Young families flocking to Ottawa suburb despite costs of living


By Jasmine Law

According to an analysis of housing data released on Oct. 25 by Statistics Canada, 40 per cent of home owners in a community more than 20km southwest of Ottawa spend more than a third of their income on property costs. This South Barrhaven neighbourhood, called Chapman Mills, has attracted young individuals and families to move there for its amenities despite its costs of living, leading one real estate agent to call it the “ideal place to live.”

These property costs can include mortgage payments, property taxes, condominium fees, as well as costs for electricity, heat, water and other municipal services.

Silvana Sicoli, an Ottawa-based real estate agent, says that the southern Barrhaven area is appealing because of its quick development and numerous amenities, whereas northern Barrhaven is much older and without newer features.

From 2011 to 2016: Which area spends more of their income on housing? View larger map
Source: Statistics Canada.

Steven Bui and his family can attest – they are more than happy to pay the costs of living in the area. The family has lived in Chapman Mills for 11 years in two different houses. As he walks down his street lined with polished houses and manicured lawns, he says him and his family fall into the category of those who spend at least a third of their earnings on their house, but that it’s worth the costs.

“The area is really attractive for a number of reasons,” he says, as he gestures to the park and school nearby, which is full of parents with their kids. “It’s clean and safe. It’s super family friendly and has everything you could need.”

Steven Bui, a longtime Chapman Mills resident. Picture by Jasmine Law.

More people are spending a larger fraction of their paycheques to live in Chapman Mills. Five years ago, the percentage of people in Chapman Mills who spent more than a third of their income on their property was just at 17 per cent. That’s a 130% increase since 2011, one of the highest differences in all of the greater Ottawa area, according to the analysis of Statistics Canada data.

“I think people who move here know what they’re looking for, and that is the high quality of life that you can get in this area,” says Bui.

Sicoli says that this increase may also be a result of the area attracting singles and couples who want to own property but can’t afford the high prices in Ottawa’s bustling downtown neighbourhoods. It can average about $450,000 for a single-family home there versus about $350,000 in southern Barrhaven, she says. They see Chapman Mills as a place that’s ideal to invest and buy property in.

“Since they’re young their incomes may not be significant, so they end up spending a larger portion of their paycheques towards their home,” she says. Many people also move to places ideal for children if they’re looking to start a family. This is one of Chapman Mill’s most attractive features.

Bui says he’s witnessed a lot of young families move to the area over the past few years, which he credits to the development of new parks and schools.

In 2014, the Minto Recreation Complex opened its doors to residents of Chapman Mills. Source: Raymond Group.

Michael Qaqish, the city councillor for the ward, says the City has worked hard to implement these amenities as southern Barrhaven is one of Ottawa’s fastest growing neighbourhoods. In 2014, the city invested $60 million to bring residents the Minto Recreation Complex, and construction began just this year on a “Bus Rapid Transit” corridor.

“The Complex has proven to be very popular with the young families moving into the area,” says Qaqish. “We’ve also added new features like tennis courts, splash pads and children’s play areas to existing local parks.”

As Sicoli notes, people don’t mind spending more of their income on their property if the area has a lot to offer.

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