Coordination of Access to Information Requests System (CAIRS)


Your ticket to searching

requests made under

Canada’s Access to

Information Law

                                                                                                                   Digging Deeper, A Canadian Reporter’s Research Guide, Edition, Oxford University Press. Order it at

A comprehensive guide to
investigative journalism, research techniques,
Digging Deeper also contains a chapter on
using access-to-information and freedom-of-information.

Your Right To Know:How to Use the Law to Get Government Secrets

A practical guide that walks you through the process filing successful access to information requests.

Brokering Access: Power, Politics, and Freedom of Information Process in Canada

An academic probe into the strengths and weaknesses of Canada’s Access To Information Law.

McKie, CBC News

Phone: (O)
288-6523 (C) 290-7380

David McKie is an author (see two of his co-authored books at the top of this page), part-time, journalism instructor, and award-winning producer in CBC New’s Parliamentary Bureau.

Search a database of requests
submitted under Canada’s Access to Information

This page allows you to search a database of requests
for information filed with departments and
agencies of the Canadian government under Canada’s
Access to Information Act from the early nineties to August 2008,

You can use this database to identify requests that relate to your
own research interests. Next, you can contact
departments and agencies to obtain records already
made public in response to those requests.

Once the search engine is fixed, you’ll be able to use it so search for specific summaries pasted below in the form of monthly text files. For now, you can click each each link and search within the document, using control-F on your keyboard, or an alternative shortcut for Mac users.

If you experience difficulties, please let me know.

Where does this
data come from? [Top]

The information in this database was entered by
federal institutions into the now-defunct Coordination of
Access to Information Requests System (CAIRS), a central registry that was maintained by the Department of Public Works and Government Services, now Public Service and Procurement Canada. 

The monthly reports from the CAIRS database were obtained from
Treasury Board Secretariat, another agency of the
Canadian government, using Access to Information Act

How to use this
database [Top]

Enter keywords relating to your research into the search
engine (below). The search engine will retrieve
pages that contain your keywords. Each page
consists of a monthly report generated by the
CAIRS database. Click on each retrieved page and
repeat your search using your browser’s search
feature. Some monthly reports are large and load

When you’ve located a relevant request, note the
institutional code and the file number. Once you’ve identified a request, you can contact the institution in question about receiving the records, probably by filing an informal request. Given that the records are old, it’s best to contact the department’s access-to-information officials, determine the best course of action.


Limitations of the database

The former Conservative government under Stephen Harper killed CAIRS. So this database only goes to Oct. 2008.
The federal Information Commissioner’s Office attempted
to either convince the government to revise the
system, or devise another method of making this
kind of information more accessible. Given the
limitations of this database, it is still a valuable
resource for records dating back several years.

Some large departments did not enter all requests which
they have received into CAIRS. Consequently you
should not assume that this is a comprehensive
list of federal ATIA requests. And when CAIRS
was in operation, several government institutions,
including Crown corporations such as the CBC,
were exempt from the Access to Information Law.

Search this database 

You can use this search engine using the same search operators for regular queries. For more guidance, please check out this GoogleGuide.

News about this
database [Top]

: The Canadian government releases documents
that explain the public access features
its new CAIRSWeb software. The public access features
have not been activated.

On May 1, 2003, Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski
provided a letter summarizing his investigation
regarding the distribution of personal information
through the CAIRS database. His
letter can be downloaded here

December 16, 2003: Treasury Board
Secretariat issues an information
to government departments to clarify
their obligations under the Official Languages Act
with respect to ATIA requests entered into the
CAIR System.

July 30, 2004: Treasury Board
Secretariat stops issuing monthly CAIRS reports as
searchable text files. A complaint has been made
to the Information Commissioner of Canada.

August 25, 2004: On August 23, Treasury
Board Secretariat reversed its July 30 decision
and resumed providing CAIRS data in usable
electronic form.

October 6, 2004: The Information Commissioner
rules that Treasury Board Secretariat should
provide direct public access to the CAIRS database.
Treasury Board Secretariat refuses to comply
with the decision. Read
the excerpt from the Commissioner’s Annual Report.

October 31, 2004. Research note on Treasury
Board Secretariat survey of federal institutions’
views of the Coordination of Access to Requests
Results show that compliance with
CAIRS requirements is spotty; few institutions
use CAIRS’ search functions frequently; only
half of major institutions regard CAIRS as a
“necessary tool” for their organization.

May 2, 2008. Tories
decide to kill CAIRS database

monthly reports directly [Top]

March 1993
May 1993
June 1993
July 1993
August 1993
September 1993
October 1993
November 1993
December 1993
January 1994
February 1994
March 1994
April 1994
May 1994
June 1994
July 1994
August 1994
September 1994
October 1994
November 1994
December 1994
January 1999
February 1999
March 1999
April 1999
May 1999
June 1999
July 1999
August 1999
September 1999
October 1999
November 1999
December 1999
January 2000
February 2000
March 2000
April 2000
May 2000
June 2000
July 2000
August 2000
September 2000
October 2000
November 2000
December 2000
January 2001
February 2001
March 2001
April 2001
May 2001
June 2001
July 2001
August 2001
September 2001
October 2001
November 2001
December 2001
January 2002
February 2002
March 2002
April 2002
May 2002
June 2002
July 2002
August 2002
September 2002
October 2002
November 2002
December 2002
January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
November 2003
December 2003
January 2004February 2004
March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006




 January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008

Amberlight Monitor [Top]

ATIA requests submitted by journalists and
Members of Parliament are usually tagged by
federal agencies for special attention, which
often causes added delay in the processing of
requests. (To learn more, read
this paper, “Spin Control and
Freedom of Information.”
) In some agencies,
these requests are said to be “amberlighted.” The
following reports identify media and parliamentary
requests logged in CAIRS each month.

ACCESS in the news[Top]

Oct. 13, 2010
The information commissioner gives many federal
government departments a failing grade.

Access to Information Act turns 30 amid calls for reform (CBC News)

Full review of Access to Information law 2 years away, Scott Brison says

Government institutions don’t respect access to information laws (The Hill Timesonline)

Government’s online information access plan falls short
Deadline looms for federal instiutions to post access to information summaries online

Interim Directive on the Administration of the Access to Information Act

Liberals end access to information fees, more reforms coming

Liberals’ slow movement on Access to Information reform concerns commissioner

New access law is needed for a digital age: Editorial-An all-party Commons committee is on the right track with a series of overdue reforms to fix the broken Access to Information Act

Rubin: Open government promise rings hollow

Watchdog recommends blanket ban on personal emails for government business

Why are the Liberals stalling on their promise to reform access to information?