sworn in June 25, 1993, whether prepared before or after that date, and a list/log/record of briefing notes to the Minister after June 25, 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.09.07 930032 ESTIMATES - REVENUE SOURCES Records prepared in 1992 or 1993 that provide estimates for future long/short term revenue sources and cost recovery sources as well as estimates of possible revenues/cost recoveries to be made and the programs/sources of such monies. The President of the NRC has indicated revenues could be doubled by the year 2000. Include charts, projections, option papers, etc.˙ 930033 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROJECTS In 1991-92, 92-93, 93-94 actuals, in progress collaborative research projects listed by each company contributing including amounts and for what projects. Also projected/targeted areas of collaborative research and expected types of annual revenues/benefits.˙ 930034 MULTI-YEAR RESEARCH PLANS Any 1992, 1993 records either internally or by consultants that discuss multi-year research plans or options for future research or that evaluate research directions, including reviewing R&D programs, choosing research criteria, and streamlining R&D administration.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.03.29 920137 DOCUMENTS FROM RG 25: FILE 10833-A-40 Documents removed from RG 25, Accession 89-90/292, Box 92, File 10833-A-40 Reports re: The Canadian Peace Congress and International Peace Congresses. Documents from RG 25: File 10833-A-40 Documents removed from RG 25, Accession 89-90/292, Box 92, File 10833-A-40 Reports re: The Canadian Peace Congress and International Peace Congresses. 1993.07.21 930086 CSIS -REGINA RIOT H.V. 8 documents (RG 146) related to the Regina Riot - specifically material related to police activity, decisions, etc. 1993.07.22 930090 IMMIGRATION RECORDS ON GREAT-GRAN Information on Great-Grandfather XXX 1993.07.26 930087 REQUEST FOR CSIS RECORDS ON s. 19(1) - records on s. 19(1) Refer to formal access request 92-A-00099 1993.07.30 930088 RG 146 - MCGILL UNIVERSITY, 1946-1950 CSIS records on McGill University from 46-02-21 to 50-11-18 1993.08.02 930089 MONCTON UNIVERSITY-RG 146 CSIS records on Moncton University, Moncton New Brunswick. Parts contained in vols. 2723 and 2724. 1993.08.04 930091 DEATH OF OFFICER, FIRST CANADIAN PARACHUTE BATTALION, 1945 Request for all documents relating to the death of XXX of the First Canadian Parachute Battalion, on 24 March 1945 during Operation Varsity, and any other documents relating to Col. Nicklin's death and the subsequent investigations carried out by the Judge Advocate General's Branch, including an official autopsy that is held by the Department of National Defence or by DND's Directorate of History. Further, I request access to Col. Nicklin's personal records. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.08.05 1993.08.05 930092 CSIS RECORDS, RG 146, VOLUME 2605 RG 146, Volume 2605 930093 MCDONALD COMMISSION RECORDS, C-62 RG 33/128, C-62, testimony of XXX and of XXX. 930094 MCDONALD COMMISSION RECORDS, FC-10 RG 33/128, exhibit FC-10. 930095 MCDONALD COMMISSION RECORDS, MC-9, APPENDIX K RG 33/128, exhibit MC-9, appendix K. 1993.08.11 930097 RG 13 - CAPITAL CASE FILE 1945 to present records on the royal prerogative of mercy - procedures, profiles, yearly statistics (and reasons for mercy) any records on XXX murder case 1993.08.12 930096 RG 146- LIST OF INDIVIDUALS RG 146 - list of various individuals 930099 CANADA PENSION PLAN BENEFIT INFOR Canada Pension Plan benefit application and supporting documents and correspondence re individual 1993.08.17 930098 MCDONALD COMMISSION RECORDS MC-67 RG33/128, MC-67 1993.08.20 930100 OPERATIONAL FORMAL - CALL-UPS FOR STANDING OFFERS I am requesting copies of the completed call-up against a standing offer for temporary help services forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to the National Archives 1993.08.24 930110 OLD MASSETT INDIAN RESERVE Request for: 1. any and all files pertaining to the range lights and the right-of-way to those lights on Massett Indian Reserve #1, Queen Charlotte Islands; 2. any and all construction plans and descriptions of the bridge over the tidal slough from 1912 to the present; 3. any and all files having to do with the wharf at Massett Indian Reserve Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PAC 1993.08.24 930110 #1, from the time of its construction in 1910 to its demolition in 1974; 4. any and all files having to do with the sea wall at Massett Indian Reserve #1. 1993.08.25 930101 MULRONEY PAPERS Request for all records concerning the handling, disposition and arrangements involving the papers of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. A parallel request has been filed with Treasury Board. 1993.08.26 930107 UMMSW- CULTURAL, RECREATIONAL & E International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union in Sudbury - Cultural, Recreational and Educational Activities in Sudbury from 1945-1965 930108 CSIS -INFORMATION RE: WEIR REID CSIS - Information re: Director of IUMMSW Recreation in Sudbury 1952-1959, 1964-1965 1993.08.27 930106 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOUR YOU CSIS- National Federation of Labour Youth and Sudbury Labour Youth Club - Youth Friendship League (1940's-1950's). 1993.08.30 930102 MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128, 6000-5-36 (ii) 930103 MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128, 6000-5-4.2 930104 MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128, MC-165 930105 MCDONALD COMMISSION RG 33/128, D-2 930109 EVOLUTION OF RNWMP TO RCMP, MERVY RG 18- Documents related to the RCMP-material related to the evolution of the RNWMP to the RCMP; info. re: RCMP Special Constable Mervyn Black and XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.08.31 1993.08.31 930116 RG 108, METAL MINING EFFLUENT REG Environmental Protection Service - In the Metal Mining Liquid Effluent Regulations set in 1977, Radium 226 was set for a monthly average at 0.37 bequerels per litre in effluent from uranium mines. I would like to request all reports, correspondence and Minutes of Meetings that led to the rationale and decision to set this maximum allowable average at 0.37 bequerels per litre. 1993.09.02 930113 PRE-WORLD WAR ONE MILITARY SERVIC Request for records of military service for XXX DSO. Copies of service records for Militia, pre-1914, service in South Africa, 1900, and CEF. Detailed pay and medical records not required. 1993.09.07 930111 RG 13-LETTER RE: CRIMINAL CODE 1892 Copy of Henri E. Taschereau's letter dated 20 January 1893 to the Attorney General of Canada re: Comments and Suggestions of proposed Criminal Code of 1892. 1993.09.14 930112 OPERATIONAL RECORDS RE: THE CANAD Archival appraisal etc. re: the Canadian Blood Committee - operational records of the National Archives 1993.09.15 930115 RCMP RECORDS RE: SOCIAL CREDIT PA RCMP records related to the Social Credit Party in Alberta, the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation in Saskatchewan, records re: individuals 1993.09.16 930114 EXPORT OF ARMS FROM CANADA, 1950-63 Request for the following files in the archival records of the Department of External Affairs: RG 25, 86-87/160, box 147, file 11044-40 pts.2-4; RG 25, 90-91/001, box 264, file 11044-40 pt.11. 1993.09.23 930117 CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES Request for copies of all contracts for services with firms. It should include data entry services, office support, professional and technical services and enquiry referral services. It should not include consulting services. During the period 1 January 1991 to date. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.05.27 934043 PRIME MINISTER'S TOUR OF EUROPE A LIST OF HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE IN THE PRIME MINISTER'S PARTY, THE NAME OF ALL THE PEOPLE WHO WERE IN THE PRIME MINISTER'S PARTY, AND A BREAKDOWN OF ALL COSTS INCLUDING HOTELS, MEALS, AIRFARE AND TRANSPORTATION SO THAT I MIGHT KNOW EXACTLY HOW MUCH THE PRIME MINISTER'S TRIP TO EUROPE COST THE TAXPAYERS OF CANADA.˙ 1993.06.21 934056 FILE INDEX FOR THE FILES OF CLERK THE INDEX(ES) (RECORDS INDEX) FOR THE FILES OF CLERKS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL FOR THE PERIOD 1940-1950.˙ 934057 CORRESPONDENCE FOR DEPUTY CLERK A COPY OF THE CORRESPONDENCE LOG (BOTH INCOMING AND OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE) FOR THE DEPUTY CLERK, SECURITY, INTELLIGENCE, AND COUNSEL FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 1992.˙ 934058 RECORDS RELEASED BY PCO UNDER ATIP A COPY OF THE INDEX/LISTING OF RECORDS RELEASED BY THE PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE UNDER THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT.˙ 934059 CORRESPONDENCE FROM DEPUTY CLERK A COPY OF ANY MEMORANDA/LETTERS AND ATTACHMENTS SENT FROM THE DEPUTY CLERK, SECURITY, INTELLIGENCE, AND COUNSEL INTELLIGENCE TO THE DIRECTOR, C.S.I.S. BETWEEN OCTOBER 1, 1992 AND FEBRUARY 1ST, 1993.˙ 934060 CORRESPONDENCE FROM DEPUTY CLERK A COPY OF ANY MEMORANDA/LETTERS AND ATTACHMENTS SENT FROM THE DEPUTY CLERK, SECURITY, INTELLIGENCE AND COUNSEL TO THE CHIEF, C.S.E. BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1991 AND MARCH 30, 1991.˙ 934061 MEETINGS OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE COM THE INDEX TO THE MEETINGS OF THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1ST, 1950 - DECEMBER 31, 1953.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.06.21 934062 MEETINGS OF JOINT INTELLIGENCE COM THE INDEX TO THE MEETINGS OF THE JOINT INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 1954 - DECEMBER 31, 1956.˙ 934063 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS EVOLUTION, DEVELOPMENT AND DRAFTING OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS' "ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS ASSOCIATED WITH SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES, (CPC-2-0-03)" FROM THE DATE OF ISSUES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW PROCESS GUIDELINES BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO THE DATE OF THIS REQUESTS. TO INCLUDE ACCOUNTS OF ALL CONSULTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS WITH AND COMMENTS BY ALL SOURCES BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS. EXCLUDE ONLY FORMAL RESPONSES TO THE GAZETTE NOTICE NO. SMRR-001-92, RELATING TO THIS DOCUMENT.˙ 1993.08.17 934125 SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET A COPY OF ANY SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET, OR CABINET SUBCOMMITTEES, INCLUDING BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AND MEMORANDA ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS, AS WELL AS THE RECORD OF DISCUSSION AND DECISION, PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1940 AND DECEMBER 31ST, 1944 THAT ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF:˙ ˙ A) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE; OR˙ B) CANADIAN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROCESS, INCLUDING COLLECTION AND ASSESSMENT; OR˙ C) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE POLICY; OR˙ D) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS; OR˙ E) THE ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, COORDINATION AND SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN˙ INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES;˙ F) THE SHARING OF INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES, AND COOPERATION BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES ON INTELLIGENCE MATTERS, INCLUDING ANY TREATIES, AGREEMENTS OR MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BY CANADA WITH OTHER COUNTRIES (INCLUDING MULTILATERAL ARRANGEMENTS) AS PART OF THE SARING OR COOPERATION IN INTELLIGENCE MATTERS.˙ 934126 SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET A COPY OF ANY SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET, OR CABINET SUBCOMMITTEES, INCLUDING BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AND MEMORANDA ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSIONS, AS WELL AS THE RECORD OF DISCUSSION AND DECISION, PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1945 AND DECEMBER 31ST, 1949 THAT ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF:˙ ˙ A) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE; OR˙ B) CANADIAN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROCESS, INCLUDING COLLECTION AND ASSESSMENT; OR˙ C) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE POLICY; OR˙ D) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS; OR˙ E) THE ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, COORDINATION AND SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES;˙ F) THE SHARING OF INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES, AND Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.08.17 934126 COOPERATION BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES ON INTELLIGENCE MATTERS, INCLUDING ANY TREATIES, AGREEMENTS OR MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BY CANADA WITH OTHER COUNTRIES (INCLUDING MULTILATERAL ARRANGEMENTS) AS PART OF THE SHARING OR COOPERATION IN INTELLIGENCE MATTERS.˙ 934127 CABINET REPORTS A COPY OF ANY SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET, OR CABINET SUBCOMMITTEES, INCLUDING BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS MEMORANDA ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSIONS, AS WELL AS THE RECORD OF DISCUSSION AND DECISION, PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1950 AND DECEMBER 31st, K1954 THAT ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF:˙ ˙ A) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE; OR˙ B) CANADIAN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROCESS, INCLUDING COLLECTION AND ASSESSMENT; OR˙ C) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE POLICY; OR˙ D) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS; OR˙ E) THE ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, COORDINATION AND SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES;˙ F) THE SHARING OF INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES, AND COOPERATION BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES ON INTELLIGENCE MATTERS, INCLUDING ANY TREATIES, AGREEMENTS OR MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BY CANADA WITH OTHER COUNTRIES (INCLUDING MULTILATERAL ARRANGEMENTS) AS PART OF THE SHARING OR COOPERATION IN INTELLIGENCE MATTERS.˙ 934129 SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET A COPY OF ANY SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET, OR CABINET SUBCOMMITTEES, INCLUDING BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AND MEMORANDA ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSIONS, AS WELL AS THE RECORD OF DISCUSSION AND DECISION, PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1960 AND DECEMBER 31st, 1964 THAT ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF:˙ ˙ A) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE; OR˙ B) CANADIAN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROCESS, INCLUDING COLLECTION AND ASSESSMENT; OR˙ C) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE POLICY; OR˙ D) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS; OR˙ E) THE ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, COORDINATION AND SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES;˙ F) THE SHARING OF INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES, AND COOPERATION BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES ON INTELLIGENCE MATTERS, INCLUDING ANY TREATIES, AGREEMENTS OR MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BY CANADA WITH OTHER COUNTRIES (INCLUDING MULTILATERAL ARRANGEMENTS) AS PART OF THE SHARING OR COOPERATION IN INTELLIGENCE MATTERS.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.08.17 934130 SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET A COPY OF ANY SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET, OR CABINET SUBCOMMITTEES, INCLUDING BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AND MEMORANDA ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSIONS, AS WELL AS THE RECORD OF DISCUSSION AND DECISION, PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1965 AND AUGUST 1st, 1973 THAT ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF:˙ ˙ A) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE; OR˙ B) CANADIAN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROCESS, INCLUDING COLLECITON AND ASSESSMENT; OR˙ C) CANADIAN INTELIGENCE POLICY; OR˙ D) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS; OR˙ E) THE ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, COORDINATION AND SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES;˙ F) THE SHARING OF INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES, AND COOPERATION BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES ON INTELLIGENCE MATTERS, INCLUDING ANY TREATIES, AGREEMENTS OR MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BY CANADA WITH OTHER COUNTRIES (INCLUDING MULTILATERAL ARRANGEMENTS) AS PART OF THE SHARING OR COOPERATION IN INTELLIGENCE MATTERS.˙ 934133 CSIS'S TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER UNIT FILE FOR CSIS'S TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER UNIT, THE FIVE EARLIEST DATED DOCUMENTS IN THE FILE AND ALL DOCUMENTS SINCE SEPTEMBER 1992.˙ 934134 DOCUMENTS IN FILE SERIES 4195 ALL DOCUMENTS IN FILE SERIES 4195 PREPARED BY OR FOR THE PCO, SINCE OCTOBER 1992, THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH THE FALL 1992 REPORT COMMISSIONED BY CSIS'S DIRECTOR ON THE MANDATE OF CSIS.˙ 934135 RECENT VERSION OF PCO'S S&I SUBJEC THE MOST RECENT VERSION OF THE PCO'S SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT FILE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM.˙ 1993.08.19 934115 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP CALL-U7PS FOR TEMPORARY HELP (DSS8251) FOR PERIOD: MAY, JUNE AND JULY 1993˙ 934128 SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET A COPY OF ANY SUBMISSIONS OR REPORTS TO CABINET, OR CABINET SUBCOMMITTEES, INCLUDING BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS AND MEMORANDA ATTACHED TO THE SUBMISSIONS, AS WELL AS THE RECORD OF DISCUSSION AND DECISION, PREPARED BETWEEN JANUARY 1, 1955 AND DECEMBER 31st, 1959 THAT ARE ON THE SUBJECT OF :˙ ˙ A) THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE; OR˙ B) CANADIAN FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE PROCESS, INCLUDING COLLECTION AND ASSESSMENT, OR˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.08.19 934128 C) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE POLICY; OR˙ D) CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS; OR˙ E) THE ORGANIZATION/STRUCTURE, COORDINATION AND SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES;˙ F) THE SHARING OF INTELLIGENCE BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES, AND COOPERATION BETWEEN CANADA AND ITS ALLIES ON INTELLIGENCE MATTERS, INCLUDING ANY TREATIES, AGREEMENTS OR MEMORANDA OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BY CANADA WITH OTHER COUNTRIES (INCLUDING MULTILATERAL ARRANGEMENTS) AS PART OF THE SHARING OR COOPERATION IN INTELLIGENCE MATTERS.˙ 934131 REPORTS, STUDIES PREPARED BY IAC ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED OR REVIEWED BY THE IAC SINCE JANUARY 1990 THAT SPECIFICALLY DEAL WITH ILLEGAL/CLANDESTINE TRANSFERS OF TECHNOLOGY (INCLUDING ANY REPORTS, STUDIES OR ASSESSMENTS PREPARED BY AN ARG OR SARG SPECIFICALLY TASKED TO EXAMINE THE SUBJECT/ISSUE OF ILLEGAL/CLANDESTINE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY).˙ 934132 DOCUMENTS IN PCO FILE 4195-5-2 ALL DOCUMENTS CONTAINED IN PCO FILE 4195-5-2 PREPARED BETWEEN:˙ ˙ A) SEPTEMBER 1990 AND MARCH 1991; AND˙ ˙ B) OCTOBER 1992 AND AUGUST 1993.˙ 1993.08.20 934117 DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION 1) INTERNAL RECORDS, INCLUDING NOTES, MEMOS, BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER, MEETING MINUTES, LETTERS OR FAXES REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REGULATIONS PROMULGATED ON mARCH 12, 1993 PURSUANT TO SECTION 55.2 OF THE PATENT ACT.˙ ˙ 2) EXTERNAL RECORDS, INCLUDING LETTERS, MEETING NOTES, BRIEFING NOTES, CONTRACTS, MEMOS OF UNDERSTANDING WITH GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE SECTOR ASSOCIATIONS/FIRMS REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF REGULATIONS PROMULGATED ON MARCH 12, 1993 PURSUANT TO SECTION 55.2 OF THE PATENT ACT.˙ ˙ IT IS LIKELY THAT MUCH OF THE RECORDS WILL BE FOR THE 1992, 1993 PERIOD.˙ 1993.08.23 934118 CALLUPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD JULY 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.08.25 1993.08.25 934136 RECORDS OF PRIME MINISTER'S GIFTS ANY RECORD, OR PROTOCOL REGISTRY, OF GIFTS RECEIVED BY THE THEN PRIME MINISTER MULRONEY, HIS WIFE OR FAMILY, OR BY THE CROWN FROM FOREIGN/INTERNATIONAL OFFICIALS/COUNTRIES (1984-1993). NOTE WHERE THE GIFTS ARE NOW, IN WHOSE POSSESSION AND THEIR CURRENT OWNERSHIP.˙ 1993.08.26 934119 RECORDS HEARD BEFORE SUPREME COURT REQUEST RELATING TO A CASE HEAD BEFORE THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA IN 1938.˙ 934120 LIST OF CONSULTANT CONTRACTS A LIST OF CONSULTANT'S CONTRACTS, INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF WORK CONDUCTED AND TERMS OF THE CONTRACTS, FOR THE PERIOD NOVEMBER 1992 TO THE PRESENT.˙ 1993.08.30 934121 CALL-UPS AGAINST STANDING OFFER CALL-UPS AGAINST STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP, FOR JULY.˙ 1993.08.31 934124 BRIEFINGS ON ENTRY TO CANADA IN 91 BRIEFINGS ON ENTRY TO CANADA IN 1991 OF XXX, THE XXX SUBSEQUENT BUSINESSES CONNECTIONS WITH RUSSIAN/OTHER GROUPS AND IMMIGRANT APPLICATION AND ACCEPTANCE AND ON RECENT 1993 REPORTS ABOUT XXX ACTIVITIES.˙ ˙ RECORDS INDICATING WHO KNEW WHAT, WHEN ABOUT THE PENDING/ACTUAL ENTRY AND IMMIGRATION REQUEST/ACCEPTANCE OF XXX.˙ ˙ ANY ACTIONS REQUEST IN CANADA OR ABOARD CONCERNING XXX, AND ANY 1991-1993 BRIEFING NOTES/ANTICIPATED ORAL QUESTIONS ON XXX AND XXX ACTIVITIES.˙ 1993.09.08 934137 NOUVELLES TECHN. DE REPRODUCTION ETUDES, ANALYSE ET RAPPORTS DE RECHERCHE FAITS POUR LE COMPTE DE LA COMMISSION ROYALE SUR LES NOUVELLE TECHNOLOGIES DE REPRODUCTIONS.˙ 1993.09.10 934139 DSS CONTRACT FOR ROYAL COMMISSION WITH REGARD TO THE FOLLOWING CONTRACT, AS SUBMITTED TO SUPPLY AND SERVICES: THE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES DIVISION OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE HAS A REQUIREMENT FOR THE PROVISION OF THE SERVICES OF A PROJECT MANAGER TO PERFORM INFORMATICS RELATED MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS REGARDING ALL ROYAL COMMISSIONS, INQUIRIES AND TASK FORCES. ALL WORK WILL BE CARRIED OUT IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION, FROM DATE OF CONTRACT AWARD (ESTIMATED 6 AUGUST 1993) FOR A 12-MONTH PERIOD WITH AN OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO ADDITIONAL 12-MONTH PERIODS.... (JULY 14 ISSUE, GOVERNMENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES).˙ ˙ PLEASE SUPPLY DOCUMENTS TO EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF THIS CONTRACT, THE ACTUAL JOB THAT WILL BE PERFORMED AND BY WHOM. ALSO, PLEASE DOCUMENT THE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PCO 1993.09.10 934139 REMUNERATION TO BE RECEIVED.˙ 1993.09.13 934141 STUDY OF MP'S CONSTITUENCY OFFICES RECORDS PRODUCED AS A RESULT OF WORK CONDUCTED UNDER PCO CONTRACT NO. IN3642F2. (A STUDY OF THE ROLE OF MP'S CONSTITUENCY OFFICES IN DELIVERING AGREEMENT SERVICES).˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.08.19 949407 LIST OF FORMER AIDES TO MINISTERS Would you please provide the following:˙ 1) A list of former aides to federal conservative cabinet ministers who have received jobs in the Public Service under the Priority Administration System for the years 1984 to present. (please provide breakdown for each year).˙ 2) A list of all former aides to federal liberal cabinet ministers who have received jobs in the Public Service under the Priority Administration System for the years 1968 to present. (please provide breakdown for each year).˙ 3) The number of former aides to federal conservative cabinet ministers who have received jobs in the Public Service under the Priority Administration System for the years 1984 to present. (please provide breakdown for each year).˙ 4) The number of former aides to federal liberal cabinet ministers who have received jobs in the Public Service for the years 1968 to present as a result of the Priority Administration System. (please provide breakdown for each year).˙ 5) The number of aides to federal cabinet ministers currently on the PAS list˙ 6) The total number of aides to federal cabinet ministers who have been on the PAS list for the year 1993.˙ 1993.08.24 939408 GOVERNMENT AUDITS Federal government audits on:˙ 1) Hiring of Federal Government employees by the PSC˙ 2) All the weakness in the hiring system˙ 3) Discussion papers on recruitment˙ 1993.09.20 939412 EMPLOYMENT EQUITY DATA 1) All information provided by Statistics Canada and particularly by the Employment Equity Data Program on the representation of visible minorities in the Canadian population and in the canadian labour force as per 1991 census.˙ ˙ 2) All Employment Equity Reports provided by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for the years 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992. ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.09.23 1993.09.23 939413 AGENTS DE COMMERCE En vertu de la Loi sur l'acces a l'information, je vous demande les renseignements suivants, a savoir dans quel ministere ou organisme federaux, nous trouvons les Agents de commerce (CO) ainsi que le nombre d'employes de cette categorie pour chacun.˙ 1993.09.28 939414 LIST OF PERSONNEL IN MANAGEMENT PO As per our recent conversation, I would like to formally request, under the Access to Information Act, the list of all personnel designated as being in a managerial position within the Federal Government.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.07.07 930045 REPORT PREPARED BY INTERNAL AFFAI Report prepared by Internal Affairs Directorate for the Deputy Minister Re: Management Audit & Evaluation branch dated Spring/Summer 1993 1993.08.16 930074 CALLUPS NCR MAY, JUNE AND JULY 1993 Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) for period: May, June & July 1993 1993.08.17 930075 RENOVATION COSTS TO THE CONFERENC Copies of documents to show all current renovations costs to the Converence Centre, Ottawa, Ontario. 930078 OTTAWA PALLADIUM Copies of documents relevant to discussions and decisions on federal grants, loans, loan guarantees and any other federal involvement in the Ottawa Palladium Project. 930079 HOW MUCH MR. DICK HAS SPENT ON HI Copies of documents to show how much minister Paul Dick has spent on his own official photos and all documentation relating to same since 1984, including but not limited to any work done on the minister's behalf by photographer Joseph Karsh. 1993.08.18 930076 THE COST OF PUTTING A SOLID COPPE Please provide documents to show the cost of putting a solid copper roof on the Langevin Block. What other work is being done and at what cost? Please provide copies of correspondence related to the undertaking of this work. 1993.08.19 930077 REFITTING PROJECT OF THE LOUIS ST. LAURENT ICEBREAKER Copies of all correspondence from, or in which is mentioned, the names and/or the names of the firms involved: of former minister of Public Works Stewart McInnes (McInnes, Cooper and Robertson of Halifax, Nova Scotia) and Fred and/or Gerald Doucet (Governemtn Business Consulting Group of Ottawa) with respect to the refitting project of the Louis St. Laurent icebreaker. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.08.23 1993.08.23 930080 CALLUPS NCR JUNE 1993 Under the provisions outlined in the Access to Information Act, I am requesting copies of the completed call up Against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 1993.08.26 930081 SALE OF THE PICKERING AIRPORT LAN With reference to the sale of the Pickering Airport Lands, I am requesting the following information under Access to Information. 1. The policy describing the rationale or the sale and the transfer of responsibility to Transport Canada. 2. Any correspondence, minutes of meetings, memos to file or any other documentation in your possession between POublic Works Canada and Transport Canada with reference to the sale of these lands. 3. Any correspondence, minutes of meetings, memos to file or any other documentation in your possession between Public Works Canada and Environment Canada with reference to the sale of these lands. 4. The documentation that forms the basis for declaring the lands surplus. 5. The Sales plan and Purchase Agreement. 930082 INFORMATION REGARDING A GRIEVANCE I request all information regarding myself or all of the data outlined in the Grievance I have had formally received by "Registered mail", July 1993. In which I have been formally accused of causing "Harassment/Abuse of Authority" by my Manager Mr.*** and co-worker/supervisor Mr. ***, as outlined and registered with the Public Service Commission on s. 19(1) . I wish to request further information regarding other grievance identified and noted in same being three instances regarding (***/*** against *** et al.) concerning anything I may have or I have been said to of done against the above noted persons being Mr. ***/***. As I did give statements to Mr. *** regarding all of the above noted persons under oath and while being given assurance of antinomy in which I signed I do not have a copy of same to refer to or memory of what was said to rebut. The subsequent above grievance being caused due to several incidence which I have not knowledge of so and because not all data is provided in the grievance being line missing etc...I am formally requesting I receive all information through the ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT AND PRIVACY ACT regarding myself (as I am a Canadian Citizen) or of which I said to prepare myself for Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... PWC 1993.08.26 930082 the above noted investigation pending. 1993.08.30 930083 WEST COAST ABALONE HARVESTERS ASS This is a request for records under the Access to Information Act. I am a Canadian Citizen. I request access to all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents, from 1990 to the present, that relate to: All correspondence, memos, and all proceedings of meetings that contain reference to the West Coast Abalone Harvesters Association, including all of those that address the issue of the proposal by this assoiciation to acquire the Ethelda Bay site. I believe this will limit the amount of material sufficiently. I enclose a money order for $5.00 I wish to have the fee refunded. When the requested records have been found, I would be prepared to review the material in order to reduce photocopying costs. 930085 MARINE SLIDWAY-JORDAN BAY, N.S. Re: Professional Services provided by Public Works Canada to Small-Craft Harbours Directorate related to Property Acquisition, Enginering, Construction and Contracting of the Marine Slipway located on the East Side of Jordan Bay in the County of Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Request: Plan, Contract Award, Construction Payments, claims, property acquisition information, etc. 1993.09.03 930084 CONSTRUCTION DE LA JETEE DE MATAN 1-Lors des travaux de construction de la jetee de Matane ou lors des travaux de reparations ou elargissement provenance des mines Gaspe a Murdocville? 2-De quelles carrieres depierre provenaient les roches utilsees. 1993.09.07 930086 HARRASSMENT REPORT Several months ago, I testified as a witness in a Harassment Investigation carried out by Mr. Roger Young. The complainant was *** (name stated with permission). I understand that Mr. Young submitted his Investigation Report some time ago. I hereby request that I be provided a copy of any and all references to myself or my testimony contained in Mr. Young's Report. I am entitled to this material within 30 days under the Access to Information Act. I also want to know to whom any such information has been distributed. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.09.09 1993.09.09 930087 CALLUPS NCR AUGUST 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: August 1993. 930088 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION AUGUST 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: August 1993. 1993.09.10 930089 BID DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY STRAIT CROSSING INC. Bid documents submitted by Strait Crossing Inc. in respect of the Request for Proposal for the Northumberland Strait Crossing Project including all information on the legal and tax structure but not including an7y engineering documents, contractor identities or financial profiles of the investors. 1993.09.13 930090 SONGHEES INDIAN RESERVE NO. 1A - RAIL SPUR By O/C P.C. 3681, Oct 3, 1921, Public Works Canada acquired 1.13 acres of land from the Songhees Indian Reserve No. 1a, as part of a spur line right-of-way for rail access to the then new dry-dock at Esquimalt. The enclosed Plan from EM&R provides additional information. Land was also acquired from other parties. This spur is no longer in use. The Songhees Indian Band wishes to document the events leading to and following this transaction. This letter is to request access to all regional and headquarters files that might relate to this matter, including but not limited to all files related to the acquisition or expropriation of lands for the spur all the way to the dry-dock, and all files related to the survey of said lands, for the years 1911 to present. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.07.17 930194 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED JU Paragraph 2055 of the CCH Canadian publication Window on Canadian Tax paraphrases a letter from your Deputy Minister's Office of July 27, 1992 regarding Mutual Fund Marketing Partnerships. We would like a copy of this letter. 1993.07.22 930196 XXX INFORMATION ON VARIOUS APPLIC See Annex A Items 1 through 8 for the tax years 1970 to present for XXX. 1993.07.23 930202 QUARTERLY STATISTICAL REPORTS FRO Revenue Canada produces some statistical data in a document entitled "Appeals Branch - Quarterly Statistical Reports". I would be grateful if you would forward to me the Quarterly Statistical Reports for the last quarters. 1993.07.28 930195 XXX R&D CLAIMS FOR 1990 AND 1991 All file material relating to Scientific Research & Experimental Development (R & D) Claims for the Fiscal Periods ending March 31, 1990 and March 31, 1991 for XXX. 1993.08.09 930213 XXX T2S FOR 1988 TO 1990 TAX YEAR Rapport du v‚rificateur T-20 copie de tous les documents ayant permis d''‚tablir les avis de nouvelle cotisation concernant les ann‚es 1988 ... 1990 pour XXX. 1993.08.10 930198 XXX T2S FOR 1988 TO 1990 TAXATION YEARS All working papers, summaries, proposals, correspondence, internal memos and other information held by Revenue Canada in connection with the audit carried out on XXX for the years 1988, 1989 and 1990. 1993.08.11 930197 XXX T2S FOR THE 1987 TAXATION YEA 1. Rulings, memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records and reports relating to an assessment for income tax in respect to the 1987 taxation year regarding the following taxpayer: XXX 2. In particular, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, (i) internal auditor reports T-20, T-2020 and T-401 relating to an assessement for income tax in respect of the 1987 taxation year regarding the aforementioned taxpayer, and (ii) rulings, memoranda, formal and informal Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.08.11 930197 decisions, opinions, records and reports relating to the decision by Revenue Canada ("R.C.") XXX not to cancel or waive interest or penalties in connection with the assessment of penalties and interest against the aforementioned taxpayer for its 1987 taxation year. 3. Agreements, rulings, memoranda, formal and informal decisions, opinions, records, reports and administrative policy concerning the application by R.C. of subsection 220(3.1) of the Income Tax Act ("I.T.A.") and its determination whether or not to waive interest or penalties otherwise payable under the I.T.A. 1993.08.12 930199 TYPES AND NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS RE Je voudrais obtenir des informations sur le nombre et le type de plaintes port‚es ... l'attention du bureau du MinistŠre ou/et la division des organismes de charit‚, concernant particuliŠrement la p‚riode 1988 - 1993. 930201 ALL ORGANIZATION CHARTS FOR CHARI Je voudrais obtenir une copie des chartres de l'organisation de la division des organismes de charit‚ concernant la p‚riode 1988 - 1993. 930218 COPY OF TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER 5-912848 Receive a copy of the following: Technical Interpretation Letter 5-912848 Information Circular 70-6R2 Income Tax Act Section 56(1)(b) Income Tax Act Section 60(b) Bulletin IT-449R 1993.08.13 930204 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS AND MEMORANDUMS Technical Interpretation dated July 24, 1992 issued by the Financial Industries Division. Technical Interpretation dated October 23, 1992 issued by the Business and General Division. Technical Interpretation dated October 1, 1992 issued by the Business and General Division. Memorandum dated October 21, 1992 issued by the Financial Industries Division. These letters have been previously disclosed. 930205 COPIES OF 3 MEMORANDUMS AND TECHN Internal Memorandum (921006) - May 12, 1992 - Business and General Division. Technical Interpretation - August 3, 1989 - Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCT 1993.08.13 930205 Internal Memorandum (7-920444) - June 29, 1992 - Director of the Reorganization and Non-Resident Division. 1993.08.16 930206 ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO PREVIOU The records I am seeking pertain to your request files XXX made by XXX. I now ask that you provide me with a copy of all records relating to this request, the Information Commissioner's investigation under his file XXX and the Federal Court Review file number XXX. The records should also include documents relating to the agreed settlement on the mutually satisfactory principles to guide future use of the solicitor-client exemption. 930207 XXX ALL NOTES, RECORDS, MINUTES All notes, records and minutes or evidence of XXX with respect to the tax collection of XXX 930208 XXX INTERPRETATION PURSUANT TO 89(1)(B) Information relevant to the opinion of the interpretation of and calculations pursuant to paragraph 89(1)(b) of the Income Tax Act in respect of XXX 930209 XXX T2S FOR 1987 AND 1988 TAXATIO All information is required with respect to the 1987 and 1988 taxation years of XXX including, but not limited to, the Appeals files, the Auditor's Reports T20, the Appeals' Officer's reports T401, Reports T2020 and auditor's working papers, technical interpretation, notes, letters and/or memoranda with the Department of Justice and any correspondence relating thereto. 1993.08.17 930203 INFORMATION ON COST OF COMPUTER S Copies of documents to show the cost of the decision to standardize all computer equipment and software throughout the Department, including the cost of converting from WordPerfect to Microsoft and/or vice versa. 1993.08.18 930200 LIST OF ALL COURSES TAKEN BY EMPL Je voudrais obtenir toutes les informations concernant les cours de formation pris par les employ‚(e)s de la division des organismes de charit‚ pour la p‚riode 1989 - 1993. 1993.08.20 930210 XXX T2S FROM 1988 TO 1991 All information added to the files as a result of the reassessment of XXX's 1988 through 1991 taxation years. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.08.20 930211 COPY OF MEMORANDUM 7-911464 Department of National Revenue Memorandum 7-911464. (in full) 930225 XXX T2S FOR 1989-1991 TAXATION YE All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with XXX's taxation years ending in 1989, 1990 and 1991 and in particular all T20 auditor's reports, T2020 memo for file, interviews, working papers and memorandum and notes to file and all notes, memorandum and working papers prepared by the International Audit division of Revenue Canada. 930226 XXX T2S FOR 1989-1991 TAXATION YE All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with XXX's taxation years ending in 1989, 1990 and 1991 and in particular all T20 auditors reports, T2020 memo for file, interviews, working papers and memorandum and notes to file and all notes, memorandum and working papers prepared by the International Audit division of Revenue Canada. 930227 XXX T2S FOR 1989-1991 TAXATION YE All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with XXX's taxation years ending 1989, 1990 and 1991 and in particular all T20 auditors reports, T2020 memo for file, interviews, working papers and memorandum and notes to file and all notes, memorandum and working papers prepared by the International Audit division of Revenue Canada. 930228 XXX T2S FOR 1989-1991 TAXATION YE All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with XXX's taxation years ending in 1989, 1990 and 1991 and in particular all T20 auditors reports, T2020 memo for file, interviews, working papers and memorandum and notes to file and all notes, memorandum and working papers prepared by the International Audit division of Revenue Canada. 1993.08.23 930212 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS RE PARA Nous demandons au MinistŠre de nous fournir tout document par lequel il ‚tablit sa politique ‚nonc‚e aux paragraphe 8, 9 et 10 du bulletin d'interpr‚tation IT-317R concernant les frais de connexions des abonn‚s (int‚rieur et ext‚rieur). Cette demande inclut, sans ˆtre limit‚, les d‚cisions anticip‚es, demandes d'interpr‚tation techniques, d‚cisions des tribunaux et politiques administratives. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.08.24 1993.08.24 930215 XXX 1989-90 TAX YEARS All information is required with respect to XXX 1989 and 1990 taxation years, including, but not limited to: Auditors' Report T20; Reports T2020; Auditors' working papers; and Technical interpretations, notes, letters and/or memoranda relating thereto. 930216 XXX AUDIT REPORT DURING THE SPRIN Any and all information related to or associated with an income tax audit XXX without limiting the generality of the foregoing, all auditor's reports and working papers and associated materials relevant to any issue in the audit relative to XXX. 930229 XXX T2S FOR 1989 TO 1991 TAXATION YEARS All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with XXX's taxation years ending in 1989, 1990 and 1991 and in particular all T20 auditors reports, T2020 memo for file, interviews, working papers and memorandum and notes to file and all notes, memorandum and working papers prepared by the International Audit division of Revenue Canada. 930230 XXX T2S FOR 1989 TO 1991 TAXATION YEARS All financial information required in the administration and enforcement of the Income Tax Act in connection with XXX's taxation years ending 1989, 1990 and 1991 and in particular all T20 Auditors reports, T2020 memo for file, interviews, working papers and memorandum and notes to file and all notes , memorandum and working papers prepared by the International Audit division of Revenue Canada. 1993.08.25 930214 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVI Call-ups for all temporary help and Professional and Technical Help for July and August 1993 in the National Capital Region. 930217 VARIOUS FILES FOR APRIL-JULY 1986, JUNE-JULY 1992 & APRIL 1993 April-July 1986 file re: Specific Source Deduction Ruling, North York Revenue Canada area XXX in 1986. June - July 1992 Blanket Ruling by Revenue Canada Staff, Kitchener Office XXX Copy of file from London Revenue Canada Office/Appeals denial file summary XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.08.30 1993.08.30 930219 XXX 1989-1993 ALL INFO ON FILE All materials relating to any determination, assessment, reassessment or appeal of whether any person was engaged in insurable or pensionable employment with XXX during 1989 to 1993, including but not restricted to any notes, reports, memoranda, correspondence, working papers, rulings and any other documents of any officer of Revenue Canada or any other government department including Employment and Immigration Canada. 930220 DIRECTIVE CA-93-20 DATED APRIL 23, 1993 La directive interne num‚ro CA-93-23 en date du 25 avril 1993. Cette directive concerne l'applicabilit‚ de l'article 3(a) de la Loi sur l'assurance-ch"mage. 930221 1993 CORP. MANAGEMENT TAX CONFERE Pourriez-vous nous exp‚dier copie de toutes les questions et r‚ponses qui ont ‚t‚s discut‚s lors de la conf‚rence "1993 Corporate Management Tax Conference ~ Canadian Tax Foundation, Revenue Canada Round Table". Nous vous demandons ‚galement par la pr‚sente tous les documents de recherche et de travail relatifs ... ces questions et r‚ponses. Pourriez-vous nous fournir les noms et titres des participants de Revenu Canada, Imp"t ... cette conf‚rence. 930222 ROUND TABLE Q'S & A'S WITH THE MA Pourriez-vous nous exp‚dier copie de toutes les questions et r‚ponses qui ont ‚t‚s discut‚es lors de la conf‚rence "1993 Manitoba Bar Association and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants - Revenue Canada Round Table". A noter que que le dossier "chrono" de mars 1993 comprend les questions portant les num‚ros 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 et 13. Nous vous demandons ‚galement par la pr‚sente tous les documents de recherche et de travail relatifs ... ces questions et r‚ponses. Nous d‚sirons connaŒtre ‚galement le noms des participants de Revenu Canada, Imp"t, leur titre, la date et le lieu de la conf‚rence. 930223 33 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS AS L 33 Various Technical Interpretations as listed. 930224 XXX 1989-1991 INFO ON CLAIM FOR ITC XXX claim for investment tax credits from qualified expenditures for scientific research and experimental development (R&D) for taxation years 1989, 1990 and 1991. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.09.02 1993.09.02 930231 COPY OF TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION Copy of Technical Interpretation, Manufacturing Industries, Partnerships and Trusts, dated September 2, 1992, wherein Revenue Canada considered the consequences of the distribution of taxable Canadian property to a non-resident beneficiary on the winding up of a non-resident trust. This interpretation is cited at Para. 2185 of CCH's publication entitled "The Tax Window". 930232 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS LISTED Report # 24, June, 1993 - The Tax Window (CCH) TI-Technical Interpretation M-Memorandum TI-Reorganizations and Foreign Division - September 23, 1992 - Conversion of Preferred Shares to Common-Paid-Up Capital Problems; M-Rulings Directorate, Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Branch - August 31, 1992 - Butterfly Transaction - Avoiding Capital Gain by Using a Tax Convention; TI-Reorganizations and Foreign Division - September 17, 1992 - Elections Under Section 85 and Section 22 are Mutually Exclusive; TI-Business and General Division - September 24, 1992 - Employee Benefits - Special Merchandise Acquired for Advertising Purposes; TI-Reorganizations and Foreign Division - August 31, 1992 - Indemnity Payments Received for Non-Tax Expenses and Outlays; TI-Reorganizations and Foreign Division - September 16, 1992 - Interest in NROs - Meaning of Beneficially Owned; TI-Manufacturing Industries, Partnerships and Trusts - September 2, 1992 - Winding up of Non-Resident Trust Distribution of Taxable Canadian Property; TI-Reorganization and Foreign Division - September 11, 1992 - CCPC Can Be Controlled by Deemed Resident; TI-Business and General Division - September 8, 1992 - Corporation's Shares Owned by a Municipality; TI-Reorganization and Foreign Division - September 16, 1992 - Butterfly Transactions - Shares Owned by Estate; M-Financial Industries Division - September 10, 1992 - Large Corporation Tax ~ Customer Contributions; TI-Financial Industries Division - September 14, 1992 - Self-Administered RRIFs - Declining Value of Property; M-Business and General Division - September 28, 1992 - Child Care Expenses - Couple Attending School; TI-Business and General Division - September 2, 1992 - Education Tax Credit for Correspondence Students; M-Business and General Division - September 22, 1992 - Transfer of Disability Tax Credit to Support Person; TI-Financial Industries Division - September 21, 1992 - Pension Contributions for U.S. Resident Employed by Canadian Corporation; and TI-Financial Industries Division - September 28, 1992 - Pension Payments Split on Separation or Divorce. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.09.02 930234 ALL TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS 6(1)(E), 6(2), 6(2.1), 6(1)(A)(III) We would be pleased if the department could provide current documents including internal memoranda, internal directives, technical interpretations issued to tax advisors and general policy statements and the department's interpretations of decided cases on subsections 6(1(e), 6(2), 6(2.1) and 6(1)(a)(iii) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.09.03 930233 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS AND MEMORANDUMS 29 Various Technical Interpretations and memorandums 1993.09.07 930235 COPY OF DIRECTIVE NUMBER CA-93-36 Obtain copy of Directive Number CA-93-36 entitled Remote Work Locations and Special Work Sites Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.09.10 930480 JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION Records/files pertaining to John F. Kennedy assassination; Records pertaining to three individuals; Records/files indicating an FBI request for information relating to the above, dated after the assassination.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.08.18 930043 JOHN AND ROBERT KENNEDY Information on XXX concerning the murders of John and Robert Kennedy involving La Cosa Nostra. 1993.08.30 930041 MOUVEMENT NATIONAL QU‚B‚COIS. R‚union organis‚e par le Mouvement national des qu‚b‚cois (ses) tenue le 1er f‚vrier 1991 ... Montr‚al. 1993.08.31 930042 INFO. ON XXX Records on XXX after December 1990 indicating when, were and by whom interviewed, security checks re immigration application, notes and reports of all interviews, communications with foreign agencies as well as Canadian agencies including intragency meeting notes, briefing notes on anticipated oral questions regarding XXX. Copies of any other applications data released on this subject. 1993.09.08 930044 FOREIGN MOU'S Copies of all agreements Canada has with other countries in the interest of national security. 1993.09.13 930045 SECURITY SERVICE 1920-1940. Activities of the RCMP Security Service in Manitoba, Alberta and Sask. between 1920-1940, also number of agents, location, rates of pay, general conduct order and training. 1993.09.16 930046 INFO. ON DE GAULLE. 1) Information on Charles De Gaulle. 930047 FAIR PLAY FOR CUBA CTTEE. Information on Fair Play for Cuba Committee. 1993.09.21 930048 INFO. ON XXX Information on XXX. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.09.02 930066 EN VERTU DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCŠS ... sous peu les renseignements suivants : ~ la liste des sp‚cialit‚s, et ~ la capacit‚ de production de : Les Traductions Tessier, S.C.C. 1993.09.10 930067 THE TOTAL WORD, VOLUME AND AVERAG translations done under the auspices of the Montreal English Section for fiscal 1992-1993, 1987-1988, and 1982-1983, as well as the number of French-into-English contract translators with open or other conracts for work from French into English during each of these three periods for this section. 930068 THE NAMES OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS, round of bidding within the Secretary of State for the Montreal English Section, and their individual prices. The names of unsuccessful bidders, or proposal makers, in this round of bidding and their individual prices. The names of individuals designated in the pas twelve months by the Montreal English Section (officially or unofficially) as "sub-contractors." If no persons have been designated as "sub-contractors" the names of all persons asked by any staff of the Montreal English Section to do translation work from French into English other than designated contractors eithin the past twelve months, or closest similar period, and billed under the names of contract translators holding contracts with the Secretary of State to do work for the Montreal English Section. The names of any such "sub-contractor" or non-designated cotnractors doing translation work within the past twelve months, or closest similar period, solicited to bid or to submit proposals in the current round of bidding (spring-summer 1993) for work from the Montreal English Section. 930069 THE NAMES OF ANY "SUB-CONTRACTORS" NOT ASKED TO SUBMIT BIDS OR PROPOSALS IN this latest round who are still considered "sub-contractors" by the Montreal English Section or to whom the Montreal English Section has directly asked to do work, within the past three months, or closest similar Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.09.10 930069 period. Total fees paid in fiscal 1992-1993 to French-into-English contract translators on contract with the Secretary of State for the Montreal English Section as compensation for putting the work of non-designated contractors ("sub-contractors") through their invoicing systems. Also, total fees invoiced in this way per each contract translator, for the same period, as well as per-word fees effectively charged each "sub-contractor" for such invoicing by contractor. 930070 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS under the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for Temporary Help Services during the period : August 1993. 930071 J'AIMERAIS RECEVOIR LA LISTE DES le contrat no LSO-3-00758 ... la Division des march‚s de services linguistiques. 1993.09.14 930072 DOSSIER LSO-3-00672 (Revenu Canada, Accise) Auriez-vous l'obligeance de me communiquer les renseignements suivants: 1. La liste des noms et adresses des entrepreneurs invit‚s ... pr‚senter une proposition ... l'occasion de la demande de proposition LSO-3-00672; 2. La liste des entrepreneurs qui ont effectivement pr‚sent‚ une proposition; 3. Le montant de la proposition de chaque entrepreneur. 1993.09.15 930073 JE DEMANDE UNE LISTE DES CONTRATS DE SERVICES LINGUISTIQUES ADJUG‚S PAR LE Secr‚tariat d'Etat entre le 01/12/92 et le 14/06/93, class‚s selon les cat‚gories suivantes: Contrats de moins de 100 000 $ Contrats de 100 000 $ ... 200 000 $ Contrats de 200 000 $ ... 400 000 $ Contrats de 400 000 $ et plus Pour chaque contrat, je demande : a) Le montant global b) Le tarif c) Le volume de mots Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.09.15 930073 d) Le num‚ro du contrat e) Le client f) L'entrepreneur g) La ou les sp‚cialit‚s h) La ou les dates du contrat 930074 JE VOUDRAIS AVOIR LA LISTE DES CO avec les indications suivantes : a) Code et nom de l'entrepreneur b) Date du d‚but et de la fin du contrat c) Code et nom du service pour qui le contrat est effectu‚ d) Num‚ro du contrat e) Nombre de mots du contrats f) Pourcentage des mots d‚j... effectu‚s g) Statut : actif ou inactif h) Domaine code de sp‚cialit‚ 1993.09.17 930075 SPECIFICATIONS OF NUMBERS OF WORD open contracts awarded to French-into-English contract translators by the Secretary of State and other departments and agencies drawing from the Secretary of State contractors' inventory for fiscal 1992-1993. 1993.09.22 930076 ANY AND ALL RECORDS SETTING OUT P and criteria used in reaching settlement with defaulting Canada Student Loan borrowers to accept less than the amount due. 1993.09.23 930078 DEMANDE 232-ATI-93/94-058 Je vous prie de bien vouloir me faire connaŒtre le nom de la (ou des) vous prie de bien vouloir me faire connaŒtre le nom de la (ou des) personne(s) ou de l'entreprise qui a demand‚ des renseignements d‚taill‚s concernant le contrat que m'a octroy‚ Emploi et Immigration, en mai dernier, ainsi que les raisons motivant cette requˆte. 1993.09.24 930077 OFFICIAL LANGUES - ALL DEPARTMENT 1. If they have an existing contract for language training services outside of the Master Standing Offer 2. With what company (ies) 3. When does (do) the contract(s) expired. 4. What is the total $ value of the contract(s) 5. Amount of dollars spent in fiscal years 90, 91 and 92 6. Amount of dollars budgeted for fiscal years 93 and 94 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.09.27 1993.09.27 930079 I AM REQUESTING, UNDER THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, ACCESS TO ALL contracts issued by the Federal Government for English-Spanish, Spanish-English translation works for the period from April 1, 1993 to Septembre 17, 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.08.31 931120 CENSUS INFORMATION 1961-1976 Je voudrais obtenir la liste des secteurs de denombrements (numeros), par subdivision de recensement et leur population concernant le recensement de 1961 pour les divisions de recensement suivantes: Abitibi, Bonaventure, Champlain, Chicoutimi, Gatineau, Labelle, Lac St-Jean ouest, Matane, Matapedia, Montcalm, Montmorency no 1, Pontiac, Rimouski, Saguenay, Temiscamingue. Je voudrais aussi la meme chose pour la ville de Quebec par secteur de recensement.˙ 1993.09.07 931121 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR AUGUST 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period August 1993.˙ 1993.09.16 931122 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR JUNE 1993 Under the Access to Information Act, I would like to request copies of callups (Government 8251's) covering Temporary Help Services usage at Statistics Canada for the month of June 1993 in the National Capital Region.˙ 1993.09.24 931124 TOBACCO COMPANIES All correspondence, from 1989 to the present, between Statistics Canada and representatives of tobacco companies regarding the reporting of domestic and export shipments of Canadian tobacco products.˙ 1993.09.28 931125 CONTRACTS WITH FIRMS-FROM 01/01/91 Copies of all contracts for services with firms. It should include data entry services, office support and professional and technical services and enquiry referral services. It should NOT INCLUDE Consulting services during the period January 1, 1991 to date˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TBS 0057 VISIBLE MINORITIES STATISTICS Information on the representation of visible minorities in Canada and employment equity reports from CIDA from 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.09.17 930012 ALL INFORMATION - A93P0137 We have been retained by the family of ****** ******** who died s. 19(1) 1993 near Klemtu, British Columbia.˙ ˙ Enclosed palese find a consent signed by *** ***** as personal representative of her s. 19(1) authorizing us to obtain any and all information regarding the circumstances surrounding his death.˙ ˙ We would appreciate receiving copies of any and all information presently in your files along with notification of any proceedings pending or contemplated in this matter.˙ ˙ We also make our request pursuant to the Access to Information At. The Act permits an informal request for information directly to the Government Agency in possession of the information. We enclose with this informal request our cheque in the amount of $5.00. We understand this is the fee which must accompany our informal request. Since our entitlement to receive information as agent for **** ***** may overlap with any entitlement pursuant to the Act, we would ask that our request be considered simultaneously and that only one set of copies of any documents be released to this office.˙ ˙ As you may be aware **** ***** was a witness to the crash. Should you wish to interview s. 19(1) , obtain a statement from s. 19(1) or have any dealings with s. 19(1) we would ask that you be kind enough to direct your inquiries through this office.˙ 1993.09.24 930013 ATC - TAPE (825-A91C0223) ATC TAPE - REGARDING MY HUSBAND'S PLANE CRASH OCTOBER 22, 1991. THE TAPE CONTAINS HIS LAST WORDS SPOKEN TO FLIGHT SERVICES AT PRINCE ALBERT AIRPORT BEFORE HIS PLANE CRASHED. ****** *****˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.05.31 930091 INFO ON REVENUE PAID TO LETHBRIDGE VON BY VAC 1)Total revenue paid to the Victorian Order of Nurses Lethbridge for the period April 1, 1992 to March 31, 1993. 2)Amounts due to the Victorian Order of Nurses as at March 31, 1993 for claims submitted to this date but not paid. 1993.06.04 930063 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 1993.06.21 930066 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 930067 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 930075 INFORMATION ON DECEASED VETERAN Information on deceased veteran 1993.06.28 930072 NON-PROFIT CULTURAL OR EDUCATIONA The legislative Research Service of Toronto is currently collecting information in order to determine which Federal and Provincial Ministries fund non-profit cultural or educational organizations. "Does your organization fund non-profit cultural or educational organizations (such as theme parks, recreational centres or ethnic specific organizations) that service the disabled, children or the elderly. 1993.07.05 930074 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years - benefits he received 930076 VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Veteran deceased 20 years 1993.08.03 930088 FAMILY REQUEST COPY OF PENSION RE Family of WWII Vet is asking for copies of all military service and copies of pension files. Military files have been sent to requestor and letter has been transferred to ATIP from Archives re. Pension files. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.08.03 930089 GRANDSON OF WWI VET WOULD LIKE CO Grandson would like copy of WWI Veteran's military records. 1993.08.04 930090 INFO ON DECEASED VETERANS Information on deceased veterans- D.O.B., D.O.D., names, ranks and service numbers in order to put together family tree. 1993.08.17 930092 INFORMATION ON WW11 SERVICE RECORDS Family member would like copy of WWII Veteran's service records. 1993.08.23 930093 INFORMATION ON VETERAN OF WWI AND WWII Researcher would like information on WWI and WWII Veteran. Military service and personal information. 930094 INFORMATION ON DECEASED WWI VETER Family member is researching family tree. Would like information on WWI veteran. 930095 INFORMATION ON DECEASED WW11 VETERAN Family member would like copy of Veterans Affairs files Re: WWII Veteran 1993.08.26 930096 INFO ON DALTON SANATORIUM Any information available on the Dalton Sanatorium that was built in Emyvale, P.E.I. in 1915-16 and was turned over to the Federal Government between 1917-1920. Hospital was run by Military Hosp. Commission and then by the Department of Soldiers Civil Re-Establishment. 1993.08.27 930097 INFO ON MEDALS AND RECORDS OF WW11 Family member would like copy of service records and war medals. 930098 COPY OF POST-DISCHARGE AND MEDICA Copy of post-discharge and copy of medical files for WWI Veteran 1993.09.02 930099 INFO ON DECEASED VETERANS FILE Barristers would like information on deceased veterans file to settle an estate. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ VAC 1993.09.03 1993.09.03 930100 VETERAN DECEASED MORE THAN 20 YEA Daughter of WWII Veteran would like copy of all files regarding her father. 1993.09.08 930101 INFO FROM DECEASED WW1 VETERANS FILE Request for WWI Veteran's personal file 1993.09.10 930102 COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RE. FRAUD Would like copies of all documents pertaining to fraud charges against herself by Blue Cross of Canada ??? 930103 WWII VETERAN DECEASED 20 YEARS Daughter of Veteran would like to have copy of all Veteran Affairs Canada files re. deceased WWII Veteran. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.10.18 From:1993.09.01 To:1993.09.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.09.17 930030 BEATRICE FOODS INC. A copy of the most recent business plan, relevant financial statements, and any agreement made with Beatrice Foods Inc. with respect to the Western Economic Partnership Agreement.˙ 1993.09.22 930031 BENNETT REMEDIATION SERVICES Request for documents pertaining to the Bennett Remediation Services (BRS)˙ incinerator project. The requester would like to receive copies of the following documents:˙ ˙ (1) All documents or studies, or reviews of the technical outlay of the incinerator, the features of its operations and its impact on the environment. This includes, but is not restricted to, studies or reviews conducted during the evaluation of the project proposal in WD, and in conjunction with previous siting attempts in Fort St. John, B.C., Abbottsford, B.C., and Golden, B.C. This also includes technical and environmental impact assessments from other government departments such as, Environment Canada, ISTC, and the B.C. Ministry of the Environment. It also includes any studies submitted by Bennett Remediation Services to WD regarding the question why Taylor, B.C., is a good location for the incinerator.˙ ˙ (2) Any communications of WD or BRS with local authorities in Taylor, and of communications between BRS and WD regarding locating the incinerator in˙ Taylor.˙ ˙ (3) Documents that indicate whether BRS has entered into partnerships or similar arrangements with other businesses in or around Taylor. This request does cover letters between other parties of which WD has received copies. It also includes all documents which led to the adjustments in WD's "letter of offer" to BRS in the context of siting the facility in Taylor.˙ (4) Documents which detail what kind of liability and accident insurance coverage WD requires for the funding of an incinerator, and proof what insurance coverage BRS has.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ BDB 1993.06.11 930001 PRICE WATERHOUSE REPORT ˙ The information requested is a certain report made by Price Waterhouse this spring regarding an assessment of the FBDB's dealings with Inn on Salt Spring Island Ltd. and (name of requester).˙ 1993.10.27 930002 REPORT BY INNERSPACE QUALITY CONS. We require a copy of a report dated March 8 or 9, 1990 prepared by Innerspace Quality Consultants with respect to the building at˙ 22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.09.09 930056 COMPLAINT POWERRICH CORP Information concerning name of the complainant who made a complaint against PowerRich Corporation in June of 1993 to the Bureau of Comptetion Policy, Winnipeg office located at 345-260 St. Mary Avenue. We would also request copy of any written complaint made by the complainant and copies of any written notes made by the staff at the Bureau of Competition Policy who may have spoken to a representative of the complainant. We have reason to believe that a complaint was made in June of 1993, not by a "person" but by Agriculture Canada. 1993.09.23 930061 PRICE CLUB REPORT LEGAL OPINION s. 19(1) with respect to the establishment of a Price Club outlet in Nepean, Ont. It has come to my attention that Mr. Gilles Menard, Deputy Director of Investigation and Research at the Competition Bureau, conducted an inquiry in 1993 concerning restrictive trade practices in respect of Price Club openings. IPCF Properties Inc., and Loblaws Ltd. have acted to prevent and unduly restrain Price Club from opening new stores. In pursuit of the enforcement of the Competition Act, under the remedial provisions provided in section 36, I enclose a request for the release of various documents obtained during the Competition Policy Bureau's aforementioned investigation. p.2 request form p.3 For each of the Following Companies: 1) George Weston Limited; 2) IPCF Properties Inc.; 3) Loblaws Ltd. The Following Documents; 1) Any report to any directors or companies on the impact of warehouse clu (warehouse - style discount stores) on retail grocery sales. 2) Any strategy and/or plan of action for responding to the impact to warehouse clubs (warehouse - style discount stores) on retail grocery sales. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CCA 1993.09.23 930061 3) Any legal opinion as to options available for dealing with the competit emanating from warehouse clubs (warehouse - style discount clubs). 4) Any resolutions of any companies or any corporations operating in the s field, to cooperate with a view to stopping or preventing Price Club and/or Costco from operating new stores. 5) Any resolution or policy whereby any grocery and/or food retailers or distributors, agree to cooperate with a view to keeping Price Club and /or Costco out of the Market. 1993.09.30 930062 CALLUPS We require call-ups for temporary help for the annual period preceding September 1993. 930063 CALLUPS Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of July, August and September of 1993 for the Toronto Region. 1993.10.05 930064 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends under bankruptcy for 1991-92 1993.10.06 930065 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends for bankruptcy for 1992-93 1993.10.12 930066 AGREEMENT LAKEPORT BREWING CORP. Re: Lakeport Brewing Corporation ("Lakeport") v. Brewers Retail Inc. ("BRI") Proceedings - Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) Court File No. 93CQ-42703 s. 19(1) and as such require a complete package of backgournd information, documents, correspondence, memos, reports, studies, minutes of meetings, internal and external communications, statistical data, financial statements, auditors' reports, publications, briefing papers, and all other data, documents and things in connection with the agreement in principle entered in to between Canada and the United States dates April 25, 1992, (the "AIP"), the Memorandum of Understanding entered i;nto between Canada and the United States dated August 5, 1993 (the "MOU") and the history of the beer dispute between Canada and the United States as outlined in the news release issued by the Honourable Tom Hockin, Minister for International Trade, on August 5, 1993 (the "News Release"). This request is made pursuant to the Acess to Information Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. A-1. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... CCA 1993.10.12 930066 Our objective is to ascertain how, when, where, why and by whom the radical change in BRI service charges or user fees came about and to inspect the documentation, background information and advice received ;in connection therewith. Historically the user fees were structured on the basis of the ultimate destination of the product - home consumption, licenced premises, etc. whereas the new fee structure set forth in the MOU is based on the type of container - packaged beer (bottles or cans) and draught beer (cylinders or kegs). Since this change will have a significant adverse financial impact on Lakeport it is essential for us to know dispute processes which resulted in this fundamental change. We already have in our possession copies of the AIP, the MOU and the News Release but we do not have anything else. As you are no doubt aware BRI is owned and controlled by Molson Breweries and Labatt's Ontario Breweries which together supply 92% of the Ontario beer market so we are also keenly interested in any material in connection with competition in the beer industry, the activities of the two major brewers and the lobbyists who represent them. Furthermore we need to know the identity of the individuals involved in the negotiation of the AIP and the MOU as well as the individuals involved in the decision making process which resulted in the change in the BRI user fee structure and the amount of those under fees. We realize that a considerable volume of material may be involved and for that reason we would suggest that you first provide us with a list outlining the general description of each item so that we can indicate to you which items we require. If you prefer we will arrange to attend at your offices to inspect the material assembled and identify the items we need to obtain copies of for our file. If you have questions or require any clarification or explanation please speak with our ..... 1993.10.15 930071 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS examine bankruptcy files, 1992-93, in access unit 1993.10.18 930067 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS unclaimed dividends list 92-93 of $500-1,000 930068 CALLUPS callups requests 93-A-062 which is split in 3 requests (Sept.'92 to Sept.'93) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.10.18 930069 CALLUPS callups regarding 93-A-062 which is split in 3 (Sept.'92 to Sept.'93) 930070 BANKRUPTCY LICENCE TRUSTEE 1- Toute correspondance, entre le cabinet du ministre de la Consommation et des Corporations du Canada et la firme Ginsberg Gingras, ou un de ses syndics, concernant le renouvellement de la licence de syndic de XXX pour l'ann‚e 1993. (La correspondance aurait eu lieu en 1992) 2- Toute correspondance, entre 1990 et 1993 inclusivement, au sujet de plaintes ou d'enquˆtes portant sur le cabinet de syndics Ginsberg Gingras, ou sur ses syndics, entre le cabinet du ministre de la Consommation et des Corporations et: ~ la firme Ginsberg Gingras ~ le Surintendant des faillites 3- Toute correspondance, pendant la mˆme p‚riode et sur le mˆme sujet, entre le Surintendant des faillites et la firme Ginsberg Gingras. 4- Le nombre de plaintes d‚pos‚es contre la firme Ginsberg Gingras ou ses syndics, entre 1990 et 1993 inclusivement, auprŠs du Surintendant des faillites. 5- Le nombre de plaintes port‚es pendant la mˆme p‚riode contre le syndic XXX auprŠs du Surintendant. 6- Je veux enfin savoir de quelle facon ces plaintes ont ‚t‚ trait‚es et obtenir une copie du rapport d'enquˆte, le cas ‚ch‚ant. 1993.10.22 930072 PMPRB PATENTED MEDECINE PRICES RE Any legal opinions drafted by Justice Dept. or other governmental lawyers for the former department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs on the constitutionality and possible effectiveness of the Patented Medecine Prices Review Board as amended by law C-91. Also any general legal opinions by gov't lawyers on the law itself. 930073 PHARMACEUTICALS PATENT ACT Any policy papers, memoranda, recommendations, discussion paper etc. concerning law C-91 that were written in whole or in part by XXX before, during and after the passage of said law through Parliament. 1993.10.27 930074 CALLUPS Call ups against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help for the month of September 1993, National Capital Region Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.08.10 931507 COURT ADJUDICATIONS Information on RCMP files regarding persons acquitted, conditionally or˙ unconditionally and those who obtained a pardon./All disclosed.˙ 1993.09.15 931730 INFO ON DE GAULLE & CUBA CMTEE Request for information pertaining to Charles de Gaulle and the Fair Play˙ for Cuba Committee./No record located.˙ 1993.09.24 931818 ILLEGAL CASINO WORKERS Request for information regarding illegal workers at the Eagle Casino./˙ All disclosed.˙ 1993.09.27 931792 RELEASE OF RECORDS Request for personal information pertaining to an offender`s file./All˙ disclosed.˙ 1993.09.28 931791 FARMERS AFFECTED BY BANKUPTCY Request for documents and information pertaining to settlement given to farmers affected by a bankuptcy./Disclosed in part.˙ 931807 ARMOURED VEST, LOAD CARRYING Assistance to SSC regarding contract pertaining to equipment used by˙ RCMP personnel./Disclosed in part.˙ 1993.09.29 931820 DISCLOSURE OF DOCUMENTS Request for release of documents gathered by the RCMP that will assist Counsel for the accused with their investigation./Unable to process./˙ Re-opened 93-10-18./Abandoned. ˙ 1993.09.30 931814 TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTS Request for information of all temporary help requests, namely "Call up˙ against a Standing Offer for temporary help services" for the month˙ of August 1993./Disclosed in part.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.10.01 1993.10.01 931850 AUDIT REPORTS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Request for most recent audit reports for RCMP subdivisions located in British Columbia.˙ 1993.10.05 931855 RELEASE OF RECORDS Request for information pertaining to the release of records of subjects who are incarcerated in Brazil./unable to process.˙ 931859 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER UNIT Request for information concerning the CSIS Technology Transfer Unit./All˙ Disclosed.˙ 1993.10.06 931869 ROADSIDE SCREENING DEVICE Request for all information pertaining to the Alert J3A roadside screening˙ device since 1990./All Disclosed.˙ 1993.10.07 931878 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Request for information on all callups by the RCMP for temporary help˙ services in the Quebec Region for the month of September./No record located.˙ 1993.10.08 931886 FILMS AND VIDEOS Request for information regarding a list of contracts awarded for Films˙ and Videos during fiscal year 1992/93 and 1993/94./All disclosed.˙ 1993.10.18 931942 IMMIGRATION FILE INFORMATION Request for information pertaining to Immigration files of an individual./˙ All disclosed.˙ 1993.10.19 931953 MODIFICATIONS TO IC VOLUME Request for information regarding changes and modifications to the˙ IC volume./All disclosed.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1992.03.02 922090 ALL DOCS RE PROMIS, INSLAW INC ETC ALL DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, MEMOS, CORRESPONDENCE RELATING TO PROMIS, INSLAW INC OF WASHINGTON DC, AND PIRS, FOR YEARS 1982-85, AND 1990-92.˙ 922091 ALL RECORDS RELATING TO ... ALL RECORDS RELATING TO ...˙ 922092 IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF ... IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF ...˙ 922093 IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF ... IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF ...˙ 1992.03.03 922094 IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF ... IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF ...˙ 922095 TRANSFER RESPONSIBILITIES TO CEIC ALL RECORDS DATING FROM MARCH 1, 1992, RELATING TO THE DECISION TO TRANSFER˙ STAFF IN THE SOCIAL AFFAIRS STREAM AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE OVERSEAS DELIVERY OF THE IMMIGRATION PROGRAM TO THE CEIC. INCLUDED WOULD BE ANY SUBMISSIONS MADE BY THIS DEPARTMENT TO THE CEIC, THE PCO, THE PMO OR ANY OTHER BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT˙ 1992.03.04 922096 BRIEFINGS FOR MINISTERS RE BUDGET BRIEFING RECORDS FOR THE MINISTERS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS ON THE 1992-93 BUDGET ESTIMATES.˙ 1992.03.05 922097 CDN INSTITUTE FOR INNATL PEACE/SEC ALL RECORDS LEADING TO THE DECISION ANNOUNCED IN LAST WEEK'S BUDGET TO WIND UP THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY. THIS IS TO INCLUDED BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO MEMOS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENCE, STUDIES, REPORTS AND EVALUATIONS.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.05.27 1993.05.27 932470 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS RE UNCED (THE EARTH SUMMIT) ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT ALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS LET BETWEEN JAN. 1/92 AND SEPT. 30/92 THAT WERE RELATED IN ANY WAY TO UNCED (THE EARTH SUMMIT): A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK INVOLVED; THE NAME OF THE CONTRACTOR; THE ORIGINATOR OF THE CONTRACT; AND THE COST AND DATE OF THE CONTRACT. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS RE UNCED (THE EARTH SUMMIT) ACCESS TO THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION ABOUT ALL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS LET BETWEEN JAN. 1/92 AND SEPT. 30/92 THAT WERE RELATED IN ANY WAY TO UNCED (THE EARTH SUMMIT): A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK INVOLVED; THE NAME OF THE CONTRACTOR; THE ORIGINATOR OF THE CONTRACT; AND THE COST AND DATE OF THE CONTRACT. 1993.09.30 932551 GOOD GOVERNANCE: CDN VALUES & INTERESTS IN A CHANGING WORLD DOCUMENT ENTITLED: "GOOD GOVERNANCE: CANADIAN VALUES AND INTERESTS IN A CHANGING WORLD". ALSO, POLICY DOCS AND RELATED NOTES THAT LEAD TO THIS DOCUMENT. 932552 BISHOP BELO VISIT TO CDA JUNE93 DETAILS ON THE VISIT OF BISHOP BELO TO CANADA, LAST WEEK IN JUNE, 1993. MET WITH EXTERNAL & CIDA. DETAILS FROM ALL MEETINGS, ETC. 932553 COPIES OF REQ 932516/ARTHUR CAMPEAU COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO. 932516, EXPENSES FOR ARTHUR CAMPEAU. 932554 COPIES OF REQ 932523/SPIRIT SINGS EXHIBIT COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO. 932523, COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING THE SPIRIT SINGS EXHIBIT. 932555 COSTS OF NEW CDN EMBASSY IN BEIJING, PRC COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS TO SHOW THE COSTS (OVERALL AND BROKEN DOWN) OF THE NEW CANADIAN EMBASSY IN BEIJING, REPUBLIC OF CHINA. 932556 PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE CALL-UPS/SIGNING AUHORITIES PLEASE FORWARD A LIST "PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE CALL-UPS" AND "SIGNING AUTHORITIES" FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITALS REGION. 932557 CALLUPS SEPT 1993 CALLUPS FOR SEPT93. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.10.04 1993.10.04 932558 HOSPITALITY BUDGET FOR 1992-93 VISITING DIGNITARIES TO CDA HOSPITALITY BUDGET FOR 1992-93, FOR ENTERTAINMENT OF FOREIGN DIGNITARIES VISITING CANADA, WITH GENERAL BREAKDOWN. 932559 ALL AGMNTS CDA/OTHERS RE INFO ON CITIZENS RE NATIONAL SECURITY I REQUEST COPIES OF ALL AGREEMENTS CANADA HAS WITH OTHER COUNTRIES TO EXCHANGE INFORMATION ON CITIZENS OR OTHER RESIDENTS IN THE INTERESTS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. 932560 VISA FILE VISA FILE OF XXX 1993.10.07 932561 CONTRACTS TO EARNSCLIFFE STRATEGY GROUP I REQUEST ACCESS TO COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS LET TO BILL FOX AND/OR HIS FIRM, EARNSCLIFFE STRATEGY GROUP WHICH INVOLVE 1) ACTIVITIES OF HEADS OF STATE OR HEADS OF GOVERNMENT VISITING CANADA AND 2) TRIPS ABROAD BY THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA OR OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. THE TIME PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REQUEST IS FROM 1988 TO THE PRESENT. 1993.10.13 932562 MOU CDA/US AND BEER DISPUTE A COMPLETE PACKAGE OF BACKGROUND INFO, DOCUMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE, MEMOS, REPORTS, STUDIES, MINUTES OF MEETINGS, INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS, STATISTICAL DATA, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, AUDITORS' REPORTS, PUBLICATIONS, BRIEFING PAPERS, AND ALL OTHER DATA, DOCUMENTS AND THINGS IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE ENTERED INTO BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES DATED APRIL 25, 1992 (THE "AIP"), THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ENTERED INTO BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES DATED AUGUST 5, 1993 (THE "MOU") AND THE HISTORY OF THE BEER DISPUTE BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES AS OUTLINED IN THE NEWS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE HON. TOM HOCKIN, MINISTER FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE, ON AUGUST 5, 1993 (THE "NEWS RELEASE"). 932563 INNATL SALES POTENTIAL OF CDN PATROL FRIGATES COPIES OF DOCUMENTS TO SHOW ALL EVALUATIONS OF FUTURE INTERNATIONAL SALES POTENTIAL OF CANADIAN PATROL FRIGATES. 1993.10.14 932564 CALLUPS SEPT93 CALLUPS SEPT93. 1993.10.15 932565 PROPERTIES OWNED BY CDN GOVT IN BOSTON FOR USE BY CONSULATE STAFF ALL RECORDS CREATED SINCE JANUARY 1, 1991, RELATED TO PROPERTIES OWNED BY THE GOVERNMENTOF CANADA IN THE BOSTON, MASS., AREA FOR USE BY THE STAFF OF THE CANADIAN CONSULATE IN BOSTON, INCLUDING ALL ACCOUNTS SHOWING COSTS OF FURNISHINGS, REPAIRS, GENERAL MAINTENANCE, RENOVATIONS, HEATING, UTILITIES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DEA 1993.10.15 932565 AND ALL VALUATIONS OF THE PROPERTIES. 932566 EXPENSE ACCOUNT CLAIMS BY CONSUL-GENERALS OF CONSULATE IN BOSTON ALL RECORDS OF EXPENSE ACCOUNT CLAIMS MADE BY THE CURRENT AND FORMER CONSUL-GENERALS OF THE CANADIAN CONSULATE IN BOSTON, MASS., SUCH RECORDS TO INCLUDE COPIES OF RECEIPTS AND TO BE RESTRICTED TO RECORDS CREATED SINCE JAN 1, 1992. 1993.10.20 932567 CALLUPS JULY93 CALLUPS JULY93 932568 CALLUPS AUG93 CALLUPS AUG93 932569 CALLUPS SEPT93 CALLUPS SEPT93 932570 IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR INTO CANADA THE ENTIRE FILE RELATING TO THE DECISION TO CALL FOR CONSULTATION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, JAMAICA AND COSTA RICA RESPECTING THE IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR INTO CANADA AND THE DECISION TO UNILATERALLY IMPOSE QUOTAS ON UNDERWEAR EXPORTED FROM JAMAICA AND COSTA RICA INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: (i) ALL DOCS, REPORTS, MEMORANDA, NOTES, BRIEFING PAPERS, ETC. PREPARED BY OR FOR EAITC, OR ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL WITHIN EAITC, IN RESPECT OF THE IMPACT OF IMPORTATIONS OF UNDERWEAR ON CANADIAN PRODUCTION OF UNDERWEAR. (ii) A LIST OF ALL PERSONS CONTACTED BY OR ON BEHALF OF EAITC OR ANY GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL WITHIN EAITC, IN THE PROCESS OF PREPARING ANY REPORTS, ETC., TO BE SUBMITTED TO EAITC IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR ON CANADIAN PRODUCTION OF UNDERWEAR. (iii) ALL NOTES, REPORTS, SUMMARIES, QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSES, ETC., RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO THE CONTACTS REFERRED TO IN PARAGRAPH (ii). (iv) ALL SUMMARIES, MINUTES, NOTES AND RECORDS RELATING TO MEETINGS HELD, EITHER INTERNALLY OR WITH MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF THE IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR ON CANADIAN PRODUCTION OF UNDERWEAR. (v) ALL BRIEFING NOTES, SUMMARIES OF OPINIONS, REPORTS, ANALYSES, ETC., PREPARED FOR SUBMISSION TO EITHER THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OR THE MINISTER OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN RESPECT OF THIS MATTER. 932571 AUDIT CDN EMB WSHDC MAR/APR 93 AUDIT REPORT DONE AT CANADIAN EMBASSY IN WASHINGTON, D.C. - MARCH/APRIL 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.10.21 1993.10.21 932572 EAITC PERSONAL/PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTS OVER $4000 IN OTTAWA 1. A LIST OF ALL PERSONAL SERVICE OR PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTS ISSUED BY EXTERNAL AFFAIRS IN OTTAWA OVER $4000 IN THE LAST 24 MONTHS. WHAT WAS THE AMOUNT OF THE CONTRACT, WHO WON THE CONTRACT, WHAT WERE THE TASKS (A SHORT 1-2 SENTENCE DESCRIPTION WOULD DO) AND WHICH DIVISION WAS THE CONTRACT WITH? 2. WERE ANY TERM EMPLOYEES HIRED IN THE LAST YEAR? IF YES AT WHAT LEVEL? WHICH DIVISION HOW MANY? 932573 MEDIA RELATIONS POLICIES RECORDS DETAILING MEDIA RELATIONS POLICIES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE UNITED STATES & THE U.N. THESE RECORDS SHOULD PERTAIN SPECIFICALLY TO COMMUNICATIONS DURING (1) THE GULF WAR AND (2) BOSNIA. 1993.10.25 932574 CALLUPS JULY/AUG/SEPT 93 CALLUPS FOR JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 1993. 932575 INTERNAL AUDIT OF MISSION IN DAKAR THE MOST RECENT INTERNAL AUDIT OF THE MISSION IN DAKAR. 932576 OPERATIONAL COSTS FOR BRU/BREEC/BNATO COUTS D'OPERATION (SALAIRES, LOCATION ET/OU ENTRETIEN DES LOCAUX, FRAIS DE REPRESENTATION, TOTAUX) EN 1992 POUR CHACUN DES SUIVANTS: a)AMBASSADE DU CANADA, BRUXELLES, BELGIQUE; b)MISSION DU CANADA PRES LES COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES, BRUXELLES, BELGIQUE; c)DELEGATION DU CANADA PRES LE CONSEIL DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD, BRUXELLES, BELGIQUE. 1993.10.26 932577 CDN SERVICEMAN MISSING FROM KOREAN WAR CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN XXX, DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CONSULAR DIVISION AND XXX, CANADIAN AMBASSADOR TO BEIJING, CHINA CONCERNING XXX, CANADIAN SERVICEMAN MISSING FROM THE KOREAN WAR, DATED SEPTEMBER 1985 - SEPTEMBER 1986. 1993.10.27 932578 COPIES OF RELEASE ON COST OF MULRONEY'S FAREWELL TRIP COPIES OF DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO 932542, ON COST OF MULRONEY'S FAREWELL TRIP MAY 1993. 932579 CALLUPS SEPT93 CALLUPS SEPTEMBER 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.10.29 1993.10.29 932580 XXX NOMINATION/SELECTION MERIT AWARD DETAILS REGARDING THE NOMINATION AND SELECTION OF XXX FOR THE MERIT AWARD PRESENTIED TO HIM ON JUNE 15, 1993. i.e. a0NATURE & PURPOSE OF FESTIVAL HONG KONG; b)BUDGET & ACTUAL COST; c)NAMES OF OTHER EAITC PERSONNEL INVOLVED; d)OTHER NOMINEES FOR THE AWARD. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.10.04 930098 VIDEO FOOTAGE OF A 1990 WHALE HUN We write s. 19(1) , to request certain video footage pursuant to the Access to Information Act. To date, s. 19(1) has received approximately 3.5 hours of film footage. Your file reference respecting this disclosure is . s. 19(1) The footage received by our client did not include several important segments. In its report of June 17, 1993, the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, Investigations and Reviews, informed us that our client did not receive certain segments because they were not specifically set out in the original access request. Therefore, we are making this further request for specific footage. It is our understanding that you have in your possession broadcast quality, 3 1/4 inch video footage of a 1990 whale hunt which was provided by Robert Moshenko of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg to XXX of Rogers Cable Tlelvision, Vancouver. Please forward to us a copy of the same video footage of the 1990 whale hunt as that provided to XXX of Rogers Cable Television. Shouls such a copy not be available, please produce and deliver to us a video of the same quality and format, containing the same video footage as that provided to Rogers Cable Television. 930099 BANQUES DE D'‚VALUATIONS l'Ecole nationale d'administration publique :ENAP) du Qu‚bec offre ... ses ‚tudiants, depuis quelques ann‚es, la possibilit‚de faire une maŒtrise en administration publique avec une sp‚cilisation en ‚valuation de programmes. Afin de parfaire la formation de ses ‚lŠves, l'Ecole a d‚cid‚ de mettre sur pied une banque de rapports d'‚valuation de programmes que les ‚tudiants pourraient consulter ... loisir pour des fins acad‚miques. Pour d‚marrer notre banque d'‚valuations et pour s'assurer qu'elle soit bien repr‚sentative de l'ensemble des travaux d'‚valuation qui se font au gouvernement f‚d‚ral, nous vous prions de nous faire parvenir, selon la loi sur l'accŠs ... l'information, les rapports d'‚valuation des programmes suivants: 1. D‚livrance de permis, r‚partition de la ressource et rŠglementation pour le pacifique; 2. Examen sur l'ulisation de l'h‚licoptŠre pour la pˆche dans la r‚gion de Scotia-Fundy; 3. Sciences physiques et chimiques; 4. Gestion des biens immobiliers. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.10.04 930099 Par ailleurs, nous aimerions aussi obtenir, si cela est possible et toujours selon la loi sur l'accŠs ... l'information, une liste des ‚valuations qui ont ‚t‚ produites par votre ministŠre auc ours des deniŠres ann‚es. 1993.10.08 930100 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: September 1993 1993.10.14 930101 BLOCKADE OF RUSSIAN FREIGHTER All records arising out of a July 1993 protest in Shelburne, N.S., in which a Russian freighter - the Pioner Murmana - was blockaded and prevented from unloading its cargo of frozen cod, such records to include briefing documents, minutes of meetings, post-protest analyses, etc. 1993.10.20 930102 CONTRACT WITH FIREWEED CONSULTING OF MONCTION Please describe the nature of the contract 07AR FP630 - 3 - 8022/01 with Fireweed Consulting of Moncton, New Brunswick. The only printed description reads: Green Plan monitoring $24,570. Pleas provide a full description of the nature of this contract. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.28 930191 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS FOR THE MONTH OF AUG 93 Request for information of all temporary help requests namely "Call up against a standing offer for temporary help services" for the month of August 93. 930192 FINANCIAL SIGNING AUTHORITY - CALLUP CONTRACTS Documentation which indicates the name and rank of the official who is currently has financial signing authority to authorize callup contracts and the name departmental procurement authority for callups under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Informatics Professional services. 930193 REQUISITIONS - CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -AUG Copies of all requisitions authorizing the issuance of all callups for Informatics Professional Services during August 1993 by this institution. 930194 COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES WITH FIRMS Copies of all contracts for services with firms. It should include data entry services, office support and professional and technical sevices and enquiry referral services. It should not include consulting services during the period January 1, 1991 to date. 1993.09.29 930195 XXXX - SOMALIA Request for memos, letters, briefing notes, or any other form of correspondance between the Judge Advocate General or any one on his staff and anyone in the Office of the Chief of the Defence Staff, including the Chief of the Defence Staff concerning the following issue. On September 15, 1993 XXX was re-assigned to Headquarters in Montreal from his position as Commanding Officer of the Canadian Airborne Regiment. A news release from Land Force Command says XXX re-assignement was directed "in order to ensure that there could be no appearance of conflict of intrest in the ongoing (Somalia) investigations and judicial proceedings". While the subject of Somalia investigations himself, XXX presented four soliders accused of turturing a Somali prisoner with records known as the Synopsis of Evidence. XXX has offerred the accused an opportunity to make statements in response to charges. XXX also recommended to a convening authority his recommendation for disposition of the charges. I am seeking any records as described above as may have at anytime commented on either the appropriateness or inappropriateness of XXX involvement in the legal process while under investigation. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.09.29 930196 MILITARY TRAINING TO POLICE OR ARMED FORCES FROM FOREIGN CNTRIES. Request information concerning arrangements to provide military training in Canada to police or armed forces from foreign countries. I am particularly interested in training which may have been conducted in Canada for personnel from countries in South America. The countries I am interested in include Equador, Venezuela, Columbia Brazil and Guyana. Specifically, have members of military forces, police forces or paramilitary forces from any of the above mentioned countries received training in any form in Canada, from mbers of the Canadian Armed Forces or on any Canadian military base which Canadian military personnel were involved in provide the training. 2. If so, the dates on which this training occurred, which country the forces were from, the nature of the foreign personnel involved, where the training took place, the nature of the traiing, and which Canadian military personnel were involved in providing the training. 3. In the case of each country, I would like specific information about the foreign military personnel who received training, including country of origin, type of force to which they belong, identification of units involved, and names and ranks. Such training exercises may have also been followed by AFTER ACTION reports prepared for the Department of National Defence. Request copies of these is they exist. 1993.09.30 930197 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS Require callups for temporary help for the annual period preceding September 1993 for the NCR. 1993.10.01 930198 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY ON XXXXX AND XXXXXX XXX. Officer XXX in 1976 and for a period thereafter bore the rank of "Lieutenant" and occupied the position of Training Officer, English Language Training Division, Canadian Forces Fleet School, Halifax, Nova Scotia ; and XXX. XXX in 1973 and thereafter was employed as a civilian Language Teacher in Ottawa, Ontario; St. Jean, Quebec; Halifax, Nova Scotia and Shearwater, Nova Scotia. Request dates of appointments; classifications, employing sections, branches, and departments; titles and ranks and salaries. In addition send Rates of Pay for Education Services Subgroup for the years 1991 and thereafter. 930199 INVITATION TO TENDER SUBMITTED BY AMICAN NAVIGATION INC. DND resently issued an invitation to tender to shipping companies, to cover its requirement to move vehicles and equipment to and from the Former Republic of Yugoslavia in October/November of this year, in support of Operation Cavalier/Harmony Rotation. All bids were to be submitted to the Commanding Officer, 4 Canadian Forces Movement Control Unit, no later than September 15th, 1993. Request a complete copy of the proposal submitted by AMICAN NAVIGATION INC. of Montreal, Quebec, in response to this invitation to Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.10.01 930199 tender. 930200 GRIEVANCE LETTERS TO APPLICANTS A copy of all letters sent to applicants where an administrative resolution to a grievance concerning item 3(b) release has been made in the last 3 years (21 Sep 90 to 21 Sep 93); A copy of the CDS and MND letters to applicants where a decision has been rendered in the matter of an application for redress of grievance concerning an item 3(b) release from the CF, this also for the last three years (21 Sep 90 to 21 Sep 93). 1993.10.04 930201 WINNING BID SUBMITTED BY NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES Require a copy of the full winning bid or the rates from the winning bid submitted by North American Van Lines on DND Tender File #7506-B060TZ (DTO2) 7506-30 covering moving services for effects of members moving between Canada, Europe, UK, USA and various other worldwide destinations for the period of April 1, 1992 to March 31, 1994. 930202 WHITE SUPREMACIST ACTIVITY Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930139, concerning white supremacist activity at defence facilities in Canada. 930203 CANADIAN FORCES AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL ORDER FOR 1990 TO 1993 Copies of Canadian Forces air traffic control orders for 5 Wing (CFB) Goose Bay for the years 1990 to 1993 inclusive. 930204 ACRONYMS - CAMAO, LI, LE HA, VU AND FAOR USED IN A MESSAGE Copies of documents showing the meaning of the acronyms CAMAO, LI, LE, HA, VU and FAOR in message ref 1010-3-1 (D/Ops O), dated 19 May 1993, from Capt L.M. Putland, D/Ops O Goose Bay, to MCCO and W Ops O Goose Bay. 930205 RESPONSE TO MESSAGE 3030-1(W COMD) Copy of the response from Wing Commander, 3 Wing Bagotville, to message ref. 3030-1 (W Comd), dated 17 May 1993, from Wing Commander, 5 Wing Goose Bay. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.10.04 930206 GOOSE BAY FLYING REGULATIONS & ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONS Copies of records showing the dates of all briefings by CFB Goose Bay personnel of Allied aircrew, on the Goose Bay flying regulations and environmental restrictions, in each year since 1980. 930207 ACTIONS TAKEN TO ENSURE PERSONNEL HAVE BEEN BRIEFED ON FLYING REG Copies of records showing actions taken by CFB Goose Bay since 12 April 1993 to ensure that transitting as well as deployed aircrew have been briefed on the Goose Bay flying regulations. 930208 INVESTIGATIONS OF COMPLAINTS ABOUT FLYING/INFRACTIONS Copies of records showing Canadian Forces powers to carry out their own investigations of complaints about flying/infractions of regulations involving Allied air forces operating or training in Canada. 930209 NUMBER OF FLIGHTS WHICH DEPARTED FROM GB UNDER IRF FLIGHT PLAN Copies of records of the number of flights (in each year since 1980) which departed Goose Bay under an IFR Flight Plan, then cancelled IFR and proceeded into the LLTAs VFR. 930210 INSTRUCTIONS TO GOOSE BAY AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL Copies of instructions to Goose Bay air traffice control re. requesting intentions of aircrew who cancel IFR flight plans and commence VFR descent when not in one of the Low Level Training Areas. 930211 5 WING GOOSE BAY "M&M PROGRAM" Copies of documents related to the 5 Wing Goose Bay "M&M Program" stating the aims of the program, record of activities conducted since the commencement of the program, plans for current and following financial years, etc. (ref. see memo from J. Goudie NLO, 930212 AVOIDANCE PROGRAMME FEASIBILITY PROJECT Copies of all documents, correspondence, memoranda, etc. produced by DND personnel and consultants in response to the report entitled "Avoidance Programme Feasibility project" submitted by the Innu Nation, Sheshatshu, Labrador, to the Hon. Tom Siddon, Minister of National Defence, Aug-Sept 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.10.04 930213 NEWS RELEASES & MEDIA BACKGROUNDERS ISSUED FROM 5 WING GOOSE BAY Copies of all news releases and media backgrounders issued from 5 Wing (CFB) Goose Bay since January 1, 1991. 930214 1992 BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER RE SOMALIA Request the following records pertaining to 1993 briefing notes for the Minister re Somalia. 1993.10.05 930215 SOMALI INVESTIGATION Documents released or cleared to be released, to answer request no: 930150, in the Somali investigation. 1993.10.06 930216 INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT - HERCULES CRASH AT ALERT OCT 31, 1991 The final investigator's report on the Crash of Box Top 22. 930217 MINUTES OF RESOURCES USERS ADVISORY GROUP MEETING (RUAG) Copy of the minutes from the March 1993 Resource Users Advisory Group meeting at 5 Wing Goose Bay. RUAG 25 Mar 93. 1993.10.07 930218 CALLLUPS FOR QUEBEC REGION FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Request all callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: September 1993. 930219 CALLUPS - NCR FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: September 1993. 1993.10.08 930220 VEHICLE ACCIDENT AUGUST 1993 AT CFB WAINWRIGHT Request all documents statements, inquiries, and reports available in regard to an accident which occured in Aug 1991 during "Western Area Challenge at CFB Wainwright. This accident involved a Bison APC driven by XXX of the Calgary Highlanders and involved 10 members of the Canadian Scottish Regiment, 2 of whom were seriously injured. The medical personnel on scene were XXX both from Calg Highlanders HMS. I am particularly interested in the inquiry conclusion and reprot done by Maj Ashfield The RSS Ab Militia District. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.10.14 1993.10.14 930221 REQUEST BOARD OF INQUIRY Request copy of Board of Inquiry into the death of XXXLS s. 19(1) . (BOI, NOTC 1080-1 14 May 93). 1993.10.18 930222 AAIR OF A CT-133 AIRCRAFT Request a full and unedited copy of the Aircraft Accident Investigation Report for the crash and dissapearance of a Canadian Forces CT-133 aircraft south of Shearwater, Nova Scotia on October 17, 1991. 930223 STAFFING TRANSACTIONS IN GANDER NFLD AREA JAN 1, 93 TO PRESENT Updates on staffing transactions from the period January 1, 93 to present in the Gander, Nfld Area. Please fill out the attached reference sheet. 930224 VALUE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS IN OFFICER'S HOUSES IN CFB GERMANY Request original value of household goods (furnishings, china etc.) purchased for use in officers' residences, including base commander's houses, in Canadian Forces Bases in Germany. Also request details of decision on what to do with those household goods upon closure of the bases including details of sale (of those goods) to Canadian Forces personnel. Material should include purchase price of items, sale price of items and name and rank of purchaser. 930225 CONTRACTS DND/PASS GROUP FOR PERIOD 1989 TO DATE Request copies of all contracts entered into by DND and the PASS group for ther period 1989 to date. 1993.10.19 930226 HISTORY OF COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY ESTABLISHMENT I would like to receive a copy of the most recent version of the history of the Communications Security Establishment. 930227 CHIEF OF THE CSE'S FILE INDEX Request portions of the more detailed Chief of the CSE's File Index (which is approximately 30 pages in length). I request pages 1-17 inclusive which provides more detailed headings for file series A100-A999; pages 23-24 inclusive which covers Operations - General; and pages 25-26 inclusive which cover SIGINT Operations. I would like a copy of CSE's long-range plan discussed at the June 9, 1987 meeting of the ICSI. I would like a copy of the most recent version of CSE's strategic and operational plan. The most recent version of the accountability mandate of the Chief, CSE to the Government. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.10.19 930228 CSE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT Request a copy of any documents prepared by CSE staff on the subject of the CSE and law enforcement since January 1, 1982 (this includes role of CSE in law enforcement; relationship between CSE intelligence and law enforcement; and sharing CSE intelligence/or information gathered by CSE and law enforcement agencies). 930229 CSE AND ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE Request a copy of any documents prepared by CSE staff on the subject of the CSE and economic intelligence (this includes role of CSE in gathering economic inteligence; in producing economic intelligence; and sharing intelligence/or information gathered by CSE with the Economic Intelligence Committee), since January 1, 1979. 930230 INTELLIGENCE REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTS Request copy of all intelligence reports and intelligence assessments prepared by the CSE/CBNRC during October 1962 on: a) the Soviet Union (including Soviet intelligence, military, diplomatic and political activities, intentions, and operations); b) the United States (including U.S. intelligence, military, diplomatic and political activities, intentions and operations); and c) the Cuban missile crisis. 930231 CSE PRODUCTION OF INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTS Request copy of any documents prepared since January 1st, 1985 by or for CSE staff that: a. study, audit, evaluate, review, examine or discuss the CSE production o intelligence; and b. study, audit, evaluate, review, examine, or disucss CSE intelligence assessments. 930232 LEGAL FRAMEWORK WITHIN WHICH CSE OPERATES Request copy of any CSE documents since January 1, 1970 on a)the statutory and legal framework within which the CSE operates; b) the interception of private communications; and c) the CSE and Part IV of the Ciminal code (interception of communications). 930233 TABLE OF UNDERSTANDING/INDEX FOR MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING I would like to receive the first page and any table of contents/index for each memorandum of understanding entered into by CSE with: a) the R.C.M.Police; b) Department of Employment and Immigration; c) Department of Finance; d) National Revenue - Customs and Excise; e) Department of External Affairs; f) Department of Industry, Science and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.10.19 930233 Technology; g) Department of Energy, Mines and Resources; h) Agriculture Canada; i) A.E.C.L.; j) A.E.C.B.; and k) Bank of Canada. 930234 DISSEMINATION BY THE CSE OF CSE RAW DATA TO PRIVATE SECTORS a) I would like to receive a copy of any documents prepared by CSE staff which discuss/examine the dissemination by the CSE of CSE raw data, information and intelligence (excluding INFOSEC information) to private sector corporations; and b) I would like to receive a copy of any directives, guidelines, policy, operational policy, or procedures that relate to the dissemination by CSE of CSE raw data, information or intelligence to non-governmental organizations within Canada (i.e. private sector corporations). 930235 DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY CSE ON ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE a) I would like to receive a copy of any documents prepared by CSE staff o economic espionage; and b) I would like to receive a copy of any documents (including memoranda, directives, guidelines, policy, operational policy or procedures) that relate to, or discuss, restrictions to be placed on the use by other Government Departments of CSE raw data, information, and intelligence, particularly restrictions relating to the sharing of that data, information and intelligence with private sector corporations. 930236 LAGUEUX INQUIRY REPORT - DIRECTORATE OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Request information pertaining to the investigation into irregularities in contracting and administration with the Directorate of Facilities Management by Mr. Pierre Lagueux, Ms. G. Guermonprez, Ms. F. Spencer and Cdr Blythe during period 1 November 91 to 9 March 92. I request production or access to all records, correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes and minutes written subsequent to the submission of the Inquiry Team report to the Deputy Minister on 12 March 1992 specifically: a) The review conducted by Ms. Marylin Hay, Director General Human Resourc Mnagement, of the Lagueux Report as well as any documentation resulting from her review; and b) The review/analysis prepared/signed by or for the Chief of Review Servi or Director General Audit or Director of Special Examinations and Inquiries of the Lagueux Report. 1993.10.22 930237 BOARD OF INQURIY The recommendations of the subject Board of Inquiry XXX and more importantly any and all correspondence or documentation attesting to the initiatives taken by the department to implement the recommendations of the Board. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.10.22 930238 RANKING OF MILITARY BASES Reports, studies, memos or other forms of correspondence which show any ranking of military bases across Canada in terms of relative importance - i.e. which are important and which are expendable. This is to include but is not limited to, any list that may have been drawn up describing what bases could or should be closed down and the rationale for so ranking them. 1993.10.25 930239 COSTS PROVIDED BY THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES FOR DISASTER RELIEF All records of the costs of services provided by the Canadian armed forces to the provinces and territories for disaster relief and humanitarian assistance ~ including medical evacuations and air ambulance services - including records of such costs invoiced and payments received. 930240 DFM LOSS OF PUBLIC PROPERTY All records, correspondence, memoranda, reports (including MP reports), search warrants, notes and minutes written on this subject. 930241 PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS SINCE 1972 1. Info on peacekeeping operations 1972 - current a) funding resources, b) breakdown of costs (manhours, logistical costs), c) any viability studies (success/failure determinants), d) breakdown of past/current/failure commitments, e) breakdown of resources aval. 2. ORAE studies pertaining to para 1 3. Def Policy Review publications pertaining to para 1 4. Any studies (cost/benefit) reference impact on FMC including Regular & Reserve. 1993.10.26 930242 SEPARATIST INFILTRATION IN THE ARMED FORCES All records created since Jan 1, 1970 that assess the extent of separatist infiltration in all branches of the Armed Forces of Canada, such records to exclude specific investigations of individuals but to include summary analyses of the potential threat. 930243 MP INVESTIGATIONS - DFM LOSS OF PUBLIC PROPERTY & RELATED MATTERS On 29 September 92, the Chief of Review Service (CR) and Director General Audit (DGA) staff first reported the loss of eight new computers to the Director General Corporate Management Services. A Summary Investigation was convened by the DGCMS to determine the cause of the loss and when this did not produce any tangile results the CRS/Directorate of Special Examinations and Inquiries (DSEI) were tasked to conduct a supplementary investigation. On 28 January 93, the DSEI investigators confirmed to the DGCMS their inability to arrive at any practical findings in this matter. On 22 March 93, the Commandant National Defence Headquarters Administrative Unit Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.10.26 930243 (NDHQ/AU) was requested by the DGCMS to consider the involvement of the Military Police (MP) to locate the eight new computers. I request production or access to all MP reports and associated correspondence, memoranda, notes and minutes written on this subject from 22 March 93 to this date. 930244 APPOINTMENT OF DFM AT EX 01 LEVEL XXX, might have presented DND with a R‚sum‚ in support of XXX reclassification to the PSC Management category which did not accurately describe XXX educational and professional qualifications. I wish to be provided with the following information: 1. a copy of all documentation subsequent to these allegations indicating course of action taken by the Department to address the allegations XXX; and 2. XXX, a copy of all documentation associated with the decision to have X attend this mandatory training for new entrants in the PSC management category. 1993.10.28 930245 CONDUCT OF CANADIAN SOLDIERS IN SOMALIA Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930167, on the conduct of Canadian soldiers in Somalia. 930246 ALCOHOL USE IN THE CANADIAN FORCES Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930168, on alcohol use in the Canadian Forces. 930247 CANADIAN SERVICEMAN DISCHARGED FIREARM IN DIRECTION OF SUPERIOR Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930162, in that a Canadian serviceman discharged his firearm in the direction of his superior. 930248 FOREIGN SERVICE - CF SOLDIERS - CROATIA & BOSNIA-HRCEGOVINA Foreign Service CMPFSD 015 - Information preparation and briefings for soldiers being sent to participate in UNPRO for and service in Croatia & Bosnia-Hrcegovina. 930249 GRIEVANCE All documents in the file or files recording the timing between the first formal written application for redress of grievance (submitted by members of the Canadian Forces) and the time the grievance first reached the Office of the Chief of the Defence Staff. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.10.05 930100 REQUESTING A BREAKDOWN ON HOW MANY TRAPS WERE USED IN SPECIFIC REGIONS AND TIME FRAMES, AND HOW MANY WERE FOUND IN EACH ONE.˙ 930101 COPIES OF VETERINARIAN REPORTS 1993.10.08 930102 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1993˙ 1993.10.14 930104 LIST OF THE MP'S THAT HAVE HELD THE POSITION OF MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE SINCE 1987.˙ 1993.10.15 930105 COPY OF THE PLANT PROTECTION ACT AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THIS ACT.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.09.30 930143 INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY T.G. MRORY OF QUINTET CONSULTING ASSOC All records including, but not limited to: reports, correspondence, memoranda, verbal statements, notes and/or recordings concerning s.19(1) or s. 19(1) workplace which are related to the investigation undertaken by Mr. T.G. Morry (Associate-Quintet Consulting Associates) into eight grievances (1992/93-CAL) which concluded in August 1993. The A/ADM of the Canadian Parks Service was the client of the investigation. In addition to the investigation reports, it is also requested that I be provided with copies of the interview notes taken from over 30 respondents conducted in person, over the phone and by correspondence. 930145 PCB CONTAMINATED ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930115, regarding registered owners of PCB contaminated electrical equipment. 930146 CALL-UPS FOR JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 1993 IN THE ONTARIO REGION Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of July, August and September of 1993 for the Toronto Region. 1993.10.01 930144 INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED BY T.G. MORRY OF QUINTET CONSULTING ASSOC All records including reports, interview notes, memos of telephone conversations, etc. which are related to the investigation by Mr. Tom G. Morry (Associates-Quintet Consulting Associates) into eight grievances (1992/93) which concluded in August 1993. 930147 INVESTEGATION BY T.G. MORRY OF QUINTET CONSULTING ASSOCIATES All records including reports, interview notes, records of telephone conversations, etc. which are related to the investigation by Mr. Tom G. Morry (Assoicate-Quintet Consulting Assoicates) into eight grievances (1992/93 CAL) which concluded in August 1993. 930148 NORTH AMERICAN WATERFOWL MANAGEMENT PLAN AND DUCKS UNLIMITED We would like to initiate an Access to Information request for Canadian Wildlife Service documents pertaining to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. We would like copies of all correspondence, memorandums, policy statements, executive directives, project proposals, letters, faxes, invoices, and any Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.10.01 930148 other documentation regarding the role of Ducks Unlimited Canada in the administration and project management of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. There might be a big chunk of material, so let's try and reduce the scope of the request to any material since 1988. 1993.10.05 930149 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 1993. Form 8251 - Re: Temporary Help Industry for August and September. For: NCR Parks and Conservation Directors, ministers and regional offices. 930150 PCB EXPLOSION AT PEARSON Copies of any investigations or studies conducted by Environment Canada regarding the clean up of the PCB explosion that took place at Pearson International Airport approximately 15 years ago. Any reports or recommendations that you have regarding the clean up. 1993.10.07 930151 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR SEPT'93 All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of September 1993 930152 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN QUEBEC REGION FOR SEPT'93 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period September 1993. 930153 CURATORIAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT REVIEW REPORT & STRATEGY REPORT All records including, but not limited to: reports; correspondence; memoranda; verbal statements/notes; and/or sound recordings concerning s. 19(1) or s. 19(1) workplace which are related to the Curatorial Services Management Review. In addition to the Curatorial Services Management Review Report and the Implementation Strategy Report, the following specific records are requested: 1) Interview notes taken from over 40 respondents; interviews conducted in person and over the telephone. 2) Notes of and specific recommendations made by the Review Team summarizing the interview responses. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.10.07 930153 3) Draft Report of the Curatorial Services Management Review prepared by the Review team and presented at a meeting in Calgary May 19, 1993. Re: Federal Government Institution: Curatorial Services Division Heritage Resource Conservation Canadian Parks Service Environmet Canada Western Regional Office 220-4th Avenue, S.E. Calgary, Alberta 930154 SUNSHINE SKI AREA DEVELOPMENT I understand that a construction agreement has now been signed woth the Sunshine Village Corporation regarding the Goat's Eye ski hill in Banff Park. I also understand that a timber cutting permit has been issued, or is about to be issued, regarding the same development. I have expressed to you previously the environmental and legal concerns of my client, regarding this project. Would you be so kind as to forward me copies of both the construction agreement and the timber cutting permit, if it has been issued. 1993.10.14 930155 MINUTES OF FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE UNDER CEPA Could you please forward me copies of the Minutes of meetings of the Federal-Provincial Advisory Committee established under CEPA, since its inception. 1993.10.19 930156 REPORT ON s. 19(1) PREPARED BY ROGER YOUNG, CPS ATLANTIC REGION Report on **** prepared by Mr. Roger Young sometime during the period of July 23, 1993 and September 27, 2993 or thereabouts. Said report is presently being housed in the Atlantic Regional Office. 930157 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR JULY, 1993. Call-ups against a standing offer for temporary help, for the month of July 1993. National Capital Region. 930158 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR FOR AUGUST, 1993. Call-ups against a standing offer for Temporary Help, for the month of August, National Capital Region. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.10.19 930159 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN NCR FOR SEPTEMBER, 1993. Call-ups against a standing offer for Temporary Help, the month of September, National Capital Region. 1993.10.20 930160 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP-NCR-JULY, AUGUST & SEPTEMBER, 1993. Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of July, August and September of 1993 for the National Capital Region. 1993.10.22 930161 BARIUM CARBONATE SPILL AT AN OTTAWA FREIGHT TERMINAL Information regarding investigations conducted concerning an incident involving the alleged spill of Barium Carbonate, and remediation and safety checks performed, at the ****** Ottawa freight terminal located at or around ****, Ottawa, on or after January 22, 1991. 930162 ALL INFORMATION ON GRIEVANCE FILE 93-CAL-80 I would like copies of all records including, but not limited to memoranda, correspondence, notes, interviews, reports and sound recordings pertaining to the Grievance file number Environment Canada, Parks Service, Western Region Office 93-CAL-80. If you require any more information please call me at (403) 546-2442. 930163 ISO TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ON HUMANE TRAPS All records relating to the ISO Technical Committee on Humane traps and the research and development of humane traps for the period of April 16, 1992 to the present. 1993.10.25 930164 MALIGNE RIVER All documentation historic and current relevant to: 1) The issuance of rafting licences on Maligne River. 2) Rafting on Maligne River 3) Indigenous waterfowl populations on the Maligne River 4) Closure of the Maligne River. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.09.15 930153 EDMONTON QUEEN FILES PERTAINING TO THE EDMONTON QUEEN IDENTIFIED AS SCOTT STEEL LTD. JOB NO. 2420˙ FILES OF *** SENIOR SURVEYOR˙ FILES OF *** SENIOR SURVEYOR˙ FILES OF *** SURVEYOR˙ 930154 LAC BASKATONG LE DOSSIER CONCERNANT s. 19(1) AERODROME "PISTE D'ATTERRISSAGE" SITUE AU LAC BASKATONG˙ 1993.09.16 930155 RAMP ALL DOCUMENTS RELEASED OR CLEARED TO BE RELEASED TO ANSWER REQUEST NO. 930054 ON THE RAMP RADAR SYSTEM AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.˙ 1993.09.17 930156 92-GDLH LE BUT DE CETTE DEMARCHE EST D'ENTREPRENDRE DES PROCEDURES LEGALES EN DOMMAGES SUITE A L'ACCIEENT AUDIT AERONEF SURVENU LE 1ER JUILLET 1993 A POINTE-AUX-OUTARDES, ACCIDENTS AU COURS DUQUEL *** A PERDU LA VIE˙ 930157 CONTRACT FOR SAR LIFEBOAT INFORMATION REGARDING SUPPLY AND SERVICES CONTRACT SERIAL #T8080-6-3006/01-MC, AS FOLLOWS: 1)THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR SIMILAR DOCUMENT ISSUED BY SUPPLY AND SERVICE CANADA (SSC) FROM WHICH THE CONTRACT RESULTED (RFP). 2)ALL DATA, INFORMATION, DESIGNS, BILLS OF MATERIAL, PRODUCTION COST BREAKDOWNS, STUDIES, ANALYSES, ESTIMATES, REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE LIKE PREPARED AND RECEIVED BY SSC AND THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD (CCG) RELATED TO THE DECISION OF CCG TO ACQUIRE THE VESSEL, TO THE FUNDING OF THE PROCUREMENT OF THE VESSEL OR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE RFP. 3)ALL TENDERS, BIDS OR PROPOSALS RECEIVED BY SSC FROM BIDDERS IN RESPONSE TO THE RFP. 4)ALL PRICE ITEMIZATIONS, COST BREAKDOWNS, BILLS OF MATERIALS, MANHOUR ESTIMATES AND THE LIKE OBTAINED FROM THE BIDDERS REFERRED TO IN 3, ABOVE, TO THE EXTENT NOT INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSALS. 5)ALL COMMERCIAL AND TECHNICAL EVALUATIONS OF THE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE RFP AND ALL CHECKLISTS, ANALYSES, COMMENTS, REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, CORRESPONDENCE AND DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO. 6)ALL DATA RECEIVED FROM THE CONTRACTOR UNDER THE CONTRACT, AFTER THE AWARD OF THE CONTRACT, WITH RESPECT TO THE COST OF THE VESSEL, INCLUDING ENGINEERING MANHOURS, PRODUCTION MANHOURS, COST OF MATERIALS AND THE LIKE. 7)ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED BY SSC OR CCG FROM THE ROYAL NATIONAL LIFEBOAT INSTITUTE OR ANY Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.09.17 930157 OTHER PARTY CONTAINING INFORMATION RELEVANT TO THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF "ARUN" CLASS, SELF-RIGHTING SEARCH AND RESCUE LIFEBOATS.˙ 930158 SUPPLY OF "ARUN" SAR VESSEL INFORMATION REGARDING SUPPLY AND SERVICES CONTRACT SERIAL #T8080-7-3073/01-MC, AS FOLLOWS: 1)THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR SIMILAR DOCUMENT ISSUED BY SUPPLY AND SERVICES CANADA (SSC) FROM WHICH THE CONTRACT RESULTED (RFP). 2)ALL DATA, INFORMATION, DESIGNS, BILLS OF MATERIAL, PRODUCTION COST BREAKDOWNS, STUDIES, ANALYSIS, ESTIMATES, REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE LIKE PREPARED AND RECEIVED BY SSC AND THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD (CCG) RELATED TO THE DECISION OF CCG TO ACQUIRE THE VESSEL, TO THE FUNDING OF THE PROCUREMENT OF THE VESSEL OR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE RFP. 3)ALL TENDERS, BIDS OR PROPOSALS RECEIVED BY SSC FROM BIDDERS IN RESPONSE TO THE RFP. 4)ALL PRICE ITEMIZATIONS, COST BREAKDOWNS, BILLS OF MATERIALS, MANHOUR ESTIMATES AND THE LIKE OBTAINED FROM THE BIDDERS REFERRED TO IN 3, ABOVE, TO THE EXTENT NOT INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSALS. 5)ALL COMMERCIAL AND TECHNICAL EVALUATIONS OF THE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED IN RESPONSE TO THE RFP AND ALL CHECKLISTS, ANALYSES, COMMENTS, REPORTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, CORRESPONDENCE AND OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATED THERETO.˙ 1993.09.21 930159 CALLUPS FOR MONTH OF AUGUST 1993 FORM 8251 RE: TEMPORARY HELP INDUSTRY FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 930160 GINA-M, PAULINE-LOUISE, ANDY NOUS DESIRONS NOUS PREVALOIR DES DISPOSITIONS DE LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION ET OBTENIR COPIE DES DOCUMENTS DE s. 19(1) DOMICILE ET RESIDANT A . s. 19(1) PLUS PARTICULIEREMENT, NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR LES DOSSIERS TRAITANT DE TROIS EVENEMENTS IMPLIQUANT LE "GINA-M". CES TROIS EVENEMENTS CONCERNENT LE "M/V PAULINE-LOUISE" (5 NOVEMBRE 1992), LE M/V ANDY C" (14 NOVEMBRE 1992) ET LE "M/V MONICA" (15 NOVEMBRE 1992). NOUS DESIRONS OBTENIR TOUTES INFORMATIONS ET DOCUMENTS PERTINENTS ET PLUS PARTICULIEREMENT, LES RAPPORTS FAITS PAR LE CAPITAINE (FORMULE WR), LES PROTETS, S'IL EN EST, LES ENQUETES FAITES PAR LA GARDE COTIERE ET LES RAPPORTS QUI S'EN SONT SUIVIS.˙ 1993.09.28 930161 CALLUPS FOR MONTH OF AUGUST 1993 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION OF ALL TEMPORARY HELP REQUESTS, NAMELY CALLUP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 930162 CALLUPS, ANNUAL PERIOD BEFORE SEPT WE REQUIRE CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE ANNUAL PERIOD PRECEDING SEPTEMBER 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.09.28 930163 STUDIES OF CABIN AIR QUALITY I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ANY RECORDS PERTAINING TO ANY EXAMINATIONS OF THE QUALITY OF CABIN AIR ON AIRCRAFT CREATED SINCE 1990. THE SEARCH SHOULD ALSO INCLUDE THE ATTEMPTS TO ESTABLISH ANY FORM OF INVESTIGATION, STUDY, TASK FORCE OR SIMILAR ACTIVITY INTO THE MATTER AND THE REASONS WHY SUCH AN INVESTIGATION OR STUDY WAS NOT CARRIED OUT.˙ 1993.09.29 930164 CAPSIZE OF THE "CISCO" THE CAPSIZE OF THE PILOT BOAT "CISCO" WHILE UNDER TOW BY CANADIAN COAST GUARD CUTTER GRIFFON ON LAKE ERIE ON DECEMBER 24, 1993. SHIP'S LOG OF THE EVENT ON THAT DAY, LAST KNOWN POSITION, LAT., LONG., DEPTH OF WATER OF THE CISCO, WEATHER CONDITIONS, WIND DIRECTION AND SPEED. ANY SUBSEQUENT SEARCHES FOR THE CISCO. ANY SIDESCAN INFORMATION OF ANY OR ALL OBJECT IN THE SEARCH AREA, LAT., LONG., PEOPLE OR GROUP OTHER THAN COAST GUARD INVOLVED IN THE SEARCH IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE COAST GUARD. IF POSSIBLE, COPIES OF THE SIDESCAN RECORD IF ANY. ANY MAGNITOMETER READING IN THE SEARCH AREA OR ANY OTHER OBJECT FOUND IN THE SEARCH AREA. ANY SONAR FINDING OF A POSSIBLE POSITION OR OF ANY OTHER OBECTS IN THE SEARCH AREA. SIZE AND POSITION OF SEARCH AREA. ANY FOLLOW-UP REPORTS OR INVESTIGATION FINDING ON THIS EVENT.˙ 930165 PRICE WATERHOUSE PROPOSAL I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD BE KIND ENOUGH TO PROVIDE ME WITH PHOTOCOPIES OF THE PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BY PRICE WATERHOUSE TO TRANSPORT CANADA, WHICH I UNDERSTAND WAS RECENTLY SUBMITTED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE BUSINESS ANALYSIS. WE ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN THE PERTINENT MATERIAL ABOUT THE JAD PRODUCT, AND ANY OTHER INFORMATION WHICH WAS SUBMITTED TO YOU BY PRICE WATERHOUSE WHICH WOULD INCLUDE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL AND REFERENCES SENT TO YOU BY PRICE WATERHOUSE IN SUPPORT OF THEIR PROPOSAL.˙ 1993.10.01 930166 SALE OF CN ROUTE THE SALE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CN AND s. 19(1) THE SALE OF CN ROUTE STARTED IN SEPTEMBER OF 1986 AND WAS CONCLUDED IN DECEMBER 1986. THE COMPANY WAS CHANGED TO TRANSPORT ROUTE CANADA. (THE SECTION 85 SALE AGREEMENT). ALSO, A COPY OF THE BILL OF SALE.˙ 930167 CALLUPS FOR AUG. & SEPT. 1993 COULD YOU PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF ALL THE 8251 FORMS (CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE MONTHS OF JULY, AUGIST AND SEPTEMBER OF 1993 FOR THE TORONTO REGION.˙ 930168 COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE TRUCKING PROGRAM RECORD # DOT DSH 260. INFORMATION BEING SOUGHT: AVAILABLE INFORMATION WITH REFERENCE TO COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE TRUCKING. AVAILABLE STUDIES DEPICTING PRESENT AND FUTURE EMPLOYMENT DEMANDS AS A TRANSPORT Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.10.01 930168 DRIVER. AVAILABLE STUDIES DEPICTING PRESENT AVERAGE SALARY SCALES FOR TRANSPORT DRIVERS.˙ 1993.10.05 930169 REDEVELOPMENT OF TERMINALS 1 & 2 THE CONTRACT BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND PEARSON DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF TERMINALS ONE AND TWO AT LESTER B. PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND/OR ANY PARTS OF THE CONTRACT THAT DO NOT REQUIRE APPROVAL OF ALL PARTIES TO BE RELEASED.˙ 1993.10.07 930170 TURN-AIR OF YELLOWKNIFE THIS LETTER IS TO REQUEST DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO TURN-AIR. SPECIFICALLY WE ARE INTERESTED IN INFORMATION REGARDING THE AIRLINE'S SAFETY RECORD, QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATION OF TURN-AIR STAFF, THE ROUTINE FILING OF PASSENGER AND FUEL INFORMATION BY THE AVIATOR, AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE OR DOCUMENTATION RELATING TO THE CANCELLATION OF THE LICENCE.˙ 930171 ULTRASONIC OF LOUIS ST. LAURENT THE DOCUMENT I AM REQUESTING IS AN ULTRASONIC SURVEY THAT WAS DONE ON THE COAST GUARD VESSEL, THE LOUIS S. ST. LAURENT. THE SURVEY WAS DONE IN AUGUST 1984. THE COMPANY THAT DID THE SURVEY WAS OILFAB OF HALTECH IN HALIFAX. HALIFAX DARTMOUTH INDUSTRIES LIMITED CONTRACTED OILFAB OF HALTECH TO DO THE SURVEY ON BEHALF OF THE COAST GUARD. THE COAST GUARD FILE NUMBER IS 9172. THE DSS FILE NUMBER IS 01MFT1620-3-8617. THE CONTRACT NUMBER IS OMF84-00915.˙ 930172 DOCUMENTS ON ATIP FILE 93-155. DOCUMENTS RELEASED TO REQUESTER ON ATIP FILE 1730-93-155.˙ 1993.10.12 930173 GOODS AND SERVICES I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU COULD PROVIDE ME WITH THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992-93.˙ ˙ THE NAMES OF ALL COMPANIES TRANSPORT CANADA PURCHASED GOODS AND SERVICES FROM AND THE VALUE IN TOTAL OF THESE TRANSACTIONS IF THEY ARE OVER $10,000. THE REPORT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS:˙ ˙ IBM CANADA 2,342,786˙ ˙ THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION˙ ˙ **********˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.10.12 930174 PCB EXPOLSION ~ ALL REPORTS, STUDIES, DOCUMENTS REGARDING THE PCB EXPLOSION THAT TOOK PLACE AT PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT APPROXIMATELY 15 YEARS AGO.˙ ~ ALL REPORTS ON TESTING OF EMPLOYEES FOR CONTAMINATION, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FOLLOW UPS AND THEIR RESULTS.˙ ~ CLEAN UP PROGRAMS, RULES & REGULATIONS, INFORMATION ON PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS TAKEN SO THIS WON'T HAPPEN WITH THE OTHER PCB'S STORED AT THE AIRPORT.˙ 1993.10.13 930175 MEDIACOM AGREEMENT I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO SEND ME A COPY OF THE AGREEMENT SIGNED BETWEEN TRANSPORT CANADA AND MEDIACOM INC. OF 250 BLOOR ST. E. TORONTO.˙ ˙ THIS AGREEMENT COVERS ADVERTISING PRIVILEGES IN AIRPORTS UNDER TRANSPORT CANADA JURISDICTION. THE AREA WHICH PARTICULARLY INTERESTS ME CONCERNS THE OPERATION OF HOTEL BOARDS (DIRECT-DIAL) IN THE AIRPORTS BUT I WOULD WISH FOR A COPY OF THE ENTIRE AGREEMENT.˙ ˙ TRUSTING THIS IS ALL THE INFO YOU NEED TO PROCESS THIS REQUEST AND I LOOK FORWARD TO RECEIVING THE SAID DOCUMENTS.˙ ˙ **********˙ 930176 SAFETY REVIEWS ANY PLANS/REPORTS OF SAFETY REVIEWS AFTER THE 1991 NATIONAIR REVIEW.˙ 1993.10.14 930177 HISTOIRE DE L'ILE VERTE OBJET: DOSSIERS #8010-816, 8080-814˙ ˙ NOUS SOMMES s. 19(1) A TRAVAILLER A LA MISE SUR PIED D'UN MUSEE DANS s. 19(1) LOCALITE, ET AVONS EU LES NUMEROS DE DOSSIERS CI-HAUT MENTIIONNES QUI, SELON NOS INFORMATIONS, CONTIENDRAIENT "L'HISTOIRE DE L'ILE VERTE" (GREENLY ISLAND), SITUE ENFACE DE BLANC-SABLON.˙ ˙ POURRIEZ-VOUS NOUS FAIRE PARVENIR, UNE LISTE DES INFOMATIONS QUE VOUS POSSEDEZ SUR L'HISTOIRE DE NOTRE REGION, AINSI QUE LES DOCUMENTS QUE NOUS POURRIONS NOUS PROCURER?˙ ˙ MERCI DE VOTRE ATTENTION, VEUILLEZ AGREER, MONSIEUR MURRAY, L;EXPRESSION DE MES SENTIMENTS LES MEILLEURS.˙ ˙ ************˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.10.14 930178 PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Under the Access to Information Act, I would request that you send to me the list of those who tendered and their bids for the private operation of Pearson International Airport. Please include also a list of the names of those who formed the selection panel.˙ ˙ I am certain that any improprieties in the process have been well and truly hidden. Nevertheless, it would be of interest to me, as a Canadian Citizen, and therefore one of the owners of this profitable enterprise, to know why this particular consortium was chosen. Anyone with their thinking processes intact, would surmise that being a close friend of, or participant in the government must have had some bearing on the selection.˙ ˙ It is hoped that disclosure of these dicuemnts will ease mu mind of the feeling that our government has been a bad steward in their disposal of such an asset to their friends.˙ ˙ **********˙ 1993.10.15 930179 MICROCOMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES all callups processed under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Microcomputer Training Services by this department sice april 1, 1991 to date.˙ 1993.10.18 930180 WEED CONTROL PROGRAM Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Ontario has a weed control program each year consisting of herbicide use. This program is contracted out to the private sector through Supply and Services Canada. I wish to obtain a copy of each of these contracts for the past three years (ie: 1991, 1992 and 1993) including information on conditions of the contract, cost of the program, performance of the contractor, payment issued to the contractors, as well as the budget allowed for this program. ˙ 930181 ATHABASKA AIRWAYS We are seeking a history of crashes involving Athabaska Airways, Airport Road, Prince Albert, Sk, and any of their pilots.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.06.17 930247 INFORMATION CONCERNANT LE VOLUME D'AFFAIRE DANS LA REGION DE LA CAPITAL NATIONALE 1)INFORMATIONS CONCERNANT LE VOLUME D'AFFAIRE DANS LA REGION DE LA CAPITALE NATIONALE ONTARIO ET QUEBEC 2)INFORMATION SUR LE SERVICE D'INVITATIONS OUVERTES A SOUMISSIONNER SIOS LISTE DES ABONNES FREQUENCE DES INTERROGATIONS NOMBRE TOTAL DE MARCHES BIENS ET SERVICES PAR NIBS QUI AURAIENT ETE AFFICHES AU SIOS 3)INFORMATION SUR LE BULLETIN DES MARCHES PUBLICS LISTE DES ABONNES RELATION AVEC ABONNEMENTS AU SIOS NOMBRE TOTAL DE MARCHES BIENS ET SERVICES PAR NIBS QUI AURAIENT ETE PUBLIES DANS LE BULLETIN 1993.06.22 930262 VOLUME D'AFFAIRES POUR LA CIRCONSCRIPTION ELECTORALE DE QUEBEC EST VOLUME D'AFFAIRES POUR LA CIRCONSCRIPTION ELECTORALE DE QUEBEC EST POUR LA PERIODE DE JUIN 92 JUSQU'A PRESENT. 1993.07.12 930464 INFO SUR CONTRAT-REQUEST ABANDON. UNE COPIE DES DOCUMENTS SUIVANTS CONCERNANT LES SERVICES D'ENTRETIEN R. HUDON INC. ~ SOUMISSION PRESENTEE ~ CONTRAT OU COMMANDE D'EXECUTION ~ FACTURE OU RECU DE PAIEMENT ~ CHEQUE DE PAIEMENT RECTO-VERSON 1993.08.18 930432 CENTRIFUGALS SEPARATORS & PRESSURE & VAC Copy of contract for SSC file DL W84623EBA7/06F 930433 CENTRIFUGALS SEPARATORS & PRESSURE & VAC Copy of contract for SSC file DL W84623EBA7/05F 930434 1993 STATUS CURRENT REPORT ON INCOME SECURITY POLICY REDESIGN PROJECT Most Current 1993 status report on the Income Security Policy Redesign project contract or agreement with EDS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DSS 1993.08.18 930434 Evaluation report on the two competitors' work (EDS/SHL) towards the ISP redesign contract award Evaluation report on the method of providing two competing teams with preliminary funding to come up with a plan The winning EDS plan Cost-benefit figures of the ISP redesign project Any contemplated changes to the project as a result of the June 25/93 transition or revised 1993 income security policies Provide the drafts or summary status memos on the proposed 1992, 1993 income security policy changes 930435 TERMIUM ON CD-ROM Terms and Conditions of most recent signed contract to publish TERMIUM on CD-ROM 930436 CUSTOM PRINTED INTER-OFFICE ENVELOPPES Please Identify all custom printed envelopes used by the Federal Gov't Specifically inter-office or Inter-Dept envelopes used Total Quantity of these purchased annually Total Quantity used annually Total values in terms of dollars spent or value of contracts on these Regional breakdowns if possible Major Gov't Department users Total number of all other enveloppes purchased Current suppliers 930437 REPLACEMENT COST VALUE INSURANCE Copy of contract awarded to Unirisc to provide replacement cost value insurance on all household furniture and personal effects of employees whose property was being relocated within Canada or Continental U.S.A. Copy of both Contract and Insurance policy 930438 LIST OF MEDIA MONITORING AND/OR MEDIA ANALYSIS CONTRACTS AWARDED BETWEEN JAN 1/93 & JUNE 30/93 Copies of the contracts that Canada Communications Group has issued between January 1, 1993 to June 30, 1993 with the Library of Parliament and the Privy Concil Office covering media monitoring and/ or media analysis 930439 DINING PACKET Copy of Contract for SSC File 005DE.W8463-1-HH1P Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.18 930440 DATA PROCESSING GOODS AND SERVICES 1991-92 AND 1992-93 FISCAL YEARS Printout on paper from the Contract information system which provides the total value and number of contracts awarded to SHL Systemhouse and Computerland, for procurement by the Government of Canada of each of data processing goods and services and data processing services in each of the 1991-1992 and 1992-1993 fiscal years 930441 TAXI SERVICES Copy of SSC File TOX 51570-3-0005 dated June 30 1993 930442 SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT AND FACILITIES FOR RESEARCH ON ADVANCED ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS 1993.08.20 930443 CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THE REFITTING PROJECT OF THE LOUIS ST-LAURENT ICEBREAKER Copies of all correspondence from, or in which is mentioned, the names and/or the names of the firms involved: of former minister of Public Works Stewart McInnes (McInnes, Cooper and Robertson of Halifax, Nova Scotia) and Fred and/or Gerald Doucet (Government Business Consulting Group of Ottawa) with respect to the refitting project of the Louis St. Laurent icebreaker. 930444 LIST OF COMPANIES WITH CONTRACTS OVER 100K WITH DND FOR LAST TWO YEARS List of companies: 1) which have been supplying goods or services to the federal government over $100,000 in the department of National Defence in the past 2 years 2) to which the federal government has granted subsidies over $100,000 in the past 2 years Please include in list: i) Company/vendor name ii)Dollar value of contract 930445 GOVT SUBSIDIES OVER 100K THROUGH ISTC FOR PAST 2 YEARS. List of companies: 1) which have been supplying goods or services to the federal government over $100,000 in the department of National Defence in the past 2 years 2) to which the federal government has granted subsidies over $100,000 in the past 2 years Please include in list: i) Company Name ii)dollar amount of subsidies iii) area of subsidies Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.20 930446 POLISSEUSES ET ASPIRATEURS Copy of Contract for SSC File LAV 93-00205-(411)/A 1993.08.23 930447 COLOUR LASER COPIERS Copy of contract for SSC file KP(65058-2-0404/000/A) 930448 COMPUTER LISTING OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO SHL SYSTEMHOUSE & COMPUTERLAND FOR FY 89/90, 90/91, 91/92, 92/93. Printout on paper or in an ASCII file format from the contract information system which provides a list of all contracts between the Government of Canada, SHL Systemhouse and ComputerLand, for data processing goods and services for each of the departments listed on the attached page during fiscal years 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92 and 1992-93 There should be a separate section for each fiscal year, with departments listed alphabetically within each year. Contracts for SHL Systemhouse and ComputerLand should be listed separately. The list for each department should provide the following descriptive details for each vendor: Contract number GSIN code GSIN description cap code and description and contract value 930449 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FROM JAN. 93 TO JULY 93 FOR NCR Most recent utilization report for temporary help services (TH301R01) issued by Systems Mangement Group 1993.08.24 930450 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES Quarterly reports for the National Capital Region for the period of April, May and June 1993 for Temporary help services sold to all departments by all suppliers and listed by volume with totals for each vendor, and also indicating the job classifications, and person days 930451 STATIONERY EXPENSES MIN OF FINANCE Copies of documents to show how much money has been spent changing and acquiring new ministerial and departmental stationary which puts the French wording to the left of the seal in the logo and the English to the right, since the new Minister of Finance Gilles Loiselle was sworn in June 1993, including but not limited to letterhead, envelopes and business cards. Also, please provide documents to show the estimated value of existing stationary whihc has the English lettering to the left of the seal, the French to the right, and the estimated costs of destroying and/or warehousing it. Copies of al Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DSS 1993.08.24 930451 communications and notations relative to this requested change. 930452 CAIR JULY 1993 930453 PAUL DICK PHOTOS Copies of documents to show how much minister Paul Dick has spent on his own official photos and all documentation relating to same since 1984, including but not limited to any work done on the minister's behalf by photographer Joseph Karsh 930454 MICRO COMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES CATALOGUE Order the following catalogue: Catalogue for micro computer training services 930455 CALLUPS FOR THE NRC FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE /93 Copies of the completed call up against a standing offer for Temporary Help Services DSS-MAS 8251 forms for the month of June 1993 as it pertains to your Department. This request pertains to the National Capital Region only. 930456 DISTRIBUTION OF PASSPORT APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Copy of a contract that was recently awarded to Canada Post Corporation. The contract issued was for the distribution of passport applicaitons for External Affairs, Passport Office: 08317-2-0386 1993.08.26 930457 WARDROBE, METAL Copy of contract for SSC File TOX92-01584-(002) 1. Is G.S.T. included in the ammount of $250,286 2. Did Erno Mfg. Co. Ltd. Submit one price for each year of the standing offer or one only price? 3. What is their unit price^ 4. Did they submit a sample to D.S.S. 5. Is their product in accordance with DSS's specifications? 6. Did they propose any modiciation to the specifications? If so what are they? 7. What delivery do they offer? 8. What are their terms of payment? 1993.08.27 930458 RATES APPROVED FOR PATA FOR 1992-93 The rates approved for PATO for the 1992-93 year Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.08.30 1993.08.30 930459 CIVIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANNTS: ENGINEERING S23000 UTILITIES SU500 list of contracts awarded as follows: Type of services: Civil Engineering Consultants SSC Service categories ~ Engineering S23000 ~ Utilities SU500 Area of Interest: Ottawa/Hull and locations within 100kl Timeline : January 1992 to date 930460 VEHICULES A INCENDIES POUR CHAMPS DE TIR copie de la commande emise par Approvisionnements et Services Canada pour le dossier 061TS.W8476-0-MC05/B a la societe Navistar International Corporation Canada. 930461 CANADIAN FORCES UTILITY TACTICAL TRANSPORT HELICOPTER Copy of the statement of work for the puchase of the Canadian Forces Utility Tactical Transport Helicopter including all amendments prior to and following contract awards to Bell Helicopter Canada. Please include financial details for each deliverable item of the contract 930462 LIST OF CONTACTS AWARDED TO THOMSON TECHNOLOGY INC. List of each contract awarded by DSS on behalf of any department to: Thomson Technology Inc. 19214 - 94th Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3T 4W2 For each contract specify if it was sole source and if not how many competitive bids were received. 930463 FILMS AND VIDEOS A list of films and videos (and their cost) commissioned by federal departments and agencies in the fiscal year 1992-93 and, if a list is available, to date in fiscal year 1993-1994 1993.09.03 930465 CURRENT LIST OF NMSO CURRENT LIST OF THE NMSO,S AND WHICH SUPPLIERS ARE QUALIFIED FOR THEM. 930466 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION (FOR AUGUST 93). TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1, 1993 TO AUGUST 31, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.03 930467 MONTHLY CAIR REPORT (AUGUST 93). REGULARY MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FROM THE CAIR SYSTEM, ALL DEPARTMENTS 930468 MILK PRODUCTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX93-00375-(026) 930469 INFO ON THE EH101 PURCHASE COST OF CANCELLING ALL CONTRACTS ALL MATERIAL RELATING TO THE COST OF CANCELLING ALL CONTRACTS TO DATE SHOULD THE EH101 HELICOPTER PURHASE BE CANCELLED OR REDUCED IN SIZE. MATERIAL SHOULD ALSO INCLUDE DOCUMENTS INDICATING WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS A PENALTY TO THE GOVERNMENT FOR CANCELLING THE CONTRACT. 930470 ADHESIVE, LIQUID FORM, ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8463-2-DA15/01 930471 ADHESIVE, PAST FORM SILICONE BASE ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DF.W8463-2-DA15/02 930472 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 35DE.W8463-2-GC0D/PT1/B 930473 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 316DN.W8462-3-DD54/A 930474 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 035DF.66735-2-S333/B 930475 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 098DE.W8463-2-GB4J/A 930476 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 034DE.W8463-2-GD0Q/A 1993.09.07 930477 LISTE DE CONTRATS POUR LA CATEGORIE DE TRANSPORT LISTE DES CONTRATS ADJUGES A DES COMPAGNIES DE TRANSPORT DEPUIS OCTOBRE 1989 JUSQU'A AUJOURD'HUI. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.07 930478 TOOL BOX, PORTABLE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOD.W8463-2-GCDM/00/A 930479 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT 1993.09.08 930480 COPY OF CONTRACT. REQUEST FORWARDED TO CRTC SEPT. 23/93 COPY OF CONTRACT 930481 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PATO RATES AND FEES INFORMATION FOR PATO FOR 1 FULL YEAR. 1993.09.10 930482 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX.T1867-3-0084/00 930483 LISTE DE CONTRATS POUR DES COMPAGNIES D'INGENIERIE LISTE DES COMPAGNIES D'INGENIERIE QUI ONT PASSE DES CONTRATS DE FOURNITURE D'EQUIPEMENT AVEC DND AU COURS DES ANNEES 1992 ET 1993 930484 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED BY GSC FOR 1992, 1993 NAME OF VENDOR, VALUE GSIN AND AWARD DATE LIST OF CONTRACTS LET BY GSC FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992, 1993 930485 CALL UPS FO TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1993 IN THE NCR CALLUPS FOR THE NCR DURING AUGUST 1993 930486 INFO ON ALL CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REQUISITIONS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CALLUPS FOR COPIES OF ALL REQUISITIONS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF ALL CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DURING AUGUST 1993 BY THIS INSTITUTION. 930487 NAME & RANK OF OFFICIALS WITH FINANCIAL SIGNING AUTHORITY TO AUTHORIZE CALLUP CONTRACTS AND NAME OF DEPART'L PROC. AUTHOR DOCUMENTATION WHICH INDICATES THE NAME AND RANK OF THE OFFICIAL WHO IS CURRENTLY HAS FINANCIAL SIGNING AUTHORITY TO AUTHORIZE CALLUP CONTRACTS AND THE NAME DEPARTMENTAL PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY FOR CALLUPS UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR INFORMATICS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.10 930488 CONTRACTS OUTSIDE OF STANDING OFFERS FOR TEMP HELP FOR DATA ENTRY, OFFICE SUPPORT, PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL, INQUIRY REF COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES WITH FIRMS. IT SHOULD INCLUDE DATA ENTRY SERVICES, OFFICE SUPPORT AND PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL SERVICES AND INQUIRY REFERRAL SERVICES. THIS SHOULD INCLUDE CCG. 930489 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT NCR FOR EXCEL TEMPORARY RESOURCES COPY OF THE TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE NCR DURING APRIL 1, 1991 TO JUNE 30, 1992 930490 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT NCR FOR PAUL POLLACK PERSONNEL LTD TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE NCR DURING APRIL 1, 1991 TO JUNE 30, 1992 FOR PAUL POLLACK PERSONNEL LTD. 930491 TO SUPPLY & INSTALL SUPER FLUID CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.32209-3-1113/01 930492 VARIAN STAR 3I600 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.M9010-2-X104/01 930493 ACHAT D'UN ENSEMBLE COMPOSANTES DE CHROMATOGRAPHE EN PHASE LIQUIDE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MON.01B30-3-Y115/01 930494 SUPPLY & INSTALL STAR 3600 MULTI METHOD MICROPROCESSOR GAS CHROMATOGRAPH & MODEL 8200 RIGHT-HAND SIDE AUTOSAMPLER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOB.FP921-3-5009/01 930495 TO SUPPLY & INSTALL ONE STAR 3600 MULTIMETHOD MICRO- PROCESSOR BASED GAS CHROMATOGRAPH COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.01851-3-4030/01 930496 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH AND ANALYSIS WORKSTATION HP5890 SERIES II WITH CAPILLARY INLET SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VIC.W0006-3-A014/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.13 1993.09.13 930497 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR VARIOUS CATEGORIES AND SERVICES LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR VARIOUS CATEGORIES FOR THE LAST 12 MONTHS. 1993.09.14 930498 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR THE ISCO GROUP LTD. LIST OF CONTRACTS WHICH ISCO GROUP LTD. IS CURRENTLY WORKIN ON, AND ANY CONTRACTS AWARDED SINCE JANUARY 1993 UP TO DATE. 930499 U-PB DATING, MICROPROBE ANALYSES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE SS.23226-2-1606/01 930500 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOB.FP921-3-5009/01 930501 STABLE LEAD ISOTOPE ANALYSIS OF SELECTED ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL SAMPLES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE H4078-3-C953/01 930502 VARIAN STAR 32600 GAS CHROMATOGRAPH COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.M9010-2-X104/01 930503 MASS SELECTIVE DETECTOR WITH GAS CHROMATOGRAPH, SPLIT SPLISTLESS CAPILLARY INLET COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.01521-3-1259/01 930504 THERMAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM, INCLUDING MODULES FOR THERMOGRAVEMETRIC ANALYSIS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.32209-3-1019/01 930505 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS INSTRUMENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.01851-3-4030/01 930506 CHROMATOGRAPH, GAS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VIC.W0006-3-A014/01 1993.09.16 930509 EH-101 CONTRACT INFORMATION ANY AND ALL CONTRACTS WITH AGUSTA SPAR (LTD) AND EH INDUSTRIES TO SUPPLY THE DND WITH EH-101 HELICOPTERS. ANY AND ALL MEMOS, CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, STUDIES PREPARED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE CONCERNING THE PURCHASE FROM AGUSTA SPAR & EH INDUSTRIES OF EH-101 HELICOPTERS. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.16 930520 INFO ON MP'S RETIRING ALLOWANCES FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE MP'S RETIRING ALLOWANCES: ~ AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993, THE IDENTITY OF EVERY ACTUAL AND ELIGIBLE RECIPIENT OF A RETIREMENT PENSION BY OR UNDER THE MP RETIRING ALLOWANCES ACT SINCE ITS ORIGINAL ENACTMENT. ~ IN THE CASE OF ACTUAL RECIPIENTS TO WHOM PENSION PAYMENTS CONTINUE, THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE RETIREMENT PENSION THAT HAS BEEN ISSUED TO EACH SUCH RECIPIENT AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993. ~ FOR EACH ACTUAL RECIPIENT, THE ACTUAL OR TRUE PORTION OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE RETIREMENT PENSION ISSUED TO EACH RECIPIENT THAT IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTION, ADJUSTMENT, OR OTHER PECUNIARY CREDIT OR EXPENDITURE. 1993.09.17 930510 PRINTING PAPERS, OFFSET PAPER, TEXT PAPER ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 12KP-65562-2-0170 930511 CLIENTS DEPARTMENTS FOR ISM INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT CORP CONTRACTS LIST OF CLIENT DEPARTMENTS FOR ISM INFORMATION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT CORP. AND IST CORP. WITHIN THE PAST 10 YEARS. 930512 PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND RELATED ITEMS CATALOGUE APRIL 1993 COPY OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICAL SUPPLIES AND RELATED ITEMS CATALOGUE DATED APRIL 1993 930513 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES, WORD- PROCESSING AND DATA ENTRY FROM SEPT. 1, 1992 TO SEPT. 1993 LIST OF CONTRACTS WITHIN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE PERIOD OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 FOR THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: ~ GENERAL TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES (ENGLISH) ~ IMMIGRATION MATTERS (TRANSCRIPTION - ENGLISH) ~ WORD PROCESSING (ENGLISH) ~ DATA-ENTRY (ENGLISH) 930514 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR JULY TO SEPTEMBER 1993 FORMAT TH307R01 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY TO SEPTEMBER 1993. 930515 DRIERS, DEHYDRATORS AND ANHYDRATORS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOD.W8462-2-EJBS/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.17 930516 EXPANDING POCKET FILE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE O4KT.W8463-3-DHA6 930517 HIGH SENSITIVITY HELICOPTER-BORNE GAMMA RAY SPECTROMETER SURVEY IN THE YUKON AND BC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 310ZE.23226-3-0163 930518 CALLUPS FOR THE NCR DURING JUNE 1993 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY DSS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1993. 930519 LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO UNISOURCE TECHNOLOGY INC. LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED TO UNISOURCE TECHNOLOGY INC. 1993.09.23 930523 INFORMATION ON THE EVALUATION OF BIDS AND THE VALUE OF ALL BIDS AND WINNING BIDS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES CONTRACT VALUE AND POINTS RECEIVED BY WINNING BIDS FOR TEAM A AND B VALUE OF BIDS SUBMITTTED BY AND POINTS AWARDED TO, ALL OTHER BIDDERS ON TEAMS A AND B FOR DSS FILE NUMBER W8469-3-BA01 930524 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR CODE SB643 (MEDIA ANALYSIS) A LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS FOR CODE SB643, INCLUDING VENDOR NAME AND AMOUNT OF CONTRACT, AND ANY OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION AVAILABLE. 930525 SERVICES DE PEINTURE BID DOCUMENTS FOR DSS FILE NUMBER MON93-00796-(003)A 930526 CHEMICAL TOILET RENTAL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CAL.W0142-2-A084/01 930527 COMPRESSED GASES (LABORATORY AND WELDING) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CAL93-00787-(095) 930528 CATALOGUE FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES CATALOG FOR PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR. CATALOG FOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NCR. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.23 930529 MINESWEEPER AUXILIARIES (MSAS) IN-SERVICE SUPPORT (IIS) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 02ML.W8462-0-BF01 930530 PAINT AND PAINT PRODUCTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM93-00759-(909) 930531 VTS RADAR SYSTEM - BAY OF FUNDY COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 0SC92-00476-(030)/A 930532 LIST OF COMPANIES/PERSONS FOR STANDING OFFERS ON HARASSMENT CHARGES. A LIST OF ALL THE COMPANIES/PERSONS WHO HAVE STANDING OFFERS TO PROVIDE INVESTIGATION OF HARASSMENT CHARGES. (ABUSE OF PRIVILEDGE, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, DISCRIMINATION, ETC.) FOR ANY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT IN CANADA OR ABROAD. 930533 LISTING OF SUPPLIERS HAVING STANDING OFFERS FOR THE PROVISION OF JOB DESCRIPTION SERVICES. A LISTING OF ALL COMPANIES/PERSONS WHO HAVE STANDING OFFERS TO PROVIDE JOB DESCRIPTION, WORK DESCRIPTION SERVICES FOR ANY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT, IN CANADA OR ABROAD. 930534 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR THERMAL ANALYSIS SYSTEM, INCLUDING MODULES FOR THERMOGRAVEMETRIC ANALYSIS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.32209-3-1019/01 930535 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DYNAMIC STRESS RHEOMETER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAF.31026-3-8416/01 930536 CPY OF CONTRACT FOR A DIFFERENTIAL SCANNING CALORIMETER WITH AUTOMATIC COOLING CAPABILITY COPY OF CONTRACT FOR PH.31077-3-0602/01 930537 SPARES TO SUPPORT THE MIXER, STAGE FREQUENCY FOR THE PATROL FRIGATES. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MN.W8479-2-ANWP/01 930538 SPARES FOR H.F. MULTICOUPLER FOR CANADIAN FRIGATES FRIGATES. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MN.W8479-1-ANVA/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.23 930539 SPARES FOR PRESELECTOR ASSY FOR CANADIAN FRIGATES FRIGATES. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MN.W8479-1-ANZZ/01 930540 ELECTRONICS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 413HB.W8464-2-GA37/A 930541 DIGITAL MICROCIRCUITS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 368DR.W8464-3-JA06 930542 MICROCIRCUITS ELECTRONIC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 369DR.W8464-3-JA11/A 930543 INFO ON FEDERAL SUPPLIER LISTS FEDERAL SUPPLIER LISTS FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS ~ SCIENCE AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~ AMES ~ OASIS ~ SEMCO 1993.09.24 930553 INFORMATION ON LANGUAGE TRAINING SERVICES IF THEY HAVE AN EXISTING CONTRACT FOR LANGUAGE TRAINING SERVICES OUTSIDE OF THE MASTER STANDING OFFER. WITH WHAT COMPANY(IES) WHEN DOES THE CONTRACT(S) EXPIRED WHA IS THE TOTAL $ VALUE OF THE CONTRACT(S) AMOUNT OF DOLLARS SPENT IN FISCAL YEAR 90, 91 AND 92 AMOUNT OF DOLLARS BUDGETED FOR FY 93 AND 94 1993.09.29 930544 COPY OF CONTRACT AND PROPOSAL FOR AUDIO EQUIPMENT AND ROAD TOUR SYSTEM FOR THE AIR COMMAND BAND COPY OF CONTRACT AND PROPOSAL FOR DSS FILE WPG93-00348-(100) 930545 PROPOSAL TO PREPARE A WASTE REDUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CANADIAN FORCES BASE BORDEN COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 11SV.W5829-2-0195 930546 COPY OF CONTRACT - CONTRACT NOT YET AWARDED COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 407HB.W8463-2-GG0S/A Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.09.29 930547 COMPRESSOR UNIT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DJ.W8462-2-EBA2/03 930548 INFORMATION ON PRINTING AND PUBLISING EXPENDITURES PRINTING AND PUBLISHING EXPENDITURES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR THE LATES THREE FISCAL YEARS. A BREAKDOWN OF THIS 3 FISCAL YEAR EXPENDITURE BY ~ CANADA TOTAL EACH FISCAL YEAR ~ TOTAL EXPENDITURE AND CONTRACTS AWARDED IN THE PROVINCES OF NEWFOUNDLAND, NOVA SCOTIA, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND AND NEW BRUNSWICK FOR EACH OF THE 3 FISCAL YEARS. THE NUMBERS OF CONTRACTS AWARDED IN CANADA AND THE VALUE AND THE NUMBER OF CONTRACTS COMPLETED IN-HOUSE FOR THE LAST 3 FISCAL YEARS. 930549 INITIAL PROVISIONING SPARES TO SUPPORT THE OIL WATER SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY (104) FOR THE CPF - SRP II PROGRAM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE MN.W8479-1-AGXF/101 930550 VEHICLES PURCHASED SINCE FEBRUARY 24, 1993 RECORDS OF VEHICLES PURCHASED OR LEASED FOR THE VIP FLEET SINCE FEBRUARY 24, 1993. 930551 INFORMATION RELATIVE AUX CONTRACTS ACCORDES PAR GCC 1) liste de contrats octroyes aux compagnies avec lesquelles le Groupe de Communications transige pour les services de signalisation ~ date du contract ~ valeur du contrat ~ coordonne du contrat 2) Dans le cadre du dossier du Groupe de Communications pour le "Paris Airshow - aeroport de Bourget" i) si un contrat aurait-ete octroye au Canadian Aerospace Association date, valeur, ministere client ii)si un contrat aurait-ete octroye a L.G. Exposition, date, valeur totale, ministere client iii) tout document relie a ce dossier qui refere soit a un s. 19(1) et la production d'un catalogue de fournisseurs canadiens. 1993.10.05 930552 COPIE DE PROPOSITION COPIE DE PROPOSITION DE RECHERCHE SOUMISE A L'UNIVERSITE DE DALHOUSIE QUI S'INTITULE: MICROGRAVITY STUDY OF FLOATING ZONE CRISTAL GROWTH PROCESS OF TERNARY SEMICONDUCTORS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.05 930554 LISTES DE CONTRAT POUR LA DISPOSITION DES DECHETS GSIN U501 - GARBAGE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL LE NOMBRE DE CONTRATS QUI ONT ETE OCTROYER POUR LA DISPOSITION DES DECHETS DEPUIS JANVIER 1990 LA VALEUR DE CHAQUE CONTRAT ET LA DISPOSITION ENDROIT OU CHAQUE SERVICE EST UTILISE POUR SES CONTRAT. LA DATE DE LA MISE EN VIGUEUR ET LA DATE DE LA FIN DU CONTRAT LES CONTRATS D'UNE VALEUR DE 1$ A 10,000,000.00 930555 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR G800 AND G802 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR FY 1991 TO 1993 FOR GSINS G800 AND G802 930556 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING PERIOD OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 930557 INFORMATION ON FORMER PUBLIC SERVANTS (RETIRED) A LIST OF CONTRACTORS WHO WERE FORMER PUBLIC SERVANTS (RETIRED). 930558 INFORMATION ON PETRO CANADA IN MISSISSAUGA PETRO CANADA IN MISSISSAUGA (CLARKSON), ONTARIO HAS A WEED CONTROL PROGRAM EACH YEAR, CONSISTING OF HERBICIDE USE. THIS PROGRAM IS CONTRACTED OUT TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR THROUGH DSS. I WISH TO HAVE A COPY OF EACH OF THESE CONTRACTS FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS (IE. 1991 1992, 1993) INCLUDING INFORMATION ON CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT, COST OF THE PROGRAM, PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR, AS WELL AS PAYMENT ISSUED TO THE CONTRACTOR. 930559 INFORMATION ON PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN TORONTO PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT IN TORONTO, HAS A WEED CONTROL PROGRAM EACH YEAR CONSISTING OF HERBICIDE USE. THIS PROGRAM IS CONTRACTED OUT TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR THROUGH DSS. I WISH TO OBTAIN A COPY OF EACH OF THESE CONTRACTS FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS (IE. 1991, 1992 AND 1993) INCLUDING INFORMATION ON CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT, COST OF THE PROGRAM PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACTOR, PAYMENT ISSUED TO THE CONTRACTORS, AS WELL AS THE BUDGET ALLOWED FOR THIS PROGRAM. 930560 INFORMATION ON CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAMS I WOULD LIKE A LIST OF ALL THE CONTRACTS TENDERED BY DSS TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR FOR VEGETATION CONTROL PROGRAMS USING HERBICIDES FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS (IE 1991, 1992 AND 1993) ON FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. PLEASE INCLUDE THE TYPE OF PROGRAM FOR EACH CONTRACT, THE COST OF EACH PROGRAM AS WELL AS THE Dept Date Request No Text Page: 53 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DSS 1993.10.05 930560 PAYMENT ISSUED TO EACH CONTRACTOR FOR EACH YEAR. 930561 CALLUPS FOR THE MONTHS OF JULY TO SEPTEMBER FOR TEMPORARY HELP COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE MONTHS OF JULY TO SEPTEMBER 1993 930562 ALL BIDS (FINANCIAL AMOUNTS & TECHNICAL SCORES) FROM THE PRO POSALS RECEIVED. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HD.57127-3-E023/01 930563 LISTE DES SOUMISSIONNAIRES POUR APPEL D'OFFRE #3HA01405 AFIN D'ACHETER UN NAVIRE. LISTES DE SOUMISSIONAIRES POUR L'APPEL D'OFFRE SUR LE M.V. HULL 28 AU 9 SEPTEMBRE 1993. 930564 PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL CATEGORIES OF TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR TORONTO, ONTARIO AREA COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX92-00890-(011) 930565 SPARES FOR THE OIL\WATER SEPARATOR FOR CPF PROJECT COPY OF CONTRACT WITH INDIVIDUAL VENDOR PART NUMBER, AND NSM NUMBER FOR EACH ITEM. QUANTITIES OF EACH ITEM AWARDED IN THE CONTRACT INDIVIDUAL PRICE FOR EACH ITEM FOR DSS FILE MN.W8479-0-AG52/02 930566 INFORMATION ON STORES WHICH SUPPLY AND SERVICES OPERATES COPY OF ANY POLICY, ORDER-IN-COUNCIL, MEMORANDUM OR SIMILAR DOCUMENT WHICH SETS OUT THE POLICY WHICH CREATED THE STORES THAT DSS OPERATES. ARE THESE STORES AS A BUSINESS AND, IF SO, ARE THEY OPERATED UNDER A CROWN CORPORATION OR SIMPLY BY THE GOVERNMENT. ANY INFORMATION DETAILING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE STORES WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL. 930567 ACCELEROMETER, THERMOSTAT, INDICATOR ETC. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 874PH.W8465-2-EB1B/A 930568 INFORMATION ON VARIOUS GSIN LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR TIME PERIOD OF 1990 TO DATE FOR VARIOUS SERVICES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 54 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.05 930569 WRENCH TORQUE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 311DN.W8463-2-GB6V 930570 MISC. TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 34DE.W8463-2-GD0S 930571 FLASHLIGHT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAL.W8464-3-DA35 930572 MISC. TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 034DE.W8463-2-GB6D/A 930573 MISC. TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 33DE.W8463-2-GG0V 930574 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR PRINTING PRODUCTS FOR 2 QUARTER LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS FOR PRINTING PRODUCTS/SERVICES IN THE NCR AND IN THE OTHER REGIONS DURING THE PERIOD 2Q NAMELY JULY 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 930575 ALL CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR SEPTEMBER 1993 ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1993 930576 LIST OF CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS BY DEPARTMENT FOR JULY 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 A LIST OF ALL CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS BY DEPARTMENT WITH VENDOR NAME CLASSIFICATION AND CALLUP VALUE AND CONTRACT NAME IF AVAILABLE FOR PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 1993 930577 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR NCR DURING PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION DURING THE PERIOD OF JULY 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 930578 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE QUEBEC REGION TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE QUEBEC REGION DURING THE MONTH OF JULY 1, 1993, TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 55 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.05 930579 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE ONTARIO REGION DURING THE MONTH OF JULY 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE ONTARIO REGION DURING THE MONTH OF JULY 1, 1993, TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 930580 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING PERIOD TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING THE MONTH OF JULY 1, 1993, TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1993 930581 ANTENNA ASSEMBLY COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DR.W8464-2-HB95/01 930582 CAIR PRINTOUT FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1993 REGULAR MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FROM THE CAIR SYSTEM FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1993 1993.10.06 930584 TECHNICAL TEMPORARY HELP AGENCIES IN THE TORONTO & SOUTHERN ONTARIO REGION FROM JAN. 92 TO THE LATEST AVAILABLE DATE COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP REPORT DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1992 TO DATE 930585 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR LIGHT EXTENSIONS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DD.W8464-2-DAB6/01 1993.10.07 930586 INFORMATION ON STOCK ITEM CLASS FOR FY 1991-1992 AND FY 1992-1993 A COPY OF THE REPORT: TOTAL PROCUREMENT BY MAJOR STOCK ITEM CLASS FOR FY 1991-1992 AND FY 1992-1993. 1993.10.13 930587 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF ADP EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE FOR DND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 447EU.W8474-1-QC24 930588 HAAKE RHEOSTRESS VISCOMETER (RS100) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HC.KE153-3-0197/01 930589 REPAIR, OVERHAUL AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRONIC SECURITY SYSTEM FOR CORRECTIONAL SERVICES CANADA ALL DOCUMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE, REPORTS, MEMORANDA AND OTHER INFORMATION PERTAINING TO RFP 179BQ.21100-1-0032/A more specifically copy of proposals submitted in response to the RFP Dept Date Request No Text Page: 56 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DSS 1993.10.13 930589 copy of bid evaluation and copy of the contract as per telecon of October 18, 1993 with REQ 930590 FOR THE SUPPLY OF MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT FOR BAUER CAPITAINIO COMPRESSOR TO DND COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM.W0134-3-HMHL/01 930591 FOR THE SUPPLY OF AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT (ATE) IN SUPPORT OF THE (LLAD) PROJECT FIRST PAGE OF CONTRACT EXCLUDING ALL FINANCIAL INFORMATION THE PAGE OF THE CONTRACT PROVIDING THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT CONTRACTED FOR ON DSS FILE NUMBER RX.W8471-3-LL28/01 930592 PRINTERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EY.61410-2-8093/01 930593 PHOTOCOPIERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EW.660EW-2-C155/01 930594 COPIERS-SCANNERS-PRINTERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EW.21303-2-4209/01 930595 HIGH SPEED LASER PRINTERS, ASSCOIATED PERIPHERALS, SOFTWARE TRAINING, AND THE PROVISION OF ON-SITE 5 YRS WARRANTY SERV. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EY.33142-2-1076/01 930596 PHOTOCOPYING MACHINES AND ACCESSORIES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM.KE501-2-1479/01 930597 IMAGE DESIGN SYSTEM, WICH ASSOCIATED TRAINING AND SUPPORT SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EJ.M9010-2-9103/01 930598 PRINTERS, PAGE, LASER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAJ.4Y053-2-1481/02 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 57 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.13 930599 PRINTERS, PAGE, LASER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EZ.M9248-2-8424/01 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EZ.M9248-2-8424/01 930600 PHOTOCOPIERS (RENTAL) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NES.66NEW-3-0018/04 930601 HIGH SPEED DUPLICATORS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EW.A7331-3-0605/01 930602 PHOTOCOPIERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NEW.66NEW-3-0018/02 930603 PHOTOCOPIERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE VAN.67037-1-G004/01 930604 PHOTOCOPIERS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EW.32247-3-1001/01 1993.10.14 930605 ALL CONTRACTS AWARDED BY DSS FOR VETERANS AFFAIRS LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS THAT WERE ISSUED BY DSS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS FROM 1984 TO PRESENT. 930606 PAINT AND PAINT PRODUCTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM93-00759-(909) 930607 OPTICAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOX93-00391-(002) 1993.10.15 930608 COPY OF TEMPORARY HELP CATALOGUE FOR TORONTO COPY OF THE TEMPORARY HELP CATALOGUE FOR TORONTO 930609 CALL-UPS FOR MICROCOMPUTER TRAINING FROM 1 APRIL 1992 TO 31 MARCH 1993. A REPORT FROM THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR MICROCOMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES WHICH PROVIDES A REPORT IN COMPUTER FORMAT OR ON PAPER. A LIST OF ALL CALLUPS FOR INFORMATICS BY DEPARTMENT WITH VENDOR NAME, CLASSIFICATION AND CALLUP VALUES. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 58 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.15 930610 ACQUISITION GUIDE FOR MICROMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES THE CURRENT ACQUISITION GUIDE FOR MICROMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES 1993.10.18 930611 DX-300 SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE QUE.4Y070-3-0179/01 930612 LARGE SCALE ICE FRACTURE EXPERIMENT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSG.84084-2-0221/01 930613 DIGITAL BASEMAP COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSG.K3480-2-1475/01 930614 WASTEWATER CHARACTERIZATION IN FRASER RIVER BASIN COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSB.KA601-2-3875/01 930615 EVALUATION OF WOOD PRESERVATION LEACHATE QUALITY COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSB.KA601-2-3739/01 930616 REGLEMENTATION FEDERALE DES PATES ET PAPIERS AU QUEBEC COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSK.KA313-2-6620/01 930617 AUTOSAMPLER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM.23295-3-3291/01 930618 LEASING OF A GILSON BINARY HPLC SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.31000-2-1520/01 930619 BIOSYSTEMS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HC.M9010-2-X075/01 930620 MICROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE BIODEGRADATION OF HYDROCAR- BONS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XAT.FP707-3-5025/01 930621 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NEW.FP001-3-4004/01 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 59 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.18 930622 LEASE & MAINTENANCE OF SPECTROMETER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE WPG.FP430-2-3037/01 930623 MICROBIAL IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CAL.01586-3-1289/01 930624 BECKMAN J2-M1 FLOOR MODEL CENTRIFUGE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE CAL.W7702-1-1084/01 930625 SUPPLY & INSTALL ONE STAR 3600 MULTIMETHOD MICROPROCESSOR BASED GAS CHROMATOGRAPH COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE PH.01851-3-4030/01 930626 STAR MULTIMETHOD MICROPROCESSOR GAS CHROMATOGRAPH COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TOB.FP921-3-5009/01 930627 TERNARY GRADIENT PUMP COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.KA168-2-0593/01 1993.10.20 930630 COPY OF THE INDEX OF MASTER STANDING OFFERS COPY OF THE INDEX MASTER STANDING OFFERS 930631 PLASTIC REFILL PAGES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DA.M0077-3-B052/01 930638 INFORMATION ON FUEL CONSUMPTION PLEASE PROVIDE FIGURES TO SHOW FOR LAST YEAR, 1992-93, THE TOTAL FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR EACH CLIENT DEPARTMENT - MARINE, AVIATION AND OTHER. 930639 INFORMATION ON CONTRACT TRANSACTIONS PLEASE PROVIDE FIGURES TO SHOW FOR LAST YEAR, 1992-93, THE ACTUAL CONTRACT TRANSACTIONS FOR EACH CLIENT DEPARTMENT - IN THE AREAS OF INFORMATICS TRAINING ~ INFORMATICS, PROFESSIONAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES, SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, PROGRAMMING, SUPPORT FOR DATA BASE MANAGEMENT, INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ~ CONDUCT OF TRAINING AND ~ MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL/VOCATIONAL TRAINING. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 60 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.22 1993.10.22 930632 COPY OF CONTRACT ALL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND MIST, AND BETWEEN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND TEC A COMPANY FROM MARYLAND USA (WHO WAS THE SUPPLIER OF THE MATERIALS TO MIST FOR THE ENCLOSURE). THE CONTRACT BETWEEN MIST AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. THE RECORD OF MILESTONE PAYMENTS THAT WERE MADE INCLUDING THE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OF $1,000 DUE TO THE TWO DAYS OF DELIVERY FOR DSS CONTRACT NUMBER 06QD.W2213-7-1448/01 930633 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF THE AWARDED CONTRACT, ANY ORDERS ISSUED AGAINS THE CONTRACT, AND ALL CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN THE AWARDEE AND THE CONTRACTING OFFICE. A COPY OF THE TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS FROM THE AWARDEE. 930634 TO UPGRADE, MAINTAIN & OPERATE ICE BLASTING EQUIPMENT AND AMENDMENTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE XSA.W7708-1-0750/01 930635 A PROPOSAL TO DEVELOP A LIGHT AIRCRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL REMOTE SENSING SYSTEM FOR ABORIGINAL & REMOTE COMMUNITY RESOURCE M COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 23413-3-2316/01.18SQ 930636 SEEDS FOR AGRICULTURE CANADA COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HA.01845-3-0060/00 930637 SEED MIXTURE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HC.01845-3-0070/0 930640 CPY OF THE REQUEST FOR STANDING OFFER FOR MICROCOMPUTER AND MAINFRAME TRAINING SERVICES INFORMATION ON RFP FOR COMPUTER TRAINING FOR 1993-94 930641 CATALOGUE OF COMPANIES ON THE STANDING OFFER FOR COMPUTER TRAINING FOR 1993-94 INFORMATION ON COMPUTER SOFTWARE TRAINING FOR 1993-1994 1993.10.25 930642 RATES AND PROCEDURES FOR TEMP HELP FOR VANCOUVER AREA COPY OF THE RATES AND PROCEDURES ON TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES FOR THE VANCOUVER AREA. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 61 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.25 930643 INFORMATION ON MICROCOMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES. COPY OF THE CATALOGUE FOR MICROCOMPUTER TRAINING SERVICES. 1993.10.26 930644 TOPIC SPOTTING SYSTEM COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE W2213-3-1903 930645 COPY OF CONTRACT COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS AND CONTRACT AMENDMENTS BETWEEN DND AND CRAY RESEARCH FOR DSS FILE W2213-2-3509/01 930646 CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR SUN MICROSYSTEMS HARDWARE LIST OF CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR SUN MICROSYSTEMS HARDWARE IN THE PREVIOUS 18 MONTHS. 930647 CALLUPS FORMS FOR TEMPORARY HELP (JULY TO SEPTEMBER) CALLUPS FORMS FOR JULY TO SEPTEMBER ON TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE NCR. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 62 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.05.13 930058 XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX XXX VISA FILE FOR XXX 1993.08.16 930250 TWO VISA FILES REQUESTED XXX C/O s. 19(1) JORDAN & SYRIA VISA FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.17 930244 NATIONAL ADOPTION DESK - XXX 1- DOLLAR VALUE OF THE NAD DEPT'S ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET. 2- # OF EMPLOYEES LISTED FOR THE NAD DEPT. 3- # OF SUCCESSFUL INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION PLACEMENTS CO-ORDINATED BY THE NAD FOR EACH REQUESTED YEAR. 4- THE COUNT4RIES FROM WHICH THE SUCCESSFUL ADOPTIONS ORIGINATED. 5- PROVINCES TO WHICH THE ADOPTED CHILDREN WERE TO BECOME RESIDENTS OF. ALL INFO AS IT PERTAINS TO 1989/1990/1991/1992/1993. FOR 1993 ONLY A COUNTRIES WHICH, FOR THE CURRENT YEAR 1993, (A) THE NAD HAS SIGNED CO-OPERATIVE ADOPTION AGREEMENTS. (B) POLICY AND PROCEDURES (INCLUDING ELIGIBILITY OF ADOPTING COUPLE) FOR ACHIEVING A SUCCESSFUL INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION FOR EACH COUNTRY WHICH HAVE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NAD. (C) POSITION AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH EMPLOYEE LISTED WITH THE NAD. 930253 NHQ RECS. RE IMM. OF XXX C/O XXX NHQ IMMIGRATION RECORDS RE XXX C/O XXX 1993.09.27 930347 MEDICAL FILE XXX Medical File XXX Requested by XXX 1993.09.28 930333 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 930348 XXX LETTER FROM IBEW AND/OR XXX TO IAS REPLYING TO THEIR AUDIT AND REQUEST TO REPAY $42,018.38. IAS REPLY TO IBEW AND/OR XXX REGARDING THEIR AUDIT & OVERPAYMENT OF $42,018.38 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 63 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.09.29 1993.09.29 930334 REQUEST FOR VISA & CIC FILES FOR XXX REQUEST FOR VISA AND CIC FILES OF XXX C/O XXX 930335 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.09.30 930336 XXX CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES REQUEST FOR ALL 8251 FORMS (CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE) BOTH ISSUED AND RENEWED FOR THE MONTHS OF JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER OF 1993 FOR THE TORONTO REGION 930337 XXX CALL-UPS FROM ANNUAL PERIOD PRECEDING SEPT/93 REQUEST FOR THE CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE ANNUAL PERIOD PRECEDING SEPTEMBER 1993 1993.10.04 930339 XXX REGULATIONS GOVERNING OPS. OF IMM MED. REVIEW COPY OF THE REGULATIONS WHICH GOVERN THE OPERATIONS OF THE IMMIGRATION MEDICAL REVIEW BOARD. INCLUDING THEIR LEGAL AND NON LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND METHODS BY WHICH THE PUBLIC CAN GAIN ACCESS TO THIS BODY 930342 XXX LABRADOR CITY (BDC) REQUEST FOR NAMES AND AMOUNTS OF PERSONS RECEIVING FUNDS UNDER SEE PROGRAM FOR 1993 IN COMMUNITY FUTURES, LABRADOR CITY, NF (BDC) BY XXX 930343 VISA FILE XXX Visa File XXX Requested by XXX 1993.10.05 930352 XXX OVERTIME FROM APR. 1/93 TO SEPT 30/93 OF CEC SELKIRK REPORT ON ALL AUTHORIZED OVERTIME (PAID OR ACCUMULATED) FOR THE PERIOD COVERING APRIL 1, 1993 TO SEPTEMBER 30/93, FOR EACH POSITION NUMBER WITHIN THE OFFICE OF CEC SELKIRK 4234 1993.10.06 930378 XXX MEDICAL & VISA FILES FOR XXX REQUEST FOR OVERSEA & MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.08 930344 IMMIGRATION REQUEST - XXX AND HIS FAMILY Immigration Request - XXX and his Family Requested by XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 64 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.10.08 930345 UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ENTITLEMENT XXX Unemployment Benefits Entitlement XXX 930346 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS - XXX Callups in NCR for Temporary Help Serv. XXX 1993.10.12 930349 MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930350 XXX OPERATIONNAL STATS FOR IMM. CENTRES IN QUE. OPERATIONNAL STATISTICS FOR THE FOLLOWING IMMIGRATION CENTRES IN QUEBEC FROM FEBRUARY 1993 TO PRESENT: CIC MONTREAL ENFORCEMENT, CIC MONTREAL-EST, CIC RENE LEVESQUE - INDICATE IF CIC MONTREAL ENFORCEMENT IS CREDITED WITH HUMANITARIAN & COMPASSIONATE CASES (IE.9) OR IF IT'S THE OTHER OFFICES THAT SUBSEQUENTLY HANDLE THE CASES THAT ARE CREDITED WITH THE INLAND LANDINGS 1993.10.13 930356 XXX RE CEIC TRAINING COURSE CALLED MODULE I REQUEST FOR A LIST OF WORKERS FROM THE WINNIPEG CENTRE CEC JURISDICTION WHO HAVE BEEN REFERRED TO THE CCEIC TRAINING COURSE CALLED MODULE I, THE ASSESSMENT COMPONENT OF EMPLOUYMENT COUNSELLING (A.C.E.C.) DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME FROM 1990 - 1993. CATEGORIZED BY: (1) CLASSIFICATION & JOB TITLE AT THE TIME OF REFERRAL TO TRAINING; (2) DATE OF REFERRAL TO TRAINING 1993.10.14 930355 XXX IMMIGRATION CIC & VISA FILES FOR XXX NEW DELHI VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.15 930351 XXX MEDICAL RECS. FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930353 MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930354 MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930364 XXX NATIONAL WELFARE GRANTS RECORDS OF NATIONAL WELFARE GRANTS REQUESTED, PROJECT PROPOSALS AND SYNOPSES, INTERNAL REVIEWS OF PROPOSALS, GRANT AWARD STATEMENTS, MEMOS, FAXES, CORRESPONDENCES, LETTERS, AND REPORTS RELATED TO ANY PROPOSALS SUBMITTED BY XXX AND ALL FUNDS SHE RECEIVED FROM NW FROM 1981 TO PRESENT. (EDUCATION/DISSOCIATION) (EDUCATION/DISSASSOCIATION). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 65 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.10.18 1993.10.18 930357 XXX REQUESTS BY XXX RE WHETHER EITHER XXX ARE RECORDED AS HAVING ENTERED CANADA AT SOME TIME DURING THE YEARS 1961, 1962 OR 1963 930361 NEW DELHI FILE, MEDICAL RECORDS AND WINNIPEG CIC FILE XXX MEDICAL RECORDS, NEW DELHI VISA FILE & CIC WINNIPEG FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930362 XXX FED. COURT OF CANADA TRAINING SESSIONS REQUEST FOR ALL RECORDS THAT CONCERNS TRAINING SESSIONS OR INFORMATION SESSIONS GIVEN BY ANY PERSON AFFILIATED WITH THE DEPARTMENT, TO ANY PERSON AFFILIATED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY WITH THE FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA, BETWEEN 1989 AND THE PRESENT. 930363 XXX HONG KONG VISA FILE FOR XXX HONG KONG VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.19 930358 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930359 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930360 NEW DELHI VISA, MEDICAL AND CIC FILES FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE NEW DELHI VISA FILE, MEDCIAL RECORDS AND WINNIPEG CIC FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930365 XXX REPRESENTATIONS MADE TO CEIC MINISTER # OF REPRESENTATIONS MADE TO CEIC MINISTER ON IMMIGRATION CASES FOR THE YEARS 1988 - 1992; # OF TIMES MINISTER DECIDED IN FAVOUR OF THE CLIENT MAKING THE REPRESENTATION FOR THE YEARS 1988 - 1992; SOURCE OF THE SUCCESSFUL REPRESENTATIONS BY GOVERNMENT M.P., OPPOSITION M.P., NGO, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE AND INDIVIDUALS 930366 XXX INFO ON REMOVALS FROM 1988 - 1993 # OF REMOVALS (DEPORTATIONS & EXCLUSIONS) EFFECTED DURING THE PERIOD 1988 - 1993 (NATIONAL FIGURES, BROKEN DOWN BY REGION); # OF REMOVALS THAT REQUIRED ESCORTS BY IMMIGRATION AND RCMP PERSONNEL 1988 - 1993 (NATIONAL FIGURES BROKEN DOWN BY REGION); NATIONAL REMOVALS BUDGETS, BROKEN DOWN BY REGION & WHETHER REMOVAL WAS ESCORTED OR UNESCORTED FOR ALL FISCAL YEARS 1988-89 TO PRESENT Dept Date Request No Text Page: 66 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.10.20 1993.10.20 930367 XXX MORATORIUM RE DEPORT. OF CITIZ. OF REP. OF CHINA ALL RECORDS RE THE CURRENT POLICY NOT TO DEPORT, REMOVE, NOR EXECUTE DEPORTATION OR REMOVAL ORDERS AGAINST CITIZENS FROM THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, INCLUDING ANY DOCUMENTS SETTING OUT THE REASONS FOR THE POLICY. 930368 XXX DOSSIERS DU CENTRE HAITIEN A LONGUEUIL CEC DEMANDE D'ACCES A L'INFORMATION AFIN DE CONSULTER L'ENSEMBLE DES DOSSIERS DU CENTRE HAITIEN D'INTEGRATION SOCIALE DE LA RIVE-SUD (CHISRS), ET CE, EN COMMENCANT PAR LES DOSSIERS DE 1991 A NOS JOURS 1993.10.21 930369 XXX A STUDY MADE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATIN BY ERNST & YOUNG ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S IMMIGRANT-INVESTOR PROGRAM 930382 XXX DBA PORT ALBERNI JOB TRAINING INFO RE TRAINING DOLLARS AVAILABLE IN THE PORT ALBERNI AREA. ALL SIGNED TRAINING CONTRACTS, APPLICATIONS, BUDGETS CURRENTLY ACTIVE IN THE PORT ALBERNI AREA. COMPLETED PARTICIPANT FOLLOW-UPS. DIRECT PURCHASE MONIES AVAILABLE IN PORT ALBERNI AND AREA, RECAP OF TAINING DOLLARS SPENT TO DATE THROUGH DIRECT PURCHASE, AND PARTICIPANT FOLLOW-UP OF COMPLETED TRAINING. INFO ON THE CAREER ACTION CENTRE, PROPOSAL, BUDGET, SIGNED APPLICATION, FOR THE CAREER ACTION CENTRE 1993.10.22 930375 MANILA VISA FILE OF XXX XXX MANILA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930376 IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 930377 DOSSIER IMMIGRATION DE XXX C/O XXX DOSSIER COMPLET DE XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.25 930371 ALL IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX ALL RECORDS RESPECTING THE IMMIGRATION MATTERS OF XXX C/O XXX 930372 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 67 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.10.25 930373 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930374 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.26 930370 REQUEST FOR INFO RE COMPETITION 93-EIC-CC-ONT-33 XXX REQUEST FOR INFO RE COMPETITION 93-EIC-CC-ONT-33 - REGIONAL INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICER, FOR XXX 1993.10.27 930379 MEDICAL FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930380 VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX LONDON VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.28 930381 PROJECTS WARF, DESERT GYPSY & RAW XXX REQUEST FOR THREE REPORTS: 1) PROJECT WARF (WELFARE AND REFUGEE FRAUD) BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN MARCH 1993 BY ILO TORONTO REGION; 2) PROJECT DESERT GYPSY (ALSO ILO TORONTO) ON THE SUBJECT OF SOMALI REFUGEE ALLEGED FRAUD; 3) PROJECT RAW BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN PREPARED BY ILO NIAGARA REGION. REQUESTED BY XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 68 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.09.29 930065 BOIS COUPE SUR UNE RESERVE En vertu de la loi sur l'acces a l'information je desire obtenir une copie du dossier 5085-70 qui a rapport au mesurage du bois coupe sur la reserve indienne # 70 en Ontario. Vous trouverez ci-joint une photocopie d'une lettre du 2 decembre 1950 provenant du Department of Ressources and Developmnent et une copie de la page titre du dossier des Affaires indiennes.˙ ˙ CASE TRANSFERRED TO NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF CANADA.˙ 1993.10.12 930066 CALLUPS FOR SEPT 93 Callups against a standing offer for temporary help services in the National capital region for the period: September 1993˙ 1993.10.20 930067 CHIP APPLICATION Demande pour une application a l'interieur du programme d'isolation thermique des residences canadiennes (PITRC) ou CHIP.˙ 930068 SEISMIC STUDIES, B.C. This is a request for certain information under the Access to Information Act, in particular, the results of a study undertaken by the Geological Survey of Canada between April and August of 1988. This study, coordinated by John Luternauer, consisted of seismic readings and core samples from the dyke area around Richmond, B.C., including the Terra Nova area (Westminister Highway). Preceding this study was a similar one which examined the Boundary Bay/Roberts Bank are of Delta, B.C. This information would most likely be found under EMR/GSC-360 Geophgysics: earthquake and seismic hazards or seismology. I would like to receive a copy of the report relating to this study, particularly as it pertains to Richmond, and will be willing to pay for such. I would also appreciate knowing the cost of the Boundary Bay portion of the study. Enclosed is payment of $5.00 which I understand is the fee for this request. When you locate the relevant study and/or report, please fax the cost of a paper copy to xxxxxxx and I will provide payment. Also please include the types of payment which you will accept, and whether or not you can send the informaation by Priority Post or some other deliver method quicker than regular mail.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 69 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.10.25 1993.10.25 930069 CALLUPS FOR AUG AND SEPT 93 Callups under the terms supply arrangement for august and september 1993 for the NCR˙ 1993.10.27 930070 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS Callups against a standing offer for temporary help for the month of September 1993 National Capital Region.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 70 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.08.09 930051 TARIFF ITEM Information on former tariff item 44570-1, present code 5540, and tariff item 32614-1, present code 5535.˙ 1993.09.27 930062 PUBLIC OPINION POLLS Public opinion polls conducted for the department in 1993.˙ 1993.09.28 930064 FISCAL PERFORMANCE OF ALBERTA ˙ ˙ Any internal reports prepared by or on behalf of the Department of Finance evaluating the fiscal performance of the Province of Alberta since January 1993.˙ 1993.09.30 930063 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Call-ups for temporary help for the annual period preceding September 1993 (September 92 to August 93).˙ 930065 BENEFIT TOTALS OVER $284 MILLION In the letter attached, from the Minister of Finance, I would like to refer to the fourth paragraph, second sentence. (The total amount of additional liability for the benefit totals over $284 million). -- How CP Ltd actuary arrived at this amount.˙ 1993.10.12 930066 CONTRACT LIST July/93 - September/93 professional service contract list.˙ 930067 CONTRACT REPORTS Contract terms of reference and reports: A36022 (p. 6), A306008 (p. 6), A206054 (p. 6), A306036 (p. 7), A206100 (p. 8), A306032 (p. 9),˙ A306034 (p. 9), A306010 (p. 10).˙ 1993.10.18 930068 TARIFF ITEM 8501.52.90 In respect of P.C. 1993-1809, dated September 23, 1993 and Amendments to Code 5619 contained therein, please provide copies of all documentation filed in support of duty removal for tariff item 8501.52.90, as well as all consents or agreements to such removal by Canadian manufacturers.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 71 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.10.22 1993.10.22 930069 BUDGET OF NOVA SCOTIA ˙ All records of analyses, reviews, assessments, etc. of the budget of the Nova Scotia government, announced Sept 30/93.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 72 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IDA 1993.09.01 930040 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS All callups processed by this institution in the NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION unde the terms of the SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT for temporary help services for the month of July 1993 1993.09.09 930042 ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INS All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region unde the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services duringthe period of August 1993 1993.09.27 930045 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR T Call-ups for temporary help for the period of January to September 1993 1993.10.01 930047 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT REPORT PREPAR Technical Assistant Report Prepared by CANEDCOM International Ltd. Report title is: Technical Assistance Report leading to Asian Development Ban Loan s. 19(1) Technical Education Development Project in Indonesia Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 73 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.08.24 930109 "RECORDS" REGARDING THE SUBJECT M We wish to access the following records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - regarding the subject matter referred to in the record dated April 27, 1993: A- la note de service du Directeur ex‚cutif en date du 8 F‚vrier dernier sur le sujet en titre (collecte de renseignements aux fins des enquetes men‚es par l'agents d'audiance [sic]). B- The copy of the observations and propositions referred to in paragraph two of the record dated April 27, 1993. 1993.08.25 930110 CRDD DECISION/REASONS: V92-01807 On bahalf of this s. 19(1) , I would like to make an access to information request for the Convention Refugee Determination Division reasons in case #V92-01807 which was heard on July 28, 1993, in Vancouver. I understand the reasons have to be sanitized so that they can be read by myself - s. 19(1) . A $5 cheque to cover the fee will be mailed to you today. 1993.09.23 930111 POLICY AND MONITORING DIRECTORATE TO ADJUDICATION We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - that is from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate to Adjudication between January 1, 1989 and December 31, 1989. 930112 R.K.'S FILE #91-482 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - that is from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate to Adjudication between August 15, 1993 and September 19, 1993. 930113 POLICY AND MONITORING DIRECTORATE TO DIRECTOR, HEARINGS DIVISION We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - that is from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate and to the Director, Hearings Division, between June 1, 1993 and September 19, 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 74 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930114 RECORDS SIGNED BY OR ON BEHALF OF DIRECTOR, PLANNING & ANALYSIS We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - signed by or on behalf of the Director, Planning and Analysis, between March 1, 1993 and September 19, 1993. 930115 RECORDS FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from September 1st, 1992 to the present that is from the Executive Director, and that is to the Department of External Affairs. 930116 R.K.'S FILE #91-477 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from January 1st to the present that concerns meetings held between the Deputy Chairmen and the Assistant Deputy Chairmen. 930117 R.K.S' FILE 476 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to present from the Communications Group, the Communications Strategy Group, or the group responsible for media relations. 930118 R.K.S' FILE #91-475 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from Mr. Colpitts, between February 1st, 1993 to the present. 930119 R.K.S' FILE #91-474 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from D. Cole to the Immigration Intelligence Division, between January 1st, 1993 to present. 930120 R.K.S' FILE #91-473 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from each person attached to Refugee Analysis Liaison Unit between January 1st, 1993 to the present. 930121 R.K.S' FILE #91-472 We wish to have a list of the personnel attached at any time to the Refugee Analysis Liaison between June 1st, 1993 to the present. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 75 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930122 R.K.S' FILE #91-471 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Policy and Monitoring Directorate. 930123 R.K.S' FILE #91-470 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that concerns the regional director's conference calls. 930124 R.K.'S FILE #91-469 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that concerns senior management meetings held by a Regional Director in Winnipeg. 930125 R.K.'S FILE 91-468 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "records" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to present that concerns senior management meetings held by a Regional Director in Vancouver. 930126 R.K.'S FILE 91-467 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Acess to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that concerns senior management meetings held by a Regional Director in Toronto Front. 930127 R.K.'S FILE #91-466 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that concerns senior management meetings held by a Regional Director in Montreal. 930128 R.K.'S FILE #91-465 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Winnipeg Regional Director, and that is to a member ot the IRB. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 76 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930129 R.K.'S FILE #91-464 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Vancouver Regional Director, and that is to a member of the IRB. 930130 R.K.'S FILE #91-463 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto Front Regional Director, and that is to a member of the IRB. 930131 R.K.'S FILE 91-462 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Montreal Regional Director, and that is to a member of the IRB 930132 R.K.'S FILE #91-461 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from Jun1 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Vancouver Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a member of the IRB. 930133 R.K.'S FILE #91-460 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto Front Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a member of the IRB. 930134 R.K.'S FILE #91-459 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to present that is from a Montreal Deputy Chairman, and that is to a member of the IRB. 930135 R.K.'S FILE #91-458 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Vancouver Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a Regional Director. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 77 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930136 R.K.'S FILE #91-457 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a Regional Director. 930137 R.K.'S FILE #91-456 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Montreal Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a Regional Director. 930138 R.K.'S FILE #91-455 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from s. 19(1) and that is to Sam Laredo. 930139 R.K.'S FILE #91-454 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Executive Director and that is to Deputy Chairman. 930140 R.K.'S FILE #91-453 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - regarding the outside Legal opinion recently obtained by the IRB concerning information disclosure to Board Members. We wish to have a copy of the legal opinion , and a copy of the records setting out the terms of the mandate and the terms of payment for the outside legal opinion. 930141 R.K.'S FILE #91-452 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Executive Director and that is to the Director General of Operations,Policy and Planning. 930142 R.K.'S FILE 91-451 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from January 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Executive Director and that is to the Director General for Documentation, Information, and Research. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 78 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930143 R.K.'S FILE #91-450 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operation,Policy and Planning and that is to the Planning ans Analysis Diractorate. 930144 R.K.'S FILE #91-449 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present thet is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to Legal Services. 930145 R.K.'S FILE #91-448 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to Paul Colpitts. 930146 R.K.'S FILE #91-447 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to an Assistant Deputy Chairman. 930147 R.K.'S FILE #91-445 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to a Deputy Chairman. 930148 R.K.'S FILE #91-444 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to the Executive Director. 930149 R.K.'S FILE #91-443 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1sr, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to the Chairman. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 79 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930150 R.K'S FILE 91-442 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from March 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General of Operations, Policy and Planning and that is to the Director General of Information, Documentation and Research. 930151 R.K.'S FILE 91-441 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General for Documentation, Information and Research and that is to a Deputy Chairman. 930152 R.K.'S FILE 91-440 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Acceess to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General for Documentation, Information and Research and that is to the Executive Director. 930153 R.K.'S FILE #91-439 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from January 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General for Documentation, Information and Research and that is to a Regional Director. 930154 R.K.'S FILE #91-438 We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from January 1st, 1993 to the present that is from the Director General for Documentation, Information and Research and that is to the Director General for Operations, Policy and Planning. 930155 MEETINGS TORONTO UNIVERSITY We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that concerns Senior Management meetings held by a Regional Director Toronto University. 930156 RECORDS FROM 01/06/93 TO PRESENT We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to present from a Toronto University Regional Director and that is to a member of the IRB. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 80 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.23 930157 RECORDS FROM 01/06/93 TO PRESENT We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto University Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a member of the IRB. 930158 RECORDS FROM 01/06/93 TO PRESENT We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto University Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman, and that is to a Regional Director. 930159 RECORDS FROM 01/06/93 TO PRESENT records from june 1st, 1993 to present that is from Director General Operatios, Policy and Planning and that is to a Regional Director. 930160 MEMBER TRAINING We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Access to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman (member training) to a member of IRB. 930161 MEMBER TRAINING We wish to access all memoranda and all other records - as the term "record" is defined under the Acces to Information Act - from June 1st, 1993 to the present that is from a Toronto Deputy Chairman or Assistant Deputy Chairman (Memeber training) that is to Regional Director. 1993.09.29 930165 INFORMATION ON COMPETITION # 93-IRB-NCR-CC-056 I wish to access all documents related to the following competition: Competition Number: 93-IRB-NCR-CC-056 Title: Executive Assistant to the Executive Director The interviews with respect to this competition were held on Friday, September 17, 1993 in Ottawa. I wish to access the Rating Guide, the questions and my answers together with those of the other candidate, s. 19(1) , any tets (i.e. the PSC Simulation Test) and responses and any other document related to this competition (e.g. the comments of the selection Board). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 81 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IRB 1993.09.30 1993.09.30 930166 IMMIGRATION APPEAL HEARING I would like the audio tapes of an immigration appeal hearing held in Vancouver August 16 and 17 1993. The file s. 19(1) . The appellant was XXX of Whiterock, B.C. his lawyer was s. 19(1) . Immigration Canada's counsel was Mike McPhalen. 1993.10.04 930163 MEMBERS HANDBOOK Access is requested to the Members Handbook for the Convention and Refugee Determination Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board. Access is also requested to the Refugee Hearing Officer's Handbook of the Convention and Refugee Determination Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board. 930164 INFORMATION ON XXXXXX This is a request for records under the Access to Information Act. I am a Caqnadian citizen. I request access to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada which relate to any claims for Convention refugee status by XXXXXX (also known as XXXXXX) of Zaire. I am only interested in records which indicate whether the IRB or Canada Immigration is aware that Mr. XXX is under investigation by UNHCR on allehations of corruption, misappropriation of funds and prostitution-organizing during s. 19(1) . 1993.10.12 930167 NOMINATIONS ET RENOUVELLEMENTS DES COMMISSAIRES ET COORDONNATEURS En vertu de la loi d'acces a l'information a laquelle est soumise la C.I.S.R., je desire obtenir par la presente la liste des recommandations faites par les vice-presidentes-adjointes de Montreal et la liste soumise par la Presidente Nationale a qui de droit, eu egard aux nominations et renouvellements des commissaires et coordonnateurs pour l'annee 1993. Pour chaque cas, j'aimerais connaitre le nom et la duree du mandat recommande pour les personnes concernees. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 82 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.10.07 930079 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR SEPTEMBER 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR SEPTEMBER 1993˙ 1993.10.12 930080 TWO-WAY RADIO INTERFERENCE ALL DOCUMENTS, LETTERS, MEMOS AND REPORTS REGARDING A TWO-WAY RADIO "JAMMING" (INTERFERENCE) INCIDENT IN LONDON, ONTARIO ON TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1989 INVOLVING U-NEED-A-CAB LIMITED AND INVESTIGATED BY EMPLOYEE OF COMMUICATIONS CANADA. ˙ 1993.10.18 930081 CANADIAN UNDERWEAR PRODUCTION ALL DOCUMENTATION RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF THE IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR ON THE CANADIAN PRODUCTION OF UNDERWEAR, INCLUDING ALL DOCUMENTS, REPORTS, MEMORANDA, NOTES, BRIEFING PAPER IN RESPECT OF THE IMPACT OF IMPORTATIONS OF UNDERWEAR; A LIST OF ALL PERSONS CONTACTED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR ON CANADIAN PRODUCTION OF UNDERWEAR; ALL NOTES, REPORTS, SUMMARIES, QUESTIONNAIRES RESPONSES, RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO CONTACTS; ALL SUMMARIES, MINUTES, NOTES AND RECORDS RELATING TO MEETINGS HELD, EITHER INTERNALLY OR WITH MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, IN RELATION TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF THE IMPORTATION OF UNDERWEAR ON CANADIAN PRODUCTION OF UNDERWEAR; AND ALL BRIEFING NOTES, SUMMARIES OF OPINIONS, REPORTS, ANALYSES PREPARED FOR SUBMISSION TO EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE CANADA.˙ 1993.10.22 930082 CALLUPS IN NCR FOR AUG/SEPT. 1993 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 1993˙ 930083 INVESTIGATION OF RADIO JAMMING REPORTS AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION PERTAINING TO INVESTIGATION OF A JAMMING OF A RADIO FREQUENCY ON OR ABOUT MARCH 28, 1989 IN A SPECIFIC VEHICLE.˙ 1993.10.25 930085 BILL C-91 ANY POLICY PAPERS, MEMORANDA, RECOMMENDATIONS, DISCUSSION PAPERS ETC. CONCERNING LAW C-91 THAT WERE WRITTEN IN WHOLE OR IN PART BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE PASSAGE OF SAID LAW THROUGH PARLIAMENT ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 83 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ IST 1993.10.27 1993.10.27 930084 CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR CALLUPS PROCESSED IN NCR ˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 84 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.09.27 930109 RECALL OF A.L.E.R.T. INSTRUMENTS Package including all pertinent information and correspondence respecting malfunction of A.L.E.R.T. J3A 1993.10.06 930117 STATS INFO RE: CUSTOMS ACT Stats info re: Customs Act 1993.10.07 930110 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING TH All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period of September 1993. 930111 REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO RECORDS...R Request for access to records and memoranda pertaining to the murder trial of seven Inuit people on the Belcher Islands, NWT in the summer of 1941. The case was a religious murder/suicide in which 9 Inuits died the previous winter. The presiding justice was Mr. Charles Percy Plaxton and the crown counsel was Mr. R.A. Olmstead. 1993.10.13 390112 REQUEST FOR TOTAL AMOUNT LEGAL FE R‚quisition pour le montant total des contrats octroy‚s par le gouv. f‚d. ... des cabinets d'avocats de la pratique priv‚e par province, par cat‚gorie (domaine juridique) et par ministŠre client, pour les ann‚es fiscales 89-90, 90-91, 91-92, 92-93 930112 MONTANT TOTAL CONTRACT‚ AU PRIV‚ (DOMAINE JURIDIQUE) le montant total des contrats octroy‚s par le gouv. f‚d. ... des cabinets d'avocats de la pratique priv‚e par province, par cat‚gorie (domaine juridique) et par ministŠre client, pour les ann‚es fiscales 89-90, 90-91, 91-92, 92-93. 1993.10.18 930113 REQUEST FOR COPY OF YOUNG OFFENDE wants a copy of the Young Offenders Act to help write a paperon Law Thesis. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 85 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ JUS 1993.10.25 1993.10.25 930114 FRANK HARRISON ALLAN MEMORIAL DEP All info regarding the required profile for receipt of compensation under the Allan Memorial Institute Depatterned Persons Assistance Plan including informaiton regarding those to be provided with compensation, those to be denied compensation, the reasons for these decisions, the period of time of "treatment" being covered, details of the electroshock requirements for compensation, what number over what period ot time, details of medications involved, etc.... 930115 INFO RE FILE 1075-177 - JUSTICE all records located on our file 1075-177 1993.10.27 930116 TEST CASE 1993.10.29 930118 PERSONAL SERV. CONTRACTS 1989-93 All personal service contracts, 1989-93 by the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section. As well, we are to provide a list of Justice personal service contracts issued after 1988 (like in 87-189). 930119 PART 2 OF 4: ALL EMPLOYEES INFO R 1988-present - all info on employees temp, long term, permanent, contract in the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section. 930120 PART 3 OF 4 RE: 1988-89 OPERATION 1988-89 - all work plans, budget, fin. worksheets, actual expenditure data sheets, annual reports, management reports re: Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section, also procedures on assigning and handling cases, procedures, handbooks directives produced. Any audits, evaluations, reports done on the WCAH. 930121 PART 4 OF 4 REQ. RE: 1989-PRESENT BRIEF. NOTES TO SR. MAN. WCAH.. 1. Since 1989, all brief. notes to Sr. Management and Minister, anticipated oral questions from the CAH, 2. Previously released data under the Access Act re the work of this Section, 3. records that deal with the reasons for slow and few case progress, with Seciton morale and effectiveness, and with Section personnel problems. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 86 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ LAB 1993.10.04 930021 SHIPMENT OF LIVE GRENADES Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930016, all written records and correspondence regarding shipment of live grenades.˙ 1993.10.06 930022 UNJUST DISMISSAL FILE I am requesting photocopies of the entirety of file s. 19(1) which consists of the records pertaining to s. 19(1) unjust dismissal complaint against the Toronto-Dominion Bank.˙ 1993.10.22 930023 BARIUM CARBONATE SPILL Information regarding investigations conducted concerning an incident involving the alleged spill of Barium Carbonate, and remediation and safety checks performed, at the Canadian Pacific Express & Transport Ltd. Ottawa freight terminal located at or around 1435 Caledon Street, Ottawa on or after January 22, 1991.˙ 1993.10.28 930024 CALLUPS FOR MONTH OF SEPT/93 Callups against a standing offer for temporary help for the month of Sept/93 National Capital Region˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 87 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.09.27 930154 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF 1 INDIVIDUA 1993.09.29 930155 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 930156 CONFIRMATION DU STATUT DE CITOYEN 930157 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF HUSBAND. 930158 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.10.05 930159 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930160 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930161 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 930162 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 930163 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 1993.10.08 930164 CONFIRMATION OF HUSBAND'S CITIZEN 1993.10.12 930165 CITIZENSHIP RECORDS OF 3 INDIVIDU 930166 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF FATHER. 1993.10.14 930167 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS Dept Date Request No Text Page: 88 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ MCC 1993.10.15 1993.10.15 930168 CONFIRMATION OF MOTHER'S CITIZENS 1993.10.19 930169 CONFIRMATION OF GRANDMOTHER'S CIT 930171 CONFIRMATION OF MOTHER'S CITIZENS 930172 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 930173 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 930174 CONFIRMATION OF MOTHER'S CITIZENS 1993.10.20 930175 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS 930176 CONFIRMATION OF CITIZENSHIP STATU 1993.10.26 930177 CITIZENSHIP RECORD OF ONE INDIVID 1993.10.27 930170 CONFIRMATION OF FATHER'S CITIZENS Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 89 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NCC 1993.10.01 930015 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 1) Agreements between NCC, Government of Quebec & ORC re: Waste Water Treatment Plant built in Templeton, P.Q.˙ 2) Consultants reports, feasibility studies re: Treatment Plant˙ 3) Any other documentation supporting decision to build facility.˙ 1993.10.08 930016 COMMITTEE MINUTES I am applying under the Access Act for the following records.˙ ˙ The June 30, l993 to October l, l993 NCC Commission, Executive Committee and Executive Management Committee meeting minute records. Provide the agendas first if possible for these meetings and an index to appendices/attachments.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 90 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1992.09.08 920330 SUBSTANCE #7: 4-METHOXYAMPHETAMI See Request 92-A-324. Substance #7: 4-methoxyamphetamine. Substance #7: 4-methoxyamphetamine. See Request 92-A-324. Substance #7: 4-methoxyamphetamine. 1993.09.30 930316 RECORDS CONCERNING VANADIUM TABLE All documentation available for manufacturer regarding formulation of VANADIUM tablets 7.5mg and 10mg. 930317 NAME OF REQUESTOR FOR FILE 92-A-406. Further to your letter of August 16, 1993, regarding an Access to Information request for "clinical reviewers comments, label review comments, and comprehensive summary for ACCUPRIL", we would like an information disclosure of the party who requested this information. 930318 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH AND N.O.C. FOR CLONAZEPAM TABLETS. Requesting a copy of the Product Monograph for CLONAZEPAM tablets, 0.5mg, 1.0mg, 2.0mg and information regarding the data submitted, and reviewed, that led to the favourable decision to issue a notice of compliane for PMS - CLONAZEPAM More specifically, we ask that the source of the CLONAZEPAM tablets used as comparators in bioequivalency studies for PMS - CLONAZEPAM be identified. Rivotril 1.0mg tablets are not available through ROCHE in Canada. In addition, we ask that the follwoing results of bioequivalency testing be released for both comparator and PMS CLONAZEPAM tablets, 0.5mg, 1.0mg, and 2.0mg.: 1. Comparative plasma concentration VS time profiles 2. t max and C max values, and comparative statistics 3. AUC values, and comparative statistics 4. K (absorption) values or equivalent parameter, and comparative stats 5. K (elimination) values or equivalent parameter, and comparative stats Dept Date Request No Text Page: 91 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.10.01 1993.10.01 930319 DOCUMENTS RELATED TO "GREEN PLAN" FUNDS INITIATIVES. 1. Minutes of meeting of Senior ADMs and/or ADMs attented by (XXX) and (XXX) on March 10, 1992, during which decisions where made concerning the disposition of Green Plan funds and initiative (APHE-MSB). 2. All documents related to the subsequent dispostion of Green Plan funds received from Treasury Board and mentioned in memos between (XXX) and (XXX) (date of memos are April 9, 1992 and May 22, 1992) and their subsequent allocation to the PSH (Occupational and Environmental Health) regions for 1991-92, 1992-93 and 1993-94, 1994-95. 3. Contracts, contribution agreements, or other financial vehicles used to allocate or move funds between Headquarters and the Public Service Health Regions. e.g. Great Lakes Inititative (EAGLE)., Laboratory Center for Disease Control (LCDC). Documents (contracts for services to be rendered by LCDC for PSH), the MOWICHAT BAND, B.C., Northern Rivers Initiative in Edmonton (Prairie Region) and others. 4. Also disposition of funds related to the Northern and Arctic and Pregnancy and Child Initiatives and the Occupational Health Laboratory (OHU). 5. All documents related to the dispostion of Green Plan Funds related to the LAB overhead, LAB expansion and construction and the documents related to the LAB deficit of previous and current years. 6. Letters, memos and other communications from Senior Managers of DIAND at the DM, SR-ADM, Associate DM, ADM and/or DG levels in response to questions of compliance of HWC in regard to DIAND`s "Artic Environmental Strategy". 1992-92, 1992-93 - winter/Spring of 1992-93. Related to Treasury Board Submission Document No. MIN 817255 (AES) - October 10, 1991 - approved. 7. Details of all contracts to individuals, management companies, and consultants etc., for the last 8 years. 8. Details of payment for the Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS) contract ( No.:?, Date: January 1992). 9. Contribution of Green Plan Funds to A-Base Activities in PSH Headquarters and Regions for 1991, 1992 and 1993-94, 1994-95. 1993.10.05 930320 INSPECTION REPORT FOR CIBA VISION-STERILE MFG. MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO. Request for the most recent plant inspection report including narrative and response to HPB comments for: Ciba Vision - Sterile Manufacturing (A MEMBER OF CIBA-GEIGY CANADA LTD.) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 92 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.10.05 930321 DOCUMENTS RE: MULTIPLE PERSONALIT Request for documentation concerning Health and Welfare's support of educational, research and treatment efforts for a psychiatric disorder known as Multiple Personality Disorder. I would like complete copies of any grant requests, project proposals and synopses, internal reviews of proposals, grant award statements, memos, faxes, correspondences, letters, and reports related to any proposals submited to Health & Welfare by (XXX) and any and all funds she has received from Health and Welfare, from 1981 to present, in connection with Multiple Personality Dissocation. 1993.10.06 930322 PCB EXPLOSION AT TORONTO AIRPORT. Request any information that the department may have concerning the PCB explosion at Pearson International Airport, Toronto, approximately 15 years ago. All documents, studies and reports done on the victims of the explosion, the clean-up crew and their families. All documents, studies and reports on the victims/clean-up crew/Families of PCB Explosion showing long and short term care and monitoring as well as the regulations surrounding PCB contamination as set out by your department. i.e. National Health & Welfare i.e. Health & Welfare Canada. Request copies of all information regarding any investigations or studies conducted by the department regarding the health of individuals involved, as well as any follow-up studies or recommendations about the incident by the department. It is my understanding that Health and Welfare Canada was involved in the initial investigation and conducted follow-up studies as well. I request copies of all the information that you may now be in control of, even though there has been a recent departmental name change of Health and Welfare to National Health and Welfare. 1993.10.08 930323 DATE OF N.D.S. FOR SELEGILINE HYD Please provide the date of a New Drug Submission by Novopharm Limited in respect of SELEGILINE Hydrochloride. 930324 ALL DOCUMENTS RELATED TO DIDRONEL BY PROCTOR & GAMBLE. Request for documents related to DIDRONEL (etidronate disodium and calcium carbonate) and formerly: DIDRONEL PMO, Osteokit. Date of Submission is September 12, 1988, control number 08959. Request copies: 1. External Reviewer Reports 2. Internal Reviewer Reports 3. All internal memos 4. any communications with US Food & Drug Administration Dept Date Request No Text Page: 93 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NHW 1993.10.14 1993.10.14 930326 DATA REGARDING AIDS PATIENTS. Need the total number of aids patients in Canada and the breakdown. How many are homosexuals and how many are heterosexuals. 930327 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR LOSEC BY AS Copy of latest approved product monograph for: 1. Zovirax Tablets (Burroughs-Wellcome) 2. Losec Capsules (Astra) 930328 PRODUCT MONOGRAPH FOR CEFAZOLIN S Provide a product monograph for: CEFAZOLIN SODIUM (KEFZOL) manufactured by Eli Lilly. 930329 COPY OF ADVERSE DRUG REPORTS FOR LYPHOMED SODIUM CHLORIDE INJECTABLE. A copy of the adverse drug reports from 1980 - 1990 regarding SODIUM CHLORIDE INJECTABLE (concentrated - 23.4%). 930330 COPY OF D.I.N. ETC. FOR LYPHOMED' Copy of the drug identification number application including the draft label of LYPHOMED SODIUM CHLORIDE INJECTION (Concentrated 23.4%) and a copy of any H.P.B. comments concerning the application and a copy of LYPHOMED's response(s). This data pertains to the product initially sold in Canada in 1983. 1993.10.15 930331 RECORDS RE CONTRACT WITH SYSTEMHO Copies of documents, including all correspondence, to show the nature of a personal services contract, or general services contract, between s. 19(1) and Systemhouse. 930332 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS FOR (XXX). Copies of all documents to show expense accounts for (XXX) for a period of one year prior to the date of his retirement. 930333 RECORDS CONCERNING DIRTY BEER BOT Documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930276, on contamination found in beer bottles. 930334 MINUTES OF FALL 1991 MEETING OF R Minutes of the meeting of the Reproductive Advisory Committee to the HPB in which is recorded that Upjohn's product, Depo-Provera be approved. The meeting was held in the fall of 1991. I believe it was the 3rd or 4th meeting. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 94 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.10.15 930334 In addition, we require documentation of the reversal of that decision (i.e., to not approve Depo-Provera) which occurred early in 1992. 930335 DATE OF NDS FOR SELEGILINE HYDROCHLORIDE (APOTEX). Please provide the date of a New Drug Submission by Apotex Inc. in respect of SELEGILINE HYDROCHLORIDE. In its press release of May 10, 1993, Apotex Inc. stated that "it will soon be launching a generic version of ELDEPRYL".(emphasis added). 1993.10.18 930336 CALLUPS FOR NURSING SERVICES IN Y Copies of all contracts including callups used by the department to purchase nursing services in the Yukon region during the period April 1, 1993 to date. 930337 CALLUPS FOR MICRO COMPUTER TRAINI All callups processed under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Microcomputer Training Services by this department since April 1, 1992 to date. 930338 INSPECTION REPORTS FOR KELLOG PLA A copy of the inspection reports and related documents prepared by the department regarding the Kellog Canada plant at London Ontario since January 1, 1989. 1993.10.20 930339 MORE DETAILED RECORDS ON APO-ENALAPRIL (SEE 93-A-297). More detailes information pertaining to the drug APO-ENALAPRIL, manufactured by Apotex Inc., Weston, Ontario. DIN Numbers 02020025, 02019884, 02019892, 02019906 All records and documents in the files of the Health Protection Branch: Records (logs) of telephone communications between the HPB and Apotex Inc., including names of the participants Minutes and notes relating to meetings between the HPB and Apotex Inc. Correspondence between Apotex Inc. and HPB Third Party Assessment(s) of the file by consultant(s) hired by HPB Deficiency letters, Letters of rejection, Letters of non-compliance. Inter-office memos, Notes to files, Inter-division memos, Inter-bureau communications. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 95 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... NHW 1993.10.20 930339 Recomendation to the Minister or Deputy Minister Enforcement Reports, Field Operations Reports. Label reviews, Promotional material reviews. Adverse reasctions. 1993.10.21 930340 RECORDS RE: GENERIC MINOCYCLINE F Request a search under F.O.I. legislation to retrieve all filings (application requests), Notice of Compliance(s), correspondence and research reports pertaining to the approval of generic minocycline production/research for Canada. Scope of information can be limited - Dec. 1, 1991 to present Sept. 1993. **Please advise us as to any costs involved. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 96 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ NRC 1993.09.13 930035 IRAP GRANTS Nous aimerions obtenir la liste des compagnies qui ont obtenues des subventions du programme PARI, au Quebec ces trois dernieres annees.˙ Nous sommes specialises en financement recherche et developpement, nous desirons verifier aupres de ces entreprises leurs besoins en financement.˙ 1993.09.20 930036 UFO I request access to records which will enable me to know the follwoing about UFOs:˙ Any directives or regulations concerning the documentation of UFO sightings in Canada;˙ Reports of sightings received in the last three years;˙ Any studies or analyses of UFO sightings.˙ 930037 COPY OF MEMO The attached page from Dr. * 's correspondence log was provided under cover of Mr. * ....... I would therefore like....˙ The page from Dr. *'s log which mentions receipt of this document...˙ I would like to be provided with a copy of the relevant page as well as any relevant documents uncovered in the process.˙ 1993.09.27 930038 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP Request for information of all temporary help requests, namely "call-ups against a standing offer for temporary help services" for the month of August 1993.˙ 1993.10.07 930039 IARP GRANTS 1. All firms that received funding under the IRAP program in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia and Quebec and the dollar amount of funding for fiscal year 1992-1993.˙ ˙ 2. All firms that received funding under the IRAP program in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick and the dollar amount of funding for fiscal years 89/90, 90/91, 91/92 and 92/93.˙ ˙ I am aware that there will be a cost for information above 125 pages. Please contact me at the telephone number below as to this cost before preparation begins. I would also appreciate a time estimate as to how long this procedure will take. Enclosed is a cheque for $5.00 to begin the process.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 97 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.03.17 920135 FLQ 1970 RG 146- FLQ 1970 FLQ 1970 RG 146- FLQ 1970 1993.09.23 930123 INFORMATION CONCERNING LOT # 76 I grant no. 1342, given to the Catholic Church. It says on the grant that it was duly investigated by us, the Dominion Government at the time (12 Feb 1881). What I want is any documents that were shown to investigators to show they were owners of said land. The lot number is 76 in St. Boniface. 1993.09.28 930118 RCMP RECORDS CONCERNING INDIVIDUA RG 18- records concerning XXX 930119 TRADE NEGOTIATIONS OFFICE Request for records of the Trade Negotiations Office pertaining to the following dossiers: 1. liaison between the Trade Negotiations Office and federal and provincial agencies; 2. any records of contact between Trade Negotiations Office employee XXX and XXX; 3. provincial briefing books; 4. trade remedies and countervail. 1993.09.29 930122 TIMBER CUT ON INDIAN RESERVE # 70 IN ONTARIO Timber right on Indian reserve # 70 in ONtario - reference file 371/20-7-0-70 vol. 1 1993.10.04 930120 MCDONALD COMMISSION RECORDS RG33/128, file 6000-5-183 930121 POLICING SERVICES OF RCMP IN NOVA SCOTIA TOWNS Documents concerning RCMP policing services in various towns in Nova Scotia during the period of 1970-1990. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 98 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PAC 1993.10.06 1993.10.06 930124 INFORMATION ON FATHER Information about my father, XXX Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 99 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.05.05 934022 REUNION DU CABINET SUR ELECTIONS PROCES-VERBAUX ET ANNEXES CORRESPONDANTES DES REUNION DU CABINET TOUCHANT LES ELECTIONS EN 1972: REUNIONS DES 4 MAI 72; 7 SEPT. 72; 12 OCT. 72.˙ 1993.07.12 934078 WAR MEASURES ACT HOW MANY TIMES HAS THE WAR MEASURES ACT BEEN USED?˙ ˙ AND WHAT ARE THEIR DATES?˙ 1993.07.21 934080 CORRESPONDENCE, MINUTES ETC COORESPONDENCE, MINUTES, NOTES ET RAPPORTS RELATIFS AUX REUNIONS DU CONSEIL DES MINISTRES DU GOUVERNEMENT CANADIEN TENUES A OTTAWA, LE 25 JUILLET 1967. 1993.09.10 934140 TRIPS MADE INSIDE CANADA BY PM ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ALL TRIPS MADE INSIDE CANADA BY PRIME MINISTER KIM CAMPBELL SINCE THE DATE OF HER SWEARING IN (JUNE 25). THIS IS TO INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO COSTS OF TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATION, FOOD, HOSPITALITY AND ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE PRIME MINISTER AND FOR ALL THOSE WHO TRAVELLED WITH HER OR JOINED HER AT ANY POINT ON HER TRAVELS.˙ 1993.09.20 934142 RECORDS OF SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM RECORDS ON REVIEW OF SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM. CABINET REFERENCES: ˙ MARCH 29, APRIL 12, 1973.˙ ˙ OTHER RECORDS IN 1973 MAY EXIST AND ARE REQUESTED.˙ 934143 MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RECORDS ON "GROUND ACCESS TO THE NEW MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT." ˙ CABINET REFERENCE: JUNE 7, 1973.˙ 934144 1976 MONTREAL OLYMPICS CABINET RECORDS ON THE 1976 MONTREAL OLYMPICS. REFERENCES: CABINET˙ MEETINGS MAY 10, MAY 22, JUNE 1 AND 7, 1973.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 100 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.09.20 934145 1973 CONFLICT OF INTEREST RECORDS FROM 1973 ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND A BASIC CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CABINET MINISTERS. CABINET REFERENCE: JUNE 21, 28, 1973.˙ 934146 MP'S RETIRING ALLOWANCES I REQUEST THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:˙ ˙ 1) AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993, THE IDENTITY OF EVERY ACTUAL AND ELIGIBLE RECIPIENT OF A RETIREMENT PENSION BY OR UNDER THE MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT RETIRING ALLOWANCES ACT SINCE ITS ORIGINAL ENACTMENT.˙ ˙ 2) IN THE CASE OF ACTUAL RECIPIENTS TO WHOM PENSION PAYMENTS HAVE CEASED, THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE RETIREMENT PENSION THAT HAS BEEN ISSUED TO EACH SUCH RECIPIENT.˙ ˙ 3) IN THE CASE OF ACTUAL RECIPIENTS TO WHOM PENSION PAYMENTS CONTINUE, THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE RETIREMENT PENSION THAT HAS BEEN ISSUED TO EACH SUCH RECIPIENT AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1993.˙ ˙ 4) FOR EACH ACTUAL RECIPIENT, THE ACTUAL OR TRUE PORTION OF THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE RETIREMENT PENSION ISSUED TO EACH RECIPIENT THAT IS ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTION, ADJUSTMENT, OR OTHER PECUNIARY CREDIT OR EXPENDITURE.˙ 1993.09.24 934147 REVAMPING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT I WOULD LIKE A COPY OF A STUDY ON REVAMPING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, IN PARTICULAR THE FEDERAL CABINET. THE STUDY WAS CONDUCTED BY FORMER CLERK OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL GORDON OSBALDESTON. THIS STUDY WAS COMMISSIONED BY PRIME MINISTER BRIAN MULRONEY. THE STUDY BY MR. OSBALDESTON AND HIS RECOMMENDATIONS WAS COMPLETED IN THE SPRING OF 1993.˙ 934148 CALLUPS IN THE NCR FOR TEMP HELP ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: AUGUST 1993˙ 1993.09.28 934149 CALL-UPS FOR AUGUST 1993 "CALL-UP AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES" FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 1993.˙ 1993.09.30 934150 REQUEST FOR MC/9 DATED 7 SEPTEMBER 1993 YOUR REFERENCE # IR9394017˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 101 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PCO 1993.09.30 934151 CALL-UPS FOR SEPTEMBER REQUIRE CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE ANNUAL PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1993.˙ 1993.10.05 934152 REQUEST FOR CABINET MEMORANDA, CA CABINET MINUTES ANY ANCILLARY DOCUMENTS ON EACH ITEM LISTED.˙ 1993.10.07 934153 ACCESS TO COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS LET TO BILL FOX AND/OR HIS FIRM, EARNSCLIFFE STRATEGY GROUP WHICH INVOLVE˙ 1) ACTIVITIES OF HEADS OF STATE OR HEADS OF GOVERNMENT VISITING CANADA AND 2) TRIPS ABROAD BY THE PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA OR OTHER GOVERNMENT˙ OFFICIALS. THE TIME PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REQUEST IS FROM 1988 TO THE ˙ PRESENT.˙ 934154 THE MOST RECENT POLICY ADMINISTRATION MANUAL ON DEALING WITH THE MEDIA.˙ 934156 NOTES AND CORRESPONDANCE TO THE PRIME MINISTER RE: INQUIRY ON BLOOD SYSTEM OR ANY DOCUMENT RELATED TO CONTAMINATION OF BLOOD IN THE EARLY 1980's.˙ 1993.10.08 934157 HOW MANY NOMINATIONS FOR THE CANADIAN SENATE WERE RECEIVED IN EACH OF THE LAST FIVE CALENDAR OR FISCAL YEARS; THE NUMBERS SHOULD BE BROKEN DOWN TO MALE AND FEMALE NOMINATIONS; AND BY PROVINCE.˙ 1993.10.22 934161 CALL UPS ALL CALLUPS PROCESSED BY THIS INSTITUTION IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUPPLY ARRANGEMENT FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD: SEPTEMBER 1993.˙ 1993.10.25 934160 ROYAL COMMISSION ON NEW REPRODUCTI ALL DOCUMENTS LISTING EVERY OUTSIDE CONTRACT ISSUED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON NEW REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES SINCE IT WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1989 UNTIL THE PRESENT.˙ ˙ ALL DOCUMENTS LISTING ANY ADDITIONAL EXPENSES BY THE COMMISSION DURING ITS FOUR YEARS OF WORK.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 102 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PSC 1993.09.30 939415 RECRUITMENT INFO A) The list of jobs competitions the PSC was involved with whenever the federal departments recruited people from the PSC inventory.˙ B) Please classify the above under the following: Areas: Toronto region, Ontario and rest of Canada. Fields: Administration, Accounting and Finance. Position: Clerical to Management. Departments.˙ C) The job competitions I am interested are the managerial and clerical, related work in administration and accounting fields.˙ D) Provide information on the statement of qualifications, selection process and the reasons as to why I was not considered for each position. I am informed by the PSC that I am in the regional and national inventory and I was assured that I would be considered for all possible jobs in the above fields from 1990 to 1993.˙ 939416 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES CALL UPS Could you please send us a copy of all 8251 forms (call-ups) for temporary help service both issued and renewed for the months of July, August and September of 1993 for the Toronto region.˙ 1993.10.26 939417 CAIR CAIR no. 949407 (see attachment) - List of former aides to ministers.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 103 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.04.23 930026 PHASE 2 MUSEE NATIONAL DES SCIENC Aimerions obtenir copie de la soumission de Construction Vancel ltee ainsi que les demandes de paiment de cettedite entreprise. 1993.06.08 930039 DOCUMENTATION BETWEEN CCQ AND PWC Public Works recently hired some electricians and plumbers under the supply arrangement for temporary help. They were classified as AS. I understand that the (CCQ) Commission de Constuction de Quebec a Quebec government agency which claims jurisdiction to regulate almost all contruction work in the province issued a stop work order during the month of March 1993. The work carried on by the temporary electicians and plummers stopped. After meetings between CCQ officials and Public Works officials the matter was resolved. The work resumed. I seek any documentation arising from the meetings between the CCQ and Public Works and any correspondence between the CCQ and the department. 1993.09.27 930091 VIA RAIL UNION STATION BUILDING (WINNIPEG) All correspondence between: Environment Canada Architectural and Engineering Services Office in Winnipeg and Heritage and Conservation Program Architectural and Engineering Services for Environment Canada Office in Ottawa ...That relates to or mentions "Geremia Blackie Architecture" and "VIA Rail Canada" With respect to the renovation work carried out under the "Historic Railway Heritage Protection Act" at the VIA Rail Union Station Building located at 123 Main Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba Date of correspondence requested is between December 1, 1992 and present. 930093 CALLUPS NCR JUNE 1993 I would like to request copies of callups (Government 8251's) covering the Temporary HelpServices usage at Public Works Canada for the month of June 1993 in the National Capital Region. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 104 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.09.27 930100 CALLUPS PRECEDING SEPTEMBER 1993 We require call-ups for temporary help for the annual period preceding September 1993. 1993.09.30 930092 QUALIFIED MASONARY FIRMS FOR THE VICTORIA MUSEUM I am applying under the Access to Information Act for the recently-developed list of Qualified Masonary Firms for the Victoria Museum. Ideally for each firm I would like the name, address, and telephone number. 1993.10.01 930094 CALLUPS ONTARIO REGION JULY...SEP Could you please send us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Service) both issued and renewed for the months of July, August and September of 1993 for the Toronto Region. 1993.10.06 930097 SIR ALEXANDER CAMPBELL BUILDING This is an access to information request, under the Access to Information Act, for two documents: 1) "Underground storage tank investigation, mobile exhibits building and garage, Sir Alexander Campbell building," Jacques Whitford company, Ottawa, Dec. 6, 1991. 2) "Public Works Canada social remediation, mobile exhibits building and garage, Sir Alexander Campbell building," Jacques Whitford company, Ottawa, Feb. 11, 1992. 1993.10.08 930095 CALLUPS NCR, SEPTEMBER 1993 All callups preocessed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period; September 1993. 930096 CALLUPS QUEBEC REGION, SEPTEMBER 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period; September 1993. 1993.10.18 930099 CORRESPONDENCE/DOCUMENTATION BETW 2108725-870474 leased warehouse and office space, St. Johns and surrounding areas NFLD. Request copies of all correspondance/documentation between Public Works Canada and 10268 NFLD LTD up to Oct 18th/1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 105 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ PWC 1993.10.26 1993.10.26 930101 CALLUPS SEPT. 1993 NCR 8251 Forms for Sept - NCR 1993.10.28 930102 DOCUMENTS IN POSSESSION OF R. MOR All documentation in the possession of Roy Morris or staff reporting to him regarding visits of ionspectors of the Quebec Commission de la Construction on Public Works Canada premises during the period: January to July 1993. 930103 DOCUMENTS RE: MILA MULRONEY/BRIAN MULRONEY, LANGEVIN BLOCK I would like copies of all documents including: contracts, invoices, memos, correspondence, records of telephone discussions and minutes of meetings between Public Works officials and others (including contractors and subcontractors) concerning the redecoration of offices in the Langevin Block and in the Centre Block in the winter of 1992- 1993. More specifically, this request covers the redecorating done to Mrs. Mila Mulroney's offices in the Langevin Block and to Mr. Mulroney's offices in the Langevin Block and in the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 106 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.06.02 930048 APPEAL NO. XXX We have been requested by our client to write to you concerning that certain decision rendered under Section 131 of the Customs Act with regard to the above-captioned matter. Our client has submitted the said letter dated December 3, 1993, further to the above-mentioned reference. Since the undersigned is totally unfamiliar with what has transpired herein, would you be kind enough to favor the undersigned with copies of the documents that were submitted with regard to the said decision rendered by the Adjudication Division with regard to the above-captioned matter. 930049 AMENDED TRANSACTIONS CONCERNING XXX We require a copy of all reports, comments, memoranda to file, and otherwise, letters of opinion from independents and any other documents to establish the Department's position on the transactions listed. XXX 930050 XXX(MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ADVISOR We require a copy of all reports, comments, memoranda to file, and otherwise, letters of opinion from independents and any other documents to establish the Department's position regarding the telefax we received. 1993.06.03 930051 GENERAL INTELLIGENCE SECTION/JANU A copy of any reports, studies, reviews or assessments (not memoranda) prepared by the General Intelligence Section of the Intelligence Division, between January 1, 1987 and December 31st, 1989, that study / examine / discuss the following subjects/issues: a) economic intelligence; b) protecting Canada's economic security; c) illegal transfer of technology/clandestine transfer of technology; d) protecting Canada's scientific and technological assets; e) control over the export of strategic goods. To narrow the scope of the search for documents exclude any documents which identify in the title of the document the name of a foreign intellignece agency, the name of a foreign country, or the name of a specific business corporation. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 107 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.06.03 930052 GENERAL INTELLIGENCE SECTION/JANU A copy of any reports, studies, reviews or assessments (not memoranda) prepared by the General Intelligence Section of the Intelligence Division, between January 1, 1990 and May 1st, 1993, that study / examine / discuss the following subjects/issues: a) economic intelligence; b) protecting Canada's economic security; c) illegal transfer of technology/clandestine transfer of technology; d) protecting Canada's scientific and technological assets; e) control over the export of strategic goods. To narrow the scope of the search for documents exclude any documents which identify in the title of the document the name of a foreign intelligence agency, the name of a foreign country, or the name of a specific business corporation. 930053 INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS SECTION/JAN A copy of any reports, studies, reviews or assessments (not memoranda) prepared by the Intelligence Analysis Section of the Intelligence Division, between January 1, 1987 and December 31st, 1989, that study / examine / discuss the following subjects/issues: a) economic intelligence; b) protecting Canada's economic security; c) illegal transfer of technology/clandestine transfer of technology; d) protecting Canada's scientific and technological assets; e) control over the export of strategic goods. To narrow the scope of the search for documents exclude any documents which identify in the title of the document the name of a foreign intelligence agency, the name of a foreign country, or the name of a specific business corporation. 930054 INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS SECTION/JAN A copy of any reports, studies, reviews or assessments (not memoranda) prepared by the Intelligence Analysis Section of the Intelligence Division, between January 1, 1990 and May 1st, 1993, that study / examine / discuss the following subjects/issues: a) economic intelligence; b) protecting Canada's economic security; c) illegal transfer of technology/clandestine transfer of technology; d) protecting Canada's scientific and technological assets; e) control over the export of strategic goods. To narrow the scope of the search for documents exclude any documents which identify in the title of the document the name of a foreign intelligence Dept Date Request No Text Page: 108 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.06.03 930054 agency, the name of a foreign country, or the name of a specific business corporation. 1993.06.04 930055 TEMPORARY HELP CALL-UPS/NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION/APRIL 1993 Temporary Help Call-ups for the National Capital Region for the month of April 93. (Administrative Support/Professional, Administrative, Technical and Operational) 1993.06.07 930056 H.S. CODE 8501.64.90.00 AND 8502.30.00.00 H.S. Code 8501.64.90.00 and 8502.30.00.00. Revenue Canada, Customs Tariff Programs Division (RCC CPG 185) Machinery and Equipment Advisory Board and the Department of Finance relating to "availability from Canadian production" rulings under Division III of the Customs Tariff and discretionary relief on "public interest" under Division VI of the Customs Tariff relating to the importation of products under the above noted classification. Information requested includes any legal opinions, notes, rulings, internal memorandum, decision summaries, correspondence, submissions by interested parties, (TRS), including local, regional, or other offices and locations and any other documentary material regarding the administration of duty relief programs for the tariff classification listed above. Of particular interest are any documents relating to "not available from Canadian production statues for calendar year 1991, 1992 and 1993. 930057 ASSESSMENT 2227 - 543066 All copies relating to assessment XXX, including assessment itself, correspondence with appeals directorate, notes, etc. 930064 HOURLY PAY RATE I request access to all records concerning the Hourly Pay Rate for Student Customs Officers hired under the SCOP for the Summer. I also request all records concerning the criteria by which a students educational institute and years of post secondary studies will determine his/her hourly rate of pay. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are withholding and the reason you are withholding each of them. 1993.06.08 930058 PAYMENT OF ANTI-DUMPING DUTIES Subject: Decision of the Deputy Minister of National Revenue for Customs and Excise made on February 26, 1993 in respect of the payment of anti-dumping duties on two shipments of carbon pipe imported by XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 109 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.06.08 930058 We hereby request access to all Department's records, memoranda, opinions and correspondence relating to the Department's consideration of the contestation of the determination of anti-dumping duties in respect of the following two shipments of carbon pipe imported by XXX: 1. Customs entry number XXX; and 2. Customs entry number XXX. The officers within the Assessment Programs Division of the Department of National Revenue who had conduct of this matter are as follows: XXX 930059 SEIZURE RECORDS s. 19(1) RE Request any and all information pertaining to XXX, contained on any of the data bases with Customs & Excise. Of particular relevancy will be that found on data banks: 1. s. 19(1) (seizure records), and, In effect, I am interested in establishing a "carrier profile" based on the data and information held and maintained by Canada Customs. As part of the request, I would be particularly interested in obtaining copies of specific policies and procedures relating to seizure of commercial vehicles deemed to be in contravention of cabotage regulations respecting proper/improper usage of commercial vehicles by Canadian companies and Canadian drivers. Further, I seek copies of all information respecting customs seizure XXX involving a XXX Freightliner Tractor. 930060 INVESTIGATIONS s. 19(1) REG Request any and all information pertaining to XXX, contained on any of the data bases with Customs & Excise. Of particular relevancy will be that found on data bank: 1. s. 19(1) (seizure records), and, 2. s. 19(1) (investigations). In effect, I am interested in establishing a "carrier profile" based on the data and information held and maintained by Canada Customs. As part of the request, I would be particularly interested in obtaining copies of specific policies and procedures relating to seizure of commercial vehicles deemed to be in contravention of cabotage regulations respecting proper/improper usage of commercial vehicles by Canadian companies and Canadian drivers. Further, I seek copies of all information respecting customs seizure XXX involving a XXX Freightliner Tractor. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 110 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.06.09 1993.06.09 930061 OFFICER'S REPORT/SEIZURE #XXX Full details of Seizing Officer's Report in connection with Seizure #XXX. 930062 OVERTIME RECORDS AND EMPLOYEE SIG Overtime records and employee sign-in sheets for the period April 1, 1992 until March 31, 1993 for employees working at: GST - Interim Taxation Centre Revenue Canada Customs and Excise Ottawa, Ontario 930063 INTERIM AND TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATI Copies of all expense claims or a summary of all expenses approved for Interim and Temporary Accommodation for employees of Revenue Canada Customs and Excise GST Interim Taxation Centre - Ottawa occupying temporary accommodation in Ottawa during the period April 1, 1992 until March 31, 1993. If providing a breakdown, please provide it by month, number of employees, and dollar amount in the following categories: private accommodation; room and board situation; permanent accommodation; government owned or controlled accommodation; other types of accommodation; The dollar amount of meal and other non-rental expenses approved for employees occupying the above categories of accommodation over the same period broken down by month. The dollar amount of travel expenses approved for employees occupying temporary accommodation for the same period broken down by number of employees and by month. 930078 COMPETITION XXX Request access to any and all documentation regarding competition XXX. This includes any and all information about the other candidates (need to compare to get understanding on how and why the board reached its decisions) which would normally be provided in a post board interview, especially the names and ranking of the three people screened in and the seven people screened out. Include all documentation, corrrespondence and notes of Kathleen Styacko, s. 19(1) and any other Human Resource Personnel - in particular a copy of the letter dated February 26, 1993 from Dept Date Request No Text Page: 111 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.06.09 930078 Diane Larocque (Ottawa) to Jim Salmond (Ottawa) and Jim Salmond's response to Diane Larocque dated March 19, 1993. Also any correspondence and notes between Diane Larocque and Human Resource Personnel - Winnipeg. 1993.06.11 930065 XXX GOODS AVAILABLE FROM CANADIAN PRODUCTION We require a copy of all reports, comments, memoranda to file, and otherwise, letters of opinion from independents, submissions by or on behalf of XXX, memoranda to file by officers including those relative to any and all visits as well as any other documents or information used to establish the Department's position that the goods are available from Canadian Production. 1993.06.16 930066 KETOCONAZOLE IMPORTED INTO CANADA Requested Information: 1. Has there been any Ketoconazole imported into Canada by anyone other than the patentee. If so, when? 2. If Ketoconazole has been imported by someone other than the patentee, who imported, from whom and how much? 1993.06.17 930067 VARIOUS TRANSACTIONS We require a copy of all reports, comments, memoranda to file, and otherwise, letters of opinion from independents, memoranda to file by officers including those relative to any and all visits as well as any other documents or information used to establish the Department's position on the transactions listed below. Original Trans. No. DAS File No. 13110000220200 17970800251568 HS8481.10(WRM)F 89-03-16 13110000419584 17970800299928 HS8481.10(WRM)F 90-04-10 930068 CONTRACT AT THE CUSTOMS AND EXCIS Would like to obtain information regarding a contract which was awarded to a company for a recreation facility program management project in Rigaud Quebec. It is our information that this contract is recent and may have been awarded in January of 1993. We have been asked to determine the following: Who is currently operating the facilities. What are the terms of the contract. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 112 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.06.17 930068 May we have a copy of this contract. What was the amount of the winning bid for the contract. What would our client have to do to put forward a bid in the future. 930069 MINISTER OF RCCE DECISION UNDER F Please provide a copy of all information relating to the Minister of National Revenue decision under file number 200705RE and 200519RE. 930070 SEIZURE/APPEAL NO.XXX RE: Appeal No. XXX We would appreciate if you would forward to us the whole file regarding this matter. We especially require the Y50 forum and the officer's notes taken in regards to this incident. 930071 SEIZURE RECORDS CONCERNING XXX Please consider this as a request under the Federal Access to Information Act for any and all information pertaining to the above companies, contained on any of the data bases with Customs and Excise. Of particular relevancy will be that found on data banks: 1. s. 19(1) (seizure records), and, 2. s. 19(1) (investigations) In effect, I am interested in establishing a "carrier profile" for XXX, based on the data and information held and maintained by Revenue Canada, Customs & Excise. Further, I seek copies of all information and correspondence respecting any and all customs seizure or assessment and penalty notices involving this carrier. 1993.06.18 930072 INFORMATION ON HIS COMPANY RE: XXX All information on his company. 1993.06.21 930074 REGULAR AND OVERTIME HOURS WORKED BY CUSTOMS INSPECTORS RE: Regular and overtime hours worked by Customs Inspectors at the Whirlpool Bridge. We are requesting authorization under the Access to Information Act to obtain information pertaining to the regular and overtime hours worked by Customs Inspectors at the Niagara Falls Whirlpool and Peace Bridges from 1985 to the present. Please also provide us with future expectations on overtime hours Dept Date Request No Text Page: 113 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.06.21 930074 of Inspectors at these locations. The contact who can provide the information required is Lauraine Spencer. She is the Manager of Revenue Canada Customs operations in the Niagara Falls region. 1993.06.23 930075 INFORMATION ABOUT COMPANY XXX All information - including under all parts Records, memos, reports, files, letters, returns, documents regarding XXX. XXX 1993.06.28 930077 SEIZURE APPEAL XXX On behalf of our clients, we exercised our right to appeal and requested a decision of the Minister in accordace with Section 129 of the Customs Act. However, in order to make a proper submission on behalf of our clients, we originally requested the inspection records of the Marine Operations Section of Customs and Excise, pertaining to ships supplied by XXX, for the audit period January 1st, 1991 to December 31st, 1992. We understand from Marine Operations, that regular inspections were done up to either August 1st, 1991 or October 1st, 1991 and spot investigation checks thereafter. These records, which are presumably archived, are required to substantiate our client's position and provide a defence to this alleged debt due. We would also require the inspection records of the Warehouse Ledger Section of Customs & Excise for the audit period January 1st, 1991 to December 31st, 1991 as they pertain to the ships supplied by XXX 1993.06.29 930076 NUMBER OF PEOPLE AND TIME FRAMES/ I would like to have access to any/all copies of documents, such as, but not limited to; memos, records, classification, various incumbent, names, and time schedules concerning the number of people and their time frames for they were acting in the following position numbers for the past two years; Pos. number: 32E-00155 Title: Chief, Commercial Operations, Longroom 32E-00166 Chief, Customs 32E-00285 Chief, Customs 32E-00131 Customs Superin 32E-00132 Customs Superin 32E-00133 Customs Superin 32E-00134 Customs Superin 32E-00149 Customs Superin 32E-00164 Customs Superin 32E-00234 Customs Superin Dept Date Request No Text Page: 114 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.07.05 1993.07.05 930080 DEPUTY MINISTER'S DECISION ON TAR We would like to be given copies of all background and research material in regards to 3 decisions that were made by the Deputy Minister of National Revenue in respect to the tariff application on goods imported by our client. The Deputy Minister's files are as follows: XXX 930081 REOPEN A COMPANY'S FILE XXX We wish to obtain copies of all documentation, records and supporting evidence that were made available or submitted to the Deputy Minister of National Revenue for Customs and Excise, Mr. Pierre Gravelle, in response to our recent requests to reopen the XXX. 930085 CUSTOMS SEIZURE #XXX Request a copy of the seizing officer's report of a seizure which took place at the port of Montreal on or about XXX. 1993.07.06 930079 CUSTOMS SEIZURE FILES We would request that a copy of all documentation related to the following Customs seizures be forwarded to the attention of the undersigned. As there has been a turnover of staff these two seizure files have been misplaced. The files in question are: XXX 930082 GST LOW-INCOME CREDIT, HOUSING, C I am applying under the Access Act for the following records, 1. 1992, 1993 records on how the GST low-income credit is working, contemplated changes, actual statistics (per income group, occupation, marital status etc.) and fraudulent possibilities. 2. 1992, 1993 records on how the GST housing rebate is working, contemplat changes, actual statistics (per income group, occupation, marital status etc.) and fraudulent possibilities. 3. 1992, 1993 records on how the 50% GST charities rebate is working, contemplated changes, actual statistics (per income group, occupation, marital status etc.) and fraudulent possibilities. 4. 1992, 1993 records on how the GST tourist rebate is working, contemplat changes, actual statistics (per income group, occupation, marital status etc.) and fraudulent possibilities. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 115 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.07.06 930082 5. Any briefing notes to the Minister on these subjects and any other Acce Act data released on these subjects. 1993.07.07 930089 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT SOME SH This is a request for information regarding the importation of goods into Canada under our importation number. Your Regional Information Unit has informed us that there have been XXX shipments into Canada since XXX using this number. We know this to be incorrect, at most we received XXX shipments since that date. We have reason to believe that the freight forwarder handling our shipment may be importing goods using our number without our knowledge and consent. If we have any information regarding any wrong doings by the freight fowarders we will of course provide that information to you. The information we are requesting pertains to shipments since XXX We would like to know the date of arrival, the nature of the goods, the value of the goods, and the amount of duty and GST paid on these goods and any other information you may have. 1993.07.08 930084 ALL INFORMATION ON XXX RE GST 1. XXX was incorporated in Ontario on February 27, 1991. On April 10, 199 it changed its name to XXX. 2. In April 1992, XXX received a notice addressed to XXX to the effect tha an election made pursuant to subsection 167(1) of the Excise Tax Act had been revoked. The election had been made with the vendor of certain artwork, XXX 3. In May 1992, XXX claimed an input tax credit of XXX which, by notice of reassessment dated May 13, 1993, has been denied. 4. XXX requests all information pertaining to the audit and reassessment o its GST liability under the Excise Tax Act. 1993.07.13 930083 CUSTOMS SEIZURE XXX Pursuant to Section 6 of the Access to Information Act and on behalf of our client XXX, the undersigned, a Canadian citizen, hereby requests access to all documents, memoranda, notes and reports prepared by or on behalf of any officials of the Department of National Revenue in respect of the above-captioned Customs Seizure. 1993.07.15 930087 LIST OF EMPLOYEE - COMPUTER SPECI Under the Access to Information and Privacy Act, I would like to request a list of employees within Revenue Canada that have a "Computer Specialist" (CS) designation. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 116 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.07.15 930087 If possible, please format the listing with the following heading: SURNAME INIT GR LVL Smith Gj CS 02 Loucks P CS 03 Cripin Rg CS 01 1993.07.16 930086 RND EPA 070, ENQUETE ET SAISIE 505 Toutes information dans les dossiers XXX disponible sur la banque de donnees s. 19(1) concernant l'enquete et la saisie faite XXX 930088 MOVING COSTS OF GST BUREAU TO SUM I request access to records to enable me to know all costs associated with moving Revenue Canada's GST bureau to Summerside, PEI, as announced by the Federal Government in 1991. (for clarity, press reports are enclosed). This request include, but is not limited to: ~- costs paid and services contracted to date for relocation of Revenue Canada employees to the PEI bureau; ~- costs of acquiring land and/or construction; ~- equipment and fit-up including office furniture / equipment / utility hookups ~- government-assisted moving costs related to relocation staff; ~- other expenses associated with the transition. 1993.07.23 930108 XXX/INFORMATION ON HIS COMPANY All information Customs & Excise has on file on myself or my company: ~ XXX. And all information on the same, at all ports of entree into Canada, particularly Vancouver International Airport and Pacific Border Crossing in full detail. Information for last 6 years. 1993.07.26 930073 CUSTOMS SEIZURE CONCERNING XXX A) Reports of seizing officer and superintendent in respect of articles seized from employees of XXX at Vancouver International Airport on April 9, 1993 (Appeals XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 117 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.07.26 930090 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT LICENCE On behalf of XXX we seek the following: 1) a complete copy of all documents in the company's audit file from 1972 to today's date. 2) a copy of all documents in the company's manufacturer's federal sales tax licence (s licence) since the date of the granting of such licence to today's date, and 3) all documents in the company's wholesaler's licence (w licence) since the date of the granting of such licence to today's date. 1993.07.27 930091 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT AUDITOR POSITION Examination papers (questions and answers) used in the selection process for the position of Auditor (AU1) and Senior Auditor (AU2) and (AU3) in the department of NAtional Revenue, Excise/GST and Taxation Branches. I am requesting the examination papers and suggested solutions for the most recent five writings as well as oral examination questions and suggested answers to these questions for the most five oral examinations. 930092 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT AUDITOR POSITION Examination papers (questions and answers) used in the selection process for the position of Auditor (AU1) and Senior Auditor (AU2) and (AU3) in the department of National Revenue, Excise/GST and Taxation Branches. I am requesting the examination papers and suggested solutions for the most recent five writings as well as oral examination questions and suggested answers to these questions for the most five oral examinations. 930093 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT AUDITOR POSITION Examination papers (questions and answers) used in the selection process for the position of Auditor (AU1) Senior Auditor (AU2) and (AU3) in the Department of National Revenue, Excise/GST and Taxation Branches. I am requesting the examination papers and suggested solutions for the most recent five writings as well as the oral examination questions and the suggested answers to these quesions for the most recent five oral examinations 930094 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT AUDITOR POSITION Examination papers (questions and answers) used in the selection process for the position of Auditor (AU1) and Senior Auditor (AU2) and (AU3) in the Department of National Revenue, Excise/GST and Taxation Branches. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 118 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.07.27 930094 I am requesting the examination papers and suggested solutions for the most recent five writings as well as oral examination questions and the suggested answers to these questions for the most recent five oral examinations. 930095 REQUEST INFORMATION ABOUT AUDITOR POSITION Examination papers (questions and answers) used in the selection process for the position of Auditor (AU1) and Senior Auditor (AU2), (AU3) and (AU4) in the Department of National Revenue, Excise/GST and Taxation Branches. I am requesting examination papers and suggested solutions for the most recent five writings as well as the oral examination questions and the suggested answers to these questions for the most recent five oral examinations 930104 CUSTOMS APPEALS XXX MINISTERIAL D Importer: XXX served with Notice of Ascertained Forfeiture on May 31, 1991 by Customs officer XXX: Division file XXX. Customs Appeals XXX; Ministerial Decision dated June 1, 1993. Full details of all files requested. ~---------------------------------------------------------------- __________NOTE: New instruction given by the requestor__________ ~---------------------------------------------------------------- I only required that copies of all documentation in the file from February 1, 1993 until the end of June 1993 be forwarded to our offices. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1993.07.29 930096 DOSSIER FISCAL DE TAXE D'ACCISE E Dossier fiscal de taxe d'accise et de droits d'accise pour la periode du 1 janvier au 31 juillet 1993 pour XXX. 1993.08.04 930097 CUSTOMS SEIZURE NO. XXX CONCERNIN Pursuant to Section 6 of the Access to Information Act, hereby requests access to all documents, memoranda, notes and reports prepared by or on behalf of any officials of the Department of National Revenue in respect of the above-captioned Customs Seizure. 930098 INFORMATION ON COMPANY XXX I am writing on behalf of XXX, requesting information contained in file XXX. The information is in the form of all memoranda, record of visits and telephone conversations, questionnaires, used in determining the value and Dept Date Request No Text Page: 119 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.08.04 930098 the mechanical calculations relative to respective transactions as well as any other documents from any or all sources. 1993.08.09 930101 GST REVENUE REPORT FOR 92-93/93-94 The GST Revenue report for a) FY 1992-1993 Annual 12 months b) FY 1993-1994 1Q. 1993.08.10 930099 GST AUDIT AND RE-ASSESSMENT OF XXX All material, including but not restricted to, any auditor's report, memos to file, correspondence, notes, memoranda of interviews, working papers and any other documents relating to the GST audit and re-assessment of XXX - copy of the subject Notice of Re-Assessment XXX is attached. 1993.08.11 930100 CAN.CUSTOMS B3 IMPORT ENTRIES/TAR The purpose of this letter is to request, from Revenue Canada, Customs & Excise, certain information under the authority of the "Access to Information Act". I would like to know how many Canada Customs B-3 import entries, using tariff classification 8708.29.99.90 together with annex code 2470, were processed through the following Customs Ports during the specified months. Lansdowne (456) January 1, 1993 to June 30, 1993 Trenton (449) January 1, 1993 to June 30, 1993 Brampton (480) June 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992 Windsor (453) June 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992. I would appreciate my request answered with the number of entries per Port, not as a total quantity. 1993.08.13 930102 SEIZURE REPORT XXX/MIRABEL s. 19(1) : Seizure report made in respect to seizure XXX, at Montreal (Mirabel) the XXX. Access by way of: Department of National Revenue (Customs and Excise) Customs Planning Element Field Operations Branch Port Operations Regional Field Operations Dept Date Request No Text Page: 120 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.08.13 930103 SEIZURE REPORT XXX/DORVAL s. 19(1) : Seizure Report made in respect to seizure XXX, at Montreal, (Dorval) the XXX. Access by way of: Department of National Revenue (Customs and Excise) Customs Planning Element Field Operations Branch Port Operations Regional Field Operations 1993.08.17 930107 NOTICE OF APPEAL RE XXX XXX I have been retained by XXX with regards to filing the Notice of Appeal with regards to the aforementioned matter. In order to prepare for the Appeal, I request a copy of the following documents (front and back of each please): a) copy of the Application for rebate; b) copy of the Notice of Objection and hand-written page that went with it 1993.08.18 930105 SEIZURE XXX RE: XXX Full details of Seizing Officer's Report in connection with Seizure XXX. 930106 GST RULINGS - FINDER'S FEES RE: Request for GST Rulings - Finder's Fees This is a request to obtain copies of GST rulings issued since January 1, 1992 which deal with the issue of referral or finder's fees under the provisions of paragraph (1) of the definition of "financial service" in Section 123 of the Excise Tax Act. To assist you in focusing your search, please note that we are interested primarily in obtaining those rulings involving finder or referral services in relation to the issuance of affinity credit cards, credit cards and/or loans or credit in general. 930110 REPORT TO XXX, INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Copies of Revenue Canada Valuations Division Ottawa, Report to XXX Secretary, Interdepartmental Review Committee under file XXX as per outlined portion of a letter from XXX attached dated XXX, and copies of any notes or correspondence between both of the above parties. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 121 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.08.23 1993.08.23 930109 XXX/INFORMATION ON THIS COMPANY The information requested is in the form of literature describing and illustrating the Backflow Preventers and the Control Valves types E and C manufactured by XXX. This literature should also provide technical data which is generally made available to clients for marketing purposes. Since a comparison between XXX and XXX' products has to be made, it is also necessary to obtain copies of the analysis performed by XXX and his conclusions. 930111 INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT/FILE XXX En vertu de la Loi d'acces a l'information, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir le dossier et le rapport des enqueteurs concernant le dossier pre-cite. 1993.08.25 930112 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP, PROF Call-ups for Temporary Help and Professional and Technical Help for July and August 1993 in the National Capital Region. 930113 SEIZURE OF XXX Illegal seizure of U.S. Registered XXX of U.S. resident. Seizure #XXX. Illegal Seizure of U.S. registered XXX of U.S. resident later returned XXX. I want to know who the complainant was that investigated this action by RCMP and Canada Customs. 1993.08.26 930114 LAB ANALYSIS/REPORT RE: XXX The above captioned files represent decisions made on certain products imported into Canada by one of our clients. These files refer to Laboratory analysis made by the Department in Ottawa prior to February 15, 1990. We are requesting herewith copies of the Lab Analysis/report issued at that time on our client's behalf, under Access to Information Act. 1993.09.01 930115 GST PM-2 COMPETITIONS/COLLECTIONS OFFICER With reference to our telephone conversation of today, in regard to the previous GST PM-2 written board questions in the Alberta Region, please send me the last 2 board (written exam) questions. 92-CAE-CC-ALB-464 PM-02, Collections Officer, Red Deer 92-CAE-CC-ALB-528 PM-02, Collections Officer, Anticipatory, Calgary Dept Date Request No Text Page: 122 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.09.07 1993.09.07 930116 AUDITOR'S WORKING PAPERS XXX We are applying under the "Access to Information Act" for copies of the auditor's working papers that were prepared by the audit personnel in the course of the GST audit that was conducted on the records of our firm. Please forward them directly to our accountant as listed below: XXX 1993.09.09 930117 XXX INVESTIGATION FILE XXX This will advise you that s. 19(1) XXX who were charged on June 30, 1993 by Customs Investigating Officer XXX with the contravention of sections 17 and 31 of the Customs Act. It is with respect to this decision by Investigator XXX specifically, that we are making our request for information. We are requesting disclosure and release of all Correspondence, Memoranda, documents, materials and information and records in the possession of the investigating officer which she used to reach and support her decision of Notice of Ascertained Forfeiture (dated June 30, 1993 and attached herewith) and which will be transmitted to the adjudicator to explain and support her decision. We are concerned here with correspondence, memoranda, documents, materials, information and records which are related precisely to how and why Investigator XXX came to her aforementioned decision. We do not require the disclosure and release of the below listed documents as they are already in our possession: 1. Investigation Division - Worksheets Numbers: XXX 2. Memoranda Numbers: D7-2-3, D7-3-1, D7-3-4, D7-3-13, D19-3-1 Please find enclosed authorization from XXX to release documents on their behalf. 1993.09.13 930120 CUSTOMS VIOLATION RE SEIZURES - XXX It has come to my attention that XXX violations have been assessed XXX Seizures #1 - Appeal No. XXX XXX Seizures #2 - Appeal No. XXX XXX I require an updated status with respect to any additional violations in order to determine an appropriate course of action. 1993.09.20 930118 CUSTOMS POLICY MATERIALS XXX 1. Records revealing policy, methods and criteria by which imported materials are determined to fall within the meaning of code 9956, schedule VII under Dept Date Request No Text Page: 123 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.09.20 930118 the Customs Tariff Act, SC 1987, c.49. 2. With respect to such materials, any and all lists or records used by customs officials as investigative aids to identify such materials by content, title, author, importer, exporter, or in any other fashion whatsoever. XXX 930121 CRYOGENIC AND CO2 TANKERS AND GAS Copies of all rulings, correspondence, internal memoranda, policy papers and other communications or documents, whether written or on disk, microfiche or other form, relating to: i) The interpretation of Tariff Item No. 9801.00.00 and/or availability of this tariff item to any particular conveyance and ii) The applicability of the Temporary Importation Regulations to temporary importations of cryogenic and CO2 tankers and gaseous tube trailers, and the identity of all parties that have been permitted temporaty importation on a duty-free or 1/60th basis, whether any of the foregoing is located at headquarters in Ottawa, or at any regional, district or other Revenue Canada or other government office across Canada. 1993.09.21 930122 SEIZING OFFICER REPORT RE: XXX Nous sommes les procureurs de XXX qui nous a demande de la representer aux fins de la presente demande. Notre cliente s'est recemment vu remettre deux avis de confiscation compensatoire emises en vertu de la Loi sur les douanes pour des evenements qui seraient survenus le ou vers le 18 mai 1993. Ces deux avis de confiscation compensatoire, dont copie est jointe a la presente, definissent les infraction qui lui sont reprochees comme suit: "That the said conveyance was made use of in Canada contrary to the provisions of the International Commercial Transportation Regulations under which it was imported" XXX Dans ce conteste, nous desirons obtenir copies des rapports de l'officier saisissant relativement a ces deux infractions ainsi que copies, si celles-ci existent, des declarations qui ont ete faites par les representants de notre cliente aux autorites douanieres lorsque lesdites XXX ont traverse la frontiere separant les Etats-Unis du Canada. Ces declarations auraient ete faite dans les jours precedent le 18 mai 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 124 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.09.22 1993.09.22 930124 NON-RESIDENT COMMERCIAL IMPORTERS & VALUE OF IMPORTS Could you tell me if you have any information available regarding non-resident corporations who import goods commercially into Canada and who pay customs duties. I would be interested in obtaining information in the following areas: . Number of non-resident commercial importers broken down by coun well as by commodity. . Value of imports this represents. 1993.09.23 930123 BOARD Q & A'S RE 91-CAE-CCID-OTT-470, 471 & 92-CAE-CCID-OTT-311 In regard to the availability of information under the Freedon of Information Act, I am requesting the board questions and answers for the following competitions: 91-CAE-CCID-OTT-470, 91-CAE-CCID-OTT-471 and 92-CAE-CCID-OTT-311. 1993.09.24 930125 GST INFORMATION SYSTEM Documentation which will enable me to learn the following about the GST Information System: that is the computer system which organizes and tracks GST reports and payments from registrants. a) Is the data stored on a mainframe, mini, or micro-computer? b) What software is used to organize and manipulate the data. c) What data is captured from the report of each registrant. d) What is the structure of the data in the database. e) What is the name of the individual or group responsible for producing report for management. I would like to obtain copies of the original. Please notify me of the costs prior to making copies. 1993.09.29 930126 MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE'S NO Please provide a copy of all information relating to the Minister of National Revenue's decision under file number XXX (copy attached) We will accept fees up to an amount of $200.00. Please advise before proceeding if the fee exceeds this amount. 930127 MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE'S NO Please provide a copy of all information relating to the Minister of National Revenue's decision under file number XXX (copy attached). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 125 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.09.29 930127 We will accept fees up to an amount of $200.00. Please advise before proceeding of the fee exceeds this amount. 930128 CUSTOMS TARIFF AND ORIGIN DETERMI Please find attached a completed Access to Information request form. Also enclosed is a cheque for the required fee of $5.00 and authorization letter from our client XXX to access the information outlined below. SUBJECT XXX request, on behalf of our client, XXX, any and all information regarding an audit for qualification of goods exported directly by XXX from the United Stated to Canada under preferential United States Tariff. All working papers, files, Technical Reference System notation, importer profile, minutes to telephone conversations, faxes and other information that form part of the compliance verification review of XXX both at the region and headquarters level are also requested. Information requested includes but is not limited to any legal opinions, notes, rulings, internal memorandum, decision summaries, correspondence, policy manuals, submissions by interested parties, minutes of technical update sessions, including local, regional, or other offices and locations and any other documentary material regarding Section XI of Schedule I (chapters 50-63) of the Customs Tariff and Origin Determination under the Canada/U.S. Free Trade Agreement. 1993.09.30 930119 PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE CALL-U Please forward a list "persons authorized to make call-ups" and "signing authorities" for the National Capitals Region. Your urgent attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. 1993.10.01 930129 B13 OF "PIG FEEDER" FROM CANADA, We require information in the form of what is referred to as B13 documentation for specific agricultural products. Generally, a B13 is a document which is required for goods being exported from Canada to the United States. These documents specify the quantity and provide a fairly accurate description of the article(s) being exported. I am providing an attachment to specifically set forth what information is required. You will note that there are two areas that I need to review both of which relate to agricultural products by which are different issues. Appendix "A" Information being sought relates to an agricultural product, namely, a pig feeder. This article is widely used in farming and basically provides a feed Dept Date Request No Text Page: 126 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.10.01 930129 hopper for receiving feed and an area providing access to an animal to feed thereform. We require information regarding any documentation indicating the transmission of such a product from Canada and, more specifically, from Manitoba to Iowa. The exporter is believed to be XXX. The recipient of the goods is believed to be XXX. Any documentation in the form of export certification, B13 documents and the like, which basically sets forth a description of the article and when it was shipped/received, would be useful from the period of 1983 to date. 930130 B13 OF A MECHANICAL SIDE LOAD AUG Information being sought relates to a mechanical side load auger which is used in the agricultural industry by farmers for transporting dry feed material for livestock from one locatin to another for storage. The device basically includes two screw augers which are driven from a single power source. The power from the source is transmitted to the two augers via two communicating gear boxes. We require information regarding any documentation indicating the transmission of such a product from Canada and, more specifically, from XXX, Manitoba to the United States. The exporter is believed to be XXX. Any documentation in the form of export certification, B13 documents and the like, which basically sets forth a description of the article and when it was shipped/received, would be useful from the period of 1983 to date. 930131 IMPORTED MATERIAL CLASSIFIED AS O Please provide training materials used in customs officer training at Rigaud on tariff classification administration as it relates to imported material classified as obscene. Please also provide internal department statistics for the last 10 years on the amount of detained materials, the number of seizures of goods, and the number of staff allocated to the classification of obscene material in the prohited importations unit. 1993.10.04 930134 INFO RE COMPETITION NUMBERS 92-CAE-CC-OC-0038 AND 0040, PM-02. I would like to have access to any/all copies of documents, such as but not limited to: memos, records, including copies of any personal computer files from the selection board, manager and anyone else who was involved in appointing the candidates to acting/permanent to positions of the PM-02. Senior Customs Inspector eligibility list. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 127 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.10.04 930134 Also classification, all position numbers of competition numbers 92-CAE-CC-OC-0038 and 92-CAE-CC-OC-0040. Any/all copies of documents (same as above) for the cancellation of the same eligibility list. 1993.10.05 930132 APP OR NON-APPLICATION OF GST/EDU Copies of all records respecting the application or non-application of goods and services tax to supplies of services made to and by registered educational savings plans and/or administrators thereof. 930133 U.S. AND OTHER FOREIGN SUPPLIERS All information regarding collection costs and revenues associated with U.S. and other foreign suppliers of periodical reading materials, including magazines and journals. All information regarding policies a-d procedures for collecting such taxes and policies and procedures for enforcing GST registration regulations on U.S. and foreign publishers, and other suppliers of reading materials. This information will most likely be found in Program Record RCC-EPE-040. 930135 DEPARTMENTAL POLICY ON HARASSMENT IN WORKPLACE The Access to Information Act: ~ All written material prepared, or received, including opinions given and recommendations made, concerning the recent extensive review made of the Departmental Policy on recent Harassment in the Workplace, including a copy of the revised or recommended revision to that Policy. ~ All material prepared or received concerning specific shortcomings of the Departmental Policy on Harassment in the Workplace and its investigative process. ~ All material concerning the latest internal audit of the departmental Internal Affairs Division and/or any recent opinion, recommendation or review of their investigative processes. 1993.10.06 930136 COPIES OF THE PRIOR BOARDS (Q'S & A'S)/CALGARY HUMAN RESOURCES XXX referred me to you for copies of prior competition boards (questions and answers). Please send me copies of the prior boards that were held within the territorial scope of the Calgary Human Resources Division. 1993.10.07 930139 PROCEDURES RELATIVE TO THE ISSUAN Les procedures relatives a l'emission d'interpretations de la Loi sur la taxe d'accise (partie IX et annexes). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 128 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCC 1993.10.07 930140 LIST OF COURSES OFFERED TO RC-CET - INTERPRETATION OF THE ETA La liste des cours dispenses au personnel de Revenue Canada, Accise, Douanes et Impot charge d'interpreter la Loi sur la taxe d'accise (Partie IX et annexes) 930141 ETA RULINGS ISSUED DURING APRIL 1993 BY REGIONAL OFFICES Les decisions portant sur l'application de la Loi sur la taxe d'accise (Partie IX et annexes) rendues pendant le mois d'avril 1993 dans les bureaux regionaux de Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Atlantique, Central, Pacific. 930142 BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS TO THE ISSUA Le dossier de recherche accompagnant le Memorandam 400-3-7, Cotisations relative a l'emploi. 930143 ETA INTERPRETATION (OUTGOING LETT Les interpretation de Revenue Canada, Douanes et Accise relativement a la Loi sur la taxe d'accise (outgoing letters) rendues pendant le mois d'avril 1993 dans les bureaux regionaux de Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Atlantique, Pacifique, Central. 930144 ETA RULINGS ISSUED BY HEADQUARTER DURING APRIL 1993 Tous les enonces de politiques rendus pendant le mois d'avril 1993 concernant la Loi sur la taxe d'accise (Partie IX et annexes) (rulings) a l'Administration Central seulement. 930145 POLICY & LEGISLATION PRIMARY FILE LISTING (MOST RECENT) Toute information disponible concernant la structure des dossiers concernant l'interpretation de la Loi sur la taxe d'accise (partie IX et annexes) 1993.10.08 930137 INFO RE XXX All audit working papers, internal memorandum, worksheets, informations search warrants and any and all such information regarding the audit and issuance of Notice of Seizure and Ascertained Forfeiture to XXX 1993.10.12 930138 INVESTIGATION SEIZURE XXX The request for information relates to an appeal of seizure action pursuant to subsection 129 (1) and 130(1) of the Customs Act. The appellant, XXX has given sanction to this company to seek the information requested pursuant to the original letter attached. We understand advice will be received of any additional charges this request might incur. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 129 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... RCC 1993.10.12 930138 All material relevant to the presentation of investigation seizure number XXX as directed to XXX including all correspondence, written notes etc., exchanges between local, Region and Headquarters Personnel. The detailed work sheets have been previously supplied and are not requested at this time. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 130 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1992.12.18 930239 XXX T2S FOR 1989 AND 1990 TAXATIO All information contained in XXX's 1989 and 1990 Corporation Income Tax Returns, including calculations, schedules, notes, documents, files, correspondence, memos and audit working papers prepared to substantiate the re-assessments raised for the above-noted years. 1993.08.30 930237 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER D I would like to receive a copy of the Technical Interpretation Letter prepared by the Reorganization and Non-Resident Division of Revenue Canada dated May 14, 1991, entitled "Employees of U.S. Corporation on Loan to Canadian Subsidiary - Witholding Obligation". 1993.09.08 930236 XXX EMPLOYEE DETERMINATION OF XXX Any information which Revenue Canada has on how the determination was made that XXX was judged to be an employee of XXX 1993.09.15 930245 OFFICIALS WITH FINANCIAL AUTHORIT Documentation which indicates the name and rank of the official who currently has financial authority to authorize callup contracts and the name departmental procurement authority for callups under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Informatics and Professional Services. 930251 XXX ALL INFORMATION ON UIC RULING ON EMPLOYEE STATUS. In order to proceed with an appeal of the denial of Unemployment Insurance Benefits for XXX, it is necessary that we have complete disclosure of the file including all memoranda, correspondence and internal documents compiled in the course of assessing the claim. 1993.09.17 930238 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION s. 19(1) DATED APRIL 30, 1993 Demande d'opinion relatif ... la d‚tention d'immeubles par une fondation priv‚e. Le num‚ro attribu‚ ... la demande est le suivant: s. 19(1) . La demande est sign‚e par s. 19(1) le 30 avril 1990. 930241 XXX T2S FOR 1989 TAXATION YEAR Can you please provide us with a copy of the Auditor's Report (T20) and any report prepared by the Appeals Division in connection with the Reassessment of XXX's 1989 taxation year. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 131 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.09.20 1993.09.20 930262 XXX FORWARDING ADDRESSES OF FORME Re: XXX It would be appreciated if these former employees of XXX could be contacted by Revenue Canada or will Revenue Canada advise XXX where they can be reached to present them with their pension entitlement. 1993.09.22 930240 LIST OF CALGARY RESIDENTS 65 OR O A table showing the number of Calgary municipality residents 65 years or older who filed an income tax return, by whether or not they received a Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebate; and of those who did receive a rebate, whether or not they reported income from the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) program. 930250 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTER D A letter from Revenue Canada to a law firm dated July 1986. The letter is a technical interpretation of subsection 111(5) of the Income Tax Act that coal is a similar product to other minerals. 1993.09.23 930242 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION RE: SUBS Copy of Technical Interpretation Letter dated April 24, 1986 by Reorganizations and Non-Resident Division regarding subsection 86(1). 930243 XXX T2S FOR THE 1990 TAXATION YEA Le rapport du cotiseur y compris le formulaire T-20 concernant un avis de cotisation ‚mis ... l'endroit de XXX pour l'ann‚e d'imposition se terminant le 30 octobre 1990 par Revenu Canada, Imp"t. Tout document concernant un ‚nonc‚ de tous les faits ou pr‚somption de faits que le Ministre du Revenu a assum‚ et pris en consid‚ration pour proc‚der ... l'‚mission dudit avis de cotisation XXX. 1993.09.24 930244 AUDIT COMMUNIQUE DGA93-1 AND APPE Audit Directorate Official Communique DGA93-1 dated April 26, 1993, entitled Exercise of Discretion. AR-39 from Lorraine Tremblay, Director, Appeals and referrals Division. 930246 XXX ALL INFORMATION RELEVANT TO S I hereby request access to all records, papers, deeds, documents and instruments as may be relevant to disputing the assessment issued to XXX under section 160 of the Income Tax Act XXX. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 132 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.09.24 930247 XXX INFO ON UIC RULING All information on ruling made by Revenue Canada and UIC Re: Contractor/Driver being employee or contractor for XXX. 930258 XXX ALL RECORDS FROM SEPTEMBER 20, 1988 All information on file regarding director's liability assessment from September 20, 1988 to-date. Also, permanent document file relative to XXX 1993.09.27 930248 23 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION LETTE 23 Various Technical Interpretation Letters 1993.09.28 930252 INFORMATION RE: WAGE LOSS REPLACE Information pertaining to wage loss replacement plans - IT 54 and IT 428. 1993.09.29 930249 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED NO Technical Interpretation - Rulings Directorate - November 17, 1992. 930254 XXX FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ATTACHED TO T2 RETURNS Je d‚sire recevoir les copies des ‚tats financiers annex‚s ... la d‚claration d'imp"t f‚d‚ral de la compagnie XXX 1993.10.01 930257 PENSION, TAX AND HEALTH BENEFITS Please provide copies of all records, studies or correspondence relating to pension, tax and health benefits for same-sex couples. 1993.10.04 930253 VARIOUS TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS We would like to receive a copy of some Technical Intepretations concerning "Group Term Life Insurance". Technical Interpretation, January 9, 1981, Non-Corporate Rulings Division Technical Interpretation, March 8, 1982, Non-Corporate Rulings Division Technical Interpretation, August 20, 1985, Non-Corporate Rulings Division Technical Interpretation, March 30, 1987, Legislative Branch Technical Interpretation, October 9, 1980, Non-Corporate Rulings Division Technical Interpretation, August 29, 1980, Non-Corporate Rulings Division Technical Interpretation, January 15, 1988, The Small Business and General Division. 930267 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION DATED JU I would like a copy of Revenue Canada's Technical Interpretation dated June 1992 to XXX regarding section 147.3 of the Income Tax Act, transfers from registered pension plans. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 133 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.10.05 1993.10.05 930255 XXX T2S FOR 1987 - 1989 TAX YEARS All information is required with respect to the taxation years ended March 31, 1987, March 31, 1988 and March 31, 1989 of XXX including but not limited to, copies of the tax returns, copies of any waivers filed by the taxpayer, the auditor's report T20 and auditors' working papers, technical interpretations, notes letters, and letters and memoranda to and from the Department of Justice and any other correspondence, forms and documentation relating thereto. 930256 NON-RESIDENT OWNED INVESTMENT COR Photocopies of letters, memoranda, reports and any other documents in the files of Revenue Canada - Taxation dealing with the question of when a non-resident owned investment corporation (NRO) will be considered to have the principal business of the making of loans within the meaning of subparagraph 133(8)(d)(iv) of the Income Tax Act. 1993.10.07 930259 ALL INTERNAL AUDITS COMPLETED SIN Internal audits completed since November 1992. 930260 XXX T2S FOR 1990 TAXATION YEAR Can you please provide us with a copy of the Auditor's Report (Form T20) and any report prepared by the Appeals Division, in connection with the reassessment of XXX's 1990 taxation year. 1993.10.08 930261 TREATMENT OF LOANS FOR CONSUMPTIO Question 22 at the 1989 Revenue Canada Roundtable indicates Revenue Canada's views on the treatment of loans for consumption for income tax purposes. Please provide us with relevant information supporting these views. Please also include any technical interpretations, notes, letters, opinions and memoranda whether drafted by members of Revenue Canada, other taxpayers or members of the Department of Justice and any other correspondence relating thereto. 1993.10.13 930263 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION 922047 D I would like to obtain a copy of a letter or memorandum written by Jim Wilson of the Department of Finance, dated November 23, 1992. The subject of this letter is international tax programs. The Revenue Canada file number is 922047. 1993.10.14 930264 25 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATIONS 25 Various Technical Interpretations and memorandum. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 134 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ RCT 1993.10.18 1993.10.18 930265 TECHNICAL INTERPRETATION #5-8969 - SUBSEC. 249(3) & REG. 1100(3) We are requesting in accordance with the Access to Information Act a copy of a technical opinion (file #5-8969) regarding subsection 249(3) and Regulation 1100(3) of the Income Tax Act. 930266 OPINION TO ISLAND TRUST OF P.E.I. ON TAX TREATMENT OF COVENANTS We would like to obtain a copy of an Access to Information Act release entitled "Opinion to Island Trust of P.E.I. on tax treatment of covenants/easements" published July 15, 1990, in Ottawa by Revenue Canada 1990. 1993.10.19 930268 PARAGRAPH 70(10)(B), 248(1) RE: S Nous d‚sirons obtenir des copies de tous les notes de service internes, communiqu‚s, m‚moires de recherche, interpr‚tations techniques et d‚cisions anticip‚es concernant l'application de l'alin‚a 70(10(b) de la Loi sur le revenu, la d‚finition de l'expression "capital-actions d'une corporation agricole familiale", la d‚finition de l'expression "corporation exploitant une petite entreprises" au paragraphe 248(1) de ladite Loi et la d‚finition de l'expression "corporation admissible" a l'alin‚a 5100(1)(a) du rŠglement de l'imp"t sur le revenu. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 135 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SER 1993.09.22 930001 LISTE NOMINATIVE ET LA LISTE Liste nominative et la liste par fonction des cadres et employee du CRSNG touchant la prime bilinqualisme.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 136 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SGC 1993.10.06 930481 LIST OF INTERNAL PROGRAM AUDITS A list - or if none is available, title pages - of internal program audits conducted for the department in 1992 and 1993.˙ 930482 PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH Public opinion research conducted for the department since June 1992.˙ 1993.10.25 930483 AUDIT ON WORK FORCE ADJUSTMENT POL The most recent audit of "work force adjustment policies".˙ 930484 AUDIT - CONTROL & MNGT OF GRANTS The most recent audit of "control and management of grants and contributions in the Secretariat".˙ 930485 AUDIT ON SECURITY POLICY The most recent audit on the "government of Canada security policy".˙ 930486 AUDIT - PLANNING & ACCOUNTABILITY The most recent audit of "efficiency and effectiveness of the planning and accountability framework".˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 137 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIS 1993.09.23 930049 COUNCIL OF CANADIANS Information on the Canadian Nationalist Group Council of Canadians, Canadians Concerned About Free Trade (CCAFT), Pro-Canada Network and Action Canada Network. 1993.10.04 930050 QUINTAL-NOWLAN REPORT. Info. on Quintal-Nowlan report. 930051 MEETINGS BETWEEN TRUDEAU & STARNE Information on meetings between P.M. Trudeau & DGIS Starnes any and all records of. 1993.10.19 930052 INFO. ON TRANSLATION. 1) Information relating to XXX, dated between November 1992 and 18 October 1993. 2) Letter to the Director of CSIS dated 29 April 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 138 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.09.27 930080 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES ADM00, ADM30, ADM31, ADM40, AGR00, AGR10, AGR20, ART100, ART20, ART30, ART40, BIO10, BIO11, BIO30, BIO60, CIV00: The total number of requests for bids from French-into-English contract translators listed as "active" under the Secretary of State's rotating bidding system for the period April 1 through July 31, 1993, the total number of such requests broken down by sub-specialty, word volume, and price, and the average number of such requsts per "active" translator for the same period, with identification of any of the above bidding requests limited to a specific geographic region, and which region, and the total and the average number of requests for the sub-specialty "ADM00." 930081 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES CIV10, ELC00, ELC10, ELC12, ENR00, FED00, FED10, FED80, GEO00, GEO50, IND00, IND10, INF00, INF10, INF20, INF30, INF40: The total number or requests for bids from French-into-English contract translators listed as "active" under the Secretary of State's rotating bidding system for the period April 1 through July 31, 1993, the total number of such requests broken down by sub-specialty, word volume, and price, the average number of such requests per "active" translator for the same period, with identification of any of the above bidding requests limited to a specific geographic region, and to which region. 930082 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES JUR00, JUR01, JUR20, JUR30, JUR40, JUR50, JUR60, JUR70, JUR71, JUR80, JUR90, MEC00, MEC30, MED00, MED10: The total number of requests for bids from French-into-English contract translators listed as "active" under the Secretary of State's rotating bidding system for the period April 1 through July 31, 1993, the total number of such requests broken down by sub-specialty, word volume, and price, and the average number of such requsts per "active""translator for the same period, with identification of any of the above bidding requests limited to a specific geographic region, and to which region. 930083 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES MED40, MED50, MED70, MED71, MED80, MIL00, MIL13, MIL40, MIL60, MIL80, SCN00, SNC10, SOC00, SOC70: The total number of requests for bids from French-into-English contract translators listed as "active" under the Secretary of State's rotating bidding system for the period April 1 through July 31, 1993, the total number of such requests broken down by sub-specialty, word volume, and price, ant the average number of such requests per "active""translator for the same period, with identification of any of the above bidding requests limited to a specific geographic region, and to which region. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 139 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.09.27 930084 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES ADM00, ADM30, ADM31, ADM40, AGRPP, AGR10, AGR20, ART100, ART20, ART30, ART40, BIO10, BIO11, BIO30, BIO60, CIV00: The total number of requests made through the Secretary of State inventory for "standing offer" contracts for French-into-English contract translators at prices equal to or higher than those of Anglotrad, in the period of July 15 through July 31, 1993. (Anglotrand's listed prices are 16.48‡ per word for all specialties terminating in "00" and 16.98‡ per word for all other specialties). 930085 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES CIV10, ELC00, ELC10, ELC12, ENR00, FED00, FED10, FED80, GEO00, GEO50, IND00, IND10, INF00, INF10, INF20, INF30, INF40: The total number of requests made through the Secretary of State inventory for "standing offer" contracts for French-into-English contract translators and at prices equal to or higher than those of Anglotrad, in the preiod July 15 through July 31, 1993. (Anglotrad's listed prices are 16.48‡ per word for all specialties terminating in "00" and 16.98‡ per word for all other specialities). 930086 FOR SUB-SPECIALTIES JUR00, JUR01, JUR10, JUR20, JUR30, JUR40, JUR50, JUR60, JUR70, JUR71, JUR80, JUR90, MEC00, MEC30, MED00, MED10: The total number of requests made through the Secretary of State inventory for "standing offer" contracts for French-into-English contract translators, and at prices equal to or higher than those of Anglotrand in the period July 15 through July 31, 1993 (Anglotrad's listed prices are 16.48‡ per word for all specialties terminating in "00" and 16.98‡ per word for all other specialties.) 930087 FOR SPECIALTIES MED40, MED50, MED70, MED71, MED80, MIL00, MIL13, MIL40, MIL60, MIL80, SCN00, SCN10, SOC00, SOC70: The total number of requests made through the Secretary of State inventory for "standing offer" contracts for French-into-English contract translators and at prices equal to or higher than those of Anglotrad, in the period July 15 through July 31, 1993. (Anglotrad's listed prices are 16.48‡ per word for all specialties terminating in "00" and 16.98‡ per word for all other specialties.) 1993.09.28 930088 CALL UPS AGAINST THE STANDING OFF Region for July, August & September 1993. 1993.10.04 930089 JE DEMANDE, EN VERTU DE LA LOI SU rapports qu'ont pr‚sent‚s les comit‚s suivants jusqu'... maintenant: 1. Courtier 2. Unit‚s de production 3. Proc‚dures contractuelles Dept Date Request No Text Page: 140 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... SSC 1993.10.04 930089 4. Parlementaire 5. SystŠmes d'information 1993.10.06 930090 JE DEMANDE, EN VERTU DE LA LOI SU traduction r‚alis‚e dans le cadre d'un des contrats sus-indiqu‚s qui a fait l'objet d'une cote "insatisfaisant". a) Le num‚ro de r‚f‚rence; b) Si la cote "insatisfaisant" s'applique ... la qualit‚ de la traduction, ... la pr‚sentation mat‚rielle ou au respect du d‚lai; c) Le nom de l'entrepreneur concern‚; d) La date de livraison de la traduction en question. 1993.10.14 930091 JE VOUS DEMANDE D'EFFECTUER UNE R concernant Bleu Blanc Traductions et Traductions B. Larry-Tol‚dano, ermettant de savoir si ***************, Radio-Canada ou ses employ‚s *********************************************************** ou toute membr du personnel de "CBC") ont jamais requis des informations sur l'entreprise **********************************************************************, depuis le 1er janvier 1992. 1993.10.15 930095 ~ A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL CONTRA loans; ~ A copy of the new decision concerning defaulted Canada Student Loans. 1993.10.19 930092 JE DEMANDE, EN VERTU DE LA LOI SU toutes les sp‚cialit‚s que la Direction des march‚s de services linguistiques des Services de traduction du ministŠre des Services gouvernementaux reconnaŒt ... chacun des entrepreneurs agr‚‚s par elle pour la traduction a) du fran‡ais ... l'anglais b) de l'anglais au fran‡ais avec le nom et l'adresse de l'entrepreneur et une indication du nom des personnes qui sont des signataires autoris‚s. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 141 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SSC 1993.10.20 1993.10.20 930093 THIS LETTER SHALL BE OUR FORMAL R Act) for copies of all correspondence in August/September or october 1993 from **********************, our former Board member from Calgary, to the Secretary of State (Canada). 1993.10.21 930094 1. ALL RECORDS OF TELEPHONE CALLS, MEMORANDA, LETTERS OR OTHER MATERIALS referring to H. Burgers & Associates Ltd. HBA or s. 19(1) , relating to allegations of breachers of security by the firm, its principals or its employees and received by DSS' GSC or the Translation Bureau. 2. Letters or other communications from third parties to GSC or the Translation Bureau of Secretary of State making similar allegations. 3. Dates: Between 1 November 1991 and 19 October 1993. 1993.10.26 930096 MAY I ASK THAT YOU PLEASE SEND ME COMPLETE COPIES OF THE EXTERNAL evaluations of the project "Collecting Canada" which your office sought from Canadian experts in this field as well as the analysis of this project which your own review committee undertook. 1993.10.27 930097 CALL UPS AGAINST A STANDING OFFER FOR TEMPORARY HELP FOR THE MONTH OF September 1993. National Capital Region. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 142 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ STC 1993.10.04 931126 CALLUPS FOR NCR 09/92 - 09/93 We require call-ups for temporary help for the annual period preceding September 1993.˙ 1993.10.05 931127 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR AUGUST 1993 Telephone request˙ Callups for National Capital Region for August 1993. Applicant will come to pick up reply on October 6, 1993.˙ 1993.10.07 931128 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR SEPTEMBER 1993 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period September 1993˙ 931130 1911 & 1921 CENSUS OF 3RD PARTY I wish to make an Access to Information Act request for information from the 1911 and 1921 Canadian Census. (concerning father)˙ 1993.10.27 931133 SASKATCHEWAN ABORTIONS 1970-1993 Total number of abortions performed at all Saskatchewan hospitals for the period 1970 to 1993 inclusive. Please give individual totals for each hospital.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 143 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TSB 1993.10.18 930014 A78H80002(VIEW FILES,SELECT.COPIES View files and obtain selected records with respect to aircraft accident at Toronto International Airport on 26 June 1978, Air Canada CF-TLV, file 78H80002.˙ 930015 ATHABASKA AIRWAYS WE ARE SEEKING A HISTORY OF CRASHES INVOLVING ATHABASKA AIRWAYS, AIRPORT ROAD, PRINCE ALBERT, SK, AND ANY OF THEIR PILOTS.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.11.15 From:1993.10.01 To:1993.10.31 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 144 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.10.05 930032 BENNETT REMEDIATION SERVICES Request for copies of all documents on file with the Department of Western˙ Economic Diversification regarding the plan of Bennett Remediation Services of Vancouver, B.C., to establish hazardous waste trreatment and incineration centres in B.C. The totality of the requested should enable the requester to evaluate the incinerator technology, potential environmental and social impacts of the incineration facility, as well as the current status of government involvement in the financing and siting of the facility.˙ ˙ The request covers specific documents listed in Section A for the period before August 25, 1992, and all documents from August 25, 1992 to the present as mentioned in Section B.˙ ˙ Section A˙ ˙ The requester wishes to receive copies of all documents on file with the Department of Western Economic Diversification at offices in Vancouver and Ottawa regarding technological and environmental evaluations of the hazardous waste incinerator manufactured by Bennett Remediation Services (BRS), as well as environmental and social impact assessments at planned incineration sites for the period before August 25, 1992. These documents include, but are not restricted to;˙ ˙ 1. all documents submitted by BRS to WD that provide technical or environmental information on the incinerator;˙ ˙ 2. all correspondence between WD and BRS;˙ ˙ 3. all correspondence between WD and government agencies or government offices at the federal, provincial or local level that have been involved in evaluating the incineration technology, and environmental and social impacts of the incinerator in general, or at specific sites. Such government bodies include, but are not restricted to:˙ ~ the Department of Indian and Northern Development,˙ ~ Environment Canada,˙ ~ Health and Welfare Canada˙ ~ Department of Fisheries and Oceans,˙ ~ Industry Science, Technology, and International Trade,˙ ~ B.C. Environment˙ ~ the Greater Vancouver Regional District,˙ ~ the towns / municipalities of Fort St. John, Abbotsford, and Golden.˙ ˙ 4. any other documents relevant to the technical or environmental Dept Date Request No Text Page: 145 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... WED 1993.10.05 930032 evaluation of the BRS incinerator.˙ ˙ Section B˙ ˙ The requester wishes to receive copies of all documents on file with WD at offices in Vancouver and Ottawa regarding the hazardous waste incinerator manufactured by Bennett Remediation Services (BRS) for the period after August 25, 1992.˙ ˙ This includes, but is not restricted to, all documents relating to the ˙ technological and environmental evaluation of the incinerator, the siting˙ facilities, and the government involvement in such sitings. These documents include, but are not restricted to:˙ ˙ 1. all documents submitted by BRS to WD that provide technical or environmental information on the incinerator, or contain information on prospective incinerator sites;˙ ˙ 2. all correspondence between BRS and WD offices in Vancouver or in Ottawa; ˙ ˙ 3. all correspondence between WD and government agencies or copies of communications furnished to WD from Government agenciews at the federal, provincial or local level that have been involved in evaluating the incineration technology, and environmental and social impacts of the incinerator in general, or at specific sites, and the actuall or potential siting of an incinerator by BRS. Such government bodies include, but are not restricted to:˙ ~ Environment Canada,˙ ~ Health and Welfare Canada,˙ ~ Department of Fisheries and Oceans,˙ ~ Industry Science, Technology and International Trade,˙ ~ B.C. Environment,˙ ~ the Greater Vancouver Regional District,˙ ~ the Peace River District,˙ ~ the towns/districts of Fort St. John, and Taylor, and any other towns, ˙ districts, or municipalities;˙ ˙ 4. copies of any communications, agreements, or contracts between BRS and ˙ district of Taylor that have been submitted or copy furnished to WD;˙ ˙ 5. any other documents revelant to the technical or environmental evaluation, or the actual or potential siting of the BRS incinerator.˙ 1993.10.29 930033 DATEK INDUSTRIES INC. Request for the most recent audited and unaudited financial statements, as well as the most recent business plan for Datek Industries Inc. and Integrated Technologies International Inc.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 146 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ WED 1993.10.29 930034 SCORE ENERGY PRODUCERS INC. Request for the most recent audited and unaudited statements, as well as the most recent business plan for Score Energy Producers Inc.˙ 930035 TALON TAPES INDUSTRIES LTD. Request for the most recent audited and unaudited financial statements, as well as the most recent business plan for Talon Tapes Industries Ltd.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 1 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ BDB 1993.11.12 930003 MARITIME WEB LIMITED 1. Copies of demands made under the loan to Maritime Web Limited;˙ 2. Copy of the valuation of the assets;˙ 3. Copy of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Bank and˙ the purchaser of the assets;˙ 4. Copy of all correspondence with the purchaser; and˙ 5. Information relating to the collection of accounts receivable by ˙ the purchaser, Prestige Web, and information as to how these˙ accounts receivable were transferred to the purchaser, Prestige Web.˙ 930003 MARITIME WEB LIMITED 1. Copies of demands made under the loan to Maritime Web Limited;˙ 2. Copy of the valuation of the assets;˙ 3. Copy of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Bank and˙ the purchaser of the assets;˙ 4. Copy of all correspondence with the purchaser; and˙ 5. Information relating to the collection of accounts receivable by ˙ the purchaser, Prestige Web, and information as to how these˙ accounts receivable were transferred to the purchaser, Prestige Web.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 2 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CCA 1993.11.18 930075 CALLUPS Call-ups for temporary help (DSS 8251) N.C.R. for period: August, September, October '93 1993.11.22 930076 UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS check Bankruptcies 1992-93 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 3 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.10.19 931947 INFORMATION ON THEFT AND FRAUD Request for information on theft and fraud committed in the Province of Manitoba between 1988-1993./All disclosed.˙ 1993.10.25 931975 MUNICIPAL POLICING IN NOVA SCOTIA Request for information pertaining to archival records held which concern˙ municipal policing in the province of Nova Scotia./Disclosed in Part.˙ 931976 HEALTH SERVICES COSTS Request for information pertaining to the costs attached to health ˙ services for the RCMP from 1990 - 1994 and all related documents involved. ˙ 1993.11.03 931945 TOBACCO SEIZURES FOR 1992 & 1993 Request for updated information regarding all tobacco seizures for 1992˙ and 1993. Specifically, information related to project SIERRA./All˙ disclosed.˙ 932017 BREAKDOWN OF RCMP EMPLOYEES Request for information about the breakdown of RCMP employees across˙ the country. Specifically, the number of male employees; number of ˙ white male employees; number of first language french; and the number of ˙ English speaking white males./All disclosed.˙ 1993.11.05 932116 INFORMATION ON HELICOPTER CONTRACT Request for information pertaining to the EH101 Helicopters, and request˙ also for information pertaining to the National Hockey League Player`s˙ Association. ˙ 1993.11.08 932071 HIRING PRACTICES Request for information about the hiring practices of the RCMP regarding˙ ethnic communities./All disclosed.˙ 932098 SPECIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM Request for information pertaining to the Special Emergency Response˙ Team (SERT) of the RCMP./Disclosed in part.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 4 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CMP 1993.11.08 932098 SPECIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM Request for information pertaining to the Special Emergency Response˙ Team (SERT) of the RCMP./Disclosed in part.˙ 1993.11.10 932113 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE Request for information pertaining to the Callups by the RCMP in the Quebec Region under the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the˙ month of October 1993./No record located.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 5 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.07.26 930032 AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM I request all documents relating to the purchase of the AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM (ACS) currently in use at the SHU. Including a copy of the BILL OF SALE listing the name and address of the company that manufactured the equipment. If this information is not listed on the bill of sale, then I request a copy of the manufacturer's product inforamtion sheets and or service manual. The botton line is that I need to be able to get in touch with the manufacturer about the ACS to ask very specific questions about its operational limitations. Therefore I need the model # of the ACS here. I request all possible data about its maintainance, etc. If the file is more than 120 pages, then please concentrate on data as specified above, expecially ACS make and model, manufacturer's name & address and maintenance records of filter replacements, etc). 930033 OVERVIEW OF EMPLOYMENT & SAFFING SHU I request Access to file which gives an impersonal overview of employment and staffing. This would include some sort of breakdown of how the SHU's 72 person year employees are used here -- but from a financial perspective. Includes records of overtime to specific positions (CX-1, CX-4, CX-6 etc.) Inlcudes records of staff attendance at Regional Staff College courses, etc. Includes records of how many man hours lost to employee's booking off sick. 1993.07.28 930040 INQUIRY INTO STABBING RPC (PACIFI All information including the results of any official or unofficial inquiries, pertaining to an incident at the Regional Psychiatric Centre (Pacific) on or about s. 19(1) , in which an inmate, XXX, was allegedly stabbed by another inmate XXX 1993.09.27 930053 CALL-UPS AUGUST 1993 Request for information of all temporary help requests, namely "Call-up against a standing offer for temporary help services" for the month of August 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 6 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.10.08 1993.10.08 930054 CALL-UPS SEPTEMBER 1993 Call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: September 1993. 1993.10.27 930055 JOB ACTION BY GUARDS Under the terms of the Access to Information and Protection of Personal Information Act, please send a copy of the report regarding the job action by guards at the Federal La Macaza Prison in Quebec during the first week of September 1993. 930056 CALL-UPS SEPTEMBER 1993 Call Ups against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help for the month of September 1993, National Capital Region. 1993.11.02 930057 INVESTIGATION REPORT We would like to see copies of the investigation report into the XXX report. He had been paroled after serving some time on a murder charge. He had been let go against the advise of his parole officers s. 19(1) . Once out, he violently attacked a woman. The report studied what went wrong and the public has a right to know. 1993.11.03 930058 TELECOMMUNICATIONS EXPENSES 92-93 Request for the telecommunications expenses for fiscal year 1992-1993, broken down to the line object for your department. Supply and Services Canada indicated to me that the following financial are applicable: 220: Telephone and Voice Services 222: Enhanced Telecommunications Services 425: Telecommunications Consultants 1993.11.05 930059 INQUIRY WILLIAM HEAD An inquiry was completed at William Head Institution in the 80's regarding the Harrassment of Female at William Head Institution. 1993.11.09 930060 STATISTIQUE J'aimerais obtenir l'information statistique suivante concernant le nombre d'‚vasions, fuites en douce ou absences ill‚gales pour les ann‚es 1993-1992-1991-1990-1989-1988 et 1983. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 7 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ CSC 1993.11.10 1993.11.10 930061 CALL-UPS Call-ups for the months of September and October 1993 for Temporary Help plus Professional and Technical Help in the National Capital Region. Also, all individuals authorized to sign temporary help call-ups. All individuals authorized to telephone temporary help orders to temporary help firms. 930062 CALL-UPS All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for temporary help services during the period: OCTOBER 1993. 1993.11.19 930063 COMMISSIONER'S INQUIRY Commissioners Inquiry Dave Connous (O'Conners)? was head of the inquiry which took place in late may 93 in Calgary. s. 19(1) name in the Report which concerns s. 19(1) work with offender (Parole) XXX. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 8 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.11.08 932581 NEW POLICIES, COMPLAINTS RE SEXUAL HARASSMENT ON NOV 25/92, I SUBMITTED THE ATTACHED ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUEST (A-2370). I NOW REQUEST ACCESS TO RECORDS SINCE THAT DATE WHICH ANSWER THE SAME QUESTIONS. I.E.: 1)WHAT NEW POLICIES, IF ANY, HAVE BEEN INSTITUTED TO DEAL WITH SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS? 2)WHAT COMPLAINTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT HAVE BEEN MADE BY AND AGAINST EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPT SINCE NOV25/92? 3)HOW HAVE THE COMPLAINTS BEEN RESOLVED? (WERE THEY SUBSTANTIATED? WHAT ACTION DID THE DEPT TAKE AS A RESULT?) 1993.11.10 932582 CALLUPS SEPT/OCT 93 CALLUPS SEPT AND OCT 1993 932582 CALLUPS SEPT/OCT 93 CALLUPS SEPT AND OCT 1993 932583 CALLUPS OCT93 CALLUPS OCT93 1993.11.16 932584 OPERATIONAL COSTS FOR BREEC FOR FY 92/93 LES COUTS D'OPERATION DEMANDES SONT CEUX ENCOURUS POUR L'ANNEE FISCALE 92/93; b) IL S'AGIT DES COUTS POUR OPERATIONS "SUR PLACE", A L'EXCLUSION DE DEPENSES FAITES AU CANADA AFIN D'ASSURER LA LIAISON AVEC NOS REPRESENTANTS EN BELGIQUE (LA MISSION DU CANADA PRES LES COMMUNAUTES EUROPEENNES - BRUXELLES, BREEC); c)LES DOCUMENTS DEMANDES SONT CEUX QUE VOUS POURREZ PREPARER A PARTIR DE DOCUMENTS DISPONIBLES DANS VOTRE MINISTERE, CELA EN CONFORMITE AVEC LA DEFINITION DE "DOCUMENT" QUI PARAIT DANS LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION. 932585 OPERATIONAL COSTS FOR BNATO FOR FY92/93 LES COUTS D'OPERATION DEMANDES SONT CEUX ENCOURUS POUR L'ANNEE FISCALE 92/93; b)IL S'AGIT DES COUTS POUR OPERATIONS "SUR PLACE", A L'EXCLUSION DE DEPENSES FAITES AU CANADA AFIN D'ASSURER LA LIAISON AVEC NOS REPRESENTANTS EN BELGIQUE (DELEGATION DU CANADA PRES LE CONSEIL DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD - BRUXELLES - BNATO); c)LES DOCUMENTS DEMANDES SONT CEUX QUE VOUS POURREZ PREPARER A PARTIR DE DOCUMENTS DISPONIBLES DANS VOTRE MINISTERE, CELA EN CONFORMITE AVEC LA DEFINITION DE "DOCUMENT" QUI PARAIT DANS LA LOI SUR L'ACCES A L'INFORMATION. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 9 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DEA 1993.11.18 1993.11.18 932586 CALLUPS FOR JUN/JUL/AUG/SEP 93 CALLUPS FOR JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, 1993; 2)CALLUPS FOR TECHNICAL PLACEMENTS; 3)ORGANIZATION CHARTS; 4)LIST OF SIGNING AUTHORITIES. **REQUESTER REDUCED REQUEST TO CALLUPS FOR JULY ONLY.** 1993.11.22 932587 CORRESPONDENCE RE IFB BRANCH FIVE PAGE LETTER SIGNED BY A.R. HOLBACH (GEN. DIR.) TO ??, CONSULAR GENERAL, ITC HONG KONG (OR TAIWAN) IN REPLY TO A QUESTION POSED TO HIM BY THAT PERSON AT THAT POST, AT THAT TIME. I AM INTERESTED MAINLY IN THE REPLY, BUT ALSO THE QUESTION, BASICALLY "JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE DO AT IFB?" MR. REINER HOLBACH'S REPLY OUTLINED IN PLAIN ENGLISH THE "EXACT" NATURE AND PURPOSES OF THAT SMALL BRANCH WHICH REPORTED DIRECTLY TO MR. C.T.CHARLAND, A.D.M., EXPORT TRADE. (THE D.M. OF THE PERIOD WAS MR. T.M.BURNS) THE LETTER MAY INDEED BE LONGER THAN 5 PAGES AND MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE ON SERIES 593/... 1993.11.24 932588 CONTRACTS BETWEEN EXTERNAL/FOREIGN AFFS AND VARIOUS COMPANIES CONTRACTS NEGOTIATED SINCE JAN1/1990, BETWEEN FOREIGN AFFAIRS CDA, FORMERLY EXTERNAL AFFAIRS CDA, AND THE FOLLOWING CONSULTING FIRMS: ARTHUR ANDERSON AND COMPANY; MCKINSEY AND COMPANY; THE COOPERS AND LYBRAND CONSULTING COMPANY; ERNST AND YOUNG; PEAT MARWICK; DELOITTE AND TOUCHE; PRICE WATERHOUSE; TOWERS PERRIN; AMERICAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. DATE OF CONTRACT AWARD; VALUE OF CONTRACT; CONTRACT NUMBER; CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. 932589 COSTS INCURRED BY DEA RE FORMER PM THATCHER'S VISIT TO CDA THE ESTIMATED INCREMENTAL COSTS INCURRED BY THE DEPT FOR THE RECENT VISIT TO CDA BY FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER MARAGRET THATCHER TO PROMOTE HER BOOK. I WOULD LIKE COPIES OF ALL OR ANY RECORDS THAT REFLECT THESE COSTS FOR THIS SPECIFIC ENDEAVOR. 932590 COSTS RE VISIT OF NOVA SCOTIA PREMIER TO BOSTON, MASS. ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE COST TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF ALL EVENTS AND ARRANGEMENTS RELATED TO THE NOV12-14, 1993 VISIT OF NOVA SCOTIA PREMIER JOHN SAVAGE TO BOSTON, MASS., INCLUDING LUNCHEON, RECEPTION, HOTEL, TRAVEL AND OTHER COSTS. 932591 IMPACT OF FTA ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES (1)ANY REPORT PREPARED FOR THE MINISTRY OF EAITC BETWEEN FEB/88 AND AUG/88 ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF THE CDA-US FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (FTA) ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES, AND PARTICULARLY ANY AND ALL REPORTS PREPARED FOR THE MINISTRY OF EAITC IN RESPONSE TO SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE FEDERAL GOVT WITH RESPECT TO THE FTA BY THE NATIVE COUNCIL OF CDA. (2)ANY MEMOS, DOCS, CORRESPONDENCE, RESEARCH PAPERS, DRAFT OR FINAL REPORTS, DOCKETS, AND/OR BRIEFING MATERIALS IN THE POSSESSION OF THE MINISTRY OF EAITC (NOW THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS) RELATING TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED REPORT(S), OR OTHERWISE ASSESSING Dept Date Request No Text Page: 10 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DEA 1993.11.24 932591 THE IMPACT OF THE FTA ON ABORIGINAL PEOPLES. 932592 CALLUPS PROF/ADMIN/TECH 1993 ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS OF EACH BRANCH OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS . 2.PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL CALLUPS (#662G-2-0001/54) FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR OF 1993. 3.ALL CALLUPS FOR THE MONTHS OF AUG/93 AND SEPT/93. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 11 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.10.27 930103 CONTRACT RECEIVED BY THE MUSQUEAM INDIAN BAND Through 1992 and into 1991 the Musqueam Indian Band received contracts from the Department of Fishereis and Oceans to conduct a series of research projects as per the attached list. We would like copies of this material. A list of the projects is attached. Description of the project and the Role of the Recipient: The Project and the role of the Recipient in carrying out the Projet are as follows: 1. The project consists of a series of tasks to be carried out on behalf of the Recipient during meetingg of the c.s.f.i. such tasks include but are not limited to the following: (a) a review of the political positions of the commercial sport and Aboriginal interests in the fishing industry in British Columbia; (b) a review of the federal government's regulatory role and the policies currently governing all activities in the fishing industry in British Columbia; (c) a review of the history and the current situation of the fishing industry in the state of Washington; (d) a review of the various forms of joint-management proposed by Aboriginal tribal councils, bands and other organisations in B.C.; (e) a review of the overall economic picture conce4rning the salmon industry in B.C. 2. The Project is being carried out on behalf of the Recipient for its use. 3. The role of the Recipient in this Project is to carry out all of its obligations and to comply with all of the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. 1993.10.28 930104 WORK DESCRIPTION, TERMS OF EMPLOY I request access to all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents which relate to the following: the present work descriptions, terms of employment, annual salary and job credentials of Grant Scott, Ron Ginetz and William Leung Dept Date Request No Text Page: 12 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DFO 1993.11.02 1993.11.02 930105 FISH PRODUCTS THAT LEFT ROCKWOOD HATCHERY I would like to receive a list of all Arctic Char and Rainbow Trout Egg, Fry and Fingerlings products that left the Rockwood Hatchery, during the last six years. I will also require the size, quantity and individuals name who received the fish products during this period. The list must identify eaxh shipment separately, as to date, the recipient and address, species, egg or fry size and quantity, and what if any did the recipient reimburse the DFO with (such as fish feed). 1993.11.05 930112 COPIE DE P‚TITION Nous, s. 19(1) demandant au MinistŠre des Pˆches et Oc‚ans, copie de la p‚tition sign‚e par des pˆcheurs propri‚taires ... propos que: le ratio 1.45 soit utilis‚ (200 gros casiers ‚gal casiers conventionnels.) 1993.11.08 930106 ABORIGINAL FISHEREIS STRATEGY 1. The seven year detailed budget for the Federal Aboriginal Strategy as it was as at June 9, 1992 when approved by Cabinet. 2. Any budget revisions between June 9, 1992 and Sept.30, 1993 to the seven year budget. 3. A listing of all projects approved under the Federal Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy through Sept.30, 1993 with proponents name, amounts committed, actual amounts spent and one line description of each project. 4. Amount of expenditures over budget or amount lapsed throgh March 31,1993 when compared to budget. 5. Copies of all correspondence, memos, directives or other printed materials sent by Fisheries and Oceans officials within the department(from one official to another or others) related to the Aboriginal Fishereis Strategy. 6. Fisheries and Oceans assessmentciteria used to decide which proposals to fund under the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy. 7. Copiesof any documents which link funding under the Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy to signature of communal licences. 930107 KEMANO COMPLETION PROJECT s. 19(1) to make an application for any material that you have in your possession that has been released to other applicants. Specifically we request copies of all earlier applications relating either to the Kemano Completion Projects and/or the 1987 Settlement Agreement. Secondly, we request copies of all informationreleased pursuant to these earlier requests or in the alternative a list of all documents released if this is more easily accomplished by your office. We are prepared to incur the necessary photocopyimg costs in the event that you find it easier to simply provide us with the documents. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 13 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.11.08 930107 We are aware of recent media reoports covering the above two issues and our client wishes to have copies of all information that has been released to other parties so that we are in a position to evaluate the accuracy of their reporting. 1993.11.10 930108 ABORIGINAL LOBSTER FISHING All records created since Jan. 1, 1993, that assess, analyze, examine, or review the impact of aboriginal losbter fishing upon stocks of lobster in the Atlantic Canada region. 930109 SALMON STOCKS IN ATLANTIC All records created since Jani. 1, 1992, that assess, analyze, examine or review the impact upon salmon stocks in Atlantic Canada of aboriginal salmon fishing. 930110 CALL-UPS I would like to obtain copies of the original. All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec region during the period of October 1993. 1993.11.16 930111 ENTREVUES DES CANDIDATS Je voudrais obtenir tous les documents tir‚s des entrevues des candidats qui ont particip‚ au concours XXX 1) Questionnaire; 2) R‚ponses; 3) Commentaires 930113 MINUTES OF NATIONAL AFS MEETINGS Minutes of the National Aboriginal Fisheries Committee meetings from January 1, 1990 to the present. Copies of all studies or submissions or briefing papers ssubmitted to this committee. 930114 VIOLATIONS OF FISHERIES ACT A list of all changes and informations sworn in court where people allegedly violated the Fishereis Act and regulations in B.C. Need to be able to identify person charged, location of courthouse where charge sworn, section of act or regulation violated, date of charge and disposition of charge. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 14 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DFO 1993.11.16 930114 Need this information about BC only from the period January 1, 1992 to Sept. 30, 1993. I have requested DFO locally to supply this information and will drop my request if they supply the information. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 15 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.11.01 930250 ASSISTANCE WITH PEACEKEEPING TRAINING FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS 1993 Correspondence, memoranda, reports and policy guidance pertaining to inquiries and requests for foreign governments and other armed forces for information and assistance with peacekeeping training. (DI POL, CDS, J3PK, FLO-D-ATT) 930251 1993 CORRESPONDENCE DEALING WITH PEACEKEEPING TRAINING 1992 Correspondence, memoranda, reports and policy guidance pertaining to inquiries and requests from foreign governments and other armed forces for information and assistance with peacekeeping training. (DI POL, CDS, J3PK, FLO-D-ATT) 930252 1991 CORRESPONDENCE ON ASSISTANCE WITH PEACKEEPING TRAINING 1991 Correspondence, memoranda, reports and policy guidance pertaining to inquiries and requests from foreign governments and other armed forces for information and assistance with peacekeeping training. (DI POL, CDS, J3PK, FL0-D-ATT) 930253 THE PEACEKEEPING BRIEFING PROGRAMME (J3 PK AND DIPOL STAFF) The peacekeeping briefing programme, agenda, and presentation provided by Canadian Forces personnel (J3PK and DIPOL staff) to representatives of: ~Korea ~Romania ~Bulgaria ~Cuba. 930254 THE PEACEKEEPING BRIEFING PROGRAMME (CDS, J3 PK AND DIPOL STAFF) The peacekeeping briefing programme, agenda, and presentation provided by Canadian Forces personnel (CDS, J3PK and DIPOL staff) to representatives of: ~France - MOD, CDS (Ottawa) ~Japan - CDS (Ottawa) ~Germany (Ottawa) 930255 THE PEACEKEEPING BRIEFING PROGRAMME (J3 PK AND DIPOL STAFF) The peacekeeping briefing programme, agenda, and presentation provided by Canadian Forces personnel (J3PK and DIPOL staff) to resprentatives of: ~Hungary ~Poland ~Luxembourg Dept Date Request No Text Page: 16 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.11.01 930255 ~Czechoslovakia 930256 THE PEACEKEEPING BRIEFING PROGRAMME (J3 PK AND DIPOL STAFF) The peacekeeping briefing programme, agenda, and presentation provided by Canadian Forces personnel (J3PK and DIPOL staff) to representatives of: ~the Russian Ministry of Defence ~Argentina ~Chile ~Nicaragua 930257 THE PEACEKEEPING BRIEFING PROGRAMME (J3 PK AND DIPOL STAFF) The peacekeeping briefing programme, agenda and presentation provided by Canadian Forces personnel (J3PK and DIPOL staff) to representatives of: ~Zimbabwe ~Barbados ~Trinidad and Tobago ~South Africa 1993.11.03 930258 TRANSCRIPTS RE: PRIVATE ALVIN BROWN Request the following records: 1. right away, informally if possible, copy of Judge Advocate (Jerry Pitzol) report transcript re: Private Alvin Brown; 2. any 1993 briefing notes re this report; and 3. 1993 memos re this report as a precedent, part of the military justice procedures, policies and anticipated followups. 1993.11.10 930267 CONTRACT TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPANS GIS Copy of the contract signed with the computer systems analyst retained by DND to assist in the development of the SPANS GIS related to "systems development of the flight track software and conceptualizing the avoidance monitoring documentation process" (re. Allied air force training at 5 Wing Goose Bay). 1993.11.12 930268 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR OCT 93 All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period October 1993. 930269 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS FOR QUEBEC REGION FOR OCT 93 All callups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period October 1993. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 17 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.11.15 1993.11.15 930270 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution Dat forms for the following days April 7, 16, 18, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30. 930271 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution Data forms for the following days: May 5, 6, 13, 15, 17, 23, 26, 29, 30. 930272 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution forms for the following days: June 2, 3, 6, 12, 15, 22, 23, 26, 29. 930273 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution Data forms for the following days: July 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 20, 22, 25. 930274 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution Data forms for the following days: July 27, 30. August 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12. 930275 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution Data Forms for the following days: August 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30. 930276 5 WING GOOSE BAY FLIGHT DISTRIBUTION DATA FORMS Copies of completed 5 Wing Goose Bay Flight Distribution Data Forms for the following days: September 4, 12, 16, 18, 23, 26, 27. October 7, 13. 930277 5 WING GOOSE BAY - RESOURCE USE ADVISORY GROUP MEETING Copy of the news release issued by 5 Wing Goose Bay in reference to the Resource Use Advisory Group Meeting held in the CFB Goose Bay Officers Mess on 25 March 1993. 930278 PEACEKEEPING TRAINING AND PEACEKEEPING TRAINING INSTRUCTIONS Reports and reviews prepared within J3PK since October 1992 that pertain to peacekeeping training and peacekeeping training instructions. 930279 THE NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION TRAINING FOR PEACEKEEPERS The Negotiation and Mediation Training Package for Peacekeeping prepared under the supervision of Major D.M. Last. First Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 18 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.11.15 930280 DOCUMENTS PERTAINING TO PEACEKEEPING SINCE MARCH 1993 930281 REPORTS AND REVIEWS PERTAINING TO PEACEKEEPING SINCE OCT 92 Reports and reviews prepared for the CDS and DCDS since October 1992 that pertain to peacekeeping training. 930282 PEACEKEEPING TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION COURSE OUTLINES Peacekeeping training and instruction course outlines, curricula, and training guidance prepared in J3PK since January 1, 1993. 930283 REPORTS ETC PREPARED WITHIN DI POL SINCE OCTOBER 1992 Reports and reviews prepared within DI POL since October 1992 that pertain to peacekeeping training. 930284 REPORTS PREPARED SINCE APRIL 1993 BY CANADIAN CONTINGENT COMMAND The reports prepared since April 1993 by Canadian Contingent Commanders in UN operations and other CF officers serving in UN operations and other peacekeeping performance evaluations, peacekeeping training and preparation. 930285 DOCUMENTS PREPARED SINCE MARCH 93 PERTAINING TO PEACEKEEPING Memoranda and correspondence prepared since March 1993 pertaining to peacekeeping training. (J3PK, DI POL). 1993.11.16 930286 NATIONAL PROCUREMENT PLAN/POLICY FY 92-93 TO 96-97 National Procurement Plan‚policy for FY '92-'93 to '96-'97. It was presented as Annex C to the minutes of the 19th Meeting of the Fleet Replacement Introductory Steering Committee. 1993.11.17 930287 ACMI/R FOR GOOSE BAY Copy of proposal and any related documents, correspondence, memoranda, etc regarding the "proposal for ACMI/R for Goose Bay" as per memo from CFS Goose Bay/MCC to RCCLBJA/FGHQ North Bay//DCOS Air, etc 23 Aug 84 (reference: DND AIA Response # 1463-(A)93/0059, page 65). 930288 GERMAIN TRAINING IN CANADA RE. TACTICAL RANGES - GOOSE BAY Copy of a letter from the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to MND discussing the signing of the Umbrella agreement covering German training in Canada as per briefing note for MGen L.A. Ashley, CADO, re. Tactical Ranges - Goose Bay, Feb 1984 (reference: DND AIA Response #1463-(A)93/0059, page 104). Dept Date Request No Text Page: 19 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.11.17 930289 MOU RE THE LEASE OF THE PRIMROSE LAKE WEAPONS RANGE Copy of the current agreement (MOU) between the Government of Saskatchewan and DND re. the lease of the Primrose Lake weapons range. 930290 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT LAND TRANSFER FROM NFLD TO CANADA Copy of the archaeological assessment conducted at PTA1 in LLTA2 (5 Wing Goose Bay) to "identify historic resources to the satisfaction of the historic resources division" as per the renewal of land transfer from Newfoundland to Canada, 15 May 1991 (reference: DND AIA Response # 1463-(A)93/0059, page 4). 1993.11.18 930291 ADMINISTRATIVE MILITARY INVESTIGATION - HMCS PROVIDER Administrative military investigation, conducted in or about January, 1993, concerning the purchase of duty-free cigarettes by members of HMCS PROVIDER. 1993.11.22 930292 CALLUPS FOR NCR AREA FOR AUGUST, SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER 1993 Request callups for temporary help (DCC 8251) NCR for period: August, September and October 1993. 1993.11.23 930293 CONTRACTS NEGOTIATED WITH DND AND CONSULTING FIRMS FROM 1 JAN 90 I would like information about contracts negotiated since January 1, 1990, between the Department of National Defence and the following consulting firms: Arthur Andersen and Company; McKinsey and Company; the Coopers and Lybrand Consulting Company; Ernst and Young; Peat Marwick; Deloitte and Touche; Price Waterhouse; Towers Perrin; American Management Systems. Also the following information concerning contracts negotiated since Janaury 1, 1990, between DND and the consulting firms named above: Date of contract award; Value of contract; contract number; contract description. 1993.11.24 930294 COST INCURRED BY DND FOR VISIT BY FORMER PM MARGARET THATCHER The estimated incremental costs incurred by the department for the recent visit to Canada by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to promote her book. I would like copies of all or any records that reflect these costs for this specific endeavor. 930295 SHERMULY GROUND SMOKE BOMB Request the following information under the Access to Information Act regarding the device known as the Shermuly Ground Smoke Bomb. a) The chemical composition of the charge contained in the Unit; b) the chemical composition of the products of combustion of the Unit when fired; Dept Date Request No Text Page: 20 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.11.24 930295 c) Instructions for its use; d) Workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS) material regarding the use of the Unit if available. This device was used at the Canadian Armed forces Base in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia during June, 1981 by personnel involved in firefighting training exercises. 1993.11.25 930296 SYSTEMATIC AND ORGANIZED THEFT OF DND SUPPLIES 1991-1993 reports received at headquartes or generated at headquarters about systematic and organized theft of National Defence supplies from armed force bases and establishments, including those thefts occurring at the Gagetown and Halifax bases. 930297 THEFT AT NATIONAL DEFENCE 1991-93 summary national and regional statistics or summary national and regional inventory reports received or generated at headquarters on missing National Defence supplies by major categories, and amounts of losses, including data gathered on the degree to which theft is suspected or known as the cause of such inventory losses, who the theives are, and a surveying of theft charges laid, convictions obtained and sentences given. 930298 BRIEFING NOTES ON THEFTS AT NATIONAL DEFENCE 1. 1991-93 briefing notes to the headquarter procurement and security personnel, to the Defence Chief of Staff and the Minister on such loss of supplies, on means of combatting such theft, and assessing how much of the thefts are done in an organized and systematic way, by either military or civilian employees or outsiders, and for personal use or resale. 2. 1991-93 aniticipated oral questions on the above subjects. 3. Any previously released data under the Access Act on the above subjects. 930299 COSTS FOR FRIGATE PROGRAM 1. Estimated DND compensation received or provided in way of frigate construction program's time delays and quality problems. Include total costs for frigate program to date and future costs per major cost category breakdowns, and expected and actual time table for completion of each frigate. 2. 1993 briefings to the Ministers on possible frigates sales at lower price than DND is paying should St. Johns Shipbuilding be able to sell up to three of these kind of frigates to Saudi Arabia, and whether there would be any possible resulting compensation/cost recoveries provided to DND. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 21 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DND 1993.11.25 930299 3. Any audits/evaluations 1992, 1993 on the frigate program. 930300 COMPENSATION FOR CANCELLATION OF EH101 CONTRACTS 1. Compensation DND paid in 1992-93, 1993-94 for peacekeeping incidents, for military weapon contract cancellations, for low-level flights, for serious injuries and death, for environmental mishaps/spills/pollution. (If it is easier to provide a total list of all compensation given by DND, please reply that way). 2. Estimated DND compensation for cancellation of the EH101 contracts and explanations about differing figures on cancellation/penalties, including those tht have been publicly discussed for the EH101 program; set against the total costs incurred to date re EH101 project per major project categories; and all avenues explored and evaluations done on what can be salvaged from the eh101 work for use in future helicopter program needs and any ways of recouping costs from all the work done on the EH101 program. 3. 1993 briefing notes, anticipated oral questions on above topics. 1993.11.29 930301 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONNEL RELOCATED IN LAST THREE YEARS Please supply documentation to show the total number of personnel relocated (by HOUSEHOLD relocation), and total cost, for the past three years. Information should be broken down by year. 930302 CSE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930228, on CSE and law enforcement. 930303 CSE RAW DATA TO PRIVATE SECTORS Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930234, dissemination by the CSE of CSE raw data to private sectors. 930304 CSE AND ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930229, CSE and economic intelligence. 930305 CHIEF OF THE CSE'S FILE INDEX Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930227, on Chief of the CSE's File Index. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 22 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.11.29 930306 DOCUMENTS PREPARED BY CSE ON ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930235, documents prepared by CSE on economic espionage. 930307 CSE PRODUCTION OF INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENCE ASSESSMENTS Copies of documents released or cleared to be released to answer request no. 930231, CSE production of intelligence and intelligence assessments. 930308 OBERON-CLASS SUBMARINES Most recent complete documents that audit the condition of Canada's fleet of three Oberon-class submarines, purchased from Britain in the 1960s. These documents should assess the current condition as well as forecast future cost and maintenance requirements for the fleet. (A cost-benefit anaylsis comparing ongoing maintenance and projected costs versus the cost of new submarines would be especially useful to put this matter in perspective.) 930309 OBERON-CLASS SUBMARINES Information related to operating and maintenance costs over the most recent 10-year period available for Canada's existing fleet of three Oberon-class submarines, purchased from Britain in the 1960's. This request includes maintenance and capital costs to replace major components, cost of staff time and expertise needed to assess the need for repair and/or replacement of component parts, and other expenses in maintenance records associated with maintaining the aging fleet of submarines. I would also like to know how detailed, and in what format, a breakdown of maintenance costs may be available, which may form part of this Access request. 930310 DIVISION OF DND & CAF ASSESTS IN THE EVENT OF SEPARATION OF QUE Any and all studies, reviews, memos, reports done by the Department of National Defence concerning the division of National Defence and Canadian Armed forces assests in the event of the political separartion of Quebec from Canada from January, 1992, to the present. Any contingency plans to secure National Defence or Canadian Forces' assests in the event of the political separation of Quebec from Canada from January, 1992 to the present. 930311 INFRASTRUCTURE CONCERNING CLOSING OF CF BASES THROUGHOUT CANADA Any and all studies, reviews, memos, reports prepared by the Director-General of Infrastructure concerning the potential closing of Canadian Forces Bases throughout Canada from 1992 to the present. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 23 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DND 1993.11.29 930312 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR THE MONTHS OF OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER 1993 Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 24 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOA 1993.10.15 930103 REQUIRED THE "PRODUCT-SPECIFIC INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY THE REGISTRANT.˙ 1993.10.25 930106 INFORMATION ON ANDALUSIAN HORSES. 1993.10.27 930107 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1993.˙ 1993.11.01 930108 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1993˙ 1993.11.04 930109 COPIES OF ALL WRITTEN COMMENTS RECIEVED BY AGRICULTURE CANADA WITH RESPECT TO DISCUSSION DOCUMENT D93-01 "REGISTRATION STATUS OF FENITROTHION INSECTICIDE" ISSUED UNDER DATE 2 APRIL 1993.˙ 1993.11.09 930110 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 1993.˙ 930111 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 1993. ALSO ALL INDIVIDUALS AUTHORIZED TO SIGN TEMPORARY HELP AND TO TELEPHONE TEMPORARY HELP ORDERS TO TEMPORARY HELP FIRMS.˙ 1993.11.17 930112 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTHS OF FEBRUARY AND SEPTEMBER 1993. ALSO ALL SIGNING AUTHORITIES FOR CALLUPS.˙ 1993.11.19 930113 CALLUPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION FOR THE MONTHS OF AUGUST, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, 1993.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 25 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.10.27 930165 BUDGET FOR GWAII HAANAS (SOUTH MORESBY NATIONAL PARK) This is a request for records under the access to Information Act. I am a Canadian Citizen. I request access to all records which will enable me to know the contents of all documents which relate tot he following: The annual budget for the Gwaii Haanas (South Moresby National Park), including the Haida Gwaii Watchmen program. I believe this will limit the amount of material sufficiently. I enclose a money order for $5.00. I wish to have the fee refunded. When the requested records have been found, I would be prepared to review the material in order to reduce photocopying costs. If you should decide to withhold any of the records I have requested, then I ask that you provide me with a list of the records you are withholding and the reason you are withholding each of them. I am willing to discuss any aspect of request with you. 930166 CALL-UPS FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES NCR SEPTEMBER 93 Call ups against a Standing Offer for Temporary Help for the month of September, 1993, National Capital Region. 1993.11.01 930167 HARASSMENT GRIEVANCE All documents related to the investigation of a harassment grievance. 930168 BASEL CONVENTION With reference to my rights under the Access to Information Act I would like to request access to documents pertaining to the Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and its implementation through Canadian laws and regulations. The documents requested are listed in some detail below. The documents are probably held at the Environment Canada Office of Waste Management/Hazardous Waste Division. The request covers: 1) studies, research papers, legal opinions and other documents prepared by consultant companies, academics, lawyers and similar professions regarding specific questions that have been raised in the various drafts and the final version of the Basel Convention. Topics that may have been studied may include, but are not restricted to, questions of liability insurance, Dept Date Request No Text Page: 26 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.11.01 930168 classifiction and quantification of waste movements, manifest form design, and federal-provincial cooperation in the administration of the Basel Convention. 2) studies, research papers, legal opinions and other documents prepared by specialized departments of the federal government and bureaucracy regarding the various drafts and final version of the Basel Convention. Offices where such documents could have originated from may include, but are not restricted to, the research and legal offices in federal government departments that administer foreign affairs, environmental protection, federal-provincial relations, the transportation of dangerous goods, etc. 930169 HAZARDOUS WASTE INCINERATION FACILITIES With reference to my rights under the Access to Information Act, I would like to request access to documents pertaining to the Federal Guidelines for the Operation of Hazardous Wastes Incineration Facilities and CCME Guidelines for the Operation of Hazardous Wastes Incineration Facilities (March 1992). To my knowledge, the guidelines were drafted and adopted through the CCME, and then also adopted by Environment Canada for lands and facilities under federal jurisdiction. The content ofthe Federal and CCME Guidelines is identical. The following persons should be able to provide detailed information as to the titles and locations of files where the requested documents have been deposited: ~ J. Myslicki, Chief Hazardous Waste Div. ~ D. Campbell, Head Controls Section, Hazardous Waste Div. If the documents here are very voluminous I would appreciate if arrangements could be made for me to review the documents at an Environment Canada Office at a mutually convenient time and location. The request covers: 1) All letters, faxes, telephone notes, memoranda or other forms of recorded communications between the federal, provincial and territorial governments throughout the process of the consultation leading to the formulation of the guidelines. This includes, but is not restricted to, the initial memoranda and letters that started the process, and the subsequent communations between all levels of government. 2) copies of any terms of reference or similar documents given by the CCME or Environment Canada to any outside contractors (eg. Law firms, consultants, etc.) asking them to collect information or write drafts of guidelines. 3) Copies of any terms of reference or similar documents given by the CCME or Environment to any federal or provincial government office tasking them to collect information or write drafts of guidelines. 4) any studies, research papers, legal opinions and other documents prepared by consultant companies, academics, lawyers and similar professions or by specialized departments of the federal and provincial bureaucracies regarding Dept Date Request No Text Page: 27 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOE 1993.11.01 930169 technical and legal aspects of the guidelines. 5) any submissions from interested parties such as industry and environmental organizations regarding the content fo the Guidelines as well as the process through which they were developed. This includes, but is not restricted to, letters, statements, consultant reports, legal opinions, etc. 6) any minutes or proceedings of consultants or meetings between representatives of the federal and provincial governments, or their respective bureaucracies, including minutes of CCME Ministers meetings where the Guidelines were discussed or adopted. 7) any minutes or proceedings of consultants or meetings between representatives of the federal or provincial governments, or their respective bureaucracies, with representatives of industry and/or environmental organizations. 8) any briefing notes to the federal Minister of the Environment regarding these guidelines. 9) access to any newsclipping files Environment Canada may have maintained to document the process. 10) any reactions from environmental or industry organizations regarding the use and implementation of the Guidelines. 12) any reports, evaluations, memoranda or briefing notes by federal or provincial agencies on the use and implementation of the guidelines at the federal or provincial level. 1993.11.02 930170 SEA-WALL WORK PERMITS I wish to know what construction permits have been issued (and by which agencies) to erect a sea-wall on shore-line. Registered plan 767 - Township of North Gower, Ontario (County of Carleton). I wish to know all authorizations and work permits from 1960 to the present. 1993.11.04 930171 CALL-UPS NCR OCTOBER 1993 1. List of managers dealing personally with temporary help agencies; 2. Report of all requests for temporary help for the month of October 1993. 1993.11.08 930172 SEXUAL HARASSMENT IN THE DEPARTMENT On November 25, 1992, I submitted the attached Access to Information request (your file 92-115). I now request access to records since that date which answers the same questions, ie.: 1) What new policies, if any, have been instituted to deal with sexual harassment complaints? 2)What complaints of sexual harassment have been made by and against employees of the department since November 25, 1992? 3)How have the complaints been resolved ? (Were they substantiated? What action did the department take as a result?) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 28 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.11.09 1993.11.09 930173 SHIPMENTS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE BY OR TO COMINCO s. 19(1) which is involved in litigation in federal district court in Hawaii against, among other parties, a Canadian company named Cominco, Ltd. The case is entitled United States of America V. Hawaiian Western Steeel, Limited, Inc. and The Estate of James Campbell; in a so-called third party action in this case the Estate of James Campbell has sued Cominco. This is case number 92-00587 ACK in the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii. In essence the case is about the contamination with a substance known as baghouse dust of land owned by my client by a steel-making company that was 51 percent owned by a company that was in turn wholly owned by Cominco. I am writing to request copies of all documents which Environment Canada might have regarding the shipment from about 1987 to 1990 of baghouse dust from Hawaiian Western Steel Limited in Hawaii to Cominco's facility at Trail, Canada. The sender of the dust might have been Hawaiian Western Steel Limited, Inc., it might have been 51 percent of the stock of Hawaiian Western Steel and was in turn wholly owned by Cominco, or it might have been Cominco or a Cominco division or other subsidiary. I presume the receiver of the dust was Cominco. The reason I believe that some person or entity would have applied to your agency for permission to ship the dust into Canada is that the dust contained lead and cadmium as a result of which it was classified as a hazardous waste by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and may well have been so classified by your governmet also. My interest in any documenttion that you might be able to supply me with regarding shipment of this material into Canada is to investigate the role of Cominco in this process. The extent to which Cominco was involved in the process my be germane to our case. I would of course be willing to pay any copying costs that duplicating the materials I'm requested may involve. 930174 CALL-UPS NCR SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER Call ups for the months of Sept. & and Oct./93 for temporary help plus professional and technical help in the National Capital Region. Also, all individuals authorized to sign temporary help callups. All individuals authorized to telephone temporary help orders to temporary help firms. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 29 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOE 1993.11.10 1993.11.10 930175 HARASSMENT INVESTIGATION All records including, but not limited to: reports; correspondence, memoranda, and verbal statements/notes or sound recordings concerning s. 19(1) or s. 19(1) workplace which are related to the investigation undertaken by T.Whitman and S. Ostafichuk concerning harassment allegations of (personal info). 930176 AGASSIZ SKI HILL 1) Information given to administration of Riding Mountain National Park concerning the statistics of skier visits to Agassiz Ski Hill from 1982/83 ski season to 1992/93 ski season. 2) Financial statements of Agassiz Ski Hill from 1982/83 ski season to the 1992/93 ski season. 3) Information and statistics given to the Canadian Ski Council of Canada concerning Agassiz Ski Hill from 1982/83 through to 1992/93 ski season. 930177 JASPER NATIONAL PARK LEASEHOLD APPRAISALS During a September 28, 1993 meeting at the Department of Justice Offices, Edmonton, with Mr. Garry Greenland, Head of Realty Services, Canadian Parks Service a so called "Blind" appraisal of Jasper leaseholds was discussed. Mr. Greenland was to forward a copy of same to those concerned. He has not done so. Please provide a copy of same. 1993.11.12 930178 AUTHORISATION POUR L'EXPORTATION DES DECHETS BIOMEDICAUX Par la presente, nous deposons une demande formelle aupres de la commission de l'acces a l'information afin d'obtenir les renseignements et ou documents pertinents concernant le depot de la demande de permis ou d'autorisation de la companie Le systeme de gestion Biomed Inc., pour exportation des dechets biomedicaux au Vermont, Etats-Unis, et ce en vertu de la Loi sur l'acces a l'information. 1993.11.15 930179 CALL-UPS NCR OCTOBER, 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: October 1993. 930180 CALL-UPS - QUEBEC REGION - OCTOBER 1993 All call-ups processed by this institution in the Quebec Region under the terms of the supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during the period: October 1993. Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 30 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.10.22 930182 CALLUPS Could you please sen us a copy of all the 8251 forms (call-ups for Temporary Help Services) both issued and renewed for the months of July, August and September of 1993 for the National Capital region.˙ ˙ Enclosed is $5.00 cheque made out to Receiver General for this service.˙ ˙ ********* ˙ 930183 BARIUM CARBONATE SPILL Information regarding investigations conducted concerning an incident involving the alleged spill of Barium Carbonate, and remediation and safety checks performed, at the Canadian Pacific Express & Transport Ltd. Ottawa freight terminal located at or around 1435 Caledon Street Ottawa, on or after January 22, 1991.˙ 1993.10.25 930184 AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATIONS This formal request under the Access to Information Act covers two specific requests as follows:˙ ˙ 1.(a) A listing of the names and dates of the persons/companies who made airworthiness/maintenance release certifications for non-specialized and specialized work in the aircraft journey, related technical log books and regulatory forms for CF-JKC during the period form August 28, 1989 to July 30, 1993.˙ ˙ (b) The related license number(s), approval(s) or authority issued by the Department of Transport for those persons/companies listed in paragraph (a); the ratings, endorsements(s) and or any authority issued by the Department of Transport to these persons/companies and the validity of the licenses, approval or authoruty of these persons(s)/companies during the period from August 28, 1989 to July 30, 1993. ˙ 930185 AIRWOTHINESS CERTIFICATIONS Note: Please see 930185 for beginning of request, this has been split into two separate requests.˙ ˙ 2. The authorities/rating(s) and effective dates of company approval/approved maintenamce organization approval or any other special authority, (including specialized work performed on the Franklin Aircrft Engines, Model 6A8-215-B9F engine, parts/components and related Dept Date Request No Text Page: 31 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.10.25 930185 accessories), granted to Canadian Aero Engine and Accessories, P.O. Box 118, Rama, Ontario L0K 1T0 by the Department of Transport during the period of January 30, 1990 and July 30, 1993 and a listing of the name(s) of the person(s) authorized and the particulars of authorization granted by the Department of Transport to make airworthiness certifications on behalf of this company.˙ ˙ Thank You˙ ***********˙ 1993.10.26 930186 CADOR PEARSON AIRPORT TORON ISLAND I am requesting copies of the Canadian Aviation Daily Occurrence Reports for incidents at Pearson International Airport and Toronto Island Airport for Aug. 14 to Oct. 22, 1993.˙ 930187 TERMINALS I & 2 I am requesting copies of all studies done for Transport Canada on the privatization of Terminals 1 & 2 at Pearson International Airport. This includes studies looking at the economic impact of the transfer.˙ 1993.10.27 930189 WEIR AT CROFTEN PULP This is what we are looking for:˙ ˙ ~The wier (croften Pulp, Croften B.C.) was opened in 1955, (approx.) and I assume the agreement would be in place before construction was started on it. (construction of dam and boat lock)˙ ˙ ~any agreement with British Columbia Forest Products or Agent (B.C.F.P. was bought out by Fletcher Challenge Canada) governing how their water rights effect public access to the lake and river.˙ ˙ ~an agreement that says they will maintain public access 24 hours a day during control season. That agreement would probably be between the City of Lake Cowichan and British Columbia Forest Products.˙ ˙ *********˙ 930190 CANADA'S HIGHWAY SYSTEM Thank you for speaking to me today about my request for records under the Access to Information Act.˙ ˙ I have attached a copy of the Canadian Press story I mentioned to you. the story, published in the Globe and Mail on June 8 of this year, was based on an access request by s. 19(1) that is to in paragraph six of the story.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 32 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.10.27 930190 (documets prepared last year as the federal governement considered a major capital investment project. Canadian highway's need a cash infusion of $14 million quoted form article.)˙ ˙ 1. Copies of all the records released to Canadian Press˙ 930191 CANADIAN HIGHWAY SYSTEM Note: please refer to 930191 for the beginning of the request, as this request has been split into two separate requests.˙ ˙ 2. For access to all records created as a result of the release of the records to Canadian Press.˙ ˙ ******˙ 930192 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL MANUALS 1. a copy of the air traffic control manual of operations;˙ 2. a copy of the air traffic control manual of training;˙ ˙ Copies of all air traffic control operations letters, ATC circular letters, ATS information bulletins, ATS directives, ATS headquarters interpretations and explanations, ATS management bulletins or similar documents, applicable to the Toronto Terminal Control Unit and the Toronto Area Control Centre, including those at the unit, regional and national levels, concerning altitude monitoring by air traffic controllers of aircraft conducting instrument approaches and the issuing of altitiude warnings to the pilots of aircraft conducting instrument approaches.˙ 1993.11.03 930193 TRANSFER OF AIRPORTS ˙ Transport Canada internal correspondence, memoranda or studies before the Crosbie policy statements of l987 or after concerning the methodology of the transfers to LAAs and the assignment or other handling of the contracts that TC had in place with third parties at the time of transfer.˙ 930194 TRANSFER OF AIRPORTS Transport Canada Documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act:˙ The transfer agreement between TC and the Vancouver LAA and all correspondence or documents between them dealing with the assignment to the LAA and its assumption of third party contracts; and in particular any documentation that refers to TC`s agreement with Mediacom Inc.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 33 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.11.03 930195 TRANSFER OF AIRPORTS ˙ The transfer agreement between TC and the Calgary LAA and all correspondence or documents between them dealing with the assignment to the LAA and its assumption of third party contracts; and in particular any documentation that refers to TC,s agreement with Mediacom Inc.˙ 930196 TRANSFER OF AIRPORTS ˙ The transfer agreement between TC and the Edmonton LAA and all correspondence or documents between them dealing with the assignment to the LAA and its assumption of third party contracts; and in particular any documentation that refers to TCs agreement with Mediacom Inc.˙ 930197 TRANSFER OF AIRPORTS ˙ The transfer agreement between TC and the Montreal LAA and all correspondence or documents between them dealing with the assignment to the LAA and its assumption of third party contracts; and in particular any documentation that refers to TCs agreement with Mediacm Inc.˙ 930198 TRANSFER OF AIRPORTS ˙ Documentation (including draft agreements) for transfer to a LAA transaction currently under negotiation by TC.˙ 1993.11.05 930199 SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS l. What new policies, if any, have been instituted to deal with sexual harassment complaints?˙ 2. What complaints of sexual harassment have been made by and against employees of the department since November 25, l992.˙ 3. How have the complaints been resolved. (Were they substantiated? What action did the department take as a result)? ˙ 930200 LOCKHEED ELECTRA L-188C Nous avons besoin de tous les documents que vous avez concernant cet aeronef depuis janvier 1991.˙ 930201 LEASE OF FAM COR INVESTMENTS Copy of land lease at Abbotsford Airport of FAM COR Investments lease PAC 1612.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 34 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DOT 1993.11.05 930202 LAND LEASE ABBOTSFORD AIRPORT Copy of land lease at Abbotsford Airport of Abbotsford Flying Club Lease ˙ No. PR7039˙ 1993.11.09 930203 CALLUPS SEPT OCT 93 TEMPORARY HELP Call ups for the months of Sept and Oct l993 for temporary help plus professional and technical help in the national capital region.˙ Also all individuals authorized to sign temporary help callups.All individuals authorized to telephone help ordes to temporary help firms.˙ 930204 M V CARIBOU - AN INVESTIGATION On the s. 19(1) as a result of an incident on board the M.V. Caribou, a ship in the service of s. 19(1) Marine Atlantic. In response to that incident and the resulting s. 19(1) , an investigation was carried out by the Canadian Coast Guard, Ship Safety Division, on their own behalf or to assist Labour Canada. Mr. R. l. Brambury, a Senior Surveyor, Ship Safety, Canadian Coast Guard, filed a report arising from his investigation with his superiors. I require a complete copy of this report, with all source materials appended thereto.˙ 1993.11.16 930205 TERMINAL REDEVELOPMENT (PEARSON) I am requesting copies of letters written by Chern Heed, airport general manager at Pearson International Airport, on the subject of terminal redevelopment between January l992 to September l993.˙ 1993.11.18 930207 AVION CFNBN C-182D Je desire aussi rapport d`accident si applicable ou s`il y a lieu. Je veux ces renseignements parce que j`ai l`intention d`acheter cet avionet j`amerais connaitre l`historique. Merci.˙ 1993.11.22 930208 NORTH CENTRAL HELICOPTERS LTD. What is at issue is the reliance the public is entitled to placed on your Departments registration procedures on the attendant liability for error. ˙ 930209 AIR MANITOBA I request access to the most recent Transport Canda inspection reports and relevant audits concerningstaff training, mechanical fitness, air worthiness and operation of aircraft owned and\or used by Air Manitoba.˙ ˙ This request includes, but is not limited to, followup correspndence between Transport Canada and Air Manitoba officials or their agents sconcerning the reports\audits cited above.˙ ˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 35 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... DOT 1993.11.22 930209 Tis requet also inlcudes, but is not limited to, reports\audits related to the twin-engine Hawker Siddeley 748 aircraft that crashed Wednesday November l0 l993 at Sandy Lake, Ontario. Please identify this particular aircraft in the documentation requested.˙ 930210 CAR RENTALS AIRPORTS Gross revenue figures and revenue figures reported by each car rental˙ concessions at each of the following airports for the months of January to October l993.˙ Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg.˙ 1993.11.23 930211 VIA RAIL SKEENA All reports, studies and correspondence - lus cabinet documents - for the past 3 years to present on the VIA Rail Skeena passenger run - Jasper, Alberta to Prince Rupert, B.C.˙ 930212 COLLISIONS BWTWN AIRCRAFT IN CANAD All records on incidents of "loss of separation" or near collisions between aircraft at Candas l0 busiest airports . Interested in statistical summaries that show which airports incurred most incidents.˙ 930213 AIRBAGS MOTOR VEHICLES All records - studies on the effectiveness of "airbags" in collisions of motor vehicles.˙ 930214 THEFT O BAGGAGE - AIRPORTS Al Transport Canada security summaries on the subject of theft of baggge at Canadas l0 largest airports - specifically alledged thefts by people employed in the industry - i.e. baggage handlers.˙ 1993.11.24 930215 CONTAINERS PORT OF VANCOUVER I request all information regarding 2 containers shipped from the port of Vancouver.˙ ˙ Information desired: Bill of leading˙ Confirmation of shipment (place)˙ Conformation of shipping date˙ Export Company˙ Broker˙ Vessel˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 36 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.10.28 930648 ALL CORRESPONDENCE RELATED TO H. BURGERS AND ASSOCIATES LTD THAT RELATE TO ALLEGATIONS OF A BREACH OF SECURITY ALL RECORDS OF TELEPHONE CALLS, MEMORANDA, LETTERS OR OTHER MATERIALS REFERRING TO H. BURGERS & ASSOCIATES LTD., HBA, OR s. 19(1) RELATING TO ALLEGATIONS OF BREACHER OF SECURITY BY THE FIRM, ITS PRINCIPALS OR ITS EMPLOYEES RECEIVED BY OR ORIGINATED WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT. ANY COMMUNICATIONS FROM THIRD PARTIES TO DSS/ASC RELATING TO H. BURGER & ASSOCIATES, HBA OR s. 19(1) . DATES - BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1, 1991 AND 27 OCTOBER 1993. 1993.11.01 930649 REGULARY PRINTOUT FROM CAIR SYSTEM FOR THE MONTH OF OCT./93 REGULAR MONTHLY PRINTOUTS FROM THE CAIR SYSTEMS FOR OCTOBER 1993 930651 PRINTING PLATE, OFFSET LIGHOGRAPHIC, ALUMINUM AQUEOUS BASED, PRESENSITIZED COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 12KP.65562-2-0208 930652 INFORMATION REGARDING THE REMOVAL AND STORAGE OF FURNITURE FROM 24 SUSSEX AND HARRINGTON LAKE IN THE SPRING 1993 COPIES OF ALL CONTRACTS, INVOICES, LETTERS, MEMOS, RECORDS OF TELEPHONE DISCUSSIONS, MINUTES OF MEETINGS AND ALL OTHER DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN WHAT WAS THE DEPARTMENT OF DSS AND IS NOW GSC AND A MONTREAL MOVING COMPANY KNOWN AS MELDRUM THE MOVER, INC. FOR REMOVAL AND STORAGE OF FURNITURE FROM THE OFFICIAL RESIDENCES AT 24 SUSSEX DRIVE AND HARRINGTON LAKE TO THE MELDRUM WAREHOUSE IN MONTREAL IN THE SPRING OF 1993. THE TIME PERIOD COVERING THIS REQUEST WOULD BE FROM JANUARY 1993 TO THE PRESENT OCTOBER 25, 1993. 930653 CONTRACTS LET IN THE TORONTO REGION FOR GSIN B405 REPORT ON WHAT DEPARTMENTS IN THE TORONTO, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO REGION HAVE PURCHASED WORDPROCESSING SERVICES, WHAT WERE THE CONTRACTS VALUED AT AND WHAT TIME OF YEAR THEY WENT TO TENDER. 930654 COPY OF THE INDEX FOR MASTER STANDING OFFERS COPY OF THE CURRENT INDEX FOR THE MASTER STANDING OFFERS. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 37 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.11.01 930655 INFORMATION ON FREIGHT MANAGEMENT LIST OF TENDERS POSTED OVER THE LAST YEAR OR SO ON FREIGH MANAGEMENT 930656 LIST OF CONTRACTS FOR DATA CENTRE SERVICES LIST OF ALL CONTRACTS AWARDED BY GOVERNMENT DURING EACH OF FY 1989-90 1990-91, 1991-92 AND 1992-93 FOR DATA CENTRE SERVICES AND KEY INPUT AND VERIFYING. 930657 STANDING OFFER CATALOGUE FOR NOVEL EDUCATION CURRENT STANDING OFFER CATALOGUE WHICH CONTAINS THE PRICES AND VARIOUS VENDORS AVAILABLE THAT OFFER CERTIFIED NOVELL EDUCATION COURSES TO GOVERNMENT CLIENTS. 930658 INFO ON CONTRACT BETWEEN GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND HALIFAX DARTMOUTH INDUSTRIES LIMITED (HDI) DOCUMENTATION WITH RESPECT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA AND HALIFAX DARTMOUTH INDUSTRIES LIMITED (HDI) FOR THE REFIT OF THE COAST GUARD VESSEL LOUIS ST. LAURENT. IN PARTICULAR, DOCUMENTATION RELATING TO ~ TOTAL COST TO THE GOVERNMENT FROM ALL SOURCES FOR (1) THE ENTIRE REFIT PROJECT AND (2) THE SHIP REFIT ~ ANY CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT PRICE AND THE RATIONALE FOR SUCH CHANGES ~ ANY DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEEDING WHETHER BY WAY OF ARBITRATION, CONTRACT SETTLEMENT BOARD OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING THE DECISION/AWARD IN ANY SUCH PROCEEDING AND THE DETAILS OF THE SETTLEMENT OF ANY SUCH PROCEEDINGS, AND ~ ANY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE GRANTED TO HDI WITH RESPECT TO THE CONTRACT WHETHER BY WAY OF GRANT, LOAN, LOAN GUARANTEE OR OTHERWISE. 1993.11.02 930650 INFORMATION ON PILOT TRAINING AT PORTAGE LAPRAIRIE COPY OF SELECTED DOCUMENTATION RELATED TO A CONTRACT ISSUED TO CANADAIR ON BEHALF OF NATIONAL DEFENCE TO PROVIDE PILOT TRAINING AT PORTAGE LAPRAIRIE. I SEEK THE TABLE OF CONTENTS, THE STATEMENT OF WORK AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1993.11.08 930683 INFORMATION REGARDING THE TRANSFER OF THE "WESTERN HORIZON" TO H.U.R.T.S INFORMATION ON A DISPOSAL OF THE RESEARCH VESSEL "J.B. REID, NOW CALLED "WESTERN HORIZON". Dept Date Request No Text Page: 38 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.11.09 1993.11.09 930660 AUTOMATED TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON ANALYSER SHIMADZU MODEL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM93=01223-(902) 930661 SEQUENTIAL INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA EMISSION SPECTROMETER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM93-01031-(902) 930662 SUPPLY & INSTALL BAIRD MULTI-ELEMENT OIL ANALYZER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 869PH.W8473-3-MK1E/A 930663 MICROMERITICS AUTOMATIC PARTICLE SIZE ANALYZER COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAL93-00742 930664 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 008TY.W8466-2-DC34/B 930665 BATTERY, NON RECHARGEABLE COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 315DN.W8464-3-DA16/A 930666 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 368DR.W8464-3-DB33/A 930667 STATIC ELIMINATOR (& AMENDMENT) COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 033DE.W8462-2-DJ21/A 930668 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE DN.W8464-3-EA17/01 930669 REQUEST FOR NEW POLICIES DEALING WITH SEXUAL HARRASSMENT COMPLAINTS, NUMBER REC'D. RESOLVED/ACTION TAKEN. WHAT NEW POLICIES, IF ANY, HAVE BEEN INSTITUTED TO DEAL WITH SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS WHAT COMPLAINTS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT HAVE BEEN MADE BY AND AGAINST EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT SINCE NOVEMBER 25, 1992 HOW HAVE THE COMPLAINTS BEEN RESOLVED. (WERE THEY SUBTANTIATED. WHAT ACTION DID THE DEPARTMENT TAKE AS RESULT.) 930670 VHF DIRECTION FINDER NETWORK TO COVER A PORTION OF THE MARITIME REGION COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE OSC93-00346-(029) Dept Date Request No Text Page: 39 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.11.09 930671 FOR THE SUPPLY OF ALL LABOUR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND SUPERVISION NECESSARY TO PERFORM LAUNDRY SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM91-0459-(902) 930672 FOR THE SUPPLY OF ALL LABOUR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, SUPPLIES AND SUPERVISION NECESSARY TO PERFORM LAUNDRY SERVICES COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM91-04560-(902) 930673 MISCELLANEOUS SPARE PARTS FOR SECUTRON SE2000 FIR ALARM SYSTEM INFORMATION ON DSS FILE NUMBER EDM93-00460 930674 COMPRESSOR, CENTRIFUGAL COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE 251BY.W8465-3-LCPG/A 930675 SPECIAL SERVICE MEDAL INFORMATION ON CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 15PC.W8463-2-BA0S/A 930676 BRIEFING NOTE TO MINISTER RE: OBS & ANY DIRECTIVES, MEMOS ISSUED BY THE MINISTER, SENIOR MANAGEMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT SINCE 1991, REPORTS ON WHY THE OPEN BIDDING CONCEPT WAS ADPTED, REPORTS/MEMOS REVIEWING ITS EFFECTIVENESS, PROBLEMS AND DISCERNABLE TRENDS, INCLUDING COMPLAINTS RECEIVED ABOUT THE OPEN BIDDING SYSTEM. PROVIDE ANY BRIEFING NOTES TO THE MINISTER RE OBS, AND ANY DIRECTES MEMO ISSUED BY THE MINISTER, SENIOR MANAGEMENT TO THE DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT RE OBS. 930677 RECORDS OF CONTRACT AWARDS OVER $100,000. THAT MINISTER DICK INTERVENED IN AFTER JUNE 25,1993 UNTIL PRESENT. RECORDS OF CONTRACT AWARDS OVER $100,000 THAT MINISTER DIC INTERVENED IN AFTER JUNE 25, 1993 UNTIL THE PRESENT AND ANY CONTRACTS INITIATED OUT OF THE MINISTER'S OFFICE, INCLUDING ADDING COMPANIES IN OBS OR IN APPROVING SOLE SOURCE REQUIREMENT OFR CONTRACTS. 930678 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR INFORMATIC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR AGRICULTURE CANADA AWARDED TO DOMUS SOFTWARE LTD. COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE ER.01B68-3-5186/01 930679 REQUEST FOR THE PHOTOCOPIER ACQUISITION GUIDE LATEST VERSION FOR PHOTOCOPIER ACQUISITION GUIDE. Dept Date Request No Text Page: 40 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.11.09 930680 REQUEST FOR COPY OF THE PHOTOPIER ACQUISITION GUIDE COPY OF THE LATEST VERSION FOR PHOTOCOPIER ACQUISITION GUIDE. 930681 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR AIRCRAFT CARGO PALLETS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE BY.W8465-3-DT01/01 930682 LIST OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES REGISTERED WITH SSC FOR ROADS BRIDGES, TUNNELS, WATER, SEWER & UTILITY ETC. NON-RES.CONST. LIST OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES REGISTERED WITH DSS 930696 INFORMATION ON EH-101 COPY OF CONTRACT FOR THE EH-101 HELICOPTERS 1993.11.12 930686 CAIR PRINTOUT COPIES OF ALL APPLICATIONS THAT HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PURSUANT TO THE ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT ON THE KEMANO COMPLETION PROJECT AND/OR THE 1987 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ALCAN, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND THE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT. 930687 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE TB.W8466-3-DH56/00/A 930688 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HB.W8466-3-DH58/00/A 930689 TOTAL OF PAINTING CONTRACTORS REGISTERED WITH PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL NUMBER OF PAINTING CONTRACTORS WHO ARE REGISTERED WITH PUBLIC WORKS CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. LIST AND NAMES OF PAINTING CONTRACTORS WHO HAVE WON PAINTING CONTRACTS IN THE PAST THREE YEARS 930690 LIST OF CONTRACTS ON VARIOUS GSIN LIST OF CONTRACT ON VARIOUS GSIN 930691 TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR PACIFIC REGION TEMPORARY HELP REPORT FOR THE PACIFIC REGION DURING OCTOBER 1, 1993 TO OCTOBER 31, 1993 Dept Date Request No Text Page: 41 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DSS 1993.11.12 930692 OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, AUDIT REPORTS AND EVALUATIONS ON IBM'S WRITTEN AND ORAL PRESENTATION CONTAINED IN SSC FILE ALL OFFICIAL PROJECTS CORRESPONDENCE ALL AUDIT REPORTS THE RECORDS OF THE EVALUATIONS OF TEAM IBM'S WRITTEN PROPOSAL AND ORAL PRESENTATION FOR DSS FILE NUMBER 354EU.19081-2-C163/A 1993.11.15 930693 CALLUPS FOR OCTOBER 1993 IN THE NRC COPIES OF ALL CALLUPS FOR THE NCR DURING OCTOBER 1993 1993.11.16 930694 GUIDE DE TAUX ET PROCEDURES POUR LA REGION DE MONTREAL COPIE DU GUIDE DE TAUX ET PROCEDURES SUR L'AIDE TEMPORAIRE POUR LA REGION DE MONTREAL 930695 COPY OF CONTRACT COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE HAL.W0100-3-FABT/00/A 930697 PAINT PRODUCTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE EDM93-00490-(909) 930698 PAINT AND PAINT PRODUCTS COPY OF CONTRACT FOR DSS FILE NUMBER EDM.93-00759-(909) Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 42 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.06.15 930127 XXX IMM RECS FOR XXX VISA AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.08.13 930243 VISA FILE - XXX C/O XXX NEW DELHI VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.04 930340 XXX NAMES & AMTS OF PERSONS REC. FUNDS - SEA PROG. NAMES AND AMOUNTS FOR PERSONS RECEIVING FUNDS UNDER SEA PROGRAM FOR 1993 930341 XXX FOR XXX SYDNEY VISA FILE REQUEST FOR THE SYDNEY VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.20 930390 CIC FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX CIC FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.28 930383 XXX SUBVENTIONS AU CENTRES DE SKI LISTE DES SUBVENTIONS ACCORDEES PAR LE MINISTERE AUX CENTRES DE SKI DE LA REGION QUEBEC, ALBERTA ET COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE, NOM DU CENTRE, MONTANT OCTROYE, ANNEES 1983 - 1993 ET PROGRAMME CONCERNE 930384 NEW DELHI VISA FILES FOR XXX NEW DELHI VISA FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 930385 XXX SURREY IMM. OFFICE AUDIT COPY OF 1991 AUDIT OF SURREY IMMIGRATION OFFICE; ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW OF THE SURREY IMMIGRATION OFFICE DONE APRIL-MAY 1993; ALL CORRESPONDENCE SUBMITTED TO BC/YUKON DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRATION, BARBARA FULTON, AS EVIDENCE DURING 1993 REVIEW AND ALL CORRESPONDENCE LEADING TO THE 1993 REVIEW 930386 XXX REQUEST FOR ALL IMMIGRATION RECORDS ON XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 43 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.10.28 930389 LA VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE LOS ANGELES VISA FILE, CIC VANCOUVER & CIC PACIFIC HIGHWAY FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.10.29 930388 XXX FOR XXX RE INCIDENT OF OCT. 11/93 RECORDS SOUGHT ARE ALL OF THOSE RELATED TO THE INCIDENT AND EVENTS OF OCTOBER 11, 1993 THAT OCCURRED AT THE LANSDOWNE PORT-OF-ENTRY INVOLVING XXX AND THOSE HELD BY CANADA IMMIGRATION WHICH ARE PART OF THE RECORD WHICH DEEM s. 19(1) TO BE INADMISSIBLE TO CANADA 1993.11.01 930387 XXX INFO ON DETAINEES FOR THE YEARS 1992 AND 1993: HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DETAINED; HOW MANY DETAINEES HAVE BEEN WOMEN, HOW MANY HAVE BEEN CHILDREN; HOW MANY HAVE BEEN DETAINED IN EACH PROVINCES; WHERE ARE THE DETENTION CENTRES; WHAT FACILITIES OTHER THAT IMMIGRATION RUN DETENTION CENTRES ARE USED TO HOLD PEOPLE DETAINED UNDER THE IMMIGRATION ACT AND WHERE ARE THEY LOCATED; FROM WHAT COUNTRIES DO THE DETAINEES ORIGINATE; HOW MANY FROM EACH COUNTRY; HOW MANY DETAINEES ARE DESIGNATED AS DANGEROUS TO THE SECURITY OF CANADA; WHAT IS THE AVERAGE PERIOD OF DETENTION; HOW MANY DETAINEES HAVE BEEN HELD FOR LONGER THAN 48 HOURS, LONGER THAN 7 DAYS, LONGER THAN 30 DAYS; WITH RESPECT TO QUESTIONS 1,2,3,5,6,7 & 8, WHAT ARE THE STATISTICS PERTAINING SPECIFICALLY TO REFUGEE CLAIMANTS; WHAT ARE THE MINISTRY POLICY DIRECTIVES WITH RESPECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF DETENTION; WHAT POLICY DIRECTIVES ARE GIVEN TO PRIVATE SECURITY FIRMS EMPLOYED IN DETENTION FACILITIES. 1993.11.02 930391 MEDICAL, WPG. CIC FILE & NEW DELHI FILE OF XXX REQUEST FROM XXX FOR THE MEDICAL, NEW DELHI VISA & WINNIPEG CIC FILES OF XXX 930393 XXX TRINIDAD & TOBAGO FILE FOR XXX REQUEST FOR THE TRINIDAD & TOBAGO VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 930397 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX SPONSOR IS XXX AND REQUESTOR IS XXX 1993.11.04 930394 SWITZERLAND VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE SWITZERLAND VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX 930395 HONG KONG VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX COPY OF HONG KONG VISA FILE FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 44 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.11.04 930396 XXX HOW TO REFORM CANADA'S SOCIAL-POLICY SYSTEM IN 1993, THE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT PREPARED A DOCUMENT ON HOW TO REFORM CANADA'S SOCIAL-POLICY SYSTEM. IT WAS INITIALLY DESCRIBED AS A WHITE PAPER, LATER KNOWN AS A "DISCUSSION PAPER", AND NEVER RELEASED. A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT IS REQUESTED BY XXX 1993.11.05 930398 XXX NUMBER OF LOAN RECIPIENTS WHO DEFAULTED ON LOAN INFORMATION ON THE NUMBER OF LOAN RECIPIENTS UNDER THE FEDERAL PROGRAM WHO HAVE DEFAULTED ON LOANS AND, AS STATED IN AN ARTICAL IN THE TORONTO SUN, HAVE "GONE INTO HIDING". ALSO, WHAT IS THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE MONIES FROM LOSSES AND LOAN DEFAULTS 930399 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX REQUEST FOR MEDICAL RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 930403 XXX OPERATIONAL MEMORANDA COPIES OF OPERATIONAL MEMORANDA FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1ST, 1993 TO NOVEMBER 1, 1993 FOR XXX 930404 XXX REGIONAL CIRCULARS FROM ONT, BC & QUE. COPIES OF THE REGIONAL CIRCULARS FROM THE ONT., B.C. AND QUEBEC REGIONS FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1ST, 1993 TO NOVEMBER 1ST, 1993 FOR XXX 930405 XXX PRICE WATERHOUSE COPY OF THE PRICE WATERHOUSE EVALUATION OF EIC OVERSEAS CONTROL ACTIVITY, AS WELL AS A COPY OF THE CONTRACT TO PRICE WATERHOUSE TO PERFORM THIS WORK 1993.11.08 930426 XXX CANADA-CHINA YOUNG FARMERS TRAINING PROGRAM COPY OF REPORT DONE BY XXX RE INVESTIGATION OF CANADA-CHINA YOUNG FARMERS TRAINING PROGRAM 1993.11.09 930400 MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX 930401 MED. RECS. FOR XXX C/O XXX MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 45 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.11.09 930402 XXX G.E. CONVERSION COPY OF THAT SENT TO G.E. CONVERSION AND WHAT COMMENTS WERE SENT BACK BY G.E. CONVERSION, SPECIFICALLY THE POINT RATING ASSESSED BY THE G.E. CONVERSION GROUP. XXX 930406 XXX NEAR NORTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVIEW REPORT INTERNAL AUDIT BUREAU REVIEW REPORT NEAR NORTH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (NNEDA) PROJECT NO. 400/93 MARCH 1993 930407 XXX THE EIC AUDIT QUALITY OF SERVICE DATED APRIL '93 XXX REQUEST A COPY OF THE EIC AUDIT "QUALITY OF SERVICE" DATED APRIL, 1993. 930408 XXX AUDIT "IMM. INFO. MANAGEMENTX XXX THE AUDIT "IMMIGRATION INFORMATION MANAGEMENT" DATED DECEMBER 1992, AND "MISSIONS ABROAD" DATED APRIL 1993 930409 XXX AUDIT "CLAIMANT RE-EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY" THE AUDIT "CLAIMANT RE-EMPLOYMENT STRATEGY (CRS)" DATED DECEMBER 1992, AND "INVESTIGATION AND CONTEST" DATED JULY 1993 930410 XXX AUDIT "BUSINESS IMM. PROGRAM" "ENFORCEMENT IMMX THE AUDIT "BUSINESS IMMIGRATION PROGRAM" DATED MAY 1992, AND "ENFORCEMENT - IMMIGRATION" DATED AUGUST 1993 930411 XXX CALLUPS FOR OCTOBER 1993 CALLUPS FOR NCR FOR TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES DURING THE PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1993 930412 XXX AUDIT "FAMILY ALLAWANCE REDESIGN" XXX THE AUDIT "FAMILY ALLAWANCE REDESIGN" CONDUCTED FOR THE FORMER HEALTH DEPARTMENT, DATED JANUARY 1992 1993.11.12 930392 INFO RE ADMIN. REVIEW OF XXX FOR XXX INFORMATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW AGAINST XXX FOR XXX 930413 IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX IMMIGRATION AND MEDICAL RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 46 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.11.16 1993.11.16 930414 MEDICAL AND VISA FILE OF XXX IN SYRIA MEDICAL FILE AND VISA FILE FROM DAMASCUS, SYRIA FOR XXX THROUGH HIS LAWYER XXX 930415 XXX MEDICAL FILE MEDICAL FILE OF XXX THROUGH LAWYER XXX 930416 ALL IMM. RECORDS FOR XXX REQUEST FOR ALL IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 930417 ALL IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX REQUEST FOR ALL IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 930418 IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR THE IMMIGRATION RECORDS OF XXX C/O XXX 930419 IMMIGRATION FILE OF XXX IMMIGRATION RECORDS FOR XXX 1993.11.17 930420 NEW DELHI IMM. FILE OF XXX REQUEST FOR THE NEW DELHI VISA FILE OF XXX C/O XXX 930421 XXX REQUESTS FOR INFO BETWEEN IMM. INTELL. DIV. XXX INFO BETWEEN IMMIGRATION INTELLIGENCE DIVISION AND XXX 930424 XXX APPEALS PROCESS & IMMIGRATION APPEALS XXX APPEALS PROCESS AND IMMIGRATION APPEALS 1993.11.22 930423 AUSTRALIA VISA & CIC FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX REQUEST FOR AUSTRALIA AND CIC FILES FOR XXX C/O XXX 1993.11.25 930428 IMMIGRATION FILES OF XXX C/O XXX ALL IMMIGRATION FILES OF XXX C/O XXX 1993.11.26 930427 CALL-UPS FOR ADMIN. SUPPORT TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES OCT. & NOV/93 REQUEST FOR CALL-UPS OF TEMP HELP SERVICE FOR OCT & NOV/93 FOR XXX Dept Date Request No Text Page: 47 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EIC 1993.12.03 1993.12.03 930425 IMMIG VISA FILE OF XXX IN HONG KONG XXX LAWYER ACTING ON BEHALF OF XXX OF HONG KONG FOR HER IMMIG FILE Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 48 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.11.04 930071 SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMPLAINTS s. 19(1) I now request access to records since that date which answer the same questions. i.e.: (1) What new policies, if any, have been instituted to deal with sexual harassment complaints? (2) What complaints of sexual harassment have been made by and against employees of the department since November 25, 1992? (3) How have the complaints been resolved? (Were they substantiated?; What action did the department take as a result?). ˙ 1993.11.09 930072 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICES CALL-UPS call-ups for the months of sept. & Oct. l993 for Temporary Help plus professional and technical help in the National Capital Region.˙ ˙ Also, all individuals authorized to sign temporary help callups.˙ ˙ All individuals authorized to telephone temporary help orders to temporary help firms.˙ 930073 TEMPORARY HELP SERVICE CALL-UPS All callups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply arrangement for temporary help serivces during the priod of October l993.˙ 1993.11.16 930074 RADIOACTIVE WASTE TASK FORCE Siting Task Force Low Level Radioactive Waste˙ ˙ 1) Classifications and salaries of staff presently employed by the Siting Task Force.˙ 2) Wages, salaries, and/or compensation paid to all members of the Siting Task Force including consultants hired, and the CLG's for all of phase 4 to date.˙ 3) Breakdown and costs of all phase 4 contracts of the Siting Process.˙ 1993.11.18 930075 TEMPORARY HELP CALLUPS Callups for temporary help (DSS 8251) N.C.R. for period: August, September and October 1993.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 49 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ EMR 1993.11.24 1993.11.24 930076 DEMANDE PITRC ˙ Nous avons pris possession de la maison du (PERSONAL IDENTIFIER) le 3 mai 1993. Nous avons remarque que durant l'annee 1980, on aurait modifie l'isolation et le systeme de chauffage grace au "Programme d'isolation thermique des residences canadiennes". Serait-il possible d'avoir des informations, quant-a la nature des travaux et les materiaux employes. ˙ 930077 CALL-UPS OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1993 ˙ I would like to request to receive copies for the Call-ups under the terms of the Master Standing Offer for Administrative Support Temporary Help Services in the National Capital Region for the months of October and November 1993. ˙ 930078 REGULATORY REVIEW PANEL SUBMISSION This facsimile is to confirm a request by s. 19(1) underATIP for copies of submission, solicited or unsolicted to the Minister's Advisory Panel on Relgulatory Review. These should include the unsolicited submissions listed in Appendix III of theReport of the Panel, as well as any other submissions provided by the department, companies or other interested parties to the Advisory Panel, for the Panel's considerations.˙ ˙ I'am aware that under ATIP, there is a $5 handling charge for this request. ˙ I would also like to confirm our desire to receive submissions as they become available, rather than having to wait until all are available.˙ ˙ If you have any questions about this formal request or would like to discuss the progress or any difficulties in meeting this request, please dont't hesitatse to call me. Thank you for your attention to this request.˙ 1993.11.25 930079 SITING TASK FORCE/CLG I am s. 19(1) . Recently, Dr. V. Lafterty made a presentaiton to council. She explained the role of the Siting Task Force, the process and the role of our CLG. The members of the Community Liaison Group were in attendance and there were many questions asked. Dr. Laferty volunteered much information regarding the budget and the money expended to this point in the process. However, several questions on budget remain unanswered. I have attempted to contact Dr. Laferty but have been unsuccessful.˙ ˙ The Council for the municipality appointed the CLG. It was for the most part an open non-political process. I am pleased with their work and committment. It is for this reason that I seek this information through the Freedom of Information/Privacy Act. I do not wish to confront any of Dept Date Request No Text Page: 50 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Continued from previous page ... EMR 1993.11.25 930079 the members or be seen as critical. While at the same time I strongly feel s. 19(1) that we are s. 19(1) .˙ ˙ The real questions are:˙ "What is the Budget for the Mun. of Clarington CLB?"˙ I would like a copy of the budget and have the ability to see the details and guidelines for expenses. I would like to see a detail break down for each members expenses. I would like to receive their monthly expenses.˙ Production COORDINATION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION REQUESTS SYSTEM Date SYSTEME DE COORDINATION DES DEMANDES d'ACCES A l'INFORMATION Production 1993.12.16 From:1993.11.01 To:1993.11.30 LIST OF ALL ACTION REQUESTS RECEIVED LISTE DES DEMANDES D'ACCES RECUES Dept Date Request No Text Page: 51 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.11.02 930070 IDRC - ALL FILES IDRC - all files including Privatization & tax.˙ 1993.11.08 930071 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Access to records since (November 25, 1992) which answer those questions: 1) What new policies, if any, have been instituted to deal with sexual harassment complaints?˙ ˙ 2) What complaints of sexual harassment have been made by and against employees of the department since November 25, 1992?˙ ˙ 3) How have the complaints been resolved? (Where they subtantiated? What action did the department take as a result?)˙ 930072 EQUALIZATION PAYMENTS All records of communications with the 10 provinces outlining projected decreases in equalization payments based on recalculations made since˙ July 1, 1993.˙ 1993.11.17 930073 TOBACCO SMUGGLING I am applying under the Access Act for the following records,˙ data re: tobacco smuggling˙ 930074 TOBACCO TAXATION I am applying under the Access Act for the following records: ˙ data released re: tobacco taxation.˙ 930075 CANADIAN EXCISE TAXES I am applying under the Access Act for the following records:˙ ˙ ~- After May, 1993 until the present further data, including briefing notes on the issues of and nature of tobacco smuggling and tobacco taxation, and possible options to take, including lowering or raising Canadian excise taxes. Include any representations Minister Martin has received already from outside groups.˙ Dept Date Request No Text Page: 52 Min Rec'v/Recue No. Demande Texte ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________ FIN 1993.11.17 930076 CONTRABAND LIQUOR 1992, 1993 records of internal/external concerns and revenue losses estimated given less expensive liquor smuggled into Canada from the United States and other countries, and any actions undertaken. Include briefing notes, statistics, any review of larger seizures, any review of Canadian tax charges, industry representations, reports from Customs and the RCMP.˙ 930077 FRIGATES RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ 1992, 1993 records on Finance